#ugh expect more doodles
maple-bea · 1 year
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Recent doobles yippeeee :>
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hajihiko · 10 months
Sonia and Komaeda getting along well enough to room together is so good honestly. Even if its mostly bc she takes no shit, Komaeda was still like the only person to stand up for her when Teruteru was trying to get frisky about her naiveté in the prologue/ch1.
I kind of suspect she was acting more unknowing than she really was then, to suit her role as a princess, but he had no way of knowing that then. Plus, if she was aware then, it might be easier for her to recognize the side of him that isn't all hope n murder? Since outside of the killing game he's pretty polite (if self effacing) and generally not down for creepy behavior.
If you've got any more thoughts on these two's interactions postgame, I'd love to hear.
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I dont think it's perfect by any means (nothing on the ship is!) but its proooobably the best quick-solution scenario?
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boxofoxberry · 1 month
cani regquest an evil petra! 🤖pama
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lcs-scar · 4 months
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Je te vois encore et encore
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sysig · 2 months
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See you everywhere, now that you’re gone (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Dexter Favin#Ft. Wally West and Xigbar again - they're good to him <3#Hhhh ;; The sads :'0#ZEX never got to fully show off his uniform ;;#I was so hoping for that! He deserves to show off and feel nice and be praised </3#At least he'd surrounded himself with good people - the dynamics around which are also interesting#Wally lovely <3 He's so sweet honestly just wants to offer a shoulder if he's able any small bit of comfort#He's injured and he's still trying to hug ZEX weh ;; Any bit of solace ♥#Xigbar's way of cheering him up is his own kind of misplaced sweetness haha I love the care put into everyone's quirks <3#Ugh the whole thing of Nobodies trying to (and failing to! To varying degrees) convince themselves that they don't have emotions#Clearly Xig is unbothered by this so it's better to just flirt and not worry about it! It's a shame but it happens to everyone#I see you Xigbar#Really tho him being a bit flippant and silly and tactile with ZEX did seem to help haha#''Let me comfort you'' pfft - sad silliness hehe#And then Dexter showed up!! I was so unprepared for that!!#Honestly I only expected him to come visit The One Time so I was so not ready for him to be here after All This#He made ZEX cry last time and this time he came to it already crying ;;#Ughhughgh ZEX's unshakable trust for DAX - even just his voice - being the breaking point of his self control I jfdlksahfds#Someone he can be weak in front of since he doesn't want to be seen by anyone that way - only to DAX ;;;;#Offering any bit of familiarity as comfort weh I'm fine this is fine ;;#Poor ZEX :( Being so powerless and helpless in this situation is so sad!! At least when he was in the War he was in control to an extent#He only touched his cheek with his uniform later that night which I do honestly love the imagery of soft and tender <3#I like drawing people holding things fully to their face more than I remembered haha#And then the fact that his roommate changed the same night and it was /Kirk/ of all people fjdslahfdsfd wehhhhh 😭#Kirk is genuinely the sweetest to him he is absolutely best boy but to have a Captain after all that ;;;;#It cuts so deeply ironic oww <3 <3
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sixosix · 6 months
desc you were afraid that aether would break your heart, but that all flew out the window the moment he got sick and demanded only you take care of him
notes wc 2.8k, FLUFF FLUFF bit of angst with reader’s mindset but happy ending i swear on my asia server genshin acc + this draft had been in my docs since 10/15/2023. its a miracle that i decided to pick up on it again and actually finish it !!!!!!! enjoy fellow aether kissers
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Evenings were always eerily silent; because of that, your thoughts were loud. Not in the way that screamed—no, it was much worse. It was his voice that whispered, that made you shiver and reach out for something that never existed. 
You didn’t know if you were dreaming or if you were awake and letting your mind wander away to a familiar face. Your mind always ended up back to him, no matter how much you tried to stray away. No matter who you talked to, he haunted you. Who you kissed, his face flashed in your mind. You wanted to curse his name out—it was his fault you were like this. It was his fault for deciding to come into this world and rid yourself of your defenses, left helpless to his whims.
“Um, Y/N?” A hand moved to your shoulder.
You jumped out of your seat, heart racing as his grinning face dissipated from your mind. You turned and breathed a sigh of relief. “What are you doing here, Sucrose?”
“It’s past midnight,” Sucrose murmured, her expression nervous, but apparently, she was too worried to leave you be. “I saw light from your window and thought you fell asleep…”
You didn’t even know if you were—everything before felt like a distant blur. Your eyes darted back to your desk, and then your face paled at the sight of a grinning face staring back at you. How long had you been mindlessly doodling Aether’s face? You quickly snatched them away from Sucrose’s view.
“I—I’m fine. Sorry, I did fall asleep.”
Sucrose’s bottom lip jutted out. “This has been happening for too long now. You’re not fine.”
What were you supposed to say to that? You were so hopelessly infatuated with someone who was ruining your life and possibly your job with Mr. Albedo. That would be a fast way to get yourself fired.
Sucrose sat on the chair beside you, her expression determined. “We’re friends, aren’t we? Can you at least tell me what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing that serious, Sucrose,” you stammered. Hopefully, the candles were dim enough to hide how flustered you were. It was more embarrassing than serious, really.
“Is it the Traveler?” She knew how to strike hard for someone with such an innocent face.
When had it not been the Traveler, honestly?
“Ugh…” That was a yes for her, apparently.
Sucrose smiled in relief. Her eyes darted around your face, studying you. “What’s wrong? Was he affecting you that much?”
“Yes. Disturbingly so. Like, seriously, it’s disturbing me.”
Sucrose’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “How?”
“It feels like swallowing a crystalfly whole and feeling it flutter around my stomach whenever I even think of him.”
Sucrose’s face turned serious. “What have you been doing to the crystalfies we’ve been collecting?”
“Never mind,” you muttered. “I’m fine, Sucrose. I promise, okay?”
You weren’t. Sucrose must’ve thought the same, too, because Lisa barged into your office the next day.
“What else are you expecting? For him to notice your wallowing and say something about it?”
Lisa’s sweet, melodious voice sounded torturous now when she was poking at all the things you were desperately trying to keep hidden. You sink against your seat, feeling a lot like a scolded kid, caught red-handed skipping chores—skipping responsibilities, hoping to stay oblivious for a bit longer.
“He already said something,” you grumbled, finding it difficult to meet the mage’s sharp eyes.
For someone who sounded as gentle as a mother to her only child, Lisa’s disappointment made you feel a lot more shameful than if she were to chide you in the middle of Mondstadt’s streets.
“A week after we met. He told me he likes me,” you continued.
Lisa’s jaw dropped, a funny expression you’ve never seen on her before. “A week after you met? Let me get this right—”
You groaned, “Lisa, trust me, I know—”
“—Our dear Traveler confessed to you ages ago. When was it when Aether helped us with Stormterror? He’s in Fontaine now!” Lisa looked a little frazzled, her eyes wild. You were expecting her to chide you some more until you saw how her entire expression was sparkling. This felt foreboding, somehow. “He keeps visiting to see you! After all these years of you foolishly rejecting him—”
“I didn’t reject him!”
Lisa hummed thoughtfully. “Oh, but isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?”
You were not rejecting Aether. You didn’t outright tell him you’re not interested because you are. He had been haunting your thoughts since you first laid eyes on him, returning from battle, cold breath billowing from his mouth, a pixie by his side, his hair aglow gold, Festering Desire in hand—and, oh, you desired him. It reached a point where Albedo himself had to ask if you wanted a check-up from how much you were burning with want.
Aether had grinned at you so brightly, and you damn near melted on the spot, even in the unrelentingly bitter weather of Dragonspine.
You found yourself liking him for more than his quite literally alien nature, his out-of-this-world body, and his abilities that had your hands itching to reach for a pen and paper to write down everything about him and figure out what the hell he was. Instead, you started falling for him as just Aether. His boyish smile, his witty jabs, his glimpses of personality.
And then he confessed to you—you, no one but one of Albedo’s assistants—and said he likes you, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say anything at the time. You thought of him leaving one day, and then you just couldn’t say the yes that was chanting in your brain.
To no one’s surprise, he did leave. Not to that extent yet, but away from Mondsadt. Even in Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine, he invaded your thoughts as if cursing you for not saying what you were thinking. You could only wish he thought of you just as much as you did to him. Maybe he’d end up hating you, and not loving him would be easier.
“Are you kidding?” If it were so easy, you would’ve already jumped in his arms and kissed him breathlessly. “He’s—he’s not like us. He doesn’t belong here. He’d leave, eventually. Just like he always does with the other worlds.”
“Is that what’s stopping you?”
“That’s reason enough to be stopping me,” you said sharply. “He’s got millions of worlds to flirt with as he pleases, and this is my only one. Who knows if Aether is the type to even visit?”
Lisa crossed her arms. “Maybe you should ask. Communication is key.”
“Even if that was the case, I can’t handle it. I already miss him enough while he’s still in Teyvat—I don’t know how I could live with myself if I let him into my heart, and he’s a world away.”
“You’ve already let him in your heart,” Lisa said softly. “Just talk to him, alright? I’m not the only one worried about you when you drive yourself to a corner like this—especially over a boy!”
“I’m perfectly alright,” you said, ignoring Lisa’s amused smile. “I’m not losing my mind. Especially over a boy.”
You definitely were losing your mind. That boy was Aether; how could you not?
“I think it’s adorable,” Lisa cooed, cupping her cheeks and sighing dreamily. “He’s still waiting patiently. Who knew the Traveler would be so willing to wait for love?”
You wished that it wasn’t like that.
“Y/N! Are you here?”
Crap. Did you fall asleep in your office again? Might as well stop paying rent if this was going to be a recurring thing.
Once again, by routine at this point, you threw your notes that had Aether’s face inked by the edges. Memory be damned, You couldn’t let anyone see how detailed your drawings of Aether are.
“Y/N?” The voice rang out again, and it sounded more familiar now.
You went to open the door and frowned. “Lisa? It’s so early—did something happen?”
Lisa smiled in greeting, so beautifully devious with what she was about to say: “Our Honorary Knight is back in town!”
“Did you come all the way here just to tell me that?” Were people just seeing you as one of Aether’s admirers?
“Of course not,” Lisa chuckled, patting your head. How did she look so good this early in the morning? “He’s sick and needs someone to look after him.”
You wanted to close the door. You wanted to crawl back to your desk and go to sleep, but she had that look in her eye—one that told you that you had something to do with where she was going. And you did not like where this was going.
“So?” Dammit. You really wanted to see Aether again.
“Why, who else better to take care than his dearest alchemist?”
“Albedo is everyone’s alchemist. Sucrose is everyone’s dearest alchemist.”
Lisa shushed you. Why was she so invested in this? “No, no, his. Not everyone’s.”
You felt your face burn at the thought of being his dearest alchemist. Or anything his. “Absolutely not! Wasn’t he in Fontaine just yesterday?”
“Why don’t you go ask him that yourself?”
You scowled. You weren’t agreeable in the mornings. “How did you even know about this?”
Lisa smirked, poking your nose. “Because he asked for you, specifically.”
You laughed dryly—good one.
“I won’t let you do anything you wouldn’t want,” Lisa said seriously, “but would you change your mind if I told you that it’s Aether that wants you?”
And so you ended up in Aether’s teapot, which was hanging around Jean’s office for safety. Jean only smiled knowingly when you knocked on the door and zipped straight to the teapot. You were only doing this on the off-chance that Lisa was telling the truth and that Aether demanded he didn’t want anyone else but you checking up on him.
His teapot was familiar. You had been here a few times, but you didn’t have your own room. That was too embarrassing to ask, no matter how much Aether suggested it.
“Y/N!” Aether lit up the moment you entered the room.
“Aether,” you greeted, and as much as you wanted to hide it, a smile bloomed on your lips. It was hard not to smile when Aether was looking at you like that.
He looked like a mess, with strands of hair spread all over his pillows. His blanket was only up to his hips, showing that he was out of his usual look, and wore a simple white shirt. You were grateful for that shirt; you didn’t want to end up helping Aether strip because he definitely would have suggested that.
“I’m sick,” Aether whined. “Tend to me.”
You would’ve doubted his fever, but it was worryingly hot when you reached out to check his forehead’s temperature.
Immediately, your suspicions fly out the window. Aether was burning, and you were the only one in the same room (teapot?) who should take care of him. The Honorary Knight was reduced to a fever.
You cupped his cheek and watched as Aether pressed his face closer. “Does your head hurt?”
You tore your hand off. “I’ll make something to ease the pain.”
“You can ease it right now. By kissing it away.”
“Aether,” you sighed. Unbelievable. How did he still have enough energy for this while positively rotting on his bed? “Take this seriously. I haven’t seen you this sick— Actually, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you sick. How did this even happen?”
“Stayed too long underwater,” he said.
Aether? Getting sick from swimming? You made a face, which Aether laughed softly at.
“No, seriously. It was an emergency commission. Even when I had to resurface, it was pouring. Someone was making the Hydro Dragon cry hard yesterday.” Aether’s face scrunched as he looked up at you with round eyes. “I was so cold.”
Although it sounded absurd that Aether would get a fever from that, you suppose that having to stay drenched for a long time would affect even someone like him. You couldn’t even imagine having to shiver your way back to Mondstadt after being thoroughly drenched the whole day.
You pulled the blanket further up Aether’s chest. Even if you suspected he was lying, he was trembling underneath the covers.
“Alright.” You’ll believe him because right now, it is a fact that Aether is undoubtedly sick.
You were well aware that he was and sounded like he was dying, but he looked cute, flushed, and staring at you expectantly. It felt nice to be needed by someone like him—made him feel less like a faraway dream.
You cleared your throat and looked away; you knew you looked flustered. “Have you eaten yet?”
“Why? Will you cook for me?” he asked.
You knew how to cook, but for someone who had traveled regions and tasted all kinds of foods, you would probably disappoint. Still, it wasn’t time for a competition with other chefs in Liyue or Fontaine. Aether needed food to fill his stomach.
“Any suggestions?” You hoped for nothing unfamiliar and crazy. You loved Aether, but having to fetch ingredients from oceans away was too much.
“Make it with love,” Aether said cheekily because he was a bastard who didn’t have any mercy on your heart.
And so you left the room and ignored Aether, laughing and coughing as he called after you. You had to leave either way—your chest was almost as warm as Aether’s forehead.
You decided to make a Radish Veggie Soup. You hoped Aether wasn’t too picky about his vegetables. The water was comfortably cold, enough to make you search around his cupboards for towels to soak it into. As you waited for the water to boil, you decided to check up on Aether again.
He was still lying there, but with his eyes closed now. You felt terrible seeing someone you witnessed defeat dragons battling a fever. You drew closer and placed the towel on his head. He didn’t flinch at the stark change of temperature, but he did react instantly, his warm hand clasping your wrist.
“Stay,” Aether rasped.
You bit your lip, your heart sinking. Was he dreaming about his sister? You always worried when he was feeling down because of their separation.
But then his eyes opened, and he stared right at you. “Y/N,” he said, “please stay.”
“I can’t.”
“Just this once.” Aether’s voice sounded so quiet, so unsure of himself.
You really couldn’t. You had a Radish Veggie Soup to attend to.
“I’m staying,” Aether said, and you had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the bed. “I’m staying here for you.”
You frowned. “Don’t lie to make me feel better right now. That would hurt more when you have to leave.”
Aether’s face softened impossibly. “I’m not lying. I’m telling you the truth—I’m not leaving Teyvat. Even if I find my sister, I’m staying.”
Seriously? Just like that? “What made you change your mind?”
You couldn’t tell if Aether was blushing or if it was his fever. “How could I leave Teyvat when I see how cute you look taking care of me?”
You threw a pillow to his face.
He swerved away and laughed brightly. “I’m joking! I’m joking—drop that pillow, please. I’m kidding. Well, sort of.”
His face was once again attempted to get assaulted by another pillow. Aether grinned as he blocked it off with an arm.
“For someone so sick, you seem awfully lively,” you said, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“You breathe life into me; what can I say?”
You groaned. You couldn’t deal with this today—you needed at least three business days to process this and find another reason to reject him. Yet, as you moved to get some fresh air (anything to get Aether’s stupid face out of your view), a hand abruptly reached for your wrist.
Aether’s face was close to yours in a blink of an eye. His breath was hot on your face. “I’m serious,” he said, “so if— if you feel the same way, the least you can do is stay, too.”
“I— You—” You gaped at him. That sounded like it could be a proposal. Who would’ve thought—the Outlander, the Traveler, begging for you to stay?
Aether’s gaze flicked to your lips.
“Don’t kiss me,” you said in warning. “Are you an idiot? You’re sick!”
“That’s fine. I get to take care of you when you do,” Aether said.
Your face paled. “No! I have a job, Aether—”
Aether frowned. “And I have a world to save, but that can wait. We’re busy.”
You pushed his face away, his laugh smothered by your palm. “No, we are not. I’m busy making food for your sorry ass, away from you.”
Aether’s face crumpled. “Do you actually not want to kiss?”
Not when he’s sick and snotty, yeah.
Instead, you leaned in to kiss his forehead to make up for it. It was brief and faint, but Aether looked satisfied, smiling softly when you pulled away. It would do for now.
“I’m staying,” you said. “So long as you do, too. I’ll stay with you.”
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THE SOUP TURNED OUT OKAY STILL. this is just how my mom takes care of me when im sick LOL but the idea of doing it to a sick aether was too good i had to write a fic about it. also i love angst about aether being the traveler aaghgh
thank u sm for reading. as always, lmk what u think and i hope u liked it!! <3
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the girl next door 20
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Not long after you close yourself in your room you hear the front door close. The house is silent but not calm. While you want everything to just go back the way it was, being alone with your mom doesn’t promise you peace. She never takes it well when she doesn’t get her way. 
You have your table pulled up the bed, doodling random petals and stems, some connected and some not. The sunlight beams through the curtains and shines onto the paper as you scratch the graphite over it. You cup your chin as you bide your time, dreading the inevitable. You’ll have to face her again and you have a lot to atone for. 
The rustle of leaves is underlined by the darting whistle of some distant bird. Along the edge of your vision, you sense movement and peer over at the window, expecting a flutter of wings. Instead, you see a shadow looming in Steve’s window, just across the gap between your houses. You don’t recognise that man; it must be the friend he mentioned. 
You slide the table out and stand slowly, cautious as you try not to draw attention. The man has grey hair like Steve, he’s a little shorter by your measure, and built a bit broader. He turns to lean just beside the window and you carefully tug closed your curtain. You keep forgetting to do that although you can’t even remember opening it most times. 
The noise of your movement draws your name from the front room. You huff and face the door. It’s time. You emerge and go to find your mother on her recliner. She stares despondently at the ceiling. 
“Whatever you said to Steve...” she mutters. 
“I didn’t...” you can’t even finish the lie. You didn’t say anything but you also don’t know everything you did around Steve. 
“I don’t want to hear it. You reel it in,” she sits the chair up straight and winces at the jarring motion. “Whatever you’re up to, it stops now.” 
You look at the floor, “sorry, mom.” 
“Ugh, you’re useless, you know that? If you hadn’t been hanging around like some troll, he would’ve stayed,” she snarls. "If you weren't here, everything would be so much better."
“Mm, but I saw... his friend--” 
“Oh, shut up and go away,” she snaps and reclines again. “Tomorrow, he’s taking me out. Away from you. You can stay and clean up your mess.” 
You back away without another word. She’s only looking to argue. It will be good for her to get out. Somewhere that isn’t a hospital. And she’s right, this place could use another clean, and you could use the distraction. 
As promised, your mother leaves with Steve. That she’s ready to leave the house before noon is a feat on its own, not to mention how she woke up before you. Still, you made her coffee for her and reminded her about her medicine. Those parts went as usual. 
Alone, you feel lighter but not free. You sweep and mop and make sure all the dishes are done and away. You even make sure to use the old vacuum to clean up your mom’s recliners and the carpet in the front room. A spritz of freshener makes the air a little less stale. 
You finish around one and go back to your room. You take out your pencils and set to work on a new picture. No more amaryllis; you’ve moved on to morning glories. It’s so beautiful how they open with the sun.
You use your colour pencils, some of them so short you can’t even sharpen them, to give dimension the broad petals. You lose yourself in the task, fingertips a medley of hues as you switch between shades and blending stick. You have your forehead in your hand, your shoulders hunched, and your eyes laser focused.
It’s only your name that breaks your reverie. You blink and sit up, the ache setting into your knuckles as they have a moment to rest. You door is open. 
“Hey, sweetie,” Steve says, “we’re back.” 
“Oh,” is all you can utter. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” he has a hand on his hip. You wonder if he’s been there a while. “Not to intrude but... could I get a peek?” 
You stare at him for a moment, confused. Then look down at the page. It’s mostly done, you guess. Doesn’t matter, really. There’s worse things to judge you about. 
You set down the pencil and lift the book. He breaks the threshold of your room and crosses to look closer. He carefully puts his hand next to yours, silently asking permission to take it. You hand it over and he raises it closer to squint at the lines. 
“This is beautiful,” he remarks, “you should think about my offer. We could go out and find some good scenery,” He suggests as he continues to examine your work, “and you shouldn’t be all bent over like that. You can always use my studio if you need--” 
“I’m fine,” you shrug. 
“For now, but one day that’s catch up to you. Trust me,” she offers the book back to you. “So... do you only draw flowers?” 
You close the book and pack away the pencils. 
“Mostly,” you answer. 
“Wow, to be honest, I always found them challenging. No two flowers are alike, right? Every rose has different petals, every tulip a different number of stamens,” he says. “So how was your day?” 
“Is my mom here?” You asks, ignoring his question. 
“Yeah, she’s all tired out. She’s relaxing. Still early though,” he checks his watch, “you wanna come over for a swim?” 
You’re flumoxed by the pace of his conversation. The constant pivoting has you off-balance. You’re wholly unready for any of it. Those hours alone have left you in an odd daze. 
“Thanks, but uh, I don’t have a suit,” you say. 
“You don’t?” He clucks, “well that’s too bad. You could just wear some shorts and tank or whatever. No one around to see.” 
“It’s okay,” you rebuff again. “I’m still pretty tired.” 
“Oh, of course, sweetie, maybe another time. Did you take another pill? I know they really get to you.” 
“Erm, no.” 
“You’re going to, right? You need to be consistent, you know? To see if it works.” 
“Right, I know,” you murmur guiltily. You’d forgotten all about the boxes in the cupboard. 
“Now, I’m only looking out for you. I mean, you take care of your mother, make sure she takes her meds, but what about you? Who’s looking after you, sweetheart?” 
You hug yourself and stand. You untangle your arms from around you and push the table back to the corner. He might mean well but you’re just embarrassed. No one does care about you and you’re okay with that. You have to be, you can’t change it. 
“It was rhetorical,” he says, “sweetie, I’m going to look after you. I promise.” He’s pauses as if waiting for an answer, “haven’t I?” 
“Hmm,” you turn to him and push out your lower lip. 
“Haven’t I taken care of you?” He asks. 
You nod, “yes. Thank you...” 
“You and your mom, right? That’s how it’s gonna be. The three of us.” 
What he’s saying, the way he’s saying it, it’s making you uneasy. You tuck your lip under your teeth and let it pop back out. He tilts his head as his eye flicker eerily. 
“Well, I’m going to stay the night to keep an eye on mom. She’s having a bad day. She did a lot so... I’ll get started on dinner and you take your medicine, okay?” 
Your heart pounds in your ribcage. There’s something about his tone. He’s not asking, he’s telling. You look at him in your doorway, noting how he fills the whole thing. Thinking of how you couldn’t get past him or move him, even if you had the courage to try. You reach over to steady yourself with the table. 
“Sure,” you agree softly. 
“You’re not busy tomorrow?” He wonders. 
You blink and shake your head, “n... no?” 
“Good, we have a surprise for you,” he grins. “Big one.” 
“Al--alright,” you resist as shiver. 
“You should dress up nice, too. Maybe that cute little dress you got,” he taps on the doorframe and takes a step back, “I like that one.” 
He winks and spins on his heel, leaving you in a queasy silence. A surprise? What could he possibly mean? 
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Aftercare Part 2 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I had an extremely ugh day (couple of days actually) so Ive been living in this fic, writing it out lol Enjoy it <3. I feel safe with them.
Part One Here
Warnings: Dom Steddie and Sub Reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!) , Spanking, DP, mentions of previous bad past relationships for the reader, Smut and fluff. No angst today my friends.
Word Count: 4275
It had been a few days since your tender incident with your roommates Eddie and Steve. The day after they took care of you, you found yourself incredibly sore, not just between your legs but your ass and wrists as well. 
The continued to look after you, changing your bandages and icing the swollen area of your limbs. Today they both had to work so your plan for the rest of the afternoon was to put on one of Steve’s shirts and cocoon yourself in Eddie’s bed while you waited for them to come home.  
As you entered Steve’s room, you found yourself looking at it with a completely new set of eyes. The smell of his cologne hung in the air making you dizzy as your memory floated to him sitting on the edge of the bathtub caressing your thighs. Your fingers ran across his dresser as your grinned at the pictures you passed of the three of you together. On his desk were some applications for jobs he had been looking at including one at his father’s firm but thankfully he hadn’t filled that out yet and you hoped he never would. 
Yellow notepad paper caught your eye and you reached over to bring it closer to you so you could read it. 
Sexy things I think Y/N would enjoy:
Spanking (The correct way!)
Restriction/ Handcuffs (Eddie may have some that won’t hurt her.)
Daddy? (This is more for me and Ed. I know it turned me on hearing her talk like she did.)
DP ( I think she’d love to have us both inside her especially with how fucking tight she is…) 
I know she said she likes it rough. Eddie said he had some ideas of things he did with other girls. I don’t think she wants us to really hurt her…I don’t know. I should ask her…
Edging ( I just want to hear her beg me in that little voice to allow her to cum)
Role play? (She loves scary movies. I bet she’d love Eddie and I pretending to stalk her and then using her.)(Seriously that thought got me ridiculously hard!)
You smiled as you read his list. The men you tried this dynamic with were always pretty selfish, focusing on their own pleasure instead of yours. Steve seemed to genuinely care about you and your feelings; they both did and always had. 
Picking up a nearby pen you scrawled a note of your own on the bottom. 
All of these sound fantastic, Stevie! Or should I say Daddy? ;).
Reaching into his closet you grabbed one of his button up shirts, giggling as you wrapped in around your naked skin. He was so much bigger than you were, his shirt feeling like a nightgown as it touched past your knees. It made you feel safe, as if he was there right now with his arms around you. 
You pleasantly sighed as you left and headed to Eddie’s room. The metalhead was night to Steve’s day. Where Steve’s room was neat and organized, Ed’s was a complete disaster. His room had a cologne smell like the other boys but it was hidden under is signature smell of cigarettes with a dash of weed.
Even the pictures he had of you three were slightly different. All of Steve’s were from outside in the sun whether it be at the beach or a school event you guys had attended in high school. Eddie’s were from nighttime activities like after one of his shows at the bar or a heavy metal concert outside of town. 
You grinned as your finger’s ran over his guitar. God, you loved watching him play. The way his eyes zeroed in as he focused on the notes or the way his fingers moved across the strings… Fuck. A small moan left you at the memory of those same fingers thrusting inside of you. 
As you sat on his bed, one of his composition books bent into your thigh. You opened it expecting to find doodles and notes on his next D & D campaign but were surprised to see song titles. 
Y/N’s Mixtape 
No One Like You- Scorpions
Little Lover- AC/DC
Rock Me- Great White
Why am I not better at this?! 
I don’t want them all to be sexual! I need to ask the guys. 
-Learn to play Def Leppard 
I want to play a song for her on stage and I know she likes them.
Photograph or maybe Animal?
Not Pour Some Sugar! Too cliché!
It took you awhile to find anything to write with in Eddie’s room so you settled on a marker you found under a pile of clothes. 
“You got some kinda hold on me You're all wrapped up in mystery So wild and free So far from me You're all I want, my fantasy.”
Your grin grew as you turned on his stereo and Metallica lightly flowed through the speakers. Finding a spot in the middle of his bed, you curled up into a ball, hugging his composition book to your chest as you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
The bed dipped by your side, followed by the notebook gently being pulled from your grasp. 
“Did she write something in it to?”
You kept your eyes closed so you could hear what they would say when they thought you weren’t listening. You could hear the subtle smile in Steve’s tone as he asked Eddie his question who responded with an equally happy sounding voice. 
“Yeah, she did.”
“What does yours say?”
You felt a calloused palm tenderly pet your head, pushing your hair out of your face. 
“I wanted to play something on stage for her. I thought she deserved something special after what she went through…has been through with those other assholes. She provided a suggestion.”, he grinned. “What about yours?”
“Shit, dude. What I was working on wasn’t as romantic as yours.”, Steve chuckles. “I, uh, wrote down some things I thought she’d like to try…in bed, you know? Especially since no one seems to be doing it correctly. I still can’t believe she didn’t know what aftercare was.”
“Yeah…what did she write? Hell, what did YOU write?!”, Eddie laughs at his friend. 
“She said she liked them all especially, um, calling us Daddy.” The bed gradually dipped on your other side as he lowered his voice. “Dude, that little voice she spoke to us in—fuck—I’ve been jerking off to that sound for the past few days.”
You tried so hard to hold it in but it was impossible to catch the heavy, pleasure filled sigh that escaped your lips. 
“Hey Harrington, did your list mention touching her while she slept?”
“Naw, Ed, it didn’t. I think this sweet girl would hate that we made her feel good and she wasn’t awake for it.”
“Very true. We can think of it like a punishment for snooping around our rooms and taking your shirt without asking.”
“I wasn’t snooping.”
“Oh shit, Munson. Would you look at that. She’s awake.” You slowly open your eyes to meet their beautiful smiling faces. 
“I just wanted to be close to you guys since you were both gone.” Sitting up, you lean your cheek on Eddie’s shoulder. “I missed you two.”
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
You excitedly flash them your wrists. “Much better! And I can definitely sit normally now.”, you giggle.
“Did that prick call you?” Steve sighed when you shook your head. 
“Probably won’t come around again until he’s horny.”
“Well, he’ll have to go through us so…” A wicked grin spread across Eddie’s face when he noticed you exhale again. “You really like us being protective over you, don’t you?”
“I like knowing that I’m safe and cared for.” Your head hung in shame. “I’ve never felt that before.”
Steve’s fingers hooked under your chin, lifting you to face them. “You’re always safe with us. We would never make you feel unwanted or unloved.”
That giddy feeling from the other day returned at his words as you shuffled your shoulders and beamed with pride.
“Can-Can we play?”
The metalhead chuckled as he turned to Steve. “She’s so polite. I love it. Which makes me wonder…Y/N, were those other guys just hitting you to hit you? Like with your idiot, why did he spank you with a belt?”
Your eyes narrow at him as his choice of words for your now ex-boyfriend. “I told him I wanted to try something rougher so he said he could spank me.”
“But that’s not you, is it, sweetheart? I mean you’re not into that sado-masochistic stuff. No judgement if you are.”, he grins. 
“No, I don’t want to be hurt like that. I just…like being controlled… and punished if I do something wrong.”
“Like going through our stuff when we aren’t here.”, Steve replied.
“I wasn’t going through your things! I just—”
Eddie interrupted you by roughly grabbing your jaw. “Didn’t sound like to me he was asking but telling you that you did something incorrect. For a pretty girl that’s so polite, you should know it’s not ok to touch other people’s property when they aren’t there.”
The action of him grabbing you and talking the way he was had your pussy clenching as you felt yourself slowly dropping. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I did a bad thing.”
“It’s okay, honey. You’ll learn.” Steve smiled as the metalhead loosened his grip. His eyes were constantly scanning your face for any discomfort. You seemed to be enjoying yourself so far so Eddie continued. 
“Do you have a safe word you prefer?”
“I usually use Red. I mean, I haven’t used it yet but…”
“Tough girl. Can I ask you something and I want you to be honest?”
“Yes of course.”
“Have you wanted to but you felt embarrassed? You said last time that fucker hit you too hard sometimes. Why didn’t you use it?”
“It’s not that I feel embarrassed… I don’t want to seem weak…”
They both heavily sighed but Steve couldn’t help himself as he climbed further up the bed and collected you in his arms. 
“Y/N, we know you’ve been through a lot. Not just with guys but with your family to. You’re not weak if you need to stop because you feel uncomfortable.”
“Promise us, princess. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or anything like that, you will say that safe word. No matter what we will still love you.”
“I promise.” To add emphasis and lighten the mood you do the “cross my heart” gesture along your chest making them laugh.
Eddie crawled up the bed as well till he was shoulder to shoulder with Steve. “What do you think, Harrington? Should we let this descension slide just this one time?
“I mean, little girl needs to learn the rules and respect us, right?”
“I-I respect you…”, you mumble. 
“Hm. I don’t know, baby. Maybe just a small punishment, Munson. Just to let it really sink in.”
The man nods and motions for you lay your head on his lap, adjusting you so you stomach was across the other man’s thighs and your ass accessible. Steve tugs your panties down your legs, gently running his palm over the soft flesh. 
“These cuts do look a lot better, Y/N. You said they don’t hurt anymore?”
You shook you head aggressively before responding in a tone that had both boys subtly groaning. “Eddie took really good care of me.” 
“Yeah, he did.” A small yelp left your throat as his hand came down on your backside. It wasn’t hard but meant to tease while making sure you were okay. “How did that feel, honey?”
The metalhead brushed back your hair from your face as your nails dug into his jeaned leg. 
“Good. S-s-so good.”, you moaned. “You can spank me harder i-if you want to.”
Steve didn’t do it immediately, choosing to run his hands along your skin before finally rearing back and delivering a much harder smack that had you pushing up on your arms. 
“Do you like that, princess? Do you like Steve spanking you?”
Your eyes practically roll out of your skull as he does it again a bit harder. “F-fuck, yes I like it.”
“Say it correctly, babe.”
“Mmm—I like Steve spanking me.”
“Jesus… here, Y/N. Don’t…don’t move.”
The man slides out from under you and you hear sounds behind you of him shuffling around before something clanks loudly to the floor. 
“Again, didn’t take long for Harrington to get naked.”, Eddie chuckles making you smile as he continues to play with your hair. 
Your hips are abruptly lifted so your lower half is more exposed for him on your knees as he firmly spanks you again before his tongue suddenly licks between your folds. 
“Steve! Oh my god…”
“It’s ok, baby. You’re ok. Remember, you’re safe with us.”, Eddie coos. “As sexy as you look, I’m going to slide this shirt off you.” 
You lift up on your hands again, helping pull Steve’s shirt over your head as the boy behind you continues to aggressively devour you, moaning into your cunt as he strokes his length. 
Pulling back, his palm comes down on your ass and you mewl as your head falls back down to Eddie’s lap. One of his hands reach underneath you to grab a handful of your breast as the other pushes his tongue back inside of you. 
“You really are so beautiful, sweet girl. You deserve to be treated right.” His fingers caress your nipples causing you to moan as he gently tugs on the erect bud. “Do you want that? Do you want us to take care of you and make you happy?”
“You…you both have—fuck—have always made me…happy.”
Your answer genuinely makes him smile. “Not like this, sweetheart.”
Your mouth falls open in a silent whimper as you cum, body collapsing as you twitch with pleasure. Sighing, you feel yourself being lifted and wrapped up in Steve’s embrace again. Your eyes remain shut as you inhale him, forehead pressed to his neck as they both tenderly praise you. 
“I want you both…to feel me at…at the same time. I don’t think it’s fair for the first time we’re together one of you has me first.”
“Who said we were going to fuck you tonight?” Your eyes meet Eddie’s playful ones, glimmering with mischief. “I mean, you misbehaved and then, I don’t know about you Stevie, but…” He obnoxiously stretches his arms wide. “I had a LONG, stressful day.”
“I did to, Ed. There were so many rude customers and we were SO busy. I kept thinking ‘Gosh I can’t wait to come home and just crash on my bed ALL ALONE.’”
“Oh, come on! Like you haven’t been thinking about fucking me for the past few days.” You crawl off Steve’s lap and climb into Eddie’s, straddling his waist. “I have ever since I saw you both naked. I kept thinking ‘How could I have known these men for so long, lived under the same roof even, and had no idea their cocks were that big.’”
The boy underneath you exhaled through his nose at your words, feeling his dick get unbearably hard against his jeans. Your palms glided down his chest, raising off his shirt before leaning forward to place delicate kisses along his shoulders and neck. 
“Please, Eddie. You both deserve to feel good to. Make me yours.”
The metalhead practically growled as he crashed his lips to your own. Effortlessly, he lifted you off him, passing you to Steve who was more than happy to pick up where his friend left off. 
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Not at one time. I have had anal but…”
The man’s fingers tenderly lift your chin. “It didn’t feel good?”
Your own fingers run through his hair as you place a kiss on his lips. “Not with him but I trust you two.”
Steve grinned as he held on to your waist, shifting his body down the bed till he was flat on his back. A now naked Eddie pounced back onto the mattress making you laugh before licking your lips as you watch him pour some lube into his hand and stroke it along his cock. 
“You ready, honey?”
You nod as Steve grips the base of his own cock, allowing you to descend onto it at your own pace. Even with just the tip of him inside of you already full.
“Steve…fuck…”, you moaned, lowering yourself further. 
“Yes, baby, you’re doing so good. Just…take your time. Y/N, I…”
“T-tell me, please.”
“I’ve never felt a pussy this fucking tight before. Fuck me, Ed. You don’t even know what you’re about to experience.” His words had you fluttering around him making him groan until you were fully seated on top of him. “Don’t fucking move. I swear I don’t know how long I’m going to last.” His newfound gruff tone had you clenching again, leaning forward on your hands as Eddie gently pushed you down.
“Oh yeah? You like hearing me tell you what to do?”
Steve watched as your face scrunched together as Eddie gradually began pushing his dick into your ass. 
“Jesus Christ.”, he grunted under his breath. 
The other man grabbed your throat, pulling you closer to his face. “I asked you a question, little girl. You want to play rough you have to show respect. Now…” They both thrust their hips into you roughly at the same time eliciting an obscenely beautiful moan from your lips as your forehead fell on his. “Do you like hearing me telling you what to do?”
“Y-yes, Steve. I-I-I like it.”
His hand snaked around to the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his as they began thrusting into you. Eddie’s palm slid up your back, intertwining his fingers in your hair as he yanked it back. 
Steve looked up at you with half-lidded eyes swearing he had never seen anything or anyone so perfect. He had always hated the way people in your life treated you. To him, you deserved the world but he had always been so scared to make a move. He was terrified of losing you and at least as your friend and roommate he could keep an eye on you, protecting you while being there when you needed him. 
Eddie spanked you hard and you whimpered at the feeling as he leaned over you to kiss along your shoulder; his ear closer to your lips so we could absorb those gorgeous sounds coming from them. The metalhead struggled to get along with anyone but could always connect with you and Steve. You always made him feel like a person and not the freak everyone thought he was. There was that level of insecurity within him though that felt you could do better than him. He always wanted to tell you how much he truly loved you but, like Steve, was so scared of losing you. 
Truth be told, they needed you as much as you needed them. 
“Fuck me…I’m gonna fucking cum. Do-do you feel comfortable with us—”
“Yes!”, you cut Steve off. “Fuck yes—mmm—please. Fill me up, Daddy.”
“God fucking hell—”, his voice strained as he tightly gripped your hips, trusting into you roughly as his spend released inside of you. 
Eddie wrapped his arm around your chest, pulling you up against his own as his fingers reached between your legs to rub your clit. 
“Cum, pretty girl. Fucking squeeze us both as fucking hard as you do. Come on, baby.” He kept urging you as he pumped faster.
“What-what should I—fuck—call you? Are you Daddy to?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be, princess. As long as you do what I say.”
Your arms clung to his as you placed your lips against his ear. “I know—mmm—you’re an amazing…dungeon master. Do-do you want to be my master to?”
The moan that left his throat was too much for you as your eyes closed and you came. Eddie soon followed, pounding into you roughly till he grunted against your skin and released his seed inside of you. 
The three of you collapsed on the bed, panting as you tried to catch your breaths. As Steve started to stand however, you quickly reached for his arm. 
“Don’t leave!”
“Whoa! Hey, honey, it’s ok. I’m not leaving. I was just going to get something to clean you with because I assumed you wanted to lay here for a little bit before taking a shower.”
He could still see the panic in your eyes until Eddie’s arm slid under yours and pulled you tighter against his sweaty chest. “It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m right here. You’re not alone.”
“Did you wanna take a shower now?” The metalhead chuckles as you nod, Steve smiling as he lifts you into his arms. “Maybe we should do it like this till she gets more comfortable.”
“I’m sorry.”, you pout; afraid your making things too difficult.
“Baby, there’s no reason to be sorry. Now, Eddie, on the other hand should be sorry for how much of mess this fucking bathroom is.”
Said boy who had been getting the shower ready, stood to his full height and playfully squinted at his friend. “Excuse me. Rude. I like my bathroom. I know where everything is.”
“Yeah, on the floor.”
You giggle at their banter as you step into the tub. “I don’t mind your bathroom, Ed.”
“THANK YOU, princess.”
After both men follow you in, you stand still allowing them to clean and take care of you. There was a vast difference between this time and last time. The biggest one being while they had been rough with you there wasn’t any lingering intense pain. You ass stung where they had spanked you but it was a good burn that had you softly sigh as you leaned back against Steve’s chest. 
You were already sore between your legs and your ass but it was a dull, lingering pain that you knew would have you constantly thinking about them and how good they made you feel. 
That garbage feeling you had come to know after each sexual encounter wasn’t present here. All their attention was on you and as they continued to care for you, you felt your brain slowly return and leave that previous headspace you were in. They never pushed you or made you feel rushed. Because you had felt so heavy and collapsed in his arms last time, Eddie always kept his hand or arm on your waist just in case. 
If you happened to feel that clingy impulse, you would rub your nose into Steve’s chest and he would smile softly as he held you to him. After you and they were clean, they quickly dried you, shoved a shirt over your head, and jokingly tossed you back into bed.
Eddie chose to remain naked, lighting a cigarette as Steve thew on some boxers before laying on either side of you. 
“Fuck. Look at me being a dick. Y/N, is it ok if I smoke this close to you?”
“It’s fine, Ed. I don’t mind.”, you grin. There was a comfortable silence that feel over the room as you laid together. Your smile grows as you place your hand on Steve’s chest. “Um, so I’ve never done roleplay or any other punishment type stuff before but I’m opening to trying anything you suggest. Just nothing too violent… like don’t punch me or anything.”
“Who wanted to punch you?!”
“No one! I just… I’m still learning…”
“Sweetheart, no one should be punching or kicking you.” Eddie raised his arm and you lifted your head to rest on top of it. “Did you like what we did here?”
“Yeah!”, you exclaim a bit too excitedly making them chuckle. “I, um, I didn’t hate the belt with my ex. I just—he just—”
“It’s too hard. Y/N, is that your way of saying you’d like to add that into our thing here?”, Steve smiles coyly. 
“I think as long as I’m with you two, I’ll like anything you try.”
Eddie squished the cigarette into the ashtray, rolling onto his side to face you. “Is it ok if we try, maybe, taking you out to dinner or a movie?”
“Eddie, of course. I love hanging out with you guys.”
“That’s not what he means, honey.”
“Before you said you didn’t want this to be a one-time thing but you didn’t actually say if—”
“You wanted to be our girl or just do this.”, the man gestures around the bed. 
You scoot your body further down the mattress and grab Eddie’s cheeks as you place your lips on his. As you roll over, you do the same with Steve before settling down fully in the metalhead’s embrace. 
“’Our girl?’ Is this the 60’s? Are you going to give me your jacket pin, Steve Harrington?”, you teased. 
“If that’s what you want, pretty girl. Hell, I’ll do whatever I have to do to show the world how much I love you.” His tone dropped to a more serious register as he reached out to caress your cheek. “WE love you.”
Eddie lightly gripped your jaw, turning you to face him. “We do. Now I don’t have a jacket pin but I can tattoo my name on you somewhere.”
“No!”, you laugh as his fingers tickle up your sides. “I love you to. I’d love to be your girl."
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yukkoislost · 2 months
IM SO GLAD Y'ALL LIKED ANGEL N MAN 😭🙏 expect him more because i have an Obsession Now.
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look i was supposed to have finished uzi's ref sheet by now but then i urm. got distracted and really hated the clothes i drew on her at first so now i have to redraw the whole thing oops !!
in the time i COULD'VE done that i decided to draw nuzi for the soul instead :)
still diopetes au unfortunately but I PROMISE ILL DRAW CANON THEM SOON OKAY 🙏🙏🙏🙏
more doodles below cut <3
she likes feeling tall !!!
also here's the ref pic pose thing !!!!
thank u pinterest.
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aight move aside its doodles time >:)
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they're so precious to me SOBBIGN
also noris alive in this au SURPRISE !!!!
i was hesitant on giving uzi bat ears?? i mean that was the plan but idk if itll be in her actual actual design,, i was js having some silly lil fun :3
also WHY is the quality so frifggin bad ugh
138 notes · View notes
rzyraffek · 9 months
Heyyy you probs already know who this is but could u pls do slashers reacting to their s/o (who is an age regressor) asking them to be their caregiver :3!!
Ty ur amazing🙏🙏🙏 - ur Agere follower 💗🙏
BRO IM SO SORRY FOR LONG WAIT😭 school gives me no free time! Anyways here's your request!
(Caregivers are basically people who take care of age regressing person (in this context) )
Info: they/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers being s/o's caregivers
Jason Voorhees
Dude already acts like you're a baby, so he wouldn't mind doing it more often
When s/o asked him about being their caregiver dude kinda didn't expect that? You trust him to take care of you? THE Jason Voorhees?? Yay💖
He enjoys taking care of s/o whether they are age regressing or no
He doesnt even need to know what is age regression and how it works. Jason just vibes
Will absolutely spoil them btw
9/10 sweet guy
Micheal Myers
Dude doesn't care
He is a bully and probably thinks that "You are already acting like a crybaby🥱 so whats the diffrence"
Tbh he always vibed more with kids than adults cuz they often judge him for all the 'killing innocent people' ugh. So he doest really mind s/o age regressing
The cons are that he is acting like old grandad who has no clue how to child
The pros are that he will throw hands if somone is rude (tbh they dont even need to be rude towards s/o they just have to look at them for too long)
He sometimes doodles with s/o! You guys have similar artystyles😭
4/10 evil
Brahms Heelshire
Funfact! I refuse to belive that name Brahms fucking exists, tf is that name, it doesn't sound like an acuall name but some made up shit
Dude is kinda worried that he will do something dumb while s/o is regressing. Like what if he sets kitchen on fire or something😭
Makes all schedule for little s/o😊 when there's nap time, when to eat, ect. Cuz he would get so lost without the plan
Picks s/o up like sack of potatos
6/10 pookie tried
Billy Lenz
Dude is simple minded, and childish and
Yeah he sucks at taking care of s/o, like how could he know that little humans need to be taken care off???? Like??? Why would he give them food? Dude bearly knows how to boil water
Exept all 'taking care of s/o' thingy he is a good at keeping company! He shares snacks and watches cartoons with s/o!
Sometimes he likes to pretend that he's a rat and he bites their legs during nap/sleep time (he doenst care if they are regressing or nah he just does that)
2/10 will hiss
Vincent Sinclair
Has siblings, hes knows how to child
Makes nice food and will spoon feed s/o if necessary
Very good at reading emotions so if s/o isn't very talkative... dude knows what's up
Infodumps them about pokemon games and lets s/o play on his old Nintendo DS
10/10 knows how to child
Bo Sinclair
Definitely dad vibes
Picks you up and goes 'ew a child' and after few days hes like 'if something happens to them I'm going to kill everyone in this room then myself'
Tbh he kinda lets himself be silly around little s/o cuz they won't judge or tease him for it
Dude absolutely picks them up and play-fights alot btw
6/10 b(r)o
All x reader tags are purley to reach bigger audience!! I used 's/o' cuz thats what anon wanted🥱
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
2012 Donnie x reader Incorrect Quotes
Got a request to do a Donnie version of this Raph x reaader post, so here it is lol
Side note, I did this with 2012 Dee in mind, but most versions should work fine.
(Y/N): I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Donnie: Wow. They sound stupid.
(Y/N): But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Donnie: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
(Y/N): I guess you’re right. Hey Donnie, I love you.
Donnie: See! Just say that!
(Y/N): Holy fucking shit.
Donnie: If that flies over their head then, sorry (Y/N), but they're too dumb for you.
(Y/N): Donnie.
(Y/N): Am I right, Donnie?
Donnie: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
(Y/N): Donnie, you love me, right?
Donnie: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Mikey: Ooh, somebody has a cru-ush
Donnie: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on (Y/N) I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Donnie, very much awake: Uh oh.
Donnie: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
(Y/N): I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Leo: And you just ran away?!
Donnie: I didn't expect them to flirt back!
(Y/N): Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Donnie: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
(Y/N): But you’re always acting stupid?
Donnie: ...
Donnie: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Donnie: Did (Y/N) just tell me they loved me for the first time?
Leo: Yeah, they did.
Donnie: And did I just do finger guns back?
Leo: Yeah, you did.
Donnie: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away.
(Y/N): What makes you say that?
Donnie: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it?
(Y/N): Donnie... You don't have a clue about this thing, do you?
Donnie: *screams in anger*
Donnie: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
(Y/N): But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole 
Donnie: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
(Y/N): Is it working?
Donnie: I’ve never been in a snowball fight before. I don’t know the rules.
(Y/N): What?
Donnie: Is there a point system, or is it to the death?
Donnie: There's no way they like me back.
April: (Y/N) would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Donnie: (Y/N) would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
Donnie: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
(Y/N): Sure!
(Y/N): What's your favorite color?
Donnie, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Donnie: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like (Y/N) a little bit.
April, holding Donnie's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Donnie: No, that's our joint tombstone.
April: My mistake.
April: Is this your plan B?
(Y/N): Technically, this is plan P.
April: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
(Y/N): Yes, but I marry Donnie in plan M.
Donnie: I like plan M.
April: How the hell did you crash the car?!
(Y/N): So I was just driving today, right? And my navigation told me to go straight.
(Y/N): I was like "woah, that's homophobic". Instead, I went gay. And, THAT'S when I got into an accident.
April: ...
Donnie, with a proud smile: And THAT'S who I'm in love with, ladies and gentlemen.
Donnie: Where are you going?
(Y/N): To get MYSELF a birthday gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Donnie: I told you I did! It's coming here on Friday!
Mikey, knowing full well that Donnie got (Y/N) an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Donnie, sweating: (Y/N), there’s something I need to ask you-
(Y/N): Finally! You’re proposing!
Donnie: How’d you know?
(Y/N), gently: Donnie, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
(Y/N): I even picked it up once.
Raph: So, are you two dating now?
Donnie & (Y/N): Yes.
Raph: Why?
Donnie: I happen to find (Y/N) very appealing.
Raph: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with (Y/N).
(Y/N): That's ridiculous, Donnie doesn't have a crush on me.
Mikey: Yes they do.
Leo: Yes they do.
Donnie: Yes I do.
Donnie: We both look really good tonight.
(Y/N): You know, if you'd just said that I looked good, I would have said, "So do you."
Donnie: I couldn't take that chance.
Leo: Do you love Donnie?
(Y/N): Yeah, I do.
Mikey: Leo! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Leo: We all love Donnie. You should've asked if they were IN love with them.
(Y/N): I thought that was implied.
Leo: ...
Mikey: ...
(Y/N), looking straight at Leo: Congrats Mikey, you just won 100 bucks.
Mikey: *sees (Y/N) and Donnie together*
Mikey: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Leo: You mean... you ship them?
(Y/N), texting: Donnie, will you please go to sleep?
Donnie, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up?
(Y/N), texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon?
Donnie, texting: I’m trying
(Y/N), texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Donnie: (Y/N) isn’t picking up on my hints.
April: What hints have you given them?
Donnie: Well, I think about them a lot.
Donnie: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
(Y/N): Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them?
Donnie: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them.
(Y/N): Okay yeah thanks Donnie, that's great but WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT?
(Y/N): How petty can you get?
Donnie: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
(Y/N): Why are you late?
Donnie: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness.
(Y/N): Overslept?
Donnie: Overslept.
(Y/N): I’m in love with you.
Donnie: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
(Y/N): I know.
Donnie: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
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m4rs-ex3 · 11 months
✨ rayllum ✨
whaddya want from me i have to talk about it rn. aaaaaaaaaaaaa🫶🫶🫶🫶 boundaries. trust. FINGERGUNS. they. them. my pronouns are they because i'll never be them. callum is done wasting time being mad and is now devoting all of his time remembering and/or discovering HOW MUCH HE LOVES THIS GIRL UGH 💕💞💖💗💞💕💖💝💝💘💖💓 he is the sweetest fucking thing rn oml he can see now that she will always be there for him and he wants her to know and im normal. aside from the core developments of their relationship omfg we were SERVED. the banter, the softness, the absolute bestie(+) behavior. let's review:
(e1) "practical? like what ; :)" that is the flirtiest fuckin face ive ever seen
"yes. you. uh.. rayla."
"i was lookin for you! uh.. callum." HIS FACEEEE HIS WIDDLE SMILE
"i can see that. let her go." ZERO hesitation. also mad foreshadowing
"she broke into the high mage's office." "no that's crazy. she can go in there any time she wants." UGH i expected a "no that's crazy she would never do that" but he's straight up like 'whats mine is urs bbg" 😭✋
"the elf stole it." oh.. ok his face doesn't look too happy there i wonder if "shes not 'the elf.' she's rayla." OH FUCK ME THEN
"and she was hiding a weapon" "so what? she always is?" IM SCREAMING I LOVE THEM SM
it doesn't even seem that for a second he was perturbed about rayla having the murder weapon, more so that he was looking straight at the murder weapon. she's always been in the clear 🫡
"if she didn't tell me... she has a good reason." THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. THIS-- iiis getting its own post.
"it means i trust her. unconditionally." brb dying happy
his face when she unchained herself god he loves his non-law-abiding girlfriend
"you don't have to explain or justify anything to me. you can tell me when you're ready :)" what can i even say at this point
(e2) "well i'm glad you liked it :)" kill me now
"and now... here we are," there it is he still sees them as one unit, defying all odds and persevering all circumstances oh me oh my
stargazing obvi
"she can't stop us." "nobody can >:)" "so we're going to lux aurea right? ; :)" "too right we are >:)>:)>:)>:)"
their chaos <3
(e4) rayllum montage my beloved THAT MUSIC
if you guys have been weird please show me normal
"rayla, we've been through a lot, and a lot has changed, ah- um, well, some things have changed, but not.. everything. uh... i would do anything for you."
i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i wo
this is not fucking real what the fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
they are The standard
i've seen a lot of ships in my day way too many perhaps but no one compares
he's so patient and respectful w her 😭 the way he just gently holds out his hands
she fully emphasized that freeing them wasn't her priority and yet just ZERO hesitation callum saw his girl in distress and dropped everything no second thought required
about to die and only one priority mhm
"i waited too long" i am so absolutely insane feral indignant
"i hope you know-" "i know."
bury me
(e5) fist bump. thats it im done im gone oh m !!!!! FIST !!! BUMP !!!!! YOU ABSOLUTE DORKS YOU <3<3<3<3<3
i am weak and the water scene is literally my favorite
he IMMEDIATELY knows shes uncomfy
AND he waits for her
"i don't think i'm comfortable pushing- hey!" "see? i pushed you first! pushing is easy!"
12:06 ish that glance downward tho 👀
the hand snatch of the century. her face. his face. that squeeze. "together." that ttm parallel.
"-the entire world would be in danger-" IM SORRY BUT HE LOOKED STRAIGHT. AT HER. THAT LOOK KILL ME
"an amulet. or, uh, is it a talisman? what's the difference?" HER SWEET LIL GIGGLE (might just be the last sweet moment i have to report on)
beginning o e7 they're standing together on deck what happened all last night i need to know
her catching him when he collapsed :') and holding him up the rest of the time
so e8 🙂
female rage has nothing on callum.
5 seasons. so many characters. so many losses. we have never seen this much emotion from anyone. i can hardly joke right now but he really embodied "don't you just wanna go apeshit?" i consume so much fucking media and this is new even for me. callum has never even had a temper. through all of this--getting kidnapped, abused, mentally and physically, seeing what his friends are going through--he hasn't broke. and then, seeing his biggest fear, the thing he's been plagued with for years, the thing we've seen him throw away his life to prevent, comes true, and he loses it. the scream, grunt & inhale, the speed, the aggression, the fucking expression. it's not hard to see how what happened next happened, i'm surprised he didn't do worse.
“all that talk about how love makes you stronger, but the second you see that elf girl in pain, you completely lost yourself.” mitski miyawaki kindly carry me out
every threat or demand finnegrin has made and callum has done nothing but scour. he has been as strong as anyone can be. and all of a sudden here he is crying out for mercy, pleading, bargaining, the lowest we've ever seen him. it hurts, but finnegrin was right.
"just... just let her go."
"NO! NO"
his defeat. we know this is because of... literally everything he has ever stood for being demolished. but his personal moral catastrophe aside, don't you find it interesting how he did all of that to keep rayla safe, and yet he never once went to her? i made another post abt this but i'm saying it again: rayla told him not to. and she believed in him. she's safe, but i don't think he thought he really saved her. he doesn't think he deserves anything she's giving him. he refuses to indulge in her, he refuses to confide in her, he refuses to seek her out. but he just saved her life. but that's not enough. not enough to resolve this within himself, and apparently not enough for the girl who's life he has saved twice now, who has stuck by him for years, who has dedicated everything to him, to be able to be okay with it. and he just kind of... accepts it. he doesn't beg for forgiveness, that being said he doesn't tell her either. this may seem like he's protecting himself, that he really just doesn't want to lose her, that he doesn't want to face this at all, but maybe it's him not wanting to disappoint her. yknow i really hate to be one of those people who ignores how basically all of callum's character surrounds his own internal conflict in favor of rayllum fan service, but fuck it's hard no to sometimes. he wants to be her hero, but he isn't; not to himself, anyway. this would always be the case. and yet... he did it all anyway. if that isn't unconditional, i'm jumping off a bridge.
no matter who he's protecting he is still being so strong for her
"yeah. yeah, i'm okay. i am." no, that obviously wasn't the truth. but for a "horrible liar," he sure appeared at least a little bit better. at the end of the day, the end of the battle, rayla's okay. and that always seems to help.
face touch 🩷
that hug man. her deep sigh. his shame melting into unavoidable comfort. him letting go despite all his better judgement. also it was cute. homicidal. but cute.
the "eyes on me" thing AUUUHGHHGHGHGHGH
the squad reunion post-claudia when rayla gives callum's arm an extra little squeeze 😭
the ending handhold 🫶 thereee'ssss my little married couple
welp i would say it's been fun but it's been more so absolutely excruciating so. it has been.
if i still had feelings i would be so happy <3
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imsosocold · 1 year
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice For All Beta designs
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Beta Apollo has a beanie!
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Reminds me of Kezumi from No.6
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All these designs are really cool, I especially like the visor and medical eyepatch one. The eye symbols are such a cool concept (^q^)
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Trucy looks like Kyoko Kiriguri in these.
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This is a cool design, but mayyyybe not for Trucy. Reminds me of someone I know, but I don't remember who. I'll update this post if I remember.
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I love the side ponytail ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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I kinda like Trucy with shorter hair. The patterned shorts make for a great casual outfit and the motif of card symbols is soooo good!
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Very cute design but it wouldn’t suit Trucy at all.
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I love the card patterned corset vest and the vampire esque cloak in the bottom left ( though that design reminds me of Kyoko again).
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The far left one is cute but the other two remind me of one of my sisters so I don’t like them.
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The fact that Klavier could ever look so serious and mad is scary ૮Ó﹏Ò ა The only one I like is the far corner right one, the short hair style is cute ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
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It’s Byakuya Togami.
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This isn’t beta Klavier this is young Manfred.
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Is that Luke from Miraculous Ladybug? (՞ਊ ՞)
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Ugh, Light Yagami? 🙄 In my Justice game? Not on my watch bitch
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You'd think this would come from Kristoph's beta designs but noPe. Makes you wonder who came first in development, was there initally just Klavier and then the idea of a brother came to Capcom within his development? Or was Kristoph first and Capcom initially want Klavier to resemble his brother more? Anyway, I would've loved one of these designs to be used for Kristoph, even in just a flashback or something.
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There's not a lot of notable beta designs I found for Kristoph but this doodle is cute. Maybe he wore this during his 7 year period with Phoenix.
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I'd expect the design on the left to be for Klavier out of the context. The design on the right reminds me of Jim from The Office.
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Young Manfred returns.
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"Oh Vongole we’re really in it now."
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Vera beta! If you showed me these out of context I couldn't assign them to a character. Interesting to see her wearing nail polish in the right design, makes more sense as to why Kristoph would give her nail polish as a gift. Naturally I imagine the gloves were scrapped early on in development. In both she looks like a daycare attendant rather than an artist.
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Sisyphean (6/6)
(Eldritch!Ace Trappola vs SomeGuy!Deuce Spade. Horror AU heavily based on FROM(2022) and That's Not My Neighbor.)
Sisyphean Masterlist
Deuce jumped just slightly when he heard a knock. He hadn’t heard anyone coming –.
The Doppelganger was standing at the door, smiling at him through the glass, its hands behind its back, looking like the picture of innocence.
Save for, of course, the sharp-toothed smile.
“No,” Deuce said, scowling. “Absolutely not.”
“You’re so cold, you’re gonna hurt a fella’s feelings one day,” it complained.
“Good,” he said flatly.
It huffed. “You try and kill an entire building’s worth of people a few times, and suddenly you’re the bad guy!”
“That is how it works, yes.” Deuce rolled his eyes. “Why are you even here?”
“I stop by all the time! What do you mean?” it said, giving its most innocent smile.
“Yeah, but you haven’t come as… yourself all the other times.”
“But I’m so tired these days,” he lamented, its expression shifting into a little pout. “I’m hungry, and shifting forms all the time is hard.”
Deuce pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated. How could this thing be so scary half the time and so lame the other half of the time? “Well, I can’t let you in. You don’t live in this building, and we have a strict no-guest policy. As I’m sure you know, since you’ve never tried posing as someone’s friend to get inside.”
“Yeah…” it sulked. And then it brightened up, finally taking its hands out from behind its back, to reveal a… cup of coffee. “Well, I can still give you this!”
Deuce stared, blankly, at the cup of coffee sitting in his mail slot. It had Deuce’s name on it, of course, as well as a couple of tiny hearts doodled on the wrapper.
“... what’s with you and hearts?” Deuce asked, because after the pillow, the cake, and this, he might as well ask why it was Ace’s calling card.
It shrugged, smiling. “I just think they’re kinda funny shapes! I mean, human hearts do not look like that… unless you really need glasses, I guess, but at that point pretty much everything looks like those fake hearts.”
That… checks out, yeah.
Deuce sighed, picking up the cup of coffee, spinning the cup, slowly, in careful fingers, half expecting it to blow up… somehow. “It makes it seem like you’re trying to come onto me.”
“And if I was?” It said, batting its eyelashes.
“No guests in the hotel,” Deuce said, flatly.
“Ugh. You’re no fun.”
“Sorry that getting ripped to shreds isn’t my idea of fun.”
“Like I said. No fun.”
It seemed, though, that he was going to be having even less fun, because, at that moment, a new person showed up. They looked a lot like Ace, with the same bright red hair and eyes, but stockier and dressed in a button down and slacks, as if he had just come from a shift at work. He flung his arm around Ace’s shoulders, leaning his weight on him with a wide grin.
“Is this the Doorman you’ve been obsessed with?” He peered at Deuce, tapping his finger on his chin. “He doesn’t look like much.”
It was hard to tell who was more offended by the man’s statement – Deuce or Ace.
“‘Obsessed’ is not the right word,” Ace snapped at the same time Deuce said, “Ex-fucking-scuse me?”
He continued to smile at him, completely unperturbed. “I’m sorry about Ace, I know he’s a lot to handle, thanks for dealing with him.”
The Doppelganger looked mortified, pressing its face into its hands.
Doppelgangers might not have families, not in the way that humans might, but Deuce could spot an ‘older brother’ type from a mile away.
Though that begged the question… was the man (if it was even actually human) aware of what ‘Ace’ was? It hit Deuce that it was entirely possible that Doppelgangers got their names and reputations for a reason – that they might not be homeless at all, that they might take the place of a real-life person and sneak their way into their families, pretending to be functioning members of society for years and years. That, perhaps, there was a reason why they were never spotted during the day.
Deuce gave Ace a wide-eyed look. “Does he know…?”
It was the man who responded, though, by laughing and sticking out his tongue at Deuce.
It was a black tentacle.
A wave of relief rolled over him.
Until the monster said, “Well, now that that’s all done, come on, Ace, we have to go. Mom and Dad are waiting for us, and if you’re late again they’re going to be so pissed.”
A wave of terror washed over Deuce. Because here Ace was, with a clear ‘older brother’, talking about meeting up with their ‘parents’. And he suspected that Ace hadn’t been lying when he’d said that, no, Doppelgangers don’t really have families, because it was such a strange thing to lie about, and its disgust at the way humans worked was genuine.
Ace groaned, running his hand through his hair. “One day I’m going to snap and kill everyone in that damn church, why do sermons have to be so long?”
His brother laughed, reaching out a hand to attempt to smooth down Ace’s now-messy hair, and Deuce could only stare at them, because they seemed like just any other pair of brothers, laughing and joking around and complaining about dumb things they didn’t actually care about… while also talking about murder in the same tone Deuce talked about the weather.
Ace sighed and waved at Deuce. “See ya later.”
“I hope not,” Deuce said, more out of instinct than anything.
Ace’s brother laughed. “Oh, I take it back, I like him.”
Ace grumbled under his breath, suddenly seeming very eager to get to church on time.
Deuce, hesitantly, took the lid off of the coffee to squint at the dark liquid. It looked normal… and, after a quick sniff test, he determined that it smelled fine, too. But, then again, so had the cake the Doppelganger had brought over, so…
He took a careful sip.
It was normal coffee.
More than that, it tasted good. Deuce didn’t even know how he took his own coffee, he usually just added sugar to taste and then dealt with it if it ended up too sweet. But this was nice.
That stalker… he thought, annoyed, but also a touch fond.
Only for his blood to run cold despite the caffeine entering his veins.
Because when had he started growing fond of Ace?
When had he started calling him ‘Ace’ at all? Stopped thinking of him as an ‘it’?
What if I think becoming ‘friendly’ with you is the way in?
Deuce marched to the bathroom, intent on pouring the coffee straight into the sink. It was tailor-made to his preferences, yes, but he couldn’t stand what it represented.
But it was good coffee, and a gift, and his mom had always taught him that wasting food was wrong…
He went back to his seat and set the coffee on his desk, wondering if he would even be able to drink it past the bile creeping up the back of his throat.
Cater collected the ID from him, before heading off toward the elevator.
“Appreciate you, Deuce,” Cater called over his shoulder.
Deuce waved him off, absently. It was his job, after all, he hardly deserved thanks for doing it.
Deuce went back to the computer, reaching for his coffee cup.
He paused.
His hand had something red and flaky on it. He lifted it to his nose, expecting the smell of lipstick or something…
Only to find that it smelled metallic.
Coppery, even.
His head shot up, to ‘Cater’, already in the elevator, leaning against the back wall. He gave a little finger wave with red-caked fingertips. A wide smile stretched across his face.
And then continuing to stretch, showing off rows of sharp teeth and skin pulling into something that shouldn’t have been physically possible for a human to achieve.
Deuce ran for the elevator, his arm out to try and stop it, but the doors slid shut before he could get inside.
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vixenday · 1 year
i am still going through the horrors but i made an au!!! it’s a squirrelflight au called the crush au, where she stays with ashfur. nightcloud doesn’t divorce crowfeather but does NOT like him (staying together for breezekit’s sake), crowfeather knows about the three’s existence but doesn’t give a darn about them, and squirrelflight still takes the kits and tells ashfur they’re his, as she did with brambleclaw.
ashfur is a controlling piece of fox dung to squirrelflight, as one could expect from him, forcing her to fit in the role of a loving wife and mother so he can live his white-picket-fence dream. squilf finds solace in talking to nightcloud at gatherings about their shitty mates, and the two become friends. they start to sneak out to see each other and talk with each other, and become besties. this was a thing from my other tumblr draft about it that i haven’t posted yet which essentially is them.
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ashfur eventually gets worse to squilf, and leafpool knows it’s not good but it really sets in when jaypaw, her very new apprentice, mentions it. leafpool is very upset and gets squilf to tell firestar and sandstorm. she eventually gets support and leaves ashfur and he seems chill about it, but he is Not. he’s essentially stalking her, and wuh oh nightcloud and squirrelflight, eventually, become secretly romantic crowleaf style (at this point nightcloud divorced crowfeather, and this takes place a while later as squilf needs to heal and repair her mental state before jumping into another relationship). ashfur snaps because “only i can have her” weird shit. fire scene!!!! but, it is different. ashfur plans it more carefully, a lot more. he wants to take away everything squirrelflight ever loved, so he can be the only thing she can love. it’s not as much revenge like it is in canon but an attempt to destroy her further so she only has him left. the fire scene is essentially the same, with the exception of nightcloud being there rather than squirrelflight. and instead of the classic “they’re adopted lol” bit, breezepelt pops out of nowhere and literally up and attacks ashfur, and the others get to escape. i have no clue how i’m gonna get nightcloud there but i will FIGURE IT OUT, breeze just follows nightcloud. I PROMISE THIS IS COOL AND MAKES SENSE THIS IS A RLLY CONDENSED VER. OF THE AU
ashfur lives and he gets a cool scar from the fire, and he goes “ugh fine you know what. HEY EVERYONE SQUIRRELFLIGHT ATTACKED ME AND SHES DATING NIGHTCLOUD” but nightcloud, i love her, is a stubborn lady that takes no shit, and essentially argues with ashfur at the gathering. starclan is pissed and does the moon cloud cover thing, but the clans remain at the gathering. crowfeather gets upset at nightcloud, nightcloud is sticking to her morals and taking no shit from ashfur, ashfur is just an asshole, squilf is two moments away from a panic attack and leafpool is considering murder, you know how it is. some stuff happens that i haven’t figured out, but eventually nightcloud and breezepaw go to thunderclan. why? i think it’s an adorable found family idea LOOK AT THEM.
that’s my wip half-done au that is not developed at all but i love the idea and am going to be doodling and developing it over the next few weeks ^^
#warrior cats#vix talks#warriors discussion ready set go#ashfur#squirrelflight#leafpool#nightcloud#crowfeather#nightsquirrel#wc crush au#tw abuse#tw manipulation#ashfur is a dick in this#and it sounds exaggerated when condensed like this but his behavior is gradual and rooted in control#and he will go to any length to keep it#ashfur is also pushy with his kids. in this au he’s actually the one who convinced jay to be a medcat even tho he didn’t want to#the nightsquirrel is NOT the main point of the au!!! it’s a squilf-centric au!!!!!#nightcloud is not purely a love interest she’s also a good cat that supports squilf. that is important here#i’m tempted to add daisy to the mix but idk how yet#it’s called the crush au because idk i thought it was a cool name#btw it’s not important like at all but nightcloud has a russian accent#and her design is kinda like the one with the FANGS#the au also ends when the 3 and breeze are like 8 moons old#a lot of this starts before the 3 i didn’t know how to word it#bc it’s canon squilf went back to warrior duties really quickly she was allowed to go to gatherings#and she and nightcloud first became friends when their kits were like 2 moons old#when leaf hears from jaypaw about ashfur jay is like a FRESHLY made apprentice#also this is also because i wanted to put emphasis on ashfur’s obsession with a white picket fence american dream lifestyle#also sometime during this nightcloud figures out the 3s parentage but idk when why or how yet#btw boyfriend by dove cameron and baby bride rag by roar were huge inspos for this au
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wario-speedwagon · 5 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 10
Happy post-holidays, everyone! Here's another chapter of these two gays and their daughter to celebrate the new year! Full chapter under the cut as always :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Jack had finished placing the last dirty dish in the sink for dealing with later.
“We should probably head out soon,” he declared to the drawing aubergines at the cleared table.
“Ugh, fine,” Dave sighed, putting his pencil down in dismay. Pruny didn’t take the hint as she continued doodling unbothered.
“So, what’s our grand plan for today, then?”
“Huh? I dunno, show up?”
“I meant your ‘Aubergine’s handy dandy three-step plan’ or whatever you called it?”
“Oh that!” he finally recalled. “...Yeah I don’t remember.”
“What do you mean you ‘don’t remember’?”
“I dunno, with Pruny showin’ up and all, things kinda got sidetracked. We can probably save the plan for next time, eh?”
“What, so we just show up and… do our job then?”
“...I guess?”
“Well that’s unexpectedly anticlimactic…” Jack quietly admitted to himself. Though he couldn’t decide if he was relieved or disappointed. Honestly, it was probably both. Still, this was quite out of character for the Dave he’d come to know up to this point.
“C’mon, Prune, time to go.” Dave lightly nudged her arm, finally getting her attention as she quickly gathered that the time for drawing was sadly over.
The colorful cast exited the car, stepping foot onto the Fazbender’s parking lot as they headed for another accursed day shift at Freddy’s.
“Well hey! Look Pruny!” Dave exclaimed, suddenly kneeling down to her level and pointing.
“There’s the dumpster where we first met! Now ain’t that just nostalgic! …Gosh, it feels like so long ago with how much’s happened, but it hasn’t even been a whole day yet!”
Pruny didn’t quite read much of what Dave had rambled about, so she hoped they weren’t expecting any sort of special reaction about the dumpster Dave had just pointed to for… some reason? Jack seemed to ignore the matter altogether, so it was probably not important.
Weird as this Fazbender's place was, though, she was content to be back. She often hung around this building but never had the nerve to actually go inside and see it for herself until they’d (forcefully) taken her in. It didn’t live up to her every dream, but it was still exciting to her nonetheless. She’d never really been inside any fun place for kids like most kids had been, so it was nice to finally have her turn.
Jack and Dave pushed open the heavy doors into the pocket dimension of hell at which they worked. To where its phone-headed arbiter “happened” to be waiting for them.
“Yo, Scott. How’s ev—”
“I may just be stressed to the point of paranoia,” Scott harshly interrupted, “but I really don’t find it a good sign that you’re arriving with Dave now considering his… reputation.”
“Love ya too, Phoney—”
“—Yeah, well, that’s only because someone left his kid behind with me—”
“And you brought her BACK here!? Why would you do that!?”
“It’s… bring-your-child-to-work day again…?” Dave weakly attempted.
“Yeah no, uhm… there’s a whole… situation.” Jack resisted the urge to rub his temples while recalling all of last night’s and this morning’s headaches.
“C’mon, Phoney, just admit it! This place is a glorified daycare and you know it!”
“—Okay, whatever! I don’t care!” he finally snapped out of sheer resigned stress. “I have much more concerning problems than your ‘parenting style’ to worry about right now! If you don’t somehow already know, four children have gone missing yesterday, and so far things are looking to shape up into yet another Freddy’s threatening scandal that I have to deal with!”
“Oh, well, that’s not so bad! It coulda been five kiddins!”
“No, no, it’s very bad actually! And if I don’t… no no, I’m not gonna think about that right now…”
Scott wandered away, hands practically attached to where his temples would be.
...but then heel-turned back around to add:
“Now go make yourselves useful for once, before I make this your problem too! Go on, get! Saferoom! Now! And don’t you even dare mention a word of this to anyone!”
He then promptly marched off toward a group of children who were all encouraging each other to climb on top of the animatronics on stage.
“Sheesh Louise, he sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“No kidding. I suppose that’s what happens to a guy who has to single-handedly save a sinking ship from a child murder scandal. Must suck to be him right now,” Jack shallowly sympathized as if they didn’t have a direct hand in Phoney’s current situation.
“Alright kid, you’re free to do whatever the hell you want while— …Prune?”
But she was already long gone from sight.
“Oh. Well, she really takes after me, huh?” said Dave rather proudly.
The three men had been talking for a while with no sign of wrapping up anytime soon, so Pruny took it upon herself to wander around like kids are supposed to do here… right? Those guys worked here, so they’d be too busy to watch her all day anyway.
As she continued wading through the large, crowded dining space to the other side, she recalled that there was that gigantic present box next to the Prize Corner that had her curious from yesterday. Of course, that creepy guy was still there smiling blankly behind the counter, but she figured that she could easily sneak from the other side without him noticing pretty easily for closer inspection.
Approaching the box, Pruny hugged up against it to get a sense for how big it truly was. And in doing so, she felt some sort of plucking vibrations reverberating through it, kinda similar to clock ticking, but definitely different; this thing apparently seems to play some sort of music or sound, she gathered. That only piqued her curiosity even further.
So she naturally opened up its giant lid.
And then it slowly, grandly emerged from the box, rising to its feet as it began to tower over her.
And it then looked down at her with its rather haunting clownish mask face.
She naturally stepped back, partially out of natural fear but also to behold it better at a distance, but her fascinated stare at it remained unbroken.
The puppet’s head tilted.
And then the question crossed her mind, whether this thing also had a robotic voice or not, because to her frustration, it seemed like all the robots here had some sort of voice, even the strange Phone Guy, but obviously no moving lips to read. Although, she could sometimes detect the faintest sound of muffled voices from them, yet she heard nothing of the sort from this ominous… thing.
She didn’t know if she preferred its eerie silence or not.
And then it stepped out of the box. And then it extended a creepy hand out to her.
She carefully considered her options. Was this safe? What did it want with her?
She decided to take its hand.
(Chapter 11)->
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