#tw suggestive joke
ask-theredcrown · 3 days
Hay question- where you pegged?
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"Where? In your asshole, I believe. Unless they invented a new type of pegging."
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milkie2 · 28 days
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whipped this one up real quick HFHG
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clockvenn · 7 days
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hello sigjack enjoyers
I stole this from this artist lol
↓↓ original if y'all want to
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thestupidassbitch · 6 months
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genesisxlivia · 1 year
Gay nerds fighting
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CW for suggestive joke if you’re not comfy with that
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Literally what is their problem
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s1lly-gh02tz · 4 months
Imagine you abouta suck someone silly and you pull down their pants and they have red heart boxers on
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Be crime. Do gays. Or however that goes.
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juniper-bunch · 1 month
there’s a thing on the door that says “anyone can cook” and I read it “anyone got cock”
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l4brat-dis4ster · 3 months
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whispererr... save me whispererr..
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spartacuzz-blog · 4 months
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actual content soon have this ig
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ask-theredcrown · 1 month
yet I come for death
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"Who doesn't?"
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hamsamwich23 · 8 months
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plantify · 1 month
suggestive joke warning (nothing heavily explicit or anything, warning just in case)
I apologize in advance, this is out of line.....
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Based on
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by FluorArt on Twitter
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thestupidassbitch · 7 months
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stratosfear whimpring audio when
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haunting-hari · 6 months
money shot
boys will be boys! boys will also be genderless dragons who you meet via found family
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
A Vampire’s Kiss - Kevin x Streber
Sooo Imma hurt y’all with this one a little bit, JUST- JUST A LIL BIT BUT I PROMISE ITS M O S T L Y FLUFFY also keep in mind this is my first time writing Kevin n Streber fgjkjgdkf I’m not very used to them yet
TWs: Blood and Gore mentions, Panic/Anxiety Attacks, Cannibalism, Brief mentions of Vomiting, Suggestive Joke
. . .Eyes slowly fluttered open, blurred vision staring up at the ceiling, he could hear a faint beeping sound, he could hear some people talking, and then he could see h i m… Him again… He saw the large shadow looming over him, the horns, the far too wide grin and hungry eyes staring into him, that’s what caused Streber’s eyes to suddenly shoot open and he screamed which startled the doctors and nurses who came over and began trying to calm him down, restraining him so he wouldn’t rip out his IV.
Streber was crying and yelling for a moment, eyes darting around the place, his eyes taking in nothing practically as he was far too panicked before he looked and saw Kevin and then did a double take for a moment, his struggles slowed when he heard Kevin speak “S-Streber! Streber…! Calm down, it’s okay!” He could see tears pricking the others eyes, he looked so relieved and yet so… Heartbroken at the same time, this made Streber confused.
He looked around again and instead of being worried about being back at the hauntiest of houses, back with that… That monster…He saw he was in the hospital, that was the beeping he heard, his struggles slowly began to die down and he relaxed which made the doctors and nurses slowly move away, Streber slowly laid back and then one of the doctor’s spoke up “It’s good to see you’re finally awake… Tell me, are you in any pain right now?” Streber blinked “...N-No…? I…” …Oh man his voice was really dry, this caused the doctor to hand him a glass of water.
Streber took a few sips of it and then sighed before he felt… Well, nothing in his arm, that made him blink as he looked over, eyes widening as he saw where his arm used to be, all bandaged up “M… My… My ar… Arm…” The doctor looked concerned. “Is there any pain there?” Streber shook his head “...N-No pain I… M-My arm’s… It- It’s gone” Streber sounded like he wanted to cry right then and there and that made Kevin more upset, he was trying to hold back his tears as best he can, he needed to be strong, strong for Streber.
The doctor nodded sadly “...On the bright side you are alive, it’s honestly a miracle you survived with how much blood you lost, if this man right here hadn’t found you when he did, well…” The doctor didn’t finish that sentence, but Streber got the picture and then he looked at Kevin who came closer when the doctor moved aside, kneeling down somewhat by Streber’s side and taking a hold of his hand, the doctor cleared the nurses out of the room along with themself in order to give the two more privacy.
“S-Strebs… I-I’m sorry” Streber looked at Kevin, gently squeezing his hand “Sorry for… What?” Kevin was trying so hard not to tear up anymore now, even wiping away his tears with his other arm “...I-I should’ve been there sooner… I-” Streber shook his head and raised up somewhat, grunting a little but he looked Kevin directly in the eyes and cupped his cheek “No no, don’t you d a r e… I-I… Kev, if it weren’t for you, I would be dead, the blood loss would’ve gotten me, you LITERALLY saved my life, so I’m not gonna sit here and let you say that”
Kevin leaned into the touch somewhat, placing his hand over the other’s “I…I… But maybe if I had just… Gotten there sooner, you… You wouldn’t have lost… Lost…” And then Kevin trailed off but Streber looked over to the stump where his arm used to be before looking back at Kevin “Okay first of all, you can’t be everywhere at once and second, you still got there before I lost too much blood, I guess you could say I’ve been UNarmed yeah …BUT, I’m still alive and it’s thanks to you!”
Kevin sighed and smiled somewhat “...I’m glad you’re still ali- …Wait…” Kevin just realized what Streber had just said, the other had a cheeky little grin on his face and this made Kevin groan and pinch the bridge of his nose “...Streber, that wasn’t… Even the slightest bit funny” Streber grinned wider “...You’re smiling!” Streber booped Kevin on the nose and his face turned slightly red “Even after all this, you’re already making ‘jokes’ again” Streber nodded “Yep! I… Hey, okay so it wasn’t my best one but you don’t need to say that with quotation marks” He pouted to which Kevin chuckled at.
“You’re a nerd, and I love that about you” Kevin leaned over to place a kiss directly on Streber’s lips, the two blushing brightly before Kevin pulled away, and then Streber looked at Kevin, looked into his eyes and squinted “...You look exhausted …Well uh, more so than usual” Kevin sighed and somewhat nodded “...I wasn’t able to get much sleep but I’ll be fine” Streber frowned “Kev… You really should try, look, I’m fine now! I’m awake, I’m a l i v e… I’m okay, after all... You cannot kill a vampire THAT easily mwahaha”
Kevin somewhat laughed at that but shook his head and rubbed his eyes “I-I’ll get some sleep later, dude” Streber frowned but nodded, he could see the look on Kevin’s face.
The other really did need sleep but he wanted to just talk to Streber now that he was awake, he had been waiting for like a few days now and then the other looked at Kevin “...Oh, I… Uh, Kev, I have some questions to ask” Kevin nodded “Oh, uh, Sure thing dude, what’s up?” And then Streber sighed “...What happened to him?”
Kevin looked confused for a moment before the other finally spoke up, there was a notable tremble to his voice “T-The Devil fellow… The one who took my arm” Kevin’s eyes widened a bit at that “D-Devil fel- …I-” And that’s when it hit him.
A few days ago, when the incident took place, Kevin had only found Streber after, he had found Streber laying there, clutching something and he was crying, and then he saw blood pooling out which nearly made his heart stop, he remembered running over and screaming out Streber’s name and then looking over the wound and that’s when he realized the other’s arm had been ripped off.
What made it  so much worse is when he saw the bone on the ground next to Streber, he felt himself about to vomit that night but he stifled it, well until they got to the hospital where he went into the bathroom to promptly throw up.
He was the one to first patch up the wound, he shuddered when remembering Streber’s scream of pain while he was trying to stop the bleeding, and then he was calling the police for an ambulance, he tried to get Streber to stay conscious as long as he could, the one thing that truly broke his heart that night was Streber’s weakened voice saying ‘I-I don’t wanna die, Kev…” Kevin had reassured him of course that he wasn’t going to die.
Just telling him he was going to be fine, that it’s alright, just stay with him, after calling for paramedics, Kevin could hear the sirens getting closer but Streber had started to lose consciousness which made Kevin panic even more, he just kept trying over and over to tell Streber to stay with him, that the paramedics were nearly there but Streber lost consciousness before they got there, but how he came to find Streber… Those k i d s… Those annoying kids, the ones who ALWAYS bring him trouble, they told him they had been followed by this big red guy since the haunted house.
He knew Streber worked there on Halloween every year, after ushering the kids outside and away from the danger, they kept begging for the stupid candy cane or whatever, he just threw a box of candy at them and told them to take it and go to which they did and then he quickly ran off into the night.
He didn’t know if Streber had been alright but he needed to go check, he needed to go check on his boyfriend just in case and he’s very glad he did now, he wouldn’t dare tell Streber that monster came to the candy store immediately after, he didn’t want to make the other panic.
“The police said he’s dead, they shot him and ran him over a bunch of times, he’s gone …And good riddance” Streber sighed in relief it seemed, he seemed delighted by this knowledge “Oh yeah, he deserved it, all of it, although I was kinda hoping that my forearm got lodged in his throat and he died from that” Kevin’s eyes widened a bit but he somewhat laughed, that was petty and spiteful and VERY rightfully so.
“...Holy shit, S-Strebs” Streber only nodded and made an ‘mhm’ sound which made Kevin crack up even more and oh that was a delightful sound for Strebs to hear, he loved hearing Kevin laugh like that it made him blush.
“How long have I been out?” Kevin then perked up at that question “Uhh… About… I think… I-I think it’s been a day or two” Streber’s eyes widened “...O-Oh… No wonder my throat was so dry, and now that I think about it, I’m feeling really hungry but ugh, hospital food” Streber shuddered and Kevin nodded sympathetically “Yeah, hospital food isn’t the greatest but it’s better than nothing” Streber nodded.
“Yeah, I-I should probably get more pain meds because I’m starting to hurt again” Kevin looked concerned at that for a moment but then Streber spoke up “After this though, I want you to get some sleep too, please?”
Kevin was going to retort but he saw the look in Strebs’ eyes and he sighed “...Fine, fine…” Streber pushed the little button and waited until one of the nurses walked in, luckily enough having a tray of food, some water, and medicine also “How are you feeling, hon?” Streber sighed “...It’s starting to hurt again, and I’m hungry, heh… I guess I uh, called you at the right time huh?”
The nurse smiled and nodded and set the tray down and then walked over to Kevin and handed him some extra food “A lil somethin’ extra for you too, you don’t seem like you’ve eaten in awhile”
Kevin and Streber both thanked the nurse who nodded “I’ll come back in a bit to take your tray, hon” The nurse then left out of the room, then Streber looked down to his food, took a bite and then cringed “...Eugh… It’s better than nothing I guess but still…” Kevin nodded and began munching away on what the nurse gave him as well, the two of them chatted while eating.
Even a bit after Streber had taken his meds, the nurse had came in and removed the tray as well and then the other laid down and got as comfortable as he could be, he still continued to talk to Kevin for a little bit until the medicines he took began making him feel sleepy.
Kev told him to sleep well and Streber didn’t ask but very much demanded Kevin start trying to sleep as well, and of course while Kev didn’t necessarily want to, he would for Streber, he walked over and sat down in the chair, it's not the most comfortable but he just needs SOME sleep for now.
The two then fell asleep, Streber falling asleep much quicker than Kevin thanks to the medicine but Kevin did eventually fall asleep as well, the two were completely exhausted from the whole ordeal.
. . .
The next few days that passed had mostly been just Kevin and Streber just talking and joking around, having fun, well as much fun as they could being in a hospital, and then finally the day arrived where Streber was released from said hospital, Kevin was the one to drive him home and for the most part Streber was looking out the window.
He just looked… He looked like now that he could focus more so, now that he wasn’t as exhausted or ‘high’ on pain medicine, he just looked like he was processing everything “...Are you… Okay, Strebs?”
The other looked over, seemingly startled as if Kevin had just yelled “O-Oh, oh yeah, I’m fine, just… Thinking about things…” Kevin nodded “...Do you… Wanna talk about it, or no?” When Streber shook his head Kevin just nodded at that, and he left it alone, just letting Strebs process and think about what’s happened in the last few days.
Eventually they got to Streber’s house and Kevin helped him out of the car and into the house, Streber sighed “Thanks, Kev, but it… You really don’t have to do all this for me” Kevin shook his head “I don’t mind, dude, honest”
And then there was a pause before Kevin asked “Do you… Want me to stay orrrr…” Streber looked up to Kevin and smiled somewhat, there was something else there too though but Kevin couldn’t make out what “...I’d like that” Kev then smiled and then he realized
“Oh sh… I almost forgot, give me just a second” And then Kevin ran off and out the door which confused Streber at first but then he saw Kevin coming back inside with something behind his back, he tilted his head slightly before Kevin handed him his vampire costume back.
“I uh, had someone help me fix the sleeve for you, patch it up for you… And uh also, I know you REALLY like Vampires sooo…” Kevin was blushing and he looked almost embarrassed even as he revealed a few dvd cases, Streber set the costume down and then took the dvd cases and gasped when he saw what was on them
“N-No way…! You… Did you record those Dracula movies, the hammer films ones?! ALL OF THEM?!” Streber’s eyes were practically sparkling with excitement and Kevin smiled at that, face still as red as could be as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“U-Uhh yeah, I didn’t watch ‘em though …B-Because I uh, I actually wanted to… To watch them with you” Streber smiled, genuinely at that and set them down on the table before walking over and hugging Kevin tightly “...Thanks Kev, you're so sweet to me, heh… No wonder you work at a candy shop, that kinda job suits you with just how sweet you are” Streber then leaned up to kiss Kevin.
Kevin kissed back, the two blushing as brightly as they could and Kevin chuckled somewhat awkwardly when Streber pulled away “...You know, I can’t even say that’s not funny because it’s just so corny that it’s cute…” Streber grinned and finger gunned “I’m gonna go put on my vampire costume and then we can watch the movies!”
Kevin laughed “Of course you are, you love that costume” And then he whispered the last bit as Streber was grabbing his costume and beginning to walk off “...It looks nice on you…” Strebs paused and looked back with a little smirk, fangs showing.
“I heard that you know~” Kevin immediately looked embarrassed but he had a slight smile on his face nonetheless as he watched Streber walk off into another room, he was at least happy Streber seemed to be feeling better now, after a bit Streber came back in his vampire costume, one sleeve definitely a lot shorter than the other but even then.
He then did a little twirl before grabbing his cape and swaying it dramatically, positioning it over most of his face “The Vampire is back~! Back and ready to frighten~! Mwahahaha!” Kevin laughed at that, he saw the pure delight radiating from Streber’s face as he swung his cape back behind him.
“Indeed he is!” Kevin exclaimed, meanwhile Streber was creeping over slowly to him “Silly… You’re supposed to fear the Vampire, Kev…! I could suck your dick- I MEAN BLOOD… I COULD SUCK YOUR BLOOD, O-OH GOD…” Kevin burst out laughing at that, he was even borderline wheezing meanwhile Streber was covering his face in embarrassment, using his cape to cover it mostly.
 Kevin walked over and gently pulled the cape out of Streber’s face and leaned down, gently touching foreheads with the other “...You are literally the biggest nerd I think I’ve ever met”
Streber grinned sheepishly but before he could say anything he heard Kevin sigh and then he felt the other kiss him for a moment before pulling away “...And I love that about you” Streber then laughed, albeit a bit awkwardly “...Love you too, don’t tell anyone about that, please, I’ll never live it down”
Kevin snorted “...What makes you think I’ll let you live it down, Strebs? You said it yourself, you could suck m-” Streber pushed his hand in Kevin’s face and pushed him out of the way “SHUT UP- C-Come on now! We have got movies to watch ahahaha!”
Kevin laughed but nodded and then he walked over, Streber picking up the dvd cases and looking over them before finding the right one and he pulled it out and then tapped on it with his finger “This is the first one we should watch, I won’t deny they are a little… Cheesy in some regards but I’m sure you’ll like them!”
 Kevin smiled, genuinely “Anytime I get to spend with you is time I like, even if we watch corny vampire movies” Streber laughed at that “Considering what you just said, I think you are the corny one, my dear!”
Kevin and Streber shared a laugh at that one and then Streber popped the dvd into the player, Kev then perked up “Want me to make us some popcorn?” Streber nodded “Sure!” And then the other headed off into the kitchen to go make some popcorn, meanwhile Strebs grabbed the remote, sat down and paused the movie, waiting for Kevin to get back.
It didn’t take the other too long before he came back with a bowl full of popcorn and Streber immediately grabbed a handful when he set the bowl down and chowed down on it “U g h… So good, so much better than any of that… Eugh, that hospital food” Kevin nodded “Yeah…” And then Streber pushed play and the movie began.
Honestly it was nice seeing Streber so excited about something, even if Kevin didn’t much like anything horror related …He supposed vampires could be the exception, he always loved hearing Streber infodump all his knowledge about vampires. It was nice just seeing him happy, not stressed out or in pain.
Even though he kept quiet for a lot of the movies, he did ask Streber some questions here and there about Dracula to which Streber happily answered his questions, even giving him a bit more knowledge than he was really asking for which he nodded at, seemingly more interested in listening to Streber talk than paying attention to the movies when questions were asked.
After a bit they had just settled down, Kevin cuddling Streber on the couch who snuggled close next to him and sighed, it was a content sigh, they watched the first three movies for the night, and then at some point Kevin had said he had to go pee, he got up and headed toward the bathroom.
. . . About twenty minutes later and Kevin was still not back yet, so that made Streber blink in confusion as he paused the movie and stood up “...Kevin?” …There was no answer, but Streber just sighed “...Maybe he ate too much popcorn…” He then set back down, waiting for another while, keeping the movie paused until Kevin got back.
Another ten minutes passed and that’s when Streber shot up off the couch and called out for Kevin, louder this time “Kev?! Are you alright in there?!” The bathroom wasn’t THAT far away so he could hear the other for sure now that he was yelling.
There was nothing but silence, eerie silence that made Streber shudder “...A-Alright Kev, this is genuinely NOT funny…  D-Don’t scare me like this, come on now, a-after all I’ve been through you... You know better” …Again no response and Streber began getting more nervous, he began shifting in place as he called out a few more times.
Eventually after a bit he heard something… …Thudding? It sounded like really heavy footsteps and then Streber realized, Kevin didn’t have footsteps like that and was that… A knife getting sharpened…? And then his eyes widened when he saw a large shadowy figure, looming in the hallway.
…The large figure stepped out into the light so he could be seen and sure enough, it was exactly the one Streber feared the most… That big red devil guy, face covered in blood, knife as well, he even had blood he was licking off of his fingers “I’m afraid Kevin won’t be able to continue the movies with ya tonight, S t r e b e r…”
The other’s breath hitched in his throat, eyes wide as they could be and he noticeably began trembling “Y-Yo… You… N-No no! NO! K-KEV SAID… HE- HE SAID YOU WERE D E A D! HE… HE… HE SAID T-TH-THE-THE… THE POLICE… T-THEY… THEY KILLED YOU!” Streber cried, tears beginning to prick his eyes as the other began approaching.
Streber had winded up backing up and unfortunately cornering himself, he heard the other laugh “Well, Kevin l i e d~ Did you REALLY think, you could get rid’a me t h a t easily?” And then he was fully cornered, Bob breathing heavily as he stared down at Streber, hungry eyes and blood dripping from his mouth, Streber had slumped down in the corner.
Trembling, breathing rapidly, and even beginning to cry, no no… No… This couldn’t be happening, K-Kevin had to be alright…! A-And this… This wasn’t real! That devil bastard was dead! Kevin would have NEVER lied to him! He gasped when the other knelt down, he sounded like he was starting to hyperventilate now “Aww… What’s w r o n g, Streber? Sad that your little boyfriend is g o n e? That he ain’t here to save ya?”
Bob reached a clawed hand, swiping away his tears which made the other tremble even more, trying to reel back from the sickeningly gentle touch “G-Get away from me! P-Please get away, p-please no… Nononono…” Streber just gripped at his head with his hand “T-This isn’t real… Y-You aren’t real… Y-You’re dead! I-I can’t… A-And… O-Oh god… O-Oh K-Kevin… Kevin n o… Please…”
Bob tilted his head, grin widening as he looked at Streber’s arm, he suddenly grasped at it which made Streber cry and scream out, he began to go into a full blown panic, trying desperately to tear his arm away from the other’s iron-like grasp, he was even clawing at the other, kicking and desperately trying to get away “L-LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” He screamed over and over again as he struggled, tears falling down his face and he heard the other coo, he felt sick to his stomach… He felt like vomiting right now.
“You know… Now that I’m rememberin’... Your arm was a little r a w… But by g o d it was the b e s t arm I’ve ever eaten~” And then a pause, before his grin widened even more, manic eyes boring down into the other, clearly enjoying the other’s cries, screams, and even pleas…
“And… Did you know… That, that there boyfriend of yours was such a good appetizer~?” He chuckled, and then he got closer to Streber’s face momentarily, staring into fearful teary eyes “But I think… I’m ready for the main course!”
He laughed, squeezing Streber’s arm even tighter which caused the other to cry out in pain, he was gripping Bob’s hand as violently as he could, trying to tear it off of him even “P-Please d-don’t…! NO- NO AH AHHH!” Streber screamed the loudest that any human being could scream, as he felt it, flesh ripping, bones crunching and breaking off, intense agony suddenly coursing through him, he heard that cruel laughter, growing louder and louder as his other arm was stripped from his being.
“S-STREBER!” The other’s eyes shot open upon hearing a voice yell out his name, he cried out and fell onto the floor suddenly, eyes darting around frantically before something came into view, he was far too panicked to notice it, he thought it was h i m “S-STAY AWAY! P-PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!” He cried out, desperately trying to scramble back
“S-Streber! Streber…!” That voice called out again, and… And… W-Wait a moment, he… He knew that voice, he knew that gentle voice anywhere, he looked up, trying to focus his eyes despite his anxiety being severe right now.
“S-Strebs… D-Dude it’s me… It’s me, honey…” He was rarely the type to use pet names or anything of the sort, but sometimes he would, as Streber focused his eyes he noticed the other knelt down in front of him “...K..e… Kev…?” Kevin nodded.
“I-It’s me, Strebs… It’s me, y-you… You were having a nightmare, man… You suddenly started screaming and crying in your sleep, struggling, and... And..., I… Just… Are you alright?” Streber immediately looked down to his other arm, the one actually intact, moving it around, checking over it, he felt tears pricking his eyes.
He looked up to Kevin, noticing the look of concern and panic written on his face even though he was trying to hide it and then suddenly leaned forward, hugging Kevin and sobbing into his shoulder “Y-You’re alive… You’re not dead…” Kevin was confused by that statement before Streber sniffled “I-I… I-I’m sorry…” Kevin hugged him back immediately.
“Strebs, s-sweetheart…” He paused, taking a breath to stifle his panic “It’s alright… You have nothing to apologize for, dude… …Do you… Wanna talk about the nightmare, what happened?” Streber continued to cry into Kevin’s shoulder for a bit longer before sniffling and raising up, still hugging him tightly.
“I-It was about… H-Him… I… I… He… He was still alive, a-and and… And… He… He killed you… And just… Just…” Streber went on to explain the nightmare in detail to Kevin who felt tears pricking his eyes momentarily, his heart hurt for Streber so much as he hugged the other tighter for a moment before leaning back and cupping the other’s face
“...Strebs, look at me, please?” The other was confused before looking into Kevin’s eyes, he saw the tears in the other’s eyes but before he could speak, Kevin spoke up “I’m not going ANYWHERE, you hear me?” He paused to clear his throat.
“I’m not gonna let some dumb… Big red devil guy, a doll, or anything get you… Or me…! I don’t care what or WHO it is, I’m not letting anyone get you, I’ll always protect you, man… I love and care about you too much to lose you” 
Streber looked at Kevin who just kept reassuring him that he was here, he was alive, and he had no intentions of leaving Streber, not e v e r… “Yo-You said he’s d e a d, r-right…?” Kevin nodded “Strebs, I wouldn’t lie to you like that, if he was still alive, I would tell you…”
Streber took a deep shaky breath in “B-But what… What if he’s… Not? What if… W-What if he’s out there, what if he’s still…” And Kev could see Streber spiraling a little so he quickly planted a kiss to quiet the other down before just touching foreheads with him “Strebs, listen to me, he’s d e a d, he’s not coming back to get you nor me, he’s g o n e, those officers made sure of it”
And then a pause “...Even if he was, which he’s NOT… I would make sure he wouldn’t get to you again, I promise…” Streber opened his mouth to retort, he would never actually want Kev to put himself in danger again but after panicking like he had, he had wasted a lot of energy so he simply sighed and sniffled and settled with a “...T-Thank you, Kev… That means the world to me…” Kevin smiled at the other and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Streber then looked around and he saw that, in fact, they hadn’t even made it to the third vampire movie yet, he must’ve… Just dreamed they did and then Kevin perked up “...Do you… Wanna continue the movies? Orrr… Would you rather go back to sleep?” Streber shook his head rapidly.
“...Let’s… Watch a few more movies, th-then we’ll go to bed” Kevin nodded and helped Streber up off the ground, carrying him almost bridal style over to the couch, he had to do it quickly because he was v e r y much not the strongest.
And so the night continued with both Streber and Kevin cuddling on the couch, watching vampire movies, Kevin asking more questions as the series continued and even cracking a few jokes to ease Streber’s anxiety down even more, he smiled when he heard that cute giggle.
Eventually, it was getting late and Streber got up to turn off the movie as the two were starting to get ready for bed, because it’s not like Kevin hasn’t slept over with him before, they’ve been together for a long while now… They got situated, brushing their teeth, Kevin changed into some comfortable clothing, Streber just kept his vampire costume on as it was practically a comfort item to him, it wouldn’t be uncomfortable to sleep in and then the two crawled into bed.
It had been an absolutely exhausting night for the both of them, Kevin didn’t realize just HOW exhausted he was until his head hit the pillow, he had closed his eyes until… “...H-Hey, K-Kev?” Kevin’s eyes opened again and he turned to Streber “Yeah? What’s up?”
There was a pause before Streber turned toward him, making a grabby hand at Kevin who smiled and began cuddling much closer to Streber, the two sighing, content in this moment before Streber somewhat smirked “....Hey Kevin” The other sighed, much louder this time “Strebs, I swear… Go to sle-”
Streber quickly spoke up “Hey hey, just, just listen… Can I… Perhaps give you… A Vampire’s Kiss? Hm?” Kevin’s eyes widened at that and his face turned a shade redder “I-I O-OH! O-Oh w…Wel… Well uhhh I um…” Kevin just began to stutter and he could NOT finish his sentences to save his life which Streber just chuckled at “...Is that a yesss?”
Kevin didn’t say anything, he just looked very embarrassed, skin heating up even as he burned with said embarrassment, especially when he just pointed to his neck, this made Streber laugh as he leaned even closer, nuzzling into Kevin’s neck.
He sighed against the other’s neck, he could feel goosebumps forming, and he could feel just how heated the other’s skin was, it was always cute to see Kevin so embarrassed and flustered, Streber just nuzzled his neck for a few moments longer before he placed a gentle kiss on his neck.
And then one kiss turned into several across his neck and he swore if Kevin got any warmer, he’d start burning right then and there as well, and then he gently bit down on Kevin’s neck, he wasn’t going to bite down hard enough to draw blood, oh heavens no! He’d never hurt Kevin like that…
Kevin let out a slight whine when he felt Streber bite his neck, he was as red and as warm as can be, getting even more embarrassed when Streber told him the whine he just made was adorable, he awkwardly chuckled “...M-Man… You are such a l-little weirdo…” Streber laughed at that and then pulled away, just cuddling Kevin now.
“Says the one who just whined and seemed to enjoy that bite~ You know… You’re supposed to f e a r the Vampire’s Bite, not enjoy it” Kevin huffed at that, getting even more embarrassed “Okay, I’m sorry Mr. Can I give you a Vampire’s Kiss, first of all, you… You…”
And then he began fumbling over his words, trying somehow to retort back to that, Streber had a mischievous grin on his face as he listened to Kevin desperately trying to retort back but then he just huffed in frustration “Just- Just, you know what, just go to sleep, Strebs”
The other laughed at that and teased Kevin a bit for not having a good comeback and then Kevin was glaring at him “...I will literally get up out of this bed and leave you with no cuddles, dude, you will be cuddleless” Streber gasped in mock offense “Kev! How incredibly cruel of you!”
Streber then put his arm over his head, putting on a faux look of hurt “That hurts me… To know that my oh so handsome boyfriend, would simply… Leave me, to be… Cuddleless…” He was even sounding dramatic …Okay, sounding MORE dramatic than he usually did… Kevin opened his mouth to retort but he found himself nearly laughing at the ridiculousness that was Streber’s dramatics right now.
“...Okay fine, you will not go cuddleless tonight, but… Only because you just redeemed yourself with that” And then Streber laughed “Yaaay!” He cuddled up close to Kevin, making a happy noise to which the other smiled at.
“Goodnight Strebs, I love you, dude…” Streber genuinely smiled at that, both he and Kevin sharing a regular kiss now together before pulling back and getting comfortable “Goodnight, my sweet…” A pause before he sighed, content in this moment, much more relaxed than he had been earlier, Streber felt completely safe, protected in his boyfriend’s loving arms right now “I love you too, Kev…”
fjkldfkjfgdls I hope y’all enjoy this? I got another one planned up, it’s more so an gonna be a thing where Streber is an ACTUAL Vampire bc you know what not turn the vampire lover into an ACTUAL vampire at least once
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