#ucas applications
POV: You're my screen whilst I'm staring at my email to see if there's a notification from UCAS track
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uncloseted · 1 year
I live in the UK and am still in high school, i want to study biochemistry or something similar at Cambridge before doing dentistry at another university, what are some good extracurriculars to do? and what should i do in university to prepare myself for applying to dentistry as i want to get into a top university for that as well.
Pretty sure i will get 10 9s at gcse and hopefully 3/4 A* at a level but not sure if that’s enough to get into a top university? (nowhere near as competitive as ivy leagues but still it’s obviously difficult to get accepted)
From what I can tell, dentistry is a 5-year degree that you can enter upon completing your A-levels, so you don't need to take a biochemistry degree first. You may be able to do a 4-year degree course for dentistry if you already have at least an upper second class degree in a relevant subject (biology, chemistry, or biomedicine), but that seems to be less common, and it means you'll have done 7 years of school for a degree you could have finished in 5.
When you apply for a dentistry course, you may be asked to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) or BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT). They test the skills you'll need on the course, like critical thinking, problem solving, data analysis, communication and scientific knowledge.
The best dentistry programs in the UK are University of Glasgow, University of Plymouth, Queen's University Belfast, University of Dundee, and University of Liverpool. A list of other qualified schools can be found here.
For those programs, you will need at least 6 GCSE subjects at Grade A/7. This typically includes some combination of Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and English Language/Literature.
You will also need A*AA – AAA grades on your A-levels. Two of those subjects should be be Biology and Chemistry. The third A-level can be in something that isn't science based.
If you do want to do a degree in Biochemistry at Cambridge, you'll apply to the Natural Sciences program.
For this program, you will need A*A*A*- A*A*A grades on your A-levels. The combination of subjects you take can vary, but should generally include some combination of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology. You will also need to take the Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment (NSAA) at an authorised assessment centre. Cambridge does not have any GCSE requirements.
Unlike in the US, universities in the UK generally don't care about extracurriculars. Your A-level results are far and away the most important thing when it comes to whether or not you'll be admitted. Your personal statement is the only place where you'll have the opportunity to show the university the passion you have for the subject area you're applying to and to show that you have the skills and experiences that will enable you to succeed at university. That said, extracurriculars that are related to the field of study you want to go into may give you a bit of an edge. For example, you might work in a dentist's office or shadow a dentist/dental student if you're applying for dentistry. For biochemistry, you could look for volunteer positions in a biochem lab at a university, get involved with a course at university, or participate in biology olympiads. But your grades will be much more important, so they're the thing to focus on if you have to choose.
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gentlehue · 14 hours
hi guys 😊😊 soz ive been INACTIVE again this account has been overwhelming me recently but i feel sooo bad cause i’ve missed u all so much:(
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vitaminctablet · 22 days
fuck the LNAT. what the hell even is the LNAT dude. what genius genuinely thought it was a good idea. making it you read passages and interpreting it through multiple choice questions bastardises everything about the humanities. there is by definition no right and wrong in the humanities dude. FUCK you.
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chronicallyphysics · 12 days
HEY POOKS its been a hot minute
lost all motivation yk how it is.
ANYWAY life updates academic wise
1. i got all As in my exams !!!!
2. i have just applied for the cambridge ESAT for their Natural Sciences course and ohhhh my god did it cost a LOT of money
gonna try be more active on here so i can get the motivation to study for possibly my most important exam to date :P wish me luck bc im sitting it next month
pls god can any cambridge students find this and tell me how to prepare for this exam
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thedissociatives · 1 month
maybe classes starting up again in a few weeks will help me get back on the rails
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wotchergiorgia · 11 months
I could not know how tomorrow looks like, the mood I’ll get up to or the people who’ll talk to me. I could try and guess, shoot my shot and make a try. see what happens next and plan nothing. I could not know what the next few seconds hold for me, but I perfectly know what’s going to happen on this day in a year. I woke up this morning and felt my heart skipping a beat - 18th of october. a date that just a year ago meant absolutely nothing to me. a still meaningless day for most people out here. and yet, in a year, today, I’ll have sat down at a desk and got nearer to my future. in a year, today, all the studying, all the efforts I’m now doing will partly be put down on paper and sat aside for a month or two, closed in a drawer no one knows about. part of my future will be determined by this day in a year. what a responsibility! shivers down my spine thinking about it. there’s still so much I need to do, not enough time to do everything and to be everything, but somehow I’m managing to cope with it, get through it and work well on the fundamentals. building up a future for yourself no one, with a few exceptions, knows about is hard and overwhelming and it makes you busy. but, gosh, the satisfaction will be worth it all.
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m-jay-gee · 2 years
i dont know how to word this but it's been on my mind recently. context: i moved from a pretty generally bigoted school in a more working class area to a more progressive one in a very rich area for sixth form.
now, the main difference i have noticed other than the glaringly obvious ones are my own emotional expression. it's like ive gotten worse in an environment that's so unconditionally forgiving and welcoming. at first i sort of put it down to me being shy and needing time to open up as i got more friends but it's been over a year, i have really solid friends and i still have a worse time than other people emotionally expressing myself.
i think that at my old school it meant so much more to have someone you could be comfortable around and a lot of us had similar less than average backgrounds so we had that other layer to bond on. but like here everyone is so "you can always come to me to talk" and although the sentiment is there it isn't the same.
like today for example i was talking about how i got an email that i should apply for a scholarship bc im likely eligible for it and i was trying to complete my application during lunch. at the same time my friend who is so lovely but is a bit blind to our class divide is going through her photos to Just Me showing me her family and i have to keep saying give me a moment i need to sort out financial information for my education.
but like even though all these people ive met, bonded, CAMPED, been to pride, gotten blackout drunk with, i feel like there is a subconscious blockage in my brain that refuses to let me open up to them and be truly vulnerable. and i feel like it's class related even if there's not a real logical reasoning behind it.
this whole post is kind of a rant but also not really. just experience ig. feeling really disconnected from my peers post-ucas because of the class divide becoming so much more obvious. people talking about crazy work experience, volunteering abroad, talking to oxbridge advisors that are just friends with their parents, etc. showed me how different my experience of getting into unis will be and how difficult it's going to be in life.
tfw reality hits you
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aconcernedgp · 1 year
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just applied for cambridge. may the odds be ever in my favour
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hope I get into the uni I want tbh. SOAS and UCL, y’all better answer my prayers!
I got into UCL!!!🥳
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thursdayg1rl · 1 year
rewatching bridge to terabithia like this might as well happen
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Need my UCAS status code to apply for a student bank account
Cannot find my UCAS status code to apply for a student bank account
Cannot contact UCAS to find my status code to apply for a student bank account
Violence. Violence I tell you
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i received an email yesterday from my favourite teacher of my ucas reference, and i’m so so happy with it :)) i’ve already finalised my personal statement, and inputted my university choices, so now when i’m back in school next week, i should be able to finally submit my application!! i’m so excited :))
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sonicku · 2 years
My life has reached a crossroads. Every time I open Word, I have to decide between:
A) Revising my university application.
B) Working on my Sonuckles Christmas fic.
Guess which one I choose 99% of the time.
(Hint: It’s always Sonuckles.)
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