#thank you for the ask! 💕
chapel-of-rizztual · 10 months
👉👈 I'm coming with a humble prompt (ehm, again, eheh) - Plus-size / chubby Copia with tummy and all, being self-conscious, having a down time, and one of the ghouls (any of them) being absolutely obsessed with him? For being soft and hot and just yummy? If you'd be comfortable with this? Please and thank you 🖤 (Also I'm not projecting into anyone in this prompt.) (I might be projecting into both sides of this.)
It was a joke. A self deprecating one, but a joke non the less. And it had made the congregation at mass laugh, all be it an awkward laugh, but it was a laugh and Copia was taking that as a win. 
Dew didn’t find it funny. If he’s being honest he didn’t really understand what Copia was trying to get at, he’d always viewed the man as some above godly creature, so to hear him say something so…low about himself made an uneasy feeling swirl in his belly. 
Dew had waited until the end of mass, until all the ghouls and siblings had made their exit. He waited until Copia was alone at the alter, blowing out candles and clearing up the equipment from the mass. 
He steps up to the alter, glad his mask hides his face because he knows he’s glaring. He clears his throat, making Copia jump and drop the ritual book he was holding. 
“Shit!” He picks up the book, looking sheepishly at Dew. “Don’t tell anyone I dropped that, it’s super old, I'd get in so much trouble.” 
Dew doesn’t respond, just tilts head to the side slightly. Copia doesn’t seem to notice Dew’s lack of response. 
“I didn’t know anyone was still here, normally everyone runs off as soon as it’s over, I’m use to clearing up on my own-“
“Did you mean what you said? That…joke. Did you mean it?” 
Copia looks at Dew with a stunned look on his face. 
“I-I-uh, what? I-didn’t- I don’t know?” His cheeks are getting redder and redder the more he stutters. 
“It’s not a trick question. Did. You. Mean. It?” Dew takes a step forward with word. 
Copia looks scared as he places the heavy book back on the ritual alter. 
“I mean-I guess?” 
Dew tilts his head to the opposite as before, frowning behind his mask.
“I mean, look at me.” Copia gestures to himself. 
Dew’s frown deepens, not that Copia can see behind his mask. 
“I am looking. I don’t get what I am meant to be be seeing?” 
Copia gestures to himself again.
“All of this. You don’t see it?” 
Dew shakes his head, stepping even closer to the man. 
“You’ll have to be more specific.” 
“This! All of this. Me!” Copia’s voice is louder then he expected, the sound echoing around the empty chapel. “Look at me. Look at this.” He grabs at his stomach through his robes. “This fat that just refuses to leave no matter what I do, in fact, it’s only getting worse! Nothing I do seem to works and I’m just getting…chubbier.” He breathes out.
Dew was even more confused then before. Of course he knew Copia was a little rounder in areas, he’d seen him naked often enough to know, but he’d never thought it could anything bad. He’d always like how soft Copia’s body felt against the sharpness of his own, he liked how warm his skin felt under his touch, how he always knew he effected the older man by seeing the flutter of his belly. He liked tracing the silvery lines that seemed to flow down Copia’s body like little rivers. He never thought these things could be considered bad, he always just viewed them as a part of who Copia was. 
He takes another step forward towards Copia. 
“And that is…bad?” 
“Of course it’s bad!” Copia exclaims, his hands flying out. “I wish-I wish I could look like my brother’s, more muscular, slimmer, more angular, but unfortunately I don’t! I’m stuck looking like this. No matter what I do I’ll always look like this, and I-hmmmugh-“
At some point during copias rant Dew had taken his helmet off, discarding it somewhere on the floor, and cut the man off by forcing their lips together. 
Dew kisses him like he’s starved, pushing him backwards until his back hits the alter. He squeezes at Copias chin, forcing his jaw open and pushed his tongue into his mouth. Copia squeaks as he does, gripping onto Dew’s shoulders for dear life. 
Dew pulls away, a string of saliva connects their lips. “Needed to shut you up.” He pulls him back for another searing kiss before Copia can even respond. 
Dew manages to undo the buttons on Copias robe without him realising until it’s being pushing off his shoulders and onto the floor, leaving Copia stood there in his dress shirt and pants. Copia pulls away from the kiss this time with a squeak as Dew works the buttons of his shirt open.
“I-what? What are you doing?” 
Dew shushes him, pulling his shirt off and letting it fall into a pile onto of his robes. “I don’t need to you speak.” He drops to his knees in between Copia’s legs. “Just need you to listen.” 
He tries working the pants open, growling as the zip gets stuck. He ends up using his claws, shredding the fabric easily, leaving Copia standing before him, panting, in just his boxers. 
“Dew, what-“ Copia gets cut off by his breath hitching as Dew licks a long up the inside of his thigh. “I can’t listen to you comparing yourself to your brother.” He bites down at the flesh at the top of Copia’s thigh. “Especially when you’re so perfect.” 
Copia moans, unable to stop his hips bucking a little. He leans back against the alter more for support. 
Dew grabs at his hips, kneading at the flesh, pulling Copia more towards him. “You don’t see how perfect you are, just as you are.” He sits up more, tracing a stretch mark on Copia’s belly with his touch. He feels him flutter under his touch, trying to keep his breathing even. “Let me show you.” He looks up at Copia. “Let me show you how perfect you are, how much we all love you, how much I love you.” 
Copia whimpers, grabbing at one of Dews horns to try and pull him away. 
“Dew, you don’t- I don’t need you to do that.” 
Dew nips at his belly with a growl, his ears flatting against his head. 
“This is a place of worship, isn’t it?” He gestures around the room.  Copia nods a little nervously, feeling his heart pick up. 
 “So let me worship you.” 
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hoolay-boobs · 7 months
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reiverreturns · 29 days
john egan for the blorbo meme!
JOHN BUCKY EGAN my love for him burns hotter than a thousand suns. "maaaaaaaaarge" on a loop in my head 24/7. he's so insane what's with his hands i need to beat him up i need to kiss him on the mouth.
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send me a blorbo
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bisexualgorgeous · 1 month
Hi love can you tell me what happend with the ME! lyric? I wasn't a swiftie back then :)
ah! basically she released it with the version where she goes “hey kids! spelling is fun!” just before the bridge and I believe this is the version on the cd singles (?) so it still exists out there but people made fun of the lyric for being childish and sounding like something on a kid’s song a lot, Twitter was especially brutal with it of course 🙄 and so on streaming services the lyric was eventually taken out to the version that’s there today without that lyric (just before the bridge there’s some slightly empty sounding drums that’s where the lyric was originally) and I’d have to check but I think this change was before lover’s release so the lyric is also not on the main album versions
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elshells · 2 months
🐚 🪲 🥐 :3
Hi Korb!! I've missed you :D
From this writer truth or dare ask game!
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises? This is probably a common response, but it definitely depends on the surprise. Like, if someone just gives me a gift out of nowhere, like concert tickets or a cake or something, or a friend I've been missing is in town, I'll be delighted! I might even appreciate a surprise party if the circumstances are right (I've never been the subject of one before so I can't say for certain tho). But if there are ever any last minute changes to my schedule that I can't/haven't prepared for, that shit ruins my day. I'll keep it together if I can, but internally, I'm freaking out and having an anxiety attack.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here Ok so I'm crying because I haven't written anything for fun in SO LONG due to physical/mental health and day-to-day stress. So thank you for finally giving me an excuse to open a WIP document again! This is a little more than 50 words and I'm afraid my writing's gotten rusty, but here you go! A sneak peek into the intro of the next chapter of Agent Ace!
The rest of the drive was a total blur. Harley barely remember when the van stopped, but she somehow found herself in a dimly-lit apartment. Jade never left her side, keeping her arms wrapped tight around Harley's shoulders as they ducked and hurried up the stairs of the detective's apartment complex. Now they sat together on a lumpy couch in the tiny living room, hair and clothes wet and darkened from the downpour outside, while Ahren and the detective—August Bracken—spoke in hushed, serious tones behind them, clearly intending to remain unheard but doing a terrible job at it.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh  There's probably several but this is the first one that came to mind. I don't know where it came from (Vine, Tumblr, etc.) but have y'all seen the video of the pug with the X-files theme playing in the background? I don't know what it is about that video but I lose my shit every single time I see it. I think it's the pug's face at the end that gets me, like it's just seen a biblically accurate angel. Just, the drama. The trauma. I can't hold it together.
Adding a link to the video because you really do have to see it to understand. Otherwise I just sound like my brain be broken. XD
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!
what’s your favourite lil scenario you like the brothers to be in?
happy wincest wednesday!
i could answer this question in so many ways i dont even know where to begin. i dont know if id be able to pick a fave bc id just be sitting here for days trying to answer this ask so ill go with my first thought
this sounds counter intuitive to the incest agenda but i love them hating each other. not that i think they could ever TRULY hate each other, but i love to see them conflicted and losing trust in each other. cus like even if they cant stand to be around each other anymore theyre still soulmates and so much of themselves is the other that they HAVE to be around each other, know? we keep each other human (/threat) i just love relationship drama and seeing their bond being tested and seeing them stay together despite the terrible shit they do to hurt each other.
if you mean like SPECIFIC scenario-wise then i love scenarios where one of them becomes a monster. again that really leans into the "shit that tests their relationship" and "we keep each other human" stuff. i really love to see where they will draw the line of how far theyre willing to go for each other, or even being terrified to realise there is no line. theyd become a monster for each other, no questions asked.
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greenfiend · 11 months
Omg i'm soooo in love with your space au!!! The art is gorgeous 😍 and the little bits of backstory?? They fit so well!! I love cyborg!max and botanist!will!! Would be delighted to see/read more of it if you feel like it!
Thank you so much anon!!! 💕💕 cyborg!Max is probably my favourite. Here’s a little sketch I did of her for fun.
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I have a lot of ideas/notes for the story but I need do some research and to work out some plot things first. Also I’ll need to make an general outline of the story before I actually write it.
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
For the fic title game, Black Out
Okay this one took me while but I think I got an idea:
Post Tantiss the batch end up on a planet with some kind of sciency slash supernatural phenomenon that causes any kind of tech using batteries or a power generator to go out of whack. As a result and because it's night they have very little light to work with and the only person they can rely on is Crosshair and his sight.
Cue them having to set their differences and any lingering tension aside in order to work together and get off the planet. In the process they reestablish some of that lost trust, Crosshair reassures himself that he's needed and the batch see him overcome the more difficult sides of his personality for the sake of the team.
This could also work for my OCs as the sniper duo with the super sight are also the worst team players and tension filled situations are great for other conflicts to bubble up to the surface.
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midnightmagicks · 6 months
☁️ : A soft headcanon
E'mal is very physical touch inclined when he cares about you. Even in just the most casual sense he likes to be close and have some form of contact. Even if it's just arms slightly touching sitting next to each other.
He is however, usually more Extreme with it. He likes to lay on people, link arms, hold hands, hug. All of that. If you're sitting quietly in the same space and he likes you, you're more than likely going to end up with him draped over you in some way or playing with your hair eventually.
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drakonovisny · 7 months
6, 13 and 77 for your wrapped songs, please! :)
6. New Gold by Gorillaz feat. Tame Impala and Bootie Brown
13. Life Eternal by Ghost
77. Піду втоплюся by Андрій Миколайчук
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imogenkol · 8 months
Where was Imogen during The Mandalorian?
I had to sit with this one a bit because I originally wanted Imogen to pursue a quieter life after the fall of the Empire, but she’ll only be in her 40s during the Mandalorian and she would get so so bored. Not saying that she doesn’t have a few quiet years with Bix, but she’s gonna need to cause a little trouble eventually.
She’d either return to the Bounty Hunters Guild or work alongside Cal and deal with remnants of Imperial sympathizers. Or both, hunting is good money and she’s very talented at it. Grogu’s bounty would intrigue her, so she might terrorize Din a little bit for funzies tbh because she no longer bullies Cal like she used to, but it wouldn’t be worth it for her to pursue that venture for long. There are more important things for her to focus on. She would definitely sense Grogu reaching out through the Force, but that is not a call she’d be interesting in answering at all. That’s someone else’s problem.
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littlewitchbee · 9 months
Riza's tattoo with or without the burn?
I love the scars on her! They're a sign of all that she went through and the promise she made to herself.
If we're talking about me getting the tattoo though I would definitely not get the burn. It doesn't feel right to me to get fake scars in that context (scarification can look really cool! just not when it's for an injury I didn't get lol) I was actually thinking of getting it kind of small on a spot where I already have some scars I'd like to distract from, no burning necessary😅
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youssefguedira · 1 year
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Hey! You asked for asks, so… ☺️ When Shawn does his next tour, what kind of outfits would you like to see him in on stage? Personally, I both love the skin-tight tank tops but also want him to change it up! 🤔
I would like to see outfits like this:
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Because we didn't get to see that look on the brief Wonder tour. Anything that’s loose and open from the waist up and/or shirts that show off his arms, and pants that are long enough to fit his height and show off his butt. 🤭 (Oh no, I’m objectifying him!) Really tho, whatever he wants; I won’t complain. 😋
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phy-be · 2 years
any zoyalina / genyadavid headcanons?
i still haven't read RoW because I can't cope with the emotional damage (i will some day bite the bullet and just skip that chapter entirely) so here are some non-RoW compliant headcanons:
Genya can be just as much of a nerd as David, and she loves listening to him talk about science (how else would she have fallen for him in the first place?) He, in turn, wants to renew his vows every time Genya comes up with a new chemical, be it for cosmetics, poison, or both
I think David is on the ace spectrum, but he loves pleasing Genya in all manners, so he quickly becomes extremely good in bed. He's a virgin when they get together so Genya expects she'll have to take the lead and guide him, but in preparation he's read and anotated a dozen books on the topic. He treats their first time as a science experiment titled "how to maximise my wife's enjoyment", and soon enough he is, as in all things he cares about, a genius and a scholar.
When they grow older and Ravka stabilises (ignoring RoW intensifies) they eventually stop working for the army and become professors, leading research in the small science for other purposes than war. Together, they build the first university dedicated to the small science.
Zoya visits Alina's cottage whenever she needs a break from the ruckus of royal life. It's the place where she feels the calmest. When she's here, Mal takes care of the children and lets Alina enjoy.
At first Zoya sniffs at the kids but she ends up liking one of them, a young Suli girl with a strong personality, and proclaims herself the girl's godmother. She brings her extravagant gifts when she visits, and over time, starts to bring gifts to the other kids as well, until she's known as a strange, grumpy but generous aunt.
Alina doesn't visit Os Alta, but every year she does a pilgrimage to the Fold, to remind herself of what she lost, and of what she overcame. When she can, Zoya comes along.
I feel like either Alina would end up amicably breaking up with Mal, though still living together and raising the kids, or they would have an open relationship. (They were so young when they got married!) Mal falls for someone else, and Alina realises she doesn't feel jealous at all, that their bond is beyond that now. So in that universe, when Alina realises her feelings for Zoya, Mal is just like, "finally."
I basically wrote a one-shot about this but I also think Nikolai would be A-ok with his wife being in love with Alina. He's known it for a long time, and he gets it.
When Alina and Zoya are old, they go on a long journey to places neither of them have seen. Adventures and shenanigans happen, but mostly a lot of bickering and tenderness.
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eatyourdamnpears · 1 year
From the ask game:
Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
I have so many friggin house plants, it’s unbelievable. I started off with two of them in April of 2021 as a gift to myself after a surgery consultation, but what I didn’t know is that there were a bunch of plants packed inside each pot, and one of the plants I’ve bought is extremely prolific. like, it makes babies like no one’s business. my Chinese money plant, Ginny, has made over thirty new plants. and I haven’t been able to get rid of most of them. I also have a philodendron birkin, Rufus, who has made some babies as well. then I have my aloe vera plant, whose name I’m planting on, who’s also made a lot of babies, but I have a harder time keeping those ones alive. and then I have a pothos plant that my dumbass kept propagating, so I have a ton of those, too, that I can’t seem to get rid of. other than those millions of plants, I have a fiddle leaf fig, (named Fig,) a Meyer lemon tree, (named Limony,) a white-star calathea that I’m in the process of killing, and I think an elephant ear plant? I can’t remember what kind of plant it is. oh, and I also grew a couple different mint plants, lemon balm, and lavender for my chickens and for other reasons. all in all, I am drowning in plants. I can’t take care of all of them, either, so a lot of them are dead now
I can’t swim as well as I used to with my chronic fatigue and pain, but I love to swim. I’ve been swimming since I was a baby, and swim lessons were my favorite part of the week growing up when I got to go to them. the only reason I didn’t pursue it further was because I wasn’t very fast when I did it, and I swam crooked despite my best efforts, and the fact that I got my period and was unable to use tampons due to a (unknown at the time) medical issue, so it was a huge risk doing into the pool for at least one week a month
I don’t know the names of kinds of trees very well, but I love big trees. the kind of trees that sit in front yards that you could climb and the kind that hang over streets. I’ll enclose some photos below:
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