#ugh it's so washed out
plaidpyjamas · 8 months
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kenobion · 6 months
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Andrew Garfield for Audible UK
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sharkl-e · 7 months
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pretty boy syzoth is here !!!! UGH he’s so dreamy you guys :’))) 💚
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kindaasrikal · 20 days
Love deeply platonic relationships where two individuals are practically platonic soulmates who care for each other deeply and have changed each other’s life significantly.
Hate it when the fandom sees is as romantic tho.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
Number eight!!!!!
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i need frank to wear makeup again please~🎃
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cptnbg · 4 months
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Seriously why does this look so bad???? I feel like I just don't have the skills to push this over the point of mediocre rendering. Meanwhile I've started to draw an entirely different version just to see how it would look and I want to pursue this one instead. But that would be falling into my usual work flow and I'm trying to push myself here so wtf am I supposed to do????
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
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mildmayfoxe · 2 months
alright i got the new ac in 👍 disconcertingly it seems like the temp display works differently on this one (only displays set temp instead of read temp of room) (it’s the same kind as my old one, just a newer model) and it turned off really fast instead of cooling to set temp. i got it to cool more by turning it down lower than i usually do but the other one used to cool to basically the set temp so it’s annoying that this one seems like it’ll have trouble doing that. shouldn’t be a huge issue bc i don’t tend to keep my room colder than about 75 so as long as it can manage that even if it has to be set lower nbd. i might also try to reset it and see if that helps but it’ll be some experimenting to see what new setting i need for the temperature i want. also it rattles more than my old one and i let in a fly when i had my window open 😐
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zhongrin · 3 months
it's hackathon week next week and there are so many things i need to do (passport renewal, accommodation stuff, dental appointments, packing for flight, chores, etc), so i apologize if i'm kind of inactive or off in this blog or discord!!
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ssreeder · 3 months
newest chapter reminded me of like a beach episode in anime where it’s fun low conflict that still moves the plot along yes yes
also don’t know bout you but i’m getting never ending rain which yay but also ew cause it makes outside Worse. now a flashback to book one with sokka out tied up to the pole in the rain 😑
i sit Patiently for the next chapter Patience is a Virtue
yeahhh hehe last chapter was my beach episode. It was a fun mix of ‘ugh they’re so annoying’ & ‘awwww I lub them’
once again Jee has stolen the show, he’s definitely beach episode material haha.
I’m actually fine with the rain, I have lots of grass and trees so it’s happy for the feeding!! … my biggest concern is the hurricanes already acting up and what that means for our upcoming season ahhh…
dum dun dunnnnnnnnnnn….
& I love that you’re being patient because you’ll need to be this chapter is being difficult (i blame iroh & zuko)
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deklo · 7 months
my poor little dog is so sad and uncomfy lately :( he was doing so well but whatever is wrong with him is back and now he’s MISERABLE
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alluralater · 8 months
the thing about being half caucasian is that when i don’t get enough sleep i look SO pale, which looks very strange because my features are very much that of a mixed girl. so it’s like- melanin siCkNess, is how i look rn. plus im chronically anemic (supposed to get blood transfusions twice a year but i don’t bc im terrified of my body rejecting it. like no it’s not super common but the more blood transfusions you do, the higher the likelihood is that it WILL happen so i don’t wanna risk it. i’d rather pass out in public places from the lack of oxygen to my brain again) and now it’s like- mf got me lookin like a tim burton character with freckles. i may or may not be on my period too (i am) and my roommate was saying i look really tired because i have bad dark circles under my eyes lately and im looking washed out. it’s definitely my period because when i was doing cardio yesterday on the treadmill i felt like i was going to be sick at the fifteen minute mark but not from being tired, just from the onset of “lack of oxygen” nausea that hits me when all my blood moves to the outer parts of my body and away from my brain. i had to stop today for a few minutes and when i looked in the mirror in the locker room i was SO pale it was wild. anyways all this to say, i would like the sunshine to return posthaste + i need more blood in my body. does anyone know a reverse vampire?? they bite me and i get blood?? or wait maybe it’s easier to find a vampire to turn me into one?? what happens if i have severe anemia and i get turned into a vampire??
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macroglossus · 15 days
going to a family reunion tmmw and i know for a fact that i will be the only one masked. which won’t even matter bc none of my immediate family (that i live with) will mask either. epic!
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lottiies · 30 days
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cxpperhead · 11 months
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Quick update regarding life stuff! Had a couple of days off to recuperate and rest up but I'm still sick with whatever nasty cold is going around. It's back to work tomorrow though so activity will be scarce a little longer 'til then. ♥
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Saw some cool mushrooms while I was out at work... Behold them
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