#tw: Surgery mention
kindnotestoself · 11 months
just a small update, I had surgery last week, it went well and the tumor was benign. it did affect my right hand and made it super hard to type, but they expect improvement in four months
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Pretty please give this a read!
Hey there friends! I wanted to hop on the dash real quick and let you know that, starting tomorrow I'm going to sort of MIA. I'm having shoulder surgery and will be in a abduction sling, unable to use my dominant arm and hand for a while. Surgeon said 3 weeks, but I'll be taking it day by day. I might pop on from time to time, check-in. If you want and don't have my discord, let me know and we can chat there.
I appreciate your patience at this time and I already am counting the days until I'm back writing with you all!
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friendball-irl · 1 year
Uncle Gray!!! Are you okay I didn't even know you got hurt do you need help??
Lol, hey Flare.
I'm okay, don't worry. I just had to have surgery is all. Apparently my, uh, appendix burst while I was Muted and I didn't notice until last week, eheh... There was a pretty bad infection that I'm still fighting, so I'm in a wheelchair and taking some pretty strong meds until I'm all better.
Thankfully I managed to convince them to let me go to the wedding hehe!
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Idk what's happening but I hope you're okay <3
Oh, I'm fine, no worries Nonny! I finally had my surgery yesterday to have a large ovarian cyst removed(9 cm, baby!), but am a weenie who's up until now been absolutely petrified of hospitals and going under anesthesia.
The surgery went great, though! And not only do I fondly recall my last words to the people in the OR room before the anesthesia claimed me being "Where am I?", I was also given printed photos showing the cyst from while it was in there. Which, rest assured, I will not be posting lol.
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dragetunge · 1 year
My top surgery is going to be finalized I could cry.
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lmao, i was like i bet i'm going to have to have surgery (regarding potential endo diagnosis) and my doctor's office called after reviewing my like 4th ultrasound (2nd with this office) and the nurse was like, yep, the doctors wants you to come back in to talk about the laparoscopy.
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fiatsound · 2 years
I’m scared for my surgery tomorrow :(
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thelibrary-system · 2 years
so, we got news! we had top surgery on Wednesday!
everything hurts lol but the meds I got are working like a charm. they make me sleepy as all hells tho lol
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xtinyslip · 1 year
@lcvenderhcze​ continued from here.
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“we both know you don’t have the balls too.” him fuck her? as if he would, maybe that was why it was so easy to say it. "woah. who said anything about caring deeply?" lynn had to laugh at that. sure, she was in a better place than she had been and she cared about her job and she was starting to care about herself again but anything else? nope, same numbness that had been there before. did she care about john? was he right? well, she didn’t want to even think about fucking going there. oh, it didn’t take much to guess at what these important things were that he was referring to. it was like they were both just stuck in the same old cycles. “so to be clear that was a no? you can’t have an honest conversation with me? go figures. after everything, can’t even give me that much. huh?” she rolled her eyes but she hadn’t been expecting anything different from him either. hearing him speak of her daughter that way did strike a nerve, not many people could get through her layers to be able to do that. only him, it seemed. “and what about you daddy of the year? your kid wants to go back to his adoptive mommy who doesn’t even want him than spend more time with you!” she had struck back because his words had cut her and she wanted to cut back. it wasn’t healthy but other than her job, it was probably the most she felt alive. it was doing the opposite of make her a better person but at least it made her feel alive. “you never were a very good liar.” tilting her head. “you wanted her to let me go. i was there, i heard all your bullshit. she failed her test because of course so she failed me, she failed you. she failed all of us so i will go there. i have a right to go there.” and he could hate her for it, hell he could do whatever he wanted to her for it but that’s the truth as she saw it. her smile only got wider when he pulled back like that. “excuse me?” was he joking? “tool or not. it was still me that gave you that time. when i was trying to save your life, she sat and cried on the sidelines. it was me.” if this had been any other patient, any other scenario then she wouldn’t be mocking that because... no one should have to see someone they care about have open brain surgery like that. however, since they’d been the ones to kidnap her and threaten her life? well, it felt like fair game. “we did have an understanding, some fucked up connection but if you want to keep denying it then by all means. let’s see where it gets you.” not far. 
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izzy-mc-fizzy · 1 year
So fun fact about me on Friday I absolutely WRECKED my wrist in a silly lil roller skating accident and need to get a plate drilled into my radius on account of the fact that I snapped it in half which means I’m getting surgery for the first time in my life and honestly I’m surprisingly chill about it but what I’m more nervous about is what I’m gonna be like AFTER the surgery
Like ideally they’re gonna knock me out in the operating room and I’ll regain full consciousness in my nice cozy bed at home but there’s that period of like an hour where I’ll be awake physically but mentally just still completely OUT
I have told my parents they’re not allowed to say a WORD to me about that period of time and what I say or do when I’m high as a kite like I want that hour in the fucking VOID where the lord clearly wants it as well
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parmysan · 2 years
Fucked up my hip and have to have surgery, will be back at some point
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It’s not for a while now, but to help with anxiety, and to focus on what I need to do to prepare, I’m cutting back on social media. This goes for my RP blogs too.
I’ll respond as soon as I am able to do so, and your patience is greatly appreciated.
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noturnurse · 8 months
Talk about a medical event that really impacted Fhaj'ha.
RANDOM ASKS -> Always accepting
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She remembers it clearly. It was a year into her work at the clinic, just before the start of the clone wars. Thing's had been going smoothly, with minimal losses by her hand. But then they came running in, two face's she can't remember rolling in a gurney in a rush, shouts filling the air as hand's transferred bodies' onto the tables. Two injured, one critical, a crash of some sort, a family from one of the lowest levels, unable to afford the hospitals up top on the upper levels. The head surgeon had been out, for some reason she cant recall, so she was assigned to handle the situation.
It was a kid, a little girl around her younger sister's age. She'd never done such a big surgery on a young one before. She put everything she had into saving that little girl.
It didn't work. The loss haunted her for a good couple years, but it also lit a fire in her. It's why she works so hard at her job, to protect those under her care, and why she's so protective of children as well.
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daiwild · 2 years
changing room mishap
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Kons a lil confused but he will ALWAYS get pissed at bad guys hurting his friends
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indieyuugure · 4 months
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Episode 3 of Fading Fantasies! Happy ending guys! I promise!
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ego--x · 2 years
is phallo worth it
Don't know yet as I've not had it done as of today but I'd say it depends a lot on what someone needs in order to feel complete and confident in their body.
Also depends on what "worth it" (emphasis on the it) means to you prompting this question. Money? Pain? Certain risks you heard of? In the end, it's a very personal choice to make for everyone individually.
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anti-terf-posts · 15 days
every time a terf compares gender affirming surgeries to cosmetic plastic surgery, gently remind them that there is societal pressure to get cosmetic surgery, whereas there is societal pressure to NOT get gender affirming surgery. There is a huge difference between the two, and comparing them just makes you seem uneducated and ignorant.
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