#twc detective ask game
writer-ish · 1 year
3, 5, and 29 for Grace, please! Thank you! (~agentnatesewell)
3. Do they have any piercings/ tattoos/scars?
Ears pierced (one hole, very boring), no tattoos (yet?), two scars: once, when she fell as a child and got glass in her knee. The other, on her neck, from Murphy.
5. What is their favourite animal?
Grace is a cat person and would 100% have one... if she had the time to take care of it. 😔
29. If they could have chosen a different profession, what would it be?
Since she became a detective to help people, I feel like psychologist would be a good fit for her. That, or medical researcher.
Thanks for the Qs my friend!!! 🩷🩷🩷
>> TWC Detective Ask Game
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not-sewell · 1 year
hello i would like to know about your detectives pls so 1, 4, 8 and 17 for any of them you want (or all of them 👀) (@ do-this-for-me)
hello, friend. 💗 let me answer for everyone 👀
answering questions from The Wayhaven Chronicles | Ask Game.
1. What's their name?
well, i have 4 detectives:
Mona Batra (she/her), Dinah Fernandes (she/her - wouldn't mind they/them), Arzoo Shafri (she/her) and Nimah Sen (she/her)
4. What is their personality like?
Mona: Mona is warm and soft, but also incredibly cautious and brainy. interestingly, doesn't mind being the candle that burns itself to provide light to others, so to speak. fierce in a mama bear way & displays quiet resilience.
Dinah: Dinah is spirited. a firecracker. stubborn. but she also is passionate, kind and fiercely loyal. has a deep, deep love for people. a lot like her dad - something they are told more often than they like.
Arzoo: Arzoo is very artistic, very passionate and very driven. is also warm but in the way a ginger cookie is warm - in a slow, not-immediately-obvious way. this is mostly because of how intimidating she seems with her height and the grace she carries herself with.
Nimah: Nimah is a seemingly no-nonsense but always seems to have a sparkle in her eyes. extremely intelligent, very curious and very loving (but only once you peel away her 487 layers of "huh. okay"s and "hmm"s). used to be quick to anger, but she's worked through it.
8. What do they think of Unit Bravo?
Mona: as people, likes & trusts all the members of the team. their association with the Agency is something that she is quietly eyeing because she doesn't fully trust the Agency (though she doesn't show it). with N - well, she shares an increasingly complicated relationship with them, where she is aware that she is close to in love with them but cannot seem to get out of that odd limbo; so it's a very "when will they just kiss for the love of god" kinda situation in the Warehouse. M - her pal, her buddy, her bestie. deeply cares about what they think and what their opinions are. F - very, very protective of them. will fight god for them with nothing but a teaspoon if it may so be. A - she has a lot of respect for, but doesn't mind taking opportunities to annoy them because they're fun to annoy.
Dinah: likes and trusts all members of the team, no questions asked. the trusting part came before, obviously, because her amma trusts them so she trusts them. specifically, A - is in love with them; used to be kinda mad about their attraction towards them but cannot help but love the person that A truly is. F - light of her life, her ride-or-die, her home skillet biscuit and if anyone ever tried them, they are to let her know because they're her everything. N - never forgets the warmth with which N treated them from the get-go. genuinely likes the person that N is; has a lot of respect for them and seeks their thoughts on everything. M - has a kinda odd relationship with them where she likes them but also desperately wants their approval but not in a very obvious way.
Arzoo: grew to like and trust everyone in the team with not much help from their association with Rebecca, though she wasn't entirely too suspicious of them to begin with, either. (i am procrastinating the fuck out of playing Arzoo x M's full route in book 3 so my response will reflect that but-) specifically, M - is in a weird space with them rn. she is definitely aware of the fact that she feels very deeply for them but what does she really mean to them? N - kindred spirits in more ways than one. trusts them (with her heart, mostly) the most. deeply values their presence in her life. F - very sibling vibes. her heart immediately bursts with love for F because how could it not, honestly. A - respects them but really wishes they had more tact because it puts her off sometimes.
Nimah: like Arzoo, Nimah has grown to trust the team. she used to be used to be quietly suspicious of the team and didn't actively voice it because they seemed to help her get her job done, really, so... (i am also procrastinating the fuck out of playing Nimah x F's full route in book 3 so my response will reflect that but-) specifically, F - oh, so in love with them, will blurt it out someday. F is her first ever relationship and she sure got lucky immediately. A - just Gets Them. absolutely gets them and will really fight someone for them. N - feels an odd kind of protectiveness towards them, mainly because of how helpless they are with her no. 1 strength, tech. would totally hold them in her two hands and keep them safe in her pocket if she could. M - another person that she just Gets. seems to be in some sort of a respectable understanding with them, where you wouldn't immediately be able to tell that they're also friendly towards each other.
17. How did they join the Police?
Mona: Mona had a liking for psychology & criminal psychology, particularly, seemed to pique her interest. so she got herself a degree in criminology. there's also this sense of duty to serve & protect her town and her people and joining the force just made sense.
Dinah: Dinah has always had a lot of love for the people in her town & for the town itself, and like Mona, she also has a sense of duty towards Wayhaven. it just felt like a good choice then, to her, to join the force.
Arzoo: Rook was Arzoo's hero. she grew up listening to stories of him from people in the town; everyone seemed to have a story about Rook. naturally, she idolises him. so, it was kind of a no-brainer when it came to choosing a career in the force.
Nimah: Nimah chose to volunteer in the community in the later years of school and developed this sense of community with the people at Wayhaven and took that spirit further by joining the force. it didn't hurt that the job let her truly test her mind and put it to use better than most other jobs.
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seraphinitegames · 28 days
How would the ROs react to a clingy MC? (deep romance!)
In deep romance, I imagine all of them would be happy with a clingy MC, and return it themselves, lol!
But Adam/Ava would be reassured by the MC's presence after denying it for so long, so very happy for the clingy.
Nate/Nat would embrace that part of the MC, though assure the MC that it wasn't necessary.
Felix/Farah wouldn't notice that it was being clingy because they would be just as obvious in their clingy and assume that's how deep love relationships are!
Mason/Morgan would be very happy for that deeper emotional contact after so long without it and would be worried if the MC wasn't clingy! :D
...There's a lot of emotional issues going on in this team, so clinginess is definitely not an issue for them!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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quiddling · 7 months
Have you drawn F at all? 👉👈
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yes (: they r just in a silly goofy mood your honor!
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0-jloves-0-blog · 1 year
Per usual when i reread book 1 it's so insane to me that UB is old as hell but was so childish when they were introduced to the detective. Like am i the youngest one here or are yall?😭 and rebecca was just standing there letting it happen. Like these are the people who yall chose to represent the agency😭lmao.
They was just rude, bitter, and nasty at THEY BIG AGE COLLASAL AGE.
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Wayhaven Ask game - Rebecca edition
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I usually like to start with what type of relationship my OC's have with Rebecca and then go from there when building the rest of them, so I have had these written down for a while now and thought it might be fun to turn into a small ask game!
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1- What is the relationship like between your detective and Rebecca?
2- Does your detective blame Rebecca for keeping secrets or do they understand?
3- Does your detective wish to be closer to her, or are they happy with their current relationship?
4- How much time do they spend with Rebecca outside of work?
5- Do they trust Rebecca with information about their life, or would they rather keep the information limited?
6- Did Rebecca's absence affect the person they are today? If so, do they hold that against her if it's in a negative way?
7- Does your detective argue with Rebecca often?
8- What is your detective's favourite memory with Rebecca?
9- What is their worst memory with Rebecca?
10- How often did your detective spend time with her while growing up/when did Rebecca begin to grow busier?
11- If it weren't for working alongside her as part of the Agency now, would your detective have as much contact with her as they currently do?
12- Has the relationship with Rebecca affected your detective's choice regarding whether they want a child?
13- If your detective were to have a child (or does already), how much involvement would Rebecca have with her grandchild?
14- Does your detective harbour any jealousy or resentment towards Unit Bravo for knowing Rebecca more than the detective or for being around her for longer?
15- Does your detective do anything for Mother's Day?
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blinkvlink · 1 year
you want your detective to have a healthy and happy relationship with an UB member. I want my detective to have an extremely emotional reunion with rook in somewhere between life and death, we are NOT the same
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lykegenia · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you for this ask! One thing it's made me realise is how many fics I have now - twenty new ones since I last counted - and I have no idea how that happened. My five favourites?
On Last Song - Oneshot, Dagon Age: Origins. The last stand of the Eleanor Cousland, the Seawolf. This one I love because it switches up the perspective usually seen in the Cousland origin and lets Eleanor have the hero moment she deserves. The fic actually started with the poem I wrote for the codex entry in the notes, and I'm still really proud of it.
Like Glitter and Gold - longfic, The Wayhaven Chronicles, Leah Kingston x Nate Sewell. The body of a murdered supernatural is found behind a bar, and Detective Leah Kingston must solve the crime (while dealing with the tempestuous budding romance between her and a certain suave member of Unit Bravo). This was the first murder mystery I've ever written, and it taught me so much about plotting and consistency. I also loved getting to explore the relationship between Leah and Nate as they both learn to open up and communicate. Also love for this one because you bound it for me so now it's sitting on my shelf where I can read it like a real book.
The Falcon and the Rose - longfic, Dragon Age: Origins, Rosslyn Cousland x Alistair Theirin. To the surprise of absolutely no one I'm still super proud of my AU where instead of a Blight, the only thing our heroes have to worry about is a civil war. The intricacies of Fereldan politics, the lore and worldbuilding, the relationships between Alistair, Rosslyn, and Cailan, and the fact that I actually finished it are all reasons why this is still my favourite of all the things I've written.
The Things We Hide - longfic, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zutara. An AU where the Southern Water Tribe only fell to the Fire Nation with the help of Sozin's Comet, with Katara taken to the Caldera as a political prisoner where she works to undermine the rule of the Fire Lord from within. More political intrigue, Katara and Zuko both being awesome, classic enemies to lovers. Even if the title still hasn't grown on me, I'll always be fond of this one because I almost, almost didn't post it but people ended up loving it.
Unlocking The Door - oneshot, Dragon Age: Inquisition. An exploration of Cullen's (headcanoned) asexuality. This one I love because so many people responded to it so positively to say they felt represented, and as someone who also identifies as ace that feels important.
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sustainably-du-mortain · 11 months
Hi!! I hope you're having a good day <333 For Jonah, from the emoji ask game: collision, milky way, and knife, please?
Hi!!!! Thank you so much for the ask!!!
💥COLLISION: what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Love. Love hurt him so much in the past that he's scared of it. So he was avoiding it like the plague until Adam and Nate came around. He's got no idea how to deal with it because even though it scares him greatly, he can't help but crave it. He who was broken by love. Who was denied love as a child. Who doesn't know how to let others love him. But he who only wants one thing: to be able to let other people in without breaking again.
🌌MILKY WAY: what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Oh gosh, it's been years since I've created Jonah, I don't know if I remember correctly, but essentially, I think I wanted an OC who was going to be the exact opposite of me. I was watching How to get away with murder around the time I started twc, so the perfect inspo for a character like that was Jack Falahee's character in the show: Connor Walsh. (This is also the main reason Jack Falahee is my face claim for Jonah) But what really helped me give Jonah more layers so that he wasn't just a mean, sarcastic asshole was his backstory with Bobby. I vividly remember being on the train, on my way to uni, listening to Years & Years's Karma and thinking 'THAT'S THE SONG FOR THEM'. Coming up with his backstory with Bobby really sparked the whole thing of trying to see how that would have affected his personality, how he has grown from it, etc... (I hope this makes sense)
🔪KNIFE: how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
Jonah doesn't deal well with anything happening to his people. His immediate reaction to his people being injured or anything is a mix of panic, overprotectiveness and blame. Panic and overprotectiveness because he knows that the people surrounding him can protect themselves, especially UB, so knowing that something got to them makes him rush back to them. He worriedly take in their state before turning on his overprotective mode to make sure nothing else happens and makes their state worse. When the situation quiets down, he instantly starts blaming himself for it. He will torture himself with all the ways he could have prevented the accident, especially if he made a choice that led to this situation. *cough* the Sanja accident where he chooses to save her because he knows that was the most rational thing to do but feeling oh so guilty for the state in which Adam and Nate end up *cough*
OC emoji ask
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sosolenoo · 2 years
Please can we have Nelly in an ugly chonky sweater? 👉👈
Hii Sara! Thank you for the ask! ❤️
12. Ugly sweater
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Sorry she doesn't know ugly 🤭💕
Oc outfit prompt
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writer-ish · 1 year
Detective asks! 24, 26, 28 please and thank? 💚💚
Oh hiiiiiii friend!!! Still recovering from the latest chapter of Routine Body Maintenance over here. So thanks. For that.
YOUR QUESTIONS! Let's do this.
24. Do they have any keepsakes from their father?
I answered this question here. 💚
26. If given the choice, would they become a vampire?
Ohohohoho just answered this one HERE. And it's a doozy!
28. Did they get into trouble as a child/teen (in school or otherwise)?
Ugh, no. Grace spent her whole childhood waiting for her mother to come home and tell her how good she is, how smart, how helpful, how hardworking. When that didn't happen, she sought validation from external sources - mostly adults, like teachers, employers, etc. - who praised her for her intelligence, her reliability, and her kindness. The more praise she got, the more she wanted to please.
Only now, as an adult, is she trying to start putting her needs first and not worry so much about pleasing others.
But there are still those times when Mason says "good girl" to her in the heat of the moment and it never fails to make her—
>> TWC Detective Ask Game
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not-sewell · 1 year
For Nimah: 4, 5, 21, and 29!
hello! <3
answering questions from The Wayhaven Chronicles | Ask Game.
4. What is their personality like?
already answered this here, friend!
5. What is their favourite animal?
her favourite animal in the whole world is actually a reptile - her son, Slurpie (or Bert, as she refers to him in public). he's a Chinese Water Dragon that she rescued from a "pet store" during her initial years in the force.
21. What does their apartment look like?
pristine. minimalistic. organised. kinda like:
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(well, for the most part; her study area can be a MESS.)
29. If they could have chosen a different profession, what would it be?
sort of answered it here because i completely forgot about this question dkfjskdks
BUT: Nimah would have LOVED to be a primary/middle school Science teacher. growing up, she found a strong support system in her Science teacher in the 6th-7th grade. he was a fun - and kinda eccentric - teacher who really just Got her. she really looked up to him and would've liked to have followed in his footsteps.
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seraphinitegames · 3 months
will the LIs be jealous when the villain makes advances toward the MC? 👀
Though all for different reasons, lol!
The supernatural is a villain, but my word…they are quite the personality and presence, hehe! Certainly going to be difficult to ignore them even if your MC isn't even slightly swayed by them!
It's difficult to balance the jealousy thing. I don't want to write the characters as not trusting their partner if they're in a romance, or as being possessive, but also…the MC and the villain have a connection that the vampire and the MC don't. That's just a fact that can't be denied!
And for some, it's that connection that makes them nervous, and for other LIs it's just the fact that the villain is so…much to resist that makes them uncertain!
…That was all totally a bit vague, but I don't wanna spoil anything, hehe! :D
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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agentnatesewell · 7 months
Omg, happy birthday!!!!!! Enjoy playing your fave games on this special day!
Hello, lovely friend! Thank you thank you!
I have the twc book two guide up and am planning to continue on with my full twc love triangle route! 100% Nate leaning but working very hard to get Morgan as Suri’s best friend 🤞
And of course - the sunday crossword!
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heroofpenamstan · 1 year
🥀☘️🌵 for fion!
thank you kindly for the ask! xx i accidentally went all out, i am so sorry!
a kind warning: fion and his canon are a tad dark, so please kindly heed the triggers: hints of substance abuse, graphic depiction of illness, mentions of blood and violence, hints of dysfunctional relationships.
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🥀 [WILTED ROSE] How good is your OC at meeting deadlines? What motivates them?
fion is great at meeting deadlines; meticulously, methodically. one (1) missed deadline will mess up his schedule, which, in turn, will cause ire to bubble forth at being delayed, disrupted, at seeing the plastic clock strike 5.13PM above his head—an ugly, uneven number—will make the leftover food sitting for days on end in his fridge taste that much fouler—fion needs to meet his deadlines, lest he risk displaying the angry, burning layer just beneath his skin. there is next to nothing that motivates him, though. roberta used to push and motivate him the most, back when he paid her more mind: to help them—her—achieve a mellow, smalltown fame, after assisting on a blossoming college diploma; to feature their first and only article—her work, not his—in the Wayhaven Press, ( "boxing and chess aren't exactly points of interest to most, handsome." ). to help them—him���pick the blood and the grime from beneath fingernails, to join the police force—"to make sure they never find out, fion"—, to prevent early ruin for them both. nowadays, it's fear and anxiety over his loathsome mother's pack of mutts sniffing and suffocating him that motivates him the most.
☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate?
fion is extremely passionate about the things he hates—the creaky wooden plank beneath his bed, mrs. andrews upstairs, roaches, rebecca, the mayor, the mayor's offspring, crinkly documents, toothaches, rebecca's stupid phone calls, too hot or too cold coffee, that one differently colored tile in the bathroom, being stalked by rebecca's stupid unit, bobby's newly-dyed hair—"you look like my mother"—, vinegar, adam. it takes next to nothing to get him irritated these days, to see his jaw clench and his fists tighten; his weakened heart furiously beat against his ribcage. however, when it comes to the things he loves, obsession and blinding devotion quickly follow. he's displayed it as a child, with his father rook and the chess books left behind, the same three songs burnt into a cd titled "to my fion", a rook and a pawn drawn with black permanent marker that has been scratched over two decade's worth of use. he had loved bobby, that much he knew; he wouldn't have risked it all for her, otherwise. even when there's seldom trace of her left in their once-shared apartment, he'll still find her there, on his—theirs—couch, asking for crumbs, and receiving a loaf for less than a kiss. he doesn't love nate, not yet, if ever, but his thoughts are consumed by him, constantly; penetrated, unwillingly, by the vampire's persistence and unwanted—fucking unwavering—acts of kindness. fion, however, likes to see himself in nate—the crudeness underneath their shared farce,and fion loves nothing more than to see adam grate his pearly, shiny, lethal teeth with every innuendo tossed his friend’s way. the way his dark brown hues had glaze over a bloodied kiss forced upon his mouth in the most dire of curcomstances. it had intoxicated him like nothing else: not the confiscated drugs nor the alcohol rushing through his bloodstream.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
fion is, surprisingly, resilient. despite his skinny frame and weakened health, years of boxing, before he dropped a weight class or two, had done him a service; his strikes are unforgiving and brutal, and his body is used to receiving two of those in turn.
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yes-prisoner · 1 year
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I was tagged by @grapecaseschoices​ <3 
rules: create a look-book for one (or more) of your ocs using this meiker and then take this uquiz and share their results  
This time I choose based on the clothes that the meiker gave and which oc’s I could see using it.
Dalian - Belladona:
“This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can't help yourself. It's in your blood. You love because it is the truest beauty you've found in this harsh world. Even when it's hurt you before, when it's poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it's within and all around you already, if you know where to look.”  
Sybil - Doll's Eyes:
"This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.”
Sooo... Now Sybil have a hurman form. Why not? lmao I was already thinking about it anyway, making another version of Sybil just being a weird little human makes more easy to use them in ifs or games in general. Who thought that making an alien space pirate for a reaaaaally specific rp could make it hard to use them? I’m shocked, I swear. (human!Sybil could be so offended tho if they knew the original “So... I was downgraded to a boring ass human? Wow, rude. If I had any money my lawyers could hear about this”.)
Some details that no one asked for because I spent my insomnia fulled night thinking about ocs.
First, just to point it out: Sybil have purple hair with blue streaks. The meiker just don’t have purple so *shrugs* 
Overall, I do think that both results are pretty on point for my ocs. Dalian got hurt so many times with this big heart of hers, but I don’t think that she feel regret often. Even in times when she felt that she always love people more than they ever love her when things just... don’t work out. It’s don’t mean that they were bad people but it always felt more hard to her to heal from not having someone in her life anymore than is for others.
And Sybil... of course could be that plant. Sybil is indulgence. Maybe because in the high of things you don’t have time to feel afraid of the world. Or just because they are trying to experience everything in the world. Sometimes is just for wonder. Living in a world with so many amazing things. But a lot of that, at least for human!Sybil, is giving themselves the opportunities that never were given or just taken away from them in a househood where everyone had a role to play, expectactions to fullfil and anything that deviate from that was meet with disapproval.
A little fun fact, i guess. Sybil is not their birth name. Not even for alien!Sybil. They choose this name for themselves in both versions, in some way you could say that is the mark of a new beginning. Even if one of the versions didn’t know about this. It was also the first time that Sybil made a decision for themselves. 
It’s curious and kinda funny to them that they ended up choosing a name that means “oracle”. For alien!Sybil is just kinda funny because how can someone who don’t know their past see the future at all? For human!Sybil is because they have no idea what future they want after being told for so long what it could be. And even if having no idea can scare them like hell, Sybil could never choose know the future because they don’t like the aspect of that being already decided for them. 
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