#tv character.
learningfromlosing · 5 months
best characters in any media? the kind that scream out IM SORRY right before/during/after having to attack
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devilsgatewayhq · 8 months
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Name: William York Age: 37 Time living in Tonopah: 25 years Occupation: Groundskeeper at Meredith's Vines and handy man at Sunset Valley B&B Gang Affiliation: Sons of Silence - Treasurer Neighborhood: Glenn Estates Face Claim: Martin Sensmeier
Biography (TW: cancer):
Despite his biological parents abandoning him when he was one years old, William never lived without love. Adopted soon after, William was raised by Percy and Simon York in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was definitely an untraditional upbringing and being raised by two father’s was only a small portion of that. The biggest portion was that Will’s fathers own a popular casino and resort in the heart of Vegas. Lesser known than the big names, Franny’s Resort & Casino (named after Percy’s mother) was a lively place to grow up and exposed Will to all sorts of folks, especially the ones who had extended stays. William’s childhood was filled with fun and probably too much attention from his Dads, both of them always worried about him not having a traditional childhood and the bullying he experienced from his peers around their presence in his life. But Will hardly let it phase him, always pretty aligned with his morals and also much more interested in the gossip and going ons of the casino than anything else. It was in running through the casino (with the watchful eyes of security guards and trusted companions) that Will found his one true love: money.  Will never really knew what it was to be without money but that didn’t decrease his obsession in the slightest. He loved the life his fathers had given him, but he was much more reserved than them, a bit more private with his emotions and aspirations. He was a quiet and quick study as a kid attached himself to the hips of many of the folks who worked the tables and slots and taught him the ins and outs of each game. Percy and Simon’s favorite party trick would be when a young Will would beat everyone at poker without even flinching. It made them proud of him instead of worrying about what it would lead to. They supported him in whatever he wanted to do and were grateful that their lifestyle hadn’t led him towards resentment but celebration.  But a bit after William’s 12th birthday, Simon was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In an effort to have a slower life, Percy and Simon moved the family to nearby Tonopah Valley and left the casino and resort in the care of their trusted staff. Percy would still travel back and forth but for the most part, the York family stepped into a slowed down version of life for William’s teen years. So, of course he was bored out of his mind. But it was also the first time in his life that he got to be exposed to so much land and nature. During Simon’s healing process, he would take long drives with his Dads, seeing the canyons, learning Native American history, finding an ease in life that the three York men had never really known.  When Will started high school, Simon was at his sickest and he struggled often to find the motivation to go to school when he was so worried about his Dad passing. But towards the end of his second year of high school, Simon went into remission and has been so ever since. But that didn’t stop Will from minorly acting out. Not that he was fighting anyone, but he was finding a way to make some money of his own by introducing his high school class to the great art of gambling. William was a High School Scammer and he was good at it. So good at it that he only ever got caught once and in true York fashion, his fathers had gotten him out of it. But it was basically his reputation in high school and if someone needed to make a quick buck, they knew who to go to. His parents used to joke that he was a young loan shark. 
It was this affinity for money making and organization that led him to his love for the Sons of Silence. It all started when he met Syd. Syd was an old school butch lesbian who’s brothers, father, grandfather had all been a part of the Sons of Silence. She was Percy and Simon’s first friend in Tonopah and had been named as an honorary godmother of Will’s. Will never knew the extent of her involvement with the Sons but as far as he could tell she was just really good with fixing motorcycles and anyone who wanted a challenge when it came to drinking as much beer as possible, she would absolutely take the cake. But she was the closest thing to a mother figure that Will had and she was the first person who floated the idea of him becoming a prospect as he neared the age of 18. Percy and Simon weren’t so taken with the idea but it was also through Syd that Will learned that Franny’’s Casino and Resort had been doing work for the Sons for years. They had done it so well that even Will, who lived on site, had been completely oblivious to it. But it was what made him realize that maybe he had just naturally fallen into the family business.  So he made a deal with Simon and Percy and he did two years of community college to get his Associates degree in finance before he officially became a prospect at the age of 21 with one of Syd’s brothers as his sponsor. And William, who had become pretty okay with being an only child, realized for the first time in his life what he had been missing out on. Turning his love of money into a love of seeing the Sons thrive was easy to do, especially when it was something he didn’t have to hide from his family. If anything they encouraged him, and felt comfortable that in some way they could still look out for him and still maintain an honest and supportive relationship with their son. The first time his MC patch frayed, it was Simon that helped sew it back on and it’s not unusual for Will to bring folks from the MC over the house to hang, especially in the summer.  Will got his job at the Vineyard as a way to have some separation from his normal life. The kid who once couldn’t get enough of the flashy lights and fast pace, has grown into a man who deeply appreciates solitude and his time with the land. The Vineyard’s vastness allows him to stay busy all day until the MC needs him and even more he has access to the best wines before they even hit the shelves. He’s been a dedicated employee there since his late 20s and often comes home with a bottle for Simon and Percy to sample. Quite simply put: William loves his life and while his first love used to be money, his true love is his family. Simon and Percy but also the Sons of Silence and there is no doubt that he lives for them and would die for them without hesitation.  Will has had his sights set on being the SOS Treasurer since he was a prospect. It was the only job he ever wanted, knowing that he could double the MC’s profit if someone would just let him get his hands on the books. So when the current Treasurer was arrested, Will didn’t waste any time in putting his name in the ring to be next up. He takes pride in his work and takes even more pride in his brothers seeing the profit of their hard labor. 
William still lives with his fathers on their estate in Glenn Estates. He lives in a smaller house on a part of the property but from time to time will stay in the main house. He has dinner with them every Sunday and most mornings he has breakfast with them before going to work. 
An only child, he can be pretty reserved but has always craved a larger community which is what led him to the Sons of Silence. 
Is it a gambling problem if you’re never actually losing money?
One thing this man loves is family barbecues and during the summer he's very big on inviting MC members and hangarounds to the York estate for big ol family barbecues. 
Has no idea that his birth parents are very much alive and still live in Nevada though they’re no longer together. Doesn't wonder about them too much.
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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callme-l · 5 months
I saw a lot of people happy with the 4 pearls, I decided to give a tip to non-readers
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
pjo tv show episode 5 alignment:
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The mischaracterization of people from PJO is so funny, but ESPECIALLY from HOO onward like.
“Hazel’s such an innocent little angel. She’s always nice and kind and confused.”
Hazel, who’s always ready to fight in the same way Percy is? Hazel, who made it explicitly clear she probably would’ve rocked Octavian’s shit had he not been blackmailing her? Who gets so angry on behalf of the people she loves, to the point where she doesn’t forgive those who have wronged them? Who Percy described as cursing up a storm in one of their first interactions? Who’s been shown time and time again to be FAST to anger? That Hazel?
Or Nico, who’s “a misunderstood emo. A small bean. Cute like a wet cat and innocent like a bunny.”
Nico, who’s cannonically described by most characters as “scary and unnerving?” Nico, who, for a long time, is one of the angriest characters in the series? Who’s only sassy and sarcastic because it took him FOUR YEARS to mellow out? Who’s described as being one of the most powerful demigods, who a lot of people still consider the scariest? Who’s come into his own as a character from TTC to TSATS? That Nico?
Or Annabeth who’s, “cold and calculating. Doesn’t show emotion or express herself”
Annabeth, who’s the most expressive person in the series? Who cries in EVERY book in the OG series? Whether it be for Luke, or Thalia, or Percy, or Chiron, or a literal DOG? Who expresses passion like no other when it comes to architecture and her other interests? Who’s expressed compassion for people she didn’t know? People who at times posed a threat to her? Who isn’t afraid to be angry, or happy, or snide, or rude, or excited, or scared, or ecstatic? Who’s been unapologetically herself since the moment the series started? That’s who doesn’t show emotion? That’s Annabeth?
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
I’m going a little wild over the fact that Percy started feeling the effects of the chimera’s poison two minutes before he collapsed. I thought this part of the episode was weird when I first saw it because the camera focuses on him when it seemingly should be focusing on Annabeth, but then, I realized Percy’s odd behavior while he’s in focus.
He also turns abruptly, and a little late, to Annabeth, as if he just remembered to listen to her, as if he’d been distracted by something.
Then, this boy starts cracking jokes to cheer her up instead of saying, “Hey, something’s wrong; I could literally be dying.” And you can see on his face a few seconds before he collapses that the poison’s starting to really get to him, and still, he doesn’t attempt to get her attention and ask for help.
Then, when they’re at the fountain, he tells her and Grover that he’s feeling better even though he obviously isn’t, because he’s hoping he’s physically strong enough to pretend. (He falls on his ass.)
100% Percy just didn’t want to worry them and thought there was no way to find a cure in time anyway. I’M SCREAMINGG
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ronanlynchbf · 9 months
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lesbianliutana · 6 months
like i can not stress enough despite my issues with some things how much i respect russell t davies for getting the opportunity to write an anniversary special for one of The british pieces of media ever now of all times and deciding that the importance of loving and caring for trans children would be integral to it. you can save millions of people all you need to do is love your trans daughter more than anything in the world.
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mostrovskaa · 1 month
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As I go ridin' merrily along :-)
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catcacophony · 1 month
ok but the percy being a descendant of venus by mother headcanon does make sense Hear me out
it would explain why percy is more fluent in latin than most of the other greek demigods and also how he is described as straight up GORGEOUS. gorgeous enough for hazel to think he was a roman god. A roman god in disguise (which, by the way, is confirmed to be a huge compliment considering that percy said in the calice of the gods that you could recognize a god in disguise by the fact that they tend to make themselves look a little too perfect)
how sally is also "strikingly beautiful" in canon and i do not remember where but im pretty sure she has also been described to look like a "warrior princess" or something along that and descending from a goddess of love would explain how she managed to attract poseidon despite not having any characteristic related to the stuff poseidon is the god of (most gods chose their mortal partners based on that; ex. wills mother being a singer or annabeths dad a professor) also apollo in the trials of apollo saying that he understood why poseidon was attracted and if he were still a god would have tried hitting on her too
Also! the swan being one of aphrodites/venus sacred animals but at the same time a symbol of loyalty. and whats percys fatal flaw? loyalty
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devilsgatewayhq · 9 months
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Name: Isla Sinclair Age: 28 Time living in Tonopah: 18 years Occupation: Assistant to Sawyer Decker and Paralegal at Decker & Associates Gang Affiliation: Sons of Silence - Hangaround Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
Biography (TW: death, infidelity, domestic violence):
Isla Sinclair's life has been a remarkable journey of contrasts, marked by the intricate interplay between her family's criminal background and her own pursuit of academic and professional success. Born as the youngest daughter to Eddie and Christina Sinclair, Isla's story unfolds as a narrative of resilience, transformation, and the profound impact of her choices. Isla's early years were shaped by the presence of her father, Eddie, an original member of the notorious Sons of Silence biker gang in Tonopah Valley. However, from a very young age, it was evident that she was different from her siblings, Beau and Olivia. While they shared a bond akin to twins, Isla's disposition was characterized by quiet introspection and a voracious appetite for books. She was the epitome of a good child, often found with her head buried in novels while her family's tumultuous world swirled around her. The relationship between Isla and her father, Eddie, was a tender one during her early years. He was not only her father but also her best friend, someone with whom she shared secrets and confidences. As the innocent years of childhood gave way to adolescence, however, this bond began to fray. The criminal activities and violent escapades of the Sons of Silence cast a long shadow over their lives, and Isla couldn't help but be repelled by the crimes she witnessed her father and the gang commit. It was during this turbulent period that her admiration for her father metamorphosed into a deep-seated resentment.   As she grew into a young woman, Isla's intelligence and dedication paved her path to academic excellence. Graduating at the top of her class, she received an acceptance letter from Harvard University, which she regarded as her ticket to escape the tumultuous world of Tonopah Valley. At the age of 18, she packed her bags, said her goodbyes, and embarked on a new life in the intellectual hub of Cambridge. Her departure from her hometown marked the beginning of a self-imposed exile that would gradually cut her off from her family. During her college years, Isla made sporadic visits home during holidays, attempting to bridge the growing emotional chasm between her and her family. Yet, as the years rolled on, her homecoming visits dwindled. By the time she turned 25, Isla had ceased all communication with her family, her childhood, and her past. In her new life, far removed from the shadow of her family, Isla built a successful career as a lawyer. Her marriage to a man who knew nothing of her tumultuous childhood seemed like the embodiment of her fresh start. She went to great lengths to conceal her family's criminal background, determined to keep her past at bay. However, as life often unfolds, her carefully constructed façade begins to crumble. Her marriage deteriorated, culminating in a painful divorce. Simultaneously, her legal career took a significant hit when a client, embroiled in a high-stakes case, threatened her life. The weight of these simultaneous personal and professional crises left Isla reeling in disbelief. Fearing for her safety, with her divorce finalized and her career hanging in the balance, Isla felt that she had no recourse but to return to Tonopah Valley, her childhood home. She believed that seeking refuge in the familiar surroundings of her hometown might provide her with the protection and sanctuary she so desperately needed. 
However, upon her return, she was met with a reality that had changed drastically. Her father, Eddie, had met a tragic end in prison, and her brother, Beau, had ascended to the position of secretary within the Sons of Silence. Her sister's once small child, Mia, was now fully grown and unrecognizable to her. It was a far cry from the family she had left behind years ago. With danger lurking and a need for protection, Isla decided to stay in Tonopah Valley, despite the stark contrast to her life in the city. She embarked on the arduous journey of rebuilding her life from the ground up. It was a challenging path, one that demanded resilience, adaptability, and the courage to confront her painful past. In her hometown, Isla found employment at a Decker and Associates, embracing the opportunity to continue her legal career while striving to distance herself from her family's criminal legacy as the assistant to Sawyer Decker. It was a poignant return to the place she had once sought to escape, a return marked by inner conflict and a determination to rise above her circumstances.  As Isla navigates the complexities of her new life, she is confronted with the task of reconciling her past and present. She must come to terms with the tumultuous legacy of her family while striving to carve out a future that is defined by her own choices, not the shadows of her upbringing.
Isla went by Rose for many years when she lived in Massachusetts. She found that it was like a fresh start.
Isla's husband was notorious for his promiscuity outside of their marriage but for many years she put up the façade of a good housewife and pretended she hadn't known.
Her and her husband had been trying for kids and were ready to start their young family. But, after the first cheating incident Isla realized that would never be an option with him.
Truth be told Isla loves to ride motorcycles and misses hanging onto the back of someone while they ride around the city. Her and her childhood sweetheart used to go for rides often and it reminded her of being a little girl and riding with her dad. As much as she hates to admit it, she misses it.
She has a box of letters her father wrote her from prison. She stopped responding to them months after her got locked up. But, he continued to send them and she kept every single one.
Isla is a workaholic. She throws herself into cases just to keep from reminding herself of her life. She uses it as an escape.
Her favorite show is Gilmore Girls. She has a Luke's mug that her best friend gave her in college that she drinks from every single morning.
Addicted to coffee. she often doesn't sleep at night because she's a natural worrier, so the caffeine keeps her sane
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percy, aged 15: ....annabeth.....is sitting.....right next to me 😧 illegal😳😳 but.... i like it🤭??
percy, aged 16: OHMYGOD 😱😱 ANNABETH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM 🤯 ????😨 MOM PICK ME UP I SMELL SCANDALOUS😳😳 IM NOT EVEN LOOKING GOOD EITHER😭😭😭 lord forgive ME😭........yeah im having fun 😁
percy, aged 17: *sound of lock breaking at 3am*.......hey girlfriend✌️ yeah no worries come in 🥱 next time, knock maybe? ill open the window for you myself, just dont wake me up....yep ly👍.......k this is slightly annoying by now but i still love it 🥰
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frongfriend · 2 months
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The series reminded me why I fell in love with Fallout all those years ago
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I think there's actually something really profound in Donna's 'missing everything' gag. Like, yes, it's objectively funny that this woman has somehow missed every alien invasion in the entirety of her time on Earth.
But there's more to it than that. She's the most compassionate companion, the most down to Earth as the saying goes. She sees things that others don't. Like the missing sick records, the way others are treated, Martha's ring. Sees the inside of the Tardis before she sees the outside. And perhaps most importantly, she doesn't see The Time Lord - that big otherworldly figure. She just sees the Doctor. Sees his need for true companionship, his need for guidance, his need for someone to carry a burden he is being crushed under.
She misses the big things, yes, but in exchange she is so wholly, beautifully immersed in the small things no one else sees.
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doesnotloveyou · 4 months
watching a star trek TOS episode where a starship captain has a psychosis that makes him aggressive and manipulative. he kidnaps kirk and spock, tortures his doctor, kills another mental patient, and threatens the safety of the Enterprise crew.
despite this, kirk continues to show him dignity and respect. instead of villainizing him, kirk reminds him his mental illness is not his fault and the awful things it has caused him to do are not who he truly is.
when spock finally shoots the man you think "well that's the end of that guy." but then we learn spock intentionally only stunned him, and the man is last seen getting mental health treatment. he is unaware of what has passed or who he is, and is confused to be referred to as "Captain" but he returns the respect he receives
Mental illness was treated better in a '60s scifi show than it is now.
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