#ty for answering i hope i didn't scare you
nsharks · 1 year
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part nine —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 3.2k tags: death. blood. zombies of course. reader menstruates. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival. a/n: no comment
The beam gave a nasty cut to your hand.
Tetanus, blood, infections— more threats.
You sit on a rock by the river to fix it up. Before you can dab on the hydrogen peroxide from your new med kit, Blue insists on doing it for you— soft fingertips against your broken skin. She is by far a gentler nurse than her father. You focus on her pink cheeks and scrunched nose as she concentrates. It helps you ignore the sting.
"You scared the shit out of me for a second there, Twix.”
"Sorry. I guess I need to work on my balance."
She gives a stilted laugh. The gauze comes next, just a thin layer since the bleeding has already stopped.
"Thanks for asking him to help me," you add in a whisper. You smile. "I don't think I've ever had a friend save my life so many times."
Blue cuts the gauze and begins tying it off. "I didn't actually have to ask him this time, you know. Like I said, he doesn’t hate you.”
You glance to where Ghost has taken the short break to lean against a tree and drink some water, pale jaw and pink lips exposed. An actual human hides under all that gear and horrifying mask. It annoys you that he doesn't just take it off.
You look back at her, eyes rolling. “You're lying."
She closes the med kit and shrugs. “Friends don't lie."
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The afternoon sun bleeds white light over your cheeks as the three of you keep walking. Just meters away from the river, Ghost points out a small cabin. One that hunters used back in the day, you bet. He says it could be a good place to stay for the night. The scent of the rushing water nearby should do some to mask your human scent.
Rolling hills take place of the trees. To the west, you can see the faint outline of mountains dipped in white snow. Well, as much of mountains as you can find in England. They are not nearly as tall as the ones your parents used to take you skiing to in France.
You grow quiet and let Blue do all the talking. Maybe you are embarrassed after almost falling into the river.
Just when she asks - How much further? - something strange pops up in the distance. White medical tents— well, you assume they were once white. They are now torn and grey, with some blue crates beneath them. Confusion swells in your chest and you can't help but speak up.
"Why is this all here?" you ask, your boots stepping over some stray medical tools. Scalpels, tweezers, and syringes. Pressed into the rich earth like fossils. You would pick them up if they weren't rusted past the point of being useful.
"I don't know," Blue answers. "Ghost?"
"Emergency medical camp the military set up," he says. 
"After shit happened?" she asks.
He gives a curt nod as he looks around at the remnants. "Those that were left were tryin' to help survivors in the first few days. Didn't last long, though."
"Is that what your friends were doing after you ditched them?"
"Told you, kid. They weren't my friends."
"Alright, teammates. Whatever. Were they helping with injured people here?" she asks curiously.
"A few of them were.”
Blue looks at you. "Twix, did I ever tell you about that?"
"Um. About what?"
"Well, Ghost was supposed to be working when shit happened," she raises her brows and juts a thumb at him. "But he snuck away from his post to get all our stuff and come find me and my mum."
You swallow at the mention of her mom and avoid looking at Ghost. "Snuck away?"
"Yeah," she nods, "It's called dessert."
"Desertion," he gruffly corrects her.
"What?" you ask.
"He abandoned his assignment," she explains. "But he always says he would do it again if he had to. Anyway, he used to talk to his teammates on his radio to see how they were and stuff— what was happening. But then they got too far away for it to work."
Of course Ghost had a radio.
Paul had one, too. You can remember huddling around that radio like it was a mouthpiece for some god. The static grew choppier and choppier over the first few days. The channels dwindled. Eventually, it stopped working altogether and you didn't learn much about what happened in the outside world. You did learn that London was one of the quickest cities to succumb to the infection. Then, Paris, Bangkok, and Chicago.
You process the new information as you keep walking through the tents, peering into some opened crates to see if anything is left— nothing is.
Now you know Ghost left his post when he found out about the virus. He stocked up on supplies and then got Blue and her mom. By the way Blue mentions her, it must be an old loss. How long did her mother survive with them, then? Did she use to live in the cabin with them?
You don’t know why your stomach grows tight, but the questions in your brain fade once the military base comes into view.
"Finally," Blue sighs rather dramatically.
A high, chain-link fence surrounds the place. There are a few buildings and some abandoned vehicles that look like jeeps. The fence has multiple gaps cut into it so climbing is unnecessary. Ghost leads the way. You continue sniffing the air. With your bandaged hand, you keep your bow poised and subconsciously walk closer to their footsteps. 
Ghost takes you to the main building in the center. The British flag flutters beside it on a pole, faded and as meaningless as the one sewn on Ghost’s bicep.
"Are we going through the barracks again this time?" Blue perks up.
"We have to go through 'em to get to the armory,” he says.
"Cool. There might be some good shit left behind."
There isn't much good shit, actually.
You don't know what the other military base they went to was like, but this one is unsettling and seems to be ransacked. Sunlight pours in through the shattered windows. Scattered papers and strewn bones decorate the tile floors. Thick cobwebs hang in the corners.
As you walk through the hallway of old dorms, Blue and Ghost stop looking in them after the first four turn out to contain only tipped-over cots, walls smeared with old blood, and even a few scampering vermin that make her yelp and grab hold of Ghost's arm.
He grows stiffer than usual. You don’t have to pry off the skull mask to know what he is thinking. Ghost is not the only person who thought of coming here. If these rooms are mostly empty, then what is left in the armory?
Still, you check out a few more of them on your own as they walk up ahead. You rummage through closets and drawers. You find three pairs of men's socks. More useful than one might think.
In one room, you kneel down by the unkempt cot to dig a black backpack out from under it. You can’t believe that Ghost, as big as he is, ever slept on these things. The backpack’s zipper catches as you try to open it, the metal teeth rusted, so you cut a hole in the fabric with your knife. Inside, you find another military-grade knife to add to your arsenal and some wrapped ready-to-eats.
When you check the closet, the sight of a full skeleton causes you to jump back in a startled step, a few rats running out between your boots.
"Oh, fuck," you mutter, noticing a bullet hole in the skull. A handgun lies beside the body, but you discover the magazine to be empty. Whatever bullet it once had was likely spent on this person's suicide. You stick it in your bag, anyway. A preserved uniform hangs loose on the bones. There is a mouth-sized tear in the forearm of the right sleeve, fitting for a bite. In the breast pocket, a silver chain spills out. Curiously, you grab it. A dog tag with an engraved name catches the light. John MacTavish. You run a thumb over the letters.
“Sorry, John.”
You decide to respectfully put it back in the pocket, and head out, satisfied enough with your modest finds. It’s not like you own as much as Ghost does. You leave the room and run to catch back up with them.
"You okay? Find anything?" Blue asks.
"Not much," you quietly admit. "A knife and some new socks."
"Finally. Your old ones are starting to stink," she remarks with a playful smirk.
You scrunch your nose at her, making a face. “Gee, thanks."
She returns the teasing gesture just before Ghost’s arm ushers her behind him.
The moment he does, your guard rises back up. You slap an arrow onto your bow. You smell them before you see them. Four - no, five - drag out of opened doorways up ahead along with a cacophony of whistled moans. Most are still dressed in the same military uniforms as the skeleton you found. One isn't wearing anything at all. It’s disgusting.
Ghost doesn't bother to let Blue practice this time.
He shoots the faster, fresher one first as it runs up to them. For the slower ones, he saves his ammo and opts for the axe. The sight of him effortlessly striking their skulls is almost enough to distract you. Almost. Your fingers release the string and send a headshot to the last one. It is a perfect shot. An arrow straight through the milky-white eye. One of your best.
You meet his eyes just as he slips the axe back to his waist, shooting him a raised brow. The two of you hold an awkwardly long stare-off. Though you loathe to admit it, you hope for some type of approval - for once - but all he gives is a short nod.
Blue retrieves the arrow for you and you tuck it back into your quiver.
"Great aim, Twix," she quips. "Where did you learn how to use your bow?"
"My old friend taught me a bit," you say as the three of you step over the fallen corpses.
"What was his name again?"
"Oh, right." She pauses, and then: "Were you having sex with him?"
"Jesus Christ, kid," Ghost says.
"What?" She peers up at him.
Before he can say anything else, you answer with a light flush crawling up your neck, “No, I wasn’t. He was just my friend.”
The three of you make it to the armory.
The aluminum door is already parted open. Ghost clicks on a flashlight and gives the room a quick sweep of fluorescent light before entering.
A number of pried-open crates and olive-green cabinets litter the inside. Drawers hang open like a tornado ripped through. A few stray rifles lay scattered on the floor. Ghost picks up each one and checks for cartridges. Empty. Each rifle is thrown back on the floor with more force than the previous. He needs more ammo, not more guns.
Whatever was in this armory is gone. This truth hangs heavy in the air. The mood shifts. Blue doesn’t talk. Billows of growing frustration roll off Ghost's body as he continues to search through every crevice and every drawer for almost an hour.
You know what he is feeling, even if he half-expected this.
It is a feeling that made you cry in the empty pharmacy. For Ghost, it ends up driving a clenched fist into one of the cabinets, dented metal left in its wake. He swears explosively. Another shudder runs through your spine, stealing your breath, but it feels far different from the one his soft voice invited.
"Is there... is there anywhere else we can check, Dad?" Blue speaks up softly. “Maybe in all those cars outside?”
He takes a moment to breathe before answering. "We don't have time to check ‘em all.”
“Well, maybe we could come back in the morning and look a bit more?”
“Maybe,” he says, but you read the tone in his voice. It is unlikely there is ammo left in the vehicles, and even if there is, it is definitely not as much as he was hoping to have found in here.
Before leaving, he stuffs one of the rifles in his backpack. An uncomfortable silence consumes the journey back through the hall.
You make it outside again. The afternoon has aged. You need to get back to that hunting cabin by the river before the threat of dark.
Ghost guides you back towards the fence.
You hear Blue's soft humming. The flap of the old flag. Your own steady heartbeat.
And then, out of nowhere, he stops and grabs Blue's arm to bring her to a halt beside him. He looks around. Confused, you scan the view up ahead of you, but all that is there are a few of those military jeeps and the fence you entered through. You sniff the air. It doesn't smell particularly awful. 
Then, the cause for Ghost's unease arrives loud in your ears.
A single gunshot sounds from a direction you can't discern. Your heart stutters. The suddenness freezes you for a moment. In your peripheral, you think you catch a brush of movement in some bushes to your right.
Ghost quickly pulls Blue behind one of the vehicles for cover. Only when you feel the rush of another bullet whizzing past your shoulder do your legs finally move— so fast that your feet catch on the ground and you stumble down beside them. Your knees dig into the earth as you land on your hands, but you quickly lift up and press your shoulder against the side of the car. 
You choke. "Ghost… people."
People are fucking shooting at us, is what you mean to say. Panic steals your voice.
Who? How many?
Another bullet ricochets off the other side of the car, clanking against the metal. And then another. Glass shatters. 
Ghost doesn't respond to you. Underneath the loud sounds, a soft voice whimpers. You finally look to where Blue is propped up against the large tire, Ghost kneeling at her front. His hand is tightly clamped over the side of her right thigh, and it is now that you notice the blood soaking through her jeans and his glove.
Blue's blood.
Crimson and glistening.
She whimpers again and her fingers twist the fabric of his coat.
"Dad, it— it feels like it's burning," she cries out, her cheeks turning wet from a sudden onslaught of tears.
"Fuck. I know, baby. I know."
She flinches when another gunshot rings out. "W-What do we do?"
You try to form a proper thought— try to make sense of everything. Before you can, Ghost grabs your hand, firmly replacing his hold on her wound with yours. The warm liquid immediately drenches your palm and you swallow, pressing as hard as you can, attempting to pack it crudely.
He speaks decisively. "Stay here with her. Wrap it up.”
"Ghost, you don't know how many fucking people there are," you say, panic turning your voice into something unrecognizable as you place your other hand on his arm. The muscles tense and leap.
“I didn't fucking ask you. I am telling you. Now do it."
He doesn’t give you the opportunity to protest again, but you wouldn’t even if he did because you fully realize that this is the best course of action. He needs to get rid of them. You need to tend to her wound. A strangled cry leaves Blue's lips when he departs. You coax her with soft hushes.
"It’s okay. He'll be right back.”
Urgently, you sling the bag off your shoulder and take out your own med kit. You don’t think twice about it. Not for a second. Not when all you can think about is making sure her soft, blue eyes stay open. When you move your hand from her thigh, the sight worries and relieves you at the same time.
You don't know much about bullet wounds, but you know where the femoral artery runs, and by the looks of it, it was missed. Still, a nice chunk of her flesh has been torn, revealing obliterated muscle. You don't see any bone or bits of metal, but it is hard to see much of anything with all the blood.
With fingers that shake, you use the same gauze she nursed your hand with to begin tightly dressing her thigh. As you do, your eyes flash up and around in a feeble search for where Ghost could be, but you can’t see him from behind the vehicle.
"Is it bad?" she asks, voice laced with a tremor. When your gaze returns to her, you notice that pale lips replace her usual rosy-pink ones. Her forehead is sheened with sweat.
"It looks worse than it is," you say.
"Are you... are you telling me the truth?"
"I am. Promise," you whisper. "Friends don't lie, right?"
Sporadic gunfire continues to pierce your ears. It sounds more distant now. You have no idea if it belongs to Ghost or whoever these people are. You push the uncertainties away, assuring yourself that he can handle however many of them there are, and focus on tying off the gauze, desperate to keep her blood in.
Blue suddenly blurts out, “Twix.”
You look up and meet her eyes. They are pointed at something behind you.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Yandere vampire x f! reader pt. 2
Into the Woods
Unholy Matrimony
TW: Blood, mind control, vampirism, forced transformation, forced marriage, unprotected sex Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?
Nos had taken you to the ceremonial baths inside the castle and let you sink into the warm rose-petal-filled water. The water turned red from the blood on your body, and your soon-to-be husband joined you. Nos moved in front of you and lifted your head up.
"Do you even realize what your body did in vampire customs?" Nos asks, taking a rag and washing the dried blood off your shoulders.
"I had a period that's going to last five days," You answer, coming down from the high and feeling angry at him again.
"Cynical villager type of response. I expected more thrashing and trying to drown me," He replies, tying your hair up.
"You can drown?" You question, letting the heat get to you.
"No, but you can believe I can if that makes you feel better about me," A flash of insecurity and worry is on his face. "Anyway, when it comes to human brides, we have a tradition where the groom gets the first taste of blood. But since that includes period blood, we usually keep the brides inside and have intercourse with them until their periods finish. It's supposed to be a very romantic and intimate thing."
"Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" You ask, facing the scarlet stained glass ceiling. "How long did the village plan to send me to this castle, just like the other girls?"
Nos wanted to remain silent, but he couldn't lie to you.
"You did nothing wrong, my love. Your only sin was being born out of wedlock. Your village sends the first out-of-wedlock baby girl born to be our bride. They do it to scare the young adults and teens in the village," Nos explains, washing away the last of the blood. 
You cry and sink into the water. Nos holds you and kisses your sorrows away. 
"It'll all be ok, my love. We'll get a wedding then you'll never have to see Verano again. I'll pack up your stuff from the village and bring it here for you. Would you like that?" Nos asks, rubbing your back.
"Yeah, that would be fine," You sniffle, laying your head on his shoulders. 
"I shall do it, my love. But now, we need to get ready for our wedding."
Nos carries your form out of the baths and into a scarlet room containing wedding attire for the both of you. A white, long wedding dress with snowflake designs lays on the bed next to a blue cape with elegant white lining and white fur for the hood and ends. Crystal-clear shoes are next to your dress, glistening in the moonlight. You begin to put on the dress, but Nos stops you by giving a playful slap on the ass.
"Princess, aren't you forgetting your wedding lingerie? Or are you going out there stark naked underneath your wedding dress?" Nos teases, pressing his body against yours. 
"I didn't see any lingerie," You squeak as Nos's fingers roam around your crotch, hoping to get a touch of your period blood.
"Oh yeah, that's right. The groom gets the privilege-mn! Of-fuck! Of dressing the bride for their first night together," Nos moans as he dry humps your body. "Come on, sweetie. Let's get you dressed before I can't hold back."
Nos lifts the dress and takes a pastel blue lingerie set with a garter belt from underneath. He puts the bra on you while grinding himself against you faster. He barely stops humping you to put on the panties and garter belt. Nos's fingers enter your asshole, lubing it up with his spit. He quickly puts the tip inside your asshole and cums inside it. Nos pulls out a butt plug with a red heart and puts it in to keep the cum inside. Both of your bodies shiver with pleasure, and Nos presses the butt plug with his fingers to keep it in you as your muscles contract. He kisses your neck and takes his dick out of your underwear, letting the fabric smack your ass. You both stay against each other, breathing in synch.
"I need to put on the rest of my outfit, Nos," You breath, trying to move away from your fiance. 
He releases a sigh of pleasure, and his body slinks to the end of the bed to let you get dressed. You wear the dress, shoes, and cape, then turn towards your soon-to-be husband. 
"Let's have our wedding, my love," You say, still upset with Nos about the whole vampire bride ordeal. 
Nos holds your hand as you head towards a moonlit garden with a fountain spouting red water. You both take your positions, and the wedding begins. A vampire priest arrives and opens a black book with a pentagram and cross. You and Nos hold each other's hands as the ceremony starts. You look at the crowd and see your grandma, who only gives you a sorrowful wave. 
"Do you, Y/N, take Nos DeCorro to be your vampiric husband? To forever be bound by blood?" The priest asks, looking at you.
You turn to your grandma, and she can only mouth an apology for not protecting you.
"I-I do," You answer, seeing no way out.
"And do you, Nos DeCorro, take Y/N to be your chosen bride?" The priest asks, earning a quick answer from Nos.
"Yes, of course, I do!" Nos exclaims, gripping your hands harder. 
Nos's fangs poke out while he's smiling, and you feel the venom move through your body more. 
"Then you may bite the bride!" The priest proclaims, throwing his hands up as Nos puts rings on both his and your fingers. "May the gods and goddesses bless this union bound by blood!"
You try to run away, but Nos grabs your arm and pulls you into his grip. He bites into your shoulder and drinks as you start to feel weak. Blood stains your wedding dress and drips onto the stone steps. 
"Drink up, darling. I know you must be thirsty," Nos says, cutting his palm with a knife and holding it up to your face.
You quickly snatch his hand and drink from it like a hungry baby. The feeling of his blood flowing through you makes arousal spread through your body. Nos swings his cape in front of you, transporting you both into a dark room full of moonlight. You let go of his hand and recoil, knowing you've solidified your transformation into a vampire. You feel venom pumping through your fangs, and your heart slows. 
"Nos, help me," You plead to your husband.
"It's ok. You need to get your heart rate up for a couple of hours," Nos replies, putting you on the bed and unzipping your dress. "Relax, you only need to obey my commands."
Your mind gets hazy, and suddenly you're removing your shoes and cape. Next, you're straddling Nos and grinding your hips against him.
"You're doing great, darling. Keep grinding me at that pace," He grunts, taking off his clothes and leaving him naked.
He pushes your back onto the silk mattress and spreads your legs. You melt like putty as he touches you and feel closer to him than before. Nos kisses up your thighs and finally reaches your sex. He gently takes off your panties and gives you a fang-filled smile. Nos dives into your pussy and greedily licks the menstrual blood off you. Pleasure shoots up your spine, making you lift your legs more. 
Nos thrusts his tongue in and out, making you go wild. Your moans fill the room, and your back begins to arch. 
"In and out. In and out." Nos's words from earlier fill your head, making you feel his sensations more. 
"Fuck, Nos, more! More! More!" You scream, thrusting your pussy against his face. 
Nos lifts his head, visibly showing you his tongue slipping in and out of you. The image makes you orgasm, and Nos laps up your juices. 
"Oh, darling~" Nos moans, kissing you as his mouth and chin drip your blood. "Let's hurry and get to the main event before I eat your pussy forever."
"Yes, Nos," You answer, giggling as Nos moves between your legs.
Nos slips his member inside your bloody sex and slowly moves his hips. With each thrust, both you and your husband moan in synch. Both your moans are almost hypnotic, and it feels like everything is a hundred times more intimate. You caress Nos's back, and it makes his thrust speed up. Which makes your walls tighten around his cock.
"Faster, Nos!" You moan, slapping Nos's ass as he thrusts. 
"Oh-oh, I'll go fast, darling! I'll give you the first taste of what a human boy can't!" Nos grunts, lifting you to make you straddle him. "Hang on tight, sweetie."
He bites you and starts to thrust at an unnatural pace. Luckily, it didn't harm you since you're now a vampire. The feeling of his dick moving at such speeds made your mind become fried. You could only moan and grunt praises for your husband's performance. You wildly bite your husband and begin to ride him at an equal pace. With both of you riding and thrusting into each other, your orgasms explode at a supernatural level. You let go of your husband and cum all over his dick. Meanwhile, Nos holds your hips down and shoots his hot semen into your pussy. You collapse onto the mattress, and Nos follows you as he hasn't pulled out yet. 
Your legs shake as you try to ride through your orgasm, but call Nos for help.
"It's ok, my bride. I'm orgasming t-too!" Nos moans, his body also shaking inside you. 
He shoots another round of semen, passing out from exhaustion with you. Sunlight creeps into the windows as the newlyweds sleep soundly from your night of steamy sex. For the next three days, you two did the same thing until having such sex got tiring. So, instead, you let Nos eat your pussy under the covers to get his fill of your blood. Sometimes the mere act of eating your blood mixed with cum sent him over the edge. Which is good with him since you both haven't come out of the room or worn clothes since your wedding day. You didn't even care about the village anymore. You only want him and his touch. Luckily, Nos is more than happy to oblige. 
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wosoluver · 1 month
Little family
Part 3
Lena x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"Obi can you give me a ride to training this week? I have to take my car to get fixed. This morning I ubered here."
"What? Why didn't you text me? I would've gave you a ride this morning too."
"I didn't want to be a bother." you said tying up your boots
"You're never a bother.
Be careful you're going to drop Libby!" she said moving to get the plushie bunny before she fell from the bench to the floor. Putting it sitting on top of her own stuff.
You just nodded thankfully at her, as the two of you walked out to the field.
Unknowingly to you, your friends stayed behind just so they could comment on the unbelievable scene that had unfolded before them.
"There's actually no way! They are literally an old married couple!" said Georgia.
"It's driving me insane to watch them be so oblivious!" said Lea as she tied up her hair.
"I swear if I have to go through this one more week..." said Syd as she turned around. "Do something Libby! Like, haven't you chose Lena as your other mom already?"
"You want a teddy bear to do something?" asked Pernille. "You do something!"
"Fine!" answered Syd.
"Fine?" a few of the girls said in unison, confused by what she meant.
"We should set up a plan to get them to confess!" she answered once again.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." said Sam.
"Come on! The worst thing that can happen is them getting married in secret so they don't have to invite us." she tried to reason.
"Fuck it, I'm in!" said Lea.
"Well, that didn't take much convincing.
I'll help too." said Georgia.
And some of them joined in too.
"We might need Libby."
"I don't know if-"
When it was time to leave, after getting cleaned up, you turned to Lena.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah, do you want to stop at the coffee shop?"
You only nodded. Walking to the car side by side.
And the girls stayed behind once again.
"I don't think she noticed." said Georgia.
"She'll notice trust me."
As she parked the car on the usual spot you always were in, you reached for the bunny, only she wasn't there.
"Obi, are you carrying Libby?"
"I don't have her."
"What do you mean?"
"She's not with me."
"But you left her along with your stuff!"
"I thought you had grabbed her from it."
"Why would I?! I always trust you with her!" your tone rising.
"Okay, I know you're nervous, but I'm on your side here. I would never be careless with something you care so much about! I won't ever put you on that situation! That's not how you treat someone you love." she blurred out in the heat of the moment.
You took a pause to recompose yourself and make sure your heart didn't leave your body.
She most likely didn't mean it like that, and you were just trying to feel some sort of mutual feeling from her.
"Sorry, for almost yelling at you. You're one of the best friends I have, I know y-"
"Best... friend?" she asked, almost coming out as a whisper.
"Yeah, sorry if you don't feel like that, it's totally fine. We can be just, friends?" you said scared to say anything else wrong.
Obi simply shook her head in disbelief. Had she just confessed she felt something more? And had you just turned her down?
"No! I mean I like you more than a friend, more than a best friend." she said with a defeat look on her face.
And she only nodded, avoiding your eyes.
"I do too." you said with a hand on her cheek, making sure she was looking your way.
You stared at each other for a bit, just taking in the moment. Before she calmly pressed her lips onto yours.
"Let's go back to get her." she said as soon as you parted, resting her forehead on yours. Still with her eyes closed, but she could feel you nodding your head.
meanwhile the girls were still sitting around waiting for you two to show up, to look for your bunny.
"I'm loosing hope, I don't think they're coming back anytime soon." said Pernille.
Some were siting on the bench or the floor, others were lying around. Lea was about to protest when you walked in, holding onto Lena's hand. Immediately spotting the plushie sitting in the middle of the room.
"Did it work?!" screamed Syd.
"Why are you all still here? And what do you mean by that?" you wanted a confession, already suspecting then.
They all looked at each other.
"It was Sydney's idea!" said Georgia.
"No! Pernille was the one who said so!"
"Only because you all wouldn't quit complaining about them being so unaware!"
You and Obi shared a look, shaking your heads and letting out a slight laugh.
"We should have known." she said.
"So?" asked Lea waiting for a resolution.
And you only hid your face in Lena's neck, becoming shy from all the looks, and she placed a small kiss on your forehead.
As they all cheered loudly.
And Lea grabbed Libby before covering her eyes. "Get a room!" joining in with a joke
Again thank you to the amazing anon who came up with the idea for Little family! 🩷
Requests are open!
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dwindlinghaze · 7 months
reader pretending she (or they) doesn’t love peter back when he confesses because she is scared to lose him as a friend if they break up so after some angst and pining and avoiding feelings they end up together? ty!
main thing
(peter parker x reader)
summary : you're scared of losing peter as a friend by being more than friends with him.
contents : fluff, small angst ig, she they pronouns used!!! kind of short and rushed im so sorry but i love this concept a lot so thank you anon !!! 🫧🫧
a/n : im back!!!!! im really sorry if my writting is messy and stuff cuz i haven't been writing fics for months noww,, anyway i hope u like it 🫧☃️☁️ and a little rant here um i have this exact situation with a girl- i like her a lot and i knew she liked me back but i also happened to know that if we were to be together it will not last very long so we just ignore whatever is there between us. but don't worry lovelies r and peter's ending won't be like mine <3
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the hallway between classes were so full. crowded by students walking in eight cardinal directions. your head felt dizzy, it's like you're seeing everything underwater. your steps came to a halt when you were met with a row of lockers. palm against the cold metal as you gain back your stability.
peter must've seen you from the other side of the hall. frowning as he took in your state.
he walked over to you, cautiously. "you okay?"
you looked up to meet his eyes, immediately closing them back when the ceiling light hit your vision. "not feeling well."
peter placed his left palm over your cheek, rubbing them softly to soothe you. he didn't know if it helped but he smiled nevertheless when you nuzzled your face further into his hand.
you wanted peter to give you a hug, maybe his shoulder can be a good resting spot for your heavy head and his warmth can relax your muscles.
and of course. peter did. without you even asking.
"wanna go to the infirmary?" he asked softly, rubbing the side of your head as you completely lose all energy, so now he's the one that held you standing.
"mmh," you replied, not having the energy to form real words.
"alright then let's go," peter started to pull away but stopped midway when he felt you struggling.
"pete, i'm sorry i can't, i have to lay down," you whispered. so soft and low. if he weren't that close to you, he wouldn't hear it.
"that's alright, just slow steps," he encouraged.
he missed his class but he didn't care. he just wanted to be there with you. showing his affection because of his new slash old found love he has for you.
your migraine has not subsided at all the following day. you decided, for good, to skip class. there's no point in going to school when you're sick anyway right? you'll have ended up in a worse condition by the end of the day.
peter was searching for you left and right, he knew you were sick and he is worried sick about your whereabouts. he called you several times already but you never picked up.
when school finally finished, which for him was the longest six hours of his life, he immediately went to your house.
your mother was the one greeting him, saying that you're resting in the comfort of your bed. he went upstairs, after getting your mom's permission, and knocked on your door softly. "hey, it's me peter, can i come in?"
you gave him a very soft hum, thanks to his advanced hearing he can hear you just well.
you were lying on your bed, covered in tons of blankets. peter felt warmth rushing through his chest, seeing you like this. he approached you slowly and kneeled beside your bed.
"how are you feeling?" he asked ever so gently, hand on your shoulder with the blanket in between.
you peeked an eye open, your room was dimly lit, only your vanity lights were on. "better than yesterday," you answered, pushing yourself up slowly. "the migraine is not as bad as yesterday, my head is hurting- just a little."
"oh okay," peter replied. "do you need anything? i can bring you food or drink or water? do you need painkillers?"
you smiled, reaching for his hand, "i'm fine pete, just cold. can you turn up the ac please?"
peter did just that, jumping to his feet to take the remote.
after that you fell into a deep sleep again. peter was there the whole time. he was thinking about... stuff. stuff he wants to tell you.
he sat on your bed right beside your blanketed legs, his hands over them. he looked at you, your sleepy face, perfect hair, soft cheeks. you are his friend. best friend in the whole world. no one understands him like you did. just a few months ago he realised that his feelings may have grown.
it's not just a friendship kind of love but a lover kind of love.
he recalled the amount of time he had cried on your arms. laughed together with you. talk about embarrassing things he had done and had regretted. nobody knows him like you do. and peter would not let anybody know him like you do.
you're the only person that he can be vulnerable with. the only one that he can just be himself even if it's not the best. the only one he trusts.
"what are you thinking over there?" your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. he gave you a smile and you gave peter space for him to lie down.
"just thinking about thoughts... ?" peter answered but it's more like a question.
"thoughts about?"
"you know you can always tell me anything right? no matter what it is," you assured the boy.
"you're sick right now, you should be resting," he said instead.
you sat up, stretching your muscles as you scrunched up your face. "i feel a whole lot better now... hey do you want some meal and we'll talk about whatever you are thinking about? cause by the look of your face, it's something that has been bothering you hm?."
peter thought about it for a while, but he really didn't have to. it was about time for him to tell you how he feels. he just hoped that you feel the same way.
your mom brought the two of you dinner to your room, you thanked her before she left and urged peter to eat. "pete?"
"yeah," he cleared his throat, "um i don't really know how to start this."
"it's okay, you can take as much time as you want, i'll be here," you said as you take a spoonful of the dinner.
that's also another thing about you that made his feelings even more clear. you never pushed him. always waiting for him to be ready.
"i like someone," he started. you stopped what you were doing and turn your focus fully on him. your heart felt like it has been crushed. "i know we never talk about y'know- this kind of stuff together but the thing is, i like her so much maybe i even love her, i don't know yet though cause i don't really know how love feels- but i sure do like her a lot."
"and does she know this?"
"no... but she knows now" peter answered, hoping that you'd get what he meant.
"what do you mean?"
peter sighed looking down at his lap, "well she's my best friend. my only friend actually. i really really want to be more than friends with them because she is everything to me. i smile every morning because i know i will see them later that day. i spent most of my time thinking about the two of us together. and you know just how worried i was when they didn't go to school because she was sick."
"peter-" you warned him.
"y/n, listen to me-"
"peter please don't," you whispered. you thought you would be jumping and giggling if peter ever confessed to you but instead it's the complete opposite. you don't want this. you can't have this no matter how much of you wanted him.
peter's eyes were brimming with emotion, shiny tears fighting their way not to roll down. "you don't feel the same do you?"
you wanted to say yes. yes you feel the same, you like him so much and that's what you're so worried about. "peter it's not that easy. we- we can't," you shook your head.
peter's brows knitted together, he was bitting the insides of his lower lip. "that's ok. i'll just go home now. i'm sorry for making things weird yeah? just forget everything i said. tomorrow is a new day." he forced a smile before he is out the door.
just like what peter has said 'tomorrow is a new day' so you acted like yesterday never happened. you walked into school, seeing peter by his locker. you smiled at him. "morning!"
"morning, y/n," peter said back, voice cracking.
"let's go to class," you suggested.
through out the day everything was just like how it used to be. you still sit besides each other. still eat lunch together. everything was the same... except that peter can't look at you for more than three seconds and you two don't talk as much anymore.
peter still walked you home, though there is no goodbye hug.
you wondered if you had made the wrong decision. what if you just accept your feelings and let peter in? but the thoughts of ever, god forbid, breaking up with him is what makes you back away from accepting his love.
you love peter so much. more than you can ever say. in a world of boys he's a gentleman. he proved so today. even after getting rejected and having his own heart torn into pieces, he still walked you home.
the next day though, peter seemed to be avoiding you.
you tried to come to him several times but he just gives you short replies. you couldn't blame him. he has every right to do so.
it has been two weeks since. you missed your peter so much. you missed his cheeky smile. his science jokes. his laugh that never fails to make you smile.
sure you can live without peter parker, but would it be as exciting? would you let the only person that knows you best slipped away like that just because you pretend to not return his feelings?
it was such an emotional rollercoaster. on one hand you want to wake up beside peter, but on the other you worried that he'll realize that he's better alone so you'd break up. you want to cuddle up next to him, but you fear he'll get sick of you and break up.
why does every intimate thought of him always ends up with breaking up?
you tried to bottle up your feeling until you can't anymore. so here you are now, knocking at his door.
he opened up, looking as tired as one can be. now that you really look at him, you notice his beautiful freckles that doted all over his nose and cheeks, his smile lines around his eyes, his pretty eyes that you love so much. even in his exhausted state he still looked so- so perfect.
"y/n? what're you doing here?" peter spoke.
"i want to talk to you." you mumbled, looking down at the pavement.
peter was silent. complete silence.
"i want to tell you that i do like you too, peter. i was just being dumb because you're my best friend for years and if we ever get together, what will happen when we break up? i don't want to lose you. so by pushing my feelings aside i can just continue like nothing happened... but i can't stop thinking about how i have hurt you. i completely denied and hurt your feelings and i can't forgive myself for that."
peter put a warm hand over your shoulder, rubbing his thumb back and forth.
"it's fine. if you don't want this then we don't have to." he said.
"but i want this."
"you do?"
"yes but-," you took a deep breath, "but what if we broke up?"
peter shook his head at that, "we haven't even got together yet and you're thinking of breaking up?"
"it's not funny."
"y/n look at me, i love you. i will not let that happen. and if you really think about it, what is there to be the reason of our break up?"
"i don't know something might come up."
"we know everything about each other, we understand each other. if there's something, i'm so so sure we can work it out," peter placed a hand on your cheek, forehead touching.
"really think so?"
"of course," he replied. "i'm also sorry for saying that so suddenly. i should've known better."
"it's okay peter, we're here."
"yeah we are, and we are not leaving each other yeah?"
"promise," you said.
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r4vn · 27 days
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farleıgh x reader 【2/2】
w.c: 5,562
part ¹: here
disclaimers: nsfw, smut, heavy sexual tension, vers!farleigh, versfem!reader, references drugs, alcohol, some fluff some hurt, unprotected p in v (stay safe out there), creampie, brief overstimulation, praise kink, fingering, whimpering farleigh, begging, teasing, riding, off script from movie scene of olivers party
—synopsis: throughout oliver's party, farleigh is a sarcastic pain in the ass. the two of you go head to head in a heated game of beer pong, finding yourself in an intense predicament afterwards.
a/n: hope u enjoy! ty for reading and being patient!
「divider by @/ cafekitsune」
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"oh it's going to be lovely oli! i invited maybe fifty people...no wait– a hundred. maybe two hundred?" elspeth rambled about having a party this evening for oliver. you quietly ate your food, occasionally adding a comment or two about party decoration and a theme.
"i don't even know a hundred people, elspeth." oliver chuckled, taking a bite out of his eggs. you couldn't look at him the same after seeing his actions with venetia the night before. the faux blonde sat quietly next to you, eating. it didn't seem like she enjoyed it, but she didn't look to be in disgust either. you notice the subtle movement of oliver as he continued to speak to elspeth. he slid another plate for venetia to eat and she silently accepted.
with the view of the painfully awkward interaction got to you, you diverted your eyes around the room. unfortunately your eyes found farleigh across the table. there was a shimmer of playfulness in his brown eyes and you noticed a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth whilst chewing. abruptly, venetia stood and exited the room rather quickly. you share a brief look with her brother felix before elspeth spoke.
"is ..is she alright?" the woman asked, looking at the rest of the heads at the table. farleigh sighed loudly, spinning a knife between his fingers.
"it seems she was rather full, stuffed even." the curly brunette commented. "you think it was the gluten? what even is gluten anyway.." he sneered, shrugging.
"farleigh." felix said, giving him a look. it's almost as if they communicated telepathically because farleigh had immediately shut his mouth and continued his breakfast.
"pardon me." you announced, exiting the dining room. you hadn't fully grasped the layout of the house yet so you were kind of aimlessly wandering. you did remember how to get back to your room, and venetia stayed next to you so you started there. you made sure it wasn't farleigh’s room, making a mental note that venetia was to the left of you and the unbearable american was to your right.
"venetia?" you called out, knocking on her door. no answer. you pressed your ear to the door to see if you could hear anyone, but it sounded completely vacant. you sighed, wondering which of the several rooms she could be in. you found yourself once again wandering, admiring and rooms and halls you passed for the next few minutes. as you were walking past an intersection, you were suddenly pulled into one and pushed up against the wall, your lips quickly being met by another pair. you let out a brief yelp into the kiss, instinctively placing your hands on the person's shoulders to push them away before realizing who it was. as much as you wanted to melt into his lips in such a deep kiss, you pushed him off.
"what the hell farleigh! you scared me you prick!" you proclaimed, subtly wiping your mouth with a heavily flushed face.
"theeere's my new nickname. boo, sweetheart." farleigh smiled ear to ear, crossing his arms. you rolled your eyes at the tall man, looking away.
"i’m looking for venetia." you stated, rolling your eyes. at this point you hoped they would roll out of your head.
"ohh the masochist? no idea. don't care enough either." he simply shrugged at you before turning his heel to walk off. you don't know why you told him, mentally slapping yourself.
you began to walk down the opposite hallway of farleigh, sighing in frustration. though farleigh glanced back at you, feeling the slightest ping of guilt before he, too, sighed.
"..venetia is in the library." you immediately turned around to farleigh again, who was still walking away from you. as soon as he turned left to another hallway, you could have sworn to see a smile on his lips. though you couldn't get distracted now. you knew where the library was and immediately made your way there.
as you finally arrived at the library, you saw one of the doors cracked open. you slowly walked up to the before peeking inside only to reveal venetia curled up in a ball in a large cushioned chair, crying. your heart began to feel achy at the site of your friend in such distress.
you slowly stepped in, the unforgiving creak of the door giving you away. venetia popped her head up from her position and immediately looked away, wiping her smeared mascara.
"came looking for you after breakfast. thought you could use a cigarette." you started, holding one out. you thanked god for quick thinking and checked your pockets as you walked in. venetia didn’t move for a few seconds before reaching her hand out, taking a tobacco stick from you. you sat down in the tufted chair next to her, lighting her cig first then yours. you smiled at hearing her mumble a soft 'thanks.'
"so, a penny for your thoughts?" you asked, taking a small puff of your cigarette. venetia sniffled, sighing loudly. she sat up and pulled a knee to her chest, resting her chin on it.
"haven't you heard? i'm a masochist with an eating disorder." she muttered, laughing dryly at her own words.
ah, so that's what farleigh meant..
"no, i haven't heard. but at the end of the day, you are human. and the road to recovery isn't a straight line." you reach out and grab hold of her free hand, squeezing it gently.
"i'm proud of you for both your big and small milestones, venetia." venetia's eyes glazed over again, turning her head to you.
"what big milestones?" she whimpered out. her voice cracking made your eyes water with sympathy. you immediately put out your cigarette in the ashtray sitting on the coffee table before walking up to the blonde. you pulled her up from the chair and stood her up.
"you still being here is a huge milestone venetia," you wiped a runaway tear off her face, smiling tenderly. "i know we may not have seen each other in a while but, regardless, i will always be proud of you." venetia's sad face mixed with a slow happy expression, making her look like a puppy.
"thank you, [y/n]." she whispered before engulfing you into a tight hug. you immediately return the hug, giggling softly before pulling away.
"now, you have to help me find a costume for tonight's party." venetia gasped and quickly wiped her face. she excitedly grabbed your arm to exit the library with an even brighter expression than before.
"i know just the costume. this house contains almost anything you can think of in the walk-in closet." venetia raved. you smiled, happily followed the excited faux blonde.
you and venetia were in the huge walk-in room closet of the mansion. there were 3 walk-in closets filled with several different dressers, trousers, shirts you could think of. some were bejeweled and some embroidered with intricate stitching. the second one had costume pieces. it stored faux animal heads and masks, and several different types of wings such as angel or insect wings. it also stored decorated shoes with flowers, wings, jewels, or simply glitter. the last closet was full of jewelry itself, some fake or were just minimally valuable. you knew they wouldn't place authentic generational jewelry in a random room. from crowns and necklaces, to bangles and hanging body jewelry. you could name it and it was there.
"venetiaaa! the party started almost an hour ago! im sure i look fine." you groaned dramatically as you sat still, careful not to mess up venetia's hand. she was doing your make up for the party. when the 30 minute mark hit, venetia said that 'being on time is early and being late is on time.'
"i’m almost done!..a little glitter there aaaand...done!" she stepped back, beginning to place her makeup back in the make up box and you immediately got up to look at yourself in the full body mirror. your eyes practically lit up at the sight of yourself. you were dressed as a fairy with butterfly wings. being the bookworm you were, you knew the butterfly wings that dressed your back. they were the wings of the tiger swallowtail, with the upper wings being black and a cream yellow and the hindwings dipped with a cerulean blue lined with black. on the underside of the hindwing had small distinct orange spots.
you wore a silk black dress that stopped at your mid thigh, the hem of the dress and v-cut lining being lace. your shoes were an ombre from black to blue and matched the wings. you didn't choose flashy jewelry, instead dressing your neck with a simple layered, dainty silver necklace. you didn't want bracelets, but a silver arm cuff engraved with flowers caught your eye and you placed it on your bicep. venetia gave you a smokey eye with light yellow eyeshadow complimented with iridescent blue glitter.
alas, venetia got a little glitter happy and used her finger to put some on your cheekbones and temples but it looked amazing nonetheless. you couldn't believe how pretty you looked.
"wow i– .." you murmured, letting the biggest smile appear. venetia stood next to you, grinning. "you look like a family heirloom: priceless." you couldn't help but giggle at venetia's mediocre pick up line, playfully pushing her. venetia countermatched you, being the known monarch butterfly. she found little LED light antennas for her costume.
"now, we are ready. lets go the party is waiting for us!" the two of you giggled as you left the room. you could already hear the music and see disco lights down the hall and down the staircase. you stared in awe at the decoration and the amount of people who were present whilst being dragged along by your friend.
"stop gawking and dance with me [y/n] baby!" venetia yelled over the music. she grabbed your hand and the two of you danced within the crowd, laughing and giggling. elspeth had really outdone herself, but then again parties like these were probably normal for saltburn.
as you and venetia danced your way through the crowd to get drinks, a curly afro caught your eye. you looked to your left and there he was, the boy you despised. maybe even hated. farleigh was dancing with some girl, clearly leaving no room for god himself. you furrowed your brows to see him pour a powdery substance on the back of her hand, licking it slowly while holding the girl's gaze. just as venetia nearly pulled you out of his view, his eyes met yours and the slightest smirk danced on his lips. you felt something. you didn't know what, but you know you didn't like it. you continued to follow venetia into the kitchen where drinks were being made, hoping it would flood the feeling away.
"what are we feeling tonight [y/n]? we have tequila, vodka, wine, bourbon, beer.." you picked up a half empty random bottle and waved it in your hand with a smile.
"i choose this one." you declared, being talking a swig. it burned your throat, the warmth of the alcohol quickly gathering in your chest. venetia laughed and kissed your cheek before also taking a random bottle and taking a drink.
"ooh bottle roulette! i love it!" she announced, getting small cheers from the crowds around.
it was about an hour into the party and you made sure to pace yourself on the drinking. you hadn't seen farleigh since you walked in and you could say you were slightly paranoid. you didn't know why, but anytime people walked through the kitchen you looked up, thinking it'd be him.
"ohh so close!" venetia cheered as the guy across the counter missed his shot in her last 3 remaining cups in her pyramid of beer pong.
"i got this, i got this." you jousted with a grin. you began to steady your balance and angled your hand before shooting the ball, scoring in the guys last cup. you and venetia immediately cheer together, jumping up and down. claps could be heard but a particular rhythm caught your attention. the slow clapping caused you to turn your head, and there he was.
"rather impressive win, [y/n]." he taunted with the fakest smile. you and venetia mutually waved him off, rolling your eyes. you tried your best to hide your smile, the alcohol quickly making you fail.
"oh? cocky much? let's play then. just you," his finger suddenly landed on you, making your heart jump. "and me."
"ugh farleigh go fuck yoursel—" venetia started.
"no no. it's fine, v. i got this. hold on." you held up a waiting hand and went to a nearby cooler, grabbing a bottle of water. you took a breath before downing half the bottle before setting the rest down on the marble counter. if you were going to play another entire game, you needed to refresh your organs before poisoning yourself again.
"aw now that's no fair [y/n]. where's the fun in sobering up like a little bitch?" farleigh pouted dramatically, crossing his arms like a child.
"bite me, prick." you gave him the finger, setting up your cups. he did the same, an eternal smile never leaving his stupid pretty mouth.
"ladies first." he tossed the ping pong ball and you caught it, shaking out your shoulders before throwing it again, the plastic sphere landing in one of his cups. you cheered briefly with your faux blonde friend, giggling happily at your win.
"lucky shot." the brunette shrugged and kept his cool as he downed his first cup. without warning, he quickly shot his turn, landing it in one of your red solo cups. your mouth hung slightly agape, watching farleigh as he took in the small cheers around him. he pointed to the cup and then angled his finger to you with a smug look.
you waved him off again and downed the drink. over the course of 15 minutes, you and farleigh competitively shot the ping pong ball back and forth, each of you gaining a series of misses and scores. the intense game began with a small crowd surrounding the table.
as the time passed, you began you notice you were getting really drunk. you had a good poker face though. you just had to not look anywhere else besides the table and farleigh or your world would spin. you'd steal stares at farleigh between turns. you were good at holding your liquor, but he was much better at holding his. you didn't know how early he started drinking, but regardless you were wasted. farleigh was beginning to beat you, getting even more cocky by each play. he had 3 cups left and you had 2.
"ooh i see you're slacking there [y/n]. you wanna pull the baby card again and drink some water?" farleigh teased, making a crybaby face towards you. you swallowed hard, blinking rapidly to focus. you casually grabbed the corners of the table to steady yourself, shooting daggers at him.
"go f-ffuck yourself farleigh." you said plainly. you cleared your throat, thanking god no one seemed to notice your slurred stutter. the room itself was full of drunk people, and though he didn't show it, farleigh was watching your every move. he caught your slurred speech. he saw how you ever so slightly stumbled and how you grabbed onto the table, blinking rapidly to focus your eyes. he was mostly impressed at how subtle you held yourself together.
you slowly raised your hand, swaying to the side before trying to slow your movements. you shot the ball, and missed, your groans being joined by others in the crowd. farleigh laughed, before immediately starting his turn and scoring one of your two cups. cheers erupted in the room again, the sound beginning to sound cloudy to you.
fucking hell.
you let out a soft groan, shaking your head to bring yourself back. you quickly downed the burning liquid and irritably threw the cup to the ground.
"hey, you alright?" venetia grabbed your shoulder, steadying your swaying body. you blinked slowly, focusing your eyes on her
"yeas..im...fine. im gonnnna win.." you mumbled, running a hand through your hair.
"hey, drink some water for me alri–" venetia grabbed the half full water bottle from earlier and tried to hand it to you. instead, you slapped it out of her hand, turning back to the game. venetia frowned but stayed quiet, keeping a close eye on you.
"ready to lose, sweetheart?" questioned farleigh, tilting his head to the side with a taunting smile. you ignored him, focusing on the three cups. you exhaled slowly and tossed the ping pong ball, missing again. you groaned and slowly kneeled down against the table, ready for your known fate. the room began to chant farleighs name and the sound began to drown out. you sighed and leaned on your elbow on the table, wasted with your eyelids barely open and full of bad sportsmanship.
"checkmate, baby." was all you heard before hearing a soft splash followed by loud cheers. your blurred vision found your hands around your last red solo cup and you sipped the last bit of alcohol, knocking the cup over on the table.
"fuck you." you mumbled not loud enough for anyone to hear. you didn't even look at the brunette. somehow, you managed to pick yourself up and stumbled away into the crowd. but farleigh was staring right at you as you said it to yourself, reading your lips perfectly. he frowned at your current state. you were wasted and wandering off, away from everyone, away from venetia, away from him. he began to make his way to follow you, moving through the dancing and cheering crowd around him.
as you wandered through the party. the music and lights all began to blur and sound very echo-y. everything felt like slow motion as you stumbled past dancing bodies. you groaned softly, slowly making your way somewhere quiet. you found yourself on the outskirts of the party now. people were making out and borderline fucking in corners of the hallway, but the music began to finally fade causing you to relax a bit more.
"[y/n]– wait.."
"hmmm?" you turned around, too fast for your liking and suddenly found yourself falling. everything spun around you.
"[y/n]–...god." you heard the voice again before being abruptly caught. you didn't have the energy to hold your own weight, falling into the pair of arms that caught you.
"you fucking drunk." you heard him say, making you giggle quietly. you were swooped up off your feet, quite literally before opening your blurry eyes to see a faint outline of the prick himself. you reached up, drunkenly playing in his hair.
"mmm..helloooo farleigh.." you smiled, absolutely wasted. you heard a chuckle, causing your warm body to erupt with butterflies. you didn't open your eyes but you could feel farleigh walking, taking a turn before walking through a door. a familiar smell immediately hit your nose; a scent of fresh soft green and musk, making you hum in content.
farleigh gently placed you on a bed before suddenly sitting you up. things began to spin violently again when you forced yourself to open your eyes to look at the boy kneeled down in front of you. he was holding you up, seemingly whispering sweet nothings as he pulled off your pair of faux wings.
"don't worry i got you ..lay back." you heard him say and you plopped back down on the bed, feeling his hands grab hold of your leg. tingles lingered wherever his hands touched. his fingers trailed down your leg and stopped at your calf, using his other hand to pull off your heels and did the same with your other shoe.
"[y/n], hey, for the love of god don’t fucking move from this bed okay? i'm gonna get you some water." all you did was nod with a soft mewl before you grabbed the nearest pillow, laid your head down on it and finally blacked out.
it was hours after the party and you opened your eyes to a moonlit room. you turned your head to the window where the source of moonlight was coming from. farleigh was sitting on the open window seal with a half smoked cigarette in his hands. when you began to sit up, you could tell you were still intoxicated, but most of the alcohol had run its course through your body. you felt like you were tipsy on an empty stomach now.
"good morning, sleep beauty." you heard the brunnette say. you turned to him, saying nothing. he then pointed something next to you, to a glass of water on the nightstand and you immediately downed it within a series of seconds. you sighed in relief, because that water was like liquid gold to you. you could say it nearly revived you.
"what–..time is it farleigh?" you grumble. you finally built the confidence to stand and walk to his bathroom.
"about 4 in the morning." you gave him a thumbs up and closed the door behind you. after you finished your business you went to wash your hands, noticing two one-use packets of make-up wipes on the counter. you wouldn't help but smile at how thoughtful it was.
after washing your hands and wiping your makeup off your face, you exited the bathroom and joined farleigh on the window seal. just as he was about to take another hit you swiftly grabbed it out his hand, smiling as u took a hit. he playfully glared at you, rolling his eyes with a scoff.
"first you can't hold your liquor, then you want to steal my cig." you shrugged, tauntingly blowing the smoke into his direction. farleigh chuckled and looked away outside, resting his head on the back of the window seal. while you smoked his cigarette, you took the time to admire him. maybe it was the alcohol that still lingered but you couldn't help but stare. the moonlight lit up his features like the last time you two were in his room. only he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with flannel sleeping pants this time.
you could also tell he wasn't fully sober mainly because for the first time since you've been here, he was being nice. or somewhere near it. farleigh began to feel watched and diverted his gaze back to you, who was definitely staring.
"can i help you, sweetheart?" he questioned. you didn't say anything, instead shrugging. he grinned and leaned up, putting his hand out.
"well if i can't help, i'd like my cancer stick back–” farleigh stopped himself short as he noticed you pulled back your hand out of his reach with a cautious brow raise. he raised a brow himself, a playful grin growing. before you could even process, farleigh had swiftly pinned your hand that held his cigarette by your wrist up against the window seal and held down your other arm by your bicep. reflexively, you grabbed onto his forearm with your free hand and stared up at him. farleigh looked down at you with a proud smile.
you felt his fingers slowly unwrap around your wrist and trail up the palm of your hand. just as he made it seem your fingers were going to intertwine, he swiftly grabbed the cigarette and sat back down, instead right in front of you. he sucked in a slow puff before exhaling slowly at you. you looked away while making a face towards the intensity of the smell. but farleigh didn’t allow that, and instead gently turned your head back to him, capturing your lips.
you reciprocated the kiss. it was soft and sweet. when he slowly pulled away, smoke faintly left both of your mouths into the air above. you couldn't help but laugh as his little trick.
"smooth." you admitted, making farleigh flash a smile. he seemed a little more bashful this time around. it looked cute on him to look flustered. you stood up and walked away from the window seal to his wardrobe, opening it.
"oh so you're going to steal my clothes now?" he said with the nearly finished cigarette between his lips. you winked and didn't answer, ruffling through his clothes before finding another white t-shirt. you turned your back to him and slowly slipped off your little black dress. farleigh had a full view of your blue bikini cut underwear. you wore no bra, so you knew his imagination began to run wild.
a smile stayed at your lips as you stepped out of your dress and slipped on his shirt. it stopped just above your knees. when you finally turned back to him, his demeanor darkened. his eyes had a look of hunger in them and he said nothing. you wandered back to his bed and sat on the edge with your legs crossed.
"you have the free will to steal your shirt back. so c'mere and take it, sweetheart." you offered. farleigh didn't move for a few seconds. he was probably still thinking about how you just undressed in front of him. finally, he snapped out of his daze and stood up. he walked slowly until he loomed over you. his eyes wandered and he finished the rest of the cigarette in one breath, setting the bud on his nightstand. he then pulled off his shirt in one swift move and laid you back. he kissed you again, hungrier this time.
the two of you mutually scooted more onto the bed and he slid in between your legs, grabbing both your wrists and placed them above your head. your legs rubbed against his needily, rolling your hips.
"all that arguing just to get under me huh, [y/n]." he mumbled against your lips. you whined in protest from his hand restricting you. his lips trailed down from your lips and jaw to your neck, fully attacking you there. you mewled from the mix of hurt and pleasure as farleigh abused your skin. he made sure to leave bruises and bite marks on your clavicle.
he used his free hand to caress your skin all around your body. he started at your thighs, then your hips, and teasing the sensitive skin of your abdomen. your stomach occasionally sunk inwards from the tickles of the tips of farleighs fingers. you exhaled sharply as you watched his hand snake up further under his shirt on you. he enjoyed watching you gasp and whimper at the lightest of his touches.
"you're so needy [y/n].." he teased audibly, watching intensely as he caressed your right breast, flickering his index finger over your nipple. you whimpered loudly, squirming more.
"fuck– farleiiigh–" he quickly stopped your movements by burying under the shirt, kissing and sucking on your left breast. a breathy moan slipped past your lips, bucking your hips even more against his. he would groan whenever you shifted against him, his pants becoming uncomfortably tight. farleigh was done waiting and let your wrists ago. he pulled off his shirt and slipped it onto himself with a cheeky grin.
"successfully re-stolen." he assured. you smiled before pulling him back in for another kiss. farleigh swiftly slid your underwear off and immediately dipped his hand between your thighs. you almost immediately lost all strength as he touched you. his fingers trailed between your second pair of lips. the slick sound from your own body cause you to hide your face in farleighs chest, letting out an even louder moan as he slid in his middle finger slowly.
"shh sh baby... you’re doing so well." he whispered into your ear, keeping a slow and steady pace. you let out soft gasps each time he decided to suddenly go deeper than the last. he added his ring finger, nearly causing you to break out in salacious sounds. you covered your mouth and moaned into your hand as he began to pick up the pace.
"move your hand from your mouth, or i will stop [y/n]." farleigh commanded in a low tone. you did as you were told, gripping onto farleighs shoulders as a substitution. the sounds of your wetness and moans filled his ears. it made him pulsate and you could feel it against your thigh. you couldn't take it anymore.
"f–farleigh–" you stammered. "please just– fucking fuck me already.." the brunette's hand stopped thrusting into you and you finally allowed your body to relax momentarily. he pulled his fingers out of you slowly and made sure to hold eye contact as he licked his digits clean of your juices. he pulled off his pants and boxers, revealing his hard on. you flushed a bright pink at the sight of it, your own walls clenching in response.
"since you asked so nicely." he chuckled. farleigh laid you down and aligned himself with your hips. it seems all his 'cockiness’ dispersed as he rubbed his tip between your soaked folds. his head became cloudy with lust and heat, exhaling as he rubbed over your clit. he closely watched your reactions, loving the way your hips twitched. he made sure to burn this sight of you into the folds of his brain.
"fuck.." he groaned out, finally pushing into you. you threw your head back in pure bliss, whimpering as you were stretched out. farleigh’s large hands held up your hips, beginning at a slow pace once more. farleigh groaned into the air above him and picked up speed.
"o–oh–... fuck–" farleigh shuddered, leaving his mouth agape. you looked up as he fucked you silly. your walls contracted against his girth and your thighs trembled. farleigh leaned down and pressed his body against yours. he began to kiss and mark your chest with more hickeys and bite marks. you wanted to see more though. you wanted to see farleigh groan and moan simply in pure ecstasy.
"farleigh ..wait–” he immediately stopped his movements and looked up at you, panting.
"yeah? am i– am i hurting you?" he questioned, immediately sitting up. you leaned up on your elbows, smiling up at him.
"no. but ..let me pleasure you." you bargained. farleigh swallowed nervously, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. carefully, you flipped yours and his position. you were now sitting on top of his lap, right in front of his aching cock. farleigh sat up against the bed frame, becoming visibly shy. his skin flushed color and you couldn't help but kiss his warm cheeks.
"you're so cute farleigh...mm.” you said against his blushing face. you lifted your hips and grabbed hold of him within your fingers, slowly sitting yourself on his dick, simultaneously watching as his facial expression filled with pleasure.
"ah– [y/n]– ...shit." he stuttered, exhaling sharply. you felt so full, gently touching the core of your abdomen. you could feel him pushed up against your insides, nearly grazing that spot. you grabbed hold of his shoulders, licking your lips as you began to bounce on farleighs cock.
"you're so big farleigh.." you murmured against farleighs lips. he tried to respond, only letting out whimpers and pants. you kept a rough, steady pace to continue to see his reactions. you loved to see his eyes roll back and to watch him struggle to curse and speak, matching his moans. suddenly farleigh grabbed onto your hips, ramming them down onto him with a fully audible moan. the two of you mutually moved your hips, letting your head rest on his shoulder. you listened to his yearning sounds, whimpering yourself as you neared your edge.
"o–oh god [y/n] please–" you cupped his face, maintaining eye contact as you rode him. his beautiful brown doe eyes began to water, whimpers becoming more prominent.
"cum for me farleigh–" you gasped out, reaching your climax. you quivered under his touch, thighs trembling. seconds later he thrusts roughly upwards one last time before releasing inside you. your walls contracted in response to each filling pulsation. your hips bucked slowly riding out your high with soft mewls. abruptly, farleigh let out a higher pitch whimper, grabbing your hips to still your movements.
" ‘m s–sensitive for f–fucks sake.." he breathed out. you raised a brow, bouncing on his dick once out of spite. he yelped from the overstimulation, covering his mouth immediately.
"watch your mouth farleigh. i’m the one on top right now." farleigh didn't argue with you, instead staring up at you with the sweetest puppy dog brown eyes as if he was silently asking for forgiveness. you chuckled and kissed his cheek before moving to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on his lips. you slowly lifted yourself off the poor guy, laying down on your back beside him. you watched as his cum slowly oozed out of you, biting down at your lip. your [e/c] colored eyes met farleighs, who was also looking down at your mess. his dick twitched again at the sight.
"..can we– go again?” he asked, eyes looking back and forth between your entrance and your eyes. with a face like that, you couldn't deny him no way.
"you’re so fucking lucky i’m on birth control, prick. now c'mere."
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
hope u enjoyed ;)
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lilisgardensblog · 10 months
~Otter Neuvillette~
fluff, confessing to each other; ty for the idea anon🫶🏼
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Ignoring the small drops of rain, you were taking an unusual detour to work by the sea to help you calm down. You were over your head buried in stress and the sea always helped you. Feeling the soft sand and hearing the sea were the best remedy for it. But beside the melody of the sea you heard something unusual. Like a soft...cry?
Looking around you saw it. A little otter with one of it's little hands hurt. You approached it carefully not to scare it. "Hi, little otter. Please don't cry, I'll help you." you said before petting the otter to help it calm down. And as the sobs came to an end so did the rain apparently. What a great coincidence. You were thankful for the rain stopping since it rained all night and all morning.
"Can I take a look?" you asked the otter. The little one looked into your eyes and let you see the paw. It seemed like a bruise made by a big maybe even sharp rock. But you weren't sure if it was a rock or some trash people throw in the sea. You sighed before talking to yourself "I really need to speak with Monsieur about this....Oh I should go ask him, I'm sure he knows more about otters than I do." You end your monologue and return your attention to the otter. "Well how about we pay a visit to Monsieur? I'm sure you'll love him...as much as I do." you whispered the last part, still shy about your unconfessed feelings. The otter rests happily in your arms as you return to the Court of Fontaine to look for Neuvillette.
After he was nowhere to be found at the Opera you returned to your house to take care of the now sleeping otter in your arms. You place the little one on your bed, the action waking the otter up. "Sorry for waking you.... sigh I need to find you a name. Hmm...how about...Ottie? Ottie the little otter sounds adorable just like you." you smile booping the little otter's nose. Ottie smiled back at you as you went to find some bandages to take care of that wound.
"Well now Ottie, can I see your paw again?" slightly unsure, the otter stretches its' paw for you to see. You carefully bandage it as Ottie tries to hold back a whine. "Sorry,mon cher, this will only last a moment." At your affectionate nickname the otter seemed to relax and you were quickly done with the bandages. "There! You were a good boy, mon cher. Maybe I should reward you." You giggle as you pick up the otter to peak its' nose.
But as soon as your lips touched Ottie's small nose, the little otter suddenly was standing in front of you, one head taller, with silky white hair and long blue horns and a visible pink coloring his cheeks.
"Monsieur..." you sigh and take a step back, almost falling over from the shock.
"Careful, mon amour!" Neuvillette said as he quickly caught you by the waist and was now face to face with you.
Both of you were speechless looking into each other's eyes before Neuvi retreated his hand and clearing his throat murmured a small apology. "Pardon me, y/n, I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries..." you nod as he keeps going "And thank you. For taking care of me... or Ottie as you called my otter form." He smiles at the adorable name, clearly enjoying it. "I have to apologize, if I knew it was you Monsieur I wouldn't have..."
"Hmm? You wouldn't have what now? Gave me the cutest nickname? Wouldn't have said your feelings back at the beach? Wouldn't kiss me?" he smiles while waiting for you to answer.
"Monsieur are you perhaps... teasing me?" You're a bit taken aback by this side of Neuvillette but certainly not displeased. "But...yes"
"Mhm, I see. What if I told you you're not the only one feeling that way, mon amour?"
"I'm not?You mean..?" you ask, your voice full of hope.
"Most certainly, I do feel the same, mon amour. I was merely...scared to confess...scared you won't feel the same. I'm not the best at expressing my feelings, but I am glad to find out you share the feeling."
You laugh and hug Neuvillette. " Monsieur, fret not, I am laughing at my own situation. But it's a relief laugh, I am glad we both share the feeling. Now... what shall we do with this feeling, hmm?~" You smile while resting your hands on his chest and looking into those lavender eyes. "Well I- I'm not certain of the next action, maybe marriage?"
"Monsieur, as I appreciate the boldness maybe a dinner would be appropriate before a marriage?" you smile at Neuvillette as he blushes embarrassed "Yes, that would be the best approach to a future together, wouldn't it?How about now?" you shake your head giggling "So formal, Monsieur.Let me get ready for our dinner then."
Before turning around to go change, you raise yourself on your tip toes to kiss his nose. You peak now blushing Neuvillette's nose and turn around on your heels to go change.
Finally after all those months, you and Neuvillette.... it feels surreal.
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zerokurokawa · 12 days
hiii💗 i read some of your works and i can say that you’re really amazing at writing and i have one request to you to make fic or head canon (you decide) where bonten haitani brothers (which one you decide) accidentally have a daughter from their ex-girlfriend (who they had been together for long time) they don’t knew about anything because they were broke up for 17-18 years and she’s been living with her daughter in another country and after they come back they accidentally met each other and how would their reaction would be? how would they treat her?…
ill be honest i’ve read so many fics that was written topics like that but none of them we actually enough interesting… so ty for attention and good luck💗
Daughter From Another Lifetime | Bonten!Rindou x Reader <3
Once he found out that he had a daughter from your previous relationship, he would try to reconnect with you. He was shocked at first, seeing your daughter walk through the doors of his office, asking for him directly by name. 
"Hi, uhm... I'm d/n Haitani... I'm looking for my father, Rindou Haitani..." Your daughter would trail off, stumbling over her words as she tried to speak properly. She was intimidated by the office and the security guards. When he heard his name and saw a sweet girl come through the doors that looked just like him, he instantly knew that she was his. 
While taking her out to eat for lunch, Rindou began to ask questions about you. 
"How is your mother? I haven't heard from her since she... left me." He would ask, seemingly sad. 
"She's doing okay, she told me all about you and I've always wanted to meet you, so I came and found you!" She exclaimed, taking a bite of her food that she greatly appreciated. She was excited to of finally met her real dad after all these years. 
"Will you tell her I need to speak with her, d/n?" He asked nervously, not even touching the food that he ordered. He didn't have an appetite, for he had just found out that he had a child with the love of his life from many years ago. 
"I'd love to, dad!" Hearing her call him dad was what made his heart instantly melt. He decided right then and there that he was taking the rest of the day off to get to know his daughter. Rindou would take her shopping and buy her new clothes, shoes, and even took her to the arcade that he used to go to when he was younger. He enjoyed watching her play the same games he used to play. 
Thoughts ran through his head as he watched his child smile and have fun; like what would happen if he tried to reconcile with you? What could he do to win you back? He wanted this, he wanted a family. Seeing his perfect little girl made him want and miss you even more than he already did. 
Eventually, it was time for her to head back to you. Rindou made it a point to take your daughter home, hoping you would talk to him at least. Once they arrived at your apartment, Rindou got out of the car and walked d/n to the front door. He knocked nervously, straightening his suit and fixing his hair, trying to look as pleasing to the eye as possible. 
You answered the door and your eyes went wide. 
"D/n, where have you been all day?" You asked, gesturing for her to come inside while staring at Rindou, who was standing quietly in front of you with a slight smile on his face. He was trying to not seem upset or shocked. All these years, he knew you resented him for being involved with gangs, violence, drugs, and dirty money.  That's the reason you two broke up in the first place years ago - because he wouldn't let that lifestyle go. You ended up having to let him go instead. 
"Y/n, can we talk?" He finally spoke up. 
"Come in." You said with a stern voice. 
You sent d/n to her room while you and Rindou sat at the counter in your apartment. 
"It's been 17 years since we broke up, yet you never told me I had a daughter." He started the conversation, cutting to the chase. 
"We were kids, I didn't think you were ready to be a father. Plus, I was scared because of all of the things you were involved with." You went on, taking a sip of a glass of well needed wine. 
"You were pregnant, and you didn't even bother to tell me..." He trailed off, "Did you really not trust me to be around OUR child?" 
"I just told you exactly what went wrong. You never listened to me, not even once." You put the glass down and stared at him. 
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not listening and I'm sorry for everything that I've done that caused you to leave. But keeping my daughter a secret from me breaks my heart. I've only been around her one day and I already love her. Please..." He stammered with his words, trying not to tear up at the thought of you not wanting him around. 
"Please what, Rindou?" 
"Please, let me be there for her. I can support you both. You'll never have to work and she'll never have to go without. I have money, tons of money-" You interrupted him quickly. 
"Dirty money that you got from doing bad things, Rin." You said, assertively. 
"Please, I'm begging you. I can keep you both away from all of this. I can keep you both safe and sound. You'll never hear or see any of the things I do. I just want my family." He was begging at this point. 
"I'll consider it on one condition." You said after a moment of silence. 
"Anything." He sat up straight, ready to take on whatever conditions you threw at him. 
"You have to promise to be the best father you can possibly be to her. Meaning, you choose her over anything - your job, your money, everything." 
"I promise." He said, without a single doubt or hesitation in his voice. He wanted this and wanted you more than anything in the entire world. 
(A/N: I may make a part two to this if you like it! I enjoyed writing this.)
Update: Part Two
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keeganbrainmush · 1 year
"Only you I could ever love for all eternity" ; Simon ' Ghost ' Riley x Male Reader
Includes : VERY light angst. Jealous Ghost, He loves you so much, whimpering Ghost, fiancé Simon & Reader, blowjobs, slight handjobs, begging, praise, happy crying, porn with some plot. Ghost omg. Thigh suffocation, Facial.
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You fiddled with the ring on your right hands, humming to the song playing along on the radio with Simons hand on your thigh. His pretty brown eyes were focused on the road as you felt his grip tighten slightly, something he did when he wanted to talk about but felt awkward starting. " Everything okay, Love? " You asked him, putting your hand over his and looking at him with bright eyes. He huffed and waited for a red light to finally respond. He took his hand off the wheel and ran it through his brown hair.
" That guy you were talking with earlier, how'd you know him? " He asked, putting his hand back on the wheel as the light turned green. " Oh, we were lab partners back in high school. He was stupid as shit, so I had to help him alot. " You answered, slowly catching onto what was making him seem so worried. " Why, is there something wrong? "
He shook his head, his shoulders suddenly relaxing making you realize how tense he actually looked. " Its just the way he was looking at you, it seemed like there was more than just a ' friends ' relationship. " He told you, barely above a whisper. You looked at him, you stomach slowly dropping to your stomach. Arguing with Simon was always difficult, when he makes up his mind its hard to change it.
" Pull over, Simon. " You told him, taking deep breaths. He looked at you, his eyes burning with an incomprehensible emotion in his eyes. It didn't look like anger or jealousy. Was it.. Worry? " Si, please. I don't wanna go home without us working this out. " He sighed and looked back at the road and looked for an empty lot.
It was dark out, past 11 pm surely. He pulled into a grocery marts parking lot and put the car in parked. " What's wrong, my dear? " You asked him, taking his cold hands into yours. He shrugged. He was using his plain black balaclava to the party you were returning too, in hopes of not scaring as many people. It was unsuccessful, as far as his dead stare went.
" I was just wonderin' if you two were something else before. He seemed dodgy when I came to your side. He was actin' like a knob back there. " You chuckled at your fiancés slang, his accent got thicker when he was talking about someone who pissed him off. " Si, I would never lie to you about something like that. " You swore to him, putting a hand on his cheek. His eyes were half closed at this point as he leaned into your touch. " You see this ring? " You put your right hand up next to your head. " This means I'm gonna be yours for all eternity. Not even death is gonna do us part. I promise. " Putting both of your hands on the side of his face and putting your foreheads together.
" You ready to go home now, pretty boy? " You asked, stroking his cheek bones. " Yeah. " Simon responded, smiling slightly. He put the car into drive and pulled out of the empty lot.
It took 15 more minutes of driving to get back to your flat, where there was a jumbling of keys and joking angry mutters from Simon, how you didn't need so many keys on the ring. You always replied with the same excuse " Its a key for every room! " In reality, you didn't have a clue half of them were for.
You and Simon walked into the flat and placed the keys on the counter. " I'm gonna make some tea, you want some, Love? " You asked him, putting water in the kettle and turning it on. " I'm alright, thank you. " He told you, making your way to your shared bedroom.
You scrolled mindlessly through your phone and heard something coming from your bedroom. You thought it was just the kettle messing with your head until it started getting louder, walking towards the door you put your ear to it. It was groaning. You cracked the door open to see Simon on his knees with his face buried into your pillow on the bed, balaclava long gone. He was whimpering and shuddering with his hand on his dick.
You'd forgotten all about your tea at that point, your pupils dilated. You cracked the door more to sneak your self in, quietly moving along to your side of the bed and caressing your hand over Simons arch. " You enjoying yourself on my side of the bed, are you? " You teased, your eyes looked down at him as he wasn't even phased. His pupils were blown with lust as he turned his head to look at you. " Please. Please.." He whimpered, shuddering as you snaked a hand across his waist.
" Sit down on the edge, handsome. "
He groaned and lifted himself up to sit down. " What're you gonna- " His voice was cut off as his cock made a sudden intrusion into your mouth. He gasped and moved his hand into your hair and pulled out of instinct. Moving your mouth up and down, you flattened your tongue against his shaft. Simon whimpered as his hips moved up to follow your mouth everytime you lifted off, triggering your gag reflex.
You shuddered, pulling off of him and he groaned at the loss of contact. He looked down at you with puppy eyes and gripped onto the sheets on his sides. " Please? " He shot you a small smile, his thighs shaking. You put a hand on his thigh, nodding. " Of course, my Love. " You replied, your voice hoarse and he squeezed his thighs together trying to get some sort of friction.
You took him back into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue while breathing through your nose. Simon fell to lay on his back, covering his mouth as muffled whimpers and high pitched moans fell out. " You moved up slightly to take his hand off, shaking your head. He looked at you with desire, his back arching beautifully everytime your moved your mouth. He gripped the back of your head and squeezed his plush thighs around your head.
You wrapped your arms around his thighs as you kept sucking on him. It was when he twisted his body and his hips started stuttering when you knew he was about to cum. You came off of him with a pop and wrapped a hand around him instead, instantly slick with your saliva around him. Simon started convulsing as white liquid spurted out of his dick, his back arched as his cum splattered on your face.
You turned your head away slightly, trying your best to not get it into your hair as you stroked Simon through it. He finally fell flat onto the bed and looked to the side to look at you. " I love you. " He said, moved a hand down to touch your face before realizing the liquid. " Get yer face cleaned up before I touch you? " He asked, giving a crooked smile. You nodded and caressed his thigh before getting up to go to the restroom.
Simon was so grateful it was him you were promised to be with for all eternity.
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Thomas hewitt with short reader who adores him!
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I got this inspired from a wattpad story 😭 please I'm gonna die, what if someone I know irl sees this.
Summary: you acted nice to Thomas and now he's glued to you.
Tw: stockholm Syndrome?
You were on your 1999's jeep on your way to Texas. You and your friends decides to move to a very hot place for what unknown reason. You were burning but the opened windows seemed to help a bit. Your two friends in the back seat were making out shamelessly while the driver of the car who was actively tying to flirt with you. It may not be the best car trip right now but you're sure it's gonna be worth it.
The town itself wasn't very loud but you just hoped the cacophony of lip smacking and annoying sounds from the radio would end.
"Hey y/n, have you ever thought about getting into relationships?" The driver friend of yours asked obnoxiously.
"Uh I don't know, I'll meet the right person I guess..." You just blandly answered hinting at your suitor that you have no interest in this conversation.
And as if God answered your prayers you spotted a gas station
"Stop the car right now there's a gast station."
and you hear faint words of aww's from your sappy friends. you got out and proceeded to vamoose into the gas station hoping to find good food to replenish your hunger.
You got distracted and bumped into a squishy big tough chest, you look up and the most cutest attractive man you've ever seen in your entire life, although his eyes were piercing through yours cautiously and with fire as to wait for you to run away but you just stood there looking at him with awe and adoration in your eyes which seemed to catch him off guard as he's never been looked at like this. A sudden voice met your attention.
"Ah it seems you've run into my son Thomas, I'm Luda Mae just call me Mae and don't fear him he isn't going to hurt you he's just a gentle giant, right Tommy?" The elderly woman said.
The man now you know as either Thomas or Tommy slightly nodded his head.
"Hi Tommy! Nice to meet you!" You chirped as if you were talking to a baby or a small animal, this unfamiliar tone of voice caught both of them off guard, Thomas flabbergasted and flustered underneath his mask and Luda with a small o on her mouth which turned into a teasing smile. But before she could say anything your friends barged inside.
"What the- Y/n stay away from that!."
You were roughly pulled away from Thomas by one of your friends, as they so rudely explained that you shouldn't be near someone as big and dangerous as tommy and ordered whatever was on their mind and dragged you away only a small 'bye!' Escaping your lips before seen out of sight from both of them.
Maybe you won't be food.
Now a few hours later and it's dark and you can barely see anything but you were bleeding and scars on your body and was running away from that house with your only remaining friend but now you have none since a chainsaw is going through their body leaving you no choice but to run away alone leaving you scared to death.
You were running as fast as you could but the killer caught up to you and you recognised those distinct eyes.
"Tommy?" You asked, fear and adrenaline leaving your body, why was it that you felt so in peace when you are with him? Before you could process anything further your vision blackened.
And now you found yourself tied to a chair in front of family of 4 Or 5 you can't tell but what you did notice that your flirty driver was hung upside down on the wall. And now you were sobbing because you were scared for your life.
Thomas wanted you to stop crying and aquiver but didn't know how so he decided to comfort you with music he gently placed his headphone over your ears hoping it'll calm you down and oddly enough it did. It calmed you knowing he didn't mean you harm. But you aren't sure that goes for the same from his family, how did you even get into this situation anyways? They all started eating what they called 'your friends' and Thomas even started to feed you. which strangely didn't seem to bother you as much as you thought it would. You started zoning out and before you knew it the tight rope from your hands started to untangle.
"Hey! What are you doing!? First you insist they be tied with rope instead of nailing them and now you're untying them?"
You had absolutely no idea what was going on so you just sat idle and Thomas stood there with his hands pointed at you as to show that you meant no harm.
"What if they run away and snitch?"
"I-i won't!" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
"Well.. It doesn't hurt to have one more family member." Luda mae implies.
"I'm watching you..." The older man snarly says to you.
Few months later you are now very much apart of their family and you help around the house, 8/10 (10 if you don't mind murder and blood and cannibalism)
Now for hc's!
Everytime you talk to him with adoration his heart explodes everywhere. ⬅➡⬆⬇↗↘↙↖
He runs by your side every chance he gets, he's a very busy man but you accompany him and he can't ask for anything more or less.
He's going to get VERY attached to you poor baby rarely ever received this kind of affection before you so DON'T break his heart. (Not like you will anyways)
Ask for anything and he'll bring it to you in 3 seconds.
Will also worry alot over the smallest things like a small cut on your finger, does it hurt!? Are you in pain!? Are you okay? Please don't bleed out!
Will die (out of cuteness) if you do the same.
Very shy about PDA but he's the most touched starved cuddly man behind close doors.
Will probably be dependant on you.
Will also be very scared when you go out alone, incase you'll decide you don't like him anymore and run away.
Also very insecure, what if you find a better man? :(
Will fall for you 100x harder if you help him with the murdering.
Loves the size difference too. You have to stand on your tippy toes smh. 😳
Pats your head, yes.
Sometimes carries you wherever you like when you two have free time.
LOVES nicknames.
"Tommy I'm fine!"
"Tommy it's okay I'm not gonna run away I'm only going on errands."
"Baby I promise I won't leave you, you are my only love."
"Muah, feel better?"
"Oh no, are you okay sweetheart?"
"You are the most handsome man I've ever seen."
"Love you, goodnight darling."
"You're so tall!"
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fanfiction4sooya · 10 months
Can I request dom Gp yujin roughly fucking her needy innocent gf reader?
Sure babe, here you go!! Hope you like it! 💖💖💖
You knew she told you to wait for her and to not touch yourself, but it was so hard for you :( alright, it was just a weekend trip, but two days is a lot to go by without her soft touches and praises.
She had told you before the two of you got involved about the dom life style she had and that the sex you two had with each other was vanilla because she didn't think you were ready yet, you were basically too innocent to comprehend a few things. So she was basically training you to listen to her, about safe words, limits, kinks, etc.
She got to her apartment quietly, expecting to surprise you and got surprised instead.
You were riding her pillow slowly and moaning softly, unaware of her behind you with her arms crossed and a very serious demeanor. You were only wearing a thin black blouse and a ponytail, eyes closed in concentration trying to get off. You had never done that before. She cleared her throat, making you scream and jump from the spot you were.
"Un-unnie" You said, almost happy she was back, but remembering she saw you doing exactly what she told you not to do.
"Having fun?" She lifted an eyebrow, daring you to explain what she just saw.
"I..." You started out, your voice small because of the shame. "I didn't mean to unnie, I swear!" You cried out. "I just missed you so much, I-..."
She slowly walked towards you, unbuckling her belt. You were scared, humiliated and oh, so horny.
"Put your hands together in front of you" She commanded, her voice low and her tone ice cold. You did as she told, kneeling on the bed and putting both your hands together in front of your body for her. She evolved your wrists with her belt, tying you. "Move your fingers for me, tell me if it's too tight" She said, not even looking at your face.
"It's not too tight, unnie" You were feeling too guilty to even ask her anything. She straightened her back, holding your jaw with one hand, making you face her.
"What did I tell you not to do?" She asked, unzipping her trousers. You couldn't answer, staring at her hard cock inside her underwear. She gripped your jaw harder. "Answer me" She commanded again, snapping you out of your trance.
"You told me to not touch myself" you looked down, in shame.
"that's right" She freed her cock, spitting in her hand and pumping it slowly. "But aren't you such a big girl, making decisions for yourself?" She scoffed and you knit your eyebrows together about to cry. "I spoiled you too much, always delaying a big punishment because I thought you were so innocent"
"Unnie" you simply said, a tear rolling down your right eye.
"I guess you are not so innocent, right?" She pumped her cock a bit harder, closing her eyes, a moan escaping her pretty lips. "So since you wanna act like a slut, I'll treat you like one" She gripped your jaw even harder, forcing you to open it. "So I'll teach you what disobedient girls get from me"
She didn't even wait for you to put two plus two together, already shoving her big cock in your mouth, gripping both sides of your head. She had her mouth agape, pulling you hard onto her, making you gag. She was face fucking you so hard you couldn't even breathe, shaking from that humiliating feeling, your pussy clenching around nothing.
You were scared, she never treated you so roughly before.
"Take it, slut" She said through gritted teeth. She pushed her cock deeper, holding your head for a few seconds. "Breathe through your nose" she commanded, moaning. "Fucking hell, you look so pretty like this" You could feel it throb in your throat, choking. Suddenly she took it all from your mouth.
You started coughing like crazy, tears rolling down your face, specially fucked out for her.
"Aren't you a good little slut for me?" She pulled you by the arm, sitting down and placing you over her lap with your ass up, your tied wrists holding your upper body from falling face first on the bed. "I can fuck your pretty cunt, but before I have to punish you for your little show earlier" she said and you were so out of yourself that you didn't answer. She gripped you by the ponytail, lifting your face and talking on your ear. "Are you up for your punishment, princess?" She purred on your ear.
Fuck, she looked so on her element like that it only felt natural for you to just obey, simply letting her do whatever she wanted to you. You eagerly nodded, allowing her to do anything she wanted, tears still rolling down your face, drooling and babbling some "Yes unnie, please unnie"
"Good slut" She bit your neck and pulled your face for a searing kiss, making you moan and grip the sheets under your tied hands. She spat onto your mouth, smiling as she saw you trying to catch every drop, glossy eyes trying to focus on something. "I'll start" she said, massaging your butt cheeks. "Five strokes each" She kissed your shoulder, already striking the first one.
You screamed, that really hurt. But as she was striking, your pussy was getting wetter and wetter, clenching around nothing. She smiled as you moaned, shaking your head. You felt pain, but it felt good; you were crying but mostly because you wanted more; humiliation kicking in, but that only made you feel more aroused. Scary and big feelings, but you loved each second.
"Do you want me to stop, slut?" She gripped your hair again, lifting your face.
"N-no unnie, please" You managed to say, between sobs.
"Such a polite girl" She said, continuing her strikes. You screamed, shaking violently, you were sure you felt your orgasm approaching, but couldn't do anything to stop it. She finished counting, kissing your back over your thin blouse. "You did so good, so good" She collected some of your wetness with two of her fingers, plugin them to her own mouth and moaning. "You taste so good, but I need to use your pussy to cum now"
She pushed you off her lap, making you stand up on shaky legs, your back facing her. Without a warning, she pulled you by the waist, her cock entering you roughly.
"Fuck" She bucked her hips up, pulling you into her each time stronger, the sounds of your skin slapping were even louder than your screams of pleasure. "My little cock sleeve" She managed to say between grunts. "I'll fucking ruin you baby, fuck" She kept the hard, rough pace. "I'll use you until I'm satisfied" She rolled her eyes, using your little pussy as a fleshlight, as if you were just some toy she could fuck into.
"Use me, unnie" You screamed, your body limp, shaking on her grip, milking her cock, clenching so hard your heard her hiss. She loved when you did that. "I love you unnie, please use me" You cried out.
Yujin couldn't hold it any longer, spurting her cum inside your tight pussy, growling with her eyes closed, feeling you cum on her cock as well. Pulling you to sit on her lap with her cock inside, she swiftly laid you down with her, moving your limp body as if you were light as a feather.
"Beautiful" She kissed your cheek, not aggressive at all anymore, still shallowly moving her hips into yours. She lifted your leg, bucking into you sideways, both of you shaking already. "Look at you, took me so well" She whispered, breathing heavily. "Look at your pussy, baby" She told you and you finally opened your heavy lids.
She took her cock from inside of you, her cum and yours oozing out of your puffy cunt. Both of you moaned and she hugged you from behind squeezing you, breathing into your hair. She really loved your smell.
"I missed you too, princess" She said as you were dozing off. "We'll do your aftercare after you wake up and you and I are going to have a talk" She turned you around and you hugged her waist, nuzzling into her chest.
"I know unnie, I'm sorry" You sheepishly said as she untied your wrists.
"Sleep, princess" She kissed your forehead and that sent you straight to dream land.
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favouriteteddypicker · 11 months
Tom Riddle x Female Reader!
I just posted this story on wattpad, so here it is as backup!! I hope you like it:)
Word Count: 2.9k
"I'm not scared of you." You said as you looked over at Tom on the other side of your dorm room.
"Oh no?" he sarcastically responded as he raised his eyebrows.
"Give me one reason why I should be." You said as you looked up at Tom, who was now hovering over you, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
"Cause I can have full control over you if I ever desire to, and you know that it's true." He softly said as his hand lifted up your chin. "You're mine y/n, nothing can change that, I can do whatever I want to you."
"Show me," You said as you looked right into his cold eyes. "Show me that I'm yours, show me that you can do whatever you want to me"
You saw a slight smirk appear on his face, and without any hesitation his hand moved from your chin down to your neck, slightly tensing his grip. His face moved closer to you, his lips almost touching yours. You felt his hot breath as he softly whispered against your lips.
"You know you only have to ask me that once, I love showing you, and everyone else that you're mine."
His soft lips kissed yours while his hand tightened its grip around your neck, his other hand pulling you in by your waist. You closed your eyes as you kissed him back, your arms wrapped around his neck.
He removed his hands from your neck and your waist and started undressing you, unbuttoning every single button that your blouse had without breaking his kiss.
He slowly let you walk back till the back of your knees hit your bed, he basically pushed you down once every button was open, breaking the kiss and revealing your black bra that had little lace details.
"You knew this was going to happen didn't you?" He said as he looked at your bra, not making any eye contact with you.
"What can I say," You said as you sat up straight, grabbing his belt and pulling him closer towards you. "I know you Riddle."
His eyes met yours again, they were slightly darker than before, they were full of lust, but also full of anger.
"So you also know that when I say that you're mine, I mean it don't you?" He asked.
You nodded, his hand moved back around your neck, his grip tightening by the second.
"Answer me." He said as he softly lifted his head up, showing his dominance.
"Yes who?" He asked you again, his grip was slowly starting to hurt you.
"Yes sir." You said again, slightly biting your lip as you tried to ignore the pain.
"That's more like it." He said as he let go of you, he grabbed your hand that was still on his belt. "You also know that I don't like it when you try and take control don't you?"
"I do know sir." You said, looking up at him.
"So don't ever try it again, you know you only leave me with one option right now don't you?" He asked as his face moved closer to yours.
"I do sir." You said as you put both of your hands behind your back.
"Good girl." He whispered in your ear before grabbing your hands and flipping you over, making you lay down on your stomach.
You heard him undo his belt before you felt the harsh leather on your palms, he started tying your wrists together with his belt as if they were handcuffs. He pulled you up by his belt, your back pressed against his chest as you sat up right with your knees on the bed.
"I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say y/n, cause I won't repeat it again, and if you disobey anything I say, I'll leave you here." He whispered in your ear, his breath touching your neck and sending shivers down your spine. "Understood?"
"Mhm." You hummed, closing your eyes as his belt began to tighten around your wrists as he tugged at them. "I understand sir, and I'll be good."
"I'm going to lift up that pretty little skirt of yours before I slowly take off your panties with my teeth, very slowly dragging them down your legs as they are most definitely soaked by now, teasing you as you feel my hot breath on the inside of your thighs. I then use your panties to make sure that you won't make any noise, we wouldn't want to wake anyone now do we?" He whispered in your ear, you could imagine every single word he said. "Then, I'm going to do whatever I want to you, and I know exactly what, how and that you won't be able to leave this bed afterwards."
He pushed you down, your chest pressed up against the mattress, your head turned to one side and your hands were tied behind your back.
Suddenly you felt a pair of cold hands on your ankles pulling you towards the side of your bed, Tom's hands crept up as he placed your legs around his neck. He was on his knees.
His hands roamed your body before he softly kissed it, his hands moved up and down slowly, his fingertips gently moved over your skin. You could feel his index finger playing with the waistband of your panties as he cupped your ass with both of his hands.
He held them there as he placed his first kiss on your inner thigh, just above the back of your knee. You closed your eyes as you felt his soft lips against your soft skin.
Tom's lips always felt like heaven every time they would touch you, he always knew exactly what he needed to do. He moved his kisses upwards as his thumbs softly moved up and down on your skin, his index finger still playing with your waistband.
The higher up Tom went with his kisses, the higher the tension would become between your legs. Tom was taking, what felt like an eternity, to finally do what he told you.
You could feel his head going under the fabric of your skirt, you bit your lip trying not to make any noise as you felt his teeth against your skin, slightly biting you before he took the waistband of your panties in his mouth.
His hands moved down your thigh as you carefully lifted up your hips just slightly, making it a bit easier for him to slide your panties off.
He took them into his hands, foming a little ball.
"Open your mouth pretty girl" He said as he slightly bend over to see your face.
You did as you were told and opened your mouth for him, looking directly into his eyes. A slight smirk appeard on his face when you did, and without breaking eye contact he put your panties in your mouth. Almost gagging you with them.
"Now you can taste how pathetic you are for me, don't you love it? Just look at you, my sweet little slut gagging on her own panties." You saw a filthy smile playing on his lips before he went to stand straight up again.
He looked at you, just looked at how you were laying there, he chuckled to himself before he got back on his knees again. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back till you felt his hot breath on your thighs again.
His fingers digging into the skin of your hips, his nails almost making you bleed. His soft, cold lips kissed your left thigh, before leaving a kiss on your right thigh, then your left then your right again and so on. Every kiss getting placed just a bit higher.
You felt the tension between your legs increase and you knew that you'd beg for his touch if you could. You tried to say something, anything, but you couldn't, it came out muffled because of your panties.
"What's that love?" He said, his lips still attached to your skin. "Come on, use your words"
You muffled something again, more annoyed this time.
"Hm? I'm sorry love I can't hear you." He teased you as he kept leaving little kisses, moving up your thighs before his head was buried underneath your short skirt again.
His strong hands that were on your hips turned you around, making you lay down on your back. Tom lifted up your skirt with one hand, looking up at you.
"Sucks right? Not being able to talk?" You nodded back at him, you looked desperate, trying to gain some sympathy, but none was shown. "Bet it sucks even more if I do this."
And just like that he left a kiss on your core, a kiss that you had been craving for. His tongue went between your folds, all the way from the bottom all the way to the top.
Your back arched instantly as the pleasure hit you, all you wanted to do was bury your hand into his hair and tug at it, begging him to go faster as you basically rode his face. You felt him chuckle into your skin as he heard you tug at his belt that was wrapped around your wrists.
His tongue met your clit, he started of really slow, painfully slow almost, his hands having a tight grip on your hips to keep you in place as you moved under his touch.
Soft muffled moans left your mouth as he kept going, occasionally speeding up but immediately stopping just to tease you, just to make you suffer a bit longer.
Your moans slowly started to turn into soft cries, you needed him to go faster and he knew that. After a few more seconds of teasing you like this, he went faster, really fast.
His finger nails digging deep into your skin, slightly making you bleed. You couldn't care any less though, Tom's speed combined with his tight grip made you a moaning mess. All of your moans and cries came out muffled and he absolutely loved it, but there's one thing he loved even more.
He came up, slowly catching his breath as his chest rose and fell so perfectly through his white button down. Without any hesitation he ripped it of his body, looking right at you.
"I need to hear you." He said breathless before taking your panties out of your mouth.
"But what if any-" You started, but he interrupted you.
"I don't care y/n." He said stern. "I need to hear what I do to you, I want everyone to hear how good I make you feel when I fuck you." He added as he eagerly started unbuttoning his pants.
You looked at his toned chest and his defined cheekbones as he was unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, pulling them down and revealing how hard you made him.
"That's all because of you." He said as he caught you looking. "You have no idea what the fuck you do to me y/n, you drive me insane."
He eagerly attached his lips to yours, one hand cupping your cheek and the other one on your hip as he guided you further on the bed.
His right hand that was cupping your cheek slowly moved down while he kept kissing you, his tongue practically fighting with yours.
His hand moved down to your neck, his fingertips gently touching your skin as they moved further down. He cupped your breast with his hand as he made his way down, leaving it there just a bit longer.
He moved his hand down your stomach, down your waist towards your inner thigh, and so did his other hand that was holding your hip.
Both of his hands were on the inside of your thighs as he spread them, making room for himself. His cold hands moved up and down your upper inner thigh as he could feel you tense up every time he got closer to where you needed him.
"Tell me that you want me." He said breathless before kissing you again.
"Fucking hell Tom of course I want you." You said as his kisses moved down to your neck, closing your eyes and softly letting your head fall back to give him more access.
"I'm going to need more than that." He murmured against your skin. "Beg for me, beg for me to fuck you."
You softly hummed as you felt his teeth against the sensitive skin of your neck.
"I want you Tom, I need you." You started, tugging at the belt that was still around your wrists. "I promise I'll be a good girl, just do whatever you want to me, please?"
You felt him groan against the skin of your neck before he lined himself up with you, both of his hands were placed on your hips, keeping you in place.
As soon as you felt him enter your back arched, you couldn't help it. One of his hands moved down to your ass as the other one slightly lifted your hips. You could see his muscles tensing up as he supported you.
Your head fell back as Tom's kisses moved upwards again, moving from your neck towards your collarbone, up to your cheekbone.
His hand that was cupping your ass moved to your head as he grabbed your hair. Pulling it and forcing you to look up at him.
He looked right into your eyes as he pounded into you, his face was tens and focused, your mouth was slightly opened as you tried your best not to be too loud.
Tom's eyes closed as he groaned, burying his head in the crook of your neck before moving his lips closer to your ear.
"You're my little pathetic slut aren't you y/n?" He said breathless. His hand that was on your hip tightly gripping you, his fingernails harshly digging into your skin.
"Fuck Tom you're hurting me." You said as you closed your eyes.
"Good." He groaned back at you. "Now answer me." He said as he picked up his pace, making it harder for you to respond. 
"I am sir." You said. "I am your pathetic little slut and I fucking love it." You said as you could feel yourself tensing up.
Your hands were still behind your back, tied up with his belt as the harsh leather started to bruise your wrists by the friction you were creating.
Your black skirt laying on your stomach as Tom fucked you, your blouse open and unbuttoned revealing the beautiful black bra you were wearing. Your hair messy as Tom was pulling at it, your back arched and head fallen back. Your lips were swollen, your eyes occasionally closed as Tom hit the perfect spot.
Tom's hair was messy from when he was under your skirt, his hand had a tight grip on your hair while his other hand was holding on to you so tightly his fingernails turned red from your bleeding.
His pace was fast, his toned chest moved rapidly as he started to breath heavier.
"Tom I-" You started, but you couldn't finish your sentence. Tom stuck his index and middle finger in your mouth.
"Suck my finger off." He ordered you, pushing them further down your throat and making you gag.
You obeyed him and started twirling your tongue around his fingers, moving your head up and down. Tom's eyes met yours as he watched you, you looked directly into his eyes while continuing your movements.
You felt Tom's thrusts get sloppier as you watched his head fall down and his eyes closing.
Your toes slowly started to curl as he continued to hit that perfect spot, even with his sloppier thrusts.
A low groan left his mouth as he pushed himself all the way in you, staying there as he buried his head into the crook of your neck again, softly biting down on your skin as he came.
Your back arched a little further as you tugged at the belt that was around your waist, you wrapped your legs around Tom's waist, keeping him in place as your whole body started to tense up.
Your eyes rolled back slightly as you clenched around him, a wave of pleasure filling your body.
Tom let go of your hair as he rested his stomach on yours, softly catching his breath as he came up to look at you.
You were a mess, your hair was messy, your make-up was slightly smudged, your lips were swollen and had a pink tint to them. Your legs were shaking around Tom's waist as you closed your eyes and started catching your breath.
Tom looked down at your neck and saw his soft bite marks along with the tiny bruises his choking had left.
"I told you you were mine." He said, you could just tell he had a smirk on his face by the way he spoke, his fingers tracing the marks on your neck. "Now it's for everyone to see, you're mine y/n, you always have been, and you always will be." He whispered in your ear, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Do you mind if you write like a Hobie Brown x Reader where it’s like that one scene in Howls Moving Castle where the readers like getting harassed by police officers and he just comes in out of nowhere as Spider Punk sayin “There you are sweetheart, sorry i’m late.”
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
that's my dear. – hobie brown x gn!reader
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petrified and unsure of what to do, the two police officers who called your attention as they eyed you up and down with mischievous and devilish gleams in their eyes had approached you ever so slowly, making you step back even further away from them as they kept nearing you the more you backed away. they started their little one-sided 'banter' with you through questions of where you were going, or what a 'pretty little doll' like you was doing by themselves, walking down this dim, creepy alleyway all alone. you answered them in a small voice at first, since you were a bit intimidated and scared of them for being so close to you and smiling so... eagerly as they looked you up and down.
they chuckled to themselves as they called you a 'cute little mouse' for sounding like you were squeaking out your answers. they kept commenting on how adorable you looked, asking you if you had any partner or someone that wouldn't be too pleased to find out a couple of cops you happened upon were just merely teasing you, but the way you saw it, they went above and beyond the border of 'teasing, they were harassing you. they were disgusting, they kept creeping closer towards you as you tried to back off and run in the opposite direction; whispers of pleading you to stay in a baby-like voice and chuckles from the police officers filled your ears as you felt your breath hitching in your chest. you felt a massive weight on your shoulders and back and your voice faltering as you kept muttering under your breath in a begging plea to 'please... leave me alone...'
"well, i'm awfully late, now aren't i, dearest?"
the voice that called out to you was smooth and languid, it was relaxed, nonchalant, even; it was also extremely... familiar. you shuddered a bit as you felt their hand on your shoulder, and the warmth you felt from their touch soothed you in a way. you looked up, and they faced you as they cast their gaze lower and smirked at you. "hobart...!" you silently murmured his name as he chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close towards his chest, causing your heart to beat quickly and throb as a heat filled your cheeks and caused a burning sensation in your throat as you yearned to thank him for coming, but he didn't want you to thank him yet.
hobie looked at the officers with a raised eyebrow as the two began to slowly back away, seeing how intimate he was with you, they figured they'd be in a world of trouble if you told him just how disrespectful and creepy these two were being towards you. they tried to act all friendly around hobie, say they were merely joking around with you and that 'you weren't hurt at all by what happened', that they were merely admiring how beautiful you were, but hobie could see through their lies and leaned towards them; he practically hovered over them as he eyed them down, being so tall and all, he was just so frightening to them.
"sure y'were... anyway, there you were, sweetheart. sorry i'm late, but let's make haste now, love, can't let our dinner table for two wait, can we?" he told you with a cheeky grin as you clung on to his chest, with hobie webbing the officers' feet together while they were too busy looking up at his eyes in fear. the two bumbling cops tried to head back to their car but ended up stumbling over each other and knocking their heads down on the hard pavement below.
you flinched at the sound, but hobie held your shoulders with both of his hands and reassured you, all would be fine now. he put on his mask and looked at you through his painted-like lenses, his hand extended towards you. "how 'bout i take you away from here, love, get you away from these lousy idiots?" he offered you with a comforting tone as you ended up taking his hand. "please, take me away, hobart..." you pleaded with him as you let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around his neck, signaling hobie to finally do what he's dreamed of doing with you this whole time.
as he swung off into the distance, with the two of you in mid-air, he smiled and chuckled at your calmer than expected reaction and held you closer to his chest. "you're a natural, dear." he complimented you, which made you flustered a bit and show a hint of a smile on your face. hobie's hands were so soft and comforting, they were nothing like the other men who've held you, it was merely in his hands that you felt what true affection and adoration really was like, even if it wasn't worded out... you could tell, he loved you so, so very much.
he dropped you off at your room by your home, sneaking you in through the window and hanging around for a short while to make sure there was nothing else that was about to harm you. he pulled his mask off his head and showed you his wide, brilliant grin and charming, chestnut brown eyes as you looked at him with a bashful grin and a flustered face from how intimate the impromptu 'adventurous' swinging-around-town date ended up being. you approached him by the window to see him off, and you placed both hands of yours on either sides of his face--and as you gazed at his eyes that were filled with pure devotion towards you... you pulled him in close for a quick, but tender and passionate, kiss.
as hobie pulled away, he smirked at you and couldn't keep his eyes off you, off every single part of you that was too perfect to not adore. "that's my dearest... and i promise you, that table for two dinner date, i'll make it come true, if you'll have me." he said with a slight wink at you, which made your heart skip a beat as you smiled even wider at him as he muttered a 'love you', pulled his mask back down, and swung off into the distance.
to be loved by a boy named hobie brown... it was a feeling more ethereal and cathartic, and enchanting, than the love of any other person you ever knew in your life; and dare you say, you had hoped for that table for two dinner date to become a reality tonight. nothing wrong with hoping, no?
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @arachnoia @solecitoszn @conitagray
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
Hii, can you make a part 4 of “the most wonderful time of the year?” describing the scene where Theo calls Mel mom for the first time? And also describing the scene where Mel and the reader decided to have another kid? Thank you
-The most wonderful time of the year?- Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender: FLUFFFFF, big big flufff
Warnings : (+18) none I think.
Summary:On the morning of your wedding, Melissa takes it upon herself to remind you that it would never be an ordinary life if you are together.
AN: The truth is that when I wrote the first part, I never thought it would have so much support. Thanks for the comments and all the love. I tried to take advantage of as much as I could this week to write and post at least 3 times and I succeeded! Don't forget to reblog or comment, it really gives me great joy to read your reactions. Remember that requets are open and my dms too, to talk or ask anything. I hope you enjoy this lovely noniii💕
It finally arrived, your wedding day was today, it was early and there were still a few hours to go to the hotel to get dressed and put on your makeup. Mel slept soundly next to you with her arms gripping your waist, her breathing was calm against your neck, and some soft snoring escaped her. You didn't understand how she was so calm and slept all night long when you could barely close your eyes.
-"You're thinking so loud hon..."-Mel murmured hoarsely against your neck and kissed your shoulder and you sighed-"Are you feeling good amore? Theo and Sky are still sleeping, don't you want to take the opportunity to rest some more before the wedding?"-Your future wife whispered and you turned to be face to face with her and hid in her chest
-"I can't sleep... I don't know why, I want to do this but at the same time I'm scared and I don't know what... It's not about getting married, because I want this and because I love you so much, but I'm afraid of failing as a mother or as a wife... It all feels so real now, I feel like I'll have everything I want... And I'm afraid that by having everything, one day it will become monotonous and you'll get bored of this life or of me"-You whispered, still hidden in her chest, and she kissed your forehead, caressing your back gently
-"Baby... With how crazy our kids are and all the things going on in our lives, it will never get monotonous, and if it does, it will be the most beautiful monotonous life that can exist, I won't get bored of you, it will only be a reason to love you more. Even if I know every answer to the things you're going to say, even if I know what you're thinking for how much I know you, I'll never leave you, I can't leave you again, I've already made that mistake once, it won't happen again"-Mel kissed your forehead again and got out of bed, leaving you speechless at the sight of her naked body. Almost drooling you followed her with your eyes and you saw how from the closet she took out a white box and handed it to you smiling
-"What is this?"-You carefully let Mel sit on the bed with her back on the backrest and you sat between her legs resting your back on his chest. Once comfortable, you rested the box on your lap feeling Mel hug your waist
-"It's a journey into our history, I was going to give it to you after the wedding, but I feel like this is a good time to watch it, I feel like you need it"-The redhead whispered as she watched as you opened the silk bow it was tying to the box, and pulled out a beautiful, decorated photo album. Carefully you caressed the lid, it was soft and delicate, when you opened it you smiled when you saw the first photo, it was the first photo you had where you and Mel were together.
Melissa had given a little lecture at a university, she gave a talk to future teachers, to motivate them or something. You were on the same campus studying for medical school, you had just started it, but you had already learned more about where the speakeasies were on campus than you had about medical school.
At night, it was common to see you in bars playing a game of drinks or darts for money, you were good and earning that money helped you not to get into debt with your career.
No one could beat you, until you met your nemesis, a stunning redhead who loved gambling almost as much as you loved making money, a redhead twice your age, a redhead named Melissa Schemmenti. Current profession, primary school teacher, in the future, you knew I would be your wife.
After several rounds competing against each other and drawing each time in every game. You decided to play on the same team. That night you won twice as much money as the other nights, but at the end of the competition, Mel gave you the money she had earned, saying that you needed it more, but she would give it to you if you stayed for a beer with her. That night you talked until the sun came up, there was something about her accent, her beautiful body and her crazy stories with her family that had you dumb listening to every single thing she said.
When it was time for the bar to close, the redhead escorted you to your dorm room where one of your classmates was waiting for you.
-"I was about to go see if you hadn't fallen asleep at the bar, but I see it was because you still had company"-Your roommate spoke smiling and wiggling his eyebrows implied something and the two of you just laughed-"She's the redhead you were playing with all night, I have an amazing picture of you two"-Your roomie handed you the photo, where all your friends were in the background cheering on the two of you who had your best competitive face on as you threw pinpong balls into the opposing team's cup. Your friend loved taking photos in his spare time and had captured a beautiful moment.
To think that would be the first of many photos and moments with Mel.
You kept scrolling through the album watching a selfie from when you and Mel officially became girlfriends.
After several visits to the campus to see you, which no longer involved Mel lecturing, you two went for a walk together until you reached a delicate, secluded corner of the campus, where there was green grass that seemed to have not been trodden in years. The redhead put on a delicate blanket and set the basket on top of it, pulling out a delicious lasagna she had made. Mel had heard a thousand times how you complained about not eating well at campus and every time she could she brought you food that she had prepared, it was her way of saying she cared about you without actually saying it.
You and Mel caught up by telling each other everything that had happened in the time you hadn't seen each other, the exams had left you exhausted and you just needed to be with her talking about any nonsense and listening to her beautiful and deep voice. Mel looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman in the world even though you were smeared with sauce and talking with your mouth full.
Mel was determined to ask you to be her girlfriend, she was not a woman of doubts and knew very well what she wanted, but she was human and had her fears. Melissa was aware of the age difference between you, she didn't know if what you had so far was a fun adventure for you, being with someone older than you was something that gave you an important reputation in college.
As you spoke, you noticed the way Mel stared at you, and you blushed at feeling so watched
-"What's going on? Why do you look at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"-You asked nervously and Melissa shook her head laughing
-"No no... Well yes, your face is dirty with sauce, but I'm looking at you because I missed you so much and you look beautiful..."-The redhead replied and you blushed-"You know, I was thinking that now that you've finished your exams, if maybe you wanted to go on vacation with me to see my family... To introduce you as my girlfriend...?"-In the last part of her question, Mel lost a bit of confidence and her voice came out weaker than she would have liked. You stared at her and couldn't believe what she was asking for
-"It's a joke, isn't it? - You asked seriously, leaving the lasagna aside
-"No, it's true, I want you to go with me and be my girlfriend, well, if you want to, I won't force you to do anything, if you don't want we can continue as we are, I'll keep visiting you from time to time..."-The redhead started to deviate from the main topic due to nerves, but she couldn't continue talking as you pounced on top of her, making her back against the blanket and you on top of her kissing her with great joy. When you ran out of air, you sat on her hip admiring how all her lipstick was scattered across her face and she had a silly smile on her face
-"I would love to go with you and be introduced to your family as your girlfriend"-You murmured, smiling, before the redhead brought you back close to her to continue kissing you.
After a long make-out session, you took out your camera to commemorate the moment by taking a photo where the two of you were a little disheveled and with your faces full of lipstick but with a smile from ear to ear. Mel hugged you tight and kissed your cheek as you took the photo.
There were more pictures in the album, of when you visited her family, when you put together the tree. The first holidays together and many others commemorating life events. Until you came across a photo where the two of you were on the floor of an empty house, the first house you rented together
You and Mel had been dating for 2 years, as soon as you finished medical school, the two of you decided to move in together. You'd gotten a job at a hospital in Philly, so the two of you decided to look for a house that was halfway between your job and hers.
The two of you managed to rent a small apartment, it wasn't very luxurious, but it was yours and it was all that mattered. It would be the first time you would live together and that excited you. But it was also scary, it's one thing to go out with someone and another to live together spending and sharing almost every day all day. The things that annoy you about someone grew bigger when you share the same house.
As soon as the two of you arrived at the house, before the moving truck arrived, you took a picture of the empty living room with you two sitting on the floor to make a comparison of before and after that you arranged everything. After that, you went through the whole house to see the place and imagine where you will arrange everything. When you got to the kitchen, the only thing there was was a freezer, an oven and a very large cabinet with a sink, Melissa looked at you with a very mischievous smile that you already knew. The redhead hugged you by the waist making you walk backwards and press you against the counter while still smiling
-"Can you imagine the beautiful mornings making breakfast together? Or the times we'll have sex against this kitchen counter?... We could start now by premiering this piece of furniture before the moving truck arrives, I bet I can get you there at least twice before they hit the door"-Melissa smiled arrogantly kissing your neck and you laughed
-"Don't want it to bet 3 times?"-You answered, and she lifted you up, making you sit on the kitchen cabinet
-"I love a challenge"-The redhead responded by kissing you urgently
You laughed remembering that morning and how Melissa won the bet.
Many more photos appeared, Christmas dinners together with family, movie nights, dates, visits to school to see Mel, adventures, vacations and much more. But you were surprised to see pictures of when you had been doing the pregnancy treatment for the first time to have Theo, some ultrasounds, also some pictures pregnant and some of Theo newborn and others of baby Theo and you.
-"Where did you get these?"-You whispered looking at the photos and remembering how hard the treatment was but it was worth it when you felt his heart beat for the first time.
-"Your sisters helped me put together pictures from when we had separated"-she responded kissing your shoulder and you smiled-"I'm sorry I missed such important things"-Mel confessed
-"Don't apologize for that, I walked away too, it's also my fault. And the important thing is that now we're together... Besides, if my sisters helped you with this, it means that you are officially forgiven"-You joked and continued looking at the photos, you smiled tenderly when you saw a photo of Theo with his first tooth and another where you tried to cut his hair and it was a mess.
After a couple more photos, Mel reappeared in the album, a photo from when she first babysat him and the two took a picture together painting, in the next page a picture of Theo's birthday with his new puppy "grumpy" and another one of the first date the 3 of you had
Mel had chosen a fancy restaurant in which he had made an important reservation, but it was not a place where a child could be entertained much. The redhead knew a lot about babysitting because she was a teacher, but she knew little about what children wanted outside of being at home or at school.
As soon as the three of you sat down at the table, you couldn't find a common meal for a child, everything was extravagant, weird and exotic, besides, you had dressed your son very fancy, and the clothes were making him uncomfortable. Just by looking at her face you could tell that Theo was sad and uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to ruin the moment and he didn't want the redhead to get mad at him. You didn't want to say anything either because you knew how much Mel had spent on the reservation.
Apparently, Mel had gotten used to being with your son and was almost as good as you at understanding when something didn't like or made him uncomfortable. The redhead grabbed your hand and your son's hand on the table making you look at her, your son's eyes were watery but he kept his eyes on her
-"What do you say if we go somewhere else and eat some hamburgers? A place that has a playground and where Theo doesn't need these luxurious, uncomfortable clothes...-Mel smiled looking at your son and his eyes lit up with excitement, Theo turned to look at you almost jumping in his chair from excitement
-"Can we mommy? Pleaseeee?"-Your little one clasped his little hands begging and you laughed
-"Let's go baby"-You got up, taking his and Melissa's hand to go to the car. Your heart almost melts when you see that Mel had a small bag in the car that had your son's name on it, which had comfortable clothes for him and some snacks he liked, plus headphones for when he was overstimulated. Your child changed in the car and after arriving at the place and eating his food, he went to the playground while you watched him. No doubt you and Melissa stood out in that place with your elegant clothes, but the important thing was that your son was comfortable and happy. Carefully you rested your head on the redhead's shoulder and caressed her hand
-"Thank you for this... I know you had paid a lot for the reservation and that it's also a hard place to get"-You whispered and mel brought your hand to her lips to give you a kiss on your palm
-"That little one is as important to me as it is to you... Besides, it's priceless to see you and Theo smear your faces with condiments"-The redhead joked and you laughed hiding more in her neck, Later that night Theo had fallen asleep in Mel's arms after having played so much and you took the opportunity to take a picture of the two of them.
As you continued to look at the photos you laughed where you saw one of Mel with her red and swollen eyes hugging your son who had a scared face
It had been a few months since the three of you had been living together. That day Mel had to take Theo to school alone because you had surgery very early and you couldn't accompany them before going to work. Before you left home, you left a note for the two of them telling them to have a good morning and to call you for anything. And that you loved them so much.
Mel sent you a message saying that they had made it to school well and that they loved you very much.
When your long surgery was over and you read the message, you couldn't help but smile when you saw how comfortable your son was with her that it hadn't cost him anything to go to school without you. While reading the message, you were surprised to receive a call from the redhead, without hesitation you answered it. Your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you heard your girlfriend crying on the other side
-"Mel, Mel, breathe my love, what happened?"-You asked as you changed your clothes and put your cell phone on speakerphone
-"Nothing bad happened but I need you to come to school if your shift is over, Theo called me mom and I need to see you, please"-The redhead said between sobs, unable to speak well, unable to completely change out of your hospital clothes, you quickly got out to your car and you drove to school.
When you arrived you walked into the teacher's room where your girlfriend and your son were on the couch hugging and crying, Mel was crying with a big smile on his face and your son was crying with a scared face. Seeing you, the two of them shouted your name
-"Hon? You're here!"-Mel spoke excitedly
-"Mama!"-Your son looked at you scared-"I think I boke mom Lisa, my nose stated bleeding, and I went to hel classloom to ask fo help. Since you told me that at school I have to call hel Miss Lissa, I said Miss Mom can you help me?' and she stated caying, I don't know why, I swea I didn't do anything"-Your son told you quickly almost to the point of crying and you laughed and went over to the two of them to hug them
-"Mom Lisa is happy you told her mama, that's why she cries, not out of sadness, out of happiness baby. You surprised her with something cute, like when you cried because Mom Lisa gave you your puppy, she's happy because you made her happy" - You smiled explaining to your son and kissing his forehead. Theo took Melissa's face in his little hands and stared at her, the redhead smiled at him with teary eyes. Without them noticing, you took a picture of them.
-"Did it really make you happy? Do you like me to call you mom?"-Your little one asked really worried about your girlfriend. The redhead smiled and hugged him tightly, showering him with kisses
-"I love you to call me mom, you make me the happiest woman in the world. I love you my son"-The redhead whispered, smiling
-"I love you my mom, I love you both"-Your son whispered and hugged you both
You saw how the redhead's eyes moistened as she remembered the moment and you gave her a little kiss and then continue going through the album. There were many pictures of your son, in his first play, when he moved on to the next grade in school, on his birthdays, when he lost his first tooth, and many more.
One photo stood out from the crowd
One night you and Mel had decided to go camping with your son, that night you had made a campfire and roasted marshmallows, the redhead made up a thousand stories that your son listened to excitedly, looking at her like she's his whole world, until sleep overcame him and he fell asleep in your arms. Mel was dumb looking at you together, especially as your son snuggled over you.
-"(Y/N)?" - Mel caught your eye and you looked at her-"I want to have more kids with you..."-The redhead's confession surprised you - "I've been dreaming for weeks and months about our family, how it grows and how it becomes strong, and I imagine us with a huge happy family, full with joy and many more children, not just Theo... Could we do it? Have more children? Adopt or whatever you want..."-The redhead began to babble nervously, and you laughed tenderly
-"I would love to, we could do insemination so you can see what it's like to be pregnant, feel how it moves and all that... And later we could adopt"-You proposed, and the redhead nodded very excitedly
After that followed photos of the treatment, of your weird cravings, of Theo hugging your belly, of the ultrasounds and much more, until you got to the photo of when Sky was born
It had been a long labor, you started with contractions early in the morning and you decided to tell your family so they could have Theo while you were in the operating room, after several hours of squeezing your girlfriend's hand until you almost broke her fingers, your daughter arrived. A small bundle of joy with a bit of red hair on the top of her head and big green eyes that they barely opened.
After she was cleaned and dressed, Mel held her for a while crying and smiling and then carefully handed it over to you to go find Theo.
Your son came into the room very excited to see you again, you looked tired but you still hugged him carefully while with the other hand you held your daughter. Mel carefully sat Theo on the edge of the bed where he could get a better look at his little sister. Mel's mom captured the beautiful moment of the four of you together. Your daughter barely opened her eyes and smiled at your son showing her pink toothless gums. Your son smiled half-crookedly and then made a disgusted face
-"Oh Moms, she is kinda ugly, she is all wrinkled and swollen and she has no teeth, I think they should have taken her out earlier, she wrinkled a lot like when I stay in the bath too long"-Your son whispered to you and Mel, trying not to be overheard by his little sister and making you laugh. They you proceeded to explain that it was wrinkled because where she had been in your stomach, she was swimming in water.
A couple more photos followed that one, your kids together. Mel asleep on the couch next to Theo and Sky. Mel all vomited for your daughter who laughed a lot because of the redhead's disgusted face. A picture of your kids filled with sugar that they stole while Mel was making cookies. The photo of when Mel proposed to you and then the next pages were blank.
-"As you see here, our life is anything but ordinary, we're never going to get bored, we'll always have stories to tell and we still have more than half a book to fill... Our love will only grow..."-Mel smiled and kissed you slowly, you sighed on her lips smiling until you felt the door of the room being gently knocked
-"Mooooms, Sky is hungry... And I'm hungry too"-Your toddler of 5 years, Theo, shouted from the other side of the door making you laugh on Melissa's lips. After putting some clothes on you and getting back into bed, you replied to your children
-"Come in kids"-Your son excitedly walked into the room with his sister in his arms and they climbed into bed with you two, you carefully took your daughter and put her on your chest to feed her while Theo snuggled into his mom Lisa. Mel pulled out her phone, smiling, to take a picture
-"Last photo with my girlfriend"-Melissa spoke and kissed your forehead hugging your children-"Next photo will be with my wife... I love you so much my perfect family"-The redhead whispered before taking the photo.
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bbgnyx · 6 months
Hyunjin- Angst Prompt 15
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ty @straykidsholicleigh for this idea! hope I did your request justice!
The clock was ticking. Hyunjin said he would be back home at 10 pm, but it was 10:01 right now. Your hands were sweaty and you were fidgeting with the tv remote. You couldn’t help it, whenever your boyfriend was late by even a few minutes, you got scared and all sorts of possibilities ran through your head. It was an understatement to say that your boyfriend was the only one who made you feel at ease and now he was late.
The only sounds that filled the air were your anxious breaths, the faint hum of the television, and the slow, relentless ticking of the clock. You attempted to calm yourself, but concern for Hyunjin consumed you. He had never been this tardy before. It was now 10:30 pm, and you tried to dismiss it as traffic, but deep down, you couldn't. At times, you despised yourself for being so consumed by worry. Unable to contain your restlessness any longer, you found yourself pacing aimlessly, stealing glances at the door every few seconds, hoping for any sign of your boyfriend's arrival.
Around 11 pm, the doorbell finally rang, but you were in no state to answer it. After a few more persistent rings, you heard the door unlock. A concerned Hyunjin hurriedly made his way towards you, finding you crouched on the floor, trembling, your fingers entangled in your hair. Tears stained your cheeks, blending with the red fabric of your hoodie.
"My love, are you alright?" Hyunjin asked, his voice laced with worry, as he gently lifted you and settled you on the sofa. You remained silent, intensifying his concern. "Y/n, please say something, baby. You're scaring me," he pleaded, tears welling up in his own eyes. The sight of you in such disarray was unbearable for him. You continued to sob, struggling to articulate your thoughts, but they were stifled by your overwhelming emotions. Hyunjin hurriedly fetched you some water and tenderly wiped away your tears. "Baby, please tell me what's wrong," he implored, growing increasingly anxious. Finally, you managed to utter two words, “I’m scared."
Hyunjin's heart shattered into a million pieces upon hearing those words, leaving him feeling utterly helpless and incapable of protecting you. Tears streamed down his face as he held you tightly in his arms, fully aware of your fragile state. "Baby, I am so sorry for ever making you feel this way. I apologize for not being able to protect you," he whispered, cradling you gently.
"It's not your fault," you managed to say, your voice trembling and weak. "I just got scared when you didn't come home on time... I thought you had left me."
He gazed at you with the most tender and loving eyes, his words dripping with sweetness. "You are the one who means everything to me, my love. You don't have to worry like this. It breaks my heart to see you so broken."
His words were like a soothing balm, bringing you back to reality. You realized that your boyfriend would never abandon you like that. Slowly, your sobs subsided, and you returned to his embrace, your body still trembling. Hyunjin gently carried you upstairs, cradling you in his arms. "Now, let me shower you with kisses and cuddles, and show you that you are never alone. I will always be here for you."
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stars-before-sunrise · 5 months
hi !! would you be able to do first kiss or first time headcannon with bucky barnes? ty :)
I've done the first-time prompt before so first kiss it is! Hope you like it!
bucky barnes, joel miller
reader is: female
warnings: cursing
Bucky Barnes
After Bucky had rediscovered himself, he thought things would be easy -- it was easier, but by no means easy. He felt old, outdated, and lonely, but he would never admit that last part. He was lucky that you offered to help him with these problems. You asked him out on a date, and he felt guilty because back in the day he should be the one asking you out. But the date didn't go so well. Reservations were mixed up, queueing took too long, the bike had to be repaired, it was raining, you didn't bring an umbrella -- it was a disaster. By the end of the date, you were convinced Bucky would never go on another date with you, and how could you blame him? You both ran from the bus station to your home, his jacket covering you from the rain, but both of you were already soaked. By the time you got to the front of your apartment, you realized you had forgotten your keys. "Oh for fuck's sake!" You yelled out and Bucky chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to curse. Or yell. I just-" You sighed. "I wanted this to be perfect for you and it's a nightmare." With a big grin on his face, he turned you around to face him. "It's been perfect. I'm not scared of making mistakes anymore, at least now that I know people aren't so different today from 70 years ago." Bucky then pulled you out to stand in the rain, laughing and stopping you from seeking shelter. "Here's also something we used to do," He whispered closely before pressing your lips together.
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Joel Miller
No one would believe you if you said Joel Miller was actually just a ball of mush inside. The cold, hardened Miller brother was a hit in town but not for what he did for you last night. Last night was the first Halloween in Jackson, they finally started to do it, with a rule that no one should dress up as an infected, and the kids love it just as much as the adults. One drink turned to two, three, and before you knew it you were sitting on Joel's lap. He couldn't stop staring at you, circled his arm around your waist and left kisses on your shoulders and neck. "Come home with me." Joel chuckles, "Sweetheart, you're drunk, I don't want you to regret your decision in the morning." "Joel, come onnn." You whined. When he didn't answer you with anything else but a smile, you climbed off his lap and left the bar. Tried to. You kept knocking onto people and tables and chairs, and Joel then knew where you'd get those random bruises from. Shaking his head with a smile, he took your hand and brought you home with him. "Oh, so we're going to your house." You raise your brows at him. Joel rolls his eyes, "Only because I don't trust you to stay home and sleep in your condition." You pout your lips and faked offense, and Joel just couldn't help but laugh. He pulled you closer to him to give you a hug and slowly pressed his lips to yours. "There. That should shut you up for a bit." It didn't.
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Random hcs and info dumps of the day: Short edition
i just hc that because kito gets raised by ao bing and ao guang, their hair and fur get well taken care of growing up and they look beter than mac and wukong in terms of that xdd fashion monkey lmaoo
kito is scared of wukong even after 400+ years because they saw who he can be when pushed past his limit, and because of them getting punished by him
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pigsy stays awake at night during s3 until kito returns, saving food, water, pillows and blankets
the gang sees how wukong treats kito in such a toxic manner and protects kito from him, especially pigsy having yelled and snapped at wukong to back off from kito
Because kito was punished by wukong (him giving them the hoop that limits their power and crown hurting them when they have a breakdown), kito is actually a bit below wukong and macaque in terms of power, abilities and strength but makes up for it with wit, speed, and battle IQ trained in the ways of the dragons, lotus and attended master subodhi's school
Macaque still watches over kito, despite his severed ties with his child: he looks out for them in small ways has kito noticed? answer: yes!
kito shares some of the same abilities with macaque that they gained at birth when mac touched their egg (and the egg absorbing loose power and dna here and there) they can hear x1 better than macaque, despite him trying his best to hide: he was still a huge part of kito's life in their eyes (which i have to write and stuff because patience and creator's block be a bish)
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when wukong and some of the pilgrim brothers neglected the poor cub, macaque was there to pick up the slack and comfort the cub even taking them to see chang'e (who's unaware of the trauma and events kito went through)
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the only ones who cared from the start were wukong, ao lie and sha wujing, zhu baije, macaque and the monk took a while to warm up to kito when they were born and growing up for reasons that don't pass as good: they had a fear that kito was just going to be another wukong doing what they wanted, never listen to others, ect. (i love wukong for the complex character he is, but man is he a toxic mf RRRRRR)
but because of these fears, kito was wildly misunderstood and thus, this poor kid was unjustifiably punished despite these mistakes, they never meant to hurt anyone they just wanted to be like their baba, and craved his love it was just the wrong place, wrong time even though wukong hurt kito the way he did, he did truly care about them he was just not the right person to care for them in the journey, and when he said for them to go:
he didn't mean for them to walk until their body dropped, miscommunication there he tried putting the kid in time out but his dumbass wasn't specific
in the current lmk timeline, wukong thought kito was being dramatic when that happened (stupid shit ik lmaooo)
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Imma leave it at that but there's so much to the story i made for this blueberry cub, I love them sm if you made it this far into the post, Ty for reading!! I appreciate those on this fixation with me and for loving my oc as much as I do!
i hope y'all have a fantastic time and lemme know what you thought of this info dump! :3
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