#yandere leona kingscholar x you
yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Escapism.
Commissioned by the very lovely @twst-ophelia.
Pairing: Yandere!Dorm Leaders x Reader (TWST).
Word Count: 4.0k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Non/Con, Dub/Con, Prolonged Imprisonment, Physical/Psychological Abuse, Slight Marking, Disassociation, and Possessive Behavior.
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The mirror would be ready to use, by now.
Really, that’d been your first mistake – forgetting what you’d learned during your first months in this strange new place, having enough faith in the friends you’d made and your own middling abilities to tell anyone and everyone you could find that you were finally going home. You’d been over-eager, blinded by joy, and within a week of Crowly admitting that he’d found a way to return you to your own world using the Magic Mirror, it’d been common knowledge across all of Twisted Wonderland that it’d only be a few more weeks before you were returned to your own world. Ace teased you for being so eager to drop out halfway through your third year and Grim stuck to your side with twice his usual clinginess, and despite the bittersweetness of knowing you’d likely never be able to come back, you were happy. You were alright with leaving them, so long as it meant you could go home.
And you did leave them, in a way. If you looked at it from a certain angle.
You just didn’t get to go home.
There was a wet, slick noise, then a pang of pure agony racing from your cunt to your core. Involuntarily, you jerked away from the painful sensation, but it was an effort made in vain. The heavy arm wrapped around your waist only coiled tighter, your back soon drawn flush against a broad chest. Leona’s tail swatted contentedly at the down-stuffed mattress as he let out a low, airy chuckle. “Not gonna get away that easily,” he muttered, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Remember what happened last time you tried to act-up? I don’t think the basement’s gotten any warmer.”
Basement. Calling it a basement would be like calling him a housecat. You’d been locked in that dark, frigid dungeon of a cellar for days before Azul – because he was the one you scratched, the one who got to decide how cruel your punishment was going to be – let you out, and even then, it’d taken another week of huddling by barely-smoldering fireplaces and wrapping yourself in any shred of fabric you could find to shake the chill that’d lodged itself underneath your skin. You stopped trying to lash out at them, after that. As much as their so-call ‘affection’ scared you, their anger scared you that much more.
You couldn’t be sure how they’d gotten their hands on a place like this – ancient and only a step above decrepit. Their means weren’t exactly limited, not with a prince and the heir to a fortune that might as well have made him royalty funding their little venture, but it was still hard to imagine the people you’d gone to school with keeping you locked inside of an abandoned castle, surrounded only by more woodland than you could ever hope to walk through. It might’ve been more enjoyable (or, bearable, at least) if your captors had taken a more absentee approach, if they’d given you time to adjust to being in the middle of a never-ending forest with only stone walls and dust-covered furniture for company, but no, at least one of them always seemed to be at no more than arm’s length, there to remind you exactly why you’d been relegated to the role of princess, trapped in her tower. You’d never been able to call any of them your friends, and yet, the betrayal still stung.
“Would you keep your mouth shut?” Vil mumbled, with a particularly sharp movement of his wrist. The heel of his palm ground into your clit, and against your better judgement, you withered into Leona – the sound of your pulse beating in your ears deafening, but still not enough to mask the deep, self-satisfied purr rising from his chest. “You’re frightening the poor thing. Look at her eyes – they’re practically glazed over.”
 “Is she scared, or just bored half-to-death by your shitty excuse for a handjob?” He bowed his head, nipping playfully at the corner of your jaw. Of all your captors, he was the most fond of marking what he considered to be his property – even more so if he had a captive audience. “If I was the one between her legs, she’d be feelin’ too good to think about anything else. She’d already be fucked good n’ dumb.”
“That’s not—” The air caught in your throat as Vil spread his fingers apart, but you fought to go one. “I don’t feel anything when you—”
Vil pulled out of you entirely, only for his hand to come down on your pussy with a harsh, slick crack. You couldn’t swallow back your pained cry, couldn’t stop yourself from shrinking further into Leona. “No lying, now, darling. You know how easy it is to hurt his feelings.” He paused, then glanced over his shoulders. Blearily, your attention drifted to the doorway of your bedroom – to Riddle, standing stiffly on the other side other side of the threshold. You stiffened, but Vil didn’t seem surprised. “Going to watch today, Rosehearts?”
Obviously. As complicit as they all seemed with your imprisonment, there were a few – Riddle, Idia, Azul – that withheld from treating your prolonged abuse like a group project. You’d been surprised, at first, that Vil wasn’t a part of that collective, but his tendency towards exhibitionism made sense. He couldn’t love what he couldn’t flaunt, even if his audience was limited to a handful of former classmates.
“O-of course not,” Riddle stuttered out, predictably. His pale face was tinted a nearly violent shade of red. “I just wanted to make sure you two weren’t hurting her.”
You felt Leona’s grin against your throat. “Hear that, pretty girl?  He thinks we’d hurt you.” The space Vil left vacant was quickly filled – three of his calloused fingers soon filling your drenched pussy. You clenched your eyes shut, grit your teeth, but that did little to stop him from burrowing his claws into your side and tearing a little, cracked whimper through your sealed lips. “Don’t see him doing much to stop us, though.”
Vil only offered an unimpressed shake of his head, but Riddle straightened. “Are you implying that I couldn’t—”
“I’m saying that you won’t.” Leona cut him off swiftly, the edge in his tone sharped and playful. “Not if you want the next turn.”
For a moment, Riddle didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything.
Then, with a pointed glare, he turned on his heel and abandoned your bedroom altogether, likely dedicating himself to finding another part of this terrible castle to wait Leona out in.
As soon as his footsteps faded out of earshot, Leona’s teeth were buried in the curve of your throat – drawing blood in an instant.
Out of all your captors, it was Kalim who’d disappointed you the most.
You hadn’t expected this from the others, but in hindsight, you wouldn’t put it above them, either. Azul had never been able to draw a line between what he wanted and what he could have, Riddle had never been able to keep his base impulses at bay for very long, and Leona… well, Leona couldn’t be bothered to pretend he was interested in things like your ‘autonomy’ or ‘independence’. Kalim, though – he’d always been nice to you. Not overly kind, but nice, and in a place like NRC, that was something you’d been able to appreciate.
It almost didn’t make sense to see him in a place like this, to connect his presence here with the looming fact of your continual imprisonment. It didn’t make sense that the boy who’d once thrown a parade to celebrate you finally accepting an invitation to one of his banquets would be resting his hands on your shoulders, his eyes fixed on your reflection in a pearl-lined vanity as he pulled what felt like the hundredth gem-studded necklace into place at the base of your throat. You didn’t need jewelry. They rarely gave you anything to wear outside of loose-fitting, sheer dresses and the occasional piece of lingerie, but Kalim would’ve plucked the moon from the sky if it meant he could give it to you in a velvet-lined box. That was what he’d told you, at least, the first time you’d turned him down.
Actually, maybe you didn’t deserve to feign surprise. They’d all tried to do it the right way before their graduations, whether it was Vil beckoning you to sit on his lap during a dorm leader meeting or Riddle turning a dozen shades of pink as he asked if you’d care to attend an Unbirthday Party as his guest, sometime. You’d turned them all down, batting Leona’s hand away before it could settle on your shoulder, telling Azul you wouldn’t trust him as a business partner, let alone a boyfriend. Between school and a new apocalypse-scenario every other week, you never had the time (let alone the energy or desire) to date, as idiotic as it sounded to suggest that any of this could’ve started with a handful of schoolyard crushes. Maybe, if you’d given them a chance to see that it wouldn’t have worked out on their own terms, it wouldn’t have come to this. Maybe, you would’ve gotten to go home.
Or, maybe, you just would’ve been snatched up before that thread of hope could ever be dangled in front of you. Either way, a preferable alternative.
“The sapphires were a better fit,” Azul chimed in as Kalim pulled the next necklace into place – a loose riviere studded with rubies. It was the fifth of as many variants, only differentiated by the color of the jewel. Kalim claimed that he’d only meant to get you one, but ever the glutton, he hadn’t been able to choose. “Red is such a garish color. Our little princess deserves to feel as royal as we treat her, doesn���t she?”
If Kalim noticed the barb, he didn’t seem to mind. “I think you look beautiful in red,” he said, leaning down to push a kiss into your temple. His smile was as bright as it’d ever been, and you hated him that much more for it. “Then again, you look beautiful in everything. Why don’t you keep them all?”
You opened your mouth, ready to tell him where he could shove his jewelry, but you were cut off by the shutter of a camera, the hint of a flash in your peripheral. You glanced towards Azul, who only shrugged in response., sinking further into his armchair “For Idia. He’s going to be tied up with a research project for another week or so, and for whatever reason, it’s fallen on my shoulders to make sure that he doesn’t completely succumb to his self-pity and throw the gates of Tartarus open.” He thought, for a moment. “For a second time, I mean.”
You couldn’t be sure why you said it. It was an instinct, a knee-jerk reaction to grab the first blade you saw and twist it. Idia was, by far, the most distant of your captors, and when he did show his face, he barely spoke and never touched you. Even in a castle of rapists and kidnappers, he’d found a way to make himself an outsider.
“Azul?” You made a point of keeping your eyes on your reflection as you went on. “Could you tell Idia I want to see him again? When he has time, I mean.”
There was a beat of silence, then another.
Finally, Kalim forced out an only partially strained laugh, squeezing your shoulders with just a little too much force. “Is something wrong? If you want to ask for something, you don’t have to wait for Idia.”
You didn’t bother trying to respond to him. “Please, Azul?”
From the corner of your eye, you watched him glance between you and Kalim. Eventually, he let out an airy sigh and nodded. “Of course, sweetheart. Although, I do have to wonder what you’re getting up to.”
Your only answer came in the form of a tight smile, a slight shrug. Kalim didn’t waste time taking up the next necklace: a choker of braided strands of pure, glittering gold. This time, he fastened it tightly enough to bruise.
You almost felt bad for Idia, when you let yourself think about what you were doing.
The bare skin of his chest was warm under your palm, the flames of his hair tinted a deep pink - a color you might’ve found charming, in any other situation. He was beneath you, currently, his face half-buried in a pillow while you rolled your hips idly against his, your pace slow and careless. He wasn’t as authoritative as Leona, as demanding as Riddle, and you liked that about him. But, his submissiveness meant you had to do most of the work, which you liked less.
At least he tried to pretend that he didn’t like it. Bias caused conflict, and his occasional encounters with the others wilted before shriveling into complete nonexistence shortly after you declared him your unlikely favorite. Even now, he kept his eyes clenched shut, his bottom lip caught between his pointed teeth as your pussy clenched around him. You’d gone numb to pleasure in the first weeks of your captivity, but any amount of physical contact seemed to overwhelm him. It might’ve been refreshing, if you hadn’t been so, so exhausted.
Gradually, your movements slowed, your body stilling on top of his. A second passed before he opened one of his eyes, his kiss-swollen lips quirking downward in mixed disappointment and frustration. “W-Why did you stop?”
With an exaggerated sigh, you collapsed onto him, slotting your chest against his and propping your chin on his collarbone. “I never made it to graduate,” you said, absentmindedly, relying on the haze of lust to hide just how flat your voice was. “Never got to say goodbye to anyone, either, but that was never going to happen. The other are too mean to me for that.”
His expression took on a somber lull. It might’ve been more believable if you hadn’t been able to feel his cock twitching inside of you. “I… I’m sorry. I wanted to wait, but Azul said— and Leona—”
“I know, I know.” You kissed his cheek, then the corner of his mouth. “It’s not your fault. I just—”
You cut yourself off with another sigh, just as unbelievable as the first. Thankfully, Idia was eager to take the bait. “Whatever it is, I can do it for you. I’d do anything for you.” His shaking hands found their way to your waist. “I love you.”
“I want to see Ramshackle again,” you said, without hesitation. Immediately, you felt him stiffen against you, and let your tone drag into something desperate, something pleading. “Just this once. I won’t even go inside, and Night Raven’s on break, right now. No one’s going to be on campus.” You paused, pecked the corner of his lips. “Please, Idia. Nobody else has to know.”
He still looked skeptical, but he was going to break your heart, he wasn’t going to do it while his cock was still pulsing inside of you. After only a moment of hesitation, he let out a shallow breath and nodded hastily. “One trip. And the other never find out.”
Instantly, you brightened, beaming as you pulled him into a deep, lasting kiss – a proper kiss, this time, something you’d never willingly imitated with any of your captors. He would know that. He wasn’t the most domineering, but if the hidden cameras dotted across your bedroom were anything to go by, he had his own kind of competitive streak.
A hitched moan reverberated against your mouth. With your arms still wrapped around his neck, your chest still pressed into his, he started to move on his own – his fingers digging into your hips as he thrust into you from below. His pace was unsteady, his rhythm nonexistent, but your clit scraped against the flattened plane of his pubic bone and however meager it might’ve been, there was just enough stimulation to melt into. Vaguely, you were aware of a distant whimpering, of Idia’s face buried in the crook of your neck, but you let it fade into the background – into the constant fog of static that’d been cast over your conscious mind since you woke up in this terrible place.
When you felt his teeth scrape over the curve of your throat, it was all you could do to close your eyes and think of home.
“It’s a pretty basic teleportation scheme,” he’d explained, as he led you through the castle’s entryway after pulling you out of your bed in the middle of the night. The winter air cut through your thin dress without mercy, but you’d fought not to shiver, not to give him a reason to second-guess if he should be doing this. Right now, he was convinced he loved you more than he feared letting you get away, and you couldn’t do anything to break that delusion. “Ortho handled most of the hardware, but he was following my designs. The NRC waypoint was supposed to be a limited-time mechanic, but I never cut it out of the system. It should still work – for a couple trips, at least.”
You’d let him ramble about how many hours it’d taken to put together, nodded enthusiastically as he described all the effort he’d poured into ruining your life. He kept his hand locked around yours as he led you onto a shining, steel platform, only letting go to punch the coordinates into his tablet. There was a flash of light, a slight buzzing in your ears, and then, you were standing in front of the gates to Night Raven College, already open and waiting for your arrival.
You didn’t wait for Idia to move, to say anything. Rather, you let the gem shard (pilfered from one of Kalim’s more recent attempts to win back your attention; the jewel in its entirety had been larger than your balled fist) that you’d stowed away in your sleeve fall into your hand and stabbed the jagged end into his back. You didn’t wait to see if the wound took before breaking into a sprint towards the Hall of Mirrors.
You’d be able to see, later on, that it was far from the best idea you’d ever had. There was a good chance Crowley abandoned any work he might’ve started as soon as you went missing, if he really had found a way to send you hope at all. The injury you’d dealt to Idia was far from fatal, and you’d be in for more than just a few days in the cellar if they caught you, but the desire to get out of here, to go home drowned out your better judgement – leaving your tired mind empty and your body dependent on pure, unadulterated desperation as you ran towards the familiar, pitch-black dome on the outskirts of campus. Your skirt snagged on roots and twigs, your bare feet numb and aching in-turns, but you didn’t dare to slow down, to look behind you. By the time you reached the Hall of Mirrors, your throat was dry, your heart beating in your ears. Thankfully, the door had been left unlocked, and you shouldered your way inside.
The Magic Mirror stood, dark and stoic, in the center of the room. You allowed yourself a single breath of relief, a moment to let the past few months— no, the past three years of your life melt away before moving toward it.
You made it all of two, three steps before something sprung from the darkness and wrapped around your ankle – cutting into your flesh and, with a sudden jerk, dragging you to the floor. You stifled a scream, reflexively moving to tear at your new restraints, but froze when you saw exactly what you were caught in.
A thick braid of vines wrapped around your leg – except they weren’t vines, not really.
They were briars.
Rows upon rows of hooked thorns were embedded into the skin of your calf, drawing blood wherever they made contact. The pain was instant, searing, but you didn’t care – tearing at your bondage even as the thorns bit into your hands, as the rope of briars drew that much tighter. Tears blurred your vision, and so distracted by your own misery and panic, you almost didn’t notice the sound of clipped heels against marble floors, the dark shadow that soon blocked out what little light you had. You didn’t have to look at him. You already knew who it was.
In the end, though, you weren’t given much of a choice.
You really should’ve been more used to that, by now.
A gloved hand caught you by the chin, forcing you to tilt your head back and meet Malleus’ expectant, prying stare. He took a moment to evaluate your ragged dress, the bruising and love-bites painted down your neck before a small smile came to rest over his lips; the barest hint of pointed teeth catching in the moonlight. “And to think, I thought it was only nostalgia drawing me back to this lonely place.” He spared a glance toward the mirror. “And I suppose you plan to use that ancient thing to return to your own world?”
“Malleus,” you gasped his name, hoping that would be enough to communicate the depths of your despair. “I don’t have a lot of time, I— They’re coming for me, and—” You cut yourself off, swallowing harshly. “I want to go home.”
His only response came in the form of a low hum, dull and dismissive. All it took was a snap of his fingers, a certain glint in his narrowed eyes, and the mirror shattered into more pieces than you could ever hope to put back together.
This time, you couldn’t swallow back the ragged sob that tore past your lips, the pathetic noise echoing off the stone walls. You tried to crawl towards the fractured pieces, but Malleus kneeled to your height, letting out a patronizing coo as he wrapped an arm around your midriff, pulling you against his chest and suffocating any possible hope you might’ve had for escape. Distantly, you were aware of a rush of footsteps, of a collar (as heavy as it was useless) snapping shut around your neck, but Malleus didn’t falter. With your limp body in his arms, he pushed himself to his feet, turning to face your captors where they’d clustered in the entryway.
It was Leona who spoke first, predictably. He never could let anyone else be the center of attention. “What do you want, Draconia?”
Malleus, on the other hand, was in no rush, letting his gaze fall back to you. “I was surprised, when I heard of her disappearance. I know how fragile mortal lives could be, but I thought, surely, a human who’d befriended so many powerful mages ought to be a little more enduring.”
After he finished, silence hung heavy in the air. Vil summoned his spell book, and Kalim’s fists clenched at his sides, his jealousy threatening to outweigh his pacifistic nature. None of it would’ve made a difference. If Malleus wanted to, he could reduce them all to ash with little more than a wayward thought. If Malleus wanted to, he wouldn’t need five other conspirators to have you at his mercy.
And yet, he only let out a breath of a laugh, holding you that much closer to his chest. “Then again, if I’d known those powerful mages would struggle to keep watch of such a precious item, I might’ve been less generous.”
“Get to the point.”
This time, he chose to obey. “It seems,” he started, bowing his head and letting his lips brush against your cheek. “As if you’re having trouble keeping this little one in line.”
His grin was wider and more satisfied than you’d ever seen it, before. Looking at him, you could only wonder how you have bothered trying to survive in a world that so clearly wasn’t meant for you.
“Would you consider making use of another pair of hands?”
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Finding Out About the Prefect Club | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Throughout you time in Twisted Wonderland, you are identified to be the first for a lot of things. The first non-magical person brought by the mirror, the first to witness and help end overblots on campus, the first to initiate the idea of teamwork (according to Crowley). It wouldn’t be a surprise that you are also one of the first students in NRC to continue being nice even when your fellow students are unruly and conniving. Such kindness in the midst of such a terribly misbehaved student body is sure to stand out and attract some attention. And while you surely have the dormleaders and their friends eating out of your hands, too bad the whole school practically is too:
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Riddle Rosehearts
Finds out about it after attempting to return something to you
In a shared class you seemed to have left behind decorated pencil of yours in favor of chasing Grim
While debating if he should return it to you immediately or take a detour to his room
Another student has swiped it before him
He’s about to berate them 
Scold them for their behavior but he stops 
They are….sniffing it…intensely
He’s kind of jealous
Then he watches them sigh and put a glove on their hand before carefully putting it in a bag
He carefully follows after the student who slinks around until he’s in a hidden catacomb of the school
It’s filled with students in masks in their ceremonial garbs
“I’ve recovered a remnant!”
The cheers hurt his ears 
But he stays for the whole ceremony as they carry on normally
“And this picture is when they tripped on the trash those heathens left.”
“Disgraceful! We should hex them!”
“But they look so cute on the floor like that~”
“I know right~?”
Riddle decides that he should attend the next meeting as well 
So he swipes the pin and covertly keeps it in his chest pocket
“Some one  has to monitor them…it’s only right it’d be a dorm leader such as I.”
He’ll never admit he’s happy someone is bold enough to invade your privacy for him
If you ever find out he'll just expose them to you
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Leona Kingscholar
Hears about it while pretending to nap somewhere
It angers him that the members of the dorm are slacking 
But he doesn’t interrupt because of his curiosity
“--omeone recovered one of the prefects jackets!”
“Seriously?! Are they letting just anyone touch it?”
“No way! Apparently their putting it on display in the—”
He finds a way to sneak in on one of the ceremony 
Stifling his laughter when the students all dance to a recording of your off-tune singing
“Do they really think they stand a chance at getting my herbivore?”
He’s so amused 
So amused that when they excitedly recount how you brushed up against some of them 
He knows he can do so much better
“Oi (Y/n).”
“Uh Leona? Why are you hugging me?”
“You said you’d help your friends in need right? I need a pillow, so quit struggling.”
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Idia Shroud 
Practically takes over the club
Probably a distributor that eventually is exalted as the (Y/n) expert
Sharing just a wink of the info, pictures, and souvenirs he gets from you
“Hahhaha you have so much to learn about the prefect before you even come close to my level.”
“Please! Sensei, teach us!”
“Only you hold the greatest gems from the beloved prefect!”
“That’s right!”
It’s like those discord chats that are just about everyone gushing about an anime or game
He may even attend physically with a mask of course as he gushes about the latest quirk he discovered of yours
Of course he’s not going to share everything 
But it’s nice to share your interest
And know that you’re not alone
“We can’t forever silence the over-touchy interlopers (Y/n) will only favor them more. Do not forget their compassionate actions towards each of us. In turn there are plenty of ways to punish them!”
He also has the prime sources to hear about anyone trying to make a move on you that he can’t directly monitor 
“Looks like Ortho is paying this student a…little visit.”
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Request: Yandere dorm leaders realize their s/o is unable to have kids.
Kalim is here
Malleus is here
This is for Yandere Leona
Yandere Leona Kingscholar
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This would be referred to as "agreed" after marriage.
Leona agreed things for you and you couldn't refuse.
Leona would find out about this after some time.
In his Yandere mind, trying baby trapping would be a good idea.
However, it wouldn't work for obvious reasons.
At the doctor, Leona heard something that you already knew.
Leona would be annoyed if you hadn't told him.
Keeping secrets with him wouldn't be a good idea.
Otherwise, not having children would not bother Leona.
He has never wanted children.
Being a babysitter for Cheka would be enough work.
However, it would have been a good way to show others who you belonged to.
It would also have made escaping a lot more difficult.
But otherwise it doesn't bother him.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia. 
Summary: In every land you travel to, there's a god with elemental powers. But why is it that in every nation you arrive to, the gods attempt to make you stay?
Note: Why has no one done a genshin x twst thing? This is more of a concept idea than anything else. I might do a series with it, or not, or just random posts. Feel free to ask about it or request stuff for it.
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This must be a dream, either that or a never-ending nightmare.
Waking up alone on a sandy beach, as if washed ashore, was disorientating. There was nothing else on the shore save for shells and the occasional crab, no debris indicating a wreck and no scattered belongings. All you had on you were the clothes on your back, which were a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, your pajamas.
In the center of your palms, was a marking you had never seen before, like a freshly painted tattoo in the shape of a tiny key. As curious as the strange new markings were and you wondered how they even got there, there was a larger question looming:
How did you get here?
There was a cat on the beach. At least, it looked like a cat. A talking feline, with gray fur and the most impossible feature of blue fire lightly simmering in his ears.
It spoke, just like a human, with a grating high-pitched voice. It was a devilish little beast, with little fangs sharper than his comebacks that he supposed were funny.
The feline pridefully announced his name: Grim.
And when you told Grim your story of how you woke up by the water's edge with no recollection of how you got here and little to your name, the creature didn't appear to care. However, when he spoke of elements being used by people and names of nations and cruel living gods you never once heard of, only then was he very vaguely intrigued. Perhaps it was amusement, as he laughed and called you stupid for not even knowing of The Seven.
That's when you heard a growl, not from behind his fangs but from his stomach. If you looked at him from the right angle, he looked quite scrawny. The poor thing was hungry, you realized.
All it took was an offering of cans of tuna found in an empty cabin nearby, and you had him in your grasp. Following you around was only temporary, he insisted, he'd go along so long as there was food. While a talking cat was not the most conventional of guides, it was better than nothing, especially since he knew basic knowledge of each nation and where the nearest sign of civilization was located.
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Through the winding dark woods where mysterious creatures lurked in hollow trees and dead end paths, were meadows of flowers and peaceful grooves. However, don't let the tranquillity of nature fool you. In the distance were mountains– not actually mountains, but volcanoes and hot sprints along this land's border.
It's been said that the very millions of roses and other greenery in this land, was formed when ash rained down on dry barren earth for nearly a month. Ash from those very dormant volcanoes that were the backdrop to this perfect scenery, which came in huge black clouds thousands of years ago and blanketed the earth.
A god, an archon, the deity of law that rained hell on earth over thousands of years ago.
Long ago this land was a country of criminals ruled by a god of chaos that reveled in havoc and disorder. Among the mayhem, was a small deity of fire with mighty powers and a vision for a future he was determined to see. Riddle, is what the deity was called.
Riddle gained a number of followers to listen to his words, and he created order. A small feat compared to the many wicked still running about in a lawless land ruled by a god that valued anarchy. So, using newfound strength, the deity of fire drew forth molten lava from the mouths of the northern volcanos, burning all those in its path while the deadly plumes of smoke and ash suffocated those that remained. Atop the remains of the destroyed towns and cities, he built a new nation of order for his loyal followers.
Today, it is a thriving nation filled with flowers and greenery. However, there is one issue. The god of pyro, Riddle, is a tyrant. Every law is expected to be followed without question and without fail, beheadings have become nearly a daily occurrence with the criminals often being charged with mistakingly picking flowers on Wednesdays, drinking the wrong sort of tea post-meals, or playing croquet after five pm.
You were fortunate to be spared after your audience with the god of law, for breaking the rule: one must never bring a cat to a formal affair. Before he could burn you were you stood, you interjected, answering that your companion was no cat, so you had broken no rule.
Well, he promptly apologized for the misunderstanding and in turn, offered to make up for it by inviting you to a tea party. It would be best to except his invitation, afterall, he was the same deity that buried nearly an entire country in lava and ash, then built his kingdom atop their remains. He was a tyrant that beheaded and burned people on the daily. It was wise not to get on his bad side. Besides, he appears to have taken a fancy for you. Riddle implores that you tell him more of your world while you ignore the whispers of rebellion.
There is no leaving Heartslabyul, not without the explicit permission from the god of law. The borders with their volcanoes burn any would-be invaders, allowing passage only to merchants and travelers who have received the pyro deity's blessing. Why would Riddle ever give you his blessing to see you go?
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Across the volcanoes and hot springs of the borders, the mountains turn green with dense jungles. Across the river lies the savanna where the world's most wondrous creatures run free. Times have been turbulent, the shaking ground was evidence of troubles with this nation's divine beings, or rather, now single divine being.
Earthquakes have always been a sign of something occurring either for a purpose or unintentionally by someone else. The harsher the quake, the greater the importance of the event. And not too long ago, a ginormous tremor shook the entire globe. Something of major importance had happened.
A god, an archon, the deity of intellect was the new sovereign after tragedy befell his elder brother.
In the past the land was under the protection of the god of strength, a mighty god worshipped by his people. This god had a young heir who was also beloved by the people. However, most forgot or completely disliked the younger brother of the god of strength, a deity of ground, Leona, who had a burning hated for his brother.
Leona amassed followers of his own in secret. It came as no surprise that the common and the wealthy adored the exalted god of strength. However, the poor detested him, because he offered no help to them, no matter how much they prayed and offered what little they had to his alter. Instead, their prayers for mercy and for a change in luck, were answered by the deity of ground. The change of luck came from the death of the former god and his son, paving the way for a new sovereign.
Today, there is uncertainty in the street. Many of the former worshippers of the god of strength believe in one thing. The god of geo, Leona, is unfit to rule. The poor and mistreated have emerged from hiding places in the shadows, filled with newfound confidence for their was finally a god that answered their prayers. However, there remains a growing tension between both factions. Followers of the new god sing his praises, while followers who mourn for his brother believe that everything is falling into disarray.
You were promptly introduced to the god of intellect by his followers that wished to spread the good word. There was something wrong, you and your companion both agreed. How could a powerful god of strength and his young heir just perish without warning? Something was amiss.
This was just a new follower, at least in his eyes. So he brushed you off, allowing you to partake in the best food and drink only his followers had the privilege of receiving. Testing your luck, you decided you would ask him if he knew of a way home. For now you filled him in, explaining your origins and recent adventures. For such a conniving and arrogant leader, he was surprisingly lax. It even appeared as if he wasn't even listening to your words, just dozing off on some pillows. Your words were at least more interesting to him than the rumors of possible unrest.
Perhaps he does know a way for you to return home, but he doesn't want to tell you. It's as simple as that. He likes the new follower, you. Besides, you're not going. There is always the option of traveling further, but why do so when the geo deity has what you need? Leona greatly loathes betrayal from his own worshippers, so you wouldn't leave Savanaclaw to see another god, would you?
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In the seas dwell creatures of unimaginable horrors living deep within the watery depths, across the ocean over turbulent waves there are islands of paradise. The chain of islands composed warm southern beaches and cold northern snowlands. This may be paradise, but a toll must be paid to even get near the islands.
A tax is applied to all arriving merchants wishing to trade and tourists wishing to step foot on the island. It doesn't make much sense, until you see their towns and cities bursting with trade. Business was booming, apparently. The water is clear and pristine, you could see the vibrant coral reefs and schools of fish swimming below.
A god, an archon, the deity of contracts once came from these very waters when there was no land.
Thousands of years ago there was nothing but ocean out this far away from the mainland. That is, until a deity of water appeared from the depths. He promised a new nation to traveling merchants, so long as they worshipped him. The deity introduced himself as Azul.
Azul had grown bored of the dull happenings under the sea, for he had achieved most things beneath the waves. The ocean could not satisfy his endless greed. He had his sights set on higher elevation, with the lofty goal of being just as powerful on land as he was in the ocean. He moved waves, creating tsunamis outward but revealing islands once hidden by water. The merchants took to land and fulfilled their end of the deal, worshipping him while creating a prosperous nation of deals.
In present day, hardly anyplace can compare to the thriving hub the nation has become. However, loyal followers have begun to see his greed. The god of hydro, Azul, is a charlatan. The ocean in all its vastness was not enough to satisfy his desires, it was why he took to land. For the promise of fulfilling prayers, something always must be given in turn or the worshippers must risk going on a quest. But, it is not always as it seems. One way or another, a prayer asking for something will end in the worshipper becoming in debt to him.
In exchange for an answer to the continued question of how to return home, you have nothing to offer for payment except for ideas. Home was modern, this world was not yet on par with the technology you knew. So you offer ideas of inventions, a device to capture an image in time, a mechanism like a box with wheels, a tool to contact someone miles away.
He believes you're quite bright, you think it false flattery to deceive you but you would be wrong. Your ideas are truly brilliant, and will no doubt earn him more millions and influence in other nations on the mainland! Best to take the compliment with a smile, or else this swindler may find a way to trap you in debt. Azul insists you tell him more of your home and your lucrative ideas. Here, a contract, where he shall sell your ideas as goods and you shall reap the rewards! Whatever hearsay you've heard painting him in a bad light, is defamation! Don't fall for it so easily.
Sailing away from Octavinelle would just be a fool's quest. Unless you can escape on a boat that can weather the harshest of sea storms, there is no stepping foot off the island without the risk of drowning. Don't you have more profitable ideas to share with the hydro deity? If not, just listening to your voice would make Azul content than all the gold in the world could.
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Rolling sand dunes stretch as far as the eye could see, and rocky canyons border a savanna. Sandstorms fill the skies like a dark cloud, covering the dry hot land in a new layer of sand once again. Struggle through the scorching days and blistering cold nights, and there will be an oasis in the center between large flowing rivers.
Life follows the flowing waters, and an enormous oasis is planted in the center of the desert. For miles and miles along the banks, are blooming cities and towns. A great contrast to the desert outside, these settlements are overflowing with water, with the greenest gardens and greatest crops.
A god, an archon, the deity of commerce that gave life to a once barren land.
Thousands of years ago, a terrible famine struck the land. All remaining oasis had shriveled up, leading to starvation. A kind-hearted deity of earth took pity on the people. So he decided to extend a helping hand. People would call the deity Kalim.
Kalim used his abilities to create a lush environment, a vast and incredibly rich oasis out of sand in the middle of the desert. When he walked, grass and flowers sprouted from the sand. In days, he managed to create a garden of tremendous size and design, where his new followers could live in peace and luxury by the rivers. Towns and cities were developed, giving way to a grand nation where he resided in comfort and extravagance, surrounded by people that adored him.
Now there is a grand metropolis where there is just as much gold in the markets as there are flowers. The god of dendro, Kalim, is naive. For thousands of years he has been sheltered and treasured by his people. He is oblivious and clumsy, but at the same time he is not foolish. He knows of the people that have attempted to use his abilities for sinister purposes. Although, no one could guess a conniving being plotting against him, resides in his very own palace.
Exciting adventures and thrilling tales, the god of commerce loves to hear your stories of the outside world! First time foreigners are welcomed with open arms, but you are treated as a rare guest with your unique origin. This might just be the most peaceful land you had ever traveled to.
Come, partake in the celebrations! It's easy to forget that such a laidback and cheerful personality belongs to that of a deity that gave life to this region of the desert. Dance, chat, he wishes to do it all with you! The brightness of the fireworks and lively atmosphere is nearly enough to drown out the presence in the shadows you see from the corner of your eyes. A figure with a piercing gaze, watching the jolly divine being with envy in their eyes. With a power as tempting as his, there would be those wishing to snatch it. Kalim distracts you, offering more food and drink with a smile sweeter than any flower.
Why would anyone ever wish to leave this garden that was Scarabia? The outside, the desert and canyons, were harsh and unforgiving. The god of commerce did not wish to see you risk traveling and getting hurt. The dendro deity invites you to stay in the city! Surely you could be happy here with Kalim, right?
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On elevated lands, between mountains and hills, were endless forests in which travelers often vanished in or were discovered frozen. A winter wonderland, although this wasn't so delightful. It was beautiful, but a deadly kind of beautiful, where you risked being chased by mysterious beasts or becoming lost in blizzards.
The snow may be pure, it may look picturesque upon frozen lakes and lines of white trees, but looks are deceiving. This was once a serene land with a temperate climate, but it has only gotten colder and colder in more recent months until there was not a single spot of green to be seen.
A god, an archon, the deity of curses who was so bitter like the cold that he caused snow to fall all year round.
Stories have told that the land was once warm in springs and summers, only growing cold whenever the divine being was cross. They were frighteningly beautiful and terrifyingly powerful, regal as royalty but at times wrathful. Vil, is what the deity was referred to.
Vil became envious of an emerging figure, so he invoked powerful blizzards and storms. In recent generations, there have been a growing number of his people breaking off into a separate faction that worshipped a younger compassionate god of healing. Enraged by the betrayal of some followers and resentful with biting jealously, many knew that it was only a matter of time before he would snap. This frightening divine being would not accept being dethroned, he would not allow himself to be demoted in the people's hearts.
Civilization continued to thrive, even despite the never-ending snow. And yet, people cannot help but worry what may happen if the cold doesn't let up by spring. The god of cryo, Vil, was pretentious. Anyone who openly voices their distaste for him or a preference for the god of healing, can expect to be encased in ice and used as a display. No one dares to even utter the name of his rival, for fear of incurring his wrath.
Misfortune brought you before the god of curses' throne. Mistakingly his followers had believed you to be worshippers of the god of healing, which you insisted not to know of. You had simply been lost. Maybe it was your gawking at his ethereal appearance, or the compliment you murmured under your breath, but you were not frozen a punishment.
He decided to interrogate you himself, and through his stern questioning you found yourself a nervous mess as you answered honestly but blabbered far too much. Maybe this deity was amused, much like a king would find humor in a pathetic little jester. The divinity that froze nonbelievers into statues for his palace, found you quite endearing. Vil even once smiled at you when you spoke of inconsequential things, warming his heart to which the clouds carrying snow broke apart if for a moment, causing his followers to go into a frenzy fueled by hope.
When leaving Pomefiore is so much as even mentioned, all exits will be frozen shut by the god of curses. Why even venture outside the palace, when you have earned the favor of the cryo deity? Perhaps the land is warmer, but the neighboring nation is dangerous and he forbids the journey. Why would anyone leave after finally melting Vil's icy cold heart?
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A forest of dead trees serves as an ominous welcome, or perhaps it was an omen warning incoming travelers. Slopes gave way to valleys, and along the coasts was a heavy mist that painted the vision gray. Homes and buildings, magnificent temples and crumbling feats of architecture, appeared to be floating in white clouds, but in reality they were situated on cliffsides thick with fog.
In the center of the dying forest, there are ruins of a grand temple once belonging to a god that met a tragic end. However, its remnants are closely guarded by mysterious creatures of air that cannot be touched. Legends say the temple was once a place of worship for a fledgling god related to the main god the nation worships today.
A god, an archon, the deity of innovation that has never once shown his face to the public.
Thousands of years ago, a pair of divine beings appeared. They went largely unnoticed for many years, until their brilliant inventions brought awe to those around them, attracting worshippers and diminishing the power of other local gods. The one remaining brother from this pair, is a deity known as Idia.
Idia created wondrous inventions, unintentionally forming a nation of inventors in the process. Withdrawn, dark, and silent, he is quite the unconventional god and yet he begrudgingly rules nonetheless. As reserved as he may be, he is feared among divinity. All lesser gods aiming for his spot are quickly wiped out by his inventions, without him so much as lifting a finger and using his own abilities. They're reduced to mere memories, as nothing is left of them. In times of old, it was once believed that he was a harbinger of death.
On decent days, the sun may shine on the coast, but most days there are heavy clouds and fog. The god of anemo, Idia, is an enigma. Most think him a ghost, for never appearing and for his abilities. The highest families, the most brilliant inventors, even other divine beings may request an audience, but he will never show. No one has ever seen him, all that's known is he is a figure shrouded in black robes like a grim reaper. There are others who believe there are double, because two figures have been spotted once.
You become the first to see his face purely by accident. It seemed he was just as startled of you, as you were of him. Thankfully, you were not going to be blown off the face of the planet by hurricane-level winds. No other god would help, in fact, they wished to keep you here. So you had to turn to him for assistance in finding a way home.
It was only by promising that he could pet Grim, a deal to which the feline disagreed to, did the god reluctantly hear you out. After your explanation, he scoffed as if looking at a simple equation like 2 + 2. Of course he knew the answer, but he wouldn't give out the assistance you needed. The deal was to hear you out, not help you out. He'd become quite bold in the private conversation, a sharp contrast to his previous anxious demeanor. There was no arguing against he who could slaughter gods with a snap of his fingers. Although you aren't as intolerable as other mortals, this he admits.
Departing from Ignihyde is highly unlikely, given how dense the fog is. You cannot even see the ground you're walking on. While, yes, the anemo deity hasn't assisted you, he will, eventually, probably, maybe... You're the first mortal Idia has ever asked to stay, so why would you turn your back to him?
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A wall of impenetrable thorns stands in the way, magically opening and creating a clear-cut path through dense forbidding forests lively with critters. The thorn walls close, effectively trapping you. There was something different. It was unlike all the previous nations, the very air itself felt off. With every step deeper into these whimsical woods, it felt as if you were not alone.
Once upon a time, there was a dragon. No one knows how long the dragon has been alive, only that even the oldest tales say he was already ancient way back when. Valleys were shaped by his claws, the rivers from his tail, rare ore came from his fallen scales buried in the earth, the tallest mountains were but small hills to him.
A god, an archon, the deity of dreams is by far the most powerful and most ancient of all divinity in the world.
Peace was his personal preference, as he enjoyed new company which he never truly received due to his fearsome reputation. However, when other divinity sought out his destruction and his home, the deity of electricity raged. Destruction was left in his wake across the entire globe, and everyone came to know the name Malleus.
Malleus commanded thorns to be raised like walls protecting his home, and constant violent storms to ward off anyone threatening to cause trouble. For hundreds of years, no foreigner was allowed to step foot within the nation's boundaries. Anyone that tried would quickly be reduced to ash, and just a number added to the untold amount he's slayed in order to protect himself and his territory. Kind he may be to his own, but to foes he is merciless. With his black horns and piercing eyes, some refer to him as a devil incarnate.
A land unseen by outlanders, it's peaceful and magical in it's beauty. However, it seems that while your presence may be surprising, it is not a shock. You're taken by knights in gray and black, escorted away. The god of electro, Malleus, has invited you to his castle. There is astonishment and disbelief in people's eyes, a foreigner alive and well. Most like you would have been reduced to particles before they could even step foot past the thorns.
Much to your horror, or relief, once you're brought to the god of dreams, he seems delighted to have you here. It seems your presence was expected, as all he said was, "So you've finally come to see me, hm? I was beginning to grow concerned that perhaps I would have been left out of your list of destinations."
This was the last option, the only one you could turn to in finding a way home. Surely, the most ancient and powerful deity would hold the answer and assist you, since he had been so kind as to allow you inside his nation. Although as welcoming as he may be, you must remember that despite his fang-toothed smile and the twinkle in his eyes, this man– no, god, was archaic and all-powerful. He must have killed more people than you will ever know, wiped out whole armies and flattened entire nations. Malleus tilts his head at you, requesting that you recount your tale, with every minute detail.
This will be the end, there will be no escaping Diasomnia. Of course, you shall not know until later. For now, the god of dreams delights in your stories. You were the first guest he's had in thousands of years, and one of the few who did not wish to slay the legendary dragon that was the electro deity. Malleus knows what you desire, he has seen it in your dreams. However, he will not be kind and grant you what you sought. If he did, then what he desired would then vanish: you.
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temiizpalace · 1 month
hi!! requesting for the fight for the prefect's love event,,,, can i have leona and jade with prompt 8, with the reader choosing leona in the end? thank you!!!!
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CHARACTERS: jade leech vs. leona kingscholar
WARNINGS: determined end couple, jealousy, jade leech is jade leech and leona kingscholar is leona kingscholar
NOTES: jade and leona beefing more often would be so funny in canon tbh. tysm for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is not specified to be yuu
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jade was delighted to receive such a peculiar piece of jewelry, especially one of pearls.
“like it? i saw it at sam’s and couldn’t resist.” you laugh, flashing him a grin before showing him the matching pearls on your wrists. “now we match.” his features softened at your enthusiasm, heart nearly melting at your smile. “indeed we do. the pearls are exquisite, i will cherish these.” jade smiles back, returning your excitement with his own, though a little more toned down.
you were practically illuminated by the purple lights shining down in octavinelle, enhancing your already enchanting appearance. the pearls on your wrist shimmer just as brightly as you did. such a shame they clashed with a leather bracelet on your right hand, and a lion beastman sitting in your booth.
“gotta thank leona for being able to help me pay! otherwise i could forget about it.” you chuckle, patting leona’s shoulder as he sips on his drink. “only cause ya practically begged for it.” he retorts, looking away from you. “is that so? your kindness is much appreciated, leona.” jade chuckles, maintaining his polite demeanor. though he acted oh so kind and understanding, his smile fails to meet his cold glare.
it was as obvious as black and white to jade. the way leona speaks with you, acts with you, acts with others around you, it was as plain as day. leona kingscholar was in love with you, and jade couldn’t stand the thought of it. he knew sweeping you off your feet would be a difficult task due to the fact that a beastman of all things already laid their claim onto you, but he was a stubborn man. leona’s courting rituals didn’t faze him, not in the least.
he’ll get you in the end, one way or another. jade is a very patient man.
“if that’ll be all, then i shall be off now. [MC], i hope to see you on campus. leona, please enjoy your evening.” jade slips the bracelet onto his wrists, admiring its beauty before clearing his throat and returning to work, giving you and leona a quick bow before walking off. before he left your side, he gave you a faint poke to the cheek before attending to the neighboring tables.
leona, while lazy, was also observant. he saw how jade looks at you all goo-goo eyed. disgusting. it’s like his obvious signs meant nothing to him (it didn’t). he stares at the pearls illuminating your wrists, not bothering to hide his obvious jealousy. before buying these stupid pearls, he was the one you matched with. your excitement was reared towards someone else, and he does not like it.
if anyone were to be the reason of your happiness, it should be him and his lovely leather bracelets. watching as you fidget with the bracelets on your wrists, leona leans his head onto your shoulder, shutting his eyes as he set down his now empty cup. “oh? what’s up with you?” you laugh, caressing his chin. “nothin.” he scoffs, leaning into your touch further.
“stop, you and i both know you’re lying.” you pinch leona’s cheek instead, earning scowl and a groan from the boy next to you. “quit it.” he grumbles, swatting your hand away from his face. “softie. it’s ok, you dont gotta hide it from me.” you tease, a hint of truth and sincerity hidden in your words. “tch. whatever.” he sighs, nuzzling into your neck.
“yeah, yeah, i knew it.” you grin, patting his shoulder. this is what leona wanted. having you, all your attention, just to himself. a scene almost too romantic for a certain eels own taste. jade nearly cracks the plate he held in his hands, scaring the nearby customers he just happened to serve.
“hey, jade, what’s got yer panties in a twist?” floyd asks, draping himself over his brother. “ah, it was nothing. just a simple thought was all.” he showed his brother a toothy grin, staring down at his wrist as a reminder to remain calm. he glances back at the table where you sat, seeing as leona now rested himself on your lap. he was supposedly asleep, but jade knew better.
leona opened one eye to glare at jade, a smirk tugging at his lips as your hand ran through his hair. the hand with the pearls brushed through each of the boys braids, nearly contaminating its beauty. “jade, you’re like totally overflowing that dudes glass.” floyd giggles, watching as the water dripped onto the poor customers lap.
the customer was the least of his worries, but he’s a refined gentlemen, tending to everyone’s needs. leona sticks his tongue out as jade walks by, knowing that he lost. you chose him. the eel was far too late.
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A/N: rip jade and his loving fantasies (not some of my best work im sorry if this disappoints)💔💔
date published: 8/25/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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cheesus-doodles · 2 months
Left Behind in Unsolicited Matrimony
Yandere Kalim
Masterlist | Beyond the Glitter of Gold
still can't think of a good title :/ been stuck on this fic for so long it's not even funny ;-; not edited cause I'm just happy to get it out finally!! (p.s. i play en server with no spoilers so no spoilers please)
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“W-wait,” Kalim stammered out, the tanned boy looking uncharacteristically even as the celebrations around him continued on without missing a beat. Heartbeat hammering away in his ears, garnet red eyes that would fit right in amidst the priceless stones of the Asim family’s collection were wide as they glanced between his parents. “What do you mean?”
”We have to celebrate your engagement, of course,” his father chuckled, gesturing at the full-on festival playing out in front of him, the gold and priceless jewels twinkling like stars down from the ceiling of the grand hall. “How could we not? It is a most joyous occasion.”
His heart skipped countless beats as it set a vicious beat in his chest, though his mind seemed to barely notice, thoughts pounding away against his skull like a jackhammer. The world around him felt like it was swirling along with the dancing guests even as he stood in place, his feet rooted in place as if an old tree from a bygone era. And his face looked the part as well, drained of all blood, every breath feeling more like a fight against heaving up everything he had eaten in the past twelve hours. 
Engagement. An engagement. Of all things to deal with- Mind whirling, the tanned boy would have succumbed to his jelly legs if his mother hadn’t been holding on to him. What should he do now?
”Oh don’t worry about anything dear, we’ll have everything settled,” his mother reassured as she lightly squeezed his hand, no doubt mistaking the growing look of horror on his face for nervousness. “You don’t have to do anything at all.”
That was the furthest thing from his concern, was what he wanted to scream at the thought of his lungs, though Kalim couldn’t exactly voice that sentiment, the ornate gold jewelry that decorated his tanned skin jingling slightly as his arms fell listlessly to his side. What had gone wrong for him to be in this situation? “But why?” The Scarabia housewarden asked shakily. “I thought-” 
“Well, we set it all up for you as a surprise! Your birthday is so soon, we couldn’t help it,” the older lady continued, grinning from ear to ear as she nudged her son playfully, her eyes slightly glassy as she harkened back to those good ol’ days. “And we found the perfect girl for you. You remember her, don’t you Kalim? That girl you tailed around so much when the two of you were kids.”
Yet despite his parents’ hearty laughs as they exchanged memories and stories about the silly, happy child from his past, the glitter and glamor and the cheers that surrounded him, no matter how he tried with his usual brightside glasses, Kalim couldn’t make himself see the upside of this situation he found himself in. Turning it upside down, inside out, all he could see was that should he simply agree, there would be but a single path for him to follow, a path he had no will to see through, and no way out. 
Because there was no future the white-haired boy wanted to be a part of that didn’t include you.
To his right, a nameless servant scrambling forward caught Kalim’s eye, the man respectfully pouring out another glass of wine for the Asim matriarch before disappearing back into the shadows. It wasn’t anything momentous by any stretch of the imagination - in fact, it would have happened dozens of times a day, but that was all it took to drag the thought of you straight to the front of his brain again: the silent labor of the Asim staff would have been another part of his life he wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for you pointing it out. You were everywhere, everything.
And then of course, the question of you. What about you?
Whirling around, eyes that could have been mistaken for shimmering rubies under the candlelight of the chandeliers overhead desperately searched the joyous, dancing crowds for you. And he found you quickly enough in a quiet corner of the hall, one gentle hand wrapped delicately around a glass of some kind, your silhouette hidden partially behind a set of drapes. Yes, there would be where he expected you to be, given you had always preferred the calm and silence as opposed to this chaotic party vibe not too dissimilar to Scarabia’s on a regular day.
This was supposed to have been nothing more than a prime opportunity to show you the wonders and splendors of his homeland, the Land of the Scalding Sands. Sure, you weren’t particularly favorable towards the riches and glamor that were the cornerstone of his life, refusing to accept even a single bangle that he hardly knew existed without being all but begged and whined into giving in; but the white-haired housewarden wanted you to see what laid beyond just the Asim family and their vast wealth. The depth of history of the land and people that grew side by side, the vibrant colors of its culture and heritage; there was so much to be seen and experienced. He fell in love with it, its past, present and future, over and over again, so maybe you would too.
All daydreams of the could-be were however shattered in an instant, when from a slight shift of your figure revealed your companion to be none other than Leona Kingscholar, that braided mane of dark brown hair and lion ears unmistaken. 
Kalim’s gut dropped. Wait. When was he invited? More importantly, why were you talking to him?
All logic pointed to Leona having been invited by the Asim family, being the second prince of the Sunset Savannah and Kalim’s upperclassman. But watching you chattering along with the tanned beastman without missing a beat like old friends, it didn’t feel right for him to just be standing here. And you only confirmed his worst fears when you chuckled at something the Savanaclaw housewarden said, to which the other laughed along, his hair swaying elegantly with his moment with an ease Kalim would never hope to be able to achieve. Was that a blush on your cheeks?! 
The niggling doubt started to emerge, a trickle at first, taunting voices emerging like a hidden spring seeping out of freshly defrosted ground. And then it began to pour out as the floodgates opened, an uncontrollable torrent. You had no interest in Kalim, they whispered, no matter what he did. You would never be interested in him, not while he still had so many competitors for your eye. 
Jealousy that Kalim never knew he possessed snared his heart, ugly, ugly feelings that he never wanted to acknowledge he even had in him making themselves known.
All he could see was you and Leona, the rest of the world blurred into a background blob, the ringing in his ears only growing louder with every passing second as your infuriating conversation continued blissfully unaware of his stares.
If only. If only Leona wasn’t there. There was nothing more that Kalim wanted in the moment but to hurt the Sunset Savannah prince, wanted to get rid of him, to make sure he leaves and never be able to speak with you again; the feeling churned deep in his chest, a rage ignited that he couldn’t seem to control, his fists both balled up tight to his side. He could make it happen, couldn’t he? The voices taunted, the light breeze as if they were brushing up against his ear. Even if he wasn’t royalty and Leona was, Kalim could wield the might of his family and make it happen.
You seemed to have felt his stare on you, the Scarabia housewarden subtly noted, as you shifted, looking around for the gaze on you.
It took but a blink as your eyes met his for Kalim to shake back to reality, watching your face visibly brighten as you started to make your way towards him, threading your way through the crowd as you eagerly waved in his direction. His world instantly lightened along with your expression, his once-heavy heart even starting to flutter slightly, though that warm feeling didn’t last long, his parents still musing the good ol’ times to the side catching the corner of his eyes.
Actually, come to think of it, this really was one of those times he rather you weren’t here.
It was too late for that now, and the grin he forced himself to wear felt unusually uncomfortable.
”Here you are, Kalim! We’ve been looking all over for you,” your footsteps stuttered to a pause, and you leaned in slightly, the concern washing over your expression. “You look pale! Are you alright?”
“Oh! You must be the classmates we’ve heard so much about!” The Asim matriarch stepped forward, grabbing your hand and giving it an enthusiastic shake. “Welcome to the Scalding Sands! Kalim’s just a bit too nervous right now since we’ll be announcing his engagement."
But you didn’t seem to notice the horror once more setting in on the young Asim’s face as that wretched word fell out of his mother’s mouth again, your hand instead flying up to cover your mouth in surprise. “Oh! Congratulations Kalim!” His gaze instantly snapped to you. No. It wasn’t true. You weren’t supposed to know that. He didn’t want to be engaged. 
What the white-haired boy wanted was to deny, deny, deny everything and anything to you, but his mouth was dry and his voice didn’t seem to want to work. And so all he could do was watch.
“Yes, thank you,” his father graciously accepted, shaking your hand once his mother finally let go. “We’re so very excited.”
“I’m sure you have a lot to discuss, so I will take my leave,” you politely nodded, excusing yourself from the situation. 
Leona wasn’t far behind, that infuriating smirk decorating his face as he too said his congratulations before sauntering off after you, and Kalim’s garnet eyes trailing your pair up till the two of you disappeared from the hall to parts unknown.
He was the one that had asked to bring friends over, and had been caught with his metaphorical pants down. How was he supposed to get out of this situation now? Chasing after you was what his heart was screaming at him, and dealing with Leona his mind, yet he simply stood, rooted to the spot, usual impulsive nature nowhere to be found.
“-so, would you like to meet her?”
Kalim turned almost robotically at the question, his gaze blank, unfocused. “What?”
“Your finance,” his father clarified rather unhelpfully, the older man tiptoeing slightly to look around the vast hall. “I’m sure she’s somewhere here, I can call her over-”
“M-maybe later,” Kalim interjected hastily, though as much as he wanted to chase after you immediately, that would have to wait. “How bout, how bout I-” Scanning the hall instead and leaving his sentence uncompleted, Jamil was easy enough to pick out amidst the sea of guests dressed to the nines, his simple outfit and golden hair ornaments making enough of a contrast to highlight the needle in the haystack. And no doubt his trusted friend and vice-housewarden had seen what had gone down, judging from those furrowed eyebrows and concerned stare. 
A quick nod from the other and Jamil was off, quick footsteps carrying the black-haired boy down the same path you had taken just minutes earlier.
With that situation now under careful watch, Kalim turned back to his parents, laughing nervously. “How bout I go and check on the guests first?
He needed to get to you.
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
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🌟Yandere!Superstar Who's the most sought-after man alive. He's renowned for his singing and the fastest up-and-coming actor of the century. 
🌟Yandere!Superstar Who's drawn to your innocence, your purity. A precious little star trapped in an endless ebony night. You shine so brightly as you sip on your Coca-Cola at the diner. Laughing away with your girlfriends. How simple and idle your life is, you have no need to keep up appearances or overdose yourself to keep sane. You're just so sweet, wrapped in a frilly pink blanket of simplicity. 
He envies you, truly he does...
🌟Yandere!Superstar who asks you out on a date in front of everyone. Who serenades you with one of his love songs, daring anyone to object. Takes you to the movies for your first date. Rambling excitedly about the new superhero flick that's just come out. He's all so pleasantly shocked when he finds out you also like comic book heroes. How he wishes he was really Superman, able to whisk you away to a hidden sanctuary in the snow. You get milkshakes after and he thinks he might be high off your laughter.
🌟Yandere!Superstar Who asks your father for your hand in marriage. Practically begs him. He'll do anything to keep you by his side. Anything to make you his. For the first time in your life, you detect fear in your father's voice as he agrees.
🌟Yandere!Superstar Who leaves you in his big mansion. Providing you with every luxury you could ever hope for. He even buys you a little furred companion to keep you company. He's off shooting a new movie and calls you every chance he gets. Your phone calls last for hours gossiping about his costars and the tyrannical new director.
🌟Yandere!Superstar who forbids you from going anywhere. Why would you ever want to leave the estate? From the swimming pool to the large exotic garden. There's literally no reason for you to ever step outside. Plus he needs you to be there when he calls, give him your full attention even when he's not physically present. 
🌟Yandere!Superstar who has his whole staff looking after you. Anything you crave it's served to you, and anything you want it's in your hands within the hour. He makes sure everyone treats you with utmost respect, better than any fairytale princess. It's such a shame he doesn't realize how isolated you feel, how depressed and lonely you are. Or maybe he does. Maybe it's all a ploy to make you crave his touch, his kisses, him. He needs you broken and needy by the time he gets back. 
🌟Yandere!Superstar who has morphed you into his perfect little doll. His darling pet. He dictates everything for you, from the makeup you wear to the color scheme of your outfits. Only the finest silks and jewels have the honor of gracing his baby's skin. Even your nightgowns are hand-picked by him. Don't you always want to look your best for your king?
🌟Yandere!Superstar, who starts taking you on the road with him when he's doing his tours. He can't stand having you so far away anymore. From now on, you'll always be by his side. 
🌟Yandere! Superstar who kisses you between shows. Needing to feel your body under him, to build up the ecstasy to perform. Locking you away in hotel suites close enough for him to always have access to. You're his drug. The dose that keeps him going. 
🌟Yandere!Superstar who's started keeping you in his trailer while he films. Making sure you know he's not cheating with any of his costars. Filling his trailer with things for you to do and making out with you every chance he gets between sets. He'll make sure you look your best for him. His babydoll. How could you ever think he'd be interested in anyone else?
🌟Yandere!Superstar who makes you straddle him or sit on his lap in every picture. He dresses you in the latest trends, while he wears his handmade suits. The world needs to know just who you belong to.  
🌟Yandere! Superstar Who forces you to help him with every song he writes just so you know they're all about you. Only you. He needs you to feel his devotion in your bones. To realize every note he hits is just for you. 
🌟Yandere! Superstar who will never ever let you go...
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dystopyx-blog · 2 months
Yandere twst idea uhhhhhh how about yandere Mallues and yandere Leona having a petty argument about which dorm uniform y/n should wear?
it starts innocently enough. You're sitting with Ace, Deuce, and Grim, and you complain that you feel left out not having a dorm uniform.
Unfortunately, this wish did not go unheard.
Lilia pick up on it and mentions it to Malleus, who's quickly (but elegantly) making his way to your table.
"I could lend you one from my dorm." He offers.
Before he can say anything else, he's interrupted by the rumbling growl of a lion.
"As if," Leon's scoffs. He had been resting nearby, but the lazy lion always has an ear open for his herbivore. "Herbivore's gonna wear my dorm's uniform, obviously."
You speak up, "Uh, guys, while that's really sweet of you to offer, it was more of a hypothetical wish more than anything--"
"And in here to make that wish come true, Child of Man."
"Please, don't act as if that's your only goal. I know your type. You're trying to mark her."
"Is it not natural for me to want to do so?" Malleus tilts his head.
"You condescending prick--"
They continue bickering like that. They get so involved with the argument, they don't even notice you disappear.
You really think it's just petty squabbling. You already know Leona doesn't like Malleus and has a bit of a competitive streak (when he can muster a fuck), and Malleus would just be standing his ground.
What you don't realize is that they meant what they said when they mentioned wanting to mark you.
As a lion and dragon respectively, they want to make their claimed obvious. What better way then making you wear their clothes? Because, yes, whatever dorm uniform you get from them will either be modeled after their own, or just straight up their own clothes--
Anything to tell others to fuck off, this Child of Herbivore is claimed!!
Aaaaaaahhh, I feel like I should stick to headcanons, I feel like I fully messed up Malleus '^'
tbh @plumipal I'd love to see what you would do with this kind of prompt, if you havent already... 👉👈 I love your work
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myeagleexpert · 7 months
He wants to love you forever but….
"That unlike a demon whose life doesn´t end and apparence doesn´t change...humans only live for the moment.
And changes can happen just quickly and easily as short time passes.
Like now, the words you sy can change in a instant.
That´s just how human hearts are."
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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Head empty, only love triangle between Leona and Malleus.
Just think about it, how intense this pairing would be. Malleus, a person who is so used to feeling superior finally meets someone who puts him in his place, someone who does not give him any sort of special treatment just because he is Malleus Draconia, a future king. No, he's just another person, a powerful one sure but still just a person. Everything you do and say becomes so precious to him and every little comment or complaint you make is committed to memory and is kept there for ages to come. He treats you so wonderfully, like glass that could be shattered if he's not careful enough. Sometimes he slips up and his more raw nature comes out. Malleus can just get so sensitive and everything about your person just pushes all his buttons in every way imaginable.
To Malleus, you are a person who needs to be protected, someone who he wants to hide away in the safety of his home.
As for your relationship with Leona, the start is a little rocky to say the least. He doesn't really trust you but he loves to mock you for every little thing you do. Be it meaningless comments or something a bit more snippy, Leona makes it clear as day that he's not interested in you and that you should just leave him be.
You don't.
You stayed.
That is when he feels his heart to race just that much faster.
There is safety in your presence, a comfort which no one else can give him. He starts seeing you as his rock of sorts, someone he could turn to in his darkest hour. He has a hard time with saying thank you but he always shows his appreciation with little acts of service here and there, such as always giving you the best food or saving you a spot which is always next to him.
Leona wants to keep you close by his side and hates seeing anyone else by your side.
❤️ TAGS: @yanroma, @mayulli
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ashieeeesh · 2 months
Idk but farena screams of celestia and leona screams luna from mlp
#currently listening to lullaby for a princess
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Yandere Leona Kingscholar & Nursemaid Darling
just a random short based off of these HCs I did for Leona because i’ve been in a really bad boredom
tw: boobs, bit of smut, dubcon/noncon, reader has female parts, I only know the bare minimum about twisted wonderland so fair warning
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Milk? The thought flashed briefly across Leona’s mind as he lounged, sprawled comfortably across his plush chaise lounge, emerald green eyes partially closed as they followed you hurrying around his room with piles of his things bundled up in your arms. He hadn't thought about milk or drinking milk for years now, not since he abandoned the drink for something more 'grown-up', or whatever that meant to a younger him. But if he was being more honest with him, Leona would admit that he hadn't thought about milk since you were relieved of your nursemaid duties by his family the moment the second prince was old enough to care for himself. You had been with him for as long as he could remember, the only person who had been by his side and been on his side, the only soul who gave enough of a shit about him to watch over and teach him.
A flash of your underwear from under the short skirt of your custom staff uniform caught the corner of his eye, and a lazy smirk quirked his lips - it wasn’t like you would have known that Leona had you all but cornered back into uniform. With the help of his parents to pacify their second son of course: all he had asked for in return for him to attend Falena’s crowning ceremony was you, but that part mattered little. What did matter was that you were back in your old job, and that you were once more by his side. Within his grasp where he could keep watch over you, keep you safe from the outside world, just like you did for him when he was young.
A twitch of his ear as he heard the drag of a drawer opening, though he was too lazy to turn and look - by the sound of it, you were folding and putting away his piles of clothes that had been abandoned and strewn in various locations across his enormous room. No surprise that it was one of your top priorities, given that you preferred your things in order; Leona refused to allow any of the regular servants to trespass and dirty his room, though it did help to serve as an excuse for you to spend more time in his territory. His long brown lion tail swished as long forgotten memories washed over the young prince once more, helped along by a whiff of your familiar scent that caught his sensitive nose when you once more crossed more in front of him, this time humming an old tune under your breath with what looked like jewelry in your arms.
"Milk?" Leona remembered the innocent sleepy question from his toddler-self years ago, one small chubby fist clinging onto your skirt with the other rubbing at his eyes. The sky outside had already been dark for some time, long past his bedtime, but your charge still refused to go to sleep. You had been gone from the palace earlier that day for a few hours on personal business, but for little Leona it had felt like forever; after all, he had never been apart from you for so long before, and was inclined to make up for lost time when you returned. Sighing, you leaned down to scoop the prince into your arms, resting him against your hip - he was getting heavier every day, though fortunately not yet to the point you couldn't carry him.
Goodness only knows the fit Leona would throw when that day came.
“If I pour you a glass of milk, will you go to bed?”
"B-But you were gone earlier," he complained, this time yawning. No doubt Leona had been looking forward to showing you the little ball of light he could summon all day, but with this slipping consciousness, it was beyond what he could manage at the moment. "I wanna play more."
You smiled that brilliant, kind smile at him, snuggling him to your chest as you carried him down empty hallways, the sound of your footsteps against marble floors the only sound that echoed almost hauntingly through the night. "We can play more tomorrow okay? It's late already."
"Y-you promise? You're not going to leave me?"
Crossing your heart with your free hand, it was enough for the young lion prince to be content. The kitchen door slid open noiselessly, and you sat Leona atop one of the counters as you looked in the cupboards for his favorite cup, before turning to show it to him. "This cup okay?" You pointed at the cute print of dancing animals.
But instead of the enthusiastic agreement you had expected, the tanned boy only furrowed his eyebrows at your question. "Why do I have to drink from a cup?"
You blinked. "Sorry?"
"Why do I have to drink from a cup?" The child repeated sullenly. Reaching out to grab the hem of your shirt, Leona pulled it towards him with as much strength as a toddler could manage - not stretching the fabric by much but enough to reveal the top of your bra. "Falena says he always drinks from Mummy. I wanna too."
The world seemed to stop, falling silent as you stared back blankly at the boy, the gears in your head clearly turning as you tried to process what Leona had just said. Your heart pounded away in your ears, jaw slackened - not that the second prince to the Sunset Savanna would know, those emerald green eyes peering back up at you, his tiny fist still wrapped around the fabric of your clothes. You knew he had always been cast to the side in favor of his older brother and crown prince Falena, but how do you go about breaking the news to a child that he had to drink from a cup because his own mother didn’t breastfeed him? It took a minute, but you did manage to compose and pull yourself together, lightly prying those chubby fingers from your shirt. “A-ah, Leona, see I’m not a mummy, so I don’t have milk for you okay?” Your face was completely red and burning as you said that, yet you pressed on. “Can you be a good boy and drink your milk from your cup?”
A crestfallen look instantly washed over Leona’s face, enough to bring tears welling to your eyes despite you not being able to do anything for him - how could anyone not be sympathetic? A small child, abandoned. Instead, biting down your emotions and forcing a smile to your face once more, you offered the cup of milk to your small charge, leaning over to kiss him on the top of his head. “Come on, once you’re done drinking, how about I read you a bedtime story?”
“-ona. Leona!” Said man blinked, looking up to find you standing mere inches away from him, waving one hand right in front of his face. “Anyone home?”
Those emerald eyes instantly focused back on you as he was drawn out from his daydreaming. “I’m here,” he drawled, the start of another smirk once more quirking the corner of his lips as he stretched across the couch he was still sprawled on, looking much like a cat would in the moment. 
“I’m done with packing for today, so I’ll be leaving now,” you told the prince, a gentle smile and kind eyes facing him as you withdrew your hand - so small and delicate compared to his now. They had seemed immovable when he was younger. Yet before you could even turn to leave, his own hand shot out to wrap firmly around your wrist, and you paused at the sudden contact, turning to look quizzably at him. So fragile; the Savanaclaw housewarden imagined he could snap it in two with just an ounce more pressure. “Leona? Did you need something else?” A tinge of concern flashed across your expression, and you leaned in closer to press the back of your hand to his forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”
That care again. You were on his side. You had always been on his side. You lived to serve him and only him. Only he could say when you were leaving.
With his daydreams still plaguing his thoughts, in a single definite pull, Leona yanked both your shirt and bra up in a swift sweep of his arm, your naked breasts tumbling out from beneath your clothes. There was a pause, a silence that swept across the room as you stared down at your lifted shirt baffled, as if even neither you nor the world couldn’t believe what had just happened, what he just did.
Then you started to scream. “L-l-leona??” You seemingly were flushing from head to toe, having been exposed in front of the second prince - your prince. “What are you doing?” But your struggles were for naught as Leona instantly caught both your wrists in one hand in a single smooth move, preventing you from concealing your body from him and pulling you close, though the tanned man didn’t seem as interested in stopping you from screaming. Scream all you like, but the rest of the palace knew better than to step even a toe into his domain. “Let go!”
He didn't even like you that way. Despite what his recent actions seemed to indicate, your once-toddler charge could never see you in any other way than his loving nursemaid, his substitute parent, the only soul that cared about him and that brought him up as your own, even if you were a child yourself then. But it was exactly that that drove the lion prince to his current actions, his fingers, calloused from years of Spelldrive competitions, lifting to harshly pinch one nipple. You yelped, instantly halting your attempted escape.
“Still no milk for me huh?” The prince tsked, though the approval in his voice was enough to completely mask his disappointment. As expected, his hard work had not gone to waste - all those time he spent sneaking about the Sunset Savannah, threatening and roughening up anyone who dared to even breathe your way, pulling strings to have his parents intervene, it had all paid off. You were untainted, pure - you were completely his. “Not even if I rub it like that?” He purred, pulling lightly at your sensitive bud, all the while your face burned more and more, your breath catching as you struggled to come to terms with what was going on.
He could see you bite down on your lips in an attempt to suppress whatever it was that was bubbling up in your throat. Instead, the tone of your voice seemed to have gone up an octave as you pleaded with the unmoved man. “L-leona! Let me go, t-this is extremely inappropriate!”
But what was once scolding words fell on deaf ears; and instead his ears simply twitched - he liked it. He liked the slight desperation in your tone, the horrified look of shame that washed over your face, doe eyes shiny with unshed tears, unable to hold his gaze for longer than a few seconds: he liked this side of you. A far cry from the position of authority that you once held over him - the Savannah prince couldn’t think of anything better than getting to know every side of you. Getting to know all of you. Releasing your now-sore nipple from his grip, Leona instead moved to gently massage one breast with his free hand, eyes fixed on you, carefully studying your expression. No matter how you tried to avoid his gaze, tried to wriggle free from his grasp, there was nowhere left for you to hide from him. 
The wind rattled open windows as it circulated freely across the vast room, bringing a relief to the scorching afternoon just outside. But he knew that to you, it was but a mocking reminder of the situation you were trapped in as opposed to being one of the simple pleasures you used to enjoy.
There was nothing more that Leona would like more than to finally have the opportunity to taste your milk, like what he had wanted to do all those years ago. In his mind, this was your duty to him: you were his real mother after all. Sighing, he leaned forward, pressing his lips to your other breast, your perked-up rose bud grinded softly between his teeth. Your body froze beneath him. “Shhh, it’s alright,” the tanned man cooed, large, strong hands now trailing down the side of your body. He didn't like you that way, but the young man didn't think he'd mind much if you were his wife. At least he wouldn't have to worry too much about filthy grubby hands soiling someone he held so dear. “I won’t hurt you.” His words were like silk, smooth, strong and deceptively delicate. “Don’t move now.”
Not that he needed to say those last three words out loud - you wouldn’t dare disobey him, given he was royalty and you were not. A particularly hard nibble, and you couldn’t stop the moan that slipped your lips, and the horror immediately followed as your two gentle hands flew up to cover your traitorous mouth, eyes quivering as the tears finally started to fall, rolling and burning down hot cheeks.
Even if you still don’t know it yet, your life was already in his hands. One word, and things fall apart. 
Your tight, short skirt was the first to go, slipped down and carelessly tossed aside, leaving you standing in front of him in just your panties and lifted top. Curious fingers carefully touched between your legs, a drastic departure from his normal crass self and his rough handling of you from just minutes earlier, gently caressing the thin cotton that separated him with his goal. “I just need to make you a mummy, huh?” Leona muttered to himself under his breath.
You obviously caught his words loud and clear in this otherwise lifeless bedroom, flinching as your words from all those years ago rolled off his tongue, back to haunt you like a tormented soul. “Le-Leona. You don’t have to do this.”
He hummed, a solitary, almost haunting note. "I must." A clink, followed by the sound of leather rubbing over fabric, the prince’s belt falling to the floor. You couldn’t look away as he unzipped his pants, pulling it and his boxers down just far enough to allow his length, thick and heavy, to spring out from beneath his clothes. Patting his lap with one hand, the other moved once more to take your hand and tug you to sit, a flash of a memory from long ago overtook his senses. 
And for just that heartbeat, he saw his tiny hand reaching up, wrapped lovingly, comfortingly in your larger one. 
Leona shook his head, and the memory was gone. “Come.” He ordered, forcing your shaking legs apart and pushing aside the crotch of your panties. One way or another, he was getting the milk he was due.
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Could I get a headcanon of TWST Savanaclaw boys being completely jealous of mc's cat that they spoil, but then mc one day refers to them as "Daddy" in relation of the cat ex: "Be good for Daddy now kitty"
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Parents | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Who needs a cat when you have Grim! But seriously though while he’s still your friend there's a lot about humans he still has to learn and he adores that you baby him all the time. Being like the self-proclaimed single parent to a cat-monster like Grim is no easy task. So it should be nice to pass off the responsibility every once and awhile to a partner of yours. It’s just a joke….but true comedy is there because there’s some manner of truth and that’s what they’re banking on:
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Jack Howl
“Okay behave for Papa Jack! I’ll come pick you up when I’m off work!”
“Nya! He’s not my papa!”
“Yeah yeah. Jack just a reminder that can of tuna is only for after he eats his veggies.”
“No! It’s poison! Poison I tell you! Don’t listen to them.”
“N-no problem (Y/n). I’ll care for him with the best of my abilities.”
“Thanks again Jack!”
He really can’t believe what that does for him
The image of your nuclear family with him 
Married with a mischievous little son
It gives him a future to fight for
A life worthy of chasing off his enemies in your attention+
But in his mind it’s already happening 
You’d trust your mate with your child, naturally 
As your mate its only right he do his best to co-parent
“Come Grim, let’s not disappoint (Y/n).”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Grim! Just sleep with your Daddy Leona and I’ll be back in the morning.”
“Nooo! I want to go with you!”
“But I can’t bring you Grimy. Besides I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun with every one else in Savannaclaw.”
“Oi brat don’t bother them anymore, their going to be late.”
“Tch, I’m sure Ruggie wouldn’t mind that tuna for himself.”
“Then behave brat. Say goodbye then we’re training.”
He doesn’t like kids
But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like making your kids
Especially if it’s what has you running to him like the protector he is
Just keep calling out for him 
Granted he’s not doing it for free
You’ve got to cuddle up to him more than ever
Sleep with him so much you or Grim won’t go anywhere without it being clear he owns you both
He’s not a fan of kids
But kids with you don’t sound horrible
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Ruggie Bucchi
“Hishishishi Grim and I are going to get along just fine.”
“Nyah! Don’t leave me with him (Y/n) why can’t I go with you?!”
“It’s okay, Grimmy! Didn’t you hear you and Daddy Ruggie are going to have a good time. I’ll call a little bit later okay. Thanks again Ruggie, I owe ya!”
The thought of you having making kids with him drives him insane
Logistically it’s a terrible idea
He’s got his family back home, he shouldn’t need to add on to it
But the idea is still so enticing
And the bond that comes from this alone surely makes him number #1 in your heart
It also means his sabotage against his competitors is working
Then he’s practically got the ring on your finger now
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Yandere Malleus Draconia & Yandere Leona Kingscholar love reader
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Ooh, this is going to be a bigger mess than letting Lilia into the kitchen.
Two men, one of whom doesn't know how to share (Malleus) and the other doesn't want to share (Leona).
Of the two, Malleus was the one who would fall in love with you first. It would start as friendship at first. However, soon his feelings deepen. Malleus wouldn't want to be without you anymore.
Leona would develop her feelings later. Maybe after the Overblot incident. When he has learned that he can be honest with you and you listen to him.
However, neither of them would be stupid.
Malleus and Leona quickly realized that they both had feelings for you.
Oh they wouldn't even try to play nicey.
Malleus pulls you away into the night. You go for a walk together while he chats with you and tries to deepen your connection. Malleus would also give you jewelry that matched his colors.
Leona, on the other hand, often drags you to sleep with her. He's trying to get his scent on you. Sometimes he would also chat with you and maybe leave some signs to your skin.
Oh, it would be a wonder that the NRC would be standing after these two fights.
Right now it would be cold war and insults.
Malleus is preparing to abduct you and lock you up in the tower.
Leona is preparing to move in together and take you away.
Now the question is about which one is faster...
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!LEONA, Leona had an unfathomable amount of rage, ever since childhood.. Which had probably been due to the negligence he’d received from his parents early on, he couldn’t quite recall when he first dreamt of you, but he knew that you were a change in environment for the young child, he watched you from afar in his dreams.. Though truth be told, he wished for nothing more but to be close hand in hand with you.. yet he couldn’t, some uncontrollable force forbade him from going closer then he already could.. Upon the realization, he concluded that he should just remain contemptible with watching you afar, and let that remain his norm.. However this didn’t last long, as with age, the man would slowly start falling for you.. His daydreams allowed him to create a fictional world where you’d be with him arm in arm, as he had wanted to be in the vivid dreams he had of you.. Though he hoped something more can become of you two.. he had not such confirmation of your existence to at least remain hopeful of that wish, however everything changed when he had first met you at NRC.. that’s when he realized that his hopes and wishes may have had a chance of becoming a reality, that all his dreams, wishes, and plans weren’t for naught. However, with that realization there came another, another much more displeasing to the already tired and aggravated Leona, who had long lost the patience he held as a child, that there were others who wished to be with you, just as he did.. Did those others have those off and vivid dreams as well? They better have not.. His patience was already warring thin the moment he had met you.. 
YANDERE!RUGGIE, Ruggie had grown up with difficulty, things weren’t simple.. Yet he found comfort in the dreams he had, where everything was simple and fine, from there he had made a friend.. Oddly enough.. He had made a friend through a dream, a dream! Quite fascinating isn’t it? He had passed you off as a mere imaginary friend, that he’d grow out of when he was older, however, he was wrong.. At some point, an unknown force wouldn’t allow him to interact with anymore, breaking a bond he had with you for the longest time, even if you weren't as real as he had wished you to be, he still considered you a close friend, and a sort of sorrow washed over him, as these dreams grew more and more complicated and realistic, he couldn’t help but grow more and more angry, as you forgot who he even was, and then.. He met you.. on campus.. The so-called perfect of Ramshackle, he couldn’t help but think this was some sick joke, he saw the surprise in your eyes, which recovered ever so quickly.. and he thought for a moment.. Maybe.. maybe you knew him, maybe you also shared the dreams with him.. But at that moment, as he saw you scurry off, with whatever excuse you could provide, he decided that he wouldn’t let you go this time around… 
YANDERE!JACK, Jack was young, and under a trance of sorts.. When he first saw you, he didn’t expect much out of his dreams, in fact being a child, seeing another person.. as perfect as you, around his age in his dreams didn’t phase him, not even when you repeatedly came back in his dreams.. It didn’t pose any problem to Jack, in fact, he passed you off as some good luck fairy, since whenever he had dreamt of you, good luck happened, for example his mother would bring him some candy, or he’d get a new toy of sorts.. It wasn’t until Jack had entered his pubescent years, did he start questioning if you were rare.. ‘What could these dreams mean’.. Overtime he found himself falling for you.. and only then did it pose a problem to him, he didn’t even know if you were here.. In this world.. Or if you were even real.. A part of him had hoped you were, it would be a pity if you weren’t.. That was when this borderline obsession had started, Jack had always defended his thoughts, with the reminder that you weren’t real… yet you were.. and he had finally met you, he couldn’t deny that fact.. He didn’t intend to deny it either, he loved you… he wanted you.. Wolves do mate for life.. Even if others decide to try and take you away, he didn’t intend on letting you go so easily.. 
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Savanaclaw Headcanons
Tw: Dark content up ahead y’all!! Mentions of manipulation, gaslighting, possessiveness, etc. 
Banner made by my lovely bestie @herestrish don’t steal pls or I’ll eat your kneecaps, I’m entering my Hannibal era <3! Jokes aside. . . disclaimer!! 
These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don’t condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision. If these headcanons sound dry. . .I’ll redo them I’m sorry I was tired 
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Leona Kingscholar
Okiedoki, these headcanons were WAY long overdue and me being the chaotic and messy person I am, did not plan these ahead nor did I make a posting schedule. Without further ado, here we go! Can you name a bigger kin? Leona is me and I am Leona. From what I’ve seen in the fandom, Leona seems to be a personality that not many people differ from. Like it’s all collectively and mutually agreed on how he acts. Regardless, the character traits I assign him are overprotective, possessive, and manipulative.
No one here can argue that Leona isn’t smart, mans is brilliant only issue being he lacks motivation. Assuming I got all my facts straight, he’s smart and talented and has all amazing qualities, but it doesn’t matter because he’s not the firstborn. His signature spell is so dangerous, he’s constantly being upstage because name and reputation matter more than actions. Not to his darling, he’s possessive over his S/O because you’re his. You’re not someone given to him because of his status or lack of, you’re his because you were able to charm the lion and gain his affection. You’re his because he won, he won YOUR affection. All hell will break loose if someone DARES to even touch you, looks at you wrong, or do anything to hurt you. He’ll often refer to you as one of his belongings but words aside, he really does see you as his equal. This ties in with his overprotectiveness and his overall fear of losing the one person that matters in his life, you.
Manipulative. Though he wants a fair game, mans is cheating. He’s not above using dirty methods to get you to be his in the first place. He’s probably gaslit you before and you wouldn’t know. He’s smart and he has Ruggie, this is important. He’d probably disagree with you and advise you to do something else, when you decide to go off on your own he’ll send Ruggie to stir up the pot but not right away no, that’s too convenient! He’ll wait until you have a sense of security before striking, when things go downhill and you come back to him he won’t smile, he won’t say anything other than, “I told you so.” He’s so smug about it too, that smirk when he’s in the right and you’re in the wrong.
I’d say personally, he’s a 7/10 on the yandere scale, he’s definitely not someone you want to mess with and by all means half of the time it’s him just being protective. Bro’s the type of guy to help you study but not before he makes you give him a kiss or fuel his ego for a bit. He’s able to lower his guard around you, sleep comfortably with you, and laze around, just don’t get too comfy. Any signs he notices of defiance and he’s not afraid to show you why the others respect him. His scale may increase if he’s angry, he’d never hurt his S/O but the others?
Ruggie Bucchi
I don’t know much about Ruggie just because he’s not a character I was very interested in but he’s so funny. Getting straight into it, possessive, manipulative, and overprotective. He’s not a threat, a solid 4/10. I happen to remember that Ruggie was raised by his grandmother and that in book 4 went back home with a lot of food because the kids in his home didn’t have enough. Ruggie has a good heart, it’s just hard to get him to trust someone else because of it. I like to this that his S/O is someone who was able to remind him that it’s okay to be selfish just as much as it is important to be selfless. With that in mind, I think Ruggie being possessive over his S/O is reasonable. Ruggie keeps things that matter to him close, that includes you, babes!! Just as he steals anything else, he stole your heart. Your safety and security matter a lot to him, maybe not at first but as time goes on it’s his first priority. I’ll be honest, Ruggie is a fun person to be around. His jokes and his mannerism are sure to make you smile along with his good heart.
Furthering into his possessiveness, I like to think he gets super jealous when his S/O is with someone else or not having their attention on him. Someone approaches you and asks you to have lunch with them or to study, Ruggie gets pouty and gives you the silent treatment. You’d ask him something and this man will be so petty. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask [Student Name]” or “I don’t know, you seemed to have more fun with them so I don’t want to disturb you”. That kind of petty. He won’t lie, he loves the attention he gets from you. You desperately trying to make it up to him because you NEED him. That being said, he’s a pain in your ass but he’s saved it multiple times. I like to think that Ruggie is that person who at the start of it tries to show that he doesn’t care. The type to flee when you’re in danger or not help because there is nothing to gain until he catches feelings. Slowly saying things like, “Well, we can work out the details of my reward later. . .” or “It’s whatever, I owe you anyways”. He gives off mammon vibes, just not a simp.
As time goes on and he and his S/O start to get closer, he’d be more willing to help you and do things for you. Manipulative, it kinda rubs off on him from Leona tbh. I know for a fact Ruggie knows some underhanded moves to get what he wants, at first he’ll play with your heartstrings, being pouty and petty. If that doesn’t work he’ll get annoyed and just flat-out ignore you. He’s not going to grovel and beg, he’s done plenty of that already. He’s going to make you beg for his attention and his help. The type to pull your hair in class and pull pranks, having the teacher find you and scold you while ignoring Ruggie. Unrightfully giving you detention as he looks the other way. As you’re sitting and doing your boring work, he pops in for a second and just mocks you.
He’s kinda like Ace just a bit toned down! He’s not a dangerous yandere just an annoying one but you should be alright with him!
Jack Howl
Jack gets two, over-protective and possessive. He’s not a dangerous yandere either, like a 3/10? He’s a character with morals and without a doubt, genuine love and concern for his S/O. I know he means well and he does, he’s a super sweet yandere!
Jack is most definitely a protector. As we saw in the game, at first he didn’t seem to want to do a whole lot with us until we got to book 2. He’s super loyal and caring, qualities that his S/O loves and respects as does he. If you’re ever being picked on or bullied, Jack is on the case! He’s going off on them, saying how it’s so cowardly of them to pick on someone who can’t defend themselves. Do you need a walk home? Jack will do it! Do you need some help with an assignment? He doesn’t know much, but he’s down to help you learn better! He’s a sincere lover who cares a lot, and he’s possessive. I feel like Jack at first would hate his feelings. He has no right over you so why does he feel so upset when you’re talking to someone else? Did you find a new partner? You’re staying out late? Don’t you need him….? He shouldn’t feel like this, but he does! Jack would try to deny it at first, surely ir’s just admiration! I mean you did stand up to Leona after all and that takes some real guts!
Possessive. Once those feelings subside, he’s doing what he can to have your attention on him. Inviting him to all his spell drive practices, offering to help you with homework or the other way around. He just wants to protect you. Sure his presence can be suffocating to the point he’s a bit clingy, I mean I don’t think you’re gonna get attacked in line waiting for your food, but who knows? He’s always there, conveniently as well. Acts of service are one of his love languages, you need a book from the high shelf? He’s already on it. You don’t have a partner for the project? No worries neither does he. Leona and Ruggie notice his behavior, often teasing him but never going further. Jack is. . .how do I say this? Awkward. He is so awkward, the type to invite you out to eat and just eat in silence. The type to be content being in your presence so he doesn’t really do anything else. Give him time and he’ll be better, promise!
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