#twd tabitha
sicko4smut · 7 months
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. @smutmaniac -main blog
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hi all! 25f here.
18+ only please. Third person style RP and please no one line replies.
I’m looking for Riverdale RP in the following ships:
Jughead x Betty
Jughead x Toni
Jughead x Tabitha
Sweet Pea x Betty
Sweet Pea x Toni
And also TWD roleplays with Bethyl.
I have some plot ideas but I’d love an open discussion with my partner about anything they’d like to do!
I RP on discord mainly, and can also do other platforms if you’d prefer. Please give this a like and I’ll message you on here :)
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bettyxsnooper · 1 month
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♡ main ♡ bio ♡ face ♡ muse ♡ wishlist ♡
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it’s easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It’s also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general, I write Betty exclusively after her graduation from Riverdale High School. After that, I will most likely diverge from canon, since nothing gets old quicker for me in a thread than rehashing canon events as they happened.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Betty with other Riverdale characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews, Tabitha Tate Possible Ships: most Riverdale muses NOTPs: Coopers/Blossoms, Chic Other: Crossovers from other crime or slasher fandoms (Hannibal, Scream, Halloween, etc.)
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default verses:
college!verse: Betty is a college student studying criminology at Yale University, continuing her FBI training, and solving minor mysteries for her fellow classmates. (Also open to an AU where Jughead joins her at Yale instead of Betty taking his place.)
all the way to the fbi: Betty graduates from the academy and becomes a full FBI agent, either at the Riverdale field office or elsewhere. She's particularly dedicated to catching the Trash Bag Killer.
horror!verse: Any crossovers with horror media where Betty is an FBI trainee or agent hunting serial killers. May or may not include supernatural elements.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where the outbreak happens shortly after high school graduation. Betty fights with her friends to protect what's left of Riverdale.
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The Walking Dead + AO3 Tags
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trvelyans-archive · 3 years
can’t believe amc gave me king eastman and queen tabitha the goat and then they fucking took the two of them away from me
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The moment you realize that Eastman punched Nicolas Cage as a prison guard in Face/Off 
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thewalkingboxes · 7 years
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this user wants tabitha the goat to kill negan
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caffeinosis · 4 years
twd 6x04
Cool story, Morgan, JUST KILL THAT GUY
~all life is precious~
screw that, he just chopped up a bunch of people to pieces with an ax
Also, these self-contained episodes are killing the pace, why can’t they just cut back-and-forth between the characters?
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findingroleplays · 2 years
Hi all! 24f here.
18+ only please. Third person style RP and please no one line replies.
I’m looking for Riverdale RP in the following ships:
Jughead x Betty
Jughead x Toni
Jughead x Tabitha
Sweet Pea x Betty
Sweet Pea x Toni
And also TWD roleplays with Bethyl.
I have some plot ideas but I’d love an open discussion with my partner about anything they’d like to do!
I RP on discord mainly, and can also do other platforms if you’d prefer. My discord is Poosh#0930 - feel free to add me and we can start chatting! Or give this a like and I’ll message you on here :)
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twdsunshine · 2 years
Could I ask for your answers from 2,4,8,10? Please and thank you
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
I love to read A/B/O fanfic. I love the dynamic it throws into a relationship with the existence of, like, true mates, and the different hierarchies, etc. I even had a couple of TWD fics planned out with Alpha/Omega relationships, but I don't really write explicit smut, and I'm not sure they'd work the same without going into detail on that front. So, yeah, I'll leave that to the pros.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I have a couple. Most recently, obviously, there's Tabitha Dean in my series, Broken. She has a back-story, except I can't go too much into it just yet because spoilers! With her, it's mainly that her life just hasn't gone quite the way she thought it would, which, although her story is a little more dramatic than most, I think is something we can all relate to.
My other OC is Doctor Alexa Rushmore, from my Prison!AU mini-series, in Dark Corners and Wide Open Spaces. Lexi is one of those women that looks incredibly put-together and professional on the outside, when inside it is all just a big old mess. She doesn't really have any family to speak of, and she had an affair with a married GP at the last practice she worked at, which drove her out of town and meant leaving her friends behind too. Then she found the job at the prison. It pretty much reinforced her belief that most men are assholes, but she likes her colleagues and she manages to just see the inmates as patients to treat for the most part. So, her world is super small, at least, to begin with...
I have a couple of others too, from series that I started and never finished, but I might still make use of them at some point because their stories are fully formed in my mind. We'll see.
8. How slow is a slow burn?
As slow as you can make it, goddammit! I love a slow burn. I think, with Negan there's only so long you can drag a slow burn out before you kinda feel like he'd just get bored and give up, unless there's something keeping him invested. But with Daryl... I mean, the guy is made for the epic slow burn, right? Just holding hands is a big deal to him, so build up from, like, friendship, to minor physical contact, to feelings, to a relationship... That shit takes time.
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
Friends or enemies to lovers. Doesn't matter which. I'm a sucker for the slow build and development of a relationship, so I never ever get tired of reading or writing this.
Bed-sharing. Just... the endless possibilities. Sex? Cuddling? Comfort? Sleep-talking? One of them lying awake just watching the other sleep? Both of them lying awake and pretending to be asleep as they pine for each other? It's such a simple trope but can be taken in so many directions.
Pre-apocalypse. Is that a trope? I'm calling it one, regardless. With TWD, I love reading and writing fics that explore who the characters were before the world went to hell. I think it gives a little more freedom as a writer, and it's kinda AU without actually being AU. If that makes sense...
Thank you 😊
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thatiranianphantom · 3 years
So tired of all my favorite shows going to shit, first The Walking Dead and now this one. Bates Motel stayed great til the end but Andrew Lincoln leaving TWD was it for me. Now Riverdale.. what the?! This season sucks!! How many seasons do you see it having left and do you think bughead is a for sure thing, endgame?! What do you see with Archie and Veronica and why isn't her dad trying to help her with Chad? Do you think Cheryl and Toni are a for sure thing, how do you see it all ending? Thanks
There is a certain amount of inevitability in a show’s decline. I think it’s that, and an amount of rose-colored glasses. We always think of a show’s early seasons as being better than they actually were. I’d be willing to bet there was a pretty equivalent amount of criticism for Riverdale’s earlier seasons. A small example of this is everyone celebrating the Pussycats coming back, but I have it on good authority that when the Pussycats were actually a thing in the show, people didn’t enjoy them. 
It’s a tradeoff. Again, example - Wynonna Earp vs. Grey’s Anatomy. Wynonna Earp will (likely) have only 4 seasons. It never had a chance to overstay its welcome, and doesn’t have to appease people for another season, and thus can do whatever it wants and stay a great show. Grey’s Anatomy is 17 seasons in, and just....running on fumes. Its plug should have been pulled long ago. It’s departed the genuinely good storytelling of its earlier years long ago. It’s still airing, but at what cost?
As to your questions, it has Season 6 and maybe Season 7 left. We know it’ll go for at least another season and a half. They’ve already been picked up. As a result of tossing the audience around so much, their ratings this season are pathetic and they’re not in good standing with their fandom, but they are the CW’s only cash cow, so they’ve already been renewed. 
Bughead is a sure thing. Bughead anchors the show. It is as much of a sure things as you can possibly get. I suspect maybe Hiram is leaving though. That would explain an entire episode dedicated to him. And I do not think Veronica wants to go to her dad for help. They have, however, had their endgame pairings for awhile. Bughead, Varchie, Choni. The show’s not going to deviate on that. I only hope we can add Reggie/Tabitha to that. 
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Episode 8 Review
The usual spoilers
Alright, this episode was pretty good in the beginning with some stuff here and there I didn’t like, but that ending... that ending leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
Normally I start with the bad first, then the good, but I feel I should do chronological order for this one since most of the good is before the bad.
For starters, I enjoyed the very beginning with Chris at his dad’s funeral. For once, seeing an aspect of Vic’s childhood was interesting. You feel pretty bad for Chris because of the rough childhood he had, and you feel bad because he became his father. It’s good that he’s definitely changed tho. He pissed me off (and I’m sure everyone else off) last season, and to see him get emotional all those years before is definitely something. Seeing him grow now is rewarding.
I do really like how both of Vic’s parents see her bridge and are amazed by it. Idk why, but I always find it incredibly satisfying in a story when all the characters understand something/everything. I’m sure we all do, but clarification in a story has always brought me a satisfaction comparable to that of watching those satisfying video complications on YouTube.
How Bing is alive still... I have no idea. Maybe because he was sitting and that helped slow down the blood flow? Honestly, I really wanted them to get information out of him, then have him die. Look, there is a part of me that feels bad for him and sorry for him, but his actions are way less forgivable than Charlie’s. If you ask me, despite him talking with Vic (and hell, maybe at this point he does feel bad for what he did, although that is hard to believe because he did genuinely enjoy raping people, and rape is one of those actions it’s very hard to find really any redemption in once you commit it), I don’t see anyone forgiving his ass, and they shouldn’t. I also think Bing has always been a ticking time bomb. Who knows, if Charlie hadn’t come into their lives, he could’ve hurt Vic if she came off as “too nice” to him. We see what he did to his mom, despite her loving him and being the only good person in his life. He interprets love as something darker, and while it’s horrible that he thinks that way, and I understand what his childhood did to his mind, he has the knowledge that it’s wrong to do it (I mean, he has to subdue people with the gas, and he clearly sees his victims are unwilling) and he should stop it, yet he doesn’t. Charlie actually believes that what he’s doing is right, and there is a part of you that can see that in some regards, he is right, keeping kids away from harmful parents. What good comes out of rape? The only good that comes out of it is the benefit to himself for getting his sick pleasures. He does it all because he can and likes it, no other purpose. He could’ve gotten help, he could’ve tried to keep that all in and express it in a safe environment, he could’ve restrained himself from doing these things... yet he didn’t. If he had just killed the parents and strictly did nothing of a particularly cruel nature, you could understand Bing more and respect his character. But since he didn’t... it makes things harder. Is it respectable that he admitted he’s wrong? Yes. Should he be forgiven? Well... not really, at least imo. If Bing has any redeeming qualities, there are very few. Since he is kept alive, I hope he’s either rotting in prison or kept in a place where he can maybe get help that he needs. I think most importantly, I’m more than a little annoyed at this whole, “Yeah, we’ll write the rapist more sympathetically before we do the main antagonist, who’s actions are questionable and one could understand his intent. He doesn’t rape anybody and finds the act repulsive and kills rapists... but he’s less sympathetic just because he’s the main bad guy 😀.” Yeah, okay writers...
Moving on from the only truly bad thing in the episode before the ending, everything else seemed to be fine. I’m concerned with Maggie and Tabitha’s relationship, I really hope they’ll be okay. Tabitha was badass getting the respect and recognition she deserves for the work she does. Even though she made the stupid decision of going into that church by herself and possibly getting killed, I do love the balls she has, I just hope she doesn’t get herself killed by being stupid. Her and Maggie are a great couple and I love them. I feel bad for Vic and I hate that she feels so low about herself. I did like her talking with her dad. The confrontation with Millie was interesting, and I’m curious to see what’s in store with that. Based on the “next time” preview at the end of the episode, we finally make it to Christmasland, and I’m very interested (but also a little anxious) about what’s gonna happen next.
Now, the ending... this damn ending...
First of all, when Maggie was confronting Wayne, why didn’t she grab his ornament? Maggie is not a stupid character. Did she get hit by the car last season and not make smarter decisions on how to avoid it (ex, maybe getting in between two other cars)? Sure, but we’ll cut her slack, it was a very in the moment thing. This? I mean... they were anticipating this. You mean to tell me she couldn’t have thought of trying to get that ornament out of his hand and taking it away from him? She tricked the Hourglass for Christ’s sakes. It looks like from the preview she’s collecting their ornaments, but still, especially in that moment, she would’ve grabbed his. It might’ve made Wayne have a strength over his old self... what’s weird is in the book, he’s holding onto both sides of himself throughout his entire journey, in this they’re making it seem as though he has no control anymore. Which leads me to my next point...
Where is Craig in all of this? What, so his efforts didn’t do dick? What was the point in having him the last two episodes? I believe in the book, Wayne’s grandma (aka Linda McQueen), is helping him in a spirit form, and also by him “thinking backwards.” Craig was helping him by reminding him of Vic and staying by him. It would’ve made so much more sense for Craig to be by his side still (or hell, in the car if he can’t leave it and telling Wayne to “remember the plan”), Wayne “puts” the ornament on the tree (or Maggie takes it off after he puts it on), and Craig stays by him. Nope, let’s make his character useless. Who knows if he’ll return next episode, I’m hoping he will, but even if he does, it’s still annoying that his character has done little to nothing at this point when there was so much potential, and it seems to be almost too late. I’m glad Wayne didn’t eat Maggie or Lou like I feared (Lou did get a nip I suppose, which was a little unneeded if you ask me). I was hoping for more potential from Craig, guess we’ll have to see if there will be...
Another point: WHY THE HELL IS THIS CAR TOO OVERPOWERED? Seriously, it makes no sense. You can make Charlie’s abilities as op as you want so long as it’s not ridiculous, I could see that. But the car? That’s his total weakness. It can be stronger than the average car, but if lighting it on fire deals with it, explosions would. That is beyond lazy writing.
Now, the worst part: Chris’s death. Of course, let’s kill a character when he just seemed to redeem himself (but the character that rapes people and can’t really be redeemed, we’re gonna keep him alive, maybe he’ll get a redemption arch 🙂). Once again, writers, why are you making the most stupid choices? While his death wasn’t as stupid as his death in the book where officers shoot him down when he’s trying to protect Vic from one (this is all under Tabitha’s command, let’s just say she’s not that great of a cop in the book or with Maggie, I enjoy her character changes for the show), his death, the way I see it, is still insulting and pointless. Realistically, they could’ve kept him alive, what is the point of not? Also, I know that bike is heavy, but why wouldn’t Vic get up and kick some ass? Of course, her bike would act up just as the Wraith is coming towards her (what is the point of that too?). I really think Chris’s death was just for shock value and filler, and to make Charlie look like an even worse villain (because they reeeeally want to drill this point home, if the way his backstory is presented in the show wasn’t proof enough, which is stupid because we UNDERSTAND WRITERS. It’s you guys that don’t understand that Charlie is established as the villain through being the antagonist and his conflicting actions). While I’m glad they didn’t kill an even more important character (ex, Maggie or Lou or Vic), it’s still stupid to waste all that character development on Chris just for him to go out anyways, all for shock value filler and to make Charlie worse. Again, not saying he’s a saint, not saying it’s out of the realm of possibility for him to want to get revenge on Vic this way, but still, isn’t he already getting revenge on her through Wayne (plus, to him it’s poetic justice that he’s “saving” him from her). There’s really no point to Chris’s death. This reminded me heavily of TWD when they would pull that shock value filler crap with killing characters, and making a villain look worse than needed (an example is what they did with Negan in the show by writing him as even more evil and less redeemable than he is in the comics). I genuinely hope they don’t pull more of this.
All in all, this episode had it’s good moments I enjoyed, but there was definitely some stupidity and bad moments I despised. Let’s hope these last two episodes where shit gets more serious will be better. I’m hoping this show does not turn to crap through a series of stupid decisions, much like TWD did. I will be sorely disappointed at AMC...
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hi all! 24f here ✨
18+ only please. Third person style RP and please no one line replies. No OCs, I’m afraid.
I’m looking for Riverdale RP in the following ships:
Jughead x Betty
Jughead x Toni
Jughead x Tabitha
Sweet Pea x Betty
Sweet Pea x Toni
And also TWD roleplays with Bethyl.
I have some plot ideas but I’d love an open discussion with my partner about anything they’d like to do!
I RP on discord or Google chat/hangouts mainly, and can also do other platforms if you’d prefer. My discord is Poosh#0930 - feel free to add me and we can start chatting! Or give this a like and I’ll message you on here :)
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ourglennrhee · 6 years
Question, do you still not trust goats 👀
LMAO how did you remember I said this?😂
But to answer, no I do not. They creep me out. Mostly... except maybe Tabitha from TWD but goats in real life just.... hell naw their eyes make me feel like they’ve been talking shit behind my back my whole life idk idk 
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thewalkingboxes · 7 years
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this user thinks that tabitha the goat should still is still alive
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crookedspoonfic · 6 years
crookedspoon’s pairing list
For reference and prompting purposes (check the prompts tag for inspiration). Because I regularly forget which character/pairing I’d like to write. There’s simply too much to choose from in the DCU.
Fandoms under the cut: DGM, DCU, Gintama, TRC, RE, TWD
In short, DCU (Batman-centric) and TRC are my main fandoms and I ship Harley, Dick and Jason as well as Kavinsky with basically anyone.
The List
Mostly sorted alphabetically by last name. Bold indicates faves. Linked are pairings I’ve written already. Gen and poly is also cool. Structure (where applicable) is this: Name | Alias (Verse). Most likely oudated.
Kanda/Lavi, Komui/Bak
The Animated Series, Arkham-verse, Telltale Games
Gotham City Sirens, Joker (Azzarello), White Knight
Assault on Arkham, Under the Red Hood, Batman and Harley Quinn
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
DC Animated Universe
DC Bombshells
DC TV: Birds of Prey, Black Lightning, Gotham
DCEU: Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Aquaman, Shazam
Elseworlds: Gotham by Gaslight, Thrillkiller
Injustice: Gods Among Us, Ground Zero, 2
Justice League
Dark, Unlimited
Nightwing, Deathstroke, Green Lanterns, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Titans, Suicide Squad
Teen Titans
vs the Justice League, The Judas Contract
Young Justice
Akila/Artemis (RHatO)
Artemis Crock/Zatanna
Tabitha Gallavan
Barbara Kean, Lee Thompkins
Artemis, Christina Bell (Arkham Knight), Jessica Cruz, Mary Dahl | Baby Doll, Duela Dent | Joker’s Daughter, Marian Drews | Neo Joker (White Knight), Talia al’Ghul, Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy, Dinah Lance, Louise Lincoln | Killer Frost, Kate Kane, Selina Kyle | Catwoman, Diana Prince | Wonder Woman, Emily Sung | Element Woman, Amanda Waller, Martha Wayne (Flashpoint), Tatsu Yamashiro | Katana, Zalika | Hack (Suicide Squad), Zatanna Zatara
might try, but will need time for research: Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Koriand’r | Starfire, Mari McCabe | Vixen, Barbara Minerva | Cheetah, Shayera Hol | Hawkgirl, Lois Lane, Siobhan Smythe | Silver Banshee, Caitlyn Snow | Killer Frost, Leslie Willis | Livewire, Scandal Savage, etc. etc.
crossovers: Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters), Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
please note that at this time I won’t be accepting any more Harley/Ivy prompts because I have a never-ending stack of those to choose from, but if you’re interested in receiving Harley/Ivy fics, stick around. Opportunities will arise soon <3
Barbara Kean/Lee Thompkins
Arthur Curry/Diana Prince, Arthur/Mera
Barbara, Donna, Harley, Kori, Zatanna
Donna: Dick, Jason, Roy
John Constantine, Jonathan Crane, Rick Flag, Dick Grayson, Joker, Waylon Jones | Killer Croc, Floyd Lawton | Deadshot, Edward Nygma | Riddler, Shazam / Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Slade Wilson
Jason: Artemis, Harley, Kori, Rose, Talia
Kori: Dick, Roy, Jason
Barry Allen (JL)
Victor Stone, Bruce Wayne
Dick, Jason, Joker
Bruce, Damian, Garth, Jason, Roy, Slade, Wally
Bizarro, Bruce, Dick, Joker, Roman, Roy, Slade
Slade: Damian, Dick, Jason
Gen / Other
Damian Wayne (ships in the later Injustice years are fine too)
poly!League (with the exception of movie!Supes)
The Raven Cycle
Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch, Richard Gansey, Jiang, Ronan Lynch, Prokopenko, Skov, Swan
Gansey/Henry, Gansey/Ronan
Resident Evil
Chris: Jill, Sheva
The Walking Dead
I’m sure I’m forgetting something (a lot). I’m also always trying to expand my knowledge of the DCU, so I might accept more character/pairing suggestions than are listed here. Just try me ;D
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