#tw:rape mention
osatokun · 1 year
Tell us more about Glinda!
the original one, not the tiefling one?
She is an npc in the vampire the masquerade ttrpg chronicle I'm playing with my friends. I play that chubby sweet vampire man.
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I put the story under the cut, as it's pretty dark
She is a changeling form the House Balor. Once she was a queen of the changelings of the New Orleans, back in 90s. She was so strong that she even created a wildly strong chimerical creature, a Dragon, who, ofcourse, could take a human form. Glinda always had prophetic dreams and she knew that soon her changeling people will extinct, the era of wonder will be over. Should I mention, that changeling soul wakes up early in kids, and closer to 20-25 years it usually goes back to sleep, resting inside human body unless that human dies. The human doesn't remember they were a fae creature once.
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So, the young teen Glinda was talked into the apocalypse. Pentex or nephandi (both?) talked her into giving birth to a changeling-spirit creature, that will destroy big part of the world, but the other half survives and start believing in wonders again, giving strenght to changelings. This way changelings could survive.
Could they make it differently? Ofcourse they could. But they didn't miss on a chance to rape a teen and destroy her child's soul. Plus, the time was right, the Eye of Balor appeared in the sky (or the Red Star, as vampires named it). But the other changeling House, house Beaumayn, who also known to be seers, riot and freed her chimera. The Dragon burned (by that time pregnant) Glinda in chimerical flame, which had to kill her changeling soul and her spirit-child. But the spirit survived and ran away into the depths of the Umbra, and Glinda's changeling soul fell asleep. The connection with this spirit creature helped her changeling part to survive.
Beaumayns took the lead of the changelings of the city, "imprisoned" Glinda and made the Dragon her jailer. For regular people it looked like a marriage(it sounds funny when I word it this way) .The Dragon, Gregory Dequir in human form, did his best to make Glinda feel like she is nothing, a zero, not even a person and tried to control her every step. Time passed, changelings woke up and fell back asleep, and pretty soon Dragon was the only one who remembered this story and had a good chance to shape it however he wanted. Everyone hated her, a lot respected him, but no one knew the reason she made this choice, no one even knew what exactly she made. (Gregory, also known as Dragon)
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But despite everything she grew up into a very kind loving person. 20 years passed. She became an art teacher, always caring about her students and protecting them, just as she did when she was a queen. She kept her courage too, and now and then tried to sneak from the Dragon. Even tho she had no personal budget, even tho he tried to control all her contacts, she found ways for sneaking from time to time. Should I say, that's how she met Charlie, who was looking for changelings at this point and..at the same time was hungry and horny ?
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They met in the art gallery. Quickly she lured him in a more private place ( don't laugh, it was the rest room).She needed to be quick while Dragon wasn't around. Charlie never bit her, no. He ended up fighting frenzy and crying, trying to ignore his visions. He got scared by the big, never healing scar on her chest. There is nothing he can do about it, he just can't feed on people who has skin problems, its one of his core mental issues that can't be healed. But still he didn't want to upset her too much so he didn't ran away screaming, he put all his fading strength just to cry like a little child. She tried to calm him, but when he started to say that he feels sorry for her, the wound looks so bad it must be really painful (etc etc) it hit her pride and she walked away.
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Charlie however tried to figure who she is, what she is. He tried to find a changeling who asked him for help, but poor vampire didn't know how exactly this changeling looks like. So he made a thing that he makes very rare - he looked into her soul to learn her true self. And he fell in love, insanely, in that very moment, as he never seen anyone more brave, more beautiful , just like a little brave robin with her burnt mark over her heart, she fought the horrific Dragon.
I won't bore you with the year long story of the gaming sessions. In short, he found the way to return memory to Glinda and the younger changeling (the one who asked for help, Monica). It requires to go to the umbra and survive in Arcadia's wood, but no matter, he did it.
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Other noble changelings seemed to look for the way to get rid of the Dragon without doing it themselves. Dragon had too much power, both physical and social, and he became (or always were) the banal chimera so he hurt changelings just by existing near them. So the conflict of the chimera and the vampire, who seemed to be too stupid to retreat, attracted their attention. Charlie ended up fighting the Dragon on the changeling court, and the king of the house forces another very old vampire to give my dude a sword. That sword contained a demon(which ofcourse Charlie didn't know) and, when Charlie was one hit from gis final death, he made a contract with the creature from the sword. One hour and ten minutes inside his body, for the feath of the Dragon and Dragon only. Charlie knew it was a horrible idea, but couldn't stand the idea of Glinda's death, Monica's death and his firend's, Veronica's death. So the demon turned dragon into a regular human being, this way killing the Dragon and making him a regular mortal, and used vampire's body to run away. Oh, the swords keeper aka demons jailer wasn't happy at all..but Charlie deserved all what he got.
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Anyway, lets get back to Glinda. After the death of the Dragon, the jailer, Glinda was free ( so do Gregory). He divorced her and she could start her new life. Charlie gave her the healing that restored broken connections of her changeling soul and ran straight into the Umbra, to restore her memory. Monica and her friends (a werewolf, a ghost, a changeling-satyr and chimera) followed her a day after. Time works differently in Umbra, so Glinda spent a whole month here, the kids spent a week or so. They met to that spirit face to face, they fought, and they escaped. Glinda even managed to steal the symbol of her connection to the spirit, a Golden Chalice. All that time Charlie waited near the portal-painting for their return.
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A couple days after Charlie and Glinda stared to date. She told him her story, he told her his, and also shared his true name to show his feelings for her. They quickly moved together and shared bits of their curses: Charlie took a bit if the spirit curse, she took a little bit of his demonic one. And finally, they got married. There are still incredible amount of dangers, the mummy is trying to get their (kinda now adopted) daughter Monica, the spirit getting closer and closer to the surface, Charlie's demon is still walking the earth and, ofcourse, vampiric community isn't happy with changelings at all ( I don't think changelings thinks positively about Charlie too).But they have their little family, their smol house, they even managed to create a new chimerical cat together, they are determined to survive and win. (curse sharing was a pretty sweet scene they both sung a song and put bits of their powers into small bat pins)
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They even got the True Love merit!
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In the end, they worked with the occult council of the city ( vampires, werewolves and mages were there) to slay Glinda's spir. Charlie made a deal with a local settite leader Manon asking to help out with Glinda's ritual in return. Council succeed but flooded the city (not too badly, but still 😔). And Charlie's demon was trapped by other much more powerful vampires and he did his best to resist demon till the end.
Now happily married couple is traveling together, looking for the new deadly adventures x)
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look-i-love-u · 1 year
Galladrabbles - Sworn Enemy
This is part 20 of my true crime!podcaster AU for the @galladrabbles no 90 set by @sickness-health-all-that-shit.
You can read the series from the beginning: HERE
“He’s in Mexico.”
Ian blinks, his thoughts trying to catch up..
“My dad.” Mickey whispers. Ian swallows and stays silent.
Mickey won’t meet his eye. Ian hopes he’ll keep talking… till Mickey actually does.
“We got some product.” He looks over the sea of green leaves in the warehouse. “Him and me. It was a trick. Should have known. He… there was a woman. A gun….it fucking hurt. And then I hurt them. There was a lot of blood. The sand was red with it. I buried them. In a ditch… left, returned to the city alone…Now you know…
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Doffy does have mad style.
I found an image that basically lists everything!
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Yea, I believe he has done all of these. Though some of them arent crimes but they should be.
He is an SOB
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adelphiafox2 · 1 year
Imagine:you get kidnapped and John saves you.
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Warning: kidnapping, mention of death, rape and Iosef thinking he can get away with everything.(if you feel uncomfortable or had experienced rape, I'll put up a warning sign like this ⚠️ and I'll try to make it less graphic.)
You and John have been friends for years and you knew about his job. Some days you got anxious because you didn't know if John will come back dead or alive but luckily he always came back alive. When John met Helen he couldn't stop talking about which made you smile because you were glad he found his one. You were glad that he also stopped his job blit just showed he'll do anything for her but you were also sad when Helen died but you were there for John when she died and he was thankful for that. After a few days John got a package and inside it was a puppy and she was named daisy which made John cry. You loved daisy with all your heart she was sweet and surprisingly well behaved. You always used to care of Daisy whenever John went out.
So today John called you asking if you could take care of Daisy for him which you happily said yes to. After hanging up you grabbed your satchel and went straight to John's house to pick her up and take her to your home and when John comes back you'll just give daisy back. When you reached John's house nothing seemed out of the ordinary except your gut told you to run away but you ignored it because you will never let daisy be on her own she's just a puppy afterall. So you grabbed the spare key John gave you. You opened it and walked inside of the house and you could feel the temperature drop. You looked around for daisy and decided to call her "daisy!" You shouted and you heard nails hit the floor and saw daisy run over to you. You smiled and picked her up you then heard her start to bark making you confused. "What is it girl?" You asked but then you suddenly felt something hard hit your head making you fall and hit your head on the floor then you heard daisy start to whine. You felt her start to lick your face, you lifted yourself up and groaned in pain. You heard someone speak in Russian making you confused you suddenly felt someone grab your hair making you hiss. "Who are you?" A man with strawberry blonde hair asked making you glare at him. You saw the man move closer to your face "who are you?" He asked making you spit into his eye making him groan and pull away. "You little bitch!" He shouted and punched you. You could feel the blood drip from your nose and you felt the man who held your hair pull it roughly. You heard daisy bark at the men which made the man who punched you angry. "Get rid of the dog!" He shouted making you struggle "no please! leave her alone I'll do anything!" You shouted feeling tears fill your eyes. You saw the man turn to you with a smirk "anything?" He asked making you nod your head. "Tie her up she's coming with us" he said walking away you then felt a man tie your wrists together roughly and then felt them take you somewhere. You got confused to why they went to the garage but then you realised that they're gonna take John's car. You saw them get the car open and they pushed you in roughly. You saw the rest get in the car and started it and drive away. You saw them drive into a repair shop and they stopped and got out of the car. You watched as they talked but then a man punched the man making your eyes widen in shock. You then saw all of them get back into the car making you look away. "Knock her out" said the man making you turn and suddenly felt a sharp pain on your head making you feel weak and suddenly everything went pitch black.
You then gasped awake and looked around and saw a table infront of you and a small light that barley lit up the room. You twisted your arms and felt how tight they tied your wrists you then screamed for help hoping it'll work but it didn't. You then saw the door open and saw the man who punched you. "See that your awake" he said walking over with a chair. "What's your name?"he asked the same question that he asked last time You didn't say anything and just stared at him. "I'll ask you again, what's.your.name?"he asked getting out a pocket knife making you tense up. "Y/n." You said making him smile "wasn't so hard was it?"he asked putting the knife away you then saw him stand up he then walked over to you. You saw him walk behind you and you felt him put his finger on your check making you pull your face away. You then saw him walk infront of you making you glare at him. "You're a pretty little thing aren't you?"he said grabbing your chin. "Fuck you" you said making him slap you "you know someone should teach you a lesson" he said walking behind you.
You felt him grab your shoulders roughly and lifted you then pinned you over the table which made your heart start to race and pound in your chest. It was as if it was a bird stuck in a cage your heart being the bird and your chest being the cage.you felt him rip your pants off of you then your underwear. You heard him unzip his pants making you start to cry. You then felt him shove it in roughly and started to thrust making you start to cry in pain. "Stop please!" You shouted in pain making him ignore you and kept thrusting. He didn't go slow your gentle he went full speed and went rough. The worst thing is that you're still a virgin and the pain was unbearable. You felt a warm liquid drip down your legs and you realised that it was blood. "Stop! you're hurting me!" You shouted but he ignored you and he kept going. After what felt like years he pulled out making you feel relieved but then he turned you onto your back you glared at him making him smirk but then you felt him put his area in making your body tense up. Then he started to slam it in making you cry out in pain. You looked at the wall praying that this will be over soon. You could feel blood drip down your legs which made you uncomfortable. After a while he finally pulled out and he left the room locking the door behind him.
You were sitting on the floor after crying for hours and now you were trying to remove your restrains. You still felt pain all over your body and you tried to rest but you just couldn't. You have no idea how long you were here for it felt like years. You suddenly heard someone barge into thr room making you shoot up and saw a face that made you smile with happiness and hope. "Hope!" You shouted happily making John turn to you and quickly put his gun on the table and walked over to you "I'm so sorry!"he shouted crouching and hugging you which made you tear up and cried onto his shoulder. You then felt him cut your restrains and then picked you up bridal style and started to carry you out of that hell hole. You hugged Johns neck and you felt safe in his embrace and you felt hope rush back into your body and suddenly you remembered. "Is daisy okay?"you asked making John look at you and nod making you smile lightly and closed your eyes You then felt yourself drift of to sleep. When you woke up you felt soft sheets over you and felt a soft bed making you pull yourself up and looked around and realised that you were in John's bed. You heard a small bark making you turn to the bark and saw daisy making you smile you lifted her up onto the bed and you felt her lick your face making you smile. "I hope you slept well"said John making you turn to him smiling. "I did thank you"you said making John walk over to you. "I'm so sorry y/n"he said putting his hand on your shoulder. "It's not your fault, John"you said smiling you then felt daisy leave your arms and ran over to John making you smile. "How did you find me?"you asked making John look at you. "I know the guys father I used to work for him but now it doesn't matter now"he said making you confused "what do you mean?" You asked making John look at you and then at daisy. "I killed him and his son"he said making you nod. "Can you tell me what happened to you?"he asked making you look at him and then at the floor. "If you want to of course" he said shifting a bit closer to you. "I came here to pick up daisy but when I got inside they hit me over my head and a man with strawberry blonde hair asked me my name but I spat into his eye making him slap me. Which made daisy start to bark at them it angered him and he ordered one of his guys to kill her but I begged him not to and told him I'd do anything...then they took me away and later on knocked me out and trapped me in a room and then he came in and....raped me"you said with tears in your eyes which made John wrap his arms around you and brought you into a loving embrace. "I'm so sorry that happened to you...I should've come sooner" he said hugging you tightly. "It's not your fault..."you said through your tears. "It isn't yours either"he said separating and staring at you making you smile"thanks John" you said smiling.
A few months later.
Months have past and you have recovered after that accident yet it still haunted you but with the help of John you recovered. You were now playing with daisy what was grown up now. You smiled as she brought back her ball making you take it and throw it. You heard footsteps making you turn to them and saw John making you smile "welcome back"you said making John smile back at you. "Hope Daisy wasn't any trouble for you"he said making you shake your head "she behaved quite well actually"you said making John nod happily "can I talk with for a second?"he asked making you nod "sure what's up?"you asked as you and John walked into another room. "I love you y/n and I mean more as a friend"he said making you blush "y-you do?" You asked making him nod "you know forget I said any-"before the could say anything you slammed your lips onto his lips making him kiss you back. You then separated"I love you to John wick,to the moon and back"you said smiling making him smile back at you and then he kissed you again making you kiss back.
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junowo · 2 years
Just had a christian say to me "its apart of gods plan." And "god sees you" Gods plan? What fucking plan? The plan that involed me screaming for god to get the big guy off of me when i was 7 and after i was literally fucking r@ped i begged god to free me of my "sinful body". Or when i was sexually assulted again 2 months ago? Did he see me? Did he hear me? Also had one say "god is with u!!" While ranting about my depressive episode. Christians r fucking pathetic.
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9-punk · 4 months
I’m sorry, but 8 did WHAT to 9 in a fanfic????
Rape him. Like full on rape him. And then later on in the fic strangled 1 to death
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globgor-of-mewnie · 3 years
💔- Worst Heartbreak.
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Globgor didn't even care if this wound up like the last time, when he had been chained up and tortured repeatedly by unfeeling Mewman soldiers. He would ignore the cut of the cuffs that were currently embedded in his wrists and feet, pinning them behind his back and chaining them to the wall behind. He'd gladly live the rest of his life in this filthy cell, never to see the beauty of the outside world again.
He would endure all of this so long as they spared her.
He didn't know how long he had been imprisoned, but his voice had gone hoarse from demanding that the soldiers guarding him tell him where they took Eclipsa. They had blatantly ignored him, no matter how many times he had threatened to crush their skulls against the bars. He didn't care if this only furthered his image as a war-hungry tyrant. At that moment, Eclipsa was with the High Commission and that thing she was legally attached to, and now they all knew about her betrayal. The secret, the precious and troublesome secret they had kept most of their lives, had been discovered, and now they would no doubt face consequences beyond their worst nightmares.
But she is the Queen! It doesn't matter what she's done, the Kingdom will never accept the Butterfly line being removed completely! Right? Maybe they don't love her, but surely they have some semblance of loyalty towards her!
Globgor was tormented by his racing mind when he heard the heavy clang of the cell door opening. His head shot up to see a familiar, dainty figure slowly walk into the cell. As soon as she came into view, he felt like he could float away despite the chains currently restraining him.
"Eclipsa!" He gave a wet laugh at the sight of seeing his beloved unharmed. Tears of joy stung his eyes as she slowly approached him. As soon as she was within reach, he reached out his tail to pull her the rest of the way towards him. He brought her to her knees so that he could pull her towards his cold chest. He rested his head on top of hers, breathing in the ink and velvet smell he had cherished for so many years.
"Oh my darling.....I was so afraid I'd seen you for the last time." His voice chocked up at the very thought. He had thought best case scenario the High Commission would try to keep them apart. Never would he have thought that he would be allowed to hold her again so soon.
Small sniffles came from the hunched figure pressed against him. He felt her gloved hands grip his chest tightly as her sobs picked up in volume. It was enough to dim the joy had received from her presence. His Eclipsa....his beautiful, optimistic queen being reduced to broken tears.....how he wished his arms were free so that he could hold her and give her the comfort she needed.
"G-Globgor....I'm so sorry. I never meant for....you know I would never-"
"No, no, no, sshh." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and cheek, nuzzling her while he did so. "Darling, I know you didn't. We just let our guard down, that's all. They've been suspicious of you for awhile. We should've known they'd try to follow you."
"Why did I leave my wand? I'm such an idiot!"
"Hey. No one is allowed to call my fiancé an idiot. Not even my fiance!" Globgor used his tail to lift her face up so he could gaze upon it. "You know the High Commission can track down powerful magic when it's in use. You were right to decide to leave it behind. We just didn't know they'd find us anyway...."
Globgor was quiet after that, opting to simply stroke his love's back with his tail while she tried to get a hold of her emotions. He had a question to ask, but he had a feeling in his gut he wouldn't like the answer. He wanted to stay in oblivion, just him and Eclipsa together in the darkness. Just like they always had been. At the moment, he couldn't think of a reason why he'd ever want to leave....
"I'm going to save you."
Globgor instantly turned to her, surprised by the sudden resolution on her face. Tears still swam in her bottom eyelids, but they contrasted with her determination. She wasn't being optimistic. She was telling him what was going to happen.
He gave her a smile full of adoration, a look he reserved only for her and no one else. “I know, my darling. Whenever I get myself into trouble, you always find a way to swoop in and save me. My precious guardian angel.” He kissed her lips, trying to put as much feeling into it as he could with his restricted movements.
“We’ll come up with something, Eclipsa. We always do. I’ll stay here as long as need be.” His feeling of heavy uneasiness grew despite his words of comfort. Eclipsa had turned her head away. She hadn’t looked him in the eye since she had arrived. Why wouldn’t she look at him? “This uh….this wasn’t how I wanted to spend our first night engaged, but hey! We can make it work! Did you bring any food with you by any-“
“They want to give you the death sentence.”
….Ah. Well…..he couldn’t say he wasn’t expecting that. A small part of him hoped they would try to ransom him or even interrogate him again, anything that kept him alive a little longer. He knew the odds had been low though. After years of rebelling against them, the High Commission had discovered he’d been having a love affair with their married queen. It was possibly the biggest scandal Mewni had ever seen. It only made sense that they would want to get rid of him as soon as possible.
Globgor’s question came to his mind again as that grip of dread continue to grow all over his body. Eclipsa was clearly upset but….there was no way she had come to him just to tell him he was going to die. No, he knew she would fight for him with her dying breath. She would kick, scratch, bite, and claw anyone who would try to take him from her. She hadn’t come to tell him she was giving up. So…
“Why did they allow you to see me?” he whispered. There it was. What he’d been dreading to ask. Because he knew even though his beloved was there, unharmed, the High Commission were still holding her by a leash. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were somehow spying on them at that very moment. The only reason he could think they’d allow their reunion was because they wanted her to deliver a message. One they were too afraid to deliver themselves, the cowards.
Finally Eclipsa’s mauve irises locked with his. She wiped away what remained of her tears before speaking. “This is what they wanted to do….but I managed to get them to agree to a life sentence instead.”
That did not make Globgor feel any better. In fact, he felt himself begin to reach a sort of panic. The High Commission almost never listened to Eclipsa, and now that they knew what she’d done? How could she have gotten them to agree to this?
What had she done?
His fear must have been all over his face because Eclipsa reached out and cupped it, gently running a thumb over his cheek. “You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I tried bargaining, threatening, and begging for them to grant you mercy, but nothing worked. They only agreed after I promised Shastacan-“
“-The dirtbag?” Why was he getting involved in this? According to Eclipsa, he never played any part in politics. He was just a figurehead who used his authority to be pampered like some prized pooch. “Are you telling me that my fate is in the hands of that creep?”
Eclipsa sighed, obviously understanding his disbelief. “I know. Usually the queen has the final say on royal decrees, but considering the circumstances….the High Commission has decided I’m not fit to make any decisions. So, technically….”
“Shastacan is Mewni’s sole ruler.” Oh multiverse, help them all. This dimension was officially at its lowest. He’d just assumed that once Eclipsa gave up her crown, her uncle Jushtin would take over again. At least that’s what he’d hoped in order to ease the guilt he felt at asking his beloved to leave everything behind. This….this was truly the worst thing that could happen to this dimension.
“Well, it looks dirtbag is getting the long end of the stick. Good to know everyone is miserable except for him.” Globgor huffed angrily. “But what could you possibly promise him? You’re already married to him, he’s getting your throne, and taking your power. What more could you possibly give him?”
Eclipsa slowly put a hand on her abdomen.
Globgor felt his heart stop.
She released a shaky breath. “H-He wants a lin-“
“NO!” Globgor shook his head, trying to shake off this hellish reality he had been forced into. No, no, no, no, he was sorry. So sorry. He’d been bad. He’d been selfish. He’d do better. He never wanted to be a villian. He was sorry for every Mewman he had ever eaten. Just please, please forgive him this one time and-
“No!! Absolutely not!” Globgor thrashed wildly in his chains, the sounds of the metal clanging echoing loudly throughout the dark prison. “Eclipsa, you didn’t! Please tell me you didn’t!”
“I didn’t have a choice!” Eclipsa insisted. She grabbed at his broad shoulders, needing him to be still so she didn’t have to shout over his bonds. “It was the only way I could get any of them to agree to spare you.”
“By becoming a mother against your will?!” He was going to be sick. He was absolutely going to be sick. And he had been afraid that these freaks were going to kill her? Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought they’d stoop to threatening her to lay with a man she couldn’t stand! For corn’s sake, the High Commission had known her since she was a child! Didn’t that count for anything?! “No! Never! I won’t let you do it! I’ll find a way to kill myself before you can!”
“Globgor, don’t say such a thing!” Eclipsa cried in horror.
“Why not? It’s not any crazier than what you’re suggesting! I’ll die before you become a slave to that-that-filth!”
Hellish images were already flooding his mind, causing tears to rush to the forefront of his eyes. He could see his love, laying broken and weak on a bed. She’d have tears in her eyes from the pain, but she’d try to hide them. The Spider Mewman wouldn’t care though. He’d ignore her hurting both emotional and physical, because her body was his and he could use it whenever he wanted-
“You won’t be able to. If you could free yourself, you’d have done it by now.” Eclipsa had pulled him out of his dark vision with her words, only to continue her assault with her heinous plan. “This way you’ll at least be able to live-“
“Not without you! Don’t you know by now my life means nothing if you’re not in it?!” His tears ran freely now as he shook his head. If he had his arms free, he’d be holding her, refusing to let her go. He’d still be on his knees, begging her for mercy. “Eclipsa, please. Don’t do this to me. To either of us! You have to know that I would much prefer death over this! Sitting trapped here, knowing that you’re suffering while I’m powerless to save you….the pain I experienced years ago, being whipped to near death by Mewman soldiers, doesn’t hold a candle to the pain of that!”
Eclipsa bowed her head, losing eye contact with him once again. The monster dared to hope he had gotten through to her when she lifted her head again, a defeated smile on her beautiful face.
“I’m sorry, my love. I’m sorry you fell for someone so weak and selfish. We Mewmans have a saying that if you truly love something, you set it free.” She took a shaky breath. “But….I just can’t. I’m not strong or brave like you are. I would rather you be locked up in a cage where I can know you’re still alive than have you leave Mewni, leave the multiverse, without me. Even if you’re miserable in the meantime. I’m so sorry.”
Tears sprung to her eyes again as she lunged for him, capturing his lips in what felt like the most damning kiss they had ever experienced. They had kissed so many, many times over the years, and each one had made Globgor feel so alive. This one….this one felt like it was meant to kill.
Globgor was still stunned from the pain when Eclipsa suddenly pulled away from him, whispering another strangled apology as she quickly darted for the door.
She was leaving him.
The piercing clang of his chains echoed again as he tried desperately to break through his chains and put a stop to this madness. “No, no! Eclipsa, stop! Come back! Don’t go! Don’t leave me! You can’t do this! You can’t!”
The cell door opened.
It closed.
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nerdybloke · 3 years
Just felt the need to share Shaun’s excellent response to the absolutely awful transphobic “article” by the BBC on October 26th.
I’d heard this article was bad, but Shaun definitely does a much better job of putting into perspective exactly how bad the article is and how it was initially much worse before they had to remove the contributor Lily Cade who used her position to call for the mass murder, rape and lynchings of Trans folks on top of the fact that she herself was the perpetrator of reported sexual assaults.
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I was just going through looking for some affirmation quotes to send to friends and I noticed a lot of the affirmation things on google images are like.
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And honestly what the fuck. If a rape survivor saw this they would very fucking much disagree. Keep in mind I typed "Abuse affirmations" so the fact that this is being shown to (potentially) abuse victims. And things like this too. What the fuck?? Thats disgusting. You don't thank your abuser or the situation you were in. It did not make you a better person. You made yourself a better person. You took the trauma and you said "Im not going to let this define my life". You didn't take the trauma and say "Wow I was a real piece of shit before but now that someone's raped me I know how to be better". This is so fucked up. What the hell.
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merlinpetpeeves · 4 years
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thewheezingwyvern · 4 years
Dark Content
tw:Death, tw:COVID, tw:PTSD, tw:Medical talk, tw:rape mention 
It took me longer than it really should have to sit down and type this up. I don’t know if this is going to help but I hope that it helps some of you understand and to calm down when you get up in arms about dark content. 
As some of you know I’m a smut writer here. Most of what I share here now is smut. However if you were to take those pieces and assume my sexual activity about me you would be very, very wrong. I am on the asexual spectrum and my husband and I have never had penetrative sex. It’s not for me. Hell most times in general I find sex to be gross and repulsive. And yet there seems to be this mindset here that if I write it, it must mean I want it. I’m not even really a dark content writer, and yet I still see that. Why?
I think some of you really need to grasp the concept that just because we have stuff that we enjoy writing and reading does not mean we enjoy it in real life or support it in real life.
Fiction is a safe space for us to explore things. Not just writers but readers as well. I can enjoy exploring dynamics but that doesn’t mean that it’s something I would want in my real life. Take for example....I had the chance once to write a fic (not here) with a religious cult environment. It was super toxic and dangerous and that was part of the intrigue. It raised the stakes and honestly the dynamic was fun to explore. But I would in no way, shape or form want to be in that environment myself.
Not only can writing this stuff be a way to explore things safely, it can also be a way to process and help handle traumas and stresses. My fic Biohazard, is focused around the pandemic and some of the uglier sides of the medical field in addition to a romance/sex plot. And I literally write it because I am a responder knee deep in the trenches of this fucking pandemic. I decided to share that because while it’s helping me, it might also help others. 
I write things because I want to and because they help me and because I can explore things safely in the sanctum of fiction. But what is safe for me may not be safe for others and that is literally why the warnings and tags exist.
I’m going to be honest: it is incredibly hard not to be angry with a lot of you antis right now. Like a deep primal rage in me that could rival the heat of the sun. We are living in a time of a global crisis with an awful virus. I am watching in real time so many people DIE from this pandemic and die alone. Our entire medical system is being taxed to the fucking brink and we have a thousand and one problems that need to be fixed. A thousand and one hurtles to champion for and what do you pick?
Two D fucking lines. 
With all the time and energy some of you sink into this, you could actually address real world problems that are actively happening right now. But the fact is...most of you don’t want to actually “fix” anything. You want to destroy other people to elevate yourself and you pick an outlet that makes you have the “moral high ground” so to speak.
And I am so goddamn tired of it. 
Like I’m not saying you have to LIKE the content. Or even approve. But you literally don’t know anything about that person other than what they write out and believe it or not, fanfiction of any sort is not some kind of manifesto that authors put out on what we want in real life. It’s not a check list. It’s ok to not like the content. Just keep moving on with your life. Block the tag, filter it out and keep scrolling.
I don’t really talk about my experiences on here because one it’s a very personal thing and two a lot of what I see? It’s not something the average person can just hear casually. But I can tell you now in my line of work not only do I see grisly things, bloody things, violent things but I’ve also seen the effects of abuse on people. I have seen first fucking hand the look on someone’s face when they realized “someone just tried to kill me” or “that person nearly raped me”. 
You want to champion victims? Then go actively donate and support organizations or are supposed to actually help those survivors, not harass anonymous strangers over the internet that you make assumptions about without even knowing them based on their content. You want to make a change? Then go find ways to help the organizations that are dedicated to helping those people instead of directing that on fanfiction.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Hey Gale, I have a random question, but if a character used magic means to make another one fall in love with them (not outright brainwashing, just some sort of spell to make the latter love them when they wouldn't otherwise) and then they sleep together, would you count that as r*pe ? (you can ignore this ask if you ain't comfortable asking btw)
Is the person who the magic was used on aware they have been put under that magic?
Because if they are and the magic only just makes them have emotional attachment to the person, doesn’t impair the mental capacity or decision making and the person is fine with that. Then it’s not, as long as the person has transparency to decide with this knowledge.
But if the person impacted DOES NOT know this fact and this information is kept from them, or the magic impacts the person more than simply giving them an emotional attraction. Then I would it is r*pe. Regardless I would avoid that love spell or love potion stuff because it’s usually just emotional roofies
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junowo · 2 years
Me at 7 when the "family friend" said i was asking for it and that i liked it
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bighound-littlebird · 5 years
Do you know any metas (or can you just make one lol) about how Sandor completely changed his relationship with Joffrey after he saw how he treated Sansa? I mean he even called him “Joff” and told him jokes to make him laugh. He probably knows him since he was born and in one chapter Cersei even said that Joffrey was very fond of him, I mean it seems to me that they had sort of a “friendship”. Now imagine his surprise when he told Joffrey to fuck himself lol all because of Sansa his one true love
Sandor witnessing Joffrey's rapidly escalating, sexually charged, violent tendencies toward Sansa is indeed the catalyst for his change of heart toward Joffrey.
But I don't believe the reason as simple as Joffrey hurting his one true love, so to speak. It has everything to do with Sandor recognizing the same monstrosity in Joffrey that he witnessed in Gregor.
We know that Gregor is arguably the most notorious rapist and murderer in Westeros.
He was only seventeen years old when he brutally raped and murdered Elia and her children. But the fact that a man as calculating as Tywin Lannister sent Gregor after them suggests that as a young man, he already had a well established reputation for mixing rape and murder.
And Gregor, as an adult, is also known to not make distinctions between enemies and his own family when it comes to both violence and rape - his wives met similarly gruesome ends as Elia, he was the one who burned Sandor and it is implied he was responsible for their sister's disappearance.
Sandor witnessed Gregor's cruelty from childhood, and establishing his reputation for being the complete opposite of his brother is the one constant in his character throughout his adult life.
Watching Joffrey repeating the same behaviors as Gregor toward Sansa no doubt triggered Sandor's PTSD from childhood.
This is why his cruelest words and oversharing about his childhood are reserved for Sansa, and why he threatened to kill her if she told anyone. She reminds him of himself as a child, whilr witnessing the violent, sexually sadistic pattern of Gregor's adolescence manifested in Joffrey - the boy he essentially raised - and it scares the hell out of him.
Sandor is both shamed, moved, and emboldened by Sansa's courage, resillance and compassion because she did what he could not - she never lost sight of her true self and she actively resists allowing herself to be changed by her circumstances.
Fandom focuses on Sandor's terrible breakdown during Blackwater but the fissures began on that parapet, when Sansa stood up to Joffrey.
And so the change in Sandor began to take root there, when he stopped her from killing Joffrey and herself, wiped her lip and advised her. And his transformation was nourished by Sansa's continued resistance and endurance, until his true character, the person he was before he was burned, breaks forth against Joffrey and Tyrion at Blackwater.
Thus Sansa Stark, the girl who loves stories about knights and maidens, defeated the Lannister Hound, the second most powerful weapon at their disposal, without ever raising a weapon.
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kythwena · 3 years
You didn’t get yourself raped. That’s not a thing. You didn’t barge down my door begging me to take care of you. You hid from me.
The Reformation of Eliot Waugh by @obsidianschild
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emma--williamson · 4 years
There had been a packaged delieved to the Call Centre while she was there. She had just been checking in and grabbing some paperwork to work from home like her doctor and wife wanted her to do so. But when she had opened it. Everything came rushing back. Duncan. Duncan fucking Hale sent her a book. And not just any book. The one she was named after. And there was a note, that was how she knew it had been from him. The twins were asleep. Taking a drink of her wine, she knew that she shouldn’t be drinking given everything that happened and the fact that she was nursing but she had made sure that there was enough milk for the twins. Leaning against the counter opposite of the package, she just stared at it. Like it was going to bite her or something. Taking another drink. Her eyes drifted to letter that was in front of it. 
My Dearest Emma,
That’s right. My Emma. Not anyone elses. Mine. I got you these books because of what you said that day in the book store and they make me think of you. You deserve these first editions. Especially after what we did that night, hopefully that Halloween memory is extra special to you like it is me. You liked it. I know you did. By the time you get these though I do hope we are together finally and none of it matters anymore. You got rid of that bitch girlfriend and that blonde whore. You will see even now that neither of them deserve you and that you don’t belong to either of them. It’s me that you belong with and always will. You are mine, Emma. Now and forever.
Your Love,
Duncan Hale
Emma took another drink, even after she heard the door. “The twins are asleep finally.” She had been upset when she got the package and she had a feeling that they could feel that. And only calmed down a few moments ago. “So please don’t wake them.” Neither Nina or her got enough sleep anymore and she knew that she should of taken advantage of the fact that their babies were asleep. But she couldn’t. Not after that.
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