#twisted wonderland vane millingwood
squidwen · 2 years
Official Art (currently) of TWST OCs
@i-alone-on-pluto (aka CloudMallow) has been creating beautiful pieces for me for years, and my twisted wonderland OCs have come out perfectly in their style!
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Please consider following and commissioning them! They are amazing!! All the art drawn here is by them and, as you can clearly see, they’ve got some serious skill!
(Send in asks for my OCs if you fancy! Their master list is pinned on my profile x)
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squidwen · 3 years
Vane Millingwood
(Art by: CloudMallow)
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General Information
Name: Vane Millingwood
Age: 18
Birthday: June 8th
Height: 6ft 2inch
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Ginger
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Family: 3 godsisters, Mother, Father, Godfather, aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, grandparents.
School Information
School Year: 3rd
Class: 3-B (Student no° 8)
Best Subject: Botany/Herbology
Club: Science
Dominant Hand: Right
Likes: Resting in dappled sunlight under a tree; the sounds of nature; riddles; making hats out of flower heads.
Dislikes: Self-deprecating jokes; raised voices; losing his rhythm on a staircase.
Favourite Food: Milkweed Milkshakes
Least Favourite Food: Vinegar
Hobby: Knitting and basket weaving
Talents: Reviving wilting flowers, and playing the double bass and viola at the same time.
Unique Magic: Vane’s UM is called ‘Green Fingers’, a skill which enables him to grow any vegetation to huge sizes.
Vane Millingwood is inspired by the Caterpillar from Alice and Wonderland. He hails from the Rose Kingdom, and a family so large it could populate an entire village.
While his parents were away on business, Vane stayed with his Godfather. Of all his aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, and grandparents, his 3 god sisters were his favourite kin, and they treated Vane like a brother/little sister. (All their old clothes and toys were his to enjoy).
Being an only child - which was uncommon in the Millingwood family - Vane never felt more at home than when he was with his god sisters. However, over the years Vane saw less and less of them. With his parents away so often, he was sent to boarding schools from the age of 12.
School was rough. It was customary for caterpillars to eat as much as possible to trigger their transformation into butterflies. But the bigger Vane got, the more he was picked on, and the less appetising overeating became.
One year, he came home for the holidays and was shocked to find all his god sisters had transformed into butterflies. Why wasn’t he told? Why wasn’t he granted leave from school to watch them emerge from their chrysalises? Becoming butterflies was a sacred ritual. He wanted to be with them more than anything.
Now when he looked at his god sisters, he could barely recognise them. The more they fluttered about on their new wings, and sipped on sweet nectar rather than munching on leaves, the more out of place he felt.
“When do you reckon you’ll transform, honey?” they asked, prodding his stomach. “You’ll need to eat more if you ever want to.”
It was then that Vane realised all he had left of his god sisters, his memories of caterpillarhood, of games and his favourite times, was himself. Would becoming a butterfly mean he said goodbye to that? To the happiest time of his life?
If so, then what was so bad about being a Caterpillar? And remaining slim enough to stay one?
Vane is the sort of soul who keeps himself to himself, keeping his head down and saying little.
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squidwen · 3 years
My OC ask box is open.
If you have any questions for Basil, Seth, William, Vane, Marlowe, Jonah, or Tallis please drop me an ask :)
🐛Vane Millingwood
🐻William MacUrse
💡Marlowe Sangloine
🐍Basil Balanaga
🐙Seth Trent
🦎 Jonah Craggins
🕊 Tallis Underplume
All art is by @i-alone-on-pluto
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squidwen · 2 years
Dear i'm sorry, but i'm in love with Vane TOT
(No need to apologise! Out of all my OCs, Vane is the one I thought people would like the least since he's so shy. Feel free to love him all you want! It'll bring him out of his comfort zone (aka: the cushiony interior of a tulip).
Vane's antennae screwed themselves up. He was so embarrassed. So painfully embarrassed. Why would someone say they loved him? Wasn't he just a reclusive nerd with too many arms and not enough personality to cover a thin wafer?
Agatha was so outgoing and popular. Vane turned his fingers into a cat's cradle from how much he was twiddling them. It was like the girl had an aura, a forcefield that radiated with wonder. Someone like that talking to him was too much.
"D-Don't - Don't apologise," he squeaked. "I love things- things, too. Like milkweed smoothies." No! Why would you say that? You sound so insensitive! "Ever tried one? We-We," STOP TALKING, "could grab one...together...some-sometime..."
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squidwen · 2 years
Hi dear! It's me again ^^ I'm sorry but can I ask 14, 23, and 24 for Vane? Only if you want! Thank you so much for creating such a unique, sensitive and precious character. Vane deserves a lot of recognition and to be loved just the way he is, regardless of whether he's a caterpillar or if he wants to be a butterfly 💗💗💗
Thank you so much for all your support when it comes to my caterpillar boi. It's the highest honour a writer can be paid when you like their ocs and getting all this positive feedback makes me want to develop his character further!
Who knows? Maybe he will transform into a butterfly. He just needs the right moment - and people - around him.
“A-A-Agatha?” Vane scurried back into his giant rose and closed the petal. Suspended 20ft in the air, the caterpillar had assumed he was safe from being disturbed. He probably shouldn’t have grown the flower so close to a tree. Agatha was sat on a branch; curious dewy eyes staring sweetly at him. 
After what happened the last time he’d seen her, Vane was feeling so embarrassed he nearly threw up. He chanced a look back, hoping she had gone, but Agatha’s silhouette was still visible through the pink petals. She wasn’t going to leave, was she. 
Don’t mess up this time, he thought to himself. If she falls from this height she will get hurt.  
“You have some more qu-questions?” Vane opened the flower and started shimmying down the stem. “A-Alright, but can we take the interview in my room again? I’m-” Worried you’ll fall, “behind on some studying and all my books are there.”
14. What are your favourite music genres?
That was an easy question, and frankly one that got Vane inspired. “W-Well, having antennae makes me sensitive to sound waves, so I love any music that has a decent bass tra-track. But also...” 
His eyes wandered over to a basket chest at the foot of his bed. Should he show her? He’d never shown anyone at the school what was inside, let alone what he could do with it. 
Despite his brain screaming to stop, he opened it and took out a double bass and a viola. 
“Ha-having four arms means I can play these at the same-same time.” He held their fingerboards with white knuckles. Please don’t ask me to play you a song. “I’m not-not that good. Not as good as-as Malleus Draconia on the violin, at least.” But if you did ask, I wouldn’t mind. If you gave me a few days to learn the notes. “Don’t tell Riddle I have these. He’ll force me to join the Heartslabyul or-orchestra!”
(So...yeah...Vane can play string instruments haha).
23. Have you ever had a crush on someone?/Do you have a crush now?
Straight back into the awkward questions? Vane sighed. He was beginning to suspect that Agatha wasn’t conducting a school interview like he’d initially thought. If it was for personal reasons, it took everything he had not to blush. 
“A cru-crush? N-N-No. The only girl-girls I have in my life are my god sisters. We used to play weddings when I was little, but after my parents sent me to an all-boys boarding school it stopped me looking for love altogether...” And who could love a podgy recluse that can’t even string a coherent sentence together without stammering? 
“In all honesty, though, I can’t t-tell if I crush on people or I’m just embarrass-embarrassed all the time. I go red, my palms sweat, I stammer. Those are all the symptoms of having a crush, r-right? But that’s what I do whenever anyone looks at me. I get nervous...or are those just butterflies in my stomach-ahem. N-Next question, please.”
24. What would you consider your main love language?
“Lang-language? How can I have a love language when I have-haven’t even mastered the one I sp-speak with?”
Agatha said something in response, but Vane only pretended to listen. His mind was elsewhere trying to come up with an answer that didn’t sound pathetic. “Okay...the truth is...but you promise not to laugh?” He took a deep breath and pointed to his head. “My main love language is touching people with my antennae. It-it’s an insect thing. Our antennae are sensitive and the most vulnerable part of our bodies. If we scratch them, or touch something rough, we feel the pain all over. I-If I were to touch...you- Just as an example! If-if I were to touch you with my antennae, it means I trust you and...want to be as close as I can be.”
Vane waited for the jokes, for the ridicule. But it didn’t come. Agatha wrote the last of her notes and smiled at him kindly. 
Vane felt naked. He’d never been asked such intimate questions. But now that it was out in the open, he felt oddly relieved. Like the portcullis to his soul had been lifted. “I-I hope that answers your questions,” he said. “Y-Y’know, no one’s been as interested in me as you have. I’m le-leaving next year and I don’t have many memories of this place outside the classrooms an-and my bedroom.”  
Now that he thought about it, Vane was beginning to warm to Agatha. Her curiosity was jarring at the beginning, but also quite charming. “Would you li-like to...do something together? At...some point? Maybe...soon?”  
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squidwen · 3 years
👉👈 and if I may....
Thais is kinda my main OC, she's a small goat girl that adores plants and nature. She's in Heartslabyul and is slightly inspired on the singing flowerbeds of Alice in Wonderland
As soon as she gets word that Vane has a little garden, tends to plants, and/or knows what his UM is, she'll be on the lookout for him. She's shy herself, knows personal space is valued by shy people, she wouldn't just up and get on his face to interact. Thais would resort to simply observing him when they coincide in the same space, hoping to get a glimpse of his talents and personality. Plus, he's an upperclassman, she wouldn't like to bother him with trivial things
One thing I'm sure of: Thais would sometimes leave a small pot with his favorite flowers or plants by the door to his room. A note denoting the plant is for him, with a cute silly kaomoji drawn by hand decorating the paper tag
She respects him very much!
Vane would be perplexed to find flowers and notes addressed to him, and unnerved to find them left outside his door of all places.
He immediately starts making a list of all the people he knew well enough for them to do that sort of thing, of which the total was zero.
The first time it happened, Vane’d pretend it was a prank and leave the little plant in the botanical gardens as soon as possible - regardless if there was a note addressed to him.
If Thais kept doing it, Vane might be tempted to leave his own creations outside his door in exchange. Leaving notes like:
To whom it may concern,
Do tell me how large your head is and what colour your eyes are in your next correspondence.
Vane Reginald Peter Darwin Mary Millingwood
He would want to make them a hat that matched their eyes. If he saw Thais wearing it around school, he might give them a small wave.
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squidwen · 2 years
Alright! I have a serious question here-
In a scale of 0 to 10, rate ya bois hugs >:3c I maybe wanna hug vane, basil and seth here-
I am so glad you asked!
Alright, so, I'll go from worst to best.
Vane gives the worst hugs out of all my OCs, a solid 1/10. Due to having antennae, he is very sensitive to anything that moves around him. Being hugged would make him tense up. Besides, the way his family 'hugs' is by touching their antennae. So, if Vane's antennae pat the top of your head it's as intimate as he'll get.
Seth's hugs are 2/10. Being a fashionista, he's all too aware of how easily a lot of fabrics crease. It would make him cringe to hug someone in linen or velvet and step away to see that he's ruined their look. Seth is dainty when it comes to embraces. He'll probably just squeeze your hand if he wants to show his appreciation for you. But if you're caught underwater with him, he'll squeeze your exposed skin with his tentacles to mean the same thing.
Billy is next. First off, you have to earn a hug from the guy. He only hugs those he deems an ally by impressing him through feats of loyalty and strength. When it comes to the hug itself, it's a bear one. I rate it 3/10. It will feel like he's trying to realign your spinal discs. If you're too weak to handle his embrace, get back in the gym and build that muscle! Billy: "No excuses. There's no such thing as being too strong."
Jonah comes in at number 4. His hugs are 4/10. He's not against hugging people, but getting him in a situation for a hug is near impossible. He's often so busy working on projects, with music blasting, that he won't notice that you want one. Plus, his scales are rough, he's usually coated in grease and oil, and from not being practiced in hugging, he's awkward when it comes to holding people. (Not a pleasurable experience.) Affection from Jonah is mostly just hearty pats on the back or ruffling your hair.
Ceridwen can give a decent 6/10 hug. She prefers handshakes, but if you get close enough to her that your relationship upgrades to hugging, hers are firm and friendly. She'll probably rock you from side to side briskly after removing her gauntlets so she doesn't hurt you. If you ask for a hug out of the blue, before you're close with her, she wouldn't want to make things awkard by refusing but you can bet it'll quick.
Tallis's hugs are almost top on the list for how creative he gets with them. 8/10 is what he scores. If he has you in his arms he'll press you tightly to him, flap into the air, twirl, and flutter back down; grinning. But...all the best actors have range~. He's known to give hugs that incorporate dips, dancing, teasing as he pretends to try and escape you, and tackles. Don't worry though, he'll flap his wings before you hit the floor. No harm done.
Finally, Basil takes first place with 10/10 hugs. Balanagas don't cut corners when it comes to embracing people. Whether it be nature or nurture from being cuddled with his parents' tails, Basil will wrap up your legs in coils while his arms hug your upper half. Being an apprentice chiropractor, he will be able to feel your musculature from a simple touch and know how tightly he can squeeze you. He may tease you by squeezing you slightly too hard, but what are you going to do? Struggle? There wouldn't be any point. And if Basil is cold, he'll ask if he can cuddle you for warmth. His tail is surprisingly comfortable. When it's not flexed, it feels like a memory-foam pillow, so feel free to do homework or read while he tries to not die of hypothermia.
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squidwen · 3 years
Yo yo yo!
(pls gimme a lil flick on the forehead if I'm being square-brained and sending an ask I've already sent you before - my memory go brrr lmao)
I was wondering if I could ask how each of your OCs feel about hugs! I have an OC, Masayuki, who has strong arms (and a lot of muscle in general tbh) and a bit of a higher body temperature than most - and he's a big hugger, so I like to ask people this question.
It's a bit fluffy, and I get to share thoughts about hugs! (And hopefully I can share some serotonin too, hehe (◕ᴗ◕✿)
(No flicking of heads down my neck of the woods, sweetie! Don't worry. You haven't sent me an ask before. Hello btw :D Welcome to my blog! You literally couldn't have asked a better question. I've been thinking about how my ocs would react to hugs).
Vane Millingwood
It was moments like these when Vane could pass for a woodlouse. His first instinct was to curl up. He felt nauseous; his stubby legs trembled; his antenna curled and uncurled frantically as he wracked his brain for escape tactics. "Get off!" he exclaimed, wriggling like a worm on a hook in Masayuki's arms. "Get off me! Let go!" The sensation of someone's touch made his blood recoil from his skin. No doubt Masayuki could feel how scrawny and bumpy Vane was in certain places. The places he hated. Jackets and baggy shirts couldn't hide him from hands, and the Caterpillar almost collapsed form nerves.
Billy MacUrse
The bear beastman had been caught off-guard by the sudden embrace. Was this a surprise attack? Had Masayuki gone in for a headlock? Even though he wasn’t applying any pressure, Billy wasn't about to take any chances. He straightened to full height and puffed out his chest; pectorals expanding and prying Masayuki's arms off. Masayuki barely had time to blink before he was slammed against the wall. "Touch me again, ye wee varmint," Billy grumbled, his forearm veins throbbing as he strained to keep the muscular man in place, "and I'll rip yer arms clean outta their sockets."
Ceridwen Christides
As with everyone Ceridwen first met in Twisted Wonderland, she was extremely cautious. Her adrenaline spiked as Masayuki closed his arms around her. However, she didn’t want to be rude. She hugged him back with her left hand, while keeping the right balled into a fist behind her back. After a while, with nothing bad happening, Ceridwen allowed herself to relax into the hug. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been held. So few people were so brazen. Masayuki’s warmth only helped to put her at ease, and the whole experience reminded her of her father’s hugs. She bit her lip as she welled up. “That’s enough, mate” she said, pulling away. “Mind yourself now. Cheerio.”
Basil Balanaga
The mere offer of a warm hug was enough to make Basil spring onto Masayuki. Students were always wary of Basil, for his hypnotic ways and strong tail, so this was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Instinctively, he coiled himself around Masayuki. Being cold-blooded made Basil greedy for warmth and this guy was practically a walking hot water bottle. “Don’t be afraid to ssssqueeze me a little tighter,” said Basil, tightening his grip around Masayuki’s legs and stomach. When Masayuki’s breath hitched, Basil smirked coyly. “You should have known what you were getting into asking for a cuddle from someone of my kind. Come now, don’t be shy, my little boa constrictor.” The snake lay his head on Masayuki’s shoulder and signed heavily. “Let’ssss make the most of thissss.”
Seth Trent
"This jacket is made from crushed velvet! Do you have any idea how long it took me to steam it this morning?" With his dainty arms locked inside Masayuki's, Seth turned his left leg back into four tentacles and started jabbing him in the stomach. Did this man not know what personal space was? Or that velvet is an extremely delicate fabric? Seth's gaze was piercing. Regardless of how much he teetered on one leg, or his chest heaved with indignation, his eyes delivered a constant stream of disgust. "You should be put in prison for such a crime against fashion! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell dorm leader Schoenheit about this."
Tallis Underplume
“Be careful, big guy. I’m delicate~” Tallis practically cannonballed into Masayuki’s arms. How could he pass up a good old-fashioned hug? Despite not being bulky himself, Tallis’s arms were toned from carrying set pieces around stages for years and he gave as good as he got. After a firm squeeze, Tallis leaned back and ruffled Masayuki’s hair. “Tell me, love, what exercises do you do for shoulders? They’re mighty impressive. Oh, I know! Let’s talk about it over lunch. The bell’s about to ring and I am NOT going to wait in a queue until the cows come home.” With a cheeful smile, Tallis burst out of Masayuki’s grip and took to the air on his little wings. “Race ya!” 
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squidwen · 3 years
Basil...Be lookin kinda cute. Also, how would Vane react to receiving a glowing flower? After he's gotten to know Aurora.
(Basil: *blows you a kiss* Not too bad yourself, little lemming~)
Vane, regardless of who it is, gets very flustered when he's given a gift. But flowers have an edge on him. Not only does he have a talent for gardening, but he also finds certain species to be very tasty.
After Vane had gotten to 'know' Aurora - probably not that intimately due to his reclusive side - he would be more gracious when accepting gifts. If a stranger gave him a flower, he'd likely just swallow it and mumble 'thanks'. But for someone he's familiar with to do it would make him blush, and he would most likely make a hat out of said flower and give it back to them as his own present.
Vane doesn't know if it's rude to regift something you've modified, but making headwear out of flora and fungi is a party trick he's been doing for years, and it always seems to impress the few people he's done it for.
It's his way of showing appreciation.
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squidwen · 3 years
Emiko(my oc): U-u-um hi v-vane kun, y-y-you look adorable & I'm s-s-s-s-sorry that you have to g-go through w-with loneliness b-but... You a-a-are not a-a-alone because your heartslabyul f-f-friends like t-t-t-trey & cater kun are here.. & here is a f-f-flower crown f-f-for you *shows vane a sparkling blue flower crown*
Vane Millingwood
Vane’s breath hitched once he realised Emiko was talking to him. A thousand questions raced through his mind. Were they lost? Collecting for something? Perhaps seeking help with homework? Being a third year that was good at most of his subjects meant he was often sought out for assistance. It made his palms sweat.
However, once he noticed the flower crown, he let his guard drop. The sparkling petals looked luscious; the peak of good gardening. He took them from Emiko with shaky hands. “M-Much obliged,” he murmured.
Instead of placing it on his head, plucked the petals off one by one and ate them like crisps. His lips quivered at the flavour, enjoying every morsel. Emiko’s face was a picture of disbelief.
“O-Oh, where are m-my manners?” Vane quickly broke a flower off from the crown and muttered: “Green fingers.” It grew to thrice its size and Vane placed it over Emiko’s head like a hat. “I make m-most of my headwear out of flowers. C-Coat this one in a varnish of y-you want to make it last. It…suits you.”
The snack seemed to have put Vane in a better mood. Still not fond of company, he quickly set off, but not before pocketing a few blooms to regrow the flowers himself.
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squidwen · 3 years
First off, I wanna say that I LOVE YOUR THREE OCs!!!!
Basil!!!! Nagas are amazing and his long long hair aaaaaaaaaaa 💖💖💖
Vane is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and I go soft whenever I see him 💗
And Cerdiwen!!! I love the way she worked out a way to protect herself and counterattack magic by creating her gauntlets! The backstory of how she fell into Wonderland is also wonderful 💕 Lastly, I really like the way you write! Highlighting key words in sentences makes for a different tone when reading, it's nice~
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You, my dear, are a ray of sunshine that has made my day so much brighter. I want to try and go for what @sugarandmelody has done and create a TWST Oc for every dorm.
Basil and Vane, my babies, are my first fandom OCs, so I’m really chuffed to hear they’ve been received so well. Thanks also for your thoughts on Ceridwen. As a TWST persona, I don’t think she’ll make as much of a splash as the OCs, but I’m glad you like the idea of the mirror gauntlets. As a magicless human, she can’t cast magic, so having some sort of defence was a top priority for her when she first arrived in TW.
(No one’s commented on how I highlight my texts before 😅😂 I think it accentuates the key pieces of info and helps make writing faster).
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squidwen · 3 years
Would be interested what does Vane think of Mellow
Cause mushrooms connections
Vane Millingwood
Vane wouldn’t get on that well with Mellow. It’s not a personal thing. It’s just unless someone truly clicks with him, he keeps to himself.
In all honestly, Mellow’s bug collecting would horrify him. If he was ever to find one eating the plants he’d grown, he’d be making pesticide cocktails until the cows came home. (Ironic since he’s part bug, but his flowers are his babies).
However, Vane wouldn’t be against making Mellow some mushroom soup if he ever did him a favour. Give a little get a little back and all that. With his ability to make plants and fungi grow to gargantuan proportions, it wouldn’t be hard to find enough ingredients.
Vane might also sympathise with Mellow’s monster form and his want to control it. Vane also wants to control himself so as to not become a butterfly. The topic of their transformations could be a good bonding cue.
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squidwen · 3 years
Hello~ 🌺🌸
I’m doing great 😊 🌺 (in answer to your question)
How are you?? It’s so nice seeing you on my timeline again and having so much fun 💜💜👏👏🙌🙌☺️☺️
[whdkajahshs had to get the courage to send this in shehshshsg here’s some Ocs asks/interactions]
[yours are so cute absjajshshsh 🌺🌺🌺💜💜]
Hana Asteria:
“Hello Vane! I think you are perfect the way you are.”
“Do you have a favorite Flower?? I heard that you can revive wilting flowers! That’s wonderful!! I love flowers and it’s always so sad to see them wilt and die.”
“Pssst, Vane, be wary of second year Jade! He has a…obsession with mushrooms.”
“You’re in a higher class than me. Do you want me to call you sempai??”
I'm like Lazarus, tbh. I just die and come back to the fandom when the universe gives me a moment of respite. I hope to write a fanfiction today, actually. Thank you for sticking by me all these months. You're a real one xx
AND SEND ME ASKS UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME! I read Hana's bio and reblogged her faster than the time my soul left my body playing FNAF for the first time.
I really want to explore the TWST OC community as much as possible.
Vane Millingwood
Vane was well acquainted with Jade Leech. He'd never forget the day, during the eel's first year, that he'd been chased up a tree because Jade wanted to get a closer look at his mushroom hat. He was the main reason the caterpillar carried a handful of sleeping spores in his breast pocket.
However, Hana seemed like a gentler soul. Not as tall or...toothy. Vane was still wary, though. She was from another world with untold abilities hibernating inside her. Vane thought it best to humour her, but not get too close. "Milkweed," he said quickly. His stubby nubs were already shuffling him away towards the door. "And no, no. D-Don't call me that. I'm n-not the kind of senior to look up to. J-Just keep yourself to yourself at a school like this a-and you'll be better off."
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squidwen · 2 years
Hitherto a post I made a while ago about making fanfictions from my OCs, I want to try my best to make a poll.
Note: By fanfic I do mean OC x reader
Vane, Billy, Ceridwen, Basil, Seth, Jonah, Tallis.
Tumblr doesn’t do polls (as far as I know) but comment below the name of the OC you’d like me to write about first.
Poll will end June 5th 2022.
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(I haven’t done fan fics of my own OCs before so I want to start things off with one people want to see the most 😅😅)
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squidwen · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in a fic with MC/reader x my OCs (Vane, Billy, Ceridwen, Basil, Seth, Jonah, and Tallis)? Drop me an ask if you do and/or have a particular scenario request. xx
OC master list can be found here.
Vane: *hides*
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Billy: *sharpens axe*
Ceridwen: *says a prayer*
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Basil: *winks*
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Seth: *rolls eyes*
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Jonah: *continues tinkering*
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Art is by the brilliant @i-alone-on-pluto (aka CloudMallow).
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squidwen · 2 years
Hello hello~ Don't mind me asking some silly little questions about your characters!
Let's see~
1) How do your OCs fare in flying class? Is someone afraid of flying/heights? Is someone enthusiastic about it? Do any of them have a particular style or pose (like how Cater and Leona stand on the broom, Idia and Floyd hang off it, Jade hugs it, etc.)? Does anyone use something other than a broom to fly?
2) If you had to pick only one, which canon character do you see being your OC's closest friend?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I like this! A lot of my characters would have difficulty straddling a broom due to their lower bodies not being humanoid....
Vane and Basil would struggle the most with it. Vane would prefer to wait until he turns into a butterfly for flying (which he never intends to happen, but it's as good an excuse as any) to avoid getting on a broomstick. Cater and Trey usually have to find him and drag him to flying class. But, since they're busy third-years, they often don't have time. Vane chills out in the woods and watches from afar. "I wouldn't get on one of those things if you p-paid me."
Basil can't ride a broom. Even if the stick was thicker to accommodate his weight, the length of his tail is too awkward for him to ride it properly. If it slipped off, he would plummet straight down. However, Kalim lets him borrow his magic carpet. Basil's 'pose' when flying is to drape his tail near all the edges of the carpet so the weight is balanced.
Billy and Seth are the most adept when it comes to flying a broomstick. Around Billy's manor house, brooms used to be enchanted by the maids. Billy would hop on one and delight in his brothers' shocked faces as the broom tried to buck him off like a rowdy horse. Riding a broom reminds Billy of those times and it makes him a fast and ruthless flyer. He grips the broom tightly, makes sharp turns, and dips like he's reliving those same days.
Seth is more relaxed with his flying technique. He hooks his feet around the back and grips the stick with his elbows. This enables him to use his hands for reading, writing homework, or stitching. Azul is rather jealous about how an octomer like him can be so good in the air. (No doubt he's thought up numerous ways to rope Seth into a contract). Seth has actually tied red ribbons to the back of his broom so he can fly in style~
Jonah doesn't take flying seriously. He's modified his broom with an autopilot feature so he hasn't got to think about it. This doesn't make him very nimble in the air, but he's not interested in a career in flying so he just curls his tail around the broom and falls asleep with the stick between his shoulder blades. If he gets knocked off/falls off, the broom has a homing device and will chase him and catch him before he hits the ground.
Ceridwen? On a broom? She'd rather use a broomstick to sweep every room of NRC than get on one. Where are the seatbelts? How do you steer them? How do you control their altitude? Where are the BRAKES? In fact, one of Ceridwen's first days at NRC went something like this:
Ceridwen: *sweeping the halls for Crowley with a broom she found in a cupboard.*
Lilia: *drops down from the ceiling* "You're using it wrong, dear~"
Ceridwen: "Ah! Well how else are you supposed to use a broom?”
Lilia: *takes it off her, sits on it, and flies upwards.*
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And finally, Tallis IS THE WORLD’S BIGGEST SHOW OFF! After Vargas taught him that you fly on a broom by sitting on it, and not by using your wings while just holding a broom, Tallis couldn’t stop thinking about the performances he could put on with a broomstick. For weeks he was glued to Magicam watching videos on how to do barrel rolls, loops, corkscrews. Have his new skills made him a lot of jealous enemies? Of course. Has it made him a lot of adoring fans? Tallis’d like to think so. He’s left it to Cater to post clips of him doing tricks. As any self-respecting artist knows, you shouldn’t let the reviews bog you down.
In answer to your second question, when it comes to canon closest friends with my OCs, I reckon it would look something like this: 
Vane --> Trey  
Billy --> Sebek
Ceridwen --> Azul
Basil --> Kalim
Seth --> Floyd 
Jonah --> Deuce
Tallis --> Rook
I hadn’t thought about this before. Some of my answers actually surprised me.
Thanks for the questions @zackcrazyvalentine 
They were really thought provoking!
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