#turmeric milk for good sleep
sabezy · 1 year
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meditating-dog-lover · 3 months
Anti-inflammatory lifestyle update
As I said earlier on my blog, I want to follow an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. For someone like me, it's absolutely possible, and I just need some fine-tuning here and there. The true area that's going to need a lot of attention, care, and modification is my anxiety. Excess anxiety and stress cause inflammation which can manifest as eczema. My anxiety is not my fault of course. The fact that I might be on the spectrum and just found that out at the age of 29 goes to show I've never knew the root cause of my random anxiety and anger outbursts and thought there was something wrong with me.
The steps to following and living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle are as follows:
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Eating a diet rich in berries, leafy greens, broccoli, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, fish, unprocessed dairy, sprouted or whole grains, turmeric/black pepper, nuts, chia seeds, olive oil, avocados, dark chocolate, green tea, and foods rich in fiber will do wonders. I named a few of the anti-inflammatory foods I enjoy, but there are more. Also limiting intake of sugar, processed white bread/grains, foods cooked/fried in refined vegetable oils, too much salt, omega-6 rich foods, trans fats, and processed meats like hot dogs and bacon (I don't like meat so I'm not worried about this for myself). I do want to meet with a dietitian eventually to ask about how to add on to my anti-inflammatory diet and how to indulge/eat out wisely. Because my goal is to add and not subtract, but I obviously want to limit processed foods. I notice my skin is less inflamed when I eat the above anti-inflammatory foods. My skin is not clear now, but I noticed it clear up a bit when I started drinking green tea this week.
Supplement with anti-inflammatory nutrients that are hard to get from diet alone. These include vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA from fish), and even zinc in some cases.
Drink enough water. I already drink around 2 L of water daily. Also getting it in the form of green tea is fine (I drink plain green tea no sugar, milk, honey).
Avoid drinking alcohol. I know wine can be anti-inflammatory, but other alcohols can be terrible and I don't drink to begin with. I'm going to avoid alcohol altogether.
Avoid smoking.
Get enough sleep each night. From my experience, I need 7-8 hours.
Exercise. I walk a lot, around 8-10k steps a day. I also started exercising this week and did a no jumping HIIT workout for around 15 minutes, combined with a 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown. It was a Youtube video and I felt like the difficulty was a 5-6 out of 10. I want to do some occasional workouts like this that allow me to sweat and challenge/build my muscles. But without overdoing it or experience pain. I'll go for a duration I can tolerate (15-20 minutes) and will modify, slow down on, or skip a workout I find to challenging (anything with side planks or leg circles for example). And the goal is to do these 2-3 times a week. Once again diet is way more important than exercise. I should mainly focus on my diet, and also exercise, but it's effects are not as important as that of diet. So the goal here is to exercise, but not to make it a top priority or a big challenge. I'm here to regulate my insulin/metabolic wellness, reduce inflammation, and build muscle, not to become a super athlete or power lifter.
Maintain a healthy body weight. Being in a healthy body fat/weight range maintains good health and reduced inflammation. From my experience, intermittent fasting helps so much with this. I've been intermittent fasting since last December. For 6 months straight, I want to say that out of all those days, I think I only broke my fast 4 days. A few times to take flaxseed oil in the middle of a skin flareup at night, the first few days I started IF because I got hungry in the middle of the night, on work days where I had busy mornings and couldn't eat until ~2, and on mornings where I had blood work done. Besides that I've been sticking to it for 6 months and do not feel deprived nor hungry nor dizzy at all. Even with a busy work schedule.
Stress relief. I think we all know that stress is super inflammatory. Unfortunately I do struggle with stress and anxiety and have for a long time. It's a combination of not being taught the best coping skills growing up, childhood trauma, and possible being on the autism spectrum (I'm going to do a screening for this soon). If I am autistic, then I'm going to get as much access to resources as possible so I can get the help I need. I know anxiety and stress and rigidity, social anxiety and hypochondria are going to be a normal part of my life, but I just need any help I can get.
Gut health. I've been working with a doctor to improve my gut inflammation so my eczema improves. From my experience I did notice some improvement. But at the end of the day, an accumulation of inflammation triggers it and not just 1 of these things. Gut health is one piece of the puzzle, but it is important. I'm still on the lookout for a go to routine/supplement that can help maintain good gut health. Edit: aloe juice!
Exposure to toxins. We are all exposed to "toxins" on a daily basis, including chemicals and metals. I'll speak to my doctor about this, especially in the context of liver health.
Be around those you love and avoid those who hurt and stress you out (much easier said than done and I'll add more to this).
Take steroid shots and prednisone when needed.
For now, I'll take my vitamin D, fish oil, and multivitamin. As well as the morning aloe juice.
I modified my diet this week to include more anti-inflammatory foods and am even going to try some healthy vegetarian dishes my mom and sister make. I know some people with eczema rave about elimination diets and how cutting out gluten, dairy, eggs, nightshades, caffeine, citrus fruits, and foods high in histamine cleared their skin. I know that some people out there have benefited from elimination diets, but I personally hate these diets. I would much rather focus on adding anti-inflammatory foods and limiting my intake of inflammatory foods like sugars, processed/refined oils, trans fats, and processed white bread rather than eliminating foods that random people on the internet said were "inflammatory". These foods can be a rich source of vitamins and minerals, so I'm really hesitant to exclude them from my diet. The goal is to add a lot of anti-inflammatory food sources to my diet rather than taking foods out.
There are many diets out there, but I believe an anti-inflammatory diet would be best for me to follow. Again I'm going to meet with a dietitian to get some tips and tricks on how to work with it. I've been hearing about different diets for years, but only heard about an anti-inflammatory diet last year when I went to my women's health doctor for a pelvic exam (inflammation causes bad period cramps which I used to struggle with but they've gotten better).
I already drink a lot of water daily and sleep well. I also do not smoke nor drink at all, and I'm maintaining a healthy body weight through IF and walking.
I see exercise as a way to improve my metabolic health and build muscle. It is anti-inflammatory. But it's not very high on the priority list like diet and body-weight is. But it's great for building muscle mass and sweating, both which improve overall metabolism and insulin sensitivity. I'm going to do doable workouts that are 5-6 out of 10 challenging. No jumping, no heavy weights. 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes including a 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown.
I am susceptible to anger and anxiety, and I'm going to do an autism screening soon and will get the help I need to navigate in life. Knowing that autism may be a possibility lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders because it explains why there is something "unconventional" in the way I behave that isn't bad nor wrong nor problematic, nor is it a sign of laziness, failure, or incompetence. I know getting the help I need will help a lot with my anxiety, and therefore, inflammation/skin flareups.
I'll add more to point 12. Thankfully the people I interact with on a daily basis do not stress me out that much. And I'm happy I have a supportive community here and that I reunited with my old friends from college. I feel less lonely and empty.
My skin is getting better, and I know that adopting anti-inflammatory habits help. I know that adding anti-inflammatory foods to my diet this week (especially the green tea) and knowing that I might be autistic (lifted a huge weight off my shoulders) made me feel much better this week and my skin was less inflamed. Exercising is a great habit too. I'm going to heal and follow this anti-inflammatory lifestyle. The most challenging part will be the anxiety management and healing, which will take a lot of time. I have a lot to heal from, especially after doing a testing/getting a diagnosis. I'll be okay. My mom and sister are here to help. I also have hypochondria, which they will help with too.
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
hello i’m bored and had the idea to assign coffee/tea drinks to the yellowjackets and i’m qualified bc i’m a barista lets go
shauna: black coffee. probably just drip. probably the type to just drink any coffee good or bad (evidence being the diner scene where she’s meeting with tai)
tai: we know she does espressos to keep from her sleep walking but i feel like she’s usually a cappuccino girlie
van: some ungodly sweet latte with a bunch of syrup. like i feel like she would love trying like seasonal specials and such. but like i do think she’s more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker (i’m projecting), like a nice strong black tea with maybe a touch of sweetener
lottie: usually some weird herbal tea blend that she and her cult members make sweetened with a bit of her honey. but if she’s at a cafe probably like a matcha or one of those turmeric chais. idk which milk but definitely a non dairy one (my gut says oat or almond but i’m also biased bc those are the only ones the cafe i work at uses so i’m used to those)
nat: i feel like she wouldn’t give much of a shit about coffee, like if she needs the caffeine she’ll drink whatever’s there (kinda like shauna) and probably would find a lot of fancy coffee drinks kinda stupid
misty: ok i’m struggling a bit with misty. do we think she’s be a mocha kinda girlie? maybe? not sure i need more input on her preferences. or she’s just order whatever the person she was with was getting to seem relatable to them. but yeah i think a mocha if she’s alone
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thecastleschangians · 2 years
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Oak( Horrortale Sans)
How he became a member:
* Oak was the 3nd member to join
* The gang ran into him in a forest located on the surface
* The concerns of his injuries and his handy cooking skills convinced Midnight to let him join
* friendly despite his appearance
* Though is a bit awkward around new people
* Very slow to anger, you gotta royally f up to get him angry at you
* Attacks are more passive, prefers to detain the attacker than outright ripping them to shreds-
Other Facts:
* Oak can control the plants around him
* Though can’t do this too often due to it taking a toll on his already low magic
* Does still have his axe, it’s buried in the backyard in a safe place
* You can find Oak either napping outside or working around the castle, likes to keep himself busy
* Main maintainer of the bitties, assisted with Fail and Lavender
* Bitties like to hitch a ride in the fluffy hoodie :3
* His memory fades here and there sometimes so castle has random sticky notes he left to remind himself of things
* One of his favorite hobbies is making/experimenting with different teas
* Plant manipulation is a popular way of magic expression in his au, Boss Monsters have it stronger
* But Oak and his brother, Willow, inherited another ability from their late father, the ability to see possibilities
* When they were young it came in dreams they didn’t understand fully at the time
* They didn’t see a need to use it though till the human came …..
* Similar story of Horrortale happened Underground after the disappearance of the human and the king
* They did eventually make it to the surface, but not to a warm welcome,….
* The monster race’s actions underground were seen as a war crime
* After a few months of being cooped up in a camp in the foot of the mountain the race was sentenced to a mass genocide
* Oak was ready to give up but Willow wasn’t….and Willow’s determination to keep his brother safe caused Oak to be the lone survivor
* He hid in the forest near the mountain, mainly due to the injuries he had were too great to do much….
* Then someone accidentally fell in the bush he was sleeping in one afternoon
* Aka blades-
Relationship with Other Members:
* Status: Good
* Relationship was a bit rocky at first but things are better now
* Complete opposites
* Confused on why he senses a touch of guilt from Blades
* A combination of Peppermint and Ginger with honey
* Status: Good
* A bit awkward since both aren’t much talkers
* Soot doesn’t seem to like to hang out with him much because of it
* Plain Chamomile tea
* Satus: Good
* Occasionally helps him around lab
* Fial helps him with the bitties, mainly maintaince
* Prefers coffee but occasionally gives him Black with 3 sugar cubes and milk
* (It’s practically coffee at that point-)
* Status: Very Good
* Cooking buds !
* He gives Oak tips on the most * magnificent* teas
* Earl Grey with 2 sugar cubes
* Status: Very Good
* Likes to hang out with him in the afternoon, not too shady or sunny, perfect for naps and conversations
* Though one sided-
* The barn also has lots of cool critters to hang out with and Lav likes to show them to him
* Rooibos with 2 sugar cubes and some cream
* Status: Good
* Hardly sees him but on friendly terms
* Lemon Balm with 5 sugar cubes, honey, and drowned with milk
* Status: Very Good
* Leaves a cup of tea for him in front of his door every morning
* Turmeric with a single sugar cube
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Now that I'm drinking coffee again, I've had to add some things to my morning routine to keep from getting too sick from the coffee and support my immune system, liver health, and digestion.
At the very least, I'll have...
vegetable juice with vegetable protein powder
homemade electrolyte drink (fresh lemon juice and a pinch of Himalayan salt)
20 to 30 drops of milk thistle extract
If I'm in a good mood and have the energy, I'll also...
make a pressed juice drink with cucumbers, celery, and fresh turmeric and ginger.
cook some vegetable fiber (usually spinach; today, I made red cabbage).
All these things are mostly keeping me propped up and not fatigued, depressed, and dehydrated. I even managed to get a decent amount of sleep despite drinking 3 shots of espresso yesterday!
I definitely want to start juicing more. I noticed that I am not as hungry during the day after I've juiced. My sister said that makes sense but juicing normalizes hunger by helping to regulate the hunger hormone ghrelin.
Cool stuff.
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dietnourish · 2 years
How to Maintain a 1500 Calorie Indian Diet Plan
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. If you're looking to lose weight or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, a 1500 calorie Indian diet plan may be a good option for you. The Indian diet is rich in nutritious foods and spices that can provide a variety of health benefits. Here's a sample 1500 calorie Indian diet plan to help you get started.
Breakfast (350 calories)
A healthy breakfast is essential to start the day off right. Here are some options for a 350 calorie breakfast:
2 idlis (steamed rice cakes) with coconut chutney and sambar (lentil soup)
1 egg omelette with 2 slices of whole wheat bread and a small apple
1 cup of oats with 1 cup of skim milk and 1/2 cup of mixed berries
1 cup of low-fat yogurt with 1 small banana and 1 tablespoon of honey
Mid-morning Snack (100 calories)
It's important to have a mid-morning snack to keep your metabolism going. Here are some healthy snack options:
1 medium-sized pear
10 almonds
1 small apple with 1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 cup of green tea with a small handful of roasted chickpeas
Lunch (400 calories)
Lunch is an important meal of the day that should be balanced and nutritious. Here are some options for a 400 calorie lunch:
1 cup of brown rice with 1/2 cup of dal (lentils), 1 cup of mixed vegetables, and 1 small salad
2 rotis (Indian flatbreads) with 1/2 cup of paneer (cottage cheese) curry, 1 cup of mixed vegetables, and 1 small salad
1 cup of quinoa with 1/2 cup of kidney beans, 1 cup of mixed vegetables, and 1 small salad
Afternoon Snack (100 calories)
Another snack is necessary to keep your metabolism high and your energy levels up. Here are some healthy snack options:
1 small bowl of sprouts with a sprinkle of chaat masala
1 medium-sized orange
1 small carrot with 2 tablespoons of hummus
1 cup of herbal tea with a small handful of roasted pumpkin seeds
Dinner (450 calories)
Dinner should be lighter than lunch and include more vegetables. Here are some options for a 450 calorie dinner:
1 cup of vegetable quinoa pulao with 1 cup of mixed vegetables and 1 small salad
2 rotis with 1 cup of mixed vegetables, 1/2 cup of chana masala, and 1 small salad
1 cup of brown rice with 1 cup of mixed vegetables, 1/2 cup of dal (lentils), and 1 small salad
Bedtime Snack (100 calories)
It's important to have a small snack before bed to keep your metabolism going while you sleep. Here are some healthy snack options:
1 small cup of warm milk with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 small banana with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 small apple with 1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 small cup of low-fat yogurt with 1/2 cup of mixed berries
Following a balanced 1500 calorie Indian diet plan can help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. It's important to focus on eating whole, nutritious foods and limit processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Additionally, it's important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and reducing your intake of sug.
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dietitiansheenam · 19 days
What drink is good for glowing skin?
To achieve radiant and glowing skin, what you consume can be just as important as your skincare routine. Certain drinks are packed with nutrients that nourish your skin from within, helping you achieve a vibrant complexion. Here are some of the best detox drinks for glowing skin:
Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants like catechins, green tea helps fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, and improve skin elasticity. Consuming a cup of green tea daily is a fantastic way to boost your skin's health and glow.
Lemon Water: Starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water is one of the best morning drinks for glowing skin. It detoxifies your body, hydrates your skin, and provides a dose of vitamin C, which brightens your complexion and helps in collagen production.
Aloe Vera Juice: Known for its hydrating properties, aloe vera juice is a great drink for glowing skin. It helps reduce acne, soothe skin irritations, and keeps your skin moisturized from the inside out.
Cucumber Mint Water: This refreshing drink is perfect for hydrating your skin. Cucumber is high in water content and silica, which supports skin health, while mint aids digestion and further enhances skin radiance.
Turmeric Milk: Also known as golden milk, this night drink for glowing skin is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the skin, reduce dark spots, and improve overall complexion while you sleep.
Beetroot Juice: Beetroot juice is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and iron, making it one of the best detox drinks for glowing skin. Drinking it regularly helps purify your blood, reduce blemishes, and give your skin a natural glow.
Carrot and Ginger Juice: High in beta-carotene and vitamin A, this juice is great for repairing skin tissues and protecting against sun damage. It’s ideal as a morning boost that will keep your skin looking fresh and youthful.
Incorporating these drinks into your daily routine—whether it’s a revitalizing morning drink or a calming night drink for glowing skin in—can significantly enhance your skin’s appearance and help you achieve a healthy, luminous complexion.
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thelibradolly · 19 days
Little habits for an early bedtime
Having an early bedtime is very crucial to overall health and well-being. But it's often hard for me to fall asleep so early in the night so I try to follow these steps to slow down and actually have a good rest with my early bedtime : Light evening workout : I used to have an evening workout routine when I was doing my undergrad, but I realized that after finishing my workout around 7 pm, I'd still be full of energy even at 11 pm. So I switched my routine and now I opt for walking (not a run) in the late afternoon or a gentle stretch session in the evening.
Light Dinner : I try to not eat any fruits, nuts, seeds, raw salads and raw vegetables after 6 pm. Because our metabolism slows down gradually as the day progresses, therefore, eating warm, well-cooked food is the best decision for better digestion and later, a good sleep.
A warm drink before bed : A warm drink 30 minutes prior to sleeping has actually improved the quality of my sleep so much! My body feels cozy from inside out and I fall asleep in no time, (yes even in summers). Plus I don't wake up perched with thirst in the morning, and the detoxification process is very easy too. I prefer to drink milk with a pinch of turmeric(the curcumin in turmeric helps to induce sleep), but drinking warm water is beneficial too (of course no caffeinated drinks because they will disrupt your sleep).
Head and neck massage : This is optional but on days when I've had long hours of study or work, I give myself a thorough but gentle head and neck massage. Our shoulders and neck actually hold a lot of tension and if we're not actively releasing them, it becomes a problem and interrupts with the quality of sleep.
Not watching stimulating media before bed : I try not to watch heavy action/adventurous media/listen to rock or very groovy music later in the evening because it riles my brain up and I'll keep thinking about it for the rest of the night. So whatever shows or media I'm watching, I try to wrap them up by 6/7 pm. I listen to soft piano/rain sound/flute/gentle classical music/ghibli music/read books/even look at lighthearted fandom contents in the evening.
The PJ rule : My strict PJ rule is that I never ever wear my PJs during daytime/while doing anything else other than sleeping. This trains my brain to take PJs as a subtle signal that it's time to relax and rest!
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yuvaap · 2 months
Discover the Best Foods to Boost Brain Health and Prevent Dementia
Have you ever wondered if what you eat could actually keep your brain sharp and fend off diseases like dementia? You might be skeptical about how diet can prevent cognitive decline, or worried about making drastic lifestyle changes. If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of overhauling their diet, but what if you could start small and still see big results?
Imagine adding a handful of blueberries to your morning routine, knowing that you’re taking a step toward better brain health. Or swapping out your usual snack for a handful of nuts that taste great and boost your cognitive function. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive—there are simple, affordable ways to incorporate brain-boosting foods into your daily meals.
The Power of Blueberries
Blueberries are often referred to as "brain berries" for good reason. Packed with antioxidants, they help protect your brain from oxidative stress and improve cognitive function. Add a handful of blueberries to your cereal or smoothie, and you’re on your way to a healthier brain.
Turmeric: The Golden Spice
Turmeric is a bright yellow spice known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The active ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier, providing direct benefits to the brain. Add turmeric to your curries or make a "golden milk" latte to enjoy its benefits.
Broccoli: A Nutrient Powerhouse
Broccoli is rich in antioxidants and other compounds that support brain health and cognitive function. Whether you steam it, add it to stir-fries, or blend it into a creamy soup, broccoli is a versatile vegetable that can easily be included in your diet. 
Pumpkin Seeds for Brain Health
Pumpkin seeds are small but mighty when it comes to boosting brain health. They are loaded with antioxidants and a variety of nutrients that support brain function. Enjoy them as a snack or sprinkle them over your salad for a nutritious crunch. 
The Importance of Avoiding Harmful Foods
While it’s important to include brain-boosting foods in your diet, it's equally crucial to avoid foods that can harm your brain health. Processed foods, refined sugars, trans fats, high-fat dairy products, and excessive alcohol can increase inflammation and oxidative stress, negatively impacting brain health.
Simple Tips for Maintaining Brain Health
Maintaining brain health involves more than just diet. Regular exercise, mental stimulation, quality sleep, stress management, and social engagement all play vital roles. Incorporate activities like yoga and meditation to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. 
Taking care of your brain health doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By making small, manageable changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can significantly improve your cognitive function and reduce the risk of dementia. Start today by adding these brain-boosting foods to your meals and embracing a holistic approach to wellness.Ready to dive deeper into the best foods for brain health? Discover more tips and recipes on our comprehensive guide at Yuvaap. Click here to explore and take control of your brain health today!
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aazolindia · 2 months
Pure Desi Ghee in Pregnancy and Postpartum Care: Benefits and Uses
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Pregnancy and the postpartum period are critical times for both the mother and the baby. Proper nutrition and care are essential for the well-being of both. Among the many traditional practices followed during these periods, the use of pure desi ghee holds a significant place. Known for its rich nutritional profile and numerous health benefits, desi ghee is often recommended for pregnant women and new mothers.
This article delves into the benefits and uses of pure desi ghee in pregnancy and postpartum care.
Nutritional Profile of Desi Ghee
Desi ghee, made from the milk of cows, is a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains:
Healthy fats
Vitamins A, D, E, and K
Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids
Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid
These nutrients play vital roles in maintaining overall health and well-being.
Benefits of Desi Ghee During Pregnancy
Energy Booster: Pregnancy demands high energy levels. The healthy fats in desi ghee provide a sustained source of energy, helping pregnant women stay active and healthy.
Nutrient Absorption: The fat-soluble vitamins in desi ghee aid in the absorption of essential nutrients from other foods, ensuring that both the mother and the developing baby get the necessary nutrition.
Digestive Health: Desi ghee is known to improve digestion. It stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping prevent constipation and other digestive issues common during pregnancy.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: The butyrate in ghee has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and discomfort during pregnancy.
Skin Health: The vitamins and antioxidants in desi ghee help in maintaining skin elasticity and hydration, reducing the risk of stretch marks and dryness.
Uses of Desi Ghee During Pregnancy
In Cooking: Incorporate desi ghee into daily meals. Use it for sautéing vegetables, frying, or as a topping on rice and chapatis.
As a Supplement: Add a spoonful of ghee to warm milk before bedtime to promote good sleep and digestion.
For Skin Care: Apply ghee directly on the skin to keep it moisturized and to prevent stretch marks.
Benefits of Desi Ghee Postpartum
Aids in Recovery: Postpartum recovery can be demanding. Desi ghee provides essential nutrients and energy required for healing and regaining strength.
Enhances Lactation: The healthy fats in ghee help improve the quality and quantity of breast milk, ensuring that the baby receives adequate nutrition.
Hormonal Balance: The vitamins and fatty acids in ghee support hormonal balance, which is crucial for mental and physical health after childbirth.
Joint Health: The anti-inflammatory properties of ghee help alleviate postpartum joint pain and inflammation.
Mental Health: Ghee is known to support cognitive function and can help reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
Uses of Desi Ghee Postpartum
In Diet: Continue to use ghee in daily cooking. It can be added to soups, stews, and porridges for added nutrition.
Herbal Mix: Mix ghee with herbal powders like turmeric and ashwagandha to make a potent health drink.
Topical Application: Use ghee as a massage oil to soothe sore muscles and joints.
Pure desi ghee is a time-tested superfood that offers numerous benefits during pregnancy and postpartum care. Its rich nutritional profile supports the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Incorporating desi ghee into the diet and daily routine can help manage the physical and mental demands of pregnancy and the postpartum period, ensuring a smoother and healthier journey into motherhood.
1. Is it safe to consume desi ghee during pregnancy? Yes, consuming desi ghee in moderate amounts is safe and beneficial during pregnancy. It provides essential nutrients and energy.
2. Can desi ghee help with postpartum weight loss? While desi ghee is calorie-dense, it can aid in postpartum weight loss when consumed in moderation, as it helps improve metabolism and provides sustained energy.
3. How much desi ghee should be consumed daily during pregnancy? The recommended amount can vary, but generally, 1-2 tablespoons of desi ghee per day is considered safe and beneficial. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
4. Can desi ghee help with breastfeeding? Yes, the healthy fats in desi ghee can improve the quality of breast milk and support better lactation.
5. Are there any side effects of consuming desi ghee during pregnancy? Consuming desi ghee in excess can lead to weight gain and digestive issues. It is important to consume it in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.
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The Best Indian Diet Plan For Weight Loss
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Today’s life has become so hectic that maintaining a good weight can be challenging. Still, there are other ways to shed weight than strictly following new diets or limiting calories. It's about creating a sensible, well-balanced diet you can follow that fits quite naturally into your daily life. In iVate Diet Consultation, you can find the best weight loss plan that is specifically designed for Indian food. Our weight loss diet plan is based on common Indian foods like daal and sabzi, which makes it simple to follow and effective.
Understanding the Basics of Weight Loss
One should grasp the fundamentals of weight loss before starting the diet plan. Basically, you have to eat fewer calories than you expend. Not all calories, in the meantime, are created equally. Your weight loss path will be much influenced by the source of your calories. More successful than one heavy in processed foods and carbohydrates is a diet abundant in whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
The Benefits of an Indian Diet
Indian food is known for having a lot of different tastes and being good for you. A lot of traditional Indian foods are naturally balanced because they have a balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Adding these things to your plan to lose weight can help you reach your goals without making you feel hungry.
The Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss 
1. Breakfast: The Most Important Meal (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) 
Beginning your day with a healthy meal shapes your attitude for the remainder of the day. These are some sensible breakfast ideas:
Moong Dal Chilla: Made from split green grams, Moong Dal is a savoury pancake high in protein and low in calories.
Oats Upma: Made with oats, veggies, and spices, it offers fibre and vital nutrients.
Idli with Sambar: Steamed rice cakes served with a lentil-based vegetable stew, offering a balanced mix of protein and carbohydrates.
2. Mid-Morning Snack: (11:00 AM) 
Between meals, include a small snack to maintain your metabolism active:
Fruit Salad: Seasonal fruits combined in a fruit salad supply vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Buttermilk: This is a reviving beverage that helps digestion and maintains your fulness. 
3. Lunch: balanced and nutritious (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) A lunch in balance will keep you active all through the day Use:
Daal and Sabzi: Combining lentil curry (dal) with a vegetable meal (sabzi) offers protein, fibre, and vital elements.
Brown rice or quinoa: These whole grains are healthier alternatives to white rice, offering more fibre and nutrients.
Roti: A mainstay of Indian cuisine, whole wheat flatbread is high in fiber and complicated carbs. 
Evening Snack: (4:00 PM-5:00 PM) Avoid unhealthy snacks by choosing nutritious options:
Sprout Salad: Combination of sprouted lentils, vegetables, and condiments; protein and fibre dense
Roasted Chickpeas: This one is my favourite go-to snack—a crunchy, protein punch that will leave you feeling satisfied. 
Dinner: Light and Healthy (7:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
Light Dinner: Light dinner, that is also before 2 to 3 hours of sleep, will ensure better and undisturbed digestion as well as sound sleep. 
Minestrone Soup: A rich and comforting soup filled with a selection of vegetables, which are packed full of the nutrients your body needs.
Grilled Paneer: Cottage cheese grilled with spices to add a lot of protein to it.
Salad: Fresh vegetables in lemon juice with spices.
Bedtime Snack: (9:00 PM-11:00 PM)
So, of course, if you are hungry right before bedtime, choose the middle ground:
Warm Milk with Turmeric: A traditional Indian drink popular for its anti-inflammatory properties and boosting good sleep.
Tips for Success
Here are some tips you can follow so that your weight loss program is functioning properly
Drink plenty of water.
To lose weight, you must drink enough water. It helps your body break down food, makes you full, and gets rid of waste.
Controlling the Portion
When eaten in large amounts, even healthy foods can make you gain weight. To avoid overeating, learn to control your portions.
Physical Activity
Match your eating to consistent exercise. Try to get at least thirty minutes every day from walking, yoga, or strength-building exercises.
Mindful Eating
Watch your diet and enjoy every mouthful. Steer clear of TV and cellphones when dining to help you not overindulge.
Maintaining consistency is key
Losing weight takes time and patience. Stick to your diet and exercise plan and be patient while waiting for results.
Why Choose iVate Diet Consultation?
At iVate Diet Consultation, we think that weight loss should be looked at from all angles. Our Weight Loss Diet Program is made to fit easily into your daily life. It focuses on eating healthy, tasty Indian foods that you already eat. Here’s why our program stands out:
Personalized Plans:
Our professional dieticians create customized meal plans specifically for you, tailored to your individual health goals, preferences, and lifestyle.
Sustainable Results:
Our approach is to promote a healthy diet (and long-term sustainable weight loss).
Expert Guidance:
Your goals and stay on track with a little help, support, and comments always from That is our expert dietitian help—comments of all the time.
Holistic Approach:
We designed our program to aid people in losing weight and improve their overall health using the principles of Ayurveda.
You don't have to give up your favourite foods when you start to lose weight. You can get the best weight loss plan with iVate Diet Consultation Weight Loss Diet Program. It includes tasty and healthy Indian meals like daal and sabzi. Following our balanced eating plan and adding good habits will help you reach your weight loss targets sustainably and healthily.iVate  will help you change your health now and enjoy the advantages of a well-balanced diet catered to your requirements. Get in touch right now to begin your road towards a better, more joyful you!
Let iVate Diet Consultation be your partner in achieving a healthier lifestyle!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I include dairy in my weight loss diet?
Yes, dairy products like yoghourt, buttermilk, and paneer (cottage cheese) can be part of a weight loss diet. Opt for low-fat versions and consume in moderation.
Q. Is it necessary to exercise while following a weight loss diet plan?
While diet plays a significant role in weight loss, regular physical activity is equally important. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise, such as brisk walking, yoga, or any physical activity you enjoy.
Q. Can I eat out while following a weight loss diet plan?
Yes, you can eat out occasionally. Opt for healthier choices like tandoori dishes, grilled vegetables, and salads. Avoid deep-fried items and sugary drinks.
Q. How can I stay motivated during my weight loss journey?
Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate small victories. Engage in regular physical activity and seek support from friends, family, or weight loss groups.
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thechakralounge · 3 months
Turmeric Latte Recipe – The Perfect Addition to Your Healthy Diet
Are you getting tired of kale smoothies and decaf lattes? Well, how about experiencing a latte recipe with a refreshing yet healthy twist? Introducing turmeric latte! The health benefits of turmeric are well-known nowadays. Turmeric latte is a simple recipe, which makes it perfect for the daily lifestyle. Here we will know about the turmeric latte recipe, its benefits and how you can enjoy it to its fullest.
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The Perfect Turmeric Latte Recipe to Try Out
Here is a quick and simple turmeric latte recipe that takes less than 5 minutes to prepare. So, you can prepare it before you head out for work or after hitting the gym.
1 cup almond, soy or coconut milk. We are preparing a vegan turmeric latte, but you can use dairy-based milk as well.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon maple syrup. For non-vegans, honey is a good substitute.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
A pinch of black pepper (enhances the absorption of turmeric)
In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it's hot but not boiling.
Whisk in the turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper until well combined.
Stir in the maple syrup as per taste. You can also add the vanilla extract if you want.
For a more frothy latte, you can blend the mixture using an immersion blender or regular blender until frothy.
Pour the latte into a mug and enjoy it warm.
What are some Turmeric Latte Benefits?
Here are some of the Major Turmeric Latte Benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Compounds: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound which is a powerful antioxidant and known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects. This protects the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage and also reduces inflammation in the body, minimizing the risk of various chronic conditions.
Improves Mood and Reduces Depression: Turmeric latte can have antidepressant effects, which may help improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression.
Helps in Maintaining Skin Health: The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric can also benefit the skin, helping to reduce acne, scarring, and other skin conditions.
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What is the Best time to Drink Turmeric Milk?
The best time to drink turmeric milk depends on your personal health goals and daily routine. You can have it before you go to bed to get a good night’s sleep. It can be had in the morning as it kick starts your metabolism and boosts immunity. Turmeric milk can also be taken after meals to aid in digestion. So, it's really up to you.
The most important thing for your turmeric latte recipe is to get the best quality turmeric. At the Chakra Lounge, we bring you the choicest selection of the finest Indian spices. So, get the best quality turmeric from our online store and experience this tasty and healthy drink.
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meditating-dog-lover · 3 months
As I said yesterday I want to follow an anti-inflammatory focused diet. Lucky for me I enjoy a lot of anti-inflammatory foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fish, sweet potatoes, minimally processed dairy, green tea, dark chocolate, oats/whole and sprouted grain bread, and plant based milks.
I'm quite picky with fruit and only like berries. But I'm the opposite with vegetables - I love leafy greens.
I bought some green tea yesterday and drank some at work today. I should go back to drinking more green tea.
I know a lot of herbs and seasonings and leafy greens are anti-inflammatory. I had some turmeric today as a dinner seasoning. Garlic and ginger are also anti-inflammatory, but I don't really like ginger. A perfect anti-inflammatory dinner would be baked salmon and sweet potato fries with olive oil and turmeric seasoning and leafy greens on the side. Avocado dip will also taste great with it.
So really my focus now is to look into anti-inflammatory dinner ideas. Olive oil and turmeric would make great flavor additions, same with garlic. I'll experiment with different herbs/spices and leafy greens. Legumes are another anti-inflammatory food group I can experiment with. Spirulina as well.
Bone broth is another anti-inflammatory food, but I don't know how I'd feel about drinking it.
Some people say that dairy, gluten and eggs are inflammatory. But I feel that these are very subjective and based on how the individual reacts to it.
My skin felt better after drinking that green tea. Again eating an anti-inflammatory focused diet will help a lot with my skin beyond a steroid cream.
Of course I'm going to allow myself to have a treat here and there. But I definitely want to incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods to diet (which already has a lot of anti-inflammatory foods, but I want more diversity especially for dinner). I'm still going to do intermittent fasting.
In general a lot of things can cause inflammation, not just poor diet (even though it is a huge factor). Avoiding alcohol helps too, though I don't drink (not even red wine). Same with cigarettes (I've never smoked). Gut health is a big one (healthy microbiome, intestinal lining and digestion/absorption). Drinking enough water (2-4 L daily) are great, green tea is another way to get some water in as well. Good sleep is another, though I've struggled with my sleep in the past, but it's gotten better now. Maintaining a healthy body weight as well (I recently lost 13 lbs in body fat). 2 other things to work on are exercise and stress relief. I walk a lot but I now want to add some strength, which will help a lot. Regarding anxiety, working with my possible autism diagnosis can help finding the cause of the anxiety. Knowing that I might be autistic relieved me so much and lifted a huge load off my shoulders. It even helped with my anxiety. My itchiness which I thought was "allergies" went away as well.
I think my recent flareup was due to the new cleanser I was using (it's so harsh) and stress. But I'm getting a new cleanser and an autism screening. It will help me learn so much about myself and why I experience so much of my anxiety, stress, anger, and outbursts. And my mom and sister are here for me. It really is the missing puzzle piece and knowing this information will get rid of a lot of stress in my life. Knowing my behaviors are not "bad" or "problematic" or "wrong", but "neurodivergent".
I swear after leaving work early yesterday, knowing this possible autism diagnosis and drinking green tea helped clear my skin. My hands are still a bit inflamed. They were really itchy the night I was talking to my mom and sister because it involved a ton of emotions, as well as when I left work early yesterday. But I know my skin will heal and it caused by chronic inflammation. So following an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, having a healthy gut, stress relief, and exercise can help.
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ayurveda4all · 3 months
Optimal Immunity: Combining Modern Health Tips with Ayurveda
The increasing trend of eating foods that are nutritionally deficient and leading a fast paced lifestyle has started taking toll on our well being. Our immune system gets affected; leaving us vulnerable to a host of microorganisms that causes infections and illnesses. Strengthening our immune system is the only way to protect us from these foreign matters from entering our body.
Each person’s resistance to diseases depends on how strong his / her immune system is. A weak immune system makes a person susceptible to all kinds of infections. The person falls ill often and takes longer to recover. The main causes of weak immune systems are:
Bad diet 
Excessive consumption of alcohol
Lack of exercise
Chronic stress 
High intake of sugary foods 
Inadequate sleep
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Ayurveda and the immune system
According to Ayurveda, the human body becomes vulnerable to infections and illnesses when there is an imbalance in any of the three doshas – kapha, vata and pitta. When the tridosha goes out of balance, agni, the metabolic fire that aids in digestion is also affected. When food remains undigested due to lack of agni, it reduces ojas (essence) that are vital for creating good health and immunity. Undigested food also causes ama (toxins) to be formed and these get accumulated in the various body systems, affecting its functioning.
Increase in ama and reduction in ojas causes our immune system to weaken. By balancing the doshas and eating foods that help create ojas, our immune system can be strengthened. Ayurvedic physicians also prescribe herbs depending on the body type and the season. Herbs such as manjistha, neem, daruharidra and turmeric are good immunity boosters.
Septilin tablets help to build up the body’s resistance to fight infections and prevent them from recurring. Its ingredients contain properties that strengthen the immune system.  It promotes the normal functioning of the white blood cells, thus enabling the body to fight infections effectively. It has a stimulating effect on the antibodies forming cells in our body, thus increasing their production. Septilin tablet can be taken by people for:
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections
Allergic disorders of upper respiratory tract
Sinusitis and tonsillitis
Skin and soft tissue infections and inflammations
Dental and periodontal infections 
Infective and inflammatory conditions of the eye
Bone and joint infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI)
Helping your immune system to stay healthy
A weakened immune system can affect your life as you will tend to fall sick more often. The good news is that it is in our hands to improve our body’s immune system and keep it fighting off infections effectively. Proper sleep, healthy food habits and an active lifestyle are required to keep our immune system healthy. Below are some ways to help you keep your immune system in perfect working condition.
Avoid sugary foods and drinks as they impede the proper functioning of the immune system. Also avoid products that contain additives, preservatives and coloring agents. 
Consume unpasteurized yogurt or milk to build up healthy intestinal bacteria that will kill off the bad bacteria and thus keep your immune system healthy.
Consuming foods rich in beta-glucans like baker’s yeast, shiitake mushrooms, and cereal grains, like barley, oats, rye, and wheat enhances immune activity against infections and reduce allergies.
Regular fasting will help to detoxify the body and boost immune system.
Adding herbs like garlic, coriander, fennel seed, holy basil, mint leaves, oregano, thyme, and turmeric helps to kill off foreign invaders and boost the immune system.
A good sleep enables our body to produce cytokines which helps fight infection, inflammation, and stress. 
Following an Ayurvedic way of life along with consuming herbal supplements like Septilin can benefit you with a healthy immune system and help you lead a happy healthy life free from diseases.
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gutavatar · 3 months
List of 10 Best Foods for Improving Your Gut Health
The term "gut health" has been increasingly popular in the last few years. But what is meant by "gut health"? It's basically the microbiome, or the balance of bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms that reside in your digestive system. Digestion problems like bloating and diarrhea may occur when this delicate symbiosis is upset by factors like stress or a bad diet.
At GUTAVATAR, we believe that gut health is the foundation of true wellness. Our carefully chosen assortment of Ayurvedic herbal items and supplements is intended to enhance a diet high in foods that nourish the gut. Whether your goal is to improve general vitality, strengthen immunity, or ease stomach problems, our products use nature's healing power to help you achieve it.
Apart from this, it is essential to take Foods to Improve Gut Health. This article explores what are the Foods to Improve Gut Health, how to improve gut health.
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How can gut health be improved?
Here are some ways you can do the same in terms of gut health improvement:
Eat foods high in prebiotic fiber
Consume digestives and probiotics
Reduce your sugar intake
Steer clear of unnecessary antibiotics.
Engage in regular exercise
Make time to sleep
Make sure you are getting adequate liquids
Decrease tension
Eat food that is prepared yourself.
Drinking alcohol
List of Foods to Improve Gut Health
1. Curd yoghurt
Accept the probiotic properties of yogurt, a common food in Indian homes. Yogurt is high in good bacteria. It supports the immune system and digestion by helping to maintain a balanced gut flora.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric, well known for its anti-inflammatory qualities, is a spice that's frequently used in Indian cuisine. Turmeric's key ingredient, curcumin, has the potential to reduce inflammation and calm the gastrointestinal system.
3. Dal (lentils)
Lentils are a great source of prebiotics, which are substances that support the healthy bacteria in your digestive system. They are also high in fiber. They also help healthy digestion by offering a consistent stream of energy.
4. Ginger
Ginger is a multipurpose spice that has long been recognized for its digestive advantages. It can lessen inflammation, ease nausea, and increase the synthesis of digestive enzymes.
5. Methi fenugreek
Because of their high soluble fiber content, fenugreek seeds can help ease constipation and support a healthy gut environment. They add a unique flavor and are frequently used in Indian cuisine.
6. Chaas Buttermilk
Buttermilk, a well-liked traditional beverage, can be easier to digest than ordinary milk and is a good source of probiotics. This is one of the Foods to Improve Gut Health which supplies hydration and aids in preserving intestinal harmony.
7. Whole Grains
Use whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and millet in favor of processed grains. These grains have a lot of fiber, which helps to maintain regular bowel motions and a healthy digestive tract.
8. Garlic
Garlic has prebiotic qualities that go beyond its gastronomic appeal and can encourage the development of healthy bacteria in the stomach. It also possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Caromed seeds, or Ajwain
Indian cooking frequently uses ajwain because of its digestive qualities. It can be a useful supplement to your meals by reducing gas, indigestion, and bloating.
10. Coconut
Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut are readily digestible and can be found in the fruit, oil, and shredded coconut, among other forms. Additionally, this best Foods to Improve Gut Health has antibacterial qualities that could be advantageous to intestinal health.
The journey to well-being begins in your stomach. It is most important to consider healthy Foods to Improve Gut Health. People of all ages and genders should consider their stomach problems to establish healthy behaviors that will improve their general well-being.
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ze2-us · 4 months
Zenius India a top leading Ayurveda Company
Discover the Healing Power of Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic approach to health and wellness, has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. Rooted in the ancient Vedic culture, Ayurveda promotes balance in the body, mind, and spirit through natural therapies, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices. Let's explore how Ayurvedic medicine can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Understanding Ayurveda
Ayurveda, which means "science of life," is based on the principle that good health is achieved when there is harmony between the environment, body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes prevention and encourages maintaining health through:
Dietary Practices: Eating fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced foods.
Herbal Remedies: Utilizing the healing properties of plants.
Daily Routines: Incorporating practices like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise.
Detoxification: Purifying the body through Panchakarma treatments.
Personalized Care: Tailoring treatments to individual body types, or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Key Ayurvedic Medicines and Their Benefits
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Benefits: Reduces stress and anxiety, boosts energy levels, improves concentration, and strengthens the immune system.
Usage: Commonly taken as a powder mixed with milk or water, or in capsule form.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and supports joint health, digestive health, and skin health.
Usage: Used in cooking, taken as a supplement, or applied topically as a paste.
Benefits: Detoxifies the body, supports digestion, promotes regular bowel movements, and improves skin health.
Usage: Taken as a powder or tablet, usually before bedtime.
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Benefits: Enhances memory, cognitive function, and reduces symptoms of ADHD and anxiety.
Usage: Consumed as a powder, capsule, or in Brahmi oil for hair and scalp health.
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, promotes healthy skin and hair, and supports oral health.
Usage: Available as a powder, oil, or in toothpaste and skincare products.
Integrating Ayurveda into Your Daily Life
Morning Routine (Dinacharya):
Practice oil pulling with sesame or coconut oil.
Engage in gentle stretching or yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Include a variety of spices like cumin, coriander, and fennel in your meals.
Eat at regular intervals and avoid overeating.
Mental and Emotional Balance:
Meditate daily to calm the mind and reduce stress.
Practice Pranayama (breathing exercises) to improve mental clarity and focus.
Evening Routine:
Unwind with a warm bath infused with essential oils like lavender or sandalwood.
Engage in Abhyanga (self-massage) with warm sesame oil.
Avoid screens and digital devices an hour before bedtime to ensure restful sleep.
Why Choose Ayurvedic Medicine?
Natural and Holistic: Uses natural ingredients and addresses the root cause of health issues.
Personalized Treatment: Customizes remedies and lifestyle practices to individual needs.
Preventive Approach: Focuses on maintaining health and preventing illness.
Long-Term Benefits: Promotes sustainable health and well-being without side effects.
Embracing Ayurvedic medicine can lead to a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. By integrating Ayurvedic principles into your daily routine, you can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Start your journey towards holistic health with Ayurvedic practices and experience the timeless wisdom of this ancient healing system.
For more information and personalized Ayurvedic consultations, visit [www.zeniusindia.com]. Rediscover the balance and harmony within you with Ayurveda.
Contact us  :  [email protected]
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