#tw 6x20
princeescaluswords · 10 months
(contd2) And then in S4 he only trusts/remembers Scott when he's deaged, he's ready to die for him when he thinks it's inevitable, and ofc later there's his whole thing about only coming back *for Scott* and not for the town (or anybody else in it). Idk, I just find it so funny how insistent he is about his motivations and how his admiration and affection for Scott overshadow his connections with literally anybody else and people?? Don't get the memo?? HE MADE SEVERAL WHOLE SPEECHES ABOUT IT!
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Hey, do you remember this scene from The Wolves of War (6x20)? I do. It is the culmination of a story that began in Wolf Moon (1x01). What started as "We're brothers now." ended in "No. Came back for you."
When that scene first aired, an individual made a gifset of the scene. Within the first twenty or so reactions, there was a reply to it. I remember it as much as I remember a splinter dug under my skin: "As a Sterek shipper, I reject this." I'm sure it's still out there somewhere. We could find it no matter how bad Tumblr's search engine is, if we put our minds to it.
Of course, several people responded to the reply with what you might expect, explanations of shock, dismay and outrage that a self-identified member of a group with the motto "Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things" would look at a scene of deep friendship between Derek and Scott and "reject" it. My response, though, was different. My first thought was "How the hell is that relevant to Sterek?"
If you take the concept of the Sterek ship at its basic principles, it's the idea that Derek and Stiles are not only sexually compatible, but uniquely positioned to enhance each other's lives and fulfill each other's emotional needs. I can fully get behind that. I think that there is definitely an aesthetic argument to be made for the pairing; it seems the fandom agrees with me.
My enormous and undying problem is that when you examine the overwhelming Sterek content created, there is an undeniable aspect to it that adds a completely unnecessary complication. For some reason, Scott hate (or at least the idea that Scott is an impediment to Sterek) is a major component of the Sterek fandom. And that just doesn't track. Derek and Scott have conflicts at the beginning, but given the situation that is unavoidable. On the other hand, as you have so carefully pointed out, they grow into a mutually beneficial friendship. How can the fact that Canon Derek and Canon Scott come to mean so much to each other interfere with Sterek? Scott and Stiles's friendship is the beating heart of the show, even as it is Scott's story, so much so that Stiles has to be mentioned repeatedly even when he's not present on the screen. How can the fact that Canon Stiles and Canon Scott love each other so much be seen as an impediment to Sterek?
My premise: it is not, and the prevalence of anti scott hatred in the Sterek fandom has nothing to do with shipping Derek and Stiles, and everything to do with racism.
Take the example above. I could see it, maybe, if Stiles had been living in Beacon Hills and standing in the background, and Derek had specifically proclaimed that he had only come back to Beacon Hills for Scott, then it would be reasonable for a Sterek shipper to have a problem with the scene. But that didn't happen. Stiles was not only no longer in Beacon Hills, he came back to Beacon Hills with Derek. There is nothing in that scene that infringes or diminishes or prevents Sterek. So why the hostility?
There's nothing in canon in any of the relationships involved -- Scott and Stiles, Stiles and Derek, Scott and Derek -- that is hostile to Sterek shipping.
It can't be because Scott said a few mean things to Derek in the early seasons. For every slightly mean thing Scott said, such as "Then they had a reason" in Magic Bullet (1x04), Stiles said two to three, such as "Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." or when he tells Scott that Derek is beginning to smell like death when Derek is sitting right next to him, or "You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of." all three of which happened in the same episode.
It can't be because Scott resisted accepting Derek's leadership, because for every time Scott rejected Derek's guidance, Stiles undermined Derek's positions openly.
It can't be because Scott took antagonistic actions toward Derek, such as deceiving him about joining his pack to save Jackson's life in Raving (2x08) or valuing Allison's life over Derek's discomfort in Master Plan (2x12), because Stiles literally tries to convince Scott to let the Argents kill Derek to stop Peter in Formality (1x11) and for Allison to shoot Derek "preferably in the head" in Venomous (2x05) because he valued Scott's and Lydia's life over Derek.
It can't be an aversion to queerbaiting, because the show had multiple significant gay relationships. For every scene that made us question Stiles's sexuality, there was a scene which put Scott in a similar situation. Derek never had a scene like that, but even so, all three of them only pursued women romantically.
It can't be because Tyler Posey once said something negative about the ship overwhelming all other fandom activities, because both Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan O'Brien said things inimical to Sterek as well.
So, there's got to be a reason that a major component of Sterek shipping, superfluous to the ship itself, is hostility to Scott McCall and his actor. Some factor that drives some participants in a ship to viciously hate the main character who is canonically not an impediment to their ship and enables the rest of participants in the ship to tacitly support it.
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1k follower make me choose
—  @faithcastiel: 1x12 faith x 4x01 lazarus rising x 6x20 the man who would be king
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gentlemancowboy · 2 years
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Supernatural + Favorite Episodes
For @becauseofthebowties​’ 6k Celebration
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
chamomile, chapter eleven  
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A/N: the gif in the moodboard is by @fightingdragonswithwho
summary: it's time for everyone's mandatory grief assessment. Y/n's doesn't turn out how she predicted...
warnings: references to 6x20, tw miscarriage, hospital, thinking that your symptoms are just an average illness, crying, blood, shock 
word count: 935
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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You squinted, fumbling for a paper towel to dry off your face. Splashing it with cold water hadn’t really helped you feel better. You still felt like shit. Was it the flue? Maybe something you ate? Who knew. Right now you just needed to take it one moment at a time. Get through tonight and just tonight.
Crumbling up the paper towel, you tossed it in the bin on your way out of the bathroom. Walking into the dead quiet bullpen, you stopped when you saw Rossi walk out of Hotch’s office, having him swiftly follow after to bid the older man goodnight. 
Catching your eye, he waved you up and you followed, giving Rossi a tight-lipped smile as you passed him. 
“Have a seat,” Hotch motioned towards the dark couch in the corner of his office.
Once you were settled, he sat down in the chair opposite you, folding his fingers in his lap, “so, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” you sighed, trying to ignore the light dizziness you felt now that you’d sat down. 
“Are you?”
“I mean, of course, it’s sad, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t really feel like I have the right to truly feel, or express, that loss because I didn’t know her as long as you did. You all should have the space you deserve to grieve.”
“Just because you didn’t know her long doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to grieve her,” he leaned forward a bit.
“I know, I know, I just-,” your sentence was cut short as the soreness in your abdomen turned into a piercing pain. Hissing sharply, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried again, ”I, um, I,” you struggled.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m-,” you slurred, breathing heavy, “I’m sorry, I think I’m coming down with something.”
Forcing your eyes to open once more, you saw your boss looking like he was either ready to call an ambulance or draw his gun. 
Supporting your weight on the armrest, you wrestled to stand up. 
Seeing Hotch’s eyes glide down your body as you stood, he got the same alarmed, yet calm face he always got when talking to a victim. 
“Y/n,” he reached out, ready to catch you if you fell, “you’re bleeding.”
“What? No, I’m fine, I’m-, really I’m fine,” you looked down at yourself and saw the crimson lines, staining your inner thighs, “I’m… I…”
“Y/n?” he called your attention and caught your hand, “you’re gonna be okay.”
“What? I am okay, I’m fine, I just…” 
“Y/n, please let me drive you to the hospital.”
“No, no, I’m fine, I- ouch,” your knees almost buckled at the sting of that one. Clutching onto your stomach, you pondered if you weren’t actually just sick. And getting your period out of the blue had never come with these symptoms. Just because you hadn’t had it for a hot minute didn’t mean you’d completely forgotten-… wait. When was the last time you’d gotten your period? Oh no… oh no.
Looking up into his eyes, his visage began to blur as tears started to well up and hinder your vision. “Hotch?” you whimpered. 
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
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“Here,” the doctor passed you a small paper cup with a little white pill at the bottom of it, “this will help your body pass the tissue.”
You were numb. Still in pain, but you were completely numb. 
Not even thinking about it, you swallowed down the pill, washing it down with the icy cold water they had given you. 
“Again, I’m so sorry, but there was nothing to do. It started out like this.”
Looking down, you turned the small cup in your hand, then bend and crushed it lightly. 
Gently laying a hand right next to where your foot was swattled up in a scratchy blanket, the doctor hummed, “I’ll be right back with your discharge papers.”
Silently watching as they disappeared behind the curtain, it didn’t take long for it to be drawn again, this time it was your boss who poked his head in.
“Hi,” he gingerly stepped inside. 
Looking anywhere but his face, you slowly breathed out, “I didn’t know.”
Taking a seat in the small chair situated beside you, he didn’t say anything, just sat there.
“I didn’t know,” you echoed, lip quivering. “Sir, I think… I just need a few days. The doctor said that it would take a little bit of time before…”
“You take as much time as you need.”
Finally looking him in the eye, you felt a few tears roll down your cheek, “thank you.”
“Please, don’t thank me,” he laid his hand on top of yours, “Y/n, I am so sorry this happened to you. And if there’s anything I can do to help, anything at all, you just let me know.”
“Could you-, I don’t know how I’m gonna get home.”
“I’ll take you,” he squeezed your hand. 
“No, it’s already late and I live on the other side of town compared to you. You should get home to Jack-”
“Y/n,” he interrupted, “I’ll take you.”
Turning your hand so that your palm was against his, you sniffled shakily, “okay, okay, okay.”
“I know it’s none of my business, but is there someone you’d like me to call? You don’t have to go through this alone.”
You couldn’t say it. You couldn’t tell him. He was your boss, you couldn’t tell him. Yet you couldn’t seem to answer him, you just sat there and bit your shaky lip.
Inhaling deeply, he looked down at your hand and breathed out, “okay,” nodding slowly.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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eusuntgratie · 3 years
6x20 The Wolves of War
cut for spoilers bc i’m emotional
so the last one kind of just...ended? i’m a little confused but okay let’s do this
immediately irritated that stiles isn’t in the first three seconds
wow that’s some rough greenscreen work but okay
pls don’t introduce new characters in the actual last episode. literally, why?
this scott/chris moment making me emotional. SIL vibes. I’M FINE.
YES MY LOVES SHOWING UP TOGETHER (bc they fucked in roscoe on the way there a few times for luck)
OOF badass derek doesn’t get old either. DAMN.
GOD this scott/derek moment making me emotional too. GOD the wasted opportunities on this show AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
how does his mouth do that to me even out of focus? it’s rude.
they are so MARRIED. omg. peak married sterek moment. mArRiEd!!!
“seems to be an area of unfortunate overlap” I LOVE HIM 😍😍
god peter is such a dramatic bitch. peak dramatic bitch energy. well fuck.
jackson is so prettyyyyyyy. “you’re afraid of me, aren’t you?” apparently i love a dramatic bitch 🤣
derek says two words and i’m panting. i have a whole ass problem.
okay i actually hate stiles being weird/possessive/break-it-up about jackson UGH
okay okay i see why people ship them now theo’s saved baby wolf like 6 times at this point
GOD i have to keep pausing to process SO MUCH IS HAPPENING
angry malia gives me life
i’m not dying for you/i’m not dying for you either (maybe you should just make out a little and see what happens, boys)
i need to write a million protective dad derek fics. right the fuck now.
BADASS PAPA YESSSSSSSSSSSS. “you refer to me by my proper title” okay sirrrrrrr oof 🥵🥵🥵
well this isn’t going well
OKAY WOW they’re just throwing everybody in here okay
are you this dumb, baby? okay wow i guess you are. that’s fun. god i love a himbo.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMG OMG OMG OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSS WOW i have a visceral reaction to that voice good LORD i thought i was panting for derek’s voice but VOID?!?!? I’M MF DECEASED
oh shit oh fuck
um wow okay i wasn’t ready for that. a blindfold wouldve maybe worked but okay
okay, coach!
okay then that works i’m good with that
well this is a little awkward
ooh the camaro and the jeep pulling up together giving me FEELINGS
my friends, my pack I’M FINE 😭😭😭
okay but mason and corey are pack too they should’ve been in that shot
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thiam-warwolf · 4 years
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"You can’t take pain if you don’t care.” 
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ks-jins · 7 years
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Good to see ya’ Coach. You too, Jackson.
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deathcabjenny · 7 years
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suckerforparker · 7 years
Nothing but respect for MY president. Love you Scott McCall
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multifandomsource · 7 years
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littlecarmine · 2 years
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cobbbvanth · 2 years
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@altarofrowena 1k celebration ♡
1. purplenatural ⤷ angel grace & holy fire, but make it purple
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aurorarebeka · 7 years
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nine-butterflies · 7 years
Hold on just a quick second
You mean to tell me that Lydia Martin, the badass banshee who has grown so much over the past six seasons, ran to hug Jackson Whittemore, her abuser years who treated her like shit and then left her with no explanation, but when she sees her boyfriend, Stiles Stilinski, who paid more attention to her when she was with Jackson than Jackson did, all she did was stand next to him????? I get that there are guns being shot at you, but would it kill the writers to be more true to her character and let her show a little bit of affection to the one love interest on this show who has ever treated her well?
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mischiefstydia · 7 years
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so void is making a comeback?? i’m- oh my god i’m like excited and nervous and holy i never thought i’d see the day ajsjajdjsj
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fuckyeahkillianemma · 7 years
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