#ty Coleman
fictionalreads · 2 years
La Brea Season 2 Episode 5
Let’s plan!
He don’t wanna talk to you Levi.
Damn Izzy got balls. I wish I would talk to my mama like that and tell her what I’M gonna do versus what she told me to do.
Gavin. Let that woman go.
How the fuck did y’all get trapped?
Damn she really just gonna walk off? Not even give a political answer?
….that thank you seemed fake af. Like she felt the need to say something to him and that’s what her mind came up with.
*Wipes brow*
Damn. Deep down I knew it was too easy.
Of course Levi runs in. I mean I’m glad he saved her but they really couldn’t just let Gavin save her and be able to relish in the win.
Nooooo! I already miss you Ty.
I myself forgot you were sick.
What is she not saying?
I knew it. What’s the story there?
Ah he was exiled.
Yes. Answer her questions because they are mine.
So he’s from the future, not the past.
She’s not gonna just give up. No way.
She surprised the hell outta me.
Does nobody see these two?
Oh yeah there’s a tidal wave threat.
Lucas and Scott
Scott, it’s empty.
Pep talk Scott!
Scott move your ass!
Awe bro hug!
I probably would’ve kept it just in case.
My question is, will she fall back in love with Gavin now that he’s the man she remembers falling in love with?
Of course it’s not as simple as it’s meant to be.
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mizgnomer · 4 months
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Behind the Scenes of Day of the Doctor (Part 18)
Excerpts from Benjamin Cook’s interview with David Tennant and Matt Smith from DWM #467
DWM: This 50th Anniversary Special is going to air across the world [simulcast in over 75 countries], and be screened in cinemas - in 3D - and at the 50th Celebration at ExCel in front of something like 6,000 people. Are you scared? Matt Smith: That's interesting. I mean, you're always a bit... because that 6,000, it's going to get bigger, isn't it? You can't think, 'It's ten million. No, it's 20 million. No, it's - ' Because it's the anniversary. And there are certain people coming back, and that adds another bit of fairy dust." David Tennant: All these people going to the cinema... does that mean the TV viewing figures are going to be down? That's what I want to know. Matt Smith: But it'll be in the cinema! You know what you can do? I've never been able to do this, but... sneak into your own film. Shall we do it? David Tennant: You and me? Matt Smith: Yeah! Let's! [Laughs] Actually, I don't know why we would, because we'll have seen it like five times by then. But we could, in theory
Link to [part one] of The Day of the Doctor behind-the-scenes posts, or click the #whoBtsDotd tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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scalpelsister · 28 days
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-oc meiker
Morana Talahriel | Yara Tabris I was tagged by @shellibocs to use this meiker for some ocs - thank you!!!! tagging - @red-nightskies @jamessunderlandgf @ghostfvcker @benwishaw & anyone else who would like to <3
Bonus Lydia-
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
📓 & 🚷 for your infamous mcs? <33
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Do I ever? LMAO. Some have more quotes than others. But here is one each, that I feel hits them as people/can summarize parts of my thoughts when creating them.
Alana; I wanted to feel loved without feeling like I was begging for it
Bethany Josnel; "I've always liked quiet people. You never know if they're dancing in a day dream or if they'e carrying the weight of the world." - John Green
Hiyam; The ego of a man trapped in the body of a woman - Sexy and the City (1998 - 2004)
Lala; "In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you" - Andrea Dykstra
Ori; "you get nervous when someone holds your hand, you wonder if they can feel the rot." - fatima aamer bilal
🚷 - Tell one difference between yourself and this oc!
Alana: Clear-headed; she's definitely someone you want at your side when things start to panic. My anxiety gets in the way, she's much more poised. Not to say she doesn't get nervous - she does - but she's still better at taking charge of that and diffusing things, I feel.
Bethany Josnel: Self-assured; at least in the sense that he knows what he wants and isn't one to allow himself to be pressured. I think he's good with his boundaries, is what it is. I am not lmao.
Hiyam: Confidence! Hiyam's is at a level that one might dismiss as delusional but it's just a matter of strength of will and being unbothered. Two things I do not have lmao. I can be pretty stubborn thho. Maybe i can fake it til I make it ... one day.
Lala; there is SO many. Um, let's say Understanding. I feel Lala is pretty insightful and also open. I try to be. They're so -- I think it's because they have a 'come as you are approach' but also know their own value.
Ori: Cheerful; He is so naturally cheery and kind and even-tempered. I am good at faking some these things lmao. To varying degrees. He's just so sweet, like a golden retriever puppy. While I am more like a cross of an old poodle and a nervous chihuahua.
questions from here.
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spiders-in-the-valley · 5 months
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i should join a whaling crew
(ty gina coleman for the patterns in the sdv cross stitch guide, im just stupid. the guide is pretty good albeit hard to see the colors in the patterns sometimes)
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cosmicanemoia · 1 year
Nights Like This
Ava Coleman x Reader
Inspired by Kehlani's song, Nights Like This.
"He dated me for five years, but I only dated him for 2"
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The reason: you were together at the time, you see signs but you ignore them because you trust her, and when you found out and confront her, she didn't deny or even tried to apologise, but instead justify her action and calls it quit with you saying "Let's be real, we both know we ain't gonna last this long" with that she turns her back walking away from you and leaving you in tears.
Five years of relationship and it ended for a few seconds just like that. The first two years were great, but it started to strain on the third, that's when she met her boy toy, now boyfriend. She managed to lie and lie, the hiding, and sneaking out went out for years, but she got sloppy and you accidentally found out when she made reservations for both at the same time.
"Hi. Uh this table is reserved for me and my girlfriend" you said to the guy who sat opposite you. "No. This is the table reserved for me and my girlfriend" when Ava arrived, the guy grabbed her hands and kissed her, calling her sweetie. You watch in horror trying to figure out what's happening in front of your very eyes. Flashbacks started flooding your mind, showing the all the signs and reason for the scene in front of you, and all you could mutter was "I'm such an idiot" you scoff and started to collect your things before a tear starts to fall from your eyes and went out the restaurant.
Ava followed you outside. "Hey babe--" ava started talking but you cut her off "Don't babe me. I'm such a fucking idiot. How can you do this to me?" She didn't answer. You face her and lock eyes with her "How long?-- How long have you been seeing him behind my back?--" You wait for her answer, "I don't know three years, maybe" she said without remorse, your jaw drop by the revelation "oh- my- god-" you put your hand on your mouth, your breathing heavily "you should have broken up with me, instead of rubbing it in my face" she yelled at you "I didn't meant for you to find out!" "Oh. So you don't plan on telling me. Hey girlfriend I secretly have a boyfriend and I don't want you to find out" you mock "I love you and I really like him. I don't wanna hurt you" she said and you scoff "That's very foolish of you" you tell her and it triggered her "Let's be real, we both know we ain't gonna last this long" then she left and went in the restaurant to continue living her merry life, and your left with a hole in your heart.
Her obsession in climbing the social ladder makes her a cheater. And you can't hate her for being ambitious and doing anything she wants just because, even if you can, you won't, and you would never because you love her way too much more than you should. Maybe you failed showing her how much she meant to you or maybe she just didn't saw.
You now run a non profit organisation with your friends who are also your colleagues from your actual job.
You are a ghost writer. Not caring much about the publicity or fame, you love being a ghost writer. Though sometimes people convince you to agree to be credited and have your name along with the other writers, they said only few people look for the writers nowadays. You agreed in the end, but you told them they have to use your pen name and not your actual name or else you're out.
The songs and stories you ghost write are doing pretty great and are instantly becoming a hit and more request comes your way.
You and your friends were out celebrating your joint success and you all agreed to give back to the community.
You and your colleagues ended up deciding to do a Charity event rather than choosing to donate to just one establishment.
Every teacher and principal are invited. All kinds of people who works at a school is encouraged to attend.
Gregory, Jacob, and Janine, were sitting on the sofa in the teacher's lounge while Barbara and Melissa sat in their usual spot.
Janine suddenly stands up and squealed eagerly "check it out. There's a charity ball and we should all attend" Ava walks in unnoticed
It was Janine's idea to attend. She was scrolling through her phone and she saw her feed flooded by the news of the upcoming event. One or the only best idea she's ever had. But Ava heard it "Oh. I was just about to tell you that. We all should come. It'll be fun, seeing you all dressed up and looking nice tonight" she looks over at Gregory "looking forward to seeing you in a suit, young idris" she proceed to wink at him and look at the camera to give it a wink too.
Janine frowned "the ball is on Friday night. It's still Tuesday" Ava looked at her up and down with a pout on her face "that's literally what I said"
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and everyone dispersed. Everyone went to get their kids or went right to their classroom. Ava went to her office and open her laptop checking the charity ball Janine was talking about.
She saw the poster and the slogan. She thinks its well made, pretty, and inviting. She didn't read all the details and just skimmed it for the date and the theme. She didn't see your name on it, she didn't know you were one of the hosts.
The night of the charity ball have arrived.
Everyone looks elegant. People converse with each other while waiting for the hosts to start the event.
After a minutes of waiting for others to arrive you decided to kick start the event so you walk up the stage and tap the microphone, checking if its on or working.
You cleared your throat and speak loudly and clearly "Hello, Beautiful people. I just want to steal your attention for a brief moment. I am Y/N Y/L/N. I am one of your hosts tonight and I invited generous people whom you can ask for money and get the fund you needed for projects or supplies you want to have at your school. Let's get this party started, and oh- one more thing, don't be shy to ask for the stars. Have a good one everyone, we have an open bar."
Everyone applaud and cheers. A whoo and a whoop whoop here and there, high fives all around, and loud whistles.
Janine, Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Jacob walk towards you and surrounds you. They introduce themselves and the school they teach from. You shook each of their hands and you listen to their stories.
You were convinced you were going to help and donate at Abbott elementary. Not because of their sob stories but because the genuinity you feel coming off their vibes and the way they talk about the students. They truly love and care for them.
Another school steal your attention from them, so you excuse yourself to listen to the others and give them their chance.
When you were away from them, they noticed that someone was missing from their group. So they scan the area and they saw their boss, the principal of Abbot Elementary, Ava Coleman, is sitting in the open bar. They all decided to walk up to the open bar.
"I'm okay. No need to check on me" she said without turning her head to look at them. Melissa snorts and Barbara grinned "I'm just here to enjoy and get shit-faced, kid" Melissa replied. "It is an open bar after all" Barbara added.
After one too many drinks they told Ava to talk to you and use her charm on you, unaware of the past you shared, their convincing her to woo you, so you would help and donate to the school they all care for.
Ava did what she was told, convince that she should at least give it a try and that she'll lose nothing, anyway.
"What's up?" She nodded in your direction. You chuckled "we don't have to do this. You can just ignore me all you want. I assure you it won't affect my decision" she looks away from you so you look at her and for a moment you thought she was contemplating saying sorry, but alas, it was indeed just in your head "OK. Thanks hottie" she starts to walk away from you "You're welcome. Shawty" you shouted for her to hear, you know she heard you and she did, but she didn't look back or acknowledge your statement she just kept walking away from you, again.
"That was fast" Janine complimented which made Ava scoff, "Do you too know each other well?" Jacob asked and everyone turns their attention to Ava looking at her with anticipation "What?!" She said in a high pitched tone. Everyone looks at her accusingly, she sigh in defeat "She told me, I should just ignore her and that we don't have to do that. She's my ex." Everyone groans and are shocked with the revelation.
"We're never gonna get that donation, are we?" Melissa said to everyone and to herself "Let's just hope she's not petty or vain enough to stop helping us because our principal broke her heart" She added and scoffs
"No. She's cool. She said it won't affect her decision.-- How did you know it was me who broke her heart?" Ava replied "Aren't you?" Gregory asked, she just look at them one by one and order a stronger drink to get her through the night.
You walk up on stage a little tipsy "Hi, people. Is everyone having fun?" Everyone cheered and shouted "YEAH!" You smiled to yourself "well let me add to the fun your having. I have a surprise guest. Everyone give a round of applause to my friend, Kehlani!"
Most of them cheered and applauded, standing up from their seats and walking closer to the stage, and some are shocked and kept where they were when you made the announcement with their jaws almost hitting the floor.
"Thanks babe. Good evening to you all. Here's a song I think you all know, what you didn't know is that she help wrote it with us" kehlani said on the microphone and points at you.
It was dark for a moment and all the lights went out until the song started playing and the small stage light up.
.......Thought you was mine, but you decided to be with him though. You took my feelings and just threw 'em out the window.......On some nights like this, shawty, I can't help but think of us.......You gon' say you want me, then go switch it up
Just gon' play with my emotions just because, no.......All them times I played the fool for you. Thinking we could put it back together, thought we had forever. You never see my point of view.......
Since the song started everything became a blur, 'I might have way too many drink' you smiled at yourself and went to the bathroom to wash you face.
Ava saw you making your way to the bathroom and without thinking her body moved on its own and decided to follow you there to check up on you.
When you lift your face up from the sink after splashing water on your face you saw a figure standing behind you, you took a paper towel and gently wipe the water off your face. Your vision cleared and the figure behind you was ava staring at your reflection.
She crept a hand on your back to try to give you comfort planning to ask how are you, but you dismissed her "Don't" and you walk out the bathroom leaving Ava dumbfounded.
A few seconds later you came back barging in the bathroom door. You walk up to her, you are now standing face to face, "I told you to ignore me. Why are you here? What do you want?" You stated, your voice laced with anger "I didn't know you know Kehlani and that you help wrote that bop" Ava said, always talking without thinking, a quality you once greatly admire.
You were quite for a moment, "You want to meet her." You look down and nodded. You look her in the eye and sigh you were about to say 'okay' but she speak first "I want you. I miss you. I'm sorry." her eyes glistened and you could feel she's mustering courage for what she's about to do, then she kisses you softly and gently, but you are not reacting or moving so she pulls away from you.
A tear was about to fall on her eye but before it happened you grabbed her hips and pushed her against the wall. You linger, your lips centimeters away from hers, you moved your nose to her neck and inhaled her scent "you copied my perfume" the heat of your breath on her neck makes her blush and have goosebumps. You slide your nose up and down her neck, teasing her.
"Please" she beg, desperation evident in the way she said it. Her arms start to wrap around your waist but you didn't let her, you grabbed her arms and pushed it beside her, "I didn't tell you, you could touch me" you said then you slide your tongue on the pulse point on her neck
"Please. Please. I'm begging you, just do it" she said while she's catching her breath, she seems like she just finished a long run "do what?" You tease her more.
"F- Fuck. Fuck me. Please." Her breath hitches. You kiss her neck then bite her and leave a mark. She let out a moan but it was quickly Interrupted when you finally kissed her on her lips.
You lift her up and sat her on the sink. You smirk to yourself thinking where this is going to go.
You heard the doorknob rattled and quickly pulled away from Ava, you look in the mirror and try to fix your posture, she jumps down the sink to do the same. It was Barbara, she came to the bathroom to wash her hands.
"Barbara you're fired" Ava said jokingly, Barbara replied sarcastically "Sure. Dear"
Ava scans the bathroom looking for you, you already went out when you finished tidying yourself when you got Interrupted. She went out the bathroom when she didn't saw you, she scans the room and saw you slow dancing with someone.
You're dancing with the famous singer, your forehead clashing at each other while your arms are around her neck, and hers are around your waist, hands almost or actually touching your butt.
Ava stopped on her tracks when she saw you in somebody else's embrace. Her chest tightens and she's hurting. She gulped and tried hard to make her body move to the bar, and when she get there she ordered the strongest drink they could offer. She wants to spit it out and be disgusted but with the bitter drink, she also swallows the bitter truth. You were not hers anymore and she knows she's the reason why.
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dailydeathinparadise · 11 months
The Death in Paradise franchise is coming to Australia with an original, home grown spinoff series, Return to Paradise, coming to ABC in 2024. The series is produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC in association with the BBC, who will screen the series on BBC One and iPlayer in the UK. Return to Paradise combines the DNA of the original global smash hit murder mystery series, with a new, unique Australian take.
Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all set against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape.
Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise... and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare.
Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself.
But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
Created and Executive Produced by Peter Mattessi, James Hall and Robert Thorogood, Return to Paradise features a crack Australian writing team led by Mattessi alongside Elizabeth Coleman, Alexandra Collier and Kodie Bedford.
ABC Head of Screen Rachel Okine says; “We are thrilled to be partnering with BBC Studios Productions Australia and Red Planet Pictures to bring a unique Australian sensibility to this beloved franchise. Return to Paradise promises to be whip smart, intriguing and entertaining - audiences of all ages are invited to play along to figure out whodunit, all while feeling as if they’ve been transported to the perfect summer holiday”.
Kylie Washington, General Manager and Creative Director, BBC Studios Productions Australia says; “Like audiences around the world, Aussies love a good crime series, they’re addictive and bring in audiences week after week. Death in Paradise is a bona fide hit so I’m excited to work with ABC and Red Planet Pictures to expand this world even further. Return to Paradise will introduce audiences to entirely new Australian characters, settings and cases for the team to crack, but with an unsettling amount of murders for a small community guaranteed. This is the second local drama from BBC Studios Productions Australia and is an exciting step as we build our premium scripted business in Australia under Warren Clarke, working with an all Australian creative team.”
Alex Jones, Joint-MD of Red Planet Pictures said: “We are so proud of the global success of both Death in Paradise and Beyond Paradise – each selling to hundreds of territories, watched by millions, and regularly claiming the position of top rated drama in most of them. Return to Paradise is a brilliantly exciting new addition to ‘The Paraverse’ which we are sure audiences will love just as much. It is a completely original drama but takes the essence of what viewers love about Death in Paradise – the fish out of water premise coupled with the most cleverly plotted murder mystery – and gives it a uniquely Aussie flavour. We are also thrilled to already have BBC One and iPlayer in the UK on board as broadcast partners for the show which means that us Brits will be sure to get to meet Mackenzie and the residents of Dolphin Cove in 2024!”
Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: “Everything we all love about Death in Paradise - the humour, the beautiful scenery, the likeable characters, the ingenious plots - now in a fabulous Australian setting. I cannot wait for BBC viewers to be introduced to Detective Mack and the good (and not so good!) folk of Dolphin Cove. What a treat we have in store!"
Return to Paradise will air on ABC and ABC i-view next year and will be shown on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK. It will be distributed globally by BBC Studios.
Production Credits: BBC Studios Productions Australia, Red Planet Pictures. Produced for the ABC in association with the BBC. Executive Producers for BBC Studios Productions Australia are Kylie Washington and Warren Clarke, for Red Planet Pictures are Belinda Campbell and Tim Key and for ABC are Rachel Okine and Brett Sleigh.
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aces-and-angels · 8 months
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meet the newest loml- enid mendoza✨(she/her/hers)
i'm deep in my loa era- specifically re-working book 2 by throwing out most of the plot for my own hcs (and to bring enid into the windverse (ty @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
to do that: make book 2 about navigating through sadie's departure- avoiding scandal, staying afloat, and maintaining mcgraw's byrne's status as a powerhouse. aka not breaking away to start your own firm w/ gabe and co.
more lore below the cut:
prior to getting a JD, was on track as a pre-med student- worked as a med tech throughout undergrad and graduated with a BS in Public Health from Brooklyn College
Wasn't passionate on becoming a physician like her parents, but agreed for their sake. This led to her suffering from burnout (which she largely ignored). Very easy thing to conceal, esp. since she never let her grades fall. These feelings were bottled up and ultimately poured over into having a complete meltdown on the day she was scheduled to take her MCAT.
As for Enid's law career, she attends Columbia University and graduates summa cum laude. Not wanting to throw her background in health sciences away, she decides to specialize in Health Law.
First meets Martin Vanderweil during their shared clerkship with Judge Coleman, but they part ways after being hired as associates at different firms.
LI: Joaquin Morales
my hc involves tweaking Joaquin's disdain for Martin shown in book 2 to them being academic rivals while they attended Yale. Not always on the same page, but have each other's respect- that kind of vibe
Joaquin first meets Enid while attempting to visit Martin at Judge Coleman's office. He went for him, but finds her instead.
Life as an attorney:
In my timeline, by book 2, Enid is a Junior Partner at Park & Davis, a formidable rival firm of McGraw Byrne
She landed her partnership after successfully settling a class action lawsuit for a major data breach at a city hospital.
And bc I can't just name drop a rival firm:
background on Park & Davis:
founders: Agnes Park and Jina Davis
Agnes and Jina have a long standing history with both Sadie and Eli. They were all classmates at the same law school.
all landed associate positions at the same firm post-grad -> formed a plan to stage an epic takeover of said firm -> long story short- Agnes and Jina were snubbed out of the deal
It took them years, but after working apart to amass an impressive array of clients between the two- they started their own firm
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
SO WE'VE SEEN EPISODE ONE THE ELEVENTH HOUR (gosh I love the doctor-related silly puns -- Eighth Wonder, Northern Star, You're A Ten, etcetc, good stuff...)
and I remember when I was watching this. I remember being quite excited. I remember being really into the season trailer (which is pretty good, still), and I remember being like "oh what the doctor is holding a gun!!!??!!!" (which is still a pay-off I remember thinking worked overall)
It's a good introduction episode. Murray Gold kills it with the music especially, Matt Smith is not bad, Olivia Coleman is there (pls can she be in DW again as a bigger role??? it's Olivia Coleman and she has nearly nothing to do in this??????) and we get what feels like the central ongoing conceit between the doctor and the new companion: that the doctor left her and so her entire self was formed around her child-self's belief of him -- it's pretty fucked up stuff, great for future work
new Tardis is beautiful. more like a laboratory now, more clean lines than Nine's and Ten's which was put together by scraps (scrap!Tardis my bby). It's shiny now, like a toy
notes the Doctor calling the Tardis "dear" is charming! and "I am definitely a mad man with a box."
Now obviously I know where a lot of things are going, but I will try to be reeelatively episode-minded, as if this were the first time. so on The Measurement of m*ffat's era, here's the rating, and then below some more in-depth explanation as to why. I added two to the initial lot I drew up and clarified a couple of the others
EDIT: retroactively added "politics" to the scoreboard
a criteria will be rated 0-10, with 10 being best score:
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 3/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 7/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 7/10
(if tying into wider narrative) furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 6/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 5/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 6/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 7/10
isn't trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 6/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 7/10
politics (how conservative is it): 7/10
FULL RATING: 61/100 (if I can count....)
OBJECTIFICATION: so I had this on 4 and put it down to a 3. Upon rewatch it's pretty egregious, the kissogram joke extends for a fair amount of runtime, from the initial long-shot up her legs to the doctor having kind of a patronising line later on:
little old lady: "I thought you were a nurse... or maybe a nun?"
the doctor: "what sort of a job is a kissogram?" amy: "I go to parties and I kiss people. It's a laugh." the doctor: "you were a little girl five minutes ago." yikes. also worth mentioning that this hinders her ability to. do things. like run. you see her stepping gingerly over a little chain fence and puling her skirt back into place, while the doctor is running to do stuff
PLOT-POINT: she does much better here, with little-girl Amelia clearly being very lonely and adult-Amy never having gotten over the Doctor seemingly abandoning her. I took points off, because for a lot of the episode after Amy is an adult, she's no longer the POV character. The Doctor is. she does get to be re-centred nearer the end again though, with her warring feelings of the thrill of the adventure vs the abandonment coming to the fore several times
she doesn't do much to solve the mystery overall, but we'll get to that in a bit
the bit where the tardis leaves amy again and she has an emotional trigger to waiting up all night for him! and then the doctor leaves again! for another two years! that's interesting stuff! And while she treats Rory poorly, that kind of makes sense, she's not super well-adjusted
COMPLEXITY: the plot is nice and actually relatively restrained, with the exception of the whole "and now we coordinate with the world to make every number a Zero," but that's more like DW silliness than trying to be too big for its britches on narrative level. I knocked off a few points, because it occasionally did some annoying visual m*ffatisms, like the bit where the Doctor is remembering Rory taking pictures of Prisoner Zero, and when Amy was remembering seeing Prisoner Zero. I see you Sherlock...
FURTHERS CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: technically not fair, as this is an opening episode, but I note that the Doctor spends time readjusting to a new body, there's references to the past (including classic!who), and while there's nothing referencing to what happened in The End Of Time, and how the Doctor got to where they were, well... that's forgiveable, it's meant to start a new audience, don't get too bogged down in right before. this may be highly subjective, but I do think there's emotional throughline between Ten's characterisation and Eleven's (I ascribe to the "the Doctor is born out of how the previous Doctor's arc ended" HC which is partially confirmed in some cases at least!) -- Ten ended things badly and Eleven is reckless, forgetful, childish, kind of impetuous, and even casually mean in a sort of "eleven-year-old just says shit" kind of way. Perfect way to keep people at bay, emotionally.
whether that's intentional or just how M*ffat writes his favourite characters, hard to say ofc, but it works in this episode!
COMPANION MATTERS: Tbh I don't think Amy... does much... in this episode. She's kind of running around after the Doctor and getting abandoned, which is fine for a first episode, because she has no clue what's going on yet! happy for it to be way more about her emotional journey (although I note that Rose, Martha, and Donna all saved the Doctor in their first episodes)
however, I think there were opportunities to give her -- and Rory -- more! Geoff is some random guy I'm fairly certain we never see again, and yet he seems to be coordinating the main line of defense for some reason? give that to Rory, he's dead weight after the camera bit
I think one Moment that really didn't need to happen was her calling the Doctor to figure out how to get into the hospital and he has to tell her to use her sexy policewoman outfit to pretend to be an actual cop, when that is like. the one thing this stupid gag could have offered her
GODLIKE DOCTOR: ok, I've seen stuff about the Doctor's final bit opposite Big Eye, and I'm torn about it. On the one hand, the Doctor as earth's defender is well-established at this point, including for that matter, Ten in the Christmas Invasion. Howeeever, Ten actually... did something there, rather than just said "look me up, I'm so impressive," which made the monster run away, and there was a whole thing related to that in that Torchwood then blew up the aliens!
because the Doctor, pointedly, isn't always there to defend earth (Harriet Jones, beloved 4-episode character arc!)
It's a good way to show some highlight's from Doctor Who, including previous faces, but I think more could have been done + I know that's kind of the plot of M*ffat's run... the whole "Pandorica" being about the Doctor, the "Silence Will Fall" is about the Doctor, "Doctor Who" is the question that will be asked- urghhhh, okok this doesn't count here! it's hard to discount when you know!
also tellingly M*ffat did this back in Forest Of The Dead as well, and it felt kind of like a cop-out then. Sure hope it isn't a recurring theme haha...
beyond that, we have the Doctor doing a very "I am smart everyone shut up" thing here, however I think in this episode it can be relatively forgiven, because this is immediately post-Ten and the Doctor is messed up and the Tardis basically was on fire and they're still in the middle of regenerating, and so there's... yeah, there's precedent for that kind of dismissive behaviour and the Doctor does like people in this + there's the aforementioned post-Ten personality, which is like an inverse of Nine's, which was also prickly, but in a different way
"look at your screens, whoever I am, I'm a genius..." -- does a lot of "why am I doing this, because I'm a genius, you'll find out when you need to know" but is tempered by buoying other characters, especially... Geoff, for some reason. who is there. and never will be again
PREV DOCTOR WHO: Yeah pretty good here. Nothing to report. Loved the first 15mins of trying to figure themself out and enjoyed the acknowledgement of previous Doctors and there's no "I'm the new and improved" type nonsense, or writing out the past
HAMFISTED SEXINESS: I mean. Amy. Of course. And also the bit where The Doctor is changing and Amy watches, it's just kind of unnecessary and clearly just there to be like "we dare go where no one has gone before: thinking the Doctor is hot!"
WORLD: Feels like a world. It's called Leadworth I believe? We have a host of characters from the village + a mention of Amy's aunt + Rory and his co-workers. There's a place, there's people, let's see where that all goes.....
POLITICS: Nothing terribly egregious -- its main issues are the aforementioned sexism. And maybe a bit of this. Doctor-as-central kind of makes earth seem comparatively free of responsibility for choices (although I note this is different later on in Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Overall I have no sense of whether this is a high or a low rating for M*ffat, we shall see how others fare!
It's biggest failings were: objectification of its main female character and companions not having much to do, while its strongest points were Amy feeling like a real character with real emotional depth, the world in which she lives (which is where it takes place) feeling like a real place, being fair to the narratives that came before it, and the plot not going all over the place in the name of Complexity
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femslashrevolution · 10 days
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Aerith Gainsborough x Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy)
Amelia Collins x Zoe Miller (Class of '07)
Anaïs Davis x Bobbie De Bruyn (wtFOCK)
Aninlaphat Sawetwarit x Pilanthita Kasidit (The Loyal Pin)
Anna x Elsa (Disney Princesses)
Applejack x Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Azula x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Barbara Holland x Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Bérénice Leblond x Carla Furiani (Ici tout commence)
Blaze x Kristina Corinthos Davis (General Hospital)
Buffy Summers x Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cady Heron x Regina George (Mean Girls; Mean Girls Musical)
Cate Randa x May Olowe Hewitt (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)
Clary Fray x Isabelle Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments)
Darcy Lewis x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Delia Ketchum x Jessie (Pokemon)
Dorcas Meadowes x Marlene McKinnon (Harry Potter)
Dorcas Meadowes x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Earth x Sun (23.5)
Eileen Dunlop x Rebecca (Eileen)
Eve Unwin x Suki Panesar (Eastenders)
Falin Touden x Marcille Donato (Delicious in Dungeon)
Fluttershy x Rarity (My Little Pony)
Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)
Gwen Runck x Nikki (That 90's Show)
Gwen Stacy x Mary Jane Watson (Marvel Comics)
Jack Danvers x Keeley Jones (Ted Lasso)
Kristi Miller x Marielle (From)
Harper Row x Stephanie Brown (DCU; Gotham Knights)
Harumoto Itsuki x Hayashi Fuyu (Chaser Game W)
Ink x Pa (Bad Buddy)
Jamie x Marian (Drive-Away Dolls)
Jiang Zhaoyun x Lan Ze (Legend of Yunze)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Luce x Rachel (Imagine Me & You)
Margaery Tyrell x Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Padmé Amidala x Sabé (Star Wars)
Prang x Warang (Love Senior)
Sabine Wren x Shin Hati (Star Wars)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
AJ Campos x Paige Evans (Crush)
Alex Cabot x Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks (Sense8)
Ana Servín x Mariana Herrera (Madre sólo hay dos)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry (Anne of Green Gables; Anne With An E)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale (Pitch Perfect)
Becky Baker x Imogen Moreno (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Bette Porter x Tina Kennard (The L Word)
Casey Gardner x Izzie (Atypical)
Deena Johnson x Samantha Fraser (Fear Street)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Frankie Bergstein x Grace Hanson (Grace and Frankie)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Héloïse x Marianne (Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
Imogen Temult x Laudna (Critical Role)
Jen Harding x Judy Hale (Dead to Me)
Jules Vaughn x Rue Bennett (Euphoria)
Keeley Jones x Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso)
Malini x Priya (The Jasmine Throne)
Maria Hill x Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Riri Williams x Shuri (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Shelby Goodkind x Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds)
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Muppet Movies Ranked
I've recently marathoned all 8 theatrical Muppet movies ,and these are my rankings.Keep in mind I think all 8 are good movies,I just prefer some to others
8.The Muppets
I like the nostalgic look back stuff.....But the peoblem is I dont like Walter or the human characters .This film is the most meh to me
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7.Muppets From Space
ITs diffrent,being the only non musical in the series ,and I do like that the film focuses on my favorite Muppet Gonzo and doesnt showcase just the Muppet Show guys but the Muppets Tonght guys as well but the story isnt all there,I dont think Jeffrey Tambours villain has the right ending and it is painfully 90's
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6.Great Muppet Caper
Oooooh for putting this so low I might get some hate,but I shall explain .This is the most irreverant ,silly and funniest Mupppet movie,if you just want to laugh this is great .THis film is pure Henson wackyness,the film is not taking itself seriously at all.....And while I enjoy that.....I prefer a Muppet movie to have a bit more heart and story to go with the silly FOr me the characters,story and songs are a bit lacking .Again jokes are brillaint,performances are good (Charles Grodin looks like he is in LOVE with Miss Piggy and it is amazing) and it may have my favorite cameo in any Muppet movie .I do like the movie,I just like 5 others better
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5.Muppets Most Wanted
This film is VERY similar to Great Muppet Caper ,and while not funnier,I think its more solid .I adore the songs,especially the Big House ,I think the story is really good ,I love Sam and Ty Burrels chemistry ,the cameos are top notch ,Tina Fey as the Russian warden Nadya delivers one of the best human characters in all the Muppet movies and the film has possibly the best villain in all the Muppet movies in Constantine who is good mix of hilarious and threatening .Not all the effects worked and....I really wish someone else other then Ricky Gervais played the secondary villain Dominic Badguy.Overall though its an enjoyable film
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4.Muppets Take Manhatten
The one that surprised me .Of the orignal three its the one people dont talk about but ....I love it,its a bit more of a low key Muppet film ,ITs a much more character focused film. .The Dabney Coleman scene cracks me up,Saying Goodbye is tearjerking and the finale is spectacular
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3.Muppet Christmas Carol
A legit really good take on a Christmas Carol,possibly one of the best takes .The first film without Jim Henson ,and I think it showed the Muppets could survive .Less about the jokes and more about the heart and artistry while still having fun and humor . the Muppet performers are on top form,especially Gonzo and Rizzo as the narrators ,but the highlight of the film is honestly the phenomenal performance of Michael Caine as the coldhearted Scrooge ,giving off a legit good dramtic performance while talking to Puppets .Also the songs by Pqaul Williams are just top notch
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2.The Muppet Movie
The one that started it all,a heartwarming story about a bunch of weirdos coming together in pursuit of a dream,its sweet,its funny ,Paul Williams songs are great (Especially Im Going to Go Back There Some Day and Rainbow Connection),theres some fun cameos (Mel Brooks steals the show ) and Charles Durning gives an underrated performance as a psychotic fast food mogul
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1.Muppet Treasure Island
This....WAs one of the first movies I ever saw,and I have never stopped loving it .The muppet mayhem is funny(DEad Toms Dead always gets me ),its exciting ,the songs are all top notch ,and it has the best human cast with Kevin Bishop as the adventurous young Jim .Jennifer Saunders asa bombastic Inn owner,Billy Connolly as old drunkn pirate Billy Bones and the legend himself Tim Curry hamming it up as the villainous Long John Silver in perhaps his greatest performance ,cause he is equally great with the comedy as he is at delivering tender softer moments with Jim as a sort of surrogate father
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@amalthea9 @angelixgutz @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @greektragedydaddy @filmcityworld1
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fictionalreads · 2 years
La Brea Season 2 Episode 6
He awakens!
Do we get to see the man’s face? Oh we do!
I bet this is his bio dad.
I knew it.
You wanna tell him things? Please do, so I can know
If the last time he saw you was as an infant, how did he play hide and seek with you? How would he remember this place?
I’m sensing a but here. You want to help him but…
He is only telling you half the story.
I don’t buy this I’ve changed story.
Oh please. You got caught lying. You might as well tell the truth now.
Please let this work.
Sam and co.
🙄 Now is really not the time to try and have a moment Levi.
Damn Izzy told Levi how she really felt.
Silas. What the fuck are you hiding? Quit keeping secrets.
No. I don���t want Eve to get back with Gavin. Stop giving her advice Sam.
So Silas’ plan is to let them be the bait while he goes in, right? Seems like a Silas thing to do.
Scott and Lucas
Oh fuck I forgot about that guy who died.
Scott and Lucas best buddies until the end!
Veronica? What’s going on?
No Lucas!
What’s going on with Veronica?
Oh she like him.
Yes be kind Lucas
He better not die.
Josh and Riley
Ah. The technology limits of 1988
Do not fall for him. Please.
They found her. It’s cause Gavin told James she was in 1988 isn’t it?
Well that was an obvious code.
I really hope his stoned mind remembers.
Who’s this guy? Why haven’t we seen his face?
I did not know your name Judah.
I lowkey wanna see Silas as a younger man. Like what year was he born in?
So they’re in 1988 now? I kinda like it cause like… I was wondering how long they could sustain the story in 10000 BC.
But also what about everyone else?
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jordanlihive · 10 months
2023 Character Wrapped
share your top nine characters of this year ✨
Ty for tagging me bestie @god-u
Jordan Li - Gen V
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Marie Moreau - Gen V
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Ariel - The Little Mermaid
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Helena - Orphan Black (been rewatching this show had to put my faves down)
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Cosima Niehaus - Orphan Black
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Felix Dawkins - Orphan Black
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Maya Ishii-Peters - Pen15
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Anna Kone - Pen15
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Ava Coleman - Abbott Elementary
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No pressure tags: @spatialwave , @paperdoll201 , @simiinthemirror
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majingojira · 9 months
Sjbattleangel and Samasmith23 weren't interested in "self-serving" themselves at all nor did they ever want HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, TheFemaleFury, Farsight-The-Chad to delete their blogs nor were they ever tying to "cancel" or "tone-police" them. All they ever wanted was to make media discourse a better, healthier place because HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, TheFemaleFury, Farsight-The-Chad's misinformation and hyperbolic personal attacks against creators (Tynion, Snyder, Williamson, Aaron, Slott, Cates and many others) was not only toxic but outright disgusting. All I, Sjbattleangel, Samasmith23 and others wanted to ask HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, TheFemaleFury, Farsight-The-Chad was this: "Why did you do this? When was this ever acceptable?"
What they intended it to be and what it actually is are completely different beasts. They think they are making things better, but they are in fact causing harm in the name of their justice. Righteous Malice, plain and simple. I find it hilarious that you say that you don't want to 'tone police' them, but then go on to explain tone policing. When these objectional posts were made, it was largely acceptable. The thing you've forgotten is that these posts are pretty old, at the tail end of the rise of the caustic critic era (You know, AVGN, Nostalgia Critic, Linkara).
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It may have not been acceptable from what you've seen, but it was an entire movement in casual media review in the early 2010s through to rather recently. Hell, you can even find it in MST3K. They go after the likes of Coleman Francis, Sandy Frank and Bill Rebane without any qualms!
And that was in the 90s! When the R-slur was in common use in PG movies as a 'safe' insult! Not to mention the entire plot of the Jay and Silent Bob movie. To ask that question, "When was this acceptable!?" is to proclaim ignorance of the past.
So, why did we do it? Because we were angry. VERY angry! People who are angry say awful, mean things. And it was largely acceptable for the reasons enumerated.
If you don't understand the past, then you are doomed to repeat it. I mean, the lot of you are basically engaging in classic Internet Harassment at this point in order to get someone to break. Ain't that a shot of the 90s "The Past Was A Mistake" BS.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
15 and 26 for your infamous MCs! And 24 for funsies
15) What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Answered here for Alana and BJ.
Ori is probably before suns up. Or late in the afternoon/evening. He has a gym membership and I feel its one that opens early. He goes for a run and then the gym and then shower and eat. If it is a late day at the gym, he gyms and then boards. I thibk as social as he is, he likes being able to focus on his workouts. So when the gym isn't too loud and busy is nice. Plus getting up early gives him time to get his healthy eating and sporty stuff out of yhe way so he can be available through the day [for adventures or doing fuck all]
Lala: I don't think really has a favorite time of day. I think partially because any time is a good time to do something but also because they're so chill. But I think they like the 11a-3pm time; surprisingly when yhe sun is brightest. Lunch menus are superior and it is prime people watching time. And idk, I feel that time so busy-- I think it energizes them. And the after dinnertime. They like to curl in and watch TV or listen to music.
Hiyam: You would think like 5am or the hours of the GRIND, but it is really around 9-11am. She isn't a morning person and just finds that an acceptable time to be bothered, if she most be bothered. It feels kinda decadent bc sometimes she really do be having to waken up bright and early, so times she can say fuck you to that are appreciated.
26) How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
Stylistically fancy ON STAGE: Hiyam, BJ, Alana, Lala
Stylistically fancy OFF STAGE: Hiyam. Alana. Lala (at times).
Comfort and plainness ON STAGE: Ori
Comfort and plainness OFF STAGE: Ori, BJ [but still expensive ish and at a social acceptable level. I feel its more boring than plain], Lala, Alana (plainish. But never quite).
I might go into more detail another day.
24) How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
Dramatic: Hiyam (not in the traditional sense but definitely the most, certainly dramatic. And quite. Highly vindictive, button pusher, with a blown up head so ...)
Unphased: Lala. BJ, probably be in the middle because he can be quite the Dad Friend which can lead to [im not mad, im disappointed which imo is dramatic. You're not that old yet bruv] and he can be stern. But he is also very professional and levelheaded.
Somewhere in the middle: Ori, reckless but mindful when he remwmbers to be.. Alana, conceal don't feel but loves the drama.
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theultimateflix · 11 months
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Gen V is an American superhero television series, developed by Craig Rosenberg, Evan Goldberg, and Eric Kripke, serving as a spin-off of The Boys by Kripke, and based on The Boys comic book story arc "We Gotta Go Now" by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The series serves as the third entry in The Boys franchise.
The series, set concurrently with the fourth season of The Boys, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on September 29, 2023. In October 2023, less than a month after its premiere, the series was renewed for a second season.
Young adult superheroes, or "supes", are tested in battle royal challenges at the Godolkin University School of Crimefighting founded by Patrick Godolkin run by Vought International.
Jaz Sinclair as Marie Moreau, a hemokinetic (the ability to psychically manipulate blood) Supe with a tragic past.
Jaeda LeBlanc portrays a young Marie.
Chance Perdomo as Andre Anderson, a popular student and Luke's best friend with magnetic manipulation capabilities.
Lizze Broadway as Emma Meyer / Little Cricket, a Supe with the ability to alter her size by "purging" or eating.
Maddie Phillips as Cate Dunlap, a Supe with telepathic abilities, primarily in the form of tactile mind control, and Luke's longtime girlfriend.
Violet Marino portrays a young Cate.
London Thor and Derek Luh as Jordan Li, a Supe gender-shifter. Thor portrays Jordan's feminine form who can fire energy blasts and Luh portrays Jordan's masculine form who has superhuman durability.
Asa Germann as Sam Riordan, a young Supe with superhuman strength and durability.
Cameron Nicoll portrays a young Sam.
Shelley Conn as Indira Shetty, the dean of Godolkin University and former behavioral therapist who does not have superpowers.
Patrick Schwarzenegger as Luke Riordan / Golden Boy, Sam's older brother and a popular student with pyrokinesis and superhuman strength.
Maia Jae Bastidas as Justine Garcia, a Supe influencer attending the Crimson Countess School of Performing Arts
Daniel Beirne as Social Media Jeff, the social media manager for Godolkin University.
Sean Patrick Thomas as Polarity, Andre's dad and a famous superhero who is a trustee at Godolkin University.
Alexander Calvert as Rufus, a psychic student at Godolkin University who possesses telepathy, astral projection, and clairvoyance.
Marco Pigossi as Dr. Edison Cardosa, a therapist at "The Woods".
Ty Barnett as Malcolm Moreau, Marie's father
Miata Ada Lebile as Jackie Moreau, Marie's mother
Robert Bazzocchi as Liam, a classmate of Emma's
Alex Castillo as Vanessa Haycraft III
Clancy Brown as Richard "Rich Brink" Brinkerhoff, a renowned professor at Godolkin University and Chairman of the Lamplighter School of Crimefighting.
Warren Scherer as The Incredible Steve, a student with a healing factor sufficient to reattach lost body parts.
Jessica Clement as Harper, a rat-tailed student at Godolkin University.
Siddharth Sharma as Tyler Oppenheimer, a student with intangibility.
P.J. Byrne as Adam Bourke
Jackie Tohn as Courtenay Fortney
Matthew Edison as Cameron Coleman
Laura Kai Chen as Kayla Li, Jordan's mother.
Peter Kim as Paul Li, Jordan's father who disapproves of their gender-shifting ability.
Derek Wilson as Robert Vernon / Tek Knight, a former supe turned true-crime TV host who uses his show to cover up scandals for Vought.
Jason Ritter as himself via Sam's hallucinations of an episode of the educational TV series Avenue V.
Andy Walken as Dusty, a Supe resembling a teenager whose body ages slowly.
Special guests
Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell
Jessie T. Usher as Reggie Franklin / A-Train
Colby Minifie as Ashley Barrett
Chace Crawford as Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep
Jensen Ackles as "Soldier Boyfriend", Cate's childhood imaginary friend who is based on the films of Soldier Boy
Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman
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