billionairetutor · 2 years
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billionaire tutor, tutor billionaire, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com #tutor #tutors #millionairetutor #millionairestutor #tutormillionaire #tutormillionaires #billionairetutor #billionairestutor #tutorbillionaire #tutorbillionaires #trillionairetutor #tutortrillionaire #gifttutor #tutorgift #tutorcompany #tutorclub #tutorgroup #tutoragency #tutorvip #companytutor #clubtutor #grouptutor #agencytutor #viptutor #导师 #导师百万 #百万导师 #导师俱乐部 #百万富翁导师 #导师百万富翁
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books-and-ivy · 3 months
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Introducing the Jekyll Estate staff
- Mrs. Jessica ‘Harpy’ Harpshire is Jekyll’s tightly wound and stiff-lipped housekeeper. Hired shortly after Poole, Mrs. Harpshire has been well acquainted with the Jekyll family since Henry’s boyhood. She has seen it all, and subsequently knows how to keep things in order… even without the presence of her beloved husband John. Deemed ‘the Harpy’ by Bradshaw, she is respected and feared by nearly all of the staff (Poole being the only exception).
- Mr. Steven Poole is the eldest and most tenured member of the staff. Poole has performed many roles within the house over his twenty years of service as head butler and valet to Dr. Jekyll and his father. Loyal to a fault, Poole will see to it that his master’s house and reputation is kept in perfect condition, come any trial that may arise.
- Mrs. Lillian Davies is Jekyll’s cook and head laundress. After severely injuring her leg in an east end wash house, Mrs. Davies found herself and her three children in desperate need for work and shelter. Enter Dr. Jekyll. When she is not in the kitchen preparing for lavish dinner parties or ensuring the master does not starve himself to death, Mrs. Davies spends her time instilling her values of hard work and integrity to her children.
- Mr. Niles Bradshaw serves as Jekyll’s footman and unofficial jester (much to everyone’s dismay). Jovial and charismatic, Bradshaw ensures that the house is never entirely quiet. His good looks are readily used to incite the attention of any woman he encounters, but unfortunately for him, never quite seem to catch the eye of the one person he actually wants to notice him…
- Ms. Valentine Davies is the youngest member of the staff at 15 years old, but her age is hardly noticed in the wake of her shining character and determination. After working several years under her mother’s tutorage as a scullery maid, Valentine worked herself through the ranks to become one of Jekyll’s housemaids. Kindhearted and empathic, Valentine is quick to endear herself to nearly everyone she encounters.
- Ms. Emily Waller is Jekyll’s infamously levelheaded chambermaid. Having come from several houses prior to working at No. 28 Leicester Sq, Emily has learned how to thrive in the cutthroat world of service, even if it is to her detriment. She is quiet, wise beyond her years, and knows far more than she would ever dare to say aloud, even to her friend and coworker Valentine.
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redsparrow12 · 16 days
Currently landed back in the wonderful world of bbc merlin
Did I ever share my idea about a role-swap au with Princess! Morgana and Ward of Camelot! Arthur?
Changing TONS of interpersonal dynmaics with the Crown Princess of Camelot having magic, and Arthur actaully growing up with his mother for some of his childhood.
May or may not include a fun roadtrip to try and find magical tutorage and the kids tag team to take down Uther much earlier with a LOT less bloodshed.
...i should look up my notes for that
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verdemoun · 29 days
Please please please tell me Rains Fall and Eagle Flies are in your timewarp AU, if the answer is yes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RAMBLE ABOUT THEM I LOVE YOUR AU SO SO MUCHHHH
rains fall def isn't getting timewarped he deserves to pass away peacefully in his sleep knowing that his people were safe and content, able to build new lives in canada. he got to sit around a campfire one last time with paytah at his side and despite all the devastation and young men lost in 1899 the tribe healed and there's a new generation who will be raised with the freedom of knowing their home will always be theirs and still learn their traditions. he gets to listen to children play and finally find peace with the fact he may have lost all his sons but ultimately the freedom eagle flies had wanted for the wapiti people (even though they lost their land) was secured
arthur was cautiously optimistic that dying might have been enough to chill eagle flies out nope. man found himself a horse and is minutes away from setting a petrol station on fire when they find him
all that anger eagle flies is holding onto would be tenfold for a long damned time in modern era like things are still Not Great for native americans and he would feel awful but vindicated
in a really tragic way grief would be his salvation he would feel so lost and stuck like he misses his father his friends his men. he was angry over losing his home in 1899 but in modern era he's lost his family and while arthur is still a great friend to him and he values that connection it's not family or home and he realizes he doesn't have anything left to be fighting for
BUT IT'S OKAY HAPPY STUFF TIME between arthur being the voice of non-violence (for probably the first time in his life) and learning about interactions between first nations and the us government over the 100+ years between 1899 and modern era eagle flies would come to his own conclusion that while violent protest was often necessary to start negotiation, rights were secured in legal jargon. gotta engage with the system to change and beat the system
he starts studying both history and law with a touch of lenny's tutorage. (he also learns to hide his identity and still goes to protests because he KNOWS that absolute pacifism won't work. you cannot take the absolute rage out of the last son)
it wasn't in his time or rains fall's time but the wapiti people were able to return to the heartlands before modern era so he gets to see his people in their home and no it's not perfect but it's still something so joyous it motivates him to keep being an activist both civilly and violently
there's such a positive exchange of knowledge like eagle flies is able to share traditional stories that were lost to time but also learn traditions that were already lost in 1899 but rediscovered through the exhaustive efforts of the modern era wapiti people
i lied rains fall gets one day in timewarp when he meets his natural death so he sees eagle flies as a matured young man in his 30s and they get to embrace. more importantly they sit down and talk in a way they hadn't been able to for a long time. rains fall gets to tell his son he was always proud of him and understood even through their disagreements eagle flies only ever wanted what was best for their people. eagle flies gets to tell his father he was sorry for not listening: he understands now what rains fall was always trying to tell him about the destructive power of violence (even though rains fall doesn't want or need an apology. he just loves his son and is glad he's getting a chance at a new life )
they get one perfect day where they get to be happy and understand one another
TIME FOR FUNNIES eagle flies accidentally becomes the dutch of isaac's anarchist friend group. he's giving them all the tips on how to get away with political crime. he's not directly involved but there's a whatsapp group where isaac sends selfies with the sawn off head of a columbus statue and eagle flies is living vicariously through them while he maintains his civil activist status
charles is his modern era right hand man. he will go to charles to bitch about stupid local government meetings he's been asked to speak at. he's been in timewarp for almost a decade by the time charles gets there but he's still annoyed by the same stuff charles is and it's very cathartic to hear someone else agree and Get it from their perspective
as a direct result he has the same tongue in cheek humor as charles and arthur is so easy to tease. they'll be hanging out and arthur will ask charles if he can unpack the dishwasher when he has a chance* and both eagle flies and charles will hit him with the 'slave to the white man u_u'. as much as charles tries to assure arthur it was a joke you bet poor arthur is already insisting he can do it himself
i am so sorry i hope this is sufficient rambling
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killian-whump · 4 months
Okay... so there's a new Colin interview here. It's a joint interview with Rothberg, so be warned of that if he's someone you can't stand. Like all of us. We all can't stand him.
ANYWAY. Moving on. I'm going to put my thoughts about it here, because I have a lot of thoughts - some good, some not-so-good, and I like to share them. Plus, I'm a little bored.
Colin says this about the TSR show: "I love music, I love acting, I love film, and it was an opportunity to get to speak to some really incredible creators and stuff like that, so it was a lot of fun." Which is exactly what I've thought all along - he's in it for the fun of talking to some rock stars about topics he loves. No news there.
He talks more about the interviews and interviewing and the interviewees and... if you're seeing a trend here, I don't think that's on accident. It's obvious this is what Colin's involvement is about. I don't honestly think he could care less about the tech aspects of the project.
Which is why, predictably, as soon as they start talking tech nonsense, they switch to talking to Rothberg. He babbles some bullshit, throwing tech buzzwords around like confetti, then tries to drag Colin into his bullshit by reminding everyone he's a producer on the show: "Having his tutorage, you know, and I've worked in the industry for many years, but his insights into producing is mind-blowing. It was something I was actually shocked to actually see the levels of his knowledge and his foresight, and it has really kept the team going."
Now listen. Being a "producer" on a project can mean anything from nothing to everything, and we don't know where the truth lies - but I don't see Rothberg giving Colin much creative control here at all. Maybe - Maybe - when it comes to the actual interviews and the people/subjects they choose to focus on - you know, the interview stuff Colin's interested in here that Rothberg doesn't seem to give two shits about. But the rest of this project, all the parts we don't like, I highly doubt Colin's leading the team on that front. But nice try at trying to make it sound like he's involved in your tech bro nonsense, Rothberg. Nice try.
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And then Colin interrupts Rothberg with, "I only played it down so that he'd say something nice about me. That’s all." Classic Colin being Colin and saying Colin things. But... we also know why he played it down, lol. We know, baby. It's okay. We love you.
So then they start talking about Colin's music career and Rothberg says, "We have very big exciting plans for Colin’s music stuff."
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Don't you touch my baby's music stuff. Don't you even breathe on it. Don't you look at it. It's not for you. I swear to God, if you taint his lovely musical offerings with your money-grubbing douchebag ways, I will hunt you down and do terrible things to you. I'm so upset right now, I cannot even think of terrible things to do to you, but believe me, I will think of them and do them and you will be sorry.
O'Donoghue just laughed, "I’m saying we’ll see. That’s what I’m saying." Oh. Oh, okay. That's Colin-speak for no. Whew. Do not let that man have anything to do with anything he doesn't already have his hands on, Colin.
I need a moment. I need to calm down. Dear God. I need a drink. Maybe a long vacation. I'm too old for this shit.
Anyway, so Rothberg goes on some more about the Metaverse and all these big plans about immersive games and meet-and-greets and a bunch of other things that are on the "roadmap" - a word that basically means nothing in meta-speak, because 95% of the things on it will never, ever happen. Tech bros are basically selling you the idea of things they could do - even though most of them are impossible and/or not financially feasible. He adds, "Of course, there'll be all kinds of wonderful retail opportunities." because of course there will be. If he could get away with it, he'd stick Colin in a box on a street corner and charge people a grand a pop just to look at him.
Then the interview gets to something actually interesting - Once Upon a Time. Even Colin gets visibly interested at this point: 'I also shared that I had purchased a prop from Once Upon a Time a few years ago. It wasn't particularly exciting (Liam Jones' enlistment papers from "Good Form"), but O'Donoghue instantly lit up.' This is why we love this precious cupcake. He wears his heart on his sleeve and when he loves something, you know it.
He takes the interviewer on an adorable tour of the stuff he took from the Once set that I think we're all jealous of. And he goes into what the interviewer calls a "passionate description" about the show and what it means to people and how much it means to him that he was able to be a part of it and... You know what? I'm just gonna say what I already said: When he loves something, you know it.
They talk about the possibility of a reunion (and nothing he says here is indicative of one in the works, so settle yourselves down) and Rothberg chimes in that they could do the reunion in the metaverse and Colin replies, "Or a reunion in the metaverse. But, look, what was great about Once Upon a Time..." which translates to:
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Have I mentioned lately that I fucking love him?
The interview continues with more of Colin talking about his experiences on Once and... Look. It's obvious where his heart is and where it isn't - and overall, this is a good and fun interview with Colin, minus the parts where Rothberg and his dumb ideas have any part in what's going on.
And yes, we're going to keep dunking on Rothberg forever, because he's a coward who never once addressed those of us who were speaking out about the n-f-t nonsense for months - but then attacked someone speaking out for the first time because he thought he saw weakness in her that he could exploit and mock. In doing so, he exposed himself as an ableist asshole to us all, and I have no respect whatsoever for him. Also, you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us. We don't put up with bullies in this fandom.
But we sure do love Colin, and that hasn't changed.
And this project is all about using Colin's likeability, Once's popularity, and Colin's already-existing fanbase to prop up and fund Rothberg's tech bro fantasies. That hasn't changed, either.
But Colin knows what's up. We know what's up. We can enjoy the Colin goodness where it shines through and toss the rest.
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averyhollow · 9 months
OFMD S1E5: Izzy, Lucius, & The Command Problem: Or, How Izzy Hands Helped Take The Revenge And All He Got Was Insubordination Due To Unclear Command Structure
In which I incoherently ramble (you’ve been warned) my way towards making the case that both Lucius and Izzy (but Izzy more so) were justified under their understanding of the chain-of-command and that Izzy was absolutely not bullying Lucius, but that it doesn’t matter because the writers only really cared about setting up a character dynamic.
Every so often I see floating about, the argument that Izzy was bullying Lucius by trying to make him do physical labor in episode 5, or somehow out of line and acting without any legitimate reason to believe he had authority to give orders. I reject that view due to my conviction the show just didn’t care, and this is supported by how no clear command structure is established by S1E5.
The captain goes down with the ship. & A ship can only have one captain.
At the end of episode 4, Ed’s line about the captain going down with the ship suggests that he sees the Revenge as his. Earlier in the episode we get lines from both Izzy and the crew, specifically Frenchie, Oluwande, and Jim that indicate an expectation that the Revenge, and its crew, are now in the custody of Ed. In E7, Ed further hints at considering the Revenge under his command when, as a partial explanation for his decision to leave, he says a ship can only have one captain.
Izzy has reason to believe they’re still doing a hostile takeover of the Revenge, albeit covertly when it comes to the hostile part, and are to bring it line with Ed’s expectations of how a pirate crew and ship should function. Even if they’re all to be executed, in the meantime they’re still a ship and crew that is under Ed’s command & tutorage, and therefore reflect on his reputation.
Whereas Lucius, in his capacity as That Man’s scribe, is mostly seeing things from the angle of Ed working with That Man as a consultant.
Fang backs Izzy up.
Until he doesn’t, of course.
Given how quick Fang is to abandon his task to supervise Lucius and how little he cares that Izzy’s about to find out he’s posing nude for the guy who’s work he’s supposed to be supervising, I doubt he would’ve followed Izzy around enforcing orders he knew Izzy didn’t have the authority to give.
Fang backed Izzy up and was ready to enforce his orders, until he dropped that responsibility for a bit of portraiture and flirtation. We’ve seen that Fang will acquiesce to Izzy’s commands when Izzy is acting on Blackbeard’s orders. We see how little regard Fang has for Izzy’s authority, absent the backing of Blackbeard. I’d argue that we also can see that Fang was apologetic about not pulling Lucius up when Lucius first asked him to, which suggests Fang considered supervising Lucius’s work something he had to reluctantly do.
I think Fang’s actions of initially backing Izzy up and enforcing his orders, only to later abandon his post and flagrantly disregard Izzy’s orders, make the most sense if they don’t need to make sense. There need not be rhyme or reason to how Fang engages Izzy’s authority when it’s bestowed by Blackbeard vs. when it’s not, if all that matters is using him to escalate the absurdity of the situation and the conflict between Lucius and Izzy.
Buttons is That Man’s First Mate, and didn’t attend the party. If Lucius was 100% certain in the rightness of his argument, he could’ve directed Izzy to Buttons so the two first mates could sort it out between themselves.
If chain-of-command mattered and had been laid out in-universe, it means Lucius passed up a chance to use Izzy’s adherence to structure and hierarchy against him and make dealing with Izzy someone else’s problem. But he didn’t. Am I really to believe Lucius would pass up such an opportunity?
So, if the reasoning behind Lucius’s refusal to follow Izzy’s orders and Izzy’s authority to give those orders doesn’t matter, why do I think it happened?
As a convenient way to facilitate a conflict between Lucius and Izzy that would come down not to an appeal to rules of chain-of-command and rights of conquest/boarding, but snipping and personal attacks.
I don’t think the show cared about anything else, least of all who was “right.” Lucius and Izzy needed to be set up to butt heads, and the confrontation needed to be between them and not something either could address by appealing to That Man or Ed to make a decision.
All that said, Lucius was clearly in the wrong.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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13th November 1768 saw the birth at Tulliallan near Kincardine of James Wylie.
At the time Kincardine was a thriving sea-port and he would have been expected to go into that line of work. However, this was not the life he chose. Instead, Wylie became apprenticed to a local doctor and began to study medicine.
During his training he ran off on a ship, but his mother persuaded him to return and resume his studies.
He attended the University of Edinburgh in order to complete his degree. It is known he was present there from 1786 to 1789, but may have missed some of his tutorage in that time as he never graduated legend has it he was caught stealing sheep, but made his escape before he could be brought to justice
He fled to Russia in 1790 and even though he no degree was welcomed into the Eletsky Regiment as a surgeon, such was the regard for those educated in Edinburgh, the best medical school in Europe
During his time in the Russian army he travelled over 150,000 miles in his military medical capacity during several campaigns including the Napoleonic wars.
Wylie became the favourite of three successive Czars and made an enormous contribution to developing medical services, both military and civil being not only a notable physician and surgeon but a most effective administrator.
Check out Electric Scotland for a full history of Wylie. https://electricscotland.com/history/other/wylie_james.htm
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Also we have some interesting news. Hibiki when she recovers, yes she lived, Divine Luck is OP plz nerf, is gonna stay here at Future Foundation and she wants Kaede to teach her how to fight. We saw how badass and powerful Kaede became under Kuripa’s tutorage but now the student has become the master. So soon we will have two women who can throw giant robots around like ragdolls.
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...i...don't know if i'll get that far...but that'd be cool...
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oprescuewagon · 11 months
In collaboration with @beosan-kogane in @tenzoscabin
Summers cookin’ event for July
Ramen made by tenzo under the tutorage of kakashi
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Boy did good XD
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Modern au to complement their fic
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penflicks · 10 months
Harvey drags Andreas and Beatrix away from Alfea with him by summoning Ents.
"You can't just leave me!" Andreas hissed as soon as Harvey handed over his resignation paperwork to him.
He'd have handed it to Rosalind but the sight of her would have filled him with a rage he could no longer control. She'd driven him from his home, killed his dearest friend, traumatized his kids and pushed one to an extreme where he was going to commit a murder he wasn't thinking through.
Harvey had done many fucked up things in his life, most under Rosalind's tutorage, and murder was up there. But he couldn't let Sam throw his life away simply because he'd acted rashly and tried to kill Rosalind without the appropriate cover story and body disposal. Perhaps he'd been too gentle with his children in his hopes that they'd end up as better people than him.
"Rosalind has left me no choice, Andreas. Saul is back now, you two will have to overcome your differences and hold strong against Rosalind." Harvey just felt tired. He'd have handed the resignation to Saul if he didn't think it would get Saul in trouble, and probably earn Harvey a punch in the face by Saul himself. He'd deserve it, Harvey supposed, but Sam was in too fragile a state to see a black eye and not immediately carry out revenge.
"Without you here, Beatrix and I have no back up plan, no protection! She's already taken Farah. You're my only hope of escaping her. I can't withstand more of her torture." Andreas must have been desperate because Harvey couldn't think of the last time Andreas had spoken so much. If it wasn't one of his favourite subjects or a combat demonstration he didn't explain anything.
"She can't lock you away again, Andreas. You're safe," Harvey tried to reassure him.
"She freezes the air in my lungs when I displease her! She threaded ice through my muscles until they contracted and burnt! She made Beatrix watch!" Andreas lost the fight with himself to keep his hands at his sides and gave Harvey a shake in desperation.
A premonition of the future played out before Harvey's eyes of Andreas curled up, screaming in agony under Rosalind's calculated enjoyment. He would loose hope, the light would fade from his eyes and his young daughter would be forced to kill again because of Rosalind's actions.
Despite everything, Harvey felt a protectiveness of Beatrix now that he knew she was Andreas's child, just as he felt over Sky. When Sam and Sky had been born Andreas and Harvey had talked long into the night about how they now had nephews. Their children should all have grown up as cousins. Terra and Beatrix should have been friends. He couldn't betray that old dream of theirs on last time.
He shattered his own control and let the rage he'd been keeping at bay soak through him. It coated his skin, infused his muscles and clouded the lines in his mind between what could be done and what should.
Two great forest monsters with branch talons and bark bodies formed out of the ground, each the height of the school. One reached down through the skylight and picked up Andreas in a cradling hold. The other dragged it's root-feet to where Beatrix was smoking by the gate and picked her up like a hamster in its palm. She screamed and screamed but didn't dare struggle.
Harvey started walking out the school with Sam jogging after him and the ents following. No doubt the school was already watching the abduction of teacher and student but none moved to stop it.
"I thought you wanted to resign without Rosalind noticing," Sam panted as he caught up to Harvey.
"I've changed my mind. I want an essay on my desk by the end of the week on all the ways you messed up your assassination plot," Harvey told him. The old Benjamin Harvey, mad Scientist and third most vicious member of the battalion of light had reawoken inside him.
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High King Emeric and the Ravenwatch
What we know:
Back when he was a boy, Emeric studied under Verandis, in addition to his education with other noble families.
Verandis supported Emeric in creating the Covenant and becoming High King.
Emeric does his best to reassure other nobles that despite his nature, Verandis is no threat to High Rock.
He wasn't necessarily expected to be King, merely an eldest son of a ruling house, and was thrust unexpectedly into the higher station due to a quirk of fate (previous King dying of the Knahaten Flu).
Reasonable assumptions:
High Rock has a similar fosterage system to medieval Britain: nobles would send their children to other noble families for a number of reasons. Their child (especially important if they were the eldest son and heir) would be safe if something happened (like seige/warfare/outbreak of illness) to the rest of the family. Their child would be educated and more widely traveled. Their child would also have some kind of familiarity with other noble families outside their own, which was often the basis of maintaining peace between rival families. It is a powerful indication of trust between families. Fostering created alliances and bonds between noble houses.
Verandis Ravenwatch was a trusted figure to at least Emeric's family, and possibly other noble families in High Rock.
Verandis saw a lot of potential in the boy he helped raise.
Emeric publicly and openly supports House Ravenwatch which protects them from any open disapproval about their condition.
Guessing and ideas:
Emeric's family may or may not have known about Verandis' condition at the time of fostering. Verandis is able to maintain a mortal illusion and tolerate sunlight, so it's not inconceivable that he could have concealed his condition to other nobility. In addition, he may or may not have been the only vampire in residence at the castle at this point - while I headcanon that Adusa has been around for a long time, there's nothing that explicitly points to exactly when she was turned/taken in by Verandis. (Even if she were around, she wouldn't have been very interested in noble politics and would have kept herself out of the public view anyway, so it's a fairly moot point). The rest of the Ravenwatch family are more recent additions, so would not have been around at this point in time.
One way or another, Emeric found out about Verandis' nature and came to terms with it. He has first hand experience that vampires can rise above their natures and manage their condition without causing harm.
Emeric's experiences and Verandis' tutorage impressed upon Emeric the importance of peace and cooperation between different people, even historically unlikely allies (which likely contributed to how he managed to get the Orsimer and Redguards to respect and ally with him).
Emeric knows he has firm allies in House Ravenwatch, just as they have a firm ally in him. It is likely an open secret that House Ravenwatch are vampires, at least amongst nobility, it would just be vulgar to outright say so, especially given they have Emeric's support.
Emeric isn't above poking a little fun. He invites at least one ambassador from the Ravenwatch to most noble functions, ostensibly to show others that they can be trusted and foster relationships, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy watching other nobles squirm as they try to be polite while deeply uncomfortable. He's always uncomfortable at these functions anyway but if he has to endure them, everyone else does too.
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acemapleeh · 2 years
Alfred Home Headcanons
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We see Alfred with quite a few houses throughout the series so I think it’s fair to say the man gets around and lives all across the country. It was difficult pinning down just a few for this post and even more so for the photos to go alongside it.
I’m going to be narrowing things down to regions of the United States but I think this man has at least one home in every state. We’ll be here a lifetime if I had to describe his home in Ohio vs Indiana.
We’ll start with New England.
His oldest homes are located here, the most noteworthy is his white colonial home in Massachusetts just outside of Boston overlooking the bay. This is the one he was raised in for a large part of his youth under Arthur’s care and tutorage. Think of the house that we see in the episode of America’s Storage Room Cleaning with the wrap-around porch and expansive garden. It’s an honestly massive home for just one person to be living in. During the mid to late 1800′s when people like Lovino, Tolys, and Morgan came to work in the United States, this was the main residence that Alfred lived with them in. Finally felt a little less lonely.
I think Cape Cod or Georgian is the best fit for the style of house in this region, like, to be more specific.
Traditional accents rather than it being the main focus.
Similarly to Arthur's dust-covered archive of an estate, this is where Alfred stores a lot of his things from the days of old. Unlike his father, he doesn't put much out on display. A couple pieces of memorabilia here and there but for the most part, he's got it in a box shoved in a corner of a room he hasn't opened in half a century.
What once was Sir Lord Kirkland's bedroom when staying in the colonies, has the largest upstairs balcony that looks over the garden and on clear days, out to the harbor. A telescope perched on the railing always on the lookout for father's return home.
I think something of old he does have out on display is a massive quilt he has up and framed in the living room. It's something that took him ages to finish back in the 19th century and the fabric is far too fragile for him to use it practically anymore.
For New York, he lives in a high-rise apartment in Manhattan. Big, open floor plan, and lots of large windows, and it's perfect for entertaining guests. This is his most modern and luxurious residence. Beautiful view of the city and Central Park. Think of the apartment that we see in Hetalia of the Living Dead.
Back in the 20s he 100% had one of those big Gatsby mansions out in the Hamptons and threw parties all of the time but got rid of it all towards the latter half of the decade. Think of the ridiculousness of Mansion Party by Ninja Sex Party
The last one for this area will be the brick row house in West Philadelphia. This is likely his second oldest home and where he spent a lot of his time during the Revolution. This is where he feels like where he was really born as a nation so he has a lot of deep ties here.
I want to give him an attic bedroom with a desk by the window that can see the steeple of Christ Church near the Delaware River. The same desk he's written pamphlets for the Revolution, letters to his brother, and for even a time, a typewriter when he was feeling a resurgence of literature and poetry in the early 20th century is still there.
I don't which state exactly has that beautiful blue suburban with the big pool. Somewhere there's not a lot of snow year-round and gets those hot summers where all you want to do is submerge yourself in water. Somewhere in the South, I'm thinking either one of the Carolinas or Georgia.
He feels like the type of person to have ranches all across the central US. Most of the year he has other people working on them to take care of the animals.
The one he frequents the most is the working cattle ranch in Arizona.
Time capsule midcentury house out in the Midwest. I want to say somewhere in the Chicago area. I want to put it in Southern California where this style of house first started to get popular but going to give some love to other parts of the country.
Floor-to-ceiling windows, a sunk-in living room pit, short staircases connecting rooms throughout the house, partial brick walls, fireplaces centered in rooms, and several doors and windows to access the outdoor living space.
If you've been on my blog for a while then you might have noticed I love making Alfred a California Beach Boy. I can give him so many houses in just this state alone but I'll keep it short and sweet.
His bum-out beach cottage is located in Santa Monica and he's been located there since the 1890s. The house itself has been remodeled and updated several times over the past century. The materials he uses for the house as well as the layout stay fairly consistent, with lots of natural, light wood and open space to allow in lots of sunlight and central airflow. It's also a small space; you open that front door and right away you can already see the living room, kitchen, dining room, and out to the ocean out back. The entryway is the house.
It's almost purposely made so you can see the wear on the floors and furniture. If he drops a surfboard on the floor and there's some damage left behind, he'll leave it there. You can see the wood frames have been handmade and have some flaws and mistakes if you run a hand over them.
It's also very analog with most of the tech in the house dating to maybe the mid-90s at the latest: VHS and record player, rotary phone, etc. No AC either but he does have a great internet connection.
If I cannot fulfill my lifelong dream of having a colorfully painted Victorian house in San Francisco then Alfred can have one. I think he spent a lot of time in the 80s in the Bay Area and this old house was just a constant project of fixing up and refurbishing.
Okay, the last one I'll talk about for the time being will be his house up in Washington State.
I just really love Contemporary houses and Alfred had one built for him when they first started gaining popularity in the Pacific Northwest in 1935. Large windows invite the beauty of the region into the house while complementing the natural landscape. The Pacific Northwest features steep, rugged terrain that encourages post and beam architecture.
Tucked away in cozy woods and nestled along a majestic river.
Decor often brings nature indoors using live-edge wooden furniture, stone and wooden accents, and other cozy touches.
I don't see Alfred as being a big log cabin person but incorporate the coziness of one into this house. Place that Twilight filter on and it's his most aesthetic getaway.
52 notes · View notes
rooftoprabbit · 2 years
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧23𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Summary | All Eddie wants is to bring a smile to your face.
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Fluff, swearing, brief mentions of DV, Fem!Reader, Jason Carver, bullying, Eddie wanting to see reader happy, arguments
Author's Notes | This is Chapter 3 of the series (Chapter 1 and 2 are linked below and I'll create a Master List on my page shortly). This Chapter picks up 6 months after Chapter 2. This one is a lighter read and definitely not the end of the series by any means!
I hope you enjoy reading this series just as much as I am writing it! x
Word Count | 4k
Key | Pink Italics is reader’s internal monologue
Blue Italics is Eddie’s internal monologue             
Bold Italics is a recall of a past event/encounter
If you liked it, please like and reblog and share it with your friends! Feedback is so incredibly welcomed!
I don't consent to my work being copied and posted on third party websites. Plagiary is a crime...you wouldn't steal a car
PT 1
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Six months had passed since your blow up with Jason in the cafeteria and for the most part life had been pretty ordinary. The first week or two after the confrontation was uncomfortable, you would walk through the halls and hear the whispers from the other students, pointing and talking in hushed tones about what you had said to Jason.  And where was Jason? He had conveniently volunteered to support the Indiana Boys Group Home for two weeks after his father found out through his golf buddies that his son had been humiliated in front of the entire school, putting the Carver name to shame.
After two weeks though everything died down and it went back to normal.  The whispers and pointing stopped, the kids got bored and found something else to entertain their time.  Jason came back and picked right back up from where he left it, tormenting the school and everyone just putting up with it, trying to get through each day in one piece.
For you though, it was better.  You were spending your days with Eddie and his friends, learning about the intricacies of D&D and going to late night gigs to support Corroded Coffin.  It even looked like Eddie was on track to graduate with everyone, with the support and tutorage from you of course.  The best thing though was that you had the trailer all to yourself and it was freeing.  You could walk through the door each afternoon and not have to shield yourself from the possible threat of a cup to the head or barrage of verbal abuse that you were so accustomed to.  No, what awaited you at home was peace and quiet, and the occasional Eddie passed out on your couch.   
About a month after your blow up at Jason your mum was called by her parents, wanting to reconcile.  It was like someone was watching out for you from above because the timing was too divine for it to be a coincidence.  You had been brought you to your breaking point, snapped in half and rewarded for all you’ve endured.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“I’m moving back in with my parents” your mum said sitting at the kitchen table, sipping cheap decaf coffee from a chipped mug.
You and Eddie had been sitting together on the couch listening to Metallica’s latest album and Eddie trying to play along on his guitar.  It took you both a while before you realised what she had just said.
“I think you keep playing that last chord wrong, try again but with B flat” you say, choosing to ignore her.
“You’re right, good thinking” Eddie said, aware of what you were doing.
“Y/N, did you not hear what I just said?” your mum now visibly annoyed at not getting the attention.
“Sorry, what did you just say?” not bothering to look up from the album cover you were studying.  Eddie stopped playing the guitar and gave you a nod that you were doing a good job keeping calm.
“I said I’m moving back in with my parents.  We’ve discussed this and thought it best if I move in with them so not as to tarnish the Y/L/N name after the little stunt you pulled last month.  Give myself as much distance from the incident as possible.  I will be working with them to take over the Y/L/N Country Club Events Division, one held by the women in our family for generations” looking at you with distain in her eyes.
Eddie had spoken with you a few times after everything that happened between you and Jason and you’d both realised that when you were yelling at Jason, you were really yelling at your mum.  After that you both worked hard on trying not to give your mum the satisfaction of seeing you riled up, ready for a fight.  It only hurt you more.  If it weren’t for Eddie, you don’t know what you’d do.  He was the one holding you together, helping you pick up the pieces.
“You’ll continue to live in this trailer until graduation, my parents will help support you by paying half the rent, the other half will need to come from your own pocket” dismissing her responsibilities as a mother.
“This is the best outcome for both of us, we don’t get along and once you’re done you can go back to live with your Uncle Michael”.
“It’s Mick, he hates Michael” laughing and genuinely realising what kind of woman she really was, to not care to call someone by their name correctly.  She only cared about herself but she had unknowingly handed you your new life on a golden platter.
“That’s fine by me – I just have two requirements.  1. You never come to this trailer or Hawkins High, I never want to see your face where I must be every day and 2. I get to use Dad’s last name.  If you don’t want me associated with your family; fine, but I will have no association with that last name any longer”.  You grabbed Eddie’s hand for support, something that became a regular thing when you felt yourself starting to shake from the words leaving your mouth.  Eddie always held on twice as tight.
“You will go down to the school tomorrow and change all of my information to his and that will be that.  I won’t be your burden anymore”.
For the first time ever, your mum sat their dumbfounded.  The look on her face had you holding back laughter.  For once, the woman who had made you feel like you were nothing, but one giant mistake, the woman who always had to have the last word was finally struggling to find them. 
“Ok, I’ll go down now and do that” as she got up, grabbed her bags and never looked back.
As the door closed you and Eddie both looked at each other in silence, shocked at what had just transpired.  All at once the feeling of being freed from the ties that bound you to that woman were released and you both jumped in the air, dancing around the room like you had both just won the jackpot.
“Well shit, I guess this means I better get a job.”
You hadn’t heard a word from her since the day she walked out those doors and it was bliss. You were scraping by, having gotten a job at the little gas station down the road from the trailer but that didn’t bother you one bit – you were free.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Well hi there listeners you are tuned into 3FQ and if you’re just joining us, Australian Glam Rock band the Skyhooks have just announced a ‘one night only’ reunion gig at Indiana’s very own Patio on the 23rd of this month!! To celebrate this once in a lifetime chance we will be giving away two free tickets to the 23rd caller today! So, keep listening in folks for your chance to be that lucky winner!”
“I need those fucking tickets” Eddie desperately started pacing back and forth in his room trying to work out how he could listen to the radio all day during school so he could be the 23rd caller.
*Knock-knock* “Eddie! Are you in there? If we don’t leave now, you’ll be late for your maths final we’ve been studying for all week! Come on, we can’t be late!” you scream from outside, oblivious to the chaos happening on the other side of the wall.
“Fuck! I mean, yeah, shit hold on – I’m coming, just looking for my textbook” Eddie calls out, trying to bide more time while he works out how to win these tickets.  Of course! The portable radio he got from Wayne a few years back!
Eddie drops to the floor, reaching one arm under his bed, looking into the distance with his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth.  Using only the memory he had of what might be under his bed, he feels around for the shoebox he remembers throwing it in when the batteries died out within a month of its use.  “Aha! Found you! Now, where are all those spare batteries Wayne has laying around?” running to the kitchen counter, slamming his shoulder against the wall to stop him slipping on the linoleum tiles “Fuck”.
“Eddie, are you ok in there? What’s taking you so long?” now starting to get quite concerned he may have fallen from all the obscenities you could hear coming from the kitchen.
You go to turn the handle of the trailer door but are stopped by the deadbolt.  
Shit, thank god I locked that.
“Yeah, calm down! I’m fine, just give me a minute” Trying to keep you on the other side of the door a little longer.
“Yes, you genius Eddie” giving himself some praise as he switches the dial on to hear the crystal clear sounds of 3FQ. Now, I just need to win them, easier said than done.
Eddie grabs his bags and swings the door open, almost knocking you off the trailer steps.
“Are you ok? What were you doing in there? And why are you holding a radio in your hand? You never listen to the radio?” getting on your tip-toes to try and get a peek behind Eddie’s back.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Nothing for you to concern yourself about.  Now, get in the car or we’ll be late”. Walking himself to the driver’s side, he leans down to hear the sounds of 3FQ “Ooo, I’m so sorry Carly, you are caller number 3….”.
Shit they’re already at 3
Eddie couldn’t concentrate the whole ride to school, you were talking his ear off about something you found interesting, but all he could think about was how he was going to win these tickets for you.  He thought back to every time you had mentioned Skyhooks being your favourite band and your whole face would light up, like a kid in a candy store.  You knew every song off every album, you would remind him that you’d seen them every single time they came to play at your local when you were back home, and he just wanted to bring a little bit of home to Hawkins for you.  If they had already gotten to caller three that must mean they’re playing two to three songs and then taking a caller so by my shitty calculations I have until maybe third period before I need to call.  I need Henderson’s radio phone thing or whatever the fuck he calls it.
“Eddie…Eddie, are you there? the road is clear – you can turn into the parking lot now” waving your hands in front of Eddie’s eyes to bring him back down to earth.
“Fuck, sorry Y/N”.
“Are you alright, you’ve been off all morning?” giving him a concerned look.  Maybe he’s just nervous of the final today, if he doesn’t pass this he might not graduate.
“Ahhh yeah, just a lot on my mind” Eddie swerves into his car park and turns the engine off.
Hopping out of the car he yells back at you “Sorry Y/N, I gotta go – I’ll see you later”.  With that he slams the door and turns the radio back on “Damon, caller number 6 buddy – better luck next time”
What is his problem? Have I done something to piss him off?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“I just don’t understand why you can’t just sing the fucking guards a stupid little song to distract them while the others get past, like try singing ABBA, no one can resist ABBA” giving the boys a little shimmy while humming Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
“There should be a rule against spectators giving opinions on campaigns!” Garth yells, disgusted by your dance moves which only spurs you on more to shimmy further towards him.
“All I’m saying Garth is that there are no rules in that silly little handbook of yours that says the Guards won’t LOVE a little bit of ABBA” cackling at the thought of Eddie having to act out dancing to ABBA.
Rifling through textbooks in your locker listening to the heated argument being had next to you with Jeff and Garth about their plan for tonight’s D&D campaign you were overwhelmed by how much life had changed for you in six short months.  You weren’t expecting this kind of joy until you had landed two feet on home soil yet here you were, starting to find pleasure in the repetitive life you were now leading, no longer tied to the woman who managed to make you feel worthless every chance she got.
“Hey, who’s that blonde chick flirting with the principal over there?” asks Jeff, now distracted by the stranger roaming through the halls.
“Could it possibly be his wife?” you ask not bothering to look out from your locker.
“Have you seen what our principal looks like? If he’s able to bag a chick like that he needs to be giving out his secrets” laughs Garth.
“Anton, you are caller number 14…..”
Poking your head around your locker your eyes lock onto the woman they were referring to.  Your hand smashes the inside of your locker causing both boys to jump in the air by how loud you were.  What is she doing here, we had an agreement.
“Fuck! Y/N what was that for?” yelled Garth, clutching his chest.
“Ahh sorry, I just realised I’ve left my textbook in Eddie’s car.  I’ll have to catch up with you guys later” slamming your locker shut.
Both boys looked at each other confused by the sudden change in your demeanour.  “Alright Y/N, we’ll see you after class then” smiles Jeff, both giving you a wave as they walk in the other direction towards their respective classes.
You know she must have come here in her car, so you make your way down towards the carpark, walking just past Eddie’s van until you see her signature steering wheel cover; a disgusting crocheted Barbie pink number.  This time though it was attached to a brand-new Corvette.  Looks like Daddy got you a new car, that didn’t take long.
You decide to wait just behind Eddie’s van, watching her from the passenger window flirt with the principal. Yuck.  As she makes her way down the pathway, she walks past the van when you grab her wrist and pull her behind the passenger door.
“Ahh, oww what the fuck!?” a shocked look on her face from just being ripped from the walkway.
“Get over yourself, it wasn’t that hard” releasing her hand and looking around to see if anyone was around to see you with her.
“What the fuck are you doing here? We had an agreement, you were never to step foot in Hawkins High while I was attending”
She looks you up and down with a fowl look on her face, like you’d just thrown mud on her brand-new power suit “I don’t remember agreeing to anything like that Y/N” she says readjusting her blazer.
“Are you serious right now?” raising your voice.  “We agreed that I would stay out of your world as long as you did me the same courtesy.  I was starting to finally enjoy my time here and now you show up at school.  Why are you even here?” looking around again to make sure the coast was clear.
“Calm down Y/N, the principal invited me here because they would like my assistance with planning the Senior Prom in a few weeks.  I don’t know if you know this, but I was a big deal at this school” crossing her arms and lifting her chin, like you should be impressed by what she had just said.  Snob.
You could feel yourself getting worked up at what she was saying and the fact she clearly gave no shits about the agreement you had made before you were left to fend for yourself at the trailer park.  What did I expect? Where’s Eddie, I really need him.
She continues, not paying attention to you or how you were feeling in the present moment “I will be helping the ladies on the committee here because I’ve just been elected President of the Events Division at the Country Club and we will be funding and supporting this year’s Prom.  Expect to see a lot of me around here Y/N.  The world doesn’t revolve around people like you”.  And with that she straightens her pencil skirt, turns, and walks away not caring about the internal destruction she’s just managed to cause inside of you.
She gets in her car and speeds off, ignoring the school zone signs.  Leaning up against Eddie’s van your legs slowly start to give in, lowering yourself to a crouch, tears now starting to trickle down your face.  Nothing’s changed, I’m a fool.  Where’s Eddie?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Fuck, who’s the hottie in the tiny skirt walking out of the school?” asks Hunter, ogling at the woman leaving towards the parking lot.
“Wha-what are you talking about?”.  Looking up from his Playboy magazine Jason finally sees who his friend is talking about.
“Oh her? That’s Victoria Y/L/N, she plays tennis with my mother.  She recently came back from volunteering overseas for like 18 years” says Jason giving very little interest and returning to his magazine.
“FUCK!! Jesus did you just see that? What just happened she’s been yanked from the pathway” screams Hunter, getting up to run towards Victoria, hoping to be her knight in shining armour.  
“Hello Sharon, you are caller number 17, sorry hon….”
“Woah, woah, woah Big Boy! Calm the testosterone, Champ.  I can see her from here, some chick’s pulled her over.  Speaking to her or something” Jason says, just able to see you from where he is.
“Who’s she with?” asks Hunter, now more curious than ever.
“Well lookey here, it’s Y/N.  I wonder how she knows Victoria” Jason now more interested in you than his magazine.
“Boys, this could get interesting” an evil grin appearing on Jason’s face.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Tammy, you are caller number 21.  Ooooh so close! Better luck next time.  Folks, we are so close.  Keep those calls coming in and the 23rd caller could be you!”
Shit, they’re close.  I need to find Henderson.
“Mr Munson.  I can understand that when you hit a certain age the contents of your jeans may become more interesting than algebra but if you would care to join the rest of the class, maybe you’ll be able to graduate this year” huffs Ms Grantham over her glasses.
“Sorry Miss.  Ummm can I please be excused to the bathroom?” Eddie asks, crossing his legs and giving an exasperated look as if he’s been holding it in all day.
“Yes, hurry up”
Running through the halls all he could do was yell expletives.  “Where is that little shit when you need him, he’s always biting my ankles when I want him to fuck off but when I actually need him, he vanishes”
“HENDERSONNNNNNN” now resorting to just screaming his name, Eddie runs to the AV room, clawing the door open.
“Henderson! Did you not hear me screaming your name” running to Dustin and grabbing him by the collar.
“Shit Eddie, I didn’t know you liked me this much” giving a loving expression before quickly changing to concern at the look Eddie was giving him.  “Is everything alright?”
“No, no it’s not.  Where is that stupid phone you use to call Suzy on.  It’s a matter of life and death” Eddie’s voice getting more desperate as the minutes tick forward, sure that he’s lost his chance at winning you those tickets.
Dustin slowly leans down to grab his bag “It’s just in my bag, I’ll just grab it for you.  Why do you need it so desperately anywa---”
Dustin couldn’t finish his sentence before Eddie had snatched his bag from his grasp, ripping everything out before he got to the phone.  “So what do I do, press this button and it will call anywhere?  Even to a radio station?”
“Well you don’t have to put it such simple terms but essen---”
Dustin now realising the seriousness of the situation “Yes. It can call a radio station” tail now between his legs.
“Fuck, thank you” Eddie grabs Dustin’s face and plants the biggest kiss on his lips.  “You’re a life saver”.
Not waiting for a response from Dustin, Eddie turns around and dials in the number for 3FQ.  It’s ringing….come on, come on….
“This is 3FQ, who are we speaking with”
“Ahhh, yeah this is Eddie”
“Well Eddie, are you calling to enter the competition for the two tickets to Skyhooks on this weekend” the announcer asks, dragging out the call
“Yes, yes I am.  I really need these tickets” the desperation clear in Eddie’s voice.
“Eddie, my friend Eddie.  You are the……….23rd Caller!!! Congratulation my friend, you have just won two tickets to see Skyhooks play at the Patio this weekend! How are you feeling?”
“Eddie, are you there?” The announcer’s voice unsure if Eddie had hung up the call.
“Fuck. I mean shit.  I mean damn, I’m sorry” now lost for words for the first time in his life.
“That’s ok Eddie, everyone gets nervous on radio.  Congratulations.”
Eddie’s mind goes blank as the announcer’s voice trails off talking about the next song lined up.  
He finally comes back to earth when Dustin starts shaking him, scared that he may be having a stroke “Eddie, earth to Eddie! Come on man, you’re scaring me”.
I did it, I fucking did it.  This is going to make her day!
“Henderson! I did it! I got the tickets”.  Before Dustin can question what he’s talking about, Eddie has left just as quickly as he had entered, running through the halls to find your class.
It’s Tuesday afternoon, she must be in Ms Fowler’s Geography class. Even better, she hates Geography.  You really did it Munson, this is your year!
Finding Ms Fowler’s classroom, Eddie stops at the door peering in to find you in the class.  There you are, wow you look more depressed to be there than I thought, this’ll make it right.
Forgetting to compose himself, too excited to stop, he slams open the classroom door – disturbing a once quiet classroom.
“MR MUNSON! What do you think you are doing barging into my classroom like that” screams Ms Fowler, annoyed at the interruption now caused to her students.
Ignoring the teacher.
“Y/N” screams Eddie pointing in your direction.
Your head looks up to see Eddie standing at the front of the class, both confused and worried at the stint he was attempting to pull in front of everyone.
“Y/n, I got them! I actually got them”
You smiled at the expression on Eddie’s face “You got what Eddie?”
Taking a deep breath to calm himself just enough to articulate what he was about to say.  Very slowly he continues “Two. Tickets. To….” *pause for effect* “Skyhooks”.  Eddie now tries to gauge the expression on your face.  There was none.
“You what?” now slowly raising from your seat unsure if this was a prank he was pulling or if he was serious.
“You and me Dundee.  This Saturday night - Skyhooks!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO YOU DIDN’T!!!!” you scream and run towards Eddie, not giving a flying fuck of the disruption and sceptical you were both causing.
Reaching Eddie, you grab both his hands and start jumping around in a circle screaming and laughing at each other.  All Eddie could focus on was the excitement that covered your face, excitement that he had put there.  How could you manage to be more beautiful Y/N?
MUNSON, Y/N! Hallway now!!”
You both stop to look at the furious expression on the teacher’s face then towards the class who were all now laughing at what had transpired in front of them.
As you walk out of the classroom to your inevitable weeklong detention you whisper to Eddie “this has made my day, thank you Eddie”
Not letting go of your hand, Eddie gives you the biggest grin “it’s you and me Y/N, you and me”.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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ospreyeamon · 1 year
sith education in the reconstituted empire
While home-schooling is prohibited for the Empire’s Force-blind majority, Sith families are permitted to home-school their Force-adept offspring until it is time for them to face the Sith Trials at an Academy. Unlike general education lyceums which are all day schools, the Sith Academies and under-academies are all boarding schools. Young Force-adepts are permitted to attend a lyceum rather than an under-academy. Many families prefer general education lyceums to Sith under-academies, even knowing that the life-or-death Trials await, because the under-academies have a tendency to produce acolytes with boarding school syndrome on space steroids.
The registration of young Imperial Force-adepts is necessarily complicated by the fact the Imperial bureaucracy recognises Force-sensitives and Force-adepts as separate, though overlapping, categories. Because 99% of red sith are Force-sensitive but half are only sensitive, the Sith know there will be some children displaying classic signs of Force-sensitivity like talking to ghosts who will never be able to budge a leaf with telekinesis. The Sith are also aware that Force-adepts can initially manifest subtle abilities like a knack for languages, finding lost or hidden things, and reflex games. While there are some families in the Empire desperate to hide their children’s Sith-potential there are others over-enthusiastically presenting Force-blind kids for Sith tutoring because they are just so certain their precious baby has all the makings of a mighty Sith Lord. Hence, a tiered registration system; Force-sensitives to Force-adepts to acolytes to Sith.
It is easy for children to be added to the Empire’s register of Force-sensitivities and there are plenty of false positives. Really, this pool exists to narrow down the number of people to be vetted as potential Force-adepts. Once a person has been verified as a nascent Force-adept they are legally required to undertake the Sith Trials when they reach the age of majority. If they have already come of age before being identified, they will be thrust into the Trials immediately. This is widely considered a death sentence, though the example Sith Inquisitor’s Apprentice Xivhkalrainik proves it is possible to survive.
The Sith Academies proper are for acolytes in their eighth year or older (17.5+ years). Most acolytes spend their eighth year at an Academy having graduated from an under-academy, tertiary lyceum, or private tutorage, but some will attend only for the Trials. The under-academies accept children from their fifth to seventh years of life (10 to 17.5 years). It is rare for Force-adepts to manifest dangerous abilities before their fifth year, and the ones that do are nearly always the children of Sith families emulating Sith relatives.
Sith who want their children to receive the socialisation of a general education, or don’t want or can’t afford tutoring in general subjects, enrol their offspring in the general education system and teach them the ways of the Force outside lyceum hours. Young Force-adepts are permitted to participate in general education until the end of their eighth year of life when they must enrol in a Sith Academy to face the Trials – but there are caveats. Force-adept children from non-Sith families must have a registered Sith tutor from their manifestation as a Force-adept or fifth year of life (whichever comes last) to their eighth year of life. At the start of each tercile, the tutor must make a formal declaration that it is safe for their student to be enrolled in general education in order for their enrolment to be accepted.
This seriously restricts the ability of many families to keep their children at home because Sith tutoring is expensive. Because only true Sith, not mere acolytes, can be registered as a tutor and Sith have prestigious well-compensated jobs open to them in the Empire’s military and government, the pool of candidates is small. Unless you have a lot of money, a personal connection to a Sith you can call on, or a group of other families in the same position to pool funds with you, the under-academy may be your only real option.
Fosterage is another solution for those with Sith connections. Among the Cult of the Emperor – Vitiate’s rusted-on core supporters who believe that only another Sith is worthy to marry a Sith – there is a lot of shuffling of children around extended families, with nascent Force-adepts placed under the care of Sith relatives while any Force-blind children those Sith might have are passed off to non-Sith relatives in turn. Families with a member in the close service of an amicable Sith might send a child to become part of the Sith’s household, if the Sith is willing to have them raised alongside their own offspring.
Sith also tend to see to the upbringing of any Force-sensitive slave children they discover in their ownership rather than ship them off to an under-academy. There are many reasons for this; some seek future minions bound to them by gratitude for freeing them, others are more concerned with depriving the Emperor of their service and loyalty, some forcibly adopt them out of a desire for Sith children, others see them as training tools for the born children they already have.
There are some significant differences between the Sith Academies on different worlds. Not all Academies have associated under-academies and not all Academies have the right to host recognised Trials. The curriculum varies far more than between lyceums. Some Academies are more Sith-centric than others to the point of being overwhelmingly so; all literature studied is literature written by Sith, the history taught revolves around the lives of famous Sith, life sciences are only covered so far as they pertain to alchemy and healing, etc. The kind of Sith philosophy and techniques taught can also differ. Most modern Sith practice is a synthesis of its Dark Jedi and Kissai origins, but the proportion drawn from and emphasis placed on each exists on something of a sliding scale.
Korriban’s Academy by the Valley of the Dark Lords has a very mixed reputation – prestigious, but unreliable in its students’ educational outcomes. A fine crucible for those who already have the skill and drive to make themselves Sith but not an institution that will improve an acolyte’s prospects of surviving their Trials. Opinions as to why vary; some believe the admittance of slaves drags all forced to attend the Academy beside them down, others that some Overseers’ determination that no slaves should survive the Trials results in the collateral deaths of perfectly good free-born acolytes, others that the Academy has developed a toxic culture where acolytes believe that success comes from outside connections and base subterfuge rather than true strength. Korriban’s graduates are fewer – more powerful, more volatile, more cunning, more arrogant. It is still a popular option for acolytes who have completed the bulk of their education elsewhere and are only enrolling in the Academy to undertake the Sith Trials.
Zoist and Dromund Kaas host Academies considered good choices for would-be Sith planning on careers working with the Science Bureau or Imperial Military respectively. Not as famous as Korriban but they offer excellent electives in the sciences or military history and strategy. A strong rivalry has developed between these Academies and Korriban because their Overseers and other administrators are bitter about promising acolytes running off to the new Academy on Korriban to undertake the Trials.
The planet Tavôya has five Academies, none of which are empowered to host official Sith Trials. Obscure, as nearly all their students are local and they are relieved from the official oversight which comes with holding official Trials, but competent, as most graduates survive to become Sith. None of the Academies have associated under-academies; it is assumed students arrive after finishing general education with their non-Force-adept peers. Tavôya’s Academies act as feeders to Korriban and Krayiss, among others.
There are only two known early-years under-academies, one on Taroth Vel and one on Korriban. They have the honour of being under the direct purview of the Emperor. Few Sith outside his fanatical group of core supporters would willingly hand a child of theirs over to them; to do so at such a young age would break their bonds with their family.
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dissco · 9 months
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Cú Chulainn Baulder's Gate 3/D&D AU
Level 7 Demigod Eldrich Knight Fighter
Born to Dechtire, the sister to the king of a small island kingdom off the sword coast. Lathander, god of the dawn planted his divine essence within Dechtire with naught but the command that his child be named Sétanta.
Sétanta grew fast, his strength and skill amazing to all who witnessed it. At seven he was beating groups of children years his senior singlehandedly, demanding they submit themselves to him for protection. His antics were notable enough that he caught the attention of his uncle, who invited him to feast with him when he visited the local smith Culann. The host however was not informed of his invitation, and upon the child's arrival sicced his prized guard dog on him. With little effort Sétanta slayed the beast, impressing all but devastating Culann. To make amends, Sétanta offered to guard his home for as long as it took to raise a new hound; he was given the name Cú Chulainn (Hound of Culann) as a mark of honor.
As Cú Chulainn grew, the lords of his nation began to fear that he would overwhelm anyone who slighted him. They conspire to convince him to apprentice under Scáthach on the Faerûnian  mainland, hoping he would perish under her grueling tutorage. He accepted their challenge and began his pilgrimage. Under her watchful eye, the young man learnt of the ways of war and magic, eventually being gifted the mystic spear Gáe Bulg by his teacher.
Following his training, Cú delayed his return home instead electing to remain in Faerûn where an abundance of strong foes awaited him.
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fjalarspark · 9 months
𝙰ƶεℓℓε -- ρเɳɳε∂ ρσร𝚝
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𝙰ƶεℓℓε Velthomer / FE 4
―― pinned by 𝑬𝑴𝑴
🔥-- DMs always open, no need to ask!
. . . ƭɦε૨ε เร รσɱε ɠσσ∂ เɳ ƭɦเร ωσ૨ℓ∂, αɳ∂ เƭ'ร ωσ૨ƭɦ ƒเɠɦƭเɳɠ ƒσ૨.
🔥-- Age: 19/20 🔥-- Birthday: June 11th / 11th of the Garland Moon 🔥-- Black Eagles student with a humble flare for pyro-magicks and studious endeavors seeking tutorage in all manners of Fodlan's untainted magicks ( offensive FAITH and REASON -- but avoidant of the darker magicks. ) A Mage Knight in Jugdral, but in Fodlan . . . ? 🔥-- Shadowed and illegitimate younger brother of Arvis Velthomer seeking academic prowess in the esteemed Garreg Mach with the lofty hopes that what he can learn here can be taken overseas to quell the tyranny in Grannvale. Half-brother to Arvis / countryman to Lord Sigurd.
🔥-- Stats page
Ꮯυ૨૨єɳт ρℓσттιɳɠ Ꮯαℓℓ ( as of . . . November 2nd! )
Reason +1 (BE) — Sitri (Starter owed) Authority +1 (BE) — Larcei Authority +1 (BE) — Diamant (Starter owed) Riding +1
Sept-Oct’s Plotting Call
*kept for resolution/reply purposes
Sword +1 ( JULIA -- Starter is out ! ) Reason +1 ( SITRI — Starter is out ! ) Faith +1 ( LEIF — Starter is out ! ) Bow +1 ( EDAIN -- Starter is out ! ) Riding +1 ( KURTHNAGA -- Starter is out ! ) CHARACTER DROPPED.
Further and more in-depth information can be found below the cut ! (So as to avoid my confusion with many pages + easier access for others !) 𝑵𝑶 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶 𝒀𝑬𝑻.
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