#ughhh sorry this is so rambly and long
allyecrivaine · 2 years
need to vent so badly below the cut,, btw open 2 comments and dialogue if anyone relates or even just has a thing to say
ok this is so much, but basically I just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years and I’ve been struggling so hard and I feel like it’s for the wrong reasons
All my life I’ve struggled with a suffocating need for male validation and I really can’t understand why, and I thought that now that I’m older I would be beyond that,, but I am right back to where I was YEARS ago
i’ve been talking to somebody new who i can’t even tell if he’s like a FWB situation or if he wants a relationship eventually or WHAT, and our whole relationship rn is over text because we met online. and i want to be the cool girl so bad,, i wanna be the girl who couldn’t care less if he talks to me all day or not at all. i wanna b the girl who isn’t scared of being ghosted
but oh boy i am scared of him ghosting me!! and i have no idea what he wants and i feel like it’s not “cool” of me to ask. and i’m just right back to square one where i hypersexualize myself with this man so that he gives me attention and then when he’s literally just BUSY and not texting me i internally go insane and want to kms
and it’s like . i can SEE from a different perspective. i can see how stupid this all is and what a waste of time it is to worry over shit like that but i am so far from healed and i didn’t even know it
dating now is so hard and my ex really was a catch but we just grew apart. but every man i meet i’m scared of. and i’m scared of growing closer because yanno what if he’s disloyal or he’s mean or violent? there are so many distinct possibilities and i can’t see a way out of that way of thinking
i don’t even know why i’m already talking to this person and i know i need time to heal but i hate being alone. and my stupid idiotic craving for male attention won me over again and now i’m in this loop of getting a rush when he texts me after work at 7pm, then getting extremely depressed when he goes to bed, then waiting and watching my phone alllll day hoping he’ll text me about something besides wanting pictures of me
and i’m in a new state and i’m so alone here and the friends i’ve made are few and far between and not rly organic friends. so i have no one here to go out with me or even just sit at a stupid dinner table with me and talk about things. i barely even talk to my best friends and at this point in my life i don’t even have internet friends. i just feel so lost and i’m the most alone i have ever been and i don’t even know where to turn.
i know j should cut that new guy off for my own sake but i can’t help but think “oh what if you cut him off but he was meant for you” kmssss
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shima-draws · 8 months
Saw your tags and omg HARD AGREE. Dragon Cry is SO bad nfkanmdsa
Actually yes thanks for giving me the excuse to rant. Hold on. I'm typing furiously rn.
-Okay first of all they gave us the most ridiculously confusing plot I've ever seen. The twist with Sonya being Animus was kinda cool but they never really. Explained why she had a bond with him? She mentioned he used to be kindhearted at some point but we never see that literally ever at any point in the movie?
-The storyline is so all over the place it's a HOT mess. Especially the scene right after Natsu escapes the weird bird cage thing he runs off to find the others and suddenly they're all there? For some reason? Where did they come from. Why didn't they have a little reuniting scene. I literally rewound the movie to make sure I didn't accidentally skip a scene but nope they just made the most awkward cut/story progression in history I guess!!!
-The fanservice was so. SO bad. Like yeah the majority of the time I can at least tolerate it but this time it just made me extremely uncomfortable. Why are Erza and Lucy's boobs SO fucking large. Why did they have to make Lucy dance in like two strips of cloth. I thought I woke up in an alternate universe where Fairy Tail was a hentai. I genuinely wanted to vomit lmao
-The animation style really threw me off like I can tell it was either animated by a different studio or they wanted to try a different art style for the movie? But it just felt wrong and the proportions and faces were weird and. Yeah idk.
-What was up with the Three Stars?? Iirc we never got to learn their names or what their motivations were they were literally just. There. And they were built up to be these super powerful wizards only to get their asses kicked by FT like two scenes later. I get that being a movie obviously the fights had to be shortened but they literally did the same thing in Phoenix Priestess but WAY better. They really were like yeah uh we need some enemies for Team Natsu to fight let's just go with these guys and not give them any personality or backstory or motivations. (Except for the doll dad he was okay I guess)
-WHY WAS LEVY THERE. LITERALLY. ACTUALLY. She literally did nothing she served NO purpose in the movie she was just there?? Did they just want to shove in as many cameos as possible??? I know generally Levy isn't much of a fighter which is fine, I was kinda expecting them to do a Gajevy scene where Gajeel rescues her from some soldiers or smth which would have been fine but they didn't even do that. She literally just stood there and had like 2 voice lines. GO GIRL GIVE US NOTHING
-SPEAKING OF CAMEOS this is more personal beef than anything but man WHYYY wasn't Loke in the movie,, my boy my beloved my stupid idiot lion I'm so mad he wasn't even onscreen for like, 5 seconds
-I'm sorry but Juvia was so unhinged this movie her possessive/stalker behavior over Gray was actually super fucking creepy lmao
-What did they do to Happy. What the FUCK did they do to Happy
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-ALSO the scene where Happy and Lucy were crying over Natsu and we got tons of flashbacks from his POV of people who are important to him? WHY THE FUCK WASN'T HAPPY THERE?? They literally showed everyone from Fairy Tail precious to Natsu except Happy and I'm just sitting here like. HELLO?? You are SO wrong for that
-I will say I DID enjoy the little Nalu teasers we got especially the scene where Natsu showed Lucy the stars 🤧
But yeah I was here for this and this only:
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The Nalu + Happy family bonding moments made it OKAY
Anyway sorry rant over. Dragon Cry bad. Natsu's brief moment of looking half dragon was a super sexy character design choice but the buildup is not worth it imo
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abyssmal-skies · 3 months
All I can think of last night was yandere Gallagher who took a trait of every man you had interest in so he can create the perfect man just for you. Him also being jealous so he kills each of your potential suitors and damages them based on what they did to you. You had a stalker that he noticed so he stabbed his eyes out for watching you.
What if his jealousy caused the murders that happened in the story maybe he "killed" firefly and Robin for confessing their feelings to the reader. Sunday was then stabbed at the end of the story so what if he was stabbed in the eye as he kept watching his darling.
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mskdghadmld hello???? it took me a while to gather my thoughts about the quest and cause i was bullying rin
But aughhhh yandere gallagherrr ajdaiodj taking qualities from the people i like????? What could he take from Aven, Veritas, Sunday and Argenti... that would be interesting to see imo... but also he could use his position as a 'security officer' to figure out who i like, and why, slong with what parts of them i talk about the most if he poses it like an investigation into said person... well he'd have difficulty trying it for sunday but the rest would be fair game.
and him killing robin and firefly??? noooo counter point, what if they were planning to but he found out first and ajdskj i think that would hurt me more, considering they i would be none the wiser about it.. and with Sunday watching over penacony as a whole i could imagine this.
and the werewolf thing dhajhd, just the primal fear of being hunted by something you can't understand and then running to what should be a safe person for you to confide in being the real danger... something akin to mother gothel and rapunzel.
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sandificatedman · 2 years
You know she’s gonna be CHIN deep in denial until she’s forced to accept that she’s fallen for you.
She has a self-imposed rule to try to avoid getting attached to mortals. Meddling, sure. She adores meddling in human affairs, but getting attached creates a whole different series of problems.
There’s just,, not a good track record of relations between humans and Endless going well. I like to think she’s maybe 60% more self aware than her siblings SMDSMDNM yknow?
it's not like she meant for it to happen, for Nightmother's sake! She was just having a little peek at you, and,, you just looked so delicate. And she is meant to observe, isn't she? So what was the harm in observing you a little longer than most!
... Yeah you can see where this is going MSDNMSND One thing lead to another, and before she knew it she could barely focus on her responsibilities without missing your sweet face.
AND SHE FEELS SILLY FOR IT!! She's embarrassed of herself!! What is this nonsense, she isn't her sibling(s)!! Why is she fawning after a mortal, and worse, why does she adore doing it?
SHE DOESN'T CREEP FOR TOO LONG. Mostly because Desire won't let her. Sue them, they want their twin to be happy, and all her yearning is frankly,, a bit pathetic MSDMS
She'd never admit it aloud, but she's,,, a little petrified of making a bad impression? It's not like most mortal's are partial to,,, well,,, her.
You are almost definitely getting swept up into her realm sorry
You think she’s taking any chances??
She had to witness her sibling’s various lovers get their lives (and,, bodies) turned inside out in innumerable ways. She knows, herself, that The Endless are far from being invincible.
Respectfully, lovingly, she’s not letting you out of her sight until she’s made it exceptionally clear to all relevant entities (siblings, elder gods, assorted mythical entities) exactly what the consequences will be if they try to harm you.
Thankfully,,, not many people are willing to go toe-to-toe with the literal architect of all Despair. so. that's a bonus MSNDMS
Is this necessarily going to 100% keep you from harm's way? No. Frankly, she could put you in a jar on her shelf, and that still wouldn’t keep you perfectly safe. It’s at least gonna to provide enough reassurance to not,, idk feel the need to Loom over your shoulder 24/7. It's mostly just for peace of mind.
and,, um,,
(don’t worry, she isn’t like her brother (derogatory but loving. Morpheus, go to therapy my love), if at any point you’re genuinely unhappy with your relationship she’ll know before you, and will retract from your life with,, relatively minimal fuss.)
(It’s also VERY possible she’ll leave with you with a boon of some sort, for your trouble, most likely her continued protection and/or exemption from her influence)
Her primary role is as an observer, and she’s absolutely going to utilize this. She checks in on you as often as she can and just,, watches you go about your day-to-day life.
At first you have no idea when she’s got her eyes on you, but as time goes you begin to pick up on the Sensation (™) of her gaze?
It’s not just ‘feeling eyes on your back’, though that is a part of it.
It’s more,, like when you step outside early in the morning, and it’s super foggy out? Where every breath feels cold and damp, you can feel dew on your skin. It feels like her realm is seeping into wherever you are.
Sometimes you just,, absentmindedly lean your head and bonk your head on the wall, forgetting she is infact not sitting beside you MSNDSMN
At first it felt a little,, uncanny?? But now it’s become super comforting!! Like stepping outside for a breath of fresh air <333
it's,, kinda sweet,,, knowing that this cosmic entity is,, taking time out of her day to just,, keep an eye on you. wow <3333
I've. left out a billion things but this is already so long and rambly. Despair I love you I love you I love you I love you. mouah.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
Can i request a super fluffy and sweet hotch fic where reader is baking and hotch is sittinh there on the counter admiring his wife, like theres music and r is just glowing and aaron is thinking ‘oh im so lucky to have her’ and ughhh im craving sweetness pls give me fluff thank you
fem wife!plus size reader, wc: 515.
a/n: i've been craving some sweetness too, so this fluff was for me and you 😭 thank you for your request!
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It's so incredibly late that when Aaron enters your shared apartment with the expectation of you sleeping, all he sees is the way you jump and almost knock over your mixing bowl when he calls out your name from the dark.
“Holy shit!” You swear, your hand — which was covered in flour — slapped itself over your racing heart. “Jesus, Aaron, you scared me.” You sighed in relief.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” You watched as he set his briefcase and go-bag down on the couch. Aaron looked exhausted; his hair was air whipped and disheveled, there were slight darkening bags under his eyes, and those frown lines from all that scowling and frowning he does. Your boyfriend was here, and he was home, safe and sound.
You looked at him with a sweet smile as he rounded the counter sluggishly. “Hey, handsome.” You greet him quietly, almost as if it was a secret between the two of you. You throw your arms around his neck loosely while his hands fall lazily on your hips.
“Hi.” His body relaxes under your silk touch, your fingers threading themselves through his cropped hair. “Do you want to talk about it, or do you wanna be home now?” Aaron squeezed your body closer to his at the question. “I wanna be home.”
An intimate silence fell over the both of you before he pulled away slightly, looking at the messy island that was covered in baking ingredients.
“What are you doing?” He inquires in a soft tone. “Oh! Jack has a bake sale tomorrow and I kind of… procrastinated making them. So now, here we are.” You confess with a sheepish smile.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I’m okay - wait! There’s actually one thing you can help me with.”
“And what’s that?”
“By sitting your cute ass down and telling me about your week.”
He smiles at your wording but relents and allows you to shuffle him out of the kitchen and into one of the bar stools.
He rambles on about his week while you listen and occasionally add your commentary when something peaks your interest. He stares in awe at your multitasking, but also at the fact that you look so serene.
You have a severe case of bed head, and your pajamas are wrinkled, followed by your messy hands and the blotches of flour littered on your clothes. You put Jack above your sleep and felt butterflies flutter in his stomach.
How was he able to find someone like you?
After Haley died, Aaron was convinced that maybe he was just meant to wander the world alone, and watch his son grow up. But then… there was you. Sweet, beautiful, outgoing you.
When he had said something funny in the monotone voice of his you laughed, and the sound rang like twinkling bells were in his ears. It completely overlapped with the soft tunes that were playing from your phone.
It took him a while, but Aaron was glad that he learned how to love again, because you had been waiting for him for a long, long, time.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
OKAY OKAY I LOVED IT MY TURN NOW, let's discuss law!!!!
let's discuss......... having sex with nerdy law 👹👹👹👹 let us hear you
Cee’s Note: oh you kno I gotchu babes 😉
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• Let’s Discuss….Sex with Nerd!Law • (18+)
CW: explicit content ahead
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Whewwwwww ok y’all already kno I’ve been obsessed with nerd!law for the past week now
Law would be so nervous and awkward about it lol
Not because he doesn’t want to do it, but because he has never gone that far with anyone so he will be a bit anxious
Law is not very experienced with sex, but he is interested to learn how to pleasure you and wants to be able to perform good in the bedroom
Mans will literally do so much research about sex and the female anatomy 😭
He once got caught reading a sex erotica by Bepo and he nearly shambled Bepo off the boat shdjdjd
But when y’all finally decide to do deed, he will try to test a few things he discovered in his research
He will first start to lick and suck on your nipples, because he learned some women experience pleasure when their nipples are stimulated
He will be very attentive to what works and what doesn’t
Everytime you gasp or moan at something he does, he makes a mental note in his head to do it again
When he goes down on you, he learned about the clitoris and how to properly stimulate it so he will pay that little ball so much attention
Although he tries to practice what he learned, he will try to experiment and test out different things to see how your body will respond to him
Ok let’s be real, this man has read all about safe sex and the importance of protection so he will be wearing a condom for y’alls first time
When he finally enters inside your pussy, it takes so much self restraint for him to not cum right then and there
He was unprepared for how much pleasure he would feel from your walls clenching around him so tight and warm
No amount of reading and research could accurately describe what he was feeling and it was making his head spin
He snaps out of it when he hears your whines for him to move, you practically begging him to fuck you
Law will experiment with his hips, remembering there’s a specific spot deep inside you that pleasures women during sex
Once his tip grazes your g spot, you throw your head back and let out a high pitched moan that causes Law’s head to snap up at the lewd sound
“Bingo” now that he had discovered your sweet spot, he wastes no time pounding into you nice and hard in that angle, making sure he hits it every single time
He lets out low grunts with each thrust but once your pussy starts fluttering around him, he’s letting out guttural moans from the overwhelming pleasure
He doesn’t know how long he can last, from your pornographic moans to the feeling of your fluttering pussy as he bottoms out, kissing your cervix with each thrust
He feels himself about to cum, he starts rubbing circles on your clit, trying to bring you closer to your high
He feels your legs shake as you gush all around him, screaming his name as you ride out your orgasm
The sight of you falling apart beneath him was enough to send him over the edge, spilling into the condom as he continues rocking inside you.
His head falls between your neck as he lets out deep moans, coming down from his high
Post sex is so funny shdjdk
he will ask you for feedback if he did good and if you enjoyed yourself
When you reassure him that he did amazing, he will start rambling about some things he researched
He starts blabbering about the science behind sex and the anatomy of the bodies 😭
Let him ramble tho he’s so adorable when he’s being all factual and shit
He’s such a nerd but he’s your nerd 😉
Cee’s Note: ok so I may have gotten a bit carried away shsdj I’m sorry I fucking love his nerdy ass so much ughhh
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strawberrykisseslia · 2 months
Hi could you maybe do one where y/n and vanessa go for a cozy coffee date <3
Thanks if you can!!
♡ pairing: Vanessa Shelly x reader
♡ an: im sorry it took so long for me to write this but i had no idea how to, especially with vanessa 😭 i had no idea for her, so sorry its so short but im in DEEEEPP writer's block and it's eating me up ughhh
♡ cw: fluff, basically the request, takes place in somewhere autumn idk, no use of y/n
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it had been a while since you and vanessa went on a date together. especially because her shift got longer and longer. but today, you organized one for you and her. you missed being with her.
it was a warm, sunny day on your date. the sun shining through your curtains as you slowly woke up from sleeping. you felt an arm tighten around your waist. vanessa was still deep asleep. she always looked peacefully and beautiful while sleeping.
you gently brushed your hand through her hair. she flashed a small smile, her eyes still closed. "good morning." she said with her sleepy tone.
you both got ready in your favorite outfits and started to head down to your favorite coffee shop. you talked about all types of subjects. you asked her about how her work was going and as always she gave you the same answer. "it's alright. nothing special to talk about." so with that you started to ramble about your things. she loved hearing you talk about your favorite things and stuff you're passionate about.
soon you reached the coffee shop. she opened the door for you and got in while thanking her. you both got to the counter and ordered the usual coffee as always.
with the coffee in your hands you decided to take a walk in your favorite park. vanessa always loved a good walk and you loved everything you got to do with her. she took her hand in yours. her hand was so warm all the time. just the thought of her warm hands always comforted you.
"are you enjoying our date?" she asked as she looked over her shoulders at you. you smiled and nodded. "of course. it's lovely." she slightly blushed and lightly squeezed your hand.
everything about the date was perfect. the way the leaves fell to the ground and the sun's warm touch on the skin. and the way your girlfriend looked at you. her sweet loving eyes on you and her touch. the coffee was hot and sweet to your likings.
the day went even better than it was planned.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
ahhhh i immediately went here after i saw that your request is open again! 😖
if you don’t mind i would like to request a headcanons or mini imagine with the prompt where we help the boys (murayama, fujio, binzo, shibaman, or any other characters that you want) tend to their wound after a fight and there’s this unintended close proximity where we didn’t realize how close we are ughhh and there’s tension that’s building up ⬆️🆙 something like that you know lolol or whatever comes to mind
anywayyy yeah i just want to request that since i’ve been reading your work religiously 😩 you are the reason i open tumblr everyday to check if there’s something new ughh really love your work‼️🥰💕 especially the instagram inspired post‼️it’s so much fun to read omg please keep it going 🤤😈
i ramble too much lol anyway have a great day and please don’t push yourself too much and keep up the good work‼️💕💕
How would they react to being so close while you are patching them up ? | Hcs
(Murayama/Fujio/Binzo/Shibaman/Tsuji/ Magoroku)
a/n: Heey lovely anon! This message was sooo cute and it made me really happy. I havent been feeling so good for 4-5 days and struggling with writing so much :/ I am sorry for late update.  And i will keep writing for you and people like you cause you give me that motivation i need jxkdkd Thank you so much ! This means a lot to me ❤🥺 Here is your request, i hope you like it 💕🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of scars, blood, fights
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No shame team : Murayama / Fujio
• Probably got into a fight with someone for some ridiculous reason
•  He just likes to fight and enjoys showing his strength
•  And quite proud of it
•  He will shamelessly come to your door and ask you to clean his wounds with a stupid grin.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."
•  This is how he defends himself...
•  After you've scolded him profusely, he'll probably be pouting and wait silently for you to clean his wounds.
•  Neither of you realized your position until now because of his ridiculous jokes.
•  He'll be the first to notice how close you are  to his face while you were cleanning his face with full concentration biting your lip.
•  Watching you with all his attention
•  When you feel his gaze on you, you will look at him and realize how close you really are.
•  Even if you feel embarrassed, I don't think he is at all ashamed. He wants to kiss you right now and it's hard for him to stop when you are this close
•  That charming and suggestive stare... He will gently put his hand on your cheek and give you a long kiss
•  He likes it when you shy away from each other and look away immediately...
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It's okay team : Binzo / Shibaman
• Loves fighting for fun but he's so grumpy when he gets hurt
•  He's definitely not very proud if he lost a fight
•  He probably doesn't plan to tell you but he likes you to take care of him.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."  2
•  He doesn't like being scolded so you can't deal with him.
•  He will surely justify himself...
•  He will make no sound even if it hurts because he doesn't want to hurt you anymore
•  He doesn't like to see you worrying about him but right now you're so cute
•  He is aware that you are too close while cleaning the wound on the corner of his lip and is afraid that you will hear his heart.
•  He'll smile when your eyes meet and he'll just smile if you get uncomfortable and back off
•  You're so cute when you're embarrassed
•  But if you don't mind and ask him why he's staring at you, he'll probably want a kiss from you.
•  He'll point his lips with a silly grin, sometimes like a child...
•  He will definitely be pouting when you give him a kiss on the cheek :))
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Freaked out team : Magoroku / Tsuji
• Calm and cold character, loves fighting but not a big fan unless it is necessary
•   He is strong, doesnt get easily injured
•   But if he gets hurt he's definitely hiding it from you
•   He doesn't want to upset or worry you, or doesnt want you to cry for him.
•   He knows that his face and body are in really bad shape this time, so he wont be seeing you for a while.
•   But it didn't go as planned
•   When you have seen him by chance, he didnt like the worried expression on your face.
•   You also see the blood and wound in his all body....
•   You're both very quiet, he'll let you take off his t-shirt and clean the wounds on his shoulder and neck
•   He hates to see you touch the scars with fear and the worry in your eyes every time
•   But there's something else that's making him even more nervous right now.
• You're so close to his face and neck, and that closeness made him shyer.
• You suddenly backed away when you realized how close you were as you cleaned the wound on his chin, and he too will nodded shyly when you say sorry
•  He is not bold or teasing like the others, but I'm sure he'll give you a pretty passionate kiss if you don't bother and back off...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane
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montypng · 1 year
new follower here, love your art so much it's filled with so much character! I saw your tag on the lovely ghoul art; so, thought I'd send an ask: I'd love to hear your thoughts on danger days! Any things at all, feel free to ramble if you want! I always love hearing others hcs/opinions/etc on the series!
HELLO this ask has been sitting in my inbox since january sorry..its mostly bc i have sooo many things 2 talk about and i wasnt sure what i wanted 2 say in this answer but whatever im just gonna ramble SO!!! U get a bunch of random hcs and maybe thematic analysis yippee!! and thank u soo much for the kind words :]
imo all the kjs have some form of body focused repetitive behavior because this is my world and i do what i want.. poison and ghoul have dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking), and kobra and jet have trich (hair pulling) maybe. I think constantly being on the run + adrenaline highs and lows would lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms for all of them and desert living leads 2 pretty shit skin (poison+kobra have at least had bad acne for sure) which is conducive to skin picking..i think the venom siblings and ghoul are bat city runaways too so the withdrawal from bli pills (+shakes and sweats) contributed to them developing bfrbs.
ghoul also gets really bad shakes and jitters from withdrawal, so when it gets so bad that they can’t work on their explosives he blasts mad gear as loud as it can from its speakers and lets himself scream all the frustration out.
also ghoul definitely has hearing loss from bomb detonation in too close proximity. tell me it would know abt proper hearing protection safety protocols with a straight face its impossible.
kobra was born w microform cleft lip, which means he has a little deformity/groove in his upper lip kind of similar to a snake’s . also he broke his nose at some point and it healed wrong so crooked nosebridge↴
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both jet and kobra are prone to migraines bc of eye strain and sensitivity (jet is nearly fully blind in his right eye and both kobras eyes are extremely sensitive to light, hence the sunglasses).
sometimes when the migraines are too much they both lie down in the trans am seats together at night and close their eyes and breathe in the dark
prior to jets eye injury they were the teams best marksman, and im not sure yet how greatly that changes after they lose depth perception, but one thing i like to believe is that jet is also a great sniper (stereoscopic vision due to retinal disparity is also only effective up til about 30 meters too so he wouldnt need to rely on binocular vision for that), so maybe they focuse on that skill post-injury. how i picture their scar ↴
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this is so long already but 1 last thing more in a thematic analysis vein: i need ppls opinions on the girl and her story PLEASE. she has so little agency in the canon narrative but . Where r the girlposters around here i need to hear others thoughts on her guilt complex from the fab 4s sacrifice and her running away from her own role as the protagonist of a story she never wanted 2 be part of and her blowing up the city that killed her family and whether or not that alleviated her neuroses and brought catharsis or not and her characterisation as a literal bomb and destructive force even though shes just a kid and ughhh. Linking this girl post i made a while ago w an anne carson quote that makes me crazy ANYWAYS. Talk 2 me about her. Im begging.
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ethanlvndry · 8 months
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Ghostface!Wolfstar x fem!black!reader
Notes- This is an alt universe where wizards don't exist. It's just a boring 'ol human world. They, however, are still British in this fiction, but this did stem from the Woodsboro murders. Moony and Pads are both open with their relationship. Everybody envies their bonding tbh. They all suspect nothing from them when the murders started happening. This is a modern AU, so cellphones exist. Art by likeafunerall on ig
Warnings- blood, murder, gore, bloody s*x, Oral m, and f receiving. Crying, dub-con, noncon Padfoot watches his little evil bf enjoy himself. Double Penetration(anal/vaginal, Oral), Anal between Remus, and Siri. slapping, bruising. A whole bunch of dark shit. You get the point.
Summary-You get a text message from Lily, begging you to ditch your studies for one night and come to her boyfriends stupid party. You ended up going before the news would've prevented you from going when they showed another one of those silly costume murders. You end up enjoying your time there...but somethings off. You end up stemming off into a room where you see the unthinkable...
Word count-3.6k
*Ring* Pause. *Ring* Pause. *Ri-*
"I'm still not going."
You say flatly.
" Ughhh, c'mon [Name]! You need to have some fun at least once a week!"
Lily yells into the phone, causing your mouth to upturn into a slight smirk.
"I'm having fun studying for the exam. I know I'll pass tomorrow."
You tease while twirling one of your braids around your freshly done acrylics.
"You always study, c'mon [Name] let's get you out and mingling, maybe you can get yourself a partner"
You laugh at her choice of using a partner to be inclusive to your other side, as the huge but greatly homophobic country of England would describe you.
Don't get confused, Lily, along with the other girls, have been very supportive of your coming about. But even though Dorcas and Mary are in a similar situation to you, they still act confused.
"Yeah, that can wait. I'm not even sure if I'll survive these murders long enough to get a hookup."
You can almost see Lily's scowl as she spoke her next words.
"Please [Name], don't say stuff like that. It isn't funny, nor is it charming."
You feel a pang in your heart as you remember what she felt like after the injury of Severus Snape, her little ex-friend. Even though their friendship had ended a while back. She still had a soft spot for him. Her heart especially broke when the doctors told us that he was lucky he survived.
"Sorry Lil's. That was stupid."
"It's fine, just please be careful. You know we all worry about you living the furthest from all of us. Even the boys!"
You roll your eyes at her naiveness. The only reason why they make it seem that way is because they care about Lily and her feelings. They don't give a shit about you. They ignore you whenever you hang out. And for some reason, that Sirius guy just rubs you the wrong way. He's always looking at you making faces, like he's wondering why you're still with the group or something. You choose to distance yourself from The Marauders and their silly reputation.
The only tolerable one was the one and only Remus Lupin, who just so happened to be Sirius' bf of 2 years. Even though he knew that some of the stuff Sirius did was problematic, he just let it happen. But at least he never joined in on their annoying pranks.
You double take at your study work on the desk, and then think about how going out one night wouldn't be so bad. Yeah, so what Sirius and his minions 'll be there, you're not gonna let some immature human beings the same age as you keep you from having fun.
"You know what, Lily? I think I'll actually go. What should I wear though?"
You should've braced yourself from the excited squeal that broke through the sound barrier and pierced your eardrums.
"Oh my gosh [Name] yes!-"
She began to ramble on how excited she was for you and then quickly went back to your other statement.
"Wait a minute...Did you just ask what to wear when it is LITERALLY THE 31st OF OCTOBER? You're not dense, are ya love?"
You roll your eyes at her sarcastic question and threaten her with not coming, to which she quickly apologizes profusely. You end up asking what everyone is wearing and end up getting an idea of what to wear yourself. You bid your goodbyes so that the both of you could get ready and end up going into a box of a costume you were supposed to wear Halloween. It was a Lola Bunny costume that came out around the time of the recent space jam movie. You decided to pair it with your Jordan's because they were both from the same universe in a way.
As you're getting your stuff ready for your shower, you realize over 20 minutes have passed since you've been looking for a specific pair of panties. The shorts were a little see-through, so you still wanted to match. For some reason, the underwear that you wear the most frequently seemed to be disappearing. However, it wasn't just your favorite pairs. It would be the ones that you wonder why you haven't gotten rid of them.
You finally find a pair that can replace the ones you desired at first and get in the hot steamy shower, as you're rubbing yourself down. You swear it feels like something is watching you. You look out the blinds, covering the frosted glass that would've distorted anything in front or behind it.
"Lemme stop before I scare myself"
You continue on with your shower, still a little uneasy. You dry yourself off, oil your body up, get your costume on, and put your braids in a half up, half down style. You spray yourself with some perfume, brush your teeth, and wash your face. But while you brush your teeth, you realize that your toothbrush looks like it'd been brushed against concrete. Which wasn't out of the ordinary for them to eventually get that, but you've already had it for like 5 days. It's kind of weird...
You finish up and text Lily, who said she's pulling up to your flat. You walk up to her car to see that Marlene is in there with her, her blonde, and pink highlights sticking out immediately
"Hey loves, anymore people to pick up or just us 3?"
You ask.
"We're all set, love."
You nod your head in understanding and start to observe both of their costumes. From what you could see, Lily was red riding hood. Typical redhead. James was no doubt the big bad wolf since they always coordinated their Halloween costumes. Marlene was a witch, and it looked like she bought the broom, especially for this equation, because she never cleans.
Unbeknownst to you, Lily decided to take a shorter way to James' house. And you only noticed that when you see flashing lights, a long with loud booming music.
Lily announces your arrival with an excited tremor, and you all get out, the chilly autumn air blowing right by you three.
"Lil's, I was wondering when you'd get here!"
You hear a voice that you almost instantly recognize.
James Potter.
To your dismay, they get a little handsy in front of you and Marlene, so you decide to leave them and actually join the party. Once inside, you two are almost immediately hit with a wave of drugs, sex, and alcohol.
You see people making out and grinding on eachothers laps. You and Lily decide to go to the punch and see that there are pieces of fruit in it.
"Whoever eats the most fruit wins €50."
Marlene proposes. You both fill up cups of punch first and cling them together, then you guys eat fruit. It was no surprise she got 10 while you got 5. You knew you couldn't handle your liquor, but neither could she.
While you were at your 5th one, Marlene got stuck on her 6th one and told you she was done, you'd taken her cup, and ate the last 4, and won the challenge. Her giving you your money, and you sticking it somewhere safe.
As you 2 are talking and slurring your words, Sirius walks up behind her and sneaks her a hug, instantly taking her attention away. You roll your eyes as they start talking as if you aren't even there, and you end up on the dance floor with a bunch of sweaty bodies, some not even going To 'Hogwarts, Math and Science Academy' As you're enjoying your time dancing, you end up moving your hips to a song by 'The Weeknd' and a boy ends up coming up behind you to dance with you. His hands guide your hips to grind against his crotch. And while looking at him, you can't even lie he looks gorgeous. He looks the perfect amount of feminine and masculine.
You decide to tease him and leave the dance floor, causing him to break out into a smile and shake his head. You both end up in a closet, his hands groping your body. You, however, stop him from continuing.
"Meet me upstairs in a room that has the door closed."
You laugh at his frustrated groan of being denied again.
You make your way into a room. That has posters of bands and instruments in a corner. You decide to take your shoes off and wait for the boy with your legs crossed on the bed. After a while, you start to get worried, but that worry turns into annoyance. If he changed his mind, he could've at least told you. You end up hearing odd noises in another room, like moans, they sound awfully similar to his and you think he's either trying to give you a taste of your own medicine, or he found somebody else to fuck.
You really hope it's the first one. You knock on the door to make sure it isn't somebody else, but you get no answer. Probably because the moans were getting louder. You decide to count to 5 before opening the door.
That was your first mistake.
You walk inside the room, that consist of a made bed, along with professional clothing like button ups, but some band tees lie on the floor.
You see that there is a bathroom that connects between Him and Sirius' rooms and end up not taking any precautions to opening the door.
That was your second mistake.
You opened the door and saw the unthinkable. Blood. Everywhere on the floors, the sink, the shower door. And in the middle of it all, 2 people in black cloaks with that stupid costume on, you turn around as they notice you and bolt for the door that you unfortunately decided to close. As you sit your hand on top of the know, you get pulled back by your hair, tears coming out of your eyes, which brings a light chuckle that you would've missed had it not been for the knife pressed to your throat pulling out the smallest trickle of blood causing you to hold your breath.
"You weren't supposed to see that."
You hear the voice say with what was no doubt a voice changer that was used in the Woodsboro murders all those years ago
"Please! I don't even know who you are!"
You beg both killers, the one pointing their knife to you toying with you on purpose.
"You look so pretty when you cry...What a shame I won't be able to fuck you're sweet lil pussy before we kill you."
You see that the one pointing their knife at you seems the more dominant of the 2, the other staying quiet and only paying attention to their partner in crime.
It's embarrassing how fast you thought up of a way to get them to let you go. You can't even deny how you feel yourself getting wetter by the second. Your nipples poking through the thin shirt and gaining the attention of the 2 killers.
"Wait! Wait! I have an offer for the exchange of you letting me go...Ill give you anythingyou wa-"
Just then, you get a pang in your head, no doubt from those liquor packed fruit pieces.
"Hmmm, what do you think love, is she really worth it, or should we just slit her pretty throat?"
You wince at the thought of that, and wait for them to decide whether not to take you up on the offer.
As you're waiting, you don't notice that the quiet one has a visible tent that is extruding on his cloak.
The other Ghostface does, though, and instantly gets a sadistic idea that would surprise the both of you.
"How about this? My little partner over here takes his mask off, and I blindfold the both of you?"
You were in no room to deny an offer like this, so you agreed with no hesitation.
"Good girl." You can hear this Ghostface's smile through the voice changer.
He digs into one of the drawers and finds a blindfold. You realize that he's been here before if he knows exactly where the blindfolds are. He first walks over to you and stares at you through the black abyss that's placed over his eyes. He surprisingly is gentle, but firm when wrapping the thick cloth over your eyes.
Being depraved of one of your senses causes you to hear stuff better. You can hear the killers speaking in hushed whispers as if they really cared about each other. You could hear a clear moan. The quiet one must've taken his mask off.
You then hear 2 sets of footsteps coming towards you, on instinct you back up, but a tight hand pulling your hair stops you causing you to cry out.
"Behave slut."
You hear the masked on say. You apologize, and he caresses your cheek, giving it a few firm slaps before pushing your head forward into what feels like a belt buckle.
You and the unmasked one both groan, you think he tried to touch you, but his hands were slapped away by the masked one.
"Hands to yourself, baby."
Your head is continuously pushed into the buckle, and then you come to your senses what he wants you to do.
"All you want me to do is suck him off, right?"
You ask, hoping this doesn't lead to you getting your cherry popped by 2 killers simultaneously.
"Mhm, that's all ya have to do love"
The masked one assures you.
You feel his hands reach around your face and start bunching up the fabric, and then you feel both of them working to remove the cloak from the quiet one.
You feel a hand caressing your face, before it's replaced by what you can only assume is the cock of the quiet killer.
You accidentally let out a little moan that causes the masked one to taunt you.
There's a prodding at your lips before you reluctantly open your mouth for his cock
The tip leaks sticky pre, and you hate how you enjoy tasting it. His warm pre ends up, pushing its way down your throat, making you gag at the sudden action.
You reluctantly choose to keep a pace that would me up to his and your standards. At least, you thought so.
You're surprised when he takes your head and pushes you towards one of the walls and starts going to pound town on your poor throat.
"You little vixen, you're really getting off to a murderer's cock ruining your throat?"
You whimper from the words that exit his mouth. You hope he doesn't notice, but your caught off guard by the thick cum that spurts from the killer using your throat.
You sputter as he tauntingly and slowly eases out of your battered mouth.
"Guess that tired the poor thing out, huh Moony?"
The aggressive killer states...wait-MOONY?!
You sputter out weakly.
"In the flesh sweetheart."
You hear chucklees from the other one through his voice changer, and instantly connect it to the one and only, Sirius Orion Black.
You startle slightly as the blindfold around your eyes is loosened, and your eyes adjust to the light being taken in. You see that they both sport their masks again, and feel vulnerable as you see how disheveled the struggle left you. Not that your costume was covering much up in the first place.
"I d-did what you wanted me to do, so now you can let me go..."
You struggle to get out the simple sentence out of fear.
"We aren't done yet."
Remus finally speaks.
They both start to advance on you, throwing you onto the bed, and ripping your cheap costume off, while you squeal out of fear from rough manhandling.
"Please! I won't tell anybody, if you just let me go! I'll even stop hanging around with you guys, I promise!"
They grow tired of hearing your whines and decide to stuff your mouth with cotton panties. But not just any cotton panties...THESE WERE YOUR FAVORITE PAIR!
They went missing back in May, which is super far now that you think about it, which means they've been eyeing you for at least 6 months, which scares you to think about.
Your thinking is cut off by fingers being stuffed in your untainted asshole. You bite down on the panties as soon, as Sirius slips it into the knuckle. You start crying from the pain that weighs less than the constant threat of being murdered.
You hear slight coos coming from the both of them, but decide not to listen too hard. You just wanted to focus on you to make it seem like it wasn't too bad, but then it somehow got worse when you realized your cunt might as well have been drooling from how aroused it was.
Unfortunately, Remus doesn't notice too long after you do, and instantly gets active by closing his lips around your glistening clit. You almost cringe at how pornographic of a moan he let out. Shit, you'd expect that from Sirius maybe, but Remus?
You're brought back to Sirius when he slips 3 of his fingers out of your prepped hole, and watch as he sucks them like his favorite sweet. Don't ask how you know. You just do.
You begin to buck your hips into Remus' face as he sucks harder and harder, hoping you squirt all over his face. His mask continues to scrape over your skin as he goes in on your dripping cunt. You tear up at the blood that has since then dried all over your skin, creating a sticky mess that makes you feel guilty about the guy you met.
"You know, we've always wanted to have you to ourselves. You were always confident in the way you talked, and the way you dressed. You just never would give us a chance, it was like you hated us, love."
You almost roll your eyes at the gaslighting Sirius' attempts to do, but you choose to just look up and prepare yourself for the rest of their abuse.
Remus stops sucking on your cunt just as you're about to come, making you reluctantly let out a whine that has both of them chuckling amongst each other, and you blushing at the vulnerabiltiy you showed. But you seem to forget how vulnerable you are when you're exposed like an animal in the wild.
"Cunt or her ass Moony?"
Sirius asks his lover. He situates himself after Remus chooses the former, and tucks his robe so that his bottom half is free, leaving the cloak to drape a little bit. He then lets Remus hold you while he gets his lap ready for you, and steadily sinks your ass down onto his cock making you whine at the expected, but unprepared for intrusion, Even though he used his fingers, he was still so long. You feel a slight weight on your clit, and look back to see Remus lining his thick cock up with your unprepared hole. You try and speak but it comes out muffled from your stuffed mouth.
"No!-Pweth, I cont tek et!" You try and tell him, but he only laughs at your words and continues to breach your poor cunny. You cry as they both alternate their thrusts, one going in, the other going out. Sirius takes his mask off, followed by Remus, as they both pant speeding up their pace. You're left to whine and beg for mercy as they both use you like you aren't even a person. You're embarrassed to admit how fast you came on Remus' cock, but you quickly realize that they both won't stop until they finish.
You find yourself being purposely overstimulated by Sirius, as his nude hand reaches down to stab at your swollen clit while Remus continues his assault on your poor hole. Leading you to squint all over Remus' lover stomach, and drip down onto the soaked sheets that now sport a grey color, instead of the silk white it was once. You feel both of them finish inside of your holes, but are startled when they start switching positions right after their highs disipitate.
They communicate through short curt words, and you find yourself on all fours with Sirius situated behind you, and Remus situated behind Sirius. They simultaneously line their cocks up with their targets, and both sink in at the same time making all 3 of you let out loud moans.
Remus maintains a steady pace, while Sirius prefers to go as fast as his hips can take him, making him the first to finish, which leaves you, and Remus. Remus continues using Sirius' hole, while Sirius is riding his high out inside of you, but he pulls out and hurrying over to your face, and pulls your panties out of your mouth, to unexpectadely shove his cock down your throat once again, causing you to choke and whine at how much you've been used this night. He only uses your throat for a few seconds before he pulls out and comes all over your face, getting some especially in your mouth. You hold it before he reaches in and presses down on your tongue, forcing you to swallow his seed. He and Sirius crach down at the top of the bed together, while you've sunk into the mattress by the foot of the bed. You try and get up to get away, but you're stopped by 2 pairs of hands pulling you towards the connecting bodies.
"Where do you think you're going? We haven't even decided if we wanna keep you alive or not."
Sirius questions, you open your mouth to answer him but end up bursting into tears, and you just lay your head down on the both of them to drift off to anything, but a restful sleep.
My fanfic after almost a year of no writing, that writers block really hit me hard, but I honestly feel it coming again. I actually started writing this fic in october, and it was supposed to come out halloween night, but I was too lazy.
Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, and I hope you enjoyed!
Likes, Reblogs, and comments are encouraged and appreciated!
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catinasink · 16 days
ok im feeling kinda sappy rn so im just gonna.
ughhh ollie. i could talk about them for hours tbh. i love her so much and he's always there for me and its just. god i love faer so much and <333 i just want to hug them and tell him its going to be okay, you know? like. god i love her. i just want to take away all of its pain and i just love xem so much and luns just always i <3333 i want to fucking murder his mother but im not gonna go into that- i just. aaaaaaa i love zer so much and <333 i just want to hug him and i want to kiss her and i want to cuddle them and i cant wait for when i can move in with it and i love luns voice and i want to i just <3333333 and buns so pretty btw i just <333 gay panic whenever i see him or whenever she talks to me tbh
aaaa crispy. i love it so much and i could ramble about it for long too. its voice is honestly so pretty?? and its so fucking <33 i love talking to it and i want to get rid of all its pain too and i just wanna hug it and give it a kiss on the forehead and shit and i want to cuddle it and i want to talk to them both for hours and i want to hug them both and i just i love it i love god i fucking love them both so much and its so silly and i love talking to it so much and i keep saying that but its true and i fucking aaaaaaa i love it <3333 i love talking to it i love interacting with it and its so pretty though and its voice is so pretty and its so funny and <3333333 god i love it so much
and umm miles. yeah hes just. ik we dont talk as much as i do with my other partners but i love talking to xem, yk? theyre so silly tbh and i think he and i should interact more :3 xes so funny and idk . yeah. him.
and god theres a couple more people i could rant about but this post is getting long and im so sorry this is probably kinda annoying so if you read this aaaaaa thank you-
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sunpoweredog · 2 months
Oh dude it's nice to find another canine who also has angel adjacent feelings. I've actually been considering being something like an angelkin but not exactly an angel. I know you're looking for input on similar experiences so I'll try my best to describe how I personally feel in regards to feeling like a celestial canine:
Like you said in your post, there's this feeling of not wanting to let go or seperate another potential identity from being a canine because being a canine is honestly the core of who I am, it's not something I can seperate. So then the next question is where do the "angelic" musings come from?
Well first, I don't like using the word angelic or divine or even heavenly, just as a personal thing due to conflicting Christian beliefs (I'm not a Christian) even if it is the closest word in my vocabulary that describes how I feel, just out of respect for the religion due to the fact that a lot of my celestial feelings do stem for Christian theology.
So I use the word ethereal, celestial even. My ethereal nature to a rather earthly identity stems from trauma, even my being a canine is a purely psychological thing. I won't go into detail of course but in my darkest and worst moments, the feeling of wanting love and forgiveness, a sort of ethereal disconnect and a feeling of being "unholy", like as if I was being punished by a higher being due to how unfair it all felt mixed with the feeling of anger and fear and wanting to be stronger all sort of... amalgamated into something you could call... "angelic"
And again, I am canine at my baseline and so my canine identity blurred with these feelings and I had ended up identifying with hellhounds do to feeling like I was unworthy (and I felt like walking death)
But even then, the word hellhound never really described how it all felt, it felt like something was missing because while yes, I felt condemned, I still had a deep intrinsic need to worship and to be forgiven and loved. I never thought of myself as evil or anything, I'm a good dog even if I acted bad sometimes. But regardless, I still felt some type of connection to something higher. I've always resonated and felt connected to angelic imagery anyways.
My guardian instincts I've always attributed to my canineness because guard dogs was something I really resonated with, I have been considering maybe it's in part a canine instinct mixed with something more ethereal and otherworldly.
I'm sorry if this post is long and I'm not sure if I helped in anyway but I support and cheer you on and your journey on your identity!
Thank a lot for such an in-depth post! it's a pleasure to know someone felt recognised while reading my rambling.
I've seen several "angel dogs" on tumblr, and it seems to be a very funny coincidence how dog alterhumans specifically tend to also have celestial identity so often!
I'm not christian too, and I've talked a little bit about it in the previous post, not to repeat myself. I can only add that maybe the fact that I'm more observant than my family (even if for a little bit) commits to the feelings
I would argue that these feelings are psychological like my canine identity, but in that case they really don't align with my beliefs and when I try to think about it longer I can literally feel my brain cells dyingggg. It's just not a thing I can assign to my identity like that!!! i can't claim to be such a being!!!! there MUST be some way to ughhh prove it to myself to that i could embrace it
So, until i cannot do that, maybe I'll stick to the knight or paladin archetrope for now, even though it misses the mark a bit, and doesn't encompass the same ideas
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nextinline-if · 2 years
That “true love kiss” question 😭 I wanted to be a good, angst-free person but… what if someone else kissed the MC and they woke up (it’s even better if it’s someone the ROs hate because ✨TENSION✨) AND WHAT IF the MC didn’t want to be with that person because they loved the RO and wanted to continue a relationship with them regardless if they are “fated” or not.
Have a nice day 🫶
apologies for how long this has taken! I don't know why but this one was just a bit harder for me to write. guess I just haven't been in a good mindset to write. I hope you have a nice day, yourself, anon! not must angst below though, sorry about that.
PLUS I had to re-write Margaret's from memory cause I fucked up and close my browser without saving and I have the memory of a dementia patient fml but I couldn't remember most of it ughhh sorry for the ramble ahaha! I just don't want to write something that is disappointing to you :(
I can't think of someone the ROs hate right now, but let's say it's an important noble at court who is very well known and hated by many!
You're awake. You let out a relieved breath as you open your eyes. But the eyes staring back are not of the person you love. They belong to a noble who lives at the court. And they're smiling at you. "It seems we're fated, my dear."
But how can this be? No, you refuse to believe in this. This is not the person you want. You look away and your gaze meets...
F: ...green eyes. Green eyes full of heartbreak. F looks like they could cry right now and they look away from you. How can they look at you when it seems they were wrong? When the gods have fated your love for another? They were such an idiot for believing this relationship might work.
You follow F out of the room and gently grab their arm to stop them. But they won't look at you, eyes focused solely on the ground. You put your fingers under their chin, turning them to look at you. "I know you think fate puts people together, but I don't care about any of that. I care about you. I love you."
Their green eyes soften as they study your face. "I love you, too. But -"
You put a finger to their lips. "There is no 'but'. Forget about them. It's just you and me. It's always just you and me."
F pulls you close and hugs you. "Okay. Just you and me," they whisper.
Constantine: ...blue eyes. Blue eyes that have a hardness that you've never seen. Constantine turns his attention back to your "savior" and you shiver from the intensity of the glare. The noble turns to Constantine. "Is there a problem?"
Constantine's jaw clenches. "You're my problem."
The noble snorts. "Is that jealousy I detect?"
Constantine takes a step forward. "You're not good enough for MC."
"And you are?" they ask, meeting Constantine in the middle of the room.
You rush over, putting your hand on Constantine's chest. He glances over at you, his eyes softer and full of concern. "Let's go," you plead.
Constantine's eyes flick back to the noble. "Are you sure, my love? I was hoping to teach this prick a lesson."
You tug on his hand. He sighs and follows you to the door, throwing a disgusted look over his shoulder at the noble. How could the gods do this? How could they be so cruel? Constantine seethes at the thought of you with that person.
Constantine frowns at you when you both come to a stop. "That was true love's kiss."
"I don't care about some curse," you insist. "Besides, you're my true love."
He stares far away from you before clearing his throat. "How can you be sure?"
You wrap your arms around his neck and place a kiss on his lips. Neither of you pulls away for a few minutes. "Because no one else could compare to the way your kiss feels on my lips."
Margaret: ...brown eyes. And those eyes watch you carefully, as her face betrays no emotions. But you know that she's thinking of dozens of ways to dig her daggers into the noble because her fingers twitch.
"Margaret," you say carefully.
She chuckles. "Relax, darling." You stare at each other for a moment, until it's interrupted by coughing.
You both turn to look at them. They narrow their eyes at you. "You should be paying attention to me," they say, giving Margaret a disgusted look. "Not some wannabe lady."
Before you can defend her, Margaret is pushing the asshole against the wall, a dagger to their throat. "Want me to show you how much of a lady I am?" She drags the tip of the dagger across their neck. They close their eyes tight.
You sigh. "Margaret, please, I can punish them properly for their ignorance later."
She huffs and steps back. "Fine. Whatever. I don't believe in this dumb true love crap anyway."
You quickly follow her as she darts out of the room. "Slow down, will you?" She comes to a stop and gives you a tired look.
"Why don't you spend time with your one true love? They seem quite eager." She crosses her arms.
"I'm already doing that," you say as you step closer to her. Her brown eyes find yours and she feels like she can't hear anything over the beating of her heart. Do you mean that? But the look in your eyes tells her everything she needs to know and she pulls you close, placing a kiss on your cheek.
Felix: ...hazel eyes. And you see an emotion you have never seen in his eyes. Fear.
Because Felix can't stop thinking about how curses aren't real but his kiss didn't wake you, theirs did. His eyes dart down to your lips. What would he feel if he kissed you right now? Disappointment? Perhaps the agony of the last time?
His face hardens as he turns and pushes past the noble. He's torn between not standing in the way of "the one" you were meant for or fighting them. He's not much of a violent person.
But he could be. He stops in his tracks. Wondering whether he should walk back into that door. Then he shakes his head. That would probably just disappoint you and there's been enough of that tonight.
You grab his arm before he can continue walking down the hall. He lets out a sigh. "Let it go, MC," he says. Then he turns to look into your eyes. "Let me go."
You run your thumb across his cheek. "I could never let you go."
"Are you sure?" He place his hand gently on your back.
You nod. "Yes, I am. So, what now?"
He steps away. "You wait here. I just need to punch someone real fast." Felix winks at you as he darts back into the room.
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ofallthingsnasty · 7 months
I know I haven't been following you for that long, but I have gotten invested in your fanfics and ocs so FAST. Not even kidding when I say that I spend tons of time just daydreaming about your fics lol They just scratch that itch I have for dark stories, it's amazing😭😭😭 And damn all these character lore drops are just watering my crops😫 Especially the bits about Evan and Micah.
I knew I was right to be scared of Evan since the beginning but yikes on bikes, I didn't expect him to straight up resort to maiming you if you act out ⊙▂⊙ I imagine that if the reader did ever manage to escape while Evan was out, it wouldn't be at all out of character for him to go "well reader, looks like you're losing the 'having both of your legs privilege'🙂" And he would feel super bad about it, but he would still do it. Probably while crying and saying something along the lines of this is going to hurt me more then it's going to hurt you, while the reader is begging and crying for him to not do it. Ughhh I got chills just typing this out💀Yeah Evan scares me quite a bit, anyways amazing character cant wait to see more of him lol🥰
And our favorite resident jerk Micah Bell, I do hate his guts but I have always found his character really morbidly fascinating and fun to witness in game. I sit there and go 'wow this guy is such an asshole.....why isn't he in more scenes and missions?(look if you hate him then that means that Peter Blomquist did his job perfectly👌) Micah is definitely one of my favorite villains ever and my goodness you have done this awful and nasty man justice in 'through the briar' 😖 And that bit of lore you posted just adds to it. Micah already doesn't like the reader in the slightest, in the beginning he saw her as an annoyance, an easy target to bully, and a opportunity to one up Arthur. But from what you posted, if the reader ends up pregnant he seems to genuinely resent you for the situation "you" put him in. To Micah you just had to have the utter AUDACITY to get pregnant, when he just wanted to have a little fun. And now he has to do all this work to look after the reader and their children (by work it means he probably shows up once a month, twice if he's feeling extra generous. And hands you a single can of beans that prob expired three years ago, 15 dollars and a quarter, don't forget the quarter💀all that to feed maybe 2-4 kids? Gee thanks for the help🙃)
I imagine whenever he does come home its like walking on eggshells for the reader and the kids, cause Micah is looking for any reason to get verbally and physically abusive towards them, especially the reader. (btw do you think Micah has even a hint of affection for his children? I know he doesn't love you in the slightest💀 but maybe the kids got a fraction of his cold, dead heart😭😭) In the little escape attempt from Micah scenario you have planned, I can honestly see him calling the reader an 'ungrateful bitch' for running from him after all he's done for you🙃🙄 That he didn't have to do "right" by you after you got pregnant, but he did. And this is how you repay him? And after that little speech....yeah it won't be pretty for the reader🫥
Anyways enough of my rambling😅As you can see your fics are just feeding my brain hahaha (holy crap this is a long ass post I'm sorry lmao💀)
Oh my god, this is so sweet!! I am amazed that my writing could have such an influence on anyone 😭💕 You don't know how much internal back-and-forth I did before I finally was able to publish 'through the briar' - because I thought the concept was so silly and had big, big self-doubts but that fic really showed me that there is always someone who wants to read whatever idea it is one has 💕💕 So, thank you, really!!
I knew I was right to be scared of Evan since the beginning but yikes on bikes, I didn't expect him to straight up resort to maiming you if you act out ⊙▂⊙
Yes, yes you definitely should!! I only scratched the surface of his true nature in 'capture kill' but I was trying to leave some hints for the readers - I see him as a very 'classic' yandere, like the ones I used to read about when I was younger. Desperate, lovesick, willing to go to hell and back to have you - the only thing that holds him back is his little wolf pack because following their code is intrinsical to him. He's easy to underestimate, especially for a defiant darling.
I imagine that if the reader did ever manage to escape while Evan was out, it wouldn't be at all out of character for him to go "well reader, looks like you're losing the 'having both of your legs privilege'🙂" And he would feel super bad about it, but he would still do it. Probably while crying and saying something along the lines of this is going to hurt me more then it's going to hurt you, while the reader is begging and crying for him to not do it.
Yup, exactly! Like I said, it's all for the "greater good" - he already fucking hates what happens to you in 'capture kill' but again, he'll surely be the one to impregnate you and then you two can forget all about this, right? Then he will have earned you fair and square - and no one can take you away from him.
I sit there and go 'wow this guy is such an asshole…..why isn't he in more scenes and missions?
gdfdsgh same!! I would KILL for more lines like "No need to keep your face covered now. It's just you and me, sweetheart." during An American Pastoral Scene (link with timestamp for your viewing pleasure ehe) - I soaked all these missions up like a fucking sponge, both absolutely disgusted and captivated.
I imagine whenever he does come home its like walking on eggshells for the reader and the kids, cause Micah is looking for any reason to get verbally and physically abusive towards them, especially the reader. (btw do you think Micah has even a hint of affection for his children? I know he doesn't love you in the slightest💀 but maybe the kids got a fraction of his cold, dead heart😭😭)
Absolutely. You look at him a little funny and he'll be going off in an instant, laying into you as though you're his personal punching bag. For his kids? I think it's complicated. Again, he did write to Amos - whether it's to stake a claim on his kin or because of some brotherly love, we can't know - but I do think that even that man can't help but melt a little (like on a molecular level) when a little horde of Bell children vies for his attention. That lasts for three exact seconds, then he's back to cussing them out. What I'm trying to say is that he has his moments, as many abusive parents tend to have.
And I agree SO MUCH with everything you've said about Micah and the reader-character. Really, the only good thing about him is that he's gonna die in a couple of years. Although that would leave you in even rougher shape, financially. Maybe we can both hold hands and dream about John magically coming into money and helping her out or something 😭 She is so fucked. I feel so fucking bad for my own creation, especially because she's a really shy, nice little lady. She really doesn't deserve it.
(Don't apologize omg!! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts!! It's the highest form of praise that my writing makes you think™, it means I did something right 😭💕)
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
OH and the fact that she fought Anakin!! where he was clearly the "good guy" and she was the "bad guy" in that scenario-- it's really looking like they were trying to point at something. It's just so upsetting ugh (sorry for the ramble jdhshsgj I didn't mean to make it long)
FOR REAL you're right and you should say it. that scene where anakin walked in and she was meditating without her scarf?? i got major whiplash. i sat there, dumbfounded, and tried to process everything that was going on. i already knew that barriss was the bad guy at that point bc i was spoiled but actually seeing it with my own eyes was fucking. ughhh.
and then the fight scene between the two?? and she was still scarfless?? and she like. remained scarfless for the rest of the episode right?? what the fuck. making anakin obviously the good guy and barriss the bad guy was so fucking stupid like it literally could not have been more of an obvious microagression. not even a microagression bro it was flat out impossibly clear what was happening. truly disgusting.
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cgetbrmj · 7 months
About the starry eyed fic, I LOVE how you portrayed snow. He’s *not* a good person, much less a good caregiver. And GOD the way you had him go like “you want to be good for me right?” And “I thought you were trying to be good.” ITS VERY MANIPULATIVE AND I LOVE IT. I FELT SO BAD FOR SEJANUS BECAUSE SNOW WAS LIKE…idk he was a bit of an asshole and I love how you didn’t really justify anything he was doing, it made it SO much more accurate and interesting <3
and yes, I have officially read the book, it broke me. Planning on watching the movie soon with my family :)
anyway hope this ramble didn’t bother u too much!!
AHH TUMBLR MUTUAL SAGE HELLO!!! First off, never ever feel bad about rambling with me - it's genuinely my favourite thing ever, I basically screamed with excitement when I saw this! <3
UGHHH I LOVE when people get exactly what I'm writing and we can both just talk meaning and characters and god it's such a good feeling haha. Snow is Sooooooo manipulative in everything he does and there is pretty much nothing he does without an ulterior motive (FOR HIMSELF) so so glad that translated well and you liked it too - Sejanus (both Little, in the context of the fic, and just in general) is so blinded by his trust and faith in Coryo and it's so heartbreaking for him to be so consistently let down by him and yet never straying from him. And of course, Little Sejanus is far too blinded by the idea of Coryo 'taking care' of him, being physically close and affectionate, and keeping him 'away' from danger that he doesn't think twice about what Coryo is actually saying. I could talk about them for hours, seriously.
WOO!! So cool that you finished the book! It absolutely destroyed me as well!! I'm actually going to rewatch the movie tonight and I am SO excited - I think there's some definite differences that feel kinda important, to me at least - but altogether I really loved the movie (and the casting was so good) Once you've got a proper voice to fit each character it's amazing - I simply couldn't help writing fic on them immediately lol. Enjoy the show ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super hypocritical of me to even say this, but I don't know how long of a response you were expecting from this so - also sorry for being a MAJOR rambler hahaha - PLEASE feel free to ramble to me anytime though, as I said I love it so much - whether it's fic related or not <3
Thankyou so so so much for such a sweet message!!! Made my week for sure! Sending lots of love! <3
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