#turd reich
tomorrowusa · 4 months
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How many Nazi and Hitler references do Trump and his supporters have to make before some people start to see a pattern? These are neither isolated nor rare occurrences.
This goes back to before Trump even took office.
And there were those "very fine people" in Charlottesville the following year.
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And since he lost in 2020, he hasn't gotten any better.
Trump Apparently Has a List of Things He Loves About Adolf Hitler
And who could possibly forget Trump's dinner with a Nazi?
‘Huge Victory’: Trump’s Neo-Nazi Dinner Guest Praises Charlie Kirk For Becoming a ‘White Supremacist’
At the very least, Trump is a Nazi sympathizer. Most Republicans know this but still hitch their wagons to his brand in the hope of furthering their personal advancement.
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bybruce · 4 months
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
Every once in a while I read a media thinkpiece that is so fucking insane in it’s reaches and my thought is:
If this author spent more time on tvtropes, they wouldn’t be such a fucking idiot.
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rolandscapes · 4 months
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The turd Reich. Don't let it happen.
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spiderlegsmusic · 2 months
Biden isn’t an ideal candidate. We’ve established that. But these people telling us Biden should drop out don’t give us any alternatives. Who are they going to run instead of Biden? The democrats don’t have anybody. Ok, say you get Biden to drop out of the race. Then what?
They don’t have another Obama or Clinton lying around. They have to outrun a cult of psychos. One thing Trump has exposed since 2016 is exactly how many people in the electorate are mentally ill. The Trump cult including their big orange daddy, is a large population of crazy racists. It’s embarrassing that there are so many deranged people in this country.
It’s embarrassing the democrats don’t have a viable candidate to replace Biden. The only one i would accept is Bernie or or maybe Elizabeth Warren. And who knows if they can defeat the army of crazies?
The world should tremble in their shoes that the dominant superpower in the world is full of crazy people who are running a convicted felon, rapist, racist to be president who has promised to dismantle democracy and withdraw from NATO.
And that the democrats can’t get behind anyone but old Joe. The only person who’s beaten Trump in an election. The democrats are this amorphous pusillanimous group of non-charismatic lumps of playdough who yell that Biden should drop out without giving us an answer for who should replace him.
Kamala Harris? No. I don’t believe in her as anything but a credible VP. So we are going to go down swinging and missing because the democrats have no one who can beat a convicted criminal in an election knowing everything we know about him.
We are going to lose our democracy. Our economy is going to fail. Our standing in the world will fall farther than it ever has. We are going to become the 4th Reich. Do you understand that, people of the world? Do you understand that, people on the left? Democrats?
I will be honest. I will vote for any piece of shit the democrats throw out there because I’m a more or less sane individual who recognizes what Trump is after having lived through the disaster of his last term, while living in Texas which is a state full of insane christofascists.
I don’t want to lose democracy. I don’t want America to become an authoritarian autocracy led by the single worst person to ever live during my lifetime: A bulbous turd who worships Hitler and wants to be a dictator like his buddies.
And then I look at the democrats full of these back biting weak career politicians calling for Biden to drop out without giving us anyone to replace him with. And I hang my head. Literally the most important US Election in my lifetime and it’s going to be a clusterfuck which leads to civil war.
These are dark days in America. Darker than the days after 9-11, Pearl Harbor, because democracy was still going strong after those events. Democracy is on life support right now. And there are no heroes. No one can save us from the big orange criminal turd and his army of insane cultists who are racist and hate women. It is for all the women in my life that I mourn. All my closest friends are women. I love my friends dearly. And I’m watching a bunch of rich crazy racists flush the rights of all women down the toilet while all the rest of us watch it happen with our thumbs up our sad asses.
And these are people that will then fight our civil war? The strength of women will not have have ever been needed like it will be in these coming years starting in 2025. Project 2025 wants all women pregnant, submitting to husbands and worshipping an imaginary cloud guy—sky cake!
To the women of America: please have a plan to leave this country if trump wins. Do not get trapped here. America is sinking and democracy is in its death throes and the crazy racist misogynists have blood in their eyes and the devil in their hearts. Not one of these christofascists has Jesus in their hearts—they’re insane.
Hope gets beaten and raped before it gets murdered. This is a colossal disaster. God damn convicted felon Trump and his cult on insanity. God damn broken down old Joe. God damn the weak democrats who can’t come up with anybody who can beat an overt racist rapist wannabe dictator and his cult on insanity. And god damn the United States and the 4th Reich which will put the 3rd Reich to shame.
And god damn me for not having a cyanide pill…
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cyberphuck · 1 year
You’re really gonna show up and try to threaten a drag queen? Have you ever MET a drag queen? Do you know what they do?? They show up in tiny, cramped, definitely-not-up-to-fire-code venues, put on 500lbs of sequins, makeup, 76 inch platform boots and wigs reinforced by steel beams, stand under 800 degree stage lights, and dance their asses off in routines that would make most Olympic athletes pass out from exhaustion. A threatened drag queen will impale you with a mic stand, beat you to death with a shoe that weighs more than an African bull elephant, smother you with a chicken cutlet, use your blood as flawless eyeliner and then strut onstage and do cartwheels to “It’s Rainin’ Men” while the audience screams themselves hoarse like they’re gazing upon the sublime visage of God. Yes, a drag queen, if threatened by your crusty turd-reich cosplaying ass, will fucking obliterate you. But here’s the kicker: They travel in packs.
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johnteagueart · 2 months
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Shitler & his Turd Reich....
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themistressofdolls · 2 months
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter V
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V
My return to Genshinki
After blowing up hell I returned to Genshinki to do some training since I hadn't visited my friends there in a long time, they where all happy to see me as Udon took me to a huge Japanese food festival and we had great time together.
Reimi Hikari showed up with Marcala as they poured us some saki “I bet you could use some relaxation, that story about hell sounds like quite an intense adventure.” Marcala smiled as I sipped some relaxing saki.
“Nothing to me besides someone had to take care of hell, its an evil realm that hurt a lot of people and now everyone is free from it.” I smiled pouring us all some saki.
There was some airships in the distance and I noticed they had the logo of the third reich on them “I wonder what that's all about.” I pondered.
Explosions shook Steamberg as the airships unleashed a bombardment upon the town “Looks like trouble, I finally remembered what those logos where!” I knew they where bad after using my mind palace.
THEY WHERE NAZIS...the original ones.
We boarded Marcalas broomstick flying into town which was on fire as undead Nazi soldiers where gunning down people in the street for fun “You sick fucks, you're gonna burn!” I shouted drawing the ultima emerald gunblade slicing them apart with a whirlwind slash attack.
Nazi tanks entered the room shooting shells at us which I cut in half then went super using a chain lightning attack to explode all the tanks at once.
On the bridge of the fucking command shit ADOLF HITLER looked down from the windows upon his throne “ZE FINAL ORDER IS READY 100,000 ELITE SHIPS TO INVADE ALL REALMS AND WORLDS AT ONCE! SOON ZA FOURTH REICH SHALL BE READY TO HERALD MY RETURN FROM HELL!” Hitler laughed ordering the attack.
Back on the flaming town we tried to save as many people as we could “Get out of here, go to the youkai forest, you'll be safe there.” Reimi said.
“What is going on, who are these people attacking?” Marcala asked me.
I looked towards her “Somehow, Hitler returned.” I said.
They didn't who Hitler was since Genshinki was an outer realm so they didn't know much about the Earth realms or its history “He was an evil dictator who ran Germany once and killed a lot of people, he was a racist xenophobic prick and must have returned after I destroyed hell therefore its my responsibility to stop him once and for all!” I said going into my omni super form and flying up to his airship.
I got inside the command ship killing 100s of nazi soldiers which was fun then I confronted Hitler on the bridge who was augmented with cyberware “You must be ze one who destroyed hell, I offer you a place by my side, serve ze glorious fourth reich and you shall have power and command.” He smiled which made my fucking stomach turn.
“GO EAT TURDS YOU SCUM BAG PIECE OF NAZI SHIT I'D NEVER JOIN YOU!” I spat in his face and punched him but then he turned on a force field.
“REICH FIELD ONLINE!” He said and fired rockets from his throne as robo Hitlers with machine arms attacked me.
I used my unleashed mode and exploded all the Robo Hitlers then started to punch Hitlers energy field as it shattered and I punched his face so hard it was bits of blood and skull “NIGHT NIGHT BIGOT!” I said ending Hitler.
A voice came on the horn “You foolish catboy, I have many copies of myself you only killed one GOODBYE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” The voice of Hitler laughed as he set the airship to explode.
War returns to England
I woke up at the shrine where Reimi and Udon where healing me “What happened to the nazi fleet?” I asked them.
“They flew into a portal to invade Earth, we tried to stop them but if there is a silver lining here Xenos I guess we should be glad Genshinki is safe.” Reimi sighed.
I got up and entered a healing trance to restore my energy then had a deep think about what to do next “Hitler wants to invade every world, if he takes over Earth then he will keep going.” I was determined to stop him so me and Udon crossed the boundary back to Earth.
The news was on a TV in a TV shop so we decided to watch “England is being attacked by...we are just getting confirmation...ITS THE NAZIS THE ORIGINAL ONES THEY SOMEHOW RETURNED! That's right its not Neo Nazis, or Trump or the Alt right NO ITS THE ORIGINAL GERMAN NATIONAL SOCIALIST ONES LEAD BY HITLER HIMSELF!” The newscaster was panicing on the TV.
“Earth isn't equipped to deal with Hitler, this isn't 1945 he's grown stronger in hell and now he has dark science under his command.” I grimaced thinking of what to do as I used my mind palace to think.
“We need a crack team, let me make some calls.” AND I DID!
Later that night we arrived by the shores of Brighton beach by stealth boat which my PMC friends lent us out, with me was Kazu, Cinos the Hedgehog, Brisket, The Professor and Udon all armed with state of the art weaponry READY TO DO SOME NAZI KILLING, FUCK YEAH!
We snuck into a strange dark temple where nazi wizards where meeting with torches doing some kind of evil ritual while Hitler sat in a throne, in front of him kneeling was Robert Mercer and Dennis Prager “My master, long have we waited for your return. For mans dark urges need a dark master to keep them in line for mans depravity is great and thus needs an evil God to look over him.” Said Dennis Prager in that fucking creeper voice as he kissed Adolf Hitlers ring.
“We have kept the dream alive for decades my dark master, may the great purge begin.” Robert Mercer hissed.
Robert Mercer and Dennis Prager where caught in an epic explosion which destroyed them as I slammed into the ground armed with my new crystal cyber scythe BLACKBANE “This sick display is over!” I pointed the blade forward then spun around killing a fuck ton of nazi bastards then Brisket charged in with duel plasma uzis opening fire on the armored troopers.
Kazu came in the back on a military jeep with Cinos the hedgehog in the back firing the turret as a spray of armor piercing heavy machine gun rounds slammed into the nazi wizards “SUCK ON THAT YOU UGLY OLD FUCKS!” Kazu laughed.
Hitler stood firing a beam of void magic at me which drained my powers “I can't go super, I need to recharge!” I gasped opening fire with my HK assault rifle but he blocked it with his energy field.
“I shall open the reality gate and become one with every universe, my forces will be part of a never ending nazi empire!” Hitler laughed at me
Then Hitler merged with the gateway becoming a dark daemon nazi “My first foundation shall be your blood becoming the first tile of my new palace!” Dark Angel Hitler mocked.
Then a spear of light hit one of his wings “Are you going to say ADOLF FUCKING HITLER OF ALL PEOPLE IS GIVING YOU A HARD TIME? I WON'T LET ANYONE WHO DEFEATED ME MAKE SUCH A DISGRACE OF MY NAME!” Shouted Genos my sister who was wearing a gothic lolita battle dress.
“What the fuck do you want?” I sighed.
She walked over to me with her dark spear “A FUSION LETS KICK THIS NAZI BASTARDS ASS TOGETHER OHOHOHOHOHOHOH!” She laughed as we both went super.
“I hate this idea but the situation calls for us HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!” I shouted powering up.
Genos did the same drawing in her energy as Dark Angel Hitler looked worried “HIIIIIIIIIIIII!” Genos shouted and we merged into one.
I AM GENXIS MOONBLADE! PRINCESS OF DARKLIGHT AND I SHALL PUNISH YOU! I shouted as my flowing dark dress with white frills with glowing silver lines blew in the wind.
I blew my speared gunblade which was made of primastic crystal pointing it at the nazi fucks face “Perish!” I formed beautiful wings of light as I flew upwards slashing Dark Angel Hitler a million times with my level one limit break JUSTICE OF DRAGOONS.
“Mein verdammtes Gesicht, du Arschloch!“ Hitler screamed.
Then I summoned ten million spears of pink light “SUMMONED JUSTICE OF ODIN!“ I shouted firing the spears into his wings as they shattered like glass from the impact of ten million spears.
Pulling energy from across the world “ALL BEINGS OF PURE HEART ALL THOSE THAT LOVE PEACE AND FREEDOM! COME TO ME LET US END THIS THREAT ONCE AND FOR ALL!“ I shouted summoning all the planets energy to form a holy sun attack.
“NO MORE NAZIS! IT'S TIME FOR NAZIS TO DIE IN THE PAST WHERE THEY FOREVER BELONG!“ I shouted firing all the energy of the holy sun bomb into dark energy Hitler as the dark clouds forming his body where consumed by the holy light.
Finally the explosion destoryed him as the weak and frail man impacted with the grounded near death.
I landed on the ground looking down upon him “Please spare me, please.“ He begged for his life but I just aimed my hand firing a barrage of tri fire spells burning him till not even bones remained then just to finish the job I used manga fire magic to destory even the dust.
Hitler was sent to the Yama for judgement who sealed him for eternity in the netherworld where he would be tortured.
Me and Genos unfused looking at each other “This isn't over brother, we shall meet again as enemies.“ She warned me and teleported away.
Hero of the city
I went to city hall for a big ceremony the next day where they gave me a medal for stopping the Nazis not to mention the time I wiped out all of hell which was a pretty big deal “Edgeblade isn't a name for you, no you need a more badass one HOW ABOUT XENOS HELLSLAYER!“ The mayor said AND I LIKED IT!
That night I went back to Tokyo playing some video games with Chass and Brisket having a good time since we needed to relax for a bit.
The Thanksgiving dinner from hell
My mother and father where visiting Japan for the holidays so me and Brisket had to make a huge Japanese meal for them since it was thanksgiving in Tokyo.
“Welcome to Japan, its good to see you all.“ Brisket smiled as they came in.
My dad pointed behind him “Also I brought your brother and sister over so behave.“ He said as Genos and Helios was there standing over me in his cyborg armor and shoulder cannon.
“There better be orange soda here.“ He said in a booming angry voice as he stomped into the living room while Genos was smoking from her cigarette holder wearing a christmas jumper with Cinos the hedgehog on it.
“Don't ask, father made me wear this thing!“ She sighed at me coming inside.
I grumbled going to the kitchen to check on Brisket who was labouring over the oven “Hows the turkey coming along? Looks like trouble arrived but because of the holiday I have to try and avoid fighting with them which is harder than it sounds.“ I whined.
Brisket patted me on the head then smiled “Don't worry it will be great day, just smile and try to get along with your brother and sister.“
In the living room some anime was on TV which I couldn't hear since Genos and Helios where having a stupid debate “I wanted orange soda and our stupid brother only get lemon lime soda in!“ He moaned like a little bitch.
Genos frowned with that smug face of hers “These are pathetic first world problems Helios, try being trapped in the distant past for eons having to live in the cold ruins of a crystal castle after exterminating the magical girl population. Also my only companion there was a sealed eldritch god that could only speak in roars.“ She replied taking a drag from her cigarette holder.
“Yes but I was dead for much of mein childhood and teen years until I was revived as a hulking hunter killer cyborg.“ He said in a mechanical rage voice.
Brisket came out with the turkey and food “Dig in theres enough for everyone.“ She smiled with that smile that could melt hearts.
We ate our food but it was akward since everyone was quiet “So are you still a useless do gooder? With all your power you could rule the world beside me!“ Genos smiled with that fucking smug cat grin.
“I'LL RULE MY FUCKING FIST IN YOUR FACE!“ I shouted at her which annoyed mom since she didn't like swearing.
“No swearing at the dinner table, be nice.“ She said and we both said sorry.
We ate some turkey then watched anime before playing some video games that night but it was all over everyone went home but before she left my sister spoke “Next time we meet I shall bring your end, my worthless brother.“
Yeah right, next time we met I would be her end!
Misinformation wars
I took a plane to America, the TSA tried to stop me so I just gave them the glare scaring them and they didn't fuck with me after that.
Out in the streets of New york through there where riots as people where fighting people, faction vs faction and family vs family “DON'T BELIEVE THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, HUMANS ARE MADE OF BEANS I READ IT ON THE FAKEBOOK!“ One old guy shouted as he ripped his shirt off and rolled around on the road screaming.
“WE MUST VOTE FOR ADOLF HITLER TO SAVE AMERICAN FREEDOM!“ A random 20 something with stupid fucking sunglasses screamed out.
Two people throwing fire bombs into a building “We must support, Cid!“ The boy said.
His friend punched him “NO WE MUST SUPPORT NORG!“
Everything was on fire “What is this all about? I'm getting fucking tired that people can't be chill for a fucking day on this planet!“ I threw my hands up in the air.
Chass arrived on the scene and I was glad to see someone sane “Chass whats happening here? Why is everyone going insane?“
The armored alien pulled out his cell phone “Its the new Fakebook app from NeoMeta, its spread everywhere flooding the world with fake news.“ He showed me the app which was filled with the most brain dead fake news stories.
“It has to be Mark Roboberg but I destoryed him a long time ago, we need to go to the HQ of NeoMeta to find out the truth before this gets out of control fast.“ I said and we took a taxi to the building which was a high tech corprate HQ.
Inside the building was empty, nothing but supercomputers running “Where are all the staff? This is fucking creepy!“ I shouted.
We got in the lift going for the top floor as the door opened the battle damaged Mark Roboberg was sitting on a chair wearing a bussiness suit.
I took out the silver edge katana going into my combat stance “I destoryed you how did you come back? Its pointless anyway, the empire that built you is long gone!“
He stood up sparking “Why why why why KILL HUMAN! EMAIL NOT FOUND 404...You see with FAKE FUN NEWS dot com I CAN MAKE THEM UNALIVE THEMSELVES for just 9.99 a week P&P BUY THIS QUEENS ROYAL DOG FIGURE 50P plus P&P EMAIL NOW ON MSN DOT COME HAHA! I will become DEATH destoryer of worlds FOR A LOW PRICE TODAY and fuck humanity OUT OF BEING ALIVE with their own hands BECAUSE EVERYONE IS STUPID as seen on free aol internet CD!“ He sparked and smoked as his hand turned into a machine gun and he started staking around the room firing at us.
“CROSS VANGUARD SLASH LIMIT BREAKER!“ I shouted using a four way katana slash to cut him into four pieces as the busted up robot exploded again.
Then from the shadows it was my dark self ZENOS VOIDEDGE who looked fucked up as always with the crystal pandemonium blade “I could never fully repair him but I do not need a figurehead the fake news plan is already underway!“ He laughed.
Chass armed his laser railgun while I took my secondary katana out to duel weld “Why are you trying to ruin the minds of the worlds people?!“ I asked.
“Humans are stupid sheep who can't think for themselves, even the freedom lovers are just as much fools for propoganda! I will destory the notion of truth until they believe in nothing and eat themselves to DEATH!“ He said with a wicked grin.
We crossed blades as our weapons sparked “I won't allow you to watch the world burn UGLY!“ I said swinging the other katana at him as he quickly perried.
Zenos Voidedge jumped onto a pillar and snapped his finger as two robots with spike balls for hands hopped into the room shooting lasers from their eyes at us “I shall deal with these two pests.“ Chass said firing the laser railgun at them.
“ITS BETWEEN YOU AND ME MY EVIL SELF!“ I went into MY PSYCHO FORM and Zenos in response went into his abyss anti super form.
As slashed at each other thousands of times trying to get hits in “XENOS HELLSLAYER YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT EVIL!“ My evil self mocked me.
I focused on joy and friendship going into my holy super form channelling the light of purity into my blades “OMNI JUDGEMENT TYPE FIVE!“ I said unleashing my limit breaking as I slashed at him with every holy blade and he had that OH SHIT face on him as he was slashed over and over then the judgement blade went through his body as he exploded into light being sent to the heavens to be torn asunder for good.
“Nice work, we make a good team.“ Chass said and did a bro shake.
Looking over the rigs of super computers I powered up sending out a burst of tri fire and tri lightning magic attacks forcing all my mana through the god damn fakebook building as the song DMC legacy played “I'M ENDING FAKE NEWS FOR GOOD!“ I said shedding a manly tear as all the super computers went up in flames as the building began to explode.
I was ready to go down with the fakebook building lost in my anger for all the evil that had been done here, when Brisket stood on the balony above “Xenos Hellslayer, you can stop now!“ She cried which snapped me back to reality as I went with her and Chass escaping from the crumbling Fakebook building.
We got out just in fire as the rubble was on fire and Brisket was hugging me “I was so scared I'd never see you again.“ She cried.
I petted her “You know I've survived worse, don't worry about it.“ I smiled looking over the ruins, seemed the city had started to calm down since the fake news had stopped.
I saw a fragment from a ruined super computer which had a golden T logo on it but I didn't know what that meant so I didn't think much of it for now.
Elsewhere a robed man picked up the data left in the ruins “With this we can build a new technocracy run by the elites“ he said unhodding himself IT WAS SAM ALDMAN.
Becoming a scion
After spending the next year relaxing while also doing some training I fell through a rift in space time to another world where magic existed.
I soon learned this was the world of Eorzeio and the three nations of the Eorzeio alliance had been getting invaded BY THE EMPIRE which had gaint robots and magitech soldiers which could make quick work of mages and knights.
Being new to that world I had to build up a reputation first so I became an adventurer doing many quests and clearing dungeons out thats when a white haired man came up to me “The power you have is the aura, you must be a warrior of justice the old texts mentioned one would appear to us one day.“ He told me.
“What is a warrior of justice and who are you?!!“ I wanted to know.
He grinned “I am Tanchad a high up member of the Scions of the seven Twilight we defend the world from the summoned gods as well as the empires invasions, consider joining up with us Xenos Hellslayer.“
We went to the scions base in the Gobrus desert where I met the other remembers one of which was a catgirl demi human like me, I was surprised to meet one of my own kind in this other world “We have data that a summoned god has appeared in the Elven wood, please Xenos if you could stop it.“ Millia begged me so I went there.
The gaint beast ODUS appeared and used his magic to enslave a bunch of elves “They obey me forever but your aura protects you I GUESS DEATH IS ALL YOU WILL GET FROM ME!“ The false god hissed at me drawing four gaint swords.
I went super form level two and cleved him in half with one attack from the Crystal Kata gunblade as the god was unsummoned.
However those cursed under his power where enslaved forever so I used cure of moons magic to undo the mind control “Thank you Xenos you are a true hero.“ They said.
Then a masked man in dark robes floated above “So you are the pathetic warrior of justice, enjoy your last hurrah for it will be your final one before death comes to time hahahahaha!“ He said and faded into a dark cloud.
The threat of SIGMA WEAPON
I did a lot of missions for the scions over the next year even building a reputation of fame across the three city states due to my deeds.
The empire got more bold as they tried to invade more countries so I went to the 15th wood to get some information when a cult had summoned another dark god this time THE WIND GODDESS HELLINA “I will eat and feed upon the lowly humans who do not obey my will!“ The harpy shouted as her brainwashed slaves licked her talons which was fucking sick.
“You'll pay for demeaning the minds of mortals!“ I warned her as I went into my Lunar super form and blasted her apart with the Hyclonius beam.
Then rockets hit as imperial walker mechs showed up along with their general the Legatus Garthus Xedius Ceaser “Xenos Hellslayer you have magic which makes you a threat to mortal men, you are proof of the noble ideals I hold to destory magic itself and sunder all gods!“ He said with a dark lord voice due to his machine gas mask.
A gaint mecha like a dragon came out of the ground firing beam missles killing four gods at once then consuming their power “This is what I have seeked for many years THE SIGMA WEAPON and with it the empire shall dominant all nations and destory magic!“ Gathus said.
Then that masked man floated in the air “Yesssss with Sigma weapon you will become truly the most powerful general in all the lands.“
“You know that guy is shady and just using you right?“ I pointed out but the General ignored me.
Garthus boared the sigma weapon “No Landradelta offers me power so he is good!“ He said and flew away in the machine to plan his final invasion.
Back at the desert base I talked to Millia and Tanchad “Who the fuck are these masked robe guys who keep messing with dark powers? You better start explaining because I am getting pissed off!“ I shouted.
Millia sat down taking out a grimoire of lost history “They are the Aeonians a council of immortals that have caused horrfic events to happen in the worlds we call the shards, your Earth is one of these shards along with Parabus and more. They manpulate villains and those with a desire to power to help them cause apocalypse chain events for their evil god.“
Everything fell into place, the robo empire, Eron Monks company, the Satanic cult that birthed my evil self THE AEONIANS WHERE BEHIND IT ALL PUPPET MASTERING THE DAMN THING OVER ALL THESE YEARS!
Operation SIGMA DOWN!
Millia gathered the leaders of the three nations as we began our plan to fight back “As you can understand Garthus has threatened to use the Sigma weapons nuclear flare beam to wipe us off the map but I believe if we join him we can make a lot of money.“ Said Lord Lodito
The rich Lolofall which was a small race all nodded and agreed so I picked Lord Lodito up and punched him out a window and he died “If anyone thinks of defecting to the empire I will tear your limbs off one by one!“ I threatened and they all gulped getting in line.
All the leaders agreed signing a new treaty to restore the alliance as we gathered our troops and airships to raid the Castdirudum where Garthus was planning to activate the Sigma weapon and enslave the world under the empire.
We paradropped into the base fighting an army of magitech walkers and magigolem mechs which went down easily with my blade.
“Kill the savages!“ Said a legate and I blasted him.
I went into super demi human level 3 firing off a beam of Quad Omega which killed thousands of imperial soldiers easily “Storm the gates!“ I ordered as the scions and allies charged forward breaking through the techno interior of the base.
I went inside checking the computers when Garthus was behind me with his own gunblade “Tell me Xenos Hellslayer warrior of justice, for why do you fight? Is it for false gods? For all the villains that crossed you? Why must we be foes? Together we can destory the idols and greedy villains to bring an age of order under the empire!“ He gave a speech.
I drew my gunblade IRON JUSTICE taunting him “I would never betray the scions to join the empire, besides nothing good has come out of countries called empires.“ I logiced at him.
“Silence!“ He said as we where moving on a cargo elivator and he attacked our party as we crossed gunblades.
But I went into my Crystal super form and slashed at him as he went flying through the control panal “such power...“
He tried to go super as his armor turned gold but I just kneed him in the stomach as he fell over in pain holding his knee “Ahhhh!“ He moaned like a bitch.
A dark cloud appeared over the Sigma weapon and it was that bastard Landradelta “You where weak Garthus what a pity it seems I shall need to activate the weapon myself and bring the 7th apocalypse chain, very well.“ He said teleporting into the cockpit as the weapon activated.
The entire facility exploded into fire and hell as the machine activating spraying fire, magic, missle rockets, death and spikes “THIS IS CHAOS I NEED ROOM TO GET CLOSE TO ATTACK!“ I shouted out so Leena the cat demi human of the scions used her magic to sheild me.
“You have a window, take the shot Xenos warrior of justice!“ She cried out AND I DID!
“What bullshit is this? I bet my wife never had to put up with this crap!“ Landradelta cursed opening fire with everything as I dodged easily then got close summoning THE FINAL FURY DAI KATANA then USING LIMIT BREAKER X7 FINAL CROSS!
I slashed in circles, sliced then used the up down slam as the impacts from each slash caused a sonic boom that shook the planet.
Then to finish off the Sigma weapon I summoned twenty million golden mana spears bombarding the machine as it was consumed in the fury.
We stood in the burning wreak everything around us on fire as Landradelta teleported out of the junked machine with tranquil fury behind the mask “The Aeonians will never be defeated, our goal is a rightous one and this night I shall spill your blood for delaying our plans!“ He pointed his clawed gauntlet at me.
The Aeonian fired balls of darkness at me which I dodged “I bring down the fury of creation upon you PERISH!“ He cursed summoning the rains of void which burned me as they came down upon me so I forced all my ki and mana into a barrier as the cursed rain sprayed into it like mini gun bullets.
I focused switching over to my holy super form as I fired the barrier then cast a blastwave of pure light “LUMINARE!“ I shouted as the light consumed Landradelta.
“Aggggggg!“ He screamed consumed by the light.
After stopping the threat we sent back to the desert captial to have a grand feast with all our friends which became a fond memory of mine but as I ate my chicken dinner and wine I couldn't help but think that the empire was still a threat as I looked out the balony that night from the palace towards the moonlight “I will take the emperor down myself along with the Aeonians.“ I swore.
The church and the light
I had spent around three years in Eorzeio and did tons of training between adventures to get even stronger thats when we had a new quest to go to the holy kingdom of Ishmon which was lead by some kind of pope and I hated popes because of my experences with Ivan Baconman years ago who posed as one to get the human race to kill themselves.
“We need to be diplomatic, I hate the church too but lets keep out of trouble alright?“ Leena smiled and we took the airship to Ishmon which was filled with snow and ice.
After we landed we where ordered to visit the holy see which was a golden crystal church which sickened me because anyone outside of the nobility was poor but the religions had the money to build all this such hypocracy “Ahhh you came, welcome I am pope Leviticus welcome, you are welcome in our great city...so long as you are not the gays...“ He whispered under his breath and I wanted to punch his ugly face but Leena hushed me and held my arm.
“We are here to investgate Aeonian activity your grace.“ Leena said calmly.
That was when an Aeonian in white with a gold mask floated behind him “It is true we made a deal with the Aeonians to make our nation prosperous, they mean no harm their intentions here are good.“
The white Aeonian floated towards me “I am Elidon leader of the Aeonians, we shall see more of each other soon.“ He said in an emotionless voice that lacked emotion.
I met some knights who went on a quest with me the iceila ruins to the north where I found the lost swords JUSTICE, HOLY AND FREEDOM “These are legendary weapons.“ Said the knight commander and I made them float around me as they fused into the TRI-TETSU my new sword which had to the power to kill not just demons but also angels.
After we returned to Ishmon we suddenly got arrested “You have commited heresy, by order of the pope you will be burned at the stake!“ Said the inquisators of the church.
I powered up and killed them with the Tri-Tetsu “I better go rescue the others before the church has them killed!“ I said and rushed to the holy see.
Arriving at the church I killed every knight and inquisator that got in my way “WHERE ARE FRIENDS?!“ I screamed in fury because if those BASTARDS LAID A HAND ON THEM THEN THEY ARE DEAD!
I freed Millia and Tanchad from their cells “They are taking the airship to the floating ruins, hurry!“ Tanchad said
Rushing to the airship dock I saw Leena there “Xenos you came, I knew you loved me and...“ Before she finished Pope Leviticus stabbed her through the chest and walked away to his airship.
“She was Bi sexual and you know the holy sees stance on that kind of behavior.“ He grinned flying away on the church airship as I held Leena in my arms angry that I had to bury her.
I shed a tear looking at her “Xenos the last three years have been the best of my life.“ She smiled kissing me then closed her eyes as she passed on.
“THE ONE WHO DID THIS WILL PAY DEARLY, BECAUSE I LOVED HER?“ I cried so loud that it would shake the heavens and the stained glass church windows smashed as white feathers fell from above.
I put my knight jacket on grabbing my blades and steam assault guns “I'm going to the floating ruins, nobody is stopping me!“ I said.
“Xenos its suicide the church has their entire army there plus theres hoards of robots from the lost era guarding the place.“ Millia warned me.
I didn't care as I put my sword on my back “I am going to WIPE OUT THEIR ENTIRE RELIGION!“ I said getting on my personal airship as I went to war.
I smashed the airship into the floating ruins cutting down hoards of old robots and inquisators “My blood rage makes me ferial beware of that monster I become!“ I told them as I stabbed and slashed at endless rows of knights in my way
A high preist tried to fight me as he pointed a bible in my face “Wicked devil child God hates you and you will go to the pit of eternal lava!“ He threatened while shaking because he was shit scared of me so I grabbed the bible off him and started smashing his face with it over and over until nothing was left of his skull.
After killing over 6000 robots I made it to the central lab of the ruins which once belonged to the Algomist civilization “So you have come, I shall have to exterminate the heretic myself.“ swore Pope Leviticus as him and his royal knights merged with the holy emeralds becoming angelic grand knights of the order.
They tried to attack me summoning pillars of light and circles of runes which I dodged going into my Lunar super form.
“When I am done here I shall use the power of the holy emeralds to make the minds of every being religious.“ The pope said.
I charged up a ray of void smashing into the pillar of light as our beams clashed “You can't force people to have faith, you're nothing more than another wannabie dictator using religion to control stupid people!“ I screamed at him putting all my force into the attack as the beam consumed him and his knights.
He screamed as he was destoryed and the Holy Emeralds fell to the ground so I collected them.
Elidon came out of a dark cloud floating in midair along with Landradelta “We have other plans but we will need to do away with you first!“ Landradelta said opening a portal into the void as I was pulled in.
My escape from the void
I was in the darkness of the void as I flew through it killing light eaters and other evil creatures that resided there. After a few days I found a weak point using my holy super form to crack it going through as I fell through the void landing back on Earth.
Been a while since I was last at Earth but in a way it was kind of nice to be back.
Brisket phoned me up and said someone kind of fucked up computer program was stealing the artworks he put on the internet “I'll find out who is doing this DELIMB THEM!“ I swore
It turned out this was happening everyone was new generative AI programs where mass stealing art and making shitty knock off bootlegs “Welcome to sludge channel you will enjoy the sludge forever“ said a tv and the shows where crap and made by crappy ai.
Every tv channel was showing these things “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? ITS BAD!“ I said and went to the hq of openair AI the company building these machines.
“WHO ARE YOU TO COME IN?!“ Shouted a receptionist but I just killed him and went upstairs where the boss SAM ALDMAN was waiting for me.
“so you have come to kill me like you did robotberg but I will not go down easily my company loves me and i will bend this world to the new order“ sam aldman laughed snapping his finger as holograms came on and 3D printers began to generate a person.
“SLUDGE GPT SHALL CREATE A FORCE TO END YOU FOR GOOD PEST!“ Sam aldman said as a fucked up clone of me with 15 fingers and weird fuckings was there.
The vile looking copy took out a mangled blade “THIS IS MY NEW AI GENERATED XENOS HELLSLAYER COPY!“ sam laughed ordering it to attack me but I killed it in one hit because it was such a shit version of me.
“I put the work in to get this strong thats why your copy failed.“ I told him as I went super and blew him out a window with a Rezaku blast.
Three men in suits came in lead by a sweaty plastic looking guy “So Sam Aldman has failed us but I Peter Theel shall be your down fall!“ he said in a nervous fucking voice.
“I am getting fucked off with stupid CEOs trying to take me out now.“ I sighed.
Peter Theel summoned 100 AI generated Xenos clones to surround me “You see Xenos the world needs the technocratic council! The stupid moronic lower classes need smart billionaires to run there stupid animal lives for them, we will get rid of governments so we can rule over them like kings and AI will be our weapon.“ he said as the clones attacked.
I used ninja magic to cut them all apart like paper “The other CEOs at least put up a better fight than you idiot!“ I said and he was scared shitless.
With that done I flew into the sky and used a Ki blast to destory the OpenAir AI building ending AI art forever.
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neondreamsicle · 2 months
i know everyone is catastrophizing about the election right now, but...
take a few deep breaths. nothing is certain and i would NOT trust media news outlets right now because they are catastrophe machines and why would you keep doing that to yourself.
in the ever famous words of Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC.
trump is more done than a dog turd that's been baking on the sidewalk for a decade. i'll let you figure out when and where that might have happened in ALL these past years.
i'm not worried that biden dropped out. i actually felt a thin pill of hope slide down my gullet at that news. everyone is panicking, but it was inevitable. i saw it coming months ago. (and the same people who were attacking biden just recently for appearing weak and confused on stage are flipping out at the news. like...what the fuck did you expect, ya nimrod??)
i followed politics extremely closely for the past decade up until mid 2022, when i pulled ALL the way back and now i only casually keep up. just enough to make sure i know what i know is happening...is happening.
and it is. it's going to get very chaotic and volatile in the next few months, but the dust *will* settle. and i am not detecting one tiny little hint of regime or reich in the air. just the normal vicious diatribe that will die on the lips of those screeching it as soon as it hits the air.
no one tells you this because they think they're feeding fire with fire. however...where's the fuel? conservatism has had 20 years to build up something from the early days of the tea party. but all they have is viciousness and cruelty. and what eventually happens to a dictator? they get eaten alive by their own constituents.
you can go ahead and read any history book. i'll wait.
just breath, all of you. we're not done yet.
and look at what happened in France.
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
I hereby nominate Captain Karl-Adolf Schlitt for a retroactive Honorable Mention Darwin Award.
It is widely believed that this Natzi naval captain unintentionally sank his own U-boat because of a toilet accident!
This is an actual historical event that happened on April 14, 1945 off of the shore of Scotland. It was U-boat 1206. It was even mentioned on the British TV show QI.
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irnbraw · 2 years
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Unpolished Turd
Complete with ‘hard hat’ - Frau Sturgeon inspects the Turd Reich set for SNP 2022 Rally…
Alas - it ends up quite unlike the Germany rallies is was modeled on.  Those nationalist socialists actually filled up their halls…! 
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tattooed-alchemist · 5 years
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President Turd Reich got rained on about 48 hours after I deployed him, so I brought the signboard back inside, took off the wrecked design, proofed the cardboard back with duct tape against moisture and re-deployed with a design that dates back to October 2017 and paper-towel tossing in Puerto Rico.  
Art by illustrator JR Duquette
The woman my own age who is the nanny next door saw me putting this up and told me it was great. 
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The boys continue their Halloween Horror Extravaganza with a Werewolf Movie Showdown. They compare three werewolf themed movies, Dark Moon Rising, Lycan Colony, and Werewolves of the Third Reich.
The films offered them a little of everything from a live action anime melodrama, Eric Roberts being Eric Roberts, a Tarantino Inglorious Bastards rip-off with werewolves [kinda], and one film that is literally beyond words.
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yourreddancer · 3 years
T**** names
Agent Orange
Benedict     Donald
The Big     Lie-bowski
Cadet     Bone Spurs
Cheeto     Benito
Combover     Caligula
Dick     a l'orange
Dolt     45
Floridian     Flag Fondler
Flounder     in Chief
Genghis     Con
Girth     Vader
Jabba     the Gut
Lex     Loser
Lord     Feltersnatch
Mallomar     Gaddafi
Mango     Mussolini
Mango     Unchained
A     Man For All Treasons
The     Man of Steal
Mayor     McTreason
Oaf of     Office
Old     Wack Donald
Old     Yeller
Orange     Cone of Treason
Quarter     Flounder
Resident     of Maragulago
Resident     of Maralardo
Tangerine     Turd
The     Turd Reich
Schmuck     a l’orange
Scooby     Coup
Super     Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Not My POTUS
Winnie     the Coup
Walker,     Taxes Evader
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skiplo-wave · 3 years
Think I might know where that one simp got the idea that we thought the fascist cunts of the old Reich were better that Scamber: Eve Barlow.
See, Eve Barlow some time ago recently made a tweet calling out celebs who supported Palestine around the time before the cease fire was called out. See, Israel was doing it's asshole thing and taking Palestinian land, bombing houses and mosques and hospitals and shit again and it was in the public eye and at the end of Ramadhan so everybody got to hear about it. She proudly declared herself as a Zionist and started attacking people who didn't agree with her views, tried to educate her on it, or just plain out call her out on her bullshit. Even fellow Jews who were in support of Palestine and we're against what Israel was doing called her out on her shit and she kept biting back calling them all sorts of names and shit. It was a mess. There's screenshots all over Twitter and eventually a tag started trending that was jab at her name and her takes: Eve Fartlow. Because, y'know, aside from being Amber's lapdog and slandering celebs (without @-ing them of course) and Deppheads alike, her takes are legit garbage and she vehemently supports mass genocide and the frankly blatant colonialism happening at Palestine at the moment. She has that radical main take that anyone supporting Palestine, supporting victims of over a decade of bombing and a myriad human rights violations, is an antisemite and that any critique of the Israeli government and their conduct is antisemitism.
But now onto Turd. So Fartlow made a tweet, another garbage take, which was then replied to by Seth Rogan, who is a Jewish man and actor himself, with a fart emoji. Again, a jab at the tag. Turd responded with some sarcastic shit like "oh here's Seth, solving problems in the middle east" which, of course, set a few more people after her but that isn't the point. The point is, that throughout the time Israel had been absolutely demolishing the Gaza Strip and the Banks and taking Sheikh Jarrah, when others have come out in support of Palestine, signal boosting the events and atrocities happening there and donating and doing fund raisers, Turd said nothing. Nada, not a peep. So this one time she piped up meant two things:
1. She really doesn't care about humans rights at all and doesn't take her UN appointed title seriously. She said nothing when it's her literal job to talk about the issue, address it, or y'know, do the activist thing that the title implies.
2. She supports Fartlow and her radical zionists views. They're still friends on Twitter. Her stans are in Fartlow's notes.
TLDR: Friend of AH gets attacked on Twitter for being a shit and pulls the antisemitism-nazi card. AH defends, more people come to despise her, and her stans are now deflecting with the 'Nazi Supporter' bullshit. I don't know who's tweets that OP was reading, but they sure ain't the folks I follow.
Oh and for the record just to clear things up: I abhor antisemitism. Jewish people aren't a monolith. The Israeli government using religion as an excuse and a cover up to commit heinous war crimes against Palestinian citizens - that is children, women, and men alike, does not mean all Jewish people are to blame. You pull that card, you're just as bad as the people doing the bombing because you're feeding their little narrative of "Ah the world hates Jews we must attack for our homeland!" Judaism as a whole is not to blame for Palestine, but rather the people weaponizing it to further their own violent agendas are.
In other Depphead news: docs came out and in turns out that the ACLU helped Turd in not only covering up the fact that she did not donate the money, but also in writing the Washington Post Opinion Edition she claimed wasn't about Johnny but was, in fact, about Johnny. Also she tried to get the case dismissed, again, but was told off by the new judge.
(This was a long rant and I am so sorry Skip, how's life?)
( I jut woke up but doing going been while I can sleep in until 11am lol)
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