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rythmatichart · 2 years
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i’ve added no coloring psd but what do you guys think?
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fumifooms · 23 days
do you happen to have that page that talks about the beauty standards of each race?
Yeah sure. While scavenging pics for this I found this neat reddit compilation & chart & theory talk too. I had um, way more to say than I anticipated (I know you only wanted the one page. I have nothing to say for myself. Like most topics in Dunmeshi things snowball because they’re so interconnected. Mercy…) so, many races and observations are only mentioned near the bottom.
Beauty standards and race in Dungeon Meshi
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Not pictured there’s also how elven society is harsh on visibly disabled people, and how the demon took away Mithrun’s silver eyes and ears to take away his pride. There’s also how Senshi might have fit in with the orcs more easily because of the dwarven wide body shape, and how they tend to have more body hair too I suppose. In the extra on orcs we see Senshi living with the orcs and he gets judged because of the hierarchy rather than his looks.
What is fashionable also differs from culture to culture, and there’s how tattoos only seem common with elves, though dwarves and others do also sometimes have some. They seem to not raise much brows, which makes sense since for many essentially they’re for professional (magical) purposes especially with elves. Gender roles also differ in type and importance, but generally they are similar to irl ones for the races we see. Elven society seems to be the least gendered, which would be an unsurprising logical outcome of having lesser sexual dimorphism aka they look more androgynous. Comparing fashions and gender roles and how they affect beauty standards would be a whole other compilation and conversation. Kui has great worldbuilding partially because she’s got such a good grasp on sociopolitics and geopolitics. History affects cultures and beauty standards greatly. Kui’s oneshot Distant Utopia was very eye opening on her way to worldbuild and the consideration she gives these things, I do really recommend reading it.
Out of the big 5, we know the least about gnomes, but their sheet does say both culture and region are similar to dwarves’ and they end up being confused together often, so we can imagine the beauty standards are similar to dwarves’ as well.
I wanted to touch on this in a post eventually, but how one daydream hour page said half-foots tended to be curvaceous like in the artwork below puzzled me for a long time, all the half-foot characters we see during canon are rather slender and lanky after all, Chil’s succubi also being more curvy than plump. Economics are for sure a factor in that I imagine, the half-foots characters we see are all implied to be some flavor of poor or malnourished, as are half-foots depicted as empoverished oppressed minorities in general. Even comparing the artwork with the half-foot sheet’s depicted average half-foot, the ones on the left seem bigger. Wouldn’t it make sense though, if unlike dwarves half-foots don’t have similar naturally wide bodies, yet due to idolizing dwarves they work towards having a similar body shape/type to emulate them?
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It’s said half-foots tend to stick to pretty ethnically homogeneous regions (aka half-foots-only communities) unless they move to the big city with ambition to try and make it big (like Chilchuck and his wife & kids did), and that’s interesting imo because then that would mean that in a ton of half-foot communities, they rarely see or interact with dwarves whom they try to emulate. Of course, one thing about beauty standards is that when they get adopted, at one point it stops being "this is how dwarves look and so this is how half-foots should look" and just becomes "this is how half-foots should look", most people feel as though beauty standards aren’t learned but innate, so I figure the half-foots wouldn’t have any problem still seeking dwarvish traits when there are no dwarves around.
There’s also stuff you can glean here and there if you want to extrapolate more. Like how in the race swap artworks, Mickbell is only smiling in the dwarf portrait, and Rin’s elven portrait looks very close to her elven one- Rin who is stated to be beautiful in her profile blurb. Benichidori’s extra does teach us tallmen can definitely have harsh beauty standards, but also since the text portrays her as very dysmorphic that’s likely reflected in her thoughts to a much more intense degree than is common, not an accurate strict baseline to go off. Ah, Kabru’s blue eyes are also why he and his mother lived a rough life in Kabru’s hometown, but that seems to be regional. Good post here on the topic of Kabru’s blue eyes and ties to irl history. There’s a lot to be said about Kabru being a man that in many ways is close to elven beauty standards, and how that might have affected or been affected by his upbringing with elves + his persona as someone that can effortlessly charm most people. Marcille’s section here in this essay also goes into Marcille’s struggles to fit in with the ideal image of an elf.
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Looking human
Also notable are beastkins and demihumans: Demihumans are all dehumanized which makes people treat them worse. So if you differ from the visual idea of "human" (an in-world subjective categorizatiom just as much as demihuman is) most people do judge you negatively. Elves and dwarves get to fight about which type of human is considered the prettiest, but demihumans are below tallmen and half-foots, they are considered as simply below the beauty contest, incompatible with it.
Onis are perhaps the demihuman people we know of with the least cultural influence on the dunmeshi world, and with less intensely different appearances than other demihumans, but even them are treated as lesser than human, treated as beasts to slain for reputation points or useful strength to have around and command. It’s said their "magnificient horns" and fangs are often shaven off when the oni lives in tallman towns, so you could easily make the argument that onis are denied the right to have their own beauty standards, having to conform to other people’s and going through mutilation to take away features they might otherwise have taken pride in. Inutade was bought by the Nakamotos from a dangerous sumo fighting ring that got one of Inutade’s tooth broken on her first and only fight. Remember when I said different fashions existed in dunmeshi and how those could also affect beauty standatds? Like the elves, if you look at the portraits pages that include a lot of characters that aren’t in the story you can see distinct cultures within the same races, for example one young elf is bald which is in sharp contrast with usual elven long luscious hairstyles, and that’s especially true for onis I think. Maybe not only from different regions but different eras as well… They have a bit of population in the very north of the western continent, so I like to think some of the ogres live in very cold, maybe even subarctic conditions. The point I’m getting at here is that within a race, culture/ethnicity like with Kabru as well will also influence them, different communities will have differing beauty standards. The oni history blurb and third row first collumn portrait remind me of Mongolia (which historically was a lot of different nomadic communities with different cultural identities as well. Something something, the oni empire experienced a decline and then tallmen overpowered them, and now they’re governed and split apart by stronger social classes & slavers and the richness of culture was hurt for it), but obviously many of them are dressed and look rather japanese, makes sense considering living in/close to Wa, and first row second collumn portrait reminds me of ainus which again would be logical considering geographical placement, though I’m far from an expert. Interestingly, ainus are indigenous people both in Japan and Russia- Perhaps the northern western continent ogres are meant to be closer to Russia than Canada like I imagined? Ok tangent over.
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The kobold sheet says they’re especially sought after as slaves because they’re "adorable", but locally in the western continent they’re repeatedly said to be seen more as ferocious and dangerous. The dehumanization is most apparent in the first comic below. The language barrier and conflicts no doubt worsen this by a lot, but I think it’d be hard to deny that their canine appearance makes the dehumanization worse. "They’re ferocious beasts, they’re demihumans, they can’t be communicated with". Most characters in Dungeon Meshi’s world are desensitized to slavery and most characters are prejudiced one way or another. Point being, kobolds are fully removed from human beauty standards, but no doubt for kobolds, other kobolds are more beautiful than humans are. They’re assumed to be an uncivilized bunch, but just like any other people they like to aforn themselves with nice clothes and jewelry and keep themselves clean and groomed; they too take care of their appearance and take pride in it.
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And the orcs! This one we have the most contact with in canon, with not only there being foreigner characters from the ethnicity or hearsay of their homelands and culture but full on contact with a community. We get to see up close what they’re like and what they think, and of course in turn they’re our introduction to how demihumans are harshly looked down upon and seen as inferior, less human and thus less worth valuing and less dignified. It’s text that orcs are ugly to most humans and humans are ugly to most orcs. Since I judged they didn’t need accompanying explanation the pictures showing this are in the pictures dump at the top.
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God forbid you sell vegetables to orcs my god- but then again they do basically mandate adventurers to kill any orcs they come across so yeah the world isn’t above that even a bit.
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So yes, my main point here is simply that orcs are yet another evidence of the physical ideal of "human" being an important beauty standard for human societies globally.
Izutsumi is our glimpse at how beastkins are treated in the world, and in Wa at least that’s ending up being caged and mistreated as part of a freak show. Izutsumi hates her appearance and wishes she could leave the feline part of herself behind to only be human. Interestingly, not that we have a lot of info on them so this is very much a take with a grain of salt situation, but there seems to be less stigma around artificial beastmen, those who can shapeshift at will. The main difference is of course appearance, that most of the time they simply look like average tattooed humans. Artificially creating humans is an illegal practice, and no doubt it’s not well regarded, but being able to hide that makes them less likely to be discriminated at any moment, or even just discriminated less intensely. Again, looking human is important, not only for belonging but for safety’s sake. Beauty standards rule the world with harsh hands.
Mermaids and fishmen
Ok we’re done now right? Right-! But wait… Wait…! Mermaids and fishmen are said to be demihumans too, special separate cases to the main three demihuman species however, which is also represented by how mermaids and fishmen both are in the Adventurer’s Bible chapter Monsters meanwhile ogres, kobolds and orcs are in the chapter World. They’re an interesting topic because they directly tackle this topic, not only in a meta way for the readers but also making characters themselves struggle to quantify their humanity with the goal of knowing wether they should be eaten or not, especially Chilchuck. Chilchuck’s "is it really just a matter of feelings?" mini arc.
The party asking themselves "Should we eat this?" is very common, and often they end up playing a little loose on morality, like eating the red dragon’s meat despite it having digested Falin. Not unsimilarly Marcille freaks out a little over the vegetables they harvested having been grown with fertilizer, aka largely human poo. Half of the motivation of "should we eat this perhaps sentient creature" is out of consideration and compassion, but more strongly and more often, the characters struggle with a sense of taboo at eating something too closely related to humans. Even, feel uncomfortable because of the deepseated impression that eating it would dirty them in some way. Cannibalism is an interesting and relevant topic in many ways, but what I want to mention is how there’s the more or less universal belief that committing cannibalism inherently taints you as a person and turns you more monstrous, morally but also literally depending on some myths such as w*ndigos and onis in some cases, like in Touge Oni. Marcille and Izutsumi both express a fear of eating monsters turning them monstrous. Maybe this is part of what Laios was hoping for, honestly. There are two fears here, if eating a demihuman monster constitutes as cannibalism or not, and so, will eating it taint you because it’s a human, or will eating it taint you because it’s a monster? You are what you eat, until it’s a little too literal. You morally are the means by which you get your food, and you physically are the result of your nutrition. Dungeon meshi manages to mix an exploration of humanity with the theme of food because our relationship to food is very deep and complex, psychological as much as physiological.
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In the end, the characters sort of shrug and accept that they’ll never quite understand the world of mermaids and fishmen and how they operate, and what that means about them. Laios is the one always challenging these notions other characters take for granted, it’s not obvious to Laios why people are softer on mammals than other animals and plants, it’s not obvious to Laios why people would be afraid of eating a monster just because it’s a monster, it’s not obvious to Laios why some food is gross to Marcille but not fish testicles, it’s not obvious to Laios why you should immediately regard orcs and kobolds badly.
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"Cows are probably closer to humans [aka closer to being human] than fishmen, though they’re clearly intelligent", dehumanization to lessen empathy towards them to be able to eat them. Meanwhile, mermaids seemingly have a less noticeable "civilization" or intelligence, they hunt in groups like fishmen, but they don’t use tools and such, they feel more primal and similarly instinct driven, and yet… Do they attract sympathy more? Mammals, humans, is it because of their nature or because of their appearance?
Both the nature and appearance of fish are ones people don’t typically sympathize with. "Fish don’t feel pain", "goldfish only have 5 seconds of memory", "it’s okay to keep in bowls too small and empty for them until they die", so many lies and misconceptions exist that make people less considerate of them. The average lifespan of a goldfish is 10-15 years, the record is 43, but they’re not seen as lives that really matter, so a lot of goldfish die in a few weeks of bad aquarium conditions. There’s a lot of research on animals evolving to look cute and appealing to make some predators want to kill them less and parents want to care for them more, including humans. First good google research result gave me this credible short article on the topic. In Chilchuck’s weighing wether a fishman is far enough from being human or not, "face is 100% fish" is his biggest argument for it being more acceptable. The face, the most important thing for empathy and recognition. The face, the decapitated fishman one that falls into his hands next chapter.
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To quote @room-surprise: "Chilchuck can't explain why it's wrong to eat the merpeople, even though it's NOT complicated. But the problem is Chilchuck would have to accept and acknowledge that the merpeople might be people? And that's outside of the worldview he passively believes, so he can't just say that, because he doesn't think that's true. But that IS why he "feels" it's wrong. And it's all you'd need to say for Laios to understand! But it would require acknowledging that maybe the way they're treating and talking about the merpeople is wrong."
The idea of Chil not being able to grapple with how maybe some monsters are more humans than they seem, him who had been an advocate of half-foots rights, half-foots who get undermined and treated as inconsequential sacrifices… Grappling with how he could relate to the merpeople’s situation almost, and pulling away because it’s so existentially horrifying. I do not want to see myself into an hostile fish-faced warrior I can’t communicate with. In a way this also relates to Chilchuck being the only party member who doesn’t see Izutsumi as a cat in the relationshio chart, the only one to treat her with full human dignity. He knows the struggle to be taken seriously, he knows being infantilized and he knows what it’s like to be treated as less than human.
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Below, you will see Chilchuck draws the line of where they become not okay to eat as when "they already look like mermaids". Above, there’s speculation that the algae hair is partly to mimic "the mermaids’ beautiful female form". Is it because mermaids are their enemies and the ambiguity might give them extra seconds to attack or flee? Is it to trick adventurers instead? It’s striking to me that this is what works, with the adventurers. Sure the fishmen are intelligent, but explicitly here, what makes them no longer acceptable prey to Chilchuck is that they look close enough to a mermaid, close enough to human. Mermaids who of course themselves have this form to entice and seduce and charm the adventurers they prey on. Chilchuck considers the intelligence due to the tridents, but most of his internal debate centers around their appearance, and the image of a fishman skewered sickens him. The power of mimicry… Mimic being a beautiful human woman. Mimic being cute, babies being wired to make us feel protective and softened. Half-foots, sometimes pretending to be children for scams or help or avoiding trouble.
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The mermaids are only concerned by their differences and not their similarities, and have no trouble treating the fishmen as food rather than peers. To an outside perspective like us, the audience, all these categorization of "more human" and "less human" between onis and orcs and elves and tallmen etc seem stupid and unfounded, but to the people living in Dungeon Meshi’s world, elves may as well be mermaids while onis are fishmen, not alike at all, unworthy of empathy and thus fine to eat.
Ultimately, Dungeon Meshi promotes unity. It’s about seeking to understand the unknown and the misunderstood, the dehumanized and the inhuman. It shows the good that comes from seeking to understand what you do not, even when that’s one another.
#Dungeon meshi#dunmeshi lore#Compilation#Ok… I think I didn’t forget anything. Feel free to point things out or discuss in comments and tags though#Delicious in dungeon#Ik i strayed a bit from the central topic but who knew beauty standards and discrimination went hand in hand /s#Ask me about my dunmeshi kobold oc……….. ask me about my dunmeshi ocs……..#Can we give body neutrality an amen#Tw racism#cw racism#The “what are you talking about Marcille. Senshi is handsome” gag has 2 layers then doesn’t it#Like obvi Marcille is noticing the difference between shapeshifter and og senshi rather than making a judgement#But the elf being *the* one to notice and say “Senshi looks more handsome than usual that’s weird??” may very well be an effect of living#with elven beauty standards yeah#Meta#I wanted to make a post on the half-foots body type thing and the oni mongolian coding and the chilchuck merman thing so#Three in one 🎵 why take the initiative when you can just wait for the tiniest opportunity#Chilchuck tims#Analysis#dunmeshi fishmen#It’s very interesting to think of how there being so many people *that* physically different affects politics and beauty standards#Mimics…. Pacing my room. Pondering. Mimics………#The burnout is over yippee#Ok but for reals though race is largely a social construct. Critical race theory good. Go read Distant Utopia by Ryoko Kui#‘Yeah sure.’ < person who thought she’d just be grabbing like 3 pics and had no clue she’d become hyperfocused for hours#The classic societal obsession for classifying and exaggerating physical traits into boxes of innate goodness vs evil…
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featherstcnes · 21 days
fearne is so …
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monamipencil · 5 months
ass lover! cheol !
genre; nsfw, mdni <3 | tw; not too hardcore, just a mention of anal. | a/n; it's here, finally. after 2 months and a deactivation💀
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ass lover! cheol who rots his brain thinking about you and your pretty body. jee, he knows he’s acting like some depraved teenager, but he can’t help it. seungcheol throws you discreet glances as you both workout at the gym. he couldn’t even follow through his routine much because of the distraction. you or more specifically, your ass.
ass lover! cheol who helps you stay in form as you do barbell squats. his large hands stay fixed on your hips and his breath fans your neck, sending goose bumps throughout your body. seungcheol struggles to focus on anything but the way your butt ever so slightly grazes his crotch when you stand straight up. to say the least, he split you open on his cock after reaching home.
ass lover! cheol who smacks or gropes your ass any chance he gets. he passes by you in home? smack. your laying on your stomach? smack. you bend over? smack. you’re cuddling with him? grope. he even pats your butt as you sleep sometimes.
ass lover! cheol who likes to use your ass as a pillow. it wasn’t something that ever crossed his mind until a post popped up on his for you page, and to his surprise you liked it. he raises his eyebrows and a small smile plays on his lips. at first, he was joking with you but didn’t know it could be so comfortable. it’s his go-to, especially if you’re doing something else, laying. if he can’t cuddle you, he’ll lay on your butt.
ass lover! cheol who loves to leave spank marks on your ass. expect your ass to be aching, if you’ve been a brat. he lands harsh spanks to your ass and makes you count it. and he will degrade you for getting wet from the punishment, “aww, princess. getting wet from this? such a fucking slut, aren’t you?” he asks, two digits deep into your cunt, stretching you out. he takes them out, sucking on them before landing another slap.
ass lover! cheol who also loves leaving bite marks. this one though, you had asked for it. and he just shrugs, complying and telling you to tap twice if it’s too much. and you both fucking loved it. he traces the mark sometimes, getting horny by just looking at it. ended up doing it more than once.
ass lover! cheol who loves eating you out from the behind. he starts by slowly leaving kisses on your hips and ass, slowly moving to your cunt. his strong hands wrap around your thighs, pushing you further onto his face. loves to do this when you’re standing, arching your back and grinding your ass onto his face.
ass lover! cheol who is willing to try out butt stuff if you’re willing too. in case you are, he patiently tries out things. and he’s just so careful, ‘cause he wants this to be pleasurable to both of you. in case, you aren’t, he doesn’t mind. just settling for the view when he fucks you in doggy or you’re ridding him in reverse cowgirl position.
ass lover! cheol who likes cumming on your ass, seeing the milky fluid coat your skin. and his pull out game is unmatched, always pulling out just in time to cum on your ass. and of course, he has pics of it on his phone.
ass lover! cheol who hates when people check you out. and sometimes, you just want to help someone out but they have some other intention and he fucking hates you being taken advantage of like that. and he’s just possessive sometimes and likes to show you. he picked up the habit of having his hand in the back pocket of your jeans to show that you were taken at first. and it gradually became normal.
bonus; fucking with his injury can be quite arduous. so he just resorts to grinding on your ass while spooning, whining and moaning into your ears. his cheeks turn all pink when he cums so easily and it only reddens when you press kisses on his face and adore him. cheol can only lay back as you clean up the mess, and look at you with a loving smile, grateful that he has you.
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tags; @seungkwanschicken @aaa-sia @dokyeomkyeom @bangantokchy @jespecially
@asyre @armycarat2612 @bewoyewo @pan-de-seungcheol
(send an ask to be added on the taglist!)
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headphones-lifeform · 8 months
Tumblr in the Star Trek universe [dashboard simulator]
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🍜wet-spaghetti Follow
cute date ideas for this Valentine's Day: bring your significant other back from the dead with an ancient Vulcan ritual <3 <3 <3
♾️bisexualsurak Follow
this is illogical
💙andor-endorphins Follow
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#get wrecked lol #op is right that is a cute date idea
581 notes
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🌍just-human-things Follow
reblog if you kinda want a borg to step on you
#tw borg
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🖖saaviik Follow
I just found out this website has several "stan accounts" of my teacher Mr. Spock. Why are you like this
📷daily-spock-pics Follow
in our defence, your teacher is hot
I do not understand how his temperature is related to the topic
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starfleet heritage post ( 8130.3 / 22 March 2285)
#starfleet heritage post #20k
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some hand drawing practice
hello vulcanblr
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✨replicatedstardust Follow
going on a diplomatic mission and the ENTERPRISE is transporting us?? CANNOT believe I am on the flagship right now, like when have I done anything noteworthy
update: we got kidnapped by a Q
#travel blog #please help
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💖klingon-affirmations Follow
#klingon affiramtions #positivity #positive affirmation #you are beautiful and honourable
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acidburnsthings · 1 month
MAMÁ Y PAPÁ //TW\\ part two
pairing: toto wolff x bakeryowner!reader
description: coffee is a morning ritual that toto can't skip... so when a new bakery opens near the mercedes-amg HQ, he can't help, but pay a visit...
faceclaim: various pinterest girls
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 965,147 others
y/nsweets haven't posted the children in a while, now have i?
user1 so majestic!!
user2 they're adorable
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liked by y/nsweets, lewishamilton and 154,236 others
toto_wolff is this how it's done, schatzi? @.y/nsweets
y/nsweets you kinda messed it up, but who cares?
toto_wolff im sorry, wont happen next time y/nsweets there is no next time, people know now toto_wolff oops
lewishamilton he's lost, someone help him
georgerussell63 he's beyond help mate
user3 TOTO??!! CON WAS RIGHT!!??
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liked by toto_wolff, lewishamilton and 965,412 others
y/nsweets him<3
toto_wolff 💙
y/nsweets <3
user4 uhmmmm THE MESSEGES!!??
user5 MR. WOLFF??!! THE TEXTS???
user6 someone coming to jump with me? i'll pick you up
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liked by toto_wolff, georgerussell63 and 963,214 others
y/nsweets i fear we're parenting too hard
user7 i see where george gets his style from
user8 him and carmen defo have them in their little moodboards
user9 ate!
user10 devoured even! user11 and left no crumbs
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liked by y/nsweets, lewishamilton and 987,455 others
toto_wolff missing the missus
user12 toto what??
user13 i bet its either george or y/n running his insta, cause sir?? user14 istg georgerussell63 lewis suggested the caption and i approved user12 what??!! this is absolute chaos
y/nsweets miss you too<3
toto_wolff 💙
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liked by lewishamilton, toto_wolff and 976,845 others
sfos_bakery if you ask us, blueberry season has already started!
lewishamilton @.georgerussell63 @.toto_wolff she's trying to make us jealous
sfos_bakery is it working?? toto_wolff too well, they went looking for blueberry muffins they bought last night sfos_bakery did they find them?? georgerussell63 bono ate them this morning, lewis is looking for him now
user13 bono eating their muffins and lewis is now looking for him? what's he gonna do?
user14 probably send him to buy them more georgerussell63 bono brought a dozen as compensation for the 3 he ate user13 not george giving us updates
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liked by toto_wolff, lewishamilton and 965,441 others
sfos_bakery guess what, melbourn!
user15 omg, what?!
user16 she really is an icon for this user17 imagine just going somewhere and doing a pop-up, unexpected user18 i mean... its a pretty good idea, they're traveling and expanding, she gets to see the merc gang (toto) and the drivers get fresh baked goods, as well as others
user19 just passed by you guys, will stop on my way back!!
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liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and 962,144 others
sfos_bakery we had a blast this weekend at @.mercedesamgf1 office, celebrating the recent successes, but i think we won't be doing catering anymore
mercedesamgf1 the cookies we amazing, you should start selling them
sfos_bakery they're our normal sugar cookies... mercedesamgf1 yeah, but these have the mercedes logo on 'em sfos_bakery nuh-uh, i spent far too long on each of them to be doing it on a large scale
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 962,148 others
y/nsweets off to summer break... sardinia, anyone?
user20 toto's shoulders will be the death of me...
user21 right like... mans is too fine...
user22 what was he thinking about in that last pic????
y/nsweets he was debating within him if we should have fish or veal for dinner user22 which was it?? y/nsweets chicken, i ended up not feeling either of the options
user23 wait if she's in sardinia... who's running the bakery
user24 a collective vacay, they all go at the same time so the bakery is sadly closed
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@yllomhej @walldemons @shelbyteller @reidsworld @pear-1206
@noooway555 @cheyxfu
if anybody else wants to be tagged, send me a DM or an ask!
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
okay hi i’m new here and i was wondering if 1.) i could be 🍧 anon. and 2.) i was hoping to request yandere!jing yuan with a fem!reader who and yes this goes back to another rq you did of jing who kept spamming and calling reader to do the naughty, becomes super fed up with his shit and starts avoiding him irl. as like, she’s avoiding him and what have you, the texts- calls- and pictures all get progressively more frequent, until you’re basically waking up to pictures of him laying in bed w/o a shirt or, a pic of him after he gets ready- asking if you like his outfit and think he looks good.
but like reader becomes so annoyed that she tries blocking him, changing her number, avoiding him, and he only takes it as motivation to keep up his antics because he KNOWS how flustered it makes you, and he isn’t going to stop. but now he’s becoming slowly more creepy to the point he calls you and says “oh hey bby i’m on my way over 😘 leave the door unlocked for me”
anyways— thanks if you get the chance to do this request! i love ur work and can’t wait to see more from you!
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related content: yan! jing yuan keeps spamming you and calling you
thanks for your encouragement! sure u can be 🍧 anon! visiting your house is really creepy lmaooo is there any way to stop him?
TW: yandere, non-con, harassment, looks like delusional but he's not delusional, somehow super lucid
Oh this is going to happen someday, you have all the desperate attempts to stop Jing Yuan- block him, keep changing numbers, check yourself on the street if you are being followed, and walk into the crowd. What you get are messages from [new number] praising your stunts (for avoiding him) and telling you that he really wants you to bend over if it's not in public. There's even something like "[photos 2], [photos 9], [voice message 2:16]". A large number of explicit texts and photos to lure your desire.
You look for a button to turn off message notifications, but somehow there's no way, just like you can't hang up those calls. You believe that your mobile phone has been hacked, but that is the power of Xianzhou technology, what ability do you have to refuse…?
Today's a weird but good day - you didn't see [new messages 42], nor were you distracted by morning and late-night phone calls leading you to surreptitiously watch porn. You're at home enjoying the peace of mind while sipping your favorite drink and watching space TV. However, halfway through the show, you receive a call from the general.
"Huh?" You were a little numb.
"Oh hey baby I'm on my way over!" There was a cheerful voice over there, which brought a bit of sunshine compared to the previous low voice. "Remember to leave the door unlocked for me-" You didn't hold it steady for a few seconds, and the drink in your hand spilled out - what does it mean? Jing Yuan on the way to your house?
"Wait… what?!" The call was over. You opened the chat history with your trembling fingertips, there was indeed a message last night saying "Baby here has a surprise for you tomorrow so we can have a good time (♡˙︶˙♡)"
What follows is your choice, but with the same consequences. You can leave the house temporarily, or stay in the house but lock the door and put a stick or something on the door handle. Leaving the house will only be caught by him like a kitten and brought home under the shocked eyes of everyone. And the option to lock the door, you're so naive, aren't you? Jing Yuan rings the door bell first and tells you "baby your dear boyfriend is here". After getting no response, the general murmured that he was lucky to have your spare key, and you who eavesdropped behind the door covered your mouth to suppress the screaming - how could he have your house key? Seeing that the door handle was stuck, Jing Yuan casually smashed the door handle with a relaxed smile on his face.
It's like a surreal nightmare for you now with an immersive live-action experience.
"Baby, I'm home. Are you eager?" He put his hands around your waist and lifted you off the ground. This is the first thing Jing Yuan does after entering your home. No matter how flustered and annoyed you are, asking him to put you down, the general will hold your waist tightly, feeling your breath contentedly. It takes a full minute before you get back to the ground.
Jing Yuan tries to act like a thoughtful boyfriend, cuddling with you on the couch watching a show (ignoring your struggle in a huff, stroking your boobs), giving you teahouse's popular drink (and throwing the original drink). There's a raised tent rubbing your butt, and you writhe in embarrassment.
General's plan for you is a sweet date at home, and… a sex marathon! He already told you how to pamper you, right? He started holding your cheek and kissing you affectionately and slowly, even as you whined with your eyes closed and pushed his chest with tears. He shudders as the cock buries into your warm and tight walls. It was better than he'd ever imagined in any call. You whimper "no", "this is too big", "I don't want to…" Jing Yuan shushes you, tells you you are adorable, stretches you unhurriedly with his dick.
Even though your house is small for him, Jing Yuan sees this as a lovely bird house. He starts fucking you all over the house, from bumping you on the dining table to overstimulating you and forcing you to squirt on the bed. If you have a balcony or a garden, Jing Yuan even considers taking you out to tease you a little. Of all the furniture, his favorite is your little bathtub. After being exhausted, Jing Yuan puts you in a bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles for you to relax, just like a responsible boyfriend would do. After taking a bath, he knew that you might not be able to walk by yourself now, so he carried you to the bed. He changes you into a pajamas patterned with furry animals. He loves doing these sweet things for you!
General pats you on the back, gently wiping away your tears. Your screaming isn't getting any help. You can only whine, sob, and sniff - until... you hyperventilate and fall asleep. He knows it's a packed schedule for a first date, so it's understandable that you'd be overwhelmed.
He took a picture of your sleeping face, clasped his fingers with you, and fell asleep together. There will be more sweet dates in the future. You will get used to it, right?
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fushironi · 1 year
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About Damn Time
✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞
CEO!Sukuna x 18+ reader
Summary: You’ve been the secretary to one of the biggest CEOs in Japan and since day one, for over a year, you have fantasized about sleeping with your boss. Will the feelings be the same or will he reject you?
Tw/Cw: degradtion (whore, slut, etc), slight dubcon, pet names (bunny, princess, etc), spanking, hair puling, boss/employee encounters, semi-public sex, cowgirl, semi-clothed humping, semi-sweet Sukuna instead of psycho Kuna, Daddy kink, minors DNI!
w.c. 2.9k
Inspiration based off the header pic drawn by @innaillus 🤤 they are amazing at what they do! 🫶🏼🖤 thanks again for letting me use this!
✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞
CEO!Sukuna has a hold on you. You know you shouldn't fall for your boss, but when he gives you the look, you know what is required of you. Make his day more manageable.
You couldn't count how often his eyes would weaken you, compelling you to enter his office and take his mind off the day's stress. You had been working for Sukuna's company for over a year as his secretary, and you can't count how many times you have laid in your bed, fucking yourself with your toy as you imagine your handsome, robust, and beautiful boss railing into you from every angle possible as his large cock rearranges your insides. Of course, this was just a fantasy in your head, seeing as your boss has yet to make an actual move on you. It's always just having you in there to listen to him rant before he kisses you-never going any further. He would always stop himself before any clothing came off, making your head spin. He never said anything after each encounter and would tease you with his eyes and lips days after. Nothing more, and it drove you psycho. But again, rules are rules, and you can't be in a relationship with your boss.
You let out a shaky sigh as you get to the top floor of the building; you hold your boss's coffee and muffin in your hand, along with your folder full of notes and messages for the man himself. You exit the elevator and set down your folder before knocking on Sukana's door, your heart thumping. Your shirt and skirt felt tighter as he opened the door just enough for you to enter, clearly seeing he was on a business call. You try to step as softly as possible on the tile floor, your heels clicking with each step. You set down his coffee and muffin, stepping back from his desk as you cross your arms in front of you.
"Okay, thanks. I'll get my secretary on it. Bye," Sukuna sighs as he hangs up the phone, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Who am I being contacted by this time?" You ask as you sit down in the chair across from him. You cross your legs over one another, sitting forward just enough to let the bit of cleavage you had show peak over the top of your blouse.
"Suguru Geto. He wants to partner with us for our next launch, and I told him I would have you work out the details. Is that okay?" Sukuna asks as he raises a brow, sipping his coffee. You nod your head as you watch him. Your eyes scan his features: his tattoos, his pinkish hair, the way his shirt stretches across his broad chest-it was enough to have you squeezing your thighs together at the thought of him.
"Good. Any new messages?" He asks as he turns to his computer, typing away. You nod as you get up, going to grab your folder. You let out a shaky breath as you hold your folder, trying to pull yourself together. He's your boss, for fucksake.
"Kento over in records wants to speak with you about a few things and even bring suggestions about promotion." You say as you read over your notes. You hear Kuna snort at your statement, making you roll your eyes slightly. You continue to read over everything to him, watching him as he nods occasionally.
"Thank you, y/n," Sukuna says as he stares at you. His eyes scan your body, making you feel naked, even fully clothed. His lips curl up in a slight smirk as he watches you shift in your spot. "You're dismissed," he chuckles as you hurriedly scurry out of his office.
As the day passed, you couldn't help but think about Sukuna and how his eyes undressed you. The way his lips curled into a beautiful smirk before sending you on your way. A small whimper leaves your lips as you think about him taking you to his desk and using you as his little toy. A groan falls from your lips as your thoughts are broken by the phone on your desk ringing.
"Ryomen Enterprise. How can I help you?" Your voice was soft and smooth as you answered, having been trained always to have a pleasant voice.
"My office. Now." Fuck. What did you do? You hang up the receiver as you straighten out your top and skirt once you stand, knocking on his door. "Enter." His voice booms as you turn the handle.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" You said meekly, your hands beside you as you closed the door.
"Lock it." He says without missing a beat. You do as he says, reaching the chair before his desk. You sit down as you watch your boss, your eyes never leaving his body. You felt a familiar sense of heat wash over your body as he sat back in his chair, his eyes boring into your soul.
You clear your throat before you begin speaking. "Did you need something, Mr. Sukuna?" Your words were light and airy, trying to play off the apparent heat between your thighs. You feel his eyes undressing you, drinking in your body as he smirks.
"Yes, I do," He pauses momentarily as he walks in front of his desk, his body just mere inches from yours. He leans down, a smirk plastered on his lips as his breath gently fans over your face. "I need you." His words fall off his tongue like honey, your eyebrow quirking at his response. Before you know it, your lips are pressed to his, your body reacting without hesitation.
The kiss was electric, his soft lips molding with yours. Your hands find his hair as he finds your waist, pulling you to your feet as he deepens the kiss. This one was different than the others you had shared before. All other encounters included rough groping and a hot and heavy make-out session. But this. This was something different. There was a desire in this encounter. There was passion—all the things you wanted out of the man in front of you.
After what felt like an eternity, you both pull away for air, a string of saliva the only thing connecting you. Your head is spinning as you try to process what happened, your hands moving down to land on Sukuna's chest. Your eyes scan his face for signs of wanting to stop, but you don't see any. So, you take a moment to say something that has been plaguing you.
"Why?" It was a simple question. But it holds so much weight.
"Why what?" Sukuna asks as his hands gently squeeze your hips.
You move your body closer, your fingers playing with his shirt. "Why me? Why tease me with heavy make-out sessions and groping but never take anything further? Before today, I thought you just wanted to use me." Your voice was small, but you felt valid in your question.
Sukuna gently presses his lips back onto yours, his large hand on your cheek. "Because I didn't want to lose you as an employee. You're both brilliant as well as breathtakingly beautiful. I was afraid you didn't have the same feelings as I do. So quick sessions allowed me to test the waters." His words were confident and clear.
You smile as your fingers trace over the exposed tattoos on his chest. "Well, in that case," you smirk as you bite his lower lip. "Let me show you what 'testing the waters' has done to me," you purr softly in his ear, your teeth gently biting his lobe. You kiss down his neck, sucking on the skin every so often. The small moan from his lips made your cunt wetter, giving you satisfaction at your actions. "Sit." You growl against his lips, your eyes meeting his.
"Demanding now, aren't we?" Sukuna chuckles as he happily walks to his chair, manspreading as he watches you. You roll your eyes as you take your hair out of its bun, slowly walking over to him. You watch his body language, silently laughing as you watch him try to adjust how he sits. You slowly run your hands down your body as you unbutton your blouse, exposing your bare chest to him. You sit down in his lap, your skirt hiking up just enough to expose your pussy. You place your lips back on his neck, gently grazing his skin.
"Mmm. Naughty girl. No bra? What happens when you get cold? All these sleazy men would notice." Sukuna's voice was light yet teasing. As you look at him, you roll your eyes, his lips turned up in a smirk. You move your hips against his, your exposed cunt pressed against his clothed cock. "Ngh- no panties either? Dirty girl," he growls as his hands squeeze your ass, causing you to moan. It was his turn to attack your neck, his lips feeling like fire on your skin as he started to leave marks on your soft skin.
"Then why don't you show me what happens to dirty girls?" You smirk as you roll your hips once more, secretly loving the feeling of his slack against your cunt. Sukuna chuckles darkly as his hands move to your breasts, squeezing them roughly in his large hands. A high-pitched squeak leaves your lips at the feeling, your hips mindlessly rolling to get some friction.
"Seems like you're already punishing yourself. Grinding your cute little cunt against my lap. Does it feel good, baby?" Sukuna growls as he leans down to suckle on your nipple. You moan as your back arches into his chest, your fingers in his hair as you speed up his hips. "Answer me," he growls as he smacks your ass.
“Fuck. Yes, it feels so good," you mewl as you grind your hips faster. A mixture of frustration and pleasure courses through you as you continue to fuck yourself against his clothed cock, your head spinning as his lips continue their assault on your chest. You could feel the smirk on his lips as he watched you, Sukuna secretly loving how he didn't even have to touch you to have you puddy in his hands. You whimper as his large fingers find your clit, drawing small circles on the sensitive nub.
"So wet," Sukuna purrs as he pinched your bundle of nerves. You gasped at the feeling, your mind going fuzzy as you felt yourself growing closer to your climax. You speed up your hips as you chase your high, his fingers going between pinching and circling your clit. "Does my naughty little girl want to cum? Does she want to make a mess on my clothes cock?" Sukuna growls in your ear, his free hand toying with your nipple.
"P-please, Kuna. Fuck," you whimper, your nails scratching at his exposed chest. His lips find yours once more as he speeds up his fingers, pulling you over the edge. Your body shudders as you release in his lap, your teeth biting his lower lip. "Ohh fuck," you moan as your hips rut through your high. You whimper as Sukuna picks you up from his lap placing you on his desk.
A smirk plays on his lips as he looks down at his ruined pants, his eyes finding yours. "Messy girl. These were my favorite pants." Sukuna states as he undoes his belt buckle. You lean back on your hands as you watch him undress, your shirt loosely hanging on your shoulders. Your teeth pull on your bottom lip as you watch his fingers unbutton his shirt, exposing his broad tattooed chest. You find yourself clenching around nothing at the sight before you, wanting nothing more than to litter his skin with hickeys and scratch marks.
His body stands between your legs, his hands pushing your shirt entirely off your arms. "So beautiful. And all mine," Sukuna's voice was low and velvety, his hands finding your hips again. He sees the button on your skirt, undoing the small piece of plastic. He smirks as the fabric softens, your hands and hips moving as you remove your remaining clothing. Being fully exposed to your boss made you feel vulnerable, but it was a comfortable vulnerability.
“Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna do something?” You smirked, your eyes meeting his. A dark chuckle falls from his lips as he quickly grabs you, turning you around so your backside is against his front.
"Are you doubting me? You do realize I can break you if I want. I can make you see stars just by using my fingers. You're so drunk about me ruining your cute little pussy you've forgotten how to act." Sukuna's words go straight to your core, making your knees buckle. "And since you are so impatient," he pauses as his hand lands a hard smack to your ass, causing you to jolt forward at the motion. "You don't get any mercy." He growls, his hand landing another smack on your ass. Before you can protest, he slams his cock into your sopping cunt, a scream of pain and pleasure passing your lips. Your hands quickly grip the desk to keep you steady as Sukuna begins to fuck you at a rapid yet persistent pace. Your head begins to go fuzzy as he abuses your pussy, his cock stretching you out in the most mouth-watering way. His fingers dig into your hips, sure to leave beautiful bruises when he is done.
"Can't talk now, can you?" He growls as he jerks you up by your hair, biting along the span of your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his other hand comes to rub your clit, making your back arch further as his cock continues to sink deeper into your cunt. Your walls squeeze around him as he finds that particular spot. The spot you try to reach on your own but always fall short.
"Found it." He smirks as he smacks your clit, and a loud and pornographic moan leaves your lips. Skin slapping and moaning fill the room as his hips jerk up into you. You felt that familiar knot forming in your stomach, your knuckles turning white from gripping the desk, your walls squeezing his cock. "Fucking whore. Is this what you wanted? Wanted your boss to fuck you stupid? Wanted to feel me inside you, filling you so full you forget how to speak?" He grunts as he pinches your nipple, your body reacting naturally. "Look at you, drooling on my desk. Dumb slut." His words have you falling over the edge, your body shaking as you release on his cock. Your vision goes white due to the pleasure, whimpers falling from your lips as his cock leaves your pussy. Your chest is heaving as you try to steady yourself, your body slowly turning to see that Sukuna has sat in his chair, his cock still erect.
"Sit. Now." You do as he says, slowly walking over to him as you position your sensitive cunt over his large veiny cock. His tip brushes against your clit, eliciting a moan from both of you. You slowly sink onto his cock, hissing slightly at the stretch. A deep groan leaves his lips as you fully sit down on his length, the stretch burning but feeling pleasurable. You slowly begin to move your hips, your core still sensitive and sore from his previous abuse of your cunt, but you slowly start to pick up the pace, wanting nothing more than to feel Sukuna inside you.
You let your body take over your brain, your hips moving on their own as you ride Sukuna faster. His moans were like music to your ears, his head thrown back against his chair. You take the chance to bruise his neck with love bites and hickeys, leaving your mark as your nails rake down his chest.
"Feels so good, Daddy. 'm so full," you whimper as your lips find him, your shared moans lost in the expanse of each other's throats. Your hips start to falter, your body getting closer to another orgasm.
"Is my little bunny getting tired? Did you think you could fuck me? Nice try, princess." Sukuna laughs as he grips your hips, fucking into you inhumanely. Strings of babbles and moans of his name fall from your lips, your bodies growing closer and closer to your high. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you try to keep yourself from coming, knowing you'd make a mess for a third time. "Want me to fill you up? Wanna feel my cum deep inside you?" Sukuna growls as his hands smack your ass, his lips biting your neck again.
"Y-yes, Daddy. Fuck. P-please," you whine, your walls squeezing his cock as the knot in your stomach breaks, your loud moans and whimpers filling the room. Sukuna follows close behind, his hot seed coating your walls a beautiful shade of white. His hips slow as you ride out your highs, your shared panting the only thing resounding in the room. Your bodies were hot and sweaty, the smell of sex and sweat hitting your noses. You look into his eyes, your lips gently pressing against his as you slowly come down from cloud nine.
"You're so beautiful." Sukuna smiles as he pulls away, his hand coming to cup his cheek.
"Right back at you," you smile as you peck his lips again. You fall into his chest, your body weak as you cockwarm him.
You felt safe in his embrace, knowing this may change your work dynamic, but you didn't care. Sukuna kisses the top of your head, his hands stroking your back before he speaks. "So, how about dinner at my place, and I'll show you how much you truly mean to me?"
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
i rlly like your work, heartsteel needs more content tbh,, so ty!! ANYWAY,
i liked the general relationship/kiss hcs w kayn, would u be able to do that for the other two as well?? if that makes sense
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HEARTSTEEL YONE: RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW, with light touching/sensuality ♡ TW: Some alcohol usage/food mentions ♡ I've done Sett's kisses here (X) and relationship HCs here (X), and Yone's kisses here (X) ! (will I remember to come back and edit those links in??? only time will tell)
No matter where you go, Yone brings you on fantastic dates. It's never popular tourist-trap type outings, either. If you ask how the hell he even found out about your date locations, he smiles coyly and says he can't reveal his sources. Regardless, expect lots of breathtaking, original dates—hidden trails that spill into breathtaking clumps of wildflowers, a hole-in-the-wall burger joint with the best fries you've had in tour entire life, tiny sculpture parks with some truly absurd statues (he absolutely refuses to delete the unflattering pic of you squatting next to a caked-up stone Sasquatch).
He isn't on his phone often, so don't be surprised if Yone doesn't text you back quickly or is overly-formal with his messages. Wild horses couldn't drag a silly emoji or a meme out of him. If you're lucky, you'll get a red heart, but that's about it. He tries not to make you feel neglected just because he's a dry texter, though. Especially when he's on tour, he calls you to check in whenever he's got a spare moment.
Yone's a chronic meal-skipper so he really appreciates if you share your food with him. Be warned, though, if you force him to step away from work and sit down for dinner you're either getting five minutes and a cup of instant ramen, or he's cooking you a three course meal complete with different appetizer, entree, and dessert wines. There's no in-between.
While Yone's not a fan of PDA, he holds your hand through every big event you're forced to attend. He doesn't appreciate the attention and flashing lights, but your warm, reassuring grip keeps him calm and relatively content.
Matching outfits are a little bit too much, but Yone is all for wearing clothing that compliments yours. Think similar textures, colors, and cuts. If you're wearing athleisure, he'll throw on a pair of stylish sweatpants. You're rocking the all black fit, so is he (with a pop of color in his earrings, probably—if he's completely monochrome, Kayn accuses him of "stealing his look"). Though he thinks it's a little cringy to be exact matches, he's definitely down to coordinate.
Whenever Yone makes himself a coffee, he whips up a glass of your favorite beverage as well. Nothing is too complicated—if you want a latte, he can make any flavor, and he'll pour the foam into a heart shape on top. Boba? No problem, he's got tapioca pearls in your favorite flavor and large straws on hand, to boot. A mimosa? Okay, he might raise his eyebrow at that one and point out that it's like eleven A.M.—nevertheless, if it's a mimosa you want, then it's a mimosa you'll get. Part of this is because he loves you, of course, but also? He hates sharing his coffee and figures that you won't ask for a sip if you've got your own drink.
Yone absolutely melts when you take care of him. He's used to looking after everyone else's wants and needs, so it's a pleasant surprise when someone extends that same care and attention to him. Cook him his favorite meal or take care of his laundry when he's been extra busy, and he looks at you like you're the eight wonder of the world. "You didn't have to do that for me," he cups your face gently, sweeping an appreciative kiss over your forehead. "But I'm glad that you did."
Chivalry is not dead and Yone's the man giving it CPR. Count on him to be the perfect gentleman. He opens every door for you, takes your coat whenever you drop by his studio, and no, under no circumstances will he let you pull out your own chair.
Yone's pet-names are sweet and classic. Most often, he calls you 'my darling', but he'll occasionally pepper in a 'dearest' or 'lover' for variety.
One of Yone's favorite ways to spend a free evening with you is sneaking into underground music shows. The two of you will turn up to somebody's house where the living room has been cleared to throw together a makeshift stage, or an abandoned warehouse with people clustering together and swaying to synthetic beats blasting through mid-grade speakers. More often than not, the musicians aren't that good (but that's par for the course with these kind of shows). The atmosphere can't be beat, though. And, when you do stumble upon somebody's garage band that actually goes hard, it's always an exciting surprise. Yone always keeps cash on him in case somebody's selling merch. He snags two stickers, one for you to keep and one to paste on his guitar case. What better way to commemorate shitty bands and crowded house shows than with matching stickers?
If you tag along with him on tour or business trips, Yone's first mission is to scout out a good coffee shop. Of course he takes you along, and buys you whatever little treats catch your eye. Sweets, sandwiches, snacks—anything he notices you ogling behind the glass, he orders for you.
Even with his massively packed schedule Yone NEVER, EVER forgets an important date. Expect gifts on birthdays and anniversaries, and extra love and support on dates that might be difficult for you.
Since Sett's a master crocheter, Yone pays him a frankly absurd amount to make you a plushie that looks like his fox mask. Yone knows that it can't be easy for you, with him away touring or on business so much of the time. The stuffed snuggle-buddy, he hopes, can ease your loneliness when he's away. Before he sets off on a long trip he makes sure to spritz your stuffie with his cologne, so that you can squish it in your sleep and dream that he's right there with you.
Yone's not a huge cuddler. Too much physical attention can make him feel smothered. The exception is when you sit on his lap. He loves when you settle onto him while he's working. As long as you're quiet and still (he doesn't want you to disturb his flow, after all), he basks in your comfortable warmth and the adorable way you tuck yourself into his chest.
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sleekstayobsession · 6 months
the alter is my hips
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taylor swift x fem!reader
prompt: my midnight horny ass - you’re needy and you missed taylor, she feels the same. and so what happens?
A/N: first fic, first smut fic lemme know if i do well 🤤 i won’t take requests as i’ll just do when i have motivation (reminder this is all fiction so please don’t take it seriously 😭)
TW: some nice not too extensive smut, i suggest 18+ but i can’t stop what minors consume so viewed discretion is advised
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You were needy, having been away from Taylor for so long was exhausting. You needed her in every way, touching yourself alone or on a call wasn’t the same as actually having her hands all over you. Making all your senses heighten.
So, obviously when she first walked through the door you rushed toward her in an instant wrapping your whole body around her like a koala bear.
“I missed you too.” She says laughing, before placing a featherlight kiss just under your jawline. You immediately feel heat rush to your stomach and cheeks as she does so.
She knows what that does to you, especially after being gone for a month.
“Come on, let me take you to the bedroom. Unpacking will have to wait.” She whispers into your ear, lightly tugging on the strands of hair at the back of your head.
You unwrap your legs from around her and take her hand with urgency as she leads you away from the front door giggling like a schoolgirl.
That playful side is gone when you enter the room though, as her lips eagerly crash against yours. The intimacy of it all fizzling around in the air. When she pulls away from your mouth she starts kissing down your neck, leaving small bites as a reminder that you were hers.
She pulls you away from the door you were pressed against and pushes you down onto the large bed, crawling over you as if she had something to prove.
She starts her movements, every bite, every mark leaving your core to ache uncomfortably more.
“Tay, please. Stop teasing.” You manage to whine out through hushed breaths.
She does as told and effortlessly pulls off your sweats and any other articles of clothing she believes may get in her way. Leaving you in only your soaked underwear.
She brushes her finger along, feeling the arousal drip through the fabric.
“So wet, all for me.” She says, her voice rasping slightly.
“Tay I am so serious when I say this. Just fucking touch me.” She doesn’t need to be told twice, tossing the underwear somewhere else in the room.
She spreads your legs open wider, sliding her tongue through your folds and moaning at the taste. Her hands grab your hips so they’re in the right place for her to get the best angles.
Your moans and gasps fill the room, you clutch onto bed sheets and at some point you pull at Taylor’s hair pulling her closer into you. It’s euphoric in a way you can’t describe.
The knot in your stomach tightens, you know what’s coming.
“Taylor.” You breathe out. She doesn’t stop, only speeds up.
“Fuck- Tay, baby I’m gonna cum.” You moan, leaning your head so far back in pleasure that you’re sure your neck will be sore from that in the morning.
It’s not even 10 seconds later when you feel the coil in your stomach snap, as your orgasm rolls over you making you see stars. This was only the first of tonight.
Taylor crawls out of your legs, smiling when she sees your blissed out, hazy state. She’s about to say something when you cut her off.
“Your turn.” You say before straddling her and starting to pull off her clothes as well.
It’s safe to say that none of you would be walking tomorrow.
hope y’all enjoyed 😋
that first pic is my roman empire fr
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suguruwithabow · 3 months
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pics are from pinterest, dm me for credits/remove
𝗶𝗳 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹, 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗶'𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆, yuri satosugu
☆ ; female¡gojo satoru × female¡geto suguru (4,7k)
☆ ; where suguru is an illustrator and satoru is a famous yaoi manga writer.
☆ ; CW mature content , bad language , yuri satosugu , lesbian sex , rule63 , nipple stucking , oral , fingering , scissoring , idiots in love , friends/colleagues to lovers
☆ ; TW body dismorphya (might trigger an ed)
☆ ; ao3 | wattpad (eng) | wattpad (ita)
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT | +18 enjoy ! 🎀
Suguru likes to draw women. She likes the movements of the pencil on paper, how the dark stroke follows the fluid line of her hand and materializes the soft curve of the hips, the breast’s groove, the arch of the back.
She likes to draw showy clothes, with lace and ruffles, delicate silk bows that bloom like moonflowers at the center of the chest, on that thin boundary between what is modest and what is lewd.
She draws transparent stockings that climb up the legs almost to the thigh root, which in reality would tear like tissue paper and constantly slip down the legs, but which actually stay up on paper by magic. She draws mini dresses and shorts that might not even be commercially available, too impractical to wear, she draws voluminous and extravagant hairstyles, with pigtails, curls, and shiny clips.
She draws girls with beautiful doll-like faces, with long eyelashes and heart-shaped lips, their skin is as perfect as porcelain, their eyes are large and full of wonder, or mischief. They have slender necks and wrists, thin arms, and flat bellies, their full breasts are without stretch marks, their thighs are thick and soft, never seeming too large, never fat or unwieldy.
But it's just a drawing. Suguru lowers her gaze to her legs, sitting on the metal chair in front of the café while waiting for her colleague, looks at how the flesh seems squashed against the plastic, how the hem of her jean shorts prominently marks her tanned skin. She adjusts herself, lifts her heels so her thighs appear slimmer, takes a deep breath, and returns to her drawing, forcing herself not to think about it anymore.
Suguru wishes she were one of the girls in her drawings, or one of those models she sees on Instagram. She wants to look at her reflection in shop windows and not have to remind herself to have better posture, she wants to take a selfie with her phone without using conspicuous beauty filters she doesn't recognize herself in.
Suguru likes beauty but doesn't believe she is part of it.
There’s a girl sitting a few tables ahead, talking on the phone and sipping a colorful smoothie. She is beautiful in her light red dress, her hair is perfectly straight and shiny, her skin is flawless, and her makeup highlights the harmony of her facial features. She is slim, petite, pale, the kind of girl you would hold the door open for, the kind you would offer a hand to help her down the stairs. Suguru is almost six feet tall, has strong arms, athletic legs, she doesn't seem like the kind of girl you’d want to help, or simply be kind to.
Suguru draws that girl, the sketch takes shape on the white paper, even if incomplete, it perfectly captures the moment like a photograph: a crowded café, a beautiful and ethereal girl who attracts attention effortlessly, a classic beauty Suguru could admire for hours.
«That's beautiful, Suguru, you’re really talented.» Suguru jumps and the pencil falls from her hand. The tip breaks. She immediately covers the paper with her arm and turns to look at Satoru towering over her. «You scared me to death, Satoru. It's not nice to sneak up on people.»
The moment Gojo Satoru enters the café, all eyes are on her, and who can blame them? Satoru is the most beautiful girl you will ever see in your life if you ever have the chance to meet her. She is tall, even taller than Suguru, has big blue eyes that envy the sky, white hair soft as snow that falls disorderly on her shoulders, and the most regular facial proportions Suguru has ever seen. She wouldn't even be able to draw a person more beautiful than Satoru.
She has a pretty cherry-colored gloss on her lips, quirky-shape sunglasses, and baggy jeans with a ridiculously low waist. Suguru thinks she could never wear jeans like that, Satoru always complains about getting bloated after lunch, but that doesn't stop her from dressing as she prefers. Suguru, on the other hand, always wears loose and covering clothes, she doesn't like exposing so much skin, it makes her feel watched, inadequate.
Satoru laughs, showing off a row of perfectly-straight pearly white teeth. She lifts her glasses onto her head and sits down in front of Suguru. «Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Have you ordered yet?» «No, not yet,» the girl replies, turning the page and leaving the previous sketch unfinished.
Satoru calls the waiter, they order an iced coffee for Suguru and a strawberry matcha for Satoru, who also orders a slice of chocolate cake for herself, but when she asks if Suguru wants it too, she declines the offer.
Satoru starts pulling colorful notebooks and fresh printer paper out of her bag, opens the notes app on her phone, and begins scrolling through files; she is an eclectic writer, writing on any surface available.
Once, at a business dinner, Suguru had seen her scribbling on a napkin.
«I have two new ideas to work on, a classic soft BL set in school, and then something less mainstream. I haven't talked to the editors about it yet, I wanted to hear your opinion first, I'm sure they'll let me publish the first one in a collection of five or six volumes, but I have doubts about the second one, at most they'll consent to making it a graphic novel.»
Satoru and Suguru work in the adult manga industry, Satoru is a renowned yaoi manga writer under the pen name Hikari Mugen. She has only been writing for their publishing house for a few years, but was already very active on forums and fanfiction websites with the username limitlesscribe, where she was a prolific writer during her teenage years.
Suguru is happy to work with Satoru, she likes her extroverted and lively personality, which contrasts with her own reserved and introverted nature. Satoru gives Suguru free rein on organizing the panels to draw for their mangas, on the design of many characters and on the details of the setting. In the past, in fact, she often had to work with writers who wanted to dictate everything, even the smallest details.
Satoru provides general but accurate directives about the atmosphere she wants to create in her stories. She continuously makes boards on Pinterest, searches for books, movies, and even video games that might be useful, and sends everything to Suguru, who does her best to meet her desires, generally succeeding because Satoru is very enthusiastic about her job.
However, it's also true that Satoru is a full-time job: she talks incessantly and seems to lack an off switch. Sometimes she calls Suguru in the middle of the night with a new story idea, and during work meetings, it's not uncommon for her to zone out and write outlines and plots in her notebook. Finding inspiration in everything is her gift, but it's probably also a curse for those around her.
When their orders arrive, Satoru is already explaining the plot details she has in mind to Suguru, but she gets confused, rambles, changes the subject while talking, tells Suguru about a horror movie she watched on TV a few days ago that inspired a character, explains how she tried baking chocolate chips cookies providing details, a step-by-step guide and baking times, and mentions that her neighbors had a furious fight and the wife threatened to leave the husband.
Suguru struggles a bit to keep up, but she's happy to listen. After almost three years of collaboration, she's become very adept at discerning the plot of her stories from the events of Satoru's daily life.
The first story is very simple, almost trivial, she would dare say, a BL set in a high school featuring two academic rivals who become lovers. Nothing exceptional, a lot of introspection, teenage problems, internalized homophobia, and barely hinted sexuality – nothing too explicit, considering the teenage target audience.
Suguru has to admit, though, that Satoru is great with this shit. Her mangas sell like hotcakes, top the charts, and she's considered a real institution in the field, despite being only twenty-six years old. Suguru also deserves some credit for this; her style is highly appreciated by fans of the genre, with her attention to detail and intentionally unrealistic, almost angelic, character designs.
There are two types of people in the world: those who enjoy watching the expression of a beautiful boy while he cums, and those who lie.
In short, Suguru has her own good share of fans, and various other artists claim to have been inspired by Yami-chan (her pen name) for some of their mangas.
The second story Satoru proposes is very different from the first and, as she said, if her publisher ever allows her to publish it, it will probably be at most a one-shot or perhaps a graphic novel.
The protagonists are two Champions’ League soccer players. The younger one is the best soccer player in Europe, half French, half Brazilian, handsome, talented, born into a wealthy family, and disgustingly arrogant. His love interest, on the other hand, is a South Korean guy who moved to Europe to play on the same team; he is disciplined, from humble origins, but incredibly good at soccer. It’s not hard to imagine how things will turn out.
Naturally, the second story is the most fascinating, and while they talk, Suguru starts jotting down some character design ideas to show Satoru. They search Pinterest for images of "dread braids" for the Brazilian mc’s hairstyle and need to research the roles of soccer players because neither of them knows anything about that sport.
When they’re done, the sun is almost setting, and Suguru has had enough coffee to stay awake until Christmas. They tidy up the papers scattered on the table, Suguru puts all the sketches aside and promises to start working on the drafts that very evening. Satoru offers to pay for both of their orders and, after some resistance, Suguru accepts.
Leaving the café, they walk together towards the station. Satoru doesn’t live far from there and will walk home, but she insists on accompanying Suguru because, according to her, she feels more at ease that way.
As they approach the stairs, Satoru stops and reaches out her hand. «Watch out, someone must have spilled a smoothie.» A colored stain spreads, dripping on the steps. Suguru avoids it and grabs Satoru’s hand without even thinking.
When they are finally on the platform, the train arrives sooner than expected. Suguru waves goodbye to her friend and watches her through the sliding doors.
Satoru doesn't leave. She waits for the train to depart and disappear from her sight. Suguru feels a strange warmth in the pit of her stomach but she doesn't say anything and forces herself not to think about it.
A week later, Suguru is sitting on the couch in Satoru’s apartment. They had worked all day and Satoru wanted to be in a place that made her feel comfortable, so Suguru ended up invading her apartment and colonizing the living room.
They had been working on the storyboard all day. Of course, their editors approved the first of Satoru's two ideas – it's a safe investment, given that that genre of manga sells like hotcakes, especially if signed with the name Hikari Mugen – while they hesitated on the second one. Satoru is preparing a vision board to try to convince their bosses that the idea could work; she even wants to turn it into a series, not just a one-shot.
«Damn, I’m exhausted.» says Satoru, stretching lazily. She had been sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table the entire time because she wanted to leave the couch to Suguru.
«Come on, Satoru, we’re almost done and the deadline is tomorrow.» the artist encourages her, though she has to admit she is also struggling to concentrate now.
«But we’ve worked all day. Let’s take a break.» complains the girl, resting her chin on Suguru's thigh, looking up at her.
«The sooner we finish, the sooner you can rest.» admonishes Suguru, who just wants to finish this work and go home for a nice warm bath.
Satoru climbs onto the couch and sprawls across Suguru like a child throwing a tantrum. Suguru doesn’t complain or push her away; in fact, there’s something comforting about feeling Satoru’s weight pressing on her, so much so that she reaches out a hand and starts gently untangling the knots in her messy wolfcut.
Satoru moans softly and wraps her arms around Suguru’s waist, her head resting on her chest. «Let’s take a nap before continuing.»
Suguru chuckles and removes her hand from Satoru’s hair. «Come on, be serious. If we stop now, we won’t want to continue later.»
Satoru doesn’t reply, only letting out a half grunt of disapproval, and takes Suguru’s sketchbook to flip through it a bit.
Among various characters they worked on together – failed initial designs, sketches for official illustrations and some manga covers – there are many other drawings unrelated to mangas.
They are mostly women, some seem to be entirely made up by Suguru, like video game characters dressed in skimpy and adorable outfits, while others appear to be real-life sketches, drawn on the subway, in the park, or at a bar.
«Wow, Suguru. You practically only draw girls.» Satoru says, not taking her eyes off the sketchbook.
«Mh?» Suguru asks, looking at her – Satoru is still half-lying on top of her. If it had been anyone else snooping through her drawings, she probably would have been angry, but since it’s only Satoru, she goes back to her work without giving it any thought. «Well, I don’t have many opportunities to draw women, so in my free time I like to keep in practice.»
Since Satoru only writes BL, Suguru doesn’t often draw female characters, and when she does, they’re usually side characters who appear very little in the manga. Before working with Satoru, she had illustrated a hentai manga, but the character design imposed for the female protagonist was so boring and trite that she ended up hating it. She doesn’t count it among her best works.
«Really? Well, I’ll write a yuri just so you can illustrate it then. Maybe set in an all-girls school, so you can draw all the female characters you want.»
Suguru chuckles again. «Thanks, that’s very kind of you, Satoru.»
«You’re welcome. Wow, this one’s beautiful! Though she’s a bit too flat-chested for my tastes.»
«You can’t say things like that.»
«Why not?»
«Ever heard of body shaming?»
«What does that have to do with it? I didn’t say she’s ugly. I just said she’s flat; I like big boobs, it’s not a crime!»
«Gosh, you’re no better than a man.»
«No, indeed. I like big boobs; you have big boobs, you’re so lucky. I wish mine were bigger too.»
«Your boobs are perfect just the way they are, Satoru.»
«Do you really think so?»
«Yes, you’re so slim, if your boobs were bigger, they’d be disproportionate.»
Satoru sits up, cups her breasts in her hands and starts examining them, as if to verify Suguru’s words. Suguru watches her, unable to look away; it’s true they are very close friends, but certainly not so close as to grope each other’s breasts in each other's presence. Satoru has been wearing a summer pajamas all day, white shorts and a tank top with strawberries printed on it, so thin that Suguru can see the shape of her nipples terribly clearly.
She blushes furiously and hides behind her iPad. «Get back to work, don’t overthink it.» she says to cover her embarrassment.
Luckily, Satoru is easily distracted and reaches for some papers left on the coffee table in front of them. The fact that she remained straddling Suguru’s lap, however, doesn’t help.
«Look, I’ve sketched out some ideas for the sex scene in the soccer manga. Tell me what you think and then I’ll leave you alone.»
Suguru agrees and puts aside her iPad to look at Satoru’s sketches. God, that girl has a gift for writing, but she’s completely hopeless at drawing.
«I’m sure it’s amazing, but I can’t understand anything from these drawings. God, Satoru, an elementary school kid would draw better than you.»
«Hey! How rude!» Satoru laughs, snatching the paper from her hand. «What’s not clear? It seems pretty obvious to me.»
Suguru sits up; now they’re face to face and Satoru’s knees are planted on either side of her hips.
«I can’t even tell what position they’re in in this scene.» Suguru complains, pointing to what looks more like a doodle than anything else.
«What? You're exaggerating, it's so obvious, look.» and it happens much faster than Suguru can perceive. She's pushed onto her back laying on the couch, Satoru's warm hands slipping under her thighs as she keeps her in place. If Satoru were a man, her cock would be pressing right against Suguru's entrance.
«They’re in this position. The top holds the bottom down and rubs his cock on his ass.»
«Okay! I get it now, that's enough! The demonstration is exhaustive.» Suguru exclaims as she puts her hands forward, she feels her cheeks on fire as Satoru presses against her and holds her legs open. She is so focused, taking care to best show the position she intended.
Then Satoru starts to rotate her hips, the imprint of her pussy is clearly visible through the thin fabric of her shorts and Suguru is also only wearing a pair of gym shorts.
The contact is electrifying and the drop in her stomach makes her dizzy. Even through the layers of clothing, the friction between their intimacies is so pleasant that it becomes difficult try not to move to seek her release.
Satoru is more and more concentrated, a wet spot becomes visible in the center of the imprint of her count, but she continues to drag with terrifying slowness on Suguru's most sensitive point. The girl covers her mouth with her hand, partially because it's something they shouldn't do – they're colleagues, after all –, partially because she's seriously afraid of letting out some compromising sound.
Satoru's hands leave Suguru's thighs and move to her waist. Suguru is so curvy and her waist is so supple and tight that it seems to be made to be grabbed by Satoru's hands. Her ass often does nothing but draw attention to her unreal proportions.
«God, I wish so badly I had a cock right now.» Satoru murmurs with a smirk on her lips, more to herself than to Suguru, but she can hear it anyway and her eyes widen – she wants to say she's shocked, but Satoru's words only send an electric shock straight to her lower abdomen. «I would fuck you so hard for hours.»
She leans over her. They are close, Satoru's white hair tickles Sugur’s face and her eyes look like a mirror on the sea. She smells of coconut and vanilla like her favorite body wash from Victoria's Secret and her lips are so red and inviting that Suguru has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from tasting them.
«Suguru.» she whispers, and she doesn't seem to be able to say anything else. Satoru kisses her cheek, her jaw, her cheekbones and her chin, she places a feather-light kiss on her lips and the lighter her touch the more the fire inside Suguru blazes as if fueled by gasoline. Satoru is so intoxicating that she makes her feeling sick and stuck between desire, lust and paralysis due to fear and anticipation.
They kiss slowly, but for a long time. Satoru takes her time exploring Suguru's mouth, sucking her tongue, intertwining it with hers, alternating deep make-out sessions with small pecks on her swollen lips.
«You are so beautiful, you are so beautiful.» she repeats as her hands slip under her shirt, she caresses her breasts, Suguru's tits are so big that Satoru can't squeeze them with one hand, she also finds out that they are terribly sensitive, so she kisses her neck while pinching her nipples gently.
«Satoru, Satoru.» Suguru moans. She’s melted like a candle, sweat beading on her forehead and she feels like she's going to die every time Satoru moans against her skin.
«I've waited so long for you, Suguru.» she tells her in a breath. «Can I take off your clothes?»
Suguru wants to cry, because she really doesn't feel like one of the girls she draws: she's not petite, she's not skinny, but Satoru treats her like she's made of crystal, her delicate hands draw maps that lead to unknown places. It's the first time she feels like a little doll under someone's attention, she's always been the one to take the lead in other situations, so she nods desperately.
«Yes, yes.» she tells her. Satoru takes off her shirt, interrupting their kisses only to take it off her head. She looks at her like no one has ever looked at her before, tenderly, with respect and desire. Satoru wants to devour everything, and she knows Suguru will let her do it.
She covers her boobs with her hand because she feels shy under Satoru's ethereal gaze, but the girl only becomes even sweeter, more gentle, she moves her hands away and kisses her bare chest again, until her nipples are swollen, red and shiny with saliva, and the bite marks on the flesh do not throb painfully in anticipation.
She takes off her shorts along with her underwear, exposing her wet pussy that seems so eager for attention. Suguru isn't a virgin, but she's never done it with someone keeping the lights on. She much preferred the comfort of the dim light, the certainty that no one could see her.
But now Satoru is holding her legs open, her hot breath crashes against her opening, her wetness, and Suguru feels she can come like this, simply with Satoru caressing her pearl with the fingertip of her finger.
«You like it like that?» she asks her. Suguru squirms in response, trying to meet her light touch with her movements. It's nice, but it's not enough, not even close.
When Satoru puts her lips on her cunt, Suguru sees stars. She devours her so passionately, sinking her fingers into the soft flesh of her thighs, her tongue expertly teasing Sugur's most sensitive spot, gradually increasing the speed and intensity of her lapping. When Suguru fusses, Satoru moans shaking her with the vibrations coming from the back of her throat, and when she adds a finger that slides in and out of her opening it's Suguru's turn to moan out loud.
«Satoru… oh god, Satoru!» she screams out, entwining her fingers in the girl's snow-colored hair. She gasps as she is hit by the most violent orgasm she has ever had, her sweat slides down her neck, her legs tremble and her eyes fill with tears.
Satoru gives her a cat-like look with those impossible eyes as he continues to kiss the inside of her thighs and gently lick her most sensitive spots, making her arch her back from overstimulation. Satoru, however, is stronger than she seems and, no matter how much Suguru fidgets, the writer's pale and thin arms keep her firmly in place.
«You're so cute, like a little perfect doll.» «I'm not– I'm not a little doll, Satoru.» the girl goes reaches to her starting a passionate kiss, all tongue and lips making her feel as if a cloud of crazy butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. Satoru places one hand on her jaw, the other planted on her ass as she squeezes it tight, so much so that perhaps a mark will pop up the next day.
«You can't look at me with those doe eyes and tell me you're not like a perfect little doll, Suguru.» her name sounds so melodious coming from Satoru’s mouth, everything about her is so unreal, as if it belonged to an angel. Maybe that's why Suguru feels so good, so satisfied, with the perfect smile that blooms on Satoru's lips when she calls her name, or with the longing way she has of looking at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world.
Satoru doesn't see what Suguru sees, she doesn't find the stretch marks on her thighs disgusting, nor does she thinks her boobs are vulgar. She strokes her hips with her fingertips and tucks her dark, tousled hair behind her ears, continuing to tell her how beautiful she is.
She also takes off her own shorts, remaining completely naked, and Suguru was right about her: Satoru has the body of a supermodel. She didn't even believe that people like that existed in real life and yet apparently there they are, looking at her Suguru thinks that an angel has fallen to earth and that she has chosen to occupy her mortal days writing yaoi manga as a hobby. This is Gojo Satoru.
Satoru's pussy is covered in thin white hairs that Suguru finds incredibly adorable, everything about Satoru is honeyed and delicate – with the only exception of her personality –, which is why she is the first to make a move, rubbing her cunt against the other girl’s, and after a couple of playful thrusts it doesn't take long before the movements of their hips starts becoming more passionate.
Suguru discovers many things that night. She finds out that Gojo Satoru is hot as hell as he rolls her hips, eyes closed, cheeks red from the effort and mouth open letting out uncontrolled moans. She watches her hypnotized as she arches her back and pursues her pleasure by rubbing her clit against Suguru's. Suguru puts her hands around her waist, pulls her closer, Satoru's arms give out and she slumps against the arm of the couch, Suguru takes the lead.
It takes Satoru only three minutes to cum, but Suguru doesn't stop and doesn't even give her time to recover. Satoru squeals, but she's too weak to do anything, so she just lets Suguru fuck her like that until she comes a second time.
Suguru also finds out that Satoru likes to kiss her neck and chest, that she loves to cuddle up to her while stroking her hair and that she prefers light kisses like feathers because she finds them more intimate, more romantic, even if this seems a bit like a nonsense since she was stucking her tongue down Suguru’s throat just moments before.
«I'll think about the plot of a yuri manga.» Satoru tells her after a good half hour spent lying with their legs crossed kissing every single part of each other's bodies. «Then I’ll give the main character your appearance and I’ll fuck you every night in front of a mirror, so you can draw yourself.»
«It seems like a rather ambitious project to me. But I doubt people will like it.» «The hell? That's such a nonsense, everyone would love it. But maybe you're right, now that I think about it I hate the idea of someone else seeing you like this.»
She smiles, pressing a kiss on Suguru's lips. She blushes and looks down at their clinging bodies. She wants to stay like this a little longer.
«What do we do with tomorrow's meeting? The panels must be ready by half past nine.» the designer says, remembering the papers scattered all over the living room.
«I’ll call Tachibana and ask him to move the meeting to the afternoon. Sleep over, we'll finish working on it together tomorrow morning.»
Suguru smiles and nods, letting Satoru caress her stomach drawing imaginary shapes with her fingers, they talk about everything and nothing and then they fall asleep in the same bed, in each other's arms. For the first time they are not alone.
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da-rulah · 9 months
I fucking love your content and I have a little request...
Here me out, Sexting with Mary Goore🏋‍♀️
Aww thank you so much, lovely!! I love that I'm getting Mary requests now, ever since writing my first Mary fic (which I just updated today, by the way 👀)
You want sexting with Mary Goore? Well, this is how I think that would go... fair warning, it's filthy. just as you'd expect with Mary.
GN!Reader, NSFW MDNI 18+
TW/ Fingering, masturbation, nude taking, filming self
(ps. if any artists see this and fancy recreating some of Mary's pics...... y'know, i wouldn't mind that... 👀)
You'd wanted a reaction, but this? This was beyond even what you could have thought.
14 text messages, 6 missed calls, and 2 failed video calls.
All Mary.
It was just a harmless little booty pic, something to tide him over until the next time you got to see your boyfriend. but to Mary it had been the final straw, the last of the sticks to be pulled from his game of kerplunk... And his marbles had been teetering all day, thinking about you, missing you...
The last text really caught your attention, after purposefully ignoring him just to wind him up.
If i wasn't on the road right now ur front door woulda lost its hinges. answer ur fuckin phone.
It sounded vaguely threatening; you liked that.
Sorry, my neighbour's cat needed a bath. A stupid lie to piss him off further. What's up?
What's up? u rlly gonna ask me that? You laughed at your phone, taking a seat on your couch as you waited for the three dots that were ominously typing still. My dick, that's what's up.
Sounds like a you problem. There was a brief pause, and you liked to imagine Mary was staring at his phone with an eye twitching in annoyance.
gonna make it ur fuckin problem, u started this.
A few moments later, you received a picture message; a close up of Mary's hand, donning his signature signet and skull rings, boney and veiny and large, gripping his bulge in his tatty jeans just below his leather belt. Immediately, your stomach flipped at the picture. He knew exactly what he was doing. Game on.
You alone?
With confirmation of his situation, you decided to turn up the heat. Resting your phone against a pile of books on your coffee table, you sat on the edge of your couch and removed your shirt. You set the self-timer to 10 seconds, and got into position.
Spreading your legs, you placed both hands between them to 'hide' your core. To show off the curve of your waist and hips, you leaned your shoulders forward, the figure he adored and desperately wanted to touch protruding and accentuated in the position you sat. The mix of skin, but not too much, and suggestion would drive him insane.
Satisfied after a couple of takes, you sent the best one and waited.
On his end, Mary stared at his phone with a twisted smirk, palming the bulge in his jeans. He fucking loved your nudes, always way more tasteful, artistic than previously less imaginative partners. They were always so much sexier than a standard dick pic or titty pic, of which he'd received many of the years.
u look gd enough to eat. u know what ur doing to me?
You giggled at your phone screen, typing out your reply.
no... will you show me?
Oh, he'd love to.
Mary set up his phone similarly to yours, resting it against a pile of laundry at the end of the motel bed he was lounging on. He removed his own shirt, undid his belt and pulled his erection from his confines, allowing himself a few quick tugs to keep the desperation at bay.
Then he set the self timer and leaned back, one hand behind his head and the other holding his erection in plain sight.
When he sent you his picture, all you could think of was crawling up between those skinny legs of his and riding him into the early hours. You fucking missed him. You ached for him.
u see, baby? all u.
This smug bastard knew the effect he'd have on you. He was smirking in the fucking picture. Time to one-up him...
You stripped from your clothes completely, once again setting your phone up on your coffee table. This time, you knelt on the couch with your knees apart, your ass to the camera, and leaned over the back of it, arching your back to show off the roundness of your ass for him.
When you sent it, Mary audibly cursed to himself. God, you looked delectable... he could clearly see your sex between your legs, so clearly aroused and presented to him. If only he were there...
aw baby, u wanna b fucked from behind? u know i'd take you in a heartbeat...
His text had you squirming where you sat, biting your lip as your hand travelled between your legs. With one hand, you typed back a reply.
Love when you fuck me like that... you get so deep, miss that
Mary groaned as he fucked into his fist, uncontrollably at the visions of previous exploits where he'd done exactly as you'd described. This was torture, his hand would never compared to being wrapped up and squeezed by your tightness.
just u wait til i come home...
can't wait... my fingers don't do the job anywhere near as well. you teased, slowly stretching out your hole as you leaned back into your couch, whining at the feeling.
ur touching urself now?
You smiled, picturing Mary's reaction. You could be so cruel, just reply with a yes and leave it to his imagination. But you were feeling particularly spicy today after too long without him.
So instead, you set up your phone again and took up the same position as your last picture, this time hitting the record button. To the camera, you coated your fingers in your spit, sucking them into your mouth before using them to push two inside you, teasing as your digits disappeared.
You whined his name wantonly, your intention to sound like the whore Mary turned you into. He always loved the noises you'd make for him.
The video lasted less than a minute when you cut it off with a giggle, ending on a close up of your smirking face as you'd turned the video off.
Does that answer your question?
Mary lost his mind. How dare you stop the recording. How dare you moan his name like that.
He'd had enough, the teasing too much for him to handle.
Instead of texting back, he instead his the little video camera icon by your contact name, the line ringing a few times as he was met with his own face putting the camera back at his feet, pants now completely discarded in favour of total nudity much like you.
You let it ring a few times, setting it back down against the books and hitting the answer button as you sat back into the couch, legs crossed and hiding yourself from him.
"You get back in that fucking position right now," he told you, voice gravelly and dark.
"Aw, you not gonna say please?"
"No. Get back up on your knees and show yourself to me. Let me see the mess you're making."
You bit your lip and did as he asked, spinning and kneeling back on the couch.
"You know what to do, baby..." he told you, the slick sounds from his end of the call sending shivers down your back as he stroked himself.
You did as you were told, re-enacting the short video you sent him as he watched. Mary guided you through it, telling you what to do, how to fuck yourself for him to his exact specifications. He edged you for almost an hour, and himself along with you.
It always blew your mind how Mary was able to give you the most mind-shattering orgasms, even from hundreds of miles away...
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Fresh, Right from the Source
Male Reader x Kim Jiwon (Jeewon - cignature)
Length: 1614 words
Tags: BDSM, tit play, tied up, blindfolded, tit slapping, lactation, lactation kink, submissive, hardcore face fuck, heavy gags, tears, a bit of brattiness and degradation, drinking milk and cream, jerking off, kinky_girlfriend!Jeewon
TW: lactation, very rough face fuck
Inspiration: the ideas, pics and inspirational links (ahem) send by @worldsover.
Credit: @worldsover for an amazing request!
(A/N: an idol I knew very little about before I got introduced to her. Now, it's hard to over look her and her huge... just take a look, will ya?)
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Jeewon loves to drag the ‘i’ in this obscene word. Usually, she lays a lot of emphasis on the ‘t’ as well, but your mouth has her breathless tonight. Jeewon tenses up, her back arching impressively, but the restraints around her wrists securely keep her at the wall. Good job by you, buying this new eyelet to keep the burning red handcuffs up above Jeewon’s disheveled hair. 
Twirl your tongue around the dark nipple to tease her. Take a look up to check if the blindfold is still in its proper place. Your girlfriend bites her lower lip, face sweaty and in constant tremble by the bursts of pain and pleasure you send into her body. What a shame, you wish to hear her moan more. A pinch will do.
“Ah, Sir!”
“No, no, not at all. Feels great.”
Lean into her and breathe on her collar. Soft hums and those girly moans of bliss reach your ear. Jeewon has this tendency to pant cutely after you disconnect your fingers from her nipple, so you leave them unoccupied. They stand proudly, so perfectly atop her large melons.
“You look very good tonight, baby,” you whisper at her face and she shudders. “Very full as well.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Jeewon responds shyly, her stretched out feet twitching as you massage down from her thighs, to her calves and soles. It’s not the first night she sits at this wall yet there is still something thrilling for her. Brand new blindfolds rid her of any sight, any way of knowing where your hand, mouth and cock will go next. You feel the excitement in her body every time you lay a hand on her. 
“Your legs shake so much,” you blow on her ear. “It’s like I already fucked your ass. Guess you were right about these blindfolds.”
“Shiiit, ah!”
Slap her tummy. No way she can see these coming and you absolutely love it. Jeewon gets off on not knowing what's next, you get off on doing it and seeing, hearing, feeling her reaction. You have certain things planned and are totally willing to take it slow to watch Jeewon crumble and release every single liquid her body can produce.
You cup her breasts and rub your palms over her sensitive nipples, while kneeling in a way that presses your rigid cock on one of her thighs. Jeewon’s jaw drops before she releases a single, booming moan. Her thighs flex, giving tiny bits of friction to your shaft. Lean close to her sweaty face, breathe in her scent and make her wait for your whisper.
“These bags are about to burst.” Amplify your point by squeezing down with your entire hand. Jeewon giggles.
“Sir, I think you might burst too.”
“Fair point,” you acknowledge and suddenly bite down on her lower lip. “But not before you.”
Change your position. Your balls are right on Jeewon’s chin and you drag them from one end of her wide grin to the other, always making sure to keep the main attraction away from her. Jeewon puckers her lips and tries to secretly stick out her tongue to get some of your taste. Too bad that you immediately notice. Slap her rosy cheeks with your cock.
“I like your eagerness,” you nonchalantly say and drag your tip all over her face, “but you still have to wait a bit longer.”
“Sir, how much lo—”
The moment Jeewon opens her lips to speak, you slide your phallus into her mouth and begin to thrust. With your hands firmly placed on each side of her head, Jeewon’s face becomes a cheap fleshlight used only for a quick, loveless release. It’s not the first time for you to do this, but she certainly did not see this coming. Her gags and gurgles are loud and violent, dangerous, to the point where she might actually—
Pull out and tilt her head to the side. The young girl gasps and coughs, but luckily only saliva comes from her mouth. Remind yourself that her gag reflex is strong and, to your dismay, can fulfill its job. You wait for Jeewon to finish coughing.
“Color?” you ask casually.
“Green, Sir.”
Jeewon tilts her head upwards, not to look at you (after all, the blindfold is still blocking her sight), but to signal that she is ready to take you again—and you give it to her again. Longer, harder, faster strokes into her oral cavity. Jeewon is crying underneath the restraint, her hands show the natural reaction to fight back your rough treatment of her throat. She pulls at the chains, they clatter and rattle, but keep her hands at bay. There is no way to escape your will.
Jeewon fucking loves it.
Your sack firmly slaps her chin, your base is all too familiar with her puckered lips, and your cockhead probes to depths you’ve never felt before. All the training has been worth it. Jeewon can take each of your merciless thrusts like a champ. 
"Great, fucking great," you groan, hands on Jeewon's wrists, hips in an uncontrollable frenzy. “But aren’t you a bit lazy? Use your tongue, Jeewon.”
Apologetic gags mix with the continuous splashing sounds of seemingly endless saliva. Jeewon finally starts to wrap her long, wet muscle around your shaft. She knows exactly where you’re the most sensitive and how you like to feel the texture of her tongue. You slower the face fucking to relish in the well-known pleasure. 
Unshackle the girl from the restraints and let her arms drop to the floor while your cock still remains in her sore mouth. At this point you need to pull out, or she will suck your soul out. With a pop you pull out and watch Jeewon cough and search for air. Strings of her spit and your precum connect the submissive girl to her favorite popsicle. 
“Good job, baby!” you praise Jeewon. A gentle hand pats her head and then moves down to her shoulders.
“Thank you, Sir,” she responds with a smile and reaches for her blindfold to remove it.
“Wait, we’re not done yet,” you interrupt her and suddenly squeeze her tits. “There is still something I need for you. Call it an extra meal.”
Jeewon gives you a beautiful, meekly smile, totally inappropriate for the dirty things you’re doing to her. It’s just the kind of girl she is; pure face, helpful and kind towards everyone, but on the inside she’s a willing, sex craving, kinky whore—it’s a cliche, isn’t it? 
You massage Jeewon’s breasts with every phalanx of your strong fingers, hit them like you would with the keys of a piano. But no matter how expensive a piano may be, it cannot produce a music as amazing as Jeewon’s fucked lips. Needy moans, babbled because her tongue hangs out. Hit the keys harder now and put emphasis on the special black, or in this case pink keys. 
Each time you roll your digit over Jeewon’s nipples she trembles, her knees digging deeper into the mat below. Judging from the way her breasts swell, Jeewon will release her milk in a matter of seconds. Quickly reach for a bowl to place it below her utters. 
“Sir, I—
“Oh, shiiiiit, ah!”
Precise pinches on her nipple, then you squeeze. Jeewon starts to lactate, the milk from her sensitive tits sprays into the bowl and all over the mat-covered floor. You continue to pull and rub the nubs and even more of the white liquid is ejected violently. Jeewon throws her head back, the eyelet not able to withstand her writes and arches. 
“Shiiit, Sir, th-there is so, so much,” she screams when you squeeze out the final droplets. The sight makes your cock twitch, it’s ready to burst and Jeewon, for the first time all night, can see it.
“Do you want some cream with your meal?” you playfully ask Jeewon, the bowl in one hand, your cock in the other. Her teary, scintillating eyes follow the bowl as you sway it right before her eyes.
“Please, Sir,” she begs and crouches further down, “Give me some delicious cream.”
Jerk yourself off like a madman while Jeewon starts to lap up the thin layer of her self-produced milk like a thirsty kitten. In the final moments, you point your tip down and release another white liquid into the bowl and over Jeewon's cheek. She giggles and scoops up the remnants of your misfiring with a finger, before adding it to her milk. A satisfied hum leaves her eagerly drinking mouth.
"Baby, why—" you try to catch your breath while Jeewon tries her best to make it impossible to do so by fluttering her eyes during impossibly hearty moans. "Fuck, why are you so fucking lustful?"
Jeewon puts down the bowl and sits back to the wall, ready to be tied up again, ready to feel the shackles again, ready to show you her devotion.
"Sir, you call me lustful, just because my body is healthy and functioning? Isn't it normal for a woman to produce milk in her breasts?"
She puts her hands over her head, you the chains on them. You gently tug her hair behind her ear before nibbling her lobe. A hand snakes down from her throat, over her enormous tits, down her toned midriff—just to dip your fingers right into her pussy.
"Be honest baby, you produce so much milk, you're basically a cow." 
"Moo~" Jeewon moans into your ear. Make sure to punish her for that. And for the filthy laugh that follows. And for the fact that her pussy sucks three fingers in with ease.
Just punish her, will ya?
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merakiui · 2 years
Tw: slut shaming, incel!Idia, him being gross, noncon, size kink kinda, afab but crossdressing, etc
Imagine just bullying Idia daily when you game with him, calling his penis small repeatedly, this man had enough of your daily shenanigans, but the more he sees you the more he notices just how small you are compared to him to be just a normal male.
Your body is just so..... Feminine. Your frame is small but your thighs thick? Now he just has to test for himself, he bets that you were a slut who only likes getting gangbanged by the Savanaclaw students.
Come on? A girl crossdressing in an all boys school? We all know this troupe. He bets you are all loose from all the fucking you did,( little did he know you were a virgin all along, what non virgin would hang out with him daily anyway?)
He decided to take action against your mockery and pins you on the floor while you were distracted with your game,
"Hey prefect, tell me, why would a man wear more clothes around their chest?"
"W-what?! Get off me you tiny penis bitch, even squidward's nose is bigger-"
Idia wasted no time to strip you off your clothing, he was right after all, you were a girl, all girls are the same after all, it's their fault that no one wants to fuck him, you are just yet another loose slut.
He zip ties your hands then begins licking your cunt, this taste is quite addictive, but why isn't it all wet an soppy like in hentai? He attempts to shove a finger in but his single finger is getting clamped like crazy, no way..... You were a virgin? But no aren't you a slut?
He continues to lick your clit while his large hands keep your legs open, he stares at you, you really are a girl huh? How did he never catch that? As he did what hentai taught him you slowly gushed on his face, no longer fighting back from being all brain mushy.
He almost cummed in his pants but it's okay, you were meant to be bred anyway like the bitch you are. As he inserted his long dick you started to cry.
"Its too big, it won't fit. Can we stop this already?"
"Where did this your snarky bitchy attitude go? What happened with calling me tiny? No no, you're staying right here, this is all your fault. You finish what you started."
When he filled you to the brim, he can notice the massive bulge of himself inside of you, tiny you say? You were regretting your words right there, you started to scream and squirm as he thrusted.
It burns, it stings, it hurts, its feels good...wait what? You began slurring your words, you went from screaming no to screaming more. He finished inside of you.
White was oozing out, he took pics for later purposes. From that incident onwards Idia started to take action against you. You were converting from a brat to a cutie pliant kitten.
You do what he asks you to, like wearing a collar with his name on it, and wearing the skirts with tights you oh so despise. Every time you wanted to act out, he always threatened to share pictures of you and hack into the whole campus's phone just to spread it, maybe next time you should have watched your words.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, implied captivity, non-con, pregnancy mentions, incel idia, misogyny)
And he’ll make you sit on his lap and cockwarm him while he’s gaming. Maybe he’ll make you wear a ball gag so you won’t be too noisy when he’s on vc. If you’re good and you don’t cum, he might let you take off that cute, revealing outfit you can’t stand. Maybe he’ll let you wear his hoodie. It’ll be so oversized on you. He might just fuck you in it. :) he probably uses you as a reference for when he’s sketching. He’ll stuff you full of all kinds of sex toys just so he can improve his anatomy or certain poses. Or he’ll want to recreate scenes from his favorite hentai.
And if you can just stop complaining and take his cock like the good kitten you are, he’ll bring you birth control, all that stuff girls need for their monthly periods, and anything else you might want. But that’s only if you’re obedient. He’ll dangle all of these good things in front of you because with the click of a button he can have them ordered to his dorm, but he can take them away just as fast. All it takes is one bratty comment from you and he might not let you take any birth control. He never bothers to wear condoms either because doing it raw is so much better. Idia has plenty of money and resources to care for a child (not that he’s truly ready for parenthood, but you’d look cute with a round belly and he’s always wanted to try pregnancy sex…), and if it’s you he wouldn’t mind it. But maybe that’s just his dick talking. Logical Idia says there’s no way he’d be able to take on that sort of challenge, but Idia when he’s buried to the hilt inside of you and you’re digging your nails into his shoulders thinks there would be nothing better than knocking you up and waiting for your belly to swell and your tits to grow a size or two and begin leaking. :)
That’s really all you’re good for, isn’t it? You should’ve known what you were getting into when you found yourself stuck at an all-boys academy. That’s basically a hentai waiting to happen. You’re basically signing yourself up to be a communal cumdump. Idia feels lucky he got to you before anyone else did. There are so many eligible bachelors here… there’s no way he can compete with them, but now he has you and he doesn’t have to compete. You may be a little brat when you aren’t stuffed full of cock, but at least he sees the real you when you’re under him, completely at his mercy and always melting at the slightest touch. He’ll condition his kitten well until you know exactly what to say and do when he expects it.
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Hi! Just found your blog and i love it
If you're taking requests I'd love some best friends to lovers smut with Eddie
Maybe he figures out you have a crush on him and he feels the same way. Whatever you think is best, i'm sure it would turn out amazing
- @eddiesprincess86
So uh, I went a little crazy and wrote my longest oneshot ever at 5.8k words, I hope you dont mind! I finished this at 3am but I really wanted to get this to you asap and be something you might enjoy! I hope you like! Thanks so much for your kind words as well!!! <;3 @eddiesprincess86
"Friends" | Eddie Munson x female!Reader Smut
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First gif, second pic
TW/CW: jealous reader, very brief mention of cheating (not by Eddie or Reader), vaping, marijuana & cigarette references, alcohol, cream pie, slight praise kink?
Pet names: baby, darling, sweetheart (this fic uses y/n)
This fic contains 18+ EXPLICIT material, minors DNI! All characters in this fic are 18+
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Friends. We’re friends. The concept of a friend was never meant to be a bad one, so why did it feel like poison in your brain the moment the words thrummed into your ear drums?
That was what you were, after all. 
Friends who spent nearly every day together. Hell, best friends even. 
“What’s the matter, y/n? You have been acting weird and avoiding me.” Eddie’s eyes were large and brown, it was rare to see him with a serious expression so you felt thrown off guard. 
The matter is you were in love. With him. And didn’t want to admit it to yourself.
You think back to when you both were little. His hair was short and buzzed, he was covered in dirt and his jeans had bright green grass stains. He’d smile brightly at you, asking if you wanted to play after school. Even then you knew people considered him a freak. But you didn’t care, you had fun with Eddie and that’s what mattered.  
Your mother on the other hand, always kept you neat and tidy, scolding when you’d track any dirt or stain your precious clothes. 
“You were with that Munson boy again weren't you?” She’d scowl while running a bath “that boy's trouble.”
When you got older you figured it had something to do with his parentage, or where he had lived in a trailer park and you a house with the white picket fence. 
But as you grew into a teenager, your parents realised they were better off letting you be friends with who you wanted. You’d just rebel against them anyways if they told you not to. They also figured it’d be better to monitor you both by letting him hang out at your place, so you wouldn’t be “up to no good.” In doing so they realised what a kind person he was, offering to do the dishes, helping your family move houses a few streets down, bringing you Gatorade when you’re sick and watching the house while you went on dreaded family vacations. Eventually the sight of Eddie at your house was normal, expected even. 
One night, he helped you home when you embarrassingly had too much to drink. You didn’t think your parents found out, as the quiet house creaked while he tucked you into bed with a glass of water and escaped through the window. But ever since then your mom warmed up to him a little more. 
“You can tell Eddie we’re having tacos tonight, I know they’re his favourite,” your mom beamed from the kitchen one evening. 
Now things were different. You lived in your own small apartment, he in his. His hair was longer, his body and yours were covered in tattoos. 
Now he was staring at you expecting a reply, eye bags drooping in a tired, charming way. But he still played guitar, he still wore ripped jeans, still snuck away with you to drink and get high, still got mad at you when you were close to having too much to drink. The same yet different. 
Something had to explain or account for a newfound feeling in your chest when he introduced you to the girls at the hideout.
When he got off the stage, his chest was still heavily moving up and down and sweat dripped from his hair and forehead. The sight made you unable to sit still, you pretended to not know why. 
They were his friends, yet the blond girl seemed to bat her eyelashes at Eddie as she sat at the bar. The purple and pink haired girl didn’t need to, her low cut top and skirt with fishnets spoke for her that night. 
Jealousy dissolved to anger which dissolved to sadness. You hated that you started to despise these girls you hadn't even known for more than 5 minutes. For doing a normal thing, shooting their shot with a guy that was single. 
Yet it still stung when he said the words “Hey, this is y/n, my friend.”
For the first time in your friendship you were jealous. 
“Nice to meet you,” you said, not caring to listen to their names. 
Eddie didn’t seem to notice they were flirting with him, yet the jealousy still appeared, taunting you. One of Eddie’s other band members interrupted their quiet small talk, something about equipment needing attention. 
You looked down the bar noticing Gareth sitting there. You moved to sit on the stool next to him, sighing as you lean your arms onto the wooden counter. 
You were the same age and last year celebrated your 21st birthday. Now of legal drinking age, you often shared drinks at Corroded Coffin shows to support Eddie every Tuesday. It became a ritual of sorts, and you grew pretty close that way.
Eddie met him in highschool, at a dnd club. You never really knew him that well until after graduation. Lost sheep, Eddie had called him. You’ve never felt any feelings for Gareth, especially jealousy. Was that what this was for Eddie, a stupid little crush?
You sighed, folding your arms as you tapped your fingers against yourself anxiously. Gareth eyed you out of the corner of his vision curiously. You ordered a rum and coke, something that had a nostalgia about it for you. 
“Good show tonight huh?” He spoke before taking a long sip of his beer. 
The bartender brought you your glass and you drank eagerly, it had more soda than you wanted tonight. 
“Uh huh,” you looked over to Eddie who was talking to the girls, hands in his pockets. 
Gareth followed your eyes as he tapped his finger along the handle of his mug. 
“Who are they?” He asked. 
“Huh?” You turned back to him and he nodded towards where you were looking. 
Embarrassed you looked down at your cup “some girls from out of town. Ones a singer.”
He nodded silently, shifting his position on the stool. What you didn’t see was Eddie looking back at you as you stared down, glancing concerned between you and Gareth. Eddie gave him a look of apprehension to which he shrugged at. 
You take another sip of your drink, enjoying the hot sensation in your stomach. It was so stupid. Eddie’s hooked up with girls before, though you both wanted to know little to nothing about each other's love life it never bothered you before. Now, he wasn’t even sleeping with someone, as far as you knew, but it still bugged you. The thought of him sleeping with them made you want to vomit. 
“You should tell him,” Gareth broke your thoughts, you wondered for a moment if he could read minds.
You were moments away from choking on your drink, thankfully he didn’t notice “tell him what?” Your voice had a small croak to it. 
Gareth sighed, sitting straight up. He wore his old red plaid jacket he had since high school, it had tears and patches sewn over. 
“You know what,” he gave you an irritated look. 
You scowl at him before downing your drink. The ice clinked the bottom of the glass as you placed it down on the counter. 
“I’m not stupid, but Eddie is. He couldn’t notice a crush if it slapped him in the face.” Gareth looked at you sympathetically but you couldn't handle it anymore.
You sigh standing up, grabbing your soft warm jacket. Eddie catches your gaze as you stand, turning to leave the bar. He waves you, you wave back but still head to the door. He hurries up to you, catching you just before you leave. 
“Hey,” he said, “you’re going home already?” His eyes darted between yours, a tinge of sadness coated them. You felt bad but it pained you to be here, of the reactions that you had that you weren’t proud of. 
“Yeah, it’s getting late so I should head home.” You smile at him weakly, he doesn’t return the sentiment, just a look of concern. 
“Are we still on for tomorrow…?” He asked, sounding hopeful with bright doe like eyes.
“Yeah,” it was all you could think of to say, your heart ached.
He let you leave in silence. You zipped up your jacket, bundling against the cold spring night. You take your vape out of your pocket, warming it with cold fingers. You watched the smoke disperse into the air as it evaporated.
Arriving home you change into your pyjamas crawling into bed, wondering how you’ll be able to make it through tomorrow. When did things change? What changed?
The last month you supposed, spending the dark months of the beginning of the year together watching shows like The Last of Us and playing Valorant. You loved him, you always had since you were little. He stuck up for you, and frankly people were scared of him so they stayed off your back. In return you always stuck up for him when people called him a freak or whatnot.
He brought you ice cream when your first love broke your heart. You brought him weed and beer when his girlfriend cheated on him. But your love for him never felt like this before, a bittersweet taste on the back of your tongue.
You’re not sure when your buzzing thoughts turned to sleep but at some point they did, as you woke to the sound of a text message in the morning. It was Gareth. 
“Did you do it yet?” He texted. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You replied. 
“Sorry. Hanging out with Eddie tonight. I'll call you tomorrow.” You lock your phone screen feeling a little guilty. You went about your day to day routine until 7pm rolled around, unsure of what else to do.
You had popcorn, snacks, and beer in the fridge. The tv was ready, if you were to watch something, and your Nintendo switch was ready if that was the choice, or your gaming laptop. 
Your foot was bouncing in anxiety, trying to get some nervous energy out when the doorbell rang in your ears. You get up, rather too quickly, making your way to the door. Opening it you’re greeted with shaggy, wavy dark hair. He held a bottle of wine and your favourite candy. 
“What’s the occasion?” You asked, opening the door wider and stepping back. 
“No occasion,” he admitted stepping inside, “just your favourite.”
Your stomach churned wondering if he could tell you were upset last night and was trying to make up for it. He made no indication he was doing so, strolling into your apartment as usual. He got two wine glasses out knowing exactly where you kept them. He poured the wine into the glasses, swirling the liquid around dramatically. You stood with your arms crossed watching him silently. 
“What did you wanna do tonight?” He asked and honestly you never thought this far ahead. Making it past the door was your biggest anxiety tonight. 
“No idea,”  you rubbed your temples to soothe your racing brain. 
He looks out the window thinking for a moment as he does, “come with me. We’re going for a walk.”
“You just poured wine and took off your shoes.” You can’t help but chuckle a little at his sudden idea. Once Eddie has an idea he’ll drop everything he’s doing to accomplish it. 
“Yeah, well, it’ll be here when we get back,” he clapped his hands together “let’s go go go!”
You blink a few times shaking your head but you oblige. You haul a black hoodie over your head, tugging it down. You slip on your hightops and suddenly you felt like you were in highschool again, heading out with Eddie just for something to do.
Placing your wallet and keys into your pocket you step outside into the cold air, “where are we going?” you turn back to watch him haul on his snow white sneakers.
“For snacks,” he answered, closing the door behind him.
It felt like forever since you walked somewhere just for the hell of it. You put your air pod in one ear, offering him the other that he accepts on one condition.
“Play our blended playlist,” he requested as you opened spotify.
The sky was painted orange, you watched the clouds while you walked as darkness crept around the horizon. You knew the path to the corner store, absentmindedly your legs carried you there. Music played through your ears as you watched him walk besides you, hand in his pockets staring off into the sky. 
You admire his smile lines framing his gorgeous brown eyes, each told a story of his years of happiness that you witnessed. His hair bounced back against the light breeze, he wore his usual leather jacket and jean vest, keeping him warm enough. His silver chain attached to his belt loops bounced against his leg with every step. Occasionally a loose pebble was kicked further ahead, skipping across the cement sidewalk. 
You weren’t sure what to say, if anything. Words caught at the bottom of your throat, until you reached the old little shop. It looked the same as when you were a kid- old dirty white siding, wooden steps leading up to the door that creaked, a gross ashtray you tried your best to avoid looking at lest your appetite escape you.
You stroll into the old building as the bell rings, the white tiles beneath your feet covered in sand. You look over the numerous colourful packages of sweet treats, mouth watering already.
It was so nostalgic, reminding you of the numerous times you stopped by here with Eddie. As kids you stopped by for blue and red slushies in the summer on your bikes, the place always smelled like cheap deep fried food. Once, when you were preteens, you poured your change together and with it bought a package of ice cream sandwiches. You had eaten the entire package together, sitting on the swings until you had to go home from a tummy ache. 
You felt lucky you lived closer to it now, in your new apartment, but refused to go there without him. It felt so weird to be there alone, as if this was a spot just for you both. 
Tonight you opted out from the sticky ice cream or slushies. Instead you went for the bottled soda, craving the sweet fizzy feeling on your tongue. 
“What do you think?” Eddie asks, holding his arms out like a game show host showing off prizes “kitkat, butterfingers, Reece’s…”
You glance over your shoulder at him while picking out the blue soda. Eddie always looked quite out of place, like he should be on stage. Shaggy hair, ripped jeans, demon-esque clothing. Yet it was oddly fitting for the old corner store. Probably a normal occurrence for the shop tender, as he looked rather bored.
“Didn’t you already bring me candy?”
“Yes but as you know, candy is not chocolate,” he retorts and you roll your eyes. 
“They both have sugar. Loads of it.”
“Okay but,” his eyes widened as he looked down at you matter-of-factly “chocolate is an entirely different category.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him “okay, you’re right.”
You grabbed a kitkat, placing it on the counter next to a see through display of scratch tickets. The cashier rang through the items as you shifted your weight from one leg to the next. Why were you so nervous?
You managed to place a $20 down before Eddie could, dumping the change back in your wallet while he scowled at you. He settled for holding the chocolate in his pockets as you strolled out of the store.
“Let’s go to the playground,” he suggested, “all the kids will be gone by now.”
Your eyebrow raised “everyone will be gone because that playground is junky.”
He laughs, “well, more fun for us.”
The old playground was nearby, it still had the same rusted monkey bars and swing set, though the swing seats and chains had been switched out some time ago. It didn’t take you long to get there and he was right, there was no one there.
You sat on the old black swing, hips much wider now, making it a bit more uncomfortable now than as a kid. Your knees pressed together as you kicked at the ground, rocking yourself back and forth making designs in the sand. You twisted the cap off of your soda bottle, bringing the glass mouth piece to your lips. The sweet blue liquid dripped down your throat, fizzing as it entered your stomach.
Eddie sat next to you, hands currently buried in a bag of sour patch kids, offering you the kitkat. You held it in your hands, looking it over. After a few songs played in your ears, he stood in front of you, looking down at you.
“What’s the matter, y/n? You have been acting weird and avoiding me.” Eddie’s expression was serious. Something you didn’t see very often.
You scratched the back of your neck not yet answering so he continued.
“I mean not like physically ignoring me,” he said using nervous hand gestures “just, I don’t know…” he trailed off looking for the right words to say “it’s corny. Like you’re not connecting with me.”
You ran your thumb along the glass bottle while his eyes darted between yours.
“Oh my god,” he said as you looked up at him, eyes caught on the part in his lips. His facial expression softens “you have a crush on Gareth.”
You burst out into a laugh and he raises an eyebrow at you “No, you dingus.”
He looks into your eyes, face melting as a thousand emotions exchange between you as you both realize the truth. You look down at your feet as he sits on the swing next to you.
“Do you remember when we met?” he asked you, looking straight ahead.
“Honestly? No,” you admitted.
He looked over at you then, “me neither,” you shared a hearty chuckle together. 
Looking up at the sky you noticed the stars were slowly starting to appear.
“You were just… always there. But I remember the day I first realised I loved you,” he fumbled with his rings, a little nervous.
Your eyes meet his, urging him on.
“You were wearing a yellow dress with pink butterflies, your hair was in braids. Jason Carver said the town called me a freak-” he smiled as he recounted the memory.
“-and I punched him in the face” you laugh into the darkening sky.
His laugh joined you as he crossed his arms “and he cried, swearing his revenge by telling his mommy.”
“Yup, and I was ‘banned’ from hanging out with you because you were a bad influence,” truth be told Eddie wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless it was a mosquito. You were probably a bad influence on him. 
“That was the day I first started loving you, and I’ve never stopped since then,” his eyes seemed to shine like the stars above his head.
Your heart seemed to pound in your chest, directly in the back of your throat as you looked into his brown eyes.
“I hated myself,” you say suddenly “that I felt jealous over those girls at the bar,” you feel your cheeks running red.
He tilted his head listening intently but his brows furrowed “you are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met,” tingles spread over your cheeks as he continued “you have nothing to be jealous of.”
You look down again, biting at your chapped lip.
He sighed, “Despite what Gareth says about me all of the time, I know they were flirting with me. I rejected them.”
“I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It was selfish.”
He had a soft chuckle surprising you. “I think it's cute.”
You frown, kicking the sand softly as your cheeks heated.
“So,” he said after a minute, “are you going to admit your undying love for me now?”
“Well,” you recede your hands into your hoodie sleeves, feeling a little vulnerable “that’s a bit of a dramatic way to put it.”
He folded his hands together in confidence “we’ll get there,”
He reaches his hand out to you brushing his thumb along your cheek, “so are we going to do this thing or what?”
You lean to the side until his lips meet yours, a warmth touch beneath the cold sky. The moment he does, you feel unified as sparks jump from you to him and back again. The stubble on his face tickles against your cheek, a sweet sensation you never knew before.
“Wow,” he gasped, “you don’t know how long I’ve waited for that,” his eyes were locked on your lips as he whispered. 
You lean forward connecting your lips again, gently sucking on his bottom lip before pulling away. 
“We’ve got some wine sitting at home waiting for us” his breath against your cheek spread shivers through the rest of your body. 
Instinctively you bring your hands to his cheek, getting lost in his hair “that sounds wonderful.”
The walk back to your house had the same scenery, the same vibe of music in your ear, and you even walked in the same step next to each other. Yet it was completely different. The dark blue sky looked over you both like a blanket, you giggled at jokes he threw at you playfully. Even the music seemed happier now. Before you knew it you arrived home together, taking your boots off as you entered. 
You grabbed your wine glass before flopping onto the couch. The wine was room temperature but frankly you didn’t know enough about wine to know if that was good or bad. To you it was just alcohol, but the kind that made you feel fancy as you sipped from the glass. 
Eddie strolled over as he always did, owning the room, sitting on the other end of the couch, tapping his foot against the floor to some invisible beat. 
You had already flipped on a random Netflix movie that was on your list but despite trying to pay attention you couldn’t. 
Your focus was on the man next to you, arm stretched over the couch behind your back. The same but different. The fuzzy feeling in your stomach made you smile, and you declared it a good different. 
You place your wine glass on the coffee table as you lean into him, snuggling into his chest the way couples did frequently in movies. It was just as good as you thought it would be, if not better. Hearing his heart thumping against your ear, the firmness of his torso, the rise and fall of his chest with every breath… it was all so perfect. So right. You felt almost silly over how much you stressed about everything, merely an hour earlier. 
“Eddie,” you looked up at him and he looked down at you, a curious look with pure happiness. 
Before he could say anything your lips reunited with his, warm and soft. You brushed your tongue along his lower lip, tasting the sweetness of soda and candy. Being this close to him you never noticed exactly how good he smelled to you. Sweet tobacco, crisp evergreen, and undertones that were just so… him. 
As your tongue met his, you wanted to consume him and be consumed by him. His hand moved to your waist while yours met the gruffness of his face. You brought your hands to the back of his head, tangling yourself in his soft locks. 
You felt yourself climbing into his lap, surprised at your own boldness. He was too, as he held your hips steady a wide grin grew on his face while he pressed his lips into yours.
“Woah baby,” the words rolled off of his tongue perfectly “are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” you whisper on his lips “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
The feeling of being on Eddie’s lap was so intoxicating you almost felt dizzy, you were so glad for his strong grip on you. You hold the back of his head, kissing him as deeply as your mouths would allow. The kisses turned sloppier as you continued and heat overtook you, your tongues mingling in and out of your mouth. 
His hands tested the waters by sliding underneath your shirt and up to your waist. He grabbed at your curves, cold metal rings pressing into you in a way that sent hunger through your body. 
You felt your cunt wetten as you lightly grinded against his crotch. Your leggings were a thin enough material that a fold in his jeans hit your clit at precisely the right angle causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth, body jumping a little in surprise. 
“Woah,” he smirked pulling back to gauge your reaction, “I never thought I’d hear you make that noise,”
You noticed goosebumps on his tattooed arms rise as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Sorry,” You mumble a little embarrassed. 
Without warning he picked you up into his arms, holding your ass and thighs tightly as he carried you to your bedroom. 
He laid you on your soft bed sheets, grinning wildly with fire in his eyes “darling that was the best sound I’ve ever heard in my life."
He cupped your face kissing you deeply. Everywhere his hands touched created sparks you’ve never gotten so intensely before. You wanted them everywhere, over your entire body. 
“Touch me,” You whispered, the words almost sounded foreign on your tongue; they were the words you’ve only said to him in dreams. And this was better than any dream you’ve ever had. 
He helped you pull the oversized sweater off, losing sight of him for a moment as the fabric pulled over your head. You smile at him feeling your hair frizz in different directions from the static
You giggle lovingly as he smiles back at you “every noise you make is music to my ears baby,” he brings his mouth down to the rim of your shirt, biting it and pulling it up and over your head.
Your torso shivered as you crossed your arms beneath your breasts, nervous for his reaction as you lay beneath him topless.
He kept his eyes level with yours, “you are so gorgeous,” his lips met yours as his hair brushed against your neck. 
One hand moved to your neck and you melted beneath his fingers as he brushed them over your shoulder and down your arms. Slowly he moved to your waist and you couldn’t help it as you moved your arms to wrap around him. He was wearing too much though, so you tug at his shirt, pulling it up eagerly. 
He straightened up, pulling his shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor “is this what you wanted, darling?”
“Yes,” you whispered, entranced in his tattoos. You've been there for every one, but as he stood over you filled with desire somehow they felt different. 
As he closed the gap between you, you traced his chest tattoos with his fingers before he moved to kiss your neck. 
Your legs squirm as he licks the delicate skin. You let out a gasp as he sucks in between kisses, sure to leave a bruise. 
“I like to mark what’s mine,” he whispers into your ear before returning to your mouth. 
He hooks his fingers underneath the fabric of your bra, tugging at it and begging you to let him see you, feel you and touch you. 
You lean forward allowing him to wrap his arm around you “that’s a good girl,” his hand moves to undo the clasp. 
You let the straps fall off your shoulders as a shudder runs through your body. Your breasts bounce as your bra falls onto the bed. 
His eyes widen as he looks down at you, in awe and shock “better than I imagined, somehow,” his lips quivered. 
“You imagined them?” you tease, raising your eyebrows. 
He looks deep into your eyes considering his answer before speaking “once or twice.”
You laugh pulling him in for a kiss. You couldn’t bear to have his lips apart from yours, you were already addicted to his taste and touch. 
He moved his hands over to cup your breast, gently and lovingly. He ran his fingers over your nipples before lowering his head from your mouth to your breasts. You bury your hands and face into his hair, taking in as much as you could while he kisses your chest, licking and soaking you. You let out a mix of gasps and moans as he gently bites at your nipple. 
You bring your hands down to your waist, feeling your hips start to beg for attention. You shimmy out of your leggings pulling them down. 
Eddie was sure to give your thighs the attention they well deserved too, running his hands over them with cold rings, grabbing them lustfully. The crotch of your panties was warm as you start to soak them due to Eddie’s fingertips making their way inward towards your entrance. 
“Eddie,” you whispered soft and sweet, a mixture of a question, a beg and a demand. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make you feel good, if that’s what you want,” his raspy voice offered you, he wanted to hear you say it. 
“Yes” you nodded weakly, he lowered his fingers underneath your panties, removing them from your legs.
“I…” you whisper and he looks up at you, one brow raised in question “I…. Want your cock Eddie, so so bad.”
His body shivers at your words, he was more than willing to give you anything you wanted. 
He moved his fingers to his belt buckle, removing it and letting it fall to the floor. Your toes curled as he removed his jeans and boxers, the sight of his cock made you gasp, you must’ve had a shocked or scared expression because he chuckled amused. 
He lowered himself on top of you, the heat of your bodies mingling together. Your bodies pressed into one another felt like a perfect fit, like you were made for each other. 
He pressed the shaft of his cock against your entrance allowing you to feel the length of him along your wet cunt. You whimpered into his mouth while he moved his hands down to your entrance. 
“Are you ready baby?” He asked, big brown eyes intent to hear your answer. 
You nod, “yes,” you wanted all of him, so badly, and you wanted him now. 
He moved his hand to line himself up with your entrance, first testing you with his fingers. Your back arches as he slides them in easily. He curled them against your walls making you moan in pleasure. 
“Please, please, Eddie, your cock,” you pouted, making him smirk in satisfaction. 
He bent down and kissed you sweetly, “yes baby, you’ll get it,” he let out a small chuckle in disbelief that he finally gets to hear you say those words. 
He ran his fingers over his cock, lubing up to prepare. Lining his tip up with your entrance you hold your breath. You bring your fingers up to clutch onto his back for support as he ever so slowly pushes his tip inside. You take a deep breath and he continues, tight precious pleasure filled you as you let out a small gasp. 
“How’s that?” His voice was unsteady you could tell, taking in the feeling of his cock against your cunt “fuck baby, you’re so slick and tight for me.”
“Good, i'm good, i'm ready,” You fumble over the words, eager to have the rest of him. 
He takes his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers as he pushes against you. You let out a deep sigh as you feel his full length deep inside you. 
Eddie grins down at you, brushing your hair back “you’re taking me so well sweetheart.”
And you had, because you dreamt of this for days although you wouldn’t dare admit how badly you wanted him. Needed him, even. 
You shimmy your hips, readjusting yourself “keep going,” you whisper. 
He pulls out, thrusting in a little quicker this time. He repeats the process, faster again as you let out a moan. The bed started to shake and before you knew it he was ramming into your tight little cunt, grunting in exertion and pleasure. 
The feeling of his cock inside you was so divine, you knew nothing else in the world would be able to top it. You never wanted to be apart from him, as you desperately pulled at the muscles on his back, wanting him closer. 
He kissed your forehead and your lips, continuing to thrust at a steady pace. You readjusted your hips and to your surprise his next thrust brushed against that wonderful g-spot and the moan that escaped your lips shocked you. 
“Oh, I’ve found it haven’t I?” He ran his tongue over his teeth slyly. 
He continued to thrust into you, pushing into the spot over and over again “yes, yes Eddie! Harder,” you whimpered. 
He grunted with sweat dripping down his forehead. Slowly but surely the tip of his cock brought you up and over that mountain of pleasure, your orgasm topping over in that sweet high. Your body stiffened letting out a moan louder than the rest and he knew he had you. 
“My princess finished on my cock did she? It feels so good when you finish while I’m inside,” he kissed your neck, enjoying the pleasure on your face caused by him. 
He began to thrust again, faster this time as your body was limp against the bedsheets. Your hands move to his hair, running your fingers through it and pulling it out of his face. 
“Don’t hold back,” you murmur “I want to feel your cum deep inside me,” your own words made you shudder “let our orgasms mix.”
He could barely nod, chasing his orgasm through your clenching walls around him. The sensation was oh so good, so addicting. He never wanted to leave your cunt, you fit so perfectly together as if you were made for one another.
“Baby I’m-“ A delightful moan escapes him, a sound that makes you shiver as you feel him twitch inside you, releasing his seed. 
You lay there together gasping, holding his hair back to help him cool down. He nuzzled his face into your neck lovingly, heart beating hard against you. 
“That was…” he whispered. 
“Amazing,” you finished his sentence for him with a cheeky smile. 
After a minute of resting together you sigh “we should’ve gotten a towel…”
He pulls out slowly as your mixture of hot fluids drips down your thighs. 
He leaves for a moment, returning with a soft cloth to dab against your sensitive entrance. Your body twitches as he pressed the cloth against you, he watched your facial expression with amusement. 
“You act like you didn’t just watch me cum,” you smile. 
“Oh don’t worry darling,” he moves to your lips kissing you before continuing “I’ll watch it over and over till the day we die.”
Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far I hope you all enjoyed! Leave a comment/heart/reblog if you feel so inclined, I treasure every one and they motivate me <3
My requests are OPEN! Since I have an exam next week turnaround time will be 1-3 days depending on how crazy I go on your prompt haha :)
Hope you have a great day my lovely Reader!
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artemispt · 4 months
Is Lando hugging Jando (Carlos' friend) in this pic from this year's Monaco? https://www.instagram.com/p/C7jk7zPoqw6/ Who are the others? Because I saw this picture and two of them are in the picture with Carlos from Monaco as well: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOhNIfnXAAAN9Rj?format=jpg&name=large
And here's a video of Lando hugging men at a party in Monaco and the first and the third look like they could be two guys from Lando's pic: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7iepijosXc/
I'm a bit new so Im not 100 % sure who is who but it looks like to me Lando was hanging out with some of Carlos' friends and they seem pretty close (based on the comments the one Lando is hugging is Carlos' friend and the rest are Lando's? Idk, but its cute because it seems theyare all mutual friends).
(You can make a seperate post if this is interesting info worth posting about, my post is kind of a mess ;))
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The one Lando’s is hugging is definitely Jando (Carlos’ friend) and the guy next to him must also be a friend of Carlos (like you pointed out they were in [TW WAG] this pic - there’s also another angle.
I really don’t know who the others are, sorry 😭
Ah yes, it could be them in the video!
Also, I think Guzman, Jando and Pierluigi were at Lando’s after party when he won in Miami. (Video - Guzman on the left filming next to a girl and Jando on the right drinking?)
Sorry, I don’t think I helped much 😅 But yes, it’s really cute how they all are mutual friends 🥹
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