#twitter did not like this (its so crusty..)
viral-spirals · 1 year
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anyone else love the song 'video killed the radio star' by the buggles?
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askcometcare · 4 months
how did u get the idea for the emoji icons? and can we make our own for our characters :pleading:
OOC: a few years back i made edits of official twemoji animal emojis (pngs at the time) to be sparklecare characters! they're really outdated and old and crusty because i only used pngs at the time, but when i started working on cometcare i thought it would be a cute little thing to make the profiles unique.
i'll try and explain how i do this as best as i can, sorry if this is confusing!
for context, twemoji is an open-source emoji font that is officially made by twitter. it's what discord uses for its default emojis! it's completely free. you can find all the assets and svgs here on the official github page. to edit them, go into the 'assets' folder after downloading and find your chosen emoji by scrolling for it in the 72x72 folder, these are all pngs.
unfortunately, the files arent sorted by name of what it is, but instead just letters and numbers. once you find the one you want, copy-paste the file name and search it in the svg folder (as the svg has the same file name as the png version) and copy it into your vector editing program.
its kind of a hassle to navigate through these repeatedly because there's SO MANY OF THEM, so what i recommend doing is copy-pasting all of the animals (and other objects if you want to do stuff like use the tophat like i did for soob) into one big svg canvas (or a folder if you want, but i recommend the canvas just so its easier) and copy and re-use them for each of your characters. i also recommend scaling up the image so when you export it, it's not super small and you can put it in an art program to make the icon.
you absolutely can use this idea, no need for credit! if you don't know how to work with vectors, it's relatively easy to learn, check out inkscape since its a free program! there's also paid programs like adobe illustrator but inkscape is something i learned to use in a high school art class so i'm pretty familiar with using it
you can use this method for basically anything you want, you don't need to limit it to toyhouse icons or anything! you can make custom emoji for servers and stuff too if you want :]
in theory you can make edits of the regular pngs, but its not as easy to edit the colors as it is in a vector editing program and can make the lines crusty
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christineedaaee · 8 months
reagan w a gf who’s a hella good hacker mayhaps?
its about time i get around to the shite in my inbox
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-she'll come to u asking to doxx this 8 year old because she lost in fashion famous on roblox
like in TEARS
"___, i didn't win-" sniffle sniffle, and in the next sentence she'd hand you her crusty smashed to bits ipad and say,
"please get their address :("
-sometimes when shes out your car just pulls up beside her and shes like
"what the fuck how did you get my exact location..."
shes a bit forgetful
-hacking in to leak j.r's dick pics on twitter (or X now.. grumble grumble) is a daily occurrence
-you both accidentally found rand on discord and found out he has so many discord kittens,
" 'kitten come back online, daddy is angy'...?" (said with shock and horror)
"yeah, i can see why you don't like your father that much pookie"
-consists of accidentally live streaming the just dance version of disturbia and rock lobster because apparently its reagans "roman empire"
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Drop the Miku Binder TJ rant bestie
okay so like
i was just thinking about it, and, like, i think it's fucking nuts but also really weird how the hamilton fandom (which i'm in but i swear i'm not an uwu lams turtles shipper please) somehow took this CRUSTY, TERF-BANGED, UGLY, OLD, REDHEADED, RAPIST ASS MOTHERFUCKER,
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and turned his ugly ass into this.
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like damn what the hell- what- how???? okay like yeah, they're using daveed diggs as a base for this bullshit, which, okay, fine, but YOU DID NOT NEED TO ADD THE INFO. The idea itself is funny but also a bit weird, however im 99% sure Diggs himself wore that shirt. However, all of the extra info??? come on. Where'd the fandom get this istg y'all-
Also, also, they did something similar by making John Laurens (gay blonde dumbass) into an UWU turtles boy. ....why. Bi trash coffee gremlin tumblr over-worked sleep-deprived alexander hamilton. like yeah relatable but. why. small bean big sweater uwu innocent boy blushy short james madison. ...why. bro was stubborn and would pick a fight and was the 'fuck you' type of shy.
I just find it wild the fandom made this and it is the entirety of the fandom into one. There's the good sides, there's the bad, and there's this. Which encompasses the ENTIRE. FUCKING. FANDOM.
The fandom has its headcanons, it has its perks, but then you reach the side where everyone is just a wild fucking original character. They don't model the historical figures anymore- they're just OCs with the name 'Philip Hamilton' or 'John Laurens' or god forbid our third U.S president 'Thomas Jefferson' slapped onto it.
I'm also so confused as to how this is what the fandom is known for. We have some good fics, we have hella good art, we have a M U S I C A L , and then the first thought people have of the Ham fandom is Miku Binder Third President Founding Fucker Slaveowner Thomas Jefferson.
I also find it kind of offensive (almost put insluting oh my ufckjg-) that they made a founder become this but like he'd probably be really pissed so please keep fucking up his memory lmao he deserves it
But like... also why. What made them think of this.
Like yeah I write 20k word TR smut but you don't see me drawing it.
You don't see me making him an UWU e-boy.
...Eh I probably would for shits and giggles tbh
But like this is founding father Thomas Jefferson. Third Pres. Second VP. First Sec. of State. And he is a furry, ex-cocaine addict. Also btw do they mean John Laurens or John Adams as the former drug dealer part because neither are better but it'd really help
Also bro literally raped his 14 year old slave and had like 6 kids with her. He had her room DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIS. He RAPED HIS DEAD WIFE'S HALF-SISTER. AND HE'S A SAD UWU MAN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG?
Let's not forget this same person made a post saying Lizzie (the Queen) would be reincarnated as a horse when she died. I'm serious. Deadass.
However, it's also funny as fuck because this entire thing is a tarnish to Jefferson and I fucking HATE that bastard so like good job lol
At the same time though it's still super weird??? But insane??? Because how did this become one of the Tumblr exclusives??? like it's Tumblr history at this point. Twitter history. You cannot express any like for the Hamilton musical before you get the 'have you seen miku binder thomas jefferson' and it's like 'well shit'.
But also remember: THIS IS NOT AN OC TO FUCK AROUND WITH. Hamilton the Musical specifically gave you and presented you the founder. Thomas Jefferson. Played by Daveed Diggs. Just because it is played by a POC, but also modernized, and vastly different from the actual founder and President, does not mean that at its core it is NOT STILL THE SAME PERSON.
If you name it Thomas Jefferson, if you use the presentation of him given by Daveed Diggs, you are still using that white fucking slave-owning racist motherfucker, and that's the point of it all.
I find it stupid but funny but also insane, and I wouldn't care, unless I KNEW IT WAS SERIOUS. The artist made it seriously. They made John Laurens. They made Philip Hamilton. They did this seriously.
but like also look at this lmao
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This meme of Thomas Jefferson in a Hatsune Miku binder really got trending on Twitter at one point
It's an infamous, hellish, classic meme of both Tumblr and the Hamilton fandom, and it deserves what attention it's got, but Jesus please never unironically make shit like this again, Hamilfans, we're stained by this we don't need another😭🔫
i have more
So like, I just remembered: it kinda romanticizes these guys??? The musical??? so like don't get me wrong i love the music but... it puts them into this light. This pink light. It paints Hamilton as an abolitionist who was outspoken about it. When, in reality, dude traded and sold slaves for his in-laws + wasn't all that outspoken about it + was against immigrants or migrants, WHEN DUDE WAS FROM THE ISLANDS. HE HAD SCOTTISH BLOOD. AND HE'S AGAINST IT? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Washington also owned slaves and ran his own plantation too, so he's not off the hook. Madison, the 'uwu small bean' of the fandom, also owned slaves and ran a plantation. So the main people of this entire fiasco are slave-owners. Perfect. But also I've heard Ron Chernow's book on Hamilton, the entire start of the musical, is a bit biased to Ham himself, so...
You could be saying 'but FDRsduckfloaty, Sally is mentioned!' yes. But however, not enough. Not more. It's not even implied more than potentially ONCE what he did, and I'm not sure it ever was! Cabinet battle 3 states it flat-out but it was cut. For your info, Ben Franklin and John Adams are the only two you can really like in the slavery aspect. Ben bought them but let them go for their freedom, and John detested slavery and was against it. Never owned one.
Jefferson did add a slavery clause to the declaration but it was discarded, and he didn't fight half as much as he could have. Maybe he did and since it was the 1700s he didn't have a lot of support, but surely he could've done something like, I don't know, call it out after his terms? Once you're done gaining your second term and out of office, they can't do shit to it or your presidency, since it's over.
So the musical itself has its own problem and the fandom is even worse. It blatantly disregards that a LOT. A hella lot of the amrev fandom + a small part of the ham fandom has called TJeffs out for it but I mean can we please not make shit like Miku Binder Jefferson and act like he wasn't an actual child rapist???
This video does pretty well at it. I will admit the tagline 'America then, told by America now' almost sends shivers down my spine for what it really means. But then again I find men not knowing they'd make it down into the history books for starting the world's global power and the world's economic powerhouse pretty interesting. Doing something big and knowing it's historical, but not that it's going to form a very, VERY large country, where you'll be honored down the road and called a Founding Father of an entire nation? Signing papers and not knowing they're the founding stones of a country and still looked up to today? Intriguing.
But like still fuck Thomas Jefferson lmao
there's a lot more videos on it that dig deep, but the point is, that Hamilton is a good musical with good songs but it's also very... complex, and a bit problematic, Thomas Jefferson is a little bitch, and you should stan 1776 before you ever stan Hamilton. 1776 does not do this. It is much more realistic. 1776 has Benjamin Franklin and that's an immediate win. Be more like a 1776, be less like a Hamilton.
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branmuffins22 · 2 months
3, 6, 13, 22 from this ask game
Oooh, that's a lotta good ones. Thanks for the ask!
3. a snippet that encompasses my style
Now, this one's tough, since I tend to write in 3rd-person limited perspective, so the style changes somewhat with the voice of the focus character. Some characters think almost in staccato, some are long-winded and rambly, some are really observant, some are just there for the ride, etc.
That said, I did find something pretty indicative of my overall style in my ragefic twist on the ending of Thanks to Them:
She finally spared a glance away from the monster, at Hunter, now cradled by Willow and Camila, tears in both their eyes. Hunter, whose mouth was just slightly parted, but whose shallow breaths, hissing through the gap in his teeth, were nowhere to be heard. Hunter, whose hands laid open at his sides, rather than balled into familiar, tense fists. Hunter, whose whole body remained limp, both perfectly lax and perfectly still. …Perhaps not Hunter, then, if she was willing to jump to conclusions. Hunter's corpse. She couldn't help the wet gasp that escaped her at the sight of her lifeless brother, nor the whimpering, growling groan that came out with her next breath. Like pouring a can of soup into an already-hot pan, shock and dread popped, sputtered, sizzled, and spat, loud enough to make her flinch, until the grief finally sunk in, the excess heat ran its course, and a burnt residue was left caked onto the bottom. A crusty, sludgy layer of loss, fear, and indignity now tainted the dish, and Belos just wouldn't stop talking, scraping it up and stirring it in. The heat rose, and the whole pot soon grew dark and acrid, until all that was left was a dubious sludge of smoldering heartbreak, seething rage. Her whole body shook, her mind raced, her defiant expression broke, and her heart hammered away in her chest. She was vaguely aware that she should put out the fire, take the pot off the stove, open a window, plug her nose, just do something about it. Gus looked back and forth, up and down, from the monster to his victim, so quickly he almost seemed to be nodding, the only one still standing who seemed to notice Hunter's current state. Flapjack kept twittering, desperate and pained, trying to tell Luz something only Hunter would've been able to understand. Vee whined at her failing phonecall as Camila shakily stood to get in front of her, between her daughter and the hijo de puta who'd made her, locked her up, and tortured her. Willow muttered stilted apologies under her breath, Amity hissed furious and terrified breaths between clenched teeth, and Belos kept rambling and ranting and raving. Luz, however, parsed none of it, nothing at all, every voice and every sound drowned out by her own blood, thrumming ceaselessly in her ears. But then, clarity. White-hot clarity.
Sentences with more clauses than a legal document? Check! Long-winded, convoluted metaphors/similes? Check! One or more descriptors for almost every noun and verb? Check! Dynamic pacing? Check! A cliffhanger in the snippet? Of course! Can't spoil too much.
6. a snippet that I struggled with, but triumphed over
Here's an easy answer, from earlier in the same fic:
"No, no, no, no—!" Luz tried to tuck Flapjack into her fanny pack, planning to jump into the water to save his witch, but she barely got his legs in before she was unceremoniously shoved aside. "Move." Camila's tone left no room for argument. Without any hesitation, she dove into the surely-icy abyss after the boy who'd come to be her son, a smaller-than-expected splash revealing remarkable skill for the task. Luz let out half of a tense breath. See, he'll be fine! Mamá's got him! The rest of the kids rushed after her, to the side of the bridge, leaning over its frozen precipice. They all strained their eyes to watch as bubbles, barely visible in the dark, broke the surface of the pitch-black gravewater. Amity proved to be more present than the rest, the first and only to cast a witchlight over the bridge, searchlight and lighthouse in one. Still, they couldn't see Camila or Hunter. They'll be fine… right? Seconds passed like hours, and the quiet chorus of bubbles turned from a steady drone into almost-distinct beats. Whatever was happening in the murky depths, Camila had changed her stroke. Was she growing desperate, unable to find Hunter without reliable sight to guide her? Had she finally gotten a hold of him, and was dragging him up to the surface in uneasy strokes? Was Belos fighting her underwater? C'mon, please come back, please be okay… The bubbles changed again, now murmuring in a barely-pulsing rumble. Her stroke may have changed again, or perhaps she was just panicking, running out of air. Please, please, PLEASE! Even if she wasn't panicking, her kids definitely were. Trembling, with bated breath, they desperately waited for some other change, anything more concrete than bubbles to tell them what might be happening. I can't lose them, I CAN'T lose them! Then, moments later, a murky silhouette came into focus. At last, Camila began to surface beside the bridge, and to their enormous relief, she was holding an unconscious Hunter to her chest with one arm. As she finally broke the surface, she took one deep gasp of air, and in the same motion, deftly heaved the boy over and up onto the bridge. Only once he was secure did she let Luz and Vee help her up. Camila once again counted herself lucky to have spent some time in college working as a lifeguard, so that she could at least do this right tonight, if nothing else. But her job wasn't done yet. After taking another deep breath to steady her nerves, she started with some delegation. "Vee, call an ambulance; Willow, set him flat on his back," she ordered, already crawling to be level with his head. Once she was there, she turned her ear just above his mouth, eyes facing his chest to look for any signs of breathing, and reached two fingers to his neck to find his pulse. Unfortunately, she was interrupted before she could feel even a single beat or breath. Hunter twitched once, startling Camila off of him, and then began to convulse, as the black-green rot infesting his body expelled itself in flowing tendrils. His spasms slowly petered out as the goop coalesced at the end of the bridge, into the monstrous, roaring form of the once-emperor; the vial of titan's blood, briefly forgotten, now held in his grotesque claws. Belos then loomed into a kneel before them, pounded his empty fist into the ground, and berated the boy who had been his unwilling host, "CALEB! You would stab me in the back?!"
Hey, it even incorporates a few other common elements of my style: made-up portmanteaus (like "gravewater"), and action or description in place of dialog-claiming verbs such as "said" (like "Camila's tone left no room for argument.")
You might wonder why this one was so hard. It's a pretty straightforward retelling of events that happened on-screen (though not necessarily in the same way they happened), so I didn't exactly have to do much imagining for it. Should've been dead-simple, right?
Nah. The hard part came from the fact that the last paragraph of that snippet was the very first thing I wrote for the whole fic, and that I wrote the whole rest of this snippet backwards, after I had written the rest of the scene (including the first snippet).
It was a massive pain in the ass, lmao. Definitely one of the dumber things I've done.
13. a snippet that helped me understand a character better
Ooooh, I've got a couple of fun ones for under-explored characters, like Masha, Principal Bump, Camila, or Morton, but I think the one that really got me into their head the most was a segment I wrote for The Bat Queen in Something Like a Bible:
The human was strange to The Bat Queen. She was reckless, stubborn, but also caring, empathetic. Completely out of her depth, but still tried and tried until she eventually succeeded. Her magic was familiar, too, yet the Bat Queen couldn't place it. Perhaps something she had known millenia ago, lost to time. The human offered to help her if she wanted to learn about her past again. That is how she had somehow found herself indebted to a human. Or, perhaps the human was indebted to her? Unclear. But the babies liked her, and her dedication to young Owlbert had impressed several of the palismen, so she would be welcomed back into their grove again in time. Perhaps there was no debt at all, between herself and the human, her only loose ends being her forgotten past and what she still owed Eda. Speaking of which, it appeared they were all neighbors, if the human really lived with the Owl Lady. While she was not quite set in her opinion of the human, the youngest Clawthorne was something like a family friend. She hoped to remain on good terms with her, and with all her neighbors in these woods, as they would surely see eachother again in due time, especially with debts involved. Then, as usual, they would meet again, and again, and again, until the generation's close, when the woods would be left empty once more. Or, perhaps, the woods wouldn't become empty this time. The human was young, much younger than the Owl Lady, and seemed to get along quite well with Eda's palisman, despite the lack of a true bond. Perhaps she would inherit the Owl House when Eda passed. Perhaps it would become home to more than just a person, to a family. She would like that. Her own babies would grow up someday as well, though she might never pass to leave her grove behind to them. As for the palismen, their numbers were already dwindling, palistrom becoming critically endangered, and they would all move on or be captured eventually. No doubt the grove would grow lonely, in time. It would be nice to have good neighbors.
She may be odd, and abrasive, and furiously protective of her charges, but beyond all that, the Bat Queen is also very, very old. She holds no inherent malice for others, despite her self-enforced isolation, but she's seen it all before. She knows it's best not to get too attached to the short-lived people around her, but by her nature as a palisman, she simply can't help it. In the events of Escape of the Palisman, Luz and Owlbert even brought out a somewhat wistful side of her.
She's super interesting.
and finally, 22. a snippet that is so blissfully self-indulgent
Now, you could argue that all fanfic is self-indulgent (in fact, I'd argue it should be), but somehow, all my most indulgent ideas either haven't made it to page, were explored in Theseus Who?, or are steeped in spoilers for my other stories.
Finding a balance between self-indulgence and plot irrelevance, I suppose I can reveal some of the premise for Intermission: In the Making, via a segment of Eda's note to Luz:
Hey kiddo. From the moment you popped through my portal door, you've been a wonderful student, a wonderful friend, and just a wonderful kid. It took me less time than I aughtta be comfortable with to start thinking of you as my kid, and the way you brought the rest of us together certainly didn't help. King calls you his sister, Lily calls you her niece, even Mom and Dad have started calling you one of "the grandkids". Dang old people :P Like it or not, you've wormed your way into this family, but with the whole 'Day of Unity' thing being what it is, I've gotta acknowledge the fact that there might not be many of us left after this. You, King, and Lily are gonna be the only ones without sigils, after all, hence the note. I hope to heck that when you find it, you can just ask me about it, instead of having to read it all yourself, and I hope if you can't, that I at least hid it well enough to give you some time to grieve first, but dang if I'm not gonna be thorough about this, for once in my life, so I'm sorry if that isn't the case. We Clawthornes have a few traditions; you may already know we were a long line of palisman carvers by trade, especially before the shortage, but we've also got a few secret family recipes here and there. Some stews that'd probably kill a human, some unique woodstains and such, but the one I'd most like to pass your way is a special potion. You remember the day you pulled my mom out of that phony cure scam, when you mentioned hoping that your hair could one day be big enough to store whole bottles in it? Well, that trick of ours isn't just a matter of having great hair, it's a Clawthorne specialty. Hardly anyone knows it, especially now with the shortage, but palistrom trees are a treasure trove of material magic, good for way more than just carving palismen. Case and point, the bark is a key ingredient for a potion to turn just about anything with enough loose keratin into a hammerspace, and a head of hair works beautifully for that. (Lily's busy writing a footnote encyclopedia about all the other things palistrom trees can be used for, so you can look forward to that.) I got my treatment when I was around your age, King got his before he was talking in complete sentences, and Lily got hers when she went back to live with our folks a few months ago, so now, it's your turn.
Yeah, I'm giving Luz the hair hammerspace. Eventually. Why not? It's got the potential for both fluff and angst, it doesn't change the way her character is written in the vast majority of cases, and it's a fun little character gimmick that ties her to her found family in the Demon Realm! Dang, I really did get immediately defensive about giving a character a non-canon ability, huh? I've gotta work on that. Especially for [SPOILERS] and [SPOILERS]. And probably [SPOILERS] too, now that I think of it.
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borisbubbles · 1 year
Eurovision 2022: #25 - #21
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Rosa Linn - “Snap”
20th place
Overall placement: 50/79
[Above The Black Mamba, below James Newman]
Ugh, Fine. 
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Time to finish this ranking turbo style! So yeah, I’m not impressed with The Biggest Eurovision Hit, which I suppose is a controversial opinion? Then again, if Rosa was so good, then why did she only make it 20th place, hmmm? 🤔🤔
When Rosa’s song leaked it sounded exactly like the type of song you’d expect  DMGP to commit murder for: a frivolous, cheery pop welterweight (which somehow has the same cadence as I’m Alive by Elhaida Dani) thats easy to listen to and doesn’t get in the way of stanning better things. 
At Eurovision, this was Rosa’s exact journey. She was a cute presence that was vaguely liked, and her staging supported this. (despite the staging mishaps, still pretty neat!) Don’t know what all the references in the lyrics are about, but we can pretend it added some depth and meaning, Into 20th place she went, which was a fair result for what her lovable random self brought to the table. 
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Then, she went viral on TikTok, which honestly is more of an  “eww” than a “good on her” i m o. Okay, look, it defo does not surprise me that out of the entire 2022 catalogue this song became the viral one. TikTok viralness is a horrible metric for musical quality though. “Snap” works as a TikTok song specifcally because it doesn’t syphon attention away from whatever brainfart nonsense TikTokkers force on their feeds for a living. If you want a backing track to your “Make mac ‘n’ cheese by dumping the ingredients on a marble countertop” silliness or your indie song-singing 101 Tutorial, might as well pick something like a Snap as the accompanying backing track.
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Also, I always felt the record label behind Rosa Linn was a bit too eager to get A Big Kicker on their conto. Remember when Rosa -likely on urging from her mentor Tamar Karpelian- attempted to start a respectful discussion on Twitter (oh dear) about how wonderful NFTs were (oh dear) because they helped establish a base income for fledgling artists,like herself (oh dearrrr) without having to rely on her songs getting streams? (oh dearrrrrrrrr)Twitter gave their usual gaslighting-disguised-as-concern response which in turn forced Rosa issue a semi-confused, half-arsed apology for attempting to profit from her work. Okay that was kinda funny, but by Monika Liu’s  grown-out bob, Zoomer drama is the nuttiest drama, I swear.
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Anyway, the aforementioned NFT shizzle, the association with Tamar’s Slytherin Evil, the TikTok viralness and the radio people’s sudden insistence that “Snap” was A Hidden Underrated Gem despite it being an inconspicuous 20th placer at Eurivision THAT NOBODY CARED ABOUT, and also the fact that Snap has five different versions (HER?!) all kinda hints at a certain ambition that just... taints it a bit for me. It just feels like Snap’s popularity didn’t develop itself naturally and but came about due to largely commercial and monetary reasons, after which the sheeple convinced themselves retroactively that it was secretly great and very underrated, since you know, influencers would never twist the truth to us for their own profit. 
Overall the song’s fine in a vaccuum. Underneath its base sheer lie values that my crusty millennial monroe ass doesn’t share. FARE THEE WELL, MISS LINN, YOU GO BYE NOW!!!
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Mia Dimsic - “Guilty pleasure”
26th place
 Decade placement: 47/79
[above The Roop, below Tusse]
Oh look, another vaguely pleasant, mildly likabable, and ultimately not very exciting middle-of-the-road pop melody. The cynic in you might think I’m ranking Mia ahead of Rosa because Mia didn’t go viral, and like always the cynic in you is correct! Hooray! 😁 Yeah sorry, in the ongoing battle of overrated vs underrated, it’s the correctly rated that always win :-) 
Still, like Rosa, Mia had the potential to be green on my ranking if she had cultivated a status as a fun random. TSwift IS a guilty pleasure of mine (except for her Midnights Era self which is unironically great) and while “Willow” is a part of the least exciting wing in Taylor’s musical library (ie: the part that isn’t crazed out through copium and/or severe neurosis), this bootlegged version was just cute enough to charm me.
Now of course, if your song is all about maintaining a certain level of delicate joie-de-vivre, it’s really important to not overdo the act and let the singer’s personal charisma carry it. Cue to the staging which looked like this:
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There’s good staging and there is whatever the flyin’ fuck that was. Goodbye cutesie lounge vibe, goodbye charming performer, you’re completely overtaken by this overly choreographed, overtly dramatic and abrasive act that your song didn’t need. ONE dancer, NO acrobatics, how difficult is that to grasp, HRT? I’d be tempted to say the act was a cursed decision, but then realize Croatia’s frantic dance gremlins were probably the tipping point that allowed ~Systur~ into the finals, and any Eurovision final graced by those three earth angels has to count as a blessing. So thank you Mia for blessing us. ^_^ 
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Malik Harris - “Rockstars”
25th place
Decade ranking: 45/79
[Above Tusse, below Undisclosed]
It is very common knowledge that nobody likes Rockstars, and fine, I don’t! As insipid as “Rockstars” was though, I don’t think it was completely without redeeming qualities.Malik had a baseline charm and really went for it, I guess. 
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The German Selection, which had adopted the very... um... optimistic name “Germany, 12 points” for the occasion, (optimistic even if we believe the conspiracy theory the “12 points” alluded to the total numerical amount ARD were aiming for in Turin <3) was one of the worst in a horrible NF season. I was fucking relieved it produced a winner I could (sadly no more than) vaguely enjoy. Not everyone has the panache of getting distracted by their own soap bubble bonanza. 
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Also, the SPOKEN WORD RAP BREAK was exactly what my brain and soul -both high on copium after the Alina Pash withdrawal- needed at the time. It didn’t blow me away or anything, but it at least gave me something tangible to cling onto besides “well this is nice, i guess”. 
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For the rest though, ::tumbleweeds::. I think people might have been a bit too bandwagon-y in their Malik Mockery cus like, yeah he’s clearly getting last, don’t make it worse? But then again... he brought very little to the table. Besides the spoken word it’s like... cursive singing (petition to rename this to “Cursed Singing”) and instruments displayed on moth-eaten rugs to get points, you know? It’s like Germany were deliberately telegraphing us to NOT vote for them, again. But that’s less on Malik and more on ARD’s incompetence, which is a discussion for another time. 
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Andrea - “Circles”
27th place
Decade ranking: 44/79
[Above Malik, below Hurricane]
WE FINALLY MADE IT TO GREEN!!! Sadly we’re still in the No Man’s Land of VagueOpinionstan. 😣 
There is *something* about Andrea and “Circles” that resonates well with me? Is it the perfectly mimed frustration with a poorly communicating love interest? Is it the palpable resignation on her face as she helplessly bleats “u don’t wanna test my limits -_-”.
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Maybe! What I do know is that I stan the critical amount of pure Sadsack Energy Andrea exhudes from every pore. 😍😍 I think she’s a contender for the most morose, Eeyore-ish person to ever set a foot on a Eurovision stage? Reminder that this person won a selection  <33333 Andrea posseses a sort of theoretical anti-charisma that should render her unvoteable, and yet in practice just has me cling to every word crossing her lips. ALL SHE WANTS IS A HEALTHY CONVERSATION SO SHE CAN GET IT RIGHT AND FIX THE SITUATION, YOU GHOULS!!!
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(and yes, the other Bubble favourite of floordrop sorcery making an appearance <3)
But then on top of that, Andrea also became A Highly Controversial Pick for NoMac!!!! Strangely not because she was an out-and-proud lesbian (although, an out-and-proud lesbian representing a toxic homophobe country from the Balkans <3333333) but because..... she dropped a wee plastic flag during the turquoise carpet. 
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The toxic nationalists took it as HER DELIBERATELY TRAMPLING OUR MACEDONIAN PRIDE AFTER YEARS OF GREEK BULLYING. MRT even issued an official statement that they were CONSIDERING A WITHDRAWAL (with zero intention to actually quit of course) to appease the smooth-brained cunts until the quiet and expected NQ arrived. <3333333333
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(knowing her misery was finally over, Andrea cracked a smile for the first time in her life <3)
This only enhanced Andrea’s Charlie Brown”-esque journey even more!! Just when Andrea looked like the token hapless last placer nobody loved, the results came in, and showed she *almost* made the final.  😍😍😍😍😍😍. If there’s one thing that horrible second semifinal should have done right and didn’t, is causing a NoMac qualification by means of fixed jury voting algorithms. Simply imagine the meltdowns over Andrea slaying Andromache AND Nadir. 😍 If only the EBU had the balls to NQ Azer on the spot, huh? Oh well, there’s always 2023 for that. 😈
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Kalush Orchestra - “Stefania”
1st place
Decade ranking: 41/79
[Above Fyr og Flamme, below Eden Alene]
ugh i forgot he yelled Mariupol and Azofstal at the end of that and wasn’t DQ’d on the spot! Instantly regretting I didn’t rank Ukraine even LOWER. 😫😫😫 (no, don’t think about how much better Stefania would be without him, don’t do it Bobo, consider your mental health -- inner monologue while writing the rest of this post.)
So yeah, after all this inconspicuous also-ran filler (i’m definitely including Snap in that group), I’m eliminating the winner, the biggest televote winner Eurovision have ever had. “Have you no respect, Boris?”, you might ask and well... would I be me, if I had any, lol? I came into the 2022 season with hot takes and mental fortitude and thanks to Shitvidi I’m all out of fortitude, so~
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Cynicism and self-awareness aside, let’s get the big elephant out of the room: The war had virtually no impact on my ranking here. I despise politics at Eurovision, (mostly because politics always affect it, but Eurovision NEVER affects the politics back), so there are two options here: Either downvote Ukraine for bringing politics into the contest, or make an exception and turn a blind eye. I chose option two. Nobody can begrudge Ukraine for attempting to pretend that the worst armed conflict to have hit them since WW2 hadn’t broken them, so I won’t. No points added or deducted.  . 
I do have good reasons to not rank Stefania higher though. I think you already know where this is headed - Sorry (for YOU) if you’re a fan of his, but Oleh suuuuuucks. It started at Vidbir when he led a small mob against that poor envelope lady and it was all sorts of messed up? Entitlement and bullying tinged with toxic nationalism, there ain’t no better first impression to make, am i right?
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And very unfortunately my distaste towards Oleh also extends to his on-stage presence which I find really fucking obnoxious. The concept of a “Charismatic Black Hole” was one I didn’t fully understand until I first saw Oleh Psiuk set a foot on stage. Does anyone TRULY like  his presence here? All his verses do is distract from the chorus and instrumental, which is awful because those bits fucking slap! Airlift him and his ugly-ass hat the fuck outta here. 
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Okay, so the winning song is actually... pretty good. It is NOT great though. Stefania is a weaker, safer and more cis-het version of “Shum”, which is suboptimal. Counterpoint is that “Shum” was Peak Ukraine (Which is also Peak Eurovision), and remains one of the best entries ever, so a lesser replication of that is still enjoyable overall. It made Ihor Didenchuk (who is also in Go_A) a Eurovision laureate! It kinda sucks the fandom didn’t come through at a time when Ukraine had, you know, an actually charismatic lead, but I suppose the power of love Damiano-induced boners does conquer all.
On the flip side, Ihor’s and Tymofii’s contributions are so good that they almost fully balance Oleh’s deteriorative and hammy rapping. Tymofii carries Stefania with his spot-on chanting and preposterous flute playback shenanigans. 
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Ihor meanwhile just has a good time on the stage, disguised as one of the two Cousin It-like entities <3 Add in some tasteful staging and hell, even the fact that this song is in essence an ode to someone’s (You Know Who’s) actual mom, (and not  the forced, cringe, jingoistic metaphor it later became) and you have an entry that definitely makes sense as a jury fourth placer and top fiver overall.
Now obviously, I would have preferred for Ukraine to not win because they were not the best option (not by a mile!), and ofc also because I hate their lead, but I’m not fully broken up that they beat my faves. Sometimes there are powers at work beyond our control and that’s fine. Not everything in life must be catered to our tastes. Ukraine are the best Eurovision country, and it doesn’t matter how or when they catch up to (and pass) Ireland and Sweden, as long as it happens during my lifespan. 🤷‍♀️
Still think Pinkbucket’s a thuggish little punk though. Prayer circle that the next time Ukraine win, it’s with someone actually worth stanning. 🙂
21. UKRAINE - Kalush Orchestra - “Stefania”
22. NORTH MACEDONIA - Andrea - “Circles”
23. GERMANY - Malik Harris - “Rockstars”
24. CROATIA - Mia Dimšić - “Guilty pleasure”
25. ARMENIA - Rosa Linn - “Snap”
26. CYPRUS - Andromache - “Ela”
27. LATVIA - Citi Zeni - “Eat your salad”
28. DENMARK - ReDDI - “The show”
29. BULGARIA - Intelligent Music Project - “Intention”
30. GREECE - Amanda Tenjford - “Die together”
31. POLAND - Ochman - “River”
32. MONTENEGRO - Vladana - “Breathe”
33. FINLAND - The Rasmus - "Jezebel"
34. BELGIUM - Jérémie Makiese - “Miss you”
35. NORWAY - Subwoolfer - “Give that wolf a banana”
36. AUSTRALIA - Sheldon Riley - “Not the same”
37. SWITZERLAND - Marius Bear - “Boys do cry”
38. AZERBAIJAN - Nadir Rustamli - “Fade to black”
39. ITALY - Mahmood & Blanco - “Brividi”
40. ISRAEL - Michael Ben David - “I.M”
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wearevillaneve · 3 years
Today I watched "The Chair". When I saw that annoying, alcoholic manchild in the first episode I thought "Please, don't tell me that her character will spend the whole show babysitting that annoying, alcoholic manchild". And she didn't. She babysat him for half of the show, and spent the other half doing damage control for something he did, so her role as the chair lasted...how much? Two weeks? SMH.
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(SPOILERS for Season One of The Chair follow.)
You're not the only one shaking your head. As soon as I saw Bill's bare, pasty ass as he took a leak, I knew we were on some bullshit. Despite some overeager asshole on Twitter spoiling the ending for me, I still enjoyed watching how Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim got there. The Chair is a solid "B", but there's a thing that prevents it from getting an "A." That thing was Jay Duplass as Bill, the shambling human train wreck. All that shit stopped the show dead in its tracks. Why is Ji-Yoon so desperately trying to help this man-child who screws up constantly, engages in numerous acts of self-destructive behavior repeatedly, and has a flippant and dismissive attitude toward her despite her being his boss? Where is the respect a woman of Dr. Kim's accomplishment is due? Bill disrespects Ji-Yoon from the jump, but we're supposed to identify with him because he lost his wife a year ago and when he's not being a drunken, stoned, selfish dick, he's supposed to be this really great teacher? Yeah, miss me with that. Ji-Yoon should have told Bill to go to rehab and then seek grief counseling.
A White guy like Bill gets to fail repeatedly and still receive chances to do the same shit all over again because he learns nothing from the experience. If you're dumb enough to give a Nazi salute in a classroom you can't play the victim when people start calling you a Nazi, so when Bill started whining to Ji-Yoon that she should do more to help him, she should have said "Go fuck yourself. As a privileged White man, you have all the advantages and none of the disadvantages except you don't like being called out on your bullshit and held responsible. Help yourself for a change instead of demanding the Asian woman to save your ass!" The Chair was not adverse to talking about matters of race, but they still put Bill and his entitlement front and center. I did not enjoy it. Bill brought all of his misfortunes down on his own head and by the end, I was pulling for his ass to get fired. They manufactured a limp pretext for it not to happen, but despite his funny interactions with Ju Ju, Bill was only slightly less of a brat than she was.
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We're told Ji-Yoon and Bill have this old romantic relationship, but please explain in what world would Sandra Oh choose scruffy, messy, and probably smelly Jay Duplass over Daniel Dae Kim? Go back and look at the picture hanging on Ji-Yoon's dad's refrigerator and make it make sense because any world where that could happen is not the real world. I did enjoy Ji-Yoon's interactions with Holland Taylor as Joan and Nana Mensah as Yaz, as well her interactions with the students. Bob Balaban and the other crusty old White folks scheming to take down the two women of color was quite believable. With sexism, racism, ageism, gender politics, a single mom trying to raise a biracial adopted child, and more, The Chair covers a LOT of ground in only six 30+minute episodes but it does so nimbly. What made the show drag was when it kept trying to make me care about Bill and whatever that David Duchovny weirdness was. Neither of them worked for me at all. If The Chair gets a second season both characters should end up in the same trash can Joan set on fire.
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I'm here for Ji-Yoon dropping F-bombs on the deserving fucking fucks, but she should have told Bill to fuck off with his tiresome issues. Romantically, there was no chemistry and no sparks. Not for one second did I buy that she found any of his act to be charming. If they must cast Sandra Oh with male actors, there are plenty of dudes, Asian and non-Asian, who would look more natural paired off with her, instead of seedy types like Duplass and Owen McDaniel as Niko on Killing Eve. Not only do they look the same, but they also look like they're one missed paycheck from standing by a freeway exit with a cardboard sign that reads, "Homeless. Will Teach For Food." Don't serve any more Niko Lite for Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim. Ditch Duplass in Season Two.
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melaningifs · 2 years
What made you wanna create a blog for black anime edits? I love themed blogs like this it's so unique (*Also thank you for the dark skin representation esp!)
Ofc ! And thank you so much ! Anytime 💗 !
Ever since I discovered black edits I’ve been in love with them ! Before than I used to think I was ugly because of my dark skin which is such a terrible mindset and I’m so glad I don’t think like that anymore ! The black edits helped me feel so much more comfortable in my skin and love my skin so much ! I learned that my skin tone doesn’t make me ugly and all the characters I love look amazing in my skin tone as well ! I don’t understand how people fail to realise how important representation is?! UGH it’s so frustrating at this point! Life must be so easy not having a single cell in the brain !
For the longest time I thought I wouldn’t be able to make black edits but I found away ! (I do have a tutorial lying around but it’s super crusty, one day I’ll remake it for y’all) I made my first gif edit which was my sailor gif you’ll find as the very first post of my page, it did suuuuuper duper well on Twitter with almost a thousand likes ⁉️ so I decided to make an account just for my gifs since my main is super messy and people probably wouldn’t want to follow that 😭 and just recently decided to expand to tumblr because when it comes to gif twitter is super restrictive, and i just love tumblr as a platform like i can post as many gifs as i want, i can have multi media gifs etc etc its so good!? Tumblr genuinely underrated!! but anyways 😂
Seeing the love my edits receive is so motivating and makes me so happy ! If I can make anyone as happy as when I discovered black edits I feel like I’ve done some good for the world ! People might fail to see it as representation but to me the effects feel the same?? As long as there are people out there that get some sort of happiness from my edits I’ll never stop !! <3 this is probably way too long sorry 😭 but wow this question definitely made me realise how long my journeys been ! Thank you so much for sending an ask and the support you've given me since i joined this platform ! 💗💗💗
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mari-writes · 3 years
☕️ 👓 💕
Akaashi blinked, desperately trying to rid himself of the blurriness and crustiness that currently plagued his eyes.
His boyfriend’s coffee maker was gurgling steadily but way-too-slowly on the counter. He glared at it, fists clenched and shoulders tensed. 
Impatience coursed through Akaashi’s veins.
He should probably just walk away for a minute. Go put on some actual pants. Wash his face. Find his glasses. “A watched pot never boils,” as they say. Wait, who said that originally? Akaashi frowned. Maybe it was—
“Keiji?” Bokuto called as he stepped out of the bathroom. Keiji had his back to him, but he could feel the warm steam of the shower already wafting in his direction. It made him even sleepier. “Oh good! You’re up!”
Bokuto had already gone on a run. On a Sunday morning—and a cold one at that! How the heck did he sound so damn chipper?! 
He kept talking, but Akaashi was too dedicated to waiting for his coffee to listen that closely. He felt kind of bad, but gods, he couldn’t wait for a sip of that deliciousness. He needed it more than air right now. 
Finally, the machine finished its job. Akaashi more or less leapt towards it. He took the pot in both hands and took a whiff. “Ahh,” he sighed, turning around before putting glass to his lips and taking a long, satisfying sip.
He heard Bokuto gasp loudly. Confused, Akaashi brought down the pot and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a vague blob shape in front of him that he assumed was his boyfriend. “Hmm?” He smacked his lips.
“Keiji!” Bokuto’s voice was way too loud, and only increased in volume as he closed the space between them. “You look so beautiful right now!” 
Akaashi scoffed, taking a second taste of the rich elixir. “I find that hard to believe. I feel like death.”
“You’re wearing my jersey, and your hair is all sexy-messy, and your cheeks are pink!” Bokuto whined. Akaashi would have rolled his eyes if he’d had the energy. Instead, he just blinked harder. Man, he really couldn’t see shit.
“Kou, can you find my glasses?” Akaashi sighed. “I know I took them off the desk when I got up…”
A bout of giggles erupted from his boyfriend. Akaashi scowled. “What?!” He snapped, taking yet another drink. 
He jumped slightly as Bokuto came closer. Deftly, the man reached up and—oh. Akaashi felt his face heat up as he realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time. “Ugh,” he muttered into the pot as Bokuto put the frames in place. 
“C’mon,” Bokuto giggled again, poking Akaashi’s side. He didn’t take the coffee away—he didn’t have a death wish after all—but he did guide the younger man across the room. 
Confused but too tired to argue, Akaashi let him. “Just look at you, babe.” Bokuto had brought him in front of a floor-length mirror. “Look at how beautiful you are.”
Akaashi almost screamed at his reflection. What reality was Bokuto living in, thinking he looked good? “Bokuto-san, you have questionable tastes.” He ignored his pouting boyfriend, who was now hugging him from behind. 
“I look like one of my mangaka’s zombies,” Akaashi continued. “Actually yeah, send a photo to Udai-san. Maybe that’ll get him inspired to finally finish that chapter…”
“Mmm,” Bokuto hummed, nuzzling into Akaashi’s neck. He planted a delicate kiss there, making him shiver. “No. No one else gets to see you like this, ever. THIS version of Keiji is mine.”
Akaashi grinned, melting into the other man’s warm embrace as he once again enjoyed a long swig of coffee. “Fine by me.”
// The End
Thanks for reading! This piece was inspired by this amazing artwork on Twitter! Akaashi is somehow still beautiful as a morning-hating coffee addict. I wish I could pull it off.
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Ew no. You guys can have crusty, flat, 3 emotion Sam. No one is trying to reclaim that. People are coming up with their own ideas of who Sam should've been and claiming that. Also fuck u. Touch some grass u hypocritical fuck
Oh Sam is the crusty, no emotions guy? Have you seen castiel? The dude ranges from constipated to constipated but in pain. Sam is the complex character. Sam is the guy people spend days writing meta about. Sam is the focal point of the show. Sam is the reason supernatural exists and started.
"No one is trying to reclaim him" uhhhh. Have you been sleeping under a rock? Since you seem to be such an amazing heller, you would know that all of you are reblogging pics of Sam and saying that you need to reclaim him. Which is actually illegal for hellers to do. Read my pinned post <3
"People are trying to come up with who Sam should've been" so you mean a cheerleader for destiel right? A guy who's married off to any random girl right? A guy with no personality or story, but is only there to cheer destiel on right? You guys what nothing more from Sam. Hell you wanted dean to kill him when he was 6 months old, so don't come here all high and mighty acting like you give a fuck about Sam. You don't. You never did.
Also You guys seem to be thinking a lot lately that you can just make a character to be whatever the fuck you want. Sorry honey that's not how it works. Sure you can have fun with that in fanfiction, but when it comes to it being about the real show you all need to shut your pie hole because you only watched the show through Tumblr gifs.
Is that a threat or a to do list xoxo <3
Glad you like my bio that much that you memorized it bby<3 Also I'm hypocritical? Ha! Okay tell that to the people who were saying Sam should've been killed for eating the lucky charms just 3 days ago and are now pretending to care about him. Tell that to the people who say "Its about rep!" But then turn around and say they're gonna Photoshop mishas face on homelanders. Tell that to the people who tell us we don't know what the show is about but they didn't watch the first 3 seasons. Tell that to the people who ask "Why can't we just all get along?" But then go and make block lists and send anon hate. Tell that to the people who say ship and let ship but then attack people for shipping something. Tell that to the people who preach about kindness all day but then go bully people off of Twitter. Tell that to the people who say "Dean deserved better" But then go and send death threats to a real life man with real life feelings who one hundred percent deserved better than a fictional character.
Also babe why are you on my page if you hate Sam that much? All I do is post about Sam. I think you're lost hopefully you find your way back to the no brain cell side of the fandom byeeee<3
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Anti-Christ Superstar
Warnings: Drug use
Chapter 1: She’s with the band
Friday night in Camden was bad. Friday night in Camden behind the bar was worse. Tonight, was hell, you were sure the devil invented this job to torment people. Your bar was a club and music venue for all things alternative. And tonight, you were graced with the presence of the new-ish kids on the scene. Satanic Panic had taken the alternative world by storm. They were on their second world tour, for their album ‘Fire and Reign’. They were playing your venue tonight and the place was jam packed. You didn’t even know you had the capacity for all these people, but here you were, taking order after order. You weren’t surprised at the turnout. The atmosphere of the room truly was electric, and you had felt it once before. You remembered seeing them for their Hawthorne tour at Leeds festival a few years ago, when they were fresh faced and very new to the scene. The way they managed to control the crowd of the smaller stage was quite magical, better than some of the bands that played the main stage. You weren’t surprised at their success; the music was good and the whole band was eye candy for people of all ages. However, you wished they would go be successful somewhere else, not in the place you worked, a venue what you thought was far too small for them now. You were just about to take a new order, before the manager pulled you back. “Y/N come with me,” he said, pulling you to the backstage area, you could barely hear him over the loud music and people. “Everything okay?”, you asked. “well…” he hesitated, “How goods your bass skills?” he finished. You gave him a confused look, “what the fuck are you on about?” He let out a sight. “Look, the bassist for the band just dropped out last minute, they clocked your bass in the locker room and asked if you could play decent… I said yes and they need you ready for stage in like… 15 minutes,” he said, looking at his watch. “Josh! My bass is pink and sparkly it’s not gonna fit the aesthetic and were flooded with thirsty people out there,” you whisper-shouted. “Okay great! You’ll play then,” he said, looking more giddy than necessary. Before you could shout at him, a velvety voice interrupted you. “So, is this our replacement for tonight?” You turned to look at the source, Michael Langdon, lead guitar and vocals. The face of the band. His perfect eyebrow was raised as his baby blues looked you up and down, sizing you up to see if you were fit for the task. Your manager spoke, “Yeah, this is Y/N just give her the instructions and she’ll do fine, I’m off to cover her shift now, have fun,” he waved at you before almost skipping to take over your post. You were left alone with Michael, at a loss for words. “C’mon, lets go, we have a concert to play,” he grabbed your wrist and dragged you along with him. You couldn’t believe this, you though you might be hallucinating, the heat of the venue getting to you. You pulled your phone out of your pocket to snap a picture, to prove to yourself and your friends that this night really did happen. Michael was too busy barking orders to the side to notice the picture had been taken. You finally got to where the other two bandmembers were standing. They looked up from their conversation and smiled at you. “The pink bass yours?” asked the blonde on, this was Xavier, the drummer of the band, his little cross earring glimmered at every concert. Upon a closer look you realised the cross was inverted. How very on brand. You nodded in reply, still trying to come to terms with the situation. “Oh cool, we’ve never played with a girl before, you better be good,” the brunet laughed. This was Duncan, the other guitarist. He had the good boy gone bad vibe to him, a rebel from a prim and proper family. You looked and him and pointed to your nose, “nose is a bit crusty there,” you said. Duncan laughed and wiped the white powder, sniffling a little, “thanks”. “Are you all quite finished?” interrupted Michael, looking annoyed at the interactions. The rest of the band just rolled their eyes. “10 MINUTES!” someone shouted. “Am I getting paid for this by the way?” you asked, not wanting your talents and time to go unrewarded, you were here to work after all. “Of course,” Michael snapped, “We have 10 Minutes before we get on there and we’ve never been late, here’s the set list, I’m sure you’ve heard our shit before if your working in a place like this,” Michael shoved a piece of paper in your hands. “shouldn’t be too hard to keep up, now, this is Rin,” he pointed to a blonde woman, “She’s the techie that’s gonna get you set up. Other than that, just follow my lead and stand on the right side of the stage,” he finished. That was a lot of information to process at once. “I’m Y/N by the way,” you finally introduced yourself to everyone, while holding your hand out to Rin. The support act was coming off stage as Rin gave you a quick rundown and set you up. You had worked here for months and yet there was still so little you knew about the stage. She told you exactly where to stand and where not to stand due to pyrotechnics. All you could do was nod, the reality of what you had been roped into hadn’t hit you yet. You were pulled away by Michaels death grip, it was time to go on. You took a deep breath, the nerves beginning to hit you. Michael was adjusting his leather trousers. Duncan was making sure his docs were tied tightly, not having a repeat of the last tour where he tripped over the laces and fell face first into the crowd. Xavier stood next to you, he noticed the look on your face and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Hey, look, its gonna be fine. You know deep down inside how talented you are, otherwise, you would have run for the hills. This is a really weird situation so just give it all you got okay,” he gave you a little pep talk. “Thanks, I really needed that,” you smiled, patting the hand that was on your shoulder. “Can the pair of you please shut the fuck up, were going on now,” Michael snipped. “Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning,” you snapped back, not appreciating the attitude boy wonder was giving you. He opened his mouth to speak, but the lights lit up the stage and the crowd started to go insane, ready for the band to come out. You tried to control the nausea you were feeling, walking to your designated section of the stage. The crowd was massive but thankfully, all eyes were on Michael. You pulled the strap of your bass on, adjusting it so it would be comfortable for a long night of playing. You didn’t even know if you had the stamina for it. Michael had stopped talking to the crowd and Xavier started on the drumbeat. You looked back at your friends at the bar, your manger giving you a thumbs up. You began to strum in time with Xavier, setting the beat for the song. You thanked your lucky stars that you had just removed your acrylics a few hours ago. Michael’s and Duncan’s guitars came in, completing the intro to the song. Michael’s voice finally joined in. It was as if the room had immediately been put in a trance. You had been on the other side of the feeling before, being on stage with it was almost the same. Instead, it felt like your fingers were playing on their own, separate from the rest of you. You closed your eyes and embraced the feeling, letting the music and Michael’s voice control you. You opened your eyes and were met by Michael’s intense gaze, you just smiled at him, before looking back to the crowd and winking at your friend in the crowd. You still felt Michael’s eyes on you. The lights transitioned, indicating the song change. Michael and Duncan were back to back, in their competitive duet piece in the song. The crowd was going crazy at the performance. You looked back at Xavier and grinned at each other; you were surprised at how much you were enjoying yourself. Time seemed to fly, before you knew it you had played the final song of the set. You were finally out of your daze and got a good look of the room around you. Everything seemed so much brighter on stage. Duncan came over and gave you a high-five. “Thank you, London,” Michael began, “It’s been great performing for you all tonight. I want to say a huge thank you to Y/N over here for filling last minute, we wouldn’t have been able to perform without her,” he said, gesturing to you. A sudden shyness hit you, hearing the crowd cheer for you. You smiled and waved, giving them a little bow. The band finished with their messages, before walking off stage to a cheering crowd. “Oh my god,” you whispered to yourself. “There’s no god here,” Michael whispered in your ear. “Personal space Langdon,” you replied, glaring at him. A short woman with dark hair walked towards you. “This is Ms. Meade, our manager,” introduced Duncan. You held you had for her to shake, “Y/N”. She shook your hand, “the people on social media are loving you, you know that? We haven’t had this much of a positive response to a bassist since the one a few years ago. What was his name again? …. Eh, I can’t remember,” she shrugged. “This is so surreal,” you said to yourself, lightly patting you hot cheeks. “I need a spliff after this.” “Ask and ye shall receive,” Xav said, holding a rolled one out at you. You smiled and took it, “you are My favourite person on planet earth right now Xav,” you said, bringing out your lighter. You walked out to the smoking area, chatting away with Xavier about the strange day you were having. You heard Duncan snicker behind you, not knowing he was laughing at the death glare Michael was giving Xavier. Xavier and you scrolled through the twitter and Instagram tags of the concert. Meade was right, you seemed to be getting a lot of attention on there. You DM’s were blowing up too, from friends, family and total strangers on the internet. Within a span of a few hours, crazy fans had found your social media and followed you everywhere. If you hadn’t had been stoned, maybe you would have panicked a little at the sudden attention. But that was a problem for sober you. You went back inside to, Meade, your manager and the boys having a heated conversation. “Ah, Y/N so nice of you to join us,” said your manager. Meade just rolled her eyes, interrupting him before he could go any further. “Look, I’m gonna cut right to it kid. The people love you and we don’t have a bassist for the rest of the tour. You’ll be fully paid and accommodated for. If you don’t like it, Josh over here says your free to come back here any time. We’ll even throw in your own bus for you. How’s that sound?” You brain barely processed what she said. They wanted you permanently, your mouth was gaping like fish. “C- can I read the contract at least?” you asked. She shrugged and pulled out a wad of paper, it had to be thicker than the bible, your eyes widened. “Is there a TL;DR version of that?” “Nope,” they all said in unison. “We need to know by tonight, we leave for Europe on Monday, so you have Saturday and Sunday to pack and tie up any loose ends if you choose to do so,” she said. You looked around the room at the band members. Duncan and Xavier looked happy to have you, grinning at you. Michael however had a sour look on his as face, as if your very existence was offensive to him. You smiled to yourself, the thought of you just being near him and irritating him for a few months was enough to convince you. Getting on his nerves was already becoming a favourite pastime of yours. “Pen?” you held out you hand. Meade handing you heavy and expensive looking black pen. You signed your name onto the contract in blood red ink, not looking at the contents of the contract. “Welcome aboard Y/N, you’re officially a member of Satanic Panic.”
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laveritaswoman · 4 years
And another “you can’t make this shit up” from the bizarre world of CB
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On Dec. 27, Town & Country magazine, a venerated and upper-crusty publication, included in its digital version a listing of “The 13 Most Extravagant Weddings of 2019” (although the article title was later mysteriously changed to “Biggest”), And guess who made lucky #13 wedding couple? The lovely “wedding goals” pairing of Caitony! Well, O M G, what a nice Christmas surprise!
But I have questions ... many. many questions. First off, why did T&C deign to make their list 13 instead of an even 12, which is the usual approach for most “lists”? Second, how in the hoo-ha did Caitony make this list as a legitimate inclusion (as all the others in fact were) if “no official confirmation” was made? Apparently, as T&C explain it in the brief writeup, “confirmation” occurred in the form of a cryptic social media post by CB’s co-star Sam, who “hinted at” a wedding by simply posting a picture of himself on social media in a designer-tagged suit with his comment that he had a “Remarkable weekend” on the weekend in question. So, in most normal situations (which this clearly isn’t), under what circumstance is a post by someone saying they had a remarkable weekend confirmation of another person’s nuptials? Did the reporter who wrote this article attempt to, at the very least, get “background” confirmation by contacting the church or pastor or friends who attended (but never congratulated her) to confirm whether there was a wedding and between whom? Especially considering C wasn’t even listed on the church registry and the undertaker’s name was in brackets, which was curiously unlike all the other registry listings? Reporters who are worth their salt would question information fed to them that “couldn’t be confirmed” (especially when all the other weddings on the list are “official” and documented) and attempt to uncover/find answers to these idiosyncracies. 
And concerning #13′s inclusion as a “biggest” and “most extravagant” wedding of 2019:  if it could not be officially confirmed that a wedding even took place, who did T&C consult with that informed them that the Caitony whatever-it-was was “extravagant”? And how was it one of 2019′s “biggest” if most people don’t even know who CB is, much less her “supposed” shady music producer husband? Also, the 12 other featured wedding writeups included the bride in their wedding dress. What picture was included for Caitony? An old pic from one of the HW awards parties where both were wearing black! So anyone reading this wedding extravaganza feature would think CB was having a big, extravagant “black wedding.” 
Anyway, T&C has a reputation as an esteemed, legitimate media outlet and its reporters are considered legitimate journalists. So how on earth did #13 Caitony even make it onto the list with no official confirmation from anyone, with the only source “legitimizing” the nuptials being a co-star posting about having a “remarkable weekend” in a designer-tagged suit? Apparently, reporters now accept innuendo and unconfirmed info fed to them as FACT. As a trained journalist, I would never post this “wedding notice” without confirmation/facts. It’s simply baffling in comparison to all the others.
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However, I may have stumbled upon an explanation for this inexplicable #13 Caitony inclusion. As I was reviewing the Twitter feed of the author of the 13 weddings feature, I noticed the above cryptic post she made around the time she was likely compiling this list. Coincidence? Personally, I think not. And it sounds like Roxanne was so unhappy about whatever favor was being called in ASAP that she had to post about it.
So apparently someone in CB’s camp, despite CB’s claims of being “private” and her undertaker “extremely shy” and her relationship “for me only” and her wedding “for my husband and family” only, is dead-set on making sure that everyone know that “CAIT GOT MARRIED .... and NOT TO SAM.” (Don’t even get me started on the fugly ring being included in the list of “epic” engagement rings!) Like, why does CB apparently care so much ... yet act like she doesn’t care so much? Why is it that she has never, ever once said the name Tony when talking about her husband, instead choosing the trolling “my husband” this and “my husband” that. And why has she never outright accepted congratulations from anyone. And why have so few of her “inner circle,” peers, and co-stars congratulated her on her nuptials? 
I’m sorry, but my conclusion is that either some top-secret level shit is going on with this woman or she has some concerning mental issues. In the process, CB has succeeded in her mission to eliminate a good portion of her originally most ardent and loyal fans with her trolling, lying and blocking. Only time will tell when and how this bizarre sideshow will end. Regrettably for CB, she may not have many fans left who care.
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jenonctcity · 5 years
Chances - Part 6
Na Jaemin/Huang Renjun – Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: None.
Request: Requested by anon – Your past with Jaemin, the pregnancy, the divorce, and how you meet and marry Renjun.
A/N: Just in case this is confusing for anyone, this is part of the Chances series. It does go with the current story of Chances and is going to be set out like a timeline of the events that happened before the series took place. However, it can be read as a standalone piece or like a prequel. But I would recommend checking out the other parts of this series if you get confused. Hope you enjoy!
 Meeting Jaemin:
University was kicking your ass. Between your daily classes and your demanding job at a restaurant, you were left feeling tired and emotionally drained. You didn’t have a choice but to carry on though, money being tight and your education costing you far too much money to skip any nugget of information they were willing to provide you. You had little to no social life, the only person you really interacted with was with your roommate, who herself wasn’t much of a talker. Loneliness consumed you at all the wrong times, it mostly happened late at night after a shift at the restaurant. You’d tuck yourself into bed and let out a sigh, wishing you could cross the room and nudge your roommate awake for a chat. But you didn’t know the girl well enough to do that and you were almost certain it would make her dislike you.
The day you tripped down a couple of steps at university from not paying attention to your feet as much as someone as tired as you were should have, was the day that changed your life. Your wrist was causing agony to throb through your nerves, all your pain receptors on red alert and forcing you to call in sick to work to head to the emergency room. It was absolutely heaving with people of all ages due to it being a Friday evening. There were only 3 seats left available and you weighed up your options as you studied the people, they were situated next to. A drunk couple who both had similar cuts on their foreheads, you could only assume they’d done something highly dumb to end up with those injuries. An old man who was slouching into the free seat next to him as he started dozed off, his eyes dark underneath like he hadn’t slept in weeks. He looked like he tried to fight off sleep until he started to have a coughing fit, sitting up straight and coughing into his hands. And finally, a young man who had bleached blonde hair dyed a light pink, dressed from head to toe in a black adidas tracksuit, his arms folded across his chest and his knee jittering as he waited. You were unaware what he was waiting to be seen for as you couldn’t see any physical injuries on him, but as you looked between all three options again, you decided he was the lucky winner.
You quickly approached him, hugging your wrist to your chest as you cleared your throat, gaining his attention as he looked up at you.
“Is this seat taken?” You asked, smiling weakly at him.
“No, go ahead.” He copied your smile, watching you for a moment as you sat beside him. You looked around the emergency room, trying to find something remotely entertaining to watch, also regretting that you didn’t bring the book you’d been trying to finish for the past 2 months with you. “What did you do to your wrist? Or is it your hand?” You heard the boy ask you, his voice deep and his tone was warm.
“I er…tripped down some stairs.” You looked at him and laughed softly. “Not my finest moment.” You winced as you jostled your wrist by accident when you moved it to your lap instead of cradling it to your chest. “What are you in here for? You don’t look like you did something dumb and injured yourself.” You tried to joke with him, this being your only form of entertainment. The longer you looked at the handsome boy the more you became self-conscious of you what you assumed was your messy state. You hadn’t actually seen your reflection since you’d left your dorm that morning, but you presumed your hair had gotten messier, and your mascara had smudged from the tears you’d shed upon your unexpected meeting with the hard ground.
“Oh no I’m not here for me, I’m just here as support.” He flashed you a wide smile, motioning to the boy sitting beside him whose eyes were swollen shut. “Dummy over here forgot about his hay fever allergies and went running through a field of flowers like Bambi on crack.” He sniggered when his friend reached out to hit him but missed due to his lack of eyesight. Merely swiping at the air and just missing someone as they walked past.
“Hey! just because I can’t see doesn’t mean I can’t hear, you ass.” His friend whined, folding his arms over his chest like a disgruntled child. You giggled at the two of them, your eyes feeling crusty from the dried tears when your smile reached your eyes.
“Pipe down Jeno, you’re lucky I brought you here and didn’t just leave you to blindly make your way here after you drank my banana milk.” Jeno didn’t reply, only sinking further into his seat as he sulked. Jaemin turned his head back to you and smiled again, his eyes raking over the span of your face and he couldn’t help but think about how naturally beautiful you looked. Even if you did have smudged eye makeup and needed to comb your hair. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you (Y/N), I’d shake your hand, but I kind of can’t right now.” He smiled warmly when his attempt of a joke made you giggle.
“Maybe some other time.” You didn’t realise what your words insinuated even after you’d said them. But he noticed straight away, nodding his head eagerly.
“I hope so…I’m Jaemin.”
 The Pregnancy:
Your relationship with Jaemin had been going strong for the past 7 years. In that time, you’d both finished your education and secured jobs that were not only financially stable, but also gave you good amounts of time to be together, unlike the jobs you both held back when you first met and started dating. On your five-year anniversary, Jaemin had popped the question to you and within a year you were named Mrs Na.  You also both agreed to move out of your cosy – Jaemin would call it cramped, but you preferred cosy – apartment, and move into one with more room for your family to grow. It started off with the two of you getting a hamster, which Jaemin wanted to name Megatron Fire Blaze, but you shot that idea down with a death stare and the hamster ended up being named Tony.
A few months after your seven-year anniversary you’d dropped the pregnancy bomb onto Jaemin. He was thrilled and wasn’t too proud to admit he bawled his eyes out like teenage girl watching a sad movie about a tragic love story. Your pregnancy was going smoothly apart from the tiny feet that would aggressively kick your insides every now and then. You were also certain your baby was learning to tap dance and using your bladder as its dance floor, also, the uncomfortable and inconvenient need to pee was starting to drive you insane.
“What do you think of the name Sooyoung for if it’s a girl?” Jaemin asked, neither of you facing each other as you laid with your back pressed to his chest in the bed. The turned down sound of a movie neither of you were paying attention to on the television acted as background noise as you both focussed more on your conversation. Despite both of you having your eyes trained onto the movie, neither of you could tell someone what was going on with the storyline if asked.
“Hmm…no I’m not feeling it.” You sighed in annoyance, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands. “Our baby is never going to have a name at this rate, I just don’t like any names anyone is suggesting!” Jaemin remained silent for a moment, not being able to see much of your face from the angle he was laying at.
“You’re not going to cry are you…?” He was still learning to deal with the crazy ways your hormones would affect your moods. It still baffled him how one second you could be laughing at a funny post you’d seen on twitter and then the next you were crying about how you couldn’t reach the remote for the tv without getting up from the comfort of the sofa. He would often think back to the time Jeno commented on how your hair looked really full and colourful during your pregnancy and instead of taking it as a compliment you’d started crying in Jaemin’s arms, stating how horrible your hair must look normally and how you were just going to shave it off. Jeno had paled and immediately tried to backtrack on his words. The poor boy feeling the wrath of your pregnancy hormones. He tried not to laugh at the memory when you were around, just in case you asked him why he was laughing.
“No…” You bottom lip wobbled as you tried to hold it together, willing the tears to go away.
“What about…Joohyun? Seulgi?” You elbowed Jaemin in the ribs gently, causing him to groan as you turned to face him with your eyebrows pulling into a scowl.
“Now you’re just naming the members of Red Velvet!” He looked like a deer caught in the headlights as you caught onto his idea.
“Sorry!” He paused as he racked his brains, his lips pouting as his thoughts ran wild. “I like Mihyun.”
“Mihyun…” The name rolled off your tongue nicely as you repeated it again and again before concluding. “I love it, if our baby is a girl its Mihyun.” You smiled warmly, snuggling into Jaemin’s hold as much as you could with your big bump in the way. You both remained quiet for a while before Jaemin piped up.
“If it’s a boy, he shall be named Optimus Prime.”
“We are not naming our baby after a transformer!!!”
 The Divorce:
Na Mihyun was born on the 3rd of August. You and Jaemin had never felt more overjoyed and filled with love as what you did when you held the tiny infant in your arms for the first time. The second Jaemin heard the shrill cries of his daughter, the tears he couldn’t keep in rolled down his cheeks from pent up emotions popping like an overfilled balloon. Neither one of you could wait to take home the little life that was a symbol of your love for one another. However, things started to go sour within weeks.
The first argument was caused from Jaemin going out late with a few of his work friends. It didn’t bother you that he was going out and having fun, what bothered you was the text he sent you at 11pm that read ‘Will be another hour, don’t wait up’ after he’d promised you he’d be in before 11. It sent a spark of irritation amongst your body, but you tried to ignore it, knowing he had every right to go out and have some fun after being cooped up at home for the past few months with you. The hour passed and there was still no sign of Jaemin. After another half an hour you decided to call him, but he didn’t answer. Anxiety acted like a flood around you as the thought of him being hurt raided your mind, and the stress of being a new mother on your own and losing your husband began to make you sink in the pool on anxiety. You drowned in the feeling and it brought on a panic attack. You thanked god that Mihyun hadn’t woken up during that time, not knowing if you could have coped. He stumbled into the apartment at 4am, waking up your new-born and the anger pent up inside you. You gave him the silent treatment for a day before a big argument blew up, harsh words exchanged between you.
More arguments ensued throughout the next couple of months. Arguments over petty things, and you found that the two of you would argue for the sake of arguing at times. Leading to Jaemin spending most nights sleeping on the sofa, a hostile air between the two of you. You were miserable. And you didn’t want to feel like that when you should be enjoying your baby girl’s life. You didn’t want Jaemin feeling that way either. With the headspace you were in, you didn’t think there was any other options other than to go your separate ways.
“Jaemin, I need to talk to you.” You’d cornered him in the kitchen where you’d just come from your bedroom after putting Mihyun down for her afternoon nap.
“About what?” You longed for the days when his tone was soft, bringing comfort to you when you needed it the most. You’d already had a disagreement that morning, so his tone was unfriendly towards you. He turned to look at you from where he was making a sandwich on the kitchen counter, furrowing his eyebrows at your face as you silently cried. You heart breaking at the words you were about to drop on him.
“I can’t do this anymore…what happened to us? We hardly ever act like a loving couple anymore Jaemin and we can’t agree on anything anymore. I don’t want to fight every day; I just want a peaceful life with my daughter.” You gulped, starting to sob as you shook your head. His stomach sank, unease settling in the pit of his gut as he knew what you were about to say. “I want a divorce.”
“(Y/N) no…please we can work on this!” He abandoned his half-made sandwich, feeling numb and not knowing what to do other than to beg you to stay with him. “Baby don’t leave me.” He rushed to you, trying to take your hands in his own but you snatched them away, shaking your head and taking a step back.
“No…please just pack your things and go.”
“But I still love you…” He whispered, his voice cracking as a sob left his lips. You sighed, turning your back to him.
 Meeting Renjun:
Your divorce went through a lot quicker than you expected, and within a few months you were back to being a Miss. Life as a single mother was surprisingly easier than you thought, but that was probably because Mihyun was only just half a year old and had only just mastered the art of sitting up on her own. She had started to teeth also, which meant many sleepless nights for you, but you didn’t care because she was your only priority. You knew times would get tougher as she got older, but you couldn’t worry about it until it happened. After you and Jaemin separated, you both decided neither of you should keep the apartment, and you both moved into your own apartments. So even after living your new home for a month, you were still in the midst of decorating the place to your standards, loving that no one could tell you what you could and couldn’t put up on the walls. You did miss Jaemin, but you didn’t dwell on the feeling, knowing it wasn’t mentally healthy for you to live in the past when you had a whole fresh start ahead of you.
The apartment building you moved into was a new build, so all the apartments were slowly getting filled up with residents. All morning you could hear scuffling noises coming from the previously empty apartment next-door, so you assumed someone now occupied the living space. You went on with your day as you normally would, entertaining Mihyun as she tried to crawl around. In the end you put her in her walker, letting her cruise around the apartment to her own free will. You were engrossed in a silly tv programme that made little to no sense when a knock echoed through the halls.
“One Second!” You called out as you rose from the sofa, noting that Mihyun was fine in her walker. “You going to follow mumma?” You giggled when she grinned at you with her new front teeth, waddling after you in the confines of her walker. You smiled when you opened the door, met with an attractive man who looked to be around your own age. He had dark brown hair with matching brown eyes, his smile warm as he bowed to you.
“Hello! I just moved in next door, so I thought I’d come introduce myself.” He motioned his head towards his apartment as he spoke. “My name is Renjun.” He held his hand out to you and you quickly shook his hand with a smile. You detected an accent as he spoke Korean but couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was.
“I’m (Y/N), its nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, is it just you living here?” You noticed his glance at your hand, missing the slight raise of his eyebrows when he saw no wedding ring on your finger.
“No actually, I have this little terror living here too.” You opened the door wider to reveal your daughter, still sat in her walker and staring up at Renjun with wide curious eyes.
“Oh look at you!” He gasped, crouching down to her height and admiring the beauty of the baby. “What’s her name?”
“Mihyun.” You smiled in pride as you watched him coo over your child.
“Hi princess, aren’t you beautiful?” He chuckled when she pointed a hand at him and starting to giggle at him.
“She already likes you.” You folded your arms across your chest and leaned against the doorframe.
“I’m glad I have her approval.” He looked up at you with a soft smile, standing back up to his full height. “Well if you need anything then you know where I live.” He nodded his head at you, his eyes lingering on your face. You blushed, bowing to him.
“Thank you, same to you too.” You said your goodbyes and he headed back to his apartment. “Did you like him my little pickle?” You plucked Mihyun out of her walker to hold her to your chest. “He was nice wasn’t he?”
 Marrying Renjun:
A month after you’d met Renjun for the first time, he’d asked you out on a date. You hadn’t told Jaemin when he’d come to pick up Mihyun for the night, not wanting him to get upset about you moving on so quickly. At first you were hesitant whether to go on a date at all, but you didn’t want to let the opportunity of dating someone as lovely and kind as Renjun pass up. So, you took the plunge, went on a date with Renjun, and had an amazing night that you’d never forget. When Renjun proposed to you on your one-year anniversary, you took a week to give him your answer. Hesitant at first about marriage purely for the purpose that you’d already been married once and that hadn’t worked out. But after some deep thought and a long conversation with Jaemin about what went wrong in your marriage to him, you said yes. 10 months later you walked down the aisle and married Renjun, labelling him as the love of your life in your wedding vows. You didn’t know this, but Jaemin winced when he heard you say that. He went to your wedding despite the ache it caused in his heart, only going to show his support to you and not wanting gossip going around about his absence if he didn’t go.
You also moved apartments again. Renjun and you both moving into another apartment that was slightly bigger with the hopes of expanding your family at some point. Although you didn’t like that someone else now had a say in what you decorated the apartment with. Mihyun loved having Renjun living with you, him spoiling her with everything she wanted as soon as she told him her wanted it. He was good at acting like a father, but he knew he’d never take her own fathers place, which he didn’t want to do. But he loved her like she was his own flesh and blood, and he’d do anything for her. You hoped that this marriage was the start to your dream life, but you treasured everything you had with Jaemin. The highs and lows taught you things and gave you an experience that you’d never forget.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 261: Wakey Wakey
Previously on BnHA: The heroes decided that the only way to beat the villains was with an insane winner-takes-all gambit involving two simultaneous attacks, one on the Pliff base in Gunga Mountain, and the other on a quaint little hospital in Jakku that just so happens to be where Ujiko is keeping his Noumuraki in cold storage along with all his other evil science junk. We still don’t know what the fuck is going on in Gunga, but over in Jakku things are shockingly not really going according to plan! First Ujiko was stabbed by a Noumu space slug and melted away into nothing because HE’S A FAAAAAAAKE. Then a bunch of other Noumu came running out of the morgue to distract everyone while the real Ujiko scuttled about his lab in a panic in his lab and literally called the heroes “THOSE MEDDLESOME HEROES” because he is literally a cartoon villain, only with the evilness cranked up to 11. Thankfully before he could warp away and escape, Miruko, a.k.a. the queen of this entire arc, busted down the door and crushed John-chan like a bug (RIP JOHN-CHAN) and took hold of my heart and was all “THIS IS MINE NOW” and I was like “okay” and now she’s gonna kick Ujiko’s ass????! Or so we can hope anyway?
Today on BnHA: Well Miruko almost kicks Ujiko’s ass, and he almost doesn’t manage to punch in the activation code for his High End Noumus, and we almost manage to be spared the chaotic scene where they all come to life and wreak havoc. But unfortunately “almost” is as close as we get, mainly because every single other character decides to hang back in the hospital entrance fighting a bunch of nobodies rather than bothering to help Miruko out. Everyone that is, except Crust, who provides some assistance by (a) not mentioning to anyone how there’s a whole other tunnel that leads out of the lab and goes DIRECTLY OUTSIDE TO WHERE MY CHILDREN PRESUMABLY ARE, and (b) arriving at the lab and then not really doing anything else at all except shouting a bit. So apparently this is what we’re working with. Thankfully Miruko is somehow still alive, because it looks like she’s about to have to fight these guys pretty much on her own. Unfortunately Ujiko takes advantage of all the chaos to abscond the fuck out of there. And so the chapter leaves off with one of those “record scratch, freeze frame, yep that’s me you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation” moments. Fun times.
so Ujiko got a new name last week; he is now Garaki Kyuudai. you can read all about the meaning of the name on Caleb’s twitter if you feel so inclined. so we are now moving on, and we’ll see how many times I forget this new name and have to go back and look it up (ETA: at least twice so far)
so hopefully today will be the day when we finally discover just how and why everything is going to go terribly wrong, because it’s getting stressful bracing myself for that shoe to drop every damn week. if you’re going to put my kids in terrible danger than GO AHEAD AND PUT THEM IN DANGER ALREADY THEN. please. I can’t go on like this
holy shit you guys
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see, now this is the kind of fanservice I can get behind. too bad I can’t really focus on that at all right now because
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well then. it’s only the thing I’ve been simultaneously anticipating and dreading ever since the start of the My Villain Academia arc! don’t mind me guys. I’m just gonna. sit here nearly frozen but also kind of vibrating/pulsing ever so slightly
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holy shit you guys. I RECOGNIZE THAT BIG BLACK DOOR FROM BACK IN MY KHR DAYS. ONLY BACK THEN IT WASN’T A DOOR AT ALL, BUT A WALL. A GLORIOUS AND TERRIBLE WALL WHICH SINGLEHANDEDLY BROUGHT ONE OF THE STRONGEST CHARACTERS TO HIS KNEES DURING A DO-OR-DIE “HEROES INVADE THE VILLAINS’ LAIR” ARC VERY MUCH LIKE THIS. oh my god. and now he has returned, after all these years, to once again fuck up the heroes’ plans at a critical and devastating moment. curse you wall
also did we really need to see this
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Horikoshi: “you know what I haven’t drawn yet that I’d really like to draw. brains. just some brains splattered around all messily. children love that almost as much as they love dead dogs”
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ugh. anyway. “just Noumu Arc things,” Horikoshi says with a shrug. listen you son of a --
meanwhile if Ujiko gets all angry and tearfully sics all of the High Ends on Miruko in his rage, I will... actually I’ll sit here not being even remotely surprised at all, but still freaking out though. damn it, this is why I need that freaking shoe to drop already like I said. that thing is just sitting there like a loose snack in a malfunctioning vending machine and I’m standing here cursing and thumping on the glass and asking if anybody has a quarter
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is that freaking All for One in the top right panel. YOU’RE ON MY SHITLIST TOO MISTER
looooooooool :’)
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lol I think we finally got that shoe loose folks. sob. go ahead and activate them you crusty old fuck
also are these things in the little tubes... quirks??? like what the hell
so now Ujiko’s screaming (I guess if he’s upset we can take that as a good sign?), and meanwhile Miruko is all
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anyway Endeavor is all “catch him” which is some great fucking advice coming from someone that hasn’t even made it inside the morgue entrance yet. what fucking good are you. at least he fried the space slug
but unfortunately that hasn’t quite solved all their problems yet
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honestly though, he should still go after her. like, screw all the rest of this. get your priorities in order!! she just said there were a ton of REALLY STRONG-LOOKING!! Noumus over there too, and meanwhile she’s the only one there because none of these other dinguses seem to realize that if you want to stop the fucking Noumus you need to stop the guy in charge. otherwise they’ll just keep on coming!!
you know what, forget what I implied a couple paragraphs ago about Miruko being a few twists short of a slinky. she may have a straightforward “hit first and ask questions later” approach to things, but it’s increasingly clear that she’s still in possession of this team’s one shared brain cell right now
(ETA: the more that I think about this the madder I get. I count at least seven heroes in this shot. you’re telling me you couldn’t spare a single one??)
ooh we’re cutting to Mandalay!
she says the last of the civilians have just been evacuated from the hospital! I don’t know why she’s yelling this to them out loud and not thinking it at them like in the forest arc but whatever. the evacuation part got me thinking about the kids and now I desperately want to see how they’re doing but first we have to wait for this High End situation to finish spiraling out of control I guess
-- holy shit holy shit holy shit
okay so this guy, who was the closest behind Miruko -- I forget who he is but I remember he was one of the top ten... goddammit let me look it up... okay yeah, he’s Crust, the number six hero, whose quirk I don’t think we know yet -- anyway so he’s running down the corridor and, well...
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first of all he says hmmm way too much. but more importantly he just confirmed that at least one of these corridors leads directly outside. without passing through the hospital at all. implying that the Noumus can bypass the squad of heroes entirely and escape to rampage out on the mountainside
so the one job that the heroes had today, which was to make sure that none of the villains escaped, has already proven a failure. there are Noumus outside. and who else is outside in the mountains of Jakku right now, you guys? EXACTLY
meanwhile this fucking boomer hasn’t even bothered to say this part out loud so that the other heroes can hear and realize that there are potentially escaped Noumus on the lam! like it would be nice to maybe mention that so that they know their plan has sprung a leak and also so that Endeavor can WARN HIS FUCKING INTERNS JESUS CHRIST
anyway so Crust has stumbled upon a group of Noumus and is attacking them and still not revealing a thing to his pals, thanks so much!!!
and now Miruko is leaping at Ujiko so that means ladies and gentlemen it’s finally TIME FOR SOMETHING BAD TO HAPPEN!
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no fucking duh?? holy shit. he may be an evil genius but he’s really not that great at thinking on his feet
-- oh shit?!
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A WILD RAY OF HOPE APPEARS?? looooool are you serious? that must mean that they’re so fucking powerful the heroes wouldn’t stand a chance if they were activated. so despite all appearances, Horikoshi is actually not throwing them to the wolves just yet and there is still a thin layer of plot armor surrounding them!
--but what the hell IS HE TURNING THEM ON ANYWAY?!
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sob, he is. holy shit he’s gonna sic a High End on my wife and it’ll be the strongest fucking thing we’ve ever seen and meanwhile Ujiko will be watching all “hur hur it’s not even using 10% of its power” fucking fuck me
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so he just left?? but turned the Noumus on first?? so now they have ten fucking hours before these things get strong enough to level the whole fucking planet are you shitting meeeee. and did he just leave Tomura there too or did he also warp him out?
wait a sec no he’s still there. lol what the fuck. so did Mocha-chan create a duplicate of him then and that’s what Miruko kicked?
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I’m so confused lmao
(ETA: still confused tbh. but we have bigger fish to fry!)
but anyway. this is what we came for though
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wakey wakey. hey can someone go slap Endeavor and all those other heroes for me for deciding it was more important to battle the “small fries” out in front rather than give Miruko some fucking backup so it wouldn’t be all on her to stop this shitclown from remote activating his unstoppable army of death? fucking Mic could have ended this whole show with one shouted “YODELAYHEEHOO~” down this echo-y corridor for fuck’s sake!! Aizawa could have stopped Mocha from using her quirk! god damn! I hope you’re all happy!!
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oh thank fuck I think Miruko escaped?? or they just threw her into that wall, at least. well still better then getting your head crushed
and now these two are trying to talk because fuck me I forgot high ends can fucking talk
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“h...hero...” took me a second to figure out what they were saying there but damned if that didn’t send a chill down my spine!
also Miruko really did kick its hand right the fuck off, god I love her. even if it is instantly growing back
you guys I literally can’t stop laughing lol
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hmm lol maybe not. idk though he just gave me that vibe
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(ETA: I s2g though. hello?! is your headset broken???)
and he’s being greeted by this big guy with a gear head and a weird lumpy spine
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somehow at first I thought that first lump on his back was an “R” symbol because I’m bad at interpreting images, so now I want to call him Rusty because I’m also bad at coming up with nicknames on the spot. I’m sorry Rusty
anyway so Rusty and Crust are immediately getting into an argument and meanwhile Ujiko is just SITTING THERE BECAUSE HE CAN, NOW
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because Endeavor, Aizawa, Mic, and the others all decided it was more important to abandon their most important target in favor of trying to contain the comparatively harmless redshirt Noumus in the lobby. which is also pointless, because they’re not actually containing shit, because there are other exits besides for just the hospital! which they would fucking know if Crust was capable of relaying vital information instead of strategically saving his breath for more important things like sarcastically calling this Rusty guy “clever”
in conclusion the heroes have all picked the absolute worst time to collectively shit the bed and I’ve had it with them and they all need to retire, except for Miruko. and the kids. who are now soon to be directly in the line of fire thanks to this shitshow
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and two weeks from now is when I’ll finally be watching the new movie though, so I don’t even know how that’s gonna work lol. guess that’s why they put the extra day in February this year. ah well
anyway! so Miruko is still alive and more reminiscent of Katsuki now than ever, which is fucking great because Crust so far has been exactly as useful as you would expect some stupid old guy with the name “crust” to be, sigh. anyway I’m glad to see my girl’s spirits haven’t been dampened
meanwhile Ujiko straight up did leave Tomura there, which is interesting lol. and so now it looks to be Miruko and Crust (with the latter’s contribution extremely in doubt) versus Rusty, Jester, Max Rebo, Girl!Noumu, and Noumu!Riot. I’m strangely not worried for Miruko because I have decided that she’s invincible, and because Horikoshi has graciously nerfed these guys a bit (please accept my dripping-with-sarcasm “gee thanks”, Horikoshi)
but I am however worried about my three sons over on the edge of town who are about to be waylaid by god knows what. not to mention all my other kids 80km away! how will their day be ruined? we shall see!
101 notes · View notes
the-headbop-wraith · 3 years
2_24 Abandon Destination
Soft sheets of fuchsia tinge rolled up and down the walls from the only source of light mingled around Lewis’ dark hand.  The sleeve of his jacket was rolled back to prevent the heat from taking to the leather, and Vivi found she couldn’t take her eyes off the shimmering light.  It made the shadows around them cower, drawing forth the true nature of their surroundings into depressing aspect.
“When’d you learn to do that?” Vivi asks.  Though her voice was below a whisper, in the vacant air it felt like she shouted.  A million questions bubbled inside her, but she wasn’t about to assault Lewis with the twenty-twenty.  Not while he was comfortable enough to reveal a slice of his spooky nature to her.
Lewis pondered the flame at his hand as he walked, flexing his fingers and brightening the flames intensity at his palm in the same motion. “I could always do this,” explained the ghost.  “Control is something I’ve been trying to get a handle on.”
“Nice pun.”  Vivi sniggered into his collar.  She caught the flash of his eyes as he glanced back.
“Oops.  Pretend you didn’t hear that.”  Lewis lowered the blaze of the fire at his hand, revealing bits of shattered glass and leaves scattered out from the room beside them.  His other arm was looped behind his back to provide Vivi with a seat while she piggybacked.  The hall came to an end and he paused studying their surroundings and listened. The wind picked up and whistled through the boards in one of the windows along the decayed corridor, and he couldn’t help but twitter along.  Vivi pointed out their course and Lewis moved on that heading, near silent as a timid draft.
The flame wasn’t for his guidance, it was to give Vivi perception of their space.  In a way the bright glow did haunt him, but how could Lewis fear his own fire?  It had kept him company through a long and lonely time.
“There’s the steps,” Vivi announced.  She leaned up to the best of her ability on Lewis back and directed a finger to the steps nearly missed in the selective highlights of the magenta smolder.  A rusted shopping cart was left tipped along the first step, tattered grocery bags lay strewn over the downward staircase.  Lewis moved carefully, slipping through the solid masses gently to prevent them from catching hold of his boots.  “Now, if only Arthur didn’t roam up to the second floor.”
“That’s almost too much to hope for,” Lewis said.  He stepped down the steps, always cautious of the ruble outdated equipment, and other broken parts that had been scattered around over the years.  Hovering might’ve been easier on him but it could also be disorienting moving downward, and Vivi could easily lose her grip.  Though she might find that exciting at first, he wouldn’t risk it. “Where are we now?” he posed, once they were on the bottom floor.  An ancient pair of corroded gates stood beside the staircase with a large cutout rectangle in the side, with wires sticking out.  One of the earliest versions of an elevator in a hospital.
Without comment Vivi indicated one hall to the left, through a gaping doorway.  Lewis held his flickering arm in that direction and followed the vibrant glow of the light creeping down and up the walls.  It was another series of rooms filled with broken, iron saturated reek, and a long corridor; before Lewis stopped in his tracks.  Vivi was about to ask, when she too gathered the faint echo in the distance.  Voices.
“I’ll take a look,” Lewis said.  He knelt down and let Vivi climb off his back.
“Wait.  Wait.” Vivi snatched Lewis’s sleeve before he could douse the fire in his palm.  As he stood by and waited, Vivi dug through her backpack and pulled out one of the candles.  Lewis pinched the wick as if to extinguish the flame, but instead a soft magenta flame flashed under his fingers as he withdrew his hand.  “Be careful,” she urged.  Lewis gave a short nod, then spun away.  
With a flick of his hand the flame scattered out into the dark surroundings in a sputter of sparks, and Lewis melted into the shadows.  Vivi slung the open backpack with her as she slipped aside, behind a crusty and broken cart left leaning over a desk. Windows lined the lower wall, but many remained boarded up with plywood chunks, and somehow the teasing light that managed through the cracks only seemed to enhance the dark shade that thrived in the neglect.  She could pick out voices.  A dog yapped, that was Mystery, he didn’t sound alarmed.  There came a pause in the faint chatter and a light flashed across the room.
“Vi,” Lewis said, as he returned.  Vivi could see his sunglasses glimmer in the candlelight as he moved near her range of light.  “Art found someone hanging out here.”
“Huh?”  She was caught completely off guard.  It wasn’t unheard of to stumble across people sheltering in old abandoned buildings, but the rule was to avoid them and call a night of exploration to an end.  “Are you sure?  A living person?”
Lewis reached over the cart she crouched behind and helped Vivi up to her feet.  “As far as I can tell?” Lewis says.  He guides Vivi towards the light of Arthur’s torch, but she’s careful to check the revealing dome of the candles haze for wreckage underfoot.  “He might be a runaway,” Lewis continued. “They’ve been talking for a while.”
This side of the hospital seemed the most out of repair, and despite the strong light intermingling she was having trouble finding safe space for her feet.  And there was a runaway?  Here? “How old is he?” Vivi pressed, with a small note of alarm.  
“Dunno,” Lewis admits.  Whatever the previous conversation consisted of, it was on hold as the group gathered.  Arthur had himself seated on the fallen side of some electric box or machine with Mystery draped across his lap.  The Runaway in question had elected to keep himself secluded in an open closet, where he must’ve settled earlier as his shelter.  Beside the closets doorframe stood a wooded chair that worked as a side table, with a flashlight left on the seat of the chair and aimed towards Arthur a few yards away.  “This is Vivi,” Lewis introduced.
“Hey,” the boy said.  He made no other motion to greet, and his voice was toneless.  The light barely cast colors onto his face and he seemed small and pale in his small seclusion.
There came a short hitch, where the collective group was unsure of where to renew or begin a new conversation.  At a loss Lewis glanced Arthur’s way, Arthur only shrugged; Vivi met Lewis gaze and frowned, she turned back to the boy.  “And your name is?” Vivi began.
It was Arthur who answered, “He’s Dimitri.” Arthur tried to suppress a sneeze but failed, and his recoil caused Mystery to gurgle irritably.  “He’s got complications.”
Vivi pulled the candle closer to her front, revealing more of her face to the figure huddled in a nest of dark folds – sheets or blankets, it could be curtains.  The ruin of a hospital was no place for the living, it barely stood against the harsh elements and sheltered the insects within its walls.  “Are you from around here?” she tried.  In the dull light of Dimitri’s amber torch was the scarcely discernable shake of his head.  “Far?”
“Probably,” Dimitri admitted.  He shifts in the old sleeping bag he was curled up on, and prodded the sides for a warm spot.  Dimitri was positive that at the first indication of hostile intent he could get up and running, and get lost in the shadows before they knew it.  What weirded him out the most about the group was the guy wearing sunglasses.  That was just dumb.  “Bet you never heard about me.”
Given that the Mystery Skulls were constantly on the move when they could manage, it was unlikely.  But he was a runaway.  “How about a last name?” Vivi gently prodded.
The boy studied the intruders with listless eyes, and trembled despite the ratty denim coat he wore; it did nothing to hold out the greasy, chilled air.  He hadn‘t gotten much from the blond on why they were here - explorers, investigators - they weren‘t looking for him.  No one was looking for him.  “I’m not giving it,” Dimitri muttered.
Vivi exhaled and looked to Arthur.  No wonder Mystery was napping.  “Okay.  Time out,” she says, gesturing with her hand.  She turns and begins shooing Lewis and Arthur away.  “Time out.  Let’s go. Mystery, keep an eye on him.  Hey, wake up.”
It took some rough shaking from Arthur before the dogs head snapped up.  Mystery gave a long stretch along with a loud yawn across Arthur’s lap, before he sprang down onto the cluttered and dust riddled floor.
Dimitri stared at the dog now seated, watching him.  “You’re kidding, right?” He sniggered.
“Nope,” Vivi called back.  “We’re not going far, just hang tight.”  
The last to catch up was Arthur.  He handed his flashlight over to Mystery, and trailed after the glimmering candlelight Vivi carried.  He was nervous over the distance he had fallen behind and began to trip over some ancient electric cord strewn between dismantled metal frames of beds or equipment. “I had the lighter, right?” Arthur’s voice reached a high pitch at the end of his sentence, when he nearly ran into Vivi.  Lewis managed to catch his vest collar and pull the shorter figure out of his stumble.  “I didn’t even carry candles.  Wait, I don’t think I have a lighter.”  Arthur was digging through his pockets but had found nothing to produce.
“I might’ve hidden them from you,” Vivi muttered, and withdrew from Arthur.  “What’s he told you so far?”
The twisted expression that had been a wounded Arthur reset, and became soft, doubtful.  He glanced back to the visible light clashing with the gloom and whispered, though he was sure they were far enough away that their voices couldn’t carry.  “It’s not typical,” Arthur began.  “The way he explained it, he didn’t run from his home, he ran from his town.”
“His town?” Lewis echoed.  “Was he bullied?”
Arthur managed a thin grin.  He didn’t want to think what Lewis might do NOW with the prospect of bullies lurking.  In life Lewis was all bark and no bite, unless someone just really had to get on his bad side (the rare lunatic); but vengeful spirit of the flames, who knew what he might be capable of now.
“No,” Arthur assured, his voice a bit garbled from the musty air. He cleared his throat and went on. “Unless he’s lying, which I took into account.  It’s more feasible.  But it bothers me a kid like him would come to here to escape… something.”  He folded his arms under the edges of his vest and shuffled a little closer beside Vivi, and the pleasant glow of the candle.
The way it was explained, Dimitri lived in some obscure town with his family and his lifestyle was just so-so regular.  Enough was shared, though Dimitri didn’t want to go into too much detail about his personal life, in case his parents were looking for him.
This was the point in the conversation where Dimitri became nebulous. It might’ve been his fatigue and the cold, but he was rickety over the notion that his parents would be missing him. He didn’t think they wouldn’t care, but they might have… forgotten.  That was a good way to put it, though it made them seem callous.  They weren’t callous, there was just something wrong.  Dimitri didn’t know how to explain it, didn’t even try to figure it out.  He didn’t want to be a hero and crack the code.  You couldn’t be the hero once you ceased to exist.
The teachers were the first to indicate something was amiss. They talk about these important things when they think the students were busy or out of ear shot.  Like the group and their dog, thinking he wasn’t paying attention.  Actually, he didn’t care.  Another meaningless day gone, the end of a week, one more week and another month gone by. He wondered who it was this time.
The dog ‘arfed’ around the flashlight in his mouth, getting his attention, or warning him that he was being watched.
“Yeh, I got you,” Dimitri grumbled.  He pulled the sleeping bag over his side and propped himself up on one elbow, and tried not to nod off again.  No, he didn’t think they were dangerous people.  He couldn’t tell that just by looking at them, even if the light was better, but they could as easily be unhelpful people and drag him off to the police station for identification.  
Alerts were sent out for all the other kids but no one ever looked, not really.  For a while there would be a curfew, another school program about stranger danger, then everything went back to ‘normal.’  Like some kind of quota to fill, to say they tried to buy back their own lives.  Teachers, police, even the parents support groups.  And what happened if you returned?  He didn’t know.
“Don’t freak out,” Arthur hailed.  “We’re comin’ back over.”  Dimitri shook himself and sat up a bit to see the light bob around in the dark.  The candle guiding the group back from their powwow wasn’t hard to miss, with blue girl behind it and Arthur close to the bright bubble.  “Are you asleep?”
“No,” Dimitri answered.  “I’m not about to anyway.  Anyway.” He shoved the sleeping bag away, and winced.  The harsh cold stabbed through the denim coat and onto his skin, causing a violet shiver to wrack his muscles.  He watched the magenta light approach and could make out the two, but where’d the tall dude go?  He must be somewhere around, probably on hand if Dimitri decided to run.
Vivi was inching closer, past Mystery and his flashlight. Dimitri didn’t seem distracted, but she wasn’t getting too close.  “We talked it over,” she says, and catches the boy’s attention instantly.  Vivi stopped a few feet from Dimitri and stood right in the path of his flashlights dingy orange beam.  “We don’t want to leave you here like this, but we’d prefer if you came with us under your own consent.  Do you mind if I sit with you?”
Dimitri hesitates.  He glanced Arthur’s way and judged the lanky figure could catch up to him, if Dimitri decided to bolt, but the blonde had a higher chance of falling first.  “You… can?”  He knew what was coming, but there was still the missing third member.
Vivi found a clear space on the floor beside the chair so she wouldn’t be boxing Dimitri in, and lowered down to her knees.  Candlewax was spilt on the floor to adhere the candle, and Vivi brought her hands to her lap.  Dimitri watched the mild tremble of the flame for a moment.
“It wouldn’t be right to leave you here,” Vivi went on.  “Do you see where that puts us?”
“Who’s ‘us’?” Dimitri ventured.  This brought about a brief explanation of Mystery Skulls, Paranormal Investigators, a group of friends curious of the unexplained.  “Do you sometimes find kids hanging out in the places you explore?”
Vivi shrugged.  “Kids don’t usually hang out in spooky, haunted places.”  The colors of the outdated flashlight and the pristine shimmer of the flame clash over Vivi’s blue sweater, as she leaned towards Dimitri. “Have you ever considered that something unexplained has happened to your hometown?”
Dimitri stares at her, unfocused and uncomprehending.  “What?” he yelped.  “No!  Maybe some kind of government cover-up, and they’re paying off all the adults involved. Y’know, buying human cargo.  Have you ever watched Coma?”
Vivi blinked.  “Uh… yeah.” She leans back from Dimitri and snatched a brief glimpse of Arthur, now knelt beside Mystery.  “The government thing sounds possible…?”  Arthur twirled a finger beside his head.
“You actually believe me?” Dimitri scoffed.  He didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.  Adults didn’t usually believe in kids, that was some violation of a rule or something stupid.  “Are you serious?”
Vivi sighed and classed her hands together in her lap.  “What should I not believe?  Which story are you fabricating?  You’re ‘runaway’ story,” she quotes with her fingers, “or this government thing.  Are kids not going missing in your hometown?  I’m trying to be helpful, being a smartass with me is not helping.”
And adults usually didn’t curse in front of kids.  Dimitri was wide eyed and stunned.  It wasn’t like he never shouted profanity before, but it was unexpected.  “Okay, I’m sorry,” he said.  “I promise I’m not lying.  I don’t have any proof, but this stuff is really happening and I got… I didn’t want to wind up like the others.  I don’t know if that government thing might be real or not – we made up all these stupid stories for fun, me and my friends.  While it was… fun.”  He averted his gaze.  They were so stupid.  Idiots.
Vivi gave Dimitri the time to collect himself.  “Did your friends go missing?”
Dimitri shook his head.  “No.  I’m not sure. I don’t want to talk about it.”  That’s why they weren’t allowed to talk about it.  Something about entering the story, making it real if the danger was attributed.  Stupid stories.  Dimitri raised his eyes as the candlelight moved.  The girl plucked it off the floor and raised it beside her glasses, causing the vibrant colors to glimmer like twin sets of eyes.  She held out a hand.
“I promise we’ll help you,” Vivi spoke, hand extended.  “It doesn’t matter if it supernatural, government conspiracy… some kind of cult thing.  We believe you, and we’ll help you.”
Dimitri looked at her hand, then her eyes.  “Does this mean… I have to go home?”
Vivi nods so faintly, he nearly missed it.  “But you miss your family?” she adds.  “Don’t you?”
A flash of pain crosses Dimitri’s face, but it might’ve been the sudden wobble of the flame when he reached out to take Vivi’s hand.  “I do.  Yes,” he groans, and hung his head forward.
“I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed with your return,” Vivi insists. “And who knows, going back might do something.  Wake them up. You never know.”  Dimitri nods but refuses to look up.  “Can you stand?”  He nods, and Vivi pulls on his hand as she moves to rise, always careful of the candle still held in her hand.  “Gather up whatever you need, we’ll carry it.  Is the sleeping bag yours?”
Dimitri took his flashlight from the chairs seat and turned his back on her.  “No,” he says.  “I got it from a donation bin.”
“There’ll be blankets,” Vivi says, as she steps away.  “Take your time, there’s no rush.”
It took Dimitri only a few minutes to gather up the few possessions he’d picked up while traveling on his own.  Most of his clothing was being worn in preparation for the night, with no heat source, and the nights getting colder and colder.  He managed to get some control over himself before he turned to the group.  They had moved further across the room beside one of the dark windows, but the dog maintained his usual post with the flashlight still held in his mouth.  The dog stood up as he neared and waited, but Dimitri dithered to approach them.  He was only familiar with one and suddenly, he couldn’t recall the name.  The third member had rejoined sometime while Dimitri was busy, and he and the blonde seemed to be arguing?  This shouldn’t come as a surprise.
“This is a bad idea,” Arthur hissed.  He was hunched over the candle Vivi held amongst their circle, with his arms plastered to his ribs.  “Aside from the obvious,” he nudged his head toward Lewis’ way, “if we get found with this kid, there won’t be bail.  We’ll be over.  Done.”
“Chill Art,” Lewis cut in.  “If we get pestered, Dimitri can just explain we’re on escort.  You just got to breath, and don’t panic.  Panic bad.  Especially when it calls for fleeing from lost, confused kid.”
Arthur groaned, exasperated.  “I was startled!  Mystery, tell him!”
Mystery sniffles as he picked his way over to them.  How long was he to hold the flashlight?  He barked announcing Dimitri’s return, the dreary orange beam of the boys flashlight lagged behind the dog.
Another rasped tangent threatened to spill from Arthur, if Vivi hadn’t gripped his lower face between her fingers and squeezed his lips into a tight pucker.  “You wouldn’t abandon Galaham in a creepy old, mold infest hospital, right?” Arthur nods, but begins to shake his head under Vivi’s persuasion.  “We don’t leave kids alone, unsupervised, in spooky, haunted places.”  Arthur shook his head – no, they didn’t.  “You’d want us to adopt little Arthur if he ever got left in the scariest place in the world.”
“Indle Erfur?”
“Am I going to be a problem for you?” Dimitri blurted out. The girl released Arthur’s face and the taller member of the group flinched back.  “I don’t know if I said it yet, but I can live without ever going back. You get what I’m saying?”
“You’re far from being a problem,” Vivi replies.  “You want us to carry something?”
Dimitri clutched the duffel bag to his chest.  “It’s all I have, and I’ll hold it.”
Vivi let the matter go.  She looks to Mystery, still with that flashlight.  “Which way did we come in?”
If someone will take this torch.  Mystery tapped over to Arthur and shoved the light into his thigh, until Arthur relented on his warm, safe bubble and uncoils one arm to take the flashlight. “You did us a great service,” Arthur mock gushed, as Mystery led the way back through the room and the fallen electrical boxes.  “Even if you did nearly short out the thing with your drool.”  
Mystery yapped at him.  You’re over-exaggerating.
“Does this old place not scare you a little bit?” Vivi asked. Dimitri’s flashlight was old and the light barely covered enough of the floor to reveal the broken wood panels, or the crushed and folded pieces of metal.  She kept the candle lowered between her and Dimitri.
Dimitri shakes his head.  “It’s creepy,” he says.  “But there’s nothing that could hurt me.  I haven’t been here that long, anyway.”  He tries not to notice the taller figure to his side, not right beside him and boxing him in, but just there.  He was tall.
Light conversation was exchanged as they passed through the dark cluttered halls, and vacant moon splashed rooms.  Dimitri admitted he never really explored the hospital at night, and his discomfort toward the eerie mutation of scenery was not missed. Vivi talked to him, she avoided questions and just told him stories she’d read about some of the places they’d visited.  At times Dimitri would reciprocate and talk about some of the towns he’d breezed through, though his focus then had been getting enough food.  As a kid it was easy to get some money, but keeping a low profile was harder.  That was before Fall hit.  Arthur sympathized with Dimitri’s disdain for the ‘intrusive’ cold.
When they reached the Patients entrance, Lewis pried the warped piece of plywood back for Mystery and Arthur to exit first
“I would feel so much better if we could contact your parents,” Vivi said, as Dimitri slipped under the small opening and out into the fresh air of the night; the task was made difficult due to Dimitri’s reluctance to release his bag.  “Just to let them know where you are, and that you’re coming home.”  She took Arthur’s hand when he held it out, and he steadied her as she slipped under the thin opening with the candle.
Dimitri visibly stiffened at the harmless comment.  He stood away from the group and watched Vivi join them, and never took his eyes off her.  For a moment Vivi thought he was going to run for it.  “No,” Dimitri murmured.  “I’ll go back, but I don’t want anyone of them to realize I ever left.”
Vivi lowered the candle and let its fuchsia light settle thickly over the gritty brick floor.  A cryptic fear lingered in Dimitri, perhaps a child’s fear but it was no less worthy of empathy.  It made her reevaluate Dimitri’s explanation over the cycle of missing children. Forgotten, but not missed.  Vivi was jarred from her musing when Arthur started choking.  The torch clattered to the floor under him, the light sparked and dimmed but didn’t go out. Arthur clutched at his chest as he wobbled away from Lewis, standing near him.
“Crud, are you okay?” Vivi yelped.  Mystery darted out of the way when Vivi rushed to Arthur, and took him by the shoulder.  She handed Lewis the candle and hit Arthur on the back a few times.  “What’d you— Did you swallow your gum?”
“I think something startled him,” Lewis mumbled.  The torches bulb pulsed faintly as he reached down to pick it up, and directed the light at their feet.
“Yeah,” Arthur gagged, and coughed harder.  Vivi gave him another pat on his back, and his voice cracked as he cleared his throat.  “I’m okay now.  I’m fine. Don’t hit me again.”  He snagged Vivi’s arm, and moved the crook of his other arm over his mouth as he continued to wheeze.  Vivi pulled her hand away, but held onto his shoulder a little longer and waited, until she realized which arm she was holding.  She withdrew her hands completely.
“Be more careful,” she said, with nothing much else to offer. She led Arthur to the mingling light of the torch and candle Lewis held.  He was already at the back of the van with Dimitri, talking about the van and why the side of it was scratched up horrendously.  The lights ducked around the side as Lewis wandered off.
Vivi set her backpack down on the vans back bumper and was going through the interior pockets.  “We kind of needed the light,” she called, as Lewis went on explaining:
“We’re good drivers, but that semi came out of nowhere.” Lewis’ voice perked up as he rounded the bright amber corner.  “Sorry. I panicked.”  He winced when Vivi snatched the candle from his hand.  “I’ll just… keep an eye on him… then.”  Lewis darted away, the yellow haze of the torch flashed out in his soundless withdraw.
Arthur looked aside to Mystery, as the dog strolled out of the gloom cast by the eve of the tall arch.  “I get startled,” Arthur said.  He knelt down and pet Mystery’s head.  “That’ll never change.”  He looked up at Vivi when the audible rummage through her bag ceased.  She held the candle flame up, letting the fuchsia glimmer coat his face and shoulders.  Through this exchange, Arthur could see the doubt in her eyes.  “We’re trying,” he whispers, voice strained.  “Trust me.”
Vivi turned her eyes from Arthur, and reached into her bag to pull out the spare key.  She unlocked the doors, wincing as they groaned across the cool stillness of the night. “Get in.  Take it easy,” she urged, and handed Arthur the key.  “Wait.”  Vivi pulled him back by his vests edge and wrapped her arms around him.  “You’re strong, even when you forget you are. You get stronger when you remember that. Okay, go take it easy now.”
Arthur wobbled out of the embrace, and flopped over into the back of the van as he tried to crawl up inside.  Mystery followed, tiptoeing around Arthur’s ankles.
“Lew,” Vivi called.  She poked around one side of the van, then hurried around the other opposite corner in haste to find the two.  When she reached them, Lewis was describing some house they had explored in one adventure she didn’t recall.  She dismissed the lapse, and waved the candle their way.  “You wanna get Dimitri out of the chill?”
The expression Lewis gave was part sheepish and fear.  “Are you cold?” he asked, as he reached over to try the passenger side door.  “Why didn’t you say something?”  A click came when Arthur unlocked it, and Lewis hauled the door open for Dimitri.
“It always seemed a lot colder in that building,” Dimitri mumbled.
Vivi left them to return to the vans back.  Mystery was revealed in the candlelight, alone, as she climbed in and began going through the cuvees for supplies.  She half listened to Arthur and Lewis as they spoke to Dimitri, preoccupied with the unusualness of a guest.  Mystery watched, chin on his paws, as Vivi elected a few sticks of incense – she counted three - she retrieved a box of juice from the cooler box and one hostess cake, outside she selected a few lost bricks to assemble these items on.  She lit the incense with the candle and set it beside the unwrapped cake and the juice box, with the bendy straw set in it.  It was not the first time that she wondered whose idea was it to buy juice boxes; she suspected Lewis.
The display was not elaborate and not necessary, but it was customary.  She stood up and bowed to the doors.  “Thank you for safe passage through your grounds.  Please accept our tribute, and find fulfillment when you are ready.”
They had a motel room and that was where they were headed.  Dimitri struggled to keep his eyes open as the lights flashed hypnotically through the windshield.  It must’ve been very late, there was hardly any traffic out and he saw far more police cruisers than civilian cars.  He hugged his duffle bag tighter to his chest and wedged into the passenger door more.
The one called Vivi hovered over the center seat watching through the windshield, and sometimes made quiet conversation with the blond driving. He wasn’t listening.  At one point she looked Dimitri’s way, and said, “You need to get a good night’s rest, and think about what you feel we should know before you tell us anymore.”  Followed by: “Are you hungry?”
Dimitri ate two large crates of fries.  He still clung to his duffle bag to him as he chewed away diligently. “Can the dog have fries?” he asked. Mystery was lying on the middle seat between him and Arthur, the back paws were sprawled out over Arthur’s lap, while Mystery’s front paws reached over to Dimitri’s thigh.  The dog was weirdly calm and hardly ever looked at him.
“He likes fries,” Arthur answered.  “You done with them?”
“No.”  Dimitri held one of his fries to Mystery’s nose.  “Why does he wear glasses?”  Mystery looked at the offered food item, then at Dimitri and slanted his dog eyebrows.
“His insurance wouldn’t pay for contacts,” Arthur muttered.  He turned the van into the motels parking lot. “Plus, they look cool.”
Mystery took the fry and ate it.
The thick grumble of the motor cut off when Arthur cut the engine. He held onto the keys as he spun around to face Vivi in the back.  “Sorry Mystery.  I didn’t tell you to put them there.”  The dog yapped when Arthur twisted in his seat, upsetting his legs perch.  “Are we just going up to get our stuff?”
“Yep.  The rooms a mess.”  Vivi motioned her arms around as she shuffled to the bench seat.  “It won’t take us long.  But for the night, the room’s yours.  You can make a pillow fort if you want, there’s that complimentary soap; you can have a bath bomb.”  Vivi pointed over the seat to Dimitri’s face.  “But don’t wreck the place.  Can you handle all that?”
Dimitri stares over his duffle bag at Vivi.  “Uh… yeah.”
Arthur was already climbing out the driver side door, and Mystery scooted out after him.  “Awesome,” Vivi praised.  She hopped the seat, and jerked her thumb back over shoulder as she bounced out. “Wait her and keep an eye on Lewis. He’s still grounded.”  She was gone, and Lewis poked his head over the bench seat to give a dubious glance the way Vivi had skipped off, before turning to face Dimitri.
“You guys are so weird,” Dimitri sighed.  He fumbled at the lid of one of the fry cartons he held, the over sat on the dashboard where Arthur had stuffed it.
“Heh, you noticed?” Lewis quipped.  “Do you feel safe with us, though?  Be honest.”
The boy blinked under his untidy hair and thought it over. That question was kind of scary and he wasn’t sure if he could answer it, or if he understood his answer.  He didn’t know these people, he didn’t want to go home, but he didn’t want to keep running.  He never wanted to leave in the first place, but going back now?
“The police would help you,” Lewis elaborates, and flicks his hand up above the backseats headrest as if shooing away the first question.  “But I know for a kid, sometimes the police… aren’t the best option.  What I’m saying, you have choices.  Tell us what you feel better with why don’t you.  You’re smart, but maybe misguided?  We’ll listen.”  It wasn’t noticeable before but Lewis had an accent, and it came through heavy as he spoke.
“Why do you care?” Dimitri asked.  He set aside the empty carton of fries and took the next one from the dashboard. “Kids go missing every day, and no one cares.”
Lewis folded his arms around the headrest and set his chin down on his arms and stared out the windshield.  He thought a moment, the parking-lot lamp above glittered odd colors over the lenses of his sunglasses, mixing the yellows and purples.  “It’ll make a difference to you, won’t it?”
Dimitri stopped chewing on the fries and stared at them.  “I don’t know,” he mumbled.  “I want it to.  It should.  It has to.” He shut his eyes and pressed his face into the duffle bag.  By the way Dimitri’s shoulders shook, Lewis expected him to cry.  But Dimitri didn’t make a sound, and eventually pulled his face up and looked at him.  “You believe me?  Don’t you?” His voice was an edge from pleading, nearly insistent.  It didn’t suit a child so afraid of the home he had fled.
“Kid,” Lewis hummed.  “I don’t know what you’ve seen, but we believe you.  And we’ll do whatever we can to help.  I— ” He winced, and cut off the words to follow.  The vans radio chirped briefly and flashed, its sudden noise startled Dimitri and Lewis gave the dash a sharp glare.  “The van’s kind of old.”
“Oh.”  Dimitri fell silent after that, and contemplated the remainder of his fries. “I’m not hungry anymore,” he mumbled.
Lewis drummed his fingers on the seat back briefly.  If he leaned forward he could see the night sky through the windshield, but in the heart of the city under the glaze of lamps he couldn’t see the stars.  The sky was black, oily, and had all the contours of a moldy mop head prodding into the edges of roof eves and tree tops.  “You think you’ll be okay on your own tonight?”  he asked.  Dimitri raised his shoulders in a meager shrug.
Voices twittered through the open driver side door.  Lewis leaned back as Vivi shoved her overnight bag onto the seat.  Behind her, Arthur was catching up and complaining about something, if Lewis was listening right.
“You okay?” Vivi climbed onto the seat and set a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder.  “Hey.”
“I’m just thinking,” he answered.  “And tired.”  He clasped the fry cartoon between his hands.
“Lew, do you know where the walkie-talkies are?”  Vivi turned back to Dimitri and held out one of the plastic card keys.  “Mystery will stay with you tonight.  He’s a good listener.”
“Oh… er, thanks.”  Dimitri took the card key and stared at it.  “Thanks.”
“Lewis,” Arthur hissed, through the vans side.  It was a comical tone, it was Arthur being playful.  “Open the back doors.  Pleaasssse.”
“What’s the password,” Lewis whispered.  He appeared beside Vivi and handed over the walkie-talkie.  She was trying not to smile.
“Is it alpacas?” Arthur said.  “It had better be alpacas, I warn you.”
“Or what?” Lewis rattled.
Dimitri looked up at Vivi when she handed him the walkie-talkie. “What’s an alpaca?”
Vivi smirked.  “It’s like a llama, but cuter.”  She sniggered.  It was the idea of alpacas and Lewis slipping through her thoughts.  She could hear Arthur mutter something as Lewis wretched the doors open.  “I’m sorry,” Vivi muttered.  “You ready to retire for the night?”
“I guess.”  Dimitri tried the passenger door, and found it would unlock automatically if he pulled the handle.  “Where’s the room?”  On the other side of the door was Mystery meandering around the pavement.  He looked up as Dimitri slipped out.
“One-One-four.  Mystery will show you, if that’s fine by you.”  Vivi perched on the passenger seat as Dimitri stared at Mystery, and Mystery stared back, his tail wagging.  “Unless you—”
“Okay,” Dimitri interrupted, and he began walking off. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”  Dimitri adjusted his arms full of duffle bag, fry carton, card key and walktie-talkie, and followed as the hound led the way. The two walked up on the cement path beside the many dull tan doors of the motel rooms, and Vivi sat where she was until the two rounded the corner and were out of sight.
Lewis slipped up beside Vivi and watched the way she was staring. “I think there’s something on his mind he’s not telling us,” he judged.  “It’s hard not to ask though.”  He removed the sunglasses and held them beside his arm.  In the back, Arthur was being noisy poking around or putting their gear away.  Vivi hadn’t looked.
“I’ll do some research before we bed down,” she said.  She handed Lewis her overnight bag and climbed over the bench seat.  “If I can find something out about mass disappearances in one area, it might give us a clue of what we’re looking into.  I’m almost afraid to research it, though.”
“This doesn’t feel right,” Arthur muttered.  He leaned forward as he paced to the vans front and hopped seats.  The van creaked with his rash movement, and the doors cracked shut as he pulled them closed.  “We deal with mysteries, spookies, cults, maybe a low level creature feature – but this is a bad gig.  You feel me on this, right?  I’m not being irrational.”  He flopped his arms over the seat and stared into the back.  It was Lewis who met his gaze; Vivi had turned away to dig around in her night bag.
“I never call you irrational,” Lewis grumbled.  He crossed his arms, and Arthur could see his brow knit over his bright eyes.
“You think it, don’t you?” Arthur pressed.  “Admit it.”
“Whoa-whoa-whoa,” Vivi snapped.  She put her arms out between Arthur and Lewis and looked between the two. “Never irrational.  Right Lewis?”  She looked to the ghost as he tilts back from her hand, and the scowl she gave him.
“Never.  Art.” He made a point to look past Vivi and Arthur his attention.
Vivi looked to Arthur and dropped her hands.  “Completely rational, and I see what you’re talking about,” she said, and took a large gulp of air.  “Dimitri’s a runaway, people are probably looking for him.  He doubts that, for some reason – they don’t care about kids that go missing.”  She paused and waited, as Arthur opened his mouth as if to say something, but he withdrew and settled to lean more on the bench seats middle headrest.  “But you can’t deny that something has him troubled. Art?”
Arthur nods.  “It freaked me out, when I realized he was just some kid,” he said.  “He’s been here for a few days, keeps moving.  I don’t think he would’ve survived the winter.”
Vivi sat down and pulled the laptop onto her lap.  “That’s not a kid being stubborn.  That’s a kid that’s hit desperation.  He’s willing to go home, we’ll take him as far as we can. That’s the most we can offer.”
Arthur watched Lewis move soundlessly to the back of the van and settle himself on the bumper.  “You want me to change the radio, Lew?”  Lewis’ head jerked up from the jacket collar and Arthur almost expected the skull to take place, but Lewis held it together.
“Yeah, that… it would be good.”  Lewis withdrew again, and distracted himself with the scarce car on the distant thoroughfare.
Vivi had just booted up the computer, the chime rang out and the bright luminous of the screen brushed across her sweater.  She swung her gaze from Lewis hunched shoulders and met Arthur eyes, an expression of loss projected from her to him.  Or distress.  Or something – she didn’t remember, and it was painfully obvious to Arthur. The only consolation Arthur could give was a slight motion of his hand, while tugging his lips back into a kind of grimace.  Vivi raised her eyebrows and opened her hands out from beside her, a questioning.  Arthur motioned his hand, Vivi needed to just let it go for now.
“Damn… cheap internet,” Vivi hissed.  She pecks away at the keys, probably harder than necessary.  After some searching and clicking, she stood up and approached Lewis’ mopey shade.  “Scoot over.” She wriggled down beside him and held the laptop out for him to see.  “Look at this.  I think you need this cute alpaca vid.”  Lewis said nothing, and while Arthur watched the two, there was no visible change in the ghost’s demeanor.  Just the sounds of some kind of bleating, probably alpacas, and people talking, probably about alpacas.  Then, a sharp shriek:
“Oh no,” Lewis squealed.  “They’re too cute!”
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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