#twilight amun
aquanova99 · 2 years
What do you think the Egyptian Coven looked like immediately after Benjamin brought Tia home? The guide says that Amun wasn’t happy, but that he eventually got over it. But what was it like before he got over it?
Welcoming Tia to the Coven
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Okay so fair disclosure, for my own worldbuilding I refuse to make Benjamin and Tia mates. He’s 15 and she’s 17 and they were cousins. But they were both very protective of eachother and see eachother as siblings.
When Benjamin was taken in he felt for the first time in his life, a family. Unconditional acceptance and love he had never felt before. He hadn’t planned on going back for Tia, but as his new family asked him more about his life before his human memories faded forever, he remembered Tia. The one who had convinced his uncle that his gift would bring him money for performances. The girl who often snuck the him food if they forgot to feed him, the one who always took accountability for it and would often get punished for doing so. Though she was younger she knew how to get away with much less severe punishments. Benjamin had been determined to get the both of them out of there before he disappeared.
Kebi comforted him but mistakenly said she wished there was something they could do. Well, Kebi funny you say that. Benjamin waited until he could control his thirst, hating he had had such a hard time controlling it. It took hin about five years opposed to most peoples two. But he was still determined, to help his friend. He made sure to feed before sneaking off to find Tia, but he couldnt wait anymore.
Tia has gone from being forced to sing for to being returned to her mother, to being forced to marry someone she had interest in. And unlike her uncle, Tias husband was unforgiving. She became a shell of a person she once was, and while Benjamin gave her the choice, Tia saw no other option. Benjamin offered her something she had never known. Stability, a family, and the guarantee she would be able to protect herself.
Benjamin asked Tia to wait while he got his “parents” as obviously they had no idea thats where he had gone to after he went hunting. Benjamin was able to explain quickly and quietly enough for Tia to not hear. Because truthfully if she had known Benjamin hadnt said anything she would have had a panic attack right then and there. Shed been pushed away one too many times.
Kebi and Amun were wary of a new addition to their coven. Kebi pushed to accept the young girl after remembering everything Benjamin had told them. She brought Tia inside and for the next few days explained all of the rules and expectations. Tia was silent. Listening intently to everything, determined not to make any mistakes in her new life. Amun noticed how quiet she was and was worried she was regretting following Benjamin. He felt torn because while he is not fond of surprises he felt a strong inclination to help and protect the young girl who had already been through so much. Besides Kebi already likes this girl (so does he but he won’t admit that to anyone)
Kebi expressed how impressive Tia took in all if the things she had learned. Only asking questions to clarify. Kebi began growing more visibly excited and began clearing out a space for Tia to reside in but getting Tia to say anything about what she liked was almost impossible. Tia cried alot and she wouldn’t speak to even Benjamin, who also began getting emotional at feeling like it was his fault she was feeling this way.
This is when Amun finally relents. He asks Tia to go out into town with him so she can get them some stuff they need for their home without drawing suspicion. Tia agrees because mainly she’s terrified of getting hit or yelled at like she was before. Amun pays close attention to Tia on what seems to catch her eyes. Or when he goes to talk to someone makes sure he observes what she touches or grabs her attention. He quickly figured out asking her got them nowhere
“So Tia, tell me. What’s on your mind?”
She unknowingly began answering any and every question and concern Amun and Kebi had built up over the week. He buys whatever seems to stop Tia in her tracks and tells her to eat. Tia is at this point shocked that Amun is being so nice to her because he had tried to keep his distance. He learns about her fear of the transformation process and he is able to explain it in a way that seems to calm Tia down. He buys her a dessert and takes her home and debriefs Kebi. The two of them wait until Tia is asleep before they go get things that could go into her room to make her comfortable, and some things for Benjamin as well. Kebi spends the rest of time Tia is sleeping making and buying food for a feast before her transformation process. Tia wakes up to the smell of the delicacies she had never been able to enjoy much of.
She tries to tell Kebi that she doesn’t need all of the food. Amun is quick to step in. He tells her that since she’s still human she needs to be as strong as possible before she’s turned (not true) but she accepts and has a great last day. Amun takes Benjamin away while Kebi is the one to change Tia, they still worry about his control. They then take Tia away until she wakes up. When she has fed, they take her back to their home and finally show her her room which prompts some painful sobs from Tia. She is excited to feel accepted and loved and much to everyone’s surprise runs into Amun in an embrace that he is slow to melt into. She does the same to Kebi and Benjamin and the rest is history bb.
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lunastwilightblog · 2 months
So I’ve been watching more documentaries on ancient Egypt recently and I’ve discovered that the Egyptians were extremely clean people and would shave all their hair off (and wear those wigs) to avoid lice
Therefore both Amun and Kebi are probably, canonically, bald
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cosplayproblemsposts · 2 months
How they react to you rejecting them
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He has been worshipped and seen as a god for many years, I believe he'll take your rejection a stab to his undead heart.
Kebi will reassure him you'll come around but your words stung him and his once confident extorter crumbles. "No, I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a vampire. I had accepted I won't live long and I don't need you screwing it all up because of some freakish Vampire claim".
Amun couldn't fathom the harsh truth, Benjamin tries to make you reconsider but of course he is met with rejection. "No, Benjamin I don't want to be with him" Benjamin attempts were futile.
Amun doesn't take the rejection instead he does everything he can to woo you. Gifts, letters containing words of affirmation and he goes as far as to pay for your college tuition.
He'll visit the Cullens frequently if it means he gets to see you, he won't stop trying to convince you. Addressing the mate bond and how you are meant for him and him only.
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He too will not be able to fathom your words "I... I understand" he'll give you space. Believing you'll come around after all you are destined to be together.
He doesn't take your rejection well; no, he doesn't lash out. He'll consult Vladimir "What am I doing wrong brother? Why doesn't He/She/They like me? am I unappealing?".
Vladimir will grow annoyed and angry at you; can't you see what you are doing to Stefan? Vladimir will only grow angrier when you ignore Stefan attempts.
Stefan now believes he is approaching this the wrong way, maybe you like taking things slow. He'll court you like a true gentleman, flowers, chocolates and even going as far as to write to you.
If that doesn't work, he'll show you he is a provider, you'll scream as you find a dead animal carcass waiting for you in your room. No, you are not even a vampire yet and this will only scare you. long story short hang in there.
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He is not equally as composed compared to his coven mate Stefan, he'll be flabbergasted and will be asking you all sorts of questions. "What!...you can't do that!?" Stefan will have no choice but to intervene before one of Cullens takes the matter into their hands.
Stefan will have to suffer through Vladimir complaining and whining. "How dare He/She/They reject me!? Doesn't He/She/They know anything about the mate bond!? Who doesn't know anything about the mate bond!?".
This could go on for days, Vladimir nagging and constantly talking about how your rejection hurt him. He has been without a mate for centuries, believing he will never be able to get a second chance at love.
Vladimir will overwhelm you with gifts, small notes of pleas and to reconsider. Stefan will be the one pushing his coven mate to make an effort instead of angrily stomping about and glaring holes into the back of the Cullens' heads.
In the end Vladimir will come back empty handed, cue the venom tears and the sad questions. "Why doesn't He/She/They like me Stef? Am I that bad? What should I do?".
There is one thing the Romanians have in common and it is the animal carcass approach. Proving they, both support your vegetarian diet once you undergo the transformation.
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
I think some vampires like Felix,Alec,Jane,Vladimir,Amun,Tanya and Caius tends to have very bad separation anxiety
Alec and Jane are traumatised for life,they will always remember how their own parents let them burn alive,they had each other but now they each one found a mate,they need to see them all times and they would even refuse going on mission.
I know people always write about how they would choose their masters rather than their mates and let me tell you i do not think like that
Felix might seem like the Volturi fighter and a bad boy but he is so attached to his mate physycally and emotionally
Amun might seem like a dumb old grumpy grandpa but he has such big emotional dependence to his mate
Vladimir lost his first mate and he is not willing to loose another ,his vulnerable side showing 24/7
Tanya is the leader of the coven but she saw how all her coven found their mates and she stayed alone,she also lost her mom and her sister
Caius just wants to be loved,someone who can show his true face full of love just for that person
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
blows my mind there's not even a Chinese coven in The Twilight Saga. no Indian coven. only ONE coven in the Middle East/Africa: EGYPTIAN. no Greek coven, no Iranian coven, no Afghan coven, no Ethiopian coven, no Nigerian coven; FUCK ancient civilizations i guess! no one in South or Central America but the AMAZONS???? for real?????? the POTENTIAL to incorporate LEGENDS and HISTORY and CULTURE — wasted! i CANNOT with this author thinking the only vampire civilizations exist in Europe & America!! fuck off directly into the sun!!!
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Perhaps I missed something from the equation, but wasn't Alice showing Aro that battle vision in BD part 2 kind of dangerous for Benjamin, since Amun had purposefully kept him hidden for so long and now Aro knows what he can do? Up until this point, I thought the Volturi didn't know he existed?
That was the whole thing, the Benjamin secret was already blown by Amun having shown up at all with him. Several people touched Aro's hands, who had all seen Benjamin, and knew exactly what he could do.
Amun knew that just by even having met the Cullens, who saw him with Benjamin, he was fucked.
Amun was actually extremely upset about this and it's part of the reason he wanted to bail after Bella did her "lol lol lol I made a backup plan for my daughter on the sly because I think we're all going to die" that had Alistair running for the hills.
The movie kind of skips this part/doesn't go into it in depth. (Can't blame them this time, as it'd only add more run time, and that's the last thing that movie needed.)
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"Oh I love Twilight"
My Twilight:
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Yandere Egyptian coven headcanons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Since they mostly go out at night, you most likely had caught one of them feeding or caught there eye while taking a nighttime walk
In my opinion i think this could go 2 ways, depending on who saw you first.
If it were Amun and Kebi I think it would be more of a platonic yandere thing maybe where you reminded them of a child. in this scenario, you could be either a human or a young vampire (turned around teenage years).
Benjamin and Tia would pretty much be like siblings, Tia being the quiet sister who would help you with homework or chores and Benjamin would be the brother who always helped bail you out of trouble.
If Benjamin and Tia found you congrats, you have two lovesick vampire puppy's.
They would probably take you in that moment not caring on the earful Amun would give them when they returned home.
If human, they would explain everything and inevitably turn you.
If a vampire, they would mostly stick to introductions.
No matter what the situation, you'll end up with the whole coven yandere for you in some way.
- - - - - - - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - - - - - - - -
(Sorry if it sucks I've never written any yandere things before)
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clarasogatsby · 2 months
Things I think about on a daily basis:
What do the Egyptian Coven do all day in their house to pass the time?
What was Amun’s reaction when Benjamin brought a newborn Tia back?
Does Maggie ever feel like a 3rd wheel?
At what point does Renesmee turn on her family and go on an absolute human blood drinking spree?
How soon do Jasper and Alice leave The Cullens to live on their own after the events of BD?
How does Alastair feel after hearing about the aftermath of The Cullen/Volturi confrontation? How does his and Carlisle’s next meeting go in 200 years?
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therealvinelle · 1 year
Kudos for your amazing meta-posts and stories! I was wondering about Benjamin, since he comes up a few times in your fics. I looked him up on a fandom page, where it says “Edward mentions that B has a good attitude as well as a clear sense of right and wrong, and likes him for it.” I did like B when I read the books (years ago), but now that I’ve read your interpretation of Edward's own sense of morality that sentence sounds a bit... suspicious. Do you have any thoughts on Benjamin?
Thank you!
As for Benjamin, I do and I don't.
What we know about Benjamin
Benjamin was a street urchin in Kairo who was talent scouted by Amun, who recognised Benjamin's street performance as something more than mere human artistry. He took Benjamin away, turned him, and Benjamin turned out to be a powerhouse.
Having never gotten over the loss of Demetri, however, Amun made himself Benjamin's jailor, telling him that he needed to stay with Amun and hide if he wanted to be safe from the Volturi, keeping him locked up in a temple he wasn't allowed to set foot outside. A fiercely possessive man, Amun did not agree to let Benjamin see his old friend Tia, and Benjamin had to leave to seek her out and turn her himself in his only act of rebellion.
He and Tia have been living with Amun and Kebi ever since, with Kebi envious of Benjamin's importance to Amun and Tia never growing to trust Amun and Kebi the way Benjamin so easily did.
When Breaking Dawn rolls around and Benjamin sees a chance to stand up to the shadow forces that have forced him and his loved ones to remain in hiding for so very long and perhaps win his freedom along the way, it's an obvious choice for him to fight.
Worth noting that Benjamin is fifteen years old, and Tia is seventeen.
My thoughts on Benjamin
Benjamin has allowed himself to be defined by the narrative Amun told to him, and I don't think it's coincidence Amun turned him at such an impressionable age. Benjamin allowed himself to be kept locked up for five years straight and remained in hiding for centuries, with no hint of rebellion on the horizon: this is a boy who doesn't at all question the truth that Amun protects him from the Volturi.
Interestingly, it's not that he's not capable of standing up to Amun, in fact he does so whenever he has reason to. He missed his friend, Amun didn't want him to risk the excursion, Benjamin gave him the finger and turned her. He wanted to fight the Volturi, Amun didn't: sorry, Amun, but we're fighting the Volturi.
The only reason he does as Amun says with regards to hiding in Egypt, the only means Amun has of controlling him, is the boogeyman Aro, and Amun knows this. Benjamin, who doesn't understand why Amun wouldn't want to fight the Volturi and assumes cowardice is the only reason... doesn't.
Even Tia, who has two years on him and, being a girl, statistically would have a more developed brain than him, is only seventeen years old and while she's more critical of Amun she's not going to question the necessity of hiding from the Volturi either. As the Guide phrases it, being able to protect him from the Volturi was part of her motivation for giving up her humanity.
All of this to say that Benjamin is fifteen years old, he acts exactly that age and I unfortunately don't see a happy ending in store for him. He will either keep believing in the worldview Amun told to him and live in captivity until some new opportunity or another to overthrow the Volturi comes along, or something will happen to dispel him of his beliefs in which case I can only imagine he'll do something extremely rash.
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venusofvolterra · 2 years
¡Navigatio Veneris!
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Welcome to VenusofVolterra! While I may exhibit a clear bias for a certain pair of Volturi vamps, requests/ asks are open for all Twilight vamps.
This blog is primarily for character analysis, headcanons, and discussing Twilight from a historical lens!
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Notes-On Series
Demetri Volturi
Sadism & Violence — Part Two
Medieval Navigation & Astronomy As It Pertains to Tracking
Vampires and Beauty Standards
Costuming Notes & Observations
Where They Got Demetri Right - In Addition
From the Main Gallery in Volterra
A Young Man Named for Demeter, painted by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1594
Felix de Volturi, as painted by Orazio Gentileschi, C. early 17th century
Girl With Piercing Eyes, painted by Johannes Vermeer, 1663
Demetri Volturi
Demetri Participates in Organized Crime, for the Greater Good, of Course!
Demetri’s Pillow Talk Includes Poking Fun at the Cullens
Demetri Takes in Strays
The Picture
Demetri’s Room is a Mess
Demetri’s Ideal Vs. Real Mate
Demetri’s Messy Notebooks
Demetri Would be a Toxic Partner
Demetri and Platonic Bonds
On Demetri’s wife’s death
Felix Volturi
“Let’s Stay In Tonight, Little One”
Felix’s Mate is a Menace to Vases
Wife-Guy Felix
Felix is Goth - In Addition
Felix’s Psychology and Kinks
A Bit on Melissa, Felix’s Lover in Human Life
Heidi Volturi
Heidi and Rosalie Shouldn’t Meet the Same Beauty Standards
Heidi x Rosalie
The Volturi & The Culinary Arts
Felix & Demetri: Renaissance Buddy Cops
Mate Bond HCs
Volturi Religion HCs
Demetri, Felix, & Toxic Relationships
Scene Packs
Felix Volturi Scene Pack
Demetri Volturi Scene Pack
Demetri Volturi/Charlie Bewley clips — Interview with the Volturi
Felix Volturi/ Daniel Cudmore — Interview with the Volturi
Demetri tells us what’s the issue with newborns
Historical Asks
Felix Volturi’s Human Life and Romantic/Sexual Preferences
Misc. Asks
Why is VenusofVolterra called VenusofVolterra?
How can any of the vampires be poc if venom sucks the pigment from their skin?/ Felix and Demetri may have been intended to be POC.
How would one even win Demetri’s heart if in the Twilight universe?
How I Make My Vampire Visualizations
How old are the Volturi?
What are the Guard’s Kinks?
Sexuality HCs for the Volturi
How the Volturi Works
Do the Volturi Care When They Hear Each Other Having Sex?
How Often Do Members of the Guard Have Sex?
Character tags
Demetri • Felix • Heidi • Jane • Alec • Aro • Caius • Marcus • Amun
Other tags to check out
Musings • Volturi playlist • historical twilight • vampire visualization
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aquanova99 · 2 years
bro why do i think that amun will hate if his mate has loads of piercings
Okay no but lowkey I think he would actually love it. Egyptians were known for adorning their bodies with jewelry and makeup so I think (so long as it’s nothing outrageous) he would find very beautiful
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real-time-twilight · 9 months
Breaking Dawn in Real Time
December 31st, 2006 (Sunday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous 🌔
🌄 Sunrise: 8:05 AM
🌅 Sunset : 4:36 PM
Breaking Dawn, Pgs. 675 (from line 7)--754
Ch. 35 ("Deadline")
Ch. 36 ("Bloodlust")
Ch. 37 ("Contrivances")
Ch. 38 ("Power")
Ch. 39 ("The Happily Ever After")
4:00-6:00 AM (Approx.) - The witnesses and wolves gather in the clearing
8:30 AM (Approx.) - Nessie wakes and Bella dresses her, putting the go, bag on her shoulders and warns her that she may have to flee with Jacob
8:33 AM (Approx.) - Bella and Nessie join the others in the clearing, with the witnesses arranged strategically around them
8:34 AM (Approx.) - The Volturi arrive with their own group of "witnesses", Irina in tow; Edward confirms the Volturi's intentions to acquire the most talented of the group and destroy the rest using an excuse necessary
8:35 AM (Approx.) - The Wolf Packs make their presence known, causing the Volturi to take pause; Edward advises Carlisle to make the first diplomatic move, while they hesitate
8:36 AM (Approx.) - Carlisle initiates contact; Aro accuses him of assembling an army; Carlisle assures him that it is an a misunderstanding and that Renesmee is not what she appears to be.
8:37 AM (Approx.) - Caius calls on Irina to confirm her testimony; Irina is unable to do so, as Renesmee has visibly grown since she last saw her; Edward comes forward to explain and Bella, prompted by defensive instincts, gains full control over her shielding ability; Edward communicates the situation to Aro through Aro's mind-reading ability
8:38 AM (Approx.) - Aro is surprised by the information gained from Edward and asks to be introduced to Renesmee; Bella brings her forward with Emmett and Jacob as backup; Aro greets Renesmee and has a brief exchange with her
8:39 AM (Approx.) - Aro confers with the other leaders; Caius is skeptical despite Aro's assurances of the veracity of Renesmee's parentage; he also questions the presence of the "werewolves", and Edward and Aro both point out that the wolves present do not fit the criteria of true "werewolves"
8:41 AM (Approx.) - Frustrated, Caius demands to speak with Irina again, and asks if she would like to lodge a formal complaint against the wolves for killing Laurent--she declines, claims responsibility for her error, and says that the Volturi have no further business there, as her accusation was mistaken
8:42 AM (Approx.) - Caius has Irina summarily executed, ostensibly as a warning against false witness, but in truth to ellicit a violent response from Tanya and Kate, which is successful; Carlisle restrains Tanya easily; Garrett successfully subdues Kate after she repels Rosalie and Emmett, aided by Zafrina who uses her power of illusion to blind the sisters, and Bella who shields Garrett from the shocks of Kate's ability.
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Carlisle reasons with Tanya and Kate, much to Aro and Caius's displeasure; the Volturi witnesses falter, shaken by Irina's sudden and apparently arbitrary execution
8:47 AM (Approx.) - Aro asks to speak with the Cullens' witnesses, interviewing Amun and Siobhan, who both witness to Renesmee's growth and cognition
8:52 AM (Approx.) - Despite the positive testimonials, Aro posits that Renesmee may still pose a threat in the future, as nature after maturation is unknown and unknowable
9:00 AM (Approx.) - Garrett stands up and makes a short speech both in favour of the Cullens, and warning to be wary of the Volturi as an overreaching entity
9:05 AM (Approx.) - Aro interviews his own witnesses; Charles and Makenna make a statement that they see no harm Renesmee or the Cullens and promptly leave
9:08 AM (Approx.) - Aro and the other leaders adjourn to counsel again; the Cullens prepare for a fight;l
9:09 AM (Approx.) - Chelsea uses her ability to try and break the Cullen side's bonds but is being thwarted by a Bella's shield; Jane, likewise attempts to use her ability and is also repelled, as is Alec; Benjamin opens a fissure in the ground between the Cullens and the Volturi
9:11 AM (Approx.) - The Cullen side stake their claims on targets in the anticipated battle
9:12 AM (Approx.) - Pre-ambling their "vote", Aro extends invitations to certain members on the Cullen side who might wish to join the Volturi ranks--all flatly refuse
9:13 AM (Approx.) - Caius votes in favour of eliminating Renesmee, Marcus against, leaving Aro with the deciding vote; Edward interrupts, asking whether, if there was a way to prove incontrovertibly that Renesmee poses no future threat, that would negate any need for a vote: Aro confirms this.
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Alice and Jasper enter the clearing with three others; Kachiri, the third member of the Amazon coven: Huilen, a vampire; and her nephew Nahuel, a fully grown half vampire, half human hybrid
9:17 AM (Approx.) - Huilen gives witness that Nahuel was born to conceived by her sister after nightly visitations from a vampire; she describes her sister's pregnancy, very similar to Bella's experience carrying Renesmee, and relates how her sister died giving birth to Nahuel, who bit Huilen, transforming her into a vampire
9:25 AM (Approx.) - Nahuel testifies that he grew to full maturity in seven years and stopped ageing, and that he is one of several vampire-human hybrids sired by Joham, though all the rest are female, and none of them venomous
9:30 AM (Approx.) - Confronted with a mountain of evidence, Aro votes against eliminating Renesmee and declares their business with the Cullens finished
9:33 AM (Approx.) - Aro and Carlisle exchange parting words, and the Volturi leave
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Approx.) - The Cullens' witnesses depart, the Denalis leaving last with Garrett in tow, the latter having formed an attachment with Kate
4:00 PM (Approx.) - The Cullens sit, gathered in the great room being debriefed by Alice and Edward; they are joined by Huilen and Nahuel their only remaining guests; Bella is slightly unnerved by Nahuel's staring at her and Renesmee.
9:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella bid the family goodnight and take Renesmee home to the cottage; on the way, Bella mentions Nahuel's staring to Edward, who corrects her misconception that Nahuel was staring at Renesmee when, rather he was staring at her, Bella. Edward explains that Nahuel takes comfort in seeing Bella alive and holding her daughter, as he has always felt guilt for causing his own mother's death
9:10 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella put Renesmee to bed, then go to their room, where Bella reveals to Edward that she can, with concentration, retract her mental shield and allow him to see her thoughts, showing him all of her memories of their life together from her perspective; Edward is shocked and delighted. They kiss, and then presumably fuck.
The End
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Dysfunctional as always
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Summary: Your family was not the greatest by all means, but it doesn't mean there wasn't any form of warmth.
Warning: Angst, comfort, and words of encouragement.
Male characters x Male reader
A/N: Written by phone and not proofread.
"I don't remember you," the man who has embraced his son frowns while he pulls away. The two men stood in a parking lot of a recently closed fast food restaurant with the intention of reconciliation. Nothing came of this due to the much older man false promises and impulsive disappearances.
The Cullens filled the void of the lack of family, your father leaving you with an ill grandmother to care for. Running and cutting you loose for anything that did not include you. Now, here you are dealing with the loss of the only mortal figure who truly cared for you.
Crimson eyes watch the man grow confused with an uneven smile. "I'm your father. Of course you remember me," the man who claims to be your maker stood here before you for one thing inheritance. The leech himself knew his mother in law must have left something behind for her one and only surviving grandchild.
A level-headed vampire out stretched arm prevents his platinum haired coven mate from departing the slimy leech head from his shoulders. "Leave him. We can not reveal ourselves. " A low growl comes from an equally angry vampire.
"You weren't there," your voice low barely a whisper. Your so-called father's staggers back at the somewhat light impact of a shove, a shove you delivered with uncertainty. Uncertain if you could bring yourself to truly turn away from him, the man you known half of your life before he became unbearable.
"What? Of course I was there, " a habit you had developed due to his absence. A habit where you insert the man face, voice, body, and once adrimible smile.
Replacing certain people who were present, Carlisle and Esme were the people who would suffer the swap. Your grandmother was Carlisle patient, always coming and going.
Made sure to answer her calls and never complain. Carlisle took notice of the newfound shoes at the front door. "It seems you have a shadow," the ill womam points out as a little face peeks out from the safety of the stairwell.
Carlisle knew you knew there, your little heart giving you away and your breathing. You were twelve years old, always watching and always imagining your father stood in his place. Your father false figure stood instead of the kind gentle blonde who made sure to leave his wife's homemade meals in the kitchen for you and the sick woman.
"Does he have any distant relatives who could take care of him?". A trip to the hospital turns into a nightmare, a nightmare the woman tried to avoid. "No, they are either far too busy to juggle anymore kids, or they are located across the country." Carlisle nods, striken with sadness at the thought of the boy who stood outside of the room.
Far too scared of the pale doctor and how the said doctor might say or do something to ruin the child's illusion. A lie, a lie where his father is a doctor who studied medicine to aid his mother in law and possibly save her from her fate. "He has been passed from relatives to relative, but he always comes back to me."
Alice has already foresee this at the request of Carlisle. He has already made up his mind. It'll be hard to convince certain individuals, but he is not turning this child down because of his nature.
"No, I don't see why he can't live with his father or mother." Rosalie is about to regret mentioning the boys' parents."What do you mean?," Rosalie undead, heart breaks alongside the many others present. "I agreed to take care of him while his grandmother spends a few weeks in the hospital. Waiting for an answer. " "I didn't know, " Emmet leans into his once unmovable mate.
"It took me by surprise too, the boys mother scummb to birth complications." Esme set a hand upon Carlisles clothed chest "and the infant. " Carlisle shook his head. "She never made it to see her fifth birthday," Alice squeezes Jasper hand.
"All he has is his grandmother and the hope of a foster family or distant relative. I doubt they'll take him in. So I ask each of you to consider a new member. " It didn't take long for the Cullens to adjust to the small boy and his oddities.
"You weren't there when she was born," the overwhelming memories of the Cullens took over your sense. Slowly, stickers peel off, revealing the true people present in your major and minor memories. From the ice rink of your first game of the season to the last.
To the time you fell sick, to your first ever big win to the moment your grandmother passed a few weeks back. To the time you acknowledged Bella as a sister and how you brought Edward back to reality. How you drill both Bella and Edward when they become unbearable and how they don't think before they do.
The man lets out a grunt as a fist breaks his once correct nose. The man falls back as you begin pulling and shaking the man. A struggle of somesort breaks out in the parking lot concert grounds.
"You weren't when she died!" You let out a long, drawn-out groan as you laid a hard blow to the man's face. "Alright, stop it!" But you didn't want to stop. You wanted him to feel the pain you had endured from the funeral arrangements of your fallen grandmother to the funeral of your little sister.
"Where were you!?" You hadn't taken notice of the blood that painted your knuckles. You never took into account how you could have handled this situation. How the sudden phone call made you claw at the skin of your forearm until Bella enclosed you in a hug.
A cold, gloved hand held your wrist in a gentle grip. "That's enough, I believe he understands," Stefan blood eyes meets yours, unaware you began to shed tears. "You have done enough little one." Stefan effortlessly pulls you to your feet.
You didn't protest or deny his embrace. "I'm sorry." Stefan made a tsk sound. "Don't apologize. You have every right to act out, " Vladimir watches as he keeps the third party from escaping. Trapping him underneath the albino boot, "Stefan is right. He should be the one apologizing, not you. "
"Blood, my hands," you pull away from the ancient ruler. "We have self-control, don't we? Vladimir, " the blonde nods with a little smile. "Let him go. Where will he go? Who will he turn to?" Your words shook the two vampires, but they obliged.
"You are lucky you have an understanding, son," Once Vlaimir lifts his foot from the man, he scrambles away. "He may come back?" You said while watching your once present father run away. "A risk a fool like him will take." You shook your head at Vladimir, who can see beyond your vision of the dark.
The texture of a handkerchief took you by surprise, "Don't want the Cullens to believe we are bad a influence." Stefan wasn't the only one who began cleaning your hands.
Vladimir was soft and slow, just like his coven mate, who took your left hand while he coddled your right hand. Once white handkerchiefs grew, Crimson red. You didn't make it easy either you were fidgety and anxious.
The adrenaline washed away from your once flaming body. Warmth seeping away at the thought, your father may report you to the police. A cold kiss to your palm brought you back. "You must remain still," Vladimir spoke against the palm of your skin.
You cast your gaze down "sorry" another pair of cold lips meets your wrist. Stefan freezing lips peppers small, slow, comforting, pecks upon the veins of your wrist. The sound of blood flow and the touch of your warmth engraved a smile on Stefan face "you done well, can't imagine what you will be capable of once you turn."
Vladimir agrees with another lingering kiss to your palm, "Your speed and strength are hard not to imagine." The two vampires will never let you down, nor will they ever leave you despite the Cullens' threats.
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
Twilight characters and their mentall illnesses?What do you headcanon for them
Twilight X Mentall illnesses
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
Edward:Depression and anxiety
Bella:Borderline Personality Disorder
Aro: Dissociative identity disorder
Caius:Anger issues
Marcus:Chronic depression and delusions
Amun:Narcissistic disorder
Jane:PTSD and probably Bipolar disorder
Alec: Obsessive compulsive disorder and also PTSD
Vladimir:Paranoid personality disorder
Kebi: Stockholm syndrome
These are some of my Headcanons✋
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braveclementine · 2 months
We Get Some Help
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, jealousy!fucking, pet names, personality sharing, harsh fucking, restraints/bondage, pet names, Lord kink, ragdoll treatment
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Carlisle, Esme, and I were now walking rather hurriedly after an Egyptian man- Amun- as we tried to convince him to come with us.
"Amun, please!" Carlisle begged as I tiptoed lightly after him.
"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun said, stopping long enough to turn and face us.
"We're not asking you to fight." I whispered. "Just to look. Our kids are in danger."
His mates face softened a little bit at my begging, but Amun was not so easily persuaded.
"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle said, putting a hand on Amun's arm.
At that moment, the water in the fountain started shifting upwards, creating a barrier between the exit and us. Carlisle and Esme looked at me.
I shrugged, "It wasn't me."
I looked across the water to see a younger man, quite handsome looking in fact, his hands raised, looking over at us, "I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden."
There was a young woman next to him as well. Must be his mate.
"I can't imagine why." Carlisle answered and I honestly couldn't pick up if it was sarcasm or not.
The young man let the water drop and as it went to splash all over us, I took control of the water, making it shape into two large balls, resting above the palms of my hands before I let it settle back down into the fountain gently.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's impolite to splash guests?" I asked with a smirk.
He smirked back and we all moved to meet each other at the other end of the fountain.
The boy reached his hand out to me first, "Davina." I said.
"Benjamin." He said, "Nice to meet another elemental."
"Only water." I said, withdrawing my hand.
"Carlisle." Carlisle said as his hand was shaken next.
We sent them on their way, moving to Japan next.
There was a nomad there named Toshiro. He told Carlisle that he would debate coming to Forks and would think about it.
As Carlisle and Esme turned to leave I said, "You might think that you would be safer staying here. But Aro will know whether or not you even decided to come for a split second. And that split second. . ."
And with that I disappeared into the shadows, letting him think my words over.
And finally, we returned with the very last witness. Alistair. A nomad. I honestly couldn't stand him as I sat in the front seat, pitying Esme who was sitting beside him.
Bella and Edward came to greet us out front.
"How many came?" Carlisle asked in greeting of Edward.
"Eighteen." Edward said. "You have some good friends."
I guess Toshiro hadn't shown up. Pity.
"And Alice?" Esme asked.
Bella just shook her head, making Esme pull her into a tight hug. Marcel was leaning against the door frame of the house, waiting for Esme to come in.
"Where's Caroline, Nik, and Sammy?" I asked Bella.
"Upstairs with Seth and Leah." Edward said. "They like staying away from the vampires. It makes Leah's skin crawl."
I smirked, disappearing into the house. I winked at Benjamin as I passed by, smiling at Tia- his mate, as well. I could see everyone else that had shown up.
Two from the Amazon coven, all of the Egyptian coven, three Irish, Garrett, Mary, Peter, Charlotte, Randall, Alistair, Charles, and Makenna. They were all nomads.
I greeted all of them with a breezy, "Hello," and then made my way up the stairs to join my kids.
I could hear Carlisle and Esme rejoining the others downstairs.
Not only were Seth and Leah upstairs with my kids, but so were Embry and Bree, binge watching the Marvel movies.
"Hey kiddos." I said, making my kids turn around and leap into my arms.
"Mom!" Caroline said happily, "Guess what Niklaus can do?"
"I thought I said no powers?" I questioned.
"Yeah, but we didn't know Nik had powers until a few days ago." Caroline said with a grin.
I turned to look at Nik with a small smile. "So, what can you do?"
"I can mimic other vampire's abilities." Nik said solemnly.
"Really?" I asked, astonished.
"Yes. All I have to do is touch them, and then I have gained their ability." Nik said, touching my hand.
That would make him one of the most powerful vampires on the planet if he lived for a long time.
"But I wouldn't do anything bad if I was the most powerful vampire." Nik said easily.
"So you touched Edward I'm assuming?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." Niklaus said, drifting back to the couch to pick up another book. "I think having several powers would make great use in the upcoming battle."
That made my blood turn cold. "Niklaus! You aren't even a year old! You aren't even six months old! You can't possibly think that you are going to be fighting in this battle! And even if you were a year old you wouldn't then!"
"But if I could just touch this Jane person everyone is so scared about I could turn her power on herself!" Niklaus protested.
"Absolutely not." I said coldly. "You are not fighting!"
There was a silence downstairs. I wondered if everyone had left or if they were just listening in.
"But mom!" Niklaus said.
"Yes!" Caroline said with her puppy dog eyes. "No one can catch me. And I'll teleport Niklaus around so that he can take people out!"
"No!" I said furiously. "This is not a game! CARLISLE!"
Carlisle was at my side in an instant, looking warily between me and the kids. "They think they are going to fight." I spat angrily, even though it wasn't him I was angry with. I wasn't angry at them either. I was frustrated. I hated Irina.
Carlisle sighed, trying to be diplomatic. "You three will not be participating in the battle. Do you understand? It is to dangerous. Not only for yourselves, but for others. Especially you two Care and Samuel. Leah and Seth might get hurt trying to protect you if you are reckless. And someone else might get hurt trying to protect you Nik. You will sit the battle out and if you don't, you'll be grounded for a whole year afterwards."
Pretending that we were going to still be here after the battle.
"Besides." Carlisle said, sounding optimistic. "It's not even going to come to a battle, so there is no reason for you to get involved."
I felt myself relaxing, believing his words too.
It wasn't the last of their conversations, but as I kept them down at La Push with Seth and Leah- mostly to get Leah out of the house so that she didn't kill and vampires when they intended to go hunting- the conversations were rarely disputed.
Bella was also trying to learn how to fight. Edward absolutely refused to teach her. Emmett didn't really teach her- more beat her up in a sense.
There were a few others that attempted teaching her. Garrett in particular was an incredible teacher. In fact, he was incredible altogether. I absolutely loved his attitude and charisma. We got into rather heated debates about the Beatles. He was from the Revolutionary war era and therefore, deemed anything British as terrible.
"But the music didn't enslave you." I argued heatedly. "It's good music!"
"It's British." He said firmly.
"I swear I will force you to listen to it. Besides, British accents are hot."
Carlisle coughed discretely behind me. I ignored him.
"Well then you have poor taste in men." Garrett said, red eyes narrowing.
"I have excellent taste in men, thank you very much." I smirked, jabbing a thumb over my shoulder at Carlisle who buried his head deeper into his book.
Garrett stared at me a moment longer before carefully saying, "You know, I've been to every battle in history."
"Ah?" I questioned, trying to figure out where this was going.
"And though I wasn't at the bombing of Fort Knox, I was there for the aftermath." Garrett continued, gauging my reaction.
I set my jaw in a harsh manner, "That's what you want to talk about?"
"I believe you're innocent." Garrett pointed out.
"What a relief." I muttered.
"Carlisle would never have married you if you had been guilty." Garrett said with a shrug.
"Alright, can we not talk about this." Carlisle muttered from behind us.
I giggled, "I didn't realize you were a part of this conversation."
Carlisle glared half-heartedly at me. I pressed a kiss to his lips and then turned to Garrett. "The others are gathering outside."
"Ah, let's take the debate to the fresh air and get some more intelligent opinions on British shit."
"For the record, The Beatles are one of the best bands out there." I said, firmly believing this to be true. "What? You don't like Harry Potter either?"
"Never watched it nor have I read the books." Garrett said stubbornly.
"And now you need to be forgiven for your sins." I quipped.
Kate had just grabbed Bella's arm, electricity rushing through her hands. Bella didn't even react and Kate said, "oh, yeah, she's a shield all right. Should put her on her ass."
I saw that Carlisle and Esme had joined us as well.
"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garrett claimed from behind her. I snickered.
Kate turned, undeterred, holding her hand out, "Maybe it only works on the weak." She wiggled her fingers dauntingly and I smirked.
"What's with the hesitation Garrett?" I teased. "A Beatles song would've been over by now."
He glared at me, moving his hand out to touch Kate's.
"Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle warned.
"Don't ruin my fun." I said with another smirk, this time aimed at Carlisle as Garrett touched Kate's hand. There was a zap of electricity and Garrett fell in pain on his knees.
'KNEEEEEEL' Loki's voice rang through my head and Edward rolled his eyes. I wrinkled my nose at him.
"You are an amazing woman." Garrett said slowly, staring up at Kate. I grinned.
Suddenly, we could hear fast, vampiric speed like footsteps, approaching from another direction. That didn't make sense. All of the vampires were already here. We weren't expecting anyone else- unless Toshiro was going to show up.
"There's two of them." I said quickly.
And then I was off, sprinting towards them.
I could hear laughing and barking- sounds from Jacob training the new werewolves.
Then I heard a voice cry "Whoopa" and there was the sound of two sets of footsteps landing on the ground.
I came to a stop, nodding a hello to Jacob and the others.
"Well hello beautiful." The one with white hair said.
I raised an eyebrow as the others- Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Kate, and Tanya- came to a stop behind me. I saw that Jacob had three other wolves with him, all very gangly and uncoordinated. I hadn't met these yet.
"Vladimir, Stefan." Carlisle greeted them with just the slightest hint of annoyance. "You're a long way from home."
"What are they doing here?" I heard Kate ask from behind me.
"We heard that the Volturi are moving against you." The white haired one said. Was that Vladimir? Or Stefan? Would've been better if Vladimir had been called Damon. That would've been incredibly satisfying.
I heard Edward sigh somewhere around me.
"But that you would not stand alone."
"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle said.
"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." The white haired one said in a bored tone. Oh my. . . his accent. . .
"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." the darker haired one said.
I was going to go out on a limb and guess that the white haired one was Vladimir. I was going to throw a fit if the hot one had a terrible name like 'Stefan'.
"Mom." Edward hissed under his breath.
"Sorry." I hissed back.
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle amended quickly.
"Shame." Hopefully Vladimir said and I smiled. I was really liking this Vampire. He tilted his head to probably Stefan. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."
"They enjoy a good fight." Maybe Stefan said with a bit of a chuckle.
"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar asked, stepping forward and Carlisle turned to look at him.
"Aww." Possibly Vladimir said with a slight click of his tongue. "Still hoping they'll listen?"
I exchanged a look with Carlisle, "What is he talking about?"
Carlisle just shook his head as we made our way back to the house. Once there, Eleazar gathered everyone to explain- first the two new vampires- and then this news about 'Aro's witnesses'.
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar started out saying.
"So he's done this before." Bella asked.
Everyone was there. Every coven member, ever nomad, even our kids and the few werewolves that hung around.
"It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar said.
"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle said from the couch.
"This person always has an ability." Eleazar says, his arms still crossed, still leaning against the windowsill. "And they're always given a place with the guard."
"This is all about Alice." Edward said.
"And that's why she ran." I whispered.
"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.
"To spread the word that justice has been served." Alistair spoke up from his corner. "After he slaughters an entire coven bigger than his own."
Amun and Kebi were the first to move, walking towards the door. "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." Amun announced.
"And where will you go?" Edward questioned. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next?"
Amun pointed a finger at me, "She can do the same!"
"Minus three elements." I retorted.
"Or Zafrina or Kate." Edward continued, ignoring the both of us. "Or anyone else with a gift, anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family, but also for yours. And for the way you want to live."
There was silence, everyone eyeing each other. Jacob was the first to stand to his feet, Seth and Leah joining him, "The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."
"We will fight." Tanya said, her, Carmen, and Kate rising to their feet from the other couch next.
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett said and I smiled at him.
"We'll join you." Benjamin spoke, drawing Amun's attention to him.
"I will do the right thing, Amun." Benjamin said, giving me a slight nod. "You may do as you please."
"We will stand with you." Zafrini said.
"So will we." The Irish Coven said, standing up as well.
All the other nomads did not speak, nodding instead.
"That didn't take much." Vladimir (who was the white haired guy) muttered to Stefan.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Edward said.
"We'll see." Alistair said to Carlisle. I glared at him. He left the room first, leaving everyone to look after him.
Everyone started to prepare even more. If not to talk, then to fight.
Meanwhile, I kept my sights on Japan, specifically Toshiro. With Marcel's help, we got the military cameras of Japan up and running, taking in his whereabouts. He was making plans to come to Forks.
I hoped he got here sooner rather than later.
And a few days later, he did.
None to soon, as when he arrived, only hours later did I catch sights of the Volturi in the city. I showed him the cameras, several vampires looking over my shoulders. "I did warn you they would come for you." I said to him.
"And I am here now." Toshiro said with wide red eyes.
I nodded and Marcel shut the cameras down, wiping out the fact that we had even used them.
A few days later, I was sitting in the living room on Carlisle's lap as Edward talking strategy with him and Emm bear. Several others stayed in the room as well.
"Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves." Edward said.
"To bad we don't all have your shield." Garrett said. Kate was standing next to him, rather close and I smiled.
"Doesn't help me fight though." Bella pointed out.
"No, but you could help the rest of us." Tanya said. "If you could project it."
"What do you mean?" Bella asked.
"I mean shield someone other than yourself." Tanya said and I wanted to add 'duh'.
"Is that possible?" Bella asked.
'Obviously if she's suggesting it' my brain thought and Edward glared at me. 'Sorry'.
"Gifts can be developed. Over time." Carlisle said softly, running his hand over my hair. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt. This was the first time that I had seen him wear something other than his doctor uniform or something formal. They were usually all so formal. But now it was like they had dropped the charade.
"At first, mine was just in my palms." Kate said. "Now I can radiate it all over my body."
"How do you do it?" Bella asked urgently. "Tell me." She grabbed Kate's hand.
"Ow." Kate said flatly.
They decided to move things outside. Carlisle and I stayed put for the time being. I snuggled into his chest. "Everything is going to be alright." I murmured. "Probably."
"Reassuring." Carlisle said. I knew he was trying to jest, but everything was to tense for that.
"You know what we need to do?" I asked quietly.
"No." Carlisle said.
I slid the hoodie off his shoulders. "First, we should go back to our house. Just some alone time for the two of us. You can take all of your anxiety and frustration out of me rather favorably. And then we'll have a nice long hot shower. And then, you're going to put on your fancy dress clothes, okay?"
"Sounds nice." Vladimir said from behind us rather suddenly, "Mind if I join?"
Carlisle glared at him over my shoulder.
I chuckled quietly, placing a kiss on Carlisle's forehead. "I might've let you if your name was Damon," I said with a smirk, "Shame."
Vladimir chuckled, disappearing again somewhere upstairs.
"So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Carlisle scooped me up into his arms, racing away from the main house until we reached our little cottage.
"Oh darling, I'm going to ruin you."
For the first time in a long time, I saw Lord flicker behind Carlisle's eyes.
The minute we entered the bedroom, I completely submitted under him. Our clothes were on the floor in scraps and we were on the bed, cottons sheets fluffing upwards at the sudden two-person landing.
Carlisle's hands were firm and heavy on my hips as he pressed a very slow, teasing kiss to my pussy before diving in with his tongue and teeth.
I let out a pleasured moan at the feeling of his cool tongue and my hot core mixing together. It was almost ultimate pleasure and it was only heightened as Carlisle groaned, shooting vibrations up my lips to my clit.
"C-C-Carlisle." I whimpered. There was a soft coil in my stomach, but I needed more. Carlisle, much to my demise, pulled away, kissing down my thighs instead. I whimpered again.
He chuckled lowly under his breath, the lowness shooting tingly feelings to the core of my stomach. "Patience darling."
"I- I'm not very patient." I muttered.
"I know." He grinned. He maneuvered himself over my body, one arm wrapping around the base of my neck to pull me into a kiss, the other unexpectedly plunging two digits into my wetness.
I moaned into his mouth, lips parting. His tongue entered my mouth, clashing with mine for a few seconds before I submitted again at the overwhelming feeling of his fingers plunging into me over and over again, his palm hitting my clit every time he thrusted in.
The coil started to build up again, but once again, not enough. "Carlisle, please." I begged, throwing my head back.
"Mmm, eyes on me darling." Carlisle said, his lips trailing down my jaw to my neck, biting and sucking, leaving large purple bruises that started healing very slowly. Once he reached my breasts, he started to lick and kiss them. He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and swirling before biting and then moving to the other one to repeat his actions. Meanwhile, his fingers seemed to move even faster and his thumb started swirling patterns on my clit.
My eyes started to tear up as I tried to keep my eyes on him to the best of my ability. "Carlisle I'm gonna-"
"No you're not." Carlisle said simply with almost no emotion, flicking his tongue out over my right nipple, making me writhe and moan again. "Hold it."
I whimpered, tears falling down my face, body shaking, pussy clenching around his fingers. His pace increased even more, the speed of his thumb almost mind-blowing. My toes clenched tightly, trying to relieved some of the tension.
"Words darling." Carlisle said.
"Please Carlisle, please." I begged. "Please, I wanna-"
"Beg better than that baby." Carlisle said, his eyes slowly becoming black as he moved lower, adding his tongue to the mix of fingers at the start of my core.
I attempted to buck my hips but his other hand kept my waist down firmly. "Please Carlisle. Please. I wanna cum. Please?"
"Mm." Was all he said, with a slight dip of his head and I let go, white fuzzy shock washing through my body. I could feel his tongue working me through my orgasm, this thumb not letting up though his fingers had pulled out of me.
He pulled away from my pulsating core, moving over me. His once blond, now more strawberry blond, hair hung in his eyes, his pink tongue darting out to catch every trace of my arousal and I found myself getting wet just at the sight.
"Delicious as always sweetheart." He growled.
I whimpered as he flipped my body over before slamming himself into me without warning. Though it was unexpected and unusual of Carlisle, I had told him to take his frustration out on me.
And Fuck if I wasn't enjoying it.
I had honestly never felt better.
My fingers clutched at the bedsheets as he pounded into me, every stroke bringing such immense pleasure I didn't think it could get better. But it did. Slowly with every other thrust it got better and better, the coil in my stomach started to tighten and contract and tighten again. And I was so sure I was going to burst.
"CARLISLE!" I whimpered.
"Absolutely not." He growled in my ear. "Don't you dare."
And it was most definitely Lord in control.
"My Lord, please." I begged, a few more tears slipping down my cheeks. "Please! I-"
He forced his fingers into my open mouth, choking me rather effectively as he pressed his body down against my back tightly, hitting me at a new angle that made my eyes roll into the back of my head.
"Fuck Davina." Lord growled. "You're fucking mine."
I would've mumbled 'All yours' except that I couldn't. So I just did the best to nod my head and whine pathetically.
My arms were trembling, trying to hold myself up in the position that he wanted me in. One of his arms wrapped around me, holding me up himself. "I fuck you so good you can't even hold yourself up."
His fingers retracted from my mouth. He pulled me up a little straighter, his cock ramming into me at a new angle once again, hitting my cervix over and over as I whimpered, moaned, and fucking mewled.
I was putty in his arms, melting. "Fuck, Lord. Feels so good. I'm so close. Please let me cum. Please Lord."
He chuckled darkly, his thrusts slow, and I nearly cried in frustration. "Fuck darling. Missed this fucking pussy. Missed you wrapped around me like this."
Even in his darkest moments, Carlisle was almost never like this.
And I knew what had made him snap.
I almost wanted to make a joke, tell him Vladimir would let me finish, but I held my tongue. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to get punished tonight.
Oh but teasing was so much fun. . .
And then my orgasm hit me like a truck, flowing down his hard cock which didn't stop its thrusts, wringing out my orgasm until it started feeling like overstimulation. His fingers reached down, finding my nub and I let out a scream of blinding pleasure as a second- third?- one crashed down on me.
Carlisle pulled out, flipped me over, and slammed back into me as my back was on the bed. "Gonna watch that pretty little face of yours as I make you cum over and over again. No one else can make you feel this good. You're mine, yeah?"
"All yours Lord. All yours." I whimpered, my hands finding themselves in his fluffy hair. I was so glad that I was a vampire werewolf hybrid thing because if I was human, I would've broken under his amount of pleasure. As it was, I was trying very hard to keep it together.
He attacked my neck and upper chest with kisses and bites, as though determined not to leave an inch of my skin unmarked. I gripped his shoulders, nails dragging down the marble like back of my husband.
I knew if I could sweat, I would be and I was glad that there were a few human things I could not do.
The pleasure was starting to become even more immense and I cried out his name again.
"You gonna cum for me baby?" Lord said, his eyes the blackest I had ever seen them. "Gonna fucking cum all over my cock and prove that you're mine?"
I whimpered and whined at his words.
"Yes! Carlisle! Lord! Yes! Please! Please don't stop! I'm gonna cum! Carlisle please."
Lord moaned above me, a deep sound that ended me, another orgasm rushing through my body, heating it up, sending white flashes through my head.
"You look ravishing like this." Carlisle growled lowly, staring into my face with hunger and passion. "Fuck you're squeezing me so good. M'gonna cum darling."
I had no answers as I felt him release into me, his release long and large. Slowly, very slowly, his eyes started to return back to gold, thrusting his hips just a few more times before he pulled out of me slowly.
Our mixed release dripped from both his cock and my pussy onto the bed sheets but neither of us cared. I was to busy gauging Carlisle's reaction as he came back from Lord's control.
Carlisle blinked a few times and then leaned over me, a cautious expression on his face, "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I? I wasn't to rough or anything?"
I giggled, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him on the lips. "If flirting with a few guys is all it takes to get you to do that, I'll be flirting with every guy in sight."
Carlisle growled into my neck, "Or you could ask nicely and spare me the jealousy."
I giggled again, pressing soft kisses to his own neck, "Deal. But really, Carlisle, it was wonderful. I had no idea your mind could be so dirty."
Carlisle buried his head into my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head. "Ready to go back?"
"No." Carlisle said, sliding his hands to my hips, flipping me over so I was above him, and settled me back down on his cock, both of us hissing as the sensitivity of everything before it was healed. "How about another eight rounds?"
I smirked, "Ten."
Carlisle pulled my face down to meet his in a crushing kiss before pulling away a little and said, "Well then, you better get to riding me."
"Yes sir." I quipped and settled down to my task.
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