#ugh i could live in that scene for the rest of my life and never get tired
januaryembrs · 5 months
YOU WERE LIKE AN ANGEL TO ME | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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Request: my DARLING @avis-writeshq says- i’m a menace but i ADORED the spencer fic u posted 🥹 UGH THEYRE SO CUTE YOUR HONOURRRR 👹if it’s okay, may i request another fic with the same couple 🙈 perhaps one day reader is not as sweet or chirpy as she usually is, or she gets injured or threatened in the field? much love and lots of kisses xoxo 🫶
Description: Spencer swore he wanted to hate her. She was too happy, too chirpy, too much for a guy who spent months rotting in prison. But how could he ever hate her when she cried in his chest like that?
Length: 5k (I'm feral for these two)
warnings: post prison reid. Angst. depiction of suicide from the Unsub. gory language used. guns mentioned. mention of $nuff video and other murders. Nothing that hasn't been done on CM already.
authors note: if y'all want to see more with these two just SAY because I am all ears I would die on this ship
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There were a lot of times in his time at the BAU that Spencer had wished he could have changed the outcome of their bad guy, surprisingly enough. There was the time they found their UnSub a few minutes too late, and one of the victims fathers decided to take him out then and there with a shotgun to the head. He was just a kid. There was the entire time he was with Tobias Hankel, and he lived in a state of both fear and sympathy for the boy trapped in his own body after years of abuse. There was Nathan Harris, the kid who had stopped him at the subway station and practically begged him for help to stop his urges to murder, only to slit his own wrists before Spencer could get to him because he thought he was tainted. 
He could see how it was easy in their job to get wrapped up in saving the day, in saving everyone they could. He just had hoped, on some stupid grace of a god he didn’t even believe in, that she would have at least remained untouched by the bad luck. 
Spencer had always thought, since the first day he had arrived back into the office after his stint in prison, that she seemed to just waltz through life easier than anyone else. He knew the concept of luck was not quantifiable, that it was just a coincidence that good things happened to some people, and bad things happened to others. He always grouped himself in with the latter, because what was his entire life if not one bad hand of cards after another?
Part of him had been seething with vitriol jealousy when he first met her. He hated how the elevator doors seemed to open without hesitation for her, no waiting required. He hated how her hair never seemed to fall out of place, while his required primping and preening to upkeep. He hated how she was always so happy, whether it had been she’d been given an extra cookie at the bakery for free, or her coffee had just tasted super delicious that morning, or the road works clogging the city had been put on hold the one day she needed to drive into the office. She was one of those people, he had decided, that life just seemed to smile down upon, and she beamed back in that dazzling grin. 
He felt sick to his stomach for ever wishing it gone, especially when she looked like she might never smile again. 
They never liked to say that they had easy cases and hard ones, all of their cases were difficult to process. But this one had been a handful above the rest. 
“UnSub has been killed on site, all units stand down,” Luke said into the radio, and the entire squadron took a sigh of relief, all of them except him. 
Because he saw that look in her eye, the way everything sparkly about her seemed to have vanished.
They had been following Bobbie Wrids for a week. Five bodies in, five men shot between the eyes execution style, almost six by the time they’d arrived on the scene. 
She’d gone with Tara around the front of the abandoned building; Penelope tracked their newest victim, Henry Frond, through his phone pinging off the nearest satellite towers, and it had been straight forward from there. Or at least it should have been. 
Because by the time Spencer and Luke arrived in their own SUV, Penelope had time to access the rest of Henry’s phone, and it was clear to see the victimology behind all six men. 
They were distributing snuff videos of women, some between themselves, some to other usernames on the darkweb, and Bobbie Wrids’ daughter had been one of them.
Bobbie had become somewhat of a vigilante, but he was a grieving father above all. He was a wounded animal chomping at the bit to soothe the ripping pain of his daughter's murder, the same one those men were getting off to. 
Tara and her exchanged a glance as Penelope relayed the information over their headsets, her once serious expression falling into something sombre and sorrowful. How could she arrest a man she couldn’t help but feel sorry for, one she couldn’t help but think wasn’t entirely wrong in his actions. 
“Bobbie Wrids,” Tara’s voice was stern, cutting through the silence of the desolate building. Their footsteps were careful as they made their way through the hallway, down to what had once been a rec-room, or perhaps a staff room, where they knew Bobbie had Henry, “This is the FBI, we’d like to talk,” 
They heard nothing, and she looked up to the older woman hesitantly, her finger hovering over the trigger the way Spencer had taught her. Tara took a minute, knowing she was leading the charge here with the girl being so inexperienced, before she nodded to the door knob and the rookie twisted the handle, pushing the peeling wood open gently. 
Bobbie Wrids stood in the centre of the room, moth eaten couches either side of the damp rug, the ceiling tiles half caved in from wear and tear. Henry Frond was already a pulp in the UnSub’s arms, and yet it was Bobbie that her eyes shot to first, sympathy shooting through every fibre of her being when she saw the distraught look on the father’s face. 
He was grieving. He was grieving his little girl’s death. He was looking for a solution, and this seemed to be his best bet. 
“Bobbie,” Her voice was shaky, her and Tara frozen in the doorway as the man brought the pistol to Henry’s beaten face, cocking it towards his temple before they could even explain themselves. “We’re going to come in, is that okay? We just want to talk, just let us talk-”
They had only edged closer by three paces between them as she was speaking before his knuckles turned white and he squeezed the gun tighter to Henry’s skin, the barrel contorting the flesh, “Don’t come any closer, this pig isn’t worth your mercy,”
“We know,” She said, her and Tara slowly stepping over a fallen ceiling tile, cracking under her boot as she met his desolate gaze for the first time, his head snapping to her. “We know what he did, Bobbie. What they all did.”
His throat bobbed, his bottom lip quivering and the sight of it, a man so broken, forced a frog into her oesophagus, and she willed herself not to cry. 
“They hurt my little girl,” Bobbie choked out, his face turning mauve as the tears began to build behind his eyes, “She was my girl. She was only eighteen.” 
She nodded, his wetted hues seemingly permissive when she stepped closer to where he held Henry hostage. 
“I know, I’m so sorry for what happened to her,” She said, her voice croaky, unstable as she wrenched it into something audible, “I’m so sorry,” 
“He doesn’t deserve mercy, none of them did,” Bobbie spat, his forearm crushing against Henry’s trachea in a vice-like grip. The man floundered, a wheeze coming from his lungs, not that she felt much sympathy for him. 
She sprung into action, flicking her gun onto safety and holstering it, Tara doing the same as she lowered her weapon to her side. He profiled as a vigilante; he had no reason to hurt them. 
“Bobbie, listen, I know they didn’t deserve to walk free, okay?” She said, taking the smallest step towards where the men stood, “But she wouldn’t want this for you, would she?”
The man flinched, his jaw hard as a rock with how he clenched his teeth together, as if holding back a sob. 
“Come on, Bobbie. Let him go, we have enough evidence to get him sentenced. We can get you a plea deal, I know a good lawyer,” She begged, because she wasn’t beneath it, because she knew he was a good man backed into a corner, “Please,”
Maybe it was the way her eyes were soft when she looked at him, or the fact two more agents burst into the room from the hallway, Spencer’s eye immediately falling to where she was stood so close to their UnSub, her gun out of hand. Tara stood by, but that wasn’t good enough for him. He edged with light footsteps until he was behind her, his gaze cautious, never leaving the gun in Bobbie’s hand. 
“Please,” She repeated, and Spencer saw Bobbie’s shoulders drop, every sliver of resolve draining from his body at her gentle tone, a deer approaching a hunter. 
Henry was thrown to the floor, the man practically dead weight as he gasped, almost retching at the feeling of air sucking back into his chest frantically, and Luke and Tara were quick to wrestle him into cuffs, the woman reading him his Miranda rights. 
Spencer almost made a grab for her then, because she was still creeping forward towards the man who had a loaded gun still live in his hand. He didn’t care for one second that the statistics said Bobbie wouldn’t lay a hand on her since she wasn’t part of his list. He didn’t care that every sign pointed to their UnSub being benevolent towards women, especially younger ones, that she fit his daughter’s description. Spencer didn’t care, he wanted her as far away from that gun as possible. 
His heart lurched into his throat when Bobbie did in fact make a lunge for her, just not the way he’d feared. Because she had grabbed him. She’d pulled him into an embrace, a hug, kind and sweet as she always was. 
Spencer cursed her for being so soft. It was going to get her killed. 
“Agent,” His voice was terse, worried if you dug a little deeper than the sharp surface, but she didn’t listen to him. She held Bobbie tight as the man unravelled on her shoulder, falling into heart breaking sobs and it was then Spencer realised she was crying with him. 
“It’s going to be okay, you’re okay,” She was shushing him, the killer, reassuring him he was safe, as if the killing thing wasn’t still between his fingers that clutched at her back with rough hands. 
“They killed my girl, they took her from me, and then they laughed about it,” He wailed, and she nodded, squeezing him even tighter if that was so possible, “No one would listen, the police didn’t listen, I had to do something,”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry,” This was wrong. She wasn’t supposed to be sympathising with the criminals. But she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t help the gasping urge to comfort the man who had lost his whole world, “I’m listening. Tell me about her,” 
“She was so beautiful,” Bobbie whimpered, sniffling into her shoulder. Spencer felt his chest twinge at the scene. He hated that she was so soft. “She never hurt a soul,”
She cried with him, though hers were choked down as much as she could get them, her wet cheeks the only proof she had ever let them slip. 
“I’m sorry,” She said again, because no matter how many times she repeated those two little words, it would never bring his daughter back, “I can help you,”
He pulled away from her shoulder, and it was only then that Bobbie Wrids even noticed Spencer, his face taut in anxiety as he watched the man’s hands still holding onto her body as if she was the only thing that kept him upright, which Spencer wouldn’t be surprised if it were true. 
He fished the cuffs out of his back pocket, his finger never leaving the trigger as he stared down at their UnSub cautiously. He knew he may be being cruel, knew that ten years ago he would be just as caring as her. But that Spencer was long gone. And what remained was screaming in terror that she was in the line of danger, that she was holding the danger in her bare hands like she didn’t see the jeopardy she was putting herself in. 
Bobbie pulled away to look at her, the creases around his eyes deep chasms, and even with the smattering of grey hair, the stubble, the cold, empty look of someone with nothing left, she thought he might have been a handsome man once. He looked at her with a ghost of a smile, and one of his callused hands came up to tuck her hair behind her ear as if it had been second nature to him for eighteen years. 
“You’re a sweet girl,” He murmured, and she blinked at him, her chest easing at the way his wails had subsided into something quiet. She could help him, she swore she would help him. He was a good man beneath it all. “But no one can help me anymore, sweet girl,”
And with that he lifted the pistol beneath his chin and pulled the trigger.
She heard someone scream before she realised it was coming from her own throat, but her ears were ringing and she couldn’t open her eyes. Her face was wet and hot, and for a second she thought it was tears, but she was beyond crying now. She felt arms pulling her back into a strong chest, and someone was murmuring to her, or perhaps they were speaking normally and the sound of the gunshot had knocked her hearing. Either way, it was like someone had pulled a bag over her head as she brought her shaking hands up to her eyes to wipe. 
She managed to crack her lids then when the sludge was gone, only to see the room still a blurry mess. She could make out, in the haze of blobs and crimson tint, Bobbie’s body slumped to the floor, a dark puddle seeping into the rug as those long arms tugged her out of the room. She only then looked down to her hands where she had rubbed her face and she caught the same claret plasma coating her fingers, her white shirt, her pants, her arms. It covered her head to toe. 
It was in her eyes, she realised when she saw the ichor coating her fingertips. It was blocking her vision, turning the world a vivid wine colour, and she thinks she whimpered, or perhaps it was a moan of horror seeing the puddle beneath Bobbie’s body growing larger by the second. 
“I don’t understand,” She said out loud, her head spinning, and she brought her fingertips up to her eyes again, maybe to get the blood out, god there was so much blood on her face, or maybe because she hoped to everything out there that she would clear her sight and find it all a terrible hallucination, the product of one too many nights of sleepless tossing. 
But when she rubbed her lids again, this time seeing the scene a little better, Bobbie was still dead. She had still been too late. 
“You’re in shock, you need to breathe,” A voice instructed her over her shoulder, and it was from the same person who had their hands around her waist, pulling her away from the crime scene, as CSI filed in from behind them. 
She tried pushing the arms off her, weak because she couldn’t feel anything that wasn’t the horror in her stomach, and it took her a second before she listened to their words and realised she was holding a breath in her chest, the way a toddler does when they’re overwhelmed. 
“I don’t-” She gasped, the air rushing through her lungs, so fast it made her cough, “I don’t understand, I was going to help him- I don’t understand- why?”
“I know, just breathe for me, sweetheart,” Spencer. She only just realised it was Spencer speaking, because he had never called her that and the gentle tone he’d taken was nothing like his usual, civil cadence. He had been dropping a few jokes the past few weeks since she’d driven him home, had been more touchy feely with correcting her form when she was at the shooting range, had delicately touched the small of her back when they were navigating a crowd together. He was slowly cracking from his statuesque expression that hadn’t left his face since he’d gotten out of prison, but the softness with which he held her waist was entirely new. 
“Spencer, I don’t- I don’t get it,” She said, her voice bubbling into a sob as she allowed herself to be pulled away with no fight left in her. He took her into the hallway, turning her body from the sight of his hand lifeless on the floor with little to no effort. She was damn near limp in his arms, “Spencer, I don’t under-understand, I was going to h-help him, why would h-he do that-”
“Shhh, you need to breathe,” He murmured into her hair, trying to lead her out the front of the building and far away from where she’d just been front row seats to a messy suicide, “Come on, just breathe for me, baby, and then we can talk,”
But she wasn’t listening, and he wasn’t offended. Spencer knew it was the shock. He knew the symptoms by how her respiratory system had picked up in a matter of seconds and it was like she had gone from zero to a hundred. She let out a long whine, tears collecting the blood on her lash line and her chest seized into action, gulping down air, too short to do anything for her lungs, and her legs began to buckle beneath the two of them. 
Spencer stopped in the hallway, realising she was in more shock than he must have thought. He knew she was sensitive, hell it was one of his favourite things about her. He knew she felt everything so deeply, burned too easily, like a daisy wilting in a dry heat, or candyfloss melting in his mouth. Spencer knew, as awful as watching death up close was for any agent, it would hit her hardest of all of them. 
He moved around to her front, his hands migrating from her waist up to her shoulders, brushing over her upper arms soothingly. But her body felt numb, her head felt heavy, and her eyes were glazed over, down a rabbit hole entirely away from him, even when one of his hands cupped her wetted cheek gently. 
“Just breathe, hey, look at me,” He tried a firmer tone, and she bent to his will too easily. It was a punch in the gut seeing everything shining and pretty leached out of her eyes, as if she had become soulless in a matter of minutes, as if she had lost all hope in the world the second Bobbie pulled that trigger. She looked like hell, blood still fresh on her cheeks, in her hair, smeared around her eye sockets where she had scrubbed so hard to get it off her skin, “You need to calm down, you’re going to faint if you don’t breathe,”
She nodded, or something close to it, her eyes falling down to the floor, and she seemed to wrestle for control over her chest then. But what came after was worse, Spencer thought. Her brows screwed together, her eyes welling up with more of those fat tears, and her lips dropping into a devastated pout, her eyes trailing over the mess on her uniform, on her hands. 
“Spencer, I don’t understand, I tried to help him, I wanted to help him,” She sobbed, sniffling to herself miserably, and he barely even thought about it when he pulled her into his chest, not caring that her skin would dirty his shirt. 
His hand wound into her hair, stroking her sweetly as she buried her wails into his vest. He used his other arm to pull her close to him, which she seemed to have zero qualms about as she clawed at his back to keep him close, as if she didn’t want to face what was going to happen when they left that building. 
Spencer regretted ever thinking her sunshine was too bright for him. 
She hadn’t smiled in a whole week. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had given Penny a very forced smile when she had fussed over the younger woman the first day she got back, had said thankyou with downcast eyes and a fragile grin when the blonde presented her with a framed picture of a puppy to keep on her desk ‘incase she needed something nice to think about,’
She hadn’t looked at it once, because they both knew it wouldn’t do anything, no matter how much she pretended for Penelope’s sake that she would put it to good use. 
He had taken her out for coffee on him that first day, but by the time they had got to the front of the queue, he had been doing almost all of the talking, which had become rare nowadays since he had come home from Mexico. Usually, it had been her filling the silences, because he knew in her right mind she hated the sound of static nothingness, she found it awkward and unnecessary when she could talk to anyone without thinking about it too hard. 
They had got to the desk, the barista smiling up at him as he ordered his usual, before he turned to look at her as the woman serving asked her what she would like. But she wasn’t listening, she was watching out the window, nothing particularly invigorating beside a bird cleaning its feathers on top of a stop sign. 
He said her name, putting his hand on her back and her head whipped around, her eyes empty as they looked up at him expectantly, “What do you want to drink?” 
She blinked, waking herself from a stupor, and looked at the barista with an embarrassed expression, “Hot chocolate, please,” 
And that was all she really had to say until lunch rolled around, and she excused herself to head home early. Emily smiled at her reassuringly, her eyes wary as she watched their happy-go-lucky rookie head for the elevators with a desolate look in her eyes. 
Spencer hoped she would come around on her own, or maybe even be brave enough to talk to someone about the thoughts rattling around that head of hers, but she just didn’t. She stayed as silent as possible, only ever speaking when spoken to, asking Emily if she could finish off her reports at home, to which the Prentiss woman never protested. 
But Spencer had had enough. He’d worried himself sick over her, and where all thoughts of how endearing and lovely and charming she was had sat in his head before, now it was all just ways he could think to make her smile again. 
It was the following Tuesday by the time he braved action. She had gone home after their midday briefing, apologising to Emily with tired eyes that seemed to be growing more and more heavy by the day, like she hadn’t slept a wink in a fortnight. Which Spencer thought was entirely possible. 
He pulled up to the house Penelope had not so discreetly told him was hers, definitely not because he’d asked, and definitely, definitely not breaching any human resource policies about distributing fellow workers information (meaning Spencer had almost certainly not begged Penelope for the address with those puppy eyes of his he knew could bag him anything). 
The peonies in the window bays were wilting but her house was something out of a fairytale. He wasn’t sure why he was really so surprised. It screamed her, everything about it, from the toadstool post box to the little green, cast iron bench that sat in the garden, the metal forged to look like florets of ivy holding the sitter upright. 
He rapped the brass knocker, the metal cold under his long fingers. Brushing invisible dirt off his shirt, he hoped she would answer as the present squirmed at his feet. 
“Just a second,” He hushed, and as if she heard him, the front door swung open to reveal her bare face he hadn’t seen since he’d helped her wipe the blood from her skin in the back of the ambulance. 
She looked at him with furrowed brows, before they quickly shot to the floor, to her cobbled pathway that had clicked under his shoes, and her face washed with a shock. 
“Oh my god, Spencer!” She crouched to her knees, a slobbery lick immediately meeting her cheek as the Spaniel rubbed his wet nose up to her ear, sniffing her unique smell, as if it was a bag of Class A’s, “I never knew you had a dog,” 
“I don’t,” He replied, kneeling with her to ruffle the soft fur behind the canine’s ear, “This is Ace. He retired from the Bomb Unit a month ago and Penelope sent me his handler’s number. They said he’s the happiest dog in the world,” 
 “I would be too if I stopped so many people from blowing up,” She said, but before he could ask what she meant exactly by that, Ace had jumped up and attacked her entire face with kisses as if he too thought that statement was worth silencing. 
And she laughed. She laughed louder than she had in days, weeks, her eyes crinkling in joy as the little pink tongue stole away her sorrow, tickled away the traces of the blood that had tainted her skin. 
Spencer smiled, his eyes watching her face scrunch in a squeal, hands eventually coming up to the elderly dog’s jowls to gently push him down. 
“Oh, you are the sweetest guy,” She said, and the words had him tugging at the leash to lick her all over again, “Yes you are, you’re the sweetest little guy around, huh?” 
She chuckled, scratching down the mutt’s neck, and her eyes flicked back up to Spencer, who watched her with more intent than she’d realised. 
“Petting and receiving affection from pets causes spikes in serotonin in our brain and reduces anxiety, did you know that?” Spencer said, Ace pushing his muzzle into the palm of her hand to prove a point. 
Her smile wavered slightly, and she looked at his hazel hues that seemed to see right through her, “Look, I’m sorry I’ve been so off lately, I just can’t sleep at the moment-”
 “Don’t apologise,” He cut in, though his tone was kind, and the two of them stood back up to their full height, “What happened was horrifying, even some of the longest serving agents I know would struggle seeing that,” 
She scoffed, unusually pessimistic coming out of her mouth, “You wouldn’t,”
His head tilted, not quite understanding what she meant, because she hadn’t sounded cruel when she said it. Then again, he didn’t think she was actually capable of that emotion. 
She looked at him, a flash of something vulnerable in her eyes, something like that day he’d held her in the hallway; too fast he almost missed it.
“You’re so brave, Spencer, you’re like invincible. I mean, you survived prison and your mom getting kidnapped and you bounced straight back to work like it was nothing. I can’t even watch a murderer die without spiralling out of control,” She huffed, rubbing the bridge of her nose and before he could respond on just how wrong she was, before he could tell her that that was exactly the opposite of what had happened because he had damn near changed every inch of himself in prison to stop himself from breaking, he caught her murmuring and he thought he might just have been punched all over again, “I wish I was like you,”
His jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowing into a frown as he stepped towards her, and her head shot to him, worried she may have said the wrong thing by mentioning everything that had happened, everything Pen had specifically said was a touchy subject, and she opened her mouth to apologise. 
“Do you know how unbelievably glad I am that you are nothing like me?” Spencer said, his voice bordering on furious and her fumbled for a reply, worried she had truly pissed him off. 
She wouldn’t blame him for hating her. She’d always worried, until perhaps that day they’d gotten into her car and she’d driven him home, that her very essence annoyed him. 
“I’m sorry-” She started, but he shook his head.
“Stop apologising,” He said, his hand reaching up to grab where her fingers tugged together nervously, his hold featherlike, his face softening when he saw her expression, “I don’t want you to be anything like me. I like you just how you are,” 
She sighed, eyes doe like with emotion as she looked at him, “Really?”
He smiled, a rare and genuine smile as she seemed to glow under his words, “Yes, really.” Spencer allowed himself to enjoy the way that the twinkle returned to her expression when he smiled at her with something almost like the old Spencer in him, before he cleared his throat, “We all like you. Everyone on the team likes how you are,”
She paused, nodding to herself as if knocking herself out of a silly daze, and Ace bounced on his hind legs trying to get her attention again. 
“You don’t think I’m too sensitive?” She asked, holding her palm out for the dog to nuzzle at with that wet nose of his. 
Spencer shook his head, “Sensitive is good. It means you feel something. Means you feel the good things deeper too,” 
Her smile was blinding, because she’d never thought of it that way before, and she looked like her old self again. Spencer wasn’t stupid enough to think she was never going to think about Bobbie again, he still thought about that first UnSub he’d tried to save. He still thought about Tobias Hankel. He thought about them all. 
But he was going to make sure she never turned into him. He didn’t think he’d ever forgive himself if she did. He’d protect her sunlight even if it burned him to know he could never have her the way he wanted. Because she was everything good, and he was him. 
She looked down at Ace, the life returning to her as she stood aside for the two of them to enter her house, “Tea?”
Yep. Spencer felt something run hot knowing she would always be out of reach. Didn’t stop him from thinking about it, though. 
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windybreeze12 · 5 months
DBD Quotes that are my Roman Empire (and my reactions to them)
No version of this where I don't come get you - Charles S1 E7 (SIR???? IM SORRY??? If someone said that to me, i'd faint. Edwin is a strong one) .
Do you think it must be torture? Being the way we are? - Simon S1 E7 (I swear you could audibly hear my heart break when he said that) .
Teethface, what the fuck? - Esther S1 E6 (I love her. She's an awful person and is literally irredeemable but dammit she does her shit with style and sass and i love her) .
He did not feel the same way. But I think we are better friends because of it - Edwin S1 E8 (THEM. JUST THEM. I CANT WITH THEM.) .
You, Charles Rowland, are the best person I know - Edwin S1 E5 (It's like they want me to go throw myself off a cliff their friendship is everything to me) .
And we've got literally forever to figure out what the rest means - Charles S1 E7 (Charles is raising the bar too high i fear. the standards are through the roof) .
When you punish yourself, everywhere becomes hell - Edwin S1 E7 (*starts sobbing in the corner*) .
Imagine thinking there was only one way to do any one thing. How difficult would life be? - Kashi S1 E6 (I swear Kashi walked into this show to spit straight facts and then was never seen again. Icon.) .
We didn’t matter, he and I - Edwin S1 E1 (No because the way I swore to myself that I would protect these boys with my life the minute he said this) .
I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you - Charles S1 E6 (Fellas, never settle for anything less than Charles Rowland) .
I wasn't talking about you - Edwin S1 E5 (I'm not even kidding I paused the show, got up and had to take a minute because OOF Monty darling) .
As more than a friend, I’m afraid. Charles, I'm in love with you - Edwin S1 E7 (No joke this is one of the best scenes in a show I have ever watched. The acting, the dialogue, the pacing, the emotion??? UGH!!! Perfection) .
I certainly hope not, that story ends tragically - Edwin S1 E7 (There are already a million and one posts about the implications of Charles referencing Orpheus' story so go check those out but holy hell the way it made my heart twist) .
I could- we could lose Charles - Edwin S1 E3 (This was such a tiny detail but GOD I replayed it ten times before moving on) .
Honestly I just find her so charming - Edwin S1 E2 (I knew from this moment that Edwin and Niko were going to be a pair to watch. And boy was I right) .
That was my third life you bitch—i only get nine; would you fuck off - The Cat King S1 E8 (now THIS is how you creatively use a cat's nine lives in media I love it I freaking love it) .
You sacrificed me to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to a thing that is worse than a demon and this is your punishment! An eternity of papercuts! - Edwin S1 E7 (Honey I have an eternity of questions cause what the FUCK is this human trafficking system down in hell??? but also go off king??? 😭)
I'll update this whenever I remember anymore. Tell me more quotes in reblogs/replies i'll add them into this!
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air--so--sweet · 1 month
Anyone else completely unable to write linearly? I could once upon a time but my brain's not into it much lately. I think part of why I never manage to actually finish a fic is because I end up with a bunch of scraps and half written scenes, and it feels like too much effort to write all the bits that join them together into a cohesive narrative.
All of which is to say - if my Klaus-centric season 4 fix it ever sees the light of day, this is from very near the end of it. But, I don't hate it, and most of what I've written in recent times I've hated or had no confidence in it. So posting this snippet before I talk myself out of it.
Also, after the complete lack of Dave in season 4, I think we could all use some sappy Klave moments.
'I know after the life you've lived, the possibility of dying, actually dying is terrifying, I do. But you've lost so much to fear already. Your father used it to control you - fear of him, fear of the ghosts, fear of your powers. He stole so much of your life from you Klaus. You have your first real chance to not be controlled by fear baby, I need you to take it. Because you can be as safe and careful as possible, and live to a hundred, and what good is that if you look back and realise you didn't live at all, you just survived? Because thats all you're doing right now sweetheart, surviving.' Klaus groans and wipes a hand down his face.
'Ugh you don't get to be this wise, and hot. It's not fair!' Dave laughs and then leans down and presses a kiss to Klaus' lips. It's tender and gentle, almost chaste, but full of so much love. It reminds Klaus of their first kiss back in that club in Saigon. Before he knew the impact that kiss would have on his life.
Afterwards Dave pulls Klaus into his chest and he rests his head on Dave's shoulder. 'If I do live until a hundred will you still be waiting for me? You won't have gotten bored and found a new boy toy in the meantime? Traded me in for a younger model?' His tone is light but Dave can sense the undercurrent of anxiety that's caused him to ask the question. 'Never. Even if you somehow live 'til you're two hundred, I'll still be here waiting for you.' 'But how can you know that?' 'Because I waited almost my entire life for someone as amazing as you Klaus Hargreeves, so I'll wait my entire afterlife too, if I have to.'
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crazyunsexycool · 4 months
Hearts munition ❤️‍🔥 Eli calls Steve dad without even thinking…..what are everyone’s reactions?
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I think everyone would stop I. Their tracks…. Also this just in time for Father’s Day is perfect.
Call me dad
Let’s set the scene. I’d like to think that Steve had to go out on business for like a week. So Eli is missing him like crazy. Sure they FaceTime but it’s not the same for a kid who’s never had a father figure in his life.
On the other side Steve was also missing Eli. They had really bonded and their relationship was separate from just Steve trying to win you over. So it didn’t surprise anyone that Steve wanted to come home as soon as possible just to surprise Eli.
It was just after 10 in the morning and Eli was lounging in the living room with a book in hand. His head pops up from his place on the couch when the front door opens. He wouldn’t admit to staying close to the front door in order to wait for Steve to show up. This time it finally happened. Steve was in his normal business clothes, a nice navy suit with a white button up shirt but no tie.
“Dad, you’re home!” Elijah exclaimed as he rushed up from his seat and ran to Steve.
You and Bucky who had been walking out of the hallway that leads to Steve’s office froze in place. So did Sam who was walking in behind Steve. Dom and Coulson walked out of the kitchen and stared with disbelief but happiness.
“Hey bubs,” Steve said but it was obvious he was trying to control his emotions as he hugged Elijah. “What have you been up to while I was gone?”
Elijah was so excited he started talking so fast. He just kept going on and on about all the fun stuff he did.
“And I kicked uncle Bucky’s ass at Mario kart again.” He says with a laugh. “But mostly I missed you.”
Steve was sitting on the couch now with Eli next to him. His eyes were brighter than you’d ever seen them and you had to fight back tears. You never realized how much Elijah needed a father in his life. It wasn’t your fault his father wanted nothing to do with him but he was a growing boy that also needed fatherly love. Now he was getting it from the last person you expected.
“I missed you more bubs.”
“Will you read me a bedtime story tonight, dad?”
Steve smiled. “Of course I will.”
“Bath time Elijah.”
“But ma.” He whined.
“Go, I’ll be right up.” Steve nudges him towards the stairs.
“Fine. But you have to tell me all you did on your trip too.”
Steve grimaced slightly. “It was just boring business stuff.”
“Stop stalling and go take a bath.”
“I’m going.” Eli huffs and runs up the stairs.
Steve is a little bit lost in thought so he doesn’t feel you sit next to him. You place your hand on his forearm to get his attention.
“You ok there?” You ask gently.
“Yeah. Im good. How are you how was everything here?”
“Same as always.” You hesitate for a moment. “Can we talk about it?”
“Sure. It was unexpected that’s for sure.”
“Yeah. I didn’t put him up to it or anything.” You say, hoping Steve doesn’t think you’re using your son for something.
“It didn’t even cross my mind.” Steve’s hand comes to rest over yours.
“Does it bother you? I’ll tell him to stop.”
“No! Don’t.” Steve sighs. “You know I care about him a lot. I love that kid and if he sees me as his dad, I’m ok with it. As long as you are too.”
“You’re sure?”
“Dad I’m ready.” Elijah peaked over the handrail of the top floor.
“Elijah you are wearing the same shirt you had on two minutes ago. You only wet your face. Go bathe.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“We can finish this conversation later if you want to check up on him.” Steve says as he gets up.
“No way, that’s your son now. You deal with him.”
Steve’s smile could light up a room. He nods and heads up the steps before stopping halfway and turning to you. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
You shake your head and get up to follow him. “I forgot you’re a new dad. You’re going to be in way over your head.”
Later that night the others would gather in the kitchen paying up bets of how long it took Eli to call Steve dad and how emotional Steve would get. They were of course all happy about it but they would also get together and warn Steve they’d kick his ass if he hurt Elijah.
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latenightdecaf · 5 months
There are just so many things that don't sit right with that ep 14. (And I won't be able to do my work today if I don't write it down.)
Honestly, I've been enjoying this drama because of its fast pacing and the way it resolves things fast and as clean as they can. I didn't mind the inconsistencies to be honest, and some gaps in history
like why the fuck was haraboji's gf, so mad in the first place anyway?? like yes she went to prison, had a son, left that son and worked for haraboji and then??
the 1031 baby miscarriage was fine not to be addressed (unfortunately, I can forgive that - given that I have friend who went through the same thing and honestly did not really confront or grieved that with her husband either - they never moved on, but never talked about it either, so fine - we move forward.)
But honestly, this episode is just different than the rest in an unsettling way.
First, the scenes were cut so weirdly... like honestly, what do they want us all to feel here? They had the most beautiful confrontation about life, yes they walked to the hotel without looking at each other. Yes, Hae In stayed true to her character not wanting other girls to look at Hyun Woo. But honestly, that shit felt shallow and her charcter could've been more. They could've walked into a restaurant after fighting, with Hyun Woo just holding her wrist and her noticing the small ways this unbelievable man takes care of her even when he's mad - opening the door, ordering her food, idk, slicing it for her. It could've been slow, it could've been realizing that he had wrinkles now, that he looked tired, that he was having a hard time too - realizing that she wanted to live and be loved by this man no matter what. That if given a chance, even as stranger she'd still surely fall in love all over again. Her as the stranger, NOT those girls who was just prying. They could've twisted that up in a melo way. (But of course, we needed the romcom so of course.)
I could not even begin to point out how weird that car accident was. As viewer, I already know she's not inside... I know that moment was needed but again for Hae In to somehow magically realize she wanted that surgery but that's just torture by now. After everything they've gone through in Yongduri, she already knows how loved she was. Things could've slowed down a bit. And I'm sure Kim Ji Won would've executed that brilliantly (hello, my liberation notes). Idk, Hae In could've had more stronger reasons to live, or that case could've been built differently. Hae In is not shallow but they made her that way and yes, by the time she'd be regaining or building her connection back to Hyun Woo that script will be back again not wanting anyone else to have him. (ugh, Hae In :( I need more!!)
Third of course, Eunseong - so far his character just became so predictable that it totally put me off. Honestly thought (based on the preview without any actual context, that Hae In would be in the car accident with Eun Seong and then he dies to save her so he can finally be someone who actually saved Hae In) but yeah. He came in so conveniently in the hospital that no one even bother to ask why this stranger is now the legal guardian of Hae In like come on. (I know it's kdrama but come on that was WAY TOO CONVENIENT)
And lastly, that fucking surgery. Every single build up, every single suspense gone. She woke up after 5-10 mins inside the drama not even a bandage to her head!! They've could've dragged that a bit, not make her wake up too soon. Mess with us up some more, have the doctors come in, tell them "these things take time". Make Eunseong nervous! But no, she had to wake up immediately. Like come on!! It could've messed with everyone if that was dragged a bit more to the next episode. They could've deported back Hyun Woo to Seoul while Hae In is still unconscious with the devil by her side. We could've been at the edge of our seats if suspense was all they needed and now it just felt too rushed and too much by now. And then, Hae In will be back in Seoul like nothing happened with her (physically) and then she's with Eun Seong now. Ugh.
But despite it all, I'm thankful for this drama. I'm still going to be there next week to see this through. Honestly, what a world-class acting from Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won.
I'm just wrapping up my thoughts so I can finally go on with my day.
Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
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succession finale thoughts!
i don’t know if any tv show has ever given me as much of a stomachache as this episode, oooooooooof!!! the STRESS. (but honestly, the stomachache was 100% just suspense over whether gerri and roman would ever interact again. everything else, i was very zen about.)
gerri in the video radiantly reciting a dirty limerick like a roman daydream come true and roman watching her fondly!!!!! ugh!!!!! that was so schmoopy, especially for this show!!! he still loves her (not that that’s news)!!!!! and him panicking and losing it at the very sight of her and really feeling the crushing weight of his potential that she so believed in because she could have got him there!!!!!!!!!!! she also gave him a couple little not-hateful looks that might have even been sort of nice or concerned or at least ... okay, and i will cling to those for the rest of my life. but i’m so, so sad we never got to see them talk to each other again. OOF.
i have the most hope for roman just because he wound up self-aware enough to see the reality of the situation. jesse armstrong might think you’ll be a sad guy in a bar forever, but to me, there is nowhere for you to go but up, bb. and into the arms of your woman.
i hate the idea of gerri sticking with the company with tom as the ceo just because her disdain for tom was so strong; putting up with logan was one thing, putting up with roman was another even, but TOM????? tom, getting his melancholy everywhere?? however, i think it’s probably too idealistic of me to suggest that she’d turn it down for that reason. but also, maybe she would? isn’t she tired of idiot men yet??? doesn’t she want to go to the g.d. south of france already???? like, the contrast of the old camaraderie in the video of the party with logan with, like, the stupid dudebro tech culture of mattson ... ugh, i just don’t want gerri to be up in that mess! i want her to reject tom! and stand in solidarity with karl & frank! GIRL, IT’S TIME TO RETIRE!!!!!!! in any case: gerri being un-fireable remains hilarious.
gerri not really having any lines in the actual events of the ep = thumbs down forever. NOPE!
roman martini-pining for gerri as his very last act onscreen.
dear GOD.
though i’m sure the intention of canon is for their relationship to be over forever, it was so wobbly in its over-ness that i’m pretty pleased. i do think it’s in a place where it can be very patched up in fanfic in a way that’s still canon-compliant. hell, she might roll up to that very bar and order another martini and keep him company and be like, “uh, babe, why is that cut on your forehead burst open???”! anything goes! forever! whoohoo, ao3!
i’m so relieved this is over!!!!!!!!!!
in my head they will make up tho. 💗 let the era of fix-it fics begin!
other stuff:
the sibling moments!!!!!! the rollercoaster!!!!! it’s funny how when they were getting along, i believed as much as they did that they HAD IT! and then watching them fall back into the old patterns ... it was that thing this show does best, condensed into one episode of agony. amazing acting, amazing chemistry!
ken starting to get physically abusive toward roman with the crushing hug and then smooshing his face!!!!! when before he stuck up for roman against their father’s abuse. jesus christ. :(
the contrast between the scene in the kitchen and the scene in the conference room ............... OOF!
tom and greg having their little bitchy slap fight in the bathroom, lol. tom putting his little sticker on greg’s forehead, lol.
tom really did marry up! jeez.
conwilla: the not-long-distance era, because democracy shall prevail
even beyond the flawless beauty of limerick gerri (obviously the highlight forever <3), that whole video and the kids watching it?? the emotions!!!!!!
this episode made me feel So Bad.
roman and gerri need a spinoff where they are just cute and silly. someone please get this happening for me.
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coffeedrgn87 · 11 months
Hai. I just wanted to say that LPK has ruined me for almost every other BDSM story. Now when I read any, I'm like "Where's the enthusiastic consent? Where are the loving and frequent check-ins with your sub? Where is the scene where you discuss whether this is something both of you want?" And I'm including original stories in the list too. There are very few stories that can satisfy me now. Even when the sex scenes are hot, the lack of a connection between the Dom and sub puts me off. There's a Sterek BDSM fic that kind of lives up to LPK, but that's the only one I've found. You have completely ruined me. I hope you're happy, you ridiculously talented author.
Hi! 💜
Funny you should say this, because this is, in part, how LPK came to life. I wanted kinky reading that really emphasised consent, communication, and negotiation.
And sure, there are some relatively good works out there (now at least) but they generally feature a) a hetero relationship and b) some rich dude who happens to be a Dominant and a submissive gal who wants to try out kink or is in the community (to some degree) but falls head over heels in love with the Dominant which changes the whole dynamic and leads to much unnecessary drama (my personal opinion, also mainly reference original works here…fan works very often do have queer representation).
While there’s nothing wrong with that trope, it doesn’t represent me in any way. I want queerness with my kink, I want munches and shibari and tough conversations, and trust. I want things to reflect reality with a scene going well and emotions changing the dynamic midway.
There are many reasons why LPK is so dear to me, and you mentioned some, the enthusiastic consent, the conversations, but also life getting in the way and finding ways around that, growing together, etc.
I grew a lot with the writing of the story which I absolutely expected I would (or at least hoped for). Never in a million years did I think so many people would read it, comment on it, favourite it, etc. I’m not in any community where people might talk about different works so I don’t see it happening…which is why I, for the most part, still have imposter syndrome about it all, but I think that can be said for all my other writing too, not that any of it comes close to where LPK went.
I have this recurring dream of wanting to turn it into an original work, but I’m daunted by my own word count thus far and the amount of rework required so I keep thinking that the perfect idea will eventually come along.
I honestly cannot thank you enough for you very enthusiastic support and your kind message. It means the world to me, and I know I say this to everybody who takes the time to tell me what LPK means to them, but it’s not some spiel, I truly mean it. The verse has done something special to me, even though I don’t want to believe it. I fear believing it may lead to me getting a big head about it all, even though I’m certain that I could never…ugh, look at this, not only do I digress but I’m also rambling.
I won’t lie, there’ve been many times I’ve wanted to take the verse down, and not just it but all my works, as I don’t especially feel connected to the fandom world, but then I remember that I primarily write for myself and anyone who would like to come along for the ride is more than welcome. As for the rest, I try my best not to care and if I do, I run to yell at my therapist.
Okay, this response is getting out of hand. And it’s also starting to sound a lot like a journal entry rather than a response to a very lovely and sweet ask. Let me close with this: I hope to have an update for book 3 soon. I’ve a lovely idea floating about my head…
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 year
from the dark with you above me
Serena and Abbie have a one-night stand. It never stops there, does it?
Serena/Abbie, Alex/Olivia. Rated M. ao3
Alex Cabot had a headache.
An absolutely splitting headache, the kind of headache that makes you wish you didn’t have a head anymore. It was like her brain was going to burst out of her skull. After stumbling into the bathroom she managed to find the Excedrin in the cabinet above the sink. She hadn’t been this hungover in years.
She made it to the kitchen for a glass of water, and jumped. Abbie Carmichael was standing by the sink, looking about how Alex must look, drinking a glass of water.
They looked at each other.
“Why are you in my kitchen?” Alex said.
“Uhm,” Abbie said, a smile coming across her face, “Serena, uh, let me stay over. I didn’t know she had roommates.” She looked down into her now empty glass.
Alex only had vague recollections of the night before, and she certainly didn’t remember Serena bringing someone home. She didn’t know what explanation she was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Alex had her suspicions, yes, the gaydar had pinged on Carmichael once or twice, but she was clearly deep in the closet. If someone had told her that Abbie Carmichael had been spotted at Manhattan’s premiere lesbian bar she would’ve laughed in their face.
Alex laughed in Abbie’s face. It was a quick pfft sound that escaped her before she could think about it. Abbie looked offended, and Alex hid her smile behind her hand.
“Sorry,” she said. “I just wouldn’t think Penelope’s would be your scene.” Abbie nodded.
“Yeah, well,” she said, and gestured with her free hand, “I’m here, so.”
“It is,” Alex said. “Gotcha.” She filled up her own glass with water. “How’d you find the place?”
“It’s nice,” Abbie said. “I’m gonna,“ she trailed off.
“Aw, you’re not going to kiss her goodbye?” Alex said.
“Not really my style,” she said, placing her glass in the sink and raising her keys in the air. “See you, Alex.”
“See you too,” Alex said, still bewildered.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Alex said from the couch, looking up from her crossword, when Serena dragged herself into the kitchen. She had heard the vomiting that followed Serena’s door opening about ten minutes ago.
“Ugh,” said Serena, her voice hoarse. “Kill me.” She rested her head on the cool tile countertop.
“I might have to. Workplace romance, really?”
“Gross,” Serena said, picking her head up. She filled a glass of water and chugged it down, then turned on the coffee pot. “Rude of you not to save me any.”
“I didn’t know when you’d be alive,” Alex said. “Do you remember coming home last night?”
“Vividly,” said Serena, pulling two slices of bread out of the box and sluggishly popping them in the toaster. She swayed and gulped and ran back to the bathroom. Alex winced in sympathy. When she came back, the coffee and toast were done. She poured herself a cup, spread butter on each slice, and joined Alex in the living room.
“I don’t know how you’re eating,” Alex said. Her headache had subsided but her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Carbs, water, coffee. Hangover gone.” Alex nodded. She filled out 11 down: “tripped.” Serena wolfed the first slice of toast enthusiastically.
“We’re probably too old for this.”
Serena shrugged. “Life’s short,” she said. “Stress relief,” she justified.
“You certainly got some of that.”
“I certainly did,” Serena said with a pleased smirk on her face. “Thoroughly enjoyed myself too.”
“I wouldn’t’ve expected Carmichael to be the type,” Alex said.
“Me neither,” Serena said. She got up to rinse her plate and drained the last gulp of coffee. She put on the pot again.
“Make two,” Alex said. The pot they’d had since their senior year gurgled. “Do you think you’ll see her again?”
“I don’t think so,” Serena said. “Sex with coworkers is too complicated to be worth it.”
“That didn’t stop you,” Alex said.
“My curiosity has been satisfied.” Serena set two mugs on the coffee table.
“I’ll bet,” Alex said. “How is she?”
“Good,” Serena said. “The closet can be a wonderful place.”
Alex raised her mug. Repression had its advantages. She started laughing again. Serena looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just thinking about Carmichael at Penelope’s.”
Serena joined in the laughter.
Work on Monday went as it usually did. The chances that Serena or Alex would run into Abbie during the work days were not zero, but they also weren’t 100. Serena and Alex didn’t even see each other that much: Alex was in Philips’ bureau and Serena was in Kibre’s.
But, it was inevitable.
“Good morning, Jack,” Alex said, entering the EADA’s office, files in hand. Charlie and Jack had a case they were collaborating on. “Abbie,” she said, acknowledging her with a slightly larger smile than she usually would. Serena had not been able to escape her friend’s teasing since Saturday. Alex pressed her for details. She kept asking when their next date would be. Serena’s least favorite: on more than one occasion, Alex had called Abbie her “paramour.”
“Charlie said he’s worried about this one,” She said, indicating a particular blueback.
“Charlie had nothing to be worried about,” Jack said, but Abbie motioned to Alex to hand her the paper. She looked it over and squinted over the same sentence a couple times.
“Charlie doesn’t have anything to be worried about, but we might,” Abbie said. This is about Briscoe and Green, not Benson and Stabler.”
“Right,” Alex said, apologetically.
“Sit, please,” Jack said, and Alex joined Abbie at the table. “Do you have time to help with this?” He asked.
“I can make some,” she said, mentally canceling her lunch plans.
“Good,” Jack said.” Abbie gave Alex a demanding look. “Why don’t you and Abbie go talk to the detectives.”
Alex began to say that she couldn’t do it, but Jack insisted: “I’ll deal with Charlie. He has more ADAs than I do, anyway.”
She couldn’t argue with that. Abbie gathered her things.
They were silent on the walk to the precinct, awkward and thick. Alex couldn’t help but conjure the mental image of Abbie picking up someone, and it still made her want to laugh. She was so uptight and ruthless, Alex struggled to imagine her outside work at all, even though she’d seen it, and not just that Saturday. Abbie was attractive, very attractive. Alex found herself almost jealous that Serena had beaten her to it.
“How have you been,” Alex asked, the silence finally too uncomfortable.
“Well,” Abbie said. “And you?”
“I’ve been alright. Serena’s been alright, too.”
“That’s good,” Abbie said. After a beat, she asked, “How long have you lived together?”
“Since college.”
“I was surprised she didn’t live alone.”
Alex nodded. “We both could,” she said, stating the obvious. “But we’re good roommates, and better friends.”
“That’s nice,” Abbie said. They were silent once more. “Look, Alex, I hope I can count on your discretion.”
“Of course,” Alex said. She wasn’t one to gossip, anyway.
“I’m not ashamed of anything. But I try not to mix work with my personal life.”
“Right,” Alex said, a touch of sarcasm coming into the word.
“I’m serious,” she said. “That was an exception.”
“She’s exceptional,” Alex said. She couldn’t help herself. To her surprise, Abbie didn’t push back against the statement. “In all seriousness, of course I won’t tell anybody.”
“Good,” Abbie said. They were on the block of the precinct. Abbie opened the door for Alex when they reached it.
“It was a good search,” Lennie said emphatically. Ed shot Abbie a look that said it wasn’t. She admired his honesty, but she wasn’t happy about it.
“Well, the defense is arguing it wasn’t,” Alex said. Abbie could read Lennie’s frustration. He took a while to warm up to any ADA, let alone one so young and self-assured. Alex sighed. “Just walk us through what happened again.”
“We knocked, asked if we could come in, and he said yes. I happened to see the knife on a shelf in his living room. It was plain view, I swear.”
“He says it was on top of the bookshelf.”
“He’s a rapist and a murderer, so I’m not sure why you’re believing him over me.”
Abbie jumped in. “Ed?”
“Well,” he said. “It was on top of the bookshelf. But, the handle was visible from the doorway.”
“See—“ Lennie said.
Abbie’s face fell and Alex’s hands dropped to the side of her body.
“It has an ornamental blade,” Abbie said. “But the handle is not distinctive. And, you knew that?”
“We did,” said Ed.
“We just lost the murder weapon,” Alex said.
“Come on, counselor.”
“We’ll argue it, but Petrovsky isn’t going to go for it.”
Lennie turned around and put his head in his hands. Ed’s shoulders slumped.
“You should’ve called for a warrant,” Alex said. Abbie winced.
“And you should know we didn’t have time for that,” Ed said, passive-aggressively.
“Just,” Abbie started, trying to diffuse the tension. “We’ll get you a warrant to search his place again. Look for the coat.”
“That’s great,” Lennie said.
“Good. Gentlemen,” Abbie said. She left the room, Alex trailing just behind her.
“They’re a delight,” Alex said. It was Abbie’s turn to laugh.
“Aren’t all detectives?” She said.
Alex defended Olivia before she could think about it. “Some can be.”
She couldn’t tell if Abbie noticed. She didn’t press her, though.
“They’re just frustrated,” she said. “They’ll be over it in an hour.”
“I’m worried now,” Alex said. “Without the weapon we’re missing half of our evidence.”
“They’ll turn something up,” Abbie said. “Nash was sloppy. I bet all of his clothes are in the closet still covered in blood.”
“I can see if Benson and Stabler can help,” Alex offered.
“Good plan,” Abbie said.
“I like your new girlfriend,” Alex said, sitting down next to Serena. “I don’t know how you read that stuff.”
“It’s Agatha Christie,” she said. “She’s like the most popular author of all time.”
“I know, I know, but don’t you get enough of crime?”
“The difference,” Serena said, “is there’s always a resolution. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m on a case with Carmichael now.”
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” Serena said, only half annoyed.
“Nope,” Alex said, taking Serena’s book out of her hands. She went to the take-out menu drawer and pulled out the one from the tried and true Chinese place down a few blocks, not that she needed to look at it. Serena picked up the phone and dialed the number, not needing to look at Alex to know what she was doing.
“Hello, I’m calling to order a delivery. For Serena. Yes, the usual order, thank you. And two extra egg rolls. Mhm, that’s all. Thank you,” she said and hung up.
“We should learn to cook,” Alex said. Serena openly scoffed.
“Yeah, right,” she said. “You can’t even crack an egg.”
Alex changed into sweats and a tank top, she took her contacts out and washed her face.
“How is Abbie to work with?” Serena asked when she returned.
“First name basis, huh,” Alex said. Serena did not give in to the bait. “I’m not thrilled, but she’s fine. She knows Briscoe and Green, and I don’t. I just think this case should be all SVU’s”
“Why isn’t it?”
“McCoy has prosecuted him for a prior offense,” she said, “unsuccessfully. He’s pretty invested.”
“And Charlie doesn’t want to fight him for it. How are Elliot and Olivia taking the collaboration?”
“Well enough, considering. Liv and Green are friends.”
Serena blinked at her. “First name basis, huh?”
“Whatever,” Alex said. The doorbell rang. Seemingly as soon as the bags hit the counter, they were biting into the egg rolls.
“Fuck,” Serena said, “That’s so hot. Ow!”
“Jesus,” Alex said, “Ah!”
They looked at each other and laughed.
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 4, Scene 1 of Twisted Veronaville: Taking Down the Knights of Order
Tumblr media
Pascal: Hello?...who is this?
Sita: Yo, Pascal. Can you come back to Veronaville super quick?
Pascal: I JUST got back home! And it turns out Lazlo is missing too, plus there's aliens camping in my house who refuse to give me any information about Sixam!
???: We were born and raised here! We don't know anything about Sixam!
???: Yeah! If we were from Sixam we wouldn't be fucking camping in your house!
Sita: Woah, they're super loud.
Pascal: Yeah, I know. I've only been back for an hour, but they're already driving me insane.
Sita: Okay, well...that does sound pretty bad, but...I'll help you find Vidcund and Lazlo if you help us with this. And we'll pay for your gas, too.
Pascal: You owe me way more than that.
Sita: Tracking down prisoners captured by a high ranking military officer such as the General and then proceeding to break them out of what's likely a maximum security prison takes a lot of effort, even for a psychic. Combined with Aktu's teleportation ability, you're going to want us both on your team.
Pascal: ...Fine. I'll meet you back in Veronaville soon.
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The Knights of Order were a serious and determined bunch, but like with everyone else, they weren't without weaknesses. And in her attempt to scan the minds of everyone in Veronaville, Sita accidentally found out theirs.
Sana: I'm glad you're not mad at me for trying to stop you...even if we are on opposite sides, I do still see you as my sister.
Sita: Of course! There's no way I could be mad at my twin!...anyway, how's life? Got a girlfriend yet?
Sana: No...I don't think anyone would be interested, anyway. You were right about Nina and Dina, by the way...
Sita: (Right into my trap.) Aw, well...you can always find someone new. You know those Capp sisters? Goneril and Regan? They're recently divorced. Maybe you three can complain about your love lives together.
Sana: I guess I can...Regan and I talked for a bit at Hamza and Crystal's wedding, and she seemed nice...maybe I will! Thanks, Sita.
Sita: Of course! Anything to cheer you up!
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Crystal: (Finally, I'm home...my head is killing me...)
Aktu: Greetings, Crystal.
Sita: Hello, wench.
Crystal: Ugh, you two. What do you even want, snitch?
Sita: Oh, nothing. I just wanted to thank you for trying to sabotage the Knights of Order from the inside, even if you were mostly unsuccessful.
Crystal: ...I only did it because I wanted some entertainment.
Hamza: Chrissy? You were sabotaging us?...and what happened to you? You're bleeding! Are you okay?
Aktu: (Let's teleport out of here before we risk having to talk to Hamza again.) Congrats again on the wedding, Crystal. I should probably go now.
Sita: (Agreed.) See ya, Chrissy!
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While Sita and Aktu were dealing with Hamza and Crystal, Pascal's newfound presence had been noticed by the very person he wanted to see least.
Albany: (He's back...my dear Pascal has returned to Veronaville...)
Cornwall: Albany? Why are you using the telescope like that? The sky's upwards.
Albany: Oh! No reason! Just wanted to spy on...our bitch exes...
Cornwall: You're still not pointing the telescope the right way! You'd have to point it towards the north, not the west!
Albany: Yeah, yeah! Whatever!
Albany: (...I wonder why he's dressed like that...it reminds me of those old photos Goneril used to show me of-)
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Consort: (As if Tybalt's death wasn't enough, I now have to deal with unwanted visitors...)
Consort: (Those guards weren't supposed to let that happen. I guess I got to check it out for myself...)
Pascal: Someone order a handyman?
Consort: (...He looks so much like Patrizio, back when we...)
Pascal: Well? I don't have all day.
Hermia: (Something's up with that guy, but I'm really not in the mood to deal with all of this today...)
Consort: ...Yeah, I did. Come inside.
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*five minutes later*
Pascal: And that's the story of my first love. I'll never be able to get him back, but I can rest peacefully knowing that he's been avenged.
Consort: That's beautiful. I've lost my wife, too...to old age, but I can understand what the feeling of loss feels like. And my daughter and son-in-law were both murdered, so I understand the feeling of vengeance, too.
Pascal: (Our situations are not even REMOTELY the same! YOU caused the deaths of your loved ones!) Thank you, Consort. I can glad the patriarch of the Capp family is as kind as he is...handsome.
Consort: Oh, you flatter me.
Pascal: (And how is this plan even working?)
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Meanwhile, Zoya was occupying herself with the new hologram tech she installed in the base of the Knights of Order as a celebration of "victory," unaware of what was going on with her siblings.
Tank: Zoya?
Zoya: Yeah? What's up, kiddo?
Tank: I was just wondering about...everything, really. What exactly are we fighting for now?
Zoya: Hm...not sure, actually. We may not have succeeded in restoring the story to normal, but I think the events are just going to run as they do normally. At this point, there's nothing we can do but sit and watch.
Tank: But there's got to be other things I can do, right?
Zoya: I think it's pretty too far gone. Ripp has already done a lot of damage to the story. Unless if you're a miracle worker, there's probably no way to get Romeo and Juliette back together.
Tank: ...
Zoya: And you haven't even talked to either of them. I don't know what exactly Aktu and Sita had in mind when they said they were going to use you for their plan, but I think General Buzz getting in the way probably helped them more than they realized.
Tank: Seriously?...well, I can be just as useful as Ripp! I'll find some way to fix the story, without your help!
Zoya: Sure! Go for it!
Zoya: (I feel like I struck a nerve...I should probably apologize to him later, once he calms down...hopefully he doesn't do anything drastic.)
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
When you point out to people what olivers been trying to say this season, his 6a premiere interviews often are also forgotten. The first time he was asked about eddie and chris for s6 he acknowledged they have been important to buck's journey but was also pretty clear in saying they won't be a huge denominator for his s6 journey. He literally said they will always be a part of his life *but* that buck needs to figure stuff out himself and not always through people around him. This was pre sperm donor knowledge coming out for fandom. He made a distinct separation.
To me at that point I knew whatever story was to play out would not intertwine buck with the diaz boys as they have in the past (which was upsetting to know but it was clear people were not picking up what he was blatantly putting down - they chose to focus on the coparenting comment from the same interview instead) (I can't find the video link - not sure if you know which one I am referring to).
It's frustrating to see people claim storylines were changed completely because they were "facing potential cancellation". I wish everyone could just acknowledge the more likely truth that simply, this isn't what kristen envisaged at this point of the story - she's always blatantly said, currently, she sees them as very good friends (of course, these things are always subject to changing at any point, but she never lied to us, it's just falling on deaf ears because they ascertain this notion that they'd throw us red herrings over buddie in any attempt not to spoil canon buddie - kind of funny considering the history of this show being incredibly loose with spoiling huge developments but okay).
I love buddie spec, I love buddie, but the loops people are jumping to justify what happened or excuse it, is becoming harmful for everybody.
Ugh, nonnie. I love you. (I love you regardless, but THANK YOU for bringing this back.) First of all, gotta acknowledge everyone (including yourself) who started thinking differently about the season off the bat (where as it took me four weeks, I know) because of that interview - I absolutely remember reading the takes about Oliver separating Buck's journey from the Diaz boys and then when the sperm donor arc dropped it was like "Oh. So that's what he meant." The actual quote because I bring receipts when possible: "I think one of the things moving into season six, and you're right that [the dynamic between Buck and Eddie and Chris] will absolutely continue, is that Buck also needs to learn to take steps and make these strides forward for himself rather than always doing it through other people. So, they're always gonna be an important part of his journey, but I think it is also important that he learn to do it for and by himself." While I loved the borderline co-parent role comment because I am forever here waving my #ChristopherDiazHasTwoDads flag, YOU are right in saying that he fired a very, very early "warning shot" with the (paraphrasing) "They'll always be important, but Buck has to start living his own life."
At the time of the interview, the cast would have been working on 6x07 (the episode where Buck goes through with the sperm donation) and possibly reading an early draft of 6x08 (the title was changed the next week). So he was seven or eight scripts in, well aware of just how few Buddie scenes there would be. He knew people were gonna be PISSED, didn't he? And the rest of your ask is spot on as well. Things can change, we aren't capable of predicting the future, especially a future on a new network, but if it's left up to Kristen to tell the story...we just gotta accept her viewpoint for what it is, and that putting her in charge was/is (if things stay the way they are behind the scenes) Tim's way of shutting the potential of Buddie down without being directly involved. (Coward!)
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shastafirecracker · 1 year
Heyo! Sorry for coming into ur ask box randomly but I was thinking about one of ur responses to the last ask meme about how you have some ideas stewing on the backburner that, if you wrote them, would probably be huge and maybe more work than you could have time/energy for. if the universe was the perfect place that we deserve where we could just. beam our thoughts into a blank doc perfectly somehow, what are a couple of the things that you'd write?
aw man... well, in no particular order, I've done very rough idea-sketching for the following trigun AUs:
basically Stephen King's The Mist except a bunch of people are stuck in a diner were Vash (vagrant with mysterious past) is working as a dishwasher and Wolfwood (priest who manages the orphanage attached to a megachurch with deep corruption) is taking about a dozen kids out for lunch so that Miss Melanie can get some shut-eye. the mist happens and all sorts of dramas afflict the diner and then when a select bunch end up running for it (led by the newly-bonded-in-fire V&W) they need to traverse a town full of fog and nightmares to find Melanie, the rest of the kids, and a way to escape
seafaring AU wherein Knives and Vash are selkies and Knives stole his own twin's skin and keeps Vash imprisoned in the belly of his infamous Flying Dutchman-style ghost ship called the Ark. Wolfwood died at sea and was offered a soul-indenture deal as crew for the Ark and now he's the assistant ships' cook and has all sorts of religious trauma. he finds a mysterious naked, scarred man in the bilge and slowly unfolds the truth and vows to steal back Vash's skin, even knowing that he himself can never leave the Ark.
beauty and the beast AU with uncanny monster Vash in a thorned-in castle... parts of this ended up in my big bang fic
fae court AU where Vash and Knives are the summer & winter, seelie & unseelie double faces of the same entity, who maybe split themselves in half during (or in reaction to) a past trauma? (some of the aesthetic of this made it to the BB fic)
a fantasy prince!Vash & knight!Wolfwood AU in which the twins are supposedly the children of the late princess Rem and her husband Alex but actually they were secretly foundlings of unknown origin and it's a scandal for them to be claimed as royalty. meanwhile the king's master alchemist is doing some human experimentation bullshit on the downlow and is stealing scullery kids and orphans who muck the stables for pennies or whatever, and doing Eye of Michael nonsense to them. Wolfwood is such a success that he's quietly slipped back into palace life as a page, to act as a closed mouth and open ears to the affairs of nobles etc. He and Vash are age peers and end up running into each other and becoming fast friends over years; meanwhile Knives is uncovering the corruption in the castle and instead of reporting it, he's taking it over. this one would for real for real be way too long for me to ever write, because I was daydreaming that it would go on for like, multiple action set pieces and changes of status quo, and several decades of Vash & WW's lives, and eventually Knives would kill the king and take over, and V & WW would be the outlaw & his rogue knight, and yadda yadda yadda it's a 450K fanfic that I want to read but not write
music scene AU in which WW is stage crew and Vash is the reclusive identical twin of famous punk/glam rocker Knives (stage name), and WW finds the person he thinks is the talent wandering lost backstage and is like these goddamn stars always so goddamn high, ugh, until he chases Vash down and Vash is like ohhh no I'm just back here because my brother invited me ahaha... hi you're cute... IDK, this could be long or it could just be a short PWP of vashwood hooking up in the green room, lol
direct Green Knight AU in which Wolfwood is the fledgling knight starved for praise who doesn't actually like violence and prefers softness and comfort, but when he perceives his masculinity as being tested he goes all-in on violence and does the classic thing of beheading the Green Knight in the contest of blows. and then he goes on his journey etc etc and encounters Lord Bertilak, who would be Vash, and they play the game of exchanges of gifts, except in this version when the lady of the house gives WW a sexual favor he doesn't cheap out like the movie did and not have Dev Patel give Joel Edgerton a handjob! it was right there! come on, we were robbed! ahem. uh. yeah. a lot of this ended up in my BB fic also. XD
like a Mr & Mrs Smith comedy AU in which Vash and Wolfwood both are either criminals or one is a criminal and one is an undercover operative and they're both trying to blow the whistle on Knives' crime ring without letting each other get wind of what they're doing and it plays out for way too long before they finally realize they were doing the same thing the whole time
I did the research for this whole fuckin thing set in 1814 England of Vash having just come home from losing an arm in the Napoleonic Wars and becoming friends with the local Anglican priest who takes his confessions i.e. is just the only person he can talk to through his PTSD and also both of them agonizingly realizing that they're queer and into each other... and after doing all this research I was like, what the fuck am I doing, I don't even really like historical dramas.
Great Fall happens on a water planet??? (I mean everyone's gotta wish they could do an alternate-biome-Trigun, right? I've seen the ice planet AU art out there which is PHENOMENAL)
Vash is a high school chemistry teacher who pranks his students at least once a semester by pretending to blow up his arm, Wolfwood is a special education teacher, Milly's the coach (of everything), Meryl's the haggard and perpetually harassed economics teacher, the climax of the plot is prom and V&W goofily act out the proms of their own they never got to go to, and they fuck in a limo, idk. this one's a comedy
I think about AU ideas a normal amount
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hamliet · 1 year
Hamliet, do you know, that in the latest version of TGCF, it is made canon of Pei Ming's one sided crush with the Rain Master (when I find out, I just remember your fic 😆).
Do you ship gojo with geto? One of my latest new fav ship. I'm really sad with what happen....
Are you shocked with the latest chapter in JJK, Hamliet? I did not see that coming at all, but I'm surprised with how many hate the author/artist receice in twitter because of this.....I mean sure, I was sad but never thinking to curse the author for it.....
WHAT omg really?? I mean, I figured the subtext made it very very clear anyways, but can you tell me where this is? Peihung is an excellent slept-on ship.
Yes, I do! Again, Gojo/Geto I think is barely subtext and definitely intentional. I'm so sorry you're sad!
Alas, however, I actually predicted this from almost as soon as I read JJK. My prediction for the end has always been that Sukuna would use one of the kids to kill Gojo. The only thing was that I thought it would be Yuji, not Megumi, being used. The rest of my prediction is that Yuji will die, but if Yuji had killed Gojo I thought Megumi would have to kill him, but now I think we're going for an (ironically?) more hopeful ending where Yuji dies saving Megumi.
Although, it's not impossible for all 3 kids to survive whilst Gojo doesn't, so there is hope! JJK is also a tragedy, so I'm resigned to expecting not a happily-ever-after scenario in the end, which doesn't mean that there won't be a good deal of sweet in the bittersweet. Again, it's pro-living, not pro-suicide. If Yuji dies, it'll be something that gives life rather than a sentence of misery for Megumi.
Also, I'm kind of a pessimist about survival for characters in general, so I could well be wrong. I just generally assume the worst lol. But I also found myself very moved by this chapter.
And yeah, ugh, cursing the author for it is so... entitled. Especially because I do think this was like... not at all out of nowhere, and even if it is shocking, it's like... genuinely a well-written scene. Yeah, the aspects around it aren't so great, but it's a highlight of writing for the series imo, and especially a bright highlight compared to the past 100 chapters.
I highly recommend @linkspooky's meta on the chapter, because it kind of sums up what I think about Gojo's death!
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 5 months
Since I've been thinking about fe12 recently naturally I started thinking about my favorite fe12 character Katarina (she's like... my 4th favorite for fe overall, but since Grima/Robin and Chrom are number 1 and 2 and SO far ahead of everyone else that it's kind of unfair, she's basically second place when it comes to characters who have NOT infected me with constant and irremediable brainrot).
Specifically I'm thinking about how the scene she has with Marth when she joins and how if she had her way she would have had Marth execute her, but...
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"You're just running from your sins." MARTH GO OFF!!!
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"If you truly regret what you've done, then live. I want you to atone with your life, not your death." YES MARTH DESTROY THE REDEMPTION IN DEATH TROPE!!!
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Look, Marth might not be my most beloved fe protagonist of all time, but he gets MAJOR points for this conversation ALONE. And honestly it is all the more tragic how his descendants get so caught up in the cycle of violence and vengeance when Marth already understood that justice does not mean killing everyone who has done you wrong. Oh BOY did the exalted line ever lose the plot there.
I know Lucina is the one who gets compared to Marth most, and Tiki even says that Chrom is more similar to one of Marth's ancestors than Marth himself, but honestly Chrom's "You are yourself, before you are any man's son/daughter." really does echo "You will think for yourself and find your own answer." I think Marth would be really proud of him for that response to finding out his best friend is the child of someone who came to assassinate his sister.
And, haha, speaking of Grima brainrot...
Ugh, Robin my beloved. I want to freeze time, like, right here
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Okay, not necessarily here. This is... fair enough for a heroic sacrifice...
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Uh-huh, this tracks...
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There! Can we freeze right there? Robin what the FUCK are you saying? These two lines why I can never be at peace with the sacrifice ending no matter how you frame the narrative. "It's only right" that Robin dies with Grima??? No. No!
See, if it weren't for that specific line, we could just accept that Robin is doing something they don't really want to do and that they know will hurt people because they truly believe it's the only way to truly protect the future, but... no. When they say "It's only right we meet our end together." it becomes something else. Is this REALLY the only way to protect the people of the future (Chrom doesn't think it is. The rest of the Shepherds don't think it is either, which you can see from their lines if you choose to let Chrom land the final blow) or are you just trying to run from your past life, Robin? To escape the weight of what you've done and what you see now that you're capable of doing all over again? Is there anything heroic or even "sacrificial" if saving the world is just the convenient excuse for getting rid of yourself?
Chrom would agree with Marth's feelings. He would say "If you truly regret what you've done, then live." But he CAN'T because Robin did not reveal this extremely distressing line of thinking until the absolute last second before landing the final blow on Grima and ensuring their own death. Of course Chrom would never speak a word against Robin after that. Frankly, I think he was kind of robbed. (And kind of on purpose... When you think about it, is there really THAT much difference between Grima trying to make Robin look like a tragic hero by offering that yes/no choice to submit to them vs Robin becoming a tragic hero by "sacrificing" themself at the end of a grand final battle?)
Anyway, I would absolutely love to see a Robin/Katarina harmonic in FEH someday... I think if that ever happened, Katarina would probably say something about Robin reminding her of Kris (because Avatars) but really, Robin is so much like her that I'd just love to see them talk to each other about literally anything.
(Also, on a slightly tangential note... I know that in canon, Robin strikes Chrom with Thoron at the Dragon's Table, but I feel like as a fandom we are really missing out by not taking some artistic liberties and making it Katarina's Bolt instead. I mean. The SYMBOLISM. Especially when it comes to good timeline Robin, who might think to bring that tome to the Dragon's Table instead of Thoron because it has lower might.)
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 year
Okay, so I'm finally caught up with The Witcher 3 and as expected, most of the discourse here is about our favourite bard Jaskier and his hot lover. And while I LOVE him and Radovid, I really wanna see more discussion about the rest of show. So here's some of my favourite points/moments/whatever before vol. 2 comes out:
Yennefer genuinely trying to make amends with everyone, and becoming a better person. Her letters to Geralt?? Love them.
Ciri being not very great at magic - very refreshing to see a Chosen One™ teenage girl actually struggling and being clumsy and imperfect, and seeing her abilities improve realistically. Very tired of seeing the "trains for one week and instantly becomes a master at magic/whatever skill" trope.
On that same note, I really love that she gets to be a badass fighter, dirty and scruffy, but also still enjoys her pretty dresses and other traditionally feminine things. Girls are both, one doesn't excuse the other, and I just find that very neat.
Domestic Geralt and Yen. The dinners, the anniversary celebration, co-parenting Ciri. Hella cute 🥺
VERY interesting to see Nilfgaard seeking yet another truce with Francesca and the elves. Literally one of my favourite plot points of season 2 - Nilfgaard are the supposed "evil" ones, and yet so far are the only ones actively helping out the elves, even if with an agenda.
Emhyr burning his portraits and Pavetta's, erasing his past as Dunny. I'm very interested to see how the father dynamic parallels between him, Geralt and Ciri will play out.
Cahir, my skrunkly boy. ✨Him✨ Is he evil? Is he kinda okay? Is he actually disgusted with himself for murdering his elf boyfriend, and thus securing his position in the Nilfgaardian court, knowing that he's simply sinking deeper into Emhyr's grasp as merely a pawn, or is he just a cold-blooded army blorbo, and truly believes that the White Flame is the answer? Who knows!
Fringilla?? Living her best life as a free woman, dancing and drinking the trauma away? We love to see. Her hair looked AMAZING in the tavern scene. But please, someone give her something to do, girlie was NOT made for the streets.
Yarpen (his that his name?) is such a sweetheart, I love him 🥺
RIP Fern and her husband (am bad at names), and all that Library of Alexandria worth of knowledge and literature.
Love love love the gay uncle/rebel teenager relationship between Jaskier and Ciri. They're so funny together. Them spying on Geralt and Yen?? Fabulous.
YEN FINALLY BECAME A MOTHER. Listen, I almost teared up when Tissaia said that because, ugh. I love their friendship. And Tissaia is one of the very few people who really knows Yennefer, and how much having a child meant for her. And now she is, and she gets to be a parent with Geralt. And she's so awesome. I love that she, unlike Triss, isn't always kind and gentle with Ciri. She knows how much Ciri is struggling for control, she gets it. And she allows herself to be vulnerable and truthful with her - something that even Geralt struggles to do at times [with Ciri].
Geralt learning that his mother has died, and genuinely crying, less because of her passing, but more because he never understood why she abandoned him, and how much that hurt. Especially now that he's a father himself, and knows what true love and care and fear for a child means. Because he could never, ever hurt or endanger Ciri the way Visenna hurt him. Because there's always another way, it has to be. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this like the first time we see him cry? I don't remember if he actually shed any tears after Sodden, or when Roach died. Crazy to think he's been alive for so many decades, and yet still carries so much hurt and saddens towards his mother.
Jaskier having a crush is so cute hahaha. But also, I love the way he talks about his love for Geralt. Because sure, he's a slut (affectionately), and sure, him and Radovid? Their chemistry and connection is off the charts. But Geralt? His love for Geralt is so genuine, it runs so much deeper than people realise. It's unfair to say it's purely platonic or romantic or whatever because how can you even label a love that profound? "Family goat", AS IF BURN BUTCHER BURN ISN'T THE MOST HEART-WRENCHING, ANSTY BREAKUP SONG EVER, like okay, we all know how you really feel about Mr. Grumpy Pants. Honestly, big thank you Joey Batey, he really brings that romantic artist energy to life.
Philippa and Djikstra being in a bdsm relationship was NOT on my bingo cards. We love a dominatrix witch.
Tissaia's hair. She looks superb.
In comparison, someone please give my girl Triss some hair conditioner. Why did they let her walk around like that like, bestie, define your curls, please I'm begging you.
Vengefortz being the Big Bad - I did have a suspicion but didn't really want to believe it. What he did to those girls was atrocious and messed up, I was legitimately horrified. But also, bravo, whatever his purpose is, he pulled it off quite well.
Istred with that hair and eyeliner. Weirdly hot. Kinda wanted to see more of him.
Jaskier x Valdo Marx beef was EVERYTHING. I cackled when his trope appeared on the boat like fucking glee club. Their song on the conclave was extremely annoying tho, I did not love the constant replay of scenes.
GERALT SAID I LOVE YOU. Geralt said I love you. To Yennefer. Out loud. In public nonetheless. Gasping, clutching my pearls, screaming, crying, throwing up. I love them so much.
Yennefer serving looks 24/7 like the total boss babe she is.
Also, side note but, have you noticed that this season (so far) has had much less ~spicy~ scenes, or just generally less hyper-sexualised content, especially when it came to Yen/Geralt? Even the others, all of the sex scenes felt a lot more "plot relevant", and less "fan-servicey" than in previous seasons, which I for one really appreciate. I feel like before, especially s1, every other scene was an opportunity to show Yen's boobs or Geralt shirtless. Now it feels more, respectful? reigned in? Not that there's anything wrong with it - I'll never say no to a nice titty shot of Henry Cavill - but it can definitely take away the focus from the story, which is a shame because the plot is so rich and there's so much happening.
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thesagebrushkid · 8 months
Starting Again
So, I am trying this tumblr thing out AGAIN. I never really understood it the first time.
So, I am here main just to promote not just my art and story series The Saga of the Sagebrush kid, but also to share (with anyone who gives a fig) the history behind the series, and also some inspirational images and stuff that really gets to my heart, spirit and soul. Most of it being nature and rustic living. Sometimes its random and hard to follow and I do not expect anyone to be able to follow it and understand it. Till now NO ONE has truly understood it all. It's been mistaken by many as "fetish."
I guess in some way this whole thing is some sort of fetish, but it's not what you think. This fetish of mine is a yearning desire to just be free to live a life of adventure that I want. Just to get out of our mundane world and into this other world that does not exist and just explore. To LIVE LIFE. To be a hero, to just...ugh! How can I share in words a yearning that's built up inside me for decades now? It's not just a cowboy thing either. It's that desire to ride the waves on an old galleon, to explore the vast woodlands like a ranger, to fight mythic monster in the landscape of ancient Hellas (Greece.) To explore and find ancient treasures or travel through Africa. To walk the city at night in the rain like a detective in some old noir film. Sometimes I yearn in silence for that wild adventurous side. Other times I would love to just "gear up" (or down in some cases) and just take in the sights, sounds and smells of such scenes. Even just sitting on the beach and watching the sunset. These days the term "aesthetic" or "core" is used for such wanted lifestyles.
Yeah, I am a bit of romantic.
So, between watching movies & TV shows, as well as RPing, LARPing, meditating, crafting, cooking and my artwork, I try to get live these "aesthetic" lifestyles. Sadly, in my current financial and health state, that's about all I can do. And even then, I am VERY limited. Meanwhile this my yearning form some aesthetic lifestyle grows. Grows to the point where there are some days I actually shed a tear, because I cannot. Trapped by my health or trapped by my surroundings of what NORMAL society dictates.
Any of this making sense so far to anyone??
Am I normal doc??
Well anyway, I will not bore you anymore. Let just leave it at - This is the Sagebrush Kid. this is my OC (original character). This is his world. These are the people and adventures in his life I wish I could live. the stories and people (and even some of the events) in his life are a close, if not exact, interpretation of my own life. The rest I leave to all of your, those that wander onto my page. And maybe someday, someone that understands, who truly understands, will find comfort in what I have here.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
Andi I am so so so ... silly. Because I was literally sitting here like oh I wonder what Andi's top byler t.s. song would be.. I guess I'll never know.. :/
And then I realized i can just ask you 😭 so... What is your THE byler t.s. song?
local woman shocked that the difficult question she first asked is now being sent to her.
oh my dear, dear abby... this is a um. this is a wonderful question. and i'm not panicking at all as i suddenly cannot decide.
i feel like i'm about to cheat a little bit because um, well. the song i'm about to pick is a taylor swift feature? but she IS credited as one of the writers, so i'm going with two is better than one.
(italicized = will; bold = mike ; both)
I remember what you wore on the first day You came into my life and I thought, hey You know this could be something
ok, i love listening to this verse because it just. it reminds me of them meeting at kindergarten, and it reminds me of mike reflecting on that moment as the best thing he ever did. like obviously, neither of them knew how important this friendship would become to them when they first met, but i just love then the hindsight of the shed monologue scene and mike getting to explain how much that moment and will's friendship means to him
'Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away And now I'm left with nothing
honestly, i feel like this section right here is just both of them, like they're both in love with each other, and we all know it. and i love thinking about how much they both like each other. i mean just... it's one thing to fall in love with each other, but just the way that mike and will have been in each other's lives for so long that they know each other's strengths and weaknesses and, and they still choose each other. and idk now i'm rambling and adding more to this than is necessary because it's literally just three lines but? i'm? so emotional about it? (like the differences between like... el who didn't like mike's silly singing or anything like that and didn't really seem to care about his interests? versus will who has grown up with mike, who shares so much in common with him, who makes mike feel like he can be himself? and vice versa? UGH).
also. "mike's breath catches" 🤝 "you know that it all takes my breath away"
So maybe it's true That I can't live without you And maybe two is better than one But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
this right here is why i picked this song. obviously, it's the title of the song, but to me, it reminds me so much of how byler is a team. i love that about them. first and foremost, they are friends, and then they are romantic partners. they work as equals and value each other as such, and you can see it in the way they interact! plus, like "maybe it's true that i can't live without you" stands out to me as so s1 coded, where mike is trying to find will and going to all these great lengths to get will back. but also, then it's s4 coded with will saying to mike that in his van confession that he needs mike and he always will!
ok also the time theme here? my brain isn't fully operational right now lol, but there's something there with the bigger stranger things time theme and especially how time is associated with mike (being late to everything in the first episodes), but also then growing up and leave their childhood behind is a theme... "there's so much time to figure out the rest of my life" feels like a full circle moment where mike realizes he doesn't have to give up his childhood and doesn't have to have it all figured out. he and will have each other, and that is what matters most.
I remember every look upon your face The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste You make it hard for breathing
i mean. i just. i feel like this is so will coded. will learning and memorizing the parts of mike he loves so much. how deeply and fully will knows mike. how will loves every part of mike—all the good and all the bad. and i swear to you, somewhere there is a "will's breath catches" line SOMEWHERE or maybe there will be in s5?
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away I think of you and everything's okay I'm finally now believing
this right here, again reminds me of will. i think about how he talks in his van confession about how mike gives him the courage to keep fighting and to keep going. and i just think about how will has suffered through so much, how he's faced awful things, but how mike gives him the strength to keep going. mike, with how he loves and cares for will, reminds will that everything is going to be okay.
anyways, basically it's just the chorus repeated from here on out but one more thing:
There's so much time To figure out the rest of my life But I figured out when all that's said and done
Two is better than one
this is (obviously) almost a repeat of the other chorus, but i love the small lyric change to "i figured out when all that's said and done" because i think about byler at the end of all of this. they've been through years of hell together, and there were moments where they thought their friendship was falling apart. but at the end of all of it, after all the pain and the confusion and all the mistakes, they have each other.
honorable mentions include: crazier, seven (basic i know), evermore, and peace
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