#tywin fucking lannister
tangerine-brooks · 1 month
sansa antis are so funny to me because like. we have a book full of character that straight up commited war crimes. we have a guy who tried to murder a 7 y.o. twice. we have a rich guy who kills a sex worker for testifying against him. we have a girl who tries to kill her brother for being disabled. we have a guy who straight up kills and tortures people as a form of entertainment. we have a guy who strikes his wife. we have tywin fucking lannister. we have a guy who repeatedly rapes his childbride. we have a guy who sold people to slavery. we have a guy who kills his own brother and also burns people alive. we have a guy who likes murdering people. the list is endless. but noooo, the character you hate the most is this 11 y.o. girl, who is mean to her sister and isn't just smart enough to understand political schemes and manipulation tactics. a terrible, vile creature.
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Thinking about Elia Martell as a deconstruction of the princess in the tower…but her tale being the very worst outcome of the classic trope. She’s a princess locked in a tower by an evil dragon (Aerys), unable to protect herself or her children. Her own uncle is a knight, a white knight in fact, yet he is too far away to help her. She could hope for rescue…and rescue does come. Well actually not really. Tywin storms the gates, Gregor storms the castle, and the knight who should’ve rescued the pretty princess is actually here to murder her. But not before he defiles her first.
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visenyaism · 1 year
i would pay good money to read cersei’s complete live reaction to fire and blood. like i think the tyrion projection would go insane, she would think nettles was among the biggest antagonists, and she would constantly compare herself to daemon. like that inner monologue like “rhaenyra was a fool. if she was going to kill those two children she should’ve just killed all the greens, maybe by flooding the castle. she didn’t understand that younger brothers are the most dangerous beings alive. aegon was probably crawling around in the dragon pit instigating the small folk to rebel. fortunately i have my priorities straight, like daemon the rogue prince, which is what they would have called me if i were a man. if i see a shifty looking small folk i will kill them and their whole family, after interrogating them about their connection to tyrion. if i had a dragon like rhaenyra, that idiot, i could do it much faster.”
cersei and tyrion’s doing competitive dragon kinning as children while jaime was off running around in a field pretending to be a horse or something but WHO is going to actually follow through and blow up kings landing??? not tyrion
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duchess-of-oldtown · 1 year
Say what you will about Tywin Lannister, the man served absolute ✨cunt✨ in very scene
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adarkandmagicalforest · 7 months
lets all just imagine a world where lysa tully became tywin lannisters daughter in law for a moment
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knightsickness · 1 year
in critical condition (having jaime lannister thoughts about hozier songs)
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like. cersei tywin brienne but i don’t even need to say that much you get it
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wackachewbacca · 3 months
My brother and I are watching The Sandman (the first time for him) and we get to Ep. 3 Dream A Little Dream of Me with Johanna Constantine and then Matthew the raven appears for the first time and my brother looks at me and says is that ratatouille? and I had to immediately look up and to my surprise
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They took Ratatouille to Hell
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frogkingtheorginal · 7 months
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seyaryminamoto · 23 days
Sheesh! Azulon is such a spoiled brat, huh? 🤣
... Yes. He is.
Ngl, I rewatched LOTR's trilogy over the past three days and I was surprised by something in it that I immediately connected to Azulon. I've never seen anyone else draw this parallel with LOTR, instead I only ever see people in the fandom constantly comparing Azulon, intentionally or not, with Tywin Lannister.
... as far as I'm concerned, Azulon is Denethor. Full stop.
Even if you want to think the guy loved his firstborn? He was a twisted, pissy asshole who wanted to cling to power at all costs, that above all else, and his "beloved" son was his best means to achieve that. Hell, I'd argue Azulon wouldn't even be likely to have the "last minute awakening" that Denethor did regarding Faramir... but Denethor's behavior over Boromir is 100% the same as Azulon's over Iroh. "Oh, my perfect, glorious, wonderful son who can get everything right, and whose useless brother can't ever measure up to! I'm going to idealize you and give you all the privileges and glorious missions and pretend you could've achieved anything, while he was worth less than the dirt under your feet!"
So, yes, the way I write Azulon is so much closer to Denethor, specifically in terms of how he treats his family, than to Tywin Lannister and all the fandom's attempts to rationalize and justify his treatment of Ozai, all be it because "baby killed my wife". Worth noting? There's no solid evidence of that: Ilah is as good as a non-character, nobody knows what kind of relationship he had with her, Azulon very well could have used her as a brooding mare and nothing more, for all we know... but along with this? A bastard of Azulon's caliber, who helmed the Fire Nation's war for THE LONGEST PERIOD out of all three canon Fire Lords, does not need any greater excuses to treat his second-born like trash, much like Denethor didn't. :')
Of course, I take Azulon a bit further than most people by depicting his insecurities over his newborn granddaughter... I think there's no logical explanation for him to overlook Azula and be as unaffected by her as he's shown to be in Zuko Alone's flashback. She's a prodigy, she should be a useful weapon for him, at the very least...! And he's completely unconcerned with her. He actually shows more reaction to Zuko than he does to Azula. Hmm. Makes ya wonder, huh? :')
So yeah, I think there are many layers to how twisted Azulon is. Dude really took things to a whole other level of BS and kept doing it until the very end. Fandom can call me crazy as much as it cares to, but I don't think any grandfather who demands for the death of his grandson as a punishment for his second son's impertinence should EVER be given the "benefit of the doubt", or granted any excuses for this behavior just because Ozai was a shitty human being. Ozai sure was one: and he learned exactly how to be that way from daddy dearest himself :')
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spacephobos · 9 months
house lannister is sooo messy. these freaks can't stand each other and yet are convinced theyre better than everyone else simply because of their name. theyre impeccably and utterly messed up at every turn. the cycles of abuse are so completely present in all their dynamics. they have no boundaries and are so bitter and full of selfloathing about it. their secrets and selfimportance will be their downfall and its the only thing thats ever served them well
ugh insane <3 truly love them <3
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braime-brainrot · 1 year
Tywin Lannister being convinced that Tyrion is the disappointing child and the black sheep of the family only to find out what his other two children have been up to this whole time:
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I didn't think about him being a knight and having endangered himself before, you're right!
I was mostly thinking along the lines of one of the kids being directly attacked and him probably not jumping at the opportunity to get between that (I feel like he would/could but he'd probably think about whether it's the smartest decision/in favour of his goals whereas Aemond would act rather rash).
Maybe he would protect Alicent without further thought tho (but I am not knowledgeable, I just base my opinions on vibes).
What do you think?
Hi there!
I think Otto gets a little bit of a bad rep in general. He doesn't talk the talk without walking the walk, if you think about it. As I've said, he has already put himself twice in harms' way on the same bridge on Dragonstone - once against Daemon, once against Daemon & Rhaenyra, both times facing dragons, both times ready to throw hands if necessary. He's not hiding somewhere in the background, he's the first to fall if things go awry. Tywin Lannister, another Hand of the King, would have simply sent an envoy, for example, and it's not for lack of courage, as he fights in battle himself to save his family from Stannis.
Which is why I think it's the more notable that Otto went himself, on behalf of the Crown. If he is willing to do that for the institution, to perform what essentially is a ceremonial, albeit (unnecessarily, for him) dangerous act, why wouldn't he protect Alicent and his grandchildren if they were in the way of direct harm?
It's also important to note that he never intentionally placed his daughter in harm's way. In his mind, Viserys is a good man who would never mistreat her (in a way he understands as being significant).
Similarly, I think a lot of this confusion stems from the political climate not being relayed properly to the viewers. Otto fully expects Viserys to change his heir once he has a son. Fandom likes to believe this is evil machination from his part, plotting Rhaenyra's murder years in advance, but most other noble lords think the same thing. Does anyone think Corlys and Rhaenys were trying to get Laena and her future children killed by putting her forward as a potential bride? Does anyone think Rhaenys was secretly plotting to defenestrate Rhaenyra while they were sassing off on that balcony? Jason Lannister shows up from way out west and fully expects Aegon to be named heir as well. People are very confused when Viserys doesn't budge.
Otto is not so unfeeling as to reduce his daughter and grandchildren to canon fodder for his personal ambition. He wasn't expecting this problem in the first place. He is taken aback and has to recalculate and re-calibrate his strategy. That is why he starts insisting to Alicent in private that she also join him in pushing for Aegon as heir. That is why he suggests betrothing Rhaenyra to Aegon. That is why he tells Alicent her children will be in danger if Viserys doesn't switch. He wasn't tricking or trapping her in a future bloody war over succession when he sent her to comfort/distract the king. Viserys is the rogue element here, someone that we in the field of international relations would say is not behaving like a rational actor.
Which is what I think Otto was doing in the eye-gouging trial as well. Taking in information and making a cost-benefit analysis. Aemond's eye was already lost by that point and perhaps he thought there was nothing to be gained politically by further antagonizing Rhaenyra. Alicent was also the one with the knife; she had the upper hand in that moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Otto is flawless here - he is not Westeros' no 1 hugger and comforter. For example, he could have interjected himself in support of his daughter, instead of her slowly losing her mind. To further the Tywin comparison, for all his faults, he would have been raging there at the King alongside Cersei. Otto has a different personality - he works more behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I don't think he would have stood idly by if Viserys suddenly decided to start removing the tongues of his family members.
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maegorsbignaturals · 8 months
So are we finally going to talk about whatever the fuck was happening between Aerys and Tywin or i will have to be the first one???
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ludcake · 9 months
that post about the lioness adopting a fawn and not knowing how to care for it and being furious when it died is cersei and sansa. To me. Their dynamic is so fucked i want to study it
anon your brain is so huge. yes. we don't actually get Cersei's PoV during AGoT or ASoS but- the idea that she sees herself in Sansa. Actually, we barely see Cersei's thoughts on Sansa at all, we just hear it secondhand - the idea that that Cersei wasn't immediately threatened by Sansa the way she seems by Margaery. The way that Sansa's PoV seems to show Cersei having genuine kindness to her - and Sansa is usually pretty decent at reading people! The idea of Cersei wanting Sansa to be good and perfect and a good wife to Joffrey and her daughter in a way, mirrored in the way Cersei offers to sleep with Ned, and the idea of Sansa wanting to be good and perfect and a good wife to Joffrey.
The idea of Joffrey, this little boy who can't see the world beyond violence, who can't understand people beyond relations of violence, beyond Jaime's use of the sword and Robert's conquest of the crown and abuse of Cersei and his kids, and that Joffrey is allowed agency when he becomes king and pushes them apart through that violence. The same violence that Cersei taught him. The same violence that Robert showed Cersei!
And Cersei doesn't know how to not be Cersei, how to not be in the circumstances she is in, she doesn't know how to have an affective relationship with someone that isn't tinted by her incestuous relationship with Jaime and her abusive relationship with Robert - you can see it in her chapters, when she sleeps with Lancel, with Taena, with the Kettlebacks. And Sansa doesn't know what to do with that, she doesn't know how to not be Sansa yet, how to not be the daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, how to *not be good* - and she wants to be good so bad. And Cersei thinks that's foolish, but she wants Sansa to be good too.
But being good isn't enough. Being good isn't enough to be a wife in Westeros, to be a woman. You have to survive, and endure, and be Alayne.
Thank you for the ask anon I'll definitely be thinking about it for a long time!!1
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superiorsuicide · 7 days
I’m always joining the war on disappointed fathers on the side of the disappointed father. such a burden, being both wrong and sexy.
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eaglefangz · 2 months
the thing about viren tdp is that the writers really Thought they were writing a scheming, machiavellian character with complex morals tortured by the weight of his choices but they absolutely did not do that god bless. i dont think any of them have seen much less engaged w the type of character they wanted to write. he's confusing lackluster lame and nothing about the performance really saves him. absolute loser character. unfortunately ive attached to him parasocially. he could have been so interesting. while gay.
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