#tyy for the ask <3
jennyanypenny · 1 month
🎬 What's your favorite moment from the show? (can be from any production)
Already answered that one, but who says I cant have 2 favorites :3? The “or another Peke’s been stifled” line in Macavity! Especially when the Demeter actress is loud!
🎯 What's a common headcanon/theory/interpretation that you don't prescribe to?
Uhh Rumpel/Jerrie as siblings. They arent very sibling-y in most productions. I also don’t think Grizz was the “deut bro’s” mom. I just dont think she would have children with Old D of all cats.
🧵 What's your favorite production and why?
Answered here . I would also like to add (again) that Zurich is great because it has the better version of M&R and has the longer Gumbie Tap.
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
For the ask game, I am here to interrogate. Personal 5,6,13 and NSFW 49, 61? :3
always happy to be interrogated <33 Questions are here for anyone interested!
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way?
Not particularly, religion had little place in the Crane household when she was growing up and so Victoria never really invested herself in any faiths or beliefs, but she does learn them – faith can be an easy means of bringing someone into agreeing with her, if she knows how and where to twist it.
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them?
Initial thought was fire, but tbh I think she’s more Earth – Victoria is largely grounded and steady on her feet, she’s confident in herself. And while she may have her fits of rage, I think they’re more akin to something like an earthquake rather than an inferno; surviving the first occurrence is terrifying on its own, but then you have to worry about the aftershocks.
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be?
I have thought too much about this I stg – I think I’d be leaning towards a Warlock for her. Since they’re usually viewed as a class more inclined towards evil/power-rooted backstories, I think that would suit Victoria quite well (and hi, I’m a hoe for eldritch blast). Patron wise, I’d prob stick her with an Archfey due to their being devious bastards, with a pact of the tome.
If not a warlock, then certainly a college of lore bard. (Because this bitch gotta have cutting words.)
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons.
Power, praise, and being choked 😌
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached?
Victoria was unattached for the longest time, even when she was in a long-standing relationship with engagement just around the corner, she wasn’t exactly emotionally intimate with the man – he was just a means to an end. (And she was cheating on him, quite frequently. Tbh she probably just counted him as a regular, stringing him along to keep his name in her little black book.)
So that’s a definite nope to intimacy being a requirement for her to have sex with someone.
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captainmvf · 2 years
So you want some asks? Hmmm... How about your Future Cowboys AU? I've seen from your art that Max really admires his dads so I'd like to know more about what he admires and does with them!
Hi! ^^
This might get a little long but here you go:
From what I've drawn- Yes! Max loves his dads and looks up to them very much! Since Joe Wildwest is still a notable Master Fighter he gets to do some pretty intense vivosaur matches for TV broadcasts and Max loves watching his dad's vivosaurs kick ass and his dad look cool. He even gets to sit in VIP seats during a few tourneys to cheer his dad on. Since Mags has a more quiet job it can be a bit boring at the museums and fossil archives for Max but he loves his dad's cooking! Max's favorite foods have turned out to be hamburgers and stir-fried vegetables and he usually begs for his dad to make calzones and cakes for special occasions (Joe even begs for some other food than takeout and cold sandwiches since he's still a bad cook).
Other ideas I have include:
-Joe and Mags have a heated bed due to health stuff but Max and (later) Chomp get to crawl into the bed when they're uneasy at night due to nightmares or storms or even get to nap during the day when no one is home.
-Joe is usually the one to put Max to bed when he falls asleep elsewhere and even Max likes pretending to be asleep so his dad can carry him safe and securely.
-Although his parents were hesitant to introduce their vivosaurs so early to Max he was very very very persuasive (begging) to see the vivosaur family as soon as he learned how to open his mouth and now both teams are considered very tight babysitters to Max. All of the vivosaurs are very gentle with him and mindful of their size, teeth, and claws. Max likes to rest up against one of a few with some snacks before watching a movie. He likes cuddling up with Mari the Megalo and Davey the Heracules but his favorite playmates are Gwen the Aopteryx and Goliad the Bulgon. Sissy the Coatlus and Denver the Ptera are co-parents to him and Chomp and treat them like their own flapplings when they're out.
-Same sort of goes to the Patrol Team and ex-BB Brigade Executives. They're his babysitters and non-blood-related aunts and uncles and their teams like the lil Wildwest. Max isn't afraid of boneysaurs like the rest of his class and Dina's toothy vivosaurs don't roughhouse too much with him.
-Max loves his dads very much but he never gives them differentiating nicknames to the annoyances of those outside of this family. Since he goes to public school his teachers and classmates would get confused as to which dad he was talking about. (Teacher: "Okay Max, we need to know which of your fathers is picking you up this afternoon." Max, seven years old and doesn't know his dads first names: "You know! Dad!") Joe thought it would have been a good idea to try and teach Max that he was 'Pops' and Mags was 'Daddy' but it didn't stick and the teachers were just confused. Nowadays it's just a matter of tone with how Max says 'Dad'.
-Despite how well-known Joe and his family's last name is, Max doesn't really show off his home life. When he first invites his best friends Zoe and Drake to his house he doesn't get why they're so flabbergast to see all the Master Fighters that come and go and even finally get Max to notice just how famous his family is. This information goes to his head throughout the next few years.
-Max has also inherited Mags's own clumsiness and Joe's hotheaded habits from his younger years so it's a bit of a ride to have to unpack all of that. Both habits combined with a love of dinosaurs and fossil has him running into the nearest dig site and slipping into plenty of mud.
-Chomp was a gift from Joe and Max loves his little buddy with all of his heart and wants to make a full team to fill out his roster once Chomp is a fully grown Tricera. His only problem is that he has hard luck to finding fossils and especially head fossils. Sometimes he whines to his dads to literally throw him a bone but they've held tough to the belief that he should grow into his fossil hunting boots and raising Chomp if he wants to be a good vivosaur fighter one day. This has lead to some tears on Max's end but he's always more glad to get a leg, arm, or body fossil on his own merits. It's going to take him a few good years and a lot of adventures with Chomp and his friends before he gets a full team.
-When Max was little he would get to sit in Mags's lap at his job and watch him inspect fossils.
-Max sees Joe as the defacto vivosaur specialist in the family and always goes to him for vivosaur advice on battling and caring or just to ask curious questions.
-He gets plenty of rides on Denver the Ptera and Sissy the Coatlus but Max prefers flying with Denver since he's smaller. Max wishes he had a flying vivosaur.
-Mags dotes on Max whenever he wants a hug or gets scrapes or bruises. He even likes telling tall tales such as 'I built you out of clay!' to him that Max 100% believes without a second thought until middle school where he has to piece together that he has two dads and is blood-related to them both (fun angst times woohoo).
-Joe also dotes on him but in a more classic Dad way where he carries him with one arm and throws him up into the air to pretend he can fly. There's a lot of piggyback rides and clinging to his legs.
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solar-halos · 2 months
hey!! 40, 66, 81 for the ask game?
hi!! ty for the ask 🩷🩷
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
i think i will forever remember how multiple people (read: 2 people lol) said that i write the youthful naive awkward energy that comes with mapping out intimacy as a teenager, mostly cos that wasn’t rlly intentional on my part. but like now that i know ive been using it as a sort of reference, esp as im getting older and will prob inevitably forget how to capture that sorta stuff later down the line
66. when have you felt the most confident in your writing? 
tbh i feel like the latter half of writing “a deep dive into the mind of annie cresta” was the most confident i had ever been. idk what it was i guess it was the fact that even if i wasnt the best writer i still wrote a multi chap story which takes #patience and #perseverance
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
write parents like actual ppl!! i know it’s hard but pls remember that not every adult on this planet that’s related to the mc is automatically out to get them. this problem trickled into the Deep Dive universe which sucks bc writing annie’s parents slowly morphed into being my fav thing to do
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clit-eastwood-spicy · 9 months
02, 11, 30, 57, 67 😎
2. My dog shockingly lmao
11. Idr if I've ever mentioned it but like I'm hella Aro/Ace so like irl no but I've been insane about Itachi Uchiha lately (his post-death backstory nailed my ass so hard and now he's on my stinky brain a lot) udshfsudhf
30. Rolling power outs due to the storm here and this massive headache I've had all day (likely also due to said storm dushfsdf)
57. I believe in the idea of like soulmates but in a very specific like... "I've known your soul before and I pray I shall know it again and again in every life beyond" sorta vibes.
67. My brother when he was in town and offered to buy me cheese. My dog attacked him (lovingly) the entire time before he left.
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tavwrote · 1 year
g for the fandom questions
What was your first fandom? um. well not to be cringe, but homestuck. i never wrote in the fandom on tumblr, and thank god because i've heard some horror stories, but i'm pretty sure that was my first. the first one i joined on tumblr, though, was a little later that year when pokèmon xy came out and i was like... twelve years old,
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serfuzzypushover · 4 months
The way you drew the grubs, THEY LOOK SOCUTE!! They must conquer earth!
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one of them wwill for sure
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softleesam · 9 months
What are you in the mood for tonight?
I'm caught between wanting cuddles and back scratchies a lil too close to my sides or wanting to be a brat and show off my tkl spots until I get wrecked dgabsh
either would do really😌
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literalite · 11 months
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lilith vatore in🔪 murder mystery
i stared at my screen blankly for like ten minutes before it hit me.... jaded chainsmoking genius private eye lilith who has seen so fucking much and is kind of just bored with it all. she needs some kind of arch nemesis or something
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habken · 5 months
please don’t explode </3
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arolegos · 9 months
Your tag was so real... fem finral roulcase
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the he/she lesbian vibes on finral is immaculate . She needs to be studied
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zeivira · 8 months
I just realized both heinkel and subaru both have feelings of inferiority to their parents (which caused subaru to be a neet. )heinkel is nowhere near his parents strength and felt the weight of his parents legacywhile subaru felt inferior to his father and is burdened with being called kenichis son when asked about who he'd make the protagonist if not Subaru, said Heinkel would be the mc.
Heinkel met his wife ( who would tell him that she is sure he can be the next sword saint so she was his rem ) before he had a crisis like Subaru did so he was able to bounce back sooner than him. But with her now gone and Rein easily being better than him it was like a rubber band and shot him even further back
Honestly feel like Aganua if Subaru was based of henikel
Both alcoholics
Both crippling depression
Both fueled by hatred
boboth subaru and heinkel have a girl in a coma who they are trying to wake from it.
Absolutely yes to all of this. Subaru and Heinkel have lots of parallels and I LIIIIIVE for all of them because – while they both faced similar circumstances, the way they dealt with them was completely different.
And arguably, Heinkel did better—at first, at least. Mostly because he did worse. Let me explain:
Heinkel and Subaru both deal with huge expectations—they both fail to meet them. But as far as we know, Subaru actually did meet them at first??? He was popular, had good marks, and people liked him!!! Then he had to put in an effort, didn’t, failed, felt shame about it, and ended up shutting in because of it.
Meanwhile Heinkel was a failure from the get-go! He doesn’t know greatness. Until he meets Louanna—then he does something right??? He has mommy and daddy issues and some people try to ruin his (already pretty bad, because of the aforementioned expectations) reputation, but he still manages to be a good husband.
Cheers for him, cheers for him.
Until he doesn’t, because something bad happened to Louanna, she fell into a coma and the one thing he was good at… he is not anymore.
And I think this is the core difference!!! (I might be wrong, but everyone, please tell me if you disagree).
Subaru dealt terribly with failure at first because he knows how greatness feels. Thus, he shut in.
Heinkel dealt decently with failure at first because he was never great. Then he does, and when he fails, all his previous insecurities return.
But one went through the crisis as a teen, and the other went through the crisis as an adult.
The fact Heinkel is better when Wilhelm gets erased shows his daddy issues are what affects his interpretation of the entire world. More than Louanna’s coma itself, even.
I headcanon that part of the reason Wilhelm is so kind to Subaru is because he feels Subaru is similar to Heinkel, and as he totally failed to bond with his son, he projects his relationship there and tries to bond with a blank state Heinkel instead.
I never really read Aganau If so I can’t talk about that Subaru, but the *from zero* speech always felt to me like the moment in which Subaru learnt to accept failure as something that you deal with to later on try again better, instead of something you must live with and can’t change.
Heinkel’s only success was his wife, so his way to become successful again is to bring her back?
I might be rambling now.  
Anyway, @everyone please feel free to add your thoughts on this. I would love to hear different takes
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sighonaraa · 9 months
🌹 🌹 🌹
going thru my inbox realizing i have rose asks in here from months ago-
anyways! have a bit from the ending where you finally find your way home!
“I need to call me da,” Jamie said, abruptly. He wasn’t sure why he did. He didn’t want to. Needed to? ’Course, ’course he did. They’d made plans; canceling them at the last minute certainly wouldn’t get him a pat on the back. But there wasn’t a purpose to him bringing it up here, now, with Not-Roy and Not-Sam bickering back and forth with all the ease and comfort of people who’d been friends since primary, other than it being a desperate attempt to regain control of the conversation. “Can I, uh. I can’t find me phone, did either of you—was that part of the joke, too, taking me phone?” “…Oh,” said Not-Sam. “Oh, Jamie, you—” “Colin’s got your phone,” Not-Roy interrupted. “He’s the only one you trusted to take decent pictures.” That was a goddamn lie. Jamie wouldn’t trust Colin to take pictures if he had a self-timer and posed mannequins. “Quit fucking with me,” he said. The backs of his eyes burned. “Both of you look like you’ve gone through a goddamn time machine. I don’t know where the hell I am. Just. Just. Just, c’mon, tell me what the fuck’s going on. Did he—did I get a concussion? Is that what this is? I fell into a coma and now everything’s turned on its head?”
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devilsfoolcake · 5 months
As someone who also selfships with Princess Luna (platonically in my case) I am rooting for you. Go get that alicorn. 👍😎👍
- Aubby (I'm gonna look a bit dumb but I don't want to send an ask as my main lol)
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shesaidhello-hello · 3 days
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itz-rona220 · 11 months
ehehe Trick or Treat!
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(btw you don’t have to react if you don’t want to but i’m just sending this out for fun :D)
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