#twisted wonderland headcaonons
yandere-wishes · 4 years
My Queen My Prey // Yandere Leona Kingscholar x reader//
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This AMAZING edit was made by the SUPER AWESOME @twst-the-royals​ or @lethal-lambs​
A cryptic little story I whipped up, thanks to the sudden flow of ideas I got from the super talented Julie's yandere Leona edit. So blame her for this monstrosity  😂🤣 
Summary: You and Leona are opposites that keep getting in each other's ways. And yet there isn't a single damn thing Leona wouldn't do for you. 
TW: Gore, blood, mention of suicide, mention of death, mention of past abuse, neglect, and abandonment.
🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛 🦁 💛
It was so easy to forget that he loved you, 
At least that's how Leona saw it. The two of you were on opposite ends of some invisible, undeceivable spectrum. 
Leona was the lazy one, the greedy one, he wanted the whole damn world to bow and grovel at his feet. 
You where the lively one, the carefree, cheerful spirit that haunted Night Raven, you wanted the whole damn world to burn for every single scar it had engraved in your soul. 
Ever the opposing forces you two where. Yet somehow faith, or whichever other invisible forces that orchestrated the universe, found ways to throw you in each other's paths. Just like opposite magnates being pulled together. 
The first time you asked Leona if he wanted to die, was probably the first time the lion boy realized he needed you. The mere thought of having you stripped away from him was enough to make him double over and almost puke. It's the first time he ever thought about you as more than a pesky fly that never left him alone. Of course, he didn't want you to know that. No way! Leona's smart, he's gotten horrifically good at reading people over the years. He knows that the only reason you all so casually throw him the question is that you don't think he'll care. You think he'll just fabricate some sarcastic answer and go back to his thoughtless slumber. 
And yet that abhorrent sickly feeling goes away the moment you depart to your dorm. When you leave, it's like you take every "good" feeling away with you. When his emerald eyes can't see you, he doesn't "feel" anything. 
No love,
No need,
No want,
Just annoyance at a world that has beaten him down since the day he took his first breath. 
The first time Leona actually killed someone was the night he realized he was addicted to you. 
The lights flicker in some incomprehensible fashion. Like they're trying to tell him something, some dark dreary secret that can't be spoken in words. 
He feels warm, too warm. It's like his body's on fire -who knew another person's blood would feel so scorching- Leona's mesmerized by the sticky crimson that stains his palms. It reminds him of you, all of you, that he'll do anything for you. No matter how goriest and macabre it may seem. 
The truth about the hunt is that it's always scarier than it seems, the thought of blood is scarier than the actual goopy feeling of it. The perception of the mangled, disjointed corps is much worst than it's a real sight.
It's then and there that Leona swears on the grave of his ancestors that he'll kill for you again, that all the blood and gore in the world isn't frighting enough to keep him away from you. 
It's been years since the two of you graduated from Night Raven. Years since you convinced Leona that there were better things in life than the thrown of some shallow country. 
No one really knows what happened to the two of you after graduation. Leona likes to think he kidnapped you, he stole you away from your painful life and gave you some sort of purpose as his sweet little wife.
Truth is, that's not what really happened. 
You knew what he was going to do, days before he'd even finished his plans. You hardly struggled when he wrapped his clawed fingers around your neck. Only nodded along excitedly at every death threat and murder promise he made. 
You wanted this, needed this,  just as much as he did. 
Leona Kingscholar was your obverse in everything imaginable. 
Leona wanted you to be his prey, to be his queen, to be his.
You wanted to be his equal, his damsel in distress, to be there for him.
The former second prince likes to think that you're the only person in the world that understands him. Maybe that's why he did it, maybe that's why when you said those contradicting, backward speeches, he understood them perfectly. 
"Kill them all and you'll be a god, that's far better than being some measly forgettable king!"
It's been four years since the two of you left Night Raven behind, four years since either of you had seen your friends and family, four years since you'd thought about dying some poetic death, four years since Leona thought about the throne to a country whose name is all but forgotten. 
It's after four long years that Leona Kingscholare realizes he's in love with you. He can pinpoint the exact moment he realized he loved you. That one glorious, perfect moment when the world for all its irony and incongruities started to make sense.
The world was burning, the thing that once caused the two of you endless pain and suffering at been reduced to vermilion flames and painful screams of agony. The invisible forces had once again, at the end of time, thrown the two of you together, only this time you weren't opposites at all, you were the exact same thing. 
Just two people relishing in the mayhem that they had created. Dancing to the rhythm of the inferno and the symphony of pain. 
And it was in that very moment, that all so perfect moment, as your bright eyes reflected the raging fires and your laugh ringed above all else that Leona Kinscholare finally understood what love was. 
Love was you 
It had always been you
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Twisted Wonderland// Yandere! Heartslabyul//
Again, had lots of help from my lovely discord group. Please bear in mind that this post may be edited once the game is released.
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Riddle Roseheart
Riddle is a very sadistic yandere with certain possessive qualities. He wants you at his beck and call, to please him in every way he that he desires. In Riddle's disturbed standpoint you are a pretty little rose, all alone and wilting in the big bad world. You need someone to protect you and care for you, who better than him?
The redhead has an untamable fixation with seeing you in pain. Round amaranth love bites littering your neck. Purple rings with yellow blotches scattered over your wrists and thighs. Seeing the hope shattering in agonizing pain in your exquisite glistening eyes, is nothing less than pure bliss for him. 
"Do not anger me (Y/N)..."
Riddle will let go off on your own from time to time. He doesn't care where you go or who you go with. He knows that he's marked you well, surly nobody would dare and attempt to steal Night Raven's self-proclaimed "Queen of Heart's" darling? Further so would anyone be so utterly foolish as to even interact with his love? No one would ever interact with you, sunning you and isolating you. 
At the end of the day no matter where you go, you'll have no choice but to return to the only person that acknowledges your existence. Sure Riddle is a cruel lover... but he's all you have. 
Time won't change how rough Riddle is, yet he somehow learns to show his affection in other manners as well. Kissing you more slowly, passionately, lovingly even. He'll dress you each morning in lavish dresses finer than those of true royalty. Always in shades of royal red, white and black. Gold necklaces hang from your slender neck,  aureate bracelets hug your scarred wrists. Practically everything is in heart patterns. non-broken, unlike your own.
"...Or it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"
This is love, it's the only way Riddle know to show his unwavering affection for you. At first, you may not appreciate him, call him a monster, cold-hearted. But soon, very soon you shall cherish me as he does you.
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Ace Trappola
Ace is an extremely obsessive yandere with some delusional tendencies sprinkled on top. He'll constantly follow you around, without your knowledge. Stalk you where ever you go. No, no stalking is such an ugly word for it, Ace is simply making sure no trouble will befall onto you. 
He'll go to certain extream measures to learn all there is to know about you.  Breaking into your room while you sleep, looking through your notebooks and journals. Lord forbid he ever find your diary or you'll never get it back. 
Soon Ace will randomly pop up where ever you are, he'll start up conversations as if your long lost buddies, never noticing the frightened look in your eyes when he let's too much information slip. How on earth does he know these things? You've never recounted them to anybody. 
"Oh (Y/N)..."
One vile night, It becomes deathly apparent how he's obtained such personal details about your life. 
You wake to a chill running loose in your room, the window is wide open. You'd closed it before going to bed hadn't you? Reluctantly leaving the warmth of your bed, you marched up to the nuisance slamming it shut. "You're being a little hash there, darling, don't you think?"
You turn around shaking, petrified, who had broken into your room? Where they a robber, a rapist, a murderer. The voice let out a soft chuckle. "What's the matter Cheshire cat got your tongue?" 
it was meant to be a simple joke, something to ease the morbid situation. 
"Wh-who's there," you ask, hands grabbing your forearms, nails digging into your tender flesh.  "Don't be so scared, it's just me." The stranger approached moonlight hitting his face, to reveal ahead of messy marmalade hair, vivid red eyes and a blood-red heart plastered over his left eye. "Ace..?" his name is nothing more than a breathless whimper. Your back hits the icy cold window, trapped you think to yourself, locked away with this psycho. Ace simply approached trapping you in between himself and the glass. His nose bumped against the skin of your neck, inhaling your musty scent. 
His tongue ran a long strip over the sensitive patch of skin, mouth soon following in sloppy kisses and painful love bites. "Ace stop..please!" would begging get to him? make him see how uncomfortable and violated you where? It didn't, that was the first night Ace took you, leaving you shaking and whimpering. His seed covering your stomach as you laid there and cried. There were many more night like this, each ending in the oranged haired boys pleasure and your agony. 
" I love you so much!"
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is the sneaky kind of yandere. The boy who seems perfect, everything you could have ever dreamed of. He was sweet and caring always putting your desires in front of his own. Almost like a gift sent directly from heaven...you couldn't have been more wrong.
Deuce will give you the illusion of a "normal boyfriend." A perfect boyfriend even. However, the truth of the matter is, he's gaining your trust and devotion, attempting to rearrange your life to solely rely on him. He'll provide you with every little thing that you need. Showering you with lavish gifts.
He'll spoil you until you have devoted your life completely to him. When he finally has you, his loving darling in his grasp, his true nature will soon show.
"You belong to me.."
Deuce refuses to let you out of his sight. You can't leave the dorm without him. It's for your safety he'll reassure you relentlessly. You do desperately try to believe him, surely he must be aware of some form of danger lurking within the school corridors?
As time goes on do become wholly dependent on the blue-haired boy. You come to fear the outside world and all it's hidden "dangers". Never doing anything without  Deuce being present. To him, this is exactly as it should be you are his utterly and completely.
"Your mind, your body, your soul it's all mine."
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Trey Clover
Trey is a possessive obsessive mix. He doesn't like being parted from you. He constantly wants your attention. When your attention shifts for even a split second, Trey can become somewhat aggressive. You're his, why where you looking at someone else?
Trey has two affective methods of punishment; humiliation and pain. Standard humiliation consists of handcuffing you and making you walk around with him. Showing all who shall see you, how vulnerable and defenseless you truly are.
As for pain goes, Trey has nothing against physical torment. He might tie you up and carve images into your tender flesh. Or he might just toss you over his knee and give you a good spanking.
"Everything will be alright (y/n)..."
Much like Riddle, Trey will choose every outfit you were, every meal you eat and any place you go to.
Your outfit is always elaborate, yet display every wound Trey has ever marked you with.  Tall elegant heals, flowy princess-like dresses, charming jewels and hair always done like that of a doll's.
Your meals are meant to keep you healthy and in shape - despite what minimal exercise you get- Trey tries to keep you in good health, just so there won't be any need to visit some pesky doctor. One who'll ask too many questions and won't be satisfied with the answers their given.
The greened haired man mostly tries to keep you indoors away from others who might distract you. When you are permitted to go outside, Trey normally tries to take you to places where only his friends and their darlings are kept. They understand him, they know what it feels like to love someone as much as he does.
"...I'm here now, I'm all that you need."
Additionally, Trey is very dominant in bed. He enjoys the sight of you begged and wiggling under him. However, if you have certain kinks or want to try something new, he'll gladly accept.
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Cater Diamond
Cater is a difficult yandere, he fully believes that the two of you are thoroughly in love. This he uses as an excuse to keep you locked up. Yet in the rare occasions when you are permitted to leave the house. Cater will be on the lookout for anyone giving you unwanted attention.  
He's extremely temperamental and will not hesitate to get into physical fights over someone staring at you. When these "events" occur, he'll go back to locking you in his dorm. It's a vicious cycle controlled by an emotionally unstable psycho.
"You love me..."
One night you accidentally walked in on him tormenting some guy who had smiled at you whilst you two took a stroll in the park. Cater held a red-stained knife to the man's jugular. He pushed the glistening alloy to steal deeper and deeper. Blood oozed out of the would dripping down onto his clothes.
An ear-piercing noise filled the quiet night. It's that poor man you thought as cold wet tears tumbled from your wide eyes. Yet when you looked closer the man's mouth was closed head dangling to the side in an unnatural position.
Your capture's head slowly turned in your direction, cruel smile being panted over by a shocked expression. "(Y/N)?" he muttered confused. How had he known you were standing there? Was it you who had screamed? It must have been...
"Whoops, doll you weren't supposed to know about this."
He seemed so casual about it, speaking of murder as simply as tea time chitchat. He didn't regret what he'd done, had he? No, he only regretted you catching him in the act.
"It's too late to be up (Y/N), let's go back to bed."
Stepping closer he tried to gently grab your limp hand. The second the warm liquid coating his palms came into contact with your flesh. You jerked your hand away, clutching it tightly to your chest. You felt violated and dirty, was there any of that vile substance on your hand? The mere thought made you shutter.
The orange-haired man didn't take that well. He gripped your shoulders, stubby nails digging into you skink through the light material of your sleepwear. He started shaking you like a snow globe. You shut your eyes, dizziness, and nausea creeping there way into your head and stomach. When he finally stopped you felt numb, if his hands were to leave their positions you'd surely fall onto the cold hard ground. "Let's go back to bed, we can erm talk in the morning okay?" You nod through the skull shattering pain in your head as you allow yourself to be carried back to his bedroom and laid on the plush mattress. You didn't want to talk about it tomorrow, you didn't want to wake up tomorrow at all, you simply wanted this hellish nightmare to end.
"....Right (Y/N)?"
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