#twitter is such a special place just like any other social media platform
kryptznnn · 1 year
♡- Your Favorite Ex
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➸ INTERESTS; - slightly aged up human!neteyam (17-18) x fem!human reader (17)
➸ BACKGROUND; - Just a quick drabble of Neteyam being your ex boyfriend and how things would play out between your relationship. This takes place in a normal setting (present time and place on earth everyone’s human bla bla).
➸ WARNINGS; - wc. 1k or under. fluff, tension, romantic tensions, ex-lovers, close friendship, unknown relationship. ex lovers to lovers.
➸a.i; - neteyam blurb as THAT kind of ex, yk we all have that one ex we literally cannot hate and slide back in their life w that hbd text and a “how you been” yea. this is that.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… constantly keeps in contact with you, especially when he’s in an uncomfortable setting, you being his comfort.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… still has your birthday saved in his phone as his passcode and about everything else (and sending you money on your special day)
You ex boyfriend Neteyam who.. constantly asks about your current romance life and when you question him he says he’s asking “as a friend”.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… never fails to swoon you over again with his frequent “what’ve you been up to?” texts.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… loves to announce in public you two are together, his defense is “protecting you from the creeps” even when there are none.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… constantly complains to kiri as if you two are still together.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that.. has always been your first call or text whenever you’re feeling down or anxious, loving the way he makes you feel.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… likes every single one of your Instagram stories, and never fails to swipe up on your self-highlights with a flirtatious comment or a heart, the same for whenever you post, always making you kick your feet. (Of course he has his notifications turned on for every time you post.)
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… never seizes to push past your notifications on imessage, always making the “I missed talking to you” excuse.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… constantly asks if you miss him, or if you still love him. Of course quickly smirking after hearing your answer, being exactly what he wanted to hear.
Your crazy ex boyfriend Neteyam who… never stopped sharing his location with you, and you of course hadn’t stopped sharing with him. (Because the first time you did you got messages and requests for it + keeps tabs on you through any other social media platform you guys share; Tik-tok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Whatsapp, Locket.)
Your loving ex boyfriend Neteyam who… contacts your siblings whenever he hasn’t heard from you in a while, and of course asks Kiri, since she’s your best friend.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… can’t go seconds without some form of physical contact when he’s with you, even if your hands brush against each other it’s enough for him.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… never seizes to parent you, and when you remind him you aren’t together he’s “just showing how much he cares”.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… you somehow ended up going to prom with, all eyes on you two as rumors and pictures spread like wild fire. (but of course enjoying every moment)
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… never fails to remind you how much he misses and loves you, especially after seeing you still wear the jewelry he’s gotten for you.
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… still has your highlights on instagram on his profile, just archiving it. (that and all other photos of you in his phone)
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam who… you’ve kissed several times, everytime he reminds you it’s “just as friends.”
Your ex boyfriend Neteyam that… pays for your storage plan, apple music, and Apple Tv. (and also being your second personal alarm for school when all of your other ones fail.)
Neteyam Sully, your first love that’s ruined all other love for you, all other relationships you’ve attempted not even making it past 3 months. You and him constantly being on and off and yet still as close as ever, and for the record is your favorite ex.
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WIBTA if i cut off someone reaching out for help on tumblr? i am a very anxious person. ive been on tumblr a very long time because most all other social media terrifies me as someone who grew up with the wild west internet a decade past (im in my late 20s) so i feel sometimes with how reckless and spurractic people can be online in chatroom and especially clearly public platforms where any stranger, malicious or otherwise can just archive your digital presence for personal use.
more recently as someone who has been here during the pornban and as an asexual really enjoyed the quiet with no drama farming and a slow pace to talk about more unique political topics in a measured way it is something im strangely nostalgic for and a great example of my sensibilities to people when they insist that i use other platforms like discord or twitter or whatever clone for these services comes out of the old guard introducing feature creep to copy everyone else or any other indi "were the anti corporate version" of the endless scroll apps. i just dont want it. tumblr is special because im desktop only, been here for years, and i have kept track of every single change made so i have manually adjusted the change through hacks to evade every bad decision on here and make my set up look identical to how it was in 2010. so let it be understood that i tend to be a loney person because of this stubbornness. web 3.0 is too dangerous to people with addictive tendencies that my adhd brings out and my need to wear my heart on my sleeve. so i hope i defended my personality type enough to show why someone like me would see a post about some horrible abuses they have fell victim to who also share alot of the marginalized status as me and writing depressive things in the replys of others posts as to attention seek about it.
i directly interact with this person, not only to check if they are real (but wow, modern chat bots make this part horrifying for me. we really cant ever know for sure what is real anymore. trying to find warmth on the internet feels impossible now a days) i have multiple conversations at this point both venting and just casually shooting the shit. but the begging for me to constantly repost their paypal makes me so nervous in a way that i feel so guilty for because it reminds me of all the scams that get associated with this kind of ebegging and the reminder that capitalism takes away all warmth from human interaction to make them purely transnational and conditional. but then it just has been escalating where im so scared that now its not enough that im reposing on my 8 follower, all mutual blog, they are asking me to share it on other socials. accounts i do not have i have a flip phone and a laptop and i am tinkering with a windows 7 tower that will never be connected to the internet so i can always have software sit perfectly in its time capsule for when i need it. i do not have a way to help this person outside of what i learned from collage psyche classes. a part of me is so scared to just abruptly cut them off and just delete my entire account like i tend to do often on tumblr for a multitude of reasons, its a part of what lets people survive being here this long but i worry that would crush them if i did that, i dont want to make them feel more hopeless and unwanted then they already talk about. but i am text on the internet through a screen. i can only do so much. so would i be the asshole if i just deleted my account with a "i hope you hang in there, the world is a harsh place but keep moving" to cut someone so similar to me who is struggling out of my life?
What are these acronyms?
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batshaped · 1 year
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twitter stop fucking up for one second challenge (impossible)
here’s the thing. it feels like social media is changing lately. every social media site seems to be fucking up or getting worse in its own special little way. i recently read and thought a lot about this article which coins the term “enshittification” and describes the process by which every social media platform eventually becomes so greedy as to become unusable. it makes me wonder if the social internet is due for a big shift in the near future. 
for a long time, twitter was the best place for me. for all its issues, it had the audience that i could reach the easiest, that was the most invested in my art. i got (still get) a lot of awesome replies and really great analysis of my work on twitter, which i didn’t receive on any other platform. i was able to encourage those readers by retweeting their comments and theories to show that i liked hearing their thoughts. i could use the Moments feature to organize my art and make my comic easily readable in order. and anyone could look at my twitter, account or no.
ever since the site was bought out, twitter is getting worse. i can’t use the app on mobile anymore because every reply section is drowned out by blue checks and choked with ads. the Moments feature was disabled and people couldn’t easily read my comics in order anymore. and this is without even touching on the bigger/more serious issues the buyout has brought to the app. these are just the ways it has made my personal experience of being an artist on there worse. and now, apparently, you can’t even look at my work unless you have an account.
it’s been pretty common in the past year for the new management to implement a bad feature and then undo it after backlash, and maybe this too will be reversed. but even if it is unimplemented, the platform will continue to get worse. all platforms are getting worse right now. all of them are becoming untenable to use without 7 bespoke browser extensions to block ads, hide specific unwanted content, force chronological order, and so on. on mobile i don’t even bother. apps are unusable. 
on top of that, i have the personal issue of not being the type of creator who is particularly good at staying on top of more than one or two platforms daily. twitter has been my main for years now, so i’m pretty good about updating it very regularly. instagram is trailing behind, i usually remember to post there daily (especially as i’m remaking mine right now and posting my entire backlog) but sometimes i forget. and that’s kind of my limit. every other site falls by the wayside because i just don’t want to spend my whole day or life updating platforms. i know there are tools that can do it automatically for you but i don’t want to do it that way and then i’d have to figure out a new tool and get yet another account on yet another app and install yet another extension to use it.
i just want to draw. i don’t know how we arrived at this place where we need to be 700 other things when we are just artists. i draw and write, isn’t that enough? if i wanted a presence on tiktok i’d also have to be a video editor who pays close attention to trends and makes sure to transform my artwork into something people on that app are interested in. even if i just wanted to have a strong presence on say, twitter/instagram/tumblr/tapas/webtoon i’d have to take on another (unpaid) job as my own social media manager, meticulously managing my uploads across 5+ apps and making sure everything is up to date and tailored to what “works” on each particular platform. i already have a day job—i’m a storyboard artist. the art i post online is supposed to be made and given freely for my own enrichment first and foremost, and for the joy of sharing with others as a close second.
i wonder if we’re due for a mass rejection of this increasingly draining cable-wars-style model of spreading ourselves thin across multiple platforms just to reach the exclusive audience each one provides. i’m starting to feel done with that concept, but i still want to share my art. i want to hear my readers’ thoughts. i want to create things that connect with others. i want to do it without these ever-mounting obstacles.
what i’m doing about it is creating my own website at my own domain that belongs to me. i doubt i’ll be quitting social media when it’s done. social media is still where the audience i cherish lives. but you can bet that when that website is ready to be shared, i’ll be talking about it on every social media account i own. i’ll be telling everyone there’s a place to look at my art where you don’t need an account, you don’t have to struggle through a morass of ads, and you don’t have to line the pockets of a billionaire who bought a social media app on a whim. it’ll just be you and my art. alone together.
by the way, to @whatthehelljake​ i apologize for writing a fucking SAT essay on a screenshot of your reply. any exasperated tone here is not directed at you at all. it’s directed at this sea of obstacles that disrupt the simple concept of “i made art and i want to share it with you.” your reply is how i found out today that twitter made this change. i cherish the fact that you want to connect with my art so much that you alerted me to this. i wish that wasn’t necessary. i want to make my work on my own terms—and want you to be able to experience it on YOUR own terms.
all that to say, i think the website is going to be the main answer to this issue. i don’t see myself having the energy to update tumblr that much more often than i already do, though maybe i’ll try to pick up the pace a little now. we’ll see. holy shit if you read all this go drink a glass of water or something get up and stretch. ok thank you bye <3
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girlies4mcgann · 3 months
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Hey there, Paul McGann girlies (gender neutral) of Tumblr!
We're Girlies for McGann, a new podcast all about the work of everyone's favorite Doctor (or, at least ours). It's been a minute since either of the girlies behind this show have had to introduce themselves on Tumblr (we're old veterans of this place), but this seems like the best time to do so!
So who are we? Well, we're just like any other McGann fans on Tumblr, really. Co-host Katie dragged co-host Maggie into the world of all things Paul McGann shortly after they met in 2017, and it's been downhill from there since she pirated the Doctor Who movie in college. Just add a couple of microphones and the fact that one of us gets paid to talk about movies for a living and you've got the perfect formula for a podcast covering every McGann title imaginable.
With a couple of exceptions — because y'all know how hard it is to find some of Paul's work — we're covering his entire oeuvre, from popular titles like Doctor Who and Withnail & I to the stuff that people hardly remember, from Paper Mask to Give Me a Break and more. (Don't worry, we'll def be talking about Big Finish too.) Episodes hit your preferred platform twice a month, and we have weekly special goodies that we drop for each corresponding title. (We're on Insta & Twitter as @girlies4mcgann too!)
We've got five episodes out right now, covering titles like The Biographer, Hotel!, and Downtime, with plenty more to come in the future, including (hopefully) some special surprises along the way! We might be a little bad at the whole socials thing (12+ years on fandom Tumblr does not exactly translate to good social media skills, lol), but we sincerely hope you'll join us on this journey and let us know what you think!
—Maggie & Katie, The Girlies for McGann
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at1nys-blog · 16 days
Can you do some Deidara headcanons? 🖤
Sure thing anon🖤 hope you like this, also this is very random because the more I wrote the more ideas came to mind (pretty sure this is modernAU headcanons but that is what came to mind first)
Deidara’s Headcanons
Deidara strikes me as an annoying type of guy
As in he would always tell people that what he does is the best
His ideas are better
And so on
People don’t like him
His friends barely can stand him this is why he has few friends
He is artistic and he knows he is very good at what he does
Has every social media platform in existence where he shares his art
His favorite is Twitter (X)
Because there is where the “haters” interact with his posts the most
He laughs at them most of the times
Some other he just gets very angry and insult them
Like his accounts have been suspended a couple of times or shut down
He insults people a lot in the real world too
Not for fun though
He would when they deserve it and he would be so mean
He KNOWS how to dress
Some of his clothes are customized by him
Or hand made from him sometimes
He is a good driver (both car and motorcycle)
Would go fast when alone
But if someone asked him to go slower he would try his best to do so (still speed here and there)
He has a pretty calligraphy
His family and friends would ask him to write letters for holidays and such
Not that much jealous. And if he gets jealous he would just stop talking because he is upset
In a relationship he needs someone opposite of him
Someone calm and chill but that isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit
He would be annoyed but doesn’t talk back
He is a yapper, so he would like someone that would listen and doesn’t tend to cut him off
He will be himself no matter what
Outside the house
He would be less annoying
And probably would take the time to listen to his partner more
His love language is words of affirmation
He wants to be complimented a lot
Might indulge in his partner love language but he is subtle about it
Partner has words of affirmation as love language? Compliments them but adds a little “stupid” or something like that
Quality of time? Hangs out with them doing grocery but always complains when they can get home
(Is kinda funny to see him complaining)
Acts of service? Will help around the house when they aren’t around
Might say he wasn’t at home at all so this is why the house is clean
Gift giving? He would buy something from nowhere and casually giving it to them
Physical touch? If it is outside simple holding hands is what his partner will get
But at home he will give them light touched here and there and let them hug him more
He likes to collect pretty things
He needs them? No. Does he buy them regardless? Yes
BIG on skin care
Will not skip a day
Will force/remember his partner to do the same
Also has a very strict hair care routine.
He smells of citrus fruits
He uses hands cream (orange or lemon or a mix of citrus fruits)
He knows how to cook, nothing too fancy but he can cook
He is good at managing his money
He likes sparkling water
He is a cocktail type of guy but doesn’t refuse a beer or some wine
He doesn’t like anything too complicated or extravagant but will try it on special occasions
He likes to listen to music. More as a background sound so he actually doesn’t know almost any lyrics (if not for his favorite artists)
Might be into rap
Hates trap music
But he listen to it sometimes to see if there is something good coming out of it (he is surprised when he finds something he likes and that is objectively good)
His room? Chaotic. Paints, brushes, canvas, DIY tools and what’s not all over the place
And he has never the time or the energies to put everything in order
A lot of unfinished projects.
He likes to use a projector to watch things (movies/tv shows/ YouTube videos…)
Holidays with him? Drama filled
And he lives for being the one creating drama
For New Year do NOT invite him because he would take over the original plan and rearrange it with something *cofcof*everything*cofcof* he would like to do.
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Hey y'all
I'm not sure what compelled me to make this post, guess i'm just having a good day. I wanted to say one thing:
I've been on tumblr for under a month and i cannot put into words how much this funny little broken platform has affected the appreciation I feel for people as a whole. I love cis men, cis women, trans women, trans men, non-binary fellas, agender people, gay people, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, acesexuals, heterosexuals, aroace people, and everyone who is somewhere in between or fully outside of these concepts.
it's a weird thing to explain, but basically i'd never really used any social media other than youtube since instagram sucks, twitter is a hell hole, facebook is mostly for old people, etc.
But tumblr has allowed me to get closer to others outside my immediate social circle, find other people with the same problems as me or completely different struggles, it has let me find others with interests like mean or completely different.
And I love that, and i appreciate that more than you can imagine. You could call this my "third place" i guess lol.
And a special thank you for all my mutuals, wheter we talk often or have barely interacted at all, i love you and you're awesome and i appreciate you so so so much.
@sleepy-sham , @agirlandherquill , @bern1863 , @goodluckclove , @yukitsukumoo , @serotosin
Take care.
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sweeteacrummble · 4 months
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Ayo! It has been a while. I haven't posted any art for a while now (which I will get back to doing soon).
Where have I been
For the short answer:
I have been busy. College, Home, and being a Christian
Now for the long answer:
I am going to break it up into parts while I rant cause it gonna be a minute and there are a few things I need to let off of my chest.
College Update🏫🎓:
I normally don't like sharing how I am busy with other things than art, but now I am at the point where I have a voice and I need to use it for once. Yes, I go to College for a degree in Animation. So most of the time my hiatus is because of College, especially Finals. Yeaaaaaaaah! Overall I have been busy with work. I would love to post my progress but I feel as if it is not my best. Oh well.🫤 After, I will be able to have a break in the middle of May so their some good news there.
Youtube Update📽️📺:
For my YouTube Friends/Viewers out there and newcomers joining the party, breathes THANK YOU! THANK! YOU THANK YOU! SUPER! DUPER! OH SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING TO MY CHANNEL!!! 🤗😍😄😆THANK YOU LORD AND THANK YOU ALL!!! YOU ALL ARE THE BEST! I started with 7 subs and I never thought I could get 50 subscribers. But now 641+ SUBSCRIBERS!!!!! I wanted to make a special video for when I got a 100 but the numbers quickly kept going higher and higher and I was happy and yet overwhelming. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to share goofy goobers stuff with you. 🤗😊👍. Now with the question. Am I still going to do YouTube you haven't really posted any new videos yet? Yeah, I know. But Yes! I am still going to do YouTube. I am working on 2 new videos, so I will have a poll ready for you guys to vote on which one you want to see first. I finished 1 video now I am about 60% done with the 2nd video. Until then you can Vote on which video you want to see first while I do some catch-up.
link to poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxdoxchkFP1fHQr6LfhVp_z21IbWmKqrBm
Social Media Art Update📲📳:
I will be posting art again BUT I will stop posting in some social media accounts. For those who want to be an artist, I definitely recommend doing 1 website and then expanding if you can. But not just that, if you are a beginner/new artist and you want to know what place to post your art, Firstly I recommend posting on sites where your favorite artists post. Most of the time They have some good pointers on where to go about posting art. Secondly and MOST IMPORTANT, post art in places where you can look it up AND it will show up on Google or Bing. For instance, If you look up Mario fanart on Google and click on images, (I know it's fanart but hear me out), The sites you will see are mostly Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit and sometimes Tumblr will show up. Others like Artstation too. But not much of Instagram or Facebook. That's odd? The number 1 website for artists, from what people have recommended me, is NOT showing up on Google. Well, not a lot. Why is that? IDK. All I know is that should have been a warning sign that my art wouldn't be shown to the masses in the degree I was looking for. So when I post on Instagram, It does feel like I am posting to an endless void of nothingness. Your Artwork is valuable and should be treated as such so everyone can see it (unless you don't want to).
Here is my tier list of the Social Media I use daily for entertainment and posting as a creator on these platforms.
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Update:: okie….. sooooo….. about the Mario fanart thingy. Apparently, Google has been overhearing me rant (literally) and rolling in Instagram and Facebook art on Google images which wasn’t the case before. But at least they are taking measures. But even though Google is allowing Instagram to be more recognized, I'm sorry but THE APP itself still has problems that Google can't fix. (Unless they bought it of course)
Besides YouTube, I can recommend Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit, and Tumblr, just because you can post without feeling like you have to be a pro artist to be considered good, and you can grow and share with a community. And the best part is if you're an introvert (like me) You can post and worry less. I like to comment when someone comments back to help build confidence for myself but you don't have to if you feel shy. It takes small steps so don't rush yourself or your art. Another thing I would like to add is that if you love making GIF Art, you can do it on all the other platforms except…
Instagram. 😒😠😤
A literal sweat job with an inconsistent indiscriminate rate of changes left and right. Make reels, Make stories, Make post, all at once, every day, AND BOTS. Even watching reels about artists struggle just seems unhealthy to me, but Instagram loves this apparently. I mean, yes, we are struggling and there are plenty of underrated artists out there, I know it. But how are we helping them by promoting reels about art struggles and ways to get big on Instagram, instead of exploring new art techniques and trying new things when creating art. It also doesn't help that it is hard for me to refresh my feed from scratch. My bad Instagram for liking 1 Sonic fanart post, I just like 1 okay. I don't mean for you to give me all of them. Sheesh 😤There are just too many negatives of this platform I can't even begin with. Kinda like Twitter but at least Twitter hashtags work "sometimes". It is hard to trust a platform when you have bots swarming to your page and when you think that a live PERSON responded to your post BUT it is a bot recommending you to give them your art for the bot to share it. What kind of place is this? At the time I was trying to figure out where to post my art, I searched on Google, Reddit, and even YouTube, and most of the art videos I saw at that time all recommended Instagram. Well, I am here to say DON'T USE INSTAGRAM! This is a warning for someone who first uses this as their first art account. DO NOT USE IT PLEASE!
Man, this is the most negative thing I said but I'm just tired of thinking that this is okay and I need to put up with this and I don't.
In short, I will not post any future art I make on Instagram but the page will be open for those who want to see it. I may even come back to Instagram, but changes must be made for to make that move again. For now, I am happily posting on all the other platforms for now.
Being a Christian⛪✝️:
I am a Christian. I have been a Christian But I am a Sinner. I know I have done things wrong and I know I deserve hell, but I repent, repenting constantly for God to forgive me of my sins.🙏 I know I am sounding a bit Biblical but I am being serious. Heaven is real. Hell is real. And if both of those are really real then that must be God is real and the Bible is a history recorded for use to read and learn and hear from Him. No, I am not trying to convert you to Christianity, this is more for me than anyone I suppose. I have been dealing with doubts in my life and some things I just can't explain. But I know there has to be something beyond this life. There are just too many signs pointing in that direction and it is hard to keep quiet about. I know God saved my parents. I have seen it multiple times. But at the same time, I tend to forget and lose faith in Jesus at times which is sad. Is Jesus coming back again? If so then sign me up I will do my best to be closer to Him. It's just that I don't want to go to hell for all of eternity, so if I don't want to go there I need to believe in Jesus Christ. It is a lot easier said than done but I also want to share the good news with others that Jesus loves them but I don't want to offend anyone if that makes. But I guess I can tell you if you don't mind.
Jesus loves you! 💖💝
Yay, I said it! Oh I forgot to add that I don't want to rush anything that I do moving forward and take it easy. But don't worry I still draw fanart of my favorite video game characters is just that I am adding one more layer to what I post that's all.
You're still reading this?!?
I don't have anything else to say
I guess I can end it off like VeggieTales did
God made you special and He loves you very much
Buh bye👋😊
Happy Blessing
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xenocorner · 7 months
Hello, I'm sorry if this ask seems random. I'm a fine arts student, hoping to career in Illustrator and eventually college professor. I'm curious about how to get from college student to college professor. I am also trying to grow my personal and professional art accounts. if you have any advice for me.
Hi!!! Don't worry about the ask seeming random, I love answering art related questions! (This goes for anyone who wants to send art related questions too, btw. Even if this is a Dr Strange blog, I always welcome those :D)
Everything under the read more because this will be long, probably.
Now, as for the first part about bridging the college student to college professor gap:
I can only speak from my personal experience, which I believe is probably not the norm. I am currently a college student while also being a "college" professor in a different institution. I put college in quotations because while I teach at a college, I don't teach lessons in the degree. Instead, I teach courses offered by the institution that are basically intense boot camps with a 3 month duration (I teach both the Digital Illustration course and the Portfolio course). This allows me to teach at a college level institution without having my own degree yet.
Now, as for how I personally got the job, I didn't apply for it personally, I was 'scouted' by the institution. Meaning, one of the college academic administrators reached out to offer me a position. From there I sent a formal portfolio and CV, did an interview that was more like a briefing about the position, and then just sent my documentation. I've been working there since 2022.
Again, my experience is a bit outside of the norm. However, I can offer some insight about how I got the position.
I was scouted through ArtStation. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but ArtStation is a social media platform focused around visual arts (this includes illustration, character design, 3D modeling, vfx, rigging, etc). Here you can find professional artists in all areas (including people who have worked on productions you love).
This intimately relates to your second point about building your professional art account. Using sites like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc is great. It helps build a general audience and get your work out there.
However, when one wants to work on this professionally and aims for a position in the industry (whether that's in production or education), it is also important to build a portfolio in a specialized platform. That can be ArtStation, Behance, or The Rookies. These platforms are focused on the creative industry, meaning they not only provide a place for you to display your work, but this sites also offer a 'Jobs' section that show job offers of all kinds in different studios. These are also the places recruiters usually go to for scouting artists.
The Rookies is a specially good place for people who are recently graduated or still studying. It's very similar to ArtStation, but it focuses on young talent, junior level positions, etc. This means that in this platform your work isn't competing with that of people with 15+ years in the industry.
Another pipeline from college student to college professor that I've heard of (but haven't experienced myself) is applying to a position in the same college you're studying at. You can prepare for this by researching opportunities within your institution (like doing your professional practices and/or social services within your school). That can help build a bridge from student to professor status so that it's easier to get that position in the future.
Another useful resource to search for jobs in art education (or jobs in general) is LinkedIn. Yes, it is tedious. But it notifies you about open positions in your preferred area, and it can be a good way to find positions and apply to them. Now, it's important to note that LinkedIn doesn't work like other social media. It's more like a networking platform. So it's not a place where you upload your sketches and expect likes and compliments from it. It's more like a virtual CV where you list your education and experience.
A separate advice would be to separate your personal social media from your art social media. That is, it's adviced you have an account to upload your art, and a different one where you upload photos of your dog or the friend group selfie. That is to separate your content, something that is generally important if you want to pursue art as a career. (For those who post for hobby, feel free to throw this part of advice out the window and just have fun lol).
Those are the most important things to take into account off the top of my head. I really hope this is helpful! If you have any further questions about the subject, feel free to send another ask and I'll do my best to answer them. This also applies to anyone else who has art related questions :D
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
(Not the OG anon just saw that prior post in the iwtv tag) Jacob had a second, season 2 playlist going on his personal account, someone posted about it, it got way too much attention and he deleted or privated it. I didn’t see you post about Assad’s playlist either but as someone who’s been keeping an eye on it for awhile, I hope no one sensible is actually following it or Assad’s account or it seems not unlikely we’ll lose this one too 🙏
Hi anon,
I will reiterate the same answer I gave to the other anon. Spotify is a public platform and same as any other social media, anything shared on there publicly is visible to everyone. Assad knows this, Jacob knows this and you and I know this.
It seems to me like the people who are mad about it were trying to gatekeep and act like they are special for finding this super secret thing when—again, these playlists are PUBLIC and all it takes to find them is to type in the person's username like you would on insta or twitter.
If Assad decides to make a separate account for Armand or to private his season 2 playlist for fear of potential spoilers, then that's his prerogative, but you wouldn't be 'losing' anything since it was never yours in the first place.
It's his playlist and he decides to share or not with the public, and in this case he did. So I really don't understand what all this hoopla is about.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
I just discovered your blog and your anti stan posts and they are the most refreshing thing I think I have read on a social media platform in ages. Thank you!! I’m feeling so validated that I want to ask if we can be best friends, but that feels a little hypocritical…lol
The constant “no my J is a perfect ray of life-sustaining light” tug-of-war is nauseating. If I see one more Twitter caption in all caps about “screaming and throwing up” and the photo is just…a guy standing there…I may scream. I know the word “fan” is derived from “fanatic” but, Jesus H Christ! There are so few voices willing to say, “Hey, I loved this show for one reason or another, I wish the cast well in future endeavors, and I also accept that actors are just humans who fuck up, do weird shit, and make poor choices.”
No one benefits from infantilizing these grown ass men, canonizing them as saints, or sexualizing their every facial twitch. Honestly, what do stans think will be the end result of defending any one millionaire the hardest? Who actually “wins”? None of these guys are cutting them a check or offering them a spare Rolex. The Stan Superiority Contest doesn’t hand out actual trophies. It’s gotta be about the community/problematic echo chamber that standom brings (aka a following and ego), but it’s just so gross. So again, thanks for being here and calling it out.
I basically started a blog to vent about the fandom being ridiculous in the hope writing down my thoughts on just how bizarre some of it was would help me stop just staring blankly in bafflement, like, "how? what? how?" But it's always nice to hear that other people appreciate it, too.
I think a lot of it does start in a fairly "normal" fan place, but just builds on itself for certain people until it gets completely out of control. Even if you could actually tell what these guys ~*real*~ personalities and relationships were like by analyzing their facial twitches and the number of times they blink - which, yeah, no, none of these people are half as good at interpreting human behavior as they think they are? Especially considering these guys are actors, generally very well aware of when they're in the public eye? Spending that much time that fixated on trying to prove what you want to believe just for some super special not-actually-real I Was Right On The Internet points? Is just not at all healthy for anyone involved.
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neqeyam · 2 years
sully sibling band au fandom headcanons bc why not
he’s got normal fans for the most part, they respect his privacy & him as a person so they don’t ask weird/bold shit
they do, however, get into fights with lo’ak about who’s the better artist (lo’ak says it’s him but neteyams fans are quick to call his music ass ((neteyam tells his fans not to say that & they’ll go silent for awhile… they’re just mad lo’ak got them in trouble w tey)))
his fans call him tey, teyam, yam, pookie, anything but his real name… it’s a running joke that neteyam thinks it’s endearing
there’s a select few fans that lowkey get special privileges bc they’re fr OGs and go to a lot of neteyams shows so when he seems them he’ll spend extra time chatting w them
neteyam does pop up meet n greets but they always get shut down by the cops bc THAT many people show up every time💀
neteyam himself is the most active on instagram
his fans are BOLD but they also respect that lo’ak is down tremendously for tsireya (that’s why they’re bold lowkey they know that man would NEVER leave her)
his fans and neteyams fans fight often & the ONE TIME they did a joint tour like 18 brawls broke out on the floor in the audience (most of which his fans started bc,, they’re BOLD)
like neteyams fans, lo’ak’s fans have special nicknames for him like lulu, pookie, dumbass, moron (these nicknames are lowkey code, if lo’ak allows u to call him moron/dumbass that means you’re in w the OG crowd… anything else is newer fans)
lo’ak’s fans are like one direction fans in the way that they’ll hack any security they can just to get a glimpse of him (he thinks it’s hilarious but also vaguely horrifying)
half his fans like tsireya more than him & hes 100% okay with that
lo’ak himself is the most active on tiktok
her fans are the most respectful of all the sully siblings fan bases, but they’re also assholes (they respect kiri & don’t go against anything she says for the most part, they’ve got fandom rules that they live by,,, but if u break a rule or are mean to kiri herself… man they’ll make u cry for DAYS)
kiri has a closer relationship with her fans than the other two, she takes the time to really REALLY talk to them & get to know them (even outside of meet & greets like she’ll dm her fans n stuff)
there’s a running joke in the fandom that lo’ak is the older twin but they only do that to annoy kiri (it’s a well known fact she’s the older twin)
kiri’s fandom gets the most tuk crumbs bc they’re always together and kiri loves bragging about doing fun stuff w her lil sister (sometimes she posts neteyam and lo’ak crumbs depending on if it’s a family outting or not)
kiri’s fans tag her in nature stuff & in cultural stuff bc she absolutely ADORESSSS learning and seeing new things
when news broke that kiri is in fact adopted her fans were quick to get anyone bad mouthing her suspended from social media platforms
kiri herself is the most active on twitter
she doesn’t have a platform or any social media as she’s like 10 (they’re older in this au) but she still has quite the fan base and is a lot of people’s favorite sully
sometimes she’ll steal neteyams phone & post videos of herself saying hi to people from there, or she’ll hack lo’ak’s twitter (his passwords are easy to guess mr “ilovetsireyasm1010”) and tweet pretending to be him (they have VERY different tweeting styles so his fans know when it’s her)
it’s a running joke between all four fandoms that if you see the sully family out in public you HAVE to say hi to tuk first, then neytiri & jake AND THEN whoever ur bias is
seeing the sully family in public is like seeing bigfoot… it happens… but RARELY despite how often they go to public places
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flappyhappystim · 2 years
i know you said you run the social media. is there a social media platform you like the best and like the least? i'm thinking about starting my own business and feeling so lost at it
Hi anon!
Honestly, Tumblr is my favourite. This is where we've got the most of our sales and interaction. I find people have also been the most supportive on here! (I really love interacting with all of you so much!)
I'd have to say that I don't dislike any of them so much, but I find Twitter and TikTok to be the most draining to figure out. (Twitter in terms of using the right tags, and TikTok just because it takes a lot of spoons to do videos for both of us.)
I've struggled also to get followers on Facebook and Instagram. But I find them less draining because I can set my Instagram posts to share to the Facebook page automatically which helps a lot.
If I'm being honest, I don't think I can give much advice because our success with Tumblr is why I got followers on the others in the first place (though I think the TikTok is starting to bring its own in now), and I was able to direct followers here from my trauma positivity blog which has a lot of followers.
I haven't done it personally, but I have heard there are sites that you can use to create posts for all your social media at once and schedule them? That sounds like it might be good for some! For me, the energy it would take it figure out and plan out sounds like too much so for now, I'm doing what I do.
(The ADHD definitely makes me get sidetracked and lose track of time and stuff though so sometimes I forget to post for awhile. Scheduling would be good for me to figure out.)
Good luck if you go on your business endeavor! I wish you lots of sales, and a lack of chargebacks. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to offer advice. I ran the marketing and main part of my parent's business for almost ten years. I also got a marketing diploma, specialized in social media, and also did some business courses in general but dang... I feel like I don't use most of my schooling!
For example, all my classes focused on being "professional" and using proper language and stuff in emails and social media. Which I get, but it depends on your target audience. I really love that I can be myself and be casual in my interactions with this business. And it seems to be something our customers prefer honestly! (I think it also makes it super easy for me and it takes less spoons for me to make posts.)
So, don't believe everything you read. It's definitely a learning curve, and there's no real marketing suggestion that works for every single business.
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marzgurl · 2 years
Now that I'm back logged into Tumblr, I'm still trying to kind of, like, figure out exactly how to best spread my interactions across multiple social media platforms. Maybe I'm risking spreading myself too thin, but also I figure I need to plant seeds in multiple locations just in case Twitter just collapses like a Jenga tower. I have a digital tablet collecting dust, so a little earlier I did a crappy little self portrait sketch. I had kind of had this idea that as I practice sketching again (which I do on and off and never really progress in my skill very far for that reason), I'd actually start dropping them over onto Cohost since I really can't think of a good specific purpose for Cohost. If you're curious, you can see that specific post over here.
That having been said, I don't really know if that's the right plan...? I've already got a semi-established Tumblr, it's just a little dusty is all. Maybe I should be sketching and dumping over here instead. But I dunno. Maybe crossposting isn't a terrible idea, but if I crosspost everything it makes using each of those platforms not especially special.
Or maybe I don't actually know what the hell I'm talking about and I'm thinking about it way too hard. I dunno. I just wanna cultivate a community in every possible place, because I managed to reach 20,000 followers over on Twitter, but I don't NEARLY have a community of that size on any other platform, except for YouTube.
Ah, hell, I mean, really, I should be poking around at YouTube again, I guess. I try, but, like, my focus for long-form videos just isn't there anymore. Life is just too much now for all that.
I'unno. Just a whole bunch of thoughts and stuff.
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
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A) well Kathy Leutner was in the ad for Hush Puppies and Crosby is often with Nathan McKinnon. Sid is lazy to do anything outside of the ice rink . I think Kathy has leaked the photo of Crosby sleeping with Stanley Cup lol. Let's wait if the biological dad of her kid will be Nathan.
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B) the woman you ask about runs multiple accounts of 3 NHLers her fictive personas and one impersonification Tumblr profile, Crosby's conspiracy blog and she is close to 50..she has 20 years old son so definitely 40+ which is difficult age to get pregnant. Anyway forget she will sure a child with her crazy 10 years plus obsession with Crosby and rants how Leutner is getting old. Leutner is still slim than fat troll who has never met Crosby in reality and Christmas miracles getting preggo over the net does not happen. Her daughter is not a toddler but 16-17 years old. Just up for NHL freebies. tickets. Crosby's stick..you know.
C) Musk is an expert on physics, Markets is IT wizz. Both tech owners and maths but different fields. She can code Twitter or move software over cloud , he cannot, he gets rockets and so, she gets basics and far from Koralov. Zelensky is an ungrateful demanding dspit shutting down opositiin and journos angered Musk as well Sleepy Joe. M is unofficial head of MI5 and MI6, Miss M, she protects her kingdom and people from.infiltration and any damage. Zelensky resides often in Poland, thats why also lifted by us plane, misx M.agreed to lift the llid about Zelensky's smear about her as annactor in his biggest ropd yet but thanks to his brave nation, otherwise allrighty dictazor. The certain refugeee did not seem to be genuine to targeted navy officer himself. Tze proper army vommander foes not bliw the lid of his unit because he was removed. Zelensky jails tons of his iwn journos, of voutlrse he foes not like that UK princess does nit eat all his posing and just quietly suports his attacked vountry withoit neing involved her bravrfz mefals are quiet reality she wrote a letter of sympathy to thd mother of young marine conscript Clark. She lives close to Norwich. Of course Germany,UK,USA will not give sll army secret super weapons to others gor problrm with espionagd or involvement of the war. Zeoensky fired the rocket to Poland. UK meeds a wise leader reading well, not be dragged into risk and danger. She is Brrxiteer, always apolitical until now. Us repubicans want Florida governor ex Marine as next president for visible reasibs, not just age. UK is stuck between rock and hard place, M offers 3rd visible option and laughs a they fight.She fired hardly 4 us politically active staffers he runs checks and firing staff in massive numbers. Musk comes from the army family hailing from Manchester. M is stitched to UK army with medical and IT s future cyber soldier. Trained to the level of special forces. Fit and quiet power. Musk rages on and tweets nonstop, shows his paunch in exotic locations, M holidays and stays in her kingdom, volunteering with an army ambulance, donating her Xmas pastry to people and up to skiing in Scotland for Christmas. So hordes of people travelling to Glencoe, Glenshee now. Check FB. M owns 100 per cents of her social media platform Musk had to buy it and is easily ousted. Musk believes in UFO and his brother has met Tazer. They planted their vertical kitchen gardens. I think Tazer has electric car years ago but by Chevy.
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willfrominternet · 2 years
Firebombing a history of cringe
It occurred to me as I started using Tumblr again that I never deleted my old blogs. While I look back on those old posts with a strange nostalgia, I've become at least five different people since my first fateful post back in 2009.
So within the next few days, my original Tumblr will go away. I will have backed it up, stored the ZIP file on a thumb drive, and put it in the dark cabinet where I hide all of my other data from eons ago. (Those disks hold nothing actually incriminating, but man, when I re-read my high school essays and creative writing journals, I feel like I've committed a crime.)
Then I'll delete the blog. I should have done it years ago. No employer or anyone I've needed to impress has ever seen it, and thank goodness for that. But that corner of the Web is like the Library of Alexandria when it comes to cringe, and unlike the Library, it must be burned. Firebombed. Obliterated into dust, and then scattered in the wind, lost to time.
This is, of course, unimportant. I could just erase the blog and say nothing, and no one would care, and we would all go about our day. But before I took a long hiatus from this site, I was here daily for the better part of a decade. And this wasn't like Facebook or Twitter or any other social media platform. This had community and culture. It felt like a place where I belonged. Whether or not I actually did, I don't know. But Tumblr was special to me, and that old blog is a testament to that feeling.
Maybe I'll share the greatest hits of that blog one day. It had its moments. But I've started many new chapters of my life over the last decade and change, as has Tumblr, and I think a complete refresh does a mind and body good. Change, and growth, are good. Hard, but good.
It has been very fun to have been a part of this community in the past, and it's great to be a part of it again, even if it feels different this time.
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antifataylorswift · 2 years
I'm always fascinated by the World Cup despite not really caring about fútbol because it creates such specific load problems for social media sites, especially the large ones. Especially Twitter.
It's a genuinely global event that people are watching simultaneously worldwide, reacting to the same things at the same time — especially as it gets down to the final matches. You'll have upwards of 1 billion people seeing the same saves, bad calls, and goals scored at the same time. Very many of them will be posting about it or tweeting about it.
So you'll get huge, concentrated bursts of traffic happening more-or-less simultaneously. Say that most people who see a crazy goal and want to tweet about it will do so within 1 minute of it being scored — that's a HUGE volume of traffic for a system to deal with on top of already-elevated traffic related to the game.
On top of that, since it only happens every 4 years. Internal systems and the number of users on a given platform have changed, perhaps drastically, since the last time any given site had to deal with it. There was likely some system hardening done for whatever caught on fire last time, but there's no way of knowing if it will be enough. And there's no way of knowing what other system changes will have created other weak points.
For example: during the last world cup in 2018, Twitter reported having 126 million daily active users on its platform. That number has nearly doubled since then — in Q2, Twitter reported 237 million daily active users. The number of monthly-active users is even higher, around 450 million. Naively, that could mean more than twice as much traffic as the last world cup.
The world cup is notorious in software infrastructure and site reliability engineering circles. Teams of engineers will spend weeks doing capacity planning to prepare for it. Teams of engineers will be on-call during the matches, dealing with all of the issues that inevitably will still arise and trying to keep small problems from snowballing into huge problems.
That's under normal operation. Twitter is not operating normally:
The vast majority of its staff was just laid off. Including engineers who do capacity planning for things like the world cup. Especially engineers who specialize in putting out fires.
The few remaining engineers have been pushed to working 60+ hours a week to make tons of intrusive changes to their systems without properly planning for them. Those engineers are certainly tired, overwhelmed, disoriented, and burnt out. They're going to have a hard time responding to issues effectively, especially issues that
On top of that, they've reportedly been trying to reduce their infrastructure footprint to lower costs. Let me tell you from experience: the first things that get cut are there for safety and resiliency to outages. And typically everything that gets cut reduces stability and makes the overall system more fragile. Things like reducing how long you're keeping backups around for, database replicas and standby instances, reducing the CPU and memory available to your various servers and databases and other specialized infrastructure components — they might not be the individual cause of fires, but things like this often play a role in cascading failures.
Maybe it will be totally fine. Maybe whatever infrastructure was in place to deal with huge load spikes still exists and will still behave normally. Maybe it will break a little bit here and there, a few errors, some brief site-wide downtime, but nothing major.
Or maybe it will melt down catastrophically. Only time will tell.
And hey, even if Twitter makes it through the World Cup, New Year's is right around the corner.
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