richardsondavis · 1 year
I personally thought that the AI art and AI writing thing was a bipartisan issue.
What I mean by that is that I thought that the reason AI Art and AI Writing has the most criticisms is because leftists would lose their hold in culture, their influence to the masses and the fact that a machine can do what they do but simpler is fact of that.
I don't like It'sAGundam for the record, I find his voice a tad insufferable and very annoying. Saying that of course, would get me labeled an SJW but I digress. He reviewed the trope of One Piece, the part where the MC goes and collects friends so that he can reach a goal, and said that it's done so many times that an AI would be able to do it. I find that statement to be a support to my initial belief that AI is a threat to the woke left. That the woke left will now be bereft of their influence in the modern world. No more Captain Marvel, No more Miles Morales, no more woke Marvel, no more Te-Nehisi Coates, no more woke writers, no more.
Just don't let Chuck Dixon get a movie, fuck. Although if the anti-woke would hear that I'll be labeled an SJW, fuck.
Christ Almighty, I want to say that the woke and anti-woke are equally bad. I already saw examples of the woke disowning me and being vile to me for making opinions which I am prepared for cause I've been with the anti-woke for years now but in recent years I've mellowed out and have circled to going full purple-pill with a more bluish hue.
I did grow up with Tumblr and Pinterest so I was used to a lot of woke concepts but then again I saw them a lot and I really am very pissed at some concepts like those LGBT drawings or that the trannies unite bullshit. Gets irritating cause those are so immature and fail to see the reason those are made. TumblrInAction would've been better, y'know? They know their stuff and they really are neutral at times. I still question Reddit keeping KotakuinAction but TumblrinAction is a no-go? What the actual fuck? TumblrInAction had more substance to it. Fuck. KotakuinAction has a lot of nutcases in my experience so keeping that shit around is more beneficial in the long run cause they need a Boogeyman to point to.
Someone to blame.
I started this post cause I thought AI art and AI writing is a left vs right issue. It isn't. Oh, god I remember kukuruyo saying to me that Jujutsu Kaisen's women are drawn that way cause he has difficulties in drawing them and that the fact that the JJK author said he draws his women conservatively because the parents are watching is a woke talking point. I am subscribed to that fuck's webtoon by the way because I need to appease my still active anti-woke side. I need to.
Where was I? Oh yeah. I got the answer that AI isn't a right vs left issue from KotakuinAction. I asked. That really helped. And that started a roll for me in really posting my thoughts on that subreddit. I did for a while. Asked about the translation and localization issues. Got some good answers but also got some typical answers. I've considered many of them but Christ.
I've made two posts about it and I've only gotten three answers that are the best. I really loved those answers. They were, in my opinion, nuanced and brilliant. The rest, when considered with my experience doesn't really hold water for me. Perhaps I haven't experienced a terrible localization yet. Wait, Seven Seas. I have seen Seven Seas and I have seen some shit with them that even pirating them is not a fucking option anymore. Fuck them. Christ, them and their insistence on injecting woke bullshit. I was reading this magical girl manga and in one of the panels, the main male MC said that men are trash. That's just fucking bullshit, man. I severely doubt that's what he said and worse part is that there is no other translation online for that chapter aside from the official one by Seven Seas. Fuck.
I am now currently reading Webtoon. Starting with I'm the Grim Reaper again and frankly, I've applied some of the anti-woke rhetorics I've learned recently and it's not helping me out. Fuck that shit. Fuck thinking I'm a villain. Fuck thinking that I should be a victim. I am capable of making my own choices. Regrets are better when you've made the jump. Fucking bastards, why'd I ever respect the anti-woke?
There's this post on Tumblr about a dude saying that one of his favorite YouTubers is It'sAGundam and I don't blame him. His like Nux for Western society. He really is Nux, thinking about it. I liked Nux when he made the Fairy Tail defense video. I found it genuine and really touching.
I should stop but I have a lot to say. I want to stop but I have a lot to say.
Thanks for reading.
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this-is-chaos · 2 years
Someone told me about a tumblr subreddit and like….kids what happened?
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dyggot · 1 year
Okay but these people are obviously trolling. I know this is from 2015 "haha tumblr is sjw cringe" times but even by those standards no human would think this
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papasmoke · 1 year
when i was in high school approximately 8 million years ago the most high profile people who'd point to kids on tumblr exploring their gender as proof that the trans degenerates needed to be purged from society were gamergate youtubers and now we're like a week away from 2014 r/tumblrinaction posts being cited in New York Times articles
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 13 hours
i just found out today that r/tumblrinaction was actually banned from reddit almost 2 years ago. rest in piss lmao
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parallaxia · 3 months
You want the truth?? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Son, we live in a world with blogs, and those blogs need to be posted on. Who's gonna do it, you? You, a Redditor? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for the banned porn and you curse the Tumblrinas. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That the search function being broken, while tragic, probably saves bandwidth. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, does not violate the Terms of Service. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about on r/TumblrInAction, you WANT me on that blog. You NEED me on that blog. We use words like suicide, COVID, faggot. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent posting without nanny mods looking over our shoulders or extreme language filters. You use them with asterisks. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a person whose upvotes come from the very content I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a url and post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
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cemeterything · 2 years
i once was put on tumblrinaction Back In The Day and i had like even gotten a redirect blocking script to block users redirecting from the reddit post bc i couldnt deal w the stress of it all & the harassment 🥲 if ur not too bothered im glad for that, but just sending good vibes ur way since i know how rough it can be when u get the redditors on ur blog bc someone posted ur username and thought your opinion/existence was cringe
i'm okay don't worry! i'm extremely used to people justifying being cruel to me because i was "too cringe" or by twisting my words lol it was more or less my entire life story up until recently when i started to stand up for myself and develop self confidence and even self love (which has also helped me to realize there are things i want to change about myself and be motivated to, because i want to be able to feel as good about myself as possible and make other people feel better about being around me) so i guess i'm kinda desensitized to it at this point? which is a bit depressing and not something i want anyone else to go through if possible, but it has made me pretty good at letting people's opinions of me just slide off me when i decide they're not an accurate reflection or legitimate criticism of me as a person. thank you for caring though ^_^
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joy-young · 2 years
if you were a mostly left leaning edgy shithead making attack helicopter jokes and browsing tumblrinaction in 2014 i hope your transition is going well
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hollowboobtheory · 1 year
the burning of reddit fucking sucks for sure but the thought of r/tumblrinaction users realizing we outlived them does bring a smile to my face
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cromulentenough · 7 months
Where were you back then vs now?
I was very into anti-SJW stuff, hung around tumblrinaction, was transphobic, early days of GG was following it along on the GG side before it got mega toxic. Was just generally more angry and hooked into gender/ culture war stuff (although i've always been a lurker for the most part so i wasn't actually horrible to people myself thankfully).
These days i've mellowed out a ton generally, stopped seeing stuff as so black and white, gotten better at not generalizing movements by their worst members and realizing there's internal diversity in opposing viewpoints etc. (also feels like the salience of TERFs has caused a lot of people on the left to notice problems with radfem stuff that was more popular online back then).
Bunch of stuff contributed, initially just like talking to people IRL/ touching grass a bit and realizing the extreme stuff that was in my echo chamber was just completely unkown to most people who self describe as feminist was a bit of a wakeup call. finding rattumblr helped a lot, Ozy (thingofthings) had a massive contribution to me getting over the transphobia specifically and mellowing out more generally and convincing me about a lot of things (also figured out i'm nonbinary now and in hindsight i think some of the transphobia stuff was denial).
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junglejim4322 · 9 months
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This is honestly blowing my mind this place has become so serene I used to get death threats on here daily. I lived through tumblrinaction and 4chan raids and yanderebitchclub and gore submissions and that era where people would send you your literal address on anon and I still chose to come back to this site I think I hauve Stockholm syndrome
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airbus-a350 · 1 month
every time somebody makes a fake tumblr discourse reblog chain set in a fictional world (werewolf tumblr, vampire tumblr etc) they never get the tone of the discourse right... always too many winks into the camera, too much performance for an audience... it should transport me into a believable fictional tumblr not into a believable r/tumblrinaction post from 2014. thus
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gothicprep · 2 months
I’m operating off the assumption that a lot of the “am i the asshole” reddit threads are. um. creative writing exercises. there’s a counter-subreddit called “am i the angel”, and frankly this whole operation is making me feel like I’m reliving r/tumblrinaction and r/shitredditsays all over again.
there’s a common device the relationship fiction writers use, where they’ll use a wife getting her nails done as an avatar for a waste of money. and some well meaning idiots will fight for the right to get manicures.
unfortunately, the cock & bull storytellers are right on this one. it’s a useless bleed of your money. “it’s an hour to myself each month” and it somehow never occurred to you that you can take a walk and listen to an album you love on your phone? you are fucking beyond help. the cost is what you were paying for spotify already.
$25 is a luxury cost to pay for something useless.
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yaoist · 3 months
perhaps my gamergate-adjacent years could have been described as "radicalization" but my previous politics, thanks to our family, were actually right of tumblrinaction
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acorpsecalledcorva · 5 months
The neuroplasticity (or lack there of) of CDDs is really interesting in how it manifests over time. Because in so many ways I really am still a 5 year old child quietly crying myself to sleep, or a 17 year old girl desperately trying to establish an identity of my own in a world that feels like it has no place for me awash a sea of hormonal changes (second puberty really hits so different and yet so similar). But it also really does afford the room for real growth and change.
That change comes at a cost though, which is that I constantly feel alienated from my past selves. I cannot remember what I used to think, or why I thought it, only what I did and said and maybe what I was interacting with and try to work out my thought process from that. It's like most people are playdough, constantly being reshaped to a lesser or greater degree but still containing all that they were, while I'm Lego, I can be disassembled and reconstructed, but the pieces are solid, adding new bricks as needed and discarding those that are not (or putting them in storage at least).
We are also, of course, products of our environment. When your life is marred by identity uncertainty, we look to our surroundings to give us clues of who we might be. When I was on Reddit and browsed /r/all I would see the occasional tumblrinaction post about the plural community, fictionkins, and IRLs and think "well that's definitely not me. Discovering I was trans and coming to terms with being a marginalised identity, it was discord communities that taught me what that could mean and what I should be ready to fight against. On twitter I was lucky, I found the traumacore/empty spaces community that helped me to process the images I saw in my head that I didn't understand, and use my trauma as a tool of creation.
Taking part in the system community, it was the older focused communities that helped me to understand myself. I honestly don't know what my syscourse stance was back then, if I even had one. There are aspects of the wider online community that just don't vibe with me, some were a little damaging, others were simply incomprehensible to me. Joining Tumblr definitely shoved it in my face though.
The only thing I can imagine is that I must have thought that endogenic plurality was this "other" thing, I knew about DID, what switching and fronting and host and protector and system meant in that context, but endogenic plurality was something else that didn't concern me and I hadn't really come across it yet. So I was absolutely confused as fuck when I came here and saw people using all those "DID" words to mean something else. When anti-endos said "you can't form a system without trauma" that made absolute sense to me at the time because system meant DID and that's caused by trauma, why are people claiming to have DID things and using DID words while also saying that they don't have DID? Actually I do still kinda think the terms should be separate but it's not a battle I can be fucked to argue about anymore.
Because the point is that while online spaces might not change all that much, and there will always be people who join those spaces and be influenced by the culture in them, there are always other spaces that will influence them differently. So while it's absolutely frustrating as fuck to see anti-endos repeating the same horrible origins discourse, and endos saying fucking awful stuff like "I think traumagenic systems cling to trauma as a cause because they feel insecure about being a system", we need to accept that it will still keep happening while the spaces exist and remember that the people from those spaces are the ones with the opportunity to change. To learn, to see things from a different perspective, and most importantly grow.
And if they refuse to? If they keep spouting the same points over and over and over again, refusing to back down or learn, reigniting old arguments and digging stuff up from the past because they just can't let go of it? Just leave them to it I guess, we'll all be off making ourselves and each other better ^^
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amphibiam · 2 years
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one of the last subreddits where you could freely complain about trans bullshit r/tumblrinaction was banned interestingly this was one of the last posts on there. It's not about banning "transphobia" it's about hiding the shit that would make people realise how fucked up their movement is
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