#turtles motion view
jrow · 16 days
May Prompt (17)
Day 16 here. Day 18 here.
It is absolute chaos.
He closes his eyes for a just a moment. The constant screaming he can handle but the non-stop motion is difficult to handle. It pulls his attention in every direction and there is no order to speak of. His usual ability to predict the future is useless here and he has no idea what will happen next.
Not so different from the inner chaos he’s been experiencing these past few days. Entirely unpredictable. Often unbearable.
At least Rosie seems to be enjoying herself.
Thursday is park day. It’s a tradition for John and Rosie to come after nursery regardless of weather. John said Rosie had been inconsolable the one time there was lightning and they had to miss it. And today it’s unseasonably warm, so of course Sherlock insisted on taking her.
John had been … strange about the whole thing, though. Actually, John was strange anytime the subject of Rosie came up today. Fidgety. Uncomfortable. And he said some preposterous things. John seems to think that watching Rosie is some grand burden and that Sherlock must surely be eager for time alone at Baker street. It’s ridiculous—as if he’ll be spending one more second in that flat before John can be there with him.
He almost told John as much but that … well that would be revealing too much.
So instead he just rolled his eyes and left. Left to come to the park and enjoy the sunshine (along with every other family in Putney it seems).
He sighs and watches Rosie unsuccessfully try to climb up the slide. She makes it about halfway up before gravity takes over and she is back on the ground. A little boy quickly jumps over her to take his turn, only to meet the same fate.
He looks to the sky and thinks about the progress they made today on the case (in between John’s naps). It helped that their attention was no longer divided, now that they knew of the link between the thief and the hospital intruder. Although, infuriatingly, his brother is pointedly not telling them what that link is. The bastard.
Over the day, it became clear that the jewelry stores hit by the thief weren’t as randomly chosen as he previously thought. The appearance of disorder, chaos even, was a carefully constructed illusion—when he examined the full complement of evidence (including new video footage shared by Mycroft) he could see that every single element was intentionally done to look amateurish. Glass broken in inefficient ways. Cameras covered by crude methods. Alarms disabled almost by luck. But it was all planned. That changes the profile of who they are looking for quite dramatically.
He feels both guilt and anger about not seeing it earlier. Guilt because if he solved this sooner, John wouldn’t be in that awful hospital bed. Anger because the reason he didn’t is because he didn’t have all the facts. If he didn’t have Rosie to take care of, he might have gone to the yard to scream at a few people.
But, instead he is at the park.
He looks back at the slide but Rosie has moved to …. he scans the play structure and area around it, but doesn’t see her blond pigtail anywhere. His heart starts racing and he stands, eyes darting over the space. His eyes lock on the the stairs—she’s been known to enjoy playing in the cold sand under there, hidden from view. He quickly starts making his way over to peak in, but is stopped by that perfect little voice.
“Lock! I hiding!”
He turns and sees her, laying down beside the boy from the slide, behind the big plastic turtle. In his panic, he didn’t let look at the ground. And then he was so focused on the stairs that he walked right past her.
“Good work, Rosie,” he says, finding himself smiling.
John is an idiot. Rosie isn’t a burden at all.
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @quimerasyutopias @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels @dapetty
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blueeofsl · 9 months
Okay so this is going to be a pretty long analysis on @somerandomdudelmao ‘s most recent update… Will have to be split into multiple posts because of pictures
Been staring at the post for a while and damn,,, imagine going from dying in an unforgiving wasteland to waking up in what I can guess is a soft mattress with a healthy portion of sheets and blankets. Like those are absolute opposites in terms of comfort
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The fact that Leo wakes up with unfocused eyes (compared to his brothers, who almost immediately shoot up), tells us that he’s still expecting himself to be back in that apocalypse.
Also the frown he has in the middle panel, it’s probably just his face relaxing, but we see that it immediately goes to a frown. An “ugh, im so exhausted why am I awake?” Sort of expression. Which kinda continues to show in the last panel of this first page.
And in that entire time, Leo’s eyes never fully focus. Because he isn’t expecting anything good to happen for him. So why should he even try at this point when there’s no one left to save?
Which brings us to the next page. Zooming in, we can see that Leo is staring at the back of Donnie’s shell. Im guessing it takes him a moment to realize what he’s looking at because we get enough time to see Donnie struggle to stay awake. And knowing Donnie, this hints to Leo that this isn’t some sort of normal hallucination.
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We can also see that Leo is on a soft bed, and is being consistently monitored by Donnie. I am wondering what Donnie is working on though. Maybe checking Leo’s vitals? A new prosthetic for Leo? Or maybe, for once, allowing himself to start to plan on a new invention. Something that doesn’t directly involve with whether the resistance will survive the next day or not. He shows this sort of stubbornness to keep himself awake until he’s sure that Leo is okay.
In the last panel we see Leo finally perk up as he crains his neck back to really get a good look at his twin. He probably notices how Donnie’s shell looks a bit wider, his arms a bit stronger. But maybe hasn’t fully recognized it yet. This is also probably where he lets his vision come into focus, and becomes more aware of his surroundings because oh shit, I’m not dying on packed dirt any more.
Moving on to page 3, Leo reaches out to Donnie to see if he’s real. These poses remind me of the first episode of the comics.
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(Episode 1, part 7) Here we see Leo do pretty much the exact same hand motion as his tiny, little self. Which kinda tells us that Leo is moving purely on instinct, on emotion. His mind telling him to seek for that sort of comfort.
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When he falls in the last panel of the recent comic, I feel like it becomes some sort of wakeup call for him. Because the fall from the bed to the floor is pretty far from what we see in page 2. And the noise of his shell hitting the floor was probably pretty loud too. Enough to scare Donnie out of what ever he was working on.
Would also like to take a moment to look at Leo’s scars, specifically the one on the shell. I realized it’s the scar from when Donnie had to forcefully pull his shell together by screws and wire. (Part 2 of Episode 11)
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The fact that that scar is still on Leo’s shell shows us that it was an impactful moment for him (the revived turtles so far have shown that the scars/features that stay are those they think a lot about or have an emotional attachment to). He was lucky at that time. Because the rubble that caused that injury could have easily killed him. A wrong crack/break in the shell could have left him immobile for the rest of the war. But that’s where Donnie comes in because he knows that Leo would hate that.
The reason why the scar is so big on Leo’s shell now shows how much impact it had on his mind. At least that’s my guess…
Moving onto Page 4, we get a good view of Leo’s expression in all panels. First one shows pain, a wince. His arm looks to have twitched towards himself in order to protect his head. It could have also twitched because of Donnie’s sudden yell to him.
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The second panel shows surprise. Because his twin is picking him off the floor. Symbolically speaking, this could mean that his family is here to pick him up now, to carry him over to better times.
This surprise is also towards the fact that Donnie is able to lift Leo when before, right on the day Donnie dies, it was Leo who was picking up Donnie.
Also notice how in this page, we don’t see Donnie’s face at all. Even when Donnie is lifting Leo up in the third panel, we just see the confusion on Leo’s face. And also, perhaps, a bit of fear. Maybe he was fearing whether or not this was a dream.
But heres the thing. Many have noticed the parallel of Donnie and Leo switching positions in who is carrying who. But I noticed another parallel in this page.
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First panel in page 4 looks nearly identical to this page of Leo dying here.
When realizing this, the parallel just made that page so much more emotional to me.
Because Leo was expecting to be brought back to the apocalypse in his head.
Moving onto page 5, we get another good view of the scar on Leo’s shell. First panel though, love the Donnie face squish. There was no way he was gonna just let his twin sit on the cold hard floor when theres a bed right there.
This might be looking to much into it, but in the first panel, it looks like Leo is shaking too.
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We also see that Donnie and Leo are the same size now, when before, Leo was larger than Donnie when the soft shell was sick.
The second panel again shows the emotion Leo is going through. To me, it screams “is this real? I can’t believe it. How is this happening?” And we can see that Donnie’s grip on Leo is strong and firm while Leo seems to sorta cling/melt into his twin.
In the third panel, Donnie is telling Leo to sit still. Perhaps this is because of how badly Leo is shaking, or the fact that he had just fallen out of bed. Either way, what seems as a command for a shitty patient has another meaning; that Leo is okay. He’s going to be taken care of, he just has to let his family take care of him. Just like how he took care of them and so many other people.
Page 6, We see Leo’s expression again, and the way his arm is still reached out from Donnie pulling it off his shoulder. It’s full of surprise but theres not much fear being shown except for the hollowness in his eyes.
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Leo still doesn’t fully believe all of this is real. Then Donnie goes and starts moving around him, checking what’s left of his arm (some people are saying that it’s the first thing donnie checked. Also wondering if this could be him planning on a new prosthetic for Leo), and what I can guess is Donnie checking his heartbeat (the little white ninpo rectangle thing near Leo’s heart).
For Leo, this is quite overwhelming. He lets Donnie do his thing, but it’s been years since he’s seen his brother be so active around him. He shows signs of nervousness too, the wobbly line for his lips, and the way that his arm is tucked towards his middle, and his knees slightly pulled up and together. In that moment, he’s trying to make himself smaller.
Going back to scars again, notice the scarring on his neck. It’s the same injury from when he went to Donnie’s lab for guidance after almost getting his head bitten off by a krang dog. It’s another scar that’s left a large impact on Leo’s mind. Perhaps part of it is because of the krang dog, but another part I think is because of him yelling for Donnie.
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
You're bored while Buggy is off doing captain shit and you're left alone in the bedroom. Your chores were done for the day. There was nothing left to do.
But since you were left alone...
Your gaze fell upon his wardrobe stuffed with clothes. He wouldn't know you tried on one of his shirts right, as long as you put it away how you found it.
Deciding not to waste any more time you threw your clothes off, leaving just your socks and underwear on, and pulled on one of his shirts. It was a little tight around your tummy but fit loose in the shoulders. He was built differently for sure.
He wouldn't be back for a while so you stepped in front of the mirror, hands on your hips as you checked yourself out. You knew his pants wouldn't fit you at all, so no point in even trying, but just seeing yourself in his shirt was something.
You spun yourself around to check out the backside. The shirt came down just above your ass, showing your blue undies with green turtles printed on them. Together with just the shirt it was kind of a cute look.
You stepped away from the mirror for a moment before bouncing back into view. Yea, no, the shirt really was cute on you even as it started to ride up past your belly from being so snug. You didn't bother to pull it back down, letting your skin show with each movement you made.
Moving to the door you grinned. Could you slide on your socks and end up in front of the mirror, striking a pose worthy of your captain? He wasn't there to watch, it wouldn't matter.
Just as you began shuffling your feet, trying to get the motion going, the door was flung open and Buggy stepped in. You lost your balance, startled, and before you could fall back on your ass his arms were there to catch you.
"What the- what's going on in here?!" He demanded. When he got a look at your ensemble, his brain seemed to stop forming proper sentences. "Why are you... In my shirt... In your underwear?"
"I... Felt like it?" Was really the only reason. You saw the look in his eyes. He always got a little... Excited when he saw you in his clothes, whether it was his jacket or even just his hat. Oh, you hadn't expected him to see you like this. He slammed the door shut behind him before he started to toe his shoes off and throw his jacket to the side.
At least you weren't going to be bored much longer.
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anime-greek · 3 months
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(Verse!AU) ‘Before The Battle’
Cassie and Gen!Mikey
Fanfic under cut
Mikey felt extremely nervous as he walked up to Cassie with a plate of the food. He wasn’t exactly sure why, but guessed it could be because she was kinda far away from the group, standing next to the key in the dark night. She was also staring at him the entire time he walked up to her.
“I brought you food if you want some.” He told her as he lifted it up to her.
She glanced at the plate before looking back to him. “No thank you.” She declined.
He lowered the plate. “Are you sure? We have a big day ahead of us in the morning.”
“I am sure.”
Mikey pouted as he stared at his plate. The both of them remained in silence for a bit.
She noticed something off.
“You did not come here only to offer me food, did you?” Cassie asked him.
His pout deepened as his grip tightened against the plate more.
“I just..” he sat down on the steps while setting the plate aside, “I'm having a difficult time dealing with the idea that any of us Mikeys would betray our siblings like yours did.”
“That is how alternative universes work.” She stated.
He looked at her fully. “But, you’re sure the story is right?”
He saw Cassie’s own grip tightened against the end of the katana as a small frown formed on her.
Mikey attempted to save face, “I’m only suggesting that—!”
“Are you trying to insinuate that my life is a lie?”
“No! No! I’m saying that uh-“
“Young Michelangelo..” She cut him off as she squatted down to be closer to his height. “Each universe is seemingly different in one way or another. With something as little as a choice B is picked rather than A from a being as small as an ant; to it something as big as being an entirely different race rather than being a mutant turtle.” She gestured her hand towards the campsite. “Out of all of the possibilities you have seen and heard on your journey, what you had found the most difficult is that one of yous out there has joined the side of the Krang?”
Mikey looked down at his lap, as one of his hands rubbed against his wrist. “Well, since you put it that way..” he glanced to the campsite, where the others were still chatting about, before he looked back to Cassie. “You know, you talk really wise for someone so young.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m over six—ty years old.” She caught her words for a moment.
Mikey made a choke noise. “Well—You look good for your age!”
She seemed confused by that statement. “Thank you.”
As she stood back up, Mikey grabbed the plate and held it out to her again.
“You sure you’re not hungry?” He questioned. She shook her head. “Not even tired? I’ve been told resting and recharging can help for a coming battle”
“I am sure.” She responded. Mikey seemed to deflate that.
Cassie did a head motion to the camp this time. “That older you, with the tied up hair. He’s your mentor?”
Mikey shrugged. “In a sense, I guess so, yeah. He tries to be when he can.”
“He reminds me of my own Michelangelo.”
Mikey couldn’t help but give a puzzled frown at that statement. “In a good or bad way?” He asked.
“Depends on your view of good and bad. I can sense how powerful he is; close to how mine was before.. all that.”
“Their power is almost the same?”
She pursed her lips before speaking again. “From the last time I saw him. He has likely gotten stronger since then. I am sure of it.”
Mikey began to feel doubt and worry sink in. He stood up.
“I’m..going to go back now. Should..should rest up before the morning, y’know?” He said.
“Very well.” Cassie lowered her head in a bow. “Enjoy your rest.”
Mikey returned the bow and began to walk back to the camp. Halfway he turned back around and saw Cassie staring at the key with an apathetic face, while mumbling something, seemingly to herself.
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jadeittic · 1 year
HS + Y/I: 2022 (SERIES)
EXTRA (8) -- mb i keep procrastinating i swear its not my fault (it is) LMAO
WARNINGS: will be changing face claims for every post ! hope it won't be a bother.
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liked by bellaramsey, anyataylorjoy, bigbaldhead, and 1,324,584 others
yourinstagram perth, get ready.
view all 212,134 comments
username o h my god i get to be the first people to hear hs + y/i as the aoty
harrystyles We praise the people who get drunk the night before anything.
yourinstagram i'm literally going to die from alcohol poisoning because of you
harrystyles Yeah well it's not my fault you keep tagging along with me
yourinstagram SHUT UUUP i only tag along because you cry like a baby if i say no
username the bickering even through texts 😭😭
username LMFAO
username yn can i bring pizza to the show please 🙏
yourinstagram YES PLEASE i deserve a snack from time to time because SOMEONE refuses to let me
username we dont even need namedropping atp we all knowwww who it is
harrystyles WHAT DID I DO?!
username the amount of adrenaline in me i cant even go to sleep
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liked by username, and 12,329 others
ynrry YNRRY spotted walking around tourist shops in Perth, Australia just this afternoon. Are we all ready for the show tomorrow night?
view all 390 comments
username PARENTS /p
username im so excited im driving to the park jsut to visit
username actually ordering her pizza rn
username we're listening to the aoty tomorroooooow
username every show feels so unreal
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liked by mrdrdawson, kaiagerber, iamgabrielluna, and 1,540,695 others
yourinstagram rehearsaaaaals
view all 154,644 comments
yourinstagram huh
username YN
zendaya i miss youuuu
yourinstagram z i miss you so much it hurts
username 2023 is treating ynrry so well and im here for it
yourinstagram it better be my favorite one
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liked username, and 6,705 others
ynrry first look at ynrry onstage at perth!
view all 322 comments
username WHAT THE FUCK
username i love how they're matching but not matching at all
username i am IN TEARS
"Okay, so tonight's dinner will be pizza, as I was informed. "Where are you?" Not knowing what she should be looking for other than a pizza box as she makes her way down the catwalk, YN says, "Is there a pizza box I should be looking for, really? — A sudden cheer could be heard from the other side of the stage, where Harry appeared to be pointing down to someone in the audience. Harry said, "C'mere, I think I found her. I'll even check my imaginary watch on my wrist to see how long it'll take her to get here," he said, motioning for YN to come over to his side.
"I actually believed a turtle was with me on stage," Harry jokes with a smirk on his lips, "YN finally made it over, much slower than anyone, actually." By this time, the two are arguing once more and have forgotten that they were looking for the pizza a fan had promised YN she would get at tonight's show.
"Well, I wouldn't really like the opportunity to slip and fall down as I'm running to you, no? - I'm simply being safe, unlike you." YN says with a cheeky grin plastered onto her face, to which Harry replies with a playful, offended look as he dramatically starts crying and places his hands over his eyes to stop his "tears" from falling out.
YN decides to move on, away from the conversation, and approaches the fan, who is holding a pizza box in the air. "Are you the one who promised me dinner?" The fan's head nodding told her everything she needed to know, even though she couldn't really hear what she was saying due to the audience and the earpiece placed in her ears. She then reaches over to the fan, carefully grabbing the box from the fan's hands without falling. As YN holds the box, her excitement quickly builds as she remembers how hungry she was before the show.
"Better hope it's your favorite pizza. If not, the pizza will be mine before you know it!" Harry approaches YN with a sneaky grin on his face. By turning away from the audience to hide the pizza they would be eating on stage, YN and Harry created needless suspense. — The boy standing next to YN laughs as she says, "Don't let me down, please," into her microphone.
It was YN's preferred pizza, which surprised her. As she crouches next to the fan, YN exclaims, "You are now my favorite person ever, I love you so much." — "You certainly made her happy, I suppose. Sincerely, I believed she would eventually cut off my head." Harry says as he squats down next to YN and receives snarling looks in return.
"Harry, I hate you so much." She pushes him in a playful manner until he falls to his back, at which point she turns to face the fan while grinning widely. — "You have my undying love. I adore you. Because of you, dinner is served!"
"Speaking of Adore You," Harry teases into his microphone as he motions for YN to stand, the upbeat instrumental playing through the speakers.
YN was spotted eating pizza while seated close to her and Harry's band.
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liked by username, and 4,219 others
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liked by username, and 19,653 others
celebnews "Y'wanna do it with me?" -- "Pass. I don't want to barf out the pizza I just ate. And besides, you're not even drinking it with beer!" -- "Well, this is a family show, is it not?" YN LN and Harry Styles on doing a shoey at their concert at Perth.
view all 3,120 comments
username he drank it out of a GUCCI SNEAKER
username yn just munching on her food in the back while harry does all of these 😭
username "this is one of the most disgusting traditions" -- "THEN DON'T DO IT" I LOVE YN SM LMFAOO
username yn shaking her head in disappointment like a mother for him doing it and him not doing it right 😭
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liked by username, and 2,431 others
ynrry more of ynrry tonight at perth!
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liked by yourinstagram, lukehemmings, benbarnes, and 2,740,385 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Perth. February. 2023.
view all 14,321 comments
username had the time of my life im so thankful
username i miss you already
yourinstagram this is the face of someone who DROPPED A SLICE OF MY PIZZA ON THE FLOOR.
harrystyles I SAID I WAS SORRY
username 2023ynrry is such a sight to see
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liked by dualipa, chrisevans, and 2,132,001 others
yourinstagram taught this man how to use a phone once, and he can't let go of it. PERTH I LOVE YOU
view all 32,290 comments
username the thought of yn teaching harry makes me giggle a bit
username i barely see this man holding a phone this is a rare sight
yourinstagram i love you i love you i love you
username tonight felt like a dream omg
username the best duo in the whole universe no one can tell me otherwise
yourinstagram via ig story
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satrs · 1 year
Can’t feel my face - bllk x fem!Reader N°6
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decided to switch up the perspective, cuz I feel more comfy with this one :)
Tags: !NSFW CONTENT MDNI! grinding. Oral(fem recieving).
also not proofread

Sae was quick to comment on your appearance, dressed in the sexiest dress he'd ever seen a woman wear, unable to stop his eyes from wandering all over your body, longing to take you in the back of his car again.
But he contained himself to do so.
"Well, thank you. You look quite handsome yourself.", you told the young man, earning a sly smirk from him in return.
His phone rang, causing him to curse under his breath at the sight of business calling. "Urghh, need to take that. You can go, I'll follow after."
You handed him your car keys and made your way to the front of the establishment, feeling various eyes on your body, whispering dirty comments into your direction that all went over your head.
As you stepped through the door, you noticed that the stairs to the downstairs event were blocked, loud music coming from the further front of the entrance.
As you stepped inside, you came to view with a lively party - many women dressed in scandalous clothing, some men begging for their attention and time, others enjoying their time sensually dancing with them or just enjoying their time by themselves, ordering shot after shot from the bartender.
Deciding you would want one good drink yourself, you made your way over to the bar, hips swaying with each step you took.
You felt good, and you sure as hell knew you looked damn good as well.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you noticed who the bartender was, hair down, frown accompanying him at the sight of you at the bar, leaning against it while a smirk adored your remarkable figures.
"Not only boxer, pastry enjoyed but also a bartender? Wow, Barou. What a multitalent."
I'll show you what else I'm talented at, he thought to himself, preparing another answer instead.
"Keep that mouth of yours shut and tell me what you want, brat."
"Whatever is fine", you stated, wondering how you could make his dominant attitude crumble. As he turned around to get your shot ready, you questioned him in interest.
"But for real. Why are you doing... this?", you motioned at him, earning a huff in return. "That fuckin' rich boy told me that I would have to bartend if I lose, so now I gotta' do it."
You hummed, understanding. You kept quiet, eying him up and down, causing the young male to raise an eyebrow in question.
"When are you off?", you questioned. He didn't fail to notice the seductive undertone in your voice, dark orbs sucking you right into him.
Glancing at the clock on the wall of the bar, his eyes shooting right back to hers, "one more hour", he stated, he went off to clean up some of the remaining glasses, leaving you standing, watching his figure disappear from your sight.
Bored, you looked around, noticing some pair of eyes looking intensely at you.
You smiled as he approached you, wearing a tight, white turtle-neck T-shirt, adored by a golden chain around his neck, face painted with a playful small smile.
Barou watched you and Nagi interact from afar, growing sick at the sight of him - out of all people, with you. He knew that Nagi noticed that he had an interest in the young woman the older Itoshi introduced them to- hell, he knew that Nagi also did.
Nagi must be doing this on purpose, flirting with her so openly without a care in the world, right in front of him.
"Yo, King", Nagi waved Barou to him, "bring us two whiskey shots. Pretty please." Barou cursed under his breath, wanting to wipe that damn smirk off of Nagi's face - tired of someone like him disrespecting him.
Not wanting to cause any trouble with the owner of all this tumult, he complied, a deep frown visible as he approached the both of you.
"Thanks. And would you please stop lookin' like that? You'll scare away the guests." Barou clenched his hand into a tight fist, turning around his heel before he would start something he couldn't finish.
"Let's go somewhere else. Yeah, doll?", he inquired, earning a nod from you. As the both of you walked to where the VIP section was located, his hand swiftly creeped around you, comfortably placing it over your ass, causing you to hide a smile in excitement.

You weren't drunk, just -taking two confident boosts- as you would call it, feeling bolder and more comfortable in Nagi's presence. You made yourself comfortable on his lap, hands around his neck as his hand is placed at the valley of your ass, the both of you talking about various topics.
He often tried to go further, only to getting stopped by your innocent facade - realizing your implications of teasing him.
"C'mon, doll, tell me what you're tryin' to do", he whined playfully and impatient, causing you to giggle, the action making you unintentionally move around his lap just right, curve of your ass directly rubbing onto his semi-hard dick.
You moved closer to him, lips almost brushing his, eyes switching between his eyes and lips. He was about to lean in and capture your lips into a heated kiss, when you pulled away completely, getting off his lap.
Your hand was placed on his thigh, lightly squeezing it, earning a huff from the man. Nagi spread his legs at your action, body filled with desire for you.
“I’m sorry, handsome,“ you began, retreating your hand from his thigh, leaning near his ear to whisper the rest of your sentence, “but I got somewhere to be.”
He watched your figure disappear out of his sigh, looking down to the painful tent in his pants, cursing under his breath,
"Fuck, what a hassle."

You found yourself at the bar again, patiently waiting for Barou, since one hour had already passed.
He soon came to view, throwing a towel over his shoulder, heading over to your direction to go into his break.
He halted at the sight of you, surprised that you actually waited for him, chest swelling with pride.
“You’re late”, you mentioned, causing the man to show veins of irritation, “And you can fuck off.”
You smiled at his answer, walking up close to him, hand placed on his broad chest.
„Nah. I’d prefer to fuck you.“
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“Don’t stop Barou, oh fuck!”, your moans echoed through the staff bathroom, back arching as you felt his tongue and fingers work magic between your legs, while your leg was thrown over his shoulder.
You threw your head back at one particularly deep move of his fingers, biting your lip in pleasure.
“Don’t call me by my surname when I’m literally knuckles deep inside your cunt”, he mumbled through your folds, causing you to whine at the vibration of his voice against your heat.
“You’re doing so good Sho‘“, you breathed out, shamelessly drooling from the corner of your lips, almost falling off the sink you're leaning against.
Barou's dick stirred inside his pants as you called out his nickname, groaning against your heat. „You’re so wet, princess. All for me, yeah?“
You hummed in approval, taking a tight hold on his long hair as you neared your orgasm.
“Make no damn mess, I still gotta work”, the young man grunted, tight grip on your thighs.
His eyes were intensely focused on your facial expressions. “Look at me, or I’m not goin' to make you cum.”, he spat.
You complied, falling into submission. You looked him right in the eye as you came, moaning out his name in pleasure.
„That’s right. Give it to me, he groaned through your folds, rough hand slapping down onto your exposed ass cheek.
You soon came down from your high, disappointed at your behavior. He was supposed to be the one to submit to you, not you. But you understood why he was called the King now, his overwhelming dominance now making sense.
He threw the towel he had on his shoulder right at your face, making his way out the restroom,“ make sure to clean up“, he turned his head while flashing you a handsome smirk.
“Damn Tyrant.”
You soon stepped out of the restroom, noticing a figure standing against the wall in the dark of the room.
You halted in your tracks, eyebrow raising in question, waiting for the dark figure to step out of the shadows.
"Well, if it isn't Y/N! Welcome! Are you enjoying yourself?", it was Reo, walking over to you to embrace you in a hug, startling you at the action.
You looked at him, "Actually, no. It's way too loud in here", you stated honestly, earning an understanding hum from the male. "Well, we could get to the top. Just the two of us", he implied, voice laced in lust.
She agreed, following suit after him, to an elevator in the far back of the strip club. As they stepped in, he pushed the bottom that would lead them to the top floor, leaning against the wall of the elevator.
He looked at you from the corner of his eye, the teasing smirk vanishing as fast as it appeared on his face.
His hand took a hold of your chin, wiping some remaining saliva from the corner of your lip, intensely looking you in the eye before retreading his hand away, "There, you go. Did he really lick it that good to leave you drooling?"
Your breath hitched in your lungs, cheeks painted by a tint red.
Got her.
When the elevator came to a halt and opened its door, you saw a jaw-dropping apartment before your eyes, causing you to look around it, humming, impressed.
"You like it?", Reo questioned, his breath hot at your ear, his hand sneaking its way around your shoulder. You hummed, walking to the large couch that was displayed in the middle of the living room.
"Make yourself feel at home", Reo mentioned, earning a soft smile from you as you seated yourself on the couch.
He went into the kitchen, coming back with an expensive looking champagne, "You want some? It's the best, trust me." You hesitated, not wanting to cause any big circumstances for the man.
But he waved you off, insisting it would be ok. He is the richest man in the country, after all. Did you forget?
You and Reo had a nice conversation, really. You talked about many different topics, him learning more about you and you more about him, him - not the Billionaire Mikage Reo.
He loved listening to you, learning more about you. But it also made him greedy about you, much greedier than he was and even intended to be.
You talked to him with no filter, not caring about the billions he had in his bank account.
This caused a feeling that confused him. At first, he thought it was lust - lusting over your perfection of a body. Then it moved onto greed - greedy to learn more and more about you, be near you, touching you.
But what is this bewilderment? He has not once thought sexually about you in the pastime the two of you were talking. How long was it? One hour? Or two? He didn't care. He just wanted to-
"Ohhh, so that's where you're hidin' ma'." Who the fuck?
"Whatcha' two doin' all alone up here?", Shidou‘s loud voice rang through the room, the both of you snapping your heads into his direction, Reo's tongue clicking in annoyance,
He stood there, dressed in gray sweatpants and a black top, show casting his muscles through it. His hair were different from usual, styled downwards, some strands of hair escaping to the front, hanging in his face.

"Mind if I join the fun?"
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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PT: 2
Summary: You and Karai are twin sisters and best friends, however, you had an easier time believing that Splinter is your father than she.
Warnings: Arguments, angst
Requested: Nah
Female Reader
I'm on my family disagreement shit, ok? Let me be.
"Hamato Yoshi is your father!"
The words of Leonardo had been echoing in your head since they were spoken into exsistence.
You had a much easier time believeing them than Karai, whom called you a gullible fool. You were conflicted.
You had never agreed with Shredder and his methods of power, but you stood to the side, keeping silent to avoid being a problem.
Lately, however, you were having trouble staying silent.
This wasn't right.
None of it was right.
And if Leonardo was telling the truth, if Hamato Yoshi truely was your father, then Shredder had alot of explaining to do. You barely trusted him before, but now...
Now it was like that imaginary string that held you in place amongst the Foot Clan had been snapped.
That's why you stood here, face to face with one of the four turtles your "father" despised so.
"I want to know the truth." You said, sitting on your knees, your voice low and quiet.
You had always been much more timid than Karai, contrasting her boldness. It was often a curse, no one took you seriously due to your silent nature. So when you spoke to Leonardo, you did so with as much conviction as your soft voice could muster.
"The truth?" He said, sitting on his knees, the same as you, "The truth is that the Shredder has lied to you and your sister your whole lives. He took you from your true father. Hamato Yoshi."
You bit your lip as you searched his face, trying to find the lie. There wasn't one. Leonardo's face conveyed desperation. He needed you to believe he was telling the truth. This wasn't a lie.
"I believe you." You said, if possible, softer than before.
Leonardo's face noticably loosened, his posture going from tense to relieved.
"Are you kidding me?!"
You spun to see a very angry Karai standing behind you. Her fists were clenched at her sides as she stared at you with that familiar fire.
"No!" She said, scowling, "You always were a gullible idiot, (Name)! How could you believe him, our enemy over Father?"
You stood, pleading eyes meeting Karai's angry ones, "Karai, I know you've had your own doubts too. I know it. None of it makes sense, don't you see? There are so many holes in Father's- I mean Shredder's story-"
"Hamato Yoshi killed our mother, (Name)!"
You grabbed Karai by her shoulder, begging her to just look at you, to see your point of view, "What if he didn't? What if it was all a lie-?"
Karai pushed you away, speaking with a voice laced in venom, "I don't believe you! You really are stupid. If you truely believe him, fine. Then go. But if you walk away, if you leave with him, then you are no sister of mine."
You felt the tears prick your eyes, holding your hands out to Karai's tense figure, "Karai-"
"Choose. Them, or me."
You looked between Leonardo and Karai, eyes pleading with him to say something, but before he could, Karai held up her hand, effectivly telling him to shut up.
"CHOOSE!" She shouted.
"I-" You gulped back the sob building in your throat, "I- I can't go back, Karai, I-"
"Fine." She spat, "Fine. Have a good life, (Name). I don't ever want to see you again, you are NO sister of mine. TRAITOR!"
With that, Karai took off back in the direction she came from. No doubt to tell Shredder of your betrayal.
"(Name)..." Leonardo said, gently resting his hand on your shoulder, "We should go. Shredder's goons could show up any minute."
You wiped away the tears that escaped your eyes, "Yeah. L-let's go." you shakily motioned for him to lead the way.
Leonardo led you through the sewers, though you were hardly present on the journey.
Were you truely ready for this?
You just lost your sister, she hated you now. She said she never wanted to see you again.
What if you were wrong? What if Leonardo had lied, and this was all a ploy? A trick.
You took a deep breath to calm your swirling mind, no time to doubt now. You made your choice. Now hopefully it was the right one...
Yes, there'll be a part two where you meet Splinter, don't worry!
I dunno why but I'm all over tha familial angst lately-
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theraccoonslair · 1 month
Hello Coony ❤ I'm happy for your big step and I hope you'll have lots of fun with writing requests (and not only)!
For starters, could I request Higuruma and reader enjoying an aquarium date and watching a penguin feeding show? ngl penguins are my fav part of any aquarium (providing they have them in the first place lol)
Thank you for considering ❤
Hi Bas! ❤️ First of all, I'm deeply sorry it took me forever to answer your request! And thank you so much for your message and for officially being my first request on this blog! 😊 It was my first time writing Higuruma and I admit I'm a bit nervous eheh but I genuinely had fun writing this and hope I gave our favourite lawyer the justice he deserves! pun intended
Waves on distant shores
Characters: Higuruma Hiromi x gn!reader
Synopsis: Higuruma and you enjoy a well deserved date at the local aquarium, the penguin feeding show being the main attraction you look forward to.
Words: 1000⁓
Note: none
There’s almost complete silence surrounding you, the magic of the place being able to keep quiet even the most unruly children, who now looks in awe through the big plexiglass windows of the tanks, the only sounds they make excited gasps and revered whispers when the animals make themselves seen from time to time. Low lights, dark blue walls and the calm and peaceful swimming of the various marine creatures drag you into some sort of ethereal trance: the sounds around you are almost completely canceled, the vision blurred at the corners, and you feel like you’re almost in the depths of the sea along with the animals.
You proceed slowly, your eyes glued to the tanks’ windows, your heart making a leap of joy in your chest as soon as you spot a couple of dolphins playing, the slow paddling of a turtle, the hypnotic motion of a shark. Relaxed and at ease, you let yourself enjoy this little moment of peace, time carefully carved out from the frenzy lives both you and your boyfriend have. It was almost a herculean task, to be able to synchronize your agendas and find a suitable day for a long needed date, especially when you had also to look up for the aquarium’s activities schedule.
But here you finally are, with the intention to savor every minute of it.
So immersed in your wonder gazing, you don’t notice Higuruma slowly approaching you, after he lost himself in between all the tropical tanks, small and colorful fishes catching his eyes and making him lose the sight of you for a moment. His expression is softer than usual, work worries for once left behind and replaced by the joy and relaxation of spending a day off with you. Clothes matches his demeanor, black formal suit being discarded in favor of a pair of jeans and light brown sweater, and his walk towards you is relaxed, not wanting to startle you out of the fascination he knows you have for the place.
Reaching your side, he gently grabs your fingers and squeeze them lightly, his gesture entering in the realm of your senses without alarming you, but taking you back to reality step by step with every of his fingers making contact with your skin.
“Show starts in 20 minutes, shall we go?” he almost whispers, gentle voice the last step to bring you back completely to the present moment.
Nodding in response, you give a quick wave of your handin greeting to the seal that was playing with their pup just right in front of you, before following Higuruma down the underwater tunnel, heading towards the open area for the penguin feeding show.
You look up in awe, a manta ray lazily swimming over your head while you walk slowly, families almost swarming around you dragged by the enthusiasm of their children. You and Higuruma are not in a hurry, this day dedicated to just the two of you, and you both take your time admiring the view all around, the tunnel enhancing the feeling of being immersed underwater, surrounded by animals.
Higuruma's fingers brush against yours once again, this time catching them gently and bringing them to his lips, a quick and soft peck given to your knucles before they come back down and intertwine with yours.
Already seated, you look at the arena, some of the penguins already gathering around the keeper, their little curious heads trying to peek into the bucket in their hands. The animals are visibly excited, but well behaved, their little antics making you smile fondly.
When everyone around you has finally taken a seat and started to get quiet, the show begins, with the keeper starting to talk about the aquarium's colony and their habits.
"African penguins - Higuruma murmurs, leaning towards you to be heard above the microphoned voice of the keeper - also know as 'jackass penguins', for their peculiar donkey-like noise." And, as if to prove the man's words, one of the penguin starts to emit the unique call, making you both chuckle in unison.
“Wait, did you do research?”
Of course he did research: even if case files, testimonies, appeals, and useful quibbles are what mainly occupy his time, he always makes sure to reserve a bit of his day to you. Munching a sandwich over his laptop during lunch break or scrolling through his phone while having first coffee of the morning at his desk, he made sure to come prepared. Because to Higuruma, this wasn’t just him going with you to the aquarium, but sharing an experience about something you liked.
“Yes - he answers, matter-of-factly – and one of their continental colony is in South Africa: you can visit it and can see them up to a meter away.”
He shares that bit of information so casually, watching you react with pure glee at the thought of walking among the little creatures, as if he hasn’t already had a look at flight and hotels.
“African penguins are underwater predators – the keeper voice reclaims your attention back to the main attraction, where they are now carefully giving fishes to the penguins – and they feed mainly on fishes and marine invertebrates. During the week we feed them with different types, like this herrings here, so they can have a varying and balanced diet."
The penguins enthusiastically take their share of the food and you both enjoy looking at them, the show proceeding smoothly, the feeder's explanation never being boring or overly complicated on the biology side of things. Enjoying it 'till the very last minute, when all the animals are full and the keeper is coming out of the water, you let all the people get up and pass you on their way out, before you two do the same and be the last ones to leave.
You're both silent, the fascination and the excitement of the show still lingering in your chests, ready to be transformed in a fond memory and stored forever in your hearts. Higuruma turns towards you, your eyes still shining and your mouth curved in a content smile, and mirrors the smile on his own lips, you experiencing childlike wonder something so contagious that never cease to make his soul lighter and his day better.
"C'mon - he says, his fingers brushing yours once again before gently holding your hand - let's go to the gift shop."
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flurrys-creativity · 7 months
Coral reef
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Pairing: Song Mingi (Ateez) x GN!Reader; Genre: mermaid au, fluff; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Wordcount: 628; Warnings: none
Synopsis: The newest life form at the reef is excited to see you.
A/N: Please enjoy this and tell me what you think!
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Dozens of bubbles surrounded your head as you breathed out. Now that you were under water you didn’t feel the weight of the diving gear on your back anymore. You loved being underwater and felt thankful every day for your job requiring you to get into the ocean and check on the local reef at least once a week.
Soon enough the colourful ocean life stretched before your eyes. Little school of fishes swam around large coral structures. Their silver scales reflected in the sun rays that filtered through the water. More vibrant and extravagant fishes leisurely glided past iridescent anemones. Crabs hid underneath stones and coral structures and you even saw a sea turtle swim around.
You swam along the reef to get a general overview of the state before you’d take closer looks and pick some samples.
Unbeknownst to you, you weren’t the only one checking the reef. When Mingi noticed the diver, he quickly hid behind a large formation. He silently observed as you swam along your way, curious what your intentions were.
Once he realised you didn’t have any ill intentions, Mingi even dared to swim closer. He still stayed hidden - at least for now. It intrigued him to see you interact with the life around you.
When you dove down to pick up a few empty shells, you noticed a large shadow above you. You moved your hands to kneel down on the sandy ocean floor, while your head turned around.
You nearly dropped the mouthpiece as you gasped upon the view above your head. The long orange scaled tail immediately caught your focus and you forgot all about any safety regards.
Mingi turned around and swam right back towards you. He noticed how his tail appeared to be double the length from your bottom half. He looked at you curiously, unsure whether he should say something.
Your eyes wandered over his features, the vibrant hair, the defined upper body, his black claw-like nails and definitely his beautiful tail. You looked back up to his wide almost puppy-like eyes.
Technically you had to add him now to your research and report but you knew if you’d actually do that, the reef would suffer even more. If anyone else would know about him, they would either hunt him down or make an attraction out of him. So you decided in that exact moment that you would take the knowledge of his existence to your grave.
Mingi looked down at your hands, seeing the few shells in them. His mouth turned into an o shape and he pushed himself through the water with his strong tail.
You watched him in confusion as he swam down to the ocean floor and picked some things up before he returned to you. One of his large hands grabbed yours and placed more shells into them. 
Mingi grinned excitedly and pointed at the shells. “They are beautiful!”
You nodded and tried smiling as much as possible with all the diving gear you were wearing. You motioned for him to hold the shells momentarily and got the little bag you had on you for samples. Today you’d forget about the samples though, using the space for the small gifts he got for you.
The excitement that radiated off of Mingi when you let him place the shells inside of your bag, reminded you of youthful innocence. Especially when he swam off again and grabbed even more. 
You’d let him be for today since you weren’t really able to tell him anything but you secretly hoped you could meet him some day where you’d be able to communicate. Though only following him through the reef and seeing him that excited was already enough and close to a miracle in your eyes.
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​ 
Check out the other drabbles!
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sharkjumpers · 8 months
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with the context of the "it" mocking elektra here being hallucinatory in nature, an extension of her shattered mind, pieces of herself coming back to her, and, in this instance, deriving from a particularly intrusive memory (coming from a culmination of memories and a traumatic piece of herself she's been trying to keep at bay, that is referred to as "the black globe") of her being tricked into killing her sensei by the hand... and her also being in an environment (a psychiatric institution) described as "[submitting... prisoners to] detestable living conditions and torture"...
elektra essentially viewing herself as a turtle always fascinates me (keeping in mind that these animalistic depictions are how she's processing real-world experiences, another layer of the shell). it's a rather straightforward metaphor—a largely solitary animal with a built-in protective mechanism that encapsulates it in its entirety, leaving nothing vulnerable, exposed, to an attack. or, like the voice in her head mocks her with, it's a humiliating creature that it can hide itself away in cowardice while refusing to act instead of utilizing its power.
here her mind is working both for and against her. much like the shell of the turtle—if she holds onto the security of only remembering the things about herself that her brain has allotted to protect her, she's safe from confronting what brought her to this state in the first place, something incredibly traumatic for her mind to grapple with. but if she doesn't come to terms with it, if she continues to distract herself, continues to hide away from herself, she's in imminent danger. the mechanism she's relying upon to protect her will allow her to be overpowered, and, in this instance, be lobotomized. so she's forced into reconciling with herself preemptively, an animalistic instinct to survive bringing her "jaws" out from the safety of the shell. she crushes the rat—kills the man attempting to take her mind away from her for good. and in doing so she reclaims a part of her being, but (and) opens up the flood gates for the rest of the "black globe", and is forced (because there's no hiding away in the shell any longer, the action is in motion now and there's no stopping it) to stitch her mind back together while on the run.
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twiyke · 9 months
BANGER BANGER BANGER FILM. definitely the thing i liked most was the visuals - the style is SO UNIQUE (with the deliberately misshapen designs and grungy colours with harsh neon contrast and the FUCKING !! SKETCH/SCRATCH LINES DUUDE), and the animation was just so full of personality and an absolute joy to watch.
AND SHOUT OUT TO THE EFFECTS AND LIGHTING ANIMATION ESPECIALLY HOLY SHIT ??? every time they had the scratched on light rays or scribbled smoke and dust i started like DROOLING dude.
the cinematography was also just absolutely amazing - incredible use of the medium to do these fantastic running shots with complex angles. favourite sequence was definitely the side shots of the boys fighting and interrogating people (SO smooth and the fighting choreography was incredible and showcased their styles and personalities so well, and the intercut sense of MOTION. dude. banger.)
AND !! THE FUCKING SOUND DESIGN!! especially the score dude MY GOD i loved the use of pitchy and unconventional instruments it fit the movie to a tee.
LOVED THE CHARACTERS! particularly the boys and the other mutants (mondo wingnut and leatherhead especially). all the interactions were super sweet and well-written and i just LOVED the VA performances - played off each other immaculately. i love how cringe and unapologetically TEEN the turtles are. and adored splinter too.
i think i'm glad they focused more on developing their relationship as a family than individual character arcs, because it helped reduce any bias or favouritism for specific turtles (COUGH leo and raph ahem), and also worked best with the super fast pacing, i think. didn't feel too cramped in all the busyness.
that said, i did struggle with the comedy a bit? particularly the reference humour. NOT THAT IT WAS ALL BAD! quite a few got a laugh out of me, but there were so many packed into such a small amount of time that it ended up getting a bit distracting. felt a bit like "let's wave all our properties in your face" and kind of out of place at times (i would've preferred for them to be less frequent, or for the references to be knock-offs)
i don't think the plot was the MOST compelling, either, but really that's fine, because it wasn't trying to be. the focus was on the art and action and dynamics and it is completely fine for it to focus more on that than thematic and emotional beats.
oh also i can't decide whether i love or hate the milking joke. funny at times but the more they retreaded it the more uncomfortable it felt lmao.
overall i think it is the most technically impressive tmnt movie, that i've seen at least, and from a cinematography point of view? ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING. but it isn't necessarily the most emotionally compelling tmnt movie, and you know what? that's okay! because is wasn't trying to be, and it absolutely excels at what it aims itself towards.
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thebiballerina · 2 years
Since Marwa was introduced in season 4, episode 2 of What We Do In The Shadows, we have known that she was well-educated, interested in mathematics and science, and was proud of her observations of Jupiter and Saturn during her original life. Her intellect alone makes her a hilarious match for Nandor, but I can't help thinking about how much funnier this makes The Casino (season 3, episode 4). Because then Nandor reveals: "For 750 years, I believed I knew the truth: that the Earth rested upon the shoulders of four mighty elephants… who stood on the shell of a large and noble turtle… around which the sun and the moon and all the stars revolve."
Now, I can excuse not knowing about the Earth revolving around the sun; geocentrism was fairly accepted at that time. Marwa probably made her observations of Jupiter and Saturn from the perspective of a geocentric model. But the elephants on a turtle bit is made that much more amazing by the revelation that he had AN ENTIRE ASTRONOMER living in his own home while he believed this.
AND my further research shows that in the area that Nandor is from (now Iran), in the 13th century, it was an at least somewhat prevalent view among astronomers that the apparent motion of the night sky was a result of Earth rotating on an axis. So, like, they were probably past the Earth resting on elephants on a turtle. I love it.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Part two: Rise!Leo falling in love for the first time
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-author’s note: i don’t know where we are going but we shall keep moving forward c: hope you all enjoy <3
-warnings: angst, mentions of violence, death, guns, blood (really not too bad), cursing, slow burn, fluff, unedited
previous - next
previously. . .
“LEO?!” He was a cheeky bastard! Leaving you hanging like that, winking and making you blush furiously. At least he didn’t have the opportunity to see how red you became. He kept shocking you, of course he could actually teleport!
That night you stayed up pretty late watching Jupiter Jim episodes. You figured you’d save the movies for last. As you watched the animation your thoughts keep wandering back. Back to two hours ago, to Leo. He was a mother-flippin turtle, mutant, and ninja! And let’s not forget to tack on the super power of teleporting.
Leo was incredible, nothing like what you had imagined. But incredible nonetheless. You didn’t view him differently, in fact your crush might’ve grown a little, he did save you, and squeezed your hands making you feel all warm inside, him flirting in person all up close and personal sure was more effective than just hearing his voice!
God you were going to die of embarrassment, was it even possible?? To be embarrassed of one’s own thoughts?! Looking back at the tv, you tried to refocus on the show. Jupiter Jim. Jupiter Jim. Jupiter Jim… Leo’s smiling face crossed your mind. “Agggghhhhh” you groaned in defeat as you paused the show, there was no way you would be able to give it the attention span it needed, not when you were just so, distracted!
。・゜・( pov change: leo)・゜・。
“What’s up Leon!” April answered his call on the second ring. “You busy April? I can call bac-“
“No I’m not-“ Leo immediately pounced as soon as April said no. “Great! I’ve got a favor to ask, think you have time to spare tomorrow night?” Leo’s voice had gone all nonchalant. No need for April to know just how badly he wanted- no needed, her to come with him.
That way you and April could bond over being humans and knowing about mutants. Knowing about him specifically. Then you wouldn’t be all in your head. You would be comfortable around him again, and everything would be perfect! His plan was in motion.
“Doing what exactly?” April questioned, when it came to Leo anything was on the table. So April wasn’t exactly saying yes right off the rip. “Uh well, you know” Leo responded, very vaguely. He hadn’t really thought about actually having to come clean about what he had been doing these past couple of weeks. It made him chuckle awkwardly and April quickly deadpanned, “No, I’m not really catching your drift here Blue.”
Leo cursed inwardly, here goes nothing! “So,” his voiced turned into a whirlwind “Imetthisgirlawhileagoandwereallyhititoffbutijustshowedherwhatilookliketodayandnowshesprocessingeverythingandiwantyoutomeether!” Leo was trying to catch his breath, there he said it. “I’m gonna need a slowed down version of that” April harped, annoyed that she only caught about half of that.
“Oh come on!” Leo whined, “April I want you to meet someone who has become important to me. They just found out about me being a mutant and I thought you could help them through, you know, everything!” He huffed, not wanting to explain anymore. April’s eyes had bugged out, she couldn’t believe her ears, “You’ve got a girlfriend?!” she yelled into her phone. Leo had to pull the phone away from his ear, “They’re NOT my girlfriend” Leo exasperated and made it very clear to April to not say that ever again.
“Okay okay, calm down. I’ll go, okay?” April’s agreement had Leo sighing in relief. Plan definitely in motion! He just knew the two of you would get along great. Leo couldn’t wait to introduce you to everyone! His brothers, pops, Cass, the whole crew. Leo thought April would be the best step at bridging whatever gap that might’ve formed between the two of you.
The call ended after the details of when and where were exchanged. Leo was entering the sewer lair feeling pretty mighty. “Leo my man, you do come up with the most brilliant plans” he complimented himself.
“I think I’d switch out the adjective Nardo,” Donnie quipped as he passed Leo to go to the kitchen. “Donnieee whatcha been up to” Leo ignored the jab and followed after his brother. “Just your normal genius routine, though I am trying to see if we have any pizza left.” Donnie responded as he swung open the fridge. His eyes slanting in anger as he felt the weight of an empty pizza box in their fridge. “Who just leaves a empty box IN THE FRIDGE???” His voiced raised in annoyance.
“Chill Dee we can order some more” Thankfully Leo knew this time that it hadn’t been him, he had been out of the lair and skating around the sewers while he debated on how to get April on board with his masterful plan. “If I had to take a stab at it I’d guess-“
“Mikey” they both said in unison. Donnie grumbled as he tossed the box in the trash. “So what’s this plan you were boasting about?” Of course Donnie would ask about that. Tell the truth or lie? Would it matter if he’d have to come clean sooner rather than later since April already knew? Leo’s mind was turning and Donnie could tell as his question went unanswered for a couple of minutes.
But he was also scrounging around for something to snack on before they all decided to order some pizza. “If I tell you, you have to promise to keep it a secret from everyone else until I say so,” Leo crossed his arms as he watched his brother’s shell flit around the kitchen. “I solemnly swear” Donnie said sarcastically, prompting for Leo to spill. “Alright, well, about a couple weeks ago-“
“Wait wait,” Donnie interrupted turning on his twin. “Let me guess” he cupped his chin in thought for a couple of seconds before he said, “you met a human and they saw you!” Donatello pointed at Leo with one finger daring him to say otherwise.
The blue turtle was completely flabbergasted, “how’d you?” Leo started to say but Donnie had anticipated that question, “I know you better than you think” Donnie said tapping the side of his head, “and I’m just good like that.” He smirked, making Leo roll his eyes. “Let me find out you’ve been listening in somehow on the tracing device and I swear” the threats were stopped as Mikey came into the kitchen.
The younger brother eyed Leo and Donnie. “You wanted that pizza box chilled for some reason Michael?” Donnie quickly remembered his earlier aggravation with whoever (it was probably Mikey) ate the last slice and didn’t have the courtesy to throw the box away. “Heh, about that… When we ordering? Cause I’m starving” Mikey asked sheepishly, there was no denying the accusations. He was definitely guilty, but it was an honest mistake! He just forgot all about the box when he held up the last slice of cheesy goodness up to his mouth.
Donnie sighed, “Alright I want pepperoni,” Leo quipped in, “and a supreme!” Mikey had his phone out the pizza place number was on speed dial. “Coming right up!” Mikey gave them a thumbs up and took a seat at the table. “Hey what about my order?!” Raph burst into the kitchen just as the other line picked up. “Cheese!” Raph said before Mikey could ask.
。・゜・( t i m e j u m p )・゜・。
Leo woke up around 8:30, he groaned and stretched out in his bed then jumped up. Tonight was the night. His amazing plan would take way and then he would get to introduce you to everyone else. April would be here in thirty minutes and then they’d portal out to your place.
Leo was excited, slightly nervous, but mostly pumped. This was gonna be great! He quickly got ready, putting on his gear, one can never be too careful… plus it made him look that much cooler. He posed in a length size mirror, he was ready!
“So how much do they know exactly?” April asked as they portaled out onto the rooftops of New York City. The night air sure was getting colder, October finally bringing in fall. “Just about everything” Leo said as he portaled again this time directly on your rooftop. Looked like they were early, you weren’t in your usual spot. “Anything I should know??” April continued to question feeling like she was going into this pretty much blind. “Just befriend them, I’ll head out after the introductions and pick you up later,” Leo explained the rest of his plan.
。・゜・( pov change: y/n )・゜・。
You opened the door that led out to the rooftop. Immediately noticing Leo and someone else sitting in chairs. The girl had her back turned towards you so she didn’t notice your entry but Leo’s eyes saw the door movement instantly.
“Y/n!” He smiled and you gave him a smile back, it hadn’t been a dream. “I want to introduce you to my friend, April O’Neil!” Leo said as April turned to meet you face to face. She was pretty was your first thought. Then the name clicked from what Leo had told you last night, she knew everything, the one chased by aliens and other mutants. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, I’m (your full name).” April reached out and shook your hand, “Likewise! It’s about time another girl came into the group,”
You continued to smile, until Leo cleared his throat and said, “Alright well I’ve got some uh, errands to run, I’ll be back later!” Before you could speak up he slashed one of his swords, gave you a tiny wave, and portaled away. You sputtered, did he really just leave you with his friend?? All alone? You guessed you’d have to push away your anxiety for now. “Sooo” April said, eyeing you up and down, then circled you.
“I can’t believe he just left!” You said flustered, “All part of his ‘master plan’” April put air quotes around the master plan part. You wondered what exactly this ‘master plan’ was all about but even though you weren’t in the loop you trusted Leo. “Wanna go walk to Central Park?” April suggested.
You chewed on your lip, it wasn’t exactly late. But you wondered if your parents would let, they were super overprotective. New York City at night could be a dangerous place. “Yeah sure!” You just wouldn’t ask, they’d assume you were in your room for the night since you had snuck out here in the first place. Usually by the time you and Leo’s late night talks were done it would be around 1 am. They were never up that late so the coast was clear to sneak back in on most nights.
You led April back inside the complex and towards the elevators. She told you how she first met the brothers, it had been all four of them. How they became fast friends. As the both of you walked down the sidewalk you started asking questions. About Leo and his brothers, how they became mutants, about the aliens Leo told you about. In the end the conversation flowed smoothly and April was super funny. “They’re great guys Y/n” April said, with a genuine smile on her face.
“I can’t wait to meet everyone!” It was the truth, April made you feel like this was just a new normal. That mutants and aliens weren’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, in fact April had said that the brothers were more human than those who claimed to be. “I hope you don’t mind I kinda led us away from the park, I got hungry!” April said sheepishly as she put a hand on her stomach. A soft growl came from April’s direction.
“Oh yeah no worries, what did you have in mind?” You didn’t want to laugh and call out April’s stomach growls. So you focused on the billboards, the sidewalk cracks, the strangers passing by. Anything to not laugh! “I was thinking this noodle pla-“ April had been in the middle of her sentence when someone pushed past her, bumping into her shoulder.
“Excuse you!” She called after the rude pedestrian. “Are you okay?” You asked, looking back to the person who kept walking and April. “Yeah I’m fine, but someone else needs to be taught some manners!” April sure was angry! Maybe hangry?
“Don’t let that jerk get you down April, let’s go get the noodles you were talking about!” You tried to steer April’s thoughts back to food.
“Jerk?? Maybe if you two pigs weren’t hogging up the whole pavement!” The guy had stopped in his tracks, he was still a couple of feet away but you had a bad feeling now that he was talking back. “PIGS???” April was fuming as she turned to face, well actually she had to tilt her face up because this guy was huge. He was also covered head to toe in a dark robe that made it impossible to see his face.
You leaned back, grabbing at April’s arm, “April… noodles” you whispered sharply. You were not confrontational at all. “Y/n this guy called us pigs, when he ain’t even showing his ugly face!” No sooner had April pointed that out the guy started marching forward. “Alright time to run!” You said quickly as you started pulling April away, she hesitated only a second before running too.
“Yeah that’s right! Run!” He hollered as the two of you kept going. By the time you reached the noodle place you were huffing and puffing as you slid into a booth seat. “Ughh that sucked!” April heaved as she slid into the seat across from you. “Sorry April, I don’t know if I could’ve taken on that guy” you felt bad for not standing up for yourself or April. “It’s okay, he was pretty scary,” she laughed remembering how swiftly he started approaching.
The two of you ordered noodles and the conversation was stunted by the good food. “Wow I think these are the best noodles I’ve ever had!” April nodded in agreement still chowing down. It was then that the door opened, a bell signaling another customer. Except it wasn’t just one, a group of people in dark drab robes entered the restaurant.
“Aw hell,” April started choking on her food as she scrambled to get her phone. The men were looking around and you noticed a particularly large figure at the head of the group. He turned and even though you couldn’t see his eyes you could tell he had made contact. “April I think we should go..” you’d never been in any type of situation like this. The only thing you could think to do was run, even though you had just ran here!
“Donnie” April coughed and cleared her throat as she brought her phone up to her ear. “Can you get to my location asap? I’m in a bit of a pickle”
“There they are,” a gruff voice called out and the group shifted to the corner where your table was. You squeaked, it had to at least be 14 guys. “Oh my god what are we gonna do?!” You looked over to April, trying not to freak out. “Don’t worry I’m on the phone with one of Leo’s brothers-“
“Yes Donnie like right now I swear they have a group of weirdly dressed men about to come over here and-“
“Talking about us?” The leader sneered, the both of you couldn’t possibly escape now.
“Is everything okay out there?” The cook who had served the food called out from the kitchen. To which one of the henchmen immediately went in and screaming proceeded. You were cringing down in your seat, fearing for the worst. “Hear that? That’s about to be the two of you.” The leader said as he slid into April’s side of the booth.
April’s hand curled around her phone, you could see her fingers trembling. “Leave us alone!” You said leveling your stare and trying to mean business. “Or else I’ll call the police.” Your phone was in your back pocket of the jeans you wore. The leader chuckled, and put his hands up mocking you. “Oh no! Not the police,” he turned and looked at his henchmen who all started joining in laughter.
You took him looking away as the chance to start dialing 911. But April kicked you firmly underneath the table. You looked back up at her in confusion as she mouthed the word “guns.” You felt all the blood drain from your face as you heard a loud bang from the kitchen.
“Damnit!” The leader shot up from his seat and the crowd parted to let him go check what had happened in the kitchen. One of his goons was dragged out sporting a bloody nose and some gruesome gashes, he was bleeding badly. “Fucking cook tried chopping me up Boss, I didn’t know what else to do!” He was groaning and grunting from his injuries but the leader batted him upside the head.
“You do what I tell you to do, now we’ve got a dead guy in the kitchen! I wanted a free meal!” He hollered. “Gimme your gun,” the guy did begrudgingly and then another shot rang out. Your eyes had been wide with fear earlier but now you were pretty sure you were going to die.
“Don please tell me you’re almost here,” April whispered, you hadn’t realized she was still on call, and you couldn’t hear him reply.
“Sorry about that piggies, now where were we?” The leader started approaching, blood splattered his robes from the shot he fired just seconds earlier. He sounded so casual. He was definitely a murdering psychopath. And you were going to die in a noodle shop. Somehow you hadn’t passed out yet, maybe holding onto the sliver of hope that was April calling for the turtles.
Ding! The doorbell rang out clear and everyone’s head turned, you hoped whoever it was turned and ran for help. “Anyone call for a- BUTT WHOPPING?!” A flash of orange whirled into the room, nunchucks spinning and flying out knocking two henchmen out cold. Before anyone could move blue light shined in the middle of the room. You knew it was them. They had come, your heart swelled with hope. Leo had come to save you!
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rayan12sworld · 4 months
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💙🧡Blood and Bone and Ash
Wei Wuxian died in that cave.
At least everyone thought so, including him.
Maybe he should have even stayed dead. That might have been easier than watching Lan Wangji, Hanguang-Jun, Lan Zhan, look at him with absolutely no recognition in his eyes.
Having your spine ripped out by a giant turtle hurt. But being ignored by the person you gave your life for, the person you gave up everything for - that might actually be worse.
Copper Coins (Danmei) AU where dragonxian is left having to search for the bones to his dragon spinal cord in order to fix his paralysis. He can only wheel around in a wheelchair and take on a small noodle dragon form or paper man form for the time being.
The only person that can be of help to him is an insomniac rogue cultivator who is suffering with amnesia. He is also on a journey trying to remember what he can’t.
(Dragon wei wuxian)
Everyone starts their lives screaming and covered in blood. Lan Wangji did it twice.
~~ that is the first line, my godddd
The name was there, still visible. He pressed the button to initiate a video call because if he only had the one opportunity, he wanted to see him. The phone rang a few times before the phone connected. There was a shuffling sound and then the face of Wei Wuxian came into view. His hair was disheveled, eyes bleary with sleep. “Huh?” “Wei Ying.” A sharp jolt of pain seized his chest, and Lan Wangji bent double with it. When he righted himself, it was to see Wei Wuxian still looking at him. His eyes were brighter now, more alert and his mouth hung open in shock. “Lan Zhan?” “I don’t have time. I’m forgetting you, even now I can’t…” he groaned at another jolt of pain, unable to keep speaking. Wei Wuxian began screaming. “Qing-Ji! Wen Ning! Get in here!” Lan Wangji shook his head. He didn’t want anyone else there, for the next few moments, until the curse fully took hold “Wei Ying, stop.” “Lan Zhan where are you? I will come to you, where are you?” He shook his head. “Too late. You won’t get here, Wei Ying, I have to tell you.” Someone entered the room. Wei Wuxian was talking to them, rapidly. His words were beginning to sound muffled to Lan Wangji, as if he were much further away from the phone. He was asking Wen Ning to do something. Ah. Lan Wangji could figure out the word “trace”. He wanted Wen Ning to trace the call and figure out where he was. “Wei Ying.” “Hold on, Lan Zhan. We’re coming.” “Wei Ying.” He practically shouted. Wei Wuxian turned to him. “I don't have long. Let me look at you while I’m still me.” Wei Wuxian was crying, tears tracking down his face. “Lan Zhan,” his voice broke. “There’s a packet in a concealed pocket in my qiankun bag with a powder inside. Come find me. They’re making me go back to Gusu. Come find me and get the powder to Wen-daifu. She may be able to determine what it is he’s using. Come find me, Wei Ying. Please.” His vision was clouded over, he could no longer make out Wei Wuxian’s face. “I wish I could have held you. I dream about holding you again.” Wei Wuxian made a wounded sound. Then he began talking, again, but Lan Wangji could no longer discern the words.
Lan Wangji startled, jerking upright. His neck felt sore, like he had been in an uncomfortable position for too long, and there was a cold sensation seeping out from his core. An after-effect from a night hunt? He would need to do some meditation. His phone lay on the coffee table in front of him. The screen displayed an unfamiliar man, with messy hair and eyes that shone. The lighting wasn’t great, but his eyes almost looked red, as if he’d been crying. Lan Wangji had no idea who the man was, or why he was on his screen. His last memory had been of bidding goodbye to his brother and Jin Guangyao. “I am sorry, did I call you?.” The man swallowed, the motion clear enough that Lan Wangji could see his throat move with it. “Yeah,” he said. His voice was husky, perhaps with sleep. Had Lan Wangji woken him? “I must have mis-dialed. Please accept my apologies for disturbing you.” “No problem.” The man ended the connection and his phone screen went blank. Lan Wangji rose, and prepared to leave. He would have to return the tea service to his hosts and thank them for such good hospitality, especially when his brother and his brother’s good friend Jin Guangyao had dropped by unexpectedly. He needed to get packed and on the road. It would be good to be home, in Gusu. It had been some time since he visited. In fact, as he gathered his belongings, it seemed quite odd that he had ever left at all. ~~~~ noooooo😭😭😭
It hurt. He worried, for a moment, that some physical damage had been done. But he took several careful, measured breaths, and realized that wasn’t it. The pain that he was feeling was something else, something much deeper, something from the very heart of him, rawer than blood or muscle or bone. It all crashed into him then, a tidal wave of emotion, of pain sharp enough to make him think that he might not actually survive this. That perhaps no person could hurt like this and live. Thirteen years. He had walked this earth for thirteen years with his mind not knowing, not remembering. But his body had known. Had held together a wounded soul, rent in two by grief. He lifted his head and let himself look at him. Look at Wei Ying. He stared, taking stock of the changes time had wrought on his face. Older, yes, but other things. A sharper chin, a more angular face. The eyes were the same, though.They were still his Wei Ying’s eyes. “Wei Ying,” he croaked, his voice hoarse and scratchy. Wei Wuxian pushed his hair back off his face again, and let his fingers trail down his face. He shuddered at the touch. Everything felt amplified, too much. Every touch, every sound, every sensation was multiplied. “Yeah, Lan Zhan. I’m here. Are you with me? Do you know who I am?” “Yes,” he said. “I know you. Wei Ying.”
More memories crashed into him, the cave, Wei Wuxian underneath him, gasping as he clutched him tight. The roar of the Xuanwu, Wei Wuxian’s scream, hot blood splashing his face, in his mouth. “Wei Ying.” He couldn’t stop saying his name. Like saying his name was a summons, a talisman. As if by constantly saying his name he could keep him here, keep this from dissolving into a dream. “Wei Ying. You died. You died. You left me.” And then he wrapped his arms around him, and let the grief come to the surface and spill over as he sobbed out thirteen years of pain.
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peonypaint · 1 year
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doodles of cielief wearing some of my outfits that were supposed to be warmups but i got carried away with them lol
[ ID: two digital drawings of the artists original character, cielief. cielief has light skin and dark wavy hair with small raven wings on her back and her cheeks with feathers scattered under her eyes. the first drawing shows cielief dancing and singing, first from a front view and then showing her turn around. she is wearing a floral dress of red and pink roses. cielief is swinging her arms around and smiling, there are music notes surrounding her and motion lines around her legs. the second drawing is a sketch page showing cielief in three different outfits. on the left of the page is a bust of cielief. she is wearing a black baseball cap, a mask, and a black shirt with a white stripe down the arm. she is positioned mostly with her back to the viewer but is turning to look over her shoulder. cielief is tugging her mask down to take a sip from the drink shes holding in her other hand, she has a neutral expression. to the right of the page cielief is shown in a full body sketch. she has her hands on her hips and has a surprised expression. she is wearing a gray turtle neck with a blue jacket and blue pants. next to her is text that reads "oh!". on the bottom of the page cielief is sitting with her legs bent and pulled near her chest, looking off to the left. she is wearing an overall skirt with a flower pattern of warm colored flowers, underneath she has a white tshirt with red around the arms and neck. she has gray leggings and shoes with the same flower pattern as her overalls. she has a neutral expression, and one of her arms is crossed over her chest. /END ID]
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funtimesale123 · 1 year
gn reader x bowser fan fic second chapter
You finally get to meet the Koopa king himself and are even invited to have dinner and to stay in the castle.
Curious of Bowsers where abouts you decide to ask the young koopa "Hey, Jr. you keep talking about your dad but where exactly is he?" “Huh?" Jr. looks to you "Uuum... the last time I saw papa he was fighting Mario. I think if he's back he should be in the throne room." "C'mon we can see 'em if ya want!" his little hand excitedly grabs yours before you have a chance to protest dragging you as you nearly fall over yourself. Eventually, you stop in front of the throne room. Jr. excitedly hops on his feet, pointing to the double doors ahead. "Here we are!!!"
You gulp, feeling the foreboding atmosphere radiating out of the room. Despite knowing Bowser isn't all bad you still can't help but feel intimidated. Bowser Jr. notices your unease and pats you on the shoulder gently. "Don't worry! My dad's really really really really really cool! Just wait until ya meet him!" You take a deep breath, feeling a bit more relaxed with Bowser Jr's reassuring words. You step into the throne room, hoping for the best.
And then, there he was: Bowser himself, the King of the Koopas. The giant turtle-dragon hybrid dominated the chamber with his sheer size alone. His sharp red eyes were fiery and intimidating until he saw Jr. with you, his face softened. "Ah, I see my son has brought a guest. Welcome to my castle. What brings you here?" he boomed. You stand there for a moment just taking in the king not really knowing what to say before Jr. piped up "I found 'em laying outside the castle confused and not really sure of what happened." Snapping out of gazing at Bowser you add "Yeah um I'm not really sure how I got here, or even how to get back home." confirming what Jr. said. "Can we help them, papa? please!? please!? please!?" the little Koopa begs You think to yourself seems Jr.'s already very attached to you despite only knowing each other for a few hours
Bowser looks to his son before looking at you for a few moments then cracking a soft smile. "Well, it looks like you need some help then! I'd be more than happy to help you with finding a way back to your home. In the meantime, why don't you stick around and get to know the castle a little better? You're welcome to stay here as long as you like!"
at those words Jr. jumps around excitedly Bowser pats his son's head after he hops off the throne, "Now then, come with me and I'll show you around the rest of the castle."
You follow Bowser and Jr. as they lead you through the parts of the castle you hadn't seen yet, showing you many rooms and introducing you to many different koopalings. The whole time Jr. skips around excitedly, obviously happy to be able to introduce his new friend to everyone.
After finishing the tour, Kamek appears informing the two royals that dinner was ready and that he had heard there was a guest and had the chefs make enough food. After finishing speaking to Bowser Kamek comes up to you to introduce himself (despite you knowing him already you still go along with the introductions) After that Kamek disappears away.
Bowser leads you and Jr. to the royal dining room, a long room with enormous brick walls and pillars. At the center sits a grand table with a feast truly fit for a king of Bowser's size. Bowser motions for you to take a seat in one of the chairs. As you dig into the dinner, Bowser and Jr. keep you entertained with stories of their past adventures and Bowser's as he says "courageous" battles against Mario and Luigi. Despite knowing (and playing) the stories it was refreshing to hear the tales from the Koopa's point of view.
You finish the night with a friendly game of mini-golf, laughing and joking with the Koopa king and his son.  It's clear that they both enjoyed your company and shortly after the game Bowser says "My boy and I are wondering what the deal is… Where did you come from? We want to help you get back home. We can even provide you with an escort if needed."
You wonder for a moment. What you could even say, that you're from a world where both they and the mushroom kingdom are fictional? no you couldn't tell them that could you? After contemplating the question, you decide the best course of action is to explain you're from a world that is like theirs, but different in some ways explaining how in your world the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser's Castle, and Magic are fictional and that you have no clue how you were even transported here. Explaining that you fell asleep playing the game that their world exists in.
Bowser and his son look at each other in awe, trying to process your story and understand how you even made it here. They’ve dealt with other worlds and such before but never really something quite like this. 
"Well whatever crazy magic brought ya here, we're gonna help ya get back home. Don't ya worry." Jr. looks to his dad “Right, papa?”  The big Koopa looks between you and his son with a look of pity.  He sighs before saying "We will deal with this and help them tomorrow Alright Jr.? I'm sure our new friend here is exhausted. I mean waking up in a completely different world and dealing with all they have been must be pretty tiring." Jr. looks over to you and as if on cue you yawn "Yeah, I guess you're right." Jr. says Bowser then suggests "How about you and Kamek show them to the room they'll be staying in?" Kamek then appears "I heard you call Your Highness?" "Jr. would like to help you take our guest to their sleeping quarters." "All right Your Highness. Come Young Master let us show them to their room." "oh... ok!" Jr. then once again grabs your hand as him and Kamek take you to your room.
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