#tvs confuse her
max-uhhhh-talks · 1 year
Starlight doesn't understand technology, doesn't know how it works. She's been around about 50 years (on the Surface at least) so she's really as lost on that front as Primo and Nihil would be. Not that she'd be able to read anything a cell phone or the internet has to offer her anyway lmao
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leverage is so fucking funny. man manages to find the most mentally ill and neurodivergent group of thieves on the market + an even more mentally ill guy whose literal job description was trying to chase all of them, and forces them into a found family speed-run by trying to blow them all up. they lowkey stage a full fucking country wide coup and are like eh 🤷 just another wednesday. this might be a fun place to vacation tho i guess. sophie shows up to her own funeral twice. they're so good at convincing people of their shit that they make a guy's body start reacting to an illness he doesn't have because it isn't real. go completely out on a limb and basically hand this one guy a new password for his computer so they can get into it and he goes with it. parker and hardison have straight up just "fake it 'till you make it"d into the fbi without even attempting to cover their tracks beyond just These Two Guys. half their clients never asked to be their clients and don't know they're their clients, and the other half are random people who find them who fuckin knows how, meanwhile no government agency can track them down without selling their soul to sterling. they make a point to have a dramatic scene w a Big Bad Shadowy Government Guy who doesn't actually get caught or brought to justice or anything telling them he's going to hunt them all down, and in any other show this would probably earn at least a minor arc later on but he literally never shows up again. an entire season finale hinged on a cake and a bunch of clams. they accidentally made eliot a celebrity not once, not twice, but three times. parker blew up her foster parents' house when she was like. nine. and it's hardly a footnote. hardison is just casually an artistic prodigy but it's only ever brought up for the most background of background gags. eliot's biggest beef with parker and hardison for like two and a half seasons is that they won't stop making weird food with lasers and refuse to realize they can't make a decent beer to save their lives. sophie's immediate response to being shot is to call her shooter a wanker. there's a character who has literally killed a man with a mop and they had the audacity to only put her in one episode.
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Percabeth love story from Annabeth’s pov is so funny cause like.
In book 2, she’s thinking “oh, me and Percy will do the chariot race together. It’ll be so fun!” Only to have Tyson, who she doesn’t like at the time, third wheel her planned alone time.
Then you get to the 3rd book. Okay, we’re recruiting 2 new demigods. Their at a dance? Oh, me and Percy can dance. Have a nice romantic moment, maybe even confess.
He runs off to deflect from Thalia’s plan and she falls off a cliff.
We’re at BOTL now, Percy finally asked her out on a date. Well it’s not a date date but the point still stands. AND their seeing a movie. Perfect for a first not date.
He shows up with a red headed mortal. The school is on fire. The mortal, Rachel, writes her number on his arm.
Okay, okay, some failed attempts. Buts it’s all right. She still has more chances.
Nope, no she doesn’t. He’s in a volcano, he could die. She should probably do something before it’s too late. She kisses him and runs off, hoping he survives.
He doesn’t, oh wait he does. It’s been 2 weeks? Where was he? Oh, on an island? With who? CALYPSOS island? Your kidding.
Mhm, he hasn’t brought up the kiss. He want a mortal to led HER quest? Her first ever quest? Maybe she was reading into this wrong. Does Percy NOT like her?
Well, he must not. He spent the whole school year AND summer with Rachel. She kissed him, has spent the last 2 years trying to confess her undying love. He’s about to DIE. His souls is going to be REAPED. But he spends a year away from her. Oh yeah, there’s also a war going on.
A kiss for luck? Tradition? Okay, maybe she was freaking out for nothing. Percy likes her. She’s not gonna kiss him though. He spends a year away from her? He has to earn her affection, thank you very much. He won’t die, hopefully. She’ll kiss him then.
He’s not dead! They won the war! Yay, yippie, fire works. She gives him a kiss and they go underwater. Four years of hard work, but at least it paid off.
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cozylittleartblog · 8 months
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val is kind of a freak
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lunar-years · 1 month
This is the pessimist jumping out of me but I think what irks me most about the level of rep tv hype is that I KNOW half these people are gonna be the exact same ones loudly complaining on rep tv release night because “delicate sounds slightly off at minute 1:34” or “how could they ruin getaway car :(“ or “this new photoshoot doesn’t even fit the vibe” or “why do these vault tracks sound like they belong on midnights :(“
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 8 months
“Ask me for sanctuary”
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rebouks · 1 month
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Previous // Next
Courtney: Take a right here. Oscar: Absolutely not. Courtney: C’mon! I have an idea. Oscar: Getting arrested for kidnapping is a terrible idea. [Oscar rolled his eyes as Courtney grinned and raised her hand threateningly; snorting, he threw the indicator on and pulled over with acquiescence, lest she get any ideas and grab the steering wheel herself] … Courtney: Is Levi ready? Nadia: For? Courtney: Camping. Nadia: He’s not going. Courtney: Oh-.. we’ve already booked a spot for him. Nadia: Hm. Courtney: It’d be easier if he were out of your hair for a week though-.. right? [Nadia squinted at the slightly unkempt woman before her; she was clearly mistaken in her previous assumptions that Courtney was a simple, feebleminded housewife] Nadia: Don’t take me for a fool. Courtney: Alright, what’s it gonna be then? Nadia: LEVI! Nadia: Do you want to go camping with these.. people? Levi: I thought you said-… Nadia: Do. You. Want. To. Go? … Nadia: That was quick-.. you won’t bring any bad habits back, will you? Levi: I’ll try not to. Nadia: I’ll miss you, sweetheart. [Levi clenched his bag tightly and ignored his mother’s outstretched arms, knowing full well they’d remain firmly plastered to her waist were there not a car full of Finch’s right next to them] Levi: Hey-.. scootch over, losers. Ava: Hi, Levi’s mommy! [Levi shut the door before Nadia could respond, catching naught but a glimpse of her upturned nose as Oscar sped off]
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mayabishopgold · 20 days
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Carina DeLuca | Grey's Anatomy -Season 14 Episode 14
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fishareglorious · 11 days
Some have suggested I should spend my vacation "like a human", so I have prepared several options. People seem to like this one the most. You refused. I see. You must prefer the Thomas the Tank Engine face. - Lucy's lobby interaction
THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE FACE???????????!?!?!?!?!??
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explaining dimension 20 episodes and seasons to people who don’t even know how dnd works makes the whole plot sound like a fever dream
my roommate can attest to this since i explained all of fantasy high every time we ate dinner when i watched in preparation for junior year
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hezuart · 1 year
If Seven have water bending powers, Six soul eating powers and Mono space-time powers what would Raincoat Girl powers would be
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oOOOO see, I thought about this quite a bit for the past week. I don't think Raincoat girl's powers will come up in Channel Change, so I'll share my headcanon here.
Raincoat girl I've always called "Five" though I've considered calling her "Quinn" (or even "Cinc") sometimes to not be so obviously a number, kind of like Mono's naming scheme. But I don't think the name Quinn would stick with the fandom as well as "Five" would...
To me, Five would have the ability to change her size at will. (Typically shrink, but only when she gets more powerful later she will learn how to enlarge herself.) She may also have the ability the manipulate the sizes of objects, people, or animals around her.
My evidence: 1. "VERY LITTLE Nightmares" game title 2. The Nest is more like a giant doll house, and she's surrounded by children turned into dolls 3. Each collectible has something to do with the children's powers. She collects Jack-in-the-boxes; children's toys that had been made in France as little "Demon-in-the-boxes". A tiny puppet pops out to surprise/scare the person playing its music because typically, no one would expect a creature to be compressed in something so small.
Six is a soul eater. She can suck the souls out of adults for sustenance. She can suck the youth out of children, turning them into nomes so that she may remain immortal. She may have the ability to teleport through shadows. She may or may not also have the ability to create shadow proxy children?
Mono is a space-time manipulator. He can travel through time and teleport elsewhere through TVs. He can leave behind imprints of children and also reabsorb them? He has minor to major telekinesis and draws in the attention of those around him.
Seven has hydrokinesis. He can physically manipulate water. He can create air pockets to breathe underwater. If he concentrates, he can also control the water inside someone's body including his own. This proves difficult when trying to lift others, but his body is the easiest to control, giving the illusion that he's floating on air.
Five/Quinn is a size shifter. She can shrink at will to crawl through small spaces like a mouse; to get into hidden rooms or to avoid being caught. She can also enlarge herself at will and has the ability the manipulate thse sizes of objects, people, or animals around her. But this requires heavy concentration to do so.
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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stefisdoingthings · 3 months
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Wouldn't you, Harry?
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bookishjules · 9 months
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Annabeth Chase | Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1x04 I think you were about to call me a friend.
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everyone-calm-down · 8 months
Okay, I was one of the horde who was confused at why they PASSED the solstice deadline in the casino but now that the last episode is out I get it.
Percy went into the whole thing with a "fuck them gods and fuck this quest" attitude (totally deserved), and him still returning the bolt AFTER the quest deadline had passed served to not only uplift Percy's character but also emphasize that he still couldn't give a shit about the quest.
He's not returning the bolt because the gods ordered him to, he's returning it because it will save the people he loves from suffering. No one can paint him as a good little kid who does what he's told, he is still a menace to the gods which is exactly what he's wanted to be for the whole show.
The deadline being already past both lifts Percy above being Zeus' errand boy and brings Zeus down to listen to the kid who has something really fucking important to tell him.
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julesnichols · 4 months
Before voting, spin the wheel and get a Snowpiercer character.
inspired by this
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