#stalking ment tw
devildevotee · 5 months
i'm only going to use the demon of swords and blood's name in public praise, because it feels strange not to address him personally when i am thanking him.
Marquis Andras, thank you for your protection. thank you for listening to me, for supporting me, for being clear with me on where you stand with me. thank you for communicating with me (over and over again to ensure i had no wiggle room on guessing whether you wanted to contact me), thank you for helping reduce my suffering, and going after those who intend to hurt me, obsess over me, stalk me. thank you for coming to me once more after everything that had previously occurred, thank you for allowing us both to start anew. thank you for giving me grand company, for appearing in my dreams, for helping me cope with physical and emotional pain. thank you for watching over my family and my loved ones, you are a guardian that i never thought i would ever have.
i hope you enjoy the bloodstone once it arrives in the mail. the carved shape of a wolf made me think of you. for now, i only have jasmine incense and a black candle for you - but the smoke and tall flame make me happy to know i can at least pay you back somewhat.
may you have a wonderful day and night, and may my offerings always make you satisfied and content.
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antiradqueer · 10 months
why are people so mad about the burningradqueer acc
like bruh
it’s silly
its probably one of the most joke kinda blog to pop up in tags and prats are like "oh GOD the antis are so... so violent!!!" like please, youre in the nazi, racist, "transmurderer", "transstalker", "transschoolshooter", "transtripleK", "transTERF", predator supporting and sending gore and sexual threats to people you dont like community are you seriously gonna pull that shit talking about a joke blog when we all know what you assholes are genuinely cool with? like come on now
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Tw: stalking mention
Well, I don't know if was cat anon that sent that ask but--
As I can remember, there's a take saying
"Oh, the entire reboot cast ships Coderra, only Chase and Ripper don't because they suck" ☝️🤓
first of all:
Chase and Ripper sucks because they don't ship Victim x Stalker?? Bro, you are pratically giving them a compliment because they at least have a BRAIN
Second of all:
Thanks for saying that, anon. You gave me another reason for ship Chipper☺️
Third of all:
That's it, keep slaying, nerds.
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d0vegum · 2 years
i kind of like wednesday x xavier because even though i hc wednesday as aroace i feel like she finds a certain interest in xaviers’s stalkerish habits and wants to delve deeper into the weird crevices of his mind
what i’m saying is they’re both fucked up enough and they both date each other not exactly out of mutual interest but to try to make the other worse and i absolutely live for that shit
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gender-snatched · 2 years
this shouldnt be funny to me but i occasionally look at my stalkers tumblr, just to make sure shes not going to like kill me or herself, yanno? and anyway she’s made a post like “wow i cant believe so many people are following me! you guys really want to hear my crazy ramblings?” and a screenshot of her activity and its all porn blogs. they could not more obviously be porn bots. they’ve got the names and icons. girl no one is following you for the gore porn they’re following you for legitimizated links
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erythristicbones · 1 year
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"Brain won't make good words" i say and then proceed to go a lil crazy over Mars again
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gender-mailman · 2 years
hey are you gonna like ... coin a gorture role system/titled sos .. like darling for datesime ... or should i start brainstorming 😳
I have thought of 3 actully! :D
Torturer, tortured and stalker :D
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seraph-gutz · 2 years
My god is sanguineous...? Or at least I've been following him for some time...I've been asking lots of questions,, and it's plausible. If that's the case...I want them to feast on me.
I'm a good rabbit...I won't put up much of a fight..In fact I'll even cut myself open to feed him my horrendous blood...For an angel...I'm such a sinner...But I hope it's pure enough for him...my love...♥
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jessesjournal · 5 months
i hate the crazy ex gf trope so much. not only is it sexist, but it makes it so much harder for me to talk about the real abuse i faced done by MY EX GF. a girl stalking you after you break up isnt funny or cute, its scary.
tbh i dont even care about it in a kink or erotica context, people can role play whatever they want. i dont think it undermines my abuse. kink is just pretend.
i just hate seeing it be the butt of the joke is so much shit.
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gillipopmoji-archived · 11 months
do yk what “proship” and “antiship” means? no offense by the way
yeah sort of. but "supports/doesn't support problematic ships" is super vauge. like what is a problematic ship? is rpf problematic? is shipping bad real people more or less problematic? what if you show something in a bad light? what is support? is ignoring it support? is being fine with it but not shipping it supporting it? is shipping it in your own head but never mentioning it and feeling guilty about shipping it supporting it? is hate consuming it support? does this extend to non fic media? because it sure sounds like it shouldn't by the name but it sure seems like it does by how people talk! why is it that i keep seeing people complaining that some people support actually murder and other people saying that some people can't tell fiction from reality? because i don't see many people supporting actual murder or people who can't tell fiction from reality! and when someone does fit into either of those categories it isn't usually in the context of shipcourse! what if you portray an abusive relationship in an explicitly bad light but people ship it anyway like it's good? is that your fault? should you have realized that would happen? is it possible to show something in a bad light? why does literally everyone i interact with have "proship dni" in their bio and i have no clue if that applies to me?
anyway sorry for ranting at your ask lol just really annoyed by shipcourse
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rcpunzel · 1 year
cool my online stalker has a vip badge it what was a comfort stream. nevermind!!!!
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sunshadowed · 2 years
I think someone is legit stalking me and idk how to feel like I’m caught between complete indifference and wanting them to fuck off and stop being a psycho
It’s not anyone in the Hellsing fandom, it’s an ex friend who I cut off for reasons I don’t want to get into, and I KNOW they were checking up on me a couple months back but I have a feeling they’re still watching me up to now and I’m just. That’s sad. That’s so fucking sad. Lmao.
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femsolid · 1 year
TW: Trans activists
For more than a decade now, trans activists have been harassing those who belong to a feminist philosphy we call radical feminism or the women’s liberation movement.
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Radical feminists, like most feminists, believe that men use sex to oppress women. Meaning they oppress women through sexual exploitation and by perpetuating sexist discrimination towards those who belong to the female sex. They were the first to research and expose violence against women as endemic and traumatizing, and to create shelters for rape and domestic violence victims. Those shelters are now being vandalized and defunded by trans activists.
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Because radical feminists don’t believe in gender identities, gendered souls, gender roles or any form of innate personality based on sexist stereotypes, they have been receiving rape and death threats on a daily basis. The acronym “terf” was soon invented and is now used to describe any person who doesn’t support the trans movement, even if they’re not feminists, just as long as they're women, though lesbians and feminists tend to be the primary targets.
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As a whole, the trans movement claims that its biggest enemy and threat, its most pressing matter, its most dangerous opponent is the women’s liberation movement or what they call “radfems” or “terfs”. This is where their energy and anger is directed, typically in the form of sexist and sexual harassment, intimidation techniques, violence, censorship and social isolation. So let’s talk about that.
From the book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace:
Cyber harassment involves threats of violence, privacy invasions, reputation-harming lies, calls for strangers to physically harm victims, and technological attacks.
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Victims’ in-boxes are inundated with threatening e-mails. Their employers receive anonymous e-mails accusing them of misdeeds. Even if some abuse is taken down from a site, it quickly reappears on others. Victims’ sites are forced offline with distributed-denial-of-service attacks.
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While some attackers confine abuse to networked technologies, others use all available tools to harass victims, including real-space contact. Offline harassment or stalking often includes abusive phone calls, vandalism, threatening mail, and physical assault.
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The Internet extends the life of destructive posts. Harassing letters are eventually thrown away, and memories fade in time. The web, however, can make it impossible to forget about malicious posts. And posts that go viral attract hundreds of thousands of readers.
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Online harassment can quickly become a team sport, with posters trying to outdo each other. Posters compete to be the most offensive, the most abusive. An accurate name for such online groups is cyber mobs. The term captures both the destructive potential of online groups and the shaming dynamic at the heart of the abuse.
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Cyber harassment disproportionately impacts women. The U.S. National Violence Against Women Survey reports that 60 percent of cyber stalking victims are women, and the National Center for Victims of Crimes estimates that the rate is 70 percent. Of the 3,393 individuals reporting cyber harass-ment to WHOA from 2000 to 2011, 72.5 percent were female. The most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that 74 percent of individuals who were stalked on or offline were female, and 26 percent were male.
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Researchers found that users with female names received on average one hundred “malicious private messages,” which the study defined as “sexually explicit or threatening language,” for every four received by male users.
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According to the study, “Male human users specifically targeted female users.” By contrast, men are more often attacked for their ideas and actions. John Scalzi, a science fiction author and popular blogger, has found online invective typically situational. When he writes something that annoys people, they tell him so. People do not make a “hobby” out of attacking his appearance and existence as they do female bloggers.
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The nature of the attacks similarly attests to bigotry’s presence. Hate expresses something uniquely damaging. It labels members of a group as inhuman “others” who do not possess equal worth. It says that group members are inferior and damaged. Bigotry conveys the message that group members are objects that can be destroyed because they have no shared humanity to consider.
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Cyber harassment exploits these features by exposing victims’ sexuality in humiliating ways. Victims are equated with their sexual organs, often described as diseased.
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Once cyber harassment victims are sexually exposed, posters penetrate them virtually with messages that say “I will fuck your ass to death you filthy fucking whore, your only worth on this planet is as a warm hole to stick my cock in.” 
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Rape threats profoundly impact women: over 86 percent of rape victims are female. Virtual elimination may follow the imagined penetration: “First I’ll rape you, then I’ll kill you.”
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One woman who faced online abuse noted, “Someone who writes ‘You’re just a cunt’ is not trying to convince me of anything but my own worthlessness.” Despite the gravity of their predicaments, cyber harassment victims are often told that nothing can or should be done about online abuse. Journalists, bloggers, lay observers, and law enforcement officials urge them to ignore it. Victims are called “whiny baby girl[s]” who are overreacting to “a few text messages.” Often victims are blamed for the abuse. They are scolded for sharing their nude images with loved ones or for blogging about controversial topics. They are told that they could have avoided the abuse had they been more careful.
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A related message sent to victims is that the benefits of online opportunities are available only to those who are willing to face the Internet’s risks. They are advised not to expect anything different if they want to make a name for themselves online. The choice is theirs: they can toughen up or go offline.
The Internet is governed by society’s rules. Life online bleeds into life offline and vice versa. The notion that more aggression should be tolerated in cyberspace than in real space presumes that virtual spaces are cordoned off from physical ones.
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Most victims do not report cyber harassment to the police because they assume that nothing will be done about it. Sadly, they are right. Law enforcement frequently fails to act on victims’ complaints even though criminal law would punish some of the behavior. Victims are told to turn off their computers because “boys will be boys.” Online harassment victims are told that nothing can be done; they are advised to ignore rape and death threats. During the summer of 2013, high-profile women were subjected to a torrent of online threats. The feminist activist Caroline Criado Perez received hundreds of graphic rape threats via Twitter after her successful campaign to feature more female images on British banknotes.
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Members of Parliament and female writers who publicly supported Criado-Perez faced the same, including bomb threats. One tweet featured a picture of a masked man holding a knife with the message, “I’m gonna be the first thing u see when u wake up.”
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Because the Internet serves as people’s workspaces, professional networks, résumés, social clubs, and zones of public conversation, it deserves the same protection as offline speech. No more, no less.
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Without doubt, the free speech interests at stake are weighty. Free expression is crucial to our ability to govern ourselves, to express our thoughts, and to discover truths. For that reason, government cannot censor ideas because society finds them offensive. Truthful speech must not be banned just because it makes people uncomfortable.
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But credible threats, certain defamatory falsehoods, social security numbers, and nude images posted without consent contribute little to discourse essential for citizens to govern themselves and discover truths. Their net effect is the silencing of victims. Victims could blog, post videos, and engage on social networks without fear of destructive cyber harassment. They could raise money using networked tools unencumbered by rape threats, reputation-harming lies, and distributed- denial- of- service attacks. They could take advantage of all of the expressive opportunities available online. Protecting against online harassment would secure the necessary preconditions for victims’ free expression.
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With the help of law and the voluntary efforts of Internet intermediaries, parents, and teachers, we might someday achieve a free and equal Internet. We need to take action before cyber harassment becomes a normal feature of online interactions. A hostile online environment is neither inevitable nor desirable. We should not squander this chance to combat discriminatory online abuse; it is early enough in our use of networked tools to introduce equality of opportunity as a baseline norm of interaction.
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
Abusive ment // Venty tw
BPD culture is showing affection and such in a very "sterotypical" BPD way ( minus hardcore stalking ( not a dig, to those who do it and can't help it i do understand and have been there /gen ) and telling them i love them in a bit rough ways sometimes to even saying goofily how i would, and my ex FP taking it *so* wrong, slowly panicking everytime i do something BPD or psychosis related.
They started having their own episodes and also allowing themselves to feed into their thoughts and yet when you did it, you're the abusive, manipulative gaslighter. I get having PTSD but putting your issues through me for doing the same shit as you doesn't make me a monster.
BPD + NPD culture is also knowing you're better than them especially since you can walk away knowing you also did wrong but they won't even admit that <3
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fnafgirl2000 · 5 months
Sun/moondrop x adopted depressed teen reader
TW mentions of self harm, suicide attempt and a Anxiety disorder
Sun was programed to look after children but looking after a teenager was a whole different story not that he wasn't going to try, but his programing was designed to be fun for todlers and young children so he just left you to your own devices you mostly sat on top of the climbing frame ment for the children and played on your phone he had no idea you where being bullied untill your first attempt. He rushed to the hospital so quick he knew he wasn't supposed to leave the daycare but this was his child and he wanted to be there for you. Freddy was already there he was the one who let sun know and he was the one who called 911.
"How are they?'' he asked Freddy worried for you health "they are just in that room there" Freddy points to one of the rooms and sun rushes in seeing you in the bed
"Starlight'' he cries, rushing to your side hugging you so tight that you feel like your going to sufficate
"Dad your squeazing to hard" you say and he lets go reluctantly, sitting on the edge of the bed your in. You look at him wondering if he's mad at you you boilogical parent would be if you tried to commit suicide.
"Dad... im sorry" you say expecting a lecture but no he gives you the most loving and affectionet look ever
"No Starlight, im the one who should be appolagising I didn't see the signs and try to help I should be the one saying sorry" he hugs you close stroking your hair.
two months later
Sun tried to keep his other half hidden from you at least untill your settled and in a good headspace. the first time you met moon was a lot sooner then what sun originally planned. you where watching a movie on the projector in the daycare you had turned the lights off and where watching the movie when Sun walked in and transformed into Moon. the inhuman screach he let out scarred you and you immedently when over to your gardion to check on him
"Dad" you ask worried and confused he straighted up looking at you his now blood red eyes gleemed as he studyed you
"So your the child Sun has been so carefully hiding from me"
his voice is deep but with a soothing qaulity to it he stalked around your petirifed body smerking and hummin softly to himself as he wraps his arms around you restraining you so you can't move anymore he is suprisingly strong for his size
"your so tence, relax moonlight im not going to hurt you... yet" he says gripping your shoulders
You tried to pull away, heart racing with fear and confusion. "Let me go!" you demanded, your voice trembling. Moon's grip tightened, not painfully, but enough to hold you still. His red eyes seemed to pierce through you, searching for something...
wow this took a long time this was originally a friends idea and i decided to post it here. I will be making a part two and maybe three but no more then three parts ive gone back to school
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starlahuskyz · 8 months
Chances - Chapter 14
Summary: Jordan and Marko clean up the mess in her home and talk about themselves. Then they head to the boardwalk and Jordan has a strange experience she can't understand
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I'm so sorry for taking a long hiatus from continuing this fic, I swear I'll try to be more consistent from now on.
Chapter 13 <<< >>> Chapter 15
TW// Minor blood and corpses, Stalking ment.
The whole table watched silently as Jordan and Marko got all lovey with each other, then they heard an audible sniffle coming from Paul who was tearing up at the sight of his best friend finally roping in Jordan. Jane notices and asks “Is everything alright dear?” Paul stood up
“I’ve never felt better! My brother has finally found love! I’m so proud of you!” He bounds over to Marko’s side and snags him away from Jordan just to give a big hug and noogies on his head much to his dismay. While Marko struggles to get away from Paul’s grasp, Harold speaks.
“Well ain’t that sweet, I’m glad you’re happy Jordan…but don’t think that I completely trust him or his posse.” The boys all perk up at his statement and Marko speaks “Oh okay so fuck the fact I saved your daughter’s life, I’m still a bad guy apparently.” He gets defensive and Harold retorts.
“You saved my daughter once and think you are entitled to have her? That ain’t happening sport, not while I’m here to say so. I don’t need another problem boy coming in, if I recall he was a lot like you! A little less blunt however…” 
Marko was offended until David got curious. “There seems to be an ex in this picture, did he look like Marko or something?” He looked to Jordan for answers but her mother intervened. 
“No, he looked like…um…if you two had a child.” Jane pointed at Dwayne and Paul and they both looked at each other. “Dwayne, how many kids do you have that you never told me about? We’re supposed to be raising Laddie together yet here you are making more babies?” He feigns a look of hurt on his face while Dwayne rolls his eyes. “You’re an idiot.” 
“Guys please, can we not talk about this right now. Mom, Dad, I’ll tell them eventually. Just not right now.” Jordan places her hands on the table firmly and he drops the subject.
“If you insist…” Jane drops it. The whole table goes silent for a few awkward moments before David gets up from his chair.
“Well I think we’ve discussed enough for tonight, the night is young and we need to spread our wings and go.” He smiles at Jordan’s parents before making his way towards the door.
Paul then gets up and stretches his arms out groaning obnoxiously. “Yeah, I’m ready to go have some fun.” He follows in David’s direction, then Dwayne gets up and approaches Jordan.
“Could you remove these bandages off of me, my arm is fine now.” He gestures to his bandaged up arm and Jordan gets up heading for her room.
“Of course, the first aid kit should have scissors for cutting the…” She reaches the bottom of the stairs leading into her room and remembers the mess the boys and her had left. Blood was on the floor and on her stuff, not to mention the corpses sitting in the middle of the room. “I thought you guys removed the bodies after I finished?”
“Nope. I’m sure Marko will be glad to help you though.” Dwayne pats her shoulder while he fetches the scissors, leaving her standing like an idiot not knowing what to do next. Marko comes down and sees her eyeing the mess they left and he walks up to her side.
“So…where do we start?” He bites his thumb and Jordan gives him a look.
“Get rid of those guys and I’ll start cleaning.”
After an hour or so they finish with cleaning the best they can. While they are alone, Marko watches from her bed as she scrubs at the carpet trying to clean up the blood to the best of her ability. Bixby jumps onto the bed and sits beside him. Marko tries petting him but Bixby just growls at him, in turn Marko growls back at him.
“You boys need to get along if you want this to work.” Jordan calls from the floor.
“Then tell him that he needs to piss off and that I ain’t scared of him.” Marko retorts as Bixby makes himself comfortable on the bed. “Is he a hellcat or something?” 
“I don’t know, maybe. Are hellcats even a thing?” She sits up from her spot getting invested in the convo.
“Why wouldn’t they be? How did you even find him?” He looked at her questionably.
Jordan stood up and explained “Well when we moved here, he just sorta showed up. I think my grandparents may have been feeding him, at first he hated me. My parents told me not to bring him in or get too attached but, what do they know?” She walked over to the bed and kneeled down to pet Bixby while he purred happily.
“I see. This was your grandparents' house?” He looked around the basement while he asked.
“Yeah, they both died and they said not to sell it. So we sold our own place and moved here, it’s a nice place honestly.” She sat on the bed next to Marko.
“What did you think of Santa Carla when you first got here?” Jordan thought for a minute, and Marko thought he wouldn’t get an answer. But he did.
“It was…awesome. I mean back where I’m from, I was bullied a lot for being different and so I was a loner. But here, no one judges you. I met people who were a lot like me and liked me for who I was. I’d say there’s nothing better than that. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone who dresses the way you do anywhere outside of Santa Carla.” She looked at his outfit and traced her hand over his sleeve to make her point.
Marko chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Would you say I’m your type?” He leaned into her, smirking at her.
“Well, I never imagined myself dating a greasy haired guy wearing leather chaps. What’s with the chaps anyways? Were you a cowboy or something?” She pulled at his chaps and he went quiet trying to remember his past life. “Wait, how old are you?”
“Well uh…let’s just say I became a vamp in 1906.” She looked at him flabbergasted.
“Shut Up. No way.” 
“Yes way. Me and my brothers were in San Francisco before we came here. Although I ran away from my home in New York.” 
“Wow…I gotta say you might’ve been a vampire for almost a century now but you don’t look a day over twenty.”
“You’re technically right cuz I was nineteen when I turned. Speaking of age…how old are you?”
“I was 20 when I turned…I technically should be turning 21 this year in October.” She looked forlornly at the ground thinking about her stolen humanity.
“So you’ll be of legal drinking age soon huh?” Marko attempted to throw in some humor with the question.
“Bold of you to assume I’d wanna drink, the thought alone makes me wanna vomit.” Jordan keeps her gaze at the floor but speaks with a hint of venom in her voice. Marko raises an eyebrow, he’s piecing things together.
“Say, does that bottle Paul brought out have anything to do with your past?” He leans towards her, propping his elbows onto his knee trying to look at her face to face.
“We should go with your brothers now, I’m not talking about this tonight.” Jordan stands up and walks upstairs leaving Marko alone. Marko exhales through his nose and thinks “She can’t hide this forever…”. He hears a growl from beside him and sees Bixby giving him a look of anger. “Piss off…whether you like it or not, we are sharing her.” He gets up and goes upstairs with a huff.
Marko and Jordan head to the boardwalk to catch up with the boys and find them watching a concert on the beach. They both pull up on their own bikes, and upon getting off the bike, Marko goes over to David to talk to him while Jordan moves over to where Paul was standing. Of course, he strikes up a conversation.
“Sup Jordan, so how’d things go with Marko in the bedroom? Did he satisfy you?” He wiggles his eyebrows and in return he’s flicked on the nose.
“If you meant how well he cleaned up after your mess then I’d say he did a pretty good job.” Jordan leaned on the railing and Paul lit a cigarette. He held the box in her direction, in which she took one.
“So, did anything else happen?” Paul asked. Jordan shook her head, and Paul dropped it opting to watch the performance in front of them. Paul had a sneaking suspicion that Marko might’ve pressed a button or two so he opened up the pack bond to ask. “Marko, what’s up with Jordan?”
“She’s not one for sharing details on her past, that’s all.”
“Then we should take her mind off of it, she’s kinda killing the mood.” 
“Okay then, what do we do?” Marko looks over at Paul and they both seemingly get the same idea. Paul slips an arm around Jordan and guides her to Marko.
“Jordan, I think it’s about time you come see where we live, and since we made a mess at your place you have my permission to take one thing you like and keep it.” He stomps out his cigarette and leaves her with Marko. 
“I’m assuming that you guys must have some cool stuff if you’re offering for me to take something I like.” Marko just shrugs before David intervenes.
“Well, let’s go eat before we do any of that. I think I spotted someone of interest. Can one of you go find Dwayne and let him know we’re leaving?” He points at Jordan and nods in a certain direction.
Assuming he wanted her to go look, she left. She walked through the boardwalk scanning through the crowds looking for the two, while she walked she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Sam?” Jordan looked at him surprised to see him trying to talk to her considering what happened.
“Look, Jordan I wanted to just say that I’m sorry about what happened. I really don’t wanna start anything.” While Jordan didn’t want to believe him, there was something about his demeanor that made her feel bad for him. So she turned to give him her full attention. “I was just scared of the fact that you were a vampire this whole time, but I don’t want to hurt you. Considering you’ve apparently been a vamp this whole time, you could’ve hurt me. But you didn’t, so I’m not gonna hurt ya.” He put his hands up as a sign of a truce.
Jordan thought for a minute, before coming to a conclusion “You’re alright, Sam. I’ll be sure to let the boys know.” She turned and walked off leaving Sam in the crowd alone. She had to continue her search for Dwayne and Laddie, but they seemingly found her before she could as she felt a tiny weight attach itself onto Jordan’s leg.
“Hi, Jordan!” Laddie looks up at her with a happy smile.
“Hey bud, is Dwayne with you? We gotta get going now.” He pointed to the dark haired man approaching them.
“Hey, Jordan. Laddie, I told you not to run off without me.” He pried him off of Jordan’s leg and threw him over his shoulder making him squeal in surprise. “So I’m assuming David sent you?” Jordan nodded, leaving Dwayne to comply and make his way back while Laddie tried wiggling out of Dwayne's grasp to no avail. 
Before Jordan could make her way to follow, she felt a presence in the air that made her stop dead in her tracks. She wasn’t sure what it was, but the hair on the back of her neck stood up and she looked around only to see…nothing. Even though nothing was there, she kept looking at a particularly shady area where she could swear someone was there. Tuning all the other people and music out of her mind she started walking towards the area, looking for any shred of life potentially watching her. But before she could properly check, she was pulled from her trance by Marko. “You okay Jordan?” He looked at the area she was headed towards and saw nothing. Putting a protective arm around her, he started guiding her back while looking behind his shoulder every few seconds. “Hey, I asked if you were alright?” He once again asked.
“I’m fine, I just could’ve swore someone was watching me.” She tried taking her mind off of what happened, but she just kept wondering what would’ve happened if she hadn’t been stopped.
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@blog4horror @ria-coolgirl @oceansrose2002 @hypocriticaltypwriter @deliciousfestsalad
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