#twilight vines
kifaprokumiv · 7 months
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bully that old man
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rumeko · 1 month
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incorrect-wolf-pack · 6 months
Jacob: Do you ever want to talk about your feelings, Leah?
Leah: No.
Seth: I do.
Jacob: I know, Seth.
Seth: I’m sad.
Jacob: I know, Seth.
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ithseem · 21 days
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reblogglelog · 1 year
Emerald Twilight: A Summary
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Kyle: Do you wanna talk about your emotions, Guardian?
Guardian (it's Ganthet, sh): no.
Parallax Hal Jordan, in the background: I do! Kyle, over it: I know, Parallax.
Guardian, sweating in the background: yo what the fuck.
Parallax Hal Jordan, tearing up: I'm sad.
Kyle: I know, Parallax.
based on this vine
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kwop-kilawtley · 1 year
when Jacob calls Bella honey
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ravellaarryns · 7 months
who: @falcxnprince setting : the evening after there is an attempt on the life of the king of the vale, a somewhat unlikely figure emerges from a sea away. what: the prince of the vale of arryn returns from braavos across the narrow sea, to land upon westerosi soil for the first time in years. he brings forth a message regarding unfolding treachery within the falcon court, rooted in a loyalty to the previous king - rowan of house arryn, first of his name.
in the dimly lit halls of the red keep, a figure moves quietly through out, weaving through the halls with the confidence and ease of a noble who knows their way, despite the passing of time having made memory fade of a brief period lingering these halls. a heavy weight of legacy and history can be felt by them, for some time they had forgotten the feeling of it upon their shoulders. the shadow moves swiftly, hardly a step could be heard despite the quiet of the night, few lords and ladies still lingering.
there was little time for formalities, little time for grand entrances, neither of these things seemed to suit the man, anyways. they had just arrived, and it seemed too late for certain plots had already played out, though thankfully unsuccessful. still, the information they brought would seal the fate of a certain lord who was too ambitious for their own good.
the shadow was led to a seating room, one open for any of the nobles to retreat to for the many meetings and deals being struck during the coronation of the green dragon king, a reality that made the figure chuckle at the thought. cane tapped on the floor, not impatiently, but almost counting down the seconds under the image of the queen off the mountains of the moon appeared before him. he did not give her time for a reaction, or to speak, before a character's smirk crossed over rhys arryn's features.
"hello, sister."
the presence of the knights of the vale quietly making word that the prince had come to see her had only resulted in a lack of clarification clearly sweeping over her marble features, quickly replaced by ire and irritation at the ambiguity of such a statement. in their world today, how many princes were there in how many kingdoms and realms? and yet still, her stomach twisted at the thought of receiving a sudden visitor in the aftermath of such quaking fury that had silently settled within her ancient bones. one could only tell by the brashness of her body movements, the way in which her footsteps echoed more than ever before: as though she sought to deal with this matter with urgency, before another matter sprouted up.
the door opened into the apartments she was being led into, walking through a variety of rooms and being led to a certain room: and for some reason, she felt as though her stomach only twisted further. as this some prince from across the narrow sea? the prince, was what the guards had said to her: it would be obvious to ask the guards who escorted her, though she did not seek to socialise or speak with any in this moment. she stepped through the arch to see a figure sitting in a chair, though it remained dark due to the night sky taking reign over the sky - and so, she needed to step closer into the light. her gaze swept behind her for a moment, wondering if this was some sick trick: she felt on higher alert than ever, but then again, the guards were with her. and the guards would not betray her, unless…unless they had found out that she were responsible for so much that had befallen their apparently curse throne.
then he spoke, and she felt herself suddenly cease in her thoughts and her worries. he spoke, and it was a voice she recognised as though it were from a dream: over a year she had spent not seeing him, from the moment he had sailed across the narrow sea. and truthfully, it appeared as though he would remain in braavos - as though there was an unspoken truth between them. that he needed to remain across the narrow sea; for the crown now weighed heavy upon her own head. and now, the prince of the mountains of the moon had returned: and it felt as though she were once again seeing some apparition.
"what are you doing?" she asked, her voice harsh as she looked toward the smirk that toyed on his features. here. what are you doing here.
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the arryns were a complicated family, and that was putting it lightly; the vale was not the most loving of environments, and then the clear divisons between siblings made everything all too apparent. he had always been her exception. was he still her exception? she remained frozen in her spot, fighting every urge to reach forward and embrace him. was that not what good humans with mortal souls done when they saw one they cared for? there was a time where ravella was more than happy to linger within the shadows. she rejected her brother's calls to sit on the small council.
and now it had been forced upon her, as a result of her brother being less of a man and more of a stain, she would need to preserve it. the court of the eyrie would take to the claim of an arryn prince, over an arryn princess: it was easier to disprove the lion's infant, but this? how could she reach forward to embrace her little brother when so much had changed, and had remained permanently changed? she noted the cane that remained in his hands: a wasting illness that had nearly taken him. she was under the impression he was on the verge of perishing, and yet, he was in good enough strengths to cross the narrow sea. "is this about the lyseni?"
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bluem00n007 · 1 year
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The cat is a surprise btw
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ev-enhotterthanyou · 19 days
rainbow dash is the gen alpha brainrotter. pinkie is the vine warrior. this came to me in a vision
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violetpony11 · 2 years
One of the clips I’ve finished for my new animatic “MLP Characters as Vines,” which I’ll finish soon :P
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heresbasictwilight · 2 years
Is there a reason why yo mama so fat?
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Oh well, I'm sure she's fine wherever she is!
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incorrect-wolf-pack · 7 months
Jared: Okay, so would you rather kill Sam or–
Leah: Yes. Kill him.
Jared: You didn’t even hear the other option.
Leah: I don’t need to hear it. I kill him.
Sam: ... Feeling a little unsafe.
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xeoniq · 2 years
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lookitsaworm · 1 year
Twilight but it's the 2010s and everyone is addicted to vine:
Edward: Your scent is like a drug to me like my own personal brand of heroin.
Bella: no
Edward: What do you mean no?
Bella: no....
I smell like beef
Edward (oblivious as fuck even tho he hangs around in people minds): what?
Bella: I smell like beef
I smell like beeeeeffffff
I smelllllll like beeeeeeeffffff
And Edward is just so fucking confused (Emmett gets it tho)
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I love how there's just built in vine booms when Faron tells you you're the chosen hero
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