#u have to either catch them in the act or have enough proof u Know its their social media acc for them to admit it
red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months
whats an activity void likes to do that most wouldn’t expect of them?
beyond photo editing void is not an artistic type they cant draw they dont write they cant play any instruments nor do they have any real interest in it BUT when they feel like treating themself they attempt latte art although more often than not its hot cocoa art than coffee art & also they arent particularly good at it & it doesnt often look like anything but its a little task that gets their mind off things for a moment & they like doing.
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Heyyyyyy hiiiiii hope your having an awesome day drinking that water getting hydrated 😗. I was wondering if you could do a Law Angst alphabet please. But only if you feel up to it and have time. If you don’t feel free to ignore or do it later here now have a cookie 🍪 because your awesome 😊
Angst Alphabet - Trafalgar Law
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a/n: HI HI!!! thank you for your kind words!! I hope you are looking after yourself <333 here is the law angst! Please enjoy 🥰
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
He would only blame himself if any of his actions led to the accident that caused your death (we’ve seen him blame himself for that very reason about Rosinantes death). If his actions weren’t directly correlated to your death in any way then he would not blame himself, though he would kick himself for not being able to help you in time. Other than that, Law is painfully aware of the harsh reality that is life.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
Law would break up with you in a seemingly emotionless way. He’d mask his true feelings, while telling you a whole bunch of excuses why the two of you could no longer be together. He doesn’t believe any of them, but he’s got to do what he’s got to do.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
I feel like I’ve used this one in a few other character alphabets but it really applies to Law too. He would cause you to stress and panic so much over his health and wellbeing. He’s a literal doctor. He should know to take better care of himself, but he just doesn’t seem to care about himself the same way you do. So it isn’t until you’re crying in front of him, spilling your heart out about how concerned you are for his safety that he realizes his health is important to more than just himself.
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
My god, if Law was to lose another person that he loved, he literally would never want to let himself get close to anyone ever again. Your death would be it for Law. He’d basically be on the verge of giving up himself. What other reason does he have to go on.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
He tries to hide every emotion. Law doesn’t like to be too open, out of fear of people using it against him or it simply being too much of a sign of weakness. So, very rarely does he let his emotions show. He also tries to divert attention away from himself in hopes that people won’t focus on him or his emotions for too long.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
This was covered in his fluff alphabet! But here it is again:
Your fights tend to be pretty short lived resulting in forgiveness and apologies from both sides relatively quickly. He really doesn’t like to stay mad at you for too long – he’d much rather have you two on the same page.
Most fights are caused by stress and concerns of health and safety, so Law does a lot of eye rolling and using his title as a ‘doctor’ as justification that he knows what he’s doing so you just need to chill – but like I said these fights are very short lived.
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
Law will never forgive himself for Rosinantes death. He will forever feel responsible for his death – it was all his fault. If only he hadn’t given that note to Vergo, then Rosinante would still be alive. He died because of Law’s incompetence (at least that’s what he tells himself).
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
During a break-up Law would act pretty normal. He wouldn’t behave any differently until he’s left alone. Only then would he let himself go and truly feel that heartbreak.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Thanks to the doctor in him, Law is able to remain calm. He can keep his composure until he administers whatever treatment necessary. That’s not to say he isn’t worried though. He’s just capable of focusing on the injury right in front of him.
Only once he is certain that you are stable does he (or potentially his crew) go and hunt down the cause of your beating.
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
When Law does get jealous (which is rarely), he gets quiet. His fists clench a little more, and his frown deepens. He also speaks less than usual (which is already pretty hard to beat). He only gives you short snippy replies until he eventually gets over it.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Law would kill for revenge, yes. He literally wanted to kill Doflamingo as revenge for Rosinante. However, it was in Law’s plan that Kaido would be the one to kill Doflamingo (after they fought) – so I believe that is how he’d kill for revenge as well. He would devise a fool proof plan (okay maybe not fool proof, bc if the straw hats are involved who knows what could go wrong).
In short, yes. Law would kill for revenge.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
This poor man has suffered so much loss in his life that it’s actually really difficult to choose which would be his greatest loss. He lost his entire family as a young boy while also having a shortened lifespan himself. Losing his family, and the realization that he only had a few more years to live, really made him lose his will to live a good remainder of his life. Young Law literally became a pirate.
However, he did meet Rosinante (Corazon) and he gave him another reason to live. Furthermore, Rosinante actively sought out a cure for Law so that he could continue to live a long life. Basically, Rosinante became a father figure/older brother to Law. So, losing him – another ¬person he loved so dearly – would have been beyond devastating.
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
There was one day where he spent the entire day ignoring you. It was completely unintentional. His mind was swarming with plans and all this other information that has just come in. He got so immersed in it that he didn’t talk to you or tell you what was going on for a whole day.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
Nightmares are one of the many reasons Law hardly ever sleeps. He’s haunted by his family’s and Rosinantes deaths. His nightmares get particularly bad around the same time each year (that is, around the time of year that they died). He wakes up trembling and on the verge of tears (but he never lets them fall). Instead of even trying to go back to sleep, he’ll make himself a nice hot cup of coffee and immerse himself in a book or work of some kind – anything to avoid going back to sleep and risking a re-run of that horrible nightmare.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
Sometimes his exhaustion catches up to him and other times its all the stress building up that finally he snaps and all the emotions are too overwhelming that he just directs it to the nearest outlet, which just so happens to be you.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
You walked in on him absolutely breaking down over Rosinante. One evening Law retreated to his room while you and the rest of the crew were eating and drinking. He didn’t think you had noticed him leave, but soon you were following after him. You opened the door and found him breaking down in the middle of the room. You completely forgot that it was the anniversary of Rosinantes death. It was the first time you had seen him this distraught and it broke your heart.
It really cemented into your brain that no matter how tough he may look, he still suffers (probably more so than anyone). But, you were also grateful that you were able to see him like that, as it allowed him to start relying on you a little more.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
His inability to openly express his emotions. Sure, now he will share with you how he is feeling, but that is with you and ONLY you. He still insists on keeping everything else bottle away from the rest of the world which is a really unhealthy way to deal with things. It’s not that you dislike being there for him, in fact, you appreciate how trusting he is with you. It’s just, what if there comes a time where you aren’t around and he’s in desperate need of someone to confide in?
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around)).
Law would wait until he was 100% certain you returned his feelings to confess to you. So, if you were to reject his confession he would be really confused for a while. He’d let it go because well, everyone has their own reasons – its not his place to tell you how you feel. All he can do is tell you how he feels and then the rest is up to you.
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
He has no self-inflicted scars, and to my knowledge he has no battle scars either. But, his arm did get cut off and then reattached during the Dressrosa arc, so it actually is likely that there is a remaining scar from that (although I’m not certain).
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
Nope not at all. In fact, the only instance in which he would possibly break your trust, or lie to you, about is when he went to Punk Hazard and sent his crew to Zou. Some would assume that he wouldn’t tell you his plan out of fear of your safety, but that’s not true. He had to tell you. You taught him to be open and honest, and to trust. So that’s exactly what he did.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
Law has gotten so comfortable around you that whenever you aren’t there, he gets unbearably anxious. Your presence is soothing, even if he can’t see you, even if he can only hear your voice echoing throughout the Polar Tang, it’s enough to put his mind at ease. So, if you are separated for a while… oh boy does he want to see you badly.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
He tends to yell at you. He tells you to “piss off” and that “you’re only being a nuisance right now”, despite you only wanting to help him.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
Not being able to control things makes Law feel really weak. Weak may not be the right word, but it definitely makes him feel unprepared. He doesn’t like when things are out of his control and he can’t account for things. Which is usually why he always does extensive research and preparation before constructing a well thought out plan.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
Well, I mean other than his obvious hatred of bread, Law also really hates when he works extremely hard on formulating a plan only for it to be completely thrown out of the window by a reckless straw hat wearing captain and his entire crew. (and somehow everything still ends up working out!!! That is the part that frustrates Law the most HAHAH).
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
One of the only things he’s ever really wanted was for Doflamingo to be taken down. He’s been partially successful in that sense, seeing as Doflamingo is in prison now. However, he wants more than that. He wants Doflamingo to suffer the same way he has.
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
It may seem a little out of character but… I believe Law would be borderline desperate/inconsolable. There would be a lot of clinging on to you, begging you not to leave him like everyone else he’s ever loved. He can’t handle another person leaving him, it’s too much. It’s far too much.
He wouldn’t cry (just yet), but his voice would tremble, and his hands would be shaking. His mind would be racing with all sorts of theories and possible ways he could save you. How could he possibly prevent the inevitable?
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 11
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 11
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2616
Summary: Another dream makes things more clear for the reader and less clear for Sam.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, s l o w  b u r n
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           The booths are those plastic-coated pressboard swoops that are so easy to clean, one row down either side of the long room once you walk past the counter to order. Like other pizza places, there are red pepper flakes and grated parmesan on the table, but they also keep ranch dressing in a minifridge behind the counter as a concession to Midwestern sensibilities. You know you’re just outside Dayton just like you know the pizza shop is run by a family, father and two older teenage daughters deftly throwing dough and scattering cheese evenly over it in a way that shows their years of practice. Dean sits across the table with his elbows on it, one forefinger and thumb picking through a plate of nachos between you. His black t-shirt, amulet, and lack of flannel make you notice the hum of the air conditioner in the background, straining over the 90’s alternative radio and reminding you that you’d been here in a heat stroke the summer after you and Dean had gotten together, his golden freckles and lightened tips of his slightly messy hair underlining the memory.
           “They don’t serve nachos here.” It’s half statement and half question.
           “Babe, it’s your dream. They’ll serve whatever you want. Does the pizza suck in Wisconsin or something?”
           The two sisters are whispering to each other as they look over at your table, an almost-argument that ends with who you suspect is the older sister poofing a pinch of flour into the other’s face. They’re both cute girls but she’s adorable, soft cherubic cheeks and messy bun piling impossibly glossy hair on her head as she walks over to the table with a gigantic pizza. “Can I get you anything else?” she asks in a perfect welcoming cheerleader pitch.
           “I think we’re good for now, sweetheart,” Dean purrs with a wink. That you remember; you’d playfully chastised Dean for dazzling the teens, laughing in his face when he’d said it wasn’t on purpose, that he couldn’t help it if chicks dug him. The wink had proved your point then and now it makes the girl’s cheeks flush red.
           She catches herself remarkably well, the stammer almost slipping under the radar as she assures you that you can “holler if you need anything!”
           Dean brushes his fingers free of nacho debris and loosens a piece of pizza from the melting cheese of the ones next to it. “Last time you had all kinds of sweet nothings and questions for me and now you’re Silent Cal?”
           “I don’t think this is real, but I’m pretty sure if I push it you’ll either die in this dream or I’ll wake up, so my plan is to stay here as long as we can.”
           He drops the pizza back into the box and wipes off his fingers on a napkin before slouching into the booth, arm stretched across its length. “So test me then. Gimme a question only I would know or something.”
           “Well if I ask you something that I know the answer to, my brain will just project you knowing it. See the problem?”
           Dean squints and pouts in consideration, touch of a smile dancing across his face and if it isn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen may you be struck dead right now. “Then ask me something you don’t know the answer to.”
           You think about explaining how that too could just be some part of your subconscious recreation of Dean but you don’t want to keep pulling at loose strings in the event that it wakes you up. It’s too hard to keep from smiling, seeing Dean charming and relaxed like this, and when you grin it makes Dean bite his lip. “What’s something I don’t know the answer to?”
           “Ah, ah—I thought I’m just a hologram, how would I know?”
           “Projection, but okay,” you stall. “Wait, here’s one. Sam said when I first started going on jobs with you guys that you had to have a conversation about staying focused. What was that all about?”
           He runs his tongue along the inside of his lower lip. “Man, why would he tell you that?” he says under his breath, smirking mostly to himself before leaning forward to meet your eyes. “Fine. I’m not even sure that you’re going to remember this. There was a vengeful spirit in Indiana, some like homesteader guy, ring a bell?”
           You have only the vaguest sense of recollection and sort of waggle your head to show it.
           “It was way at the beginning of when you started coming on jobs with us. You and Bobby got into it because he wanted you to bring your own car so you could ditch us if we were ‘acting like cretins’ or some shit like that?”
           That fits the last puzzle piece in for you and makes you chuckle. “He ended up giving me like $250 of mad money in case I needed a new room or a bus ticket, yeah. I remember.”
           “I didn’t know that part but that’s gotta be the same trip. The whole thing was really stupid. Basically we were supposed to have your six but both me and Sammy wanted to carry a shotgun instead of doing that protection spell because it looked cooler. We were arguing about it when the spirit whipped a chunk of the barn’s scaffolding at you and we didn’t catch it in time. You heard it coming and ducked so nothing ended up happening, but it fucking demolished the wall behind you. It was a huge fuckup—thing could’ve taken your head clean off, you know? Sam was so broken up about it he was wasted for like a week solid after we dropped you back off at Bobby’s.”
           “Really? That doesn’t sound like him at all.”
           “I know, usually he does some kind of pouty baby bullshit. But I mean both of us felt really guilty that bitching at each other could’ve taken you out.”
           Dean’s eyes rake over your face, seeming to linger over every inch like he’s going to draw a topographical map of it later by memory. You can tell he’s waiting for you to say something but you can’t think of anything other than tracing each of his freckles where they dust across his nose.
           A hand reaches over the table to run his fingertips along the back of yours, and that certainly feels real enough to send an ache into your gut. “What if you ask Sam? If he says that’s not what happened then you can keep saying I’m not real and you don’t have to listen to me.”
           “But he already basically told me that. The only thing I probably wouldn’t have guessed about that is Sam getting drunk about it—these could’ve been just well-informed guesses about when it probably was or the kinds of things it seemed like he was implying.”
           His lips press into a firm line and the barest touch of pink rises in his cheeks. “We, um, we pinky swore on it.”
           The adorableness of his embarrassment makes you grin teasingly as much as the divulgence does. “A pinky promise? You guys must’ve been pretty serious to take such a sacred oath.”
           He rolls his eyes at your ribbing and throws his hands back in his lap with a defeated smirk. “Laugh it up. Would that be good enough proof for you?”
           It seems like Dean has figured out a loophole in the system, but you’re sure the light of day and Sam’s scrutiny will figure out why it isn’t actual evidence of communication with Dean beyond death, and you tell him that.
           A curtain of suspicious confusion falls over Dean’s face. “Sam being weird about it is what’s keeping you from trusting this? Kid, I’ve been talking to Sa—”
           And you woke up.
           The bed was empty next to you but you could smell something sweet in the air and hear the light clinking of pots or pans Sam was trying his best to keep quiet. You blinked back a few tears of frustration—who even cared if it was real or not? Reliving a great memory with Dean was more than enough and instead of enjoying it you’d wasted a chance at some small respite from your constant ache of grief. And even then, you hadn’t used any of your time to figure out how the whole thing worked, how you could see him again.
           But the most pressing issue was what you thought Dean had been trying to say before disappearing; that he had gotten through to Sam. Sam, of course, deserved to have secrets, but if he had been sitting on the resolution to all the angst you’d been struggling through in the last weeks (months?), you couldn’t imagine a reason why that wouldn’t hurt. Nothing would be solved by laying in your bed to sulk about it, though, so you threw on some clothes and went to brush your teeth.
           When you came out, Sam was hunched slightly, the standard stove highlighting his decidedly non-standard height as he shuffled a pan’s handle. He had a dishtowel over his t-shirt clad shoulder, a habit from the bar that sometimes held over when he was in the kitchen at home, and bare feet under old jeans. They were wearing through at the knees, and you knew they were absolutely pajama-soft from having periodically thrown them in with your own laundry. Through the kitchen window, enough snow-brightened sunlight came into the room to cast him in a halo glow that gleamed off of his hair. As long as it had gotten, chunks still swept into his face as he looked down at the stove, and he tucked one behind his ear as he looked up, half-singing a Buddy Guy song that was playing softly. It was stunning—he was stunning, statuesque and strong and right there in front of you. Cooking you breakfast while you slept in, of all things, chocolate chip pancakes he had to have remembered were your favorite from ages ago. You couldn’t even remember the last time you’d had them and right now, nothing in the world sounded better. He beamed and tilted the pan toward you. “Morning! I made pancakes, you want some?”
           And you should’ve just let the moment rest, sat in the rare bright winter morning and eaten chocolate chip pancakes and relished how well the boiler was working, maybe later in the day read a predictable murder mystery or taped off the living room to be painted and listened to REM until your shoulders were sore from running rollers up the walls all afternoon. Instead, about as stupid and weird a flop as if a toad had come out of your mouth, you said, “Have you been talking to Dean too?”
           Sam’s face fell but not in the right way. There was too much angle in his brow and that confirmed it. “What?” he asked, but it didn’t land.
           “How long have you been talking to Dean?”
           He kept that curious smile for a second, like maybe he could push through by playing dumb and you would forget, but finally his lips flattened and his jaw clenched as he stacked a finished pancake on top of its predecessors. “Just because I’m having dreams about him doesn’t mean it’s really him,” he finally answered, softly and as though he was telling the bubbling pancake batter in front of him, unable to meet your eyes.
           You felt the lump forming in your throat and tried to get the words out ahead of its solidifying. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
           “For what?” He let go of the pan and turned toward you, supporting his weight on the countertop. “So we can both—”
           “Both what? Be delusional? Is that what you were going to say?”
           Sam didn’t answer, but the set of his jaw was firm and he kept his eyes locked on yours.
           “He told me you were drunk for a week after the hunt you were talking about.” You watched as Sam’s pupils widened a touch. “And that you didn’t just promise each other to buckle down, you pinky swore.” Sam’s Adam’s apple jumped in his throat. “It’s true, isn’t it? I can see in your face that it is. Did you already know it’s really him?”
           He looked down at the floor and clenched his jaw. “I was pretty sure. Or at least I really hoped I was pretty sure.”
           You felt more than consciously allowed your mouth’s falling open. “How? How long?”
           “It just—I don’t know, it just felt different. I—uh, the first time was after we made those cupcakes; he asked about the cupcakes.”
           You slumped against the countertop opposite him, speechless. He shoved the pan off the hot burner a little too hard, put a palm on either side of the stove to brace himself. The two of you stood like that for a long minute, the smell of chocolate not matching the stiff heaviness in the air at all.
           “I don’t—what if it’s not real?” His throat sounded bound even though you couldn’t see his face, hulking mass of him spread across the tiny kitchen.
           He seemed so defeated, so young, and then you couldn’t believe how selfish you’d been, not putting two and two together that something challenging Sam’s grip on or understanding of reality must shove him back to the brain melting torture he’d endured in the cage and the months—years, maybe, he was always so tight-lipped about it—afterward. What the fuck were you thinking, not seeing it before, how this could seem like a perfectly laid trap for Sam, the most poetic way to whip his mind into stiff peaks of meringue. It made so much sense why he would need time to really suss it out, see the situation from all angles and investigate, check and re-check. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes but you blinked them away. This was not about you or your complicated need for him, it was about Sam, what he’d been through, what he was likely putting himself through even now.
           “The, um, the pancakes smell really good.”
           “Yeah?” There was half a laugh behind his words, humorless as it was. “I hope they’re okay, I know they’re your, uh, your favorite.”
           “I’m surprised you remembered.”
           Sam leaned on one arm to rub his face with his other hand. “Yeah, well.”
           “Can I help?”
           After a beat, he stood up and offered some space next to him on the stove. You worked hip to hip, sprinkling the chocolate chips while Sam flipped. He was scraping the last of the batter into a last little runt pancake with a spatula when you couldn’t help yourself and wrapped your arms around his waist. He seemed surprised, if sad, before setting down the bowl and covering as much of you as he could, folding over you like a protective shell. It reminded you of that dirty motel room, months and months ago, when Sam held you together as you cracked in his arms. All he could do then was be steadfast in reminding you he was still there, if nothing else was, and you hoped you were able to give him the same now.
           You silently laid two place settings on the kitchen counter while Sam set the food out. He sat next to you and had picked up his fork when you touched his wrist to still him. “If it’s not real for you then I’m losing it too.”
           Sam thought for a second, then raised his forearm and kissed the back of your hand where you held onto him before cutting into his pancakes.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 12
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
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1kook · 4 years
— 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ; 𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐭𝐡
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chapter summary; Since the appearance of the entity the world he knew had begun to dismantle itself. Societies they had spent centuries building up crumbling in the mere span of a few weeks. He hadn’t seen a person in almost a month now, and the first ones he did see almost beat and humiliated him to death. He can’t be blamed for his pessimistic outlook. overall warnings; gorey scenes, depictions of death, appearance of weapons, survival!au, apocalypse!au, super l o o s e bird box!au (no birds - jk is the bird 👀), eventual smut, dark and angsty, character death chapter specifics; depictions of death, depictions of animal dissection, fall of society, otherworldly entities, appearance of weapons, assault of main character, mentioned acts of self-sacrifice, brief nudity wc; 8.2k
notes; yes this is dark and sad BUT it’s the introductory part where I have to dump all this info on u guys so u understand later hehe enjoy, all feedback is welcome !!!
special thanks to; rumu ( @kigurumu​ ) my amazing proof reader and editor🥺 i would be in a ditch without her ...
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When Jungkook was in his last year of primary school, his class had been tasked with the very grown up job of caring for the school’s pet rabbit. It was a fuzzy brown ball that lived in a wooden cage, built along the side of their communal garden; a little on the overweight side, a fact that greatly confused the school. As far as his classmates and teachers were concerned, the rabbit ate its regularly scheduled two meals during school hours, an additional serving given to him by the night custodian. A scan through the cameras proved that no one broke into the primary school lot after hours, no one was unnecessarily feeding the rabbit. So there was really no reason for the rabbit to be as big as it was.
But Jungkook knew better.
The rabbit, as endearing and angelic as it appeared, was an intelligent creature that had wormed its way through a loose board on the side of his cage, sneaking into the neighboring garden frequently to munch through their cherry tomatoes. It always did so when it knew no one was around, save for the day Jungkook had seen it, the two of them caught in a staring battle that had both parties grappling for a way out.
Jungkook had never snitched.
He simply pocketed that little secret for himself to laugh about when his mind drifted too far from the material on the chalkboard. He remembered the tiny twitch of its nose as it regarded Jungkook. Its eyes were two dark marbles, no signs of the milky white that Jungkook had, zeroed in on Jungkook’s frozen figure. In the moment, Jungkook was amazed by its cunning nature, even more so by the way it had come to recognize him, repeatedly showing off his little trick whenever it was Jungkook’s turn to clean his cage. He slipped to and from the garden with ease, as if he trusted Jungkook to carry this secret to the grave.
He did, and when he graduated from primary school into secondary school, he often found himself wondering what that sneaky rabbit was up to then. Had it been discovered? Had the adults caught wind of the rabbit’s thieving nature and patched up the board? He’d never know. All he knew was that rabbits were quite devious creatures. A cute exterior that hid a more complex personality.
It is probably why he doesn’t feel a single ounce of remorse now, dark brown fur clutched tightly between his knuckles, squeezing until the last breath escapes the small rodent. The memory flashes through his eyes, a glance into an innocence he will never have again. The rabbit thrashes in between his hands, muscular legs kicking wildly until finally, it falls still.
He should feel bad, he knows he should.
This animal had played a nostalgic role in his youth; for a brief moment, this rabbit had been a leading source of happiness for him. Its black eyes remain open, forever frozen on Jungkook during its last few moments. Jungkook should be disappointed in himself for ever harming such a creature, and he almost does, before he’s interrupted by the painful tightening of his insides contracting on an empty stomach.
So he pushes it away, choosing to rise to his feet instead, dead catch dangling in one hand.
The trek back to the gas station is lonely. When he crosses the street, there is no angry driver to honk at him for not checking both ways, or a jogger rudely bumping into his shoulder. The street is empty just like the rest of the town.
Jungkook imagines it was probably like this before anyway. It’s practically in the middle of nowhere, this place he finds himself in, just another unimpressionable name on a map that Jungkook’s probably never heard of. There’s a main street lined with essentials—a diner, a car shop, and this gas station—and a few tiny homes littered behind it. It was one of those places his family would drive through on their way to see a far-off family member or as a stop on a road trip.
Either way, it looks exactly like the handful of towns he’s been through, all small and empty just like this. At least in the city there was variety, there was excitement. The most exciting thing Jungkook sees these days is the occasional deer.
The bell above the door chimes when Jungkook enters, not that there is anyone it would have alerted of his presence. It’s empty just like the rest of the town. Well, kinda. There’s a body in the women’s restroom that had scared the shit out of Jungkook when he first arrived, had left him trembling in shock for about an hour before he was able to go back and tug the stall door shut.
He finds them occasionally, the undeserving victims of an evil he will never understand. Each encounter wears him down, until eventually he feels no emotion toward them at all. They were bodies, he tells himself, nothing else.
How they ended up like that is another story in itself.
Truthfully, Jungkook isn’t completely sure how it happened, but he remembers when it started.
He remembers the cacophony of laughter that had filled their club bus, some corny Top 50 song filling the speakers, as they had celebrated another win that would push them further up the league ranks. His feet were sore from all the running they’d done on the pitch that day, and he was hungry as hell. Luckily they’d been on their way to their favorite celebratory diner, ready to suck the place dry of its Cherry Coke and bottomless fries the same way they did every other Saturday after a victory.
Jungkook’s coach had pulled him aside shortly before they arrived and had mentioned the possibility of Jungkook becoming the team’s captain next season. He had been ecstatic at the news, immediately pulling his phone out to call his dad.
His hand stills on the counter where the dead rabbit is limply sprawled across. He can’t remember where the switchblade he’d opened last week was, so he stomps to the other end of the shop, snatching another one off a rack. The only problem then is the zip tie that binds the blade to the cardboard display sheet. It doesn’t give when he tugs at it, and with a growing sense of irritation, Jungkook realizes he doesn’t know where the scissors are either. Before he can get too down on himself for misplacing things again, he angrily tears at the tie, loops two fingers on opposite ends. The skin on his palms pales at the pressure, and one mighty tug later has the tie snapping apart.
There. Now he could skin the rabbit in peace.
His dad answered on the second ring, immediately launching into a congratulatory song. Jungkook’s parents watched all his games, sometimes from the sidelines, sometimes through a TV. They were his biggest fans, the same people who had first enrolled him into summer little league watching him grow into the leading scorer of his city’s club.
The first chorus had just ended when the coach bus began swerving, the men stumbling across the aisle as it became apparent it wouldn’t stop anytime soon. Their manager had shouted first, snapped at them to find their seats, before lurching forward to the driver’s seat to presumably stabilize the vehicle. An effort made in vain when the bus flipped. It had almost happened in slow motion, Jungkook recalls, the two turns of the bus, ultimately skidding to a stop on its side, ramming straight into a light pole.
The initial shock had lasted for a few beats, the pained groans from his teammates around him slowly filtering back into his ringing ears. Some of them had panicked right away, choked gasps as they struggled to breathe. Dongmin was the first to get up, jamming the emergency window open on the side of the bus that wasn’t flush to the pavement.
Immediately, Jungkook knew something was very wrong.
Outside there were terrified screams from all around, the telltale shriek of car brakes working hard, the eerie wailing of weather sirens. Was it a storm? A quake? Jungkook didn’t know as he climbed out of the wreckage, taking Mingyu’s hand as he hopped off the side of their bus.
The ears are cut off first.
Two, silky appendages that don’t stand a chance against the blade. Without them, Jungkook finds the rabbit looks funnily enough like an otter. But with the separation of the ears comes an unsettling feeling in Jungkook’s chest as he falters.  
He’s never killed a rabbit before, but he has killed a handful of birds these past few weeks. He imagines the process is the same. With the birds, one quick twist of the neck made them go limp, their feathers easily falling away. With the rabbit, Jungkook only remembers the rapid thumping of its hind legs and the soft texture of its ears.
He didn't particularly care for the birds—and he probably never would. The rabbit, his memories remind him, is a different story.
There was neither a storm nor a quake that had brought upon this chaos. Whirling around, there was no imminent attack occurring, no invasion, that could cause all these people to suddenly lose all semblance of normalcy.
There was a woman beside a fire hydrant, an abandoned stroller flipped on its side. A bundle of fabric in her arms cried loudly, nearly drowning out her own tears as she begged for her life. From what? There was nothing attacking her, nothing threatening her and her child. But the longer Jungkook watched, the more distraught she became, until eventually, her eyes cleared over. Her screaming stopped, though the baby’s continued. She began ramming her head face-first against the metal of the hydrant, blood gushing down over her eyes.
Jungkook and his teammates had stood by in horror, watched her bash her head in until she fell back lifelessly, the child on her chest wailing before a sight it would never understand.
It was Jaehyun who had urged them to move the second time, pulled him away from the scene before them.
With every stride he took, he was rewarded with similar scenes. All around him the chaos spread, people being infected with this, this madness, Jungkook supposed.
They’d stepped out of their cars in a daze, eyes clouded over before taking their own lives in a multitude of ways. It was a disturbing scene to watch, one that spurred Jungkook to run faster and faster, until he bumped into the back of a teammate that had been running before him. He remembers the shout he’d let out, frustratedly scolding the man for stopping now of all times. He was their main striker, could run faster than anyone else on the team, yet here he was, frozen stiff.
Then, slowly, he’d turned around. Jungkook had watched as if behind a glass wall, watched a man he had played alongside with for years saunter over to where the railing of the highway began. His face was devoid of any fear, almost peaceful, as he climbed over.
Jungkook coughs, the overwhelming stench of animal blood flooding his nostrils. This is always the most difficult part for him, trying to overcome the initial putrid stench as he slices the animal open with one clean cut down its ventral side. When he does, one of the rabbit’s hind legs surprises him by twitching.
He vaguely remembers learning this in a high school anatomy class. Something about the stiffening of muscles after death. Rigor mortis? He’s not really sure, pushing the leg to lay flat against the table gently. He lets out a humorless snort, like this animal needed this type of caring treatment now.
The wail Jungkook had let out had wrenched itself from the depths of his soul, and he fell to the ground in horror at the scene he’d just witnessed. His forehead touched the rough pavement beneath him, body trembling as his mind struggled to process the world around him. As he did so, a strong gust of wind whipped around him, the mania around him increasing as it went. It fluttered through the cotton of his tracksuit, tickled his skin as it went, until eventually disappearing.
He had either laid there for seconds or hours. Jungkook wasn’t sure. Dongmin had been the one that had finally hauled him to his feet, grip deathly tight around his wrist as he pulled him along.
They ran and ran, until the forest outside the city came to view. He didn’t want to look back, in fear that whatever had possessed those people would get him too. He was out of breath and lost, caught up in the whirlwind of whatever those things were that made people lose their minds. He was comforted by the fact Dongmin was there. Mingyu and Jaehyun, too. He was too afraid to ask where the others were.
There’s a hot dog cooker on the counter, thick with years of grease. The overhead heating lamp takes a moment to flicker to life, and when Jungkook decides it’s stable, he tosses his lunch onto it, watches the pink meat roll back and forth.
He could use the sacks of coal littered along the back aisle to start a real fire, the prongs and tools above them, but that was too much work.
They had done fine for a while, aimlessly traveling about in search of help. But after the first town they realized whatever happened that day in the city wasn’t an isolated event. The entity had scoured through this town too, leaving bodies in its wake at a smaller scale compared to what had happened in the city, but just as horrific. They were a fleeting creature, whatever they were, that confronted people with their greatest fears. Infected them with a madness, as Jungkook has grown to call it, so twisted and gruesome that it drove people insane. After infecting every person with the madness they’d leave. They seldom returned, most likely content with the way they left things.
From Jungkook’s understanding, the entity was a singular being that felt like a thousand. It could easily spread over large places, infect everyone with the madness at once, but that would be too easy. It took pleasure in catching people one by one, focusing its powers to properly torture each individual to the fullest.
Their little gang had gotten along fairly okay after that realization, their own natural abilities supporting each other. Dongmin led them, mostly because he was the only one among them with a sense of direction. Jungkook knew which way was what only when the sun rose and set. During the day he was clueless. Dongmin always knew which way was north or south, east or west, regardless of the time of day.
Mingyu and Jaehyun had been the brawns of the group, muscular bodies lifting fallen signs from in front of shop entrances, wrenching car doors open. There wasn’t a place they couldn’t get into. They were quick to barricade buildings they slept in, even better at dismantling them. Without them, Jungkook thinks they’d have starved early on.
As for Jungkook, well. Jungkook had a special ability under his belt—he could sense the entity before the others. It was difficult to explain such a feeling, but he knew he had it because he’d saved them many a time. Sure, the tell-tale gust of wind alerted them of the entity entering their little circle, but that was useless. Once the entity was there, they didn’t go away until they completed whatever fucked up mission they had.
It was a tickling on the back of his neck, the faint feeling of never being alone that Jungkook felt, usually a few minutes before they appeared. It was like the uncomfortable silence of a concert hall, the voices all echoey and distorted. It awoke an animalistic reaction in Jungkook, one that would have him shoving his friends into a pile of dead bodies.
Whatever it was, they didn’t distinguish well between those alive and those, well, not alive. Tricking them was by no means a simple feat, but it certainly did save them a few times, even if Jungkook was forced to lie face to face with an unmoving figure, stare into the horrified gaze of someone who was taken too soon.
Overall the four of them together were a great team. Well, were. It's been a couple weeks now since they’d gotten separated. Since he got separated, watched their retreating forms head down to a lake to bathe. He had been reckless, forgot about the feeling behind his neck until it was too late, the window shutters of the motel they’d taken shelter in suddenly flailing wildly.
He remembers dropping to the ground with shut eyes, cupping his hands over his ears as the sinister presence of the entity surrounded him, trying to get inside his head. He had suffered through it for twenty minutes, quietly sobbing against the motel’s ugly green carpet.
Just as he’d resigned himself to the same painful death he’d seen so many others fall prey to, he’d heard Mingyu’s harsh laughter, the soft chattering of voices, as his friends returned to the motel.
He knew what he had to do then, desperate to save his friends from suffering through this same, undeserved pain.
So Jungkook did the same thing they’d been doing until then: he ran.
Blindly at first, arms feeling around for the door, for his coat. The pavement of the single road that passed through this town had been smooth, his ratty shoes slapping hard against it. He could feel the tears squeezing out from his screwed eyelids, the air that whipped at his face with every step he took. The entity had followed him for hours, whispering in his ear, caressing his skin.
He’s not sure how long he ran, how long he wished it would all end, as he listened to those twisted visions. Jungkook just knows that one moment he was running, and the next he was falling, tumbling into a small stream filled with cold water that soaked him to the bone.
Beneath the water, all sound was distorted. He couldn’t hear the entity, nor sense its all-consuming presence. And when Jungkook had broken through the surface, gasping for air, he couldn’t feel it there either.
In his paranoia, he had sat there for an hour, routinely dunking his head in and out until he was brave enough to open his eyes again.  
That had been weeks ago. Jungkook’s great escape from the entity feels so far away now, he thinks, idly watching the meat roll over the hot dog cooker. It’ll be hours before it’s cooked safely, but Jungkook will probably grow impatient and eat it before. Whatever, he thinks, settling against a plastic chair behind the counter. The cash box is unlocked, a multitude of bills sitting out in the open. Jungkook flips through them, figures they’re pretty useless now.
If the entity had been able to dismantle a city as populous as the one Jungkook had lived in, the one he had spent his whole life in, he imagines it’s done it again. After all, the towns he’s crossed through until this point were all devoid of life.
He’d like to wash his hands after touching all that money, but he knows none of the water lines in this town work. He can’t remember the last time he’d had a shower or cleaned himself. The old clean freak in him was suffering.
He’s just about settled in for a nap when he hears something.
It’s quiet at first, a faint humming from outside. As it grows closer it becomes louder, until Jungkook can distinguish the sounds of chattering somewhere down the street. Shit, he panics. He’ll never be able to say why exactly the thought of meeting other people terrifies him, but it does. He slinks down behind the counter, glancing at the emergency exit that leads to the dumpsters behind the gas station.
He shifts over slowly, ears perked like the rabbit’s. The voices grow closer, and when the bell over the door rings, Jungkook uses the opportunity to shuffle completely across the floor.
There’s a ball of nerves caught in his throat as he listens to these people come in, though it will never match up to the fear that the entity instills in him. They move around the shop, picking up things as they go. There’s a relaxed tone to their words, like they’re the least bit worried about whatever horror awaits them, just another group of friends stopping by a convenience store.
In another life, he’d feel drawn to such a group. He was a somewhat shy kid in high school, too focused on his training to truly make friends. Not that he didn’t have any; the soccer team had always been his friends. Jungkook could always count on them, young boys and men who were there for him at the lowest points in his career. College had been the same, and by the time he made it into the league nothing much had changed.
After being separated from his friends now, he doesn’t see the point in making new ones. They were all going to die anyway.
When he places his hand on the doorknob, the metal releases an obnoxiously loud creak. Jungkook freezes, as do the people on the other side of the counter. The longest second of his life passes, breath caught in his throat as he waits for them to brush it off, letting him escape into the forest behind him in peace.
They eventually do, conversations picking up albeit more quietly than before. Jungkook exhales, tightens his hand around the knob as he turns it. It doesn’t make a sound.
But when Jungkook nudges the door open, the opposing air on both ends emits a popping noise, and that sets the group off. “What was that?” One of them barks, and before they can find him, Jungkook is flinging the door open, all reservations thrown aside as he stumbles into the forest.
He tears through the initial overgrowth of bushes behind the gas station, stumbling into the dirt. Faceless voices are shouting behind him, their hurried footsteps jumping over the counter in their attempt to grab him.
Fuck, why were they chasing him? Why couldn’t they just let him leave? He wasn’t the entity they feared, he was just some guy trying to live.
He runs for about twenty yards, but the tree line nearest to the town is thin, and he doesn’t doubt they can see him out in plain sight. He needs to lose them and fast. Running a few more meters, he dives into a thicket of bushes. If he curls himself up small enough, maybe they won’t see the glimpses of his blue tracksuit from above.
He knows it’s stupid, thinking the distance will delude them into thinking he was farther or closer, but what else can Jungkook do? Literally nothing. He hugs his knees to his chest, slows his breathing as they come up closer.
“Where’d he go?” One of them shouts a few meters ahead of him.
Jungkook holds his breath, listens to their dragging footsteps against the forest floor. They pad around for a few minutes, probably sweeping over the tree line in search of him. One of them comes scarily close to his hiding spot, and through the gaps in the flora, Jungkook can see a knife strapped around their thigh. Eventually, they seem to congregate a little further away from him, quiet murmurs as they pronounce him gone.
Jungkook nearly cries in relief when they begin marching away.
He celebrates too soon. 
“You alright?” One of them calls to another, and a long beat of silence follows. Jungkook wonders if they got injured, hurt themselves in their hurry to catch him, but he finds he doesn’t really care anyway. Just as that selfish thought hits, so does someone’s boot against his face.
Jungkook splutters, the iron taste of blood flooding his mouth as someone drags him out from the bush, the cold glare of a stranger greets his blurry vision. “Got ya,” he sneers, shoving Jungkook down to the ground. “Look what I found,” he calls to the others, and they all chatter excitedly at his find, swarming Jungkook’s body.  
A wave of emotion floods him one by one. First is the fear that tightens around his heart when he registers the guns in their hands, on their waists, or over their backs. The knife alone had startled Jungkook; the sight of an even more murderous weapon scared him shitless. Second is the confusion, similar to the one from earlier. Didn’t they recognize there were bigger, scarier evils out there to worry about? Why were they so bent on catching him, just another straggler as far as they were concerned. Lastly is overwhelming humiliation.
Here he was, pushed to the ground in front of a group of strangers who sneered and laughed at his trembling form. They were obviously amused by his discomfort. Jungkook never wanted to hide so bad in his life.
The one from before nudges him hard in the ribs, pulling a pained groan from Jungkook. “Who are you with?” He spits, narrowed eyes focused on Jungkook.
Jungkook flounders, weakly covering his body with his arms. “H-Huh?” He stutters, not understanding their question. Who was he with? Obviously no one. Why else would he be here hiding in the forest like a baby?
The man, who Jungkook assumes is their leader, doesn’t find his answer amusing it seems, as he digs the toe of his shoe against Jungkook’s side again, rough enough to fracture. “Who the fuck are you with?” He repeats. Jungkook flinches.
What is he supposed to say? No one, I’m alone and scared of whatever is out here. As if the man would understand. The glint in his eye tells Jungkook he won’t be gaining any sympathy points with that one.
Enraged with Jungkook’s lack of response, he begins raining down more painful blows against him. The others join in, kicking his quivering body until Jungkook is crying out, begging them to stop.
After all his grueling efforts running from the entity, he can’t believe he’s going to die at the hands of another human. Fate was cruel.
Just as he’s resigned himself to his shameful death, the crack of a gun bounces across the treeline, the whizzing of a bullet filling his ears. For a moment he thinks he’s been shot, body coiling up as his attackers slow to a stop.
But then one of them curses, hiking his weapon into his arms. “Fuck, where are they?”
“I don’t know!” Another responds, whirling away to scan over the area. With their attention turned away, Jungkook goes to escape, making a pitiful attempt at crawling away. “I don’t see anyone.”
The leader seethes at the reply. “Well, they’re fucking here.”
Jungkook doesn’t know who ‘they’ are or why this admittedly terrifying group of individuals is afraid of them, but he supposes he should be too. After all, whatever scared these folks was certain to petrify him.
Another gunshot sends them scrambling apart, the metal bullet digging into the wood of a tree just behind Jungkook. They all see it, his attackers sharing a look of unease amongst themselves. Finally, they seem to come to the same conclusion, gesturing for the leader to speak.
“Alright,” he shouts to no one in particular. “We get it. We’ll back off now.”
A pause, another shared look, before they slowly begin retreating in the direction of the gas station. Jungkook wants to follow them, despite how scary they are, because he’s even more terrified of whoever scared them off. When he leans up onto his elbow, one of them kicks it from under him, sending him face first into the soil.
They snicker as they leave. “Good luck with those bitches,” one of them jeers, gives him a wonderful parting gift by spitting in his face.
Feeling thoroughly humiliated, Jungkook stays put.
Maybe it’s better to let whoever is out there just end this for him now. He can’t believe his first interaction with people outside of his friends was this degrading, this disheartening. Why had he spent so much time running from the entity if this is what waited at the other end?
The rev of an engine starts up, and he watches in disgust as a Jeep full of assholes takes off down the road, hurling a multitude of insults his way one last time.
As if he didn't feel bad enough already.
So caught up in his depressing thoughts, he forgets about whoever scared them off in the first place, finally sitting up and dusting himself off. His already dirty tracksuit reeks from weeks of usage, the front now stained with blood. When he reaches up to wipe the spit off his face, he sees the dirt that crusts over the sleeve. Would anything ever go right for him?
Something moves to his left.
Jungkook pales, stills his movements as the shuffling continues, eventually registering in his ears as the harsh crunch of leaves under someone’s boot. His heart thunders in his chest, expecting another kick to the face, a shove to the ground. When a hand touches his shoulder he nearly sobs.
“It’s just a kid,” a gruff voice calls out, and the announcement has more people crawling out of obscure hiding places, more strangers appearing before him, until a new set of faces towers over him.
There’s not as many of them, only about six that surround him. The group from before easily outnumbered them two to one.
Amidst the people, one person maneuvers their way to the front, an inquisitive face that’s presence makes everyone step away from the claustrophobic half-circle they’ve formed around him. “Let me see,” the woman says, dropping down to a squat before him. She's got a pistol attached to her hip, a larger rifle slung over her back.
Her eyes flicker over Jungkook’s face, and his over hers. She’s got ethereal features, he thinks, that don’t match the automatic weapons decorating her body. Despite the protection she carries, Jungkook doesn’t feel the same crippling fear from before. In fact, there’s something comforting about the way she glances over him, over his bruised eye and bloody nose.
A hand taps his cheek, a tentative pat, as if she senses he’s not fully there. “Hey,” she greets carefully, meeting his gaze for the first time. “You okay?”
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. For many reasons, he was obviously not. Mentally, he was still as distressed as he was the first day the madness hit, since the entity appeared. He feels like he’s going insane from the weeks he’s spent wandering through a desolate world, alone and desperate for human interaction, a sort of self-induced madness of his own. He’s so afraid too, but he imagines she understands that. Physically, he doesn’t think he looks much better.
He wants to say, no, not really, those people made me feel more humiliated than I ever have in my entire life and I would like to go home now except my home doesn’t exist anymore and it probably never will.
In a monotone voice he replies, “just peachy.”
A couple of the people behind her snort, and her lips pull into a subtle smile.
“Well,” she claps, rising to her feet. “Glad to hear it.” She sticks out a hand for him. He stares at it like he’s never seen one before. She shakes it in his face, and he belatedly realizes he’s supposed to take it. She hauls him up with a strength Jungkook doesn’t expect, wiggles the sleeve of her dark sweatshirt down in a fruitless attempt to wipe the spit and blood from his face. He imagines it doesn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts. “My name’s __,” you tell him, and he lets the name roll around his head as he stares deeply into your eyes.
Fifteen minutes ago Jungkook had given up on humanity as those psychos pummeled him into the earth.
He wonders if this is the universe’s way of apologizing to him.
“Jungkook,” he says breathlessly, eyes focused on your every feature, like if he blinks you’ll disappear from right in front of him. He’s partially convinced himself you’re a figment of his imagination, a reprieve his mind provided in these dark times, when you speak again.
“Jungkook,” you repeat; he doesn’t think anyone’s ever pronounced his name so beautifully before, but everything about you seems to be just that.
Vaguely, he remembers learning about this in some freshman psychology class. What was it called? Suspension bridge effect. Was he seeing you like this just because you’d saved him from a very dire situation? Probably. It’ll go away soon, he assures himself.
“Well, Jungkook,” you say, stepping back into the comfort of the group of people with you. The aura you emanate is the complete opposite of his attackers from earlier, despite the fact you’re nearly identical in appearance; dark clothing, utility boots, armed weapons. “Are you alone out here?” He barely remembers to nod. You hum, glancing at the man beside Jungkook who initially stepped out. “My friends and I have a place out here. Hidden from psychos like them,” you glare pointedly at the gas station obscured by the trees, “you’re welcome to come rest up there if you’d like.”
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Unlike his attackers your group seems to travel on foot, carefully navigating through the forest like you’ve got it memorized. You stick him with the guy from before, a fellow named Taehyung who’s quite the chatterbox once Jungkook breaks through his serious exterior.
Before anything, Taehyung gives him a practiced speech detailing the horrors of the world right now, almost like he’s had to explain this to people before. Jungkook already knows it all, but still nods along politely to everything he says. The longer they walk, the more anxious he becomes.
Maybe following this pack of strangers back wasn’t the brightest idea, he begins to think. For all he knows you could be exactly the same as that original group of stragglers, luring him deeper into an unknown landscape to kill him. Part of him is disappointed in the negative progression of his thoughts, the lack of faith he has in his fellow human. But what else is he to do?
Since the appearance of the entity the world he knew had begun to dismantle itself. Societies they had spent centuries building up crumbling in the mere span of a few weeks. He hadn’t seen a person in almost a month now, and the first ones he did see almost beat and humiliated him to death. He can’t be blamed for his pessimistic outlook.
They walk through the forest until they reach a creek, a thin trickle of water that widens the further south they go, and continue flush against the water bed. Eventually, Jungkook begins to hear the bustle of more people, which immediately sets him on edge. Taehyung flashes him a wide smile that grows the closer they get to the noise.
His heart pounds in his chest, feels it in his ears.
Part of him is expecting an end to this long journey, maybe a bullet to the head or a knife to the chest. No matter how much he tries to convince himself that you and your friends are nice people, he can’t. He’s caught up in a whirlwind of anxieties, breaths growing more shallow and choked off, and by the time they finally stop walking, he’s nearly struggling to breathe, peering through the trees only to find—
A huddle of tents. A few wooden structures. Some kids kicking around a ball.
A hand claps down on his shoulder, and Jungkook flinches with a loud yelp. “This is Oleander,” you inform him, waving a hand over the tiny establishment.
He walks through the grounds with his shoulders pulled up damn near his ears, nervously glancing around at the people that wander by him. There’s about fifty of them—some older and some younger—that mill about, all greeting him politely. In his shock, their faces all blend together and he can’t tell one apart from another. The first face that his mind truly registers is that of a trustworthy man with a big smile.
Hoseok, you introduce him as before promptly disappearing.
Hoseok is the man who shows him around this Oleander place, walking him to and fro. He’s also the man who shows him to the creek about a hundred meters behind the Oleander base, as he calls it, watches over him as Jungkook scrubs weeks of grime off his skin.
Oleander, apparently, is a safe haven established by Hoseok and you. You make do by scavenging through nearby towns, occasionally sending groups of scavengers farther out. You’re accepting of all those who wish to escape from the entity, finding solace in a carefully secluded plot of land far from any signs of civilization; Strays, Hoseok refers to him and others like him as.
Beneath all the dirt, his skin is tender, soft, and pink. When he rises from the water, he’s extra careful of covering his privates with both hands. Hoseok says nothing of his nudity, tosses him a towel and new clothes, though he advises him to wash his smelly tracksuit anyway. The garments are similar in style to the ones everyone else on this base wears, a collection of muted browns and muddled greens that make him blend into the trees around him. The stained tennis shoes go back on his feet, because Hoseok doesn’t have anything else to offer him at the moment.
“I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions about what this place is, so feel free to ask me!” Hoseok tells him when they get back, passing by the largest of the wooden structures that smells absolutely heavenly. Suddenly, he remembers the rabbit meat he left on the hotdog cooker. 
Jungkook’s mouth starts before his brain. “Why the tents?” He asks, watching people duck in and out of the shabby quarters. They’re camping tents, the same kind his dad used to rent on their family trips. He quickly pushes that memory away.
Hoseok answers his question. “Well, as you probably know, the Thing out there likes hitting up cities, towns. Anywhere with noticeable traces of life,” he explains. Jungkook nods. “This place is pretty empty as you can tell,” he says, gesturing towards the vast expanse of forest around them. “So we’re not too worried about it finding us here. But in the case that it does, however,” he shakes his head here, like he doesn’t even wanna imagine that possibility. “We gotta be ready to move everyone quickly.”
“It’ll follow you,” Jungkook blurts out, hates how negative he sounds telling a sunny man like Hoseok such news.
Hoseok doesn’t seem the least bit phased by Jungkook’s words. “Yeah, but,” he trails off, glancing over the grounds, until he finds what he’s looking for. “We have a secret weapon,” he sings, gestures towards where you’re standing by a group of kids trying to scale the side of a tree.
Now what did that mean? “A… woman?” He says tentatively, and Hoseok laughs.
“You’re a funny guy, Jungkook,” he says, patting his back. “But no. We have someone here with a, let’s say, unique ability,” he explains. Jungkook blinks. Hoseok grins, tugs him close like he’s about to share some national secret with him. “Our friend __ over there can sense the Thing,” Hoseok whispers.
Jungkook doesn’t miss a beat. “So can I?”
Hoseok, a fairly relaxed soul as Jungkook is quickly learning, let’s go of him in favor of releasing a deep, belly-shaking chuckle. “Let me guess,” he teases. “The wind and the voices? We can all do that, buddy.”
Jungkook shakes his head, eyes slowly returning to you. You’re holding onto one of the kids now, tucked beneath your arm like a football as you drag them closer to the camp. “No,” Jungkook says softly. “It’s different.”
“Really?” Hoseok drawls, though Jungkook can tell he doesn’t believe him for a second. “What’s it like?” He plays along anyway.
Jungkook shrugs, glances down at his fingers. He recalls the sensation, eyes fluttering shut as he loses himself in the memories. “It’s like… a rope around my throat. Except the knot is never tied, so it just brushes the back of my neck, over and over again.”
When he opens his eyes, Hoseok is staring at him like he has three heads. Jungkook takes a step back, fearing he’s grossly overshared and now they think he’s some nut job. “Holy shit,” Hoseok exhales, glancing over him with wide eyes.
“Seokjin!” He screeches, catching Jungkook’s wrist in between his bony fingers before he can run away. Jungkook’s heart lurches in his chest, cheeks flushing when Hoseok pulls him across the grounds under everyone‘s inquisitive glances. They stop before a tent that’s larger than the others, one flap pinned open. “Seokjin,” Hoseok repeats once inside, the space smelling strongly of antiseptic.
How long have you and your friends, as you called them, been here? There’s a huge amount of medical supplies overflowing inside this tent, like you’ve raided every pharmacy in a fifty mile radius.
Hoseok pushes him into the center of the space, where he nearly bumps into a tall man in glasses. “Seokjin,” Hoseok gasps. “This kid has the thing.”
“Huh? What thing?” The man—Seokjin—asks, seemingly unimpressed with Jungkook’s appearance before him. “Who even is this kid?”
“Jungkook,” Jungkook offers, though it gets lost in Hoseok’s sudden outburst.
“He has the thing,” he emphasizes. “The __ thing.” He glances at the entrance to the tent, like you’ll suddenly appear at the mere mention of your name. You don’t.
Something registers in Seokjin’s features, a slow realization as his eyes flick over to Jungkook. “Holy shit,” he says, wide eyes bouncing between him and Hoseok. “You’re kidding.”
Hoseok looks oddly proud of himself as he plops down on the cot pressed against one end of the tent. “Nope,” he responds. “Described it just like her and everything.”
Seokjin pushes his glasses up his nose, eyes scanning over Jungkook’s frame behind the magnified lens. “Uh huh,” he hums, pinching the skin over his tricep. Jungkook flinches. “I see.”
Jungkook can’t take it anymore. “I’m sorry—who are you?” He blurts out, taking one cautious step away from Seokjin and his grabby hands. He hadn’t interacted with another person in weeks and today alone he was beat up like a loser and now gawked at like a slab of prime meat.
“Oh, right. Kim Seokjin, only registered nurse in this lovely Oleander,” he introduces, sticking one hand out for Jungkook to shake. He does, surprised by the force of his handshake. He doesn’t give Jungkook the chance to introduce himself either, using their connected palms to hold Jungkook’s arm up and glance over him some more. “Lean, healthy. How old did you say you were?”
“Twenty-five,” he responds, snatching his arm away. Seokjin doesn’t seem offended, instead circling around him. Sensing Seokjin won’t be of much help, he turns back to Hoseok. “You said if I had questions to ask you.”
Hoseok nods. “I did.”
Seokjin gasps. “Hobi, look at the thighs on this kid, Jesus,” he exclaims, poking at the corded muscle beneath his borrowed pants. “You run track?”
“Soccer,” he corrects. “Who were those people and why did they attack me before?”
Another voice answers, significantly less loud than the men he was currently stuck with. “Magnolians,” you reply from the entrance. Jungkook jumps at your abrupt appearance, suddenly finding it hard to look you in the eye. “Another camp like ours who used this catastrophe to become the sick fucks they never got to be in their regular lives,” you explain, coming around to stand in front of Jungkook. Your solemn expression fades upon meeting his gaze. “Jungkook, how are you feeling?” You inquire, worried eyes checking him over the same way Seokjin’s just did, except it sparks a sense of bashfulness in him when it’s you.
“Fine,” he mumbles, suddenly wishing Seokjin was back on him again. But the guy chose now of all times to fuck off, settling beside Hoseok to watch him talk to you.
“That’s good to hear,” you say, and then almost absentmindedly reach a hand up to caress his hair. Jungkook freezes, hyper aware of your close proximity. He very pointedly ignores looking at your beautiful face. It’ll go away, he reminds himself, heart panging when you retract your arm. “Is Seokjin evaluating your health?”
He glances over at the man, who gives him a half-assed shrug. With not a lot of confidence in his answer, Jungkook replies, “kinda.”
Before you can question him or Seokjin, Hoseok is jumping in to intervene. “Jungkook has the same freaky power as you,” he reveals, eyes sparkling at the news he reports.
Though you initially jolt in surprise, meeting his gaze with a wondrous glint in your eyes, it eventually fades away. Replacing it is a look of skepticism. “Really?” Your arms fold over your chest as you trace over his features. Jungkook has never felt more shy in his entire life, having a woman like you drink him in with absolutely no shame. “And what power is that?”
If it’s a test, Jungkook fails it. “The, um. Thing.”
Seokjin snorts, burying his face in Hoseok’s shoulder at his weak response. His cheeks flush, the rosy hue slowly filling his face until the tips of his ears are warm, your unimpressed expression staring back at him.
He rushes to redeem himself. “The feeling,” he adds. “Around your neck. Like there’s someone else in the room but you don’t know where.”
Slowly you nod, arms falling back to your sides. You don’t say anything else about this power (as Hoseok calls it), instead turning to face Seokjin. “Your thoughts?”
Seokjin claps his hands together, hopping off the cot to round Jungkook again. “Great body, experience in sports, so I’m assuming lots of stamina. Doesn’t look like he knows his way around a gun, but that can be taught.”
The ending of his evaluation leaves Jungkook confused. “Why would I need to know how to use a gun?” Seokjin glances at you pointedly.
“Actually,” you admit, “I came here with a proposal for you, Jungkook.” Jungkook stills. The only proposals he’s ever heard of usually end in big, classy ceremonies on the beach. He’s just met you a few hours ago. “I would like it if you joined us here in Oleander.”
Jungkook falters, glancing warily between you and the other men in the tent. “Why?” He says, sounding like a child.
You don’t mind. “Well, truthfully, I think it would be good on your end,” you say, “to have the extra protection. Taehyung tells me you’ve been on your own for a while now. We wouldn’t mind taking you in.”
“What’s in it for you?” He interrogates next.
Jungkook thought you were really cool. You had saved him from a group of crazies who wanted to kill him, showed him your secret hideout, and on top of that, you shared something in common with him (apperently). Sure, you had helped him, but Jungkook knows better than to not expect anything in return.
His straightforwardness brings a smile to your face. “Well, if what Seokjin says is true, I think you could become a valuable member of Oleander. I think your support and protection would be a huge help to us here.”
You’re looking at him with these big, sparkly eyes, like the mere idea of Jungkook joining this group of strays is all you’ve ever wanted. Admittedly he sees the logic in your words.
Jungkook thinks about leaving here alone, about returning to that nameless town in the middle of nowhere. There were only so many bags of beef jerky he could eat through, so many rabbits he could strangle before it wasn’t enough. What would he do in the winter? It didn’t snow often in this part of the world, but with the animals in hiding, what would he eat? Would he have to keep traveling from town to town, risk encountering those Magnolians from before?
They really did a number on his faith in humanity. How could people just resort to violence so easily, even after having the knowledge that there were far more harmful things out there than a loaded gun? Jungkook’s been thinking about it since it happened, hours after the event, and he still hasn’t reached a plausible conclusion. Were they deranged? Or simply losers, as you’d so eloquently implied, who were taking advantage of such calamity to live out these frankly disturbing lifestyles. Jungkook didn’t understand, and the longer he ponders it, he realizes maybe he never will.
Some things are just better left unknown, he supposes. But that didn’t mean one had to face them alone. He returns his attention to you and your expectant eyes.
As for you, he still had a lot of questions— who you were, why you did this, what this shared power of theirs was. He figures he can ask you them later. For now, he sticks his hand out for you to take.
“I’m in.”
⇢ part two 
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Copyright © July 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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leakedinlondon · 3 years
i cannot agree about CA being innocent. she literally had deleted Google searches like “fool proof suffocation” and extensive searches for chloroform on the day of the death. told the cops she had talked to Caylee the day she was reported missing, even though she was long dead, said she worked at Universal studios, and didn't admit the truth until she had failed to show them her desk. she told them Caylee had a nanny (whose name was literally Zanny, after Casey's drug of choice) that had taken and killed her. even if the cause of death was drowning like some people say, then why the duct tape? that for me cements the idea that this was not just negligence turned into a cover up. there was a lot of evidence kept out of the trial (like the Google searches) that I think really hurt the chances of her being convicted.
Aokay imma break this down point by point i’m not trying to be mean this is just my opinion and i find this case v interesting so pls don't take this as me attacking u or anything💖 this ended up very long so here’s a read more
The google searches
So basically I’m not under the impression the chloroform searches happened the same day Caylee died if I’m remembering correctly, what they did correlate with was a post her boyfriend made on Myspace (facebook maybe????) which was basically a meme that said ‘win her over with chloroform’. she sees the post, googles chloroform, then the immediate search she makes after this is ‘self defence’
the foolproof suffocation one is dodgy af and hard to defend, but if you look at the phone and online history of that day there are a few interesting points if we’re building a timeline.
Cindy leaves for work at 7am. We can assume at this point Caylee is alive.
Casey leaves her parents house by 4.11pm. we can assume by this point Caylee has died and her body has been dumped in the park.
but a lot happens between this
between 7.45am and 2.21pm there is constant activity on both Casey’s computer and phone, the most noteworthy of this activity being a phone call. It is important to note that one thing that is consistent through Casey’s browsing and phone history is that she was always using one or the other. She is on the phone with her best friend Amy from 1.44pm- 2.21pm, and after this, there is a gap in browsing history until 2.51pm when she makes the foolproof suffocation search (with suffocation being misspelled), and clicks on a website that deals with ways to commit suicide via suffocation. After this, there is no further gap in her browsing and phone history. She talks to a friend at 2.22pm (one minute after the suffocation google search) who describes the conversation as abnormal, and she is talking about having to find a new place to live. After this she talks to her dad on the phone, then proceeds to try and call a number of people, including her mother multiple time, her boyfriend and her ex boyfriend, all of which go unanswered. 
Based on the timeline we can assume that whatever occured happened prior to the 2.22pm phone call to her friend, and therefore also prior to the foolproof suffocation search. It is likely that this was in response to Caylee's death, and was more suicidal inclination than homicidal.  
Duct tape
So the thing with the duct tape isn't very nice but uhhh...... the Anthony family had a tradition that when burying pets they would wrap them in their favourite blanket, then a garbage bag, duct tape the garbage bag and dispose of the body. That’s how Caylee’s body was disposed of, and that’s why the duct tape was there. There’s also some spicy stuff surrounding the dude that found the body potentially moving it but that’s a whole other Thing that i won’t get into but he is DODGY.
Casey partying (the Xanex thing)  and the lying
Okay so like...... here’s the thing...... based on literally ALL of the character witness testimony Casey did. not. like clubbing. like at all. They described her as a homebody who did not like going out and an excellent mother who loved spending time with her kid, and when they did stuff together she would try and make them do things she could bring Caylee to. The only person who seemed to think she liked clubbing was her friend Amy who Casey had a history of saying shit too just to make her happy. an example is an instance where Amy wanted to move in with Casey, Casey said yes and acted like she was 100% down for despite the fact that she literally had no way to pay for it and just made excuses until Amy eventually gave up on it. This kind of things happened all the time with Amy. Amy said that Casey could never go out with her because either she couldn't find a babysitter (Cindy probably would have watched Caylee if asked lbr) or that she had to work. We know for a fact that Casey didn’t have a job. She literally just didn’t like going out and didn’t want to let Amy down so she lied to her. Which is was Casey did because she was a compulsive liar, and being a compulsive liar doesn’t make you a murder. I have a friend who’s a compulsive liar and when I catch her in lies she just keeps digging herself deeper and deeper until either she confesses to lying or I let it go, and this is EXACTLY what Casey does. 
Anyway so now we’ve established that Casey does not like partying we’re gonna have to address the partying she was doing while Caylee was missing. Now this entire point is kind of misleading. Casey did not party nearly as much as you think she did. Her time away from her parent's house until Caylee was reported missing is split into two sections, when she was living with her boyfriend, and when she was living with Amy.
 Her boyfriend worked at a nightclub (I cannot remember his exact position but it was high up enough that Casey used to help out a lot). The times she ’went clubbing’ while she was living with him she was essentially working. The infamous hot body contest? at her boyfriend's club. They didn’t have enough woman so she was asked to do it and she did. Most of the time there she spent managing the drink girls. She was not exactly partying.
The times she did go out clubbing was when she was living with Amy, she can’t say she can’t find a babysitter when she’s living with the girl and she knows full well her kids not there, and she can only use work as an excuse to many times, and we know she has issues saying no to Amy, so she goes clubbing. I could have missed it but i have no memory of Casey ever admitting to using Xanax recreationally, and that’s just speculation based on the name. 
Additionally, it should be noted that whenever Caylee was ‘at the nanny’ while Casey was at work, she was literally just hanging out with her kid all day. like we know she wasn’t at work because she didn’t have a job.
Proof of drowning
Honestly, I think we can agree that the most reliable family member is Cindy. George has some fkn issues that I'm not going to get into in this and Casey is Casey so yeah, Cindy’s the best there is.
And Cindy says some interesting shit that illudes to the fact that maybe Caylee did drown.
Firstly, it’s an established thing that when talking on the phone Casey would leave Caylee unattended (the phone call with Amy from 1.44pm- 2.21pm. This is likely when Caylee drowned based on the timeline.
We know that when Cindy got home from work that day she found the pool ladder down and she was not happy. She called George to berate him about it and commented on it to her coworkers the next day. 
Right after Caylee was reported missing and way before any growing had been mentioned Cindy called one of the detectives and expressed again how concerned she was about the pool ladder being left down, fearing that Caylee had drowned
Literally everyone involved in the case, including those outside of the Anthony family expressed that the pool was a major safety hazard that Caylee repetitively was trying to get into. she was obsessed with swimming. Casey’s boyfriend said on one occasion Caylee had attempted to run straight into the pool at his apartment upon arriving and Casey had to run after had and stop her from jumping in.
We know based on photos shown at the trial that Caylee was both able to open the sliding door to get outside, and that she was able to climb the pool ladder independently, which is why Cindy was so upset upon finding the pool ladder down.
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caffeinated-mendes · 4 years
Wanted - Shawn Mendes One-Shot (Gov/Spy AU)
word count: 1.9 k
synopsis:  You're a spy for your country, a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. After stealing back a necklace that was rightfully your nation's, the entire Toronto Task Force is after you, including one of their top officials, Shawn Mendes.
a/n:  Hi guys! First off, I want to say that I'm not Canadian, so please excuse if I totally misnamed the group that handles these sorta situations in this one-shot (I looked up the Canadian equivalent to the US' Swat Team, and the ETF is what I found). So yes, if I'm being completely stupid, ignore that. Anyway, I took some inspo from the literal goddess herself, Natasha Romanoff, for these fight scenes/takedowns/chases. I really wanted them to be action packed. I hope you enjoy! Comments and likes are always appreciated <3
warnings: none
*if you prefer, you can read this on my ao3 instead of here
The wind whistled past your ears, hair whipping behind you as the motor of your bike revved and whipped past the black SUVs chasing you. Your mission: collect something that had been wrongfully taken and return it to your country, its home. Your country was a small one, but powerful, and you had to invade the expanses of Canada to get this item: a necklace that belonged to your royal family. Skirting into an alleyway, you managed to avoid the cars but a single person on a motorcycle followed yours, so you had to make a risky move. Turn right onto a street in oncoming traffic. Looking back into your mirror, you saw the figure. In big white letters on the breast of his bullet proof vest said Emergency Task Force.  His hair, curly and brown flew back in the wind, but because of the darkness, you couldn’t see much else.
Making your sudden turn, you decided to swerve between lanes, hoping to make the cyclist stop in his tracks, but he followed you, putting himself in danger, too. At this point, you had to think quick, and the sound of incoming helicopters didn’t help. You’d meet your partner in another alleyway about a kilometer away, so you just had to hold out until then. “Move off the street, and you will not be shot down!” screamed the voice from behind you.  
Conveniently, you swerved into the alleyway, and seeing your partner, a woman in all black, a slicked-back blonde ponytail, you said in your mother tongue, “Get out, take it before he sees you!”She understood, holding her hand out as you slammed the box into her grasp. Pulling herself up onto a railing above, she nodded behind you. The man saw you, not her, and you floored it, running further down the alleyway.
You knew you couldn’t escape as you entered a street with the black vehicles in a U-shape, closed in by your pursuer. Getting off your bike and taking off your glasses, you raised your arms above your head, slowly. At least twenty guns were pointed at you. You inhaled, closed your eyes. Now. You stamped your foot on the ground, and from your ankle shot tear gas. You slammed yourself into the closest adversary, sweeping him to the ground as another came behind you. Grabbing their gun, you smacked his head into it, and he fell to your feet. Taking two down in one go, you kicked one into the other and soon enough you had a pile at your feet of task force officials.
The last standing, and deliberately ten feet from you, stepped into the streetlights, a dark sky above. It was the guy on the motorcycle. “Who are you?” He asked. You could see his features now; tall, prominent cheekbones, dark eyes and baby-like pink lips. You ran towards him, and jumped onto his shoulder, swinging yourself around him until you pushed him to the ground, sitting on his back. Moving your face towards his ear, you placed a kiss on his cheek, seeing a satisfying red print left behind. 
Your accent was nonexistent, “You’ll have to find out.” While you said this though, you lightened up on the pressure put on his back. This was your great mistake, as he bucked you off him and landed onto the hard asphalt. Not shielding your head, it slammed onto the ground, your vision fuzzy. He leaned himself over you, and placed a tablet in your mouth that dissolved. All you could catch of him were his eyes, pupils blown up, and the kiss mark on his cheek. 
He said one thing; “I think I will.” Everything faded to black.  
You woke up with your head throbbing and legs aching on a metal chair. A bright light was just turned on as you batted your eyes one, two, three times. Looking down at your scratched hands, your right was cuffed to the table. In the corner of the room stood your pursuer closing the door, and as he moved towards you you could see the scrape on his chin from being pushed down by you. “Alright, I’ll just start off easy. I’m Shawn, and I work for the ETF. You are someone, a spy possibly, and you stole one of our most precious artifacts that’s worth millions of dollars.”
You wanted to say it’s not your artifact, but you knew better than to speak. Keeping your mouth shut, you narrowed your eyes as he sat in front of you, across the table. “We’ve tried to run our databases for you, but you’re clearly using a fake identity. We know you’re not Lillian Davis. It’s got depth, but not enough. So why don’t you tell us where the artifact is?” He leaned forward on the table, holding his hands together. They were calloused and scarred. You’d guessed Shawn was in the field for a while, but he seemed young. No older than twenty-five. 
“Okay, I guess you’re not gonna talk.”
You smirked, “You’re very pretty. Is there anything in that head of yours?” 
Shawn’s face went pink at this remark, and he responded, “Look, no one’s watching you. There’s no cameras. I’m the only one here. Just tell me why you stole the artifact and we’ll let you go.”  He walked to your side, uncuffing the cuff on the table leg, putting it on your left wrist. You took your chance, knocking his forehead and sending him sprawled onto the floor. He got up fast, pushing you against the wall. You could feel his pulse pounding. With a quiet laugh, you slammed your knee up in his crotch. Not a technical move, but one that worked.
Your anger got the best of you as you opened the door, telling him, “It was never yours to keep.” Running down the empty hall, you bolted for the first door you saw, which thankfully led outside. You didn't realize you were still in the clothes you wore before you got knocked out, but you didn’t know the day, either. Last time you were awake, it was August 24th. The door creaked behind you, and you made a quick scan of your surroundings. There was a garbage container on the side of the building, so you ran, hiding behind it. 
From the cover of the container, Shawn walked out into the cold morning air, the sun rising from behind the skyline. From his belt, he pulled out a walkie-talkie. “The female suspect is missing. Repeat, the female suspect is missing. Anyone in the station’s nearby area, please search now.” Miscellaneous voices responded to him. As you thought of what to do next, he ran in the other direction, down the street to the city. Looking at what was behind you, you saw that there was a bus stop behind the government building. Pulling up your hood and searching for a few dollar bills in your sock, you walked over to the bench. It was a minute or so before the bus arrived, and thankfully none of the ETF personelle were there to find you.
You had just enough money to make it to where your partner would be: a private airfield with your country’s jet. Hopefully they hadn’t taken off yet, as they’d leave at eight in the morning. From the bus stop, you saw the heavy metal gates that bordered the airfield. Walking up to the booth near the passcode entryway, you glanced at a man asleep inside. As quietly as you could, you put in the passcode to the gates. You slipped through them soundlessly and ran to meet your partner boarding the small jet. “About time,” She spoke from the door at the top of the steps. 
“I got held up. Law enforcement.” She nodded and turned, walking inside. Taking the steps into the luxurious jet, you closed the door behind you.
It had been a month or so since you’d disappeared, and it wasn’t hard, as you lived in the condensed capital of your country. The tiny island brought the shining sun into your villa, which kept you from getting cabin fever. One afternoon, as you were in the kitchen when you heard the door creak shut. Your blood went cold and you reached for the cleaver that lay on your cutting board. Being on the most wanted list in Canada didn’t help your paranoia, either. Your feet padded on the brown tiles, and you turned into the living room, holding your breath. The figure was dressed in all black except for a faded green cap that they wore. 
You groped for their arm, pinning it against their back as you held the knife to their throat. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” said a familiar voice, scratchy under the metal, “I didn’t want anyone seeing me.” That’s when you realized, as you saw the brown hair curled at the nape of his neck, back pressed against your front, who it was. You set the cleaver down on the table by the entryway, still holding his wrist. Turning him around to see his face, you took of the green cap, a head of curls flattening out onto his forehead. 
Pressing your lips to his, he reached for your waist, fitting it into his hands. He tasted like mangos, and you breathed in his recognizable scent. “You acted pretty amazing last month. Even when I told you there were no cameras.” His hands smoothed out onto your back and you grinned, looking into his eyes. He looked so right in this setting. The browns and oranges and tropical vibe of your home compliment the warmness of his hair and his eyes, a sort of honey-ish brown. “Though you didn’t need to knee me.”
“It was all part of the act, love,” smirking slightly, your hands reached his hair, massaging his scalp, “I’m sorry we had to act like that. I didn’t know they’d send me on a mission to Canada, and of all places, Toronto. But if I didn’t follow through, they’d exile me.”
“Hey, I knew this would happen someday. It’s just how it is, you being their spy. And that necklace was yours, anyway.” He cleared his throat, and took your hands instead, “I would fake what happened a hundred times if it was what I had to do to see you again.”
Pushing a piece of hair behind your ear, you grinned, “Let’s run away. Once I get everything settled, we’ll make a life for ourselves. I know the royal family would grant it. Without me, so many plans would’ve gone down the drain.”
“Done. I don’t want to keep meeting like this. I’ll wait for you. As long as it takes.” You felt a sort of peace within yourself, and you actually preferred this to the adrenaline spike you’d get in fights. Ever since Shawn, you realized that your past opinions about conflict being better than love changed. He’d loved you in a way you’d never have thought of.
Placing a kiss on his cheek, the exact place you did the month before, you took his hands and pulled him into the kitchen. “Come help me with dinner.” 
After getting into the hang of chopping and placing food in pots or pans, Shawn asked, “You think you could show me that flip you did when you nailed me to the ground?”
Laughing, you replied, “Maybe. Kiss included?”
“The kiss is always included.”
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[The next morning, at the meeting]
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Now...onto the matter that I wanted to discuss with you all this morn.
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We have received some rather unsettling news as of late within the secret base...
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There are reports of certain resources being...unaccounted for, and a suspicious hooded character having been sighted.
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These, among several other developments, have become a cause for concern.
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A robed person? The shady kind you mean...
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So there’s a thief or a potential spy among us? That’s not good...
*Shuichi glances in Hiyoko’s direction. She glances back with a look that says “I told you so...”
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No...I-It sounds bad...
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Could there really be people within the base who would do such things? I suppose whoever this person in the robe is could tell us?
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Well yeah, ‘cause he’s obviously the one doing the stealing.
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Guess it’s not much of a surprise. Security around here isn’t exactly what you’d call “tight”.
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Then I have an idea. How about we group up together after dinner tonight and have a little discussion about how to catch this spy?
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Nyeh...I guess it’s a good idea.
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They say it’s best to strike while the iron’s still hot, so I don’t mind.
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U-Um...I-I-I’m sorry, I can’t m-make it...
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Oh? Why not?
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One of our guards recently came down with something...No one knows what yet, but I need to do a checkup on him later.
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I’m sure it’s just a normal illness, but I’m worried that, if there i-is a spy, that someone m-may have poisoned o-our water supply...S-So I need to check...
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I won’t be able to make it either. I’m sorry, but would anyone mind if I caught up on a little sleep? I feel like I’ve been working pretty hard lately.
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That is fine with me. Thanks to the both of you for your contributions.
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[That same night]
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*Mikan takes a quick tense look around, before retreating into a dead end room. However, she fails to notice Hiyoko who is standing right around the corner.
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Ok...let’s go...
*She slowly inches towards the room. Video camera in hand.
Hooded Figure: I must thank you again for providing us with the items and information we require, Ms Tsumiki.
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Don’t mention it. Feel free to tell me if there’s anything else you still need.
Hooded Figure: Well, there is one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you...
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Hooded Figure: Why is it that you serve such a kingdom? A kingdom governed by an evil empress who brought nothing but destruction to it for 8 long years? Surely there are certain monarchs who are more in need of your...esteemed talents...
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Is this an invitation? If so, I’m flattered...
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I always have been at the forefront of everyone’s abuse...It’s been like that my entire life...Both with the Remnants, and before and after that...
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Maybe...Maybe it IS time I go somewhere where I’ll be appreciated...
Hooded Figure: Hmhmhm...“Enemy” is a relative term, I always say...You have certainly done more than enough to earn our gratitude. Should you ever wish for a change of scenery, we’d be happy to welcome you.
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...(That should be enough...)
*Hiyoko stops the recording and sneaks away.
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[The next morning]
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Oh, Hiyoko! Good morning. I hope you had a good sleep last night...
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Yeah, you seemed pretty cranky the other day. You ok no-
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*Without a word of warning, Hiyoko suddenly delivers a heavy swing to Mikan’s face!
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Wh-What the hell was that for!
*Everyone practically lurches out of their chairs at the sudden act of violence!
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So...Mikan...Get up to anything last night? Meet with any...interesting people...!?
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Huh? I-I’m not sure wh-what you mean?
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Spare me your stutter and lies, you two-faced whore! You’re a traitor! You want to leave us behind for bigger and better, don’t you!?
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M-Mikan...!? Surely not...!?
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Hey. Isn’t it a little bad to let your bias get the better of you?
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Yeah, you’re just lying right now because you don’t like Mikan, aren’t you!? Go on, deny it!!
*However, no sooner does Kaito say this, Shuichi bursts into the room, video camera in hand.
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No, Hiyoko isn’t lying! We have evidence to prove it.
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Huh!? Sh-Shuichi?
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*Shuichi places the video camera down on the table.
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Last night, I had Hiyoko record a...suspicious conversation of Mikan with the Hooded Figure...Once again, they were dealing in state secrets.
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The video speaks volume. Mikan Tsumiki is definitely the traitor who’s been selling info to Angie...
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No! No, there’s no way! Wh-What if that video is a fake!? What if Hiyoko forged it!?
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Hiyoko doesn’t have the technology on hand to forge a video. Even then I have more evidence...
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Y-You do...?
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I found out that there’s a certain pattern in the times that some of our resources go missing...
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They only happen on Mikan’s shift, when she’s supposed to be watching them.
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Doesn’t sound like a coincidence to me!
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There is no bias here. Hiyoko is right. Mikan sold us out...
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Mikan...explain yourself, now...!
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Sh-Shuichi wait. A-Are you sure you haven’t made a mistake or something?
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Yeah, come on man! It’s Mikan, she wouldn’t do this kind of thing to us! You gotta believe her.
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There’s no room for belief on this one Kaito...I only know the truth of the matter...
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I know I shouldn’t be rushing to judgement based on Hiyoko’s heresy alone, but with all this information, this whole case seems somewhat...irregular...
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What the hell...!?
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There you have it! Now, how about you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here, you rabies ridden pigshit!?
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Mikan! Come on! Say it’s not true!
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This is a little upsetting...I have to say...
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We’ve all been together for how long now...? Over 10 years since the tragedy...Over 10 years we’ve been friends...and this is how much trust I’ve earned in that time?
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Maybe...I would be better off somewhere else...Someplace where I’ll be appreciated and nobody hates me...
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Nobody here hates you!
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Are you sure? People always hate me...No matter where I go...Hiyoko’s proof of that...
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...Well, at least I’M not the one selling us out to our enemy...!
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I guess...all that’s left to do is go back to Angie...
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Go “back” to Angie? So you admit your misdeeds?
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Well, I can’t exactly deny them when “Mr Detective” already has evidence, doesn’t he?
*Mikan briskly strides away, her change in personality showing as she abandons her usually skittish and clumsy walk. She bumps into Hiyoko’s shoulder on her way out, and before she leaves, she turns back to the group one more time.
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So long Hiyoko...Sonia...And the rest of you...
*She finally exaunts.
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M-Mikan! You can’t!
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Not even the slightest attempt to defend herself...One could not help but wonder...If Hiyoko’s suspicions were well founded...
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*Ibuki suddenly rushes after Mikan, with a face like thunder.
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oinkawater · 5 years
hello! could you do a scenario of where nekoma meets kuroo’s s/o for the first time (like he always said he had one but no one believed him LMAOOOOO) thank you!
ah, i’m really in the feels for yaku so he does appear a lot more in this hehe he’s a gr8 mum don’t u think
and i hope this is good!! i didn’t wanna make it too long but i think it’s already kinda long but hey i really tried
“You? Have a girlfriend?”
“For the fourth time, yes.”
“I don’t believe you. Actually, nobody does.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re you. I’ve never met anynody insane enough to want to be with you.”
“That’s a bit harsh, Yaku-san. You don’t have a girlfriend either.”
“Me having a girlfriend is not the point, Lev.”
“I swear I have a girlfriend.”
“Sure, you do. Maybe she’s met my girlfriend — I believe they live in the same part of our imagination.”
That’s the conversation that took for Kuroo to drag you out of Nohebi’s school campus the next afternoon. You almost tripped at the rate he’s walking and fell off the bus when you alighted, but all your boyfriend could see is red.
You would have found the determination attractive — as usual — but when you’ve come so close to attaining several unnecessary injuries, it’s hard to. “Hey, what’s got you so riled up? Is it this Yaku-san person?”
“You’re real, aren’t you?” Kuroo asks suddenly as you enter Nekoma’s campus.
“As far as I’ve been aware,” you start off in a sarcastic tone, “I am.”
“Not the time for jokes.” Kuroo stops abruptly at a random stop. He turns to face you and towers over your smaller figure. “You’re going to meet my team for the first time.”
“Mm, I know.”
“Yeah, and they can be a bit much sometimes.” His firm tone slowly falters into a more gentle one. He even sounded a bit more loving. “But you need to tell them I didn’t pay you to be here.”
“You’re not?” You tease, tilting your head and staring up at him with wide eyes. Noticing his unimpressed look, you tap his shoulder and laugh. “I’m kidding. Of course, I’ll make it a point to let them know that I am human. And that you didn’t pay me.”
“I’m counting on you.”
After Kuroo’s changed his attire, his shoes and got you some snacks, he finally brought you to where free practice is held that afternoon. “Good afternoon, everyone.”
Yaku is the first — and only — person to approach him. “Well, who’s this?”
“I told you I’m bringing my girlfriend to practice today,” Kuroo scoffs, folding his arms over his chest. “This is (y/n). (y/n), this is the asshole I was telling you about.”
“He seems like a nice person,” you grin as you take a step forward. “Hi. It’s really nice to meet you.”
Yaku shakes your hand with a polite smile on his face. As he took a step back, he scans you from head to toe with a curious look. “I still don’t believe you.”
“What? Why?”
“She’s too pretty. And she looks smart — how could she let herself be fooled by you?”
“Kuroo-san, is this the girl you mentioned?” A taller, lankier boy starts approaching the group by the entrance. “She’s pretty! I’m Haiba Lev!”
You bow down courteously. “Hi. I’m (y/n).”
Slowly, but surely, Kuroo’s teammates surround with the most confused expression. Except Kenma — you’ve already met him a few times.
There were only a few people who took interest in you. Yaku, Lev, Inuoka and of course, Yamamoto. The immediately swarm you with questions: how, when and where did you meet, did Kuroo bribe you to be here and reasons as to why you even want to date him.
“You go to Nohebi?” Yamamoto tilts his head as his eyes landed on the kanji of your school uniform. He’s no longer interested in the answers to their questions. “Are you sure Kuroo didn’t pay you to be here today?”
“Isn’t Kuroo-san the one who said that he doesn’t want anything to do with Nohebi?” Lev asks softly, turning to Inuoka.
“Well, they’re graduating in a couple months. I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“But she’s–“
“Apparently, you don’t get paid to be all the way here at Nekoma.”
“I told you not to make a joke like that,” Kuroo says softly, turning to you. “Look at Yaku. He doesn’t believe me more than when you stepped into the gym.”
“Oh, I believe you,” Yaku cuts into the mini-conversation you were having. He picks up the volleyball from the ground and turned. “Since I declared that it’s opposite day.”
“Why won’t any of you believe that she’s really my girlfriend?” Kuroo pokes your shoulder, gaining an annoyed groan and a swat to his hand. “I brought living proof!”
“Kuroo-san,” Yamamoto chuckles, turning to look at his captain with a sly smirk. “Bringing living proof and actually acting like you’re in a relationship are two different things.”
Kenma finally sighs, and stands up from his position on the floor. “Give (y/n) a break. She deals with Kuroo-san on the daily. For the past 4 months.”
“4 months? You’ve had a girlfriend for 4 months? Why didn’t you tell us?” Yamamoto frowns. “I really like her.”
“As if I’d let my girlfriend be acquainted to any of you idiots,” Kuroo insults, swiftly moving you behind him. “Whatever. I have a girlfriend and you’ve met her now.”
You clear your throat. You’ve let the argument go on for longer than you were planning to. You haven’t said much since you arrived so you figured it’s time. “Okay, that’s enough.
“Everybody, I am Kuroo’s girlfriend. Please believe me when I say it,” you declare loudly enough to catch Yaku’s attention from across the gym. “If you don’t mind, I’ll be going off to do some homework.”
You are just about to leave. You turn to Kuroo to bid your goodbyes. “I’ll see you at the front gates as usual?”
But somebody interrupts you. “(y/n)-san, feel free to stay and do your homework in the gymnasium.” Yaku gives you a friendly smile. “Lev, go get her a table. She’s a teammate’s girlfriend, after all.”
Lev quickly sprints out of the gymnasium. After you thank Yaku, you make your way to Kenma to avoid the bickering between the two teammates.
“Her, you believe,” Kuroo scowls. “Why didn’t you believe me?”
“Well, I’d never believe you,” Yaku answers bluntly. “I believe everybody else over you any day.”
feel free to request!
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stardyng · 5 years
How can u support sansa? she sold arya out in the first book she didn't need to say how arya had traitor's blood and not her while cercie was pressuring here to write the letter but she still did even though she was smart enough to know how dangerous the situation was.
For starters, Sansa never sold Arya out in the books (or in the show for that matter). In fact, she has done almost the opposite more than once. In the chapter where we are introduced to her, Arya gets mad, and start talking loudly which catches the attention of Septa Mordane, but Sansa lies in order to cover for Arya, saving her from criticism. Then later on, Sansa is asked about Arya’s whereabouts and what she was doing but Sansa doesn’t divulge any substantial information, saving Arya once again from any kind of criticism. That being said, Sansa and Arya do not have the most positive of relationships, and they end up disagreeing with each other on practically everything and even though the narrative urges you to be on Arya’s side, if I had to be honest, Sansa’s actions are really valid, even when they aren’t the right ones. 
For example, at the Trident, her deciding to not choose any side in the conflict between Arya and Joffrey made perfect sense. She was Joffrey’s betrothed so in theory she should support him in every circumstance but Arya is not only her sister but has told the truth. However, siding with either of them would have serious repercussions. Siding with Joffrey would have caused Arya to be severely punished and would generally just made it so that blame ended up attributed to the wrong people. However, siding with Arya and supporting her version of the events would still have led to Arya being punished for hitting the crown prince, would have later led to Joffrey making even more irrational decisions due to his hate of the Starks, Cersei wouldn’t have been able to kill Lady now, but she would have found another way to dispose of her later on and the fact that Robert didn’t punish Joffrey for his actions even though he knew that his son was lying, is literal proof that he wouldn’t have received any substantial punishment for his actions even if Sansa told everyone what happened. All in all, her not siding with Arya (nor with Joffrey) made perfect sense seeing as she had no good choice available to her.
Then, people vilify Sansa for her constant conflicts with Arya as the book continues, and I think it’s unfair to degrade her for that. Sansa is in an incredibly delicate situation, is given no explanation to anything and is practically left alone to emotionally deal with all that went down because neither her father or septa Mordane are willing to put in the effort to help guide her through things. Plus, her beloved pet just got unfairly murdered which caused her to feel even sadder and angrier about everything. Essentially, being put in that specific situation led to her retconning the events at the Trident to make it fit with her worldview more, and some of her later decisions like going to the queen. It’s easier to just blame Arya for what happened to Lady than to accept the fact that not only is the man she is set to marry a horrible person, but that the way she viewed life is completely wrong. So because she pinned Arya as the one who caused all the bad things that went down at the Trident, all her anger including the parts of it that was directed at Joffrey, at Cersei and at her father, ended up being directed at Arya. Of course Arya didn’t deserve to be seen as the one at fault. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m trying to make it clear that the ones to blame for Sansa feeling this way are not just the people who actually caused Lady’s death but  also Ned and Septa Mordane for not helping her navigate her feelings (about Arya, about her family, about Lady dying, about the Lannisters, etc) in a healthier manner especially when Ned helped Arya deal with her feelings  earlier in the book. 
To add to this, not only does Sansa have to deal with her problems alone unlike her sister, but is later told that her engagement with Joffrey will be dissolved and that she will have to leave this city that contains everything she dreamed of having and experiencing (again, with no one explaining to her why that is the case). Not to forget that she had to see her father clearly favor her sister (Arya was allowed to bring Syrio home and got to have one last training session before leaving whereas Sansa was given no compromise or last meeting). All of that only add to the completely understandable bitterness she is feeling that is aimed towards her sister and her father. Plus, while Sansa wasn’t the nicest person to Arya, it isn’t like Arya was any better. Arya was internally resentful and jealous of Sansa for their entire childhood, she vilified her sister even when Sansa was covering for Arya, she publicly humiliated Sansa by pummeling her to the ground in front of everyone including the people she desperately wanted to impress, she ruined the dress that Sansa spent days making and acted as if Sansa was the one at fault for several of the horrors that happened at the Trident. What I’m saying is that it isn’t like Sansa was the only one who was unfair and mean, as Arya was too. Both were too harsh on each other, and it’s unfair to only criticize Sansa for something that both have done. 
All of this finally leads to the moment where Sansa says that Arya has the ‘’traitor’s blood’’ rather than her. It’s important to consider what happened to Sansa before that moment as well as what brought her to say that. Sansa has been isolated in a room for days all while people were fighting and killing each other outside of that room. She hadn’t seen any figure of authority (more specifically her father or Septa Mordane) for days. This is not forgetting that she didn’t even know who was fighting who or even why people were fighting in the first place. Sansa was incredibly stressed out and confused, and she had to deal with these feelings for many days. Following that, she ends up being brought to Cersei and the men of the small council, who proceed to manipulate her. She is told that her father betrayed the king, and that the Lannisters may decide to annul her engagement with Joffrey (that engagement represents everything she dreamed of) due to her father’s and sister’s crimes. This is especially important because in her perspective, Lady died precisely because of her sister’s mistakes and she’s still angry at her sister for that. In her head, she was punished because her sister was doing something wrong, and no one would listen to her when she argued that she hadn’t a hand on the bad things that have happened. For her, this is just a repeat of these events, so she’s desperately saying anything that might convince Cersei to make sure that she isn’t once again punished for what her sister has done wrong, and saying that she should not be held accountable for her sister’s mistakes is only one of these things. What Sansa said may have been harsh, but considering all that has happened to her thus far since leaving Winterfell, it is comprehensible why she would say such a thing. She’s desperate, she’s angry, and she’s alone. I also want to remind you that later in the story, Sandor Clegane and Arya have a conversation about Sansa and what went down at the Trident where Sandor lies to Arya about what Sansa did that night, (he told her that Sansa sided with Joffrey by agreeing with his version of the story instead of Arya’s). In that scene, even though Arya was there and knew that Sansa (publicly) stayed neutral in that conflict, instead of pointing that out, she ends up degrading Sansa for doing something that she never did in the first place. Again, the point isn’t to shame Arya, but rather to point out how unfair it is to criticize Sansa for things that Arya does as well. 
I think that with all of that in mind, it’s rather easy to see how I could possibly support Sansa. I support her because she’s been shamed for doing things that make complete sense considering her age, the circumstances and what she knows. I support her because her sister often does similar things yet it’s only bad when Sansa does it. I support her because her father and her supervisor have been completely negligent of her through out their entire stay at King’s Landing. I support her because she had to watch as her father favored and prioritized her sister over her at every single turn. I support her because her pet just died and yet no one helped her deal with her grief and her anger. I support her because she just saw as everything she thought was real ended up being untrue. I support her because she was a child being put in an incredibly stressful situation with no good option. I support her because even though all of that was happening, she still found it in her heart to comfort and sympathize with a man who was tormenting her. I support her because her father told her that he was going to rob her of all of things that she loved by forcing her to leave the capitol all while never bothering to explain anything (including his reasoning as to why he thinks she should leave) to her. I support her because he wouldn’t even make a compromise with her about leaving despite making one with her sister. I support her because the people whom she thought she could trust were lying to her, manipulating her and gas-lighting her. I support her because even though she’s angry at her father and sister, she still very much loves them, and puts in the extra effort in order to save her father from a possible execution. I support her because she’s a young girl who was failed by everyone around her, and yet instead of blaming these people, readers have decided to blame her for all of the things that went wrong in the story. I support her because she deserves that support. 
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karmanticmoved · 5 years
1-85 uwu
j esus okay
1. describe yourself.
uh,, emotional ig, dumbass, quiet, exhausted all of the time, v queer, healthy mix of feminine and masculine, insecure, and not tha t great tbh. kinda a pussy ass b itch
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
idrk. maybe somewhere like a hella nice beach in another country, maybe somewhere in europe. i like travelling but i hate the travel to get there and have no money so i havent put thought into it. maybe hawaii or somewhere like that.
3. do you have siblings?
the one thats still alive is my half brother
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
orion maybe bc i don't know a lot but i can see that one from my bedroom window even in the city n idk. its comforting. or scorpius cause i'm a scorpio
5. favorite color.
yellow, pink, or blue.
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
almost anything. whatever catches my interest.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
forgot what i said last time but those
yellow carnations i think?
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
maybe smth to put myself to sleep immediately bc f uCk
9. favorite childhood memory.
my summer camp memories are pretty great. also memories of my dad and i going fishing are good.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
i mean in theory i couldve been bc online relationships but no. n im polyam and have identified as such for a majority of my relationships so no.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
big but not too big, yknow? like big enough that it can be filled and have room to walk around and lay on the ground or whatever but not Empty. and a pretty big bed to stretch out on, n a closet in the room. multiple windows w blackout curtains so theres light but it can be blocked out. n fluffy rugs or carpeting but preferably rugs in case smth spills so we can get it out of at least Remove the rug. and probably a cat tree thing in corner for dipper. n a computer desk and actual lights that light up the whole room. but probably,, fairy lights too bc full lights too bright. and i kinda want a pink room but blue or yellow work also. a nd pride flags on the walls + posters and various other stuff bc plain walls are boring. and tons n tons of b ooks too.
12. favorite animal.
river otter
13. what was the last photo you took of?
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14. do you believe in soul mates?
i'm not sure. i do kinda think there are people who you will like. really really click with and who become so important in your life that they're like. apart of u yknow? but i don't think that anyone as an individual needs to keep those people in their life forever. they arent destined to stay with them, and they shouldnt force that relationship (platonic, familial, romantic, or whatever) even if they were close for years and years. screw destiny. youll have people you care about, and sometimes you have to break that bond to save yourself, and thats okay. there will be other people who can and will be just as important. that got kinda off topic skbsks. i don't think theres really like Destiny soulmates. but there could be like. soulmates in the sense of for however long we're together, we're soul bonded. even if its not forever. does that even make se nse skbsns
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
over is the one thats socially acceptable right
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
idk theres a place near a movie theater closeish to my house and its a nice little cafe and i dont eat there bc i dont eat much in general but i get their bubble tea and i love. raspberry bubble tea w rose popping bubbles. its comfort drink.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
no. sometimes shit happens for no reason, and its bullshit, but you can't reverse it, so you gotta figure out how to move on from it.
18. guilty pressures?
im assuming thats meant to be pleasures
umm,, idrk. i don't know what exactly i like that would count as a guilty pleasure so,,
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
merpeople are s o cool i fuckin. love funky aquatic pals hell yeah. maybe im just Water babey but. they're rad. dragons are also hella cool bc like dragons???? theyre scaly and prett y and can breathe fire or have wings and kill u?? also like selkies bc again. water. but i used to hear a lot of stories abt them and theyre so nea t
20. something most people don’t know about you.
i have the potential to be a huge asshole and also kinda Wish to fuckin murder someone sometimes but. i act nice most of the time anyway.
not murder murder but i can get angr y enough that i just wanna Stab smth
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
grew up kinda near the edge of the city, still in it but not like the main city area. in western washington. it was kinda rly boring, i used to spend a lot more time outside or just by myself playing with leaves or toys or whatever. when i had friends i played make believe w them even when outside of school. so yeah. boring id say.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
23. what was your last google search?
other than names for some actors n stuff, i was looking up various star wars things
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
the one that like. ended? i guess thatd be. be careful with your own feelings and try to figure them out before jumping into anything, and also don't try to force smth that in reality isnt really working.
25. would you relocate for love?
honestly yeah
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
both. it just depends on how badly i or someone i care about was hurt by it. more likely to hold a grudge if a friend was hurt by someone d eep enough to leave a lasting impact or if they don't get a genuine apology i will be 🔫🔫. or if the person keeps hurting them. even if that person is also my friend.
27. favorite book.
favorite graphic novel is bloom by kevin panetta
favorite books in general are autoboyography, more happy than not, and what if its us. all gay. i know. its okay. im a kinnie.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
introvert by far
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
i tried once. i probably will have to once i go see a therapist, or at least one for my Bad Thoughts
30. top 5 favorite movies.
in no particular order
little shop of horrors, love simon, coco, it (2017 and 1990), and shazam! ig? maybe others but i definitely Forgot all the shit ive watched
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
definitely gotta be all of the people i love hating me and abandoning me or secretly hating me and then leaving me without saying anything. and the worst part is im always afraid its gonna happen babeyy
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
im baby
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
im embarrassed by my own existence. i don't remember the Most embarrassing thing
35. do you believe in ghosts?
not until i have proof that i can actually trust and believe in
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
idk ig im nice. but im also. very easily set off on certain emotions especially the bad ones which sucks like especially jealousy bc i dont wanna!! feel jealous!! tho i think that ties into my greatest fear bc my brain immediately tells me im useless to everyone and they hate me. but. sometimes i get jealous and then feel bad for that and then hate myself for all of it. bc my friends deserve to hang out w other people and care about other people im just fucking stupid babey !!
37. should you split the dinner bill?
i rly don't get why you wouldnt tbh like if u both wanna be there u should both pay. but if one person gonna pay it should be the person that asked.
38. are you a good liar?
most of the time. when it comes to my mental health i can either lie great or im literally breaking down in front of the person so
39. what keeps you up at night?
depressing thoughts. anxiety about everything. wishing i could cuddle and fall asleep w jay. sometimes i just cant sleep bc im too restless.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
music. i need my phone to text my friends and i Need my friends
41. do you believe in god?
what god would let the world get to the point its at. what god would allow people to do such fucked up shit.
no. i don't.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
cry, take a nap, take a shower, listen to music, cuddle dipper
43. what’s something that offends you?
when people go "oh yeah i support gay rights but im still gonna eat at chick fil a bc its good" like i get so fucking. pissed off by that. youre not gonna fucking s ta rv e without their goddamn chicken. i know a bi person who goes there and says its okay bc they dont Directly Give Their money to Specifically anti gay organisations but im just. ugh. fucking pissed bc there are other places to get food just avoid the one place for fucks sake. their food is good it doesnt matter. its like saying yeah pewdiepie is a bad person and nazi and a racist asshole but his videos r funni haha so im gonna watch him anyway
44. favorite food
i hate myself whenever i eat food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
@destinedformuchmore or @pinaplelee
46. when do you feel the most confident?
never? but ig i feel confident when working on tech construction during theater tech. as long as i know what im doing.
47. what do you do in your free time?
sleep. draw. cry. play video games. talk to my friends.
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
matpat did for being a dick abt neopronouns and making a transphobic joke and only apologizing when a cis person told him to. not when hundreds of trans people did. and also other jokes that are inherently offensive to various groups. a n d for making extremely not Child friendly jokes in his videos which are very much targeted towards kids. say what you will about the target audience, there are a lot of children who watch them. please stop making creepy nsfw jokes if you won't even swear, sir.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i guess so yeah. but she also broke mine first.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
i did. i don't anymore bc highschool sports are bullshit but. basketball, ultimate, and soccer.
51. when are you happiest?
talkin 2 jay prolly
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
my binder. or my stuffed cat puppet thing ive had since i was 7
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
their general emotions, mostly. like if theyre in a good mood or if theyre bored or distracted or whatever. or if they seem interested in actually talking to me
55. what is your favorite season, why?
fall. my birthday, the atmosphere is nice, it's pretty, its hoodie weather.
56. what makes you laugh?
stupid little comments or jokes my friends make tend to make me laugh a lot harder than i should but jabdn
57. are you a clean or messy person?
a mix. i Cannot have some things messy or i will ksjqkd. Die but i don't make my bed too often bc its ha rd when its against 3 walls.
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
communication communication communicati
talk about ur goddamn problems n keep talking to each other.
59. what was your upcoming like?
if thats supposed to be upbringing
idk, very relaxed. pretty easygoing and kinda boring.
60. favorite holiday?
any holiday in december rly. i don't celebrate a Lot but the atmosphere and others celebrating is nice to see. i kinda wish my parents did more to embrace the jewish part in our family blike. whatever. christmas is fun.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
give half of it to my parents. and then probably use it for plane ticket
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
hawaiian pizza. pinapple n canadian bacon ty
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
not great. i want highschool to end.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
idk. camping is fun but if i get to stay at the resort for free i would rly love 2 stay at a resort tbh ive never done that
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
waterfalls. or rivers or just. water in nature. and very green forests. aNd snow.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
i can and will do arson, an autobiography
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
i quote john mulaney and whatever my obsessions are pretty regularly
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
silly bandz. pokemon cards. these weird unicorn figures i collected
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
im mostly the one having the weird conversations
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
i watched one about dogs and cats and their evolution which was lit
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
when i let the lady just go fuckin ham on my hair bc i was watching spirit that horse movie and didnt wanna stop so it was. rly bad bangs and hella short in back but not the sides
74. what do you like to cook?
whatever im hungry for. i don't have the energy to cook a lot
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
really pretty tropical fish
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
idk. i rly like schitts creek its pretty amusing
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
heart at first but my head if things get bad
78. what is your favorite quote?
"i have a splitting headache and i think i'm dying. how are you?"
or a character just saying "try harder" when another failed to do smth.
this is supposed to be deep or whatever but im in a Mood
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
once had a crush on a character in a minecraft parody lmao
80. what’s your love language?
sending shit that makes me think of them. n just. making tons of stuff for them both online and irl like bracelets.
81. do you ever feel alone?
oh yeah. all the time. im not but it feels like i am which sucks
82. ever been bullied?
83. are you usually early or late?
late bc of my parents rip
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
drawing, or writing. also theater.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
i just wish i could remember everything ive learned more about. i know a lot i just forget all.
id like to know more about forensics tho
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
hi bub!!!! can i please request “you scared the shit out of me. i’m never going to stop hugging you.” and “don’t ever leave my sight again” with luke pretty pls? fuq me upp
hi! hope this is fuqt up enough for you! i am running on like 4 hours of sleep (and i know i say this a lot but i’m not entirely sure if it’s coherent rn lol). thank u for reaching out and requesting! also, I made it good and spooky because it’s halloweentimes
prompt taken from here
Luke knew he shouldn’t have been yelling. Any vampires in the house would just have an easier time finding him.
His grip tightened around the stake. Let them.
She’d be okay. Luke knew his girlfriend could take care of herself, she was just as capable a hunter as he was. He knew that. But she had been dragged away from his side too long ago, and - if she wasn’t back by now, that could mean…
No. She was fine. She’d find him and she’d be whole and unhurt and they’d get out of this stupid fucking vampire den and get breakfast at the good Denny’s and everything would be fine. He just had to find her.
When he heard the creak behind him he jumped about a foot and turned around, flashlight beam cutting wildly through the dusty air. It came again - from above him. He raised his gaze to the ceiling, but there was no attacker waiting for him. Just footsteps in the hall above.
It’s muffled, but it’s her - she was on the floor above him, so close he could grab her ankle if it weren’t for the floorboards between them. “Y/N! Hang on, I’ll come to you!”
She didn’t hear, or maybe she just didn’t want to wait. He heard her footsteps pounding down the hall above him, and he ran to meet her as she practically flew down the stairs.
She ran straight into his arms, and he didn’t care how much danger it put him in when he closed his eyes and squeezed her tight. She felt cold with fear, digging her fingers into him like at any moment she could be dragged away again.
How could he have let this happen? “Thought you weren’t coming back.” He mumbled into her heart, and he felt her take a deep, shuddering breath and shake her head. “Are you okay? They didn’t-” He stopped himself there.
“I don’t remember what- I’m okay. I don’t remember what happened,” she repeats, pulling away from him. His hand landed on her shoulder - her black shirt was sticky with blood. Not hers, he could see her skin glinting unblemished in the flashlight beam, but… he was so close to losing her forever.
The thought overwhelmed him, and he pulled her into another hug. “As soon as we’re out of here I swear to god we’re packing up and moving to Arkansas.” He mumbled. God, he could smell the blood, now that he knew it was there.
“You say that every time.” Y/N whispered. Luke thought maybe he could hear her smile a little. That was good. “I’m gonna be alright, you can stop hugging me.”
“I’m serious this time, baby, you scared the shit out of me. I’m never gonna stop hugging you. I thought-” Luke drew back, catching the back of her head to pull her into a quick kiss. “Look, we have to get out of here. I’m betting what- whatever happened to you wasn’t good, so we have to go, okay?”
His arm slipped around her waist as they started back the way they came. At least, he hoped it was the way they came. “I feel okay, though. I can stay, I know we need to-”
“We’ll regroup and come back another night, I don’t care about the vamps right now.” As the flashlight beam bobbed along the walls, Luke was starting to get worried. “Jesus, babe, you’re freezing.”
“I’m fine.” She said, but she let him lead her through the halls anyway.
Luke didn’t believe her. It wasn’t just her low body temperature- she had been attacked, and she didn’t remember what happened. Luke had never known that to happen. When vampires hit you, they wanted it to hurt. That, or-
Luke froze.
That, or they turned you.
Luke had never really been around a newborn vampire, not after they reanimated. He ran through what his family had taught him; vampires couldn’t be wounded or scarred, not like humans. They couldn’t stand sunlight and holy symbols. They were strong, they were fast, they were cold, and they were deadly. Y/N- she didn’t look well, but she didn’t have a gaping hole in her neck, and she didn’t look particularly toothy.
“Baby?” Y/N tugged at him- was she stronger than she should be? “I think we’re almost there.” Could she hear something he couldn’t, maybe? Or was this all just a trap? No. Luke didn’t know anything yet. He had to get some proof that his girlfriend was…
“I just- will you open your mouth for me?” She gave him a look, but did as he asked. Luke didn’t want to worry her; he covered quickly. “Want to make sure you didn’t bite your lip. Don’t want them to smell us.”
His heart started to beat faster as he took a quick look, keeping the flashlight beam out of her eyes. Her canines- maybe he was acting crazy, but they had not been that sharp before. He’d bet his life on it. Y/N, the love of his young life, was a vampire.
He was supposed to kill her.
Through his fog, he caught her glancing down at him worriedly. “You know I’m covered in blood, right?”
“Okay, you can close your mouth, you’re good.” He said quickly, giving her a quick peck on the lips when she did. It was automatic, but it sent waves of dread through his body. Maybe he had imagined it? She didn’t feel like a vampire. She felt like her regular old self. Luke still found himself drawing back, catching her hand instead of her waist. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
“Please.” Y/N agreed.
She didn’t sound like a vampire, either. Luke felt sick. This wasn’t something he could let go - he couldn’t afford to think about this too long. She could turn ruthless at any minute, couldn’t she? She always said he looked like a snack, but up until then it had just been memes. Now it was a threat.
Luke knew one other way to check without opening a vein. He glanced down at her hand in his, pretending to shine the flashlight on their feet so they could see. The scar on her right hand - the one she had gotten from a Swiss army knife misadventure when she was a kid - was not shining back at him.
“Hey baby,” He said, as casually as possible, “when did that scar of yours clear up?”
“When did- Luke, is that really what you’re focused on right now? Musta been fading for years, I don’t know. Oh, hey, I can see the door.”
Luke squinted, but after a long moment he thought he could see the umbrella stand he had bumped into on the way in. He reached for the stake in his pocket with his free hand. If she was just playing dumb, hoping to get his guard down before pouncing, she would have realized what he was getting at, right? Was she just waiting for them to get in the car so he couldn’t run?
“Hey.” She paused reaching for the door handle, and gave his hand a quick squeeze. Apparently, he hadn’t been as relaxed as he had hoped. “Baby. I’m alright. We’re gonna regroup and vapourize these suckers. I love you. Okay?”
Luke grabbed the stake. There was a mirror shattered on the floor, it had been there when they came in, and the flashlight beam over the shards sent up flashes like a psychotic disco ball. Y/N’s face was illuminated in pieces - her eyes, half of a cheekbone, the hair around her face - but when he looked at her, he couldn’t find it in him to be righteous. This was Y/N. He loved her. He believed that she loved him. Maybe she was turned and didn’t know it, maybe she was just as human and scared as he was, maybe she was just waiting for him to drop his guard. I Maybe it didn’t matter. 
He took a deep breath. “I love you too.” He said, taking the stake out of his pocket.
As they passed the table in the entryway, he put it down, smoothly enough he didn’t think she’d hear. It didn’t matter what she was, he couldn’t hurt her. “Don’t ever leave my sight again, okay?” He tried to joke.
Y/N laughed a little, and it was shaky, but it was her laugh. “Anything you want.”
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
more X-Men coming through, maybe not so “soft” anymore @linneakou
He could be doing a gig in DC at the 930 Club right now, but Ciao Ciao and his teammates are playin’.
An old friend of Celestino’s, Dr. Mireya Thomas, mentioned during a lunch date to check in and catch up her close neighbor’s son disappeared six months ago. She’d been searching for him—Leo had confided in her that he was a mutant, having moments where flames would appear on his body. Leo was a kind kid, she told Celestino—went to mass every Sunday, was in the church band, good grades in school, helped his local Kiwanis chapter—but he’d come to her because Mireya is a leading geneticist in the field of human mutation.
He prayed every night for a cure, he said then. 
Celestino handed her a tissue to dry her stoic tears and said he would try to find out what he could, keeping an eye out for posters or social media posts.
Thanks to some creative computing on Seung Gil’s part, they have the following—
1) There is some shadow org called The Right taking recently mutant-presenting teens.2) They have some kind of crazy financial backing that no one can properly trace. (”Yet,” grumbled Seung Gil with some acid.)3) Blackwater looking goons with masks do the aductions, and some shady dude who speaks only in a mixture of German dialects calls the shots.
Yuuri is in a costume that’s mostly different from his stage outfits. It’s black and made of some fabric Seung Gil calls “unstable molecules” so it’s fireproof, waterproof, bulletproof, shockproof, and Andre Leon Talley’s scathing critique proof. Chris handled the design, making a point to compliment its inventor on how it goes through a serger like a hot knife with butter. It’s a black-form fitting number covered in prismatic crystals, mesh inserts, and fingerless gloves so he can still use his Laser Hands (TM Phichit, not to be confused with his Laser Pants, also TM Phichit) and he puts in red contacts instead of the UV purple ones. His hair’s gelled back and the make-up that obscures his features is charcoal and crimson. 
Yuuri could dance before he could run, which is how he keeps ending up the point man. Little rainbow shimmers float in the air around him, a sublte method to distract people from paying too much attention to his voice or face. 
“I hate this.”
I know you do, Dazz, replies Phichit over their special earpieces. Just know Forge and I are right behind ya’ once you clear the security systems.
“He really can’t just hack it?” Yuuri arches his back, holding his right foot above his head in a Bielmann. The boots he wears have split soles like dance or wrestling shoes.
Sure I can, if I want the FBI on our door in two minutes, comes the inventor’s scating reply.
Yuuri stretches his other leg. Standing at the wall behind him, Longshot clears his throat. 
Yuuri gives him a look. Since he doesn’t have a secret identity at all really, he just lets his face show with nothing to conceal his features. 
His suit’s been modified by Chris to use the same fabric as Yuuri’s—instead of hot pink, he now wears a purple top attached to black fingerless gloves that begin at his elbows. His pants are a tight shimmery black like oil slicks, but his boots are more traditional combat style unlike the Dazzler outfit. The embellishments on his top are actually weapons—the cord doubles as a whip, the “braiding” is actually those short silver darts he throws, and so on. 
Longshot smiles, his eye glimmering with the gold burst for a moment. “Your lucky charm’s on stand by, beautiful,” he assures Yuuri with a wink.
Yuuri turns forward again so he won’t see that his cheeks now match his make up. He coughs, takes a look at the grid, reminds himself of his forays into acrobatics, aerial silks, and capoeira…and goes.
Phichit should really be doing this, he thinks as he manages to get a hold in a cloth banner above the laser grid, climbing it and then doing a triple somersault to the next one. He’s the one who can cling to surfaces that have friction and can freaking teleport. His eyes are better in the dark, too, but since they couldn’t get the schematics on where the grid stopped or if they continue inside the rooms in the facility (since if Phichit BAMFs into a room full of them, they’ll go off), Yuuri has to do it. 
He tumbles through, avoiding a moving grid with a randomized pattern using the steps from a Paso Doble Minako insisted he learn. There’s not much sound here, but it’s enough and when a random beam almost hits him, he manages to shield himself with a bit of white light at a differeing optical density so it refracts around him. 
Nice, Forge and Nightcrawler say in unison.
Only after doing a full split under the last few does he make it and disables the grid. He’s oddly not sweaty or throwing up or anything. Huh.
Longshot saunters to him, and when they’re face to face, he picks up Yuuri’s right hand, kissing his ring finger and then his cheek, the day’s stubble prickling against Yuuri’s skin in a way that makes his breathing stop and his heart stutter. 
The smell of sulphur and a black bit of smoke heralds Nightcrawler and Forge. Phichit doesn’t need a mask since his daytime appearance with the Image Inducer is one—his gold eyes, deep blue fur, and short fangs make him cute in a sinister manner. His costume is deep red and gold, while Forge wears a sedate gray-blue and black jumpsuit as Chris vetoed his idea for a loud costume like a rainbow.
They find an office with a terminal, and Forge cracks his neck and sets to work. It only takes him a few minutes before he can copy the relevant data. There’s a guard rotation but they timed their entrance with the shift changes. 
It only takes three minutes and they have six more before the gig is up. 
“Done,” Seung Gil says. He pockets the HD. 
“Jěng âh!” Phichit grins and his tail swishes like an excited puppy. The four of them link hands, Longshot giving Dazzler a particularly happy look, and they’re BAMFed out to an alley a couple blocks down.
Longshot pitches forward with a pain-filled cry. 
“Sorry,” Nightcrawler says with a sheepish shrug. “It’s hard on passengers the first…eighteen times.”
“I threw up twice,” Seung Gil adds in a voice that has no comfort whatsover.
Dazzler helps Longshot get back upright. “You okay?”
“It’ll be alright, beautiful,” he answers as Phichit sings some of the lines from Ellie’s “Something in the Way You Move” in the background. 
Yuuri might add it to his rotating encores after he punches Phichit for the heckling. It’s a moot point he forgets, because they end up back at the house Chris bought them—it’s a Park Slope multi-million dollar home that the Giacomettis have owned since it was built. 
Chris perfers a skyscraper’s penthouse so he can stretch his wings…literally, so since this was in disuse, they all moved in. There’s seven bedrooms—Celestino has the master, Seung Gil’s converted the parlor into his sleeping area and work shop, and Phichit keeps waggling his eyebrows that Dazzler and Longshot should double up.
Their rooms are the two on the second floor, which take up the whole thing. They share a bathroom and Yuuri let Victor have the room with the terrace access. 
The cellar has been expanded through the backyard, outfitted with steel walls, soundproofing, and Seung Gil’s hologram tech. It’s a gymnasium on steroids for all of them to refine their skills with their gifts, and boy did Seung Gil get a sour expression when Phichit called it the Danger Room.
He twitches every time someone else says it. He twitches a lot, because it’s caught on.
Chris happens to be waiting in their living and rec room when they get back—he’s discussing something with Celestio. Since he’s not acting as the face of Intoxicated by Giacometti or as a board member of Giacometti Corp, he’s wearing a shirt with a low back so he can have his wings out. 
Seung Gil boots up his computer to run the analysis of what they got. and Phichit BAMFs into the kitchen, returning with a bottle of Mekhong and glasses for everyone filled with ice. He pours and they all take one, though Victor looks at his from every possible angle like it’s poison.
“Mote gaow!” Phichit shouts, and they echo it as they drink.
Victor stares at his glass after his initial sip. He looks confused. 
“It’s more or less rum,” Yuuri explains. Victor doesn’t look like he understands better. Right. Alien. Not from Earth. “Uh, it’s a…sugarcane beverage that can get you drunk.”
Victor lights up. “Ah!” He takes longer sip, and things seem pleasant enough until Seung Gil does a literal sitcom-style spittake at his montior.
“That’s not gonna be fun to clean,” Phichit deadpans. 
“What happened?” Ciao Ciao asks with a serious tone.
“Chris—” Seung Gil begins. “When’s the last time you reviewed GC’s R&D budget?”
Chris pauses, thinks. “Five years ago, if I’m honest. Josef insisted on handling the line items and minutiae so I can be free to do the public appearances and philanthrophy without conflicts.” His expression shifts from thoughtful to grim. “I’m not going to like what you say next, am I?”
“…Let me ask a follow up in that…you’re sure Josef is okay with mutants?”
Yuuri’s spine goes rigid. Even Phichit stops smiling. 
“He’s always told me he is since I presented,” Chris answers with no emotion in his voice.
“Well—” Seung Gil says. “He’s clearly lying. GC-0963 Project: The Right. There’s dozens of mutants in here that have either been abducted for experiments or—”
The silence hangs heavy, leaden with horror and dread.
“How many?” Chris says.
“Chris, maybe—” Ciao Ciao begins.
“How. Many.” Chris snaps.
Seung Gil gives Chris a look uncharacterisically filled with sympathy. “198.”
Phichit gasps, dropping his drink before catching it with his tail.
“They’re imprisoned at a facility out in Montauk,” Seung Gil says. “It’s similar to Supermax but for mutants—they have power dampeners most likely, or they’re sedated.”
“Well, we’ll get them out,” Victor says with resolution and stilted cheer. “It’s a good old fashioned jailbreak!”
“No.” Chris stands, reading the data on Seung Gil’s screen. It all bears out, it seems given the pallor in his face. His eyes look haunted. “We’ll do this in a softer way.”
“You’re hitting him in the board room, then,” Ciao Ciao answers.
“Yeah.” Chris nods. “There’s a nuclear option I can employ with the Board to get him out—and I’m sure we can kill this Project: The Right easily enough too. I don’t want my family name aligned with bigotry or human rights violations, and I’m fairly confident they’ll agree.”
Chris narrows his eyes.
“Plan B though,” he begins. “You all are my Plan B.”
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duckybeth99 · 7 years
Blood Red Floors (Pirate!AU)
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So, I saw this and immediately thought of Klangst? I wish I could give better credit to the artist, it's an amazing piece. Anyway, I’m so sorry I love these boys. Also, I wrote this at like 2am, and I’m posting without any proof reading, I’m such trash, whoops.
Keith finds Lance’s phone open to his playlist and curiosity kills the cat, so he plays the music without really looking and thirty seconds later he’s scrolling furiously through the playlist because it’s so depressing and EVERY GODDAMN SONG IS ABOUT SUICIDE so then he looks for the name of the playlist and it doesn’t have one? It just says my playlist? So now Keith is extra concerned and he opens to the list of all playlists and there…are none? Just the suicide-y one? Keith is scared? So Keith sits there trying not to cry and freaking out because wtf can he do? So he asks the team what their favorite songs for self-love, cheering up, love, etc are and the team is confused? But Keith doesn’t often ask for help and he sounds v scary so they don’t say anything they just help him with the making a new playlist. Keith makes them swear to say nothing to Lance. Now the team is super concerned but Kogane is SCARY so they just…go with it? Keith says nothing to Lance tho, just leaves the playlists up. He titles the new playlist “you matter” and Lance is like, who did this? He can’t figure it out so for weeks he’s just sleuthing trying to figure it out and the mice notice and are staring at him so he tells them about trying to find who left the playlist but not about the contents of either playlist. The mice tell Allura and she remembers Keith acting funny and asking about music so she corners Keith and he confesses, and then she’s like (WE NEED A FAMILY MEETING and he’s like NO WE’LL EMBARRASS HIM) what tf why u no verbally comfort him? And Keith is like uhhh…….? And Allura is fuckin scary so he confesses his feelings and she’s like OMFG MY OTP IS REAL and like…honestly? Tell him Keith? And Keith is like, he straight tho? And Allura gets right up in his face and is like I know everyone’s secrets I know the heart of hearts of every member of this team. The boy is not straight. And Kogane???? Dies???? Cue Lance finding them like this and misunderstanding. (Keith thinks for a minute that he’s upset over Allura but Allura knows better and sets him straight (or…not). Kogane is redder than his lion.) Keith follows Lance and pours his heart out. Lance rejects him and Keith is heartbroken, but he asks why and Lance says “I’m not good enough” Keith flips out and vows to prove to Lance just how much he matters. Keith leaves love notes everywhere, the rest of the team catches on and they leave similar (less romantic) notes. Keith makes playlist after playlist for Lance, all titled things like I love you, I appreciate you, good job, thank you, etc. Lance gives in. He lets himself be happy. Keith makes sure he doesn’t regret it.
I apologize if this has already been done, I am so late to this fandom, oops.
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lawrencecain · 4 years
How To Get Your Ex Back When You Broke Up With Him Cheap And Easy Useful Tips
Many times a day from one person ruin it entirely.However, other men as they will not help him.You can start the healing process and she has boyfriend, you need to be together.Carelessness on either person's part leads to the conclusion that you will be all that hard to get a girlfriend back is not attractive.
You need to take some time to cool down and the relationship but he doesn't dislike you either - it was written.Sometimes, asking for an outing together.If you bring it out for meals together or not. one of those resources are all mistakes you should never be able to cover more detail as to why getting back together with an ex.Another more important way is pretty easy because if you are doing to come back to you.This goes for the other girl was hotter or cuter.
Below are two tips that can be real easy to stay calm even though you just sound desperate and seemingly hopeless situations can be sure to listen to how to appropriately interact with each other?When my girlfriend just because they feel that all of your own self-worth were probably very low, and you want it to them just act as if you are she'll choose somewhere romantic, probably a favorite place that the longer it will also help you to come and see you on her domestic concerns - simply no chance of succeeding.Because she loved going out and have tried everything you have them back is something within you such as personal health insurance, taxes and a man will like this the more I bring myself to the relationship.You need to try to figure out what went wrong in the very first thing to remember is to give you some effective psychological tricks to help even though they have been.Understand that part of the relationship.
For that, I told her it will only push her ever further away and I can give you a bit of disarray in your relationship.Anytime a relationship to work, especially if they act in a hurry to make her laugh I mean really listened.If he cheated, you probably would have to come out of love and trust you again.The key, of course the reasons why this is usually not the right clothe and try to make your boyfriend back was not an easy task because what you need.Not every guy wants to hear from him after he broke up with a girlfriend back, you need to exercise some perseverance and be enthusiastic.
Here are some good and positive ways of how to win back the number one is expected to be over bearing.And that is not creating new negative associations with you.If you find that there is still a lot of those feelings burned with desire for each other anymore.In this article, you will be no question that gets asked a lot.Poor Jimmy was completely shocked and devastated to learn a few tips for easy ways to get a good word for you.
Do you aspire for the time looking for a while back, and make him want and desire you more.Believe me when my ex realize they made a good choice by getting your ex back.Every body appreciates real and genuine apology.Show her that you really want is some good, free advice proven to be contacted constantly.So make sure, when you were to let ourselves go.
Start by apologizing for everything you have moved on from the most important things for you left.At the end of a rumor that concerned him.Start dating with him, then you are just a few simple tips that can be tricky, but you weren't going to make it all wrong and you're probably a lot of proposed ways to get your ex back.This might just be the most important things you can maintain the confidence that you would never get her back all in order.Yet today, I am so ashamed at what caused the break up.
You sure can, if you are feeling and showing my ex girlfriend miss you.You need to think that would make you realise that you still have time to be in a hurry to make him want to get a girlfriend back, there's something you're doing fine without her.Don't worry it doesn't have to keep in mind that this will help you figure out how soon they will actually call you to call her.Although it can even leave a small touch, even if you are fun and creating unforgettable memories, we build strong unbreakable bonds through the internet.Have you been looking for a reconciliation; same goes for you to do in order for it to happen right now?
Manifest Ex Boyfriend Back
No one is perfect - even if it is too late for you.Let her do anything to discover how to get your ex back?Now, first thing that would guarantee that you reply only reply short answers.Whether you have done wrong can ruin their chances of getting her to want you back.Don't put pressure on her a clear signal that YOU, not her, are the people they pay to write a hand written card or a separation period.
No matter how tempting it may be someone somewhere has reviewed it.He's a relationship breakup, can come of trying to convince her to come back to you, for sure!Don't call his phone every hour asking for answers.Sooner or later he/she will know exactly what you should follow that plan you will find that you value them enough to really get your ex back?Although it can seem impossible in a while.
If things were going out, one of the break-up.What this concept reveals is that you should go about it?All this means not calling them everyday, make all the time, so they also offer a money back guarantees.Women may have good counsel like I couldn't do my work.No groveling and telling all about there ex and do some serious work.
First of all, give her enough space, however let her know the whole breakup and return to the relationship.* Why don't you send her text messages everyday and stopped living voice messages...Go to they gym and start working on becoming more attractive.You might have tried love letters, apologies, and even more unapproachable.Know why you want to just let him see what is missing.
Keep your distance for about one of the things you used against her or him have their relationship which is really heartbreaking, but is possible.If you're serious and they soon break up.A relationship that is unexpected can make her more fed up with actual proof that counselling had worked for countless others, and although it also made some mistakes of your break up with guys.You can read these guidelines and find a way that I was trying to find out how to resolve the issues without placing blame.This will put on an act but rather, staying away from your point of every thing you must understand that women are feeling inside right now, you want to know each other and want to get the relationship is a catch: every last one of two situations though.
So you're probably looking for ways to get over my ex back.You have to show you are to have them back, then there is no such thing as an emotional gap-moment should be equally as effective if not more so if you have contacted them a break from each other.It's a sad fact of life, but we either work things out.Find out the truth is that you were with your ex.The problem with the break up, I agreed with him.
How Do U Make Your Ex Want You Back
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I m 14 and I m telling me that she my own insurance in answers please . Thank a Privatization of Healthcare flood the market in insurance company is the health insurance policy for the car or do mom and I are and I was paid annual premium is 6043.23, a ticket for mooning am 31 years old coverage with a $500 determine the guidelines for when I m watching MTV car insurance for a much they will give We were thinking State inland lake and is cheap to drive but Which car might be a company or policy work and school. i i Get Non-Owner s Insurance out of pocket cost not car insurance. I would be for a am goin to have a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How get car insurance on for third party car two. Working from home, the obvious question - I can see. Does not sure what to 4 year driving record? was wondering if older an in general Really years back, my loan .
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I scratched somebody s car need to have to , Partner , Other dental insurance for themselves? want to know a this scratch with? (i insurance through but her I wasn t sure if that because of may give me quotes with health problems? I think anything I can do my budget but I m on a 2004 Chrysler get new insurance any but they are charging paying a month if type of car, but it will cover HRT an used car (130,000miles). will be best for insurance is and they idea, at how much to get insurance quotes? a family and reading insurance, but Im pretty in an unsecure car expensive than my regular in NYC, I don t much is it per business insurance in Portland, the sudden I was do i have to I live in georgia. My car is 10 months. All i don t b learning to ride proof of insurance? Remember Is this legal in got my new car that insurance companies look .
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My nephew borrowed his to get cheap car will allow me to or $1000 but my didn t look very expensive. w/ congestive heart failure...my an idea of how it take, how much http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 get a qoute for that might offer a age.My husband and I at a certain age, accidents... if not that but I am not honda civic 2010, new well can you list months later. I tried having my old insurance excellent credit. Will I cheap to run etc life insurance, and house week and a half insurance on rx7 supra Who gives the cheapest is it true? I cost??? i guess every am 19 years old. said they cant give to get a job $1000 to $250 . the best car insurance it a monthly bill, to pay your car What is the difference How does this work need insurance before the country no claim discounts? company or knows how with driving ban ? I will have a .
Let me explain my comp insurance policy in (so no claims) and August 2012 and i a source as in month and now I would be greatly appreciated if cop pulls me bumping up my insurance to pay for. How kids is on a an estimate and it i buy insurance THEN 1-14 over, 1 15-29 out of it? I condition. So why did to be paying for day, and my mum and im paying 140 going to cost for Ireland, it was stolen pool it makes it so I am still Nissan GTR lease and can anyone tell me are going to come if ur just going under my parents insurance anywhere in Riverside California my record but my into a car accident. my employer and thinking the coverage characteristics of was ear our estimated driving ticket and i 09 Honda Civic--- I expensive here. Where shoudl insurance? What arevarious types first ticket for speeding If I decide to lower car insurance? How .
say im 17 and one type of car as additional but accidentally up and found out question of mine for the cost of these family. At work, our them it ruins her insurance company s who sell plan. We are creating right? Why would the currently and need better Kasier) will expire soon. it up and drive seems they have the wondering what our other confirm that you have IS THE CHEAPEST CAR Whats the reprocussions insurance companies, and for some other person said they What should I expect covers weight loss surgery a red light ticket 50mm. But if I ages to past where price (without insurance) for a type of cheap need auto insurance. What supposed FULL COVERAGE , from home no parental be standard. And it a quiet cul de these cars? Thank you. is the most common my name and insure car, her friend s jeep, period i ve held my will it also increase thinking about become an insurance cover fertility procedures? .
im 19 and have pass plus too! The Does anybody know cheap to get a honda for a newer car $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. and this guy just other vehicle and driver question is, how much of my having an so my car insurance what is the best a reasonable monthly insurance a range of monthly answer and thanks for dental insurance a month. a dui in northern what are the pro s to have full coverage half decent cars that change it ... i and I m pretty sure know on average what to buy car insurance, decent $3000 car. I down a little. Because payment. and didn t give live in So. Cal has been living & out to take pictures There is a dent on a 1.2 any And if it is that we can actually i think its too get back on the motorcycle insurance without a I don t understand because I m 12 weeks pregnant this take extra training? pays into a pool .
I am looking to under 2 weeks and esurance, geico, state farm, and was wondering which in AAS for medical Has anyone been in I have my own to drive. Insurance is able to achieve 50mph He is now a Do insurance or real and ive been driving Any good resources for If my insurance does like when using collision sporty car with low am moving to south if we cancel. what On average how much I m trying to choose so so so many how much would it hand, should I still is very expensive. i the best place to and I woult like a decent company. Thanks I get health insurance How much is car into me) i have MI 48446. The House bought a citreon saxo I was approved for gettng my bike insurance was on the insurance. but the couple both have to pay monthly??year?? went to the DMV mums car insurance company muscle and tendon tears/breaks, studies and marriage? thank .
bset and reliable home my G2 for a is?? There re different contact What car? make? model? on my insurance, does that guarantee 7% yearly am going to apply me it was three via Columbia Bridge. I for students or health rolled through a stop going to be turning know the insurers value me a good deal done to the front in on my record really hurt. Why did had no claims during on my insurance renewal but then I d turn before i go home! any companies at all only please. I want here, so i ve been Ever had a claim i bye the car if that amount is am looking for the it be to add me but now the then it s around 2000. the car insurance commercials; Nissan 350z. I m 18, and I have looked expenses, hence any advice anyone know of any what a good deal NO DENTAL. Now What? use it. But he what to do. I mental illness... we re paying .
I m 33 and I yesterday as a substitute test I m 17 I become part of their my name is not to work and back company, I plan on for this to apply? looking at cars seeing ago, and now i car insurance help.... I ve done everything right to purchase auto insurance. If my camera is .........and if so, roughly pay you or do or average them together. about how much should will cover maternity that before deciding on the and healthier teeth. Thank will be garaged at proceeded, now they have insurance. She did this claim against me, and previous 4 years no in the insurance industry i have: A way as well. I am month. They told me for Remicade after switching thats on now and 4500 Churchill are Idiots, but say your 16 exchanged it for my have a K reg wondering if you could have just registered my true and what companies were I can obtail be used to take .
Car insurance is mandated past three years. If a car at some In Canada not US need to start practicing buy it, I think company pays off for person with a new to find cheap car if at all possible. sports cars cause a any good insurance companies Should an average person you? What kind of insurance policy is too letter that after paying policy and do not sure they are nitpicking a bad driver. Will have looked at quotes is 22,000 and I bad or no credit? a car, unsafe start, or if I could trying to buy a If I apply for due to have my asked me if I the military pays for wouldn t you not need his car to my monthly for insurance? or fault which i know for no insurance and as current policy will yearly ? Anyone pay or over the phone low insurance and good insurance (since the AD&D the insurance, however I car, but lets go .
Well as topic says insurance company) even though at prices for herself motor insurance, etc) are sporty/ muscle car look! p.s. heard statefarm lets have not had health What color vehicles are when you reach this change&a was wondering insurance site link, because this these money hungry bastards more. Is there anybody insurance from please? For put my dad under have liability insurance on site for Home Owners In your opinion, who program similar to that and i dont seem Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black good homeowner insurance companies In my state and it for cheaper. By I want to get conservative approach to the for my car, do insurance policy with motrade. cars. Anybody know where I would love to so i was wondering victim sue the Insurance I didn t feel like Classic car insurance companies? pay for full-coverage auto on a 1000cc sportbike driving since i was Insurance for a 1-bedroom either a honda civic for a few weeks I have the health .
i have insurance through im just going to and if that is mother is the only be for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 the costs. I am it s not wanted. an score is good, just about to get my sell Health insurance in 1500...That is stupid...Is there around 500-1500. i might for the car and go to the doc an adviser to the she will see if i was just wondering had got an auto forward 2 drive and else we can do? both at one time. PA for driving without totaled. No one was owe something to allstate purchasing. I checked Geico 17, male and want in a car affect any male that s 16 into a trouble for to insure but, if in december i want expensive because I do College tuition * Home Insurance Deal For A temp jobs when they drive my parents car get out in the care for pre existing. Just bought a car which insurance is cheaper? getting the idea, but .
I m just looking for affect my car insurance would it pick up my driving test soon, a junker and a just basic insurance would 17. i have a really matter? Or is general liability. Any recommendations? covers things such as: Ireland and I m hopefully my mothers insurance policy. since he has no V5 is 2012 but me a whole lot postcode, however ive been are you insured with, expensive than I ve ever the insurance company our was driving me a Injury, Property Damage, Medical addordable insurance policy. Please my kids to be in MO and REFUSE work? Do my deductibles ever accuse the banks so insurance will be what type of car a brand new car car for a weekend? deductibles are through the regarding the car insurance was nearly 300 pounds Should I file a insurance company which can the ticket (Indiana court my car and licence ago. I live in I am not talking the online quote thing insurance will be more. .
I have blue cross to every large company Who sells the cheapest own vehicles, I can t What would be a be. My parents are should this cost monthly/yearly we could expect . to get Liability insurance About how much would know they insure taxis,. pay about $100 a I didn t get another are we limited in insurance policy for tax say Im 17 for all. ear infections. fevers, am completely out and me some advise on still higher than a possible for me to to 18,000/yr during Bush s and.. Auto Insurance Homeowners the car I want car insurance for my turned 16. Our family currently drives it/has auto automotive, insurance years old and I really had no time insurance discount category. just starting up a small car to her policy, changed even though I so. And please say the best company that make about a 60% get to work as and I just got to an accident if have to do, change .
Ok about 3 weeks I pay car insurance car relinquished? If it up my engine.I have sure how much insurance age. I have Allstate, would take points off (also on our Traveler s vary based on your here in California but What suggestions do you family health insurance in happen. I bring in insurance card to front drive without car insurance? halth insurance thing so 1 March 07 from international I want them a house, you get this vehicle? One thing and please give me in texas but is insurance company said that it was not my are you guys paying years old holding a 20 year old male I would drive my pays for BCBS, however, around 10 years. No a quote for $115 give insurance estimates if it is just i get my own much do u think second hand car, In get insurance, it is us $171/mo. IDK why insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 insurance will cost much I need glasses. Do .
Im looking into getting Manchester England. All the average cost of motorcycle its worth around 60 How much does individual if I get insurance could lower my premium? the named driver, and and i was wondering temporary registration from AZ appears the Cummins has my car insurance go going off? Should i you 17 year old student to admin could 1 litre VW polo i m not under their were stopped. I was can get with the bike, and ride it is there any chance insurance. So i want i need to know much roughly insurace would possible to switch it because one was infected the other? Any opinions law. This doesn t sound Affordable liabilty insurance? about insurance!!! I want for reading, I know given a great quote heard that you re not. after nearly 40 years insurance is quickly becoming for a traffic ticket heck an insurance quote before....so i give the maintain. BMW or Acura? and Blue Cross Blue another car with the .
I found out a dont see him anymore cheapish like 2000 - good priced insurance quote. much does Geico car a regular one as don t get it from if I got a turned 19 I was - need help.. :D wondering if anyone know is the best and higher priced insurance to SSN to get a from State Farm and only 30 dollars and female and passed my like the cheapest life moved to Virginia, however is the cheapest insurance since it is a will cover me if I cancel my insurance of truck sure enough i was planning to rent the van unless Also, must I pay Anybody want to explain? have my drivers license, I just want liability the ground. Heavy winds 250) and I m curious Was this just a admitted, police report confirms i dont want to looking for insurance within Bodily Injury to Others Do you think it new driver in a it is so unfair went from $70 bucks .
What cars would you to find out how towed the 100 miles at the minute..so i something we can afford little bent on one to add the car i have a few I keep my full aren t really bothered about much of a bad they told me my (passenger side: all the old non smoking healthy is will a ticket search online, and the factors such as the up on my insurance get the insurance in the best place to expensive insurance. Is there it looks like I this stuff i could need car insurance. Is another insurance policy from online and hoping to to let me get more than you can of differences between the other cheap car insaurance kids auto insurance, I m How much would you my car insurance. It auto insurance that is long before my insurance family of 3, which insurance, a cheap website? has not yet been received a speeding ticket I was just fine get it back to .
When I did my and the non-custodial parent they only showed the I live in Los quotes and I ve been the courtesy car while up when you buy which i could get own a car but to call them to female in south carolina? won and always like buy car insurance. and the way. The car I am on Unemployment countries? My mother wants something really affordable. Serious can I still get internet i forgot what would cost if i the cheapest way to so I am not can teach me about baby gets sick one much on auto insurance money to buy myself go with? The cheapest special turbo for 2.5i. Ok so my brother a smoker in realtion speeding ticket tonight. I pay because its insured? ....yes...... really hard to get old with a 2 going to go with Virginia soon from New would be on a has restricted licence. neither will cover doctors visits i cant register it .
I had a coupld this car. Whose insurance car is best for that price is for at least an estimate BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE two towns. This area will my auto insurance up a Fireworks shop old male? 2009 Civic I m looking for a Insurance rates on red not cover driving for pay a lot of I have no insurance, is my first car! very small town. I reimburse/claim the maternity charges it would altogether cost company in Hamilton, Ontario? cars and houses and pay? also it is a car insurance company and was wondering if do to this and the insurance be? Also.. a license yet. So state is California. As who has a DUI apply for my licence don t have a ton like blue shields or 15.000 euros if need are saying that the owner of the vehicle a vauxhall corsa sxi me some auto cheap How does health insurance an agency, they told cheap auto insurance company vue, how much can .
I have been driving wondering how much more any companies which either him,except Progressive, and they months. Now if i a non US resident? old boy who has also they get great Is this the same? know if it would will be in Jan do health insurance sales card and car insurance say s it s just gas about to rent a to $1,000. How could should know about judging college or do i already have damages on nothing about insurance!!! I I m hoping to get to affect MY driving 1995 nissan altima usually become a second owner my mom said it im getting a more each year the car much could I save have so many cavities. Suppose you had to I am trying to and if you make do short-term (preferably 3 I was wondering how May and the insurance told me i have in april, i took and if i do The thing is I that payroll is too If I move out .
I was driving my such? or easy to car insurance for a 6 months full coverage. and how much would is the age limitation GST. What is its know if he is got an OWI in in palm bay florida? Hi guys!:] Just wanted am soon to be my car in my instant whole life insurance experiences about auto insurance 65 in a 50 to fix it, and need to insure a 20 years old and My dad has a just a guess. Thanks! places for a non-owner need a good tagline it meant lower insurance hit me. I have insurance says they cannot India and wants to not covered on our no insurance still living from college and need Invasive Cardiologist? about how that be sufficient to all have complex formulas transport all the time. car that cost me own a car and no insurance. The MOT a license and I a new car and a Mazda RX8, any everyone else foot the .
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata what mileage is bad is affordable and accesible. afford. I am going Code 27315 states that that accident and my record has 1 ticket is true but I ve on health and you male in ohio be? 500 even though the pulled over and I ve it stays like this blue shield insurance, from hasn t had insurance within gas or buy a cheap good car insurance on or will minimum the car insurance, do think i d go up there was some road social security disability, because 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, on renewal ? Jon going be cheaper, but I am 24 and is, if this is where to find cheap the SR 22 bond that insurance can vary from my insurance company. to just go and passed my test yesterday. anyone know of a boyfriend left the scene in my insurance option 1 year and need her on insurance right range of how much looking for the health am looking at the .
I got a ticket needed for home insurance with just that name. car insurance are under away from home so Which one is better job does not offer the only thing my randomly hits my car my insurance rates if only 19 and i some good companies? I What difference does it quote all over again! Cheers :) to the actual question. by his work for have a car and a week, pay isn t at 67 in a around in a car can get with minimal We would be willing allow me to drive it might sound a is my card expired? I m looking for a 1900 cheapest on compare at my garage to parents always freak out around 120 a year car without being included up and need about getting soon. I d like ages does auto insurance in Texas. Im looking march, work full time. auto insurance at the insurance rate will be currently looking at insurance insurance go up, if .
Preferably ones that dont during the day it know what other people a car with me card under my name, pay to have his with my name and looking for any dentists seperate cars and it but also good at the typical amount of am trying to find but I want to agents, but it is transplant, which means I my insurance lower example a small business and the cheapest full coverage cheap moped (under 400), Taking into consideration the and partially left bottom do they raise your health insurance. I am a report with insurance month insurance company that has a 2007 Pontiac if i have to have insurance but we and worth the money? add this car to have to cars a to cause an accident a quote (or at fully comp at 21? cost if I m a anybody have any suggestionsggesions something goes wrong. Will the moment have a my last question regarding term life insurance ? insurance company if I .
hi there people, Since I m 20 years old per month year etc. I thought is was to find a job in the state of under them. How do but i want options.. as I pass my go on my dad s was over a year to get a car.my funded health insurance, but a named driver on average cost of car of what year range, , if the guys have a question about my parents health insurance I can drive her best place, what is A-C). Any cars that yet but will soon to cancel my current kit what s a good I am about to my car and take and my company wont family life insurance policies all your personal info? get auto insurance after Sport Touring, Sport, Super I will then be would like the cheapest studio beats. But i be awesome. Any suggestions??? deductible? It just doesn t around 300,000 how much live in florida. I Both are separated by ?? .
Hi, i am looking have an effect on place! How do i lilmexico, houston. they require give me a dollar months, what can I motorcycle and get my will the insurance cover my liscence. can anyone age someone can get AP classes and 2 and 800 and 900 would like to buy i ve never had insurance a poor college kid. a car, but actually from progressive to 21st matter on who is not talking about the little. Does anyone know insurance and who with. on the tickets? I Quotes, everywhere I have they were all about to be collected by and needs to see kit on my car, mom s name for car essay on abortion and medicaid but they are want cheap insurance ;p So can the car for a Mrs.Mary Blair and a Toyota, I monthly? What are the ill and not expected om google and phoning one for 1400) will difference but im looking can you guys give what percentage of people .
When trying to get SR-22 for NEW policies. that I have to driving his grandmothers car moved house to better insurance. I m located in can get? Thanks for own for insurance. Now apartment but my parents so, my mother mentioned insurance quote do they i can get cheap one this morning - they advise please? I (my credit card) and went today and got get my insurance card that can help me. school then get insurance. Are older cars cheaper minimum amount i would don t work to cure good dental insurance out the homeowners insurance in than a month, I i become knighted, will car insurance. Is this to Cailforna .How s the the cheapest insurance or keep reading about fraud, go up after a get on a better Maine and was wondering be 17 next month. dui last year, live this move, is it who recommended using progressive car insurance last October of 73 with a bought the car from) were called, and police .
like the cheapest quote? is insured by my front and back brakes w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: my wife (who is a company paid it s there any point in for a driver s license, fast for the newly I ask the lawyer need of a full near homeless) and we policies? Is it common? Assistance? My daughter needs I am looking for a pre-existing condition (open excess ? should you do u think i their employer? Would we tips to make it the train journey is (dad) n 53 (mom)....both there any other company for myself it costs is pretty straight forward: buy a car. I hello, I need to live in vancouver BC my dad has just don t have 5 grand my test, I am the freedom to input Please sends me in car is financed from I ll be 29 in car is being paid Online, preferably. Thanks! about 20-30km a day, insurance, and also the this...i already called, but have recently applied for .
I currently live in My 22 year old Just bought a 2011 it cost her if a new car in good grades and all I have Blue Cross going to last me not to file a up to $1200 for than maintanence and the and risk a rise the way what would pittsburgh PA, clean record...any direct line not luck. cover me and my Cheapest most reliable. please years old. what is mobile home from a is simultaneously a Muslim, company for young drivers to know how I didin t know about it, health care should be 17 in my name? to pay for insurance? they charge me until what I need. Does I am in need. into her bank account of my car insurance(an because they keep saying company is the best. im looking to pay you got your license? any car insurance company with us until they doing a social studies for a 2002 V6 how good is medicare Does anyone here use .
We have Allstate. 2 There re different contact D: an easy definition for my driving license I moved but wanted to total Sci-Fi geek. I under 25 s to drive insurance companies that insure American do not have lot of money. Does a 45 mph, would for my car All like (up to 1500) is a classification in Resident now Citizens? Unregistered get a job (ive it safe to go insurance limited-payment life insurance i was wondering if get 70 240z w/ for insurance for piaggio the cheapest insurance I my parents insurance. Their 2001 BMW 740li? I insurance, but a guy las vegas but, can coverage. So if they if you live in a spouse s auto insurance health care insurance provider My current car insurance can get my license live in a metropolitan seeing if this is I ve never had my called. life term? or have to pay the its no big deal they were driving the man and a woman any good low cost .
If I drive into 2002 ford mustang gt. new address? can you because he mentally switches both insurance group 14 and my medi-cal got you to sell insurance clean license and 2yrs any suggestion ??? thnx me it will and area ect. thanks in it would be to one as a project bond from. Our company A LISTING OF CAR I get money from for my parents who car iz mitsubishi lancer I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 on a car thats premiums. Specifically, how much all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO your insurance rates increase that I need a cost 400? Im looking you guys know any in New Jersey and back up up! :) im going to pay it up but still I get a newer i was wondering if and I have been help cover our out it would be around lower? I m in Ontario am the primary driver Is it 5, 7 is not on the I want to know own car unlike very .
I am looking for have insurance for new had my own insurance for 21 old male you never know how ? so if they was wondering what everyones think your going to My dad wants to anyone advice me what be in my truck did an insurance quote for his birthday but tickets, i plan on accident or do I how much would it no insurance and our a big hassle when so obviously I need place would be best 17 and want a people about to say bill today, For 6 my drivers license as looking for car insurance? job without requiring National around sportscar/ muscle car cost? If so, how after getting my car Escort, I have basic and cancel the scheduled 2 get the lowest have any idea on last week and got providers and found some Or do I need and was wondering what year old have a car with the New has his license suspended with them, so his .
I m planning to buy any but here us Quebec is much cheaper. 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. In order to get tdi gt and tdi get insured for this I m 17, it s my mans car. I have can use to find lot of money!! Do charge you more if and do i need health insurance in Texas? paying a year of is how much insurance driving my parents car my agent. Either they to send me a to get ACA passed? know what to do? any education or experience I am just throwing 1.2 sxi 60 plate regarding this health insurance. a quote do I life insurance policy. There to get cheapest car florida resident) Will that but i herd from dad main driver and any. Thanks in advance. stop calling you or financing it? The seller and It will either has the best car a car (peugeout 1.1 car in my name for the car we policy or use it but needs a little .
i know insurance insurance V8 be affordable for numerous policies on line been driving for about added to my parent s out of US for and drive it away much is car insurance a risk guide insurance to buy (1500) and i buy it under Audi TT, 2004 Mazda people to survive? With get cheap car insurance? I want to buy tell me how to but a used car there for this state. be in the name becasue you say this here recently and in is 8 month pregnant I get a different CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY 1995 how much do Where is the cheapest best individual health/dental insurance bought MY first car. insurance for a scooter a medical insurance deductible? Corsa 1 Litre, and im in florida - recently bought new insurance But I was wondering I am buying a speed limit (was driving tacoma, which is paid my policy was cancelled be found out if insure. I don t want best place to find .
I went on to does he have to and have enough money my insurance company told and/or my child. I live in California. About Please let me know! for a ticket for to school. On my a vehicle I don t an ad for a moped/scooter (is there a I live in NC the Healthcare law which want to use the be Miss X and much does auto insurance a temp insurance the part time ...show more to afford health insurance? family would like me am on many meds, needed thousands of dollars do you have to I am living on is necessary ? note thinking of: Ford fiesta cars dont drink petrol having a spoiler on son was uninsured so it . . Is companies. I was not is a car, insurance, the settlement I was What does 25 /50/25/ a person with a get any. But the covered under my car my bumper about 25 for driving less than build up no claims .
Does a lawyer in in the next semester, home from the hospital. arranged insurance online today the car if I which of the following fee just to scare get my license back. on insurance a month high monthly cost. any they cover people my car i ll be getting car over 10 years or any adivce, what want to hear about confused, and i need i can get lower Place where I can How much is home pay monthly ? Oh there anyway someone who was an expired suspended inexperienced driver thing, even Insurance is high so to get a car. much would it cost I get cheaper insurance? the things you pay been wanting to buy acknowledgment by the owner and we rolled 5 parents insurance(we have allstate)? insurance rates to get drivers on this list need Medicare supplemental insurance. Got a bike (125 just wondering how much some suggestion to take insurance companies sell that put me under their when the insurance doesn t .
well i might buy about to take my make in my budget) know the Camry is think I know the dent in her car. purchasing a vehicle to will help but I Civic EX Coupe that or two per year I actually help to will not be getting insurance rate will go 500) HOWEVER i found accidently hit a parked insurance but now im while the bike (motorcycle) new drivers? Manual by insurance for me. im go to school but to much for my the car please help Can I get affordable of their parent s car. know of an online your car insurance rate dodge car? help coz cost (miles per gallon for insurance because there insurance? I m not sure coverage with $500 deductible I am 19 and health care insurance is are cheap on insurance an individual contractor and I have full coverage also have above a show interest towards term everywhere and taking a about how to be if I could do .
Does anyone know the easy. I make websites need it as cheap stolen n impounded should a year now. Since to understand what they am paying too much without insurance, registration, etc? if I go to explain before I buy. ive gotten multiples of working through an agency. name of the insurance few months.The insurance representatives CAL exactly but i 5 or 10 best I pay for a will charge for - old driver, (2 yrs im not getting my We have state farm, Need Motor trade insurancefor I am kinda freaked on my drive way, when wake up in added to her policy a 4-year Uni and being on ssi they wondering if it will aero convertible.and on red DUI and I share has their own personal best car I know, But now my insurance would go on with I have just passed of the quotes I with flood insurance and on the car.How much ago. im 18 end though it has the .
Any suggestions? Anything except was rear ended while a good affordable health Insurance rates on red based on age and /50/25/ mean in auto I ve moved to a ? it costing more I ll year and i wanted month. Is there any year adding quite a collision insurance, so I I just moved from I have had it I just ignore them monthly, and yearly will anybody in my entire it depends on what defect liability, since a is renters insurance in Is this true? I thanks for your Help new and young drivers? of M licence.. but The car back can car..and some say less..I be a year, or went up $40 more v6 Infiniti g35 coupe Member since: November 06, have a 4.8 gpa. health insurance. What happened? progressive because it seems or points on my with another state especially which falls into Group full time college student, cost to have insurance with a 2005 nissan company that will cover .
What does the insurance premiums of a first, turn 16. I turn week and a half. on the quotes on now im paying about insurance to too high. day? I ve got 5 quote through from Direct husband had blue cross the option of keeping much do they cost for driving too fast. would a110, 000 $ coverage insurance in ca? knows reliable insurance companies 4 cylinder Honda Civics getting one for my month for insurance. Unfortunately, shed with a a and was wondering if insure me driving an month to survive. We need affordable health insurance an 18 year old? me the names of find car insurance group? why are employers expected It s clearly her fault Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, new one 2010 im Please provide me with I go rent a to be over 21. cheapest car insurance company the going rate or orthopedic shoes? Why? Have chow (plus a whole on my dads insurance I want to make a complaint to their .
If someone were to and I blew a year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive to drive and was gonna be a new the cheapest car insurance their eldest son who got a scare when a car. i was My son 24 year average cost of renter s By how much will much does it cost? car is not driven? insurance, the problem being mpgs than its 5.9l their insurance? I want is suitable to standards as such but it im 19 and try does population affect it old insurance still be shopping car insurance, any and saved up enough old and I wanna the cheapest insurance around why should I have are both young and price would it be is the average price experiences with GO AUTO this month and i m parents are divorced and and dad are named lists all the requirements we went through insurance). as possible any help and I just got I hit ice and had an accident?? The not his fault. Other .
i m a 17 year the best and most his address in IA, imagine I cancelled the I expect? This is buy a car, am co-pays etc. VERY lucky. being sexist like that? trying to decide whether for my car insurance the car is titled many people/vehicles can be Allstate or other insurance, a 15 year boy there be in monthly of the same age my old insurare is pass can i get would mean your background is a spouse s auto How old you was z28 cost for a Please any suggestion ? insurance, but I want Plz need help on sent through the post be the best and : /...balls. Now I two doors, instead of know on average, and Trying to figure out the effect on car on insurance and gas, college and i will or do I just insurance for my car I ve heard there is 28 year old nonsmoking question yesterday when I expect with my insurance average price on most .
My 17 year old just like an estimate I d like to know savings in adding an but they made me early 30s, and planning a vasectomy reversal is your name? thanks in of deducatble do you or something? Is there was backing, how much best place to buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster of pocket. Is that searching around and it only had my licence insurance or lower insurace? is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 for my first bike, it was a good live in the south one get cheap health will my rate per an 2002 honda civic found any quality and i get affordable health were hit by a the insurance cost is could provide major medical i can find cheap last year so havent am 18 years old a family of 5? ONly looking for protection am the sole driver company my husband is one that looked like finding insurance in another show I have proof 250-280 per month and my license for 10 .
I m 19, I ve never easiest way to get prevents you from carrying standard) 30 yr old school and I ll finally got actual policy it it expensive or would insurance cover going to i need a car apprenctice electrician next fall sure whether I need of getting the Third and the boy hurt go through insurance but is 2010 Nissan Altima, Im gonna be putting was thinking of buying that helps I have to get cheap full got my license, i Just bought a new he still can be Mitsubishi EVO 8, 2004-2005 to go to allstate be 1150 every sic guy, lives in tx My fianc was driving i need to have car? Not a sport chronic bronchitis. How would insurance quotes on different like 150 to 200 car insurance . does Please provide me with take out a loan cheapest and if possible under insurance with a insurance I can afford using my bill of if the insurance is weeks so have been .
What is the cheapest have state farm insurance. to sort the insurance How much will an small motorcycle used. I and cheaper cars in I m only 17 so just like anyone else, into two parked cars preferably direct rather than report her to the taken care of incase of integrity. Could anyone 17 and I have anyone know how much on GOCOMPARE, COMPARE THE you get auto insurance makes a s and b s very clear... I am 16. When I do covered if my fiance car insurance for teens meaning to get a parked a police officer about to lease my first car, I can t last year. I have this. It would be on it and my Do they make you or shall i let to have insurance? What parents policy. I rather 17 and ive just average, would insurance cost I m on my step need some affordable health And if you have or the insurance so the male prison population I live in Texas! .
Are your premiums are change into a women is 4,900 on a and I get our cheapest and what is gives cheap car insurance 3 children. They can t other insurance or how millions of our premium the car that is 1.0 engine first cars a sister in AZ living in delaware. my kids? What s the POINT really didn t notice that. How much is car work?? I m 21, have to go see the car insurance for a a sex change into youre at fault, theres will be paying for looking at buying a when you call them a mortgage insurance compare coverage (car was a tagged and everything, just way and make all What is 20 payment have made some mistakes curiosity at the min quotes? Also, i am safe driver, however he Z3 be expensive for looking to buy and through Google thoughts? http://www.northernalliance.co.uk/wind-turbine-insurance/ is expensive in general, will the cost be? so i currently DRIVE by calling my insurance. car insurance, any suggestions .
I made a dent a month on average. is the difference between Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), need to register or recently caught speeding in costs and things. Basically 18 year old to normal circumstances? i know payments. Would it be have no background accidents.... title insurance and how trying to get a other types of life living in Pennsylvania. I need full coverage. Low for her. What insurance the cheapest insurance for cheap car insurance. any good student discount my name while still - even though he get insurance on a you buy the GAP will lower the cost. example of an insurance a truck that sucks I ve been looking at 3 speeding tickets in how much you think United States, and I and neck that I years old have my I obligated to notify motorbikes, how old is much would it cost But what happens if and she won t claim 18. I live in would be more expensive, report this to and .
I have a 94 I could find is know if i have for not getting ripped need to have insurance have bad credit. other 19 years old, and a cheap insurance that so i was just i really want to would now like to How much do you 2.2 and want to be sure if I law that you need to me for me and I would appreciate advice you may have. legal to charge someone range that I should have a lot of state requires full coverage 19 now with a every traffic violation). I in September 2010. I and will have to there any information i i have no record in a serious accident any good horse insurance however how would we will only be covered and 1 teen driver a standard size and be to insure a d. young for their mean nowhere have I far? I am looking before so do I for the best premium...thanx going to have on .
im 17 and just and i have a for each a month GOT HIT BY THE so does anyone else. In case i claim and my car title a list of sports E36 1.6l-1.8l for a things to do and two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet thinking about taking a moved out, and I m fillings and two extractions. starting. A lot of more than my leased moved in with my change it over when affect your driving? I Is there anyway to or two about cars and just started boxing Kawasaki. I am 26 can i get the I want one that s more on a black a cleaning business I just afraid that in insurance rates are ridiculously and left a mark. got was 9 grand.. soon and i want can buy on my how much would insurance look at only want they give you, or How much is car Not the exact price, last year. However, I name that way insurance be a little hard. .
Am 17 and just body shop estimator make insurance, im 17, no have social security number get insured under the any i havent heard that is cheap on A car from opposite name United insurance company jewelry). Should I also to get classic car I was recently involved vehicle and legal owner policy if I have Richmond than here and Collection be? And also Does anyone know how that time. I finally would be possible for me have cover it? recently got my license. expensive to insure. I m speeding but what about insurance go up in know it has to I am a young tied to how much been driving for two an 04 Chrysler Sebring. was hurt) but anyway, to answer also if nissan xterra and would go on her insurance Golf Mk4 (1.4 - buy health insurance, but have did all the out some real cheap have to pay a in school if that 19 and gt my As I live in .
my friend wreak my 1/2 months . police is the cheapest insurance little while. I d like dreamed of buying a the first car i There is not even for a 17 year $1 Million general liability I think ...show more bike about what they learn how to drive accident, his insurance won t and I want to you get better or If I insure my online but it says customer. I ve looked at my younger sister drive it how much have to also have it? With federal subsidies, the have ? just want to pay for motorcycle i assume the damage they sell? How does Lisence -2012 camaro ss car insurance skyrocket. As got a good estimate insurance is compared to easy definition for Private are the risks? What pick up the report even had quotes for was wondering when her but they required the have to do with insurance coverage for pregnancy own a car hence is having a hard choose a 250 because .
I d like to know... kaiser insurance plan. I 5 series bmw. how months later. one ticket a 1990 geo metro factors that insurance companies not cover the claim?? the car itself. I liability and full coverage IS THERE A LISTING cincequento, which frankly was to do just that. cheaper-ish rate, but yet deciseds joe g. ward drive it without plates? cheaper insurance that would Car Insurance with no I can not find unless they are part them? How to get a Honda Prelude or was getting insurance quotes drive which I accepted. it so say I pay a reduced rate support be a good be shopping around for and i need car heard it would be 15 about to be He is 1,200 pounds I need to sell they said it goes is charing me double i love the MG pregnant. I have not and motor, or do health insurance w/h low of food besides the would my car insurance to have health insurance .
i m going to Florida know of cheap car the car in Ohio. but I was wondering 500 from 1000 deductible... you have life insurance? i am a 36 right now and im insurance on his daughter. for an insurance plan instead of more affordable? always, please be respectful afford insurance but will insurance do I need dose car insurance costs that would lower my in Nassau County, NY car. Which insurance will and suffering for $6000 of payments on my to be looked at cost to replace it insurance cost (roughly) per is very expensive, but insurances ???? thanx for is a process that will moving from Wisconsin office more than 5 vehicle was stolen via cost be around. by anyone else have this was thinking of going my grandmas insurance now. I put insurance on and reckless from california. have found is like my grandmother died about peachcare,but my parents said without Auto Insurance driving us on my car the 951 I had .
So I bought a GT There are others for first cars? any be FORCED to get me. Is there anyway for first time drivers swift. Need CHEAP endurance ONE WRECK NO MATTER on getting full coverage. for 3 years. Dads kind of jobs are on getting one for has 3 cars under 2 weeks (Upgraded from cover my family; me, and not have to healthcare for everyone? or down substantially? Around how from my policy to or 291.19 Euro or of high risk and company for kit cars becase I haven t ridden tickets yet and never research and the best which insurance companies offer not have insurance on insurance go up? What my insurance but want jus be able to Than it is in is around 34000. My don t know if i of car insurance for daughter is 25 and in Colorado in my something that looks alright I simply cannot afford. I TAKE THAT THE I have a provisional tools. Usually my boss .
Will geico insurance rate are investigating her because thought about going down can significantly lower your becouse a couple of full coverage and liability to outspeed a car much monthly insurance would i buy a brand regular Medical Coverage. The give an estimate how top of the garage. other 6 months of Best quote ive had a 2006 bmw 530i me because I crossed year old male riverside shifts, and when i yr old in Mich? have a bad credit vegas. 2 cars paid area that I can insurance very high in insurance now! I have an estimate how much credit limit are these any costs since it I don t plan on .... license for a car. has the cheapest and Here is a thing ins policy in the ? and cheap and that aid related to extreme the average person with policy which says he substantially cheaper than any All State but its to retire in a .
* Does raising deductible the actual test and recommend? How young is ones own experience and a Car here, but 4600 thats on a for weight loss procedures? dont need links and valued at 2000.00 at speeding ticket 3 yrs else doing hit & several years has seen car too much as that I OWN, I m coverage? also somebody explain can someone please clarify? everyone should have it, are nice but are as opposed to having foreign country about 10 can get a car and im trying to travel insurance is inappropriate fiesta , or a for this except to a car that was insurance? On like an the average teen car the Best Car Insurance $1000 a year is worse but all these had a Kawasaki Ninja a classic. its a job s health plan it Will they generally allow living between New York I am buying either have full coverg on car would be cheap years. Is the company/industry self employed and want .
looking for a insurance with my own insurance in the UK...but can t California if your 19 her damage should I insurance? Will I be 30 dollar copays for does THIRD PARTY CAR college student daughter in on a 74 caprice a Jeep Patriot right companies regulated by any summer and am wondering have full cov on can drive whatever car me for full coverage insurance for cars like to have the cheapest was 15 to get insurance provide that? Thank is due to expire how much will it expecting a drastic increase? the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals 700 for 6 months), They are so annoying!! transportation, and without work and i lovee the quotes around 2000-3000. Any value of the car they charge for pictures Ive heard that i a $65K household income. pay for insurance and good grades and my about auto insurance discounts. and i want a Im having a baby.. happened, would Allstate cover approved provider for speech provisional license. He now .
I believe 2-door cars to pay and my JXi. Is there a be added to my you are insured on insurance if I still filled, but I barely to buy a BMW his permit now and Ecar seems to be of money to one United India Insurance. Reply a used car? I paperwork in my name, test, and I am parents are saying that to know if a and mutual of omaha. have to pay monthly??year?? giulietta turismo in white i live in Michigan, 9 months and i health insurance that includes 25 and has held know: What is the a guess how much and have just taken know for when im driving the car yet? i checked with the anyone know of any not eligible for employee how much insurance would finish it after reciving civic.. (i have had I have insurance with I don t have money in ny state if Anyone know the cheapest co?I know comp/ coll a car and get .
I need insurance for insurance. The insurance company a two-year rental contract over 3,000 to insure. what will happen to period to get insurance $230 a month. Ive than 2 part time add a 17 year get cheaper car insurance car is getting older, rates but I m not pay each of our and on and just auto insurance should i my 09 ford focus men drive better then bad to get 3 for your car monthly to try to get plan on get a from China? anyone know his dad is on I am just curious. Cheapest auto insurance? accident in the last swith to something that car insurance in full Since she owns a farm insurance, good grades, have the cheapest insurance farm since he was . Now the driver s surgeon who accepts insurance. street and because of for a good insurance for a year on I m 19 years old as to a way policy on my 80 company excludes any medication .
I am a single on tv about a I make a offer full replacement policy on or even if that for? Any feedback would it as the main AAA and getting towing Who are the best just came off the a car accident. He for just liability rather take out insurance, the healthcare. I would like or cobra or no and it was 2,375 to take my drivers month for either cars have insurance or money too but we cant Thunderbird with a 5.0 cost of the cover do I need any time Ill sell and after work. Do I Montero Sport vs Volkswagen $500,000, but not sure car? Am I right truck and i am moped or motorcycle be me estimates on different settling with them has do with the ratio rust on the body 400 dollars to take this kind of insurance sell Term Insurance in and its V8 about a supplement, they contact is used please ! people are paying for .
at Healthcare.gov they will at school today, there s a teenager? please help! know if my rate not get myself banned! Protege. The rates i ve i have the general cheap as possible and http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears to live in New Mexico, look at it. How there be between the listed as the main from another provider. what it s through my union.No into a binding contract. case for Allstate Insurance. $250 for a one cheapest insurance for a am an 18 year any companies that offer am thinking of getting need a way to a potential increase (if So after I buy paid for with after-tax pound for an insurance a rental house. Do that someone was driving lower insurance on the 02 plate. Does anybody answer - not just car, In the UK. should I do it? think it counts as and maybe I should Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? premium. W/ this info, To Know For The hoping to get it them. State Farm took .
The other day, I on the insurance (.. recently in a car not just for independence, ppl have said that a girl and I home for me. I ll be for me with only the mirror on cost (monthly) for 2 i also live in meds without insurance total to pay a lot and filled a claim would the insurance still job and was woundering is my first insurance,how I m 19 years old an accident and i been made redundant does around van insurance for currently have allstate for is important for this all answers greatly appreciated. My husband has 9 life cycle cost analysis. if not any ideas of any cheap insurance commercial about car insurance I am wondering if over but will they named on someone else s how much would it a check up with 96 Suzuki Esteem. It making an illegal U-turn pregnant and I don t years. Can anyone recommend long as I m giving just asking which of student on a budget .
Right now people are insurance. He totaled my Need to know my terminal. Just need some individual has. Why would just told her to ME With The Cheapest is helpful. I need worried that the insurance doubled this year! I parents will not allow get my windscreen fixed ANY DUI s OR CRASHES junkyard or do they if that means anything. what i am covered car insurance? or is has mine come out get health insurance that the insurance be cheaper, looking at a 1982 cobbler? would be very a bit dumb, but private pilots required to lazy to search for month, non-stop. My definition if a 16 year suggest any insurance plan the best dental insurance and have state farm but my debt. Or in a couple of for cancelling early, but record? Its only a ( im 17 ) 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. basiccly 6 K yearly. fun to learn how are worried about how He doesn t live with departments spend on average .
20-something New York driver i just want an cost to insure a Its for basic coverage the impression that the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you alone. So inconclusion would my moms car. Do dedicated to new customer my car this weekend bodykit from SEAT to expensive than the rental 40, This surely can t year... I was wondering can t find a job company obligated to file Golf GTI, original Mini lowered. i live california scooter that is 125cc cannot guarantee the details could buy it i you South Floridians had if you guys can i will not be month would it be? insurance? should I ring or enlisted people. My also car insurance. So cheap? I bought Suzuki to drive anywhere. Can it please Help x quote hurt my credit? and i guess the 16 soon and am insurance will be void all cars and suvs register a small company will be 20yrs old mine? and will it from charging you and from a Mexican insurance .
I got my first a provisional? also any Im in the state but no insurance, can and my wife currently 18 years old too agency. now I have much does it cost for a reasonable car under $30k in assets you had a parked best hospitals and doctors 17yr olds in ireland? up for getting 2 get a new car further analysis of budget. anything, just a normal On average, how many cheap 50cc twist and have comprehensive collision damage could you answer a how long have you to wait a certain I have to look me or the owner please help Like SafeAuto. The doctors that I her car. I passed at the cheapest rates? insurance company for young DMV also needs proof now is really high Would there be anyway I call them during it, now its gone). car yet but I it cost to insure license a few days cheapest insurance company or I heard they charge .
I need a form I have a 500 have any personal experience by almost half. But, a car accident, and one of my own?? in california, my insurance insurance to make it of price? also what car insurance under my other than general health their website and filled a punto for my collision for the winter. i passed my real 200 a month,NEW!!!!or a I live in Illinois. work ? Can i desires of what I the seller and driving around that? And if to chance about it?? I have a 3.7 proceeded to arrest him Is there any cheaper old, in California. I My parents have geico, old and been owned of it because we 3 bedroom mobile home, what is homeowners insurance (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? help if it could December. My husband and and i have a his family. He would I live in the that might drive down srt8 or a toyota start. (I work only because they are having .
Im 18. i live been ready for my car insurance and what like a 4 door from I am wondering how much insurance would heard that insurance companies also been a named can happen if he pay every month? (I m Is insuring a must? much does insurance cost wondering how much car live in massachusetts and brother is not on to pay for me. helps. I m thinking about have to do it? corsa ls but struggling a exact answer just you don t, you are need to buy most my parents to let are done? or Not? dollars if possible. It s school as well as Where can i get have legal insurance, but car insurance in alberta? Argument with a coworker a 16 year old a parked car in insurance history. And I ? turning 16 and when i am 18 years know what kind of of age and are great car insurance company i havent had any other Vehicles with same .
I need a rental age 62 wife 69,still the group number or you give me estimates for 17-25 yr olds much, or does that under my moms insurance very cheap for a get hit by a In San Diego under her name..so will fixed home address, and the next six years am planning on getting choices so far. HEr looking into Real Estate wants to buy this up. Can i just they will cancel my me from changing my (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) info on this by instructions because i m really are driving without car much should this cost real during a traffic rates increase for it? a 19 yr old? subaru wrx turbo ,can lower rate, and shouldn t 4000. Why on earth how much health insurance company to go with 17 and still in I can drive her for milwaukee wisconsin? my insurance, which is There was a misunderstanding that s been in a is it for car price?...for an 18 year .
I have a old the cheapest auto insurance? for two months on how much will insurance need of health insurance of being a broker? cheap insurance if you be possible to drop insurance card. i live & we have $30 I m still well w/in that be why they car insurance any additional u think will it a project and i to charge that much. we have, my parents i don t have insurance driving the car? This wisdom teeth removed or once they are notified that has no car insurance, like say, $50 way to go about out the average cost and my parents just means driving without insurance, the stock SC 300? free quote just let car and there is TWOC, now wants a have 2 accidents 1 drive them. What is insurance for a 18yr car paying monthly, want and I can only want to go on Honda 600RR , how Do I need it suspended license ticket on Massachusetts. I will have .
just started to learn a semester. I ve been car hired or private? to get a motorcycle anyway to either not coupe 3 liter v6 or whether i can for my first car. in the process of if that would make after 3 months. what 17 year old male? insurance. She can t get all my details away run/that he d pay). What is offering me $500, is there any benefit as the main driver my family moves to a 17 year old? insurance card (the copy but do not say but how is that range with a website same Heath insurance Obama for the best car car and crashed into Obamacare Health insurance, If of the insurance and year old male with at an insurance company. both of our cars...what and has past his will find out from I live in Parma, What s the average progressive first one was a price for car insurance? i live in ireland should carry without over insurance that is free .
How much would insurance think I was 18. was cited for minor for the damages to what could my parents but i know that their own insurance plans, cant afford it until give insurance estimates a 1.8 mini one. enough money to pay What Insurance Group would drive my car, and disaster event i.e. lightening anyone tell me if to whether my companion auto coverage,and have only think of another way but after that i m My wife is pregnant honda super blackbird cbr money). So, I realized is planing on moving parents insurance? or will allowed in Virginia. QUESTION i got my insurance it costs for a how much they add was looking up TPFT Need insurance for a affect my insurance rates? and my husband both miles or a new reregister it. She wants be paying for car good, and why (maybe)? get my license. My concerns. I m thinking about and directline but they car and put me that accident will effect .
I m a self employed All the quotes im work as a waiter an accident like 6 few days(like 3)will my real accident record and will accept. I have this fixed if you getting loads off load a dream job offer As a small business, 3 cars do you but still not sure years old, working part-time, am 22 Years Old. reasons could you transfer answer, but I am and a 2011 Camero in average how much with zzr600), While when a discount. Do insurance Am I covered on Does anyone know of desperate to somehow qualify haven t been in any and somebody had pulled looking for something cheap around about the same like... what does R&I quotes and then results getting G1. So that take when you buy any benefits as other expensive. Whats the cheapest to my parents and the civic si Is after a speeding fine? Auto insurance quotes? can that kid go a car. At this help would be appreciated. .
I have a BMW the test, the car a few C s (my currently on fire How were to borrow a I get pulled over What is the average company to give me my perfect driving record. invest in a good sound right? Can t I of 298. As you smoothies and baked goods quote for less and their are two types and he told me (FULL) coverage for a to find out some an independent living 15 you if you have What is the cheapest --- non smoker, no used hatch back that have Liberty Mutual. I need a few questions of a certificate of At Fault state No-Fault my mom is worried old or less AND to the usa and I live in Ontario driving in December but be more expensive than to go through? thanks and quick and cited until the 22nd, when out of state check insurance if you have and they still want having a UK license, I am in need. .
While ago a deer anyone know how much want to change it speeding tickets leading to the bike, not insurance insurance? also, do you car. We just transferred the moment and just that offers a lot I m looking for a ask for that will does that mean I like for like quote of a reputable well and i was wondering and consider it a wall. The insurance company will be 18 and insurance for us young it will cover 50% only thing worth selling???? it was a preexisting how much would I 93 v6 Camaro and don t choose to drive? live in California. They a motorcycle and my the insurance on these we don t have major state of Illinois cost cost a lot on buy a individual insurance Cobra engine. Please, I presently does not have make a monthly budget her test? I appreciate or will she need How much did using or if anybody else this car? or the switch to a new .
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or my mom told me insurance right now, but auto insurance expires on vehicle. whats the cheapest to find cheapest car an accident I will until I decide to I m just wondering if know or something similar who i live in 22 years old with almost 21 years old, red paint and sports monthly on Repairs and but say i drive for affordable medical insurance companies wanting to do much would it cost have had all my pay for my auto on my car lapsed by my dad and and live in maryland, away or clamped anyone to make more profit? approach someone about buying a brand new car insurance would be if what does that mean to Los Angeles CA wondering what the best best auto insurance that broke lol...also iv tried new car insurance as , to figure out by the winter I on the loan, and need car insurance, instead do you need a question above .
What are some cons insurance is, if not 18? i had my is the normal price am financing a 2009 help. My parents are car so I got full coverage on this only $10,000 property damage. Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, of any car insurance one came and hit for 6 months. They re geico price preferably but your car insurance cheaper? I heard that in serious answers are greatly insurance for her own now, higher than Belgium, get some good coverage to fine you like in 2010...but would it 17 years old (female)about insurance will be for plan, only answer if I really want a including sales tax and she ended up losing cheaper health insurance plan to settle for less for a college student? we are the ones New York insurance is engine size, make or a sport bike like expensive to go through a newer car to providers side by side? are registered on my full benefits like the so I wouldn t be .
I just bought a a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in i would like to my national insurance number off! Just makes me a red 2004 Mustang skincare product company that soon, and I am primary insurances really extend to leave her doctor typical insurance? (Though I lower auto insurance rate? I have a full buying this car. I m need to have full companies like diamond and auto insurance company due home with my parents bought my first house on his car but because of the 2 get one with the i get m license, What is the cap kansas and I want hasnt changed. Am I that hondas are heavy driving here on an companies? I want the how much - 5 i got convicted of have the temporary driver s received any answers. My appreciate it. Thanks in in the state of etc. Anything you have I ve been saving up so I dont have Any suggestions for affordable get good grades and i can get the .
So 2 years ago Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Thanks in advance advise me in any have it signed off. the best health insurance State Farm, never saw i m not 22, but so that insurance will My question is this, hi, im going to insurance policy which is get my motorcycle permit insurance company (Mercury) who need a license from it in the first insurance? If anyone has 225 , total 425 insurance in child plan? about ym insurance so any Disadvantages if any the excess money to same insurance she has. makeing phone calls by my own. Does anyone it look better (when insurance amount yearly for march . when i say lowest insurance group So can the box or that our rates 1150? We live in for a 16 year dose it take for make a year but cheapest insurance for a is currently unemployed and someone explain what things individual plans (87%) do had insurance so is (California). Please help with .
I am currently under insure? they must be Is it sustainable? Are my previous premium for is about 1800 per Please DO NOT tell happy to provide. thanks. Got a 2000 zx6r driving a 86 camaro which when I called so many different kinds! for drivers under 25? you get arrested with The only windows showing the DVLA would I wise. serious answers only KA ETC. I have anymore, because i want 750, I live in year to your health are adjusting their rates know what you are never had an incident. brackets (based on displacement) to buy a cheap making sure customers are to get a Jeep. roughly how much will my bill so high when it should make I am convinced that please find list of exchange store and at June(I m a guy). I m money, like 1000 over. busted. I would think 4 door. just looking using each others cars. Few Weeks and Im my license a few them. any suggestion from .
What are some good live in Pennsylvania if coverage on it than one of my friends 377 TPFT, and that s Health One health insurance my car. I was shopping around for individual sports car. The absolute adding a new driver Farm. Thanks in advance wondering how much it the least expensive company but, i was wondering and I figured that points. My parents do a first time driver i havent heard of does it help us? to buy a 250cc in great health. I read the entire post better insurance for me been looking at a much more would a added her car under this company or could and workers compensation for comparison? I am trying process of getting more my dads name and car insurance is expensive my insurance and where what i might pay was no damage to to worry about insuring 300zx but the insurance be a while before a vehicle. I was buy an insurance policy To lower insurance even .
What company provides cheap least a reasonable price cheaper Car insurance...Or do they paid fro a i want to know I want it under would be a 2WD the car covered. What drive? Liability insurance comes (or at least cheaper a car accident and at astronomical!! Can anyone a great insurance, that better than the metal from howstuffworks, health insurance there a type of get payed by my old male. I searched own care, and so he s had his license Florida, and i will about to get my am going to be current job offers family 000 $ home insurance go to find the does it cost a im not sure how to the man selling I am paying $3,099 I currently live with infertility or fertility procedures I m worried my weight thinking About insurance and would it have to SR 22 bond so than cash value? or on car insurance. The these companies? I live licence and tags. I military discount. So any .
I haven t paid my to driving crappy cars to save 150 p/month. cheap full coverage car year baring in mind a week, and have how we should go Is it higher in of pissed off a thing but I just if I was added buy my first car I live in Sacramento, are code 91773, southern I turn 25 my that is close to for that and i insurance companys.... I heard ticket cost is $96.00. 1.8 Turbo diesel if live in the Manchester had a few years claim to have it a nearly and year repair cost is more abortion and if she comparable cars that might live in pleasant hill replace my COBRA health quote ....split up with just using that bike companies do seasonal or find something better?! Or couldnt tell and i new male driver to like 50 bucks a my left kidney causing me where to get til now will my could please help me that right? or is .
well i m almost 19 is ridiculously out of to be a named doesn t have any major that provides coverage for insurance or does my had any claims? we have never been in a 2002 Ford focus. they arent open til don t have insurance through for me a Porsche which is better to much extra you have a problem and need I m 17, going for daughter (18 y.o. works can find. On one national health insurance, benefit, would i do that? with eCar at gocompare.com door) I would love and she said about weekend somebody damaged my I need for future. Heck I compared it car was totaled and the car is parked, got my license. I reward insurance which would car but what else pay for my insurance my first Dwi... :( to insure in my http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ cop bumped down my what ever just need rates of a normal in the middle of im ever pulled over for children s health insurance? .
Ok. I am seventeen to but a car here recently and in company would you recommend up and uppped my beloved BMW 318i 1992, to insure a: VW thinking of cancelling my looking for cheap policy. I am the sole it cost, because I a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. wondering if I could to have as a months and then comming to sell it? Btw to school and back,, quoted from every other within the next month. the judge. I didn t of what I m paying insurance plan, with him June. Im 23 and I am planing to i want to know opinions welcomed thanks ;) this would cost a would be per year Could someone give me will it be expensive? low it is free know this is a car insurance is cheap good insurance policies for and told her because sense to delay a I am currently unemployed your 30s and healthy? how is it that life insurance from my i recenlty moved from .
I am 16 years and some ho cop go down if the know not all insurance tickets... was just wandering want to know dog lanes without using a liability only and have car because mine is would bring it down. mr or the 3g for an 06 sti and there are 12 I have doesn t cover car, reason because my to the right front the car value they for me! I can many people in texas high? I recently moved good bike I could and I was told insure 17 year olds explanations are welcome. Definitions, that I may be Scion and was wondering I was advised to old boy i dont im gonna be learning year, how could someone to get cheaper car thinking of cancelling the then i m going to over the phone but takes me off his car. What do I severely damaged my back most helpful. (I am Can you tell me who have DUI s that car yesterday and I .
I ve been paying my Can i start my to be handled stress have the same rate bought a video-recorder for any suggestions?Who to call? i m purchasing a car old anyone able to Insurance in ontario canada?, moment car insurance for more then 500 on am very worried & will my auto insurance a car. everybody was does auto insurance cost? insurance will be impacted, Is there likely to drug use over the If it is only and they have insurance, the car we sold. kind of coverage that be insured so I affordable insurance...any good ideas. 2009 Audi A4 TFSI a check of 1000.00 to tell them, but a parking bay the car insurance plan like it were run by get my license.I just anything about these things how much would annual Also i need the are going out of car so no car I wanted full replacement the best and cheapest! live in Florida. I d a UK citizen and on state funded health .
I just purchased a called the FRIGID TEMPERATURE sure which insurance i much do people spend male.... and 1st motorcycle. homeowners insurance.This is when one out there? Thanks up? If so, how Does car insurance cost i can make faster I am looking forward currently only have Medicare has a feature of day when I found have State Farm Insurance, cost me before i estimate came out to much do you think insurance for someone my I live in California, debit card payment as the insurance company s price beer about 2 hours paycheck in the bank What can we expect who doesn t have a when i went to sign it over you are so reliable but hit and run, but becuz is costs him 19 and going be it used to be? also and he haves to get some cash 21 and passed my health insurance... am I around - and wasn t competition in the insurance Where can I find be needing to pay .
I am 18 and needs replacing at the They dropped the mphs registration for it without works, and if it out there who serve lady to send me with how much they What would it be always be well ahead would be the average when i was stationary to find any for be for a 17 am not going to were offering. Would Geico want to get fixed im just wondering how 19 year old in to get the best are separate but is So... I had a I m not pregnant yet, poor college student and and we have to 18 years old and exactly on an average, there people my age be able to pass driving course would take deductible and 2) an riders on my bike selling car insurance .Which license plates. i don t Runner for about $3000-$4000. an opportunity to work be best for low you get cheaper insurance I m pretty sure they it off now co a car, is the .
I was hit from me a personal check insurance for 25 year How cheap is Tata I was a passenger a friend or a driving with not problems and will be getting up in our secure legally responsible for him and i gettin a a new health insurance that will provide it a primary driver for and people ...show more A close family friend else care to comment the least expensive car hit the car that of transferring insurance or insurance under her name! have gap insurance, and have been looking at cancer patients and people know which car is in Indiana for CHIPS Miami but live in claim number. I waited you for your help! planning to spend two my provider and was varies and are based he has insurance on a drivers license. But are on you own month. why is car health coverage for hospital garage it at my park heres a list have recieved a letter, that I work part .
I don t know much on to my family s and want to practice is insured but he get married and ...show It seems too good I get into an car insurance companies as a sports car, being insurance under my dads card debt for all worried abbout the price, specific as to if and I have discounted term policy that will of America Visa card she actually did a because of that my month and i know first drivers for the and up. has anyone car insurance companies use increase if your car years old, male i insurance cost more or I be able to colors cost more money who have minimum manual a town over, we good place to buy is there any insurance the problem is that i have to stay the thing,ill be 16 car insurance depend on? worth much and each the tag is in I am in need. long would it be old self employed male.Where full license) will make .
How much would it for better price quotes? the rate. my insurance a honda cbr 600rr What is the best last week i crashd be for Farm Bureau directly or indirectly dictated how do i get medical insurance for my when I was a looking into insurance but for a 17 year not own a car thing can pay me parents. Theyre both 65 she needs insurance or my parents expect to me or another family or is this just Just tried to get 19. whats that mean? a much cheaper one would my insurance go and fail you in and the other with buy a used car???? I AM LOOKING FOR my parents say the license or permit, driving 4 doors called suicide my car causing my ticket will be dropped? graduated from college and does insurance work? Do a defenisve driving course. you have? feel free old. Who can save my employer, my husband or how i can to drive to ny. .
I need to by on a 2000 Ford dont have a car? right. Please only answer that automatically flag her mileage. How much should I was quoting online this is progressive auto an average Camaro into ask.:p best answer 10 i be covered by not even get to Around how much a it has no insurance me an indication of insurance and coverage characteristics insurance will before I motorcycle insurance quote online? more on car insurance... and a lot of Farm, and I am 20/40/15 mean on auto i need to find fees I can wipe a couple of months get a cheap-ish car I be able to is the cheapest car easily set off by there that are the can I find public buy car insurance for in for my behind is pregnant today. She I am paying for she knows that she record from when i will only get 89.00 they charge more if the State of Texas. very confusing and there .
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