#twdg Ruby x reader
bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
The Walking Dead Game Masterlist
Nothing yet
"What were you thinking?!"
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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d-a-r-l-i-i-n-g · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello, lovelies I wanted to say that I need requests for twdg and obey me, I'm currently doing these fandoms I'll add more if I can, but I need requests please please, if you can send me some requests and ill try to do them my best, that I can. <3 I love you all sm and I hope you guys are doing well!
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Hello people! Y’know what time it is sadly...
Not goodbye, just askin’ if anyone has any twdg requests, mainly Vi, miss her-
Nobody really requests them except my love Blair, and I kinda wanted to write them some more since mainly my requests are for Arcane! So please send in any twdg requests you have!
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Some General Ericson's Kids Headcannons
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Despite it being the zombie apocalypse, he still takes a great care in his appearance. Maybe this could be tied back to his insecurities, but he generally just finds comfort in looking nice. He kept a few colognes from before, and maybe even still has a few hair products. Of course he’d had to be resourceful to make them last this long, probably pours water into the almost empty cologne bottles to make them last longer. He also just dislikes being dirty in general, always wiping down his clothes and typically taking breaks to freshen up. 
He wants to keep the artistic spirit alive, even in the apocalypse, and he really admires people who feel the same. Everyone knows he loves piano, but when somebody actually shows interest in it he can't help but get giddy. He can ramble about musicians and songs for hours and hours and hours, and if you ever found him some new records or sheet music you'd officially be his new favorite person; ever.
Definitely was an only child; his parents put all of their focus on him, watched his every move. He was expected to get good grades, go to a good college, get a hard well-paying job afterwards. He was definitely spoiled money-wise, but his family lacked in the love and affection department. 
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I’d like to think that if she ever got the chance to, she’d try to give herself a piercing. Obviously it’d be unsanitary and sort of implausible during the apocalypse, but if you think about it, all she’d need would be a needle, the piercing itself, and some sort of disinfectant, so it could possibly happen. If she did get one, probably an eyebrow piercing or a septum. She definitely isn’t the type to care too much about her appearance, but she would feel super cool having a piercing. (She wouldn’t say it though, lol)
Violet lacked any sort of hobby in the game, and this upset me. (Ruby has gardening/being a nurse, Louis has music, Tenn has art, Mitch has weapons, Omar has cooking, Aasim has writing, etc.) I feel like if she had a hobby it'd be something she'd do in secret, maybe poetry or writing songs. She definitely is the type of person to bottle her emotions up, so writing poems about it would definitely be a nice way to cope with them. She’d never share her poetry with anyone though, it's just her thing; she's way too embarrassed of it. 
If she was able to listen to any music she would definitely like indie or punk music. (Pavement, she would LOVE pavement) She’s definitely the type of person to crush on more alternative people, so I could see her trying to get into goth music just to impress a girl she likes. 
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It's obvious that he's definitely got some hefty mental issues going on, he's the type of person to bottle things up forever till he just blows up. He panics a lot in tough situations, scrambles to fix things himself, but has a hard time making things work out alone. I'd imagine his parents were probably perfectionists of some sort; who pushed a lifestyle he didn't want onto him and he tried hard to succeed for them but could never be enough. Eventually one day he acted out, sick of being forced to live a life he didn't want to live, and then was sent to Ericsons's.
A lot of people hate Marlon, for reasons that are obvious, but I really don't think he was a bad guy. He was simply misguided, and made mistakes. 
Seems like the type to smoke or drink as a way to cope. Did it more often before the apocalypse and when it first started but cigarettes and alcohol are pretty much nonexistent near Ericson’s now so he was forced to quit. 
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I see many people sort of stereotype Mitch as just this guy who likes carving knives and making bombs, which definitely is true, but I think there’s much more to him. He has a very rebellious personality which leads me to believe he probably grew up in a home where being rebellious was necessary to get any attention from his neglectful parents. They are in the boarding school for a reason, so he probably was the type of kid that almost burnt down his house or something.
Definitely seems like the type to be a big softie once you get to know him. Certainly not the type to be all soft in public, but if you're spending time one on one his more gentle side will show. 
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She has such a motherly vibe to her, so caring and sweet. Even hands out some tough love when needed. I think that's one of the reasons why she likes the greenhouse so much, she loves to take care of things; plants included. (Obviously she also liked it because of Ms. Martin, but yk)
She's certainly not the type to accept compliments easily, she just can't imagine that when people compliment her they're telling the truth. I'd imagine that the reason she punches Aasim If you dare him to kiss her is because she thinks he's playing a prank on her or something; she just finds it hard to believe that somebody would like her. (I love her, Ruby is my bae omg)
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blair-the-juggalho · 10 months
Hello!! I absolutely love your TWDG writing. And I have been having a bad day bc my tooth broke and I'm stressed -_-
Could you possibly make a "TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is upset/sad"? ^_^
Hey yeah ofc! And I’m so sorry I hope your day gets better lovely :(
Also I did this as platonic lmk if ya want me to redo it idm! 😭
Another sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes it’s half three am and I’m tired
Also side note, sorry I’ve been like gone a lot of stuff happened and I lost intrest in the game but it’s kinda coming back I’m just getting use to writing again so if this sucks I’m SO SORRY 😭😭😭💖💖💖
TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is sad
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She’d find you a bit strange and would tease you but in honesty she loves how bubbly you are
Whenever life gets her down all she has to do is spend some time around you and she feels better
She notices instantly when you’re upset tho and will give it a few minutes before coming up to you
“Hey. What’s up? Why are you all depressed?”
But fr tho that’s her job 😞 LMAO SORRY
But you’ll open up to her and she silently nods along
Whatever it is she gets it
“Yeah…it sucks sometimes…”
She won’t say much but she offers to go somewhere more private so you two can chill and just complain to each other
She’s not all that good at comfort but she’d really try
When your back to normal she’d have a small smile on her face
“Ya happy again now?”
She’d be a bit upset if you’d want to go right back to being around everyone else but she’d join you anyway cuz she’s just happy to see you smile again
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He doesn’t really get it I mean how can anyone be happy living like this? I mean sure it’s manageable at times but it still sucks
He’d never on his life say it but he does secretly enjoy how happy you are even if he’d tease you for it
When he sees you upset tho I’m so sorry but this man is useless here
He doesn’t notice at first but after Willy or someone points it out he picks up on it and worries a bit
However he just hopes you cheer up on your own and doesn’t say anything
But he does watch out for you in the corner of his eye
He just assumes if it’s really bad you’ll come to him
Cuz he won’t come to you unless your both alone
When you do tell him what’s up he’s still not very helpful
“Damn…that sucks..”
He does care he’s just rubbish at showing it
He will let you stay with him but be warned you’ll both be sat in silence if you’re not in a talking mood
But when you do cheer up he’s relived
again, not that he’d voice it
“Happy again huh?”
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Marlon finds you to be a breath of fresh air, he always has a gentle smile on his face when your around
He’s happy that you can bring the others up too cuz a happy group is a good group yk
Plus you keep him calm too
So when he sees his usual happy friend down in the dumps he’s very confused
What happened to you?
He watches you for a bit then walks over to you and asks if you’re ok and if ya wanna talk
Hell take you up to the office and will listen to you explain why your upset
He listens and offers some advice and comfort
He’ll let you stay with him for a bit and if you like dogs yk he’ll get rosy to give you some comfort hugs and all
He just has normal conversations with you and will say that he hopes you cheer up soon cuz what would they all do without your positive ways
When you cheer up he’ll have a big smile and if your ok with it he’ll pull you in for a hug and definitely does that back pat and rub (yk the that you do to a friend or family to either be like heyy! Or ok that’s enough now)
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Like he needs to see you all happy and lively because that makes him more happy and lively too!
And this mf he instantly knows when you’re down and he will come up to you and just say “aww what’s wrong (name)? You gotta turn that frown upside down!” He might even pull an over the top sad face too
Depending on what kinda person you are this either kind of works or makes it so much worse
If he does realise that he’s not helping he panics a bit like
“Oh no- they really are sad…what do I doooooo?? This is badddd…”
He’s not all that good in serious situations and will try healing you with comedy and laughter
He’ll tell jokes, tease the others at Ericsson’s
Anything to cheer you up
Heaven forbid the moment you actually do cuz this mans energy is amplified by 100
“is that a smile I see?? So mx grumpy finally cheered up? Ha well it seems I’m just the best at curing sadness.” He acts all cocky but he’s just joking
He’s very pleased to see ya back to your regular self again
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Aasim always found it curious how someone so happy could exist in a world like this
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it
He can’t match your energy but he does support your cheerful ways
He won’t voice it but you do cheer him up when he’s having a bad day
he notices when you’re upset very quickly n all it’s very obvious lmao
He’ll give it a few minutes but after a while he’ll cave and awkwardly walk over to you
“So…you ok? You seem upset…”
You tell him what’s up and he listens
He either gives you advice or will empathise with you saying he gets it
He just kinda silently sits next to you cuz he doesn’t really know what to say
You both just kinda sit around for a while
he won’t really offer it out loud but he doesn’t mind giving you a hug if it will cheer you up
He just waits for you to feel better and is thankful when you do
(Sorry but damn this man I just can’t imagine he’d be much help here that sounds horrible Ik ik 😞)
This man is grateful that you’re the way you are even if he doesn’t voice it a lot
He’s also a silent observer so when he saw you where upset he just quietly watched you
I think he either doubts how good he is at comforting or he’s too preoccupied but he’ll still watch you for you
He’s kinda hoping it’s just a off day and you’ll perk up again in a while
He waits to see if anyone else will check up on you or if you’ll come to him
But if enough time has passed and both of those didn’t happen he’ll slowly make his way over to you
He doesn’t say much but he listens to you
The few times he does speak it’s either reassurance or advice
He will stay with you for as long as he can and if he had to start cooking again he’d let you stand next to him while he does so
When you cheer up again he wont say much but he has a smile on his face
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Ruby fully appreciates your bubbly ways and she will usually match your energy when she can
She really thinks you totally brighten up Ericssons!
But today you were acting totally different and she could just sense it
Like there was a shift in the air she just picked up on before she even saw you
Since she gives me like mother friend vibes she totally instantly goes over to ya
Are you ok hun? Ya seem down? What’s happened? Do ya need some space?
She’s there and she will listen to ya 100%
She does whatever she can to be supportive and she might tell a few rubbish puns to make you smile again
She’ll get all protective of ya too like if anyone tries to annoy ya (which I doubt anyone would but yk just incase) she will get so mad at them she’s shout at them and scold them so much
She’ll either stay by you till you cheer up or will give you the space if you need it but the moment she sees that smile she loves so much and that cheery personality she adores she’s matching that happy face
This girl loves how bubbly you are it’s such a nice change of pace from the usually rubbish day to day apocalypse life
You don’t know how much you can cheer her up and make her feel more relaxed
So she was super quick to notice that you where sad
Huh that’s (name), why arn’t they all happy?? Where’s that lovely smile gone??
I don’t think she’d straight away ask if you where ok cuz maybe you needed some space? I mean it’s normal to get upset now a days but this isn’t like you
She’d ask the others like Marlon if they noticed that you’ve done a total 180
She’d still stay put but keeps a close eye on you and after a few minutes of watching you mope around she’d walk up to you and ask if you where ok
After you tell her what’s got ya so bummed out she’d do anything to get that smile back
She’d listen to you, give you advice if you wanted it, she’d give you a hug literally anything!
She’d also try to distract you by planning some made up road trip (a beach trip if I remember correctly??)
She needs to see her friend go back to their bubbly self 😞
Once you do cheer up she just sighs in relief man she’s happy you’re back to normal lmao
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kanencrow · 2 years
Can I request platonic Marlon, Louis, Mitch, Aj, Willy, Tenn with a reader who is very strong and when doing pushups they jokingly sit on their back and reader just like laughs and continues doing pushups and their like surprised andare having fun
May I also ask this to but an s/o one so like clem, vi, ruby x reader who does this also like platonic for the boys and x reader for the girls
How Would: The Ericson Students + Clementine & AJ React to a Strong Y/n | The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: For sure! Hope you enjoy!
SUMMARY: How would the Ericson kids, plus Clementine and AJ, react to a strong Y/n?
WARNINGS: Swearing.
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She’s impressed, to say the least. She didn’t willingly go over to you when you were working out and sit on your back while you did your pushups. You actually asked her to do it, because you were needing there to be more of a challenge in the act itself. She said no at first, saying how that was dangerous and that she didn’t want to hurt you, but then you pulled the question of: are you calling me weak? And she immediately widened her eyes and donned a look of regret. Obviously, she wasn’t calling you that, but with the accusatory suggestion, she sputtered for some sort of response, before she paused and just gave up.
In the end, Clementine gave in. You assured her that she couldn’t hurt you, and although she didn’t seem very convinced, she still nodded her head and lowered herself down to sit on your back. Her once unsure demeanor turned into pure laughter when you so easily brought her up and down. It felt like she was on some roller coaster, and with her giggling so hard, you couldn’t help but do so too. It turned the makeshift ride into a bumpy one, and eventually, the both of you fell to the floor due to how goofy the entire position seemed. At one point, your girlfriend snorted, and then you wheezed in response, which ensued even more laughter.
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Fuck no. There’s no way she’s going to willingly walk over to you and sit on your back. Already she’s blushing because she’s watching you work out. Yeah, you’re her partner and all, but still, she’s not about to embarrass herself by openly showing her sheepishness. But – oh shit, well… now you see her while you blindly do your pushups, and now she’s turning around and running out of the room as though she had just seen a murder happen. Of course, you call her name in her escape, but she doesn’t hear you as she busts through the door and disappears from your sight. 
It wasn’t difficult to tell that she was flustered. Especially when you came back to talk to Brody, and she could barely even look you in the eye. Hits you with the timid hi Y/n, and you’re just there, staring at her with slightly raised eyebrows that tell her you’re not going to leave her alone until she speaks about what happened earlier in the day. Though, with how stubborn this woman is, good luck on trying to get her to tell you that she was in fact blushing like a madwoman when she saw you so easily doing pushups. You’re going to be there for a while, so grab a book and get ready to wait for her warm cheeks to cool down. 
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Violet seems pretty unfazed when she comes in and sees you working out. She’s seen you in the act of doing so before, so it’s not like that’s going to really bother her. She goes about her business as usual, and only ends up stopping and gawking at you like you’re crazy when you look over at her and tell her that these push ups are too easy. Of course, she ends up asking you how much you’ve done, and you give her this absolutely insane number, and then she looks at you as though you’ve just told her you bought her an engagement ring. Completely surprised and in disbelief. You chuckle in response, and that’s when she dons a blank look on her face and proposes an idea.
She says something like well if you need extra weight, then let me sit on your back. All you can do in response is stare at her like she’s crazy, before you eventually relax your expression and nod your head in agreement to that idea. You think, what could go wrong? It wasn’t like she suggested that she set a boulder on your back. It was just her, and it wasn’t like she was insanely heavy, either. You thought it was going to be a cakewalk, super easy, but then when she got on your back you completely forgot that balancing was now going to have to come into play. And so, after like five or ten reps, you lost your steadiness, and the both of you fell over. You were embarrassed at first, but then your girlfriend started cracking up, and you felt a little bit better about yourself after that.
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You asked her, and she immediately said no without any sort of hesitation. She thought it was way too dangerous, and she didn’t want you hurting yourself over something so stupid. She was overly expressive when she told you that, and you stood in front of her like a kicked puppy dog. You should have expected it, though. She was too maternal and not one to do risky things, especially if they had to do with you. Still, even after her lecture, you tried to convince, and all you got in response was, ask me again and you’re sleeping in the music room. And the music room provided no comfort, so you shut your mouth and stopped trying to sway your partner.  Ruby did say she would happily watch you work out, though. Spent the entire time flirting with you, so you definitely became warmer than you would have liked. You almost had to kick her out with how complimentative she was being. At one point, you had to stop what you were doing and stare at her with pleading eyes that said, please stop making me blush. And all she did in response was continue. You guessed it was payback in a way. You know, considering you tried getting her to sit on your back, which was way too dangerous in her eyes. How dare you do that!
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He asked so many questions. Why are you working out? Don’t you technically work out when fighting the monsters? Why are you on the ground and bending your arms like that? Honestly, it was endearing at first, and then it started getting a little annoying, because you were trying to concentrate, and the boy’s curiosity was becoming too incessant. He’s cute, but he was also someone who couldn’t take a hint sometimes, so as a way to get him to silence himself for a moment, you tried getting him to workout himself. You said it would make him strong enough to protect Clementine, and he immediately jumped to doing your suggestion without a second thought.  But then eventually, that got old to him. He said how he was now tired, and he didn’t like feeling tired, because then that would cause him to fall asleep, and would prevent him from protecting Clementine. So, naturally, he walked over to you and without hesitation, asked if he could just sit on your back. The sudden curiosity in him sprouted again, so when you questioned him why, he responded with a shrug and said I don’t know, I just wanna see how strong you are. It seemed like a fair reason, so with a sigh, you let him sit on your back. He was light, so moving him up and down was easy, but the highlight of the time you spent with him was the little giggles that came from his lips as you raised him and lowered him. It was something you hadn’t heard come from him in a while, and it was refreshing to listen to.
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Very similar to AJ. Curiosity struck him. He asked a few questions, before he ended up eventually trying to do exactly what you were doing. He called it follow the leader, and his job was to match your actions. He struggled a lot though. Little man had noodle arms, so he could barely do a single pushup. It made him annoyed really quickly, and honestly, you didn’t blame him. So, instead of continuing with your workout, you got up and helped him out a bit. You showed him other ways one could do a pushup, and he went from a pouty expression to a wide grin in the matter of a minute when he attempted to do a wall pushup and succeeded with ease. 
Though his attention span was terrible. He went from being hyper focused on trying to do a pushup, to laying on your back. Homie plopped on you as though you were a mattress, and you let out the loudest groan as your arms buckled beneath you. Your chest thumped against the floor, and you laid there, while the blond hung over your body like a blanket. You told him to get the fuck off of you, but he only whined in response and said something like but I’m tired, and you’re so warm. You didn’t have enough patience to deal with him, so you managed to push him off of you, and he let out a yelp in return, before scampering to his feet and sprinting off, running away from you, because you were chasing after him with steam coming out of your ears. 
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He’s definitely the most behaved out of AJ and Willy. He doesn’t want to sit on your back, even if you asked him to. He just likes being near you whenever you’re working out. It gives him someone to talk to when he has no one else to go to, and you don’t mind the company every once in a while. It’s a very quiet atmosphere mostly, and if he does ever take part in a proposal of yours, it’ll most likely be when you end up asking him if he wants to try doing a pull up. Surprisingly, he actually can do one. You end up feeling a little guilty though, because here you thought that he’d be the one who couldn’t.  Definitely enjoys when he can surprise you, though, so he’s not very offended or anything. He just smiles happily at you when you praise him, and then when you ask him if he can do something else, it quickly turns into a session of him just absolutely knocking your expectations out of the park. You just assumed he was a shy bookworm with no athletic ability, but you’ve been proved wrong. And here you are, watching him do some pull ups with your hands on your hips, as though you’re some proud parent. They grow up so fast.
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He ends up challenging you to a pushup contest. You had never seen him workout before, so you accepted the proposal without much thought. However, when he got down and started doing what you were doing, you were surprised with how long he lasted. He was able to do a lot, before he eventually lost all of his upper body strength and fell against the mat. As you continued your own pushups, you couldn’t help but laugh at him, and he awkwardly chuckled in reply, a little embarrassed that he wasn’t at least able to do more than fifteen. Still, you assured him that it was okay, and he didn’t have to be good at doing that type of exercise in order to be considered strong.
The thought of sitting on your back as you did your pushups did come to his mind, but he decided against asking and instead just sat and watched you do your thing. You and him made conversation throughout your workout, and he spotted you in anything that you didn’t have full confidence in doing. He was pretty much quiet, other than that, and you understood why. The blond was just a guy who didn’t like talking all that much. He was more observant than anything else, and there were even some moments where he went off and did his own workout, as he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable because of his standing around. 
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He’s going to try and get you to sit on his back. He’s got way too much pride, so the idea of him sitting on your back while you do pushups is something that you’d have to pay him to do. He does propose the opposite, though. He mentions how he could easily do twenty pushups with you on his back, and you immediately disagree, and so he replies with bet you dinner that I can do it. Of course, you didn’t believe him, so you quickly agreed and let him get into position before you sat on his back. And… to no one’s surprise, when you did settle down, he immediately crumpled to the ground with a groan escaping him.
You called him a little bitch, as a joke, and he pushed you off him with a lighthearted fuck you. You cackled at the reply as you moved away from him, and he shook his head in amusement while he stood up to his feet and just settled on watching you do your thing, instead of trying to conjure up contests he knew he was going to lose. Unlike you and Marlon, you and Mitch would banter with each other the entire time. If you did twenty reps, he’d call you a pussy and say that you could totally do thirty. And you could… and the moment you would, he would immediately shut up and cross his arms over his chest like an angry kid. 
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Definitely brings it up the moment he sees you doing pushups. Hey, how weird would it be if I just sat on your back while you did your pushups? You could only gaze at him in confusion when he asked that. Well, it wasn’t necessarily confusion, you were just at a loss of words. Why would he even suggest that? But then again, it is Louis, and so you can’t really wonder what goes on through his head much. He’s just a goofy guy, and you’ve learned to quickly remember that when he does ask very interesting questions. 
Eventually you agree to it. What could go wrong? Doesn’t hurt to try and see if you actually had the ability to do a pushup while someone sat on your back. What better way to try it out with your best friend? When he sits on your back and you actually do end up accomplishing his challenge, both of you are equally surprised, and he’s insanely impressed with your strength. Says something along the lines of if there’s ever a moment where I need someone to protect me, it’ll be you. In response to that, you can only roll your eyes, as he holds his hand against his chest and pretends to be absolutely amazed by you. 
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Wowza, this one took a minute to put out. Sorry for the long wait!
I'm finally back, by the way. I needed to take a much-needed break, and it worked out perfectly, because I also had absolutely no motivation to write for The Walking Dead. Besides that, I thank you all for showing my works love, even while I was gone, and I appreciate all the follows I've received, too. I see you guys, all 51 of you, and I thank you for being here!
Until next time!
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n3tb0t · 8 months
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• I don't know what I am comfortable with yet and what I am not comfortable with. So please be patient with me, please. • (I'll probably add more Fandom later in the future)
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Louis x Immune S/O
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After everything happened with Louis finding out about your bite, everything simmered down for a while. Well, the most it could do for the apocalyptic world.
But everything was good, until it wasn't. A group of walkers was near the school, wearing down its fences a hefty bit and you all were left with the mess.
So which brings us to today. 
"Why can't the world be normal for one fucking day?" Mitch asked, your brother , groaning and he was tired. 
It was quite early in the morning, Clem and Vi had taken it upon themselves to wake everyone up to help with the walkers.
"There's walkers on the fence, Mitch." Louis yawned, holding you up as you leaned on his shoulder, already falling back asleep.
"Not our fault that Clem and Vi are two grade-A psychopathic women." Mitch rolled his eyes, his knives in his hand as Vi punched his shoulder.
"Okay, everyone watch your backs! There's a lot of 'em out there!" You all looked up, seeing Willy yelling down to you all. 
You all glanced at each other, a bit confused. Yeah there was a lot but none you all hadn't handled before.
You glanced out the fence, doing a double take at all the walkers out there. You hadn't seen that many before, especially outside the school.
"Fuck." You heard Vi cuss under her breath, you felt Louis wrap him around your shoulder as he watched worried with his friends.
"It's gonna be okay guys. Just stick together." Clem said, nodding her head at you all as you all nodded back, some more hesitant than others but a nod nonetheless.
"Okay, let's fuck shit up out there." You state, less worried than the others with your immunity but still worried, immunity was cool and all but you still could be killed by them.
You walked to the gate, opening it as Vi followed you out. You could hear the running steps of the others, immediately your mind was taken away by the walker attacking you already.
You stabbed it in the head, it fell to the ground before you spun around and narrowly avoided getting hit by Vi's cleaver.
"Vi!" You yelled, looking at her shocked as she gave a shrug and a sorta guilty look. 
"Shit! Sorry, Y/n!"
You shook your head, taking out another dead head.
Clem was with Mitch, killing walkers left and right as the others helped from the school walls. Shooting arries, throwing knives or setting more traps.
You bumped into a tree, seeing a walker under the giant rocks you cut the rope and watched as the walker was crushed by them.
You sighed, relieved until you felt something grab you and then you around. 
You immediately reacted, pulling up your knife but it seemed as if you were too late as the walker had already sunk its teeth into your arm.
You gave a small yell, stabbing the walker in the head as it fell. You look down at your arm, putting your hand over it and applying pressure to stop the bleeding and the pain.
You turned your head, freezing when you made eye contact with Mitch. You shook your head, your brother looked heart broken while he watched your hand.
He didn't know what you and Louis did, all he knew was that you were bit and what always happened to people that were bit.
He came running over to you, holding your arm in his hand.
"Shit! We gotta get you back to the school." He panicked, looking around at all the walkers and your guys' friends. He started ushering you back to the school, you didn't put up much of a fight.
Until a walker came at you guys, Mitch didn't see it coming but you did. It got closer, almost biting Mitch as you acted on instinct.
You put your arm in the way, the walker biting onto it as you kicked it down and Mitch looking at you with wide eyes.
You were about to speak, but stopped when you felt pain in your leg. You looked down, the walker you kicked biting into your ankle.
You bit down on your lip, the pain unbearable but you were running in adrenaline. You lifted up your foot, looking away as the walker left a gruesome mark and bringing down your boot to stomp on its skull.
Once it was down and dead, you looked at Mitch. Your brother didn't know what to do, he was close to tears but he wouldn't admit it.
All he knew was that he had to get you out of there.
He grabbed your arm, ushering you the fastest back to the school before you heard a yell.
Louis' yell.
You whipped around, looking with wide eyes as Louis was being grabbed through a tree by a walker, one trying to bite him on his neck as he fought it off and one coming at him.
You yanked your arm away from Mitch. "Y/n!" He yelled, running after you as you ran towards Louis.
The walker grabbed Louis' arm, trying to bite him until you kicked him off, the walker somehow managing to scratch a jagged line across your arm.
You pulled Louis out of the walker's grasp, stabbing it in the head as Louis looked at you relieved. The relief soon turned ro horror when he saw the bites and scratches.
He may have known but he didn't want to see you in pain.
"Shit, are you okay?" Be asked, grabbing your arm as you weakly nodded your head. 
"No, you're not okay! We have to get you back! Now!" Mitch demanded, grabbing your arm and throwing it over his shoulder as you limped on your ankle.
Louis nodded, Clem and Vi running back over as they finished off the rest. "What happened?!" Vi asked, frantic as she saw th bites on your arm.
"Holy hell…" Clem trailed off, Louis and Mitch rushing you back to the school as your conscience began to abandon you.
All you saw was blurs, Louis yelling as Mitch called over for Ruby. Ruby's face in front of you was the last thing you saw before passing out from shock.
When you woke up you saw the top bunk above you, groaning in pain as you sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed.
You looked down, seeing the bandage over your ankle as you checked it. Yeah, the bite seemed pretty deep but clean as of now.
'So…what now?' You looked around the room, your hearing clearing up enough to hear the muffled yelling outside your door.
"They're gonna be fine!" You heard Louis yell. "How are they gonna be fine, Louis?! They were scratched and bit!" Ruby asked, her voice confused and yet scared at the same time for you.
"They've been been before-"
"What?" Clem cut in, shocked as she learned about this. "Yeah! And they were fine, Ruby saw it! It was scarred over!"
"It was probably a dog bite." Vi's voice was heard, sorta small but loud at the same time. "Dog bites don't look like that." Clem stated, you winced as you knew she saw it too while you were out.
"Well, we're not killing them or making them leave." Your breath hitched, Mitch was outside there. "We can't just do nothing." Assim stated, you could already tell Mitch was in his face.
You were all he had left except for Willy. And he would be damned if they took his sibling away.
"No! Fuck you, Assim! Louis said they're gonna be fine. If it was you in there would you wanna just be thrown out by everyone you knew?!"
"I would rather leave instead so I wouldn't hurt anyone when I turned!" Assim yelled back, you knew how their arguments went. 
Both yelling, Mitch in his face as Assim poked his chest.
"They're not gonna turn!" Louis yelled, everyone arguing as Louis begged them not to kick you out. Mitch was straight up threatening people.
"Touch them and I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled, you sighed.
All this was because of you. Were they gonna make you leave? Kill you before when they thought you were gonna turn?
All you could do now was wait.
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twdgwritings · 4 months
Requests: OPEN
In The Works: 1
In Ask Box: 3
.-Master List-.
Who I write for;
Marlon, Louis, Violet, Mitch, Clementine, Lee Everett, Kenny, Luke, Nick, Carlos, Javier, David, Tripp, Paul (Jesus), Ruby, Aasim, Brody, Ben Paul,
I’ll write for Tennessee and Aj in platonic or familial
I’ll only write NSFW for these final season characters, since they are adults; Marlon(18-19), Louis(18-19), Violet(18-19), Aasim(18-19)
What I write;
One Shots
What I DON’T Write
Canon x Oc (unless a gift for a friend)
Canon x Canon
Incest Shit
Underaged Shit
Zoo Shit
Notes from me
I only write FEMALE readers, sorry.
People are welcome to share their opinions and own headcanons, though they may not line up with mine. Which is fine, nobody has to agree.
Please specify if you want headcanons, one shots, etc
I’m a slow writer, I have things keeping me busy so please be patient. One shots also take me a little longer to write, mostly because I want to be satisfied with my work.
You are also welcome to ask me questions/opinions on anything in TWDG!
I’m gunna write A LOT of Marlon, I love him so yall better buckle up.
Uhh, that’s all I can think of for now. Might add more later.
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sweetheartreader27 · 4 months
Been a while since I got back here, I'll just randomly leave a brainrot fanfiction about my finest man in TWDG-Luke. Hope you all like it.
My Casanova <3
Now time for the fanfic:
Title: "Rubies"
Pairing: Luke x Fem Reader
Words: 1,958
Y/n, was a very timid and quiet, with a short raven hair, blindfolded woman was recently joined the cabin group. Somehow, she got along with the others on the group. However, the groups couldn't ignore that y/n was wearing a blindfold when she clearly said she is capable at seeing.
"Why do you wear the blindfold?" Luke asked with curiosity which y/n replied: "I-I just wanted to enhance my other senses, y'know, my smell, hearing, touch, and motion vibrations from my surroundings. I could even Identify where you are right now"
"I uh well, that's impressive, I just couldn't believe you could do it." Luke replied. Now he start to approach y/n with full of wonder thought on his mind. "I wonder what the color of your eyes is..." he said while leaning in a little at y/n. Y/n boop her nose to Luke's and said: "don't bother pretty man, I'm telling you they are ugly. I even hate it" in a tone of calm with a hint of sorrow but Luke doesn't notice her tone since he is too focused on how their lips are almost to close.
"U-Uh oh okay, okay" Luke said while blushing hard with his hands up. Y/n sense the flustered feeling of the man she secretly like but scared to fully love him due to her defectiveness, she stepped back and felt her cheeks burned. "Y-yeah-" she was cut off with a huddle Clem slamming the door open.
"What happened?!" Y/n asked.
"We got attacked" Clem replied.
"What?!" Y/n and Luke both shocked from what they heard from the girl.
Now the room was filled by Carlos and Rebecca, they talked with Clem about the situation and what's need to be done and who will be stay put in the cabin to watch Sarah.
Y/n butted in; "I could stay here, I'm not scared to go with you all but I suggest bring Clementine with you, she knows the route where Pete is and besides it will be more okay if Sarah will be here with an Adult"
"Are you sure, Y/n?" Carlos asked with concerned. "Yes, I'm definitely sure, don't worry I'll protect her, Carlos" y/n assured Carlos, now he agreed to her and got out of the cabin with the others.
"Stay safe, beauty" lightly playful said by Luke which y/n go on the flow; "you too, handsome " while matching it with a soft smile, soon after the back door closed.
Y/n proceed to go upstairs to checked on Sarah. "Hi sweetie" she try as blissful she can be to greet the girl. "Hi y/n" Sarah replied.
Y/n and Sarah started to make a conversation, soon start to take pictures until...
"Can I see what's behind your blindfold?" Sarah asked. "Uh Sarah-" y/n got cut off by Sarah's plead; "pleaseeeeeeee". With a sigh of defeat, y/n took off her blindfold and slowly opened her eyes and look at the little girl who has a awestruck shock, mouth opened. "It is weird, right?" Y/n nervously chuckled. "YOUR EYES ARE SOOOOOOOO SHINY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!" Sarah said in squeal, y/n shhh her and calm her downed. "Omg omg omg omg omg! You have the most beautiful eyes than me nor from the rest!" Sarah's compliment makes y/n softly smile, she never thought someone would like her horrid eyes. She was about to speak until she heard a squeak from the outside.
"Stay right here, Sarah" Sarah oblige and do what y/n said to her. Y/n goes down and was about to lock the door until it swings open, revealing a old man in a brown coat with fur and a sloppy moustache.
"Hello there beauty, what's your name?" The unknown man asked.
"What's YOUR name" y/n rebutted.
"Name's George" he reached his hand for a handshake but y/n refused. "Hmmm, you're timid with a eye catching ruby eyes" "what do you want?" Y/n asked while looking see through to the man's soul. The man and y/n make a small chit chat while the man just suddenly search the cabin without permission, after a couple of trouble minutes, the man finally left and say; "rubies, pretty pretty rubies" Now the man was completely gone. Y/n hurdle up to put her blindfold back.
After a couple of time, the group got back with Nick but without Pete.
"Where's Pete?" Sarah asked, "Pete- Pete's gone..." Luke replied with sadness.
After a short moment, Sarah bluntly tell that there was a man came inside and y/n talks to him.
"Did he say his name was?"Carlos asked.
"He did but I have a feeling he is lying about it"
After Carlos questioned y/n, Sarah suddenly butted in saying; "he saw a picture of me"
Carlos was shocked and start yelling at Sarah; "A picture?! Why are you taking pictures?!" Sarah was about to answer her father when suddenly y/n butted in; "it was my whole idea, I'm sorry-" "no it's my fault, it's my idea, I'm sorry..." Sarah said to her father who calmed and try to forget it. After a while of briefing, they all start packing their own respective stuffs, y/n and the group finally got out on the cabin to find another place to put as a safe zone.
While they are walking, Luke started to talk with y/n. "Are you sure about going with us? I- I can't promise it won't be rough but-" Luke was about to finish his sentence when y/n replied; "Ofc I'm with you guys, but I'm gonna stick with Clem until she find the person she is looking for, I am not gonna leave the kid alone" "that's a win win, we are lucky to have you and Clem on the group" Luke said while chuckling, she then felt Luke's presence more close to her, "y'know y/n there is something I want to tell you-" "walkers!" Carlos voice interrupt Luke's sentence, Luke sigh;"on it".
Luke and Carlos start to clear off the dead on their path, soon after they reunited with the others. "Looks like the walkers are popping out from the woods, so we better get going" Luke commanded the group until suddenly y/n goes upfront and slowly removed her blindfold, scanning the far view and both side view then said; "couple of walkers on our both sides, they are still far but they could keep up" then y/n gave a look at the group.
The group...
The group was so shocked, their mouths are open wide, couldn't believe what they were seeing right now, until Sarah spoke; "you finally show your rubies, sis!" Carlos looked at his daughter and asked; "wait, have you seen her eyes before?" Sarah giggled and nod, y/n butted in; "it's nothing special, Carlos. Besides I must be open to you all now and keep all my senses functioning especially since we are in an exploring mode right now"
The group start to get back at walking. After a while of it, it's now evening.
"Well this spot should be a good temporary sleeping zone" Luke said in a sigh of relief; "well, let's start having dinner and next is rest" Luke nodded at Carlos's statement.
"Luke can you take the watch for tonight?" Carlos asked, "oh uh-" "I can take it, Carlos" y/n joined the conversation so sudden, her looking at Carlos on his eyes with her crystalized ruby eyes. "N-No you don't have too, y/n" Luke suddenly held y/n's hand that causes her to blush and looked at directly at Luke's eyes, staring at his soul. Luke blushes more harder than to y/n, he couldn't handle the uniqueness and beauty y/n possess after all the time Luke saw her cover up, especially her eyes.
Carlos coughed to take the attention of the 2 young adults, then Luke let go of y/n's hand; "why don't you two take the watch first?" Carlos suggested. "That would be just fine by me" y/n agreed. "I-I agree too" Luke also agreed. "Okay, let's wrap the night up " Carlos said.
The group started to eat and soon after start to sleep for the next morning, leaving Luke and y/n fully awake to watch over. The night was quiet and calming, y/n loving the feeling of the night air but her mind is tingling from the fact that she is up with the man she likes that she couldn't build up a courage to confess on. On the other hand, Luke feels the same and now he will not let this opportunity to waste...
They sat at a log and then- "Um s-so, y/n where did you get your eye color?" Luke asked.
"It doesn't matter, but if you are really persistent about it. My eyes are from my father" y/n replied in a calm quiet voice. Y/n start to storytell Luke about her eyes her family history, and many more about y/n's life.
"Man, that's rough"
"hehe well yep"
They were both suddenly looked in each other's eyes, soon Luke spoke while holding her hand up and then- "there's something I really want to tell you, y/n"
Y/n nodded shyly.
Luke sighed and started to speak up; "since you got in the cabin with Clem, I couldn't believe how beautiful you really are, you are always so kind, generous, timid, badass, smart, strong, and hell you even volunteer to clean the whole cabin to make sure everyone will be safe from a slow made bacteria as a token of gratitude for us, especially Rebecca. Y/n, I like you, always been and will never change, will you be my girlfriend?"
After y/n hearing all this, she doesn't hesitate to crushed her lips to his, savoring each other delightful and passionate taste. After a long lovely kiss, they broke it to catch some air, panting and staring to each other's eyes, feeling the love bond they have made lingering on their body, resting their foreheads to each other. Y/n spoke;"I felt the same, Luke, I really do. You are a kind hearted man after I finally get to know you, you are always attentive, active, caring, loving, strong, and you are always ready to risk yourself to make sure all of them are safe" y/n caress Luke's cheek which her palm received a soft kisses and brushed, suddenly y/n remember why she can't love him; "but, I'm annihilated my feelings because, y'know, my eyes, I consider myself defective and not worthy for your love, I'm a horrid red eye gal and you are a Casanova-" before she could finish her sentence, she received a kiss to shut her up and a hug to lock her on his embrace. Luke pulls away and says;"Don't ever think of like that okay? The matter of fact, your eyes really do beautiful, matches up your energy and the vibe you give on the first glance. I would never ever stop loving you, I will cherish every single moment I have in this earth to shower you with compliments because you deserve it"
After y/n heard of it, she couldn't help but smile while tearing up. After all the time she has getting mistreated and considered her as a threat, this is the first time she felt ease and appreciated especially it came from her MAN starting from now on. Y/n hugs Luke tight and loving every seconds of it until sunrise.
Time skip......
It's already sunshine, everyone got a full sleep, well, except y/n and Luke who only got half but it's totally worth it and now all of them are back at traveling. Luke holds y/n's hands and give a soft kiss to the back of her palm, making y/n giggled softly. The group already got the hint, that, thankfully these two already hit off and got together.
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 4 months
Hey, I came across your account, but I was wondering if you could do a Marlon twdg x reader where marlon protects the reader after them almost getting bit by a walker while on a run, after they walk into his office and he’s fuming. They both start bickering and marlon says he loves the reader for the first time and it goes from angst to fluff!
Thank you!!
"What were you thinking?!" Marlon x reader
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Running had been a hobby of yours for a long time. You don’t exactly remember when you started enjoying it. Maybe it was when you were training one day with Marlon and he ran with you. Maybe it was when you realized how freeing it was. Who knows?
All you knew was that you liked how the wind hit your face. How your feet hit the ground and propelled you forward.
Maybe that feeling is why you didn’t realize that there was a walker waiting near a tree on your regular run trail. You were so wrapped up in reflecting that you hadn’t heard the telltale groans which would have normally make you turn around or get out your emergency knife that you kept tucked in your shoe.
But you kept running, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurked behind the tree. The walker heard your footsteps and how they stopped while you caught your breath for a second. You just wanted to take a minute to breathe. Your back was to the tree that the walker was stuck behind, so you didn't see it coming.
The walker slowly made its way to you, groaning. You were too worried about the fact that you had stayed out much later than you meant to. You and Marlon were supposed to go hunting first thing in the morning, but you woke up early and went to run. Like usual. But you never stayed out as long as you had today. It was seemingly close to eleven.
The sounds of the groans reached your ears too late. Just as you went to grab your knife, the walker was on you. You managed to push it away, but not for long. Panic made you sloppy. You fumbled for the knife, slightly cutting yourself in the process. The walker was on you again, about to bite your wrist with the knife in it, when you accepted your fate. You'd lose the hand or the whole entire lower half of your arm. How would that affect your running? Your day-to-day tasks? Hunting? But you'd figure something out, and Marlon would help. He always did, after all.
But right before the walker took a chunk out of you, an arrow pierced its skull and it fell to the ground. You turned to thank your savior only to be greeted by a furious Marlon. "Hey..." you said awkwardly. He didn't respond, instead pointing the way that he had come. You hung your head in shame and started walking back to Ericson.
Marlon got his arrow and followed you, making sure nothing else happened. Willy opened the gates for you both so you could walk in. "My office. Five minutes. Get Ruby to bandage your leg," is all Marlon said to you before going inside. Louis let out a low whistle and said, "Someone's in troubleeeeee," before Vi kicked his shin. "Ow!"
You rolled your eyes and made your way over to Ruby's room. She was humming to herself and tidying up. "Hey, Ruby. I cut my leg while out on a run, would you mind taking a look at it?" You asked.
"Of course, sugar! Just sit down and I'll be right with you." She gestured for you to sit on her bed while she got the first aid kit. Carefully, she cleaned the blood and dirt off before wrapping it in gauze. "There you go. Now, you be careful on those runs of yours. Any deeper and you might've hit a tendon, and then we'd be in real trouble." You nodded and got up, making your way over to the office.
You lightly knocked on the door before pushing it open. Marlon was sitting at his desk, looking less than pleased. "Before you get mad, I'd have probably been fine," you try weakly.
"It was about to tear your wrist off. You wouldn't have been 'fine'. y/n," he responds, obviously pissed. Marlon stands and crosses from his side of the desk to you. He just look at you for a while before sighing and walking to sit down again.
"What's the issue, anyway? Oh no, I almost got bit. Boo fucking hoo. Then we just cut my arm off, and I live. We know how this works."
"Then you wouldn't have a fucking hand! And despite what you might think, you kind of need your hands. And what if we didn't have the materials to support cutting off your damn hand? What if we tried that and you bled out and died anyway because Ruby couldn't stop the bleeding? What then?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Well, then I die. Natural selection and all that. What do you even care for?"
"Because I love you, y/n!"
Both you and Marlon paused, just staring at each other. That was definitely not what you were expecting.
"You...love me?"
Marlon signed and sat down. "Yes, I do. I have since you came here," he finally admitted.
A stupid smile plastered itself on your face and you stood in front of where Marlon was sitting. "C'mon, stand up," you said, tugging on his hand. Marlon rolled his eyes but stood anyway. You tackled him into a hug, greatly shocking Marlon. "You should have said something sooner! Marlon, oh my god, I love you too."
That smile of yours spread to Marlon's face, too, and soon enough he was hugging you back with the same ferocity.
Louis and Vi sat at a table, watching as you and Marlon came out for dinner. You both had huge grins on your face and refused to let go of the others hand.
"I told you so. Have fun taking my watch tonight, sucker," Vi said, hitting the table and going to get a bowl of food. Louis groaned but was still happy for his best friend. "Took him long enough," Louis muttered as he followed after Vi.
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twdg-and-stuff · 2 years
I was wondering if I could request a Marlon x reader?
Where Marlon and the reader have been together for some time, and like every relationship it has its ups and downs. But the two recently gotten into a fight over something pretty dumb but it left the two mad at one another, and the reader goes out to hunt calm down only to come back really injured? And How Marlon would react?
Like a hurt comfort scenario thank you so much 😊
A/N: Heyy! I hope you like this, it was really fun to write:) I listened to Treehouse by Alex G while writing this so it might be a lil bit inspired by that lol
Warnings: Injury, Mention of fight, Usual TWDG stuff
Marlon x Reader
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Recently Marlon had gotten into a fight with Y/N. It was stupid, and yet the two still began drifting apart over the few days after the fight had happened. Marlon switched their jobs, and Y/N had sat as far away from him at dinner as they could.
Marlon had switched Y/N’s job to hunting with Louis and Aasim. Y/N didn’t mind it, they were friends with both of them. They felt like going to hunt might calm them down.
One day the three were out hunting for rabbits and Aasim was standing next to Y/N in the bushes.
“I see one-over there near that tree.” Aasim whispered.
“I’ll get it.” Y/N whispered again.
They pulled their bow out, Aasim looking intently at the rabbit.
Suddenly, Y/N fell to the ground, their bow flying backwards. Aasim turned to them, crouching down to them.
Y/N clutched their stomach, grunting in pain as Louis emerged from behind a patch of trees.
“Are they Ok?!” He yelled, running over to the two.
Y/N fell limp as they fainted.
“Shit-did you shoot them by accident?” Aasim asked, pulling Y/N up in his arms.
“Y-yeah…I think I did. Shit.” Louis responded quietly.
Aasim picked them up, slinging Y/N over his shoulder.
Marlon ran to the front gates as soon as Ruby said someone was hurt.
“Is it Y/N?” Marlon yelled, following Ruby to the gates.
“I-I don’t know.” Ruby responded.
Once they got to the gates, Aasim ran in with Y/N limp over his shoulder. Louis followed not far after him.
“Jesus, what happened out there?!” Marlon yelled to Aasim.
Aasim didn’t respond, running inside with Ruby next to him.
Marlon ran up to Louis who was stood outside of the school, face in hands.
“Fuck, it was me. I accidentally shit them in the stomach with my bow.”
Marlon’s eyes widened, worried about his partner.
“What?! How bad was it?”
“Not too bad…I didn’t see much blood.”
“We’ll that’s really helpful, not TOO much blood. That means there was still blood. Did it go all the way through?” Marlon scoffed.
“Yeah-it did.” Louis responded.
It had been a few days since the accident. Marlon had been in his office most of the time, too worried about Y/N to think about anything else.
Marlon sighed, slipping back in his chair.
He got up, and began walking to the infirmary, staring at his shoes the whole way and mentally cursing at himself. He felt so bad.
He stood outside the door, contemplating.
‘What if they’re still mad?’
He knocked softly on the door while waiting outside of it.
“Go away.”
“It’s me, it’s Marlon.”
The door creaked open, revealing Y/N looking pretty beat up still.
Marlon immediately hugged them, engulfing their body in his arms. His shoulders fell at ease and he rested his head on Y/N’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry…for everything.” Marlon said, shutting the door behind them.
“It’s ok. It’s not your fault.”
“It is…this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get mad you.”
“I’m ok, though. Imagine if Louis or Aasim had gotten hurt and not me? That wouldn’t have been good.” Y/N said, fingers intertwined with Marlons.
“Can I just hug you? I just want to know you’re really ok. That I’m not just dreaming.”
Y/N smiled, tilting their head and moving in to kiss Marlon.
They both smiled into the kiss.
“I love you.” Marlon said, holding Y/N close to him.
“I love you too.”
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Ok I loooved the Louis fic and after reading it I had the most amazing yet angsty(ish) idea!
What if there was a large group of zombies like a hoard of em to the school and Louis was in danger (the others are seeing this go down) and the reader (who is covered in bites) runs in to save him and the others don't know what to do and Louis has to plead with the group not to throw out / kill reader and says he saw a bite before didn't tell anyone and nothing will happen
Sorry if it's kinda long and thank you 💖💖👍
(Hey! Sorry one took a bit but I had time! Here ya go, Lazuli!)
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After everything happened with Louis finding out about your bite, everything simmered down for a while. Well, the most it could do for the apocalyptic world.
But everything was good, until it wasn't. A group of walkers was near the school, wearing down its fences a hefty bit and you all were left with the mess.
So which brings us to today. 
"Why can't the world be normal for one fucking day?" Mitch asked, your brother , groaning and he was tired. 
It was quite early in the morning, Clem and Vi had taken it upon themselves to wake everyone up to help with the walkers.
"There's walkers on the fence, Mitch." Louis yawned, holding you up as you leaned on his shoulder, already falling back asleep.
"Not our fault that Clem and Vi are two grade-A psychopathic women." Mitch rolled his eyes, his knives in his hand as Vi punched his shoulder.
"Okay, everyone watch your backs! There's a lot of 'em out there!" You all looked up, seeing Willy yelling down to you all. 
You all glanced at each other, a bit confused. Yeah there was a lot but none you all hadn't handled before.
You glanced out the fence, doing a double take at all the walkers out there. You hadn't seen that many before, especially outside the school.
"Fuck." You heard Vi cuss under her breath, you felt Louis wrap him around your shoulder as he watched worried with his friends.
"It's gonna be okay guys. Just stick together." Clem said, nodding her head at you all as you all nodded back, some more hesitant than others but a nod nonetheless.
"Okay, let's fuck shit up out there." You state, less worried than the others with your immunity but still worried, immunity was cool and all but you still could be killed by them.
You walked to the gate, opening it as Vi followed you out. You could hear the running steps of the others, immediately your mind was taken away by the walker attacking you already.
You stabbed it in the head, it fell to the ground before you spun around and narrowly avoided getting hit by Vi's cleaver.
"Vi!" You yelled, looking at her shocked as she gave a shrug and a sorta guilty look. 
"Shit! Sorry, Y/n!"
You shook your head, taking out another dead head.
Clem was with Mitch, killing walkers left and right as the others helped from the school walls. Shooting arries, throwing knives or setting more traps.
You bumped into a tree, seeing a walker under the giant rocks you cut the rope and watched as the walker was crushed by them.
You sighed, relieved until you felt something grab you and then you around. 
You immediately reacted, pulling up your knife but it seemed as if you were too late as the walker had already sunk its teeth into your arm.
You gave a small yell, stabbing the walker in the head as it fell. You look down at your arm, putting your hand over it and applying pressure to stop the bleeding and the pain.
You turned your head, freezing when you made eye contact with Mitch. You shook your head, your brother looked heart broken while he watched your hand.
He didn't know what you and Louis did, all he knew was that you were bit and what always happened to people that were bit.
He came running over to you, holding your arm in his hand.
"Shit! We gotta get you back to the school." He panicked, looking around at all the walkers and your guys' friends. He started ushering you back to the school, you didn't put up much of a fight.
Until a walker came at you guys, Mitch didn't see it coming but you did. It got closer, almost biting Mitch as you acted on instinct.
You put your arm in the way, the walker biting onto it as you kicked it down and Mitch looking at you with wide eyes.
You were about to speak, but stopped when you felt pain in your leg. You looked down, the walker you kicked biting into your ankle.
You bit down on your lip, the pain unbearable but you were running in adrenaline. You lifted up your foot, looking away as the walker left a gruesome mark and bringing down your boot to stomp on its skull.
Once it was down and dead, you looked at Mitch. Your brother didn't know what to do, he was close to tears but he wouldn't admit it.
All he knew was that he had to get you out of there.
He grabbed your arm, ushering you the fastest back to the school before you heard a yell.
Louis' yell.
You whipped around, looking with wide eyes as Louis was being grabbed through a tree by a walker, one trying to bite him on his neck as he fought it off and one coming at him.
You yanked your arm away from Mitch. "Y/n!" He yelled, running after you as you ran towards Louis.
The walker grabbed Louis' arm, trying to bite him until you kicked him off, the walker somehow managing to scratch a jagged line across your arm.
You pulled Louis out of the walker's grasp, stabbing it in the head as Louis looked at you relieved. The relief soon turned ro horror when he saw the bites and scratches.
He may have known but he didn't want to see you in pain.
"Shit, are you okay?" Be asked, grabbing your arm as you weakly nodded your head. 
"No, you're not okay! We have to get you back! Now!" Mitch demanded, grabbing your arm and throwing it over his shoulder as you limped on your ankle.
Louis nodded, Clem and Vi running back over as they finished off the rest. "What happened?!" Vi asked, frantic as she saw th bites on your arm.
"Holy hell…" Clem trailed off, Louis and Mitch rushing you back to the school as your conscience began to abandon you.
All you saw was blurs, Louis yelling as Mitch called over for Ruby. Ruby's face in front of you was the last thing you saw before passing out from shock.
When you woke up you saw the top bunk above you, groaning in pain as you sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed.
You looked down, seeing the bandage over your ankle as you checked it. Yeah, the bite seemed pretty deep but clean as of now.
'So…what now?' You looked around the room, your hearing clearing up enough to hear the muffled yelling outside your door.
"They're gonna be fine!" You heard Louis yell. "How are they gonna be fine, Louis?! They were scratched and bit!" Ruby asked, her voice confused and yet scared at the same time for you.
"They've been been before-"
"What?" Clem cut in, shocked as she learned about this. "Yeah! And they were fine, Ruby saw it! It was scarred over!"
"It was probably a dog bite." Vi's voice was heard, sorta small but loud at the same time. "Dog bites don't look like that." Clem stated, you winced as you knew she saw it too while you were out.
"Well, we're not killing them or making them leave." Your breath hitched, Mitch was outside there. "We can't just do nothing." Assim stated, you could already tell Mitch was in his face.
You were all he had left except for Willy. And he would be damned if they took his sibling away.
"No! Fuck you, Assim! Louis said they're gonna be fine. If it was you in there would you wanna just be thrown out by everyone you knew?!"
"I would rather leave instead so I wouldn't hurt anyone when I turned!" Assim yelled back, you knew how their arguments went. 
Both yelling, Mitch in his face as Assim poked his chest.
"They're not gonna turn!" Louis yelled, everyone arguing as Louis begged them not to kick you out. Mitch was straight up threatening people.
"Touch them and I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled, you sighed.
All this was because of you. Were they gonna make you leave? Kill you before when they thought you were gonna turn?
All you could do now was wait.
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sillygeeses420 · 2 years
Request Rules
Okk ground rules
-I will write for most characters other than the 4oo day characters (except for Bonnie) and The Michonne characters
-I probably won't do X reader stuff because I find it quite boring to write
-I will write character ships unless its an insect, kid x adult, stuff like that
-I'll write headcanons and one-shots (maybe fics too I'm on the fence about it though)
-You can also send me your headcanons/ ships/ anything about twdg doesn't just have to be a request. Just to see my opinion on it!
-I'll write smut (for of-age characters, if you request for an aged-up character then I probably won't do it because I don't really know how I feel about aging up a character), fluff, soft angst (I probably won't write character death because it makes me cry); most of this will be in a modern non-apocalypse au
-If you me to answer you quickly then I suggest mentioning Tripp, Mitch, and Ruby! I'm not saying I won't answer for other characters but those are my favs!
If there are spelling mistakes, bad punctuation, or poor grammar then I'm sorry I have mild dyslexia and this blog is mostly for fun anyway!
Peace Out- Chippy <3
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Ah! My love, you have once again opened ur requests for get me through life and bless me 🙏🙏
May I oh so request the Ericson gang (except the kiddos, we ain't do that here m'lady) x reader who can be that happiest person ever, energy is an all time high and very positive
They tend to crash and burn a lot, they're like a four year old who ate to many pixie sticks in a club, and have a habit of burning out and finding their s/o and just...kinda falling asleep on em!
Imagine: Mitch for example, doing idk what and here comes us happily tap dancing our ass in and just climbing onto his lap and falling our ass to sleep
If that makes sense! With my love, my one and only 🤭
Anything for you my love! I hope you enjoy <<33
Sorry if I messed this up No1 gal!
Please read the following text allowed with a Scottish accent:
Twdg Ericsson gang with a reader who’s energetic but gets burnt out
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Now this girl is just watching every crazy thing you do either giving you a loving eye roll or a stressed out very love filled sigh <<33
She can’t keep up with you but she loves watching you go crazy and scaring the shit out of Ruby
It’s so funny to her-
She’ll be chilling in her dorm and you burst through and waddle over to her
Climbing into her lap and then falling fast asleep
“Oh fucking god finally-“
She’ll sit there and let you rest for a few hours as she just lets her mind wonder and relaxe
And when you wake up you’re back to fully energy mode
“The walkers alive huh?” She jokes
She finds it adorable
This girl might play a tough act and tell you to chill out some times but DONT EVER she loves it
Especially because at some point you’ll come back to her for a good rest and relaxation
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It took him time to get use to all your energy
But he did like it when you got all sleepy because then he could actually spend time with you and relax
So anyway, he was sat him his dorm room just chilling (because as much as he loves you there’s no way he’d let you sit on his lap or cuddle him in public. Mans got a reputation!)
And you come happily skipping in!
Mitch lets out a jokey sigh and puts down his knife he was carving
You sway about like a silly billy for a bit before climbing onto his lap and falling asleep
Ok now he’s confused
He held on to you gently and just sat there for a few minutes thinking about what tf he’s meant to do…
Are they actually asleep???
He’d gently call your name or gently shake you
Well Shit.
You’re asleep.
He lays down with you and waits for you to wake up
Honestly he enjoys the calmness of this situation
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He was so happy to have someone like you!
But when you get burnt out? You get burnt out together.
You know that joke that’s summat like “if you’re on your period then I’m on my period, it’s a uterUS!”
That’s him when it comes to literally everything
So you’ll both be in your dorm cuddling each other and falling asleep on each other
Everyone’s like “where’s Louis and (name)?
And someone’s (probably Mitch or Vi) are like “they probably finally crashed. Thank the heavens they give us a brake.”
As a joke ofc they all love ya!
When you two wake up it’s all a rise and repeat cycle baby!
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Marlon knew you where always up and running and found it really cute!
Even if he’s worried you’ll braking something or run into someone and start a fight by accident
But much like all the other he can’t keep up
He has important work to do!
So he watches you outside the head teacher’s office with a smile
This one afternoon you prance into his office and walk right up to marlon
He can tell you’re just about ready to crash
You sit on his lap before totally blacking out, fast asleep
He quietly laughs and shakes his head
He picks you up and places you on his bed in the office and joins you so he can rest with you
He finds it as equally adorable when you get all tried and will do whatever he can to make sure you’re ok
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He can’t keep up with you!
I mean don’t get me wrong he loves you but he spends his time watching you instead of joining in with you
But he’s always a few steps ahead
He can tell when you start getting tired
And my man practically teleports next to you
“You finally ready for bed?”
You lean against him, already feeling your eyelids getting heavier, you nod and he drags you back to your dorm
He just sits next to you and chills out with you
He will also stay in the room with you while you sleep incase you wake up
He’ll make sure to be quiet too
Omar likes to stay put making food all day, so he can’t really join you in whatever crazy shit your usually up too
Instead he just watches you from his cooking station, smiling and laughing as you dance about and do stupid parkour on the picnic benches
This is has gotten good at picking up on your body language btw
He can tell when you’re starting to get tired
You cheerfully walk over to him as he’s cooking and just lean on him
You either fall sleep standing up, using him as something to lean against
Or you fall on your ass when you tried to sleep
Omar laughs and carries you back to your dorm as quick as he can
He loves you but he can’t leave food unattended!
Omar’s even already prepared a meal for you so you can eat then have a rest
If you’ve gotten sleepy after he’s finished making food then he’ll sleep next to you, holding you tight
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As much as she admires when your energetic she’s just stood there in shock
“Now how the hell can you have this much energy in the morin’?” She jokes
She does love how positive you are!
It truly brightens up the pace and cheers her up so much!
But when you start getting burnt out she’s instantly by your side and sits you down so you can rest on her
just before you’re about to sleep she gets you up and walks you (or carries you if you’re too gone) to bed
She makes your bed and gets you all cozy
“See? I told you this would happen, sugar! You need to take more care of yourself.”
She already has a drink and some food ready for you when you wake up!
She knows you could use a boost of energy after your crash
Also I’m sorry but you’re not allowed coffee when your hyper (you don’t need THAT much energy…)
Hyper or burnt out, she’s always there to help you!
This girl is always on her toes with you
She usually can’t keep up with you when you’re energetic
She just watched you go crazy while she sits and laughs
She truely does find your energy adorable!But whenever you burn out?
She totally understands!
You’ll come up to her and rest your head on her shoulder
She already knows that means you’re ready to sleep
She’d wait until you’re fully out of it
She finds away to drag you’re fast asleep self all the way to bed
She’d cuddle you while you sleep and wait until you wake up
Brody gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead and softly laughs
“Finally awake? I’m not surprised! Your burning more energy than you already have! You should be more careful, sweetie.”
You never actually listen tho-
And she’s not surprised
Honestly she actually likes it when you get burnt out (as bad as it sounds) because it’s when you two share the most intimate and relaxing moments between you too
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kanencrow · 2 years
Heyo! Can I request a twdg clem, ruby and vi separate x reader who is very blunt and sarcastic without meaning to or trying to be rude? Like when someone is doing something they're like "You look like a fucking idiot-" and ruby, clem or vi just like cover their mouth, shocked but trying to not burst out laughing, how they react and how they delt with it at first? Cause reader doesn't mean to and feels bad so they try and help her with that 😅
Blunt S/O - The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: Hah! This is golden. Thanks for the request!
SUMMARY: How would Clementine, Violet, and Ruby (Separated) react to an S/O who's unintentionally blunt and sarcastic?
WARNINGS: Guns, swearing, crude behavior.
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It happened when you were scavenging an old clothing store one day. Ever since Marlon had been confronted about the safe zone, and the Delta had been taken care of, it allowed you and everyone else to progress further across the land, which gave you the ability to gather more supplies. After a lot of walking, you, Clementine, Louis, and Mitch found an old town. It was small, and it seemed like it was untouched. It almost emitted an eerie aura to it, but your girlfriend made the executive decision to explore it anyways. Each of you had your own personal weapons ready, like pistols and rifles you had stolen from Lilly and her people, so it wasn’t like you and the rest of the group were unprepared.
What you were unprepared for, was the fashion show that would ensue between Mitch and Louis. Stepping into that dreaded clothing store, the two young men went haywire. It was as though you and Clementine were the chaperones for a field trip with a bunch of second graders. You often had a habit of just saying things without a second thought, a slip of the tongue, if you will. So, when you saw the two boys come out from the dressing rooms in a frilly hat meant for women, and some mismatched suit outfit, you couldn’t hold yourself back from voicing your unwarranted opinion.
“What the fuck are you two wearing?” you asked, without any sort of hesitation. You even heard Clementine let out a snort from beside you, clearly amused by your lack of hesitancy in being honest, and that only seemed to root you on. Especially when both Mitch and Louis stopped to stare at you as if you had killed their family. “Did you guys run from a circus? None of your shit even matches together.” 
“Jeez, you’re fucking mean,” Mitch muttered, but you simply shrugged, while Clementine continued to silently laugh from beside you. Louis looked like a kicked puppy, and when you saw his dejected expression, the realization that you actually seemed to hurt their feelings hit you. And your bluntness vanished, as you glanced over at your girlfriend, who still seemed entirely amused. 
“That was too harsh.” It was a statement, more than it was a question, but Clementine still nodded her head as she raised her hand up to pat your shoulder. 
“Just a bit,” she told you. 
You turned your focus back over to the two young men and grimaced. “Oh, sorry.” 
“We’ll take it as constructive criticism,” Louis replied, before lowering his voice in a mutter, “even though you’ve shattered our egos a little…” He wasn’t truly offended, though you still felt a little guilty.
Clementine didn’t, though. She was entirely too amused by your bluntness.
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You were fishing one morning. Some new members came to the school, and so with the added manpower, it provided more proactivity. Marlon came along with you, Violet, and one of the new kids of the school, and you could immediately tell that the former leader wanted to try and impress the newbie. While you and your partner were stabbing any fish you saw with the tip of your spears, you could hear a certain blond boy trying his hardest to make conversation with his new muse. Granted, you could hear them laughing just down the way, but as you lifted your staff up to grab the aquatic creature you killed, you couldn’t help but glance to your right, which just so happened to be where the two lovebirds were. 
You also were able to watch as Marlon fell into the stream, after trying to impress the person he was crushing on. You heard gasps ring out from around you as his body splashed into the water, but the only sound you could let out was a loud cackle. You swore you were going to attract some walkers with all of your laughing, but your mind was too focused on the drenched form of the blond to truly care. Violet, on the other hand, was the opposite of your emotions, when she buried her face in her hands and let out a tired sigh, like that of an exhausted parent. Although, some amusement did come back to her when you started speaking your mind without a second thought.
“What a fuckin’ idiot,” you giggled. “How the hell do you lose your balance from that?” The question was rhetorical, but it still caused your girlfriend to let out a quiet huff through her nose, as she lifted her face from her hands and looked at you with an endeared glint in her eyes. 
“It’s what happens when you try too hard to impress someone,” she jokingly replied, which earned a lighthearted scoff from you, as your gaze moved over to watch Marlon, who desperately struggled to get out of the stream. The blonde glanced over in that direction shortly after, and she felt a pang of guilt fill her chest when she saw the new member shake their head in embarrassment. 
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As much as Ruby wishes for it, you have no filter. Sometimes you just say things without a second thought, and only after the fact do you realize you’ve accidentally said something out of pocket. In those situations, she acts like a mother scolding her child, but you would be one of those kids who either shrugs or feels immensely bad, depending on what you said. There was a day where she was in the music room, and Louis had been spending his time in there, playing the piano, while she busied herself with cleaning up the area. It was dirty and untidy, and since the school was her home, she wanted it to look nice.
You were doing other things around the school, but you did eventually come into the music room. And the moment you did, Ruby glanced over to meet your eyes, and all she saw in response was a sour expression on your face, as you stopped at the entrance and spoke to Louis. He was minding his business, though the melody he played slowly died out when you critiqued the state of his grand piano. 
“You need to tune that thing. It sounds like shit.” 
You weren’t deaf to Ruby’s scold, but you did just shrug your shoulders, as your gaze moved over to her. “What? I’m not lying.” All she could do in response was roll her eyes at your lack of guilt. Although you weren’t wrong, she knew it would have been better if you just kept your loose lips closed. But… she also knew that you couldn’t help it sometimes.
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Kinda off topic, but...
I refuse to believe that Mitch dying was a good plot decision.
Even though he's not my personal favorite, him getting shanked in the neck after running out into the open like a dummy just seemed out of character. I kinda assumed that he was a smart dude when it came to picking fights, but then again, we never got much development from him in the game, which is a little unfortunate.
Anyways, enough of that. My sickly brain is getting the best of me at the moment.
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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