#tw: violent beating
kennysinthewoods · 22 days
do you think im a good person?
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megamyceted · 25 days
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CHRIS REDFIELD & ETHAN WINTERS resident evil village, 2021
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Day 58: Mumbo Jumbo beating up Transphobes
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toonztown · 6 months
Mafia husband! x (GN) reader Part 2
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It has been about 3 days since you've moved into the mansion, your 'fiancé' is constantly busy with work so to your delight you hardly see him. You still couldn't believe it just a few days ago you were a normal high schooler, average grades but now your staying in a house you couldn't afford in your lifetime to be married off to a member of the mafia.
You sat up in bed, you spend most of your days in your room, sleeping the day a away, hoping that this is all just a bad dream; only to find yourself disappointed every time you wake up.
just before you were about to go back to sleep, there was a soft knock at the door. "excuse me mr capone has requested you come down for breakfast at once." the voice on the other side said. you made an audible groan and you make your way out of bed, the last thing you wanted was food much less breakfast with Mr. capone. You knew denying would be a- foolish decision, he could kill you in a heart beat. You open the closet and are stunned by the amount of expensive clothing, not a single one of them looked worn, could it be? he bought them for you? You felt your heart warm ever so slightly at the thought, you shook your head. You pick out something that you liked and changed into it, not bothering to fix your hair, maybe if he finds you unappealing to the eyes he'll let you go? its a small chance but it gave you hope. now here you were, seated at a large table full of various foods you've never tried before and across from you was the man who brought you to this hell, Mr capone. Maybe this is a good time to question him when the time was right? you picked up your glass of wine, you didn't take a sip just stare at it then back at him. You gather the courage to finally ask him "so why me." you asked, your cold gaze fixed on him. your question seemed to catch him off guard for a moment, he tilted his head in confusion with a sly grin. "i have no idea what you mean dearest." he replied, downing a glass of wine, his voice had a hint of playfulness, he was totally taunting you.
now he was playing dumb? who does he think he is. You clench your fist into a ball before slamming it down on the table "dont act dumb! why did you chose me! why did you bring me here instead of just killing me! why do you want to marry me?!" through all your questioning and ranting he just stared at you silently, tapping his fingers on the table. He was going annoyed, maybe going on a rampage was not a good idea. once your anger died down you were filled with deep regret- ohh why did you do something so stupid, you sat back down. You grabbed the bottle of wine and drank it, if your going to die, might as well die intoxicated. Mr capone got up from his seat across the table and made his way over to you.
your cheek was met with a harsh slap that would have your face stinging for a while, he grabbed you by the hair and yanked your head back forcing your eyes to meet. Oh he was pissed.
"let us get one thing straight you little bitch. Firstly i didn't 'chose you' your father just didn't have the ability to have more attractive offspring, second if i wanted to kill you i would have."
his grip on your hair tightened. He then slammed your head onto the table, you could feel blood drip down your nose from the impact, you struggle to get away but this only made him do it again but harder.
" Finally, marriage is the ultimate way to have claim over you. this isn't some dumb little fairy tale where i 'fall in love with the innocent damsel.' your my slave, im the master. If you EVER, have that attitude with me again, i will send you home to your old man in a fucking body bag you worthless whore."
His words and the buzzing pain in your head made it hard to do anything but nod, he threw you to the floor and gave you a beating that you would never forget. you dont remember what happened next or how you got to bed. When you woke up, you found that your wounds were treated and a bouquet of expensive looking flowers on your bed accompanied by a note. you did not have to open it to know who it was from, i guess this was Mr capone's twisted way of apologizing after injuring you to the point of you having to passing out.
inside the note was the basic im sorry, please forgive me, i do it cause i love you and how he promises to never lay a hand on your ever again, you scoff at the thought, that was a obvious lie, did he think you were that stupid?
you crumpled the note and toss it across the room not caring where it landed, your head still hurt from how hard he grabbed your hair. If he was willing to beat you that badly for just questioning him, you fear what he will do if you try to escape. you lay back down in bed, silently cursing your dad and his stupid gambling addiction, if it wasn't for him you would be in school right now, even the worst of your bullies were better than being stuck with him. you turned and faced the wall, holding your now bruise ridden body. Pulling the covers over your eyes you drift off to sleep, dreaming of being back home with your parents, even your dad. ignoring the fact that you were to be wed, in just 5 days.
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kibutsulove · 6 months
// Blood tw // — Azulon and Hama fanart
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last year I abstained,
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this year I devour.
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shadowlinktheshadow · 30 days
I am going to fucking kill myself (899 korok seeds)
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ravenzeppeli · 6 months
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Stained Red |Yandere DIO x Reader Dark Lemon|
Warning: strong/violent language, threats, extreme physical violence/abuse, noncon (forced, violent), dark themes, emotional abuse, verbal abuse. MA - read with caution.
As soon as your fiancé Dio Brando entered your room, you were met with a harsh slap, causing you to fall back on your bed. You could only assume that he was upset at you, his golden eyes holding pure anger as he stared down at you with disgust and rage.
"When I give you an order you fucking listen. I told you to not go outside and you snuck out when I was asleep and you disobeyed me completely," he spoke to you harshly. His undead bare chest heaved up and down, hands balling into fists as his blond locks stood wild and untamed. "How dare you. How fucking dare you!"
You tried to push yourself off of the bed, but you were greeted by his fist crashing into your left cheek, blood spraying out of your mouth as you fell to your right hand side on the mattress. "Y-you.." Tears of pain filled your eyes as blood leaked from your mouth. A deep purple bruise formed on your cheek, his punch almost breaking your jaw.
"Don't you dare fucking move! Stay on this bed and bleed out a little.. I promise you that you'll be in a lot more pain soon." He stood close to the bed now, knees pressing against the mattress as he watched you bleed onto the white sheets, staining them red.
You lifted a shaky hand, ripping the diamond engagement ring off of your finger. You threw it at his face, the ring bouncing off of his forehead before hitting the floor. "I.. I will not marry you!" You screamed at him, taking advantage of the shock on his face as you scooted away from him, making your way down the king-sized bed.
        For the first time in your ten months of knowing Dio, this was the first time that you ever saw him shocked, frozen as he stared at you in utter disbelief. You felt his fingers wrap around your ankle, yanking you down the bed. "I'm going to hurt you.. I'm going to make you regret doing something so foolish! That was the worst thing that you've ever done."
You tried to kick him, but his reflexes were too powerful. He caught your other leg with ease, letting go of your other leg as you felt your dress rip off of your body. "No! No.. I don't want this! Get the fuck away from me!" You yelled at him, making him even angrier.
He flipped you over, forcing your back to arch as your underwear was ripped off and thrown to that side. "You're going to get punished like a whore.. you are not going to get any joy from this." Without warning you felt his hands spread apart your ass, his hard erection forcing its way into your tight asshole. "I wasn't going to punish you like this but you will not throw things at I, DIO!" He yelled at you, pushing fully inside of you as his hands smacked across your ass, leaving red handprints.
"A-ah!" You screamed out, hot tears spilling from your ass as he stretched your tight hole out forcefully. "P-please!" You screamed louder, sobbing weakly as he began to move in and out of you, a sharp pain behind every single thrust. Why was he doing this to you? Hurting you.. it wasn't love.
"Begging isn't going to make me stop or go easier on you.. that ring was expensive, and you throw it in my face?" He questioned, disbelief thick in his tone as he wrapped his hands around your waist, fingernails digging into your side as he moved at a rapid pace, ignoring your cries of pain. "I dare you to try and fight back.. you can even use your stand. I fucking dare you to try you bitch."
He was taunting you.. he knew damn well that you nor your stand could fight him off. Slap sounds filled the air as he slammed himself in and out of your tight hole - you didn't feel an ounce of pleasure. All you felt was pain and a deep heartbreak.. you thought that he was going to change.
Instead of fighting back like he dared you, you pressed your face into fur soft mattress, muffling your screams as you felt blood running down your legs as his nails cut into your flesh. His nails were as sharp as knives, drawing blood from you easily.
"Come on.. fight me you little bitch. I bet this is so painful and embarrassing but you're big and bad, right? Stop me," he taunted you even further, rolling his hips as he pressed your body fully onto the bed, removing his fingernails from your sides. "See? You'll never be able to fight me. From the moment I laid eyes on you.. I claimed you. You are my property."
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," you cried out, voice muffled. Pain shot through your body as he moved faster, each stroke more painful than the last. "I'm sorry.. I promise.. just please," you didn't even know what you were saying. You just wanted the pain to go away.. that's all you wanted.
"I promise that the next time you cross me, this will seem like child's play. Let this happen again and I'll beat you to a pulp and then fuck all three of your holes for hours. I'll tie you to the bed and torture you," his voice was low, warning as he gave you three more painful thrusts before cuming deep inside of your anus.
You felt something press into your anus, plugging up the tight hole and assuring that his cum wouldn't leak out of you. Your cheeks and ass held sore.. blood still pouring from your hips and staining your legs with deep red. You felt so disgusting and you were so embarrassed.. you were never going to forget this day. You fucking hated him.
"That was your last warning.. keep my cum inside of your ass for the rest of the night as a reminder. I'm going to go run you a bath because you're filthy but don't expect special treatment tonight. You don't deserve to be kissed or cuddled." He walked away, heading to the bathroom and leaving you a sobbing mess.
You sat in the bathtub, red staining the water as tears filled your eyes, rolling down your bruised cheeks. You disobeyed him again.. you upset him, and he attacked you. So easily did he hurt you, and you couldn't stand it anymore. So badly, did you now want to escape his evil grasp, knowing that despite how much you love him, he'll never change.
You felt his cold golden eyes peering at you as he sat across from you on the toilet seat. He didn't take his eyes off of you, and you wished that he did.. you wished that he would just leave you alone. Why you? Out of everyone that DIO has encountered, why did he pick you to be his? You now feel like the unluckiness woman in the entire universe.
"Why must you always upset me? Why do you always force me to hurt you?" His voice called out, tone filled with thick anger. "You have no choice in the matter of staying with me. You are my property, and you will marry me and spend eternity with me."
You brought your knees up to your chest, burying your face in your knees as sobs escaped your lips. These sobs weren't low. They were loud and pained as your body shook in the warm water. You couldn't contain yourself in this moment.. your tears couldn't be silent because you were truly hurt - you finally cracked. He finally broke you.. and it hurt so fucking bad because you thought that he changed.
You felt his cool hand appear on your back, and you flinched away, "Please don't.. please don't hurt me anymore! Please," you cried out, voice cracking at the end as you held yourself tighter. "Just.. kill me. Please k-kill me," you said in a shaky voice. Death was terrifying, but it would end the pain.. you wouldn't have to spend an eternity in fear.
His hand stayed frozen, an unsettling silence filling the air as you felt his eyes peering down at you. "Despite what you may think of me, I would never kill you, so don't you ever ask me to again," his voice dropped to a whisper, warning you. "If you act obedient that I wouldn't have to hurt you. You did this to yourself."
"You.. you beat me, and you force me.. you.. you," you shook your head, tears filling your cloud of vision. You couldn't do this.. arguing with him will make things worse, and having to say these painful truths aloud was breaking you into even more pieces.
"When you disobey me and disrespect me, then you will suffer the consequences. As your man, it is my right to be in control of you. The sooner you fully accept that, the less that I have to hurt you." Oddly enough, his voice was now soft and soothing. He was like a switch, switching from one emotion to the next when it came to you. It was terrifying. "If you want to go outside, then I will go with you when the sun sets."
The hot water was now turning warm. All of the blood was now clean off of your sore body, but you couldn't get up. You were in so much pain that you didn't want to move, knowing that moving would make things worse. "Okay," you whispered, just accepting your defeat. You had no more fight left in you.
You blinked, shock filling your eyes as you felt the bed beneath your nude body, water still dripping off of your body as you sat on the edge of the bed, soaking freshly changed sheets. You don't understand Dio's stand a single bit, but you knew that he could move you without you knowing.
     He stood in front of you, soft white towel drying your body gently. He patted the towel on every inch of your body, ignoring the embarrassed blush that appeared on your lips as he dried your breast. "Don't make me hurt you as badly as I hurt you today ever again.. just listen to me to the best of your ability and communicate with me."
"I'm scared to talk to you," you said in a low tone, hanging your head in shame as he dry patted your back. Your fear of Dio was so strong sometimes that you're afraid that you'll die of fright. Do people die of fright?
"I'm not going to hit you if you ask me for something. As your future husband, I am your provider, and it is my job to provide for you," he said softly, towel dropping to your womanhood as he spread your legs, patting the area gently. He was being extra careful, not wanting to cause you anymore pain.
Did he not realize that you were never going to forgive him deep down? You felt deep resentment at even his soft touch, fighting the urge to flinch away from him. "Okay," you repeated, feeling as if that was now going to be your go-to word for now on. You didn't know what else to say, but you knew that you were ashamed that you couldn't just leave him and escape his abusive grasps.
"I love you. I truly do love you, and I want you by my side for eternity." He finished drying you, tossing the towel casually to the side as he slipped a silk red nightgown over your head. "Tell me that you love me back."
"I love you too," you said softly, gently pulling away from him as you crawled weakly into bed. You rested your head on the fluffy pillow, feeling much too weak to pull the covers over your body. Your eyes met his soft one.. the life in your eyes was gone, and you could tell that he could notice.
The silk sheets were pulled over your body. "I'll be back before the sun rises. Vanilla Ice is currently on high alert, so don't do anything foolish." His eyes lingered over yours, tall form towering over the best and casting his dark shadow over you. "See you soon.. I will miss you."
You blinked once, and he was gone.. his dark shadow that towered over you, vanishing with you. A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you slowly turned to your more comfortable side, a pained groan escaping your lips as pain shot through your entire body. You let your eyes close, welcoming sleep as swiftly as you could in hopes or waking up in less pain tomorrow. You hoped tomorrow would be a better day, but the hope that Dio Brando would turn into a good man completely left your mind.. you were never going to see him the same again.
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incaseofart · 5 months
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Please enjoy this silly rendition of the current state of my brain!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
I hate how sensitive I am. Especially in Mitsu's server, I'm always crying over dumb fucking things that makes me 'uncomfyy' or I feel unwanted or get upset at MILDLY 'mean' jokes like, like I just HAVE to say something when something doesn't have a tw, I'm a fucking attention whore at this point. They really should just mute me or throw me out, I need to learn to shut up.
Gah I'm glad they don't look at my tumblr, they'd ABSOLUTELY know I'm an attention seeker then
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kennysinthewoods · 21 days
on my knees for you..
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which way do you prefer 🥺
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effervescent-fool · 1 year
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"mom i frew up :("
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truckstoptigers · 7 months
i hold so much more anger than anyone around me realizes
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reddeliciousauce · 3 months
19, 31, 36
19. If your character is lgbt, was there any “signs” of it in their childhood?
i dunno probably my constant dick and cock rapping tipped a couple people off i wasnt entirely straight irony can only take you so far you know
i was basically the first amab with a cooch though id say thats a diversity win
31. If your character is neurodivergent, is there any ways it interfered with their life that was noticeable to them? Were they aware of it?
god yeah
i got all my hw done the morning before and during lunch not the best shit to pull when that work becomes wholeass essays but hey we do what we gotta do
guess that makes me neurodivergent somehow hell if i know what way the pendulum doth swang but if i had to guess its adhd
36. Was their sense of morality high? Did they see themselves as the “good” one of their peers? Or did they dislike goody two shoes?
i was kind of a lil asshole i sure thought i was the shit whenever i told other kids to spell icup or set up captcha card pranks for myself like some fuckhead
but i wasnt like beating people up so you know not a cookie cutter bully type i got depth here i got layers
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
alcohol is just one of milou's biggest, if not THE coping mechanism for practically everything. she's well aware that it's not healthy but could give zero shits about it. she doesn't grow violent nor directly impacts other people around her — she really just wants to grow numb and for other people to mind their own business.
it doesn't concern them, so what gives them the right to dictate what she should and shouldn't do? usually, milou really does not care what others think about her, but this is different.
it takes a great amount of trust between her and another person to even hear them out and not grow hostile or outright lash out at them (both verbal and physical) if they try to intervene. weirdly enough though, her stoic demeanour persists if a complete stranger decides to comment on her habits. it's only when there's at least some rapport between her and the person in question that she grows increasingly hostile.
the sheer audacity that you think you're entitled to broach the topic of something that makes her feel so vulnerable — something that she thinks has become such an integral part of her by now.
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fuckin-sick-bih · 1 year
@ the rain and my sinuses stoooop with the headache. it's real mean. how am i even supposed to enjoy the additional snz like this?
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cheolhub · 1 year
dont u just LOVE when ur male coworkers MANSPLAIN!!!
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