#tw child services
madamsugarskull · 2 months
How would Min and Mr. Dwicky be with each other? Since he was a school counselor and has experience with troubled kids and possibly a degree in psychology (I could be wrong since this is IZ we are talking about) can Min still manipulate him or can he see right through her facade?
(Also I absolutely adore how you draw facial expressions they r so freaking good)
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Thank you so much! Honestly, I think Dwinky met Min before he worked at the school as a guidance counselor. But I think that while he was well meaning, he was missing some serious red flags when it came to the place she was put in. And set things in motion that he never wanted to happen.
But… after he went to space?
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Considering how he left Dib in a moment where he needed support the most. I easily can see him doing the same with Min.
And that would be her last straw when it came to her hope for humanity.
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ellzilla · 4 months
An extreme warning for everyone in the Creepypasta community, especially the Creeps Comic sub-community
This is a post 6 years too late, but I've finally gained the courage to speak up. Trigger Warning for: Pedophillia, child grooming, suicide and beastiality There are two manipulative pedophiles in the creepypasta community that go by the name Kori [Konpeito-Starfox on tumblr, korgifemboi on discord] and Michael [kitsuneaniki on discord] who have: Dated a minor, have been sexual in the presence of minors, exposed minors to hardcore pornography and have drawn pornography FOR minors. When I was 15 back in 2018, I was invited to a creepypasta discord after I was found because of my Old LJ ask blog. I remember Kori and Michael [Trixi at the time] were 21 and 24-25 and were 'tame' at first, but they slowly became more and more sexual as months went by. A few raunchy jokes turned into full on porn posting. They talked about sexual situations with Creeps characters with two 16 year olds and a 17 year old. I felt uncomfortable with it, but I couldn't get why. This next part may be worded poorly, as it's extremely emotionally hard on me to bring up the memories, but I'll try my best and will be the most coherent I can make it. As a dumbass 15 year old, I didn't get the difference between being gay and being sexual due to the homophobic town and family I've grown up around I had never been told otherwise, so I thought it was fine, that lgbt people in their 20's being highly sexual around and directly to lgbt teenagers was fine! Everyone was happy! And me bringing up the uncomfortableness was just me brining everyone down! But then Kori and Michael made porn for a 16 year old's oc having sex with their sonas. And something in me finally shouted "Something is wrong." I didn't know how to word it, but I approached my family [good!] and said "My friends are being a little too gay, what should I say?" [bad!!!] and so I was told "tell them to stop that." And so, in I said "can you stop being gay?" in an attempt to say "hey stop being sexual" [I know, I know, point and laugh at 15 year old me for being confused] and obviously got kicked out for that. There was shit said by them that made me want to commit suicide [thought I must stress they never directly told me to kms] And then got death and rape threats that MIGHT have been from them on my old LJ ask blog after that, but that's a side note. In the same year, the 16 year old who was given porn of their oc, [who I will refer to as Victim 1 and censored in black] started dating Kori and Michael. Note: Victim's 1's birthday is in October and this screenshot is from September
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It is of note that Kori and Michael are extremely manipulative and hav convinced Victim 1, that it's better to lie to me and tried to say they were 17 when they started dating, despite me knowing their age and not correcting another [I will refer to as Victim 2 and censored in red] mentioned it in a conversation. There are two other victims who I will also censor the names of.
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Below is a continuation of this conversation to show that Kori and Michael have convinced Victim 1 that them showing porn to minors is okay.
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I also showed Victim 1 that what Kori and Michael did is VERY ILLEGAL, let alone immoral, but was brushed off. Granted, I should have showed him more but I was rushing to the hospital because of my heart issues and was not thinking straight due to the stress.
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Michael has also been proven to quite literally speak for Victim 1 as well. [The sibling comment was because they thought Victim 2's [trans] sister was Victim 2 referring to me]
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This is the end of the post, and I hope this is enough to show how much of a threat Kori and Michael are to minors, but I physically cannot show the mountain pile of trauma without putting myself in a medical emergency. There is far more receipts of Kori and Michael's emotional manipulation, but again, if this post went on for too much longer I could end up in the hospital because of them and I don't want it to be a fourth time. If you or someone you know are friends with Kori and Michael, please distance yourself from these pedophiles and show your friend this post. If I could, I would personally report them to the police, however they are in America and I am in Australia with no knowledge of how to report across-seas. If you can, please report them to the proper authorities, although I do not know if they can get into legal trouble for what they did to us years ago, it will stop any on-going child grooming. Please note, I will not be mentioning this or replying to anyone specifically IN MY INBOX until AFTER I recover from making this post. Do not send me anon messages if you're going to tell me something private, instead, message me. If you have a public issue with this post, say it with your chest and off anon. Before this hell is through, I have three more screenshots to share. One of Victim 2 being shown drawn Beastiality while they were still a minor [I have been informed Victim 2 was still 16], one of Kori [with a pfp of LJ having sex with Will in a server full of minors] mocking me while I was still 16 and against them being sexual [and mocking me for my LJ design and having a non-sexual lizard hyperfix], and a miscellaneous message of Michael admitting he likes dog genitalia and mocking me for not liking porn but being fine with gore. WHILE I WAS STILL A MINOR. I will put them under the cut as two of them are censored but still visual images of nsfw. IF YOU ARE A MINOR, DO NOT CONTINUE THE POST AND PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE.
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Grown ass adults talking to and about children...
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Almost one year ago, 14-year-old Stellayna Severight was found dead of a drug overdose in what the coroner's report describes as an "unkempt" apartment building "with drug paraphernalia found scattered in the living room area."
The teenager, who was in the care of the Ministry of Social Services at the time, was pronounced dead on May 30, 2022. She had methamphetamine, fentanyl and other drugs in her system, according to the coroner's report provided to the family. Stellayna was also suffering from pneumonia, which the coroner said likely contributed to her death.
On Thursday, Stellayna's mother Angela went to the Saskatchewan Legislature to beg Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky for transparency about why her daughter died while his ministry was acting as her legal parent. She also wanted to know what the government will do to make sure it never happens again.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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immortalvipers · 5 days
Ponder Your Way, Find Your Key
It is about time that children trapped in emotionally abusive environments take charge and bombard Child Protective Services (CPS) and demand change. CPS is incompetent and extremely unlikely to actually take charge in situations of emotional neglect. There are times where they even succumb to the manipulation of the abusers and deem the children as the problem. As people with personal experiences, we do not recommend turning to CPS if you are being emotionally abused. A post on Reddit phrased it beautifully. Click here for the link. While emotional abusive is important for CPS to take seriously and genuinely help the victims reach their goals, we highly suggest reading the comments on the post. It is valuable information to consider while fighting for childrens rights. There are plentiful discussions of possible solutions. Such as CPS workers to take extensive studies on emotional abuse and how the abusers are expert manipulators.
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(the links to that research are included in the post)
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As pointed out in the screenshot above, the abusers are helped to see their own actions and be enlightened to change their ways. However, the likelihood of redemption is depressingly low. The parents who refuse to change their ways in continuing occurrences need to be held more accountable. Many, many forms of emotional abuse are institutionalized. This needs to change. While you have every belonging to feel upset and enraged to fight for your progression, be wise in the steps that you will take to achieve It, but do not succumb to mental deterioration that comes your way. You are worth fighting for.
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the-retro-corner · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm Harper, one of the new hosts of the Retro Corner.
I'd like to say I have some pretty major updates to share as an explaination as to why we suddenly vanished (This will be reblogged to all our blogs).
TWs for this post are small mentions of our abuse and police/CPS.
We are currently in the process of moving away from our abusive mother. We're no longer in her house, and awaiting our next birthday to legally move out. Police have been involved on account of us reporting her near the start of this month, and CPS are also getting involved, however we have no updates on it.
We are currently living with our partner, and feel much safer than before. We're still getting used to it all. :) Have a swell day, folks
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
Summer requests! 28. Polaroid photos! Charles Lee Ray. Pretty please!!! I know you are going to nail this.
bex, my love 💕 thank you for requesting !! i think this is my first request for you ?? so i tried to go hard af,, it's been a while but chucky is always my ride or die 🙌🔪 WARNING for mentioned/implied/mild smut and for chucky being shady (specific tw in notes, as it is a spoiler of sorts)
[☀ requests for summer prompts are still open, and will be all month ☀]
charles lee ray (polaroid photos)
Charles Ray was nothing if not obsessive.
Obsessed with ritual, with knowledge, with control. Single minded at worst and devoted at best. And right now, you couldn't quite tell which.
After a long, hot summer of fun -- because being with Chucky was fun, the most fun you'd had in a long, long time -- it was then that the rose tinted shades came off.
You were no stranger to a camera. Chucky had had a fixation on taking porno photos (or "erotica" as he had once defended it to you) for as long as you'd been sleeping with him.
He kept the stack of polaroids in a draw, bringing them out to flick through when he was in the mood. Dozens of photos of you, naked and sweating. Blurry shots where you moaned or writhed at the wrong (or right) moment. You looked up at him with wet eyes, lips around his cock. You posed, tastefully in underwear he bought (or stole, you didn't like to ask) for, before it was ripped from your body.
At first you didn't know what to make of it, when he pulled away, just on the precipice of your climax and went, "Smile for the camera, doll." But now you were used to it, used to the way he framed a shot or watched you, closely, for just the right expression.
These photos were different though. Kept tucked away in an envelope at the back of his bedside cabinet. These ones were something else entirely.
You'd met Chucky just as the dampness of spring was turning to the dryness of summer, as the days grew longer and the hot prickling of your skin made it easy to succumb to the heat between your thighs.
These pictures -- the ones he kept at the back of a drawer like a dirty fucking secret -- were downright ordinary. You were crossing the street, unlocking your front door with an armful of groceries, waiting on the platform for the tram, smoking outside the bar closest to your apartment where you spent maybe too many night. Candid photos. Photos where you weren't smiling, not because of any overt sadness but because you were simply going about your day.
In all of them you were wrapped in your coat, the breath visible at your lips. Each photo captured not only you but the bleak sharpness of Chicago's winter. Winter.
Your summer romance was much more than that. At least, it was for Chucky.
Charles Ray was nothing if not obsessive.
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bingboop · 7 days
Emotional abuse IS immediate danger. Someone get that through Child Services fucking head before my friends start dying.
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This fully makes me want to scream. This is one of a number of cases in relatively recent NHS history that to me seem to all trace back to some combination of underfunding and bad management structure / workplace culture.
This is from the inquest into the death in 2020:
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(not sure why but the document is very closely cropped when it opens for me - see alt text if you're having readability issues)
Now obviously we have some clear clinical mistakes to point to here but the actual neglect is being caused by the unit being understaffed - they were 6 midwives short at the time - and the fact that the management culture discouraged nurses from challenging doctors when they had concerns.
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It gets worse. We learn thanks to an anonymous whistleblower that this NHS Trust had most definitely known for almost a year that the nursing staff had massive, materially demonstrable concerns about their ability to provide adequate care under the conditions they were being asked to work with.
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This is from the Prevention of Future Death report produced by the coroner. This is so damning. This is what happens when you have a management culture that does not respect workers! We see this time and time again in every sector; if you don't listen to what workers are telling you then you are making that workplace unsafe, whether for the workers or for the people using that service or product. Specifically in the medical sector, I would refer anyone interested to Jane McAlevey's writing on her time organising healthcare unions in the US, which references better sources than I can find off the cuff for unionised hospitals providing better patient outcomes.
And what is our institutional response to this incident? Well this is why I want to scream. An £800,000 fine that the presiding judge specifically notes will have to come out of money that would otherwise be spent on patient care. Because apparently we can't get our heads out of the capitalist mindset that caused this tragedy in the first place. What are the problems? Bad management culture and understaffing. How will we punish this to create change? Take money away!
How is this supposed to make things better? How are patients going to have improved care? How are nurses going to have the time to give proper attention to their patients when one midwife in this case specifically stated that she had concerns but had not been able to find the time to fill out the relevant form to report those concerns?
I want to SCREAM.
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goldxnfemme · 1 year
I hate how tonight I'm forced to think about the weird dynamic it is when for most of your life the only person who ever cared about you is also the person who traumatized you the most
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afiananvandot · 1 year
Thinking of this girl i met at summer camp that called herself raspberry because she wanted to stay anonymous and watched her older brother kill himself in public
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my-goddess-nyx · 1 year
Can we talk about how fucked up the child protection services is.
Literally told my mother about a report I never made! There for now I’m in a “maniac” episode.
The report was about the s3xu4l 4bus3 my brother did to me. But no
I’m a unstable teenager that enjoys making everyone suffer.
A psycho.
Thanks so much for your help fucking American government.
CPS, you had one job
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I’m doing an investigation on how governments treat children that have been victims of child prostitution/ child forced sexual labour in Caribbean countries ie. The Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc.
This is the link to the google forms. If you were never in that situation, forward it to someone who did, please. Please speak out.
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About 100 people gathered in front of an Alberta Justice building on Saturday to support Pacey Dumas, an Indigenous man who was kicked in the head by an Edmonton police officer in 2020.
"Justice for Pacey," boomed through the crowd. Many wore orange and some carried signs calling for police accountability and reform.
Dumas was at the event but did not speak publicly. Some family members who did called on the Crown to reconsider its decision not to charge the officer.
The province's police watchdog released a report in April that recommended criminal charges against the officer, but the Crown decided not to pursue a case. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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rennisaturate · 1 year
one day i'll yell about how mikaela was basically her own brother's mother from the time she was 4 till she was 8. how david and mikaela had to fend for themselves for whole summers and wouldn't see yolanda for weeks sometimes. about how she understood even as a five year old that if she didn't learn how to take care of the both of them well enough, she'd be taken away, that they'd take her brother from her. about how terrified she was when child protective services came and she begged them to let her stay with david. how she didn't trust marissa, nor any adult who came near for a long long time. about how when they were finally adopted, despite having their own bedrooms they both refused to sleep without each other in the same bed for another two years. how when janet and marissa brought samantha home she insisted she sleep in the room with her and david. how to this day she has to keep herself from mothering her own siblings despite clearly not needing to anymore because janet and marissa gave them everything they possibly could. how even now when she goes through something emotionally distressing, the first place she wants to go is to her baby brother. about how she mothers everyone, wants to take care of everyone but herself sometimes. how she's so goddamn tired. all the fucking time from the worry of something unknown that makes her sick.
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personal shit update
did my processing, talked with mom again, and basically came to one last conclusion
it may not be this week, but i've accepted that i will probably have to contact CPS. they are the only ones with the actual ability to separate Lil Bit from my sister.
Lil Bit is, as far as i know, with her dad right now. i hope she stays there, because that's where she's safe. but my sister is very good at pushing just enough to get Lil Bit back. and after my last conversation with her, i finally understand why.
she is textbook emotionally abusive on top of the alcoholism. and she's already damaged her daughter's spirit.
i'm going to talk to my therapist and see what steps i need to prepare for, but none of my family can help my sister.
our priority is Lil Bit. and CPS might be our only option to make sure she's out of the way before my sister hits rock bottom.
and that's unfortunately that.
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sadgirlautumn · 2 years
I should be allowed to smack people I hate because I only hate one person and she is horrible
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