#u can plant him anywhere. and he'd go :|
hivepixels · 6 months
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
Haven't properly written in a while... This writer's block is destroying me...
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Simon Riley getting hurt on his bike.
Like he has a mild crash because of a dumbass doing a U-turn and got smashed.
Bike is ruined, arm is bleeding from rubbing the asphalt. He just gets up, groaning because, shit, that bike is too weeks old. Walks like a boss but the old lady has already called 911 and is crying apologizing. Simon feels suddenly bad for his internal 'dumbass' comment. Paramedics tend to his wound, the old cop scolding him for driving in leather pants but in t-shirt.
"What kind of two half ass protection is this son?"
Simon just feels a migraine rushing to him.
He gets a ride home from Soap who he called. Best buddy wouldn't shut up either but he loves his Johnny like his own brother so he lets him ramble.
He walks up to the elevator, saying bye to an over worried Soap who just groans and curses in his own babbling.
The elevator's doors close and silence finally settles. He runs his temple with his left hand through the balaclava, the right one holding his leather gloves and being bandaged.
His right arm stings, but he had much worse. Nothing a bit of bourbon couldn't erase. The pounding of his head needs to shut up too. The doors ding and he groans.
He walks to his apartment's door, fumbling the keys and the sound of a door slowly opening is heard behind him.
He glances back, pretty soft eyes looking in his direction. Ah yes. The neighboor.
"Hello Mr ril-... Oh god... What happened?"
He almost wants to chuckle at the worried expression.
" 'ust a scratch..." He mumbles, the words rumbling with his low tone.
But the footsteps he hears makes him sigh and he turns around looking down at the pretty Princess in front of him.
"Mr Riley! That doesn't look like a scratch... What happened?"
The pleading eyes, the worried expression does it for him, his eyes never leaving yours as he automatically mumbles:
"I crashed the bike."
Your eyes widen in shock again. He feels bad. You look even more worried now. He didn't even know that was possible and it somehow breaks his heart.
"Oh sh-...hum"
Hmm... She curses? He never heard her curse. It's adorable.
"Please tell me you're ok... Are you hurt anywhere else? Why didn't you call me? I mean-"
God that blush is cute. How can you be so cute? He wants to just put you under a glass case and keep you in there. He'd get lots of flowers and moss. You'd be his fairy-
"Mr Riley?"
She tilts her head to the side.
"I'm fine. No broken bones."
That seems enough to make her sigh of relief. But suddenly she grabs his good hand and she tugs softly towards her still open door.
Simon is floored that this is the only thing he manages to say.
"You can't stay on your own! You just got into a crash! You need to be looked after!"
He wants to punch himself now. Don't you know any other words Simon Riley?!
Also, why is he walking behind her like a lost puppy she's softly tugging on the leash of?
Why is he inside her apartment? With the door closed?
How did he end up sitting on the couch? With a cup of tea and cookies.
"What?" He asks again.
She giggles.
"What do you want for dinner? I'll let you decide what you want I'll go prepare the guest's bedroom!" You happily jump to your task after he nods.
Simon looks around, the warmth and cozy space, the plants and the weird cat staring at him from the window sit. He kinda looks at Simon the same way Simon is looking at him. With the same expression that says:
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jgracie · 3 months
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luke castellan x demeter!fem!reader
warnings (not really a warning but) pre tlt/no betrayal au whatever u prefer, luke is implied to be taller than reader
an i have awful writers block so i thought now is the time to finally write smth for mr castellan!!! and then i realised i haven’t written a demeter reader in SO long despite being a member of cabin 4 and so here we are. i also cannot stand this but i can’t tell u why so soz in advance
“petals,” you heard a voice - luke’s voice, you could recognise it anywhere - say from behind you. rolling your eyes, you chose to ignore him. he was probably here to bug and tease you like he usually does, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction
unfortunately for you, luke was persistent, “petals, c’mon, don’t ignore me!” he said. from the tone of his voice alone, you could imagine the look on his face: a wide smirk and mischievous eyes you knew all too well. what luke didn’t know is that you were just as persistent, so you simply continued picking strawberries and putting them in your wicker basket
luke waited for a second, then two, then three. after three, it was made pretty clear to him that you weren’t budging. however, he wasn’t a quitter
“hey! give that back!” you exclaimed, finally turning around to face him. luke had one arm behind his back and the other in the air, with your wicker basket clutched tightly in his hand. at the pout on your face, luke couldn’t help but smile. you were really cute when you were frustrated
“why hello there, ms petals! it’s nice to see you today,” luke said before taking a strawberry out of your basket and eating it, “wow, these are really good, did you plant them yourself?”
as soon as luke uttered those words, you began raving about all the hard work you’d put in with the strawberries, and he listened intently. he loved asking you questions about your plants, since the way you seemed to immediately fill to the brim with excitement as you explained every detail never failed to brighten his day
right as you were about to tell luke about how you wanted to grow other berries, you caught yourself, "wait, you're doing this just to distract me from my work, aren't you?" although that wasn't the reason why he asked, luke's grin couldn't help but widen as you crossed your arms over your chest
"just give me back my basket, luke," you said, your brows furrowing in annoyance
"fine," he began, "but first, i'm gonna give you this." luke then revealed what he'd been hiding behind his back: a potted plant. more specifically, your favourite plant in a lovely little pot
you took it from him suspiciously, your lips parted in a mix of shock and confusion. surely, this had to be some prank. luke castellan would never gift you something just for the sake of it. however, as you examined the plant, you immediately could tell it was real
"why're you giving me this?" you asked, trying to squeeze any ulterior motives out of the son of hermes
putting a hand on his chest, right above his heart, luke feigned heartbreak, "wow, petals, i'm hurt. can i not just gift you something out of the goodness of my own heart?"
when you simply raised your eyebrow at him, luke dropped the act and explained himself, "last week, i found out from travis who found out from katie that it's your birthday today, so i wanted to do something nice! y'know, petals, you shouldn't be hiding this information. i wouldn't have been able to grow this thing in time if it weren't for your sister's help."
you blinked at this, not fully believing the alternate reality you seemed to have entered. since when did luke castellan want to be nice to you? ever since you’d arrived at camp, he made it his personal mission to be a nuisance. still, you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up at his explanation - no one had ever cared about your birthday that much, which is why you never really mentioned it
looking down at the plant, then back up at luke, you mumbled, “thanks, luke; that’s really sweet of you.”
he gave you a smile - one that actually looked quite friendly - and said, “you’re welcome,” before walking away like nothing ever happened
you stayed put, unsure of how to feel as your brain conjured up new ideas of luke, ideas that involved friendship and maybe even an eventual romance? you’d never thought of him as a friend let alone a boyfriend before, but there was always a first time for everything, right?
when you set down the plant and decided to get back to work, you finally noticed that luke had taken your basket of strawberries with him
“damn you, luke castellan!” you muttered, huffing as you ran in the direction he left
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sunraies · 1 year
hiiii can u do rafe x reader? she is really shy and a very nice person and maybe she is jj twin and one day she is just browsing on a second habd bookstore cause obvi she cant afford to buy books all the time and rafe sees her there cause he took weezy there and he buys the books that she looked more interested at and later he approaches her and jj all protective
idk where i want it to go🤣 u can be tyr judge
thank uuuu
This is so cute! I hope this does the request justice. x
Second-Hand Books
Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - Fluff, protective JJ, Reader is JJ's sister, but no description given. Hints of Luke being a shit dad.
As requested above
You loved the second-hand bookstore in Kildare. It sometimes felt like a second home. Its name and sign was by no means magical "Secondhand Books" written in cursive golden letters, but the atmosphere was.
The old converted shop was a treasure trove of wonders, tucked away in a little side alley. It smelt like an old library with its shelves filled with countless stories and adventures waiting to be picked up and read. There were plants dotted all around, and even ivy tangled amongst the fairy lights on the ceiling.
Mixed matched lamps, tables, and plush armchairs were scattered around. If you caught Ms. Peggy, on a good day, she would let you sit and read until closing. The old lady enjoyed your company, often making you tea and giving you cookies.
You returned the favour by helping clean, unbox shipments, and take orders. You never accepted a penny from her, even if it was desperately needed it.
"Wheeze, why are we here?" You knew that voice as it carried through the aisles. "The store up the road has brand new books, not these dusty, old shit ones."
"They aren't dusty. Some are old. But none are shit." the youngest Cameron's voice protested. "I like it here. Plus, there is no chance of finding first editions of classics in that one"
"Just look online." Rafe sighed as you peaked around the corner.
He stood close to the door, which bell had jingled as they entered, with his hands stuffed in his shorts pockets. The backwards baseball cup gave him a boyish charm as his sunglasses were tucked into the collar of his pink tee.
He looked a little out of place, but only by his uninterested expression. Rafe Cameron would most likely fit in anywhere if he wasn't jugding his surroundings.
Wheezie, on the other hand, had a smile so bright as she practically skipped into the store. "There is no fun in that. You can't smell the books"
"You're a weird kid, Wheeze." Rafe shook his head, but you caught the small smile as he watched his baby sister happily search the shelves.
"Shut up and help look for Little Women." Wheezie called over her shoulder. "Make sure it's first edition"
You were shocked as Rafe chuckled and held up his hands before helping Wheezie look. He checked the higher shelves that she was unable to reach.
One problem with Ms. Peggy was her store had no order to it. You had offered to organise and arrange in alphabetical order, but she claimed it took away the magic of finding the perfect book.
"Here." You smiled as you approached Wheezie. Rafe had given up looking about 20 minutes ago and was slumped in an armchair, scrolling on his phone. "It's not a first edition, but the cover is beautiful."
"Oh. It's beautiful!" Wheeze smiled, taking the book and admiring the cover. "It's ok, I just said that, so it would give me more time in here." she whispered, making you laugh.
Your laugh caught Rafe’s attention as he quickly glanced up from his phone. His eyes looked you up and down.
Damn, how did you look so beautiful. He was sure he'd seen the crop top you were wearing on Kie before, but it looked so much better on you. He loved the way your shorts hugged your ass and waist. He even smiled a little at the shell anklet at the top of your greyish white Converse.
"You find it?" He asked, having shook the thoughts from his mind and tucking his phone into his back pocket.
"Yeah, Miss Maybank helped me," Wheezie smiled, remembering her manners, even if you were the same age as Sarah. "But I wanna look around some more."
Rafe sighed and rolled his eyes at her pleading look. "Alright, fine. One hour, and then we gotta go."
As Wheezie bounced around the store, he flopped back into the chair, even picking up a book from the table and glancing at it.
What you didn't realise was that as you looked away, he would glance over the top of the book every so often and watched as you moved around the store. He noticed that you would read the back of a book, flick to the first page before smiling and tucking under your arm if you like it.
"Just the one, Ms Peg." You smiled at the old lady behind the till before digging into your old, tattered, looking tote bag and pulling out your purse.
"I can put the others to the side for you, dear." She offered as you had walked up to the till with a pile of five.
"It's ok. If they are gone by next week, then it wasn't meant to be." You said as handed her the cash.
You didn't know why you even admitted to buying all five as you should have known your card would bounce. Maybe this time, you had just been hoping that Luke, your father, hadn't run up the credit bill.
You wished a goodbye to Wheezie as she walked up the counter with a pile of books and even gave Rafe a smile and wave as you left the store.
The sound of a dirt bike coming up the road broke you out of the world you were emersied in. You had been reading your new book on the creaky old porch swing on the porch outside. Enjoying the evening coolish before sunset.
At first, you thought it was JJ coming home, but then you realised he'd come home an hour ago with John B and Pope. You could hear them laughing in the house.
"JJ?!" You called into the window open as you stood up, placing your book on your blanket. "Are you guys expecting anyone?"
You were a little nervous as unplanned visits from people not in the Twinkie or Kie's car normally meant your father or JJ had caused trouble.
The rider stopped a few feet away, and your eyes widened in shock as Rafe Cameron removed his helmet. His hair tousled from the helmet and his cheeks little pink.
"Rafe?" You frowned and hugged your hoodie around your body as you hid your hands in your sleeves.
He looked a little unsure of himself as he walked over to you, a cotton tote bag in his hand. "These are for you." He held the bag out to you as he glanced around, not looking at you directly.
You took the bag, completely confused before gasping as you looked inside. It was the books you had to leave at the store.
Before you even had a chance to question it or say thank you, the screen door burst open as JJ came flying out "What the fuck are you doing here, Kook?"
You tried to pull him back as he got right in Rafe’s face "Jayj. Stop"
JJ looked between you and Rafe "What the fuck did he say to you?" He asked you before turning to Rafe again "What'd you say?"
"What's it to you, Pogue" Rafe looked like he was trying to hold back his anger but with JJ right in his personal space it was hard.
"Stay away from my sister, pretty boy" JJ pushed Rafe a little "Get the fuck outta here"
John B and Pope appeared in the doorway but before they could back up JJ, you got between the two that were squaring up to each other.
You stood with your back to Rafe as you spoke to JJ but could feel him breathing heavily behind you.
"Jayj. Go back inside" You sighed and got annoyed as he stared at Rafe over your head "JJ, go the fuck back inside. I will call if I need you"
It took you actually pushing JJ a little for him to snap out of it. He looked at you before nodding "He tries anything. We beat him. He's on our terf now"
You rolled your eyes "I'm sure, he won't. But sure, you boys can protect your territory if needed"
You knew Rafe was taking a risk being in The Cut, especially after the stunt he pulled the other week. You knew why the boys were bitter as you hadn't been too happy either after finding out he'd jumped Pope at the Country Club.
You watched JJ walk backwards and stand on the porch with the others. You sighed before turning to face Rafe.
"I can't take these." You held the bag out to him, but he stook his head.
"They're yours," He said, rubbing the neck of his neck. He seemed nervous and not because of the boys glaring at him from the porch. "Bin them, read them, do whatever you want with them."
You looked in the bag again before smiling. "Thank you, Rafe." You smiled at him.
"I better go." He sighed after nodding at your thanks. He looked like he wanted to say more but walked back to his bike
"Bye," JJ yelled. "Don't come back. The Cu- Ow!" You cut him off as you shoved into his shoulder
"You guys are fucking unbelievable" You muttered walking into the house, leaving them looking offerened at each other.
As you sat on your bed, you pulled the books out of the bag before finding a note, tucked into one of them. Your heart fluttered as you read it.
'I would buy you all the books in the world, just to see that smile - R'
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stars-tonight · 2 months
hi ho i would like to ask for a matchup pls! i'll be using this emoji 🧺 :D
1. long matchup pls!
2. romantic!
3. agender and i go by they/them, no preference in gender!
4. not rlly picky when it comes to partner but i think the most important thing is that they treat everyone else with equal kindness no matter what, doesn't look down on ppl and ig someone who's authentic to themselves
5. i'm quite cheerful, i'm also rlly loud LMFAO and i am the world's biggest yapper‼️ like talk your ear off kind of yapping 🔥 i also am interested in a lot of things so i love talking and listening about different topics!
6. i do a lot of stuff... LMFAO i do anything that interests me so i have 28262937 hobbies and i'm always at the next one 💀 i would say the current ones i'm doing are drawing, taking walks, cooking, building gundam models and listening, discovering and curating music/playlists :>
7. love languages wise i enjoy both giving and receiving all 5 of em, tho if i had to rank them quality time would be my first and physical touch would be my last :]
8. i think location wise it doesn't matter (well except like idk near a nuclear plant of somewhere dangerous) but i would enjoy dates where we can talk about everything under the sun or just enjoy each other's presence :D whether that would be at a park, museum, aquarium or even at home! i personally think place doesn't matter as long as ur with someone u love <3
i hope i got everything down! sorry if they're not in order (my memory is failing me atm LOL)
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🥛 when you first think of kind characters in hq you might not think of tanaka because he's more known for . . . other things
🥛 but if you look into his character you can see that he's actually really nice
🥛 let's not forget that tanaka was the one to sneak kageyama and hinata into the gym for early practice at the beginning
🥛 he's also really supportive and protective of his teammates and isn't afraid to stand up to others who are mean
🥛 and he's super protective of those he like likes, like kiyoko in the series
🥛 (we're pretending like they don't get married here)
🥛 and tanaka's also not ashamed or insecure about himself
🥛 he actually doesn't strike me as a yapper even though he gets excited and fired up really easily
🥛 but once he's excited he's really energized and loud (even if it's in public, man really has no filter)
🥛 he'd love doing a bunch of stuff with you and trying a lot of things; anything you like to do, he'd gladly follow you while you do it
🥛 while tanaka may fawn over kiyoko because she's pretty, his giving love language actually doesn't strike me as physical touch
🥛 (nishinoya would be more physical touch in my opinion)
🥛 tanaka's giving love language probably something more like words of affirmation
🥛 he'd be the first one to praise you and call you hot lol
🥛 although he'd also be obsessed with giving acts of service
🥛 you could ask him to get you an ice cream and within seconds he'd be kneeling at your feet with ten different types of ice cream bars in his hands
🥛 he just wants to take care of you and do everything for you
🥛 would probably unironically call himself your "servant"
🥛 although tanaka's receiving love language is definitely physical touch
🥛 every time you touch him he probably starts screaming about how hot you are
🥛 since you're not as big on physical affection, he'd actually treat it as a sort of challenge
🥛 he thinks of it as a win or a reward when you hug him
🥛 but it's okay if you don't give him hugs because it "turns him on" anyway. . . (ew, i cringed so hard when he said this in the show)
🥛 tanaka suits high energy dates more, so think amusement parks (more specifically the bumper cars) or sports matches
🥛 but just like you said, he's happy anywhere he can be around you!
runner up for you was akaashi keiji! (two very different options i know haha)
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A/N: there you go 🧺anon, i hope you liked it!
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yatsugareboyf · 3 years
Poe x female reader
Confession and dating headcannons plz
sorry this took a while heres loml poe
confession and dating hcs with edgar allan poe
yknow that trope where
he writes a bunch of love letters but he doesnt end up sending them?
yeah thats him . thats poe w you
like all his letters would range from short poems to full on essays and even debated on writing a novel where he can guide you
but he just trashes all the ideas bcs he thinks you wouldn't like it :((
but he asks ranpo for help and ranpo is like, "bitch u better send her one rn or else she'll find all of them and u wouldn't want that"
so he puts himself together and makes this moderately long letter (he still thinks its not enough for someone like you)
and asks ranpo to leave it at ur desk when u get to work (assuming u work for the ada)
no bcs when he says its not enough hes lying
that letter had you SOBBING
like atsushi thought u got a death threat or smthn 😭
u had to step out of the office to collect urself and ranpo is just laughing his ass off
ofc u were so touched so u had to send a letter back to poe
(ranpo does not like where this is going)
so there was this time where u and poe were just sending letters to each other via ranpo
one day he had enough and instead of bringing your letter to poe he literally dragged you to poe
so now u and poe are sitting across each other, awkwardly looking anywhere but each other despite shamelessly flirting in letters
when poe was abt to speak, karl beat him to it and started circling around you and sniffing you
u were abt to PANIC like THIS IS KARL
but then he jumps up to your head and lays down there 
which causes u and poe to laugh a bit
“excuse my karl, y/n, i think hes very fond of you”
“well i hope hes not the only one whos fond of me”
so now u two just talk and flirt for a bit and u didnt notice the time
"oh, poe-kun, its getting a bit late. we should do this another time?"
"definitely! uhm, how can i contact you?"
so yeah u exchanged numbers
he definitely jumped around w joy for a bit
so u guys went on more and more dates and u got to know each other more and
fr ranpo is the best thing that happened to the 2 of u bcs if he didnt step in yall would just stay labeless forever
"so what are you two supposed to be?" - ranpo, who let himself join ur bakery date
"what do u mean ranpo-san?" - u, who is currently sharing your already tiny seat w ranpo
"like, r yall dating or?"
"d-dating? i mean-" - poe, who's going insane
"yeah? are we not...?" - u, who's being smothered by ranpo's crumbs
"oh... i guess we are" - poe, whos exploding on the inside
ok skipping the awkward parts yall r actually chill
its more of a shared silences and small talk kind of relationship
u dont have to say much for poe to understand and vice versa and you're both content with that
some may not believe y'all when u say yall r a couple bcs both of u arent rlly that affectionate (physically)
which initially got to poe's head
so he tried to like, awkwardly put his arm around u in public or kiss your forehead
u like the affection but u know poe isnt rlly into pda or a lot of physical affection anyway so u told him that he should express his love in his own way rather than what appeals to others
and ofc, his way is through writing!
honestly i love handwritten letters notes and even poems and he'd deliver that always
probably even makes those "open this letter when ure sad" type of gifts?
yeah. Yeah
for poe, he likes to have quality time with you
and even if earlier i said he doesn't rlly like physical affection, he does appreciate it every once in a while
cuddles and being in each other's arms isnt that often, but often enough that u dont rlly get deprived of it
poe enjoys baking with you (even if ranpo literally comes out of nowhere to eat them)
omg yall probably r plant parents
like tending to plants in his enormous garden
like u spare one long glance at a necklace book its on ur desk w a pretty note
u smiled at a cute piece of furniture? bam its in ur room w a cute letter
u wanted to get new cosmetics? tada hes taking u shopping and slips a little paper in the bag
hes a very observant lover and he knows when u want/need something most of the time
aaaa i love him actually
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delusional-mishaps · 3 years
Any cute headcanons for any sanses?-😗🔪 anon
!!!!!!! YES!!!!!
so as i've mentioned before, Phobos loves plants and names them!! but i want to expand on how much he likes them because his whole room is covered with plants!! well tbh the whole house is but his room is jam packed with plants it looks like a rainforest in there BAOANOD
to go with above, his first plant was a little pincusion cactus, not exactly the prettiest but with enough love it grew flowers and i think it kinda fits him 😇😇 tough and prickly but capable of soft nd beautiful things
don't tell anyone but Leo is an epic gamer. except he only plays cutesy relaxing games like animal crossing or smth. no fighting please,,, he's had enough of that in his life,,,, he refers to them as his "stress relievers"
Hop is so emotionally repressed 💀 me too bbq but it's ok to cry,,,,
Firefly LOVES PDA. he'll ALWAYS have his arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist or he'll be holding you hand. also!!! skeleton kisses literally anywhere you go!!! if he had lips he'd be full on making out with you in the middle of the line at mcdonalds HAISNC
okokok so u know how usually sans' loves like,,, space and astronomy nd stuff,,, well since Callisto already lives in space, his love isn't as big as the others! while he does still love the stars and space in general, it's all he really knows. he is, however, infatuated with the idea of going to the beach. from the moon, the monsters can see the earth, how big and vast it is, and how much blue there is. he wonders what it's like in the water
tbh i just think it's funny if Crow can't see glass and therefore runs into a lot. imagine your first meeting with this big stupid bird man is him running himself face first into the window you sit beside in your favourite cafe. he's embarrassed and you're worried for him but!! he's kinda cute so hey? wanna sit together?
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lelenoir · 4 years
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pairing: best friend!xiao dejun x reader
contents: angst, fluff if u squint, time travelling, character deaths, deal with the devil, highschool au, demon!hendery
word count: 3.1k
"magkahawak ang ating kamay,
at walang kamalay malay,
na tinuruan mo ang puso ko,
na umibig ng tunay"
note: thank you to @jenoir for reading the first horrible draft of this fic 💕
last installment of anthology: the series
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It was during prom when Xiaojun gathered up enough courage to tell you about how he felt. He could still remember that day oh so vividly, he could almost feel the weight and warmth of your arms perched on his shoulders and wrapped around his neck. He could smell the scent of your hair just by his chin as you lay your head on his chest, bodies swaying to the beat of an unfamiliar love song. It was moments like these where he couldn't believe he had outlived such a phenomenon. He felt his heart pound in his chest, a rapid pace at such a loud volume. He wondered how you didn't hear it. If you did, then he was glad you never told him.
His arms laid comfortably around your waist, the contact burning his skin. In fact, he felt his whole body burn. Right there, under the dim lights of your school's gymnasium with the majority of the student population surrounding you. It almost felt surreal. The way your bodies stood close and just the sensation of having you with him. It was an insatiable feeling. A thirst that only you could quench.
"Y/n?" He spoke up. The call snapping you back to reality as you looked up at him, a hum ringing out of your throat as a response. He could feel his breath get snatched away at the sight of you. His eyes---an already dead giveaway on what he was about to do---looked at you with so much love. You didn't think you deserve them. "I---"
You pressed your palm abruptly on his lips, cutting him off. "Let's just dance, okay?" You see him nod his head as you retrieved your hand and put them on his waist, holding him even closer than before as your face returns to rest on his chest. His breath hitching a bit at the proximity but not having the intention of pulling away.
That was the moment Xiaojun knew what love was. It was the feeling of your arms around him, pulling him closer until he was only a breath away. It was the sound of your soft voice, humming along the unfamiliar song as if it was yours. It was the addictive smell of your vanilla scented hair that wafted through the air. And lastly, it was the way his arms fit perfectly around you like a puzzle piece. Perfectly cut to match his edges. At that moment, he knew where he belonged; by your side.
He felt content just at the thought that you weren't going anywhere. He lived knowing he was breathing the same air as you and seeing the same set of stars in the night sky. If you'd ask for the moon then he'd gladly give it to you no matter what. If you told him to count the stars then he'll stay up every night just to conquer the impossible feat. You could ask him the most difficult and strenuous of tasks and he'd gladly do them. All for you.
That night he drove you home, a mellow song in a different language played in the background as he maneuvered the car to your familiar subdivision. His hand lay loose on the clutch while the other held the steering wheel firmly, spinning it easily as his eyes remained fixed on the road and nothing else. All his courage seemed to dwindle away from him now as a comforting yet awkward silence filled the space.
It was in the instance he passed by the old park you used to go to when he felt your warm hand on his. He turned his attention to you for a moment, only to see you looking out the window and avoiding his gaze. He shifted his eyes back to the front as he clenched on the steering wheel a bit. A few seconds passed when he decided to gulp down his doubts and move his hands to intertwine with yours. He felt his breath get stuck in his throat as you returned the action, clutching on him like he does with you.
"Magkahawak ang ating kamay,
At walang kamalay-malay,"
A luxurious comfort he could never seem to get used to. The sudden boom of electrifying feelings sparking around him at your touch. Another turn and he realised you were so close to going home. The surge of euphoria leaving him before he could even dwell on it.
By the time he stopped infront of your front porch---his car jerked slightly as he turned the engine off, cutting the music midway---he felt a wave of small regret. The both of you now sitting in pure quietness. Your hands still held on to one another as if none of you wanted to let go. He didn't want to let you go. But the night was slowly fading away and you were running out of time.
The sigh that rang from your lips felt like it was echoing around the car as you finally turned to look at him. Eyes wide and filled with stars, Xiaojun wouldn't mind getting lost in them.
The small sad smile in your face confused him a bit but the feeling of your thumb drawing circles on his skin distracted him from ever questioning it. He let himself drown in the feeling. As long as it's you.
"Goodnight, Jun." You whispered.
"I-I'll see you tomorrow?"
You never answered his question, only smiling and planting a small kiss on his cheek before getting out of the car. Dazed, Xiaojun could only watch as you ran back to your house.
Your figure stopped as you reached the door and looked back to him. A small wave from both of you and you were gone. Swallowed by the red door of your family home.
He snapped himself back to reality, turning the key to let the car roar. He felt his cheeks grow flush as he noticed one house turn their light on at the loud sound but it was mostly because of what just happened. He turned the radio on, humming along the tune as he sped away. A hopeful glint present in his sharp eyes. The sheer feeling of happiness he was experiencing remaining to be uncontainable.
"La la la la, la la, la la, la la la…"
The next day, you were gone. The house he took you to the night before was now stripped out of every piece of furniture he was accustomed to. Not a single sign of being inhabited left as he peered through the window. When he asked a woman passing by, he was greeted with dreaded news.
"Oh them? They moved out last night."
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That night, the news spoke of a fatal car crash. A drunk driver skidded across the road, pummeling towards a car occupied by a family of three. The anchorman told them only one casualty was resulted from this accident while the others involved only caught minor injuries. Your name was sprawled across the screen as the unlucky victim. Which, in turn, made Xiaojun's heart drop.
His eyes went wide in disbelief as his mother attempted to walk towards him to comfort him. The moment he felt her touch on his shoulders made him jolt up from his seat. Tears brimmed the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill as he shook his head in denial.
"Jun…" his mother started. But he couldn't take it. Couldn't take another moment in that house. That room where you used to snuggle up to him during your countless movie nights. Where you'd cry your eyes out to him. Or laugh your head off at some cheesy joke he said. That room where so many moments with you were made. Even the sweater he wore reminded him of you and how you used to steal it from him back then.
He couldn't take it. The idea of you never coming back. The thought of never seeing you again only filled his mind with remorse and pure regret. In response, His legs bolted himself away, far away from that dreadful house. He couldn't stand the sight of its walls when every time he does, he sees you.
The air felt colder than usual that night. He could remember it as if he was watching a movie. His legs gave out once he reached an unfamiliar clearing. His increasing heart beat distracted him from the pain for a moment as he panted for air. It wasn't long for the tears to come back. He could feel it brimming the sides of his temples. A few drops of sweat stinging his eyes a bit as he defeatedly knelt down on the dewy grass.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made him snap up. A man in a black suit stood in the middle of the forest. His eyes glowed gold and his skin was as pale as snow. Black veins stemmed down his neck to the exposed skin of his hands. The fingers sharpened and black as well.
"Xiao Dejun," the stranger called out. His voice was as smooth as honey, a huge contrast to his unusual and frightening appearance. "I am here to offer you a deal."
Xiaojun sniffed, pulling the sleeve of his clothes to wipe up the last of his tears. "W-what?"
"I am here to offer you a deal." The man repeated more firmly this time, stepping closer and granting Xiaojun the chance to see him fully. "A once in a lifetime opportunity, to bring back---" the stranger lifted his hand up as gold glowing dots appeared from his nails and, like magic, an outline of your face appeared. Xiaojun couldn't help but stare at the image, making the man smirk. "---what you've lost." With a wave of his hand, you were gone.
"What are you?"
"Just a friend who wants to help you. A simple wanderer of this world, just like you. Except, blessed with immeasurable power which I used to help hopeless mortals like you." He answered coolly, stepping closer to Xiaojun until he was merely circling him. "Of course, my kind has been known as many names: fallen angels, monsters, ghosts… demons."
Xiaojun felt his breath hitch. This didn't go unnoticed by the other.
"Although I prefer it if you called me Hendery, it has a nice ring to it. Still, don't misunderstand. Us demons aren't as bad as the movies portray. Don't get me wrong, we do provide our services to you mortals in exchange for something valuable of yours but---and this is one hard but---we only give it to the most desperate of souls. Kind of like yourself, Mr. Xiao." A dark and mischievous glint was present in his eyes as he stared down Xiaojun.
"Does this mean I can have her back?" He asked, voice timid but full of determination.
"Who? The dead girl? I'm afraid that settles a very big price to pay." Hendery answered, examining his nails as if to seem indifferent to the boy.
"I-I'll give you anything." He stuttered. A devilish smirk formed on Hendery's features as he lifted his gaze to the boy.
"You see, Mr. Xiao, a mortal soul is one of the G-man's many divine gifts. Most celestial beings even see it as the most precious. It's simply irreplaceable." He explained.
"So?" He repeated it like it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. He exhaled in exaggeration, looking at Xiaojun like he was the dumbest creature he'd ever come across with. "The only thing that can replace a mortal soul is another mortal soul, you stupid fuck." Xiaojun rolled his eyes at his words. "Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for one girl?"
Xiaojun gulped. Is he? He thought back to all the times you've helped him. He remembered the day you first met. By the swings, in your old preschool's playground. He remembered the time he fractured his leg and you were the only one outside his family that came to visit. You drew flowers on his cast and he couldn't help but admire how pretty they were. That time you lost your dog and he was the first one you came to. That was the first time he saw you cry so much. His heart sunk inside his chest. He realised that day that he didn't like seeing you cry. At first he tried to convince himself that it was because of the unpleasant feeling in his chest of seeing someone cry but thinking about it now, it hurt him to see you get hurt. And lastly, that night. The warmth. The feeling. And just the sensation of being around you. He missed holding your hand. The moment felt like it happened years ago but the imprint, the ghost of your skin on his, felt so new and impressionable. He could still feel your lips on his cheek.
"Yes." He answered with conviction. "I am."
Impossibly, Hendery's smirk grew wider, eyes glowing brighter with it. "Then I guess we have a deal to settle. Tell me, Mr. Xiao, what is your wish?" He lifted his hand out to shake.
Xiaojun gulped, taking his cold hand with his. Hissing as he felt the demon's sharp nails digging into his skin, drawing a small trail of blood. "I want to save y/n from dying."
"And in exchange?"
Xiaojun took a deep breath, helping himself go through the wicked pain. "I give you my soul."
Hendery knelt down on the ground, his free hand drawing symbols on the dirt. Once he was finished, the grip he held on Xiaojun's hand loosened, allowing the blood to drop on what he drew.
Xiaojun watched as the symbols came alive right in front of his eyes. The stars and unfamiliar font swirling around him as both him and the demon were engulfed in a tornado of red flame.
The heat suffocating and the surroundings hurting his eyes the more he looked. A deafening screech was heard around him, followed by the sounds of car honks and a girl screaming. He heard the song playing again as a mixture of sounds invaded his brain.
"Sana noon pa man ay sinabi na sa iyo,
Kahit hindi na uso ay ito lang ang alam ko"
The singer's voice never faded from his head as he now heard the sound of his own.
"I-I'll see you tomorrow?" He opened his eyes to see you right in front of him. Your eyes glowed under the dim light of his car. Like the last time, you never answered him. Smiling once again before planting a kiss on his cheek. Only this time, he wasn't going to let the moment pass him by. His hand reached your wrist before you could even turn around. His breaths came in pants as he savored your presence. He could feel the tears gloss his eyes as he looked at you.
"Jun, are you okay?" God, how he missed the sound of his name on your lips. He snapped himself back to the present.
"I-I'm fine… I just missed you." He said, nodding along as the tears fell freely across his cheek.
You chuckled, "I haven't even left yet."
His hand went back to yours, intertwining them like how it once was. "Then stay."
"I can't." You replied, holding back the dam of emotions you've been carrying. The sigh you let out became shaky as he continued to stare. "I c-can't."
His eyes pleaded---begged you to stay just a little longer. "I love you."
That was all it took to make you break down your walls. The waters seeping through your well built barrier.
"Please." His voice was desperate. Both hands now grabbing on yours, pulling them to his chest. "Just for a little while."
You couldn't say no to him. You could never. But you had to. You had to and you know it. The clock was ticking and before you could say anything the car started.
"Jun?" You called out, watching helplessly as the car roared to life. The hand he held on you shifted the clutch to drive. "What are you doing?"
"Keeping you safe." He answered.
"No Jun, you don't understand---"
"No y/n! Don't go. Don't move away." He turned his body to face you, his hand maneuvering the wheel. "Stay."
You held his gaze longer than you intended to and you regretted it deeply as a truck suddenly hit Xiaojun's side of the car. The impact caused the car to spin around the air before crashing to the ground.
You coughed once the vehicle settled, your focus turning to Xiaojun who was groaning loudly in pain. You quickly crawled out of the car and to the side of your best friend. The window glass was already non-existent as you pulled him out of his seat. His hair stuck to the side of his bloody face while his eyes fought to stay awake.
"H-hey stay with me, Jun." You pleaded, cradling his head on your arms as you desperately kept him conscious. "I'm right here, okay? I-I'm not going anywhere anymore. Please just---just stay awake for me."
Even with dying he could still bring himself to smile softly at you. "A-as long as you're okay." He whispered. Voice already strained with death as he reached up to caress your cheek. "I love you."
You sobbed harder at his repeated confession. Your hand held on to the one he had on your cheek. "I love you too. So much."
He chuckled, the action making him wince. So this was it? He thought to himself, vision already blurry as he watched you cry. His breathing became erratic. He found it more difficult to breathe now as he tried to stay a bit longer until finally it was all too much.
Dying, for Xiaojun, wasn't like what he expected. He didn't see a big bright light. Nor did he have an out of body experience of his soul being pushed out of his being. His life didn't flash before his eyes. The last thing he ever saw was you but after that didn't see a thing. Instead, everything was dark. Really, really dark.
His hand fell from your cheek, laying limp beside him as his eyes slowly screwed shut. And that was the end for Xiao Dejun. It was always supposed to be.
"I told you to save him." You said against the cold wind. Out of thin air, Hendery appeared next to you.
"The boy made a more interesting offer. You shouldn't have stayed in the car with him." He replied, nonchalantly taking a cigarette off the pack in his pants and lighting them with his finger. He took a whiff of the stick before blowing it out. "Sorry, kid. A deal's a deal." He gripped your shoulders at what he assumed to be comforting before walking away.
The sound of the radio distorted but still recognizable as you held Xiaojun close, crying against him like you did the first time.
"La la la la, la la, la la, la la la…"
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our hands held each other
without any of us realizing
that you've taught my heart
how to truly love
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replay album?
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