#tully valley
theurgists · 8 months
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⋆。‧₊°♱༺ THE STORM ༻♱༉‧₊˚.
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aemond targaryen x fem!reader
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summary: restless nights come with revelations.
warnings: 18+, tully!reader, mentions of death, descriptions of death, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childbirth, a small bit of angst, an even smaller amount of fluff, ( should be everything but if something is missing please let me know )
a/n: not much to say except a big thanks to @aemondtarqaryens for beta-reading this for me, I appreciate you friend <3 enjoy!
Soil often had centuries of stories to tell; laying dormant beneath blades of grass. Tragic tales that weaved themselves deep within valleys, grasping the roots of trees, and twirling around death to keep themselves nourished. A realm stained with maroon liquid that would seemingly rejuvenate the earth; feeding it flesh and carcass as an offering for those who had conquered, who had built on such sacred lands and birthed destruction.
In turn, erde would lap the harsh waters that sat at Blackwater Bay, raising the tides, angering the gods — old and new. It devoured those whose hearts palpitate under the scrutiny of the sweltering heat, falling victim to the ball of fire in the sky. It clawed at the remains of sanity, erasing any and every part of one’s being until flesh peels away from bone.
For the lives erde took, less was given. 
The greater the loss, the greater the greed. 
That was something your mother had whispered near the shell of your ear, her voice lilted and as smooth as honey — becoming equally sticky when it finally stuck itself between lumps of tissue that made up your brain.
She had told you to be cautious, for she would not be around much longer. Within the crevices of your soul, you knew that to be true, as she had sacrificed her entire being to keep you gentle, and strong — something she could not be. Though young, pale skin and sunken cheeks were what you gazed upon when the thinness of your fingers would swipe across her face in tender affection, you were always doing your absolute best to keep the tears at bay.
Sickness flourished in her lungs soon after; blooming from the inside, withering her away little by little until you had nothing else left to cling to. Her skeleton became fine flora and fauna on your ten-and-fifth name day, sprouting stems of green, budding willows and small clusters of lavender blooms. 
Your bones had ached with growth as the years grew harsher, and war crept close in the form of those a part of the City Watch, donned in the finest of armor and longswords sheathed at their sides when they’d march about back within the walls of safety. Imagining the blood dripping down the sharp, curved edges of their blades came easy, as you had witnessed such brutality and heard it with your ears. 
And once you were married off by your father, serenity became a craving. An itch in your gums and esophagus exceedingly stuffed with savagery so grand, the familiar taste of copper would pool in the middle of your tongue. The foreign feeling would not fade until it was acknowledged, welcomed with warm arms and an equally warm heart — somewhat naïve — just like you. 
At first, it had been bearable. Starting as a tingle on the bumped expanse of the spine, inching in every way possible, a certain desperation in how quickly it spreads, how it consumes you whole in something mildly familiar. Delusion — something you’d come to realize you would happily tangle yourself in if the soles of your bare feet weren’t absorbing the vibration from woodland grounds, greenery tucked between your toes. 
Moonlight descended upon your skin, trickling up the stretch of your arms in a dim warmth you were sure that none else would bring you. The lids of your eyes were screwed tightly, a dull throb forming in the sockets as you balled your fists at your sides. 
If there was one place you should not be, it was here, out in the open and shaded by nothing but leaves of the weirwood tree in the Godswood, the looming towers of the Red Keep filling your veins with a sense of dread. 
Misery has become you; sealed in your fate the minute you were bound to your husband — a Targaryen man with a temper as hot as coals. Though you have never been on the receiving end of his murderous wrath, you were no stranger to his sharp tongue and hasty decisions. Aemond was clouded by his loyalty to his family and the crown, and in the end, it would surely be the thing that would kill him.
A reoccurring dream would appear behind your lids on eves such as this, when the night grew colder and the violence you had grown accustomed to faded with the crickets' songs, becoming a solemn lullaby. Most nights, you’d have no qualms, resting your mind once you were cradled in the arms of your lover. But this night, sleep had yet to find you, and without Aemond’s presence looming over, scarpering was as easy as taking a breath.
A light wind swept through the air, ruffling the already creased fabric of your nightgown even further as you stared at the face carved into the tree, corners of your lips downturned in a slight frown. By now, you had committed every single piece of chipped wood to memory, eyes growing watery and skin bumpy with gooseflesh the longer you stood atop dead leaves, hearing them crunch beneath the soles of your feet as you shuffled somewhat.
Perhaps you were waiting for a beam of lighting to strike down upon you, to scorch your insides and eviscerate every single cell in your body until you become one with the earth. Either that or whisked away into the air. As of now, you had no arguments as to which one would be your fate.
Cold had nipped at the pads of your toes, a sure sign that it was time to retire to your chambers and retreat underneath the comfort of your sheets. Yet, no matter how tempting that fleeting thought was, it felt as if you were cemented to your spot, slightly swaying in place to get rid of the chill.
“What are you doing out here alone?” His voice made your spine stiffen, teeth gritting together at the low, patient tone of his voice. The clatter of his shoes reverberated throughout your ears, turning light as he joined you on the grass, shoulder nearly pressed against the left side of your back. 
Aemond’s lingering presence brought you some sort of comfort, even if it was just a ghost of a touch covered by clothing, and you found yourself longing to be in his arms. Ultimately, you kept your distance, fingers numb as you tried flexing them at your sides.
“I received a raven earlier in the evening,” your murmur came quickly, lips barely moving as your gaze blurred slightly, eyes glistening with a sheen of unshed tears. Although he does not answer, you can feel his violet eye cautiously peering at the side of your face, lips slightly pointed downward. 
“Grandfather is ill. Elmo will be lord soon.” 
Not a crease embedded itself in the muscles of his face as he continued to stare — only for a second longer before averting his eye to the weirwood tree. “We’ll make him see reas-”
Shaking your head, you finally cocked it in his direction, crossing your arms over your chest to self-soothe as you took in the sharp angles of his face shadowed by the moon.
 “He is still keeping our house banners in Riverrun. I know Elmo well enough to know he has already chosen. He’s always looked at Rhaenyra as the sole heir to the Iron Throne, and when grandfather takes his last breath, he’ll surely pledge allegiance to the Blacks.”
Your elder brother was stubborn. His skull was as thick as the fattest lords in all of Westeros, and even if it was indeed your grandfather’s dying wish to join the Greens in this war, Elmo would rather take a blade to the skin of his own throat than obey. Perhaps, that was one of the many reasons why you did not get along as well as siblings should have. Where you were meek, he was bold. Where you were sharp and quick-witted, he was dull and slow-minded. Choosing opposite sides when it came to the facet of war, of life and death, further broke a bond that was already weakly stitched together. 
Deep within, you were confident your words would fall on deaf ears, and Aemond would eventually take to the skies with Vhagar, only to find himself in Riverrun and surprise Elmo Tully with an unwanted and unexpected visit. He was married to you after all. What good of a husband would he be if not to check on the wellbeing of your kin?
Aemond sighed, momentarily closing his eye before turning his body to face you, hands snaking up to circle your forearm. “You should be resting. The maester requested that you not walk much.” 
Huffing, you swat him away, practically ripping your hand from his grasp before turning sharply on your heels. “I just need a minute, Aemond, please. I do all you ask of me, just grant me this.” 
Salt-ridden were your tears as they cascaded down your chin, dripping onto the linen of your nightgown when you clutched your swollen belly, anxiety rumbling with your little one. A throat full of sand and a broken heart was what you carried when he nodded reluctantly, taking small steps toward you until his arms snaked around your hips, coming to rest at your stomach.
He smelled of dragon; the faint scent of rose and citrus from his earlier bath still clinging to his clothing just as you are, the back of your head pressed to his chest. You focus on the low thrum of his heart, the stiffness of his body as he hums lowly.
“He spoke to me about your dreams as well.” 
Blinking, you press your lips together thinly before responding. “Now I’ll refuse to utter a word to him.” 
“Hm, yes, I would rather my wife tell her husband what troubles her.” 
“I am worried the babe might be suffering.” 
Aemond’s chest caves below your head, crisp, night air all but knocked out of his lungs at your vague concern. However, he does not move, not even when you crane your neck to stare at his clouded eye as best you can.
“When I finally find rest, blood decorates the sheets. It all starts the same. I reach between my legs and the smell of copper sours in the air, and everything feels wrong.” You shake your head, ridding your mind of such an ugly, yet recurring thought. 
There’s a fearful movement in your fingers as your nails bite into his covered arm, eyes blinking rapidly as you nonsensically continue. “Fire spreads, setting me ablaze and I watch as my flesh burns.”
Aemond says nothing, only pulls you as closely as he can manage, thumb bending to trace shapes over the clothed, stretched skin with his nail. 
“It’s merely the stress, sweetling.” His dismissal has you scoffing, warm breath hitting soundless air, eyes rolling far in their sockets when he continues. “A lot has happened within the past moon, I’m positive it's taking hold.” 
Your hands curl inward under his warm palm, the other moving to clasp over the fingers that itch your skin. “No, Aemond.” 
Foreign to your ears is your voice, laced with annoyance and fearfulness at the darkness consuming you entirely. Even in a state of unconsciousness, you weren’t safe, and as long as this babe grew bigger inside of you, you’d never be. 
Turning in his loose grasp, you clutch at the collar of his tunic, lower lip trembling as his brows furrow in concern. “Then what is it?”
In the short time you’ve come to know Aemond, you’ve always made it your goal to at least try and understand him in ways none could; whether that be through a slow blink of his eye or a quick twitch of lip, his expressions weren’t as concealed as he hoped to keep them. You could tell it peeved him to no end — having someone recognize what emotions were harbored in the center of his heart, unprotected by the rest of his shielding exterior. In truth, it would’ve been all too easy to lie and say he was quite satisfied with the way things currently were. In his mind, what little claim to the throne he had in the palm of his calloused hands amounted to nothing, especially when he had offered to seek out his brother the second word had passed that his father, King Viserys, first of his name, had succumbed to the Stranger. 
It was a striking reminder that anything, and anyone he’s ever held dear in his heart, could wither away before his very eyes. 
Including you.
His wife. The mother of his unborn child. Someone he had sworn his entire life to protect and cherish as if you were a part of him, a missing piece he had the pleasure of rediscovering.
Your revelation had hushed the dragon fire burning in his veins but emboldened the tragedy materializing in his psyche. Aemond Targaryen would never win, and that was something he would not swallow even if it had been poured into a chalice of wine.
“Helaena speaks in riddles, as if her tongue is twisted.” Tugging the pillowed flesh of your bottom lip between your teeth, you wrack the mess that is your brain of how to word your next sentence. “Death amid a storm.” 
It rolls off of your tongue, malice laced between her spoken words that have yet to leave you. Helaena was peculiar — in a sort of way, one would either deem her mad with the words that left her mouth as quickly as they had come. 
Her lavender eyes would fall cloudy, hazed with something unforeseen to anyone else but her, mind miles away, and never in the present.
“The sun rose and fell three times, and what has yet to leave with it, Aemond?”
The man before you can only part his lips, skin creasing in the gap spacing his brows, shaking hands now resting at either side of your waist as his sole eye scans the distress etched in your features. He knows. 
He can smell previous rainfall in the air, inhales it, and lets it repose his lungs with freshness he can only compare to the feeling of your skin against his. 
“The rain.” 
You nod curtly. “Exactly. And with these dreams destroying my sanity, draining the blood from my very being, how can I not believe her words to ring true?” 
The safety you had hoped the weirwood tree would bring, has not reached you, nor will it tonight as he pushes you toward the Red Keep, thin-lipped and jaw tight. “We’ll further discuss this in our chambers.”
Aemond clenches his teeth together; not out of vexation, but out of consternation. He hopes, and prays to the Seven, that everything you uttered was merely due to your worries of the babe’s nearing birth as he guides you up the steps toward one of the many halls. 
And when his lips press against your temple, right hand coming to rest on your swollen belly once again, the clouds continue their crying.
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ms-scarletwings · 10 months
Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 4
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When whispers and fleeting tastes weren’t enough, the flotsam took up their metal and their lies, and they lanced the darkest primordial core.
From it spilled our past’s phantoms to rise- no longer in eons’ slumber, glimpsing the light once more. ₊˚.༄
Plated Osteostracan ༄.°
Encyclopedia #123
Aberrant form of Osteostracan
A shell of bone, pierced by spurs of something stronger. A horned mitre shielding eyeless sockets.
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Comment: The true osteostracans (the powers below only know how much I have struggled to spell that word right with every use) would, among many of the ooze’s surprises, already have been a discovery defying of all reason. Here from the drill’s disturbance is an individual not only of a kind thought to have vanished from our world some hundreds of millions of years ago, but changed and reshapen anew where evolution did not touch its brethren. On a sidenote, a mitre is the actual name of the headwear iconically worn by the upper clergy of the Catholic hierarchy, most famously associated with the pope. Could this creature’s helm also be a symbol of importance? Regarding the mystery of the shell’s makeup, I personally speculate it to be a form of enamel. It would certainly be stronger than mere bone, and suit some of the Deep’s penchant for the sardonic: a jawless fish, gilded in teeth.
How to catch: Though they rose from the darkest, inky depths below the Marrows, the osteostraci prefer to gather in the shallows beneath pollutants’ gleam. The unique “habitat” they spawn from however, requires the aid of specialized equipment to harvest these fish.
Axial Matron ༄.°
Encyclopedia #124
Aberrant form of tullimonstrum
Mouths within mouths. Chambers within chambers. The matron's grip is terminal.
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Comment: In a spectacular twist, the bastardization of the living fossil has actually… produced a creature much less monstrous, if only in appearance. The retraction of stalk eyes and the repurposed proboscis-like organ of the corrupted specimen has brought its visage closer to that of a fish than the enigmatic, impossible to class Tully Monster.
How to catch: This will be the last I repeat of what I already gestured to before. Learn quickly the recurrent pattern of the sludge’s offerings, no regular rod or reel will be able to drag ANY of these ancient wretches out of their favored home- of course being the newly spotted oil slicks released by the seabed’s running wound. A lucid mind, armed with steady hand and advanced tools, is best to send to those unsightly lesions. Take your pick of the Marrow’s coastal scabs, and then you may try your luck with old Tully.
Anvilfish ༄.°
Encyclopedia #125
Aberrant form of paddlefish
A head hammered flat against the alluvium of the world. Every shaper needs a surface.
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Comment: Definition of alluvium: a deposit of clay, silt, sand, and gravel left by flowing streams in a river valley or delta, typically producing fertile soil. Behold here as well the rarity of a rarity. There isn’t much to this victim’s purpose easily concluded. What I have noticed, though, is that this fish and the next proceeding entry compliment each other and the nature of the Iron Rig itself- an extraction and transformation of the deep’s bed, bringing out the evolution of our tools.
How to catch: With infused reel aboard, feel around for the Marrow’s costal waters, where and while the oil still flows.
Ivory Impaler ༄.°
Encyclopedia #126
Aberrant form of swordfish
Strips of flensed flesh course around a spike of impossible metal. Underneath roped tendons, it bears a name unremembered.
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Comment: Spear-fisherman beware… the quarry that finally stands (really swims) on an even playing field. The savage beauty of this one appeals to me greatly, the grisly paleness of its flesh, rended asunder. The permanent grin beneath so evil a gaze. A predator that no longer lunges for the meal, simply for the satiation of even more bloodletting.
How to catch: Strangely, though neither returned fossils nor commonly seen in the Marrows before, the seismic anomaly has brought in the first sightings of swordfish gathering in the region, specifically in the same stained waters as other new findings. To begin catching them, one will need oceanic suitable fishing equipment also fitted with improved modifications.
Cerebral Crab
Encyclopedia #127
Aberrant form of common crab
A turquoise mass swells from within this small crab. The growth pulses, quickening in the light of the sun.
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Comment: Would it be to awry of me to say that there's something almost... cute about the look of this scuttler? I find it difficult to not think there would be strange beauty in the sight of the island sands at night, pulsing and peppered with a gathering of these crabs' light, like jewels beneath the foam. I can at least be sure that their hue is enamoring once smeared across the hull of my boat. This is one of two mutants you must bring to the painter in Little Marrow to unlock the sharp mint pigments to customize with.
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How to catch: As the name would suggest, this animal can only be harvested with patience and the use of a crab pot. Aim for a depth below 25 meters, such as close to, or even within the Greater Marrow harbor.
Malignant Pincer
Encyclopedia #128
Aberrant form of fiddler crab
Teal tumours secrete a slimy substance over cracks and joints. Its massive claw shudders as it fights for control.
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Comment: Now THIS victim's predicament actually lends some fascinating implications about what ails the previous. These pustules look so alike to the same as the common crab's infection in both shape and color that I will go on a limb and decide that the same entity finds a host in either species. The "cerebral" part of the former's name indicates that this mass is in fact a brain of its own, with its own imperatives and will that overrides the poor vessel's. Because the infection has decided to root within the fiddler crab's claw, rather than its head, the animal's original brain has remained intact, despite everything. The body survives to stage a losing battle between nature and another's unknowable plan.
How to catch: They generally share roaming space with the common crabs of The Marrows, albeit preferring slightly shallower water, under a mere 10 meters to be exact. Due to their size, the basic crab pot can only hold one of them at a time, so, barring a speedrun to acquire the maw of the Deep, check the traps frequently if you are looking to snag one of these in the early game. I never found error in placing the pots right next to the Marrow docks for convenience. Bring one of these to the painter along with the cerebral crab to unlock the sharp mint paint for your ship.
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Inverted Husk༄.°
Encyclopedia #129
Aberrant form of sea cucumber
Flesh, prolapsed and shed to the seafloor. A moult discarded, ready to envelop another.
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Comment: Most horrid thing among the Iron Rig additions I have examined so far. Finally, the long missed taste again of utter revulsion and bewilderment that this grand sea had inspired in me from the beginning. With new novelties will come even more unsettling revelations.
How to catch: Unlike the other slick-swimming things we have encountered, this aberration requires no fancy or new tools at all to find. Any crab pot will do, placed directly into the tar-blackness at a depth between 25 meters and the surface. Depths from 10-25 meters are advised to prevent the space-demanding fiddler crab from turning up in the traps instead.
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sunfyre-targaryen · 8 months
The eight main Houses in Westeros
The ancient dinasty: NOBLE HOUSE TARGARYEN
The Targaryens are the blood of the dragon, descendants of the supreme lords of the ancient fortress of Valyria, their heritage proclaimed by their prodigious (but some consider it inhuman) beauty: indigo or violet eyes, silver blond or platinum hair.
The ancestors of Aegon the Dragon escaped the Disaster of Valyria, and the chaos and slaughter that followed, and took refuge on Dragonstone, a stony island in the Narrow Sea. It was from there that Aegon and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, set out to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.
In order to keep the royal blood pure, House Targaryen often followed the Valyrian custom of marriage between brother and sister. Aegon himself took his sisters to wife, each of whom bore him a son.
The Targaryen coat of arms is a three-headed dragon, red on a black background, each head symbolising Aegon and his sisters. Their words: 'Fire and blood'.
The most recent of the great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, born during the Wars of Conquest. Its founder, Orys Baratheon, is said to have been a bastard brother of Aegon the Dragon.
Orys made a dazzling military career and became one of Aegon's most valuable commanders. After defeating and killing Argilac the Arrogant, last of the kings of Storm's End, Aegon rewarded him by giving him the castle that had been Argilac's, as well as his lands and his daughter. Orys took the girl in marriage and thus adopted the banner, honours and motto of her lineage.
The Baratheon coat of arms is the crowned stag, black on a gold field. Their words: 'Ours is the fury'.
The Starks derive their origin from Brandon the Builder and the ancient kings of Winterfell. For thousands of years they ruled from Winterfell as kings of the North, until Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, chose to swear allegiance to Aegon the Dragon rather than face him in battle.
Their coat of arms is a grey direwolf on an ice-white field. Their words: 'Winter is coming'.
Tall, handsome and blond-haired, the Lannisters have the blood of Andal adventurers and conquered a vast kingdom in the valleys and hills of Westeros.
Through descent in the female line, they claim to be descendants of Lann the Clever, the legendary master of deception of the Age of Heroes.
The gold from the mines of Casterly Rock and the Golden Tooth made them the richest of all the great houses of the Seven Kingdoms.
Their coat of arms is a golden lion on a purple field. Their motto: 'Hear my roar'.
The Arryn are descended from the kings of the Mountains and the Vale, one of the oldest and purest lines of the nobility of the Andals.
Their coat of arms is the falcon surmounting the moon, white on a sky-blue background. Their motto is 'As high as honour'.
Although lords for thousands of years of rich lands and a magnificent castle in Riverrun, the Tullys have never reigned as kings.
During the Wars of Conquest, the entire region with many rivers belonged to Harren the Black, king of the Iron Islands. Harren's grandfather, King Harwyn Hardhand, had taken the Trident from Arrec, King of Storm's End, whose ancestors, three hundred years earlier, had conquered the whole region as far as the Neck. A vain and cruel tyrant, Harren the Black was little loved by his subjects, so many of the river lords abandoned him to join the armies of Aegon the Dragon. The first to do so was Edmyn Tully of Riverrun. When Harren and all his descendants perished in the fall of Harrenhal, Aegon rewarded House Tully by granting Lord Edmyn dominion over the lands of the Trident and requiring the other lords to swear allegiance to him.
The emblem of the Tullys is a leaping trout, silvery in a waving red and blue field. Their motto is: 'Family, duty, honour'.
The Tyrells came to power as attendants of the Reach kings, whose dominion included the fertile plains of the south-west, from the plains of Dorne and the Blackwater Rush to the shores of the Sunset Sea.
By the female line, they proclaim their descent from Garth Greenhand, gardener to the king of the first men, who wore a crown made of vines and flowers on his head and was the author of the fertility of the earth.
When King Mern, the last of the Reach kings, perished in the Battle of the Field of Fire, his attendant Harlen Tyrell offered the surrender of Highgarden to Aegon Targaryen and swore allegiance to him. Aegon then granted him the castle and dominion over the Reach.
The Tyrell coat of arms is a golden rose on a grass-green field. Their motto is: 'Grow strong'.
Nymeria, warrior queen of the Rhoyne, brought her ten thousand ships to land in Dorne, the southernmost of the Seven Kingdoms, and took Lord Mors Martell as her own husband. It was with her help that Mors swept away all other rivals for the dower of Dorne.
The rhoynish influence remains strong, however. That is why the rulers of Dorne call themselves "princes" and not "kings". According to the law of Dorne, lands and titles pass to the eldest heir, whether male or female.
Unique in the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne was never conquered, not even by Aegon the Dragon. It did not become part of the enlarged realm until two hundred years after the Wars of Conquest, and that annexation was by marriage and treaty, not by fire and sword. By marrying Princess Myriah of House Martell, and giving his own sister in marriage to the ruling prince of Dorne, the peaceful King Daeron II Targaryen triumphed where all warrior kings before him had failed.
The Martell coat of arms is a red sun pierced by a javelin. Their motto is: 'Unbowed, unbent, unbroken'.
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ladygreywritesstuff · 8 months
WIP Round-Up
Ty @aislingdmdt for the tag!
Tagging anyone who'd like to play!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF WIPs
Falsehoods -- a re-telling of True or False from Roose's PoV (Roose Bolton x OC of House Frey
Aftercare -- sequel to Therapy (Roose Bolton x Fat Walda Frey)
Untitied trilogy of three intersecting stories:
Sprung from Good Seed -- Barristan Selmy x Perriane Frey fic that begins during the Greyjoy Rebellion and extends to the end of ASOIAF
Above the Rest -- Jason Mallister x OC, overlapping timeline with Sprung from Good Seed
Family, Duty, Honor -- Brynden "Blackfish" Tully x OC of House Frey, overlapping timeline with Sprung from Good Seed
What Storms May Blow -- Barristan Selmy X OC of House Frey, I started this in 2017 and it is probably 80% done. I'd really like to finish it!
Stardew Valley
She Walks by Moonlight -- werewolf AU, Marlon, Gil, Farmer story narrated by Gunther
Kink -- one-shot follow-up to Dig Deep featuring Marlon/Riley.
Stardrop -- Marlon/Riley one-shot for Lilyy on GFS. Marlon gets Riley a Stardrop for her birthday.
Untitled Sequel to Dig Deep -- Several years after the events of Dig Deep, Linus passes away and Marlon and Riley help guide Gil through his grieving
Untitled Wizard fic -- OC Natasha comes to Pelican Valley to work as the editor of the new paper, the Pelican Times. Same universe as Dig Deep. Natasha explores the more supernatural storylines of SDV as Riley doesn't have a supernatural bone in her body. Rivals to lovers trope featuring Wizard x Natasha
Special Ballot -- Marnie/Willy fic. Willy teaches Marnie how to fish, Lewis gets jealous and raises the taxes on the beach, making it impossible for Elliott and Willy to live and work there. There's only one thing Marnie can do -- run for Mayor in the next election.
One Weekend in Spring -- Leah needs a fake boyfriend to attend Kel's wedding with her. Who better than Elliott?
Good Soup -- Jodi/Gus fic. Jodi and Kent divorce. Jodi takes a job helping Gus in the kitchen. Romance ensues.
Untitled Pam redemption fic -- Pam finishes a rehab program in Zuzu City and decides not to return to Pelican Town feeling she is too much of a burden on Penny. Pam moves to Castle Village and buys a small horse ranch. She rents off various parts of the property in order to make mortgage payments, and finds a companion in the widower who rents the old barn for his woodworking endeavours.
Rings of Power
Respite -- either Elendil/Reader or Elendil/OC, takes place after the fall of Numenor as Elendil is establishing the kingdom of Arnor
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ronanbrackens · 10 months
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♛ → THE RIVERLANDS present(s) LORD RONAN OF HOUSE BRACKEN, the RULING LORD of STONE HEDGE and the HAND OF THE QUEEN upon the council of queen iona tully. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the GREENS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY THREE year old MALE who was PATIENT & PRESERVING before they saw the first of the flames, is now VERBOSE & CYNICAL after seeing the last. through the ash, now they struggle to find the ancient code of a feud of blood, the thundering and dust kicked up by horses and the glint of the ancient crown of the red fork instead of the remnants of the war of succession. ( fc. max irons )
the name 'ronan' means the seal of something, and in this, im realising he is incredibly stubborn. not in that passionate way, but in that way where he will continue to repeat his first point until you tire of hearing it.
ronan is the eldest and only legitimate son of lord and lady bracken; they did have some miscarriages in attempting to provide another heir, and in the end they had brianna. this showed ronan the importance of securing lineage, early on in his life.
has an fascination with ancient laws of westeros; the laws of the first men, before the coming of the andals. he enjoys comparing them, and often looks to them for inspiration and adapting to fit the riverlands.
one of these laws was the right for men to settle blood feuds for themselves; watch out blackwood men, ronan genuinely believes it is his right as a bracken to be fated to violence. he is very much accepting that one day he will either kill ben, or be killed by ben.
he had a bastard brother, sean, from the daughter of a landed knight within battle valley, whom he never acknowledged whilst growing up. it was only when they fought together in the dance did they finally put past their differences. he ended up being killed by lord samwell blackwood in battle.
he does not forget the dance: not only in the form of struggling to comprehend what it was his house stood for, but the realistic side effects. the memories. you'll see it come up in ronan. furthermore, he knows all too well he was a green in a newly independent riverlands; the walls could collapse very quickly on them. which is why he wants to get his sister out of it.
you will not know when you have insulted ronan. he is patient. dangerously patient. will consider the long term - he understands the riverlands is a realm that requires houses supporting one another. they will always bicker, but the tullys are in power because they are beloved. so he will play the long game & isolate. the only exception is when he is demanding a duel, on your honour as a man. pretty obvious you've pissed him off there.
ronan is going through a bit of a religious difficulty - call it a crisis. this stems back from the time the rp was set in the north. he felt very at peace amongst the godswood, and understood that his people once worshipped these gods. it was with the coming of the andals that changed it all for house bracken.
inspo songs: the foggy dew by sinéad o'connor & the chieftains, the hanging tree from the hunger games trilogy, when im gone & mockingbird by eminem, welcome home son by radical face, the parting glass by hozier
brianna duh, i guess he thinks she is ok (everytime he looks at her he thinks their home almost burned down, and she could have been killed or hurt by daemon targaryen if she had not been busy pretending to be a kitchen maid. pain)
the clover folk: omer florent, the blackbar brothers, rhea tarly, any extensions of these families that are to come. amerie banefort is his cousin through her mother being a bracken. these people are his family, through and through. you got beef with one of them, you're beefing with ronan bracken. no exceptions.
the men of the greens; augustus lefford. nicholas lannister, garrick cargyll, theomore westerling - i will add as we go on and plot but these men are people he has built up trust with. you develop a bond with those you fight for your life with.
technically because of ginerva and fiona, ronan would have gotten to know percival templeton and jack grafton because if their sisters are coming to stay to visit brianna, they're gonna know the man whose roof they're sleeping under.
ben blackwood.
lucius rivers.
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guerrerense · 11 months
CLX at Tully, NY
CLX at Tully, NY por Jeffrey Faherty Por Flickr: CLX makes the right turn to exit the Preble Valley and will soon begin the decent down off of the Allegheny Plateau into Syracuse, NY.
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dragonsbone · 2 years
Because I'm an old woman with terrible eyesight: do you have the write up of all the text in your gorgeous gifset?
hi love !! i can do that just for you &lt;3
gif 1:
⟶ “father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger…” the words foreign to lord edmure and the frey girl, but all too familiar to the king and queen of the north, whom each struggled to hide their smiles as they recalled their own wedding night.
⟶ when it was time for the feast, the lords and ladies of houses stark, frey, and tully rejoiced together in celebration. it hardly seems plausible they were at odds only weeks prior.
gif 2:
⟶ “you look pale, child,” catelyn spoke in a concerned hush.
“i’m afraid this much wine does not agree with me,” sarra answered, clearing her throat and averting her gaze.
her eyes landed on josana and catelyn smiled faintly, “the queen looks beautiful, does she not?”
sarra had a faraway look in her eyes, “she does.”
gif 3:
⟶ “if we were wed in winterfell, would you honor the bedding ceremony in the name of tradition?” josana asked her husband.
robb turned to meet her gaze, the mischief vanquished in his ice blue eyes. “i would beat a man bloody if they dared to try it.”
⟶ one of the frey boys approached her seat. “pardon me, your grace,” he began, his cheeks blushed as red as the wine. “these are for you, my queen. a token for a long and joyful marriage.” the boy gifted her a small bouquet of the flower, lily of the valley. the white, bell- shaped flower was common in the riverlands. not as beautiful as a rose, yet josana graciously accepted it.
⟶ out of the corner of her eye, josana caught a glimpse of catelyn. she watched the young lovers from afar, but she did not bore the pointed look upon her face she’d grown accustomed to in their presence. no, tonight she wore the faintest of smiles on her lips. perhaps it was the result of the wine for the change of her demeanor, or perhaps, for a sliver of hope, lady stark began to favor them after all this time.
⟶ odd, she thought. she knew the bone-chlling tune of the rains of castamere as if she wrote the melody herself. the bards played it often at casterly rock, but never here. a lannister song for a lannister queen, how fitting.
gif 4:
⟶ the tune of the rains of castamere plagued her mind. in a coat of gold or a coat of red. a lion still has claws. catelyn’s stare darted from lord walder, to josana, to robb, and back to roose, whom his own eyes remained fixed upon hers and his sleeve upon the table.
cautiously, catelyn raised a shaky hand to lift lord bolton’s silk sleeve. her old, fragile heart sank further at the sight of the iron rings.
⟶ “i feel i’ve been.. remiss in my duties. i’ve given you meat, wine, music, but i haven’t shown you the hospitality you deserve. my king has married and i owe his bride tribute. a toast to the queen in the north! a lioness in wolf pelts.”
gif 5:
⟶ in a blink of an eye, the glorious wedding had become a massacre. she saw the bodies of men who were breathing just moments ago, now nothing more than rotting corpses.
⟶ a pair of strong hands seized her from behind, pulling her away from the slaughter. josana thrashed violently in their grip, her hands frantic as they searched blindly to find something to pull or scratch. though every effort to free herself was in vain. they dodged every attack from the lioness. if only she had kept ssarra's blade at her side.
sarra. gods, where was she? please don’t be amongst the dead, josana prayed.
⟶ “robb, get up. get up and walk out! please, please! save yourself, save your wife! think of her and the babe. if not for me, think of them! live for them!”
“josana…” robb staggered on his feet. his bloody hands clung to josana’s arms, steadying himself. she felt his blood seep through her velvet gown, tainting her fair skin. “mother… grey wind…”
catelyn nodded, “yes, go to him! take josana and walk out of here!”
⟶ “the queen won't be harmed. this is after all the fruit of her labor.”
josana stiffened, her flushed cheeks now paler than the dead surrounding them. he knew. the secret she hoped to be buried with her was brought to light.
gif 6:
⟶ “the lannisters send their regards.” ord bolton words rang in the air before his knife pierced through her husband’s heart, and twisted.
josana held robb as his body fell limp in her arms. the tears burned as the ran down her cheeks. tiny droplets scattered across his face, though he did not flinch. he did not move at all, still as a statue in the crypts of winterfell. and now that’s where he would remain, buried and far out of her reach. josana wailed. she screamed and cried until her throat grew raw and hoarse.
⟶ she noticed the blade still lodged in robb’s heart. josana grabbed the knife and held the bitter steel to her throat. you wont take me nor my babe! before she could slice through her own flesh, the blade was wrenched from her throat, but the lioness refused to surrender. she wrestled for a last chance for control and firmly grasped onto it’s sharp edge. the pain soared through as it cut deep into her palm, the blood pouring down her arms. not before long, it slipped out of her hand.
⟶ lord bolton struck her hard across the cheek. the blow sends her falling, her head colliding with the ground. pain and darkness spread until then there is nothing else. the last thing she saw before she succumbed to the empty black was white petals turning red with her husband’s blood.
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Ronella Arryn (arryn! oc/draft)
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Ronella felt the sharp tickle that prompted her to look below. Her mule was climbing the steepest tower after a ride away from home without fear of the fall to her death that had doomed distracted animals. Her throat tightened uncomfortably, a valley lady not afraid of heights.
Her being born and raised in Nido de Águilas along with the blood of the first mountain men in her veins did not seem to be enough to assuage her fear. She sometimes believed because she carried the Tully blood, from the rivers, from the south.
She swallowed after reaching the stone steps. She was greeted by some stable girls who used to admire life in the afternoon. Ronella looked at them and felt that they had a better right to be ladies than she did. They held onto her mule and bid her a fond farewell, Ronella appreciating her gesture. The Arryns were beloved in Eyrie for their sense of honor and bravery.
She steadied herself once more and walked slowly up the narrow staircase, planning each step. "A wise man is always cautious…" she remembered her father's words.
I'm a woman. She wanted to scream. She was three quarters of the way down when she felt her tears fill her eyes. She breathed hard, it was miles up after all and she kept walking. Think, think, think and say nothing was her emblem. "Oh, look what we have here." "Lady Alyssa!" Ser Vardis scolded. His face was serious as always, but her eyes sparkled with sympathy towards her. He knew of her sister's cruelties, but little was done to stop her.
Radiant, in a splendid dress decorated with patterns of sapphires that also simulated eagles, Alyssa was waiting for her with a mocking face. Her straight red hair was styled like she was a queen, she seemed to be… could be.
If she weren't the eldest daughter. "Good afternoon, dear sister," Ronella greeted through gritted teeth, despising her so much, "Ser Vardis."
Respectfully bowed in the easiest way to get out of there. She didn't tolerate Alyssa's comments.
"Why so tired face, little sister? It seems that you have been afraid to come here… to your own home." To her misfortune, Alyssa linked her arm through hers, as if they were old friends who had seen each other for years and not sisters who loathed each other.
" I hoped for a clear path, with the right company." She didn't miss the quiver in her enemy's lip. "You offend me, my presence is the closest thing you will have to…"
"Are you here yet, Ron?" The loving and emotional voice of her mother silenced her. Her mother was radiant and her dimples stood out like stars in the sky, she approached and hugged each one separately. "Little Robin is waiting for you to eat".
Her presence was like the cool, sweet wind. Ronella sensed that her mother knew that, because she always showed up when one of them was fighting over something serious. She walked to go to her bedroom, in Eyrie the place used to be a warm place despite what was believed, even in winter. Only the feeble old men and small children spent it in the little town below. Maybe she did have eagle blood
She had heard from the hands of maesters, from books, from minstrels, and from the lips of her own father about the rebellion of Robert, the king that he raised since he was a child. Those were dark times, the Mad King ordered children to be killed, tearing them from the arms of their mothers, women who begged for mercy, crying, hungry, cold, maddness. There was an affront with the Starks, they imprisoned the heir, and then they killed him along with his father. His brother called the banderizados and the war began. Now she had heard that there were only two dragon children left, with silver hair and monstrosity in their eyes. She terrified by them very much, so much so that she dreamed that they crossed the narrow sea and appeared in the palace, and killed them all. She saw that they burned her father and she screamed to end up dead by suffocation. She'd wake up all sweaty and with her blue eyes so watery she seemed to be the Tully shade. She felt great calm when she found out they were moving...
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santaclaralocalnews · 2 months
The following is a calendar of events happening this weekend near Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. Want to share an event to be featured? Please email the details to [email protected] for consideration. Santa Clara County Fair — Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28 and Thursday, Aug. 1 – Sunday, Aug. 4 at Santa Clara County Fairgrounds (344 Tully Rd., San Jose)... Read complete news at svvoice.com.
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kkurassaki · 2 months
Rhaenyra with Jace, Daemon, Rhaena, the dragon seeds and the Velaryon fleet take KL (ep8)
Jace is angry at the idea that anyone without a drop of proven Targaryen blood can claim a dragon, but as has been shown the ENTIRE season he ends up accepting his queen's plan (ep7)
The greens do not find out about the seeds or if they do, they believe that it is impossible for them to claim dragons, so they do not see it as something dangerous.
Rhaenyra decides to have Baela stay guarding Dragonstone. There will be an emotional goodbye with Jace, maybe a kiss
Lord Oscar Tully arrives at Harrenhal, swears by Rhaenyra, and helps Daemon with the other Riverlands lords (ep7)
Willem Blackwood is in Harrenhal and Daemon delivers justice by murdering him for his crimes (ep7)
People's complaints will cause Aemond to "give justice" and punish some guards (ep7)
the winter wolves come to the twins.
Mention/view of Benjicot as lord of his house without regent.
Rhaenyra's army finally gathers in Riverlans under the command of Daemon.
Daemon receives the news that Criston is leaving for Harrenhal.
Rhaenyra goes to Harrenhal where she appears before her army (ep8)
Already knowing the TG's plan to attack Harrenhal, the black army is ordered to move.
Aemond flies on Vhagar towards Harrenhal, leaving the city unprotected.
Otto returns to KL just as Aemond wanted (ep7)
Aemond has a plan that includes burning/killing which upsets Alicent who wants to end this "absurd war".
We will hear of the battles of Red Fork and Honeywine, if we see any it will be like a burnt mill
In the Dragonmont cave the seeds will pass one by one before a dragon, whoever survives becomes its rider. Vermithor and Silverwing will be claimed (ep7)
Rhaenyra goes to Addam, but nothing happens because he swears allegiance to the blacks. They both return to Dragonstone and it is decided to call the seeds in KL (ep7)
Mysaria is now part of the council. (ep7)
Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys are sent to pentos with their dragons and the eggs (ep7)
Rhaena claims Sheepstealer and plans to stay in the Valley, but a hunch/news from her makes her go to Dragonstone arriving just in time to support the taking of KL.
The dinner with the seeds is to welcome them and Rhaenyra there says that she wants to win this war and announces the plan to take KL.
After her argument with Aemond, Alicent leaves KL and Aemond goes to look for her believing that she is going to betray them (ep7)
When the blacks arrive in KL Otto makes the decisions to protect the city.
Helaena won't do much, she will have a scene saying goodbye to her daughter and probably a phrase about what will happen.
Larys goes to look for Aegon to get him out of KL and there they decide to also go for Jaehaera (Olive)
Alys is not going to betray Daemon, after all the hallucinations will do him more good than harm, so there is no point in trying to attack him now for nothing. except that it is a sexual attack to have her child with royal blood.
Ep8 ends with Aemond arriving at a completely empty Harrenhal with only Strongs and Rhaenyra sitting on the Iron Throne.
The crows say that Alicent will visit Dragonstone in ep8, but they are not sure if she will return to KL or decide to go after her fourth son who is marching with the Hightower army.
The crows say that the writings of fake leaks learn mathematics because it is impossible for Alicent to arrive in Oldtown in 15 days to see her son Daeron when it took Gwayne 3 months to arrive in KL
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beaglesarebad · 1 year
State Hill Road twists and turns through two small hills curled into a valley and eventually makes  its way to the banks of the The Tully. The Tully is what everybody seemed to call the river. It was  an area where very few people lived and for the most part it was mostly deserted. Today it is under a hundred feet  of water because the stream has been damned. It is and always has been a scenic…
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year
11 Temmuz 2023 Salı günü Montpelier, Vermont kent merkezinde sel. | Getty Images vasıtasıyla John Tully/The Washington Post İklim riskleri giderek daha pahalı hale geliyor. Bir tek mahalli olarak değil, küresel olarak. 1000 yılda bir meydana gelen zamanı yağışların New England'ı kasıp kavurması ve Vermont ile New York'un Hudson Valley Cities'indeki nehirleri sular altında bırakmasının arkasından, bu hafta ABD'nin kuzeydoğusundaki tahmini 11 milyon insan sel riski altında yada sel riskiyle karşı karşıya. sokaklar su yollarına dönüşüyor. Ani sel New York'ta minimum bir kişiyi öldürdü ve New York Valisi Kathy Hochul birkaç kişinin daha yitik bulunduğunu doğruladı. Vali Phil Scott'a nazaran Salı günü Başkan Biden, binlerce sakinin evini ve işini kaybetmiş olduğu Vermont'ta muhteşem hal duyuru etti. Vermont'un başkenti Montpelier'den akan Winooski Nehri, 11 fitin altındaki düzgüsel seviyesinin üstüne çıkarak ortalama 20 fit yüksekliğe çıktı. Bu, yalnızca Vermont'un "en büyük organik afeti" olan ve 84 kişinin ölümüne yol açan 1927 selinin arkasından kaydedilen ikinci en yüksek dere kotudur. Vermont ve New York bu tür vahim koşullara son olarak sırasıyla 2011 ve 2012'de, Irene Kasırgası ve arkasından Sandy Kasırgası ülkeyi kasıp kavurarak feci sellere niçin olduğunda şahit oldu. Sandy Kasırgası, Kuzeydoğu ve Orta Atlantik'te 44 New York City sakini de dahil olmak suretiyle 72 kişiyi öldürdü. Vermont sakinleri Sandy esnasında güç kaybederken, önceki yıl eyaleti harap eden, 2.400 caddeyi, 800 ev ve işyerini ve 300 köprüyü yok eden Irene Kasırgasıydı. On yıldan fazla bir süre ilkin Irene'den öğrenen Vermont, mevcut ani sellerle başa çıkmak için kendi kaynaklarına haiz olmadığını biliyordu ve fırtına öncesinde Şimal Carolina, Massachusetts, Michigan ve Connecticut'tan yardım istedi. Bölgenin bu aşırı vakalara hazırlıksız olması, bölgenin organik afet zamanı göz önüne alındığında da mantıklı. Vermont, bir zamanlar ülkedeki organik afetlere karşı en dirençli eyaletlerden biri olarak kabul ediliyordu ve mahalli bir Vermont haber istasyonu, insanların ABD Birleşik Devletleri'nin başka yerlerinde kötüleşen orman yangınlarından, kuraklıklardan ve sellerden kaçmak için eyalete göç ettiğini bildirdi. Vermont Üniversitesi'nde topluluk geliştirme ve uygulamalı iktisat profesörü olan Chris Koliba, 2021'de Boston'un NPR Haber İstasyonu WBUR'a verdiği demeçte, "Vermont, dünyada daha yaşanabilir hale gelmesi olası birkaç yerden biri." İklim değişikliği yalnız organik afetleri daha fena hale getirmekle kalmıyor, hem de daha ilkin ender görülen yerlerde daha sık meydana gelmelerine de niçin oluyor. Mesela, yazın başlarında orman yangınlarından çıkan duman Doğu Kıyısı'nı ve Orta Batı'nın büyük bir bölümünü kapladı ve Uri kış fırtınası 2021'de 4,5 milyon Teksaslıyı elektriksiz bıraktı ve 246 kişiyi öldürdü. Lone Yıldız State'teki elektrik şebekesi ve evler aşırı sıcağa dayanacak şekilde tasarlanırken, neredeyse soğuk havaya karşı dayanıklıdırlar (ve son yıllarda ısı vakaları bile Teksas elektrik şebekesini strese sokmaya adım atmıştır). Bu sistemi yükseltmek milyarlarca dolara mal olacak, sadece araştırmacılar Uri şeklinde fırtınaların Şimal Kutbu'ndaki süratli küresel ısınmayla bağlantılı olabileceğine inandıkları için lüzumlu olabilir. Kış Fırtınası Uri ve bu hafta Kuzeydoğu'da meydana gelen sel şeklinde senaryolar daha yaygın hale geliyor. Geçmişte organik afetler yaşamış bölgeler, bu vakaları atlatacak toplumsal bilgiye ve altyapıya haizdir, sadece asla yada nadiren etkilenmemiş olanların altyapıyı süratli bir halde modernize etmesi ve tekrardan inşa etmesi gerekir. Endişeli Bilim Adamları Birliği'nin iklim ve enerji programı siyaset direktörü Rachel Cleetus, bu hafta New York Times'a verdiği demeçte, "Bu değişen koşullara uyum sağlamak giderek zorlaşıyor" dedi. "Bir tek daima ve her yerde." Organik afet riski her yerdedir (en dirençli yerlerde bile). İnsanlar artık yalnız bildikleri organik afetlerin daha fena versiyonlarına hazırlanmakla kalmıyor, hem de yeni tür felaketlerin – sel, fırtına, sıcak hava dalgaları, kuraklık ve yangınlar – toplumlarını etkileme olasılığını da göz önünde bulundurmalı. Ve dünyanın öteki bölgelerini kapsayan internasyonal reasürans şirketleri tarafınca desteklenen ABD'li sigorta şirketlerinin bir çok ile, iklim değişikliğinin küresel tesirinin bedelini her yerdeki ev sahipleri ödeyecek. her yerde felaketler ABD'nin Kuzeydoğusu, bu hafta aşırı yağış ve sel yaşayan tek bölge değildi. Getty Images vasıtasıyla John Tully/The Washington Post 11 Temmuz 2023 Salı günü Vermont, Montpelier kent merkezinde sel. Japonya'da, Honshū'nun Chūgoku bölgesinde ve Kyushu adasında sel ve balçık kaymalarında minimum üç şahıs öldü. Hafta sonu, Japonya Meteoroloji Dairesi bir acil durum uyarısı yayınlayarak 1,7 milyondan fazla sakini sığınak aramaya çağırdı. Şimal Hindistan'da muson yağmurlarının niçin olduğu toprak kaymaları ve ani seller 91 kişiyi daha öldürdü. Bununla birlikte, bir sıcak hava dalgası cenup ve güneydoğu Çin'i harap ediyor. Mevcut tahmin, gelecek hafta için 35 Fahrenheit aşama civarında ve bazı bölgelerde 104 dereceye kadar çıkan sıcaklıklar için. Çin'deki şehirler, aşırı sıcaklıklardan muzdarip sakinlere yardım etmek için hafta sonu bomba sığınaklarını açtı. Bu yaz, bu kadar yüksek sıcaklıklar neredeyse her yerde ölçü haline geldi. 4 Temmuz, küresel averaj ısı 62.9 Fahrenheit aşama ile Dünya üstünde kaydedilen en sıcak gündü. Ne yazık ki, bu büyüklükteki ısı, başka bir organik afet türü olan orman yangınları için de muhteşem koşulları yaratıyor. Kanada Kurumlar Arası Orman İtfaiye Merkezi'nin bildirdiğine nazaran, Kanada'da bu yıl şimdiye kadar 23 milyon hektardan fazla arazi yandı ve önceki rekoru 6 milyon hektardan fazla geride bıraktı. Toplamda, ülke genelinde ortalama 500 yangına müdahale olarak 100.000'den fazla insan evlerinden tahliye edildi. “Aşırı sıcaklar daha sık ve şiddetli hale geliyor; Columbia Üniversitesi'nde öğretim görevlisi ve araştırmacı olan Kai Kornhuber, Mart ayında AP'ye verdiği demeçte, aşırı yağışlar daha sık ve şiddetli hale geliyor. "Orman yangınlarıyla ilişkili yangın havası daha yaygın, daha şiddetli hale geliyor ve bu koşulların daha ilkin meydana gelmediği daha çok alan var." Bu bölgelerden bazıları, zamanı boyutlardaki organik afetlerle başa çıkmak için data ve altyapı ile donatılmıştır. Sadece bu afetlerin büyüklüğü ve yoğunluğu arttıkça, etkilerinin bilincinde olmayan bölgelerin hızla uyum sağlaması gerekiyor. Aksi takdirde hayatlara mal olabilir. Las Vegas'taki Nevada Üniversitesi'nde acil durum iletişimi üstüne çalışan bir profesör olan Rebecca Rice, daha ilkin Vox'a “Afet yardımı hakkında konuştuğumuzda, çoğu zaman bir felaketten derhal sonrasında ne işe yaradığını düşünürüz” dedi. “Fakat bu yalnız anında iyi mi tepki verdiğinizle ilgili değil. İnsanların gerekseme duydukları toplumsal kaynaklara ve ana paraya haiz olduğu daha kuvvetli bir topluluğu bu şekilde oluşturursunuz.” Küresel risk, daha yüksek sigorta tutarları anlamına gelir (hepimiz için) Aşırı olayların küresel riski ve bunun sonucunda aşırı yıkım arttıkça, sigorta maliyetleri de artar. Türkiye'de depremler, Hindistan'da muson yağmurları ve Çin'de sıcak hava dalgaları aslen hepimiz için sigorta maliyetlerini etkiliyor. Getty Images vasıtasıyla Arun Sankar/AFP İnsanlar, 12 Temmuz 2023'te Yeni Delhi'de şiddetli muson yağmurlarının arkasından Yamuna Nehri'nin sel sularında eşyalarıyla beraber yürüyor. Bu felaketler hem de sigorta şirketlerinin giderek artan oranda reasürans şirketlerine yönelmelerinin de sebebidir. Reasürans şirketleri, Vox'tan Umair Irfan'ın daha ilkin bildirdiği şeklinde “sigorta şirketleri için sigorta şirketleridir”; Esasen, bu firmalar büyük bir yıkım meydana ulaştığında tazminat taleplerinin karşılanmasına destek sağlar. "Reasürans sağlayıcıları, bir yedek olarak hareket eder ve cephedeki sigorta şirketlerinin büyük bir yıkım meydana ulaştığında tazminat taleplerini karşılamalarına destek sağlar" diye yazdı. "Bundan dolayı, Swiss Re şeklinde internasyonal reasürans şirketleri, artan averaj sıcaklıklardan meydana gelen küresel sistemik riskleri yakından takip ediyor." (Swiss Re, İsviçre merkezli bir reasürans şirketidir.) Waterloo Üniversitesi Çevre, Girişim ve Kalkınma Okulu'nda profesör olan Jason Thistlethwaite, Vox'a verdiği demeçte, bir sigorta şirketi bir plan hazırladığında ve bir poliçe sahibinin primine karar verdiğinde, poliçe sahibinin yaşamış olduğu bölgenin riskini değerlendiriyor. Bir sel ovasında, alçak bir kıyıda yada bir orman yangını bölgesinin yakınında hayata devam etmenin riski artırdığını da sözlerine ekledi. Bununla beraber, aşırı bir vaka bölgeyi tamamen yok ederse, bir sigorta şirketinin prim olarak toplamış olduğu miktar, hasarın toplam maliyetini karşılamayabilir. Thistlethwaite, bundan dolayı firmanın reasürörden ek sigorta kapsamı satın aldığını söylemiş oldu. Bu reasürans yaptırmak sigortalılar için maliyetleri artırmaktadır. Son yıllarda, dünya çapındaki reasürörler artan taleplerle savaşım etmekte ve bundan dolayı fiyatlarını yükseltmektedir. "[The reinsurer] Thistlethwaite, bu maliyetleri birincil sigortacılara aktaracak ve ondan sonra birincil sigortacılar bu maliyetleri poliçe sahiplerine aktaracak” dedi. "Priminizin bir diliminin genel olarak internasyonal risk ortamını yansıtacağı doğrudur." Bununla beraber, artan sayıda organik afet, sigortayı yalnızca karşılanamaz değil, hem de erişilemez hale getiriyor. Bu senenin başlarında, ülkenin en büyük sigorta şirketlerinden önde gelen State Farm, yangına eğilimli Kaliforniya eyaletinde iş ve kişisel sigorta taleplerini artık kabul etmeyeceğini duyurdu. 2022'de 131 milyar dolar değerinde olan şirket, Kaliforniya'daki en büyük tek paket ev sigortası sağlayıcısıdır. Allstate dahil eyaletteki öteki sigortacılar da yeni alan kişi kabul etmeyi bıraktı. Ve 11 Temmuz'da Farmers Insurance, şu anda 100.000 poliçe sahibine hizmet verdiği Florida'nın kasırga eğilimli eyaletinde artık mevcut yada yeni sigorta sunmayacağını duyurdu. Thistlethwaite'e nazaran, sigorta şirketlerinin Florida ve California şeklinde pazarlardan çıkma kararını etkileyen, fena tasarlanmış altyapı, yüksek riskli bölgelerde yaşayan artan insan sayısı ve artan gezi Tekrardan İnşa maliyeti dahil olmak suretiyle birbiriyle ilişkili bir takım unsur var. Sadece organik afetlerin artan sıklığı ve yoğunluğu inkar edilemez bir halde bir problem: Thistlethwaite, "Aslen dört faktörün bir kombinasyonu ve iklim değişikliği ana itici güçlerden biri" dedi. "Hakkaten o şekilde ve kapsama alanının azalmasının öteki üç ana sebebi de bu."
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carp3d13mthoughts · 2 years
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doing a little introduction thing because i’d like to reach some more people/get some more mutuals and also make sure my current mutuals get to know me a little better :)
my name is juliet, i mostly just reblog or post some of my thought on here but i might start posting moodboards or fics or something, who knows what the future holds
i love dead poets society, community, greek mythology, art and acting!!
some of my favourite books are perks of being a wallflower, percy jackson, and sophie’s world although i do still have to finish that
my favourite colour is purple, my favourite food is pasta it can do no wrong, my favourite artists are david bowie and mitski, my favourite movies are dead poets society, la la land, little miss sunshine and the holdovers
my favourite characters are neil perry, percy jackson, annabeth chase, peter parker, amd angus tully
my hobbies are drawing, playing stardew valley(i married maru), reading, the occasional cosplaying when i go to comic-con, and theatre, i probably want to go into theatre when i graduate
i also have ADD, i feel like the neurodivergency should be noted(if it wasn’t clear already), i’m bisexual and likely girlflux(she/they)
that’s all!! my askbox is always open if you have any questions or want to talk about one of my interests(if you want to please do i love talking about them). don’t be afraid to interact with me on my posts/in my askbox/tagging/etc. i really really love it when people interact with me and my blog :)
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cole Haan Tully Driver Flats.
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wutbju · 2 years
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Mary Jean Jennings, October 29, 1924 - July 28, 2022
Modesto, California - Mary Jean was born in Ceres, California, to Charles and Harriet Barrows, and was the second of five children. Growing up in a Christian family, Mary Jean developed a strong love for Christ and a desire to serve, which took her to Bob Jones University and a degree in music.
Mary Jean met Benjamin Jennings while attending college, and one year after her graduation they married. Together they raised their family of four, and served the Lord in churches in Chicago, Illinois, Van Nuys, California, and Modesto, California, with Ben as the minster and Mary Jean at the piano. A calling to go into missionary work with Campus Crusade for Christ took them to San Bernardino, California, Orlando, Florida, and Ripon, California.
Mary Jean was a wonderful mother and homemaker. She was an excellent seamstress and enjoyed reading. She particularly loved reading and studying the Bible, and at one point was the well-loved leader of Bible Study Fellowship. These talents were matched only by her proficiency at the piano, and her ability for composing songs and poems.
Mary Jean follows her beloved husband, Ben, of 72 years, and is survived by her four children, Kathy Himebaugh (Jon), Joy Jennings Danziger, Colleen Fraioli (John), and Cliff Jennings (Linda), 12 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.
Services will be held on Thursday, August 11 at 11 A.M., in The Venue at Big Valley Grace Community Church, 4040 Tully Rd. Modesto, California. Remembrances in the form of donations can be sent to Modesto Gospel Mission or Modesto Pregnancy Center.
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olowan-waphiya · 2 years
Onondaga Nation Celebrates First Land Return of 1,000 Acres in New York's Tully Valley Following Legal Settlement https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/onondaga-nation-celebrate-first-substantial-land-return-with-1000-acres-of-new-yorks-tully-valley-won-in-legal-settlement/
In a rare moment of return for East Coast Native Americans, the Onondaga Nation has had 1,023 acres of ancestral land in New York state returned to them.
The land in the Tully Valley includes the headwaters of Onondaga Creek, more than 45 acres of wetland and floodplains, and approximately 980 acres of forests and fields.
The agreement is a result of the March 2018 Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) settlement between the Natural Resource Trustees and Honeywell International, Inc.
Honeywell, manufactures of household appliances like air conditioners, were found to have been polluting Onondaga Lake in the Tully Valley, Central New York, for almost 100 years, and it had begun to spill into neighboring Onondaga lands.
They have settled on orders to pay $5 million dollars to the Natural Resource Trustees, give the 1,023 acres of land over to the Onondaga, restore several hundred acres of polluted area, and construct 18 projects related to conservation and recreation, of which 7 have been completed.
“It is with great joy that the Onondaga Nation welcomes the return of the first substantial acreage of its ancestral homelands. The Nation can now renew its stewardship obligations to restore these lands and waters and to preserve them for the future generations yet to come,” said Onondaga Nation Chief Tadodaho Sidney Hill.
For the Onondaga people, Onondaga Lake and Onondaga Creek are sacred. They are considered living relatives, central to the Onondaga worldview and spirituality, the tribe detailed in a statement.
Secularly, the cold waters of Onondaga Creek support a small population of brook trout, a population which may be fully restored with proper stewardship. The wetlands, floodplains, forests and fields are home to wildlife such as great blue heron, songbirds, waterfowl, hawks, bald eagles, frogs, bats, and other mammals including white-tailed deer.
“We look forward to drawing upon the Onondaga Nation’s expertise and Indigenous knowledge in helping manage the area’s valuable wildlife and habitat,” said Sect. of the Interior, Deb Haaland.
It’s more common now than ever that tribal nations are recovering rights to use their ancestral lands as they always had, but for tribes in the super-developed Mid-Atlantic region, these opportunities are rare.
However as the Onondaga point out, recent world-wide land surveys have shown that 80% of the world’s biodiversity is currently located in areas stewarded by indigenous peoples, or lands contested as such, despite the fact this amounts to less than half the land of the planet.
As such, they are keen to show what indigenous stewardship can bring to the biodiversity of America’s East Coast, and the current plan with state officials is to turn the Onondaga Lake and Tully Valley into a wildlife sanctuary, but one with ample opportunities for recreation, as Honeywell were ordered to construct many boat launching sites along the lake and rivers.
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