comofazerbr · 1 year
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laescuelainvisible · 2 months
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El fotolibro Seeing Vyšehrad de Juli y Miroslav explora el concepto de Genius Loci, el cual dice que cada persona o lugar tiene un espíritu guardián y que dota a este ser de vida y carácter y lo acompaña en toda su existencia. En este trabajo el Genius Loci sería el de la ciudad de Vyšehrad en Bohemia, Praga.
Cuando Juli y Miro me contactaron para trabajar teníamos muchísimas imágenes, dos textos de base como fundamento del trabajo y no mucho más.
En las clases estuvimos viendo cómo darle forma y decidimos elegir que solo uno de los textos era el que nos iba a permitir desarrollar el trabajo, este era el que hablada del Genius Loci, el otro era muy complejo e intrincado y finalmente lo descartamos.
Al tener esto resuelto el siguiente desafío fue ordenar el trabajo, para eso hicimos ejercicios prácticos de organización del archivo. Flujo de trabajo y cómo estructuramos el proyecto:
Miro y Juli concibieron este proyecto juntes y cada uno tiene un carácter muy distinto a la hora de fotografiar, lo cual enriquece el trabajo pero supone un desafío de edición ya que las imágenes de Juli son estenopeicas en blanco y negro con una gran carga poética que brinda algo de antiguo y misterioso al libro y las de Miro que son a color y con una estética más limpia y diáfana que dan un toque más contemporáneo al trabajo.
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Luego, en el período de un año aproximadamente, trabajaron para brindarle una forma definitiva al proyecto. Me gustaría destacar, además, el trabajo de la diseñadora @lala__trala que supo dar un aire sobrio y a la vez contemporáneo al proyecto y así, finalmente, concibieron este hermoso fotolibro sobre la el espíritu guardián de la ciudad de Vyšehrad en Praga.
Estoy muy agradecida porque me hayan elegido para ser una pequeña parte de este proyecto y súper orgullosa con el resultado.
Pueden contactar a Juli y Miro por si quieren alguna copia. @juli_analogue @miresk
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
A new "VP community" account followed me on twitter and at first glance I thought it was the come back of that kPtur trash (iykyk)
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First big yikes, AI shit in the banner
Then I checked their pinned post
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I'm sorry what
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Your daily reminder that AI tools are built on the works of milion of artist that didn't give their consent at all for their works to get scrapped
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therandomcreechur · 9 months
If yall want some tutorials for making object show characters, here are some. All are made booksketball on YouTube. None of them belong to me
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deadgravity · 1 year
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My Warrior of Light is the definition of "poor little meow meow"
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aesfocus · 12 days
I have so much I want to do! But right now a nap with the kitten sounds amazing. ;w;
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elitadream · 10 months
Hi! I hope you don’t mind me asking, did you go to art school or were you self taught? Do you recommend taking art classes and if so do you have any recommendations? Also if you don’t mind my asking, what got you into drawing in the first place? I hope you’re having a good day!
Hello! :D I don't mind at all! 😊
Also I did study art! My first program was more of a general introduction where I got to try out a ton of different mediums and techniques, whereas my second one was entirely specialized and focused on the 2D aspect. 🤓
I was aways deeply fascinated by drawing, and would skim through my old illustrated books all the time when I was a kid. Being able to create the illusion of life and movement through simple lines and colors was to me like a sort of cryptic magic, and I remember I had a galaxy brain moment the very first time I realized that traditionally animated movies were actually thousands upon thousands of separate drawings shown in rapid succession! 🤯😄
I learned many things through trial and error by experimenting on my own as well when I was younger, and gradually coming up with an approach that felt both comfortable and natural to me. But going to art school was what pushed said approach a little further and allowed me to significantly improve it. 🎨
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crossbowtrades · 10 months
My Lady! What are your goals long term in the overworld? Don't you worry about spreading yourself thin?
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"To have something snatched from me by this wretches' ancestry is unforgivable. The gall of them to frolic about like their cursed, disgusting- vile blood has done no wrong makes me want to vomit."
"Worry not, as my kin emerge from The Nether to assist me in holding my ground. My... sisters in arms as it were are fine stewards of my holdings."
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spriteattack · 5 months
Inkscape Tutorial - Creating a Mosaic Effect with Pattern along Path In this more advanced video, I create a somewhat realistic-looking mosaic effect in Inkscape using the path effect Pattern along Path. Starting with the rough shape of the goldfish using circles and the node tool, I create a mosaic pattern [and some variations] to use with the Pattern along Path effect. By using lines matching the shape of the fish, I bend the pattern, fill in smaller shapes with the Pen Tool, and finally separate all into individual tiles to colour with the Dropper Tool. Enjoy!
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st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
max and foolish are literally the most unserious duo on the server im fucking LOSING IT😭😭
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jyaart · 2 years
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comofazerbr · 1 year
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rejanemelosblog · 1 year
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Cartões para o dia das mães 😍
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queenpuppernickel · 1 year
Tutorial on how to make a door to the magic fareie world, very different from the fae or fairy world.
Step 1: go to your nearest large tree
Step 2: talk a piece of neon pink chalk (must be neon pink)
Step 3: draw a four by 3 arch
Step 3/2: make a key hole with the neon pink chalk
Step 4: knock EXACTLY 22 times on your door and wait 1 hour
Step 5: your door to the fareie world should appear and you should be able to open it and walk through.
Hope this helps 🌟⭐️
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the wednesday madness is back
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deadgravity · 1 year
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FFXIV: come to Tutoria Phelele's Heavensward concert "It's Your Funeral (Dirge)" in Azys Lla with a surprise special guest on the receiving end!
He knows what he did.
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