#u can view this as platonic or romantic however you see them <3
snekverse · 2 years
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𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓘'𝓶 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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fan-mans · 4 months
wazzup dude!
so whaddya got for Narcis Prince hcs? u said you've got quite a few 👀👀
- erporo
I've been waiting for this for so long mnbjhkgvkjhvkj
(I actually wrote 3 pages of hcs in googles docs just for this ask lol)
Anyways, this is gonna be long so hold on to your butt!
Important ones first!
He is pretty self centered, but he's not a dick about it. At least not much more than the other boxers. He's snarky and gossipy but is actually pretty amicable when you get to know him. He sees himself as superior than others not because of his looks or wealth but because he’s very skilled- something he also values highly in others.
He hates his parents, and most of the rest of his bio family too, but loves the staff at his family’s estate- the staff loves him back quite a bit.
In fact, he respects the workers on his family’s estate and most service workers over his parents or family because the workers actually have skills, unlike most of the people he’s related to, who don't do anything except ride off their wealth.
He's very passionate in everything he does and refuses to cut corners. That's why, although he could get away with it, he doesn't cheat- he's got too much respect for both his own skills and the people he's fighting.
Because of his closeness to the staff of his estate rather than his parents, he grew up pretty class conscious and aware that he got a very privileged life, as well as being aware that people who aren’t like him aren’t people he should hate.
A big theme I have for him is people having to change their view of him: most assume he’s nothing but a vain, bitchy, brat- and while he does act like that sometimes, it’s far from his entire personality. Most of the stories I want to write about him revolve around other people having to get over their own assumptions of him based on his tastes and background, accept that yes, he doesn’t inherently disrespect them because they’re poor or different from him, and open up to his warmer side, even if he isn’t always the easiest to get along with
While he is self centered, and definitely not the best at listening to other's problems, he cares a lot about his friends and will never go back on a promise to give a gift or spend time with them. He deeply values his time with people and doesn’t ever want to waste it- even if that means he has to ignore a 100 degree fever to hang out.
He also pays close attention to people's tastes and interests, he likes learning about others and participating in what they enjoy too. If he seems like he doesn’t care about something someone says- it probably means he just didn’t understand it.
Speaking of: Narcis is still questioning his orientation. While he’s sure he’s attracted to men romantically, he isn’t sure if he likes women romantically or just aesthetically. He also wonders if he's a-spec because he’s very picky about romantic partners and values platonic relationships far over romantic ones. If he had to choose between keeping all his friends and never finding love, or finding love but never having friends, he'd always choose the former.
He's also kinda frenemies with glass joe. They’ve both made off-color comments that pissed the other off but they also enjoy a lot of the same stuff and can get along pretty well when together. However, they both can get hot headed and emotional, so a bit of anger sparks between them every time they do hang out.
Now, he truly loves his fancy shit. But as much as he loves upper class culture, he’s also quite fond of lower class and folk culture as well. However, though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s scared that if he were to get too close to lower class culture, he’d be rejected because he’s a ‘priss’. In reality he wouldn’t be- a lot of the things and people he wants to interact with would love to have him, but Narcis isn’t quite secure in his place in the world yet.
Despite that, he doesn't have many insecurities. He’s not very insecure about his appearance- he knows he’s pretty no matter what, he just doesn’t like looking (Or feeling) bruised on his face. He also rarely gives a shit what people think of his tastes, he loves himself enough.
While he will throw the occasional tantrum- he’s gotten much better from when he was a kid and has a pretty good handle on his anger. He used to be MUCH worse as a kid.
His ‘mum’ (Nanny) is still a big part of his life and they’re extremely close. She’s the only person in the world who isn’t scared when he has a meltdown or gets angry.
AUTISM- his parents refuse to admit it or tell him but he was diagnosed as autistic v young and has known most of his life cause his nanny just told him lol.
He’s got low empathy, but he still puts in a lot of work to be nice to others cause he likes people and he wants people to like him back.
He generally needs a lot of attention and people to talk to cause he’s such an extrovert- it made his childhood extremely tough and frustrating. As an adult, he's a total social butterfly and loves making friends and hanging out with people. He isn't perfect at socializing but he's p fun!
He almost never restricts himself when having fun, whether it be going places he’s never been, to trying new drugs, he IS the man of the party and always an excellent host of one.
He also loves new experiences and learning things about people. He's really curious about other people’s cultures and loves listening to people ramble on about theirs. And ofc, he's always down for trying something new.
Now for a ton of small ones:
His uncle is a baron, something narcis’ parents want him to take on over his cousin, but that he has no interest in.
He deeply respects service workers- always tips at least 50%. But though he's never rude to servers/service workers but does expect the best service no matter what.
Absolutely never takes people’s shit- he’s too good for that.
Even with his better respect of people, he does sometimes need to be treated as the specialist boy™
Loves watching people get into fights- esp over or because of him.
Super sensitive abt horror and HATES it- he can mostly handle kids horror and maybe a funny slasher sequel/parody, but nothing too serious.
He yellow under his shirt around his neck is actually a cravat.
Most of his clothes are custom made.
He has two types of shoes: White sneakers or white/pale loafers- no in between.
His taste in fashion is p tacky lmao.
Likes tight clothes in general.
Hates the name given to him at birth.
However, he adores narcissus flowers.
Fave color is red, second fave is yellow.
Because he’s usually wearing red, his eyes tend to look a little purple.
6’10- you will never be able to pry this hc from my cold, dead hands.
Yes his hair is naturally that blonde.
He’s got the cutest lil dimples :)
blushes/turns red very easily and quickly.
Has his ears pierced and has a million sets of earrings. He's the same way with chapstick and nail polish.
Really goofy laugh.
If he were to get a tattoo, it’d have to be a v on his chest- for victory.
His greatest flaw is that he’s got terrible bo
Has a 20 step skin care routine
Cries in a very pretty way (Think like ariel or belle in their movies lol)
Will use his pretty blue eyes to pout and beg for things
Giggly and flirty while drunk
Picked up a bit of cockney from not only his staff growing up, but his drinking buddies in London
Actually a big fan of beer and beans n toast
Really loves earl grey tea
Loves spicy shit- even if he can barely tolerate it
He’s lowkey vegetarian cause he just prefers fruit & veg over meat
He doesn’t know how to ride a bike anymore cause he’s so tall.
He likes playing with and petting horses but hates riding them- ofc he knows how, he just doesn’t like it v much.
His parents got him a pet ‘teacup pig’ but when it got too big he refused to get rid of it and it still lives with them.
Absolutely adores a couple of sanrio plush toys Heike gave him for his birthday- he’s got a hello kitty doll and a My melody pillow.
Heike called him narcy-warsy as a joke and got his car keyed. The only person who can call him that is a lover, and even then only ironically.
If he likes you, he’s gonna give you a ton of pet names.
He crushes very deeply and passionately- often to the point where he dips into very unrealistic daydreaming.
V much the big jakt person in any relationship he’s in.
Definitely treats any romantic partner of his not only as his bestie, but as a tiny dog he’d carry around in a purse.
Wants a chihuahua SO BAD but refuses to get one because he knows it wouldn’t do well in England’s cold climate.
Loves basketball
Jane Austen nerd, his fave book is pride and prejudice
Loves rap, hip-hop, and r&b music… even the crappy stuff
Loves horseplay, esp pillow fights- please play in the mud with him, he needs the enrichment
Loves taking pictures- he’s not good at it yet, but it’s a fun hobby for him
Has a million coloring books that are completely filled in lol
Likes the beach a lot- no matter the weather
He collects seashells, all of which he picked himself
Spends waay too much time in pinterest making aesthetic moodboards
Has a deep interest in physics. So much so that he learned the frequency of most glass just so he could cause chaos by breaking it with his voice.
Is a countertenor (Basically he can sing in a typically 'women's' vocal range)
Speaks welsh and slovak very well- though his parents don’t know that
It’s very easy to make him laugh
Dreams very vividly
Basically ignores whenever he’s sick lmao
Pays for everything- always
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fleursbending · 1 year
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Ramble about: Mikey! :D I wanna know all about the sunshine baby ;3; any verse and anything you wanna talk about
| Ramble about my muse
Imma do this where I start on things that apply to all takes of Mikey then more specific stuff for each verse I have. Mostly it'ss just be 2003 and 2012 though since Rise ive talked about so i left him out of his own section and 87 a bit newer so his bit will be the shortest.
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Aromatic Pansexual. Mikey dosen't care to much for being in a romantic relationship this dosen't mean he won't he a bit content with his own interests and platonic relationships. It's why he tends to vicariously live and meddle a bit in his brothers/friends relationships.
He attracted to ones good vibes over their gender uwu. Mikey has actually gotten experience under his belt he just dosen’t talk about it. He can keep thinks more casual.
Genderfluid. pronouns? he will actually use any. he/him. They/Them. She/Her.
I have made a few mentions here and there on a few Mikey's being pretty open on their gender in responses. Like how Rise and 2012 both share an interest in painting their nails and their brothers nails or shells if they let him
Mikey dosen't use Labels however. He is just Mikey.
All Mikeys do like to paint their nails but they don't all push it to their brothers. 87/03 go with one color and its mostly just orange. 12/rise will mix it up and sometimes to mutplie colors at a time.
Highly empathic. Mikey is very attuned to others feelings it's why hes the likely the one you wanna meet first out of the four. He dosen't view many as threat which can be both bad and good. SO if Mikey DOSE feel someone can't be trusted it might pay to listen to him.
Has ADHD. Now really only the Rise version has this confirmed but well I always saw the case for 2003 and 2012 and I can see it easily applied to him over all.
Highly admires all his brothers. True to his place as the baby in the family Mikey looks up to his brothers and admires them for who they are. Often trying to emulate them.
Also because of that and his empathy hes highly aware of his older brothers hang ups and struggles. He knows Leo burned of Leader/How hard they are on themself (rise), He knows Raph carries the worlds problems on his shoulders, He knows Donnie sets his self worth into his mind and creations and feels like a failure if he cant fix an issue. Mikey is painfully aware of this all.
It why hes a tad more relaxed and laid back and tries to get them involved in his own antics. Or gets a bit to involved in what they are doing. Yeah hes annoying but its coming from a good place.
Super protective. Sorry to anyone who dates his brothers or takes a liking to them. Will he befriend you and be that siblings that steals his brothers partner away to hang with him? yes he will. But theres a slight motive behind it. He's making sure you good for his brothers and well thats a hard thing to crack to Mikey because of how highly he thinks of them. Even Casey someone he is friends with he has done this with.
That another thing out of all the turtles? Mikey is the one you don't wanna make mad. Sure Raph, Leo and even the rare times Donnie snap is something you wanna avoid but Mikeys worse. He aims to hurt. Last Ronin uwu is a good example or ya know 2012 throwing a whole couch out a window over Leo or Rise Mikey throwing buildings and boats even.
It's stated and shown in many of the shows and comics that Mikey could be one of the greatest ninjas out there, Even rivaling Leo's abilities. I feel last Ronin shows it most. He has often gotten the better of all his brothers when pitted against them at times. Mikey just lacks the drive, focus and motivation at times.
Has Severe stage fright, just can not handle the spot light funny enough.
Is a major gift giver for no reason at all. he just sees something and thinks his brothers would like it. Sometimes yeah its just a rock it made him think of them okay
Gets upset if his brothers disguises clash in anyway u-u just cause they live off trash don't mean they have to dress it.
Casey's look is trash but Casey scares him to much to say anything about it.
Having to kill a deal with version of Splinter fucked with him a bit more than he has noticed. He felt guilty about it for months and made sure to be a bit more serious with training for a bit of time.
Loved super heros since his first comic book he ever came across.
His favorites are Captain America, Spider man, Batman and Wonder women.
It's what inspires him to feel he and brothers could do real good for the city. Not just simply hide away they can help people.
Helping others is his biggest goal. Even why he dawned the Turtle Titan persona.
Mikey dose a lot of charity work on his own. Making sure orphanages/foster homes are getting toys and essentials to the kids. Helping their homeless friends out with basics through the year.
What makes Mikey happiest? being useful to others even if he might complain here and there knowing he helped someone? it just feels nice.
Admires Donnie the most of his brothers and is why he often is always in their lab. Also them always being team up as the B team adds to his closeness.
pretty open on his whole gender thing. He’s got a collection of dresses and wigs and such. It’s why he loves those teen magazines.
Loves to paint his brothers shells tends to keep him quite and it's a fun bonding moment for Mikey. At most it's just a small section hell do a small design on. But if they will let him go all out he will uwu
Has a few of online friends that he met from online games, he has actually met in person. Hes worried his brothers would freak out about it. So he kinds of keeps this fact to himself.
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btsandvmin · 3 years
why do u think fandom brozone vmin so much? it doesnt happen nearly as often w other ships
I have talked about this a great deal before, and for good reason. It does happen a lot, and it has always been like this. At least I can speak for the years I have been in the fandom as the first post I ever made properly was about this exact topic. (The “bromance” issue) It’s short and a bit outdated, and honestly we also have to admit that while a lot of people still keep insisting on Vmin not being shippable and being “brozoned or friendzoned” there are also a lot more people who both ship Vmin and even see actual real potential in them being more. (You can even tell by the increase in analysis here on tumblr.)
Personally regarding the “issue” of how Vmin are viewed I am no longer as annoyed with it as I used to be. I do think it’s mainly a problem when other shippers come and say it about Vmin, because that is frankly just hypocritical. I have also written  Normalizing Vmin or “Vmin” and  Shipping vs Believing that explains more about my views on the subject of friendzoning and shipping as a whole. (Personally I feel Vmin get more friendzoned than brozoned, but that’s just a minor detail.)
But your question was about why you think the fandom brozone/friendzone Vmin so much, so let’s get to that.
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First of all I obviously think there are several reasons, but this is all based on my speculations after being in this fandom for so long and what I have seen. Every person could have their own very different reasons to why they think the way they do. I think all the reasons play a part, but might not be equally important and might also not apply to every single person, but rather affect the fandom as a whole in one way or another.
So let’s break it down to the things I think play the biggest role in why Vmin are seen as platonic, regardless of if they are or not, just simply compared to a lot of the other ships.
1. They have since the start used the label “friend” or “best friend” to describe each other. In particular the label “chingu” of course, which in actuality is used to described someone of the same age that you are close with. 
2. The English translation and constant use of “friend” will when repeated constantly get stuck in people’s minds and affect how they view a dynamic. Just how “hyung” gets translated to brother, but a lot less well known and noted by the fandom. Basically the western fandom will likely get even more platonic feelings towards Vmin because of the word being translated to friends.
3. Compared to the other “chingus” in the group, Namjoon and Hobi, there is much more emphasis on Vmin as the same age and as being close and best friends. Namjoon himself made a comment on this. I also think the use of “friends” or more recently “soulmates” by editors is a reply to this, basically that the editors too use these words because they are used a lot by the members first. Hence it gets doubly reinforced. Every time we hear it or read it we get another reminder of Vmin being friends.
4. Their early dymanics were less soft. A lot of their interactions were teasing like Taehyung’s “Jiminie pabo” and fans saw it as two siblings or friends rather than as the “teasing your crush”. Basically people didn't read their behavior as romantic. When BTS first started Vmin already called each other best friends, and that stuck, even more so in combination with people basically not seeing any "spark" between them. I would call this preference in a lot of cases.
5. There were in the beginning already a lot of competition between ships. Jimin often focused in a lot on JK and basically flirted with him while he at the same time brushed off Tae when he did similar towards Jimin. Meanwhile Tae and JK had a very physical relationship as well and JK often seemed the most open and comfortable with Tae. I think both of Vmin kind of pushing themselves on and teasing JK was a dynamic many shippers like. Meanwhile you aslo had Yoonmin getting popular due to Yoongi seeming a bit soft on Jimin and Jimin being very open and loud with wanting attention from Yoongi.
6. Some people find Vmin's dynamics boring. To a lot of shippers “too” obvious closeness might be a little boring and get labeled as just being friends or bros. This was in particular evident in the early days of Vmin. It also matters for fan content, and we can see a lot of Vmin fiction use a bit more “soft” tropes and might not get as many readers as more conflict driven plot. For me I would also include Vmin’s bias towards each other as another point here, that people might see as too much if they are a couple and have to hide. Basically a lot of people don’t see friendship to romance as the most interesting, or the "obvious and equal dynamic" as interesting. BTS said Vmin were the closest or the “best duo” etc. but since all of them were close people picked based on preference for their ship. Of course this still applies to shippers now, they fall for the type of dynamic they like, but now they also have a easier time getting convinced by material from other shippers. Having analysis is another thing that can make a ship more appealing as well.
7. Speaking of, fan content getting created and spread will reinforce certain images. Reading BTS fanfiction or watching moment videos you will see a lot of Vmin being “the best friends”. Basically once the image is used a lot, it will get more spread and used even more. It will be a constant in many places and when talking to a lot of people. It will also of course pull people in to other ships that makes Vmin impossible. Not to mention the big ships will get bigger and spread more easily.
8. Now this might not be true for a lot of people. But I have come across a lot of fans who seem to think being a friend is something that makes romance less likely. For me I want my partner to be my best friend as well, but a lot of people do see these two things as mutually exclusive. Many see friend and lover as two very different things and that you have one best friend and one partner, not someone that are both. Basically just the view on friendships and labels and how that might lead to some feeling being romantically involved is something separate from a close friendship. 
9. Other ships spreading the narrative even further. It’s easier to just call Vmin friends, honestly. It’s often hard to deny their closeness (not that you should have to just because you ship something else, doesn’t change reality). But Vmin being so close and being part of the three biggest ships in BTS of course their label as best friends will be spread and used even more by those shippers. And because of the size of those ships it eventually gets turned into not just those shippers views, but the whole fandom’s.
10. More recently I would also say fear is a reason why people push back and try to remind the fandom that Vmin are “just friends”. Because we have very bad examples of what happens when shipping goes too far, basically it makes many non shippers try to protect Vmin from the same faith. Not a bad thing (again, as long as you don’t ship something else and is a hypocrite), but it surely does further the narrative of Vmin being very platonic. (A bad group is of course included here, which are homophobic fans, but since they feel the same about all ships it’s just a sidenote.)
11. Lastly, and probably most influentual, is the fact that Vmin and BTS friendzone Vmin in many ways, constantly. 
I won’t go into all the examples, but I think we all know a few moments even at the top of our heads by now.
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I mean.... They called their song about being soulmates and wanting to be together for eternity "Friends". And maybe that's what they are, but they sure like to remind us.
So we have times when BTS or Vmin basically remind us and spells it out even more clearly that Vmin are FRIENDS. They use it very very often, and personally to me sometimes at very weird moments. Even so, the things most fans see will of course be what they say. Vmin are friends and that is it.
And at face value that is true. I just personally don’t see being best friends (and soulmates) as meaning they can’t be more as well. Especially since they wouldn’t even be able to say more than that. I mean, if Vmin are basically described as the closest in BTS, then why does that mean they have less odds of being real? Being friends doesn��t have to equal being only friends.
However, Vmin have in fact said things against being interested/denied the other, I don’t want to lie. I am sure some would see this as 100% truth and use it againt the possibility of Vmin being real. Like when Taehyung basically said he would rather date Hobi.
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However, Jimin said he would definitely choose Taehyung to date, but that gets ignored by people who ship Jimin with others, so it’s really just about choosing what fits your narrative. All ships have contradicting moments or statments or answers where they answer two different things at two different times in general.
We also have how Jimin answered back to Taehyung about liking men by saying he isnt “like that” to Taehyung.
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There are moments like this, and even though they might be small and forgotten by most I think they could in a sense still have registered in some fans who then basically managed to spreak the “vmin are just bros/friends” into the more common perception. 
However we also have opposite moments when they try to appeal to each other, or like when Taehyung asks Jimin to be the girlfriend etc. and personally though I do take these things into account it’s a bit like when you see members say “men can’t do this or that” and it doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t be queer. To me even though there are things against most ships, there are still a lot that speaks for some, and that’s why I remain unsure.
Sometimes you might get more defensive or nervous if there is some truth in there as well. It’s all about interpretation, even though I don’t want to blatantly ignore what they say. But since they have said and done directly contradicting things (like how Jimin said he would choose to date Tae while also saying he doesn’t act like “that” to Tae, or how they have changed a lot of answers in general) I also don’t see it as something definitely against them being more. Not to mention time can change things as well. 
In the end though this isn’t about what other things there might be that show Vmin might be more than friends or not, but simply reasons for the fandom’s view of them as platonic. (Personally I think they do a lot of things not normally seen as platonic, which is obviously the reason for me having this blog and writing anlysis on them.)
So, Vmin is friendzoned by the group, and by shippers of bigger ships, and even by themselves at times. Then everything else is reinforcement and inability to view them as anything more than friends.
There are some other things I think might play a part in it as well, but most comes down to personal preferences or what you get exposed to. Like who is the bias of the shipper and what things do they come across to make them a shipper, what kind of dynamics do they like etc. (It's more likely for someone who "falls" for JK to have JK in his ship, for example. Because they will focus on him and notice his interactions and then likely fall for a certain dynamic.)
History is a huge factor in general, and trying to change the perspective of the fandom might not be easy. But with a lot of new fans coming in and seeing with their own eyes how Vmin have behaved the last two years in particular, I think we can see a change.
Vmin are loved by the majority of this fandom, and that’s far better than them having people be anti them because of their ship being too big or too toxic. So in the end I do feel it’s a good things for them and for us that Vmin is being viewed as mostly platonic while they manage to slowly include more “normally not platonic things” into their platonic box. (I mean we are at a point where they can casually mention sleeping together and sing about being soulmates and hold hands in public).
Thank you for the ask and I hope you found this interesting. This is a topic I have a lot of opinions on and think is interesting myself, so I hope you enjoyed this post. No matter what we all know that one truth won’t change; 95z is love!
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fictional other update!
Because I have a fictional harem going at this point, and I can do what I want, I have decided to add another f/o to my list after much thought: Doctor Stephen Strange from the MCU! I already love Benedict Cumberbatch for various reasons, but his portrayal of the egocentric, sarcastic, and yet noble Doctor Strange is fantastic. With Tony Stark gone, we need someone to fill the void left behind: a little shit with a heart of gold 😂
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Ermac (Mortal Kombat), Yhorm the Giant (Dark Souls 3), Doctor Stephen Strange (MCU), Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell franchise), Riddler/Edward Nygma (Batman: The Animated Series)
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Godzilla (Godzilla franchise), Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit/LotR movieverse), Penguin/Oswald "Oz" Cobblepot (Batman: The Telltale Series), Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
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Captain America/Steve Rogers (MCU), Predator (Predator franchise), Evelynn (League of Legends + K/DA), Nightwolf/Grey Cloud (Mortal Kombat)
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(I didn't even intend for this one to be the "green bean" theme that it is 😂)
Riddler/Edward Nigma/Edward Nashton (Batman: Arkham video games), Riddler/Edward Nigma (Batman: The Telltale Series), Doom Slayer/Doom Marine (Doom franchise)
Now, to clarify a few things:
No, Godzilla is not a fictional other to me in a romantic or sexual sense. His my childhood hero and I have a very strong, important connection to the character. A f/o doesn't have to be view as romantic or sexual to be a f/o. It's how YOU interpret the character and your relationship with them.
Just because I self-ship with Wanda, Stephen, and Steve from the MCU doesn't mean I hate their significant others. I love Peggy Carter and Vision! I actually see Wanda and Vision and Steve and Peggy as two of my OTPs. I don't really a strong romantic connection between Stephen and Christine Palmer, though. I just don't, but I do like her character.
A self ship is what you make of it in your own mind. It's a personal interpretation that can coincide with canon but it's more of an a/u in your own fictional world. Relationships with fictional others can also be platonic, I think. It all comes down to the connection YOU have with the character, not what other people want you to think.
I actually headcanon the Doom Slayer and Yhorm as asexual characters because it honestly makes sense to me. I know there was supposedly a photo in Doom Slayer's room of his wife and child, but that may haven been removed from the latest game? From what I heard? I mean, I'm not saying he couldn't be a family man, but, I don't think he's necessarily interested in romance or even sex. Yeah, it sounds weird, but men can be asexual, too, and still kill demons and have bunny fur children. Also, Doom Slayer has never been given a detailed background, which suits him and makes him easier to relate to, and, as cold as it sounds, "demons killed my family so I will avenge" thing is so cliché, and while Doom has FPS/action game clichés, it avoids many others. I could go into more detail but I don't want to ramble on about this topic.
I know Yhorm lost someone close to him in the past which sent him in a downward spiral (not that things were going splendid for him anyway, considering how people in the Souls universe don't like giants, and doubted his ability to rule). However, the truth is we don't know who he lost: family member, friend, significant other....it could be any of those. to automatically assume the person was his s/o is...kind of cliché, I hate to say it. You see it a lot in fiction. I also have doubts it was a family member because he sadly didn't seem to have any family left. So, a friend or comrade in battle makes the most sense, seeing as how he was a soldier giant at one point.
I do mean I self-ship only with the MCU versions of Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Captain America -- NOT their comic book counterparts. I haven't read the comics. I don't actually read any American comics, and don't want to, but I do like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Yes, I self-ship with three Riddlers. What can I say? I am a Riddler Slut!
Erron Black is still kicked to the curb until further notice. He keeps away because do you see the f/os I have? Any one of them could annihilate him easily.
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The Big 3 Plus 1 | The Big 3 x Powerful!Reader
AN: This is platonic! I did another one that was romantic, but I’m posting this one instead.
Warnings: Mentions of depression; OP reader >.<
Length: 3.5k
Summary: You meet The Big 3 for the first time and it doesn’t go all that well because you know you’re better than them.
Name: (f/n) (l/n) Quirk: Energy Manipulation; user can control the energy in/around living and nonliving things Age: 17 Hero Name: (h/n) 
(f/n) stood up and bowed to Nezu and then walked out of his office. She was supposed to meet the big three in a few days, how exciting. The big 3. The strongest hero students in Japan, destined to become top pro heroes when they graduated. Nezu thought she could work well together and maybe join the trio.
   The girl was opposed to joining them, she was used to working alone and that's how she preferred it. With her quirk, it was quite hard to have allies around. Yes, like The Big 3, she worked hard over the years to get a handle on it, but unlike a normal quirk, hers was always evolving. Her abilities were sometimes too much, ever for her.
   She pretended to be happy and excited to see them, but in reality, she didn't want to. She didn't care. She could be like Eraserhead. The pro-hero who works alone and isn't in front of the cameras the entire time. As the girl walked the hallways, she felt her quirk hit. She groaned as she leaned against the wall, her hand on her chest, her eyes shut tight. She took a few deep breaths and opened her eyes.
   (F/c) energy surrounded her and started to fill up the area she was in. She gritted her teeth and breathed in and out as she felt the shivers hit. No matter how much she breathed, it felt like it wasn't enough. She needed just a bit more but she couldn't have it. Her hand moved to her throat where she felt her quirk tighten. She slid down to the ground and clenched her fist, continuing her breathing. She raised her arms and waved them around in a practiced manner and finally felt the pressure leave her chest.
It took a few moments, but everything returned to normal. At times like this, she wasn't even sure if what she dealt with was real or not. Nothing hurt, but during the "attack", everything hurt. Her whole body ached and cried out in pain and she could do nothing about it. However, when it ended, it was like it never happened. She calmed herself, before fixing her hair and uniform, even though nothing was out of place.
   The girl continued to walk the corridor until she heard voices up ahead. A condescending smile made its way onto her face as she realized who they were. The big 3. Guess she was meeting them earlier than expected, if they even knew they were going to meet her. They were heading in the direction of Nezu's office, so maybe they didn't know yet. Either way, she was going to "introduce" herself.
   They were busy talking to each other as she approached them, stopping, blocking them as well. Tamaki shied away while the other two looked at her with bright smiles.
   "Wow, must be my lucky day. The Big 3. Japan's top hero students, considered to be at pro level already!" Her eyes traveled to Mirio. "One of them even a candidate for replacing All Might. It's an honor to meet you." Sarcasm dripped off of every word she spoke, but they ignored it. Mirio gave her a bright smile as he introduced himself.
   "I'm Mirio Togata! It's really nice to meet you."
   "I'm Nejire Hado! A pleasure to meet you!" The three looked at Tamaki who jumped a little, but they gave him a moment. (f/n) squinted as her piercing (e/c) traveled up and down his frame.
   "Tamaki Amajiki." She finished in a sharp tone. "Suneater; quirk: manifest." His head was down as he stared at the ground. He heard her footsteps approach him and his eyes widened as he met her eyes. She had leaned in closer to see his face. "You're much more intimidating in your hero costume." Standing up straight, she looked at the trio again. "Nejire Hado; quirk: wave motion. Last but not least, Mirio Togata. Quirk: permeation."
   "What's your name?" Mirio inquired with a smile, the two moving closer to the girl. She was silent, but they watched as she blinked once and her (e/c) were now glowing. It only lasted a second, because when she blinked again, it disappeared.
   "I'm surprised. I thought The Big 3 would recognize their competition when they see it. Guess I gave you too much credit."
   "There isn't any competition-" Nejire was cut off by the girl.
   "You're right. I'm already better than all of you combined. Excuse me." With that, she pushed through Nejire and Tamaki, bumping into them roughly as she walked passed. The three turned and watched her with a frown. She walked with such confidence, her hips swaying as her (figure) figure retreated into the distance.
   "She... who is she?" Nejire inquired.
   "I don't know," Mirio responded slowly. The three stood there for another moment before they continued on their way, somewhat shaken by the girl they just met.
~**~ 3 Days Later ~**~
   (f/n) was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her eyes were glowing a bright (e/c) as it scanned everything in her room. (Dark/light) (f/c) energy filled her room, swirling around. She raised her arm and watched as the energy moved closer and turned into a large ball around her hand. She blinked, her eyes returning to normal and everything disappeared, but she could still feel the energy everywhere.
   She lowered her arm and felt the energy let go as she sat up with a sigh. Tomorrow she formally met The Big 3. She was supposed to hang around them and officially join their little group. What if she didn't want to? She didn't get that choice. What if she wanted to make friends? She didn't get that choice. What if she didn't want to be a pro-hero? She didn't get that choice.
   Everything was predetermined for the girl and all she could do was follow like a leashed dog. Her quirk was already too much, even she couldn't handle it. There were times where she had accidentally used her quirk, unable to control it at a younger age. Things didn't go so well. So she was put through brutal training to be able to control it.
   It helped quite a bit. Now she had a grasp on it and instead of quirk controlling her, she commanded it herself. However, every now and then, she had a slip-up. She'd lose control and the energy around her would start to suffocate everything. She wasn't pro hero material. She acted confident, but deep down inside, she was nothing like that at all. She was nothing.
   This was her life, her destiny. She was to follow everyone else, bend to their rules, do as they say. She didn't matter, her opinions didn't matter, her choices didn't matter. No one wanted her, they wanted her quirk. It was the same with everyone. Hero, villain, or family. They just wanted her quirk.
   That or they were too scared of it. Her quirk was nothing short of dangerous and no matter what, she'd always be feared to some degree. She could never be like All Might, someone who could put smiles on faces and relieve fear. No, she instilled fear, she was fear. No hero trembled yet, but when she'd be as powerful as the number 1 hero... then they'd fear her. Then she'd be punished for something she didn't even want in the first place.
   The girl let out another audible sigh before she fell back on her bed and covered her face with her hands. Whatever... she'd just deal with it as she dealt with everything else.
~The Next Day~
   The girl arrived in the classroom, where she was supposed to meet The Big 3. When she entered, she noticed it was empty. She sighed as she rolled her eyes and sat down in a desk.
   "I must be early." She checked her phone and indeed she was early, by ten minutes. She sat there (playing games/reading/checking social) on her phone. After about twenty minutes of waiting, she let out and groan. "Can't even be on time." It had taken about five more minutes after that, but the door opened and in walked Nezu with the three behind them. Both Nejire and Mirio were chattering away but they both silenced immediately as they noticed the girl.
   "This is (f/n) (l/n), (f/n), this is-"
   "We've met actually." Her voice was as sweet as honey, but she was clearly disinterested. The three joined her as Aizawa entered the room not a moment later. He explained how the three would be talking to the new first years. (f/n) already didn't care, but once again, she was given a command and like the helpless puppy she was, she followed.
   The four waited outside the classroom and entered when told. They faced the class and listened as Aizawa introduced them. He introduced the three as their title, but avoided talking about (f/n), the girl not caring in the slightest.
   "Get to it. Introduce yourselves briefly. Let's start with Amajiki." (f/n) turned her head and looked at him as he looked up, his stare intense, freaking out the entire classroom. It was kind of impressive.
   "It's no good." His voice came out, pulling the attention of his friends. "You three go. I just can't." (f/n) raised an eyebrow as she realized he was shaking. "Even if I try to imagine them like potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words are coming out, my mind's blank, and my mouth is dry. I can't say anything. I wanna go home." He finished, turning around and facing the wall. (f/n)'s face blanked as she was no longer impressed but disappointed.
   Nejire giggled and commented on how he needed to be a lion, not a kitten, then proceeded to introduce him as a kitten then herself. As she went on a tangent, (f/n) rolled her eyes and stepped in front of Tamaki, blocking his body from view.
   Although a simple gesture, knowing that the class could no longer see Tamaki, consoled him. He was no longer shaking and he felt his anxiety melt away a little bit. Everyone had noticed, but were too busy with Nejire asking questions to bother asking (f/n).
   However, Midoriya's voice broke through after Nejire finished talking and before Mirio could. He raised his hand and spoke.
   "Um... who's she? Are you another member of The Big 3? Are you guys The Big 4?" Both Nejire and Mirio looked at (f/n) whose answer was unexpected to Aizawa and the three.
   "No. I'm (f/n) (l/n), they're still the Big 3. I'm not a part of them." The first years gave an understanding nod and Mirio took over. It wasn't long after before Mirio challenged the first  years to a fight, with Eraserhead saying:
   "Do whatever you want."
   Here they were, in the training room. Mirio standing across from the first years, stretching. As he did, Tamaki, from the wall, spoke up.
   "Mirio, you're impossible. It would've been simple enough for us to just tell them. This is what it's like, it's what we've learned from it. Not everyone has your level of drive. Plus, think of how bad it would look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed." That caught everyone's attention, even (f/n)'s, who had already observed them.
   The first years were overconfident but Nejire interrupted them with an excited squeal. She jumped up and pointed at (f/n).
   "Why don't we see her fight?" They were all silent and Mirio looked at the (h/c) haired girl.
   "Would you like to?"
   "I don't care." She responded. It was decided, she would fight them, then Mirio. The girl walked towards the front and stared at everyone, placing her hands on her hips. The class examined her, some more than others. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, (figure) figure, piercing (e/c) eyes, and a disinterested look on her face. The class prepped really quick and she spoke out. "Ready when you are." Even Tamaki turned around to watch the fight. They watched her blink and her eyes start glowing.
   The class ran at her, but within seconds they were on the floor, immobile. No, not immobile, struggling. They were struggling to move but they couldn't. She hadn't even moved but her eyes were glowing brighter. The Big 3 watched with wide eyes as she waited for about three minutes and blinked. The glow from her eyes was gone, but she waved her hand and class 1-A breathed in relief.
   "Done." She said, as she walked off to the side, signaling that Mirio could go next. The class stood up, the pain was gone. Well, it never hurt, they just couldn't move, it was as if she had placed a platform on them and pressed down. They weren't able to get up, but nothing hurt.
   So Mirio was up next. The second he activated his quirk, his clothes fell off and (f/n) shut her eyes, but not before she caught sight of... mini Mirio. She groaned and stared at the floor, but kept an eye on the fight itself.
   Safe to say, he wiped the floor with them. In the end, the group stood up and (f/n) heard a voice say:
   "I wish I had (f/n)'s quirk! She lucked out." The girl turned to the group and spoke.
   "As the wallflower over here said," She said gesturing to Tamaki behind her, "It's not my quirk you should be jealous of. It's our skills."
   "Oh yeah?" She heard another voice. "What's so wrong with it?" Midoriya looked up and spoke as well, but in a more inquiring tone.
   "Mine breaks my bones." She scoffed.
   "I wish my quirk would break my bones. Mine tries to kill me." They all perked up, except Aizawa who was well aware of the girl's situation.
   "My quirk is Energy Manipulation. Everything has energy, living or dead. When I do this," She blinked and her eyes started to glow. "I can see it. It's all around us, but right now it's centered around all of you since you're all grouped together. I can control that energy, within you and around you. That's why you found it hard to get up, I was forcing you down. I can also do this." She held her arm out and they watched as energy started to surround it, (dark/light) (f/c) energy. She aimed it at the large rock formation and released it. They watched as it barreled towards the rock formation and completely obliterated it.
   "That's amazing!" They complimented, but she shook her head as she blinked the glow in her eyes away.
   "Not when you wake up in the middle of the night to your own energy suffocating you." She watched the impressed looks melt into those of horrors. "Sleep is dangerous for me, sometimes my own energy starts to crush my body or my insides. Other times, it tries to suffocate me when I'm awake. It's like tying a rope around my throat and choking me. I can't breathe, my body aches, and my quirk is activated by force.
After that, the energy surrounds me the way it just surrounded by hand. When it does that, I have no control over it and if it blows up, it'll kill me too. Also, when my eyes glow and I look at the energy, I can only do it for a short period of time. I mostly use it to see where the energy is residing for a second or two. If I stare too long, I risk losing my eyesight. I usually have to take time out of the day to physically control my own energy, moving it around and away from me. I do the same at night, I wake up multiple times every single night to make sure my own energy isn't trying to kill me."
   "H-how do you handle it?" Someone asked.
   "Practice. Years and years of brutal training allows me to stand here in front of you without killing myself or blowing up the school. You don't want my quirk. Hell, I don't want my quirk, I'm just stuck with it." Her pessimistic side was coming out but she didn't care too much for it. Once it was obvious she was done talking, Mirio added onto what she was saying, telling the class how difficult it was for him to master his quirk and how much work it took.
   As (f/n) walked out of the class, she was stopped by the trio. She turned with an exasperated sigh and looked at them.
   "Thank you," Tamaki spoke out.
   "For?" He was going to force his words out, but she interrupted him. "Oh, that. It's nothing." She then leaned in. "You know, you're cute. It'd be much better if I could see your face and your pretty eyes." He almost died right then and there. A ghost of a chuckle escaped her lips and she turned to leave when Mirio spoke up.
   "I wanna spar with you!" She turned to face him and saw a bright smile and a determined look on his face. How could she say no?
   "Sure." He expected to be turned down but wasn't, which gave him and the group hope of her maybe wanting to be friends with them.
   "(l/n)?" Nejire started. "Will you join us?" She smiled.
   "No, you're good as The Big 3. I don't mind hanging around you though. Color me impressed." Although they were a bit disappointed the trio wouldn't have another member, they were still happy to be friends with her. Tamaki, included. Just her small gesture of letting him hide behind her made him want to get to know her. No one had done that for him before, so why turn down a girl who did. One who didn't even seem to like him. He wanted to know more. They all did, all three of them wanted to get to know her. They wanted to get to know (h/n), but they also wanted to get to know (y/f/n), the girl with such an amazing quirk.
   "We should all spar! Us against you!" The blue-haired girl cheered, causing (f/n) to laugh and shake her head. A smile suited her, they noted. This was the first time she laughed and they liked it, wanting to hear more of it.
   "I already told you, I'm better than all of you combined." Mirio slung his arm around her shoulder with a laugh of his own; she made no effort to push him away.
   "We'll see about that!"
   "Oh yeah?" She challenged. "Don't forget, I can control all of you. Sounds fun though. I'm expecting a challenge, so don't disappoint."
   "Oh, we won't!" Nejire added, skipping along next to Mirio. When Tamaki caught up, he was next to (f/n). The four went off to lunch together and all three of them knew she belonged with them, in their group. They weren't the only powerful students in Japan, because there was another one. One stronger than them.
The group did seem like they fit together well, but (f/n) refused to join them officially. Still, they were the best of friends after that. Everyone heard of the stories, The Big 3 plus 1. That's how she always introduced them.
"We're The Big 3 plus 1." She was quite close to the 3 and maybe it was them projecting a bit, but she watched as her ideas and morals morphed. At first, being number 1 hero wasn't her goal. Being a hero, in general, wasn't her goal, but now it was. She wanted to be a hero with her best friends, stand next to them and fight. So she did.
The number 1 pro-hero (h/n) and The Big 3, together, protected Japan from all villains, no matter how strong or dangerous. Their bond had only strengthened and when she looked back on the first day she met them, she regretted the way she introduced herself to them. However, she also used it as the day her life changed. When she met The Big 3.
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reeeyachi · 4 years
W-HELLO I AM dropping in both ur askboxes to ask if u guys think that there's a possibility that killugon could always stay one-sided (killua never confessing, aro gon, or any scenario tbh)? - im asking u girls because u can provide an artistic/writer point of view - as an artist, wouldn't it feel wrong/incomplete to make a character fall in love with another only to be rejected and be told that they wanna stay platonic friends, when they have such a deep relationship and potential for romance?
HELLO DON’T MIND IF I DO. allow me put my "writer" hat on so that i can give you a very subjective yet creative short answer and a super long answer to this one. Short answer is, unfortunately (it breaks my heart), yes it is possible. Long answer is also yes but with explanation below:
ok i want to slice this ask piece by piece. let’s check possible endings to this relationship and try to fit them in hxh’s concept/context and togashi’s style of storytelling:
purely platonic / just friends;
one-sided love (vice versa killua & gon);
both in love, but won’t confess and will stay platonic;
both in love and will be together forever; and lastly
both in love and will be together for a long time but will break up
i know most of these sound disheartening for us but for me, as a writer, i like to have as many options as possible. especially for romance. because there’s so much character growth potential in this genre -- as what it would let you experience in real life. people learn so many lessons when and after falling in and out love and i like to think of this as one of togashi’s main considerations in writing a romance. most esp a romance that developed at a very young age between two boys.
explanation after the cut:
purely platonic / just friends - let’s just get this out of the way. the answer is a solid no. if i were to strip off my fangirl mask and put myself in togashi’s shoes, an author who goes out of his way to write about the LGBTQ+, it’s not possible. forget about this. i have your metas to back me up on this.
one-sided love (vice versa killua & gon) - ok this one’s interesting because it is possible. @sincerelysamedt has this amazing headcanon (that i can’t stop thinking about bcos it is so damned possible) about killua confessing to gon and gon rejecting him because, while he does love him, he thinks he doesn’t love in the same way killua does (which is romantically). if we are to put it in hxh canon context, it might actually fit in, but with a different scenario. okay so, after separating, togashi gives us the “little detours“ scene between gon and ging, and throws gon back to whale island basically back to square one -- suggesting that gon will ponder and will realize his feelings for killua in his time alone. but it also suggests that killua might take this chance to move on from gon, and that by the time they meet again, by the time gon finally tells him about how he feels about the both of them, killua’s feelings for him are long gone, and they mutually agree to stay just friends.
both in love, but won’t confess and will stay platonic - talk about funny and frustrating. slow burn gives me physical pain, but hiding of feelings when it’s too fucking obvious kills me. and i am certain togashi knows this. if you are a writer, you would know what your reader wants. you would know what they think of your characters. and sometimes, most of the time, to break the norm and stereotypes (and to break hearts and laugh evil laughs), writers will tend to NOT give you what you want. in this scenario, he gives us BOTH. and it just blows my mind how he already does it in the manga. i really like how togashi tells a story because he doesn’t really “tell“ per se. he “shows“ it. like, he doesn’t tell us that killua has feelings for gon but we SEE it. he doesn’t tell us that gon’s best detour is killua but we KNOW it. he gives readers the power to interpret his contexts without being evasive. so i think it is possible he might pull this shitty yet brilliant strategy until the end. an open-ended conclusion, an “it’s for me to know and for you to find out“, a giving the benefit of the doubt, something that will make you stare into the distance and feel complete and incomplete at the same damn time -- really, the best and worst kind of ending
both in love and will be together forever - YES. this will fit right in the hxh storyline because of the BUILD UP we’ve witness at the start of the story. i repeat, not in the middle, not at the latter episodes of the anime, but AT THE START of the freaking manga. if i were to just pull out manga panel’s of gon and killua from the moment they met, without the side quests, focusing only on their relationship, and arrange them in chronological order, i’ll have myself a good-written slow-burn romance. i don’t think togashi would want to throw the idea of them finally being together out of the window after all the build up he wrote between them. this is the ending that we want. and it’s likely togashi will give it to us BUT, as mentioned, as a writer of his caliber, he might just go apeshit and give us more after this which my last scenario suggests...
both in love and will be together for a long time but will break up in the end - thinking about this makes me sad. but it is possible that this can happen. gon and killua were 12y/o when they met. they’re 13-14y/o when they developed their feelings for each other. while yes, they may realize that being together would be the best decision to make when they meet again, given that they are growing boys with maturing emotional and intellectual capacities, they might later on decide that they’re better off as friends. being in a relationship is not all fluff and games. they will have problems, they will disagree and they will fight. through and through, they will develop their understanding of the world and of the people around them. heck, they might even meet new people they’re interested in. and togashi might give us this. before and after being together. he might code it as character growth, similar to what he showed us after CAA, but as adults. it’s a loop -- like how real-life romantic relationships play out. i personally like this idea because it suggests that there is more to their reach than just each other, and that they can grow on their own without depending on each other. BUT BUT BUT i strongly believe that togashi doesn’t intend this to happen given what i said about the build up and all. he MIGHT make this happen BUT in the end, gon and killua would still end up coming home to each other.
i’m not really sure of i answered your ask right because i said so many things and presented so many scenarios HAHA but to summarize, killua and gon are gay coded and they definitely have feelings for each other, however, it’s togashi’s thought process as a novelist that i’m not really sure how to decode. the way a good writer thinks is amazing. they’re crazy genius yet so, so unpredictable and fucking poetic. he might give us what we want, but he might also fuck around and explore all possible scenarios of a slow-burn relationship before they actually get together, like the true shoujo mangaka that he is
it’s just a matter of time, really :3
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ferie-anon · 3 years
Hey Swettie 🙃 I don't know if you take request but, if you did, can I please get astrology ship with ateez/straykids? Im taurus sun, leo moon, pisces sun, aries venus, aquarius mars and taurus mercury. Thank you soo much and have a wonderful day💛
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(Top right picture: "I’ll love the genuine things, the truth, the real feelings, and myself" )
Hiii, first I’ll do Ateez since currently two ships request in one ask is a bit much for me. Here’s your analysis of your placements~ (You can request for straykids when I reopen my ship asks if you want) Okay so you have taurus sun with pisces moon and leo rising after clarification of your placements, and wow can i just say u must be quite the lovable pretty human being 🥺. Taurus sun you are grounded and there is an inherent desire for productivity or routinely manner when you implement your efforts such as your blog managing for example, I notice you consistently or do a bundle or a bunch of asks for the moodboards and then post them all at the same time or in a frequent but not everyday manner. Your work ethic is quite admirable and it also partially stems from your leo rising, these natives with this placement are quite active with their individual interests and opinions/goals, working silently hard or loyal towards their objective. And then your pisces moon allows you to be able to interpret emotions and feelings in different ways, the tangible and untangible. It also makes sense how well put your moodboards are and how accurate they are with the embodied moods :3. Your pisces moon is able to discern these emotions or vibes and they can channel this at time in numerous ways, creatively, to help others in a therapeutic way, and etc. Aslo with your placements general, you may be friendly or very down-to earth to others, empathic (like an empathic listener for example) and friendly but also have quite solid self individuality and well balanced management of your personal and other needs. But I only got to half of your placements 💖✨ I’ll talk about your taurus mercury and aries venus now.
Woah see here is where your individuality could be more heightened. With taurus mercury, you are not afraid to say your honest opinions, rather it would be better or the only option to hear the truth or genuine thoughts than shield with only pretentious superficial words of comforts, ofc you genuinely want the best for ur loved ones and all, and comfort and support is natural, however filtering the reality from your friend is only going to hurt them than rather benefit them so. You’re quite blunt but in a subtle way, its not like you want to let others know you are a blunt and honest person before convo, but simply they realized this fact afterwards. Your aries venus is also quite bold or affectionate, your physical expression of love or care for friends and partner/family etc is warm and obvious to them. These natives with their venus in aries can get their emotions quite strongly at times to their important ones, you sorta give me a love warrior goddess sorta vibe but more controlled/calm. You love with sincerity and passion, but also try to not lose yourself for others. You have aquarius mars oooh, you strive for new and mental stimulating ideas or topics that you are interested in, this could range from hobbies or crafts that involve your interests. Your aquarius mars can be quite fixated as the sign aquarius is also a fixed sign (the modality is a fixed sign) so you may consistently work in your field of interests, but sometimes you try not to put heavy pressure on yourself too much to reach your goals as your motivations are consistent but you aren’t rushing yourself too much, preferring to work at ur own pace becuz u will get there~
In Ateez... your match is san!
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Omgg san has a cancer sun with taurus moon, he has water and earth in his sun and moon similar to yours, and with him having the same sign in his moon as your sun (Taurus). There is an immediate emotional understanding, and easier opening up to each other. Idk why but San and you have such similar dynamics, you both would be the warmest and down to earth chaotic pair?? San with his cancer sun is always ready to help and pours his heart into everything, his love for his members and fans, and passion when dancing lol. (Satanic san~) Your pisces moon would feel comforted and safe with his cancer sun, as you seek for someone to not judge your emotional vulnerability/sensitivity and San being consoling and having a non-judgemental soothe to him, bingo. You both would have similar beliefs and point of view at times, which would relate to an immediate click. The first time you met each other, it was like two fireflies flickering towards each other. You weren’t close to him at first, but you were aware of his presence from the first encounter, and soon you both planned subtley how to approach each other more often~
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Alright a delve at his taurus moon, San is loyal, self-consistent to his ideals and perspectives, and more inclined to familiarity. With his taurus moon, San is always ready to be there for his members, family, and close ones. He is also a bit solidified in his own goals and self views, sometimes not wavering from ofher opinions till he sees proven true. I can say that with your taurus sun, you would appreciate his grounded ways and calm but warm nature. Your pisces moon connects well with his cancer sun, as both are water signs and have a easier time reciprocating and processing emotions. (So San can easily comfort you when you may be feeling down or experiencing emotional turmoil, he may know what to say or do when comforting like hugs or soothing affirmations, it’s everything the opposite of awkwardness) I think San may find your softness and sensitivity cute and understanding, that you can also be an ambitious or strong individual but also have a soft spot.
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Next up San has a leo mercury, and here’s where his chaotic energy will be talked about lol. San is obviously the opposite of calmness when he is naturally having fun and interacting with his members by being himself, he is quite creative and a loud eye-catching speaker. (You don’t need to be told twice he’s probs a living speaker in the dorms wildin) San’s way of communicating may be a little different from your taurus mercury, as your placement tones are more focused on maintaining a calm and chill vibe, while San could be too hyper at times. However, your aries venus would definitely appreciate his energetic actions and manner, both having fun engaging activities. Also San’s mercury in leo and your taurus mercury are similar in a sense they both are vocal or stand clear to their opinions and views. You both won’t hesitate to be honest and there will be better mutual trust becuz of this. And despite different perspectives at times, you both may find the other point of view interesting and it may not lead to frequent altercations and more of enlightening banter. 
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(This gif summarizes sorta a leo venus being overdramatic of their s/o in a loving manner or complimenting them lol, and its basically san)
And what do we have here, San’s venus is in leo also :> Leo says we meet again~ His way of showing affection can be more physical and expressive, he is definitely proud of his partner/s/o and will shower them with compliments. Venus in leo’s love are genuine and very deep, and with your aries venus (both signs in venus are fire) you definitely love the physical interaction and display of affection from San. Similarly, once close and in a relationship you aren’t shy from showing your love, sometimes you may be flirty or surprise-hug (or other skinship) San. Dates will be fun and probably have high-tension like you both are clearly enjoying the time together (ngl it might seem obvious to others in the same location as your date that you two are rlly lovey-dovey with each other) That being said you both always lift each other up, whether in terms of mood or personal feelings like insecurity at times or nervousness, you two could be each others number one supporter. His leo venus (and his mercury in leo) are opposite to your aquarius mars so there may be conflict or a clash between differing actions/methods and beliefs, but nonetheless you both end up learning from a wider point of view with each other and find the differences intriguing. (Also notably his leo venus and mercury is conjunct to your leo ascendant, so an instant chemistry or attraction mentally and physically is apparent :3)
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Lastly, San’s mars is in scorpio. His scorpio mars is opposite to your taurus sun and taurus mercury (scorpio and taurus are sister signs aka opposing signs), but in this case this could further his interest and a spark between you two often. The first impression was impactful to him, and he may be more initiative to getting closer or being in your presence in general. His scorpio mars is quite devotive, in terms of personal goals and passions, and important things he considers in his life (aka his partner, friends, family, etc). Your aquarius mars is also pragmatic when needed but due to your natural logical sense, however you tend to be more loose with your scheduling and activeness. However, despite some differences between pace, you both are consistent and stable when you decide on something. His scorpio mars is also passionate, and with your aries venus the energy levels are able to be matched and complemented with the rest of both of your chart placements. 
Overall, with both placements in synastry and analyzation, you both won’t get drained out by each other a lot able to change the direction of interaction between energetic to calm and serious, lighthearted conversations to an inherent empathic awareness during conversations. I was writing this, and I can’t help thinking wow they really match well together. Chemistry platonically and romantically, you both get along rlly well. In this ship pair, you two are the best friends and lover couple, close in general and caring about each other, and did I mention the charismatic ones? I bet yall would be the most openly charming couple .ㅅ.
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fmdkiana · 3 years
【✧】━━━━━ 🌿 k i a n a     i n t r o     p l a y l i s t 🌿 ━━━━━【✧】
these are nineteen songs that i’ve been listening to while making kiana’s blog [x] some i came across, some randomly thought of, and some suggested by lovely muns i’ve been chatting about kiana to. since she’s a character that i’ve adapted for the purpose of famed, these songs have helped ground me in the person she is. i hope the songs and descriptions below will help you learn kiana a little better too
1. to be torn by kyla la grange
this first song was a suggestion from someone, and i think set the tune for the rest of my choices. apparently it’s from beauty and the beast? lol anyway it describes this desire to be torn, a carnal need to be used. the heavy sound of it is kind of haunting, a bit sad, but also strong. the emotion can be felt even without the lyrics. kiana has this part of her that deeply craves being important, whether it comes at her own expense -her own tearing- or not. also forewarning that a lot of these overlap on the same concepts. shrug emoji
2. intertwined by dodie
intertwined is a song that immediately came to mind for kiana after to be torn. when this song came out, many people saw it as a cute love story, wanting to be intertwined with a lover, and have them be the safe space when you have a troubled head. however, dodie made a video debunking this, against her natural inclination, because the song describes something severely unhealthy. the following music video also helped many people to see the gore that’s strung throughout the lyrics. it Actually describes a relationship where the participants have put all of their source of happiness in one another, and it’s left them codependent, but ever seeking more. kiana has this perpetual trouble in relationships, especially romantic ones
3. bite by troye sivan
i can be the subjective of your dreams, your sickening desire is a pretty good sum up of where the inspo comes from. it’s difficult, when talking about the negative parts of kiana, to not talk about her ex-boyfriend. i have lots planned to talk on so i won’t go on forever here, but it reminds me of how all it took was the tiniest invitation for kiana to “become his.” that’s how she works. come here puppy, don’t bite, and she’ll heel at your side forever. at least, back then. she’s someone who seems difficult, because she’s very asocial, but with the right formula, it could be so easy to slip her into your arms
4. hell in heaven by twice wish
this song is a bit similar to intertwined, i would say? someone who feels stuck, drowning in a “hell” that is only saved by a piece of “heaven/paradise.” yet they’re in between the place of hell and heaven, constantly confused of where they land, because they’ve placed their hope for salvation in this one, singular place/person. they want to be freer than they are, yet their salvation keeps them locked away. open the door to heaven, let me walk on the cloud. the day i’m trapped in you, save me, hold me tight
5. dinner & diatribes by hozier
a few different levels come from this song. while it was created with the idea of how tedious social gatherings are, the story that comes from it makes another world. kiana is asocial, and struggles with fear over social situations, which make something like dinner parties quite stressful for her. she’s also someone who isn’t fond of small talk, and more likely that type to say ‘talk to me about your deepest fears,’ but... she actually means it and isn’t saying it to be pretentious. she would much rather see the sickest, nastiest parts of someone, soak all of that up, than talk about whether the food was good. the music video describes this in part, but also gives a hades/persephone but worse type of story that is also quite kiana aligned. that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of
6. creep by radiohead
i want you to notice when i’m not around. so fuckin special, i wish i was special, but i’m a creep. not to ‘have you ever seen me without this hat’ on you, but lissen! kiana is forever convinced she’s an outsider. the things she likes are more Cool these days than they were when she was a kid, but the feeling of being ostracized for liking them back then will always live with her. she’s an insecure overthinking fuck at times too. and also desperately wants to be someone special, and unique, as if having that would make her pain of feeling different worth it
7. seigfried by frank ocean
the meaning of this song is pretty different from how i view it in relation to kiana. for her, the focus is on the idea of ‘settling down’ being... acceptance of normality? her whole life, she’s been searching for someone and/or something that makes her feel special. she became an idol for this exact reason, dated her ex for that reason, seeks the relationships she does, thinks she could still have superpowers for this reason. but the truth is that she’s pretty normal. her hobbies are very normal people type things. her talents aren’t anything that would have her being called top of the line. her thoughts are all things other people have thought of. her booksmart intelligence isn’t any stronger than the average. she is very normal, and the tiny part of her that acknowledges that usually shoves it away. but on occasion, she wonders if she should accept it, and settle
8. gimme love by joji
gimme gimme love is all you really need to know lol kiana doesn’t stick around easily when she’s not being given the same kind of world-ending affection from those she’s chosen to share that with that she gives out. she gives at Least 110% of her love, affection, and loyalty into anyone that she has chosen to keep closest to her heart, and if she isn’t getting that back, she can feel dejected, unloved, and unimportant. she may give people like this a few chances to change, but her expectations, or “standards,” won’t change
9. pain by king princess
cos i can’t help turning my love into pain is the strongest lyric that ties back to kiana. the overall message isn’t as strong because king princess has a different view on a relationship as described than kiana. for her, it’s yet another kiana will put herself in the face of terrible parts of relationships. the trouble is that she enjoys it, and seeks it, thinking it’s the ultimate show of love. not to pain one another, but to be pained without them. also realizing after all these i should be saying this applies to her inner circle friendships as well, but the standards are just a little less heavy
10. any song by zico sun
not one for big gatherings, kiana likes to have her social interaction either through the wire, or in small groups (duos are best to her tbh) the song has an upbeat tune that contrasts against the lyrical meaning of something more about... any song will do, something to drag away the sadness that’s living inside. kiana functions a bit like that, always seeking her uniqueness to bust out and save her from her own mind thinking she’s not good enough
11. why won’t they talk to me? by tame impala
she is asocial, but that doesn’t mean being a hermit,, an otaku,, whatever you want to call her, is a life full of happiness. she functions very well on her own, but when she has that for too long, it can be damaging to her head as well, especially when she has inner circle friends or a romantic relationship. when not speaking to these people, the need for human connection seems unbearable to deal with, and anxiety runs rampant
12. alien by lee suhyun
her mama told her she’s alien, but actually it was herself telling herself she’s alien mixed with influence from pop culture making her want to be a superhero and kids who told her she was a freak, all coming together in the desire for weirdness to be a Cool thing. kiana will wish til the day she croaks that she will have a realization that she has a special power
13. stressed out by twenty one pilots
ki doesn’t care about the core message of this song. many people relate to oh no bills~ adult stress~ but kiana doesn’t. even if she wasn’t born into a family that could live comfortably, and didn’t become an idol making phat stacks, she would feel the same. to her, it’s an inevitability. HOWEVA the beginning lines are 1:1 for how she wishes to be something extraordinary, and is supa insecure that she isn’t. i wish found some better sounds that no one’s ever heard. i wish i had a better voice that sang some better words ... i was told when i get older all my fears would shrink but now i’m insecure and i care what people think
14. true crime by epik high ft. miso
not exactly 1:1 word by word, since there’s several perspectives coming in one song, however, the overall message i think can be summed in it’s a true crime to be without you. other lines like i’d open up my chest for your entertainment, that was the line that drew me to originally put this in the playlist. i’m not sure on a story behind the song, but it strikes me as something bonnie & clyde-esque? there’s themes of being on the run, lying on the pavement dying, stuff like that. that kind of relationship is strongly the ideals kiana holds for her romantic and close platonic relationships
15. shine by pentagon (shouldve been knight but bad bois image PLAYIN)
i cannot explain to u the random joy this dumb song gave me when it came out. it’s similar to power up like i just?? get so happy lol anyway the whole premise is like nerdy person has a crush n theyre like oh my god~ why would u like me~ i cant say i like u~ it’s super fucking cute. i’m a loser who loves you. yes, i’m a misery. to you, i’m a nuisance, i’m an outsider, but in this world, i only need you. that’s where the kiana part comes in strongest, or explains it in one sentence. she worries she isn’t enough for others but her affections are always incredibly strong. also she’s cute
16. tail by sunmi dimensions soloist 2
when i first heard this song, i needed to play it again to pay attention to the lyrics because i had the feeling it was kiana-esque. i was right, but i would say that it’s where kiana could go at her worst. has she been there? i’m not so sure. perhaps teetering on the edge of having her claws out, but really, for now, it’s just that the potential is there
17. she’s my religion by pale waves
so as to not repeat myself too much and because this is so much fookin writing already, this is another song that talks about how deeply and dangerously kiana falls into others. she’s no angel, but she’s my religion, always finding ways to numb the pain ... made me feel like i was finally enough ... she needs this love just as much as me
18. space cadet by beabadoobee
this song has similar themes to alien, but rather than about being special, it’s about being in a shitty place and letting your mind wander to create a better reality. ki has her interests, her extreme love of her fandoms, because it’s an escape for her. that’s not something i personally approve of, however, it’s a common reality for many people. living in these online spaces and thinking of these fictional worlds gives her a place to go to when the irl world is too difficult for her to handle
19. me! me! me! by teddyloid
you might think this is a meme addition and sure! to a degree it is! but i’m also going to talk about it as an actual piece of music and visuals. first we’ll talk about the music video. kiana feels complicated about the type of anime fans that oversexualize everything, so in general, she likes a message that’s against those types. the message of addiction tearing real life relationships apart also is something kiana sorta needs to hear. the lyrics of the song itself talk about an all consuming type of relationship, and dissects it to explain how it wasn’t love, but worship, which was dangerous to them both. it’s a song that kiana perhaps would need to take to heart, but i, as her mun, am unsure if she ever will. that depends on the connections she forms, and what types of people are goading her on, or trying to get her to stop
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chengxians · 2 years
I love chengxian but a lot of chengxian stans are way too amatonormative. "there's no platonic explanation for risking everything for someone". Do you even HEAR yourselves? Haven't you ever experienced deep non-romantic feelings or am I supposed to think I'm the only one? For all that WWX and JC's relationship is Romantic with a big 'R', there is nothing inherently romantic with a small 'r' about their relationship. Yes, they make a good ship but, no, romance isn't the only motivator for devotion.
ur very correct! fortunately, this is all fictional and of course i don’t believe romance is the only motivator for devotion. it is however (currently) MY only motivator so my readings of cx’s relationship do reflect that!
i frankly have Not experienced deep non-romantic feelings besides, like, familial ones. that’s why i can easily see cx read as either familial or romantic, or smth in between, or even both. i personally like to view them as romantic & therefore every detail is extremely amplified as romantic to me!
anyway, i seriously doubt ur the only one anon :3 i won’t say anymore at the risk of like. leading myself down the “is this a romantic or platonic Fedling” rabbithole bc i do Not have the brain space for that rn LOL but!
i encourage ppl to reply/reblog/whatever with their own thoughts as well :) [if ur rude to me or anon u get blocked xoxo]
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Would u ever write angst double b? Cuz I'm curious of how u're gonna write them. I really love ur stories by the way
Good question, Anon! First off thank you for the love!! ♥♥♥♥♥Will I ever write angsty Double B? You bet your ass I will! I actually have a few stories I’m working on that will have some angsty Double B, but they’re not quite ready to be posted up yet. But definitely look for some in the future from me. I hope you enjoy them, however much you can enjoy angsty fic, haha. ;)In regards to their relationship? Ah, I really love Double B’s relationship. There’s definitely a very real mutual respect and admiration between the two of them, and they have very fun ways of showing it (beyond their cuddly behaviour).One of my very favourite Double B moments (that I think most people probably miss, because it’s not really something in your face, and it’s easy to overlook it entirely) is from Mix & Match. It’s actually more of a “Bobby” moment, than DB. But it’s during their first full stage evaluation (episode 4) after the group dance. Now I am pretty certain, based on real time lines, that they filmed this episode after Hanbin got cut from SMTM, so he’s got some proverbial wounds to lick. After they do the group dance performance Hanbin is right away complimented on his leadership skills by one of the producers, because it was apparent that he really thought about ways to showcase everyone’s varying levels of dance ability in the performance, instead of having everyone doing exactly the same moves and just hoping for the best.Hanbin bows in thanks for the compliment, but if you look next to him—Bobby bows too (even though the compliment has nothing to do with him, it’s directed solely at Hanbin). I think he bows because he understands how important it is for Hanbin to hear that at that moment in time. He’s been cut from a solo competition, but he shines as a leader. Bobby understood that being complimented on his leadership was something that would really help Hanbin to focus on the team instead of feeling sorry for himself. Bobby is always the first one of the group to compliment Hanbin as a leader, he’s obviously very proud of him, but he understands that Hanbin needs the praise not for his own skills (because he’s very confident in himself and what he can do) but it’s important for him to be reminded that he’s doing the best for his team, and that his dedication to the group is valued and appreciated.Beyond that, though, they’ve just continued to be closer as time goes by. You can even see that Bobby, in particular, has really changed over the years in terms of his physical closeness with Hanbin. Originally it was always Hanbin reaching out for Bobby, but over the past year especially, Bobby has been the one reaching for Hanbin. Bobby, Mr. “I Wish My Members Would Quit Touching Me”, is very touchy with Hanbin. Of course it’s fun to view that from a romantic/sexual point of view, but platonically-speaking, it’s very telling of how much Bobby’s affection and feelings for Hanbin have developed.During WIN/M&M days, Bobby wasn’t like that with Hanbin so much (he would tolerate Hanbin’s clinginess, but he rarely ever initiated it himself)—but he was like that at times with Jinhwan. He leaned on Jinhwan then as the hyung, so he allowed himself to be a little more vulnerable with Jinhwan. But now he’s moved that attention to Hanbin, which just shows an increase in trust and dependance. Bobby is very close to Hanbin, and he’s not afraid to show it anymore.Hanbin? He’s never been afraid to show his affection for Bobby, and really he’s just gotten more overt about it over the years (that hand kiss while filming for their DVD?).It just brings me a lot of joy that they only seem to be growing closer with each passing year. Some people drift over time, some stay the same, while others seem to get closer. These two always seem to get closer, and it’s heart warming. :)
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