#tv masala News
hungamagames · 1 year
Akshay Kumar returns as the ambassador for Vimal Pan Masala, appearing in the new advertisement alongside Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan
Akshay Kumar, who previously received controversy for his role in a commercial for a pan masala brand, has reconnected with them. Akshay Kumar, who is known for doing patriotic films, was chastised by netizens for supporting a pan masala brand. As a result, the actor chose to withdraw from the endorsement, which he had previously supported alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn. And now, based on the brand's recently published commercial, it appears like Kumar has revived his affiliation with the brand, since he appears alongside the other superstars in the campaign.
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The most recent pan masala advertisement went popular on the internet. The ad shows Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn waiting in the car for Akshay Kumar, who appears to be wearing headphones and is unable to hear them despite multiple honks. Shah Rukh Khan decides to toss a ball through the window, but instead breaks the glass of his neighbor. The latter appears seething and untouched by all the commotion going on around him. Ajay opens a packet of pan masala and its 'kesar' charm drags Akshay out of his music and down to join the duo in the car. In the past, after receiving backlash online for his involvement with the business, Akshay Kumar composed a lengthy letter. "I'm sorry," he'd said. I'd like to apologize to all of my admirers and well-wishers. Your reply over the last few days has had a profound impact on me. While I have not and will not support tobacco, I appreciate your feelings in light of my relationship with Vimal Elaichi. I take a step back in humility. I've decided to donate my whole endorsement money to a deserving cause. The brand may continue to display the advertisements until the end of the legally binding contract, but I promise to be exceedingly cautious in making future decisions. In exchange, I will always ask for your love and best wishes. On the work front, Akshay Kumar was most recently seen in Mission Raniganj, a film based on the real-life 1989 coal mining catastrophe. The film, which also stars Parineeti Chopra, was released on October 6.
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no1heyyyyyyyy · 9 months
Sevika's tastes
Sevika is an old lady and she just wants to be left alone. She likes to look good but when it comes to clothes, Miss thing just doesn’t care that much. She always has practicality in mind. So, no dresses, nothing flowy, has to have natural fabrics so that her skin can breathe, and she requires that things are comfortable. Her shoes are always made for hardware with a strong sole and often reinforced. In the modern world, I see her working in metal working (specifically welding), so she has to have clothes that are multipurpose. Though, if she was forced to wear anything really nice, it would be a simple well-cut blazer and a button down with jeans or slacks that conform to her legs nicely. She prefers earthy colors, nothing too flashy. I think she’d really appreciate a nice dark green, or perhaps brown. I also feel that she would enjoy a nice flannel regularly.
With food, I’m afraid her palette is as unrefined as her clothing choices. She genuinely does not care what she eats, though she really likes chicken- loves hot wings, spicy food is her love. But, her comfort food will always be the food native to what part of India her family is from. I don’t think she’s the best cook, but she has a few family recipes that she knows so well (aloo gobi, chai, samosa, tikka masala, saag paneer). And, I think that on nights where she’s feeling really sad or lonely she always craves those foods. She’d love to cook with or for her partner, it’d be the best way to get to know her honestly. Because it allows for her to show vulnerability through actions and without words. She loves to take care of people and I think in modern times she’d mother her friends just a bit, always making sure they’re eating well, drinking their water, and sleeping right (if not she’ll give them some chai). She doesn’t eat beef or dark meats in general, and she isn’t the biggest fan of seafood or turkey. So, she sticks with her chicken and her paneer. She’ll eat tofu but it needs to be in curry or something similar.
This woman would love 80s hair metal, music is something that I genuinely believe she’d love so much. She’d play drums as a teenager, dead set on becoming the drummer of the next Metallica. She’d also love the old school heavy metal bands, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Pantera. She’d love them all. I think she’d like some old school 90s rap too, but none of the new-age mumble rap that’s going on. She wouldn’t really like Taylor Swift’s music, just because it didn’t vibe with her, but she respected Taylor’s ability to get a bag. She has had a huge crush on Adele ever since she heard the album 25 when it came out. She liked some of her music, but thought Adele was drop dead gorgeous and all mature and soulful and shit, hit her in the feels and made her whipped for this woman she didn’t even know.
For movies she loves shitty 80s slasher horror, nothing that makes her think. She’d sit back in her old recliner in her pajamas and house slippers whilst watching Slumber Party Massacre for the third time, and then put on Golden Girls because she feels that Dorothy Zbornak is her spirit animal. She likes a good sitcom too and a ridiculous drama (she loves Desperate Housewives), she likes the camp, the over the top acting and dumb plots, it makes her laugh and feel care free in a way she hasn’t been in a long time. She just wants to curl up with her pets (she would have many) and watch teen-based tv shows that revolve around crime or secrets (Pretty Little Liars, Riverdale, Vampire Diaries, even Buffy etc.). She likes how bad they are, but she gets so invested it’s ridiculous.
For personal scents she’d like more woody, alluring scents that are also kind of sweet. Think Amber by Rag n’ Bone (it smells so good), she doesn’t spray much, just a spritz, it wafts around her just slightly, just enough for women to fall at her feet. Her individual smell wouldn't be overpowering but it would definitely be clear. It’s grounding and soothing. Her sweat stinks though, every time she comes back from the gym, she goes straight to the showers because her own dogs don’t want to come near her b.o.
In general, Sevika is an old woman who couldn’t give less of a shit. She wants to be left alone with her life and her people and chill. Which is why, I feel like she isn’t that opinionated on much unless it’s boundaries or causes she cares about. She just doesn’t have the energy to be bothered with trivial things like which movie to choose for the night, or which restaurant to go to. She is tired and all she wants to do is eat good food with her partner and her pets in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t like neighbors and she doesn’t like people in her business. She doesn’t need a perfect life, just one that’s hers.
for whatever reason the letters are being weird, it is killing me. Please ignore it.
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Hi I was wondering if you could do one of the girls with period cramps?
As a result of the poll, I give you this! These two honestly make me feel so freaking single🥲👍
!emeto warning!
Keiko was honestly both in awe of and terrified of his girlfriend’s appetite. Especially when she was on her period.
In one sitting, he’d watched her polish off a whole bag of garlicy Naan bread, a whole container of extra spicy Chicken Tiki Masala, three vegetarian samosas, and a container of white rice. And now, she was eating chocolate ice-cream straight out of the tub.
Amberlynn tended to have a big appetite whenever she was on her period, but this was a whole new freaking level.
“Baby, you’ll make yourself sick,” he said, finally speaking up about how much she was eating.
She looked at him, the spoon halfway to her mouth. Then she lowered the spoon, pouted in an annoyed way, and said, “I’m fine.”
Keiko frowned, but said nothing else as she continued to eat the ice-cream. That was, until a hiccup suddenly snuck up on her.
“Maybe you should stop now?” he suggested. “That hiccup could be a warning sign.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, yeah. Or it could just be a regular hiccup. That’s always a possibility, doc.”
With a sigh, Keiko shrugged and got up from the couch. “Okay. Well, I’m gonna shower now.” He walked behind the couch and behind Amberlynn, only to bend forward enough to look at her upside-down. “Love you, Am,” he said.
Her face morphed into a smile that she couldn’t help. “Love you, Kei.”
Keiko kissed her while upside-down, and then left to go shower.
He showered for quite a bit. The warm water was just pleasant, and after eating, he was feeling just a bit lazy and content with taking his time.
When he got out of the shower and came back out to the living room, now in pajama pants and shirtless, the coffee table had been cleaned up, the food (and ice-cream) was gone, and Amberlynn was completely passed out on the couch, one hand on her stomach. Keiko smiled at how cute she was: her mouth slightly parted as she snored quietly, and her slightly-bloated belly peeking out from under her shirt.
He went over to her, crouching down and smoothing hair away from her face. “Am,” he whispered. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go to bed.”
She groaned, and Keiko moved and planted a soft kiss on the part of her belly peeking out, making her giggle because she got ticklish there.
“Get to the room, baby, I’ll be right over.” He stood up, honestly expecting his girlfriend to actually listen to him.
He turned off the lights in the kitchen, entryway, and he closed all of his curtains. When he came back to the living room, Amberlynn was sitting up, but she was hunched over and hugging her stomach with a sour look on her face.
“What’s wrong, Am?” Keiko asked, turning off the living room light and the TV as well.
Amberlynn swallowed. “I feel weird,” she admitted, her bottom lip slightly jutting out in the way it did when she pouted. “Periods fucking suck.”
Keiko couldn’t help but chuckle at the bitter words, crouching down in front of his girlfriend and cupping her face in his hands, kissing her pout. “Is your tummy hurting?”
She raised a brow, sarcastically. “Noooo. Between being infected with God’s incredibly sexist red-plague and eating my weight in spicy Indian food and ice-cream, my stomach feels absolutely freaking peachy.” At least she was willing to admit that she went a bit overboard.
Keiko laughed and kissed her again. “Okay, baby, I get it. Let’s go, and I’ll rub your belly. Do you need meds? Or the heating pad? Or just some water?”
“Maybe just the heating pad.”
Keiko nodded. “Okay. Go to the bedroom, and I’ll heat the pad up.”
Once again, Keiko left her and went to heat up the heating pad. It took a few minutes to find it, and another few to heat it up. He also grabbed her some water anyway. By the time he was done, Amberlynn had left the couch.
Keiko found her under the covers, staring up at the ceiling with a weird look.
“You okay?” he asked, shutting the door.
She shrugged. “I just really want that heating pad.”
Keiko smiled handing it to her. She thanked him, taking it and pushing down the covers so she could put it on her belly under her shirt, and then she pulled the covers up again.
After putting the water on the bedside table, Keiko went around the bed and also got in, immediately putting a hand under his girlfriend’s shirt and rubbing her tummy over the heating pad.
Amberlynn let out a content sigh, scooting closer to him and touching her forehead to his. “Thanks, Kei,” she whispered.
Keiko kissed her cheek in response.
Despite being the one to suggest going to bed, Keiko wasn’t really all that tired. He smiled as he just stared at his girlfriend, admiring every inch of her face as she drifted back off again.
He found himself continuing to rub her belly for another ten minutes or so before her eyes opened again and she once again had that sour look on her face, but she now also had a whiter parlor to go with it. “Kei,” she said, looking at him with a hint of panic in her eyes.
He frowned. “What’s wrong?”
She swallowed and hesitated for a moment before saying. “Help me— help me get up, baby. Now.”
She swallowed again and Keiko sat up in a rush, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up into a sitting position. She doubled over, heaving over the sheets, and Keiko nearly tumbled to the ground as he leapt off the bed in a rush to get the bin in the corner of the room. He grabbed it, and sprinted back to Amber’s side of the bed, placing it in front of her in time to catch a thick stream of brown vomit that smelled sweet like chocolate. Amberlynn gagged, and more puke came up. The streams came up so heavily that Amberlynn began trembling from the force. What’s worse is that she felt blood rush into her pad with some of the violent heaves.
When the Indian food came back up, that was the worst of it. For some reason, spicy food was more intense and throat-burning when it was coming back up.
Some grains of rice got caught in her throat, and she choked, coughing so hard that she teared up a bit and Keiko thumped on her back while saying soothing words.
Another thick stream cleared up the rice in her throat, but it still burned horribly, and she could even feel some of that burning in the back of her nose, which was uncomfortable as hell.
Her stomach squeezed painfully. Gradually, the streams of vomit became smaller. Before long, there was nothing else coming up but sick, painful burps that Amberlynn didn’t bother muffling.
She wined, sniffing even through she wasn’t actively crying. “Craaaap,” she moaned, pushing the bin towards Keiko’s hands. “I-I need to go to the bathroom.”
Keiko took the bin and nodded, kissing her forehead. “Okay then, baby. I’ll get the meds. You clearly need them.”
She pouted. “Won’t stay down, Kei.”
He shrugged. “It’s fine if they don’t, but try anyway.”
He got up and Amberlynn dizzily got on her feet. When Keiko saw that she was steady enough, he left the room to dump the vomit in the bin into the kitchen sink.
When he got back to the room with a clean bin and the meds in hand, he expected Amberlynn to be back in bed, but instead he saw that the bathroom door was closed and he heard the shower running.
He left two little pills on the bedside table by the water, and he set the bucket down by Amberlynn’s side of the bed. Then he climbed back onto the bed, sitting back against the headboard and scrolling on his phone.
Amberlynn didn’t take long in the bathroom. When she came out, some of her color had come back and her damp curls were in a long braid.
“Better?” he asked, smiling as she flopped onto the bed next to him.
“Mmm-hm,” she hummed, scooting over and shifting to place her head on his lap. “Feeling fresh feels good.”
He lightly scratched her scalp. “Your stomach?”
“Crampy, but better.”
“I brought the meds. They’re right—”
“Too late,” she interrupted, pressing her face to his thigh. “I’m sleeping.”
Keiko rolled his eyes, smiling. “Fine. Sleep. But the second your stomach hurts again, you’re taking those meds.”
She looked up at him out of the corner of her eye. “You love me.”
He chuckled, bending over to plant a kiss on her temple. “Hell yeah, I do. Now, I thought you were ‘sleeping’.”
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beachyserasims · 3 months
Tag Game Questionnaire!!
Thank you @jayveesim and @acidheaddd for the tags <3 i'm sorry that these take me so long now a days!!
Last song I listened to: Well I have Saturn by SZA stuck in my head, but I think the actual song I listened to last was Love On Top by Beyoncé (I heard it for the first time last week, what is wrong with me lol)
Favorite place: In my head or real life? jk jk There is one swimming spot in a creek around here that has a rocky ledge to jump off into a deep pool section, and right next to it is a sandy beachy are that gradually drops down into it. I fucking love it there. (It's secluded so I love to skinny dip there!!!)
Favorite book(s): Bad Cree by Jessica Johns is a great book, i love horror
Currently reading: my fave simblr stories like TFA or COTF and more. I'm always looking for new ones too
Favorite tv show: Right now i'm watching Interview With A Vampire and it's sooooo goooood. (I cant believe I waited so long to watch it cause I love vamps and THIS is just pure excellence. Thank you tumblr for shit-talking the movie the other day which made me go look for the series.)
Favorite food: Right now I would have to say Chicken Masala with some naan, rice, and mango lassi <3 <3 <3
I'll tag @blvckentropy , @dawnvy , @honeyjars-sims , @shesthespinstersimmer , @eljeebee , @crsentfairy
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I will be ur new srk mutual 🫶 which one of his films should I watch first?
such a beautiful ask 🥺
if you're in the mood for a romance movie
1. Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge: it's as old as me and still running in a theatre after all these years. it's literally that movie. the biggest reason he's called the king of romance and there wasn't even a kissing scene in this. hasn't aged. beautiful soundtrack. and the infamous mustard field
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2. My Name is Khan: 14th feb 2010, 3pm show in a single screen theatre and i had the time of my life watching my first srk movie in "talkies". i was so happy i was gonna cry finally in a theatre and wept i did. he was so fucking good in this kajol's comeback directed by karan johar. lots of tears. and some more. 9/11 background but it's a love story still. he should have won the national award and that jury will end up in hell someday :)
3. Veer-Zaara: romeo and juliet's tragedy is nothing compared to veer-zaara's. the songs the music the acting the actors the director the writer everything was just so good. a lot of people don't know this but eye acting was actually invented by shah rukh khan
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4. Dil to Pagal Hai: a musical about a musical the soundtrack slayyyyed then it slayyyys now. underrated on current tumblr but i think i am starting to prefer that because DTPH is mine. i never had a crush on shahrukh but if any character of his ever came close it was from this movie. one of his sexiest characters imo. did i mention the songs were way too good.
5. Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham: shahrukh really cries like children do. who knew weeping can have range. great songs great cast. kajol in orange. srk in see-through shirts. it's actually a family drama but it's fun also his mother in the movie has a superpower.
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6. Om Shanti Om: no bollywood movie has ever bollywooded the way OSO did. love friendship reincarnation hero heroine villain nepotism revenge action comedy great music (and one more thing but that's a huge spoiler) it really just had everything. one of the finest masala movies ever made. it's tumblr's favourite as it should be. also this movie is how i learnt san francisco rhymes with disco
if you're in the mood for thrillers
7. Baazigar: the directors were having trouble finding the lead actor because nobody wanted to take the risk then srk told the producer that nobody can play this role as good as he can and he became the first actor in the history of filmfare to win the best actor award after playing a negative role. a cult classic.
8. Darr: it's the 90s it's the hero heroine villain era when the audiences think the people who play villains are bad people irl and dislike them. sunny deol an already established "hero" is the hero of the movie and srk is the villain a scary stalker and what happened was that the audiences really loved him instead. (my sister got scared of him enough that she started crying in the theatre and my parents had to leave mid-movie a wuss). something that couldn't have been achieved by just anyone except the future king of bollywood. oh lots of switzerland. also the legendary director of the movie kinda adopted srk and started casting him in every movie of his afterwards.
9. Fan: about an obsessed fan (not me just tbc). underrated af.
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about brothers and mothers
10. Karan-Arjun: family evil rich guy poor villagers a mother's wait reincarnation revenge very 90s. used to watch it every time it was on tv. also it was shot in my state 😎
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11. Main Hoon Na: a cool srk entry. action comedy friendships a whole college adopting a grown up as their big bro beautiful sarees the best dressed character who then got a make-over 🥲 (the only one flaw of the movie) a villain (which was getting rare in the 2000s) the best ending credits ever and whatnot. it was farah khan's directorial debut and she brought fun back to bollywood with her bestie <3
the only coming-of-age movie he did
12. Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa: i was younger than 4 srk wasn't my favourite "hero" yet but his character from this movie was my first blorbo. my murderous rage awakened for him. the first character i ever related to was also from this movie. gangster uncle 🤜🏾🤛🏾 me. srk was so baby (he was like 28) there was also ra ra rasputin in this. srk loves this movie so do i.
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djservo · 9 months
it’s that time of year again… 🎄🎅🎉🎊 no. the highlights of your 2023 media consumption of course! just like last year, i want to know your top 5 films, books, tv shows, songs/albums, pop culture moments if that’s your thing, and as a bonus: any favourite personal moment/achievement in the last year? new to you, new in release, either works! can’t wait to see your response and wishing you a happy new year! 😁🩷
oh man I'm late but YAYYYYYY I luv these round ups + appreciate U so much for asking each year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🫂🎆
films: sooooo many good first watches in 2023, surprisingly a lot in the first couple months which I think set a precedent for a year of fruitful viewings 🔮 I made a top 25 list so shoutout to the other 20 that I painstakingly sifted from 300+ watches but ok my top 5 were:
Rapture (1979) dir. Iván Zulueta
Tampopo (1985) dir. Jūzō Itami
The Last of Sheila (1973) dir. Herbert Ross
Mirch Masala (1987) dir. Ketan Mehtal
Pickpocket (1959) dir. Robert Bresson
I also finished Pedro Almodóvar's filmography (except for the latest short) which was really satisfying so I feel like that also deserves a shoutout + I hope to complete other fav directors' filmographies this year too!
books: Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn, Near to the Wild Heart by Clarice Lispector, The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel, The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez Arcos, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison -- ALL FICTION, CAN YOU BELIEVE!! I really loved a lot of the nonfiction I read last year too but these stories stuck with me the most/lingered on my mind the longest
music: I'm bad at keeping up with new music so I don't really have new releases to gush about like if I had to think of strictly 2023 releases I probably enjoyed Mitski + Kelela's albums the most but if I'm so real I didn't really come back to either of them often -- the artists I did consistently return to throughout the year were Danza Invisible, Chanel Beads, Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, Pixies, and like all 3 of Kathleen Hanna's bands 🧘‍♀️
tv shows: I'm even worse at tv we know this but I got my sister hooked on early Survivor seasons so that's a win in my book 🙏 the last few months of the year I watched a lot of Boy Meets World + Portlandia randomly, probably bc I got sick for the first time in years n just wanted some easy watching that I knew I'd like.. OH and The State!! overall, yet another great year of watching irrelevant television that hasn't been on air for years 🙌
2023 was a really good year of reconnecting with friends + family for me!! I saw people I hadn't seen or spoken to in yearssssss just because of life and distance and whatnot but I've been more willing to go out of my way to make things happen/make my desire to reconnect #known and it's been really fruitful + reminds me of being in college doing the most just to go to a concert or meet up with some friends for the weekend IDK like the "inconvenience" of the process making the result that much sweeter or whateva :-) this one's silly and random but I cancelled my spotify premium subscription a few days ago (missed the billing cycle by a day so technically I'm still a premium user til the end of this month smh) which I've been meaning to do for a while but Finally I did it and I feel like this
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Required Information Sheet For The Human AU: Johnny
General Information:
Last Name: Taylor
First Name: Johnathan
Middle Name: Demarcus
Nickname(s): Johnny, Jahnu, Johns, John-song, Jay
Alternative Name(s): Jahnu Jiyaan Aarav Sutar and Kallik
Pronouns: He/They/His/Theirs
Gender Identity: Demiboy
Sexuality: Gay
Birthdate: January 29, 2004
Ethnicity: British Indian
Dietary Style: Vegetarian
Religious Affiliation: Hindu
Known Languages: English, Hindi, and ASL
Appearance Information 
Hair Color Hex Code: #262626
Curl Texture: 3b
Eye Color Hex Code: #875B04
Skin Tone Hex Code: #574012
Beauty Mark(s): Small Scar on Right Cheek, Lip Piercing on Right Side, Eyebrow Piercing on Left Side, Body Tattoos
Glasses/Contacts: No
Height: 5’8.5”
Weight: 135 lbs
Build Type: Inverse Triangle
Clothing Aesthetic: Skater Boy and Light Grunge
Education Information:
Past Education: South Loop High School
Current Education: Gap Year
Career Information:
Past Employment: Skate Shop Employee
Current Job: Contracted Professional Actor and Singer
Dream Job: Professional Singer and Actor
Company: The New Moon Theatre Troupe
Current Employer: The Majestic Performing Arts Theatre
Extracurriculars: Volunteer at South Loop Animal Shelter and Mechanic Assistant at Taylor Family Garage
Parentage Information:
Biological Parent 1: Jia Saanvi Taylor ‘nee Sutar (Deceased)
Relation: Biological Mother
Relationship: Close 
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Career: Primary School Music Teacher and Pianist
Birthdate: February 13, 1975
Biological Parent 2: Marcus Christian Taylor
Relation: Biological Father
Relationship: Close
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Career: Automotive Mechanic and Garage Owner
Birthdate: November 12, 1973
Foster Parent: Rosita Jazmín Peréz-Harrison
Relation: Foster Mother of 8 Months
Relationship: Close
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Career: Consulting Environmental Engineer
Birthdate: May 16, 1985
Sibling Information:
Sibling 1: Nooshy Victor Peart-Taylor
Relation: Adoptive Sister
Relationship: Close
Pronouns: She/They/Hers/Theirs
Education: Remedial Online High School 
Birthdate: November 3, 2001
Assorted Information:
Best Friend(s): Meena Amari (since Sing 1) and Ryan Willis (roommate)
Favorite Color(s): Dark Teal and Navy Blue
Favorite Animal(s): Mountain Gorillas and Pitbulls
Favorite Food(s): Poori Masala, Sambar, and Kootu 
Favorite Sweet(s): Banana Bonda, Pulse Mango Candy, and Chocolate Banana Bread
Favorite Drink(s): Masala Chai, Mango Milk Tea, and Coconut Pineapple Sparking Water
Favorite TV Show(s): Rise, Heartstopper, Sherlock, The Great British Bake Off, Dead End: Paranormal Park, and Worst Cooks in America
Favorite Movie(s): Wall-E, How To Train Your Dragon (1 and 2), Kubo and The Two Strings, The Prom, and Badhaai Do, and Merida.
Favorite Song(s): Ode to Britannia by Seb Lowe, Hate Thy Neighbor by Hyphen, I’m Still Standing by Elton John, Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, and Figure You Out by Violá
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mingos · 5 months
wilder's comforts
comfort food(s): ministrone soup, new england clam chowder, black beans, peanut butter + banana sandwich, quesadillas
comfort drink(s): masala chai, hot chocolate, dr. pepper, milkshakes
comfort movie(s): friday the 13th ('80), candyman ('92), suspiria ('77), phantom of the paradise, nightmare before christmas, child's play ('88), pirates of the caribbean 1 + 2
comfort show(s): one piece, paranoia agent, great teacher onizuka, chucky, documentaries about nature, history, or something morbid idk i don't really watch that much tv.
comfort clothing: jackets/sweaters with thumb holes, clothing a size or two too big, compression socks, **beanies
comfort song(s): father's song - prince, tonbo - tsuyoshi nagabuchi, 'it was always you, helen' - phillip glass, temple of the king - rainbow, abstract (psychopomp) - hozier, really anything with dio or hozier on vocals.
comfort book(s): battle royale - koshun takami, the vampire lestat - anne rice, burr - gore vidal, scary stories to tell in the dark - alvin schwartz, the complete collection of edgar allan poe
comfort game(s): luigi's mansion, jetset radio, pokemon xd, kirby airride, pokemon mystery dungeon, clock tower (snes), clock tower 3, corpse party (remake + book of shadows), dino crisis, alone in the dark
tagged by: stole it uwu. tagging: @cptnslog, @hweyd, @belovedcorvid, @goreburdened, @gxdmade, @enruiinas , @heavens-sin, @notanuki
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favourite colour(s): Royal/sapphire blue! I also love: navy, cool-toned red, pastels like blush pink/lilac/dusty blue, cream, and black.
favourite flavour(s): Not sure what qualifies as a flavor per se, but my favorite foods are cannoli, chicken tikka masala, champagne, tea, spaghetti carbonara, and lemon Fanta. My favorite restaurants are French, Italian, Korean, and Japanese mostly. If it's found on an afternoon tea tiered stand, I want to put it in my face. And I've been craving a steak bake and a sausage roll from Greggs for years now (don't get me started on Wetherspooons curry club and Nando's).
favourite genre(s): drama and romance, by a long shot. Bonus if historical. I like some fantasy, action-adventure, and comedy on occasion.
favourite music: I like pop/rock, classical, pop/rock goes classical, and soundtracks. I grew up on 50s and 60s music as a kid and my more influential music years (teens through college) would be anywhere from the late 90s to the mid-2010s or so. My SiriusXM radio is pretty much constantly drifting between the 80s all the way up to the 2010s, decades-wise.
favourite movie: My favorite movie of all time is Dead Poets Society. Otherwise, I love: Shakespeare in Love, Good Will Hunting, Love, Actually, and a variety of historical dramas mostly. As far as animated films go, I have a soft spot for Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, and Howl's Moving Castle.
favourite series: This question is mean and I don't like it. But I'll try. TV: Downton Abbey, Endeavour, Outlander, The Great, Bridgerton. Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Lupin III, Zeta Gundam. Video Games: Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Umineko, Code: Realize. Books: A Court of Thorns and Roses (and pretty much everything in the Maas-verse at this point), Bridgerton, Crazy Rich Asians. I feel like I should put something super highbrow here but uh...nope.
last song: We Will Be Memories - Call the Midwife soundtrack. I really love my soundtracks...
last series: Live action TV: All Creatures Great and Small Season 3, Marie Antoinette, Emily in Paris Season 3. Anime: Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family. Books: Crescent City (I need a book 3 release announcement ASAP)
currently reading:  From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout and it's annoying me SO. MUCH. It's what I do to escape from work stress, and instead I'm getting 'slow plot and annoying main character' stress instead. After this I'm taking a break from this series and trying Kingdom of the Wicked instead by Kerri Maniscalco. If that doesn't go over well, I'll finally dip into Scarlett St. Clair and Leigh Bardugo (so I can finally watch Shadow and Bone on Netflix), or The Moonflower Murders by Anthony Horowitz. Murder mystery fans, do not sleep on Anthony Horowitz: he is a fantastic writer!
currently watching: Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 3, Vienna Blood Season 3, Marie Antoinette, and probably Tokyo Revengers Season 2 soon. I need to catch up on the new Urusei Yatsura and the most recent Lupin III anime, too.
currently working on: de-stressing from a horrible day at work while regaining my patience for one more terrible day at work tomorrow, waiting for French seasonal clothing sales to get posted, charging my kindle so I can curl up with it, eyeing a soothing candle to light. I'm all about warm clothes, candles, my heated blanket, and books right now. And the usual: avoiding replies until I'm less tired.
tagged by: stolen from @earthssprout!
tagging: You, if you have more than three replies in your to-write pile (because that's more than me right now and I'm still avoiding them: let me help you procrastinate)
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defectiveconantoy · 2 years
I was tagged by @detective-kyria, @missvineyard, and @marshmallowgoop. Thanks, everyone!
Relationship status: Taken.
Favorite colors: Purple, blue, yellow, and earthy colors.
Favorite foods: Chicken tenders, movie theater popcorn, sea salt popcorn, grilled chicken, sushi (especially tekkamaki rolls), chana masala, lentil soup, tamales, Manzanilla olives.
Song stuck in your head: “Bubblegum Bitch” by MARINA (formerly known as Marina and the Diamonds). Thanks, @marshmallowgoop, for mentioning a MARINA song on your tag answer.
Last thing you Googled: Aside from school stuff…“bugs bunny mcdonald’s meme.”
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Time: Time to study?
Dream trip: Japan, Colorado, USA; or the Pacific Northwest (United States and Canada).
Last thing you read: TV Tropes analyses on the channels Cartoon Network and PBS Kids. For some reason, I enjoy reading more about the history and business of television channels than reading stuff for school.
Last book you enjoyed reading: I read this book four years ago. It’s The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory by John Seabrook. I’m a sucker for reading about the business aspects of pop music and show business.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: If I cook, I enjoy making lentil soups.
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Journal writing. Otherwise, I enjoy drawing, fanfic writing, taking nature snapshots on my phone, and imagining ideas that make me seem more talented than I really am.
Most niche dislike: People telling me they “have a question for me.” JUST. ASK. THE. DAMN. QUESTION. ALREADY.
Opinion on circuses: Stereotypical circuses are animal cruelty. Those circuses aside, Cirque du Soleil is awesome, if you enjoy artistry and acrobatics. So far, I’ve attended three shows and hope to see more.
Do you have a sense of direction: Nope. I’m bad at following any directions without visual cues. It takes me weeks to learn a new city center, whenever I have the opportunity to enjoy a new city.
Tagging anyone who wants to participate, because a bunch of you have already been tagged.
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Queen of Katwe (2016) was directed by Mira Nair. Mira was born in Orissa, India, and has 27 director credits from a 1979 short to a 2022 tv episode.
Her other notable credits include Salaam Bombay, Mississippi Masala, The Perez Family, Monsoon Wedding, Vanity Fair, The Namesake, and New York I Love You.
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nitesh-123n · 6 months
How to learn Punjabi Language
Spice Up Your Life: A Fun Guide to Learning Punjabi
Have you ever been captivated by the rhythm of Punjabi music, or the warmth of Punjabi hospitality? Maybe you're connecting with your roots or seeking a new adventure. Whatever your reason, learning Punjabi is a beautiful journey that opens doors to a rich culture and vibrant community. But where do you begin? Worry not, my friend, for this guide will be your compass on the path to Punjabi proficiency!
Unveiling the Gurmukhi Script: Your Key to Punjabi
The first hurdle might seem daunting: the Gurmukhi script. These elegant curves may look like an alien alphabet, but fear not! There are plenty of resources available online and in libraries to help you break the code. Imagine yourself as a Punjabi Sherlock Holmes, deciphering the mysteries of the script one letter at a time. Soon, those beautiful curves will transform into words, unlocking a world of communication.
Masala Up Your Ears: Embrace the Sounds of Punjabi
Punjabi is a language that sings. Learning pronunciation can be half the fun! Here's where things get interesting. Punjabi has unique sounds that don't exist in English, like the forceful "h" and the nasal vowels. Don't be afraid to experiment, to mimic the sounds you hear in songs and movies. Imagine yourself as a Bollywood star, belting out catchy tunes and mastering the Punjabi lilt.
From Hello to Chai Time: Conversational Punjabi for Everyday Life
Now that you've got the basics down, it's time to take your Punjabi to the streets! Start with greetings like "Sat Sri Akal" (hello) and "Kise हालचाल hain?" (how are you?). Move on to useful phrases for everyday situations: ordering food ("Ik cup chai, please"), asking for directions ("Bazar kahan hai?"), or complimenting someone's outfit ("Bahut suন্দर kurta hai!" - very nice shirt!).
There are many ways to practice conversation. Language exchange apps connect you with native speakers, and online communities offer a platform to chat and ask questions. Who knows, you might even find yourself having chai with a new Punjabi friend!
Punjabi Pop Culture: Your Gateway to Immersion
Learning a language isn't just about textbooks and grammar drills. Dive into the heart of Punjabi culture through music, movies, and TV shows. Put on some upbeat Bhangra tunes and get your groove on. Immerse yourself in a Punjabi rom-com or a nail-biting thriller. Not only will you pick up new vocabulary and slang, but you'll also gain a deeper understanding of Punjabi humor, traditions, and social life.
The Sweet Rewards of Your Punjabi Journey
Learning Punjabi is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be moments of frustration, but the rewards are more than worth it. As you progress, you'll be able to connect with Punjabi speakers on a deeper level, appreciate Punjabi art and literature, and navigate your way through a new world. The journey itself will be enriching, filled with discovery and laughter. So, take a deep breath, embrace the challenge, and get ready to add some Punjabi spice to your life!
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imaybehungry · 7 months
2024 February Media
Movies in theaters:
How To Have Sex
Mississippi Masala
Little Odessa (35mm)
Lisa Frankenstein
The Promised Land
Working Girl (35mm)
Madame Web
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (35mm)
Drive-Away Dolls
Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
Perfect Days
Tenet (70mm)
American Movie
Movies at home:
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Mala Mala
The New Girl
Strange New Worlds
Godfather of Harlem
True Detective: Night Country
Mr & Mrs. Smith
True Detective (Season 1)
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dangal-play · 7 months
Dive Into The Ultimate World Of Entertainment And Popular OTT Platforms In India.
Dangal Play has emerged as a market leader in providing a diverse and engaging entertainment experience among the Popular OTT Platforms In India. Enterr10 Television Pvt. Ltd. introduced Dangal Play, a platform that offers a diverse array of material in several languages and genres to suit the various preferences of Indian viewers. Stream more for Dangal Play's content library, user experience, industry effect, and more.
Dangal Play is A one-stop destination for premium entertainment content online. Dangal Play differentiates itself from other OTT platforms with its extensive content catalog, smooth streaming performance, and easy-to-use interface. Whether you enjoy Bollywood masala blockbusters, regional dramas, or international thrillers, Dangal Play has something for everyone.
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Overview of the Entertainment Industry in India:-
India has one of the most dynamic and varied entertainment sectors globally. From Bollywood blockbusters to regional films, television dramas, and web series, entertainment touches the lives of millions of Indians. Cinema and television have long been the principal sources of entertainment for Indian viewers. But with the Popular OTT Platforms In India along with the development of technology and the spread of the Internet, India's entertainment scene has completely changed.
Understanding OTT Platforms:-
OTT services, which provide viewers with unrivaled access to a massive library of content, have come to be associated with ease and choice. Viewers can experience limitless enjoyment with subscription-based models, free from the inconvenience of ads or set schedules. The Popular OTT Platforms In India services are top-rated among audiences of all ages because of their flexibility.
Emergence Of OTT Platforms:-
Introducing Popular OTT Platforms In India services has transformed how Indians consume entertainment. OTT platforms send content to users online without conventional distribution methods like cable and satellite television. It has made entertainment more accessible by enabling fans to watch their preferred films, TV series, and web series on any internet-connected device at any time and location.
Content Library On Dangal Play:-
Dangal Play is a Popular OTT Platforms In India. It has a vast content catalog consisting of various films, TV series, web series, and original material, which is one of its main draws. Dangal Play guarantees that fans will have many options when choosing their next binge-worthy show, ranging from timeless faves to the newest releases.
Accessibility And Devices:-
Smart TVs, desktop PCs, tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets can all access Dangal Play. Viewers can take advantage of their preferred material anytime, anywhere, at home or on the go.
User Experience And Interface:-
Dangal Play has an easy-to-use interface that facilitates navigation. Viewers may easily find new content on Popular OTT Platforms In India based on their interests and preferences thanks to the user-friendly search and suggestion capabilities.
Regional Content And Localization:-
Given the diversity of its viewership, Dangal Play offers an extensive range of material in multiple languages, accommodating local preferences. Dangal Play, a Popular OTT Platforms In India, guarantees that audiences throughout India may access their language, Bhojpuri or Hindi.
Dangal Play's Impact On The Indian Entertainment Industry:-
Dangal Play's debut has dramatically impacted the Indian entertainment scene. The Popular OTT Platforms In India have made entertainment accessible by offering a platform for different viewpoints and stories, bringing lesser-known artists to the forefront.
Dangal Play has become a vital player in the Popular OTT Platforms In India, providing viewers with a diverse and engaging entertainment experience.  Dangal Play has been well-positioned to influence the direction of entertainment in India for many years because of its vast content library, flawless streaming interface, and dedication to consumer delight. Dangal Play offers something to suit all viewers, casual viewers, TV enthusiasts, or movie lovers.
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indiejones · 1 year
Attraction of professional arts,for largest part,as-'Legitimized seller of "love" as product of livelihood!'. Ofcourse,therein,love has-own range of depths/shallows,& varied duality,to contend. A great precipice,to start exploring..but c/f from it,an #art,fewer know or sustain..
For- Many can teach u getting beaut bodies,few on beaut thots,but hardly any abt beaut feelings. Like asking for way to local(small-big city,town,village)temple..then once in temple complex,for way to shrine..but once there,jus staying..staying..& staying,even where everyone's left for the day.
The dynamics of #cinema has & will always stay same ie as btwn "thirsty" & "well".
What's changed thru 10-11 decades,from inception,is defn of "normal","aspirational",& "extraordinary". To illustrate- Thru 1910-2010s, ppl been as thirsty for fun time, as today..
In 1910s-20s, mere sight o' moving screen was extraordinary, so silent films ran thru paying masses like wildfire! But by 30s,turned normal. Next extraordinary,was 'sound'! Much that,most films thru 30s had min 40-50 songs embedded, even above stories. SONG then the new "aspiration".
Ppl like Santaram did attempt (laborious costly) 'colour' in cinema (utilizing German technique) in early 30s, but tis said the results were too garish to impress & inspire. Phut. Till mid-60s,when use of colour became noticeably attractive, & an aspirational feature for all.
Back to 40s,when song moved from aspiration to normal..igniting hunger for QUALITY. Also over-scrupulous revolution time, ppl began nit-picking, lending gen bad/cheap name to cin..igniting makers unto 'class' stories,actors,presentation.. "CREAM" the new aspiration, over normals.
In process,producing some "extraordinary" works & artists in art. So it continued,the cream shuttling btwn normal to extraordinary story-tell,song-write-singing,& visual delight..till mid-70s. When another 'revolution of distrustful' then,drove ppl to aspire "STIR OVER CREAM"!
Giving rise to "aspiring to extraordinarily mad/energetic/angry" cinema of 80s! Right to 90s..when blood fest turn passe,& liberalization-globalization, birthed the "western aspiration". A hazy diffused "POWDER" vision at that, translating to fluff-floaty cinema thru 90s in gen.  ....  Another valid perspective being, this 80s period also the time where arose the brainchild of  the "Formula film", 'designed to keep viewers perenially on the cusp of high emotional tension & flex', that being the seeming sole objective of all art & story-telling, albeit mostly in the action zone then, but transferred to the romantic & love zone by 90s, & that's continued 30 yrs on till today! A combined 30+ yrs era that can also pehaps be called "The Masala Era". Ofcourse as always discounting few exceptions here & there. This period of around early to mid 90s, that we now call "The Poppy Era", also being the time of advent of "Big TV", giving further door-to-door prominence to this "forever on the cusp" genre of entt.
Unto next mil! 2000s brought, never b4 surge in "entt industry" as viable lucrative career option for the vast "STATUS aspirational" masses in urban & semi-urban India..& of varied art-non art backgrounds. And many more open avenues for exhibition. And "BRAND" turned aspiration!
By 2010s, art had turned the normal! Twas NUMBERS-in name placement,platform-trumpeting,advert & hither-tither product launching, & the "ability to breach thru, OVER AND ABOVE ART", that turned into the visible aspiration for a majority. "MONEY POWER", the extraordinary feat here!
With the 2020s came the biggest worldwide pandemic, after more than a century, that caused billions of lives & equally high artistic occupations to totally shut down, for close to year to 2 years, also bringing with it the perhaps forced reallocation of artistic funding to the less risky proposition of 'web-series', a platform that had shown some promise in bits & parts since very late 2010s, a format allowing much more time & scope for 'slice-of-life art' within the Hindi realms, a form almost lost to it since the late 60s to mid 70s. And a breath of fresh air to art & hope within its being, in quality & it's quantity. This new phenomena seemingly also inspiring the cinema makers to also change tracks, & attracting that fan- base. Only time will tell, if this can result in a further evolution & return to the more generally artistic life art of 60s, or if this be merely a passing phase till the Hin cin scene regains it's lost reputation amongst masses (caused a lot on account of certain suspected if not altogether known high indiscretions & gross misuses of the money & connection power that 2010s as mentioned above brought in hordes to the new status aspirational lot & their controllers).
And cinema history goes on.. Dunno if bridging urban-semi divides, lower status thirsts, enuf, to get back to artistically congenial & largely productive creamy or stirring times! But #IndiesAllTimeHindis in a few fun part-time research yrs,has surely well roller-coastered thru Ind's decadence. For what its worth.🙏
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snacqting · 1 year
Why Getting Healthy Snacks Online is More Convenient?
In a world where food is often consumed on the go or while watching TV or working, eating your food mindfully is important. In this fast-paced world, it is important to practise mindful eating. Mindful eating plays a crucial role in weight management. When you pay attention to the food you are eating instead of scrolling on your phone, it prevents overeating. You will be able to understand how much you need to eat and when to stop. Being present when you are eating your meals is known to improve digestion as well. Focusing on your food will remind you to chew your food properly and to eat your meals slowly. This practice aids in digestion & prevents bloating and indigestion. Eating your meals and snacks mindfully is also known to reduce anxiety and stress.
Having a wholesome meal that has all the vital nutrients that your body needs is important. Lunch and dinner are two big meals. But what many people fail to realize is that your snacks affect your mind and body just as much as your meal. Eating snacks that are healthy will curb your hunger until mealtime. So, if you find that you are often overeating during lunch and dinner you need to change your eating habits. Try adding a mid-day and evening snack. You also need to watch out for the snacks you are consuming. Eating chips, fries, burgers or sandwiches might make you feel full for some time, but it won’t be able to provide the energy that you really need. Fried foods will make you feel sleepy and lethargic after some time.
Eating healthy snacks is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While the benefits of healthy snacking on physical health are well-known, the impact on mental health is often overlooked. Healthy snacks can improve your mood and energy levels. A balanced snack that combines carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can provide your body with sustained energy and help prevent the crashes that come with consuming sugary or processed foods.  Trail mixes have natural foods like nuts, seeds, and berries. These foods can improve memory, attention, and focus, making it easier to stay alert and productive throughout the day. Snacks like nuts, fruits, and granola contain vitamins and minerals that support brain function, which can help regulate mood and indirectly affect your stress levels. Having a nutritious snack can improve cognitive function. You can easily find healthy granola that tastes good online.
One of the biggest advantages of getting healthy snacks online is that you can get all your favourite snacks delivered to your doorstep. This eliminates the need to visit multiple stores to find the snacks you want. You get to shop from the comfort of your own home. This is especially helpful for those who live in areas where there aren’t many stores that have healthy food options. Buying your snacks online will help you save money as you can easily compare prices and read reviews from other customers before buying. This can help you find the best deals and ensure that you're getting high-quality products. Most of the brands that sell their products online offer discounts and promotions.
Online shopping also provides a wider selection of healthy snacks than you might find in your local grocery store. The availability of a variety of snacks can help you find new and interesting snacks to try, keeping your healthy snacking routine fresh and exciting. You will also find a wide range of snacks that are vegan, gluten-free and highly nutritious. You can choose from a range of granola chocolate almond, masala berries trail mix, roasted seeds mix and more. Apart from this, you can also get different varieties of chatpata oats namkeen or trail mix.
Shopping online for healthy snacks can be a great way to save time and reduce food waste. By purchasing snacks in bulk, you can ensure that you always have healthy options on hand, and you can save money by buying in larger quantities. Plus, many online retailers offer free or discounted shipping for larger orders, making it more cost-effective to stock up on your favourite snacks.
Being mindful of what you eat has a lot of health benefits. Apart from the meals you need to make sure that the snacks that you eat are healthy too. These snacks will give your body energy in between your meals. Helping you to avoid overeating during meals and manage your weight. You can easily get healthy snacks online. It is convenient, affordable and there is a wide selection of snacks you can choose from.
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