penisfoid · 2 days
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impact-newswire · 4 months
Tyfone is a leading provider of digital banking solutions. We are committed to working with our customers as partners.
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night-gay · 2 years
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Into the Anthill pt 28 - Onslaught
The Avengers have faced their fair share of insane odds over the years, but this is the first time since Korvac that Hank found himself face-to-face with truly unwinnable odds. This crisis would take everything Earth’s heroes had and more, leaving only the X-Men in its wake.
Sensational Spider-Man vol 1 #3
Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) and Peter Parker came to see Giant-Man at the Avengers’ temporary HQ at Jan’s estate to see if they could borrow some of his equipment. Hank agreed, running a lengthy series of tests on the skeleton they brought in for identification. He confirmed that it was indeed a match to Spider-Man’s DNA, meaning that this was yet another clone of Peter.
Iron Man vol 1 #327
Foggy Nelson gathered Tony’s chosen few for the reading of his will. Jarvis would receive an annual stipend to make sure neither he nor his mother would ever face financial difficulties again. A joint grant was set up in Hank and Jan’s names to allow him to continue their shared research and her to fund the Avengers in perpetuity. He named Rhodey and Pepper as the executor’s of his estate and set a few of his most trusted employees onto the board of directors for Stark International.
Avengers vol 1 #400, Onslaught: X-Men
A man named Tyfon arrived from the future with a warning: this is the day the Avengers die. He and Jarvis ran through his memories of their battles in the hopes of discovering which villain was causing this while the Avengers fought shadowy duplicates of the Masters of Evil, Squadron Supreme, and more in a glorified boss-rush. When Jarvis got back to his memories of their very first battle, Tyfon revealed himself to be Loki; he’d been using Jarvis’ memoires to conjure these enemies. The Avengers were able to beat him once they knew who they were fighting. At the end of the battle Nate Grey arrived with another dire warning: Charles Xavier had gone insane.
Avengers vol 1 #401-402, Fantastic Four vol 1 #415, X-Men vol 2 #55-56, Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #336, Incredible Hulk vol 1 #445, Iron Man vol 1 #332, Onslaught: Marvel Universe
Hank was given access to Cerebro’s scanners to locate Magneto, who they believed may be controlling Onslaught.
While he sent the Avengers to locate Magneto (actually his younger self Joseph), Hank dispatched another team to meet with the Fantastic Four. Onslaught had beaten them there, hoping to claim Franklin Richards for himself by force if necessary. Completely undeterred by the combined X-Men, Avengers, and Fantastic Four working against him, Onslaught achieved his goal and took Franklin.
As the heroes regrouped, Onslaught unleashed Sentinels against the people of NYC to force their hand. While most set out to protect the masses, Reed took Giant-Man, Iron Man, and Bishop to his lab to start working on weapons that could hurt Onslaught’s psionic body. When Onslaught’s citadel appeared from nothing in Central Park, Onslaught unleashed a psychic-emp wave that knocked out all of the machines in the city and put the already-scattered heroes on the defensive. A combined attack from Thor, Joseph, Cable, and Invisible Woman was finally able to extract Charles’s body from Onslaught’s core, but even that did not stop him. The heroes were forced to accept the loss and fall back.
While Hulk led a team to keep Onslaught occupied, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Giant-Man, attempted to reach the Wakandan consulate to access vibranium for their psi-armor plans. Black Panther arrived to escort them to his labs, but Giant-Man was forced to stay behind to distract the Sentinels alone. Quicksilver saved him the split-second before he was overwhelmed by their number and met with Tony at Four Freedoms Plaza to begin distributing the psi-shields. Meanwhile, Onslaught’s power increased exponentially when he absorbed Nate Grey.
Out of time and out of options, the heroes waged their last battle against Onslaught. Dr. Doom arrived to coordinate a plan with Rogue, Vision, Namor, and Giant-Man to pierce Onslaught’s barriers while Jean disabled Bruce’s hold over Hulk to unleash his pure rage. Hulk’s frenzy broke through Onslaught’s final physical resistances, leaving him a purely psionic form that could spread across the Earth unhindered. As the non-mutant heroes threw themselves into the psionic field to dampen his power, Cable, Joseph, and Professor X rescued Nate and Franklin from within his mind. Once they were clear, the combined might of the X-Men was finally enough to destroy Onslaught. 
In the wake of the battle, it became clear that only the mutant heroes remained standing. The Avengers and Fantastic Four were gone.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Incredible Hulk vol 1 #440, 445
Avengers vol 1 #397
Marvel Vision vol 1 #2, 4
Avengers Unplugged vol 1 #4
Avengers vol 1 #399
Professor Xavier and the X-Men vol 1 #10
Spider-Man Team-up vol 1 #4
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dankalbumart · 2 years
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Under the Sign of the Black Mark by Bathory Black Mark/Tyfon / Under One Flag / New Renaissance 1987 Black Metal / Death Metal / Heavy Metal / Scandinavian Metal / Symphonic Black Metal / Doom Metal / Thrash Metal
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maelkevejen · 2 months
Jeg er så træt. Jeg håber, det bare er mine slatne hormoner, og at det går over igen snart, men jeg orker bare ingenting. Jeg mangler at søge sådan fem jobs, og i morgen starter det bare forfra, og jeg har ingen energi til det - også selvom jeg ikke skal noget. Jeg har stort set ikke været udenfor i dagevis, og det føles som om, at lejligheden sejler på grund af det ubeboelige soveværelse. Jeg orker bare ikke at gøre noget ved det. Jeg lever af chicken nuggets, broccoli, vand, kaffe, havregrød, rugbrødsmadder og lydbøger. Er det her ikke snart overstået. Det føles ikke som en pause, jeg er bare ængstelig og nervøs for fremtiden og jeg kan ikke se noget som helst og føler mig på en gang skræmt og apatisk. Som at gemme mig for en tyfon bag en papirtynd dør og lade som om alting er fint. Lige om lidt bliver jeg tromlet ned og det er bare min egen skyld.
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chogahofa4519 · 3 months
Baby & Me Arabic OP - English Translation شارة أنا وأخي - ترجمة إنجليزية
Lyrics: Ahmed Natouf
Music: Rasha Rizq
Vocals: Hala Al-Sabbagh, Tarek Alarabi Tourgane, Bassam Al-Hassuni
كلمات: أحمد نتوف
لحن: رشا رزق
غناء: هالة الصباغ، طارق العربي طرقان، بسام الحسني
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أنا وأخي (وأخي)
شوقٌ يدفعني لأراها
أمي ذكرى لا أنساها
(ana wa'akhi (wa'akhi)
shwqon yadfaeuni li'araha
umiy dhikraa la 'ansaha)
My brother and I (and I)
Passion pushes me to see her
Mother is an unforgettable memory
طيفٌ أنقى
من زبد الأيام أبقى
أمي .. أمي .. أمي
(tyfon 'anqaa
min zabadi al'ayaam 'abqaa
umiy .. umiy .. umiy)
A purer ghost
From the scum of the days, I stay
Mother.. Mother.. Mother
همساتها أحلى من ناي
سكنت قلبي
كلماتها باتت نجواي
تضيء دربي
(hamasatuha 'ahlaa min nay
sakanat qalbi
kalimatuha batat najway
tudi' dirbi)
Her whispers are nicer than a flute
She comforts my heart
Her words have become my guide
She lights my path
"لا تنسَ أخاك
ترعاه يداك
لا تنسَ أخاك"
("la tnsa 'akhak
tareah yadak
la tnsa 'akhak")
"Don't forget your brother
Your hands care for him
Don't forget your brother"
لو سرقت منا الأيام
قلباً معطاء بسّام
لن نستسلم للآلام
لن نستسلم للآلام
(law sariqat minaa al'ayaam
qlbaan mieta'n bassam
lan nastaslima lilalam
lan nastaslima lilalam)
What if life stole from us
A kind, generous heart
We won't give up to pain
We won't give up to pain
"لا تنسَ أخاك
ترعاه يداك
لا تنسَ أخاك"
("la tnsa 'akhak
tareah yadak
la tnsa 'akhak")
"Don't forget your brother
Your hands care for him
Don't forget your brother"
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My first ever translation on this blog. Wohoo! I decided to translate the Arabic OP of Baby & Me to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the HanaYume magazine🥳. I've personally haven't read any issue of the magazine since I don't live in Japan (I wish), but they include a lot of my favorites like Fruits Basket, Yona of the Dawn, Skip Beat, and of course Baby & Me!
In case you didn't know, Baby & Me is really popular in the Middle East, we call it "أنا وأخي"(Me & My Brother) and I have a lot of childhood memories with that anime. I remember being physically incapable of listening to that theme song without crying. The emotional music, the flashbacks in the OP, the lyrics, and the already sad tone of the episodes on top of that was just too much for my little heart🥲.
Please let me know if you want me to translate anything into Arabic or vice versa!
I hope you enjoyed! See you soon!
مرحى! اول ترجمة على المدونة! قررت أن أترجم شارة أنا وأخي بمناسبة الذكرى ال٥٠ لمجلة "هانا يومي." إن لم تسمعول عنها من قبل، إنها مجلة يابانية للمانجا للفتيات. لم أقرأها من قبل لأني لا أعيش في اليابان، لاكنها كانت تتضمن الكثير من أعمالي المفضلة مثل فروت باسكت (سلة الفاكهة)، يونا فتاة الفجر، سكيب بيت، و بالطبع أنا وأخي!
أتذكرون كيف كنا نتابع أنا وأخي على قناة سبيستون؟ آه كان لدي ذكريات رائعة مع هذه القناة. أذكر كيف كنت دائمًا أبكي عندما كنت أستمع لشارة أنا وأخي. قلبي الصغير بم يحتمل الألحان الحزين، وكلمات الأغنية، والنبرة المؤثرة للانمي🥲.
أعلموني إن أردتم أن أترجم لكم شيءً إلى العربية أو العكس!
أرجوا أنكم إستمتعتم! أراكم عما قريب!
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christineforevigt · 4 months
at være vidne til midten af en tyfon
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cytgen · 9 months
Abstract The Crucifers family (Brassicaceae) includes a large number of economically important crops, particularly Brassica rapa, which is a widely used model plant for molecular genetic studies of oilseeds. B. rapa is a highly polymorphic species that includes many of genetically distinct subspecies. Considering this fact, the intraspecific hybridization of B. rapa subspecies is considered a promising breeding approach aimed at increasing the genetic diversity of the crop. Previously, the authors have shown that one of such hybrids, B. rapa subsp. oleifera f. biennis × (subsp. rapifera × pekinensis), could be a valuable oil feedstock due to its increased productivity. However, obtaining hybrids and their subsequent breeding would require the involvement of various molecular marker systems. So far, the method of estimating the length polymorphism of the first (TBP) and second (cTBP) introns of β-tubulin has demonstrated its high accuracy and reliability in the identification (DNA-barcoding) of flowering plant taxonomic units at different levels. In the present study, the productivity of such hybrid oil tyfon (B. rapa subsp. oleifera f. biennis × (subsp. rapifera × pekinensis)) was evaluated and DNA-barcoding of different hybrid tyfon lines (B. rapa subsp. oleifera f. biennis × (subsp. rapifera × pekinensis)) and its parental B. rapa subspecies using the β-tubulin intron length polymorphism assessment approach was carried out. Based on the data of the molecular genetic analysis, which included the assessment of length polymorphism of the first and second introns of β-tubulin genes, we were able to confirm the origin of the oil tyfon hybrid (B. rapa subsp. oleifera f. biennis × (subsp. rapifera × pekinensis)) hybrid from Dutch leaf tyfon (B. rapa subsp. rapifera × pekinensis) and winter turnip (B. rapa subsp. oleifera) with high confidence. Along with that, it was possible to differentiate var. glabra and var. laxa accession of napa cabbage (B. rapa subsp. pekinensis) for the first time using combined TBP and cTBP analyses. A variation in the number of amplified regions of β-tubulin introns was noted in different genotypes; however, these differences did not appear to be a specific feature of a particular subspecies/hybrid. This suggests that B. rapa hybrids most likely do not differ in ploidy compared to their parental genotypes. In addition, it was shown that the mentioned oil tyfon hybrid lines of Ukrainian breeding show a significant level of morphological variation despite their common breeding pedigree.
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abyssmalnobody · 1 year
Which mythological or folklore monster/creature/being deserves their own horror film?
I love mythology. Especially greek mythology(which I am a huge nerd for it). So I think its such a shame that there is so little horror films about mythological monsters. Or at least little compared to the amount of monsters there are. Also considering how little creativity hollywood seems to have, when there are so many free to use monsters out there.
One monster from greek myths I would like to see in film is "Tyfon". This would be a film that starts seemingly as normal disaster film, but the heart of the storm is actually this absolutely huge monster. That is causing it. I mean that is where the name for the storm comes from. Im pretty sure...
There is also a interesting greek myth conserning the idea of soulmates. Where besides men and women, there was a third androgynous gender. Which was quite literally a man and a woman combined. So it had both genitalia, and four arms and legs. It was also powerful enough to scare the gods, so Zeus felt the need to separate the two halves. And this is why we search for our soulmates. BUT in a horror version of this story, finding your soulmate turns both into something horrible. Because when the two halves of the soul have spent too much time apart they cannot combine properly anymore...
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN HEMBRAS Trocha Colombiana CJ LONGINA DE LA CRISTALINA (Caballero de Rancho Luna X Diosa de Villa Maria Am Encanto) Montador: JAIRO ALEXANDER SARRIA Propietario: CRIADERO LA CRISTALINA 1 TORMENTA PERFECTA DE DOS PASOS (Tyfon de Isabel X Tempestad de Dos Pasos Am Onix) Montador: FABIÁN CAMILO COSSIO Propietario: CRIADERO ALEMANIA 2 NEBULA DE LAS DOS JOTAS (Kain de Mi Capricho X Tijuana de Bélgica Am Mensajero de Rancho Tecas) Montador: PEDRO FERNANDO PÉREZ Propietario: CRIADERO LA CRISTALINA 3 LEYENDA DE LA ILUSION (Kain de Mi Capricho X Tripleta de santa Isabela Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: JHON JAIRO CEBALLOS Propietario: CRIADERO MARÍA BENDICION - CRIADERO LA ILUSION 4 DULCE SORPRESA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA (Kain de Mi Capricho X Kinceañera de Guadalupe Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: SEBASTIAN GIRALDO OSORIO Propietario: NUESTRA HISTORIA 5 CANDELA PURA DE VILLA NELLY (Rey de Reyes de la Gloria X Seductora del Bambú Am Onix) Montador: JORGE IVÁN MONTOYA Propietario: CRIADERO CAYALÁ . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TrochaColombiana #P3 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/CojDUC5OXFt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mundoequinocomco · 2 years
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN HEMBRAS Trocha Colombiana CJ LONGINA DE LA CRISTALINA (Caballero de Rancho Luna X Diosa de Villa Maria Am Encanto) Montador: JAIRO ALEXANDER SARRIA Propietario: CRIADERO LA CRISTALINA 1 TORMENTA PERFECTA DE DOS PASOS (Tyfon de Isabel X Tempestad de Dos Pasos Am Onix) Montador: FABIÁN CAMILO COSSIO Propietario: CRIADERO ALEMANIA 2 NEBULA DE LAS DOS JOTAS (Kain de Mi Capricho X Tijuana de Bélgica Am Mensajero de Rancho Tecas) Montador: PEDRO FERNANDO PÉREZ Propietario: CRIADERO LA CRISTALINA 3 LEYENDA DE LA ILUSION (Kain de Mi Capricho X Tripleta de santa Isabela Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: JHON JAIRO CEBALLOS Propietario: CRIADERO MARÍA BENDICION - CRIADERO LA ILUSION 4 DULCE SORPRESA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA (Kain de Mi Capricho X Kinceañera de Guadalupe Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: SEBASTIAN GIRALDO OSORIO Propietario: NUESTRA HISTORIA 5 CANDELA PURA DE VILLA NELLY (Rey de Reyes de la Gloria X Seductora del Bambú Am Onix) Montador: JORGE IVÁN MONTOYA Propietario: CRIADERO CAYALÁ . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TrochaColombiana #P3 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/CojC42sM8JS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hablemosdeequinos · 2 years
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN MACHOS Trote y Galope CJ SALOMÓN DE 3A (Desafio de las Lomitas X Magdala de 3A Am Encanto) Montador: DIEGO FERNANDO CHARA Propietario: CRIADERO 3A 1 ARMAGEDON DE LA HERRADURA (Bendecido de la Caprichosa de JJ X Atrevida del Palmar Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: JUAN PABLO CASTRO Propietario: YAMID ANDRÉS CASTRO 2 BTC DE LA SIBERIA (Profeta de la Conquista X Flor de Líbano de la Colombiana Am Faraón de Gran Dinastía) Montador: ALEXANDER JIMÉNEZ Propietario: JORGE ARMANDO MÉNDEZ 3 MALU DE MONTERREY ( Elegido de la Virginia X Lupita de Monterrey Am Desafio de Monterrey) Montador: WILSON MONTOYA Propietario: INVERSIONES DAMAR LTDA Y SAS 4 MATAMBO DE LA SUERTE TE (Tyfon de Santa Isabel X Única fe MYM Am Aaron) Montador: YAMIL ANDRÉS CASTRO Propietario: CRIADERO LA CAROLINA 5 REDENTOR REY DE TRIUNFOLANDIA (Rey de Reyes de la Gloria X Titina De Triunfolandia Am Resplandor de Villa Elcira) Montador: BRAYAN DAVID LOAIZA Propietario: CRIADERO LOS MILAGROS . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TroteYGalope #P1 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano https://www.instagram.com/p/CogpasVOjX3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gustavomundoequino · 2 years
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN MACHOS Trote y Galope CJ SALOMÓN DE 3A (Desafio de las Lomitas X Magdala de 3A Am Encanto) Montador: DIEGO FERNANDO CHARA Propietario: CRIADERO 3A 1 ARMAGEDON DE LA HERRADURA (Bendecido de la Caprichosa de JJ X Atrevida del Palmar Am Hermano Sol de Villa Milena) Montador: JUAN PABLO CASTRO Propietario: YAMID ANDRÉS CASTRO 2 BTC DE LA SIBERIA (Profeta de la Conquista X Flor de Líbano de la Colombiana Am Faraón de Gran Dinastía) Montador: ALEXANDER JIMÉNEZ Propietario: JORGE ARMANDO MÉNDEZ 3 MALU DE MONTERREY ( Elegido de la Virginia X Lupita de Monterrey Am Desafio de Monterrey) Montador: WILSON MONTOYA Propietario: INVERSIONES DAMAR LTDA Y SAS 4 MATAMBO DE LA SUERTE TE (Tyfon de Santa Isabel X Única fe MYM Am Aaron) Montador: YAMIL ANDRÉS CASTRO Propietario: CRIADERO LA CAROLINA 5 REDENTOR REY DE TRIUNFOLANDIA (Rey de Reyes de la Gloria X Titina De Triunfolandia Am Resplandor de Villa Elcira) Montador: BRAYAN DAVID LOAIZA Propietario: CRIADERO LOS MILAGROS . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TroteYGalope #P1 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano https://www.instagram.com/p/Coglg8Gu5A3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boogisstuff · 2 years
Too soon/Too late
*Boba catches up to Din before tyfon. Ends up providing identity but showing chain code in armor. Talking after, din asks if he knew anything about the Jedi. Nina's like, yeah. He knows one still alive. Din's like, hook me up. Boba warns he knew the Jedi through a botched job. They're not on good terms. But sends message anyway. Doesn't know how to contact Luke, doesn't want to appear a threat, so he sends a message to laia. Hides location, but not who sent it. Keeps spamming her with messages labeled "foundling" "youngling" "Padawan" until she opened a line.
Obviously they don't trust him, so he's like, trust I don't mix business with pleasure. I'm settling a debt- not with you. Turns camera to din and grogu. The little one's a Jedi, they're being hunted by the empire. Din's like, Grogu's 50, he was raised in a temple. I am quested to return him to his people.
*In the meantime boba takes over tatooine. Din enjoys as much domestic time with grogu as he can, and keeps in contact with Bo Katan regarding info
*They arrange a meeting. Try and find a Netrual planet. Din vetos anything too inner rim, the Jedi anything to seedy. Tatooine? (I thought nothing too seedy?) Din looks to Fett, and his throne just out of frame. "... We've garnered too much attention there." They are, after all, still hunted. Eventually he offers Typhon. Has a lead suggest there's a Jedi stone. Luke's like, yeah youngling and artifact two for one
Plus uninhabited, mid-ish rim, neutral.
*Well new Republic sends escort Incase boba apears against agreement. Boba and din arrive first, Boba hovers outside atmosphere to make sure it's clear. Then leaves- trusts Skywalker wouldn't endanger the child.
*It botches. Mandos did know about the NR involvement, NR got twitchy. Jedi and nr didn't trust boba and went in with the bias they needed to save the child. Engage first. Ends up fire fight as Din fails to descalate. Din and Grogu end up pinned down behind the stone. Wants to move to better cover, like the boundary stones, but a sharp shooter takes shots. Grogu ends up with a force shield, sends out distress beacon. Luke, who was also trying to deescalate, says fuck this and drops in. Din manages to get out a distress becon as well. Boba patches in Krise bc din promised he'd message if imps found them. They were worried about imps. Assumed imps. Not the nr.
*Boba gets there, like the nr? Sees red as he thinks the Jedi fucked din over too. Din manages to jet pack and get scooped up as soon as the force sheild's down. Din figures the Jedi sold them out, but why? Luke, not wanting them to go and still trying to salvage this, grabs the ship with the force. Used other hand to stop nr assault but only after they'd fired at and damaged the ship. Bay doors still open, Luke can feel the betrayal eminating from the family he was supposed to protect-he was supposed to protect the both, he realizes. Then resolve. Grogu uses force against Luke with little strength but they break free. Before they leave the system, they take a fly by of the captured Raiser Crest and Din activates the kill code. They get to atmosphere and Boba jumps a ship jumps into hyperspace. He curses and din asks what's wrong. Boba's like, I think we just missed Kryse. Doesn't like her but he did call her. Doesn't feel right to leave her behind. Din's like, why is Bo Katan there? Boba explains how he thought it would be the imps, as he updates message. Didn't think Skywalker would turn on him. Din's like, the way Ashoka spoke, I thought they took their children as seriously as we do. Thank you for coming. Boba decides not to comment on the youngling he'd met back in the clone wars.
*They have to drop out soon bc of damages. Gidion is right behind him. They manage to send second distress to bo Katan only bc they were about to contact her or currently face timing her. (They jumped to an ally. When gideon saw a ship jumps away, he rightly assumed it was them, deduced the most likely place they'd go based on tracking data, and followed before the nr could process. Nr now thinks mandos WERE working for imps, if only to deny they messed up.
*The slave is captured and boarded, but they undersemated the Fetts. When gloating Gidion reviled/implied the crest had been tagged sense water planet. Gidion knew who is allies were, no more hiding. Running. Ok so, they leaves fighting. Escape pods won't make it to the surface without being blown out, Slave 1's in bad shape, so take bridge instead of going for gravity wells.
*Din still ends up with the dark saber, bo Katan ends up showing up and helping, they beat the dark troopers through ship guns (hidden weapons on the slave before boarding. Gidion sent troopers to meet them) and the dark saber. Which is how Bo Katan found out she was too late. Boba didn't want the cruiser, jokingly offered it to din bc he needed a new ship. Din offers it to bo Katan. Then offers dark saber. Gidion (if he's alive) and boba are living for the drama until boba realizes they're both enjoying it and shoots the moff.
*Gidion gets turned for bounty by way of cara who also gives report. Nr gets it and peaces together too late to track the money cara handed off.
*Boba ends up answering a call from the Jedi, tells them to save their excuses. His job was to ensure the child's safe return to his people. The foundling survived the temple massicure. Now you tried to kill his father. He doesn't want to go with you. Come near the father and child and he will do his job. Ends call and blocks.
*Other Jedi end up showing up. Ezra, back from wild space. End up tuffling with Din and dark saber, realize, tries to back off. Greets in Mando'a. Din pauses to respond in Mando'a. Ezra apologizes, that's all the Mando'a he remembers. Sabine Wren of house Kryse, She held the dark saber at one point. Hey what happened to bo Katan? Not important. I got Grogu's call, he said he and his father were under attack. Boba speaks up from behind him, handled it.
*Ezra ends up being allowed to stay, if only because he agrees the Jedi order is wack. Lives a more mandalorian-compatable way. Reveals he's a friend of Ashoka, who not only vouches for him, but freaks out he's alive??? She and Sabine are on their way.
*Call and others end up turning up.
*Eventually nr finds them. Ashoka goes out to great Luke and negotiate bc she knew his father. He tells her, when she assumes he had to kill his father, his sacrifice. That he came back to the Light in the end. Ashoka explains her mistreatment from the Jedi order, compares it to Grogu's trauma, and then Ezra and the other unconventional options. An order isn't what's best for Grogu right now, they can take care of him. She also recommends Luke distance himself from the new Republic. That was the falling of the Jedi.
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leibalass-mood · 5 years
“This fake world must hate me”.
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devilwayz · 3 years
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