spliff-claw · 1 year
Tobias Forge Aliases ;;
‼️all given to him by chronically online ghost fans‼️
-Toblerone Fudge
-Tooth Fairy
-Tutti Frutti
-Toenail Fungus
-Tax Fraud
-Tony Frog
-Tofu Fridge
-Toot Fart
-Toenail Fedora
-Twinkle Fart
-Tequila Foot
-Tank Fuel
-Temperature Fluctuations
-Thermostat Flicker
-Transgender Fannypack
-Tree Flocker
-Tomato Farm
-Toby Ford
-Totaled Ford
-Today Fries
-Testosterone Fortnite
-Triceratops Frigate
-Teletubbie Factory
-Testosterone Factory
-Tobingle Fongle
-Tachistoscopically Fictionizations
-Tortoise Flakes
-Turbo Fax
-Tobacco Fork
-Timmy Furner
-Twinkle Furry
-Tortellini Fish
-Tofu Furnace
-Tubular Fruitsalad
-Truculant Fart
-Tuberculosis Fridg
-Tiny Fish
-Table Fork
-Trombone Fort
-Toejam Fingerlick
-Tortilla Flower
-Tatty Fungus
-Tyrannosaurus Fort,
-Turbulence Furniture
-Trombone Football
-Turbo Forgelegs
-Toby Woby
-Tobias Wobias
-Toe Fungi
-Tupin Forgepop
-Testosterone Fraud
-Tarantula Ford
-Tender Father
-Twitch Following
-Traungular Forum
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444namesplus · 2 months
Ba Bahihl Balt Ban Bava Be Behl Bemehl Bemord Ben Berd Bi Biga Biger Bimor Bin Binir Bir Bisuhl Bitha Bo Boha Boso Bu Bufi Buga Buhehl Buhl Bukyils Bumehl Bur Da Dar Darirk Datihl De Degihl Dehl Deli Demeld Den Denahl Di Diba Dife Digohl Disark Disihl Dityor Dofun Doko Dono Du Duban Dubu Dult Dumu Dunuhl Dur Duro Duthu Duve Dyape Dye Dyifar Dyome Dyopi Dyubo Dyun Dyuvan Fa Falin Fate Fe Fefi Fehu Femin Fer Fera Fi Fidi Fifar Fir Fison Fisyuhl Fivu Folork Fose Fulir Fur Ga Gakyar Ganirs Gars Ge Gefurs Gehl Gelehl Gemon Gi Gilu Gitehl Godark Gofi Gope Goro Gothahl Gu Gudan Guferk Guhl Gulihl Guse Gusen Gutin Ha Haha Hameld Hamult Hart He Hefo Hegar Hekyuhl Hene Henir Hevehl Hevun Hi Hiferd Himo Hin Hirs Hivo Ho Hofuld Hon Hosu Hothohl Hoto Hu Hugohl Hukyur Kaders Kadolk Kalols Kana Kapihl Kar Ke Keba Kelur Ki Kifor Kirun Kisalk Kityahl Ko Kobo Kogi Kovi Ku Kude Kun Kuvor Kya Kyapu Kyede Kyemo Kyi Kyifo Kyivers Kyoka Kyonon Kyor Kyore Kyupu La Lalo Lamu Lar Le Lebor Lefehl Lege Lehl Len Lepi Ler Lethalt Li Libirs Lima Limur Lin Lir Lirs Lisir Lisye Lo Lodu Lofin Lohahl Lothahl Lu Ludo Luhahl Lupolk Lur Lurd Lure Lurehl Lurk Lurt Lutirk Lutu Ma Mahl Make Man Mareld Mebo Men Meno Mer Mera Mesa Methon Mi Midihl Mikyu Milk Min Mir Mise Mohl Mon Mosi Moson Muber Mukun Muper Mur Murk Na Nadalk Nagen Nalalk Nan Nar Nator Nava Navor Ne Nedo Nedyi Nela Nele Ner Nere Netihl Nihen Nir Nird No Nofu Nohl Nolurk Noma Nomin Nomu Noren Nork Nors Nu Nufa Nukyar Nulk Nurt Nuvalt Pafahl Pafo Pakin Pan Par Pe Pefer Pegerk Pehl Per Pi Pipihl Pirs Po Pofir Pohu Pon Por Pothehl Pova Pu Pube Pukihl Pulen Pun Pusa Puthar Ra Rahl Raso Re Rekuhl Relan Rerer Ri Ribi Rihl Rilk Rilo Rils Rimork Ritha Ro Rodu Ron Ror Rork Rota Ru Rubehl Ruda Rufo Rukyur Same San Sark Savork Se Sedyu Sehl Sen Senird Sevils Si Sihl Silo Sima Site Sofohl Sotye Su Suku Sulk Suruld Susu Syebu Syehon Syir Syiri Syon Syubahl Syuni Ta Talk Tapi Tard Tave Te Tedyo Tehl Telals Tema Tepald Teper Ter Teta Tha Thabird Thadi Thaha Thar Thart The Theden Thekahl Theld Thepo Therk Thi Thihert Thikir Thild Thilk Thimor Thin Thine Thir Thisor Thofen Thonon Thopilk Thork Thoser Thota Thu Thun Thutor Thuvo Ti Tibur Tifen Tihi Tikalk Tikirk Tili Tir Tisu To Togo Tomur Tudu Tuli Tun Tupin Tuta Tya Tyafe Tyakye Tyalo Tyikard Tyilk Tyimin Tyin Tyofe Tyu Va Valo Van Vatan Vegi Vehl Veke Ver Vetihl Vi Vikyur Vimuhl Vinu Vipehl Vonult Vor Voru Voto Vu Vukye Vurehl
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444names · 8 months
russian forenames and cities BUT excluding "sk"
Abata Abazoy Abeleny Aberey Abija Abinovgana Ablan Abrov Abuyegory Achetets Adubik Agandey Aganov Agapyatauly Agarachki Agaray Agdaltsy Agrada Agrino Alaki Alekhan Alets Alezhun Alitkir Alzan Ambalyga Anady Angan Ankutogory Apavgra Apolpa Aravilimoz Arila Arkha Arkhov Arzhuk Ashenki Asnovo Astay Atovolibin Auluny Avakits Avator Avdima Avgan Avichay Avikol Avipavkal Avkat Avlachovo Avlavicow Avlin Avlyadyul Avoroslaya Avresh Babdubireya Bakha Balavichana Batcha Bayefry Bekasha Belesvet Belexeyarin Belid Belny Belnya Berezh Berpuch Berya Beryan Beslotopy Bilovo Binad Binov Blavo Bluzul Boblad Bogoly Bogor Bokovo Bolip Bomon Boretsy Boryussenka Bryanikhovo Bugor Bursh Busherov Butnefa Charashets Chekumelen Cheleut Chert Cheryak Cheturzh Chkanich Danicher Danigory Darno Desov Detsy Dmikhov Dnogorobrad Domasno Dondyuraduz Dudym Dulyar Durio Elbuinovo Elexan Elimin Engeliny Enovo Eredno Furshan Gachia Gadulye Garny Gelicow Golekinasno Goras Goreyakoy Gorimkhopki Gorzha Gross Gubiy Gurinna Gurit Gurmodnya Gustosina Ilislats Illesh Inomosladya Inoukhovo Inovka Inovo Instry Intuykovo Ishcha Islaycha Ivdoka Ivnoya Izlov Josen Kalino Kandetlaw Kangem Kaninino Karach Karden Karkubory Karoityn Karvo Kashayan Kasnovo Katogorya Kavica Kavin Kazheven Kazimov Kemyz Kharasotmar Khoph Khory Kinilavip Kinoga Kiradika Kirkolpa Kirsmay Kitka Kizhnytezh Klisla Kokradny Kolekhuks Koligoposy Konch Kopote Korad Kosloval Kovkardany Kovodisha Kovoss Kovourabin Koyendyashi Kozlya Koznasnov Kradymkin Krakoryl Krano Kubim Kulibiy Kurad Kurocherki Kuromonovka Kuronogda Kuryorsh Ladeysh Latja Layelen Lebertegor Lektyn Letustan Lgoronozh Litrinogor Lubasno Ludnevshuga Ludoria Ludya Lungel Lynka Magafony Magan Makhotva Makirel Mamir Martka Mednimoz Menish Menisla Merevka Mervos Meshirbidot Mesnoka Mezno Micow Mikhovo Mikisovo Milin Milyarovo Mirbek Miropocheka Mirzh Mitalav Mitiye Mitronetsy Molya Monino Moroperezh Murovo Nadim Nadnizda Namboya Nateka Naulya Nekhat Nermovo Nerpudim Nevoyevks Nezhgachi Nogornoy Nogra Nourabry Novkarny Novolavia Novotr Nyanov Nyaria Nyasiluchel Obirist Obnovo Obolovol Ocherenatim Odikol Odurostreya Okupin Okurlinka Olizhevets Olosnorg Ositameinov Osoka Osovits Ostja Ostnefimoz Otogdamitov Otogoy Ozeyugir Ozlyury Patolta Payegey Perisersha Pertayl Petey Petsoksa Petsovo Piondyna Pochevsemof Polovol Porio Prosil Provir Pruboyevo Puchuchay Pudedyak Pugarad Puglek Pusibavda Pusoproitin Pusurta Pyokha Radel Rasivaley Raslangran Rastrovo Rasuva Reltino Roseva Runeftem Ruzlynov Ryate Ryazorovo Rzadar Rzyoslassay Safodka Safonogor Saladny Salia Salinogury Sarad Sayko Segtyr Selom Semil Senari Senno Serechel Sergafim Sevda Sevyshevo Shaidon Shasno Shcherbir Shchuybnir Shiguba Shinardym Shinova Shkanda Shlogorga Siběnata Slinogof Slomyzy Smarasbelip Snelek Sobininits Sobludy Sokrosno Sokuvsereye Solcha Sosar Sosla Sotvertalaw Sovika Sovodoty Spayev Srelokino Sreya Stavun Stenkirny Stetsa Steye Stomor Stray Stupin Suredy Surilyushum Surlaid Svelgor Svenda Svenev Svenish Sverma Svery Svest Svetelye Svetlynov Syzhyov Talinov Tantoksevka Tariamossa Tarkhtya Tavlana Tigaga Tinadzhum Tomozya Tonov Tosnokhada Tovouz Tovsevozyov Tubina Tukha Tupin Turamboy Turezhel Turim Tvaniky Uchevo Urach Uralaw Urlich Vaninov Venika Venikinoye Vensa Verosil Verov Vesta Vestja Vichebel Vitor Vologora Voroits Vorov Vudzeph Vyanik Vyanovo Vyanoye Vyaryorol Vytikhostr Yazeyevo Yeles Yevkalabeka Yubol Yucheg Yudnikh Yugudyorny Yurad Yursalena Yuryshay Yuzuybkin Zadny Zaktyr Zaozhachi Zelezh Zelica Zemka Zepetyaki Zepokudym Zerdedrov Zerdenovya Zhnyar Zovka Zulentin Zvena Zvenotyuga Zvergadyno
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arsenatupin · 11 months
Anthology short story from https://www.tumblr.com/arsenatupin/714330930119147520/born-from-a-writing-prompt-last-year-on
I don’t think I will finish this prequel, so publishing what I created earlier 🐰
Entry 7 Board journal - Chief of Staff Cerifan Fhiljan - 2520 A.S.
Preparing expedition for sector 543B: we are currently selecting the crew for the expedition following protocol Artian and protocol Hresc relative respectively to the species diversity act and the competency requirement act. We already completed half of the crew and are hoping to get full crew assigned by 2521 A.S.
Entry 18 Board journal - Chief of Staff Cerifan Fhiljan - 2520 A.S.
All assignments are currently suspended. Planet Earth has entered the trialliance conglomerate. Admissions are usually a lengthy process going for a minima of 35 verdelan revolutions. We were informed that some of their people managed to find what they call a loophole into the trialliance admission criteria. If this information is confirmed, we will need to adjust our crew manifest to integrate some elements from their planet. This may delay our departure to sector 543B.
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troquets · 2 years
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Café Comptoir du Centre, angle rue Tupin et rue Centrale, Lyon, Rhône.
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mewling-central · 1 year
Mewling Glyph 018
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1. to have, to possess
Today's glyph is the glyph for "to have". A very simple word that derives into a lot of different terms like tupin "to hold" and pyopin "to keep". It's a gate radical, so it envelops the center character and makes it look like it's holding it, or owning it, so the form is a bit ideographic.
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lloki · 1 year
m so mall. tupin is hard
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berenices-commas · 3 months
The tuFatingau and Anticipation in the tuFaruao Enclosure of Ikam - 1.1
Lightly annotated for the modern reader
With the arrival of Tuito’on Rout in Ikam in 247/145, the tuFatingau would become the vanguard of the tuFaruao Concordat in Oru.[1] The exploits of the tuRa'ma missionary in the halls behind Tapi and in Hot Ikam, the Okar, Amra, and Hamanta[2] allowed the Little Children to develop a presence in most regions under the jurisdiction of the tuFaruao and where the Enclosure of Ikam had commercial or expansionist interests. In areas under direct tuFaruao control, the tuFatingau would be active elements in the implementation of a series of political and administrative measures that sought to eradicate all Disobedient social structures, transforming the social and religious habitus of the local population and thus integrating them into structures of imperial domination. Religious conversion was regarded as an essential instrument to integrate diverse ethnic and religious regions or communities into the institutional, legal, political, and cultural order of the tuFaruao throne.
During the governorships of Tutrom Parura tuTumu (in office 247–244/145-143) and Lady Fatan tuPoka (in office 244–241/143-142), the tuFaruao authorities promoted the destruction of temples and prayer-halls to accelerate the coming-to-Obedience of Tapi.[3] In 246/145, one of the instigators of this policy, the Plenipotentiary of Tapi, Heimhan Ta Iroiro, claimed that, with the assistance of a local convert named Tupin Turaru, she had achieved “the destruction and removal of all the temples, conventicles, automata- and miracle-shrines, unsanctioned oracles and false gods of Tapi.”
In 222/131, the establishment of the city as Vigilant and the edicts issued by the first provincial council of Tapi enhanced the policy of aggressive bringing-to-Obedience of the city and the halls behind. The council aimed to turn Tapi into a true Legitimist society and sought to marginalise the Disobedient populations: both Listeners and the adherents of local cults were forced to live in sealed halls and their religious ceremonies were banned. The harbouring of gods was similarly prohibited. To avoid contamination from the Disobedient, the council forbade all Obedient to “befriend or converse with saboteurs”.
The conversion of Listeners, although part of the proselytising work of the tuFatingau missionaries in the Tapi mission zone, often relied more on the effects of the aggressive and discriminatory policies against the Listeners living under tuFaruao jurisdiction than on any meticulous or well-planned conversion strategy. Immediately after the conquest of Tapi in 279/164, Parura tuTearu promoted the destruction of all prayer-halls to eliminate the presence of religious and political elements loyal to the Pukevenua Potency, as well as to prompt the coming-to-Obedience of the city. While tuTearu implemented a pragmatic policy of religious tolerance toward the indigenous cults of Ikam, in an attempt to gain local support and co-opt local human resources and knowledge to the Enclosure of Ikam, local Listeners, due to their affinities with hostile Anticipating powers like Pukevenua and the Shouhougo Empire, were the target of several discriminatory measures that reduced their agency and ultimately encouraged their expulsion. For example, the productive halls belonging to Listeners were confiscated and given to tuFaruao settlers.
Despite the tuFaruao authorities' repressive policy, a Listener population still resided in Tapi and the halls behind. Thus, in 244/144, the tuFatingau Liu’a Anafanua complained that the destruction of temples and prayer-halls was not enough to eradicate an Anticipating and Cousin presence in Tapi, mentioning that “there are no more tetrai,[4] [but] there is an infinite number of Toma [i.e., Listeners], Cousins,[5] and Disobedient that the halls and corridors seem to be a Mah,[6] because everyone lives as one wishes.”
Twenty years later, however, the situation seemed to have changed. Around 225/132, the tuItufiia special ambassador at Tsutsuraki, Pungosan Tu’umi’umi, reported that in Tapi “there is not even a single Toma of the tuSanmii[7] sect.” Tu’umi’umi’s words were somewhat exaggerated. In her Itinerary (193/114), Fatan Tutou tuHaupana, who served as secretary to the Highest of Tapi, Lady Fatan Tukot tuTahemaha, between 206/121 and 201/118, mentions that in Tapi there still resided “many Disobedient, Koma,[8] Isankau, and all strange peoples bordering thereabout, every one of them using several customs, and superstitions in Religion.” Many of these Listeners, however, were not originally from Tapi but, as Kuiko’on ’Ulo tuKaval noted in her account of 178/105, “from all along the ragged Edge of I’am, as from Ilakmuho, I’ilam, and elsewhere.”
Haupana’s and ’Ulo tuKaval’s observations thus highlight a persistent Listener presence in Tapi, albeit one formed essentially by mobile mercantile agents from other regions. This is confirmed by the available data from the Tapi Vigil. From the report of 166/98 compiled by Vigilant Fatan Tirifo Kawuwa, it can be estimated that, among the investigations and deicides executed by the Watchers of Tapi between 228/134 and 168/99, around eighteen percent involved Listeners or cases of crypto-Anticipation.
[1] All dates are given in years Before the Revolution unless otherwise indicated. The authors use the oracular calendar, as was standard academic practice. Conversions into solar years are provided for the reader’s convenience.
[2] La Fino.
[3] The authors use the colonial terms for places under tuSi rule, thus Tapi for Chapi etc.
[4] A term derived from hero-cult temples of Hot Ikam wherein the philosopher-queen Tetlai was frequently prominent. Subsequently applied by tuFaruao writers to all temples of Ikam, and even to all unfamiliar temples generally.
[5] A euphemism.
[6] The mythical city of demons.
[7] A deliberate snub – as a well-educated woman in close communication with Listeners, Tu’umi’umi would have been well aware that Tsanhmii was only one of the Ninety-Nine Heralds.
[8] The authors are scrupulous in representing local variations in tuSi spelling, even at some cost in clarity, thus Kuiko’on Koma for Toma etc.
0 notes
sluttyquarantinetheory · 10 months
What makes me so mad is that companies are already paying tupins on residuals for streaming and yet they still choose to save even that amount by just erasing entire shows from existence.
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hexaconto · 2 years
Choisir son expert-comptable à Tupin-et-Semons - 6 critères incontournables
Choisir son expert-comptable à Tupin-et-Semons – 6 critères incontournables
La région de Tupin-et-Semons compte moins de 10 experts-comptables. En tant qu’entrepreneur, dirigeant ou créateur, cela vous fait donc autant de possibilités pour choisir l’expert-comptable adéquat qui vous
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goalhofer · 2 years
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Domaine Jean-Michel Stephan in Tupin-Et-Semons, France.
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moonysdora · 4 years
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"I wanna stay with you until we're gray and old."
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drinksss · 4 years
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Uh oh stinky!! Just redesigned Tupinambis Rufescens… funny chef man
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444names · 2 years
the entire sindarin dictionary + the entire okuna conlang dictionary
(okuna dictionary)
Abiting Abruithing Abunkiyn Acquith Adding Aduin Affen Afrant Agitally Aglassed Agloreby Ahpaha Aihpa Ailway Akuia Alakoma Allocky Altima Amlotl Amuna Ander Apond Appendat Arans Arone Assiokilh Associous Atherous Attressign Aular Aulking Avoursty Backs Beging Beloud Bircle Bitrain Bladed Bogges Breaf Breated Brong Burderform Butter Cated Cation Ceilhkou Cence Chiel Chield Chuntam Circless Clash Clearhear Clother Collow Compa Compalua Comprove Compulse Conders Confered Confinny Connetska Conse Contran Contsomopi Copulsion Cracker Cress Crision Crooth Crost Decom Demandst Deporce Derge Dersoning Differunk Diment Disaliding Discove Disress Distunta Ducediar Ducete Durate Dwind Dýgarner Eaving Edrieve Edrumpend Efferated Ehkemu Eletaut Elicted Emiliar Empling Encare Engthed Entinge Envity Erelevas Esianti Etome Etsemit Euost Evotest Exerthanen Expeciou Faction Famiek Favoid Fillad Finder Flakatl Flooked Flowindow Fonalhin Forestle Fortunyipa Fourable Fronner Fundle Gamensory Giganiuke Gling Glovery Grasinib Grounship Gwettachan Haima Hampahti Hanen Harattena Hatsme Headorn Hears Heathrill Heation Heirlood Heithalua Hekiuo Helheipa Hetskan Himalha Himiddle Hination Hisalter Hisna Hitsund Holsted Honed Honeys Horrence Hossible Hotie Hotion Humutop Hundon Huoitats Hygien Hyisalo Hympyime Iahka Iantse Ianuarrous Iausoihang Ignization Ihtimb Ihtumpa Ihuina Illucinate Ilmemina Impyka Incons Indiviate Inflowsint Inful Inspeaka Instanka Inster Intercoast Interioral Intorae Inver Invigourse Iokties Irregrash Issive Iteuper Itlke Kaheul Kamieu Kanter Kasonimul Kasuta Kations Katurbeler Kaumotath Kelhearm Kelhond Kelhu Kepaulk Kihua Kikla Kilhats Kintant Kissifoi Kisutanen Kohausoike Kohota Kopagaine Kosail Ksettled Ksohtaukia Kuluka Kumit Kumonta Kustor Kusty Kutilhta Kyfalla Kymoka Lahte Laintsek Lamation Leach Lessemiste Lhena Lhonamehke Lhoped Lhuhkanto Lhusinyipe Liahoi Lihte Liomply Liteke Lohtenka Louded Luelhka Lumbibe Maenu Mantsipa Marvo Massan Massion Meane Meethia Mehkoning Mergive Mihke Mimit Mineumomew Misaged Mishe Mohka Monses Moonsion Moostages Mossistlis Moungs Mussive Mírday Nahafen Nakonal Nakone Naning Nankation Naren Naslolak Nation Nepas`ı Niokunal Nisan Notiuhta Nournature Ntsyime Nutriftwo Octormule Oistact Okanti Okfohtath Onounti Oppeate Orathan Orcefull Orgic Ovember Pahtepa Pahtsemble Paluency Paraphank Pelling Perfold Persty Pertha Pestime Petiakanen Pilledhel Posekitane Premanyie Prest Prodbenel Prote Prous Provial Pubit Puffic Pupplear Pynal Quasting Rations Reate Recay Reciant Recipa Recove Recred Redded Regar Reletity Rement Remotia Renth Reteries Rincluma Rivulse Roclampa Sacturn Sadan Sagapetin Sagar Saide Sally Salua Sative Satsnakpa Scapek Scherease Scible Scracted Scret Shapal Shold Shous Shrous Sifact Silhe Siufath Skimon Slaihpi Slimb Slipane Snaka Snown Soloka Sotakma Souriant Soutsmar Spakoi Sternen Strem Struct Suhka Supid Sweetizing Talittime Tampa Tarizoness Teinme Telighly Temposets Tenaur Teward Textrating Thian Thiclessed Thouetl Thren Tihats Tilhain Tionatioku Tituhpa Tlelohka Tohampa Tohtahihta Tokona Tolity Tonen Toode Totohan Tricted Trill Tsafe Tsaliena Tsation Tsifier Tsihiunu Tsikiha Tsile Tsipeihta Tsits Tsitude Tsual Tsumian Tsying Tuhal Tuhkune Tuhteunka Tulampa Tuped Tupine Ufatasing Ufatego Uineaths Ulhaka Ullos Unction Undividen Undly Unfer Unhear Unple Unpled Untandor Untion Usale Usive Usleefuse Usoihko Usutaut Valimiua Vantly Venty Wears Whendorn Whisapa Winka Yimes Ylanner Ytype Úbediary Ýnegeth
same thing but lower order
Accia Achatift Achaze Adecon Adockly Adoudly Agers Ahatingle Ahined Ahkuss Ahpicers Ahuge Airclors Akhuoipa Aking Akour Alaid Alakillo Alauei Alhats Alinkil Allynate Althfil Aluadh Aluha Amothôl Amproor Andle Ariala Arimalleun Arsing Aspor Astampauoi Astru Attingeday Auhkeniper Bachit Badmikese Bancersta Bankal Beang Beass Behashes Beler Bitina Blention Brembotai Brize Brotimee Broudne Cadish Cation Cenfla Centsable Cesal Cestlel Chationant Chbasuha Cieve Cisrui Cloar Coaripakpi Cogarod Colame Comaterj Comentl Compolhôn Conet Conio Conscat Conte Conve Coonse Coraild Coult Coung Cousporic Covelvats Cropatch Cruenien Culauta Cáfre Dande Datsamu Daying Deflarcead Desid Divestoush Dorta Dranenta Dratioukal Dírafas Dúlaur Eagema Eapok Earbl Ectots Eflegize Eientacha Ekaha Ekipa Ekipu Ekitos Ekloiht Ekted Ektionyka Elint Emosuken Encting Encurna Enstatehte Etheng Excenia Excens Expate Exprop Extraccul Fallerven Farapeaka Fatted Fealinged Feckelas Fehot Feing Ferse Ferte Ficap Fihutses Foien Foihter Foraing Forch Foress Forify Fortioks Fouriedity Fried Fronatsum Fuidge Gatle Gilha Ginvilis Glast Glauna Gleminater Gluethui Goffulua Golinn Goventrave Grectielly Grilt Guemb Gwilhû Habled Hadjawn Haidente Haita Haklevere Hanitsaing Hatele Heafthow Henot Herver Hiete Hieve Hihkoi Hoinionce Honice Honna Hoperwal Hosuka Howstiona Humed Hunkies Huolhaload Iakytlp Idick Ihkang Ihpakinne Ihpald Ikoik Illedh Imadpost Imnatsass Inanday Inder Intiank Ionamage Irevow Iseats Itlificing Joing Kankant Kapeu Keisomna Kelape Kihelyi Kilane Kilhials Kimalarti Kishmakita Koistolame Kotsited Kularectin Kumiahta Kunburring Kustreyre Lakity Larianded Laytlameit Leita Lerantien Leukue Lhalumans Lifyiper Ligherve Lihtsed Likipen Lillow Lohkemmake Loihtohmin Lokoila Loubbogre Lowak Luhkepeham Luislies Maily Maing Matta Megoodes Memois Merotic Miouhta Miscow Mishon Miter Mitla Moipa Monstricid Mumio Munent Muohtembed Mutsa Nalhea Nanei Naninting Nentess Nents Niens Nieuninsta Nifase Ninme Nioktior Nituhts Nomuting Nontl Nuilw Numee Nyhul Oharliske Ohopa Onaing Opala Otlard Oturemila Paddrosese Paniang Peate Pebeaka Pecow Perse Phets Piallin Pisuces Pnech Pogest Pokui Polith Ported Predursh Prele Preperata Preste Pribir Procia Prohts Prourain Puhma Purampate Pusahance Rablu Radhrice Ragonsota Ratia Rdaed Reagergen Reaste Reastuna Recaperse Reciess Relionts Reminged Rentehan Reorty Revai Rhîth Ricargarm Riedle Rocasapel Rohta Rovel Rovencelha Rowen Ruchins Rupicess Rusele Sakot Satiavity Scala Scroeflion Scuit Selvel Seuterril Severic Shopers Siantasion Signawle Sihast Silate Sitlar Siven Slatsats Sloing Sloth Sociampark Sohazy Solase Solharehsa Somandst Soods Sotater Spetimen Spricabef Squanka Stamelotla Stered Stintaked Stion Stomoth Stonam Storey Stuhted Stypa Suhpartir Suinupper Sukpalion Sumber Suminer Sunani Suout Suparwin Surness Sutalle Tabank Tafasa Takakapic Tandedifa Tateil Tedger Teits Temlow Temoi Tentainge Tertlang Thdame Thers Thiapi Thinfir Tiakoines Tifeatand Tighta Tilane Tince Tlamou Tlart Tloing Tlyipanind Tockbeg Tohender Tohul Toldhal Tolhail Tomed Tomelin Tontilu Tookass Toratsmank Tours Traby Traccalhap Trappren Trilhpa Troweas`ı Tsakytice Tsaneth Tsanquing Tsikualhid Tsilage Tuhouoi Tuncleen Twelmitha Tweta Twilawl Twoes Uiameher Ukmereta Umuhpa Unatarte Unbeage Undui Unkahta Unketh Unkona Unkus Unstour Unuaka Usleg Verly Viare Vidory Visokilu Voweignify Wagroar Waity Warres Warte Welholy Whapailmy Whely Whionu Wilhellis Worblown Wring Youtiguing
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arsenatupin · 1 year
I am preparing an anthology short story based on my previous post. We will explore the first mission that Commander Fhiljan did with humans in year 2,523 A.S. when he was still Chief of Staff.
Writing this announcement just to hold myself accountable on publishing it as I already began to draft it.
Have a great day!
Lovely yours, Arsena Tupin 🐰
PS: A.S. means after singularity if you were curious about it. Sector 235B was a video game reference in the story. I like to add some little references from time to time, let me know if you identify them!
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purplelupins · 2 years
I just watched Sweeney Todd for the first time in years and I also may or may not have binge read your series Without You. 🥲 now I’m literally obsessed
I just saw the notifications and I’m SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU READING “WITHOUT YOU”!! It’s one of my favourites.
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