#ty anon and sorry i completely forgot i had this ask until i went on my laptop LOL
sinha-ri · 1 year
would you perhaps bless us with a ryuuki in these trying times? i love ur art fjhbdf
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its ur boi, scrukgulo bloob-blop
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 4
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Things just seem to keep getting tense around here... Will Reader ever catch a break? Will Yondu ever solve the mystery?
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Author’s Note: This chapter is a LONG BOI. I considered splitting it, but then one chapter would have been 2k+ words and the other would have been 5k+, and for some reason I thought people wouldn't like the inconsistency lol (Feel free to weigh in. I know a few of you have said you liked longer chapters, and I haven't gotten any nay-sayers, but still thought I might as well ask lol)
And thank you to the anons and @condy-wants-a-cookie for your bad roommate suggestions! I wasn't able to add them all in, but they were all appreciated nonetheless!
Word Count: 7,321
This morning you did sleep in, but that didn't make your day much better.
You were slightly hungover, to start, and you spent most of the day in a funk trying to avoid everyone.
This wasn't completely possible, seeing as you now lived with eight other people, but the others seemed to mostly get the hint that you wanted to be left alone.
The first real interaction you had was around noon as you poured yourself some cereal and Yondu and Peter came in the backdoor to tell you they just heard gunshots from the forest.
You barely glanced at them. "Hunters." you said. "Probably hunting pigeons, but more likely they're poaching deer or fox. Happens every year."
They seemed almost surprised by your blasé attitude at hearing there were gunshots, but did seem to relax a bit that you seemed so confident. You had said you grew up here, after all.
Peter was still a little nervous however. "Do they ever come this way?"
You look up to him, knowing what he was getting at. He wanted to make sure they wouldn't happen upon your house while anyone obviously not human was outside and put them all at risk. "No. I'm pretty sure it's just a man and his boys who live a couple miles away. I've never heard the shots come closer than a mile outside the property. You're fine."
Seemingly convinced they finally left you, but you did notice no one seemed to go out until well after the last of the shots were heard, and you assumed Peter must have warned the others to stay inside just in case.
After you ate you went upstairs to grab your music, fancying a walk. However, once you got there you caught Groot sticking his tendrils in the lock of the attic door.
"What you doing there?" you say, firm enough to get his attention, but gentle enough to hopefully not to scare him.
He turned to you, pulling back his vines, looking sorry. "I am Groot."
You shook your head. "Sorry buddy, I have no idea what you're saying, let's find someone who can translate." You beckoned him to come, holding out your hand.
Groot looked sheepish, like he wasn't sure he wanted to come, but eventually he did, toddling over to you and allowing himself to be picked up.
You carried him downstairs and into the sitting room, finding everyone but Mantis, Kraglin, and Rocket sitting at the table. You walked over and asked if anyone there could translate, sitting Groot on the table.
"Sure," Peter offered, "What's up?"
"Well, I found him growing his vines into the lock of the attic door and I just want to know what he was doing." Actually, you thought you knew what he was doing. It looked like he was trying to pick the lock, what you really wanted to know was why.
Gamora looked at the tree child with both confusion and intrigue. "Groot, why did you do that?"
"I am Groot."
"No buddy, she's not going to do that. She just wants to know what you were doing to her door." Peter answered.
You raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry, I forgot we have to repeat the question for him. He doesn't know what you're saying. He was worried that you were going to be mad at him like you were to Rocket last night."
You were taken aback by this. "He can't unde-? But the first night you all got here-? I asked him a question and Drax translated his answer for me?"
Drax shrugged. "It was easier to make something up than explain he won't be able to understand you because neither of you have translators. What he had really told you was that he had no idea what you said."
Yondu and Peter looked at Drax like he was stupid. It wouldn't have taken much more effort to explain. He literally just did it.
You also look at Drax. "So this whole time he hasn't been able to understand a word I've said to him?" A realization hit you. "But wait- I'm pretty sure we-" you pointed a finger back and forth between you and them, "are speaking the same language??" You were wondering if they were trying to prank you.
Gamora looked at you apologetically. She would have corrected Drax when he made up an answer for Groot that first night, but she was too exhausted to deal with it, and afterwards it just never came up again. You had spent more and more time avoiding everyone anyway. "We're actually not speaking the same language. We all have translator chips, it's how we can all understand each other. It's standard where we're from. They work both ways. It's how you can understand us and how we can understand you. However, because neither you or Groot has one, he can't understand you." She didn't go into the fact that their translators didn't actually translate Groot, or how their understanding of him only came from time spent with him and Rocket's translations. She doubted they'd be there much longer for it to make a difference anyway.
"I see," you said. You frown. "I guess that explains why he never seemed to listen."
Peter lightly chuckled at that, as did Yondu.
"Anyway," Peter said, trying to bring the conversation back to what you came for. "What were you doing to her door?"
"I am Groot."
"He said he was trying to unlock it."
"Alright, kinda figured that, but why?"
Peter repeated the question to Groot and came back with the answer, "He said he was looking for a hiding spot?"
You raise an eyebrow.
"I am Groot."
"Oh that's right, you were playing hide and seek."
"Hmm. Well that's all fine, but the attic is off limits. It's locked for a reason." you say.
"She says you can't go in there, buddy. There are monsters in there."
You give him a strange look, but he gives his head a quick shake as if to tell you not to question it. You figured he probably thought the kid would be more likely to listen if he thought there were monsters and let it go.
Groots eyes went wide and he turned to you. "I am Groot?"
Yondu answered, fighting back a grin. "Yeah, really. Now run along before we feed you to them."
Peter smacked him in the arm as little Groot hopped off the table, and Yondu laughed and held up his hands in a "What?" gesture.
Almost on cue you then heard Kraglin call out, "Ready or not, here I come!" before walking into the sitting room and encountering Groot as he ran towards the door. He looked at Groot and laughed, "I don't think you know how this game works, buddy," before turning and leaving the room himself.
You also started to leave when Drax asked, "Why is the attic off-limits?"
Gamora shot him a look for being nosy but you answered anyway. "It's.. unsafe," you lie. "Old house, you know. Don't want anyone falling through the floor."
You leave them then, saying you're going out for a walk.
Your walk wasn't too long, just along the road a ways before turning back. When you got back to the house you decided to practice your archery some more. You may or may not have pretended that a certain someone's face was the target.
When you finally did come back inside you arrived to a commotion in the hall.
You didn't know what the fight was about. You didn't ask either. All you saw was Kraglin and Rocket standing in the hall arguing about some nonsense. Drax was also there, but he was sitting down on the bench tying his boots and seemed uninterested in the argument.
Then you saw Rocket go to bite Kraglin, miss, and then settle for lunging on him and Kraglin struggling to get him off. Drax didn't really do anything other than scold Rocket, and you suspected this must be so normal for him to witness that it just didn't register anymore.
Your nostrils flared and your eyes narrowed at the scene.
Rocket attacking and Kraglin flailing.
Peter came out of the sitting room, presumably to tell them to knock it off, then he saw the murderous look in your eyes and his sentence caught in his throat as he watched you storm over.
You grabbed Rocket by the scruff of the neck and roughly pulled him off, both to his and Kraglin's surprise. Rocket actually made a noise akin to a squeak.
The others watched as you wordlessly marched the fecker to the front door, earning many angry protests from the Raccoon on the way for you to let him go as he kicked and squirmed.
Hearing the sudden change in the commotion, this prompted Gamora and Yondu to join Peter in the doorway. Yondu, out of curiosity, and Gamora out of concern.
You jerked the door open, and told Rocket to take a walk before tossing him out like a rag doll, mercifully onto the grass. He landed and stared back in a mix of shock and anger, too stunned to think of running back towards you. "You can come back in when you stop wanting to being such a damn asshole." you told him, promptly shutting the door and spinning the deadbolt.
You didn't look at the others as you turned on your heels and made your way up the stairs to your room.
They stared at each other in the hallway, wondering if they had really just witnessed what they saw, and if they should do anything about it.
On one hand, you just literally threw their friend outside.
On the other, maybe it would cool him down to go for a walk?
In the end they decided not to intervene, see how it played out. Way they saw it there were two possible outcomes. One outcome, Rocket takes his time out and actually comes back calmer and ready to be civil. The other outcome, he spends his time out getting more pissed and then rips your face off when you finally let him back in.
The real outcome, however, was less conclusive.
You decided rather than waste the pasta one of the others bothered to save from the previous night, you'd re-make the sauce and heat the spaghetti and serve it for dinner that night.
You called the others to the kitchen and told them to serve themselves before leaving the kitchen. Fortunately there were no accusations of poison this time, but that could have been because Yondu saw which door of the kitchen you exited from and figured you were going to call Rocket back inside.
He was right.
You open the front door and call out into the open, "Hey, Rocket! If you've decided you want to play nice then come inside and eat!" You resisted the urge to call him 'shit-head' instead of his name. More flies with honey and all that.
You waited a bit and then saw Rocket turning the corner of the house to approach the front door. He didn't say anything, just grouchily shuffled inside and you followed in behind him. You didn't say anything either, trying not to antagonize too much.
When you saw everyone else was served you made a plate and took your dinner in your room. No one questioned. At the urging of Gamora they were still trying to give you your space.
They only hoped things would be less tense tomorrow.
The next time you were seen wasn't until a little before midnight, when Yondu happened to glance out the window as he was tucking into bed and saw your shadowy figure walking towards the forest in the moonlight.
He frowned. Once was odd. Twice only made him that much more curious. What was nearly the tipping point of his curiosity was the fact that he realized he would never hear you leaving the old house, which to him implied you were sneaking out. Sneaking out of your own house. The hell?
What the hell was out there that you kept disappearing to at night? Where you disappeared to when Rocket ruined dinner?
Next time he was going to stay up and catch you before you left.
Starting out things were indeed NOT less tense the next day.
Your day started out with Kraglin accidentally walking in on you when you had just gotten out of the shower. Fortunately for both of you you had literally just wrapped the towel around yourself before he opened the door, but that didn't make anything less awkward, or either of your startled screams less shrill.
He tried to apologize later, but you'd only responded with "Let's just never speak of it again."
Then you went to grab some breakfast, you thought toast would be nice. Only when you got into the kitchen the toaster was nowhere to be found. Maybe you put it in a cupboard? You opened the press where you might have put it, only to find your cooking pans instead.
That wasn't the particular cupboard where you kept your pans, however, and you began to have a sinking feeling as to what might have happened.
You opened another cupboard and finally found the toaster alongside the blender- again, not where they were supposed to be. You then went to find a knife, and wouldn't you know it, all your silverware was gone and replaced with towels.
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Do you like it?"
You turned to see Mantis and Drax beaming like they did a good deed. "What?"
"We re-arranged the kitchen." Drax said. "Rocket said it was a Terran custom and you'd be very happy."
You rub a hand down your face. Fecker pulled another prank. "And you believed Rocket why, exactly?"
Drax and Mantis shared a look, as if they just realized it wasn't a smart idea to believe Rocket. They only grimaced apologetically back at you with an "Um..."
After a moment Mantis asked if you were mad.
You look at them for a bit before saying, "No. I'm not mad. I'm not happy about it, but I'm not mad. But, you two are going to help me put everything back."
They nodded quietly and got to work. It took an hour to get it straight again.
After you finally got to eat you decided to tend your garden again. It didn't need much weeding, so you decided to work slow to avoid going back inside for a bit. Mantis had also come outside with you and went over to play on the swing. She had seemingly become quite fond of it in her short time here.
After perhaps ten minutes you heard a snap and a startled cry and turned to find Mantis now on the ground. The old rope had finally snapped.
Mantis looked up at you and sheepishly said, "Sorry, I broke your swing."
You look at her in exhaustion. "It's fine. Not your fault, it was old. You ok?"
Mantis nodded and headed back inside as she rubbed her smarted behind.
You turn back to your garden. Today might be another archery day.
Instead of archery you thought of another idea. Rocket had complained about sleeping in the crib at least five times since he got here, probably more when you weren't around to hear it. Maybe you could build him a little bed as a peace-offering. Maybe he'd be less insufferable if you fixed the problem he was always complaining about.
You already knew you had enough wood in the shed to do it, and you already knew the crib fit a 120 X 60 cm mattress, so you'd just build the bed to the same dimensions as the crib so the mattress would still fit- you weren't going to go to that much trouble for the shithead. And as a bonus, this was also another way to keep busy.
You sketched out a quick plan on an old notepad you kept in the work shed and got to work cutting the pieces.
It was a simple design, but one that still required the bed legs and headboard to be joined and clamped together, same as the footboard. This meant you wouldn't be finished by tonight, especially not if you decided to stain it, which was fine by you. You weren't exactly in a rush.
You did what you were able to of the bed frame before heading back inside, maybe a little more than an hour later to grab something quick for lunch. Rocket was already in the kitchen eating something out of a little packet that looked unfamiliar to you. More alien food, you thought.
He looked up at you as you walked in with a raised eyebrow. "What you been up to?"
You looked down to where his gaze met and saw you still had a bit of sawdust on your jeans. You brushed it away and said, "Nothing."
He eyed you before his expression changed to a grin. He thought he'd have a little fun with you, slight revenge for the previous day when you threw him outside. Nothing much, just something to take "Miss Cranky-Ass" down a peg. He looked at you innocently. "Hey, you want to try one of these? They're good."
You eye him suspiciously. Every instinct you had told you not to trust him.
Rocket could tell you weren't biting. "Look, I know things have been tense between is, but consider it a peace offering." He held out the bag and kept grinning.
Not a chance.
Peter walked into the kitchen at that moment, just the person you needed to see. You got his attention, "Hey, Peter, what's this little fecker trying to do to me?"
Peter looked confused. "What?" he asked.
"He's offering me whatever those purple things are, and I think you could forgive me for not trusting it right away."
Rocket made a show of looking offended, "I'd never-"
Then Peter got a look at the bag and shot Rocket an annoyed look. "Yeah, do not eat that." he warned. He looked at Rocket. "You know Terrans can't eat xanti-berries." He looked back at you, "Seriously, don't eat them. You'll be shitting yourself the rest of tonight and tomorrow."
Your eyes widened and you looked at Rocket bitterly. Your instincts had been right. Can't trust the little shit. And to think you were making him a bed so he didn't need to sleep in the crib.
Rocket was now snickering, saying to Peter, "Come on- I mean we know that's what happens to you-" More snickering. "But maybe it's just a you thing-" Snickering now turns to laughing. "Maybe- Maybe she'd be fine. AHAHA!"
The little beast was now fully laughing at his own joke.
"Yeah, no thanks," you say, turning to grab a granola bar instead.
Peter shooed still laughing Rocket out of the kitchen. "I'm sorry about him, he's-"
"An asshole?" you finish for him.
Peter rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah..." he said with an apologetic look. He could tell you were past tired of his friend's bullshit, which was bad because they hadn't even been there a full week yet.
You shook your head and went to eat in your room, maybe you'd scroll some tumblr.
Not much later after you had gotten bored refreshing the page, you thought you'd look for a book to read in the sitting room, and walked in on Rocket and Peter arguing over what to watch. This eventually lead to the remote being flung across the room and just narrowly missing the TV.
You rub your temples and sigh. "You know, if you break that, I'm not replacing it."
"Oh yeah, you think we're gonna replace it?" Rocket snarked.
You looked at them. "That's not what I said, is it? I said I'm not replacing it. Meaning if you break it, there just won't be one. I'm not going to reward bad behavior by replacing it if you break it."
You heard Rocket mutter, "Whatever," and not long after you started hearing the noises of them bickering and smacking at each other again.
"Enough!" you say in a loud, firm voice that honestly startled Peter a bit and caught the attention of Kraglin from the table where he was doing a puzzle he found on a shelf. Your desire to find a book forgotten you left the sitting room, saying, "God, you act like children!"
You passed Gamora on your way out and said, "How do you deal with them?!" You continued on without waiting for an answer and Gamora shot a disapproving look at the pair on the couch, clearly unhappy that they were still finding ways to piss you off.
You went back into the kitchen, retrieved a glass from the cupboard, the whiskey bottle from the other night from the fridge, and sat at the table.
Yondu walked in about ten minutes later. "Starting a little early, I see." He wasn't actually sure if it'd be early to start drinking by Terran customs or not, but he knew from when he still had his crew and the Eclector, his crew typically weren't allowed to start in until all their day's duties were done, which, not always, but usually wasn't until after dinner. Outward appearance would have suggested otherwise, but he kept a tighter ship than one might think. Couldn't have someone piss drunk on the job and fucking everything up, now could he? That's not to say the crew always listened... but they were well aware of the consequences of getting caught drunk on the job.
You only answered back with a, "There are glasses in the cupboard if you want some."
Yondu chuckled and went for a glass, not one to refuse a drink.
As soon as he sat down you stood up. "I'll be back." you announce.
Yondu poured himself a glass and you shortly returned with another bottle of whiskey from the cellar. "Bottle was almost gone," you explain, setting the new bottle on the table and re-taking your seat.
Yondu looked at you, amused, but also mildly wondering where you had retrieved a second bottle from. He had never been bothered to explore the cellar. If he had he would have known you kept most of your unopened alcohol down there, where it could stay cool without needing a refrigerator.
Yondu took a sip, and almost recoiled, having not expected this Terran stuff to be quite so strong. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle, mind you, but he had honestly just assumed Terran whiskey would be weak. From experience with Peter, the boy always got piss drunk after only barely a couple shots of Xandarian liquor, which wasn't very strong, so he just assumed Terrans had a naturally lower tolerance. Now he just supposed Quill was a lightweight.
"Anything on your mind?" Yondu asked. If you were sitting here drinking alone surely there must be.
You glance up. "Nope," you say, as you down the rest of your glass. You pour another.
"Uh huh... right. That's why you look like a grump-ass sitting here drinking all by yourself then."
You give him a look, gesturing to him with your glass. "You're sitting right there aren't you? Looks like I ain't alone."
Yondu chuckled and shook his head. Cheeky shit. "Wanna talk about it?"
Yondu grinned and pointed at you knowingly. "Gotcha."
"What?" you say, confused by his tone.
"Ya said ya don't wanna talk about it. Means there's somethin' on yer mind."
You look at him through narrow eyes and take another sip.
"What is it? Tired of Rocket's shit? Don't blame ya. Rat can be a real asshole."
You sigh.
"So it is the rat, then?"
"Quit," you say, taking another drink and looking at him sternly.
Yondu held up his hands and backed off. "Alright. I won't push it."
"Push what?" came Peter's voice from the doorway as he and Kraglin walked into the kitchen. Peter grabbed a snack from the pantry and tossed one to Kraglin.
"Cool, didn't realize we were starting a party" Kraglin joked, referring to the two whiskey bottles on the table and you and Yondu sitting there with your glasses.
Figuring you might as well offer them some you motioned to the cupboard again. "Glasses up there. Might as well join us."
You didn't have to ask them twice. Peter got down a couple glasses and Kraglin poured them some drink.
Peter nodded to the two bottles and joked asking if you were trying to see who could outdrink the other.
You shrugged. "Nah. If we were to do that, he'd need to catch up."
Yondu laughed. "You don't wanna go there, missy. I'll drink ya under the table before you knew what hit you." He chuckled and elbowed Kraglin in the arm, who snickered, knowing full well Yondu could drink like a tank.
You rolled your eyes. "Like I said, you'd need to catch up to me first. I'm about four ahead of you.
Yondu's head snapped back to you glancing from your drink to you. "Four?" You must be joking. You weren't even tipsy yet that he could tell.
You were unable to hold back a laugh. "Nah, I'm only messing with you." You downed your glass. "I'm two ahead after that one." You poured yourself another glass. You grinned slightly. "Again, do I need to wait for you to catch up?"
Yondu grinned at you, his eyes almost inquisitive. "Ya really sure ya wanna do that?" He was confident you didn't stand a chance.
Peter laughed. "What, you scared she'll outdrink you?"
Yondu rolled his eyes and downed his glass. "No. Jus' concerned she'll hurt herself tryin'," he laughed.
Now you rolled your eyes. "Fine. Don't. I'll accept your admission of defeat." you say with a shrug as you take another sip. This was almost definitely the buzz talking. You weren't a lightweight, but you still weren't exactly the heaviest drinker.
Peter and Kraglin hid giggles behind their glasses as Yondu gave you a hard look and poured himself another glass and downed it.
"There, I'm caught up." he said, pouring himself another glass to match you. "I'll give you one more chance to back out, sweetheart."
You down your glass. "I ain't your sweetheart, grandpa."
Yondu narrowed his eyes and downed his as well. "Then it's on, pipsqueak."
"Ooh-hoho. You're gonna regret that." you say, unable to hold back a grin as you poured another round for the two of you.
Peter and Kraglin were now openly laughing at the show as they sipped their drinks.
Yondu tipped his glass to you and took a sip. "We'll see." He wasn't really concerned with the drinking game. He was fairly certain he'd win. He did, however, think the whiskey might loosen your tongue, get you to talk to him. Maybe he'd eventually get around to asking why you lived in such a big place by yourself or what was in the forest that you kept walking into.
You followed his lead, sipping your current glass rather than downing it right away. Maybe it was the buzz starting to talk, but you suddenly were curious about something. "I don't think you guys ever told me why you needed to go into hiding in the first place."
"Fury didn't tell you?" Peter asked.
"Nope. He was too busy moving you guys in and changing up my house and getting into my shit to mention it." you say, taking another sip.
Yondu also sipped. Tongue loosening: Check.
"Well it's kinda a long story," Peter began, "but short version, we were hired to do a job for these people, and we did it, but then Rocket insulted them, and stole their shit, and now they've vowed vengeance."
"And they ain't the forgivin' type." Kraglin added.
"No. Definitely not," said Yondu mournfully, taking another sip. Bad enough his crew mutinied and he blasted his ship to hell, now he had to go into hiding. Yondu Udonta doesn't hide... unless forced to by the Nova Corps because he joined his boy's little team of galaxy savers, apparently... He supposed it was better than jail. He should really thank Peter for pulling those strings sometime.
"Anyway, so when the Nova Corps heard about it they insisted we go into hiding until they could try and smooth it over."
"Hmm." You say, finishing your glass. "So they're trying to beg for your lives, is that it?"
Peter shrugged awkwardly. "More or less."
"They must really like you." you laughed, looking down as Yondu poured everyone another round.
"They should," Yondu said. "He saved the galaxy twice."
Peter looked at him and he tried to hide how his heart swelled. Receiving praise from the blue man for things other than thievery was still new to him, but he didn't exactly hate it.
Yondu ignored his gaze. He wasn't about to get caught up in sentiment. He changed the subject. "Why don't ya tell us a little about yerself?"
You pretended to think a bit before taking a drink and saying, "Hmm... Nope."
Yondu held back a sigh. Tongue loosening: Un-Check. He tipped back his glass and nodded to you, as if to challenge.
You tipped your glass back in turn and as you poured another Yondu taunted, "I think that was five now, sure ya don't wanna slow down?"
You give him a patronizing look. "Is that your way of saying you give up?" You started to giggle behind your hand when Yondu's expression read 'Oh please.' and he finished his glass to keep the pour even between you.
Kraglin grinned wide and nudged Peter, "Eh, Pete, tell her about that time you got stabbed for flirting with that A'askvarii chick."
Peter's eyes widened and he looked at Kraglin, "Not cool, dude!"
Yondu chuckled and you just looked at Peter inquisitively, having no idea what an 'A'askvarii' was. Before you could ask Yondu spoke up.
"If I remember correctly he didn't get stabbed for that one. Kree girl tried to rip out his thorax. He got stabbed for trying to pull a runner on a Rajack girl." Yondu said, grinning before taking another drink.
Peter glared at him. "New topic." He looked at you. "What got you into archery?"
You sighed through your nose. You supposed it was an innocent enough question. "Dad taught me. How'd you'd come about living in space?"
Peter made a face and downed his drink. "Uh, long story, another time..." How would he explain that the reason he was in space was because his Celestial father sent the man sitting next to you to abduct him... and make it not sound awful? Better think of something lighter. "Uh... Got any family around or is it just you?"
You eyes narrowed. Your former giddiness visibly left you.
'Oh no.' Peter thought. That apparently wasn't lighter... You must not get along with your family. He tried to fix it. "Ok, touchy subject- I mean... Oh look, your glass is empty!" He quickly poured you and him another round.
You actually almost laughed at that, and a slight grin cracked your face.
Yondu saw how your expression changed and incorrectly assumed that it meant you weren't actually that irritated by Peter's question. He then took that incorrect assumption to pose his own question. "So, you didn't quite answer the other night, and I'm still curious. How come it's just you in this big old house?"
This prompted Kraglin to add his own question. "Yeah, and I've been wondering too, how's come you don't keep any photos?"
Your glare returned. You sat your glass down and stood up saying in a slightly slurred speech, "I have to pee." and excused yourself from the table, stumbling a bit as the alcohol hit you. You righted yourself, earning a chuckle from Peter and Kraglin, who knew too well that it's always easy to believe you aren't as drunk as you are until you stand up and the room spins.
Yondu also laughed, but internally cursed himself. He wasn't gonna get any answers like this. He hoped that maybe there was still a chance to save it when you got back. He saw a hint of pain in your eyes just before you left, and it made him want to know why. He felt he was so close to putting the pieces together.
You head to the bathroom irritated at being asked the personal questions. Leave it up to your new house mates to ruin your buzz.
You only got more irritated upon entering the bathroom, however.
Someone had left their wet towels on the floor. Rolling your eyes in annoyance you kicked them aside to make your way to the toilet. Mercifully you didn't find any unpleasant surprises waiting inside it like you had been. Peter must have gotten the "Flush the damn toilet!" message through to Drax. However, once you had done your business you found that someone couldn't have been bothered to replace the toilet roll properly, just having sat it on the roll holder.
You sigh irritably and replace it properly yourself. Yes, it could have been worse. They could have not replaced it at all and forced you to do a mini walk of shame to the sink cupboard to retrieve it, but you were too cranky to look at the bright side.
Then you went to wash your hands, only to see someone had smeared toothpaste all over the sink, a big pet peeve of yours. Your nostrils flared and you muttered to yourself as you washed that you weren't going to clean it. Screw that.
You went to dry your hands, and find there was no towel to dry them. You gritted your teeth and ripped a towel from the small closet, hanging it on the hook when you were finished.
Before leaving the bathroom you tried to gather yourself, taking a deep breath and telling yourself to calm down. It would be ok. You were just a little drunk. It wasn't that big of a deal. You were going to go back out and try to have some fun drinking that blue bastard under the table. (This, of course, was the alcohol talking. False confidence. You really did never stand a chance of outdrinking the Ravager captain.)
You start to open the door, and that's when you reach your breaking point.
After you left, Kraglin nudged Peter again, whispering the words, "A'askvarii girl," to him and giggling like a child.
Peter smacked him in the arm, "Quit it! That was one time! And I was only trying to get information! Tell him Yondu!" He tried to look angry, but the whiskey was having its usual effect on him, making him a giggly little bitch.
Yondu only grinned and shook his head. "I dunno boy, you were a little too convincing if ya ask me... Nobody asked you to sleep with her."
Kraglin bust out laughing at Peter's face, which was an odd mix of horror, drunken mirth, and "Dammit, you got me." He playfully shoved Peter and Peter shoved back with a "You suck!" which prompted Kraglin to squeeze his side, which of course made Peter jolt with a laugh and smack him away.
Kraglin only did it again and Peter laughed out a "Quit it!" while smacking him again.
Yondu just rolled his eyes and chuckled, sipping his whiskey as he watched his boys mess around like they did when they were younger on the Eclector.
After a pinch to the knee Peter bolted off his chair, only to have Kraglin follow, laughing, "Come back 'ere, ya coward!" He got Peter in a headlock and started to give him a noogie.
Peter laughed and managed to worm away, taking off into the hallway.
Yondu watched in amusement as Kraglin followed Peter out of the kitchen, and listened as the sounds of their shenanigans took them from the front door down the hall. That's when he heard the sound of a door slamming and a loud cry of "OW! Mother---FUCKer!" that sounded suspiciously like you.
'Oh shit,' he thought, standing from the table to go inspect the damage.
It had all happened fairly quickly.
You had opened the bathroom door maybe a foot before it slammed back in your face. Literally in your face. You recoiled and swore loudly, the flash of pain made your eyes water and you saw red before you even realized you were bleeding.
Kraglin and Peter jerked away from the door in startled shock after hearing you cry out. They had only been horsing around when their antics caused Peter to fall back into the door just as you opened it. They jumped when the door slammed back open with an incredible BANG against the wall, and their eyes went wide when they saw you standing there, murderous rage in your eyes and blood running from your nose down your chin.
Maybe it was because he was the nearest person, or maybe it was because he instinctually held up his hands and said "Sorry! Sorry! It was an accident!" but Peter was the one you lunged at.
You grabbed him by the shoulder and slammed him into the wall, nearly a week's worth of frustration and rage channeled through you as his body connected with the plaster.
Peter, not just going to stand there and let himself get beaten up, tried to grab your wrists and get you off him, but you evaded his attempts and punched him in the stomach.
This slightly knocked the wind from him, but he managed to grab your wrist and push off from the wall. He spun you around and tried to restrain you in a bear hug, saying, "Take it easy!" but you only dropped to your knees and lurched forward, flipping him over your back towards the front door.
Kraglin looked to Yondu, who watched from outside the kitchen door near the end of the hall. His gaze asked what to do, but Yondu only shrugged and didn't try to intervene. He knew Peter could handle himself and he was sure you needed to let off some steam, so he just enjoyed the show.
The commotion brought the others in though. Gamora and Mantis flew down the stairs, while Rocket, Drax, and Groot stepped out of the sitting room to witness the fight with wide eyes. They didn't know what had happened, but you looked ready for the kill, and to the few who could see it from their vantage, you looked almost terrifying with your bared teeth full of blood.
You now straddling Peter, attempting to throw a punch when he blocked it and flipped the two of you over. He breathlessly told you to settle down as you struggled, but you wouldn't hear it. If anything it seemed to make you more pissed off, and Gamora's cries for the two of you to stop fell on deaf ears.
You kneed Peter in the stomach and flipped the two of you back over. You weren't sure what next possessed you, but you threw your head down and sank your teeth into his shoulder.
Peter threw his head back and cried out in pain, mixing in a few curses as well.
Yondu cocked his head, seeming unsure on whether he wanted to be impressed or not to see you, Miss SHIELD Agent, fight dirty. Kraglin finally spoke up to say, "Hey, hey, now! No bitin'!" as if he were refereeing a wrestling match.
Right about then you felt large strong hands grip you about the waist, surprising you into releasing your bite on Peter as they pulled you off of him. The arms moved from your waist to secure your wrists and before you knew it you were being restrained in half a bear-hug by one very strong arm as you were turned away from Peter and pulled towards the front door.
Drax paused to open the door and, turning you to face him, flatly said. "You need to take a walk."
"Drax!" Gamora hissed, appalled that he was throwing their host out of her own house, despite the circumstances.
Rocket, of course, laughed and asked how you liked it, like an asshole. It was only then he saw the blood around your nose and mouth and his expression changed slightly to reflect his shock, now wondering if you had actually taken a chunk out of Peter when you bit him. Were you some kind of maniac?
You spat blood at him, only for it to land on the floor at his feet as he was standing too far away, and then slammed the door behind you on your way out.
Gamora came the rest of the way down the stairs to inspect Peter's shoulder, seeing the blood on his shirt.
"It's fine," he assured, "It's hers, not mine. See, she didn't break skin." He pulled back his shirt to prove it. "I think I accidentally broke her nose though. That's what started it."
Gamora looked at him in confusion. "You broke her nose?! What the hell, Peter!"
"It was an accident!" he said again.
Gamora took a step back. "Ok. Tell me what happened. Start from the beginning."
"Well, we were all drinking-"
Gamora threw up her hands. "Oh, well that explains everything!" she interrupted bitterly. Dumb stuff almost always seemed to happen when those guys and alcohol mixed.
Rocket spoke up. "You were drinking and didn't invite us? Rude."
Gamora threw him an unamused look. "Not the point, Rocket."
Peter tried again. He explained he and Kraglin joined you and Yondu drinking, you got up to use the bathroom, he and Kraglin started horsing around, and one thing lead to another until he fell back against the door as you were coming out of the bathroom and it must have hit you and pissed you off.
Gamora looked at him. So it really had just been a big drunken accident. She also then realized Drax had not only just threw their host out of their own house, but threw you out while you were also drunk, broken and bleeding.
They were sooo getting kicked out.
"We should call her back in." said Gamora. "You shouldn't have thrown her out, Drax. This is her home. We're only guests."
Drax looked confused. "Why? It worked with Rocket. I thought I was helping?"
"Don't bother trying," said Yondu nonchalantly. "Bet she's already well into the forest by now."
They looked at him. "How would you know that?" Gamora asked.
He shrugged. "It's where she went the other night she got mad. Saw her heading there out the window when Rat there destroyed the kitchen and ruined diner." He left out the bit that he'd also seen you head there in the middle of the night too. He was saving that bit of mystery for himself to solve.
Rocket just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at being called out for his past grievances. It got cleaned, didn't it?
"I'm sure she'll come back when she's ready," Yondu added. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to go look for you, if for no other reason than to see where you kept going to out there, but he had a feeling that if you didn't want to be found, he wouldn't find you. He might have some experience tracking, but he couldn't also forget what you did for a living. While he might not know much about what your job entailed, he got the feeling you weren't just some desk-jocky.
Besides, if you found your way back, drunk, the other night, he was sure you could do it again.
Begrudgingly Gamora agreed to wait.
And wait they did.
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impashableimagines · 5 years
(Before you assume anything, please read this whole thing) What if Julian & the mc were getting ready for 'special time' & Julian was all nice & bound up & he can't move at all. But then, the mc goes downstairs to get something & Julian hears this HUGE crash right along with a sickeningly loud CRACK... And they don't come back up the stairs... And they aren't responding to Julian calling if they are okay... and Julian still can't get up to see what happened?
Why did you fuck with my heart like this
I had to write angst because of this
Look what you did anon
I hope you're pleased with yourself
MC grinned at Julian as they secured his wrists together and looped the silken rope through the headboard, securely tying his arms up over his head. Normally, MC would have used a classic daisy chain, or something easier for Julian to get himself out of, but today? Today was a special treat for Julian, so at his request, MC tied his hands more firmly than usual, binding them in place once more with a whisper of magic, just to be sure Julian would be safe and secure while bound, without hurting him.
They pressed a soft, playful kiss to Julian's throat, lightly brushing their fingers down Julian's chest from the base of his neck to his navel before pulling away.
"Wait here, my dearest." MC whispered seductively. "I almost forgot something, the most important part."
Julian whined, already aroused and wanting, but responded with a mewl of "Hurry up then, love, please! I need you," making MC giggle a bit, kissing his cheek. "I won't be long, darling, I promise. Patience, now. Be good for me." And with that, MC was out of the room in a blur, rushing down the stairs to collect what was forgotten.
All was peaceful and quiet, with only the sounds of MC rummaging around, talking to themselves as they tried to recall where they'd put 'it,' whatever 'it' was.
Julian could barely hear what MC was saying, even as he strained to listen. Shortly thereafter, Julian heard what sounded like... an explosion?! And something- no, someone- dropping to the floor with a sickening crack.
"What the fuck was that? MC, love, what's going on?! Are you alright?! Love, where are you?! Talk to me, MC!" He struggled against his bindings, hissing as the ropes bit into his skin. With the high amount of pressure he was putting against them, even the silky soft texture would become painful rapidly.
Julian howled with anguish, not receiving any response from his lover or their familiar when he cried out to them. "Fucking dammit, curse these binds!" He had to get out, had to break out somehow. Why had he asked MC to magically bind him on top of the physical binds? 'Fucking stupid,' he thought to himself. 'I'm so fucking stupid. Something's gone wrong, and it's all my fault!' Julian cried out once more, praying to the Gods that someone, anyone, would come and find him and help MC, but his cries went unheeded.
It wasn't until the next day, when Asra returned from their latest trip, that Julian heard the jingle of the shop's bells and he found the strength to cry out for help once more, being released from the magical binds and rushing to find MC.
What he saw when he got downstairs would surely break him. The pit in his stomach grew with each step down the stairs, and he grew more terrified of what he'd see when he got there. Would MC be dust? Would their body be mangled, crushed, burnt beyond repair? What miserable vision would await him when he turned the corner and drew back the curtain to look into the back of the store, where MC had gone off to?
As he reached out and drew back the curtain, his breath hitched in his throat. "N- no... no, no, no... this is impossible... Asra! How did this happen?!"
There, in the storeroom, he had found MC, crumpled on the ground, bloodied, bruised, scorched and almost completely lifeless - the only thing grounding them and keeping them alive being the presence of Asra's magic bound within the portion of heart that Asra gave to MC. "I can't keep MC here forever, Ilya. The damage is too extensive." Asra's voice drifted off, hesitant to continue, before they steeled themself. "It's time to say goodbye." Asra's eyes glistened, wet with tears as he gently ushered Julian forward. "I've already said what I needed to, now it's your turn. I'll give you some privacy." They stepped outside the curtain, drawing it closed behind them.
He sunk to his knees beside MC and pulled them into his arms, cradling them like they were the most precious porcelain doll in the world. "Oh, my love... I could have prevented this. If only I hadn't asked you to perform that binding charm, I could have helped you, could have taken care of you, I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry... I would give my life-"
A frail finger pressed against his lips, a soft, rasping voice chuckling at him. "Hush, Julian. I forbid it. You will not sacrifice yourself for me."
Julian flinched and hung his head, clinging to MC for dear life. "How can I live without you?"
"You did once, and you can again, my dear. Be strong. Goodbye, my Ilyushka. Take care of Malak, and my dear familiar, too." MC smiled up at Julian. "I'm sorry I ruined such a special day, I had so much planned for you..."
With those words, MC drifted off, their eyes closing one final time as the warmth drained from their body, Julian clutching them close and cradling them as he cried.
Okay so now that you've read the sad ending, I've also got a more sweet, comedic version for you to read as well.
MC grinned at Julian as they secured his wrists together and looped the silken rope through the headboard, securely tying his arms up over his head. Normally, MC would have used a classic daisy chain, or something easier for Julian to get himself out of, but today? Today was a special treat for Julian, so at his request, MC tied his hands more firmly than usual, binding them in place once more with a whisper of magic, just to be sure Julian would be safe and secure while bound, without hurting him.
They pressed a soft, playful kiss to Julian's throat, lightly brushing their fingers down Julian's chest from the base of his neck to his navel before pulling away.
"Wait here, my dearest." MC whispered seductively. "I almost forgot something, the most important part."
Julian whined, already aroused and wanting, but responded with a mewl of "Hurry up then, love, please! I need you," making MC giggle a bit, kissing his cheek. "I won't be long, darling, I promise. Patience, now. Be good for me." And with that, MC was out of the room in a blur, rushing down the stairs to collect what was forgotten.
All was peaceful and quiet, with only the sounds of MC rummaging around, talking to themselves as they tried to recall where they'd put 'it,' whatever 'it' was.
Julian could barely hear what MC was saying, even as he strained to listen. Shortly thereafter, Julian heard what sounded like... an explosion?! And something dropping to the floor with a crash.
"What the fuck! MC, love, what's going on?! Are you alright?! Love, where are you?!" He struggled against his bindings, hissing as the ropes bit into his skin. With the high amount of pressure he was putting against them, even the silky soft texture would become painful rapidly.
Julian howled with anguish, not receiving any response from his lover or their familiar. "Fucking dammit, curse these binds!" He had to get out, had to break out somehow. Why had he asked MC to magically bind him on top of the physical binds? 'Fucking stupid,' he thought to himself. 'I'm so fucking stupid. Something's gone wrong, and it's all my fault!'
Julian cried out once more. "Someone?! Anyone! Help! MC needs help!" His cries went unheeded until much later, after he'd passed out from the exhaustion of constantly struggling, when he finally heard the jingle of the front door of the shop's bells downstairs. He heard a harsh inhale of air and a shaky breath to follow, and he heard the creak of the stairs as someone, he assumed the most likely person was Asra, climbed the stairs, entering MC's bedroom and looking at Julian with a solemn, broken look in their eyes.
"Asra, what's going on?! Unbind me, please, I heard a crash earlier and MC was downstairs- Are they okay?!" Asra put their hand up to stop Julian." Asra, what- what's going on? Talk to me, Asra, please, where's MC-"
"Ilya, shut up for a moment, would you?" Asra muttered, shaking their head as they worked to unbind Julian. "Come downstairs. You should see for yourself what happened. Put some clothes on and come downstairs."
Julian did as he was told, descending the stairs. The pit in his stomach grew with each step, and he grew more terrified of what he'd see when he got downstairs. Would MC be dust? Would their body be mangled, crushed, burnt beyond repair? What miserable vision would await him when he turned the corner and drew back the curtain to look into the back of the store, where MC had gone off to?
When he entered the storeroom, Julian found something that certainly shocked him. He found a kitten. "... Asra, this kitten is cute and all, but where is MC?"
Asra chuckled. "Well, you see, Julian, it seems that MC was attempting to use a summoning spell to conjure their surprise for you, but mixed up which ingredients they needed, and ended up instead transfiguring themself into a kitten. Aren't they just adorable?"
The kitten yowled, swiping their claws at Asra. "Yes, yes, MC. I know you're irritated that I let Julian see this, but how couldn't I? He was so worried about you, and needed to know you were safe, even if you are embarrassed by this form."
Julian shook his head, scowling at MC and picking them up. "Hey, look at me. You scared me so badly, MC. Never do that again. My heart can't take it, okay? I'm afraid I'll die of fright next time."
MC mewled at him, licking his cheek and snuggling against his chest. Julian chuckled softly. "I'll take that as an agreement, then."
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winterschild999 · 7 years
Under The Table
 REQUEST(anon) - Could u plz write a "one-shot" about touching Steve's erection during an important dinner(than him coming into ur hand) if that makes any sense plz and ty❤
WARNINGS - Handjob under a table  ,a little teasing . 
A/N - Thank you so much Taw @supersoldierslover for your help . 
Also , I am so sorry nonny that this took so long to write . I hope you like it  
WORDS - 1836
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“Hmmm, Steve....”, you moan breathlessly as he pins you against the wall , and squeezes your ass harshly .
“Fuuuck , do you feel that baby.”, he asks his head resting against yours as he looks into your eyes lustfully . He pushes his hard covered cock onto your pussy and starts grinding his hips up and down .
One of his hand reaches your breast and he pulls your dress down exposing your taut nipples to him . He bends his head forward and takes your nipple between his teeth and pulls it . Your head falls back on the wall in pleasure .
He pushes you tight against the wall to stop any movement and folds his arms holding your thighs in position as he starts rubbing his cock and adding pressure over your clit .
“Oh god , Don’t stop babe.”, you moan as you take his lips  in a bruising kiss . Your swirl your tongue around his and bite his lip .
“Steve?Y/N? You ready?”, Bucky shouts from outside.
“Fuck.”, Steve exclaims putting you on your feet and adjusts himself in his jeans .
“Babe!!! “, you whimper at the sudden lack of pleasure . Your whole body was buzzing , your mind in a haze , as he ceased from making you cum .
“Y/N , we gotta go . We’ll continue this later . I promise .”, he says with a chaste kiss to your lips as he makes his way out after telling you to come to dinner as soon as possible .
It was quite an important dinner . After the accords and return of Bucky , this was the first time General Ross and King T’challa came to the tower to celebrate the acceptance of the new accords with a million amends .  
All the delegates and ministers of King T’challa’s government were going to be there as well as the former director of SHIELD Nicholas. J .Fury .
Today was a day of celebration . The AVENGERS are no longer considered vigilantes. Steve was the happiest to say the least . He had his best friend back , and his family , whom people called the Avengers, were back together . Things have changed , it can never be the same as before , but at least they are together now .
Everyone seemed to accept Bucky as a part of their family , even Tony acknowledged the fact that it wasn’t really Bucky but the soldier who killed his parents . Wanda was trying her hard to remove the triggers from Bucky’s brain and Tony was trying to help in any way possible .
To see Steve this happy after a long time made you happy . You didn’t mind that he spend a lot of time with his best friend . After all they were apart for around 70 years .
He’d come back at night and snuggle into you with a huge smile on his face and you’d fall asleep in each other’s embrace .
After rubbing away the creases of your dress, and taming your hair you walked towards the dining room. You found most of the people already seated . You took your seat next to Steve . Only you and Steve sat on this side while Bucky and Nat took the seat opposite you . And the others occupied the places in the longer sides .
It was quite unusual to see all these people get along . Just a few months ago they were on the verge of killing each other and going to jail but now they were having dinner together . Laughter filled the room .  Everyone seemed to be happy . There was a little awkwardness at first until Tony made some ridiculous joke and everyone burst into laughter and everything went back into its place.
Everyone was eager to share their stories  , their battle marks (Thor obviously) and what they did while they were away. But not you .No. You couldn’t hear a word that was being spoke . All thanks to your boyfriend who just happened to wear your favourite shirt through which all of his hard muscles were bulging out . FUCK .How are you going to get through this dinner  .
“Y/N , Steve is your boyfriend you can look at him all you want later . Now , come help us.” Natasha said braking your trance. Everyone heads turned towards you and you dropped your gaze. Your whole face got hot and you got up to head to the kitchen with Nat and Vision .
Steve couldn’t help looking at your ass as you walked away .
“You two just can’t keep your eyes off of each other . Can you?” Tony said, as Steve just awkwardly laughed it off along with the rest of them .
“So... How are things going on ?” ,Nat asked as you helped her serve the dessert into the bowls while Vision scooped out the ice-cream .
“Good .Really good.” “And..the sex?” “Natasha!!!”, you scolded her in a hushed tone .
“What? I am just asking . I want you to be satisfied.” She said smirking .
“Oh god .  I can’t hear this.” You said picking up a tray of dessert and heading to the dining table . You sat down next to Steve after serving a few and yourself. He muttered a soft thank you and you just smiled.
You were just playing with your ice-cream until it just melted . WHY??? Why was this taking so long ? Why is everyone still talking even after the dinner is over? You have been on the edge of an orgasm all night and these people were nowhere close to finishing this up . You hoped Steve would understand your desperation .
You placed your hand over his thigh hoping he would turn around, but he didn’t . He was busy chatting up with Rhodey.
You didn’t take out your hand though . You moved it further up his thigh  . Still no reaction .You moved it higher and placed it right over his bulge and you felt him tense under you.
Yep . Got him .
You pressed harder over his member and felt it rise under you . He instantly put his hand around you wrist as a warning sign , slowly pushing it away . But you cupped his bulge over his pants and he let out a whimper.
“You okay there buddy?” Rhodey asked with concern .
“Yeah .Just stubbed my toe to the table leg.”
With that they continued talking and you decided to have more fun . You looked around to see no eyes on you and you slowly pulled his zipper down .
That fucking man was not wearing any underwear . Going commando . He’s just asking for trouble isn’t he?
You wrapped your fingers on the base of his cock and squeeze and he presses his hand hard on the table , alerting everyone .
“What’s up Steve? You look a little red.” Sam asked .
“What ?Pfft , nothing . Just got a cramp on my hand , that’s it .”
With a nod they went back to their conversations , while you just smirked watching Steve fumble over his words completely flustered .
You started to pump his cock while looking over at everyone , not wanting to create suspicion in anyone’s mind . You smiled at Bucky who was looking at you with a curious expression before you went back to look between Steve and Rhodey , nodding once a while .
Gathering the pre-cum from his head , you spread it around his shaft . You didn’t want any slick and lewd sounds so you slowly moved your hands along his length pressing a little harder when you reached his head .
You dropped the napkin down ‘by mistake’  and bent down to pick it up but not before you left a kitten lick over his leaking tip .
His body jerked upwards in response and you just sat back smiling ,showing the napkin around .
“Hey man , if you are feeling sick you can go back to your room .You don’t look so well . Its fine .” Said Tony .
You started rubbing fast circles over his tip as you knew he was extra sensitive in that region .
He was unable to form words , more concentrated on his nearing release . “Y/N.” Bucky said excitedly and you stopped your motions suddenly receiving an irritated glare from Steve .
“Steve’s fine everyone . He is just a little excited . Even I can’t still believe that we are all back together. Right Y/N .”
“Hmm , yeah  . Yeah . He is just very happy .” Everyone agreed before going back to the conversation . But before you could finish what you started Natasha called you .
“So ...how is the compound life .Are you adjusting well ?” She asked with a smirk.
“Oh yeah . It’s good . I like it here .”
You could sense Steve getting impatient . He was rubbing his thigh and pushing your hand urging you to move . But you couldn’t . Nat and Bucky were looking at you and they would know for sure.
After a while the conversation died down and they started whispering to each other .
You completely forgot about Steve sitting hard as fuck next you , until he put his hand over your thigh and squeezed it .
You snickered to yourself . His while face was red and the blush seemed to travel down his neck .
You started rubbing your thumb over his dick and moving your hand up and down. You cupped his balls and squeezed them and his grip on your thigh tightened , you knew he was very close . You took the napkin and placed it in your hand . With one last swipe over his tip and he came , his body completely stiff, every pinched together, holding back a moan . You cleaned a few drops of cum from your hand and placed it on the floor .
“Man , you really don’t look good . You should take rest.” Rhodey said before he got up . Everyone around you were saying their good byes . But you couldn’t move and neither could Steve .
You just sat there smiling at everyone as they left. It was only you , Steve , Nat and Bucky left on the table.
“You might want to throw the napkin away Y/N .” Nat said winking at you as she got up . You head fell down in embarrassment .
“Yeah. And if you guys wanna have fun, you are welcome to drop by at our room later .”Bucky said as he left with Nat .
“OH MY GOD.”  Steve said and you both started laughing in unison .
 If you wanted to be added shoot me an ask .Let me know what you guys think of this . 
@mytrueself @hellomissmabel @justareader @topkay @elwin-smaragd @elwenia @marveloussssworld @emilyevanston @tol-sam @marvelatthepeople @mjcumberbatch @crazybutconfidentaf @yknott81 @winterboobaer @chipilerendi @badassbaker @mcfuccfairy @panickedpandaposts @magellan-88 @superantonija @hopelessgarbage @aingealcethlenn @melconnor2007 @the-witching-hours12-3 @buckyappreciationsociety @psychicwitchphilosopher
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