#ugh my baby Nadia
idealisticrealism · 4 months
TCL 3x10 thoughts
The main things: 
The ep starts immediately after last ep, then goes to the next morning and takes place over just one day. Nadia also says it’s been ‘an eventful few weeks’ since she made the deal to buy the house (which was in 3x01, so the entire season has taken place over around 3 weeks)
One of my favourite things about this series, and about Thony specifically, is that she’s not only an unintentional angel of death for the people around her, but also for criminal empires?? Literally this show is full of seasoned criminals who thrived for years in the darkest parts of the Vegas underworld, and then they encounter Thony, and boom! Down they go. Hayak. Cortes. Kamdar. (Even Arman, in a slightly different way). And now it looks like Sin Cara is next… honestly the Feds should be falling at her feet in gratitude haha 
Lol at Thony and Fi’s little bit of theatre for Jeremy as they set up their own little ‘sting’ for him. Thony actually nearly breaking and laughing at Fi’s ranting for a second was so cute, because while this is a serious situation, it is a bit bizarre to think that this is what their life has become. And this scene was so worth it just to get to watch two skilled actors having to pretend to be bad at acting… moments like this are always fun, like a kind of act-ception haha. Ngl it’s a good thing that Thony confronts Jeremy by the end of the episode though, bc I doubt it would have taken much longer for him to notice something was up, with all the dramatic conversations happening right in front of his bugs while and other conversations were hushed under the cover of super loud TV/music. Not to mention the suspiciously intentional-looking plumbing emergencies lol (seriously Thony?? A hammer??? lol).  To be fair though, Fi’s acting did improve a lot by the end, with their clever little ploy to make Jeremy think Thony was on her way to kill Nadia. That entire sequence was done well– even though anyone who has been watching the show for more than like a week would know that Thony would never kill Nadia (at least while literally any other option existed), it was still enjoyable to experience the ‘suspense’ that the creative team set up regarding Nadia’s fate. I just hope that she can make it through the finale… 
Honestly I love the deliberate continued theme in this show of Thony being caught between worlds, and the constant push and pull of ‘good vs evil’ and ‘power vs vulnerability’. It’s why, despite all her efforts, she can never quite escape the criminal world, and she can never quite escape the hold of the FBI either. And they’re often tied up together, too– to protect herself or someone she cares about from one, she reaches out to the other. In late s1, Arman helped protect her from the FBI by agreeing to be an informant, and in turn she was part of the plan to protect him from both the FBI and Hayak. In S2, she agrees to inform for the FBI again in order to protect Arman and keep him out of prison. And now, she’s making that same deal– and risking her own safety– but for Nadia this time. To me, though, I think that she’s reached a kind of ‘fool me once’ situation with the FBI, and though she says she’s going to help then take down Sin Cara, I think she is actually going to be following her own agenda, and using the ties she has to both the cartel and the FBI to manipulate them into taking each other out, and leaving her being the only one left standing. And god I hope that’s where things are headed bc I would be so here for it.
I really wish we’d been able to see a lot more of Thony and Nadia’s relationship this season, because it’s so compelling and complex and I’ve loved every moment they’ve shared so far. Nadia’s “oh no” at seeing Thony walking into the club was hilarious; they haven’t seen each other in the week or so since the wake, but Thony showing up at the club looking deathly serious is never a good sign. I loved that they were immediately like ‘ok bye Jorge the grownups need to talk’ tho lol– he may have formed connections with both of them, but he hasn’t gotten to this level of club membership yet. Thony’s first question to Nadia (“Did you cut a deal with the feds?”) felt like an interesting tie-in to the events of earlier eps, given that it was exactly what Nadia asked her at the wake– tbh these two must feel like they’re on a merry-go-round or something, and it’s all because they just haven’t been completely open with one another!!! But finally, here, they’re starting to be, even if it’s too goddamn late now (*adele voice* we could have had it aaaaaalll). But anyway ughhhh “All I wanted was to find Arman, like you. I wanted to protect him.” Honestly Nadia acknowledging/accepting Thony’s genuine love of Arman has been one of the parts of this season that I have appreciated the most. These two women are bonded by that love, which is why Thony telling Nadia she should have come to her is such a punch in the gut, because you can see her pain and regret, her utter dismay at the fact that her preoccupation with her own family (getting Fi and Chris back, preventing Luca from being taken away) led her to overlook what was going on with Nadia– aka with Arman’s family– and now she has let down the only other person Arman truly loved. And I think she went to La Habana fully intending to warn her, but then it became clear that Nadia wouldn’t listen to her even if she did try to pose the fake-death plan (“You always think you know everything. But you don’t”), and would’ve almost certainly tried to run instead, endangering both of them. So instead Thony tries once more to talk Ramona out of it (unsuccessfully, of course), and ugh when she says she wants to take care of Nadia herself “For Arman” and she squeezes her eyes shut as she says his name… the grief of losing him is still so goddamn fresh and now she’s terrified she’s going to fail him by not being able to save Nadia in time. But that’s the thing about Thony– she never gives up on the people she loves. And because of Arman, that group includes Nadia. 
Nadia’s reaction to Thony striding straight into her house (literally how does Thony even know where that is?) is so funny bc she doesn’t even get angry, it’s just like mild exasperation as she tries to convince Thony to leave. That is, until her brain catches up and suddenly she just stops and says “What’s happening?” because she knows Thony, knows that she wouldn’t actually barge in like this without a damn serious reason. When Thony tells her the danger she’s in, she believes her immediately (ugh her panic was hard to watch) and immediately begs for Thony to help– because while they may have a complex relationship, she knows that Thony is the only person she has left who actually cares what happens to her, and she also knows that Thony is clever and capable and holds a surprising amount of power, and often does manage to fix things even when a situation seems impossible. Which is exactly what Thony does next– and while I wish that Thony had explained to Nadia about what she was going to do, so Nadia didn’t have to have those brief moments of terror and betrayal before she lost consciousness, I get that it had to be written this way or it would have spoiled the twist. But oh man, even though I knew  Thony wouldn’t kill her and that she was going to be fine, the relief at seeing her wake up on that couch was still so damn real, phew. Eva did an amazing job with Nadia’s emotions on waking up, from utter confusion to a mix of relief, gratitude and anger. The scene between her and Thony in Jeremy’s lair felt like it was cut off midway through, which I guess means that they’re going to pick up exactly where they left off in the finale next week, like this was actually a 3-part finale rather than a 2 parter, and I can’t wait to see more of the Nadia/Thony dynamic next week.
And given my love for both Nadia and Thony, gotta say I do love how much Ramona herself has shown genuine admiration for both women, for their competence, intelligence, determination, fortitude, their coolness under pressure, and their desire for power. (Like in her conversation with Ramona, Thony would always deny that desire, but tbh people who want a simple family life do not become cardiac surgeons. Much like being a cartel leader, it’s a profession that provides money, prestige, authority, and a near-godlike ability over life and death– ergo, power). Anyway, Ramona’s entire art collection, her life, is centred around women with those traits, and tbh in another life I think these three incredible women could have become an unbeatable team that ruled Vegas together. Ramona saw that possibility and tried to make it happen, only for both of them to reject her, and now… well, I think we are heading for a ‘this town ain’t big enough for the both of us’ situation, and lbr it’s going to be Thony that’s the one left standing
Honestly I love that I have written a bunch of words already for this ep, and it’s all been about women– that’s one of the true gifts of this show, how much it focuses on women and their stories and their relationships. In the earlier seasons it was mostly just focused around Thony and Fi’s characters, but after the loss of Adan, and having a female villain for a change (two if you count Russo), the focus on women has definitely expanded and been even more apparent this season. I’m sad that it’s looking unlikely that Ramona or my baby Nadia will return next season, because they deserved to have more of their story told. Still, I’m clinging to the hope that Nadia may somehow return, and I’ll get more of the amazing Thony & Nadia dynamic that we all deserve
Anyway I guess I could talk about a boy now– though given that he is literally surrounded by women in his life, Jorge is an honorary girl to me lol. It was cute to see him so excited about all the hotel stuff, from his big spiel to Nadia to all the proposal materials in his office– looks like he’s finally found his own path, not just the one Ramona chose for him. (Though holy shit it’s so messed up that the corporate world is literally the best place to hide illegal activity, wow). I found it hilarious that when Jorge was trying to sell Nadia on the hotel idea and saying all this stuff about how she’ll be the face of it etc, the picture very clearly shows he’s planning to call it ‘JS hotel’ lol. So she’s the face but it’s named after you?? Hmmm. Also geez he laid it on a little thick with the flattery there, but I guess it worked, because you could see how smitten she was with the hotel idea. And I can understand how some people might interpret that as her being smitten with him, but I genuinely don’t think so. First of all, she lost the man she loved literally like a week and a half ago; there’s no way that she has even the slightest inclination to look at anyone romantically right now. Plus, the show has already established that she’s incredibly good at reading people. She knows he’s trying to manipulate her in order to access her money, but in her life, that’s just a demonstration of good business skills. She sees what working with him can give her, and she wants it. In S1 she says to Arman “What do we own? Nothing”-- I think it’s hugely important to her character to actually be in possession of something big, to be the owner, not just the manager, to remove herself as far from the powerless girl from the Argentinian slums as she can. Anyway I love that one of his arguments is that she’ll be ‘set for life’ if they do this… because apparently already having 50 million dollars isn’t being set for life??? Man, what a world they live in haha. Anyway with it seeming unlikely that Nadia will be around next season, I wonder if the hotel will still somehow happen in S4? Maybe somehow Thony gets involved with it, though I don’t really see her wanting any part in something like that… tbh my main concern is that we might not get to see the La Habana set next season :(
Seeing Jeremy’s reaction to being burned was so satisfying. Not so clever now, are you, buddy?? Got outsmarted by a civilian just like Garrett did, and now you’ll be working with her, just like Garrett… but unlike Garrrett, she has zero regard or sense of obligation toward you, and so you may think she’s gonna work with you and follow your orders, but think again. She’s just going to bide her time until she has you right where she wants you, and then she will completely fuck you over, because you betrayed her family and took the man she loves, and that’s what you deserve. Be grateful if you walk out of all of this alive. 
Other stuff:
Omg Fi going for the baseball bat to take out the smoke alarm. Someone has issues with impulsivity haha. Tbh her and Thony’s entire relationship is just the two of them taking turns holding each other back from doing something stupid and I love it
Ugh seeing Nadia standing all alone in that huge empty house, talking about how it’s time to put the past behind her and have a fresh start… and then later saying to Jorge that she just wants to be free… and then Thony telling her at the end that she’s free and she tells Thony that she took her whole life form her… ugh stop giving me stressful foreshadowing here writers. If Nadia has to go, write her out by having her run away into the sunset with her millions. Don’t make me watch her die twice!!!!!!!!!
I didn't initially remember seeing Ramona and Russo cross paths at La habana, but @gsue74 reminded me that they glimpse each other across the club the first time Ramona goes there, and Ramona noticed the way Nadia reacted to her arrival. Well done of the writers to plant that in 3x04 to come back up now. Anyway I do enjoy Russo’s sassiness though. It was never super obvious before bc she was always having to play the serious one keeping Garrett in line, but I think I see why they got along lol
Oh boy the agent that scared Violeta really fucked up lol, like maybe don’t piss off a super powerful cartel leader??? Dude’s gonna be feeding the fishes in the Hoover Dam in no time lol
 I love that the proposed hotel site is completely in the middle of nowhere, like too bad if the guests want to visit any other part of Vegas haha. Though I guess that might be entire point, to make it like a one-stop shop so guests will spend all their time and money in the one place lol
JD is such a cutie. Loved him taking advantage of a free weekday to bring thoughtful gifts for his bae. Lol at Fi shutting him up with a kiss– she really needs to go somewhere private and tell him everything though, bc he needs to know so he doesn’t inadvertently screw things up for them again. 
I really felt for Fi when she found the immigrant worker house empty– this show is always full of painful near-misses in terms of timing, but at least in this case there’s still the hope that Thony will be able to use her sway over Jorge to find Camila and Gisele
Anyway ugh the promo for the finale looks so good… Nadia at Thony’s house, wearing borrowed clothes while Thony makes a plan to get her her money back… Jorge apparently being there too and helping them… Thony in a fancy dress, shooting a gun… it might be Ramona’s assassin guy that she shoots (one of the clips looks like he could be fighting with Jeremy) but man it would be cool if it was actually Ramona or Jeremy that she shoots, and honestly I’m so down for either of those options. Maybe she even does it to protect one of them from the other– like maybe she shoots Ramona to save Jeremy, which would mean she’d probably get pardoned by the FBI for everything. Or she shoots Jeremy to save Ramona, making Ramona extremely grateful, and as a result Ramona makes sure the shooting never ties back to her, and brings her into Sin Cara in a position of power…. Either way it’s going to make for an interesting S4!  
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nadvs · 1 month
omg do u think u could write like a little blurb about cam girl alt ending — i literally just finished re-reading all ur rafe fics and the alt ending to cam girl ate so bad— what do u think it would be like maybe them running into each other again, and rafe moving on and eventually getting a girlfriend (even though he doesn’t want to ever let a girl in again) and what it would be like seeing him move on….
and like how she’s really hurt by it and then he sees that and maybe gets into a fight with her…. omg maybe he finds out she slept with his friend. LOL idk i just love the way you wrote angst and also i started watching the show ‘baby’ on netflix and ughhhh it kind of parallels the vibe between fiore and ludo ( idk if you’ve watched but you have to nadia it’s so good) but ya idk nothing long but i just love hearing ur thoughts on things yk
first of all, can’t even tell you how much i appreciate rereads!! the fact that readers want to come back to my fics?? nah because 😭 THANK YOU ANGEL
OHHHH this is so good omg rafe getting a kook gf and it being such a surface relationship but he needs to move on and when she sees him with her, it breaks her heart because of course he’s with a rich girl… ugh and his friend bragging about hooking up with the maid (atp, his buddies still don’t know rafe’s fling was with her) (and maybe his friend is completely lying about it but wants to look badass) and rafe loses his mind over it 🙂‍↕️ on my ‘to write’ list!!
i haven’t watched baby but it just jumped to the top of my list!! i’m almost done maxton hall and no honestly the rich/poor trope is always gonna do it for me like i love the angst of them coming from two totally different worlds!!
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teenagemilkshakefan · 2 months
Ookayyy let's go so my first elite (let's say review) was after watching just 4 episodes and forming a holy shit amount of opinions for every character coz boy was I wrong..anyways I just finished 3 seasons of elite!.. like wow can't believe that. so let's talk about it. Firstly I get that this is a murder mystery show but like do we get someone or the other getting killed of in the end or like what? okay first things first I said some wild things about some of my babies and i really wanna retract my statement because these people are my babies.. guzman, lu, omar and ander lord i had absolutely no idea that there characters would be here now, like god! okay nadia and guzman I was shipping it then and I am shipping it now (although they broke up, but fuck that! they're still together for me) yeah, so like, believe me no one I repeat not a single person saw the whole nadia and lu friendship coming , like it literally hit me and I was like wha-
THE throuple ended, some people died and we got our second favorite couple - samuel and carla!! aghhh they were soo cute. love them so much! just fyi if you also love them, then don't see the short stories they literally broke up every single couple in there) now coming back to the elephant in the room- POLO*** jesus but I from a hundred miles away could not even think this was gonna happen, like my 1st update is evidence of that, I was so indifferent towards him coz I just didn't care! he was a sidekick imo but somehow this guy even after MURDERING someone made me feel sympathetic for him!! for a murderer like how did they do that!? Polo's death actually made me cry more than marina's ( never liked her but still). He was going through so much . He was in pain. like watching him struggle through life was insanely difficult and his mom supporting patriarchy after being in a lesbian relationship was another level of rage for me. But boy the guy did have a thing for throuples (I am still wrapping my head around the first one) ooh and newbies-- cayetana ,rebeka ( not sure i spelled it right), valerio (*heart eyes*) oh and emir ( idk if that's the name but carla's rich bf) These people somehow pulled the rug right out of my feet. Valerio was in the headlines in s2 and s3. Firstly s2 the whole thing with lu..ooh but that was a bit (no actually very much) weird. Let's not go there. Yeah and the whole cayetana thing..nicee ( as in story wise not in disrespecting your mother for her work wise) i don't really like her tbh but I have a strong gut feeling that I would eventually end up loving her. I still wanna say sorry to guzman. You're the best srsly. samuel I love you, but what you did to rebeka was wrong. So fuck you ( but like gently) yeah uhm rebeka.. okay so new story and lots of drama *widens eyes* obv I love her like how could anyone NOT love her. She's a total babe. ugh this is getting really long okay yeah so about my future elite plans...? none for now, I feel like s3 ended on a good note for me. And if I am being honest. I dug up a bit and found out that samuel and guzman have some beef over a girl in s4 and I am def not in the mood for seeing there friendship get messed up. So yeah for now it's a goodbye to elite. I feel like there should be one more update coz I missed some major plot points like the whole ander and omar thing, and nadia's dad and yeah lu and party scene but *shrugs* let's see.
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
Ooo more you say 👀? May I ask again for 3, 4, and 5 for the Oto-may ask game please 🥰?
Yay~! More questions for me to answer and talk about!
3) Funny moment
Okay, I want to share not just a funny moment. But by far the funniest moment I've encountered across the otomes I've played because. Buckle up folks is it a weird one!
Our scene takes place in Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo.
In this world, everyday items can take on human forms as Formfolk/Vessels (the difference doesn't matter for now). One of these tools-turned-humans is the love interest Ohtaro.
And then we have our heroine, Suzuno. She has special powers that let her see emotions and purify monsters born of negative emotions. In Ohtaro, she also gains the ability to see into someone's past by performing intimate acts.
Suzuno gets some flashbacks and figures out that Ohtaro is connected to her mother (he was a belonging of the mother's). And so to learn the full truth, she finds Ohtaro in a field and just...
Goes for the kiss, right then and there.
And the thing is, the flashback lasts as long as the kiss does. The text of the game outright says that Suzuno "comes back to reality" and she's still kissing Ohtaro when that happens. So my brain now has the image of Suzuno and Ohtaro making out sloppy style just so Suzuno can learn about her mom.
That alone is funny enough.
But it gets funnier because...
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Now Kyoshiro likely means that the team has been watching Suzuno and Ohtaro's interactions for the past several days. But I also imagine that they followed Suzuno to the field and saw her and Ohtaro making out for who knows how long.
They just let it happen and only stepped in after they were done making out down memory lane.
4) Most annoying character
Not to hate a child character... But Ru from Variable Barricade can shut up. I'm trying to focus on Shion being a loving and doting suitor and then Ru comes barreling in like "senpai! Please help me get hired by the photographer that you used to model for!"
I know the kid wants to be famous and is trying to network. But goodness gracious, why must he be present in the route? I still don't get why he's there. I think the route could function just fine since Hibari can still insist that Shion go back to his old job and he can make a drama of it. ALL WITHOUT THE CHILD THERE!
But no. I have to put up with the kid.
It's not that I don't like child characters who appear in otomes. I adore Nadia (Virche Evermore) and Kariya (Cafe Enchante). But maybe it's because Nadia is literally integral to Lucas's life while Kariya consistently involves himself in every route. And then Ru is a random internet celebrity showing up in Shion's route and it's so ugh to me.
5) Sad moment
Hngh... (sniffles and wipes tears) Lucas... My man... He's abso-fucking-lutely hated by the writers because WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY?!?!?!?
The scene where the story flashes back to Lucas's past... Oof. Lucas ran away from home with his sister Nadia when he was 14 and her 4. She was sick and on the verge of death. No doctor could figure it out. Most agreed she was doomed to die. And the siblings' parents figured that the only way to let her live would be to clone her which... is a problem for various reasons.
So Lucas just picks up little Nadia and walks off with her, desperate to find help anywhere. They get caught in the rain and Lucas laments how he and his baby sister can't live normal lives. That the conditions of their birth were a cruel trial from God.
It's really not fair knowing that all Lucas wanted for him and his sister was a normal life and since the very beginning, all they really had was each other. Not even their parents had their backs.
It breaks my heart...
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queenofgraveyards · 2 years
hi i’m so sorry i’m drunk and i’m late but my thoughts on bambi are as followed: ugh i’m also perioding and emo so i’m not even ashamed to say i cried. i love that ivy was the first person nadia wanted to go to and she’s so sweet and baby and thinking if i had to go thru that at 16 is so fucking scary; i love that that their relationship is alluding to really looking up, i think they both need eachother. ivy really is that bitch about to be in a country for the first time AND a homeowner wowiwiw i hope she is a nervous flyer but not like an anxious flyer , i’m sure harry can find a way to calm her down with his fingers if she gets a little panicky. i just love them and am so sad for this story to be over but am also so proud of you !!! (also thinking of a heartbroken niall makes me want to sob so i’m choosing to ignore his characters existence rn)
i am OBSESSED with this message and also having to get ready for work so when i get to work I’m going to answer this properly I just didn’t want u to think I was ignoring you KDNWKSNSN
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zeleniafiic · 5 years
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moodboard: nadezhda zima // nadia barnes
w e a p o n s    do  not    w e e p
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httpjupiterbby · 3 years
Nat and r watching a movie until Nadia wants more of Nats attention and then it starts the I’m her favorite argument but then the next time they do something together it’s the other way around. Maybe the favorite actually ends up being yelena tho?
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a/n: i’m seriously loving these blurbs, also last one for the night. i’m exhausted. I also realize I didn’t really go by the request, im sorry 😣
pairings: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, natasha romanoff x oc!daughter, fem!reader x oc!daughter, yelena belova x oc!niece
warnings:18+ family fluff, nadia being cute, auntie yelena
part one || part two
“Mama” Nadia comes waddling to Natasha who say on the floor in Nadia’s room, you sat in the corner on a bean bag.
“Yes, baby?” Natasha looks down at her, smiling. Nadia shows her, her baby doll she held in her hand.
“I love your doll, baby”
Nadia smiles, taking the doll back and walking away again before walking back with one of her puffs she had left on the floor.
“Mama” Nadia holds the puff to her mouth.
“Thank you, lovie” Natasha takes it from her fingers, eating the cheesy puff, “mm so good”
The little redhead walks away, completed with her mission, then comes back again a couple minutes later, walking back to Natasha, holding her Hawkeye doll to Natasha wanting her to hold him, “Mama”
“I’ll protect him, baby” Natasha tells her, taking the doll from her baby and holding the doll in her lap. Nadia walks away, going to her little kitchen she got for Christmas.
“Mama” Nadia walks to Natasha, holding out her hand to her.
“Here you go” Natasha hands her back the action figure.
“Lovie, mommy’s here too” You pout at your baby, wanting her attention. You had been watching their interactions the whole time and felt a little sad your little love didn’t come to you.
“Mommy’s just jealous because hopey isn’t giving her attention” Natasha smirks at the sight of you pouting.
“Well yeah! I’m chopped liver right now” You tell her, crossing your arms.
“Sorry, baby, must suck not being her favorite” Natasha shrugs, glancing at Nadia.
“Her favorite?! Um, no. You are not her favorite” You scoff at her, rolling your eyes. Favorite my ass.
“Um, yeah. I am”
“No, you’re not”
“Yup” Natasha nods as Nadia comes to her, giving her a hug, “Mama”
“See” Natasha grins proudly, hugging her baby while you pout rolling your eyes.
“Mommy” Nadia points at her bottle, wanting it.
You look at what she’s pointing at and grab it, handing it to her, “Here you go, lovie”
Nadia happily waddles away to the living with her Mama, taking a sip of her water, head tilt, still walking, skills.
Nadia comes back into the kitchen and points at her puffs, “Mommy”
“What do we say?” You look down at her,
“Peas” She looks up at you with puppy eyes.
“Ugh you are just the cutest baby” You cup her cheeks, giving her nose a kiss before letting her go, handing her the snack cup full of baby puffs, “here, my love. Sit on the floor”
Nadia takes the cup and goes to the living room again, sitting on the floor in front of Natasha, who’s sitting on the couch watching the whole encounter,
Soon, Nadia leaves her puffs alone and gets up, waddling back into the kitchen, calling out to you, “Mommy” She walks to you, hugging your leg.
You smile and play with her curls, leaving a kiss on her head, “Thank you for the hugs”
“Is this how you felt?” Natasha groans, pouting wanting the attention from her green eyed girl.
“Yes, sucks to suck now doesn’t it. Told you, I’m her favorite” You smirk, crossing her arms, looking at her.
“Pfft as if, I’m obviously her favorite” She rolls her eyes at you, “I give her 10 grapes instead of six” She tells you, proudly.
“Well I give her 15 baby puffs so I’m definitely her favorite” You continue smirking at her.
“Whatever you say, sweets”
“Okay so I’m gonna set her in the middle of us” Natasha explains to you, as you three stand in the backyard, “both of us will call her and see who she runs to, okay?”
“Okay” You nod, fiddling with your fingers.
Natasha peck your lips, “Whoever wins, just now that I still love you”
“Mm I love you too” You smile and kiss her, “I’m going to win” You whispered against her lips.
“We’ll see about that” She winks pulling away from you, putting Nadia down on the grass, then stepping away from her. Nadia looks at both of you, confused.
“Ready?” Natasha asked you.
“Hopey, come to mama” Natasha calls for Nadia, who turns to her smiling, walking to her, ‘Mama’
Quickly, you bend a little holding out your arms to her, “Babylove, come to mommy”
Nadia turns away from Natasha, looking at you with the same grin, and starts walking to you.
“Hopey” “Lovie” You both call for her, she turns to Natasha then to you.
“Come to mommy” You call for her again, seeing her then away from you, “no, come to mama, come on” Natasha calls out.
“Yeye!!!” Nadia’s eye catch Yelena, who had just walked into the backyard looking for the family.
“What?!” You both stand watching as Nadia runs to her Auntie Yelena.
“Hello, my crazy girl” Yelena smiles, picking her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek before looking at you and Natasha noticing your sunken expression, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“We were trying to see who’s Nadia’s favorite” Natasha sighs, crossing her arms.
“Well obviously it’s me, I mean she did come to me” Yelena laughs, tickling Nadia who giggles in glee, “and when am I not someone’s favorite”
Glaring at her sister, Natasha huffs “Put her down”
“Put her down and we’ll see if you’re right” She says, moving to stand next to you, two against one.
“Okay” Yelena shrugs and puts Nadia on the ground before stepping away from her.
“Come here, lovie” “Come to mommy and mama” You and Natasha call for Nadia who just stares at you both before turning around from you and running to Yelena again, who smirks.
“no no no no” Natasha groans, closing her eyes, not wanting to see her baby pick someone else that isn’t her.
“Told you” Yelena smirks at the both of you as she holds Nadia on her hip, “Now, me and my favorite girl are going to watch Bluey” She says and turns around walking into the house leaving you and Natasha in the backyard.
taglist 🏷
@orang3-ish @selluequestrian @marrymemcgrath @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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spiderlingh · 2 years
Élite Season 5 Review
‘cause why not? obviously contains spoilers.
so i wasn’t planning on watching this season after the mess that was season 4
EVERYONE currently in this show is so fucking annoying.
even samu. and that man had some great character development in the past
except for rebe. my beloved
cayetana baby i thought we were over spending our time with shitty men babe???
anyway. onto the new ones. and old new ones.
old new ones;
patrick - still don’t like him
mencia - yoooo i thought this chick was annoying last season (n everyone thought she was a baddie? like no baby) but to me she was even more unlikeable now!
ari - miss girl i liked you during the first 3 episodes why tf are you cheating on samu ???
benjamin - this is the worst fucking character in the show. this man is the equivalent of arturo from la casa de papel for me. jesus christ someone summon polo from the dead or lu from new york so either of them can rip that man’s head off
philippe - ugh i hate him but glad he at least had the decency to stand up for isadora after the events in ibiza
new new ones;
isadora - annoying as shit for the first five episodes! tho i gotta admit i like how they portrayed her struggle with addiction. hated what happened to her later on :((
portugese man whose name i could not bother remembering - thoroughly dislike him! screwing a taken girl? u ain’t cute! (and his actor, a white man, has repeatedly said the n-word on camera! so that’s a no from me)
black guy whose name i also don’t remember - don’t like him. bro what even was the point this man appeared for 2 scenes lmaooo
onto basic things;
i want the old inspector back?? but i bet that lady was just done w all this las encinas bullshit lmao
i have disliked omar since like season 2 or something and this man just keeps digging his own damn grave…
this season was so boring ugh
why do they keep making things bigger and grander? parties, origins of the characters? not a vibe
at first it was just about the kids of lawyers, diplomats, marchionesses, et cetera
now everyone is a prince? or super famous? or owner of ‘several businesses and half of ibiza’ at fucking seventeen or whatever age these kids are?
obviously this isn’t the number one show to pick based on realism but it’s so over the top that it just icks me
the amount of inappropriate age gap relationships the past two seasons has only gone up and i certainly do not approve. yikes
sex scenes lack everything a good sex scene should have! it’s just awkward to watch at this point
i know that samuel is one of the least liked characters of the show but i actually really like him (ever since s2 came out)… so seeing him end up dead (it’s not confirmed but i highly doubt he’s alive) hit harder than i expected. after all the shit he’s been through, he ended up being another victim. i know they had to write him off somehow because itzan is not returning for season 6 but man… i’d truly hoped for his happy ending. fuck.
i’m sorry but none of the characters that were introduced to us after season 2 seem to have any kind of depth. that is, unless you count daddy issues! (i have those too babe. you’re not special.)
season 1 to 3 were so much better. a popular opinion, as i’m aware, but fucking hell does it need to be said. it feels like an entirely different show now.
i miss truly interesting characters. polo, carla, lu, guzman, nadia. hell, even marina and nano. christian. i miss them.
the storyline was better, the murder mystery was better, it was all connected and so captivating and well written.
the costumes were better and more fitting (they become more and more ridiculous with each season). soundtrack used to be much better. I MISS IT DUDE.
even the acting/casting has gone downhill. none of the new actors speak to me in any way whatsoever, definitely not like the old cast did.
netflix should’ve ended it with season 3. everything came to a close with everything surrounding marina’s death being revealed, carla confessing and polo dying, just after guzman forgave him. it could’ve been a perfect ending.
anyways, i’m gonna rewatch season 1 and 2 because they’re still as fun for me to watch as the first time i watched them.
not sure whether i’ll be watching the upcoming season. but you’ll hear from me then ;)
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy reading your takes on the main 6.
Anyways could I request the main 6 with a MC that is a adrenaline junkie? Just loves to do anything that makes their adrenaline start pumping?
If you can't it's fine and thanks for making these hc!
it’s no problem! i’m glad you like my blog <3
(i hope this is what you imagined?? i’m writing this when i’m very tired so—)
M6 with an s/o who is an adrenaline junkie
Tumblr media
slight adrenaline junkie themselves but it’s not that bad yk
now if ur a crazy adrenaline junkie then whew
they mostly just laugh and tell you to be careful
if it’s absolutely too dangerous he just kinda…holds you by the waist
it’s almost like when you tell a dog to stay-
if you manage to escape i give you a farewell and congratulations
faust is always on your side, i mean, we know she’s the one who convinced asra to jump off the docks ships with her 🥰
at the end of the day as long as ur having fun and safe they don’t really mind <3
10/10 ur support and slight adrenaline junkie buddy
oh my god mazelinka wants to hit you both
you’re both adrenaline junkies. and sometimes it worries people.
cough cough mazelinka cough cough
niether of you really cares though, you both get to do exciting and crazy stuff together so <3
and omg it’s the best feeling ever when you’re right in the middle of doing something crazy with him
he’s so- ugh, he’s one of the best people to do this with lmao
tl;dr no you don’t have any brain cells but you both love everyone ach other and do it anyway
hmm 8/10 bc hes bound to be more of an adrenaline junkie than u and drag you places after ur tired
my dear don’t do that. we don’t need another vulgora in the palace
she’s like a mom with her toddler
if it isn’t anything that’ll hurt you or something she’s gotta do absolutely perfect, you can do it
just- don’t break anything-
“NADIA LOOK AT WHAT I DID HAHA” “Yes that’s very wonderful dear, anyways-“
she doesn’t mean to shrug ur clearly important duties off but she’s very busy
catch her at a less busy hour tho and she’s much less distracted
she does like a bit of adventure though, so if you manage to convince her, she’ll do something exciting with you 👀
tl;dr nadia is very busy but loves doing thrilling things with u
8/10 bc she’s busy but also very fun
it’s- hes complicated
it’s like he just knows what is too dangerous and what’ll just make you feel alive man
inanna joins you everytime though, you could almost swear she enjoys it more than you do
you probably won’t ever convince him to do much, but i’m betting you tried to convince him once and he did it bc of u and inannas puppy eyes
muriel: 0 Mc: 1
don’t actually try to do something when he tells you it’s too dangerous bc he just- picks you up like a mom cat does
and then you really can’t do that thing you really wanted to
tl;dr big honker man doesn’t like adrenaline rushes at first but does it anyway for the person who loves the thrill (and ends up liking crazy things)
7/10 bc he was hesitant
you thought julian was bad? think again
the devoraks are so similar but so different
portia will absolutely do dangerous things and it’s gonna end up a mess if you both join in
no one can stop the combined 0.005 of a braincell you two share
pepi joins along sometimes <3
ur little adrenaline junkie family is so cute and scary
every date is a thrilling one with her 🥰
you will not regret being with her at all lolol
very thrilling 10/10
so sorry ur gonna be alone on every adventure if you don’t count melchior
Mans is literally the biggest baby unless it’s a battlefield
he tried to come with you once and literally felt like jelly after
if you wanna spar or do something of that sort hes all for it though
sparring with him is always exciting- hes always trying new things and ur most likely not as experienced so-
you either get pinned or a sword to your throat LMAO
will scream like a little girl if you get him dragged into something other than sparring
just give him a kiss and hold him after and he’s good as new lol
very good at sparring but nothing else 4/10
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idealisticrealism · 3 months
TCL 3x11 thoughts
Very delayed bc life is hectic and it's the hiatus anyway. 3x12 to follow at some point lol
The main things: 
The Thony & Nadia of this ep was everything. Nadia being initially furious with Thony about taking the choice out of her hands with faking her death, but then realising that not only would she be 100% dead if Thony hadn’t done it, but Thony had also risked her own life to help her. Thony’s reaction to Jorge saying that she and Nadia were close, recognising the truth in it. Thony arguing on Nadia’s behalf when Jeremy goes back on his deal. Nadia turning to Thony for help getting the cash, and being genuinely appreciative of Thony for doing it. Thony and the family hiding Nadia from Ramona. Nadia being devastated over the marked cash, and Thony helping yet again by getting the stash from the motel. Nadia desperately pleading with her to bring Jorge in, and Thony refusing because she’s still trying to protect all of them, Nadia included. Nadia thanking Thony and Fi with the jewellery from Kamdar and telling them how much their help meant to her. Thony driving Nadia all the way out into the desert, being the last link to her old life, the one to literally deliver her to freedom…. and then the whole “I can’t believe all we’ve been though”/“I’m glad you’re free”/“I hope one day you can be free too, Thony”, and the way Thony is the one to reach for her and then they just hold on to one another so tight?? They really have been through so much together, and they care so much about one another. The love they both had for Arman was initially the thing that stood between them, but now it’s what links them, and in some ways part of that love has transferred to each other since his loss. Despite everything, they are truly family to each other now, which is what makes everything that happens next even more heartbreaking, bc of course the writers just couldn’t let my baby Nadia be free :,(
Ugh and when Ramona appears and accuses Nadia of stabbing her in the back, Thony completely freezes, but Nadia doesn’t panic or fall apart or beg– she could have tried to save herself by telling Ramona about Thony and Jeremy, but she doesn’t. She protects Thony like Thony protected her, and faces her fate with her head held high and her usual cutting snarkiness, and I love her so much for it, even as my heart breaks for both her and Thony. When Ramona stabs Nadia, you can see the utter shock and horror on Thony’s face, and then ugh I’ll never be over the way she just completely disregards Ramona and the threat to her own life to stay by Nadia’s side as she dies, telling her she’s here with her, screaming her name as she’s dragged away…Thony fought so hard to save Nadia, to do for her what she hadn’t been able to do for Arman, and yet she still failed, still lost her like she’s lost so many people she’s cared about in even just the past few months. And okay yes we had some warning, bc this ep was full of painful foreshadowing about it– “I don’t think anyone can make Nadia Morales disappear” “My whole life can’t be for nothing” etc– but ughhhhhh my creys. Honestly them killing Nadia off was just so fucking heartbreaking, because it didn’t need to happen! Losing Arman was of course so incredibly awful, but there was literally no choice there, so that made it just the tiniest bit easier to bear. Killing Nadia, though… I can see the narrative value of it, how having Ramona’s inability to just let her go be the very thing that later brings Ramona down, and how through that Nadia gets the ultimate revenge on her… (“Please, Thony. Get her for us. For Arman”) but stiiiilllll. The writers could have absolutely found another way for Thony and Jorge to bring Ramona down while still letting Nadia escape with her life– death is not the only way to write out a character!. But then again, I guess this show has always been about the price that comes with going to whatever lengths necessary to protect one person (and also the consequences of getting in over your head in a world you don’t understand), so Nadia apparently had to become yet another hard lesson for Thony to learn… I just wish that the writers could have stopped at Marco and Maya for that lesson, rather than taking Garrett, Arman, and Nadia from us too. Sighhhh. 
But ugh I really did love elements of this ep… Nadia and Fi becoming instant besties was so important to me ugh. And Nadia getting to be hugged by Fi, who was yet another person who genuinely wished her well and cared what happened to her, like Thony? She deserved that. And I’m so glad those guys finally got to act together, even if it felt like an even sadder goodbye after that
Honestly, Nadia and Thony and Fi just being SO done with Jeremy was a highlight in this ep lol. Thony referring to him as ‘a stupid undercover’ right in front of him. Jeremy offering for Nadia to move to Utah or Oregon and asking where she would rather be, and her responding “Dead. But for real.” (As someone who has been to every US state, that one definitely got a loud laugh lol). Fi’s rant at Jeremy was also amazing, and lol Thony “She had a few things to say, I didn’t want to interrupt” hahahahaaa. Honestly Jeremy sucks so bad and I want him gone like immediately, but at least his presence this season has meant some excellent opportunities for hilarious snarkiness from these women. I also felt very satisfied about how grumpy he was for most of the ep because he views himself as the good guy and yet these women clearly see him as the villain, and plus he kept getting the feeling he was being played but still wasn’t able to catch them at it. Getting outsmarted by these civilians again hey buddy? That’s a little embarrassing for you lol
I have been wanting Luca and Violeta to be friends since we first saw her, and I love that they immediately started happily playing together, but omg their hide and seek game was so goddamn stressful. Thony’s panic was so palpable I could hardly watch ughhhhhh 
Ugh Thony telling Fi about how she almost let Ramona die… that acknowledgment of the darkness that she’s learned she’s capable of… her needing the FBI to lock Ramona up because if they don’t, she’s afraid that next time she gets the chance to make Ramona pay with her life, she’ll take it…. I just love seeing her growing and changing as a character, and I love that her experiences through the seasons have made her understand Arman more and more. They were similar in a lot of ways, and understood each other to such a deep level, and ugh it was such a gift to watch *sobs*
Jorge tells Ramona that his partnership with Nadia “wasn’t like that” (aka had no romantic element), and tbh I believe him? He saw in her someone whose ambition and drive matched his own, and who had the skills and assets to help build his dream. He saw the opportunity she represented, and he also saw it as a chance to look out for one of the women his nephew loved, just like he looks out for Thony (honestly I think he intended to bring Thony in on the hotel development as well, which is why he deliberately got her to come to his office while the investor guy was there discussing the plans). And idk man, maybe this is just the Ace in me talking, but just because two people are attractive and get along well and find support in each other does not automatically mean they wanna hook up!?? I know TV show writers do often tend to go for the romantic/sexual angle when they have two single characters of different genders interacting a lot, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to do that in every situation, especially when it wouldn’t make sense in the circumstances (like in this case!). Tbh Jorge and Nadia’s connection (and Jorge and Thony’s) is just as compelling without the romantic element– for people to care about each other and support each other without it being tied to their desire for sex? That’s special and interesting in its own way. And who knows, maybe either of these two relationships would have had the potential to develop into something romantic in the future, but in the current moment it would make zero sense when both Nadia and Thony are brokenhearted and grieving the man they loved.  But anyway though, I gotta say I really appreciated Jorge for not hesitating to keep Nadia and Thony’s secret from Ramona, and for sending such a huge amount of money to help Nadia be free (how many people would have just let go of $40 million like that, when they could have kept it for themselves without any consequences??). Letting go of both Nadia and the money meant risking his hotel dream falling apart, but he did it anyway, and I respect him so much for that. 
Other stuff
Ugh Thony sitting in Jeremy’s lair, watching his video feeds of her family’s home… seeing all that must have felt like such a violation. No wonder she joins Fi in smashing the cameras after lol
Some of the scene choices in this ep were hilarious, like Nadia apparently going from arguing with Thony (at the end of last ep) to somehow passing out on the couch again lol. And then when she wakes (again) and they argue (again), Thony has her own little rant and then storms off… but just goes and sits on the couch in full view of the others? Like the writers could at least have had her go into the other room lol, which is what most people would do after an argument like that?
Oh man, the scene where Thony goes and gets the money out of the safe was so stressful, worrying if she was about to be caught any second... and it was also hard to see her in that office and remember all the moments she shared with Arman there. That space used to mean so much and now it must feel so empty ughhhhhh
Awww, Chris calling Paolo ‘Dad’, and then the very parental discussion where Paolo calls Chris out on the way he talks to Fi, just like a true dad would? I love that for them
Chris and Camila are so cute but damn the whole thing with them nearly getting caught by ICE was so damn stressful!!! This show has no consideration of my poor nerves lol
Was so happy to see the return of Samantha! I love that she is always down to help them screw over the FBI lol. A true ally 
Had the sudden realisation while watching this ep that the actor playing Jeremy also played Toby, Channing Tatum’s friend in the movie She’s The Man, and it honestly blew my mind. He was such a baby then!!!
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sunsetcurve · 3 years
so s2 of saved by the bell really was a serve from start to finish huh…like i binged the whole thing at like 4 am last night so i know there’s shit i’m forgetting but some highlights that i legitimately cannot get over (spoilers):
• i was honestly very skeptical when they first started talking about the pandemic, but they managed to build a lot of the major themes of the season around it without making it feel too contrived. like i loved how the whole thing was about like, coming back together as a community and rebuilding spirit and stuff, and the whole speech at the end about how there’s no such thing as wasted time resonated so much
• devante’s entire character arc this season was genuinely one of my favorite parts of the show. his relationship with nadia was so cute and they actually had such important conversations as a part of it particularly with the class and race issues…and then devante’s whole career thing with the fair and then turning down the music opportunity…god i loved the line about how people told him the only way he was getting out was with a microphone or a football and i just love how much of his character is knowing who he is despite everyone trying to tell him who to be and the fact that he just never lets go of that!! best character energy!!!! also his growing love for bayside…seeing him so happy this season…the continuation of his amazing friendship with lexi….chef’s kiss!!!!
• BI AISHA BI AISHA BI AISHA!!!!! i’m so so happy this was a plot point this season and also approached so well, also i was SO happy seeing ariela barer as chloe because they are amazing in everything and chloe was suchhh a fun character. i was honestly disappointed last season when aisha didn’t get with jamie but i really liked the way they concluded things there (though i would really love more aisha/jamie friendship) and honestly it was so fun seeing aisha come in to who she is. also the whole arc of her absolutely decimating the racist asshole spanish teacher…that’s my fucking baby!!!!! i love her!!!!
• speaking of jamie he and lexi were so cute this season. like, the fact that they were able to grow so much both individually and as a couple was honestly impressive and they just complemented each other so well. i really like how they made it clear that things didn’t just happen and weren’t always natural, but both of them worked to make their relationship better and also be better people and i just…i love them okay
• also. the humor this season?? literally top tier. i genuinely laughed out loud multiple times, and i love that sbtb can include pop culture references that actually seem natural and funny. also i think one of my favorite lines in the entire season was “did you hear that the bakery’s having a sale today?” “no, on what?” “on HOT CROSS BUNS” *blows terribly into the recorder* i am still laughing over this
• i also just am never able to get over how the show like…really seamlessly integrates conversations about issues that feel really forced and unnatural in other sitcoms and shows like this. like somehow it manages to tackle so many convos across the board and not pull any of its punches while still keeping the heart of it and making people redeemable and being hilarious i love it so much
• mac morris…ugh still one of the funniest characters alive, still delivering every second, and the GROWTH!! the way he’s consistently shown to be so smart and so capable when he puts his mind to things…the way a core theme of his character is how he really just needs someone to believe in him and trust him enough to give him a chance (AND IT WAS DAISY!!)…the way this season addressed the fact that he feels like he constantly has these expectations to live by but he’s genuinely trying to be a better person and work at being more empathetic and less selfish…the way he’s come so far since s1………ugh 😫. i’m so proud.
• speaking of proud my daughter my heart the light of my life daisy did so much this season i am so proud of herself. absolutely love love love how a big part of the season was how like…she didn’t want to do the spirit competition at first because there were bigger issues but then she realized how important it was to the student body and how that fits into the big theme of her character of like…getting caught up in the big picture when focusing on her friends and the people she loves is what she really needs…i love that she got that this season…god i hated seeing her hurt but the way she came back from it and the heart that she put into it was so wonderful…my girl just spent the whole damn season showing up everyone around her i love her so damn much
• and maisy stans…maisy stans we ATE!!! we ATE this season!!!!!!!!!!! i had a feeling they’d start slowburning maisy but i did not expect real life confirmation that mac is head over heels in love with her…i did not expect “only for you” and him saying she changed him and him just wanting to spend time with her and her telling him she was impressed and smiling at him like That™️ and “i only date guys who win the spirit competition” MAISY STANS HOW ARE WE FEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was screaming from beginning to end let’s be real i was expecting hints but i was not expecting to be FED LIKE THIS!!!!!!! we truly won this season i am thriving my skin is clear my crops are watered maisy is soon to be canon life is so fucking good
anyway i went into this season thinking it would be decent i did not think it would blow my expectations out of the water i did not think it would serve so hard but i am so so thrilled by everything that happened i love this show so damn much anyway s3 where you at 😩🙏🏾
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scenetocause · 2 years
ok i’m gonna pick TWO out of a MILLION, both from the same fic
They spend the day together but they would've done that anyway, except Lando holds Max's hand for a minute when they're walking into the golf course and they tangle their feet together even more than usual during dinner. Lando drapes himself over Max and kisses his ear while he's doing the washing up and Max accepts it for the clumsy seduction attempt it is, twists round so they can kiss properly, softly, both giggling into it.
"Baby," Max shivers at the name, pressing closer to Lando like he's scared of breaking the spell here, somehow. "Can I take you to bed?"
like YEAH this is how they would turn into something more. nothing much is different except lando wants to hold max’s hand, so he does, and they play footsie (i’m still convinced lando thinks the way to play footsie is kick people), and then lando asks max if he can TAKE HIM TO BED sweet dorky little romantic move he doesn’t know what he’s doing and max doesn’t care.
Lando just assuming they'd eventually get round to having sex is the most him thing ever and makes Max slap him on the arm, lightly. "Fuck's sake, dude. Can't believe you just thought we'd, I dunno, get married or something."
"Didn't you?" The amusement's gone out of Lando's face, not laughing about it just honestly looking up at Max.
He swallows heavily before saying, "didn't really dare to hope, buddy."
kill me. this is it, this is the thesis, this is the dynamic. max a little bit more self aware. max sorta sure of lando bc of course he is, it’s lando, but not wanting to think about it too hard bc he’s aware how bad he wants it. lando just ASSUMING, the little menace, but it’s not obnoxious or entitled it’s just, obviously, this is how much he loves max. the way they get serious for a second and a lot of things get said really quickly. ugh!
honorable mention for that part of lando coming to max’s on xmas fic where they’re texting and lando refers to overrys... not 2 be weird but nadia & i quote that constantly
😭 overrys is one of my favourite attempts to get like. lando knows words but doesn't use them right sometimes and also like, he's a lot better than he used to be but he used to somehow not quite speak english? while also not speaking any other language? a truly mashed up kart team concoction where i can well believe him and max effectively had their own language because knock it off, tom, he's doing his best. you know he's shy.
i think about them too much? like it's been going on for years now and it's deeply unhealthy. but they are sooooo interesting. ty for joining me in scholarship of wtf is going on
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ging-pegger · 3 years
THE COURTIERS 🏛 [vlastomil]
while investigating the death of the count, mc is invited to vlastomil's home for his recount of the night the count died... although what comes next is less than expected
Arriving outside a gloomy dark manor, you exit the carriage provided by Nadia. The idea to interview the courtiers was portia's... she desperately wanted to prove her brother's innocence.
The pathway to the doors was long, and narrow, the stones cracked and withering away. you reached for the knocker.. it was stone cold.
knock.... knock...... knock.....
"Coming! Coming!!" Hurried steps and flustered yet excited rushing was emitted through the evident cracks in the walls of the home... how old was his house?
The doors swung open, allowing you to step inside.
"Welcome!" A scrambled pale figure stood before you, it was vlastomil. He was thin, and lanky, his limbs were trembling... was he ... nervous?
shaking it off, you stepped in. it was cold, and dim. "Hmm... this is actually pretty fitting..."
"Oh don't you love it!? Let me show you some of the decor?" He seemed excited to have a visitor... how often do people come around?
much of the furniture and decorations around the house were dark and gothic, apart from the countless statues and paintings of various worms scattered around the manor.
"you uh... really like worms, don't you, Praetor ?"
"Oh yes! I love them in fact. You see, worms are quite interesting creatures... many people are put off by their slimy-ness but i find it endearing. In fact i have some worms myself. They're like my babies. . ."
"Would you like to see my worms?"
"..." why did you let portia talk you into this... you were alone with a man who kept insisting you pay his worm a visit. ugh.
"oh it really would mean alot ... they are so special and yet nobody comes to visit them"
"Actually, Praetor ... i'm here for business... remember? I'm here to discuss the night of the count's dea-"
"right... the night of the count's murder..."
"Well, i was going to offer you a cup of tea. we pass the door to the side yard on the way to the tea room. If you'd care to come out and walk the borders of the yard, you'd get to see my worms and i could recount the night for you." He lifted a nimble finger, his eyes arched with joy, paired with a gleeful smile.
"........" what other choice did you have? Interviewing the courtiers was imperitive to your investigation... if you could just prove julian's innocence in the inconsistencies of their stories...
"Alright. I'll accompany you for a walk... but as a magician, my time is in fact very valuble, Praetor... i hope you don't intend to waste it."
you thought back to volta, whom when you visited made you sit through three lunches and then refused to elaborate on any of the details. it had left you with a strong taste of disgust, bitter and sour.
"Oh i don't doubt that one bit! Which is why we'll be multitasking ... yes , yes this way!" he grabbed your wrist leading you to two very ornate metal doors. his flesh was freezing ... it sent chills up your spine, the hair on your neck stood up. suddenly you felt uneasy x as if you were accompanied by an inhuman presence.
As you entered the yard, a handfull of giant worms were inching around the yard like cattle. "Woah... they'r so.. big??"
"Yes, they are... but they're my babies..." he approached one, scratching under what would be its chin [if it had one] "oh yes.... you love your daddy don't you ?? Yes you do !! Yes you do!!!"
he was talking to it... like a toddler???
wiping his hands off on his robe, he resumed his position beside you, clearing his throat.
"Anyhow... the night the count died, yes? ... oh it was such a tragic night... the count's own birthday!! And he couldn't even attend as he was ill with the plague... me and my cohorts, as caring and humble as we are, had went up to his room to check on him.."
"I thought you were supposed to have some sort of meeting with him, yes?"
"Well i!" Vlastomil stopped talking for a moment, he had been caught stretching the truth, and was searching for an explanation. "Yes that is true... but we were also very concerned for the health of our beloved count!"
"I see."
"Anywho... where was i... oh yes!! When we arrived, the room was in flames!! And that barbaric doctor was fleeing ! He had set the count aflame!!"
"Hm.." you knew this wasn't the case. The room itself except for lucio's bed had been essentially unscathed... lucio himself was the only thing that had been caught on fire... it had to be a magical incident... and the doctor was anything but magic.
"I see... is that all you have to say? You didn't see anyone else in the room or nearby?"
"Well no..."
"What about the other courtiers... hmmm? Were any of them there before you?"
"!" His mouth fell open "now! I don't know what you're trying to insinuate here but its absolutely prosperous! Myself and the other courtiers would never DREAM of harming our beloved Count!"
"Calm down!! i was only asking... its part of the protocol. "
"Oh!" His cheeks laced with pink. "Do forgive me... i tend to jump to conclusions quite easily."
at least he's decent about it... "oh... it's alright... but i really should head out. I have many notes to jot down and compare..."
"Oh.. so soon? We haven't even had tea yet..." vlastomil's words were coated in sadness.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Well... do come back... it's been so long since I've had company"
"We will have to see..."
As you left Vlastomil's estate, you had a funny feeling in your chest ... was it butterflies? the thought of coming back to visit was.... oddly exciting....
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watercoloredlie · 3 years
Need You(Day 1)
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Summary: A now human Katherine finally gets to tell Elijah what he needs to hear.
Gif Credit: icarusasuke
Pairing: Kalijah(Elijah x Katherine)
Setting: Sort of AU. Completely ignores his romance with Hayley aside from some flirtation. Also ignores the side effects of the cure.
Prompt: “I need you.”
Notes: Happy Fictober everyone! I saw someone else doing fictober and the prompt list looked cool so I thought I would give it a try.
After Elijah left her to join Klaus down in New Orleans, Katherine toyed with the idea of going after Stefan and continuing to make her doppelganger miserable. It was after she was fed the cure that she abandoned Mystic Falls. She eventually found her way down to New Orleans. The now human was surprisingly saved by Klaus from Marcel and his minions. 
“Long way from Mystic Falls, aren’t you love? Finally ditch those meddlesome brothers?” He smirked as he helped her up.
Her brown eyes widened as she got to her feet. “I don’t know whether I should be disappointed or impressed that you think I’m Elena.”
“Katerina? No, you’re right. The Gilbert Girl could never pull you off convincingly. So human now huh?” Klaus eyed the doppelganger in surprise.
Katherine scoffed rolling her eyes at him. “Damn right she can’t. Ugh don’t remind me. How is it that I give Elijah the cure to give to you and it somehow stays in Mystic Falls?”
“Okay look, I may have given it to Caroline.” He admitted as they began to walk down the street.
She didn’t seem surprised by that at all. “Well then Blondie either handed it over to Elena or the bitch stole it from her. Because Elena shoved it down my throat.”
“I never thought she’d be capable of getting one over on you. Huh. Well let’s get you back to the compound where you’ll be safe. Can’t have our enemies using you against us.” Klaus chuckled slightly as he grabbed her arm then vampire sped back to the Mikaelson compound.
Katherine glanced around when they stopped still surprised that he had actually brought her there. “Is this a trap?”
“No of course not, love. This is home.” Klaus grinned as he approached Elijah taking an infant from him.
She blinked shocked at the softness that Klaus was now showing. “You really did have a baby.”
“Yes, Hayley and I did. This is Hope.” He kissed the baby’s head and glanced over at Katherine.
The curly haired brunette tensed up. “Congratulations. I.. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Katerina...” Elijah finally spoke up surprised to see her.
She softened a bit as their eyes met. “Elijah.”
“It seems that Katerina here has been fed the cure against her will. She can stay here for the time being until we find a way to properly safe guard her. Why don’t you show her to a room?” Klaus filled his older brother in.
Another woman sped into the room stopping beside Klaus with her eyes blazing gold. “What’s going on?”
“Relax. She means no harm. Hayley, this is Katerina or Katherine. Katerina, this is Hayley, Hope’s mother.” Klaus introduced them as he adjusted the little girl in his arms.
The doppelganger studied her for a moment. “Nice to meet you. Congratulations on the baby.”
“I’ll show her to a room. I believe Hope is due a feeding.” Elijah spoke as the baby began to get fussy.
Katherine glanced around taking in her surroundings as Elijah showed her the room that she would be staying in. “It’s really nice.”
“Thank you, Katerina. It’s mine.” He smiled at her.
She looked at him surprised then rolled her eyes. “I don’t think so. You ditched me in Mystic Falls.”
“My family needed me.”
Her brown eyes glared at him. “I needed you, Elijah. All you had to do was ask me to go with you.”
“I thought you would have said no.” He admitted with a frown.
She softened a little toward him. “I would have said yes.”
“I’m sorry, Katerina. You’ve been through a lot. You should probably rest.” Elijah pressed a kiss to her head before leaving the room.
“Katerina, what is it that you want exactly?” Klaus asked her curiously a few days later.
She considered this for a few moments before letting out a sigh. “I don’t want to be human. I don’t like feeling weak.”
“I could easily condemn you to staying human, but I’m afraid my siblings might shove me in a coffin and toss me in the ocean if I did.”
Katherine huffed at him. “Is there a point to this?”
“Yes there is, love. Rebekah’s going to drain the cure from you. There’s a risk you might die though.” Klaus admitted to her.
“Niklaus, I’m not sure that is a good idea.” Elijah spoke up approaching them.
She frowned at that. “Well it’s not your decision. It’s mine and it is worth the risk. Besides I’m Katherine Pierce. Surviving is what I do.”
“Now that’s the spirit.” Klaus smirked at her.
It was quiet. Hayley was upstairs with Hope in her nursery.  Candles were lit in the parlor. Elijah looked worried while Rebekah looked hopeful. Katherine was eerily calm while Klaus made sure they were all prepared. His sister then vamped out for the final time and sank her fangs into Katherine’s neck.
The curly haired brunette grew weaker the more that the blonde drank until her eyes widened. “Nadia?”
“Alright, that’s enough, Rebekah.” Klaus watched his sister let go fo Katherine and the brunette fell limply only for Elijah to catch her.
Klaus bit into his own wrist and held it to Katherine’s lips letting his blood flow into her mouth. He held it there for a few moments then pulled away as it healed. Rebekah grew light headed only to collapse onto the couch. The brothers tended to the two women making them as comfortable as could be. As time went on, Elijah grew more upset.
“Katerina, please wake up. I need you.” His eyes teared up as he sat beside her body.
It felt like an eternity later when Katherine gasped sitting straight up. “Elijah?”
“Oh Katerina!” Elijah pulled her into a hug then checked her over.
The smell of fresh blood made her eyes darken and her fangs appear. She moved over to where Klaus was holding a random guy then bit into the guy’s neck draining him. Katherine pulled back when she was done and licked her lips satisfied. Rebekah on the other hand was elated when her face remained, well, human.
She turned toward Elijah and smiled softly. “I’m okay, Elijah.”
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sothischickshe · 3 years
Russian Doll for the fandom meme, please
(btw s2 premiers on 4.20 😁)
omg 4/20?! amazing, haha!
also biiiig ty cos this prompted me to rewatch s1 and UGH, what a showwww!!!
blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most): NADIA, cmon
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): beatrice!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): lizzy
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): shiphrah!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): oatmeal?!
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): john, he is literally asking for it.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): mike
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my^
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shadowcatgirl09 · 3 years
Tagged by my girl @scorpio-karma
Bayonetta/Cereza~Bayonetta Series
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Whew this woman right here! She’s over the top, flashy and has guns. On. HER. FEET. Literally comes from one of the best action games in recent decades. I think this lady doesn’t really need an introduction.
Meredith Sulez~The Vampire Diaries
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Ugh my baby girl. So Meredith is this stoic, observant yet vulnerable latina girl who basically had to grow up quickly after her family was attacked by Klaus when she was three turning her into a half vampire. One of the things I love about her is the fact that Damon is legit unnerved because of her and she does not take his bs (or anyone’s for that matter.) Then she’s revealed to be a vampire hunter and managed to keep it secret from her best friends for years.
Yuna~Final Fantasy X/X-2
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So here’s the thing I got into the Final Fantasy series (not counting the original FFVII because I honest to God forgot I had that game when I was younger) because of this girl. She flipped through the air with guns and I was in love. Yuna starts off as this young naive summoner ready to sacrifice her life for Spira to bring forth the Calm. Needless to say things don’t go as planned. In standard jrpg fashion we find out the religion of Yevon is a lie and of course Yuna in response gives one of my most favorite lines of all time: I will live with my sorrow, I will live my own life! I will defeat sorrow, in his place. I will conquer it. And I will do it without...false hope. By the second game she’s this fun loving yet still shy young woman who is now living her best life being a sphere hunter now on a journey to find her man.
Cristina Rosales~The Dark Artifices
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Cristina is introduced wanting to help the fae because of the Cold Peace (and her family is close to faeries), being generally sweet and smacking dudes who have the audacity to call Emma a bitch. Then there’s the fact that she was latina like yours truly so I latched on to her like a lifeline. But then she’s also the introduction of the Rosales family who I came to love almost as much I as I love the Carstairs. Plus it’s Cristina, not Emma or Julian, who kills the new Unseelie king in the final battle.
Lula Mortiz~The Brooklyn Bruja Series
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I love Alex but Lula captured my attention first with her description (I love grey eyes) and then just who she is. She’s not a fighter but a healer; she had everything in life and then got it taken from her which left her scarred physically, mentally, and emotionally. She overcomes it by learning to not keep looking in the past, loving herself and putting herself first.
Princess Yona~Akatsuki no Yona
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This is girl right here has to be one of the best developed characters I have ever had the chance to experience. She goes from a sheltered naive princess to someone who not only learns to defend herself but also learns about and helps her subjects. Also, she’s the reincarnation of a freaking dragon god.
Aika Fuwa~Zetsuen no Tempest
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I’m not gonna lie when Aika first appeared on my screen I wasn’t feeling her. She introduced being hella mean and it was uncalled for. But ho ho the show slowly reveals more about her and man by the ninth episode she became a fav. She’s a really powerful mage (y’all starting to see a pattern here?) who, because of her abilities was treated like dirt until she meets the two male leads. One of my most favorite characteristics of hers is the fact that she’s a troll/tease. Her trolling Hakaze then beating her up will forever be one of my favorite moments from this anime.
Nadia Caldani~The Spellcaster Trilogy
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I feel in love with Nadia when I first opened Spellcaster. She’s basically a fledgling witch that gets entangled with the crap that is Captive’s Sound. One of the things I love about her is that she tries her best. She has to struggle with her abilities, she has power and potential but no one to teach her. But by the end you see her overcome her struggles (with the power of hate) but she still has a ways to go.
Kururu Sumeragi~Air Gear
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Kururu, ah Kururu. She was a breath of fresh air amidst the females in this series. She wasn’t involved in the ridiculous slapstick comedy or most of the perverseness. Her design plus the fact that she’s shy endeared her to me. The best part of course is the fact that in middle of a manga about skates that can make you practically fly (among other things), she rides a normal bicycle. Which leads to one of the best scenes in the series; her freefalling with Ikki and making the Wind Regalia in less than three seconds.
Minako Arisato~Persona Series
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This is definitely cheating but yeah. So same as Kururu above, Minako was an extreme relief to play as after playing P4A. She’s cute, bubbly, and not to mention her route let you get to know the male SEES members better; thus giving one of imo the best m/f friendships to blossom. Plus thanks to her Shinji’s alive. God how I wish we got more games set around her game’s possible universe.
I don’t feel like tagging anyone but everyone’s free to do this.
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