#tw: blood ment
marshmallow--3 · 1 year
OK so when I was getting dressed this morning, I found some blood on my hand
I shrugged it off cause it could have been a spot that popped by mistake
Just went to get into bed and there's blood all over my sheets and a cut on my hip
The fact that I cut my hip in my sleep and wasn't even woken by it and was still bleeding in the morning
Fucking hell
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torchtour · 2 months
is gord's gun arm bleeding blood or oil or something else??
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saw a few tags asking about the goopy arm! so.
the gun fires bullets made of congealed blood (NOT finger/toenails but. its remnant of the hand so pretty close?). the gun uses an alternating clotting/thinning system to tease blood out of the partially-closed wound for firing. blood is also the gun's coolant/lubricant and will spill from the gun when the stump faces the ground. just. just lots of blood involved.
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darling-zain · 1 year
✮ ↳ All Eyes On Me ↰
♡ yandere! actor x gn reader pt 2♡
tw/cw: obsessive love, murder, mentions of blood, slight emotional manipulation
authors notes: this took me forever i'm sorryyyy editing is a bitch :( but I'm really proud of this one!! hope you'll like it too <3
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"Why weren't you watching?" His voice is cold and filled with contempt as he glares at you, his nails digging into the skin of his palm.
"I-I was! Why wouldn't I watch, I've been backstage this whole ti-" Your voice is soft, trying to quell the fury in his gaze.
"Liar!" He steps closer to you, causing you to back away. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. "You weren't watching. When I was offstage, I looked for you behind the curtains. But you were never there." He's now right in front of you, grabbing the door handle and slamming it shut. "All those training sessions, all those late nights memorizing my lines till it felt like my head was going to burst, all the blood, sweat and tears- It was all for you!" His breathing is heavy and his voice is a low growl, his light tan skin flushed with anger.
"Aurelius, I...I had no idea..." Your voice trails off, eyes gazing into his with regret. "But, I did watch! It's just that near the end I got a phone call, so I had to leave the theatre to pick it up and I got distracted!"
"I don't need your excuses." He spat, glaring down at you. "I understand. I get that I'm just another actor you have to work with; you're just here for the paycheck. And that's fine!" He backs up, a deranged smile on his face. "But could you at least pretend that you care? Just a bit?"
"I do care! why wouldn't I care, I've been working with you on this for months! Please, no need to get so upset." Your words cut through him like a knife, and his eyes widen with disbelief.
"'No need to get so upset'?! How can you even say that right now?! I've put so many hours into this, spent so much time on this all for your approval, and when the day finally comes you don't even stay to watch?! I'm not just upset, I'm-" he takes a deep breath, shaking slightly. "Heartbroken."
"Aurelius, please, listen to me. The reason why I couldn't stay is because I got a call from my best friend, and they sounded really upset, so I needed to go help them... I'm sorry."
He turns towards you, a look of cold, pure, disbelief on his face. His eyes widen as he mutters something under his breath. The room is so quiet that even though he whispered, you could hear every word clearly.
"You missed my show...for someone else?" He takes a step back. "You missed my show...because someone told you to?" The silence is thick between the two of you, the same deranged smile appearing on his face. He chuckles, his laughter becoming louder and more insane. "Are you serious?! After all that time we spent working, you left me for your friend?!" Tears roll down his face, smearing his makeup. He stumbles back into the sound table and clutches onto it while trying to regain his composure.
"Auri, you have to understand! It was an emergency, I had no other choice!" The desperation in your voice is evident, you need him to realize the severity of the situation. You walk up to him and hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder. Your breath hitches in your throat when he smacks your hand away, looking up at you through the gaps in his fingers over his eyes.
"Don't," His voice is shaky, yet still cold and unforgiving. "Don't touch me. You don't deserve to after what you've done. I know how much I mean to you now, I don't need your lame explanations." He straightens up before walking out the door, standing in the frame for a second. "Bandaids don't fix bullet holes." He departs with a swish of his hair, leaving you standing alone in the now deathly quiet sound booth.
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He grabs his stuff, slipping a small object into his bag as he hurriedly exits the theatre, wiping off his smudged makeup. He doesn't even take the time to change out of his costume, his brain is too panicked to even think about anything except what you said.
"Excuse me, you work with y/n right?" A person with a panicked expression walks up to him, biting their nails worriedly. His angry expression immediately changes to one of calmness.
"Yes, I do. why do you ask?" He puts on his signature winning smile as he bends down to their height.
"Well, I was with them earlier when they said they had to leave, and they didn't even tell me where before they just left! I know they work here, so I was wondering if you've seen them?" Your friend seems really troubled at your sudden disappearance, but Aurelius had other things on his mind.
"Actually, I think I have an idea of where they might be. Follow me!" His charming disposition and comfortable aura would make anyone follow him without question, including your friend. They started to walk together, the silence between them tense because of the worry that accompanied it. He lead them up and down roads, into busy lanes and quiet walkways. Eventually, they landed in front of a large forest.
"Wait... this is their favourite forest! You're a genius, I don't know why I didn't think to come here sooner!" Aurelius looked at your friend with exquisitely veiled contempt, their eyes shining with hope disgusting him.
"Oh, really?" He feigns surprise, not wanting to give away his true intentions just yet. "I didn't know! I just remember seeing them come here one time after work, I didn't know it was their favourite." He was lying. He knew everything about you. Your coffee order, the route you took home after work every day, the position in which you slept, everything. "Shall we head in?" He asked politely, extending a hand toward them. They nodded, walking into the dimly lit forest.
"I don't think I got your name, sorry."
He scoffs inwardly, berating them in his mind. "How do you not know my name? Me, the Aurelius Yavuz? You should be able to tell from one glance alone!" He thought, but he responded kindly regardless. "It's Aurelius. Aurelius Yavuz. And you?"
"Carmen! It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yavus!" The way your friend sounds so cheerful disgusts him.
"Likewise," he mumbles, his voice sounding slightly pompous from their ignorance of his status. He brings their attention elsewhere, just wanting to get this whole ordeal over and done with as soon as possible. "I think I heard a noise over that way, would you like to check it out?" He points towards a dark corner of the forest with a small clearing in the middle.
"That looks like their hiding spot...yes, I think they might be there! quick!" Carmen starts to run into the thicket of trees, leaving Aurelius behind. In the dim light of the evening sun peeking through the trees, his eyes glow with a menacing aura. A confident smirk makes its way onto his face as he follows behind them. He pulls a small knife out of his bag, the shining metal glinting in the light.
"Aurelius...they're...not here..." Carmen's disappointed voice emanates through the forest. He slowly walks toward them, the satisfied look on his face making him seem even more insane than before.
"Aww, now isn't that a shame~?" He steps even closer, now almost nose-to-nose with them. "Don't worry," He brings his arm behind their shoulder, placing his hand right behind their neck. "You won't have to even think about them anymore." In a flash, Carmen collapses to the ground, the once pristine silver knife now tainted with potent red sin.
He dusts off his hand, wiping the blood on the knife onto the backside of his costume. He scoffs as he looks down onto the now still body of your beloved friend, kicking their body into the bushes beside him. He walks away and out of the forest, taking the same path you always take to your residence. He stops in front of your house, knocking on the door. He takes a deep breath and forcefully makes his eyes look teary, needing every tactic he knows to make you believe him. You open the door, stepping back when you see him.
"Aurelius, why are you-"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you like that. I just...was so upset, I thought this show meant something to you! But, I understand that you have your priorities, so I'm not mad anymore. Forgive me?" He gazes into your eyes, false tears now pooling at the corners of his eyes.
"Oh, Auri..." You embrace him tightly, crying into his chest. "I'm so sorry! I should've stayed, I should've watched, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad, I'm sorry!" You can't see his face as you're sobbing into his shirt, not able to see the knowing smirk on his lips. He pats your head kindly, cooing at you to help you calm down.
"Hey, hey, don't cry... it's okay now. Everything's been taken care of, now it's just you," he kisses the top of your head, rubbing soothing circles into his back as a sharp glint flashes through his eyes.
"and me."
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taglist!! @lasagna-goob @izizzl @skylark144 @cyphertryagain
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kyuhu · 9 months
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back to dirt
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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yandere--stuck · 5 months
if you have any more thoughts on the Joker Junior extending the family take I'd love to hear them!! Would J be interested in having Nightwing with them? Or Alfred? I'm not sure how well either of them would take to the venom, but if they have Batman anything's possible
Less ideas and more of an actual fic, oopsie!
Three weeks. Three long, agonizing weeks without Tim. Three weeks of hoping beyond all hope that he was somehow fine. That they'd all look back on this and laugh.
But, no. Eventually, Bruce was able to get word that The Joker and Harley had holed themselves up in the abandoned Arkham Asylum, and something in his gut that made him sick knew there was some correlation.
Part of him hadn't wanted Barbara to come along, but he also knew he wouldn't be able to stop her even if he tried. So, the two of them traversed through the crumbling asylum together and followed the echoing sound of Harley's voice singing a lullaby.
“Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird,
And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring….”
Closer, closer. It took both of them every bit of will they had not to sprint through the halls as fast as their legs could carry them. As Harley’s voice grew even louder, Barbara split up to find another way in while Bruce took the lead. His heart nearly leapt from his chest with anticipation as he closed in on her location.
“And if that diamond ring is brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass,
And if that looking glass gets broke-”
The moment Harley saw him burst through the double doors, she perked up, greeting Bruce with a smile. She was cradling a flower vase in her arms, which she set down onto a covered table. Craning her neck, she shouted over her shoulder. “Puddin’, Hubby's home!”
Bruce’s eyes followed Harley’s gaze, spotting Joker on the second floor where he rested on a recliner. With a flourish, The Clown rose to his feet, turning away from his rabbit-eared television set and popping a pipe from his mouth, tossing it aside. 
“Well, hello, dear!” Joker strolled down the stairs, stopping just shy of Batman. He wrapped an arm around Harley, the two of them smiling sweetly at their bat. “Welcome home.”
Bruce all but snarled in their faces, leaning close and baring his teeth. “Where's Robin?”
Both clowns shared a quizzical look.
“Robin?” Joker repeated with a quirk of his head. “There's no Robin here!”
“Maybe he means our little J,” Harley offered.
The Clown Prince of Crime snapped his fingers. “Of course! That's it.”
Meeting the Bat's eyes, smiling back at his scowl, Joker gestured to the other side of the room. To whatever was being concealed behind the large blue curtain. And Bruce couldn't help his rage, shoving the couple aside roughly as he moved to cross the room. 
The Joker stumbled back, recovering with the shake of his head and click of his tongue.  “He must be so stressed out from work.”
“I hate it when he gets like this. He never knows when ta relax,” Harley shook her head and reached underneath the table, pulling out a bazooka from beneath the tablecloth. She fired, and a band of ribbons erupted from the muzzle, knocking Batman to the floor with a hard thud and wrapping him up like a gift - bow and all.
“Good thing he has us. Hmm, now what say we bring this little gift of ours back to the bedroom to unwrap?”
Joker's grin stretched just a little wider as he noticed the movement of Batman's hand - holding it up just so as if to signal someone, just out of eyesight, to stand down. Joker's eyes crinkled. Perfect. He wondered, was it the eldest birdboy? Or maybe they'd be getting two bats with one stone?
“Y'know, Bat's, we've been doing this little run around for years,” Joker spoke again, approaching his prone enemy. “It's been loads of laughs! But the sad fact is - none of us are getting any younger.”
Harley joined his side, patting her stomach. “That ol’ clock's a tickin’!”
“Quite right, Pooh! So, Harley and I were thinking it's about time the three of us finally settled down together.”
“But rather than experiencing the joys of pregnancy, we decided the best way would be to just marry into the family.”
Hand-in-hand, the clowns walked over their Bat's prone form to each rest a hand on the curtain in front of them. 
“But no matter how happy we are to join you, we were a bit disappointed that we didn't really have the chance to nurture them, too,” Joker lamented. “And after all, what better way to officially join the family than to impart a little bit of our personalities to the kiddos? He needed a bit of molding, of course, but-”
The couple yanked on each side of the curtain, the blue cloth sliding and billowing out as it parted - revealing a child strapped to a medical examination table.
“... What kid doesn't?” Joker finished with a grin, drinking in the Dark Knight's reaction. 
Bruce couldn't help the exhale of ‘no’ that left him. Couldn't even blink, too horrified to look away from what had been done to Tim. The horror set in all at once, like freezing water flooding through every nerve in his system.
Joker brought Tim forward with the click of a button, the table rolling forward and bringing the boy into the light. 
His face an acid-washed white. His hair an unearthly green. His Robin costume now replaced with an exact recreation of Joker's own suit. And his face… Contorted in a pained smile and his eyes wide and afraid, unblinking.
“Say hello to Dada, JJ,” Joker cooed.
Tim's eyes, seeming to glow red in the light, shifted from Joker to Batman. He leaned further into the light, locking eyes with Bruce, and laughed. He laughed in a way Bruce had never, ever heard before. He unbound himself from the table, leaping to the floor on scrawny legs - God, how much weight had he lost in such a short amount of time. What had they done to his boy?
All at once, the cold shock and dawning horror inside Bruce shifted - and his whole body was alight with rage, like a fire inside threatening to escape through every orifice as he ripped through his bonds. The shout he made was near inhuman, launching a batarang he had cut the ribbons with directly at Joker's head, only for the Clown to dodge it with ease.
Harsh giggles flooded from Joker's throat, wiggling a finger in a ‘come hither’ motion before jumping onto the now vacant medical table, rocketing off with the click of a button, causing Bruce to almost stumble and reorient himself to take off after him - and leaving Barbara to deal with Harley.
Giggles bubbled from Tim JJ's throat as he stared unblinkingly down at his father, body crumpled on the floor, cape draped almost protectively over his prone body. And with giddy glee, The Joker Papa J hopped down from the giant building blocks he was perched upon, where he had sliced at Batman and sent him tumbling down only seconds ago.
It was all a blur for Bruce. The chase. The horrific videos of Tim… Tim's torture. Three weeks. Three weeks of that Hell. Electrocution. Beatings. Torment. Starvation. And it was all his fault. He'd failed him. The rage that had filled him nearly completely, made him seen red, had all been snuffed out. 
First Jason. Now Tim. And Bruce still couldn't bring him to end this. His vision swam, and he could barely even focus. Not on Tim. Not on the man who tortured him. But… Wait. Where was-?
With a final hop, Joker landed in front of Batman in a crouch, hovering over him with a sly grin.
“You've lost, Bruce,” He rasped, and just hearing the name on the clown's lips made JJ seize up, his forever-smile momentarily twitching and a flood of nervous giggles escaping him. The clown continued, voice low. “Robin is mine… And now, so are you.” 
And with a hearty heft, Joker lifted Bruce up by the scruff of his cowl and cape, as if presenting him. The grin of his face, the look in his eyes, as he looked down on his enemy. So proud of himself, so smug.
And Bruce. He looked in a daze, lost and beaten. Blood dripped from his lips.
This isn't what Papa promised. He said everything would be okay now. That he'd see Dad and Dick and Babs and Alfred again and he wouldn't be mean or hurt him again, because Papa knew he would be good now…
But when Joker met his eyes, something in them changed - his smile warping to somehow become comforting, happier. The darkness in his eyes dissipated, replaced with an excited shine. And with a free hand, The Clown grabbed for a large gun that looked more like a toy than anything.
“Here ya go, sonny-boy!” He said, tossing the weapon.
JJ scrambled forward to catch it. He couldn't help but notice how light the gun felt as he cradled it in his shaking, gloved hands. For a moment, he couldn't look away.
“Make him one of us,” The Joker urged, voice like a hiss. 
It wasn't a conscious decision to aim the gun. It just happened. Like one minute, JJ was there and gone and back again. His hands shook so hard that he could hardly keep the weapon straight. Could barely even look at him. At the mask. At the man behind it.
“Tim…” Batman breathed. JJ had never heard his voice sound so small.
JJ would swear he couldn't breathe if it weren't for the rapid rise and fall of his chest and the wheezing, giggling exhales that escaped him as he struggled to calm down. Tears threatened to pool from his eyes.
This wasn't right. But, Papa knows best. He said everything would be okay afterward. He said he wouldn't be punished again. But, he couldn't. But, he couldn't run, either - too scared. Too weak. He wanted to be home. He wanted his family. He wanted to stop crying, to be able to breathe, to run into his fathers’ arms-
“It's alright now, JJ,” The Joker soothed, recapturing the boy's attention. “Just pull the trigger, and everything will be okay.”
JJ wanted his Papa to be telling the truth. He just wanted everything to be okay. He just wanted it all to stop. Bruce, please forgive him.
His finger squeezed around the trigger-
Joker's laugh filled the room, just as a green mist began flooding from the gun’s opening. It spread through the air and quickly covered both men. Joker laughed long and loud as he clung to Batman. He pulled his Bat into an embrace, a smile so bright and wide it made the corners of his mouth rip, as Bruce began to choke and hack.
The man seized up and shook in Joker's arms. Slow at first, but soon trembling and writhing in agony, barely restrained and pained chuckles escaping him. So much hurt flooding through every nerve and system that almost faculties left him. His lungs burned, his face ached, he couldn't feel his extremities and wouldn't have been able to hold himself up without Joker's hold on him. Bruce wasn't sure if he could speak or even breathe anymore, but somehow his body found it in itself to betray him, forcing laughter from gritted teeth.
Joker took a knee, gently laying Batman to the ground. The bat spasmed and jerked. Tears began to fall from behind his mask, shining on his cheeks in the light. Gloved hands caressed the sides of Bruce's face. Green eyes glinted in the light as they watched each movement of the other man - every sputter, every gasp, every choked out laugh, every pained, slowly blooming smile that wobbled onto his face.
“You must be so scared, aren't you, sweetheart?” Joker cooed. “You've been scared this whole time, haven't you? Ever since that night in the alleyway...”
Batman didn't reply - couldn't. His eyes crinkled as his smile grew involuntarily. All he could do was return the man's gaze with a manic smile that wasn't his own.
Joker stroked the top of his cowl lovingly. “But it's okay now, Bruce. You don't have to be scared anymore. You don't have to be strong. Don't have to hold yourself back. Me and Harl will build you back up to what you were meant to be. We'll be brave for you now. And do you know why?” 
Bruce couldn't respond. For one, the agony of whatever this was, whatever Joker had planned for him, blotted out almost all thoughts in his mind completely. Could only tremble and writhe and cry and laugh. Laugh. Laugh. The laughing made it hurt just a little less. But he could still barely even register what the other man was saying. What he could register, though, was the image of Joker slowly leaning down to press his lips to Bruce's cloaked forehead.
“Because we love you.” Joker finished.
“Ohhhh, Harley!” Joker's voice rang through the cavernous halls of the abandoned asylum. “Barbie's turn!”
Barbara's stomach sunk to her feet and her heart skipped a beat. Barbie? No. No, there was no way, he could have known her name. Oh God, what happened to Bruce-?
In the middle of her ruminations, Harley caught her by surprise. A jab to the face, the pull of her leg to trip her up leaving her scrambling to correct her fall- only for her to feel hand grasp tightly at the nape of her neck, coiling painfully at the root of her hair. She was shoved onto her stomach, face-to-face with the dirty, cracked tiles of the former asylum’s floor.
“You know what that means! C'mon, Barbie,” Harley grunted, fingers twisting in the roots of her hair. She lunged forward, slamming her face to the floor with a sick crunch. “Let's go party!”
And everything went dark.
… Barbara awoke with a groan. The smell of pennies flooded her nostrils. Her vision was bleary and swam as she struggled to open her eyes.
A dark figure entered her vision from her periphery, and it loomed over a figure clad in purple. And for a moment, just one moment, she allowed herself to hope.
But, that hope crumbled just as quickly as Joker's voice entered her ears. 
“You're okay, Bruce, you're okay, sweetie. You're gonna play nice now, right?”
Barbara couldn't help but shudder at the sound of Bruce's laugh in reply.
Hands found their way to Barbara's hair again, this time much softer. Not grabbing, just brushing and stroking almost soothingly.
“Wakey, wakey, eggs ‘n bakey,” Harley sang as she carded her hands through the younger woman's hair. “Y'know, I've always wanted a daughter. A little girl of my own. You think you'd ever want Mama to braid your hair for you? It's so pretty!”
“Ah, welcome back to the land of the living, Barbie,” Joker greeted. “Your Dad and I were just talking about you. A real chip off the ol’ block. Now all we need is to make it official.”
Barbara watched as Tim approached Bruce, pushing a gun of some kind into his hands. The Batman held it in his hands, smiling down at the weapon - but seemed almost hesitant. Unsure. Like he knew this was wrong. Like the weapon would somehow come alive and bite him.
“Batman, listen to me,” Batgirl pleaded. “Don't do this. Whatever they've done to you, this isn't you.”
“Oh, but it is! And soon it'll be you, too,” Harley corrected, walking back to give herself some distance.
“I know you're torn, Batsy, but I promise this is for the best,” Joker rubbed circles into the other man's back. “We'll all finally be together. Once we get Barbie here, then we'll get Dick and Al. And we'll be a family! They'll never be hurt again. You'll never be hurt again, sweetheart. I won't let anything bad happen anymore. You'll get your happily ever after. You won't be afraid ever again, I promise.”
Tears stung at Barbara's cheeks as she begged. “Batman, please!”
And for a moment, she thought she somehow got through to him. They locked eyes and Bruce smiled at her with a smile that isn't his own. But, she thought she could see understanding or recognition or something in his eyes, and was sure he'd toss the gun away and start kicking Joker's ass.
But, she was wrong.
With a hiss, green toxin flooded all around her. Even over her screams, the sounds of Joker, Tim, Harley, and Bruce's laughter smothered her completely. And soon after, so did her own.
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verahaust · 7 months
People know that I love Jaehaera Targaryen and try to keep my mind in positive things about her, just reading headcanons and seeing art of her and Aegon, or her and her brothers and her mother. But I'm tired of even trying to do that, because this fandom is so weird about her, people still come after us at the minimum possibly of her surviving or at the first sight of someone saying they want her to live (the first two screenshots are from a Reddit post in which I shared an art or Jaehaera and Aegon III, that's all)
I'm tired of this "oh to keep her alive would be so cruel with her and Aegon" like they care for her.
Dude, she is just an innocent child, as much as Aegon III. They say "how can you want them married, her father killed his mother". And his father orchestrated the murder of her twin brother who led at the death of her mother. But we all know that that have nothing to do with her.
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Both comments are from the same person 💀 they start like "she wouldn't survive because that would be so cruel" (yeah, it is not cruel killing a 10yo girl) but then they can't stand the possibility of someone liking her and wanting her to live and they talk in the most despicable way about her and how she deserved to be replaced as soon as she died.
Why is it so difficult to accept the fact that the little girl has supporters who want her to live? But they can't, they need to be an asshole for free.
Jaehaera is a child, prone to cry, but happy. Her murder was cruel and unnecessary. It has nothing to do with her being the daughter of his mother's killer or with her being a green.
Even if you doubt of Elio Garcia's words, it has never been stated for George that the reason to kill her was because she, as a green, needed to die.
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Like why, what did the little girl to deserve to be minimized? Just to exist and be from the TG.
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They really think that everyone is like them, that everyone is going to lose their mind for the possibility of a little child from the other team surviving.
Joffrey's death, even while the dance was still happening, was unnecessarily cruel and of course I won't get mad for the possibility of him surviving. The only criticism I would make about that is that it would be so biased to have 5 kids of the TB surviving and killing all the TG kids. But not because of that I will be like "he NEEDS to die" and will get mad for people wanting him to survive. If that happens it would be fair for me wanting Jaehaera to survive too.
And god, the ableism here is so unhinged.
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It is so fucking ironic how they can be like "how can you like a character with two lines" and "she is a r*tarded child and she was never gonna give Aegon III heirs" like decide, she "only has two lines" or you can know everything about her, her mental state and how would have been her life?
And lets start with the cruelty toward her: it is so fucking weird
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They want her to suffer like what, what did her to deserve that???
I will add more screenshots but I've reached my limit in this post 🫡
They have gone so far as to wish her little brother to be raped and murdered, to mess with the actress who plays Jaehaera (who is a little girl) and to compare her to rats or stray dogs.
People who know me knows that I am on the "separe between fiction and reality" side, but talking like this is too much, getting angry for people not thinking like you because they want her to live and commenting their posts mad because she NEEDS to die is too much, and messing with the actress who plays the girl is too much.
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saiakv · 2 months
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Some doodles that I liked, so I colored them - ft. @/distortedkilling
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meeeeeraiiiiiodonnnn · 5 months
Comet mail!! Flare!!! And an immediate hug!!!!
h-hi, flare. careful. theres like. a lot of blood.
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annierosaart · 1 year
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"Eh... You're already awake?"
The butcher groaned, stopping herself from continuing to lick the knife clean.
"I swear, Lee's gotta get Aak under watch. The stuff he makes isn't worth the hassle."
She talked to herself, momentarily ignoring the woman in front of her; hanging from a hook that pierced her palms. The acrid smell of the room violated her nostrils, only offset by the freezing cold air that stung at her skin.
"Ah. Right. Sorry 'bout this, you weren't supposed to wake up, but my associate is too incompetent at his job; just endure this, please, Miss..."
She leaned forward, grabbing the woman's wallet from her coat's pocket. Her bloodied fingers stuck to the fabric all the while, forcing her to shake the garment loose from her hand.
Lazily, the butcher opened her wallet, retrieving her ID.
Her eyes widened.
"Swire? Like, L.G.D Swire?"
Weak, the butcher's victim could only nod slowly in response.
Suddenly, her face breaks out into an ear-to-ear grin.
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"Oh Hung got me a good one this time, didn't he?"
Her voice changed. From bored and focused, it now carried child-like excitement.
"Y'know, I've been meaning to taste Oni and Draco for some time now... And you, you'll make the perfect bait. You go missing around here, they'll come snooping..."
She salivated, giggling.
"Oh that Oni is going to taste amazing as sashimi...!"
Her crazed eyes fixed upon her victim. The butcher moved her knife closer, lifting her victim's chin.
"Really, I have to thank you, Ms. Swire... I'll make sure you turn out nice and tasty, today's special~."
R.B. Chef de Cuisine - Jaye~
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torchtour · 2 months
I'm not sure if anyone else asked this before, but what if the gun arm wound heals? Does the arm re-open the wound or is it physically unable to heal due to the gun arm?
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good question! the "arteries" (“gun tubes” sounds a bit too unserious, but they’re the blue lines in the drawing) that feed blood into the chamber for firing are valved/can open and close in place of a scab, so essentially the wound is always partially open but blocked by a mechanism within the barrel to regulate flow. the rest of the wound that isn’t feeding the arteries got cauterized by the heat of the gun – although, the arm closed around the arteries so the wound would need to be reopened if the gun was to be removed. hope that made at least a little sense!
+ bonus gordo :]
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klekenbitchboy · 9 months
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Favorite dynamic
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kyuhu · 2 years
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and some miserable Liets v.v
last one for today I promise
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littleruinedprince · 2 years
I think some people forget just how weird some kids are. I see plenty of agere positivity posts that include something along the lines of "It's ok to be a regressor who has non-standard interests! Not everyone's regression is soft and fluffy!" but pretty much every post in the agere tag is plastered with DNI if your blog has anything you wouldn't show to a child!
Man... when I was a kid, I'm talking as young as 5 or 6, I was begging my parents to let me watch stuff like Call of Duty and Halo! One of my favorite games, Bioshock, is just as special and "kidcore" to me as stuff like Bluey or a sippycup. Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood were frequently the objects of many of my childish daydreams, and Fallout 3 used to keep me up at night even though the subway sections often scared me senseless!!
I liked to draw my favorite pokemon characters graphically murdering each other. I liked dark fanfiction and pretending I was a werewolf and growling at my classmates. I stayed up late on the computer watching freaky YouTube videos when my parents went to bed.
Maybe that came from a place of hurt inside, but I feel like it isn't acknowledged as often that kids are weird and gross and are sometimes captivated by the unnerving and fearsome.
Obviously some kiddos can't tolerate scary things, and that's completely valid, but don't forget the kids who's agere looks like Blood and Guts and Firecrackers and Happy Treehouse Friends and Bioshock and whatever else.
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mydearestmonster · 9 months
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Don't get excited I'm not making any promises of a comeback but I've started writing again for funsies, I'll post the full thing if I finish it lol
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altargarden · 2 months
i'm only going to use the demon of swords and blood's name in public praise, because it feels strange not to address him personally when i am thanking him.
Marquis Andras, thank you for your protection. thank you for listening to me, for supporting me, for being clear with me on where you stand with me. thank you for communicating with me (over and over again to ensure i had no wiggle room on guessing whether you wanted to contact me), thank you for helping reduce my suffering, and going after those who intend to hurt me, obsess over me, stalk me. thank you for coming to me once more after everything that had previously occurred, thank you for allowing us both to start anew. thank you for giving me grand company, for appearing in my dreams, for helping me cope with physical and emotional pain. thank you for watching over my family and my loved ones, you are a guardian that i never thought i would ever have.
i hope you enjoy the bloodstone once it arrives in the mail. the carved shape of a wolf made me think of you. for now, i only have jasmine incense and a black candle for you - but the smoke and tall flame make me happy to know i can at least pay you back somewhat.
may you have a wonderful day and night, and may my offerings always make you satisfied and content.
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