#uh trying my luck on tumblr i guess
samandcolbyownme · 11 months
Tumblr media
Summary: Anon request - "omg wait. request idea for sam and colby as ghostface smut :0 like billy loomis and stu macher OG ghostface"
Warnings: This one shot will contain smut and gore. There will be talk of death, murder, suicide, and blood, along with forceful acts such as choking, gagging, hair pulling, stabbing, and other malicious acts. The smut parts of this will contain, semi forceful actions, unprotected sex, fingering, hair pulling, choking, knife play, oral (both), double penetration, dirty talk, and f i l t h
Disclaimer: I'm putting my own twist on this. There will be references from the original Scream, but I am going to make it a tad more modern and my own and make it so instead of SnC wanting to kill y/n, they're going after a specific group of people from one particular event that involved y/n and of course, wanting y/n all to themselves.
Side note: Italics are when Sam and/or Colby are in ghostface mode.
Word count: 25.9K but I had to break it into two parts due to tumblr's character limit. The link to part two will be at the end of this.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"You call, Sam." Colby says pushing the phone into his chest, "I need to make this little bitch suffer for what he did to her."
"We gotta keep it clean, Colby." Sam looks up at him, "I'm just as pissed about this as you are, but more or less, we can't afford to get caught."
Colby scoffs, "You're going to sit there and tell me that you don't want to rip his guts out for forcing y/n into something she obviously didn't want to do?"
You unknowingly, and drunkenly told Sam and Colby about what happened at the party you went to without them. You told them about  Levi McCallum forced himself onto you while his two other friends and Nina, his girlfriend watched, and that didn't sit right with either of them.
No one gets to hurt their girl and have zero consequence.
Over the last month, Sam and Colby have been plotting, in secret. Trying to find out just what to do exactly, which didn't take them long at all, and tonight, Nina and Levi are first to be crossed off the list.
Sam's anger boils as he thinks about what you went through, quickly turning infuriated, "Fuck them. They need to die."
"There we go." Colby grips Sam's shoulder, shaking him gently, "We're doing this for her."
"For her." Sam takes a deep breath and looks over at an older car coming up the long dirt road, "There he is. Good luck, brother."
Colby slips his gloves on, getting out as he grabs his mask from the dash, "Good luck, brother."
Colby disappears into the woods as Sam pulls out the burner, dialing the number to Nina's house. He listens to it ring before pulling the voice changer up to his lips as Nina answers with a mellow, "Hello?"
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" Sam asks in the raspy changed voice.
"Who is this?" Nina asks confused.
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Sam rests his head back against the seat of the car as she declines, "um, I don't think so."
Sam hears her shaking something in the background, "What is that? That noise you're making."
"Popcorn." She says with a slight laugh and Sam rolls his eyes, "I only eat popcorn at the movies."
"I actually am going to put a movie on, my boyfriend.." she emphasizes, "Is coming over to watch it with me."
"You like scary movies? What's your favorite?"  Sam asks, trying to buy Colby more time to get Levi restrained.
"Oh, um, I don't know. I guess I never really thought about it." She sighs, "Probably Halloween? Maybe. The one with the guy in the white mask that kills the babysitters on Halloween."
"Uh huh." Sam nods to himself, looking around as he quietly gathers his tools.
"What's yours?"  She asks, surprising Sam by keeping the conversation going.
"Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Didn't that guy have knives for fingers? Freddy Krueger?"
Sam knows all about horror movies, as does Colby, thanks to you. You're always making them watch a different movie or series, especially around Halloween time.
"Yeah, him. The first one was alright, but the rest just absolutely sucked." She clicks the lock and Sam sits up slightly.
"So you said boyfriend, is it anything serious?"
"Why?" She laughs with a flirty tone, "You want to take me out on a date?" 
He rolls his eyes, "Maybe. All you gotta do is tell me your name."
"Why do you want to know my name?" She giggles and Sam's demeanor darkens, his anger taking over, "Cause I wanna know who I'm looking at."
She goes quiet, the tone in her voice drops to scared, "W-What did you just say?"
"Because I want to know who I'm talking to."
"That's not.. that's not what you said." Nina goes around looking out the windows and Sam squeezes the phone, "What did you think I said, then?"
She flicks the back light on, catching Sam's attention, "What?"
She doesn't say anything, so he asks again, "Hello?"
"I-I.. look.. I gotta go."  Nina flicks the light off and Sam quietly gets ready to get out, "Wait, no. I thought you said we were going to go out."
"Nah, I don't think I want to. Creep." She hangs up as Sam tells her not to hang up. The call ends and he gets out, quickly disappearing into the woods to make his way up to the house.
He sees Colby holding onto Levi with a knife pressed against his throat. Sam slips his mask on, bringing the phone back up to his ear and slipping the voice changer into his mask, calling Nina again.
He watches her through the window, seeing her stop as she stares at the phone before answering, "What the fuck do you want?"
"I told you not to hang up on me."
"What do you want, then? Huh?" She asks slightly frantic, "Huh?"
"I told you. I just want to talk."
"About what? What could you possibly want to talk to me about?" Nina runs a hand over her face, on the verge of tears.
"About what happened at that party two months ago."
"Call someone else. I'm done." She hangs up and that's when Sam moves up to help get Levi in the pool chair, duct taping his hands behind his back.
His yelling is muffled through the several pieces of tape keeping his mouth closed.
Colby grips his throat, squeezing until his eyes roll back and he's not making any noise. Sam taps Colby, indicating to let him go, that he needs to be alive for Nina to see him die.
Sam makes his way around the house, quietly getting in through the one window she didn't have locked before calling again.
"Listen asshole." Nina screams into the phone and Sam cuts her off, anger dripping from his words, "You listen to me you little bitch, you hang up on me again and I swear to god I'll gut you like a fish."
She doesn't say anything and the feeling of power takes over Sam, chuckling slightly, "Yeah."
"Is this a joke?" She whimpers out.
"More of a lesson about karma, really." He pauses as he hears her moving slowly, "Can you handle getting your karma for what you did, blondie?"
"What did I do?" She asks, trying to sound innocent and Sam just laughs, "More or less of what you and that sleezeball boyfriend of yours did."
Nina takes off running, locking all the doors she can get to. She looks out the window of the front door and puts the phone back up to her ear.
"Can you see me, Nina?"
She's breathing heavy, crying, "I'm going to call the fucking cops. This isn't fucking funny anymore."
"They'd never make it in time, look at where we're at. We're in the middle of no where." Sam moves to another room and she pleads, "Just tell me what you want, fuck. I'll do anything, please."
"I already told you, you need your karma. But I also kinda want to see what your insides look like." A sinister smiles grows behind Sam's mask as he listens to Nina sob and hang up.
Colby quickly walks around to the front, ringing the door bell a few times before running off. Nina screams, "Who's there? Fuck, I'm calling the cops, I'm not do-"
The phone rings as she picks it up, and she screams, crying as she brings to her ear.
"Don't you know not to ask who's there, fuck. You should know all about that from the movies you watch. Asking who's there is a death wish, and I'm feeling generous enough to grant it for you."
"Look.." she gasps for air, "You've had your fun now so I think.. you better just leave me... the fuck alone or else I-"
"Or else what?" Sam taunts, "What could you possibly do to outsmart me? Hmm?"
"My boyfriend will be here any fucking minute and he'll find you, and rip you apart for messing with me." She screams into the phone and Sam laughs, "Your boyfriend is a pussy, Nina. He'd do anything to save himself before you, now why don't you just walk on over to the back, look out at the pool."
"Fuck you. Fuck you."
"His name wouldn't happen to be Levi.. would it?"
She gasps, "How do you know his name?"
"Go to the doors, like I said, and turn on the fucking lights.. again."
Sam makes his way downstairs, knowing that she is focused on a bloody and beat up Levi. Still on the phone, he hears her sob, "Oh god, no. No. No. Levi!" She scratches at the door to unlock it frantically but Sam on the phone makes her stop, "I don't recommend doing that."
"Where the fuck are you?" She pounds on the glass of the window, "Where the fuck are you?"
"Guess. I could be anywhere."
"Please don't hurt him." She pleads, "I love him."
"Really? You love someone who goes around, using girls for his own drunken pleasure at parties they should have even been at?"
"What are you ta-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about bitch." Sam growls, "Now, if you want him to live, play a game with me."
"What game?"  She whimpers and Sam chuckles, "Turn off the light." Levi screams behind the tape and Nina leans against the wall listening as she turns off the lights.
"What party were you at two months ago?"
She thinks for a moment, sniffling as she does, "I-I do-"
"Don't tell me you don't know because I know for a fact you know exactly what I'm talking about." Sam snaps, "if I have to ask again, your pussy of a boyfriend dies."
"A party. It was Xander's party." She sobs, "Please.. don't kill him."
"What happened at Xander's party, Nina?"
"I don't.. I really don't know.." she lies, pleading for Levi's life, "I don't know, asshole. Fucking kill me if you want, but leave Levi alone!"
Sam is quiet for a few seconds, "Wrong answer." Sam hangs up and Nina goes to the door, screaming as Colby plunges a knife into his abdomen, spilling his guts into his lap, leaving Levi dead where he sits right as she flicks the lights back on.
Colby vanishes, making his way back into the woods incase Sam needs backup.
"Hey." Sam says catching her attention to the phone again, "We're not done. I still have one final question."
"Go the fuck away. You already killed Levi, what more do you want from me!?"
"Which door am I at? You got a fifty fifty chance of picking the right one.." he pushes as he listens to her voice shake, "Unless I'm already in the house."
She drops the phone as Colby throws a chair through the window, making her take off into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the block. She backs up slowly, gasping as Sam crosses the hallway in a swift motion, making his way into the other room.
She slips out the patio doors, shaking as she looks back in to see Sam stalking around the house. She moves over, getting ready to take off until he busts through the door, tackling her to the ground.
She gets up fast, but so does Sam. He chases her across the yard, grabbing her to pull her back and he plunges his knife deep into her chest, twisting it before throwing her down on the grass.
She's gasping, hyperventilating as she runs her fingers over the stab wound, trying to plead for her life once more. Sam moves on top of her, pressing a hand to her throat so she doesn't make any noise.
She ends up kicking him, making him fall back as she desperately tries to crawl away. With his adrenaline pumping, he gets back up, crawling over and stopping her.
He rolls her back over. She tries to scream for help but her voice is a strangled whine, "H-he-hel- help."
Sam shakes his head, gripping her throat again as she reaches up and rips his mask off. He stares down at her, giving her a smirk before stabbing her again.
And again.
Sam smashes the phone and leaves to find Colby before a car comes in from the other direction.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It wasn't unusual for you to share a bed with Sam or Colby, you guys have been close for many, many years which developed into this relationship that made you not want to look for anyone else. You were content with them, so you didn't need or even want a boyfriend, it was like you had two.
But it wasn't official or anything.
What was unusual, was that you woke up to it just being you, "Sam?" You call out hoping for an answer, "Colby?"
You swing your legs over, standing up as you grab one of the sweatshirts that's on the floor, checking your phone to see a message from Sam, Drug Colby with me for a run. Be back soon.
You sigh, feeling relieved as you now know they aren't in any kind of trouble like they have been in before. In the middle of responding, you hear the door open and you quickly make your way down the steps.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Sam says winking at you. You smile, "How was the run?" You look at Colby and he shrugs, "it was actually very exhilarating, I think I'm going to start running with Sam more often."
"Wow." You raise your eyebrows, taking the coffee Sam hands you, "That's not like you at all."
Colby chuckles, "Yeah, well. It is now I guess. Gotta stay in shape so I can fight those demons all night long." He motions to his Currently Fighting Demons hoodie and you roll your eyes with a laugh, "You really are a walking advertisement."
Sam smirks at you, "I'm going to go up and shower, but after that want to go out to eat?" You nod, "Mm." You swallow your coffee, "Yes please, I'm starving."
Sam jogs up the steps and Colby walks over to you, "You doing okay?" You sip your coffee and look up at him, "I was just worried that you two got arrested again."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no. Just went for a run. We aren't going anywhere." He tucks hair behind your ear and quickly kisses your forehead, "I'm going to shower, too."
You smile turning as you go into the living room. Right as you sit down, your phone rings, "Hey, Soph."
"Are you home?" She asks, her voice shakey, "Y/n."
"Yes. Yes. We're all here, what's up? What's going on?" You sit up, "Sophie?" There's about knock on your door, "I'm here." She yells, still on the phone.
You get up, quickly walking over to unlock the door, "Hey, come in."
"Levi and Nina are dead."
Her words shock you, "I'm sorry." You laugh slightly, "what did you just say?"
She takes a deep breath, "Nina and Levi are dead. Y/n.  Gone."
"What the hell? When? How? Why?" You run a hand over your hair, kinda acting more sad about it than you actually were because Sophie doesn't know what happened to you, "What can I do?"
You walk over and hug her as she breaks down in your arms.
Sam and Colby slowly walk down the steps, giving you a confused look they point to her. You shake your head, giving them a frown, "Levi and Nina are dead."
Your voice is quiet as you wipe the tears from her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Soph."
"Nina was like a sister to me. I mean obviously you too.." she laughs nervously, "Fuck, you know what I mean."
"It's okay. I understand." You walk her to the couch and sit down with her, her head laying in your lap as she starts sobbing again, "Who.. would do t-this?"
"I don't know, honey. But they'll find them. I'm sure.." You rub her back, unsure of what else to say.
You hated them with your full being, yes, but you never wanted them to die or anything.
"What happened?" Sam asks walking over and Sophie snaps her head up, "Two of my friends were killed, she just told you, what don't you understand?"
Sam clenches his jaw and Colby walks up, "Whoa. Hey. He just asked what happened."
Sophie rolls her eyes, "Do I need to reword it for you? Nina and Levi were killed. Gutted. I don't u-"
"Okay." You say loudly, cutting her off, "You just need to calm down, for one, and two.. They didn't do anything wrong, just asked what happened and you're snapping their heads off for no reason."
Sophie breaks down again, falling into your lap as she whimpers, "Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry."
Sam and Colby's eyes are on you. The way you stand up for them without any hesitation, no matter who it is, is one of the things they love about you.
They both knew that if you found out, you die for them before they got caught. 
And they were right.
"Exactly." Colby motions to you and sighs as he walks back upstairs. Sam shakes his head, "I'll leave you guys to it, then." He follows Colby and Sophie sits up, "I didn't mean to yell at them."
You hug her head, "I know. It's okay. They know you're under a lot right now."
"I think.. I think I'm going to go down to the police station, to see if I can get any information," she sniffles and looks at you, "Will you come with me?"
"Why don't you come to lunch with us, then we can go? We can talk about everything." You brush her hair from her face and she shakes her head, "i have to go see Eli."
"Eli? As in-"
She cuts you off, "Levi's best friend, yeah. That's who I've been seeing."
You raise your eyebrows, trying not to let your anger answer for you, because as said, she doesn't know he was there that night too, "Is it going good?"
"It was until last night. He won't answer my calls now, so.." she sniffles and stands up, "I'll call you later." You walk after her, "I can drive you if-"
"No. I just need a minute.. to think... about all of this." She lays her head on her hands, sobbing before quickly pulling it together. She walks over, hugging you tight, "I'm so scared."
You wrap your arms around her, "I know. I know. I am too." You rub her back, "They'll figure it out. I promise." She leans back, wiping her face before turning away, "I'll call you then."
"Just come over tonight. Stay here so I know you're safe too." You walk over to the door and she spins around, nodding, "O-okay."
You nod, giving her a small smile, "Okay." You watch as she makes her way to her car and you shut the door, Sam and Colby standing quietly behind you, "Jesus Christ."
You jump and lay a hand on your chest, "I need to put a bell on both of you."
They both laugh and Colby points to the door, "is she okay?"
You nod, "Yeah, she didn't mean to snap on you. It's all still so fresh, I can't imagine what she's going through."
"Did you hate Nina?" Sam asks raising his eyebrow. You nod, "And Levi, but that didn't mean I wanted them to be murdered or anything."
"Yeah, no right. I don't think anyone wishes for just anyone to die." Colby nods, "Did she tell you what happened exactly?"
You pull your phone out, "I can find out. I'm sure the news is alre-" your mouth drops slightly and your hand goes over your mouth as you read the gruesome description of how they were found.
"What, y/n?" Sam asks as he moves over to you, looking down at your phone, "Oh shit."
"Worse than Sophie said it was?" Colby walks over, looking over your shoulder, "Oh.. fuck."
"They said Levi was found out by their pool, taped to a chair and he was.." you cringe, "Literally gutted.." you rest your phone down by your side, "Nina was found the same way just outside in the yard.."
You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I can't imagine what her mom must of felt. She's the one who found them."
"Who ever did that obviously had a resentment towards them.." Colby glances at Sam, "Apparently."
Sam fights off his smirk and wraps his arm around you, "Are you okay?" You nod, "Yeah.. I mean, they bullied the hell out of me, but at the same time.." you take a deep breath, "Karma is a bitch.. I just didn't think of it being this big of one. I'm honestly kind of scared, like there's a killer on the loose and no one knows anything about it."
"It'll be okay." Colby wraps his arm around your shoulders, gripping Sam's hoodie, "you know we won't let anything happen to you."
You didn't remember that they knew about what happened at the party, and they wanted to keep it that way.
"If you don't want to go out, we can just stay here." Sam whispers, "Whatever you want to do."
You sigh, "I really want a wrap from Bardoe's." You laugh slightly and Sam smiles, "then we'll go to Bardoe's."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, y/n."
You set your food down, looking up as your friend, Noel, comes over, "How's Sophie?" She sits down across from you.
You shrug, "As bad as you'd think."
"She about bit my head off when I asked what was happening.," Sam says taking a sip of his drink. You nod, "Yeah, she stopped by before we came here, but she said she had to go see Eli."
She leans back, "Did you just say Eli?"
You nod, "I know, I had the same reaction you did." You laugh slightly, "I mean, to each their own. Her type is just assholes, apparently."
She raises her eyebrows and Henry, Noel's boyfriend comes over and sits down, "Colby. Sam." He nods to them and they nod back. He looks at you, "Y/n."
Henry stopped everything that night and you made him promise not to say a word to anyone, but Sam and Colby already know that, too.
So he's safe.
"How you doing?" He asks and you shrug, "I'm fine, worried about Soph." He nods, "Yeah, her and Eli are taking it pretty hard."
You nod, "I seen her this morning, she said she was going to the police station to ask questions, but I'm sure she'll only find out what they want them to."
You lean back, resting your head on Colby's arm that's extended over the top of the booth.
"How do you even gut someone like that?" Noel asks as she takes some of your fries, "Honestly. It's overkill if you ask me."
Colby shrugs, "The only way I can imagine, is that they took a knife or something sharp, then cut them from groin to sternum.."
Sam looks at Colby, "Hey. It's called tact, fucking idiot."
Colby holds his hand up, "I'm just saying that it would be an awful way to die." You stare at the table, nodding as you think about the pain they endured.
You hated it, but that little sick and twisted part inside of you liked it. You liked that they endured more pain than they had caused you, but you still felt bad.
"I heard they found her liver in the mailbox, how sick is that?" Henry says changing the subject, "Next to her spleen or some other organ."
"Oh that's so gross, I'm trying to eat y/n's fries, Henry. Stop it." Noel groans and pushes him. Colby smirks, "Yeah Henry, liver alone." He laughs and you look over at him, trying not to laugh.
Sam reaches behind you, smacking Colby's shoulder, "Dude."
"What? It's a joke, let her, liver? Liv-er alone?" He laughs with Henry and you just shake your head.
"Henry. Did you used to date Noel?" Colby points towards him. Noel looks at Henry and he laughs, "Yeah, until I found out just how psycho she was."
"What do you mean?" You look up at him.
He shrugs, "She was just nuts. I couldn't talk to anyone because I was-" he puts air quotes, "Cheating."
"Were you?" Noel looks at him and he looks at her, "Not at all." He looks at Sam, "Didn't you know Levi?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not like you'd think. I played basketball with him, but he was always a preppy everyone needs to love me kinda person and I couldn't be around that."
Henry raises his eyebrows and Sam tilts his head, "What? You think I did it?" He leans forward, resting his hands on the table, "I didn't kill anybody."
"No body said you did." Colby stares at Sam and he tilts his head smiling at Colby, "Aw, thanks buddy."
You rest your hand on his arms "Sam, that's not what he's saying. We all know you didn't. You have no reason to."
Noel laughs, "Yeah Sam, just because you and Colby hunt ghosts, that doesn't mean you could pull something like this off."
Henry laughs, "Right. That's how I know it wasn't you."
You can tell Colby is getting pissed because Henry just basically accused him of killing people, and honestly you were, too.
"Alright, I think it's time we leave. Yeah?" You look at Noel, "You should come over later. Soph is going to be there."
She nods, "I'll call you then." She stands up, pulling Henry up with her, quietly yelling at him about saying what he did to Sam.
You turn to Sam, "Are you okay?"
He nods and looks over at you, "Do you think I did it?" You shake your head, "As I said, you'd have no reason to." He takes a deep breath, "If he starts saying shit like that, I'll be the one they throw behind bars."
"I won't let that happen." You and Colby say in unison, causing Sam to smile. You smile and lean in, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you." You lean over to Colby, "Or you." You sit straight, "Because I like whatever this is."
"We like it too." Sam pulls you in, kissing your head as he stares at Colby, "Let's get out of here."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hello?" You say as you pick up your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?" A man on the other end of the phone asks. You sit up, "May I ask who's calling?"
The man on the phone chuckles softly, "Right, yes. My name is Officer Tylers. I'm calling to see if you'd come down to the station to answer some questions for us."
"About the murders?" You pinch the bridge of your nose and he sighs, "Yes. So if you could, the sooner the better, but no rush. I know this is a-"
You cut him off, "I'll be right there,"
"Great. Thank you."
You hang up and sigh before yelling, "Colby." He jogs down the steps, "What's up, babe?" You smiles slightly and stand up, "I just got off the phone with an Officer Tylers. They want me to come down and answer some questions."
He raises his eyebrows, "Really?"
You shrug, "I don't know why.. I just.." you sit back down and Colby walks over, sitting next to you, "Hey. You'll be okay. They probably are just doing a routine questioning to everyone she went to school with. I'm sure Sam and I are next to be questioned."
You laugh slightly, "Might as well just come with me." You look around, "Where's Sam?"
"He went to meet the guy to talk about our next investigation." He tucks hair behind your ear, "You're so pretty."
You smile and tilt your head, "Why didn't you go with him?" He smiles, "I figured you didn't want to be left alone."
You nod, "Yeah, you're right. I just have to text Soph and Noel to let them know i won't be here for a little bit."
"I'll text Sam, let him know that we're going to the station." Colby takes his phone out, tapping his screen quickly. You text Sophie and Noel, letting them know exactly what's going on.
"I told them the key is under the mat if they get here before we get back." You look up at Colby, "Is that okay?"
He looks up and nods, "Yeah that's fine. Are you ready?" You nod and stand up, "What did Sam say?" Colby shakes his head as he slides his phone back into his pocket, "Just said to be careful."
"He doesn't have to worry about that." You laugh and grab Colby's keys, handing them to him, "Here ya go." He takes them from you and pulls you into him, "Everything is going to be okay."
You smile, "Thank you for being so calm through all of this, I'm actually freaking out on the inside." He chuckles, "I know. I think you're forgetting I can read you like a book, y/n."
You lick your lips, looking up at him. He leans in, pressing his lips to yours as he pulls your body closer.
The door opens and Sam walks through, stopping when he sees you and Colby, "Whoa, whoa." He laughs and walks over, wrapping his arm around your waist, "Excuse me."
You laugh slightly and look up at him, "I thought you were meeting with that guy?" He nods, "Yeah, it was an easy meet up, he wants us to investigate there, so he was excited."
"So it's set then?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "It's set."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Wish me luck." You mumble before reaching for the door handle. Sam and Colby both wish you luck and you get out, taking a deep breath before crossing the street.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady behind the glass asks and you rest your hands on the counter, "I got a um.. call from an Officer Richards. He told me to come down to answer some questions."
She nods, "Y/n y/l/n right?"
You nod, "Yep. That's me."
"You can have a seat right over there, I'll let him know you're here." You mumble a quiet, "thank you," before walking over to the chair and sitting down.
Not even a minute later, a tall man dressed in a police uniform walks over to you, "Y/n?"
You look up at him, immediately pissed, "Yes." You stand up and shake his hand, "Been a while.. You can come with me this way." You follow him through the barracks and into a room with only a table and four chairs.
"Have a seat. Do you need anything? Want anything? Water, coffee?"
You look up at him from the chair and shake your head, "No, thank you. I'm good."
"Alright, we'll just jump right into this then." He sits across from you after closing the door, "Did you know Nina and Levi?"
"Why are you questioning me? Isn't that conflict of interest or whatever?" You cross your arms over your chest and he shakes his head, "Not technically family, so no. Anyway, did you know Nina and Levi?"
You tilt your head, "I did, but I wasn't really liked by them."
"Can you elaborate on that for me, please? What do you mean exactly? Why didn't they like you?" He scribbles down notes on the notepad.
"I'm friends with Sophie Frank, and she's friends- or was friends.. with Nina, and Sophie and I are so different, I think she thought I ruined the popular girl image, and eventually just pushed me out." You explain, "And Levi, well he was the quarterback of the football team and got a college scholarship, so he was Mr. Popularity."
"Were you jealous of that?"
You laugh slightly, "Excuse me?"
He holds his hand up, "I know that sounds bad, but it's just routine or whatever you want to call it. Let me reword it.." he thinks for a moment and looks back up at you, "Were you jealous that Sophie was friends with her? How did her pushing you out make you feel?"
"I mean I didn't really like it, so I just stopped hanging around Sophie when I knew there was a chance Nina would be there, but I didn't want her to die if that's what you're getting at." You stare at him and he nods as he scribbles some more, "I liked Nina, we were friends before high school, but high school really changes a person I guess."
"Did it change you?" He asks right away, "I mean, you didn't go to college, correct?"
You shake your head, "No, but what-"
"You're living with two guys who do videos, both are handsome looking dudes, you didn't feel.. I don't know.. threatened by Nina in anyway?"
You scoff at his question, "No, Officer Tylers. I was not threatened by Nina."
"Where were you last night?" He leans back in his chair and you sigh, "I was home. Asleep by ten with Sam and Colby."
"They were there?" He tilts his head, "They didn't leave the house?"
You clench your jaw, sighing because you don't like to talk about your private business, especially with people like Officer Tylers, "They were in bed, with me, until about seven this morning. They went for a run."
"And that's normal? What time did they get back?"
"Yes." You sigh, "Sam is training for a marathon, and Colby likes working out." You shrug, "About eight thirty." You sigh, "Are we done? Can we be done please?"
"Almost." He holds up his finger and scribbles down more words, "Is ghost hunting all Sam and Colby do? Do you join them sometimes? I've never seen their videos beside so I don't really know."
"Besides doing photo shoots for their merch launches and making their own coffee, yeah. That's all they do."
He's quiet for a few moments before he looks up, "Don't leave town, stay in touch if you see anything, but yeah. Were done. For now." You stand up and he grabs your arm, "Just be careful, y/n. Your dad told me to look after you, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do."
You pull your arm away, "Well, you're not my dad so." You walk away and he stands up, watching as an officer leads you to the front of the building.
Officer Tylers, better known as Dave Tylers, was your dad's best friend and your dad told him, on his death bed, that he was to make sure you were okay.
You've always gotten weird vibes from him, even when you were younger, so you kept your distance.
You get into the car, plopping down with a sigh, "That was fucking pathetic."
"What happened?" Sam asks as they both turn around to face you. You shake your head, "We can talk about it at home. I need to make sure that fucker didn't bug me."
"Huh?" Sam whips back around as Colby drives off and you laugh slightly, "The officer that questioned me was.." you sigh, "He's who my dad asked to look after me. I just get a weird feeling with him, so I've kept my distance and he was like, asking me if I was at home in bed with you two last night. Like it was just weird."
Colby clenches his jaw, "You don't owe anyone an explanation about us."
"I know, Colby. I felt like I had to because of the way he was drilling me with question after question." You thud back against the seat, "I just don't understand who would want to actually go through and kill someone, let alone two people at once."
You rest your head back, thinking about the answers you gave Dave. Anxious because you lied, you guys were drinking and you got a little too wasted, passing out, so you weren't really sure if they went to bed when you did, but it doesn't matter because one, Dave didn't need to know that, and two, Sam and Colby aren't killers, they're ghost hunters.
"Did you guys go to bed with me last night?" You ask kinda quiet and Colby looks back at you in the rearview, "Of course we did. We wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I mean, I edited our latest video a little bit after you fell asleep but I was only down at the end of the bed." Sam looks back at you, "Are you doubting us, ms y/l/n?"
You laugh and shake your head, "No, no. Dave just gets under my skin and I don't know, I hate him."
Sam and Colby glance at each other, looking away before you look back up at them, "Sorry. I just-"
"You don't ever need to apologize to us, y/n." Sam smiles back at you, reaching for your hand, "I promise, everything is okay."
You take his hand and watch as he pulls you towards him, bringing your hand to his lips, "We got you."
You smile at him, jumping slightly as your phone rings. You look down, hitting the green button, "Hey Soph, I'm on my way-"
"Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with Nina and Levi." She says frantic, "I'm not going to be able to come over tonight. I'm sorry."
"No, no hey. It's okay. Take deep breathes a- hello?" You pull your phone away seeing she ended the call, "Okay, bye to you, too."
"What's going on, babe?" Colby asks glancing over his shoulder. You sigh as you shrug, "I guess they think Eli did it. Soph didn't tell me much, all she said was Eli got arrested, she won't be able to come tonight and that she's heading to the station and hung up."
You text Noel, Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with the murders.
"You're only trying to help her, I really don't understand why she's being this way towards you." Sam says, "She's only going to get hurt if she keeps messing around with Eli."
"You don't have to tell me." You roll your eyes, "She changed, and I'm not saying that's bad thing, but I've definitely been put on the back burner.."
"Hey." Sam lays his hand on your knee, Colby parks in the driveway and does the same. You look up at them and Sam smiles, "If they don't come tonight, screw them. If they can't see that you're only trying to help, then that's on them."
You lay your hands on theirs, "I don't know if I told you guys this lately, but I love you both so very much and I am so glad that we're whatever this is." You smirk slightly and Colby squeezes your knee, "You're our girl, what can we say?"
You smile and get out of the car, walking inside, "We should just have a movie night, chill out. Forget that we're living in fear right now." You set your bag down and turn towards them, "What do ya say?"
"I say.." Colby walks over, grabbing your hand and spinning you into him, "Let's do it."
"I second that. Or third that in this case." Sam laughs as he presses a kiss to your temple, "Now go change into something comfy then we can get this party started."
You smile all the way up to the top of the steps. You can hear Sam and Colby whispering but you think nothing of it.
You're in a mood.
A mood for them.
You throw on a bigger tee, no pants, and walk back down the steps. Their eyes immediately on you and you blush, "What?" You walk past them to the couch and they follow you like a magnet.
"Where do you think you're going?" Colby asks as he sits beside you, Sam on the other. You smirk, "You said to change into something comfy, and I'm most comfortable without pants."
"I think you got comfy confused with sexy, there babe" Sam bites his lip as he drags his hand up your back. You lean back slowly and Colby pulls you back against his chest, "Makes me want to rip you apart."
His words send a shiver of excitement down your spine, "Do it." His hands slide down, raising your shirt with his fingers, "The way Sam is looking at you right now.." Colby tilts head up to look at Sam, "I think he wants to."
Your eyes meet Sam's stare, "Please."
Colby spreads your legs, one pushed up against the back of the couch and he has his hand under the knee of your other, holding it up.
Sam moves in, kissing down your neck and under your boobs until he reaches the top of your panties. He bites them, pulling his head back and letting go so they snap against your skin.
Your breath hitches and Colby chuckles deeply in your ear, "You like that, baby girl?"
You nod, whimpering as Sam kisses up your thigh and pressing his lips to your pantie covered clit, "So much."
"Can you beg for him? Hmm.." Colby gently bites down on your earlobe, "Tell him what you want."
"I want you to eat my pussy." You moan as he presses another kiss to your clothed clit, "Please, Sam.." you whimper, "Please."
Sam looks up at you, pulling your panties to the side and runs his finger against your soaked slit, "Someone needs us."
You nod, "I do.. yes.."
"Say it again, baby." Colby whispers, eyes meeting Sam's as you moan out to the feeling of Sam's fingers dipping deep inside of you, "I need you."
Colby slides his hand down, gently massaging your clit as Sam slowly pushes and pulls his fingers in and out, "You're so fucking wet."
"No one is ever allowed to touch you again, got it?" Colby gently bites your neck and you moan out, "No one but you and Sam."
Sam reaches up, turning your head so you look at him, "Who's pussy is this?"
You furrow your brows as you feel your orgasm coming on, "Oh fuck." You whimper, "You and Colby's."
"Say my name, baby." Sam bites his lip as he works up to a faster pace, causing you to clench around his fingers, "Sam and Colby's."
Your back arches off of Colby's chest and you moan, "Fuck, fuck." Colby adds more pressure, "Cum for us, baby."
You roll your hips slowly, growing closer and closer until there's frantic knocking on your door, "Y/n!"
You don't want to stop, but you reach down to grab Sam's wrist but Colby grabs your hand, pinning it to the back of the couch, "Don't try it. You're going to cum first."
Your eyes roll back as you work back up to where you were, biting your lip to muffle your moans.
The knocking and pounding on the door continues and Sam curls his fingers just right, sending you overboard. You grind your hips against their hands, pressing the back of your head into Colby's shoulder.
"Good girl." Colby reaches up, gripping your chin so he can kiss you. Sam pulls his fingers out and brings them to his own lips, "Were not done." He says with a smirk.
You smirk and shake your head, completely forgetting about someone at the door. You jump up, fixing your panties as you walk to the door, "Who is it?"
"Fucking Sophie. Now open up."
You open the door and she barges in, "Someone fucking planted shit on Eli, I swear to god." She paces back and forth, "I don't.. oh fuck.. I don't know what to do.."
"Well, if you would have listened to me before you hung up on me, I told you to breathe so why don't you try doing just that?" You walk over to the fridge, grabbing her a water and handing it to her.
"What if this was Colby? Hmm?"
"Does no one believe that I'm capable of murder?" Sam holds his arms out and laughs, causing you to smile, "Of course we do sweetie." You look back at Sophie, "No I know. It's easier said than done. I was a mess when Colby got arrested and no one knew what was happening."
"He got arrested for trespassing and having fake id's, y/n. That nothing compared to what Eli is possibly facing." Sophie sets her water down and sits on the stool, "Eli didn't do this."
"If anyone isn't capable of murder, it's him, Soph. You don't have anything to worry about. Where was he last night?"
She shrugs, "he was home."
"And you're sure of that?" You tilt your head slightly, "Why didn't you tell the police that?" She sighs, "They said they'll talk to me once they're done questioning him. This apparently is a big fucking thing because every cop is out patrolling every area around here."
You look over at Sam and Colby who are quietly talking to each other and back to her, "Well do you to-"
"Why don't you come with me? We're going back to Nina's, well sneaking back there so we can try and figure this out ourselves? We can meet Noel at her place?"
You shake your head, "I just really wanted to stay in tonight, kinda the reason as to why I told you and Noel to come here."
"Don't you want to help find the killer? I understand you didn't like Levi and Nina, but at the same time.. don't you want to help find who did it?" She looks at you and you just stare at her.
"Fine." She throws her hands up and walks towards the door, "I'm just saying.. if you showed up missing or dead, Nina would help figure it out too, she wasn't as bad as you thought."
Yes she was. You wanted to tell her in that moment just how bad they both were, but you just watched her leave.
You look over at Sam and Colby who are staring at you, unhappy about the interaction, "You okay?" Sam asks standing up, "That was uncalled for." He motions towards the door.
You shrug, "I just don't think Levi and Nina were good enough people for me to put life at risk, you know what i mean?"
Sam walks over, pulling you in for a hug, "I know, sweetheart. It's okay. Everyone deals with these things differently and it's okay."
Colby walks up, pressing a kiss to your temple, "Fuck em."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Later that night, as you're sitting on the couch, Colby lets out a groan, "My head is killing me."
"Aw. Did you take anything?" You reach over and gently scratch the back of his neck. He shakes his head slightly, "No, but I think I'm going to and then I'm going to head up to bed." He stands up, bending down to kiss your forehead, "I love you."
You smile and lay your hand on his cheek, "I love you." You press your lips to his and lean back, "You guys ate awfully lovey dovey lately."
You look between them and they smile, "Can't help it if we're just happy when we're around you." Colby punches your chin gently, "Wake me up for your run in the morning, Sam."
Sam nods, "You got it, bro."
As of right now, it was Sam's job to distract you. Make you forget about the world for a little while.
"Why don't we..." he slides his hand up your bare thigh, "Pick up where we left off?" You bit your lip, turning towards him, "Won't Colby feel left out?"
He shakes his head, pulling you to him, "We made a deal, I get you now. He gets you tomorrow morning."
You bite your lip, leaning in. You stop just as your lips are about to touch his, "So you have a schedule?" Sam chuckles and presses his lips to yours, "Only trying to keep it fair, you know how we get."
You stand up, "Take me to bed, Mr. Golbach."
Sam stands up and takes your hand, "If I ever say no to that, make sure I'm the one who's gutted next." You perk up slightly, but not from fear.
Something about his words makes you wet, "I'll give you something to murder." You both laugh at your words, "Someone is feeling frisky."
You bite your lip, "Maybe a little." Sam slides his hands down to your ass, squeezing, "Let's go." You pull him with you up the stairs, going into his room and shutting the door.
His hands slip you out of the tee, tossing it on the ground and looking at your bare chest, "You're so fucking hot." He lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and he walks you over to the bed.
Colby quietly sneaks out of his room, making sure to shut the door as quietly as possibly before making his way down the steps and out the front door.
"Sam.." you whimper, "I need you."
He pulls away from kissing your neck, "I want to taste you first, babe. Can you be a good girl and let me do that?"
You smirk and nod your head, "Yes."
"That's my girl." He winks and kisses down your body, making your breath hitch as he sucks little marks into the skin under your boobs and down your stomach, "Don't tease."
"That's my favorite part, besides hearing you beg for me." His fingers brush over your clit and you gasp quietly, spreading your legs further apart, "Sam.."
Colby makes his way to where they parked their car before, slightly deep in the woods, but with an easy exit. He takes a deep breathe before getting out of the car and stalking through the woods towards the house, mask on and ready to kill.
For you.
Sam slowly pulls your panties down, too slow for your liking. You go to take your legs out and Sam crawls up, "I want to take my time with you, y/n. Been a bit since I had you to myself."
You melt into him, nodding, "Sorry."
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours, "You don't ever have to be sorry. You're impatient, you need to be touched. I get that." He smiles down at you, "I'm going to do just that, okay?"
You nod and watch as he moves down your body, "I just want to take you in for a minute." He kisses down your thighs, making you wetter with each kiss.
Colby takes the burner from his pocket, dialing a number.
"Hello?" Henry picks up the phone.
"What are you doing back here?"  Colby asks in the low raspy tone from the voice changer, "You guys shouldn't be back here."
Colby watches Henry spin around in circles, "Who- yo. Who the hell is this?" He stops and looks at his phone, but no luck, "What a bitch, calling me from a restricted number, you know what. If you're trying to scare me, it ain't gunna work, dude."
"What if I told you I knew who killed that bitch and her liar boyfriend, hmm?" Colby slowly makes his way around to the side of the house.
You moan, rolling your hips against Sam's face, "Fuck, fuck. Sam, I-I.." you arch your back, moaning out as you cum around his tongue, "Fuck, fuck fuck." You whimper and tangle your fingers in his hair, "Yes, yes, yes."
"How do you know that?" Henry asks and walks over to where Colby killed Levi, the dark red mark from his guts dripping still stained on the concrete, "Did you do it?"
"I did. And it felt so fucking good." Colby chuckles lowly, "He died like a bitch."
"Fuck you. I'm not do-"
"You leave that spot and your girlfriend dies next." Colby threatens, "Now, I want you to tell me something."
"What." Henry scoffs.
"What is one of your biggest secrets, Henry? I know you probably have a lot of skeletons in that dusty closet of yours."  Colby moves around, still making sure to have eyes on the house with Noel and Sophie in it, and Henry.
"I don't have any." Henry laughs, "Honest."
"Fucking liar. Do you want to die just like Levi?"
"N-no. No." He keeps his voice quiet, "Fine." Henry takes a deep breath, "I cheated on Noel, okay."
That's not what Colby was expecting to hear, "You're pathetic, just like Levi."
Henry freaks out quietly, "Fuck you. I'm nothing like Levi okay."
"Oh yeah? Do tell." Colby pulls his knife out, "I'd love to know how you were better than him."
"Again, baby. I want you to cum on my face again." Sam moves up, lying down as he pulls you to sit on his face.
"I don't know what has gotten into you.." you look down at him, running your fingers through his hair, "But I like it." He smirks up at you and pulls your hips down to meet his face, his tongue lapping at your clit.
You grip the headboard, leaning forward as you're engulfed in the pleasure once again.
"I don't just go around, throwing myself onto girls who are way too drunk to say yes or no. Okay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He spins around, looking to see if anyone else is around.
"You're still pathetic, cheating on your girlfriend.." Colby tsks a few times, "Still doesn't make you a good guy."
"Fuck. Sam.." your legs start to shake and your eyes roll back, pulling his hair as you cum again, "F-fuck." Sam eats you out through your orgasm, heightening it in a way that's never happened before, "S-shit."
You roll off of him, laying on your back as he rolls on top of you, "Such a good fucking girl." He crashes his lips on yours and you moan against his lips as your tongue swipes the taste of yourself off his lips.
Colby moves once he knows the girls in the house won't see, and quickly grabs Henry, covering his mouth with his glove covered hand and stabs him in the back a few times quickly, before spinning him around to slit his throat.
He stares at him for a few seconds as Henry gargles and chokes on his own blood before pushing him back, his body splashing into the pool, turning the clear water red.
"Fucking bitch." Colby mumbles before disappearing into the night, listening to the screams of horror, which can only mean that he has to get the hell out of dodge.
Sam gets up, stripping his clothes off before moving back to lay between your thighs. Your knees rest against his hips and you look up at him, "I love you."
"You have no idea how much I love you." Sam whispers and pushes his cock into you, groaning out as he interlocks his hand with yours and squeezes it, "You have no idea."
Colby starts driving, a smirk resting on his lips as the thought of what he did and why he did it.
Over and over again, the vision of Henry falling lifeless into the pool thrills him.
Henry disrespected Sam, so this kill wasn't just for you this time.
"I could do this all day." Sam groans lowly, "All night." He kisses down your neck as he slowly thrusts into you, trying to hold himself off for as long as he can, "You drive me fucking insane. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."
"I'd die for you." You cup his cheek with your free hand, "You and Colby, you both.." you arch your back, moaning as you approach another orgasm, "I love you both so.." you gasp, arching your back, squeezing his hand, "So fucking much."
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as his cock hits that sweet little spot each time he slides in, "S-Sam."
You moan out loudly, squeezing his cock tightly with your walls, "Fu-" you basically scream for him, clawing up his back as you cum.
He groans, thrusting all the way into you, "Fuck, as much as I love when you do that, don't." He kisses your lips, "I don't want to cum yet."
Colby pulls into the driveway and makes his way back inside, closing the door quietly. It was times like this where they were very thankful that you wanted a house that was kind of secluded from everything else.
You left your phone downstairs on the coffee table, so you didn't know it was blowing up with missed calls and texts from both Noel and Sophie.
Colby walks over, picking it up to look at the notifications on the lock screen, smirking as he reads the messages,
Missed Call Soph (25)
"Fucking. Bitches." Colby mumbles and sits down on the couch, waiting until he knows you and Sam are finished.
Sam pushes his cock all the way in, pumping his cum deep into you with a moan, "Fuck." He sighs with a smile, "You, my love, are absolutely perfect."
You smile up at him, only to have the door bursted open with Colby running in, "You phone is blowing up, babe."
He hands you the phone and your heart sinks, "No. no, no. No. No." You cover your mouth, fumbling around to call Soph.
"What happened?" Sam asks looking at Colby.
"Henry is dead." Colby shakes his head with a sad look on his face.
"Now you wanna fucking call me back?" Sophie yells and you clench your jaw, "I can't really answer when I'm asleep. Now stop being a bitch and tell me what the fuck is going on."
She's taken aback but you calling her out and she sighs, "Henry was killed, y/n. While Noel and I were in the fucking house.. Henry was fucking... killed." Her voice cracks and you can't help but to feel guilty, "I should have been there."
"No, it's not your fault it my fault. We shouldn't have came here. He tried to talk us out of it, but Noel and I pushed.." her voice cracks, "Fuck. I-I don't.. Noel is a mess. I don't.. oh my god.. can you come get me?"
"Yeah, no of course I can. I'll be right there." You hang up and stand up. You grab a sweatshirt and sweatpants, throwing them on before looking around, "Henry is dead?"
"I'm sorry, babe." Colby pulls you into his chest. You wanted to cry, but you felt like you couldn't, "Why is this happening?"
"I don't know.." Colby sighs, "Starting to freak me out, too."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asks standing up and you look at him, "Yeah, please." You look up at Colby, "How's your head?"
He sighs, "Still hurts, but I thought you needed to know this."
"Thank you. Now go back to bed. I'll let you know what's going on."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You held onto Sam's hand the entire way to the scene. You squeezed his hand the more the blue and red lights filled your view.
The coroner loading the zipped up body bag into the van.
The police talking to Noel and Sophie.
Your heart was racing.
"This is awful.." you mumble as tears well up in your eyes, "Fuck.." you wipe your face and take a deep breath, "I'm going to get Sophie and see where Noel is going."
Sam nods, "I'll be here."
As soon as you get out of the car, you're greeted by Officer Tylers, "Isn't it a bit late for you?"
You roll your eyes, walking past him as you make your way to the girls, "I'm so sorry." You whisper and they both fall into you, sobbing hysterically, trying to speak but it's just mumbles and gasps for air.
Tears stream down your face, "We're going to figure this out. I promise." You lay your hands on the back of their heads, "Come on." You look at the officer, "Are they.. can we go?"
The officer nods, "Yeah, they're good."
You walk them to Sam's car, and of course, Dave is still standing there, "Get home safe now." You ignore him as you help the girls get in, Sam talks to them as you turn to get up front.
"Hey, y/n. Where were you tonight?"
Without any hesitation, "I was home, getting railed by my boyfriends." You shoot him a glare, "Now leave me alone." You get back into the car and Dave walks around to Sam's window, tapping on it.
Sam sighs, rolling it down slightly, "Can I help you, Officer?"
"go easy on this one. She's been through enough already, alright?" Dave motions towards you and Sam keeps his lips together, giving him a forced smile, "No need to worry about that. She's in good hands."
You avoid looking at him the entire time Sam turns around in the driveway, "That dude is a fucking creep."
"Was that Dave?" Sophie sniffles, "I didn't know he was an officer here."
You nod, "Neither did I until he questioned me at the station yesterday."
"That dude has always been weird with you." Sophie adds, which catches Sam's attention, "How so?" You shake your head, "We don't need to talk about that right now. Please?"
Sam gives you the, we'll talk about it later, look and takes your hand into his as he focuses on driving you guys back to the house.
It was quiet, all but the sniffles and sobs from the girls in the back. The whole time, you kept thinking about why you didn't really feel remorse for Nina, Levi, and now Henry.
It surprised you. You were usually a person who cared so much, and now you're putting on an act so no one questions you.
"I'm sorry, Sam." Sophie says from the back seat. Sam looks at her in the rear view, "For snapping at you and Colby. You guys were just trying to figure out what happened and I didn't need to be a bitch."
Sam shakes his head, "no worries, Soph."
"I'm going to tell Colby, too. You guys didn't deserve that." Sophie leans back, rubbing Noel's back, "Are you okay?"
"I think I'm going to puke." Noel lays a hand over your mouth and Sam stops right as she opens the door, spitting on the ground outside.
You turn around, holding onto the seat as you reach out, holding what you can reach of her hair back, "Let it out. It's okay."
Sam admires how caring you are of your friends, the people you love. But to him, that's not an invitation for them to take advantage of that, be nasty then expect her to pick up right where they left off, forgetting it even happened.
Sam believes you're too good for everyone in this town. Hell, him and Colby sometimes tell each other that you're too good for them, but you make them realize that they need you, without even realizing it yourself.
They're obsessed with you.
Your body.
Your personality.
The way you carry yourself, even on the worst days.
You're the reason Sam and Colby get up everyday.
You're the reason as to why they started killing.
At first, they wouldn't have even thought about committing a murder, but once the words about what happened left your drunken lips, they vowed that from that day on, you weren't ever going to get hurt again, and if you did, they'll hurt who hurt you, ten times over.
Henry's death was more personal, as said. He disrespected Sam, and that's not something you do when Colby is around.
They've fantasized together about you killing with them. Thinking about seeing you pull one of their knives out, plunging it deep it into someone flesh and twisting.
I wasn't until you tapped Sam's cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts that he realized he was staring, "Hmm. Sorry." He chuckles slightly and faces forward, starting to drive once your back in your seat correctly.
His hand goes to your leg, and he squeezes. You bite your lip, laying your hand over his.
"Who would want to kill Henry?" Noel whispers as she starts to sob, "Why him? He didn't do anything wrong." Her hands fall into her lap and she leans on Sophie, "I loved him."
"I know you did." Sophie sniffles, "We all loved Henry. He was such an asshole, but he was one of the funny, good assholes."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, that he was."
"You guys hungry or anything?" Sam asks looking back and they shake their heads. Noel laughs slightly, "I don't think I'm ever eating again, honestly."
"I've never seen a dead body, and the fact-" Sophie takes a sharp breath, trying not to cry again, "I'm so mad."
You thought it was a little strange that Sophie was so distraught, like yes. They were all friends and always hung out, but she's acting like it was her boyfriend that died.
"Any news on Eli?" You look back at Soph and she nods, "Nope. Still in holding." You frown, "Well they can't hold him. He obviously didn't do this because Henry died while he was in there."
She nods, "You're right. They can't keep him because this proves it wasn't him." She sighs, "Fuck. This whole thing is a fucking mess."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
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teatreeoilll · 9 months
ViolinProdigy!Megumi has my heart. w/c - 600 (Reposted from my old blog which I don't have access to anymore (thanks Tumblr), if you liked it reblogs or likes would be appreciated to get me back on track since I've lost all my followers and half my work :(
“You’re biting your nails again, Fushiguro.”
“What?” He takes a split second to register your words before letting the hand near his mouth dig back into his pocket, “Uh, sorry.”
“I like seeing you nervous,” you admit, barely audible beneath the wave of applause coming from the auditorium.
He sighs at the noise, placing a long finger near his ear, waiting for you to repeat yourself.
“I said ‘Good luck with your performance’!” You smile bashfully, nudging at the door where the stage manager waves frantically at Megumi.
He nods at the man, kneeling down to run gentle fingers on the clasps of the violin case to undo them, taking out the instrument before following the stage manager out of the waiting area.
Even though you have a seat reserved in one of the spaces prearranged for friends and family, you watch him through the crack of the stage door, listening to the other soloists groan as soon as Megumi swings his bow onto the strings.
"It's precise," a light-haired boy says, resting his arms on his own violin case, "but emotionless."
You feel your face grow red; the perfect sounds tickling your ears are nothing but pure feeling.
"Quiet, Naoya." An older man beside him chides, tugging at his thick English-style mustache. "If you listen, you might understand why your ass fits so well in the second place."
Megumi's quiet all the way to the train station. He finds a seat on a bench in a secluded corner, scooting to the side to make room for you.
"First place again, huh, Fushiguro?" You elbow him, trying to interrupt his pensive state.
He only utters a small Mh-hmm, watching another full train depart from the platform, clutching at the violin case resting on his leg.
"You should be happy, Megumi."
"It wasn't perfect," he mutters.
"It was perfect, you should have heard Nayoa's whines as soon as you started playing!" you beam, hoping it would improve his mood, but he just stares off into the space between the bench and the platform.
The train ride felt long, and his legs grew weary of standing pressed against a crowd of people - but despite living a far way from where your station was, Megumi stepped out together with you, like he always did, just to walk you home.
"Why did you say you liked seeing me nervous?" He finally utters when you cross the bridge exiting the station.
"I thought you didn't hear that," you mumble, trying to swallow to relieve the dryness forming in your throat, "I guess it just makes you look more, uh - human?"
"You're saying I don't look human?" He furrows his brows, coming to a halt behind you.
"I don't mean it like that," you turn to face him, watching his features under the yellow light of the street lamp, "You just look so rigid all the time that I -," you lift your arm to press two fingers to the bridge of his nose, smoothing out the wrinkles formed there by his expression, "I like to be reminded that you have feelings, too."
"I have feelings, y'know." He says, a blush creeping on his cheeks.
"I know, I just said you do!"
You walk the rest of the way home in silence, secretly scolding yourself for saying something so brazen. You smile at him when you reach your doorstep, delivering a quick 'See you tomorrow' before stepping inside.
Megumi takes the long route to his house, repeating the same phrase over and over; "I have feelings for you (Name)," he utters silently into the air, "Just tell her dumbass, it isn't that hard."
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ourlittleuluru · 5 months
Another dawnbreak event pictures under the cut~
These ones are more like last night's after my uh... Late night questionable decisions ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ;;; also I'm missing two images which I will update accordingly~ have yet to do today's mission... 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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Him and MC enjoying the night breeze and looking out the window!!!! It's so precious 💕💕💕💕
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This feels like from the starting conversation where MC was just feeling so left out 😂 the look on Xavier's face while MC is being so dramatic with the bird! Even the birb is in on this!
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Is this why the cat was angry with Xav?? Xavier why u always say things like this to the cats! Even in that one tender moment, telling a cat it'll freeze to death if it eats the popsicle 💀 goodness...
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I'm assuming it's MC in the corner looking like she's about to throw hands at someone while Xavier is trying to stop her... Good luck with that 😅 but that bunbun pillow!!!
And yes... To me, this "movie" is def very cursed. So cursed that even my rng is suffering 🫠🫠🫠
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Also what??? Xavier! 😂😂😂😂 You sir! How did you even come up with that phrase???! Smoothluru huh... 🤣 Too much delulu in the soululu. Now everything is all lu and ru.
And onto scene 2~
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Honestly... I have 0 context of this conversation, I was so confused when I got it 😂 guess I need to go brush up on my loreeeeee
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And last image as I hit Tumblr's limit... Looks like MC is taking the poor cat away from Xavier 😆 like she's covering it's ears when Xavier is saying mean things to it. Stop looking so confused, Xav. You know what you said 🤣
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months
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Ugh - life is so crazy, got to this really late. Sorry!
Thanks for tagging me in this and past six /seven/several sentence sundays and WIP Wednesdays that I've missed!:
@porcelainmortal, @alasse9 @sheepywritesfics @softboynick @forabeatofadrum
@daisyishedwig @sophie1973 @taste-thewaste @14carrotghoul @wordsofhoneydew
If I forgot anyone, I apologize!
What's been up with writing:
Well I recently posted my latest chapter in my Klaine fic, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I have quite a few writing asks to tackle (I'll get to them, I promise) and my immensely large WIP list . . .
But of course, because I'm a sucker for punishment, I started, what I am jokingly referring to as - one prompt, 2 ships 😂.
Basically saw a writing prompt on Tumblr and loved the idea so much I could see it fit in both for Klaine and FirstPrince.
So I started writing something for both because my brain won't let it go.
Both stories are fantasy AUs, each with a little "saving someone from a dragon" element aspect to it - we'll see where they go.
Pardon the silly fire themed titles - thought they went well with the dragon aspect of the story 😂
Really rough snippets are below:
baby won't you light my fire - Klaine WIP
“I’m not sure I understand, Sir, “ Blaine said, as he shifted uncomfortably in the heat of the summer sun, his leather jerkin feeling a bit stiff and uncomfortable. The sword strapped to his side grew heavy after his long journey from Westerville. 
Perhaps it was just the fatigue.  Perhaps it was his lack of a morning meal, thanks to him leaving at the crack of dawn to avoid his brother Cooper’s incessant questions about his latest quest.  Whatever the reason was, Blaine unable to focus on the words coming out of the other man’s mouth.
Burt sighed as he pushed his cloth cap from his head, rubbing his forehead.  “Perhaps it’s best I show you son.”
The blacksmith paused first to call out to dark innards of the forge.  “Finn!” He shouted “Finn!”
A tall, lanky young man emerged, a leather apron wrapped around his frame and a smear of soot across his forehead.  He removed a pair of thick gloves, also leather, from his hands as he squinted in the bright sunlight, spying Burt and giving him a bright smile.  “Yes, Burt?” He asked.
Burt nodded towards Blaine.  “This is Blaine.  He’s here to help your brother.”
For a moment, the younger blacksmith looked puzzled.  Then after noticing the sword at  his belt, the furrow on his brow smoothed. 
“OH . . .” Finn’s eyes lit up with understanding, and then softened a bit with sympathy just a moment later.  “I’m glad.  Don’t let Kurt intimidate you.  He’s got a . . um . . strong personality.”
Blaine nodded.  “I’ve had to rescue many a temperamental damsel in distress,” he confided, thinking back to Lady Kitty and the Baroness Sugar de Motta.  Those quests were nothing but headaches.  He tolerated it for the pay though.  “I think I should be fine.”
Finn’s eyes shifted from Burt to Blaine.  “Yes . . .” he said, appearing as if he was unsure how much farther to explain.  “Well, Kurt’s situation might be a bit different that any other ladies in ivory towers that needed saving,” the young blacksmith told Blaine cryptically.
“Well,” Burt said, as he coughed  and nodded, looking about nervously.  “I think we should get going before nightfall.  Tell your mother I may be home later for dinner.”
Finn nodded as he held out his hand to the visitor.  “Um . . .good luck, I guess,” Finn said.  “Safe travels and . . uh,” Finn straightened, puffing out his chest and lifting his chin.  “You make sure to treat my brother right, or you’ll have to deal with me.”
Blaine stared up wordlessly at Finn, clueless as to what he was trying to convey.
Burt snorted in the background.  “Finn,” he gently chastised his step-son.  “I think Kurt can take care of himself . . don’t you?”
“But I’m still the older brother . . .”
“Kurt is older than you.”
“Bigger brother then . . .“
With a chuckle, Burt gave his step son a look.  Finn begrudgingly sighed, his shoulders deflating a bit as he gave in.
“Fine . . .”  Finn still tried to give Blaine an intimidating glare.  “Just, be nice to Kurt, ok?” he asked.  “He’s been through a lot lately.”
Blaine nodded at the puzzling request.  “I promise.”
2.) burn baby burn - FirstPrince WIP
“I think you’re crazy.”
Alex snorted as he shoved a few more items into his rucksack “You would," he countered.
His best friend rolled over from her position lying down. Her gilt embroidered slippers glinted in the early morning sun as she waggled her toes while she perched precariously on the bed. Her head hung over the edge and her dark curls reached downwards toward the floor. Nora continued watching him pack, with a smirk on her face. 
“Only you, Alejandro, would accept this sort of one-man-needed, dangerous, save-a-damsel-in-distress type of job”.  she said, still very amused. "Just face it, you’re hoping the princess is pretty and you might get a roll in the royal bedsheets before accepting payments and heading off on your way.”
A soiled shirt flew across the room and hit Nora squarely in the face.
Alex sighed.  “We are not discussing my love life right now.  I have to prepare for this job.”
“What love life?” Nora teased.
“Lalalallalalalalala . . .” June sang loudly as she entered, her hands full of items.  “No talking about my little brother’s love life.  Don’t want to know the details.”
“You sure, because there was that one time . . “ Alex began as he smirked.
June let out an exasperated sound and tossed the armful of items at her brother.  He quickly cursed, dropped what he was holding to attempt to catch everything hurtling his way. What items he failed to grasp floated in the air before him. June’s eyes twinkled as she wiggled her fingers causing them to dance around her brother’s head, inches out of his reach,  occasionally making  one or two dip down and smack him in the skull.
Nora cackled as she watched the siblings from her upside down position.
“Why on earth do I need all this , Bug?” Alex said exasperated, trying to jump up to catch a floating bundle of herbs, but failing to reach it miserably.
“Because you can’t go in and face a dragon by yourself (which is INSANE) . . “
“Told him that already!” chirped Nora
“ . . And not have some magic in your pocket. Since you won’t take me with you, I'm stocking you up on herbs and crystals.” June said firmly.
With a few swift waves of her hands all the items bounced into the air into a open bag of holding that dangled between her fingers. After peering inside, June sniffed, contented that it was ready. She tied the drawstrings of the velvet pouch shut and held it out to her younger sibling who took it reluctantly.  
It wasn't that Alex had anything against magic. But he was a more of a practical, hands-on swordsman for hire. Steel blades, arrows, maces . . working with any sort of weaponry was his forte, along with being devastatingly handsome and charming, the combination of the all of that usually was all that he needed to get the job done.
Magic had its own place, he figured. And he'd do anything to placate his sister's worries. So he tossed what he often referred to as June's "bag of rocks and weeds" into his rucksack.
“I’m not sending you out there unprepared, Lil Bit.  I’d like for you to come back in one piece . .  .“ June continued as she began weaving a spell to ensure his traveling cloak would be impervious to weather.
“And sexually satisfied . . “ crowed Nora.
June groaned, stopping mid way through her motions. “Did I not say I didn’t want to hear anything about that.”
Tagging to share their WIP ( writing or art or anything) (if they want to and they haven't done so already!) :
@kirakiwiwrites, @madas-ahatters-world, @caramelcoffeeaddict @little-escapist @littlemisskittentoes
@datshitrandom, @justgleekout, @mynonah, @esilher
@myheartalivewrites @kiwiana-writes @spaceorphan18 @annepi-blog @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
@sarkyblueeyes @blueeyedgrlwrites , @gleefulpoppet and an OPEN TAG for anyone else who sees this.
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lostheretics · 1 year
▸ chapter 5: the rise of the new boss
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
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✵ cast : jung wooyoung x fem!reader, kim hongjoong, lee juyeon, kim younghoon, ateez, mentioned oc and many kpop artists name or group
✵ genre : romance, marriage life, eventual angst, smut, mafia!au, non idol!au
✵ summary : there was a saying that learning is a lifelong process. what will you learn about the underworld, the first time you stepped into it? you might have what they call a beginner’s luck, but will that be enough for the things you’ll be facing soon?
✵ notes : stopped counting on how many words but i try to make it lengthy as possible. thanks for waiting, to those whoever awaits i guess. i was thinking of making a taglist for this fic. taglist will be used for updates; ANY updates regarding PT. just drop ur @ in my askbox. also, PLS REBLOG.
☒ warnings: none for now but do remind me if there’s one. a lil bit of discrimination from wooyoung but not in a bad way (kinda, but not that bad)
☒ i do not condone mafia acts nor any acts that goes against the law at all. everything mentioned are just purely fiction, made to entertain myself and fellow readers in this particular platforms.
☒ do not repost this on any other platform without my permission!
✓ reblogging, liking, and commenting this post in tumblr (through comment or askbox) are very much appreciated.
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you believe in destiny, fate, universe, whatever they’re called. you put your whole faith in it. you trusted them and their work, putting one and one together to make to or even ten. after all, it's also the one reason you and wooyoung beat all odds and be together.
but not to this extent. you refused to believe it.
to believe the pair of arms that caught you just days before became the arms that lead you in a dance session. to believe the same pair of brown eyes to look at you once more. to believe that the stranger who helped you when you almost faint, in work, embarrassingly, is to be the one you work with. your new goal.
cue the famous line from that one song, what kind of fuckery is this?
“you seemed so quiet for someone who’s looking for an ally.”
uhm, because i’m fucking flabbergasted? too stunned to speak?
“i hope you don’t plan on running away, again.” he added, “i just wanna get to know you.”
you laughed nervously, “of course not, sir- uh, mr. kim,” you stuttered, “i don’t know how to properly address you.”
he twirled you before catching you in his arms again. “mr. kim would suffice for now. though i hope we’ll get close enough in the future to be on first name basis.” younghoon said. “and how should i address you? miss y/n? mrs. jung?”
“anything’s fine mr. kim.”
the dance continued.
it was a moment where you could finally savor, or, to put it less romantically and more professionally, it was a moment where you could finally take a good look on the man.
kim younghoon's name has been there for some time, but little was known about his private life. typical of the seoul kims. his business life, however, is the talk of the town.
he never failed in pursuing his business endeavors, alongside his brother. not a single dirt on his name was found despite him still being young in the field. the kim brothers; kim younghoon himself and his younger brother kim seokhun were every parents dream on a child, especially one with a family business.
his soft brown eyes were ones you'll never forget. they were so soft, unlike the ones you saw all your life; dull, full of hatred, and all that bad stuff. and the way his eyes smiled along when he smiled... you thought, a man this soft and pure-looking shouldn't be working in this part of the world.
"juyeon sent you to work with me, but i know he wanted more than just that." younghoon muttered. his hard gaze was evident despite him not looking at you, opting to scan the room.
"he wanted something regarding my family."
"mr. lee sent me to work with you, yes. we're grateful that he even mentioned our name and recommending us to you. however, he did so because he believed my group's main business is in the same field as yours, and that it'll make more sense." you said, ever so carefully while studying his face. you took a bold move, putting your body closer to his while strengthening your hold on his shoulder.
"but, regardless of that, i would truly like to work with you, mr. kim. my group wishes to. i'd like to try it with you, and i hope you can make good use of ateez in the future, as well as lending a hand for us to step further, higher, and better in the business." you declared. "i'm not blind. i know what's happening between your family and the lees, and i don't have a say in it at all. but i would like for you to consider work between ateez and the kims, unrelated to any of the lees." you reassured.
and lastly, for the cherry on top, you stared straight on his eyes, pleading.
"give us the chance to prove ourself, mr. kim."
younghoon just stared at you, while his brain processed everything you just said. you were right, the kims main business in the medicine field were compatible with kang industries that yeosang ran with his sister. that alone could be a reason for the both of you to actually talk business with each other.
he was a businessman after all, any chance is worth something if you pursue it first.
the music stopped, meaning the dance session ended. clapping sounds were heard all over the hall. you took your hands off of younghoon's, bowing at the said man.
you thought it just ended like that, but it took you by surprise when younghoon took your hand in his, raising your knuckles to his lips before landing a gentlemanly kiss ok the back of your hand. his eyes never left you when he sent you a soft smile.
"i'll have my secretary invite ateez for a business talk. as soon as the gala ends" he stated, before continuing, "it was a nice dance, mrs. jung."
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"party's done. everyone retreating in ten."
wooyoung chugged down his champagne while scanning around the room, giving nods to every member in his sight as a sign. he greeted the rest of his acquaintance, before leaving the scene.
just as he was about to exit the hall, a hand landed on his shoulder, stopping him in his track. a once scowl on his face turned into a friendly smile when he turned around and was greeted by seo changbin.
"my man, binnie!" he gave the buff man a hug, not to mention a tap on his back. "what's up?"
"not much. are you guys leaving already?" he asked while looking around, noting some ateez members already heading out of the hall. he clicked his tongue in an unapproved manner. "it's still early, though. how am i gonna catch up with my best friend?" he lightly pouted.
"the only thing you'll catch is these hands if you ever do that thing again." wooyoung jested, and changbin only laughed.
once the laugh died down, he took a step closer to wooyoung, lowering his voice as he watched around.
"got some words from chan. mind sparing me some time?"
wooyoung lifted his wrist to watch the time. he still got eight minutes left. he nodded at changbin before leading the man away from the crowd, opting for a quieter side of the hall just by its door.
"what's up? business doing okay?" he asked.
changbin only shrugged, "it's fine. work here and there, cusses, blood, what's new?" then he raised his hand to rest on wooyoung's shoulder. "congrats to ateez, by the way." he complimented.
he then stated, "it's the talk of the town right now, you know? the fact that ateez, a gang took down a royal family, by a new member no less. i'm talking about your wife, mrs. jung y/n." changbin chuckled lightly when he saw a change in wooyoung's expression, a cocky smirk along with a subtle red tint on his cheeks. a sense of pride rose within wooyoung.
"a good catch they say."
wooyoung almost giggled. "damn right. thanks for the words though,"
done with the chitchat, changbin cleared his throat as he turned to wooyoung.
"chan said he met your wife at some casual networking party just a couple months ago, hongjoong did the introduction. safe to say he was intrigued." wooyoung turned his head to changbin upon his choice of words.
lifting a brow, he chuckled. "same thing happened to me before i married her."
changbin clicked his tongue, "not in that way, of course." he objected, slightly cringing over the thoughts of his boss creating a drama worthy act like that. "you know chan, you've heard about it, right? that he rarely missed when it comes to judging someone, especially the businessmen or women."
"i've heard some of it. and what about it?"
"the other day he sort of said something about y/n and talents, that she could be a big thing soon. and surprise, surprise, not long after that the news came like a fucking thunder, a shock to everyone and especially chan. ateez was about to lose but she just casually lifted you up and took down the whole family."
checking at his watch, he quickly pointed out. "so, what does he want exactly?"
"chan's got an info. an inside job. new weapon supplies and exchanges, i'm talking new types and big money. the job's too big to take for us alone and he already thought of making a collaboration between our team since ateez got a good capo, and you got mingi and yunho on weaponries. your reputations preceded you," he exhaled, before continuing. "but ever since he met y/n and heard of the news, he wanted to go even further. chan wants y/n in the job. with your captain's permission, of course, but he wants her to directly sit on the table where he and hongjoong will be. chan wanted me to tell you that, and he hopes to hear good answers from hongjoong."
by the time changbin was done with his explanations, wooyoung was already stunned. he was taken aback at the fact that you rose so quick to be able to catch other's attention. he was slightly agape, eyes widened. to be able to stand beside hongjoong, to sit right next to him is to be next to the captain by rank. though unofficial, the conversation itself could be a proof that you're an equal to seonghwa and yeosang.
you had him floored, truly.
"could you please try to put some words to hongjoong? chan really wants this." changbin's plead broke wooyoung's train of thoughts.
he nodded lightly. "i'll see what i can do," he promised the man.
he lifted his wrist once more. seeing the time had passed, he took a step back. "i have to go now. i'll let you know of the outcome soon."
"wait!" changbin almost yelled, stopping wooyoung on his track.
"what?" he asked. changbin hurriedly walk to wooyoung as his hands dug around his suit pocket. upon finding the item, he quickly put the piece of paper in wooyoung's pocket.
"i almost forgot." changbin moved closer towards wooyoung and whispered, "come to the show. capos business. yeonjun found a new spot, some rough diamonds ready to be trained if you're recruiting new members."
he stepped back, tapping on wooyoung's pocket before retreating.
"thank me later."
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“they’re leaving the premises, sir.”

the minion retreated, leaving juyeon and his champagne on the balcony. his eyes watched as a couple of cars left his mansion, particularly the last car that carried you and your husband.
it was something that he used to love to do with his father; watching people come and go. the only difference were his father is no longer around, and that it has become his job.
upon watching the way you sway in the dress he gave, hand in hand with your husband as you got in the car, he gripped on his glass harder as he tried to breathe, not even realizing he was holding his breath the entire time. there was this uneasiness, a storm brewing in the pit of his stomach. he didn’t believe in anything unworldly or superstitious, but he believed in himself. of what he sees, what he feels, what he understands.
it didn’t take long for him to saw power in ateez.
one that could endanger his, though he didn’t know the source nor the reason for it. for that, he’ll have to dig deeper.
“something’s coming.” he murmured, enough to be heard by another party standing behind him. he whispered again, “i can feel it in my bones.”
park jipsa, the one who stood behind him sighed, “are you afraid?”
“then you’ll know what to do.”
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if there ever was something brighter than the sun, it must’ve been hongjoong’s grin, pulled all the way back showing his pearly smiles you thought his skin would soon tear apart.
the man was practically beaming.
and you silently took pride in being one of the reason so.
“business looking good.”
“damn right it is.”
it was just you, hongjoong, seonghwa, and yeosang in the room. breakfast was done and group meeting ended, yet the ambitious man kept you around to discuss everything further. there were papers scattered, calls made, and coffees on the table.
“i’ve checked around,” yeosang chipped in, while rearranging the documents discussed for the meeting, “if we’re actually working with the kims, emphasize on if, if everything works, we’ll have easier access to some of our stuff, both importing and exporting. the drug development is looking good right now, and we’ll have much exposure with their help. we’re gonna make more money soon.”
“that sounds good, yeosang. great, actually.” hongjoong beamed, smiling at yeosang. the man stood near his desk, phone still in his hand, just finishing a deal went well.
seonghwa chuckled, “you feel good?”
“fuck yeah, hwa. yeah i feel good.” he almost screamed. “of course i feel good, everything’s looking good like this. and if it actually works i might do a somersault myself.”
“you look like you’re gonna do that now.”
you laughed along with the guys.
after pacing back and forth, energetically, and with happy thoughts one would assume the mafia leader might be a child trapped in a man’s body, hongjoong finally sat down. he tapped his fingers on the table, before finally making up his mind, pointing at each party around him.
“okay, here’s what. we have so much in our hands right now, but i’d like for everything to work out and i put my trust in you guys,” hongjoong stared at each of you, “i’m all in for you.”
he pointed at seonghwa. “i’m sending seonghwa to japan to settle down. you’ll be our representation there hwa, until i finish things in here. the most important thing is to make a powerful link to that family.” he said, moving to yeosang as soon as seonghwa nodded his head.
“yeosang, as usual with kang industries, but i want you to bring y/n around as a representative too. she’s gonna be the link between us to the kims and drug business, so it’s good for the both of you.”
you and yeosang couldn’t help but to stole glances, surprised by the mission but acknowledging each other still.
hongjoong raised his phone, tapping it several times before speaking again, “wooyoung got words from chan last night, and chan just made a call this morning. he wants a collaboration between our group for a job. there are new weapons coming in, big job. chan’s got his hand on it but figured it’d be too big to handle alone, but dangerous if handled by too many. so we’re in, and i’m also taking y/n in this, per chan’s request.”
he turned to you. “you’re gonna have so much in your hands this time, you know this right?”
you nodded.
“but with stray kids, you’ll just be a spectator on the table. i’ll handle the big game with chan. i want you to focus more on the kims and kang industries. your main job right now is the kims. do you understand?”
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birds fly fast.
but the rumors flew faster in this house.
it didn’t take long for everyone in this house to find out about you. and your new… job. or perhaps rank. a housewife turned… consigliere? underboss? hongjoong hasn’t give you an official rank within the group yet. however it didn’t take a genius to see how high up your position were.
you’re working straight with yeosang, second in command in ateez next to seonghwa, ateez’s face and representative in the outside world. your job was as important as seonghwa’s, hongjoong’s righthand man, the underboss of ateez. each of every job you’ve done you’d report back straight to hongjoong, and hongjoong took you almost everywhere he goes.
on top of that, you’ve been giving counsels to hongjoong even before you had your debut in the underworld.
you’re as good as a consigliere, just not officially, yet.
there was contentment, of course, yet it also comes with burdens. one that you fear you wouldn’t be able to bear. but you will do your best, for your family. for wooyoung. to make him proud.
and he couldn’t be more proud of you.
wherever ateez goes, wherever he goes, he wouldn’t stop gushing about you every time someone brought your name up. lowkey, of course. just to make sure everyone knows you’re his wife. that you’re great, yes, but you’re definitely off limits.
exactly like tonight.
he eyed the piece of paper in his hand, before eyeing the traditional restaurant in front of him. it was a small, dimly-lit building. an old woman walked around, delivering orders though not much, as they didn’t have much customers for the night.
he fished out his phone out from his pocket, typing a name before pressing the call button.
“hello?” changbin’s voice rang through his speaker.
“i’m outside. are you sure this is the place?” wooyoung asked, throwing glances with yunho, jongho, and san behind him.
“it’s a small restaurant, right? did you see the old lady?”
“yeah? and?”
changbin chuckled, “just get in. take a seat, and when she asked for your order, just ask her if mr. kim’s soju is on the menu today. come fast, the match’s about to start.” and with that, changbin hanged up.
putting his phone back on his pocket, he whisked his head, signaling the boys to enter the place with him. they took a table, and before long, the old lady came to their table, asking for their orders. wooyoung looked around, making sure no one’s hearing them, before getting closer to the lady.
“is mr. kim’s soju on the menu today?”
the old lady just smiled and nodded. “it’s stored just right there. come along and pick for yourself, young man.”
that’s how they got into the hidden basement deep under the ground, by an elevator just behind the fridge in the kitchen.
when the elevator stopped, changbin was standing in the hallway. he greeted them with a smile, shaking wooyoung’s hand firmly.
“cool place, right?” he quipped, then shook hands with jongho, yunho, and san.
changbin led them further into the basement. even from the hallway, rough noises were already heard, and it got louder as they got closer.
illegal fights weren’t a secret anymore. but as they got deeper, more secluded, the more blood got spilled, the more animalistic the fighters get, the bigger the prize. this is where the mafias recruit new members, new associates.
the rings were surrounded by rough looking men, some older, some younger. the fighter on the ring looked all bloody and bruised, but still standing on their feet fighting for their life. hollers here and there, nothing new.
they all took a table not far from the ring. yeonjun and beomgyu were seen, along with jisung and jeongin. they greeted each other.
“the consigliere’s husband!” yeonjun quipped with a playful tap on wooyoung’s back. wooyoung chuckled. with pride, of course.
“so what’s the hype?” wooyoung asked, half yelling to catch yeonjun’s attention. the lad pointed his finger to each rings, getting himself close to wooyoung and the others.
“gems. lots of them,” he yelled, pointing at one of the ring, “see that guy over there?” he asked, pointing at a tall man, not buff, but muscular and calculative enough to look not so affected while his opponent looked like he’s about to faint.
yeonjun spoke again, “he’s an ex NIS agent. i think he got ousted, betrayed, whatever. and that’s just one of the few. there are other fighters, former gang members, ex police, ex NIS, ex professionals— whatever we’re looking for. so take a pick!” he said, before continuing.
“but be careful, they also might be onto something if they go this deep. either all in or all out.”
the pungent smell of blood was nothing new, combined with the smell of sweat of all people, burnt cigarettes, liquors of all kinds. in fact, none of them seemed to be distracted by any of the smell, the sound, or even the people who were drunk off their minds falling around them.
their eyes, especially wooyoung’s were focused on each ring or around the room, scanning all within the room trying to find new recruits or maybe new connections.
a bell was heard, a ring near them just announced a winner before quickly moving on. a pair of new fighters stepped onto the ring, one of them a rough looking men, presumably already fought a fight before this one, and his opponent…
…a woman?
her hair was tied up, cuts and bruises here and there but not enough to disguise her beauty. physically she’s far smaller than the man, less muscular, yet she hold no fear in her eyes.
“what’s a pretty girl doing in this hellhole?” wooyoung murmured,
right before the girl ducked down and punched his opponent right on his chest, hard enough to make him cut his breath. then landed a punch to his right cheek, followed by his left cheek. and a final kick to his head, quickly sending the man to his sleep, hopefully not an eternal one.
and that’s how she won the game.
not to mention leaving wooyoung speechless. that was a quick game. and she looked like a gem. a fighter like that would make jobs easier, faster, and more efficient.
he was deep in his thoughts, until san nudged him, “are you seeing what i’m seeing?”
wooyoung looked back at san, observing his line of sight, only to bring his eyes back to the said woman.
a gem in sight indeed.
“yes, her. we need her. i want her. we gotta take her.” he mouthed. he then pulled wooyoung by the shoulder, and proceeded to stare into wooyoung’s eyes with the most serious look he could muster. “seriously wooyoung, i can’t handle this charmer—grifter shit alone anymore. we need a charmer. and i mean it.”
“san, we’re on budget and we’re here to look for a bodyguard—“ he was about to state but san had cut him off.
“did you not see the way she threw that punches? she can be a bodyguard. she is muscle.”
“yes, but—“ wooyoung hesitated, “i don’t know man, a lady bodyguard?”
san gasped. “that’s discrimination, what the fuck?”
“not in that way!” wooyoung bit back, “i don’t know man, i’m just not sure. she’s all great, it’s just—”
“but what?” san pressed.
san wasn’t wrong, they do need a charmer. san was the only charmer ateez had— they do have others, just not as good as san, hence the lad had to do most jobs by himself. the last time they had a good charmer other than san, but they got killed in action.
being a grifter, a charmer, he did get to know most thing and even on the deeper part of the underworld. any place he want, anyone, he could get through anything, most of the times. but ultimately, he was fed up. doing what he did best alone might finally took a toll on him.
so with the hard look, now turned puppy eyes, there was no way wooyoung could say no to san, the charmer himself.
he sighed. “you know what? fuck that. go and get her if you want.”
there were probably fireworks bursting behind san’s eyes, that’s the only logical reason (though far from logic itself) for the sparkle in his eyes. choi san quickly bolted away from the table, adamant on getting and recruiting the woman.
wooyoung, with yunho and jongho on the other hand sticked to the main plan; find new muscles to recruit. yeonjun, changbin and their own gang were soon scattered around the basement with their own mission to accomplish. jongho was still looking around, and yunho was still seen talking to the possible recruits.
wooyoung was just talking to one of the possible recruit, giving them his business card when san pulled him away to a corner. he kept guiding on wooyoung with this grin on his face, pushing him around until wooyoung finally faced the lady they’ve been talking about.
“so this is wooyoung,” san made the intro, “he’s our trainer, supervisor, and not to mention my best friend. and we—” he stepped back behind wooyoung, “—are interested in taking you in with us.”
taking a good look in the closer distance, she looked even better. her skin looked soft, save some scratches and scars here and there, but they were mostly healed leaving just a white mark. her eyes were brown, and like when she was on the ring, had this striking look.
this one’s definitely a charmer. she just needs to be guided, and they got a perfect teacher for her. stretching his hand out, wooyoung offered her a formal handshake.
she watched his stretched hand for a while. the unsure glint in her eyes started to flicker along the time, and she finally took wooyoung’s hand.
“son jiwoo.”
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the tall, black door seemed so big and scary.
despite it being just a plain door to a restaurant.
you might think it’s the door, but a part of you knew more than that. that wasn’t just a door you had to pass, a restaurant you must enter.
kim younghoon was waiting somewhere in that restaurant for you. this was going to be your first meeting with younghoon, and you gotta make sure it’s going well. this is your first big mission, as a member of ateez.
you straighten your floral dress, fixing any possible crease before stepping inside. a waiter came to your aid, giving their best smile, “may i help you?”
you smiled back. “i have a reservation, with mr. kim younghoon. is he here?”
the waiter smiled even wider, “ah, madam! yes, mr. kim has been waiting for you. let me take your jacket.” they spoke, as they pulled your jacket off of you. “if you please follow me, madam.”
the waiter guided you to a table near the glass window, where you found younghoon sitting in a formal, yet casual look. the white fitted top and light brown pants. upon the announcement of your arrival, kim younghoon turned his head, offering you a smile so bright. the gentlemen even stood up, pulling your seat for you instead of letting the waiter do that for you.
“you look nice.” he complimented.
“and you more. i thought the suits were your best look, but these? gorgeous.”
he chuckled, “trying to charm me straight away, i see.”
“yes, but some truth can’t be hidden for too long. i also have to charm my future colleague for a chance, right?” you quipped back, earning a soft laugh from younghoon.
“you’re straightforward. i like it, it’s also the way that i am and used to.” he said. he laid back to his chair, looking at you before asking, “a straightforward man gotta speak his mind, am i right?”
“yes they do, i suppose.”
he took your answer in silence. he looked out through the window, watching the bright afternoon sky and people on the street,, seemingly deep in thoughts. gone were the light atmosphere when you got there.
then younghoon spoke one sentence and a question. the easiest way to phrase and conclude your whole mission.
“i know juyeon sent you to fix things between our families. correct?”
upon the sudden intrusion, your body froze for a second. your lips almost quivered, letting out broken words, having nothing to come up with. kim younghoon fired a bullet and it hit right on the bullseye. and he didn’t even mention anything about anything work related, despite that being one of your most important reason to pursue him.
younghoon’s eyes were back on you, and you had no choice but to spit the truth out.
“yes, you’re right, mr. kim,” you sighed, but not yet defeated. “and i’m aware of… the gap between your families, that it’s not in a good condition.”
“how much did you know?”
“that your family was a supporter to lee jiyoung back when the war was happening.” you stated.
he clicked his tongue, “i wish it was as easy as that, mrs. jung.” he sighed as he leaned back onto his chair.
“i wish to help in many ways, mr. kim. in this way, because juyeon sent me for this reason. but other than that, a work with your family is what my family aim for. a personal gain. both, or one of them is enough for me and i’m willing to do the job.” you told him, straightforwardly. “is there something i can do to fix this?”
“to fix the gap between the lees and kims? i don’t know, mrs. jung. i’m not sure if there’s a way at all,” he shrugged.
but he quickly added in, “but, regarding ateez and my family, i think we both have a chance for that. i’ve spoken with my father, and maybe, just maybe, if this works, we’ll consider juyeon’s purpose of… mending the two families. now the question remain; would you take the job, and could you do it well?”
“i’m willing to try and do my best for anything.”
the man smiled, grinning almost. “then it starts now.” he said. younghoon raised his hand, catching the sight of a waiter.
entrees were served, followed by main dishes. younghoon and you talked about each other, and he talked a lot about himself.
how he and his brother were raised in england, before moving at the age of 15 back to korea. he went to university, took classes in law school before graduating, not only from a prestigious uni but also with honors. since that, he’s been helping his father around along with his brother regarding their family business, as they’re the ones who’s going to take their father’s place place someday.
kim younghoon was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
yet he seemed far from those whiny nepo babies who fed themselves off of their father’s pocket, but act like they rule the whole world. his family’s money might back him up, but he ruled his own brain, branding himself as the smart and hardworking guy from a wealthy family who could lead even without his father’s hand in the matter.
in short, he’s a man that everyone dreams to become.
the conversation went smooth up until dessert was served. you couldn’t help yourself but to blurt out, “so, what’s the job? when am i gonna do it?”
“oh, we’re actually doing it right now,” he quipped, putting another slice of cake into his mouth.
younghoon didn’t say anything, only flicking his hand to call for the waiter. the waiter soon came with a bright smile as they put a velvet box right in front of you. not forgetting to say what a lucky woman to have a partner like that.
a partner?
you were still not functioning perfectly, still deep in your thoughts and confused even when younghoon pushed the velvet box towards you. “open it.” he said.
“mr. kim, i— i’m, i’m not sure i—“ you had stuttered, but he silenced you up.
“just open the box.”
per his command, your hands moved to open the box. upon the first touch, you could feel the soft velvet under your fingers, quickly understanding the high quality of the box, and perhaps, the item within it. curiosity might kill the cat, but not you, you believed as you opened the box and found a piece of necklace within it. a pearl necklace stared back at you from that box.
wordlessly, younghoon stood up. he took the necklace out of its box before bringing it near your neck. his hands softly moved your hair to the side, and you quickly responded by bunching your hair in your fist, giving him access to your bare neck. as he put on the necklace, he lowered his lips next to your ear.
“you’ll find a woman to your right, dressed in all green. she’s mrs. han, a socialite in gangnam and wife to mr. han, one of the most important people in the ministry of health,” he whispered to you, “she knows me, and might’ve been watching us since the beginning. she has a daughter around our age and she had been wanting to… arrange a marriage between our families.”
“and my job is…?”
finishing on putting the necklace on, younghoon simply smiled to you. “…to be my partner. fiancee, girlfriend, whatever. to put on a show. i don’t want to be engaged in that way, but i have a brother and he’s willing to do that in my stead,”
“there’s an upcoming socialite party, and a little birdie told me you’re quite… persuasive,” he started to explain, “if you can get us an invitation, put some good words and convince her to make an arrangement between her daughter and my brother, you’ll have your way with my family. you see, we need this connection. a connection with her husband makes it easier for our drug business, even in exporting and importing. mr. han is one of the man ruling the country. prove yourself, and my father promises to invite you for a dinner, to talk about future business with ateez. even with the lees. and the offer’s still up even though you only succeeded in securing an invitation for us to the party.”
he straightened his back, offering his hand to you, “there’s still a chance to back out.”
you weren’t sure, but you shook your head and took his hand, “i won’t.”
younghoon smiled, almost so brightly, a quick change from his previous hard demeanor. he landed a long lasting kiss on the back of your hand, another added shock to you. you almost stuttered and about to pull your hand when he spoke,
“the necklace looks dashing on you, sweetheart.” he almost purred, shocking you.
“kim younghoon?”
the latter’s voice stopped you from pulling away. younghoon simply turned to the lady who called his name, giving her a smile.
“mrs. han,” he greeted back, bowing slightly, “good to see you again.”
mrs. han only chuckled, “then you should’ve visit me more often. i haven’t seen you around in any of my gatherings.” she looked behind younghoon, at you. “and i certainly have never seen this lovely lady with her lovely necklace around.” she quipped.
younghoon gave his hand for you to take, and you did, standing up from your seat next to him. “let me introduce you to my fiancee, y/n. she’s the reason i’m not around much, mrs. han. you can blame her for it.” he once again kissed your hand in a cheeky manner, and you giggled following his act. “i can’t seem to get her out of my life.” he continued.
you bowed slightly to the lady, offering her a sweet smile. “my name is y/n, pleasure to meet you mrs. han. younghoon told me many things about you.” you introduced yourself.
“all the good things, i hope.”
“don’t worry ma’am, he made me think you’re a great woman. and it shows now.”
she laughed, feeling content with your answer.
“and he didn’t forget to tell me how much of a good host you are for your party.” you smirked, starting your mission.
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by the time you came home, it was almost midnight. you knew wooyoung would’ve fallen asleep by then, so you tiptoed your way into your room, with your heels in your hands.
your heart almost jumped out of your chest when the light suddenly turned on.
“where have you been?”
“shit, woo!” you cussed while holding your chest, almost panting. “baby? why aren’t you sleeping?”
wooyoung sat on the edge of your bed with his arms folded as he stared at you. “obviously, i was waiting for you.” he deadpanned, “you know i couldn’t sleep without you. so where have you been?”
you exhaled, feeling guilty that you left the man waiting for until midnight, completely forgetting the existence of modern phones and to tell him of your whereabouts. “oh, baby,” you walked up to him, cradling his face in your palms.
“i’m so sorry i made you wait,” you kissed his forehead, “i had lunch with kim younghoon, and he gave me a task. i spent the whole day planning and then reporting to hongjoong, and we had a last minute meeting with stray kids. i should’ve told you, that’s my mistake,” you explained. wooyoung sighed defeatedly, finally accepting your apologies. he circled his hands on your waist.
“it’s okay.” he muttered.
you told him to get ready for bed, while you freshen up in the bathroom, finally ready to end the night. your body felt warm, being in your comfiest pajamas, and your heart follows when you saw wooyoung on bed tucked nicely under the blanket, with his arm stretched out welcoming you in his embrace.
“how was today’s scouting?” you asked with a small voice.
“it was okay,” he answered, listing the things he had done. “got some new muscles that i gotta train. met yeonjun and changbin. and… oh!” he gasped, making you look up to him.
“what is it?”
“you know, me and san found this girl while scouting, she was badass,” he said and you could practically see the sparks in his eyes, “she fought this buff man in like, 5 seconds, though i think the man was more of muscle than skills, but isn’t that cool? san wanted her so bad he ran straight to her after the fight.”
“anyways i didn’t want to scout her at first but san would probably held me on a gunpoint if i refuse him—“ you both laughed, “—yeah right? so long story short we probably got ourselves a new charmer. i think san’s gonna teach her more, but i’ll still have to take part in physical training.”
you hummed, “san fell in love at the first sight, huh?”
wooyoung nodded, “i think i did too.”
you playfully hit his chest, making him wince dramatically as he held his chest.
“jung wooyoung! don’t you dare fall in love with her!” you threatened him. the bastard husband of yours grinned.
“are you jealous?”
“hm, i don’t know. what would you think if i hooked up with kim younghoon?”
“hey!” he whined, clearly not liking the idea of you and another man side by side. not even one bit. and that was something everyone know, and some even witnessed it with their own eyes, referring to your previous encounter with lee juyeon.
you laughed to his blatant jealousy, and maybe, seeing the smile in your face and the sound of your melodic laugh to his ears were the reason for him laughing along with you.
wooyoung pulled you close to his body, putting his chin on top of your head. the smell of your shampoo invaded his nose, and somewhat it relaxed him all the time. maybe it’s your shampoo, or maybe, it’s the fact that you’re close to him.
he breathes slowly, but you could hear his heart beating fast behind his chest. some things change, but you realize one thing stays the same; his heartbeat. whenever you put your head to his chest you always hear the same fast beat from his heart.
and you know yours beats the way his did.
“i can never love anyone else but you.”
his voice pierced through the silence as he murmured the words into your hair.
maybe it was his voice. maybe it was the sentence, the words. maybe it’s both things combined, the reason why you feel such warmth in your heart and the pleasant butterflies flying in your stomach. the combination of two simple things, yet magical enough for you to take it as a sign of love.
you buried your face into his chest, trying to hide your smile. all you could say was, “i love you, woo.”
simple sentence that also warmed his heart.
to both lovers like you, those moment felt like it’s just you both against the world. in your vows; both in happiness or sadness.
“will i see you again?”
wooyoung suddenly asked. the nature of the question making you pull away from him, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
“what kind of question is that?” you asked back, looking up to his face.
he seemed doubtful, that was clearly painted all over his face, visible from his eyes, the way it glinted.
wooyoung sighed. “i don’t know. you have a job, so many things to do now that hongjoong trusts you. and i’m happy for you, baby, i truly do, it’s just—“ he hesitated for a while before continuing.
“it’s— what if you get busier? what if we get so busy that… that we can’t even share a proper meal together like we used to? what if we can’t see each other as much as we used to back when we have less things to do? what if i can’t even hug you in my sleep at night? what if—“
“—what if we changed so much and turn in a direction we don’t want?”
late night thoughts do bring the most genuine question. and his was a valid one.
it’s no secret that marriage, no matter how sweet, how hot or cold, can suddenly turn lukewarm, tasteless, or even turn sour over the time.
that would be a nightmare. one that can turn very real, in any time, near or far.
to imagine a tasteless marriage life with your passionate husband made you crawl closer to him, burying your face in his chest to seek more warmth. the more seconds went the more you appreciate his prescence. taking in everything you could.
just in case it’d be your last.
“i promise we won’t turn that way, my love. i’ll do anything to keep us together. keep us, keep you safe.” you murmured into his chest.
“you just have to promise to love me still. like this. even when times go rough, when it eats us inside out, body and soul. even with the last sparks of love you have for me, love me. until i’m not here beside you.” you continued. you felt suffocated, unconsciously the littlest sniffle got out of you with the tears. “you’re all i have, wooyoung.”
desperation in it’s truest form.
but it’s true, you have no one but your husband. no family, no nothing. not even a life, if it was not for the past, or the present, given by your husband and his kin. and now that you’ve associated yourself with them, you, who used to have nothing, now have something. and it fears you to imagine losing them.
to go back to the solitude you were in before.
hearing your cries crushed him. he tightened his hands around you, securing you in his grasp, giving you the most comfort one could give. he might regret the way he voiced out his concerns today, yet it was an important question within your relationship.
and a silent way to say that he fears of losing you, too.
“i’m here, baby. i love you,” he said, giving a peck on your hair,
“and i promise to keep that love for as long as i live.”
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NOT EVEN HALFWAY BUT I STILL WANNA FINISH THE WHOLE THING. enjoy. both in reading and waiting uwu
also we’re getting closer to… the start of the angst.
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dungeonsandkobolds · 29 days
Uh... IDK if this is the right blog to ask this, but if so...
I'm planning on joining a DnD club at my school. I've already been interested in the game for a few months now (reading the handbooks, learning the mechanics, creating characters, etc).
The issue... I'm very socially anxious. Not like straight up paralysis, but more like a terrible dread and avoidance of social situations. I've never really role-played before and I'm worried that they might not want me around (I'm also Neurodivergent). I want to try it out, but I keep second-guessing myself.
Like I said, IDK if this is the right place to ask this sort of thing, but is it possible that I could get some advice? Maybe some encouragement?
Well I don't joke that I'm Tumblr's DnD agony aunt for nothing :)
As a fellow neurodivergent person with mad anxiety, I can say that I personally find DnD one of the most non-emotionally-taxing ways to socialise/meet new people.
Why? Because there's rules, clear goals and an Activity that you're there for. It's not like traditional socialising/meeting people where you have to talk about yourself and interact according to (let's be honest unclear and weird) social rules. You get to go in and be characters who have to save the town/world/local cats, etc.
I've started at new DnD tables where I don't even learn a person's real name (cause all I know is their character's name) until like session 3 or 4.
At new tables it's also very easy to hang back and get your bearings for a little bit. Contribute when you see things you want to do, participate in battle, feel out the vibe. Lean into your interests with your character, people tend to be very forgiving of you building a weird little guy which can help take away some of that social anxiety.
In my experience, people love introducing new people to playing ttrpgs and adding new players to their tables (and frankly if they don't they're probably assholes that you don't want to play with anyway).
Anyway in terms of encouragement, you also lucked out that I'm hanging out with two of my players this evening, here's some words from them:
"The odds that none of those other people in the DnD club are neurodivergent is very low. They will be amongst peers" - @mrfiysh
"You don't have to person, you just have to character. They'll know you as your cool weird little guy" - @callablues
I'm sure many of my followers will also have words of encouragement :)
Good luck and have fun!!!
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rainbowwing251 · 9 months
The Other Chris (Wild Kratts Tickle Fic)
A/N: I can’t. Believe. I’m doing this.
Seriously, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I should not be doing this, but I’m doing it anyway.
So uh… yeah, this is… a thing! It’s a tickle fic for the PBS Kids series Wild Kratts!
I know I said I didn’t want to make tickle content for the show, but truth be told… I really wanted to for… almost as long as I’ve been into the show. The only reason why I decided against it was because I was afraid. Afraid of how the Wild Kratts fandom would see me for making this kind of content. Afraid that the tickling community wouldn’t care about tickle content for this show. Afraid that somehow, someway, the Kratt Brothers themselves would find my content.
But recently, two out of my three fears have been proven false. It turns out that there IS a tickling community for Wild Kratts and that the tickling community as a whole does enjoy the limited amount of tickle content there is for it. I’m still concerned about whether or not the brothers themselves will find it, but I guess I shouldn’t worry about that for now…
This is a long author’s note, and I apologize for that, but before I get onto this fic, I would like to mention that this fic is a collab! This is a collab between myself and @kittyfluffies on Tumblr, whom I may have accidentally dragged into the Wild Kratts fandom with me… oops.
Well, let’s see how this goes! Real quick, this fic takes place shortly after the events of the episode “The Other Martins”!
P.S. Interpret this as Krattcest and I’ll get the sniper rifle. That shit is DISGUSTING.
Today was a horrible day to be Chris Kratt.
Everything that could go wrong today did go wrong, except for the appearance of one or more of the villains. But would that have been any worse than falling into a pile of rotten apples, nearly being dive bombed by a Purple Martin (multiple times in fact), finding an American Pine Marten, having an American Red Squirrel steal your Creature Power Suit, getting tickled by said squirrel and your brother at the same time, and falling into a body of water, in that order, all on the same day? All while your brother teases you relentlessly the whole time? Chris would argue that this is worse than anything the villains could throw at him and the rest of the Tortuga crew.
He tried to combat his bad luck by calling it a day early to try and think of animals that shared his name, but there was one problem with this plan: he can’t think of a single animal that has “Chris” in its name. Not a single one.
“Come on, there’s gotta be one animal out there with the name Chris that isn’t me…! There has to be…!” he thought as he laid in a bed in the basement of the Tortuga. He had intended to lie in one of the hammocks that was in the central room of the ship, but remembered that none of those were his. They belonged, from top to bottom, to Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z, and as much as he would have liked to be in a hammock right now, he didn’t want to risk being scolded for taking a hammock that wasn’t his. That, and he was already feeling irritated by the events of the day and didn’t want to be angered any further, so he chose to isolate himself to try and calm down.
This worked for some time, but eventually, the peace was disturbed by the appearance of someone else.
The moment he heard those footsteps, he knew who it was. And he groaned.
“Oh no…” He should have known that there was no way he would be able to go the rest of the day without seeing the one who was responsible for half of the troubles he faced today, and yet somehow, he thought he would be left alone.
The door to the basement opened, and in came the reason he was even lying here in the first place: his older, mischievous, and sometimes annoying brother, Martin Kratt.
“Hey bro!” he greeted before noticing the look on Chris’s face. He’s seen him direct that face at the villains and sometimes him a couple of times, but something about that expression in this moment seemed… off.
“What? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“After everything you put me through today? No, absolutely not.”
That upsetted Martin a little bit, but he did understand why he’d feel that way. It didn’t stop him from teasing him a little bit more, however.
“Awww, come on, Chris! You got to see animals that share a name with your bro! Does that not make you happy? Not even a little bit?” he teased, putting his hand on his shoulder and leaning towards his face.
Chris rolled his eyes at his brother’s actions, “Remember when I said that purple martins didn’t annoy me anymore, but this one-” Chris put a finger on Martin’s chest, “-not so much? I meant it.”
“Awww, you’re no fun, bro. I was just messing with you! I wanted you to enjoy The Day of the Martins!”
“Your teasing didn’t help me get my Creature Power Suit back from that red squirrel.”
“But I still got it back!”
Chris sighed and poked his brother again, “You don’t get it, do you?” He was about to lecture his older brother before he heard what sounded like a mix of a giggle and a squeak, “You’re still laughing at my luck, aren’t you?”
“N-no, just watch where you’re poking me!” Martin explained, grabbing Chris’s wrist and pulling it away from him. Chris looked down to see where he had poked him, thinking he had poked him in the chest again, only to realize that he had accidentally poked his brother in the stomach.
Suddenly, he got an idea. An idea on how he could get back at his brother for his merciless teasing.
If he couldn’t think of any animals with Chris in their name, then he’ll have to invent one. One that can give him the power to take revenge on his brother.
“...Chris?” Martin’s concerned voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “You alright?”
A malicious grin formed on Chris’s face, “Chris isn’t here right now.”
Martin raised a brow at his younger brother’s statement, “Huh? What are you talking about, bro? You’re right here! What do you mean you aren’t-”
“Chris. Isn’t. Here. Right now.” The green brother grabbed Martin by his wrists and swiftly pinned him down onto the bed. “Only his alter-ego~”
Upon hearing that teasy tone in his voice, Martin immediately knew what was about to happen. “C-Chris? Can we talk about this…?!”
Chris let out a sinister-sounding chuckle, “I already told you, Chris isn’t here~ Only…” he brought his hands into Martin’s vision and wiggled his fingers.
“W-wait, nohoho! Don’t-!”
“The TICKLE MONSTER!” The younger brother drilled a finger into the other’s armpits, “But right now, you can call me the ‘Other Chris’~”
To Chris’s slight shock, Martin had already burst into a fit of giggles with a few laughs mixed in for good measure.
“Nohohohoho, Chrihihihihs! W-We can tahahahalk about thihihis!”
“Laughing already? And from a single finger in the armpits, no less~? This will be easy~”
The blue brother was already squirming under the ticklish touch, trying and failing to throw Chris off of him.
“Trying to throw me off, are we~? I think that warrants a punishment, wouldn’t you agree~?” Chris ignored the unintentional rhyme and snuck a second wiggling finger into Martin’s armpits, causing his giggles to rise in volume and his squirming to become a little more violent.
“C-Chrihihis nohohohoho! That t-tihihihihihickles!” Martin cried out, his arms coming down in an attempt to protect his armpits, but unfortunately for him, that only served to trap his brother’s fingers in there.
“I told you, I’m not Chris! I am the Other Chris!” The “Other Chris” protested as he broke through the blue Kratt’s defenses to slip a third finger under his arms.
“Chrihihihihis, I knohohohow you’re in thehehehehre!”
“Nope, Chris is nowhere to be found right now, but I promise, he’ll come back once I give him what he wants~”
“Whahahahahahat? What d-dohohohoes he wahahahant?”
Chris gave him the most evil smirk he could muster. “Revenge~” With that, he skipped the fourth step and slipped the last two fingers under Martin’s arms. With all ten fingers tickling him, Martin went from squirming to thrashing uncontrollably, nearly throwing Chris off of him a few times. He’d also started kicking his legs, desperately trying to distract himself from the tingly sensation under his arms.
“NOHOHOHOHO, BROHOHOHOHOHO! C-CUT IT OHOHOHOHOUT!” Martin seemed to nearly scream out as he kept kicking and thrashing for a few more seconds, only stopping when he felt a hand on his ankle.
“Are you trying to kick me~? How rude~!” Chris teased. He was about to stick a hand back under his brother’s arm before he was hit with another idea. Martin, who had squeezed his eyes shut during his laughing fit, opened them and giggled in anticipation. “C-Chrihihihihs?”
The evil grin his brother had on his face nearly made him burst into laughter again.
“You know, Martin… I’m pretty sure it’s not a good idea to kick another person, and yet you tried to kick me anyway. I think it’s time for me to switch spots and teach you another lesson~” 
“Whahahahat?” Martin questioned through his giggles before he felt his shoelaces coming undone. “Whahahaha- hehehehehey! Don’t remove my shoes, plehehehehehese! Chrihihihihis!”
“It’s too late to beg for mercy now, Martin~” Chris slowly pulled both shoes off before slipping a finger into the blue brother’s socks.
“Nononononono dohohohohohon’t! Dohohohon’t do ihihihihit!”
“Do what~?” Chris asked him, pulling one sock off of his foot, “Take your shoes and socks off? Well too bad, I will not stop until you apologize to me… and to Chris~”
“But yohohohou are Chrihihih- NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” Martin burst into laughter upon feeling a hand on his bare left foot.
“Laughing already~? This will be easy~” With that, Chris dug in, scribbling his fingers all over the other’s feet. Martin absolutely lost it in response.
“Begging for mercy again are we~? I don’t remember you giving Chris mercy when he told you to stop, so why should I~?” Chris ribbed, leaning in closer to Martin’s face in an attempt to make the teasing worse for his older brother. Needless to say, it worked like a charm.
“And why should I do that~?” the younger brother asked, focusing the tickling on Martin’s arches, a spot he knew was unbearably sensitive to any kind of touch, “Does it tickle more when I tease you~? Does it make you lose all of your strength so you can’t fight back~? Tell me, Martin, does teasing make you weak to tickles~? Even more so than you already are~?” 
Martin’s only response was to throw his head back in uncontrollable laughter before immediately rushing to cover his face with a pillow to muffle himself.
“That was not a response, but I’ll take it anyway~” Chris reacted with a giggle, far too amused by how much his brother was laughing.  “Besides, now that you’re covering your face, you won’t be able to see what I’m doing~”
To prove his point, the younger Kratt suddenly switched from scribbling Martin’s arches to scratching under his toes. Just as he predicted, Martin’s laughter increased in both pitch and volume, though it was muffled a little by the pillow.
“CRIHIHIHIHS NOHOHO-MMMPH!” The older Kratt had lifted the pillow a little to plead for Chris to have mercy on him, but he had to cut himself off by pulling the pillow back over his face because he was afraid his laughter would alert someone upstairs.
“You brought this on yourself, Martin~ All you had to do was get Chris’s vest back without tickling him, but nope, you couldn’t resist~”
Chris looked down to return his focus to Martin’s feet when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bright green disc in one of Martin’s shoes. For the third time that day, he was hit with an evil idea. He slowed the tickling under Martin’s toes to a stop and waited for him to catch his breath.
“Hey Martin~”
“A-are you fihihihinally going to have mercy on mehehehe…?” Martin let out his after-giggles and slowly lifted the pillow off of his face. Chris grinned a little at seeing the bright pink blush on his brother’s face, a clear indication that this was a job well done so far. He nearly laughed when he saw his eyes widen in horror.
Chris let out the most malicious laugh he could muster. “The Pine Marten Power Disc~” He then leaned in towards Martin again. “I think you know what I’m going to do with this, but first, I need to find a pine marten~”
The other Martin tried to snatch the Power Disc out of his brother’s hands, but Chris just dodged each attempt effortlessly.
“Now… how am I going to keep you from escaping…?” Chris pondered, realizing that he had not considered the possibility of using an animal’s Creature Powers to tickle Martin. At that moment, both brothers heard the door to the basement open.
“What’s going on down here? I thought I heard someone laughing…” Aviva walked into the room and spotted the brothers. Martin’s blush deepened into a dark shade of red while Chris’s face turned a bright pink, just like his brother’s face was a few seconds ago. The blush quickly faded from the green brother’s face when he realized that the answer to his question had just caught them in the act.
“Aviva, keep him pinned down for me, will you?”
“Huh…?” Aviva was very confused, but upon seeing the tears of mirth in the corners of Martin’s eyes combined with the blush and residual giggles, she quickly caught on to what was going on, “Ohhh, I see~ Sure thing, Chris~”
“I’m not Chris, I’m the Other Chris!”
Aviva couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that, “Whatever you say, ‘Other Chris’~”
Chris elected to ignore the sudden embarrassment that welled up within him upon hearing Aviva’s teasing words and walked out of the basement to go find his “partner” in crime. As soon as he left, Aviva turned to face the flustered mess of a Kratt brother on the bed.
“Hehehehey Avivahahaha…!”
She couldn’t help but giggle at him, “Chris got you good, didn’t he~?”
“Yeahahaha, and he’s not even dohohohne yet!” Martin answered as the remaining after giggles slowly subsided. “You’ll get me out of here, rihihight…?”
“Hmm…” The inventor pretended to ponder his question before she pinned him down, just as Chris asked her to, “Nope~ Don’t want to get on Chris’s- sorry, ‘Other Chris’s’- bad side~”
Martin’s giggles quickly returned as he realized there was no hope of escape, “Nohohohoho! I mehehehehehean, I geheheht it, but nohohohoho!”
“No what, Martin~? Do you want me to get on your brother’s bad side~? On ‘Other Chris’s’ bad side~? After everything he did to you~?” Aviva smirked at the blue Kratt’s sudden laughing fit, “No way~! If you can’t handle his tickle skills, how do you expect me to handle them~?”
Before Martin could respond (if he would’ve been able to answer at all given how hard he was laughing), both he and Aviva heard the sound of a Creature Power Suit being activated upstairs, followed by the sound of quiet footsteps approaching the door to the basement.
Aviva couldn’t help but let out an evil chuckle as she saw her pinned victim’s eyes widen in horror, “Looks like your time is running out, Martin~”
The whole time Aviva was teasing his brother, Chris had entered the main room of the Tortuga to find a pine marten. As soon as the door opened and he stepped inside, he finally allowed himself to break character.
“Phew… keeping up a fake persona is tiring… but oh is it worth it~” Chris thought to himself, “Let’s see… is there a pine marten in here…?”
Chris looked around the room and noticed that two certain crew members were nowhere to be found. “Koki and Jimmy aren’t here…? That’s a little odd…”
Before he could further question their whereabouts, his eyes landed on a pine marten that was sitting in Aviva’s desk chair. Chris grinned, “But right now, I need the help of my ‘partner’ in crime~”
He made sure to carefully approach the pine marten so as not to scare it away before he put on his Creature Power Suit and took Martin’s Pine Marten Power Disc out of his left pocket.
“Hey there! Li’l Marty, was it?” Chris asked the little creature as it turned to look at him, “Well I’ll need your help to get revenge on Big Marty~”
He put his gloves on. He was finally ready to enact the last part of his plan.
“Insert Pine Marten Power Disc!”
He put one gloved finger on the pine marten.
“Touch pine marten!”
He pressed the central button on his vest, and…
“Activate pine marten powers!"
The suit activated, and within seconds, he had become a pine marten.
“Haha, I finally got the chance to use pine marten powers! But I’ll have to test out the pine marten’s hunting tricks some other time. I have a more important prey to devour downstairs~”
Chris ran out the door and down the steps to the basement.
He made it to the bottom of the stairs, but waited a moment before entering the basement to listen to the pure terror that found its way into Martin’s laughter.
“Did he hear me activate my Creature Power Suit?” Chris wondered before smirking, “Good.”
He finally entered the room to see Aviva holding down a hysterical Martin, but while they did hear the sound of the door opening and looked to see if he was there, they failed to look down towards the floor, where he actually was.
“Look down here~”
Aviva looked down and giggled upon both seeing him and hearing Martin shriek out a “AVIHIHIHIVA, LET ME GOHOHOHOHO!” She just ignored him and greeted Chris.
“There you are Ch- Other Chris!” she corrected herself.
“You see what my plan is now, Aviva~?”
“Sure do~ Want me to stay here, or do you want me to leave you to it?”
Chris tried to think about his response, but couldn’t hear his own thoughts over the sound of his brother’s uncontrollable laughter. Out of playful spite, he decided, “Leave him to me~”
Aviva nodded, “Okay then~ Sorry Martin, but it looks like you’ll be stuck with him for a bit longer~ See you later… if you’re still alive that is~” She released said Kratt from her grasp before walking out of the door and heading back upstairs. The whole time she was walking away, Martin was pleading for her to reconsider and help him escape, but it was futile. She and Chris had already made their decisions.
Martin’s laughter had subsided a little after the inventor left, but he still had a hard time controlling himself, especially when he looked at his younger brother sitting on the floor. Watching. Waiting there. Menacingly.
“C-Chrihihihihihs? Hellohohohoho?”
Chris leered at him, “Are you ready for the grand finale, Martin~?”
“Nohohohohoho, nohohot at ahahahahahahall!”
“Well too bad~”
The green pine marten ran over to one of the legs near the foot of the bed, climbed up it, and ran across Martin’s body to get to his neck. The whole time he ran across his brother’s torso and ribs, he dragged his tail behind him, intentionally tickling him and sending him into another fit of laughter.
“H-hehehehehehey, wahahahahahatch the taihihihihihil!”
“What do you mean? I was watching my tail!” Chris snuck up to Martin’s ear before he spoke again, “I was watching it tickle you~”
He could feel Martin shiver as he brought his now-free hands up to his ears to cover them up. Unfortunately for him, the ears were the last spot his brother had in mind.
While his hands were up and covering his ears, Chris made his way to his neck and stood dangerously close to the collar of his shirt.
He could practically feel the heat radiating off his brother’s skin as he took note of the blush that had managed to spread from Martin’s face to his neck. He saw the tips of his ears through his fingers and noticed that they even had a tinge of red on them. He didn’t know his older brother could get this flustered!
“You ready~?” He asked teasingly, knowing full well what Martin’s answer was going to be.
“N-nohohohoho! Chrihihihis, d-dohohohon’t do ihihit!”
Chris couldn’t help the smug grin that made its way onto his face, though he didn’t turn to show it to his brother, “Too bad~ Here we go~!”
He stuck his head into the collar of Martin’s shirt, slowly inching his way in. He was only a few inches in when he suddenly pulled himself out and began sniffing at the blue Kratt’s neck. Martin was in no way prepared for this sudden change and nearly let out a squeal as he desperately tried to move his head from side to side to get his brother’s face away from his neck.
“H-hehehehehehey, don’t sniff my nehehehehck!” I-I dohohohon’t smehehehell!”
“That’s not what I’m going for, Martin~ I’m just here to make you laugh, and unless you apologize for what you did to Chris today…” Chris moved down to where Martin’s blush ended on his neck and went right back to sniffing, “You better prepare yourself~”
“I-I cahahahahahahn’t!”
“You can’t apologize? And here I thought you knew basic manners~”
The green pine marten stayed at Martin’s neck for a few more seconds before the sniffing came to an end. However, while his brother had his guard down, Chris quickly zipped into his shirt and ran across his stomach over and over again.
Martin’s only response to the sneak attack was a squeal so loud that it nearly stunned Chris. While he knew that the walls of the Tortuga are rather thick, he highly doubted that Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy were unable to hear that squeal, even if they were outside of the ship.
“Huh? What was that, Martin~? I can’t understand you, you’re laughing too hard~” Chris taunted as he kept up the pace and continued to race around on his brother’s torso. He dragged his tail behind him once again, swishing it back and forth to make it tickle even more, and even stopped running a few times to pretend to use it like a paintbrush on Martin’s navel, which nearly resulted in him getting pushed out of his shirt by his hands. It didn’t take long for Chris to notice that Martin’s squirming and pushing was gradually fading, a tell-tale sign that he was nearly at his limit.
“Ready to say sorry yet~?”
The moment Martin said sorry, Chris brought the tickles to a halt and carefully climbed out of his sibling’s shirt, doing his best to not make any of his steps tickle him any further.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it~?” Chris teased him one last time before he hopped off of him and onto the floor, waiting for his giggly mess of a brother to catch his breath and calm down.
“T-thahahahaht… that wahahahahs evihihihihil…!”
“Good~ That’s what I was going for~ So next time, when you try to bully your brother for an entire day, remember… I will be here to tickle you until you apologize to him for your behavior~” With that, Chris stood up, said, “Deactivate!” and reverted back to his normal appearance and personality.
“You okay, bro?” he asked and held out his hand, worried that he might have taken his tickly punishment a bit too far.
“Y-yeah…” Martin breathed out, taking his younger brother’s hand and letting himself be pulled up into a sitting position. “Just give me a few more seconds to breathe…”
After two deep breaths, he got up off of the bed and stood next to his brother, “Do you think the crew heard me squeal…?”
“Only one way to find out! Come on, let’s see if they’re upstairs!”
A light pink blush returned to Martin’s face, but nonetheless, he went upstairs with Chris into the main room of the Tortuga. When the door opened, they were greeted with the sight of Aviva waiting in front of the big computer, while Koki and Jimmy were at their desks, having turned to face the brothers.
“So…” Aviva started with a smirk, “Who’s going to explain that loud squeal we heard downstairs~?”
Martin’s blush turned a dark red, while Chris just stood there, trying to look as though he had no idea what she was talking about.
“I’m not an expert on human noises, but I don’t think that squeal belonged to any of us.”
“Certainly didn’t come from me! I’d know my own squeals anywhere!” Jimmy responded to Koki’s comment, completely unaware of the engineer creeping up behind him until he heard a, “Boo!”
“AAAAAAH!” Jimmy didn’t squeal, but he did indeed scream and bolted behind Koki and her chair. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at his panicked reaction.
“Hehehe, I think that’s enough to prove that it wasn’t him~” She then turned her attention back to the brothers, “Sooooooo~?”
The light pink blush Martin had the entire time turned a dark red again as his embarrassment grew, and even Chris couldn’t fight the faint pink blush on his cheeks as he tried his best to play it cool and pretend that he didn’t understand her.
No one said anything for a few seconds, then the blue Kratt finally spoke up, “I-It was me… and I’ve got to admit, Chris is a surprisingly good tickler if he got me to squeal that loud!” Martin quickly regained his usual energy and peered at his brother, who just looked at him with a confused expression.
“Huh? What are you talking about, bro? I didn’t tickle you!”
Martin gave him a “you’re really doing this?” look and decided to play along, “No, that was totally you, Chris, I swear!”
“No way! I’m not as good at tickling people as you are!”
“I think I remember hearing your voice teasing me into oblivion! I’d know your voice anywhere, bro!”
“I’m not good at teasing, either! Martin, I swear, you’re confusing me with someone else!”
For a moment, Koki and Jimmy thought that they were having a genuine argument over a supposed tickle attack, but when Aviva gave them a knowing grin, they immediately caught on to what was really happening.
“Nope, that was totally you! And you know what~?” Martin’s voice turned teasy out of nowhere as he brought his hands up into Chris’s view, wiggling his fingers, “I was lying when I said I was sorry~”
“Huh? Wha-” The younger brother was initially confused before spotting the wiggly fingers that were slowing approaching him, “W-wait, Martin noooOOOOHOHOHOHO DOHHOHOHOHON’T!” He immediately cracked when he felt his older brother’s fingers on his sides, ribs, and belly. It didn’t take for him to try to fall to the floor to escape the ticklish hell that was unleashed upon him, but unfortunately, Martin had followed him down, never stopping his assault.
“Haha, revenge sure is sweet!” Martin cheered, “Okay, I was sort of lying when I said I wasn’t sorry, I did feel bad for you, but right now, I care more about getting my revenge~”
Chris could only laugh and try to curl up as he felt Martin’s hand close in on the center of his stomach, but he managed to trap his hands there instead, sealing his tickly fate.
Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh along as they watched the chaos unfold in front of them.
“Hehe, these boys will never change, will they~?”
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mylovelookup · 3 months
No one wants you on tumblr anymore.
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Dear anon who’s apparently been creeping in my asks for weeks, sorry I’m only answering you now but life’s been busy but I guess that concept is unknown to you considering you have the time and energy to throw it on my way. Anyways! Fortunately I came to know of your existence bc you made the wise decision to creep into my comments on ao3 and it’s just my luck that I’ve just now decided to check my emails for notifs.
Anon, I’m guessing you’re the one I’ve “bullied”? But I also believe you’re the same freak who sent me those rude asks about my art and so what that tells me is that you’re just drooling for my attention and somehow hoping for my demise, finger tenting your hands like a villain? Before you were just insulting my art but now you have to actually resort to INVENT things as well, that much you’re desperate…
I’d never understoodd how could someone spend this much energy actively antagonising a complete stranger online bc it’s legit rotten and kinda pathetic in my opinion and that’s why the idea that I could be the one doing that to someone is just preposterous to say the least. Also in the last few months I didn’t have the energy to do anything except doing things which would bring me personal comfort. Drawing and posting fanarts was one of them. Guess you have to ruin that too,uh? You have to be really awful and bitter to manufacture lies… I mean what’s your end goal here? I’m legitimately curious. Maybe you’ve got the wrong person lmao? I’ve never been confrontational with anyone online over anything and I would just rather block people so, just so you know, that could be an option for you as well!
Anywho. I don’t know who you are (although I have my suspicions) but unless you’re the lady at the hospital who I snapped at for trying to not-so-sneakily steal my chocolate milk from my bag(!) (in my defence I didn’t eat anything the 38 hours before and that was the ONE good thing in the snack machine. I don’t like almonds on an empty stomach) I don’t owe anyone any apology.
I’m gonna turn off the anon asks on here and on ao3 and maybe you can show your username (without using burner accounts👏🏻) and be less of a coward in your sleazy ways to pick fight with strangers!
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amaranthsynthesis · 7 months
Finn edition questions, if its chill:
1. You've got a lovely little dragonfly in your signature! Any meaning behind that?
2. PLEASE I have been trying to figure out your name for a while. I know what both words mean and usually see them in very different contexts (pre-history talks and chemistry). A hint would be lovely.
hasodhaosd YEAH its chill I love talking about myself online
back when I was like 17 my art teacher really pressed us on making sure we signed all of our work, I don't remember if he had a specific little symbol that he always used or if he showed us another artist who did but I was very impressed by the idea, so I've been signing things with the dragonfly since 2012/2013! I've got a few favorite insects (dragonfly and cicada shoulder tats, some day I will get an underbust bee I think) but dragonflies are cool because the nymphs are aquatic murder machines and the adults eat horseflies (nemesis). dragonfly symbology is all over the place, so there's mixed ideas of luck/transformation/dreams etc, but I really really liked how they were portrayed in Luka Delaney's Kagerou webcomic, the visual impression they left on my was significant I guess lol
The answer to this one is a little bit embarassing but when I was in high school I was trying very hard to make a webcomic called Finding Hereafter that did not, of course, get past more than a few pages, because I was a) a child b) unmedicated and c) deeply mentally ill. the subject of this webcomic is not important. there were dragons. and then. uh. Homestuck happened, and all of my friends switched from skype to pesterchum, and I needed to make a handle so--amaranthSynthesis. amaranth being the flower of immortality (a promise of a future, 'hereafter' as an assured fact) and finding -> synthesis as an active step forward. if I cannot find if, if no one will give it to me, I will make it myself.
so, yeah! technically it is written in camel case, and also I am fond enough of the idea behind it that it's a useful thought to carry with me into the future--I only made it my expansive online handle in late college when I was trying to consolidate twitter/tumblr for fandom purposes, but now it's on my email and my business paypal and everything :) branding
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nimbus-bugs · 1 year
Nim Sketch Dump
as promised, here's a big sketch dump of my sona/oc nim! this isn't gonna be a popular post and I don't care 👍
I didn't originally intend to post these so I've referenced some art works heavily but I've written the name of the artist and I'll type it out too! if any of the artists see my references and is uncomfortable with it please let me know and I'll remove it from this post :D
dump under the cut!
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the first ideas for his "modern design" (he's been around and recycled for a loooong time). the pose in the top right hand corner is taken from @/hiraethminds! they are a very cool artist and inspire me a lot. though the grey-ish tones as the major colour goes away I still really like the centipede tattoo, centipedes are rad as fuck and you can't tell me otherwise
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I started to play with the idea of a goat design for him here! which is strange because like. that's not even his main design or motif or anything, I just really liked the idea I guess LMAO also Aurelai belongs to my mate of the same name! she's not on tumblr (yet) but you should still like her because she's cool and awesome
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a treat for my qsmp enjoyers!! an unfinished short comic I sketched on the day tallulah lost her first life. the other characters in this are my old ocs, don't even worry about them
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I straight up just have the image that inspired me in this one. its by @/sss-eriema and it was a gift from GOD. I was trying to sort out the colours and wanted to incorporate both orange (my favourite colour) and green (my close second favourite colour) but wasn't having much luck. eriema's artwork showed me that it can work in a more muted way and it was very very helpful!!
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maid dress. sorry. also slimecicle
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I started to get the colours down in the bottom right corner!! I really like this sketch page honestly. some bonus self portrait sketches because I wanted to try and put some more of my own features into his design as my sona! also in the notes I was debating between the two eye shapes and I'm still thinking about it. I think the bottom ones fit his personality more and are way more expressive but I just like the Vibe of the top ones
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a lot of little drawings with varying styles! also more slimecicle. I am adhding so hard for him right now, it's concerning.
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t. this one is the reason for the blood tw in the tags. I just really like drawing blood. as a treat. don't come for me this is my self-indulgent safe space leT ME BE EDGY </3 also the writing is a little hard to read so I've put it in the alt! and more qsmp doodles!
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I'm starting to ditch the goat design but this one is my last hurrah. basically settled on the general colour scheme now! and more qsmp stuff. its literally gripped my brain I can't escape it, even in my personal work
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then I realised. nimbus-BUGS. bugs! what if bug? this was a really fun study for using more creature features that I wasn't used to! loving the mandibles tbh
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my most recent sketch as of posting! I might update this later, but this sketch page is probably the most gratuitously referenced, the expressions in the bottom left and top right were basically ripped from @/microwavablesquid so if you like those please check them out! the basic design structure of the full body was referenced from @/aresonist, retroactively I realised a lot of my design choices. uh. they also made LMAOOO so if my design in General tickles your brain, follow them!
as for his lore and basic information for what he actually Is, uhhh. ??? I don't know HAHAHA he's a little guy! he's creature! is he human? probably not but no one could say for sure! is he bugs? is he 1000 bugs in a trenchcoat? sometimes he's goat I guess??? I can never decide on a design and I think that aids his cryptid-like habits. he shows up sometimes, vibes and can't die in a way that matters! he has a running motif of my fake-God-thing, the centipede ouroboros, so I was like "what if he was a harbinger of the ouroboros, what then." and I like to imagine he has video game logic where when he dies, he basically respawns. also weirdly it's worked out in a way where he has lots of biblical motifs, like my name is literally nimbus, like the halo, and he's a messenger of a god like some fucked up blorbo angel. also lily of the valley is my favourite flower and I like drawing him with it, it also has lots of symbolism in the bible?? wild.
I sincerely doubt it but if you guys have any questions about nim or want to draw him or anything I would Die. I would just keel over. you'd take me out.
thank you so much if you got to the end of this btw!! this was a lot. seriously though, it means the world if even one person would like to see my little guy <3 have a great day and take care of yourself!
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spaceofentropy · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers (and artists)
I was tagged by @dragonflylady77 and, why not? Why not procrastinate a bit? :P
1. How many works do you have on ao3(Tumblr)?
2. What's your total ao3 (Tumblr) word count?
253,035 as of right the fuck now. Holy moly that's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for Why R U? and now for Stranger Things.
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of soulmates and colors (a chonky metalsandwich soulmates AU)
What happens in Vegas... (a WhyRU? canon divergence with Tor waking up in Vegas, married to his ex)
I just came to say... (modern era Harringrove meet cute)
Amok (modern era Harringrove thing about Billy meeting his mom by chance and being conflicted as fuck)
Like a curse (the WhyRU? heist AU nobody had asked for but they still had to face)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. Sometimes I'm slow as fuck and sometimes I'm perched on my inbox like a starving hawk, but I always try.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably What doesn't kill you makes you a monster, which is an angst fest built around body horror and body mutation which ends with Steve having basically no hope about the future. But then, months after, I went and wrote a follow up fic where Steve gets to find another monster and fall in love with him and have a HEA, so I guess it only half-counts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh... I honestly don't know. I mean, I mostly write fics with a good ending or at worst a hopeful ending (like Come Close) and I honestly don't think I can't rank which of my HEA fics is the happiest, so, all the happy ones? I guess?
8. Do you get hate on any fics (Art)?
So far, never.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep, I do, even if it's hard as hell and I always feel like it sucks. As for what kind... uh... I don't know how to answer... The smutty kind? Sometimes it's soft. and sometimes it's hurried, and sometimes it's filthy monsterfucking because monsters, too, deserve to get laid.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My heist AU is a crossover between one show, a different show, and an AU of the first show. Two actors from the first show play minor parts in the second show. It's a wild, wild thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably that one Gallavich thing I wrote 90k words of because I had to put it out of my head and is close to the end but when I look at it makes me feel eh because Ian's part of the plot feels to passive and NOPE!, that's so fucking wrong, vade retro Satana!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Plotting and dialogue. And wild ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Smut.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
To quote Guin, "get it checked by a person who speaks that language before you post". Preferably a native speaker who can tell you if it sounds like your easy going teenager was possessed by the ghost of a stuffy academic from the 1820s. Also, it's a hard balance to make it not too distracting, to make sure it doesn't kill the pace of the story, so good luck in your endeavours, fellow writers!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Honestly no idea.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love them all, they are my self-indulgent nuggets of entertainment and I won't pit them one against the other trying to choose a favorite. I reject this question. U_U
I should tag people, theoretically, but honestly I don't have the brain power for it tonight. If you read this and want to do this, consider yourself tagged. Have fun! :3
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cursedbluebird · 1 year
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you
Name: Rosie
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): March 24
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Nebraska, CST
Roleplay experience: since 2009
Got any pets? Freya and Bast the naughtiest kitties in the universe
Favorite time of year: Fall
Some interests and things you like: sewing, thinking way too much about clothes
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I wrote my undergrad thesis on the progression fashion of the 20th c, but I am terrible about keeping up on modern fashion
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? L E G E N D O F Z E L D A.... I love Majora's Mask... Hero of Time my beloved baby boy..... I also love Okami so much. I'm a sucker for fairy tales and mythology.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I'm actually not a big pokemon person! I started with Y. Ghosts and Psychic are my faves, particularly Mimikyu, Meowstic, and Hoopa. Gengar is also shaped like a friend :)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I had been interested in the series since the GBA days but it wasn't until I got my 3ds and awakening that I got the chance to play a game.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Awakening, Conquest & Birthright, 3H, Shadows of Valentia
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Fates or 3H
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Oh my God Niles hi tee-hee... Tho Seteth damage art did get me into playing feh... And uh... My husband does look like Xander ...and his name is.... Alexander........🥴 I've posted my questionable taste in fe characters you can find it in the chat if you search
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Chrom- Fates: oh good God idr.... Kaze? I know I did Niles in one run... Did I do Stahl in Birthright? Kaze in conquest and Stahl in Birthright sounds right- Three Houses: Dimitri - Engage: haven't played engage. Place your bets for fun
Favorite Fire Emblem class: I like the magic classes! Healing and attacking! Tho Camilla's malig knight does have a special place in my heart 💜
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Dark magic user...I do not escape the goth aesthetic.... Unfortunately I am too much of a noodle to be a malig knight 😞
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Fear the Deer!!! (Side note, bless my luck bc when I ordered a leftover bundle from fodlans fables I got the deer. A cosplayer I look up to also offered me her deer pin from the fe3h preorder bonus which had me 🥹)
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? I don't know what this means but I copied this from Erica and her answer was funny.
How did you find TOA? I track the Marianne tag on Tumblr and saw the previous Marianne drop. The old shit post emblem group I was in was falling apart and I thought it would be nice to join a new one.
Current TOA muses: Marianne, Camilla, Triandra
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Marianne my cursed little blue bird 💙 I've thought about dropping her, thinking that maybe someone else would do a better job, but I just can't let her go.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Other than cami and Tria nope
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Um??? I don't know? I got told that Tria was a Rosie muse when I reserved her so I guess y'all know better than me lol
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I like writing horror and setting the scene :) my favorite part about combat events is describing the creatures we're facing from my characters pov
Favorite TOA-related memory: What Kent told Mari in her first lore event about the importance of healers have lived rent free in my memory since it happened. Also Griss trying to blow himself up in the arena and despite his best efforts not succeeding.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Charlotte is one I've thought about and is the one most likely to send Triandra packing....there are an awful lot of men at the academy who would do a great job taking care of her and her family 😏
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terrakatten · 1 year
hiii I was wondering if you had thought any s/i lore for any of your f/os' sources? or how do you tend to imagine yourself in the story? also! are there any specific scenarios you think suit your f/os the best?
[I'm bad at Tumblr and it's taking a bit of mental energy to understand this question exactly, but I want to answer it so uh... I'll try my best, here]
Well, in terms of Johan Nylander, who I suppose is my s/i, with my f/o being Mordecai Heller... I indeed have thought up a *lot* of lore.
I've spent a great deal of time weaving Johan into the Lackadaisy universe in a way that feels organic and reasonable, and have thought up so much background for him that, frankly, I don't even know where to start!
I guess to summarize, Johan's place in the story is of key relevence to the plot, yet done in a way to where it's intended to seem like something that is canon yet is entirely off-screen.
• For example, in Chapter 2 of Bloodied Snow (My Fanfic starring Johan, Mordecai, and Zib), Johan is sent to go collect a vodka shipment from some farmers for Lackadaisy. He ends up encountering Mordecai, who had been sent to pick up said shipment by Marigold in accordance with a recent arrangement. If it had been anyone but Johan- and the fact Mordecai's feelings for him can overpower his cold professional lethality- then there likely would've been a shootout, and subsequently war between Marigold and Lackadaisy. Johan's mere existence therefore, by fateful luck, is the reason that Lackadaisy didn't get attacked and destroyed by Marigold in late 1926.
• In terms of character, Johan- as previously mentioned- serves as a shining ray of warmth, and is well-liked by all the cast members he's interacted with. Following this, Mordecai's love of Johan is the key to making the hatchetman drop his defensive domeanor and soften his gaze. Johan is the living key to Mordecai's heart, and through this has begun to put Mordecai on a divergent path from the canon.
Tl;dr: Johan's place in the story is unique to himself, with his own lore and story being one of the primary focuses of Bloodied Snow- with his ability to defrost Mordecai's ice-cold heart being the other key component of his role in Lackadaisy.
In terms of scenarios... with Mordecai, I like to imagine generally subdued and intimate 1-on-1 time being what works best for him (and by proxy, Johan). Mordecai strikes me as someone who, deep down, is actively eaten alive by his feelings of solitude when alone. Therefore, simply spending time with him to alleviate that loneliness creates a tranquil, pleasant atmosphere.
I'd like to imagine that Johan and Mordecai's most tender moments happen when they're passing an afternoon together. Their go-to activity is literature; one of them reads the book, while the other sits on the couch beside them, cuddling up close and simply listening to the lovely sound of the other's voice... it's simple and subdued, yet heavenly and blissful.
It lines up with Mordecai's overall personality- although his stoic, aloof and condescending behavior is something of an act to protect himself from vulnerability, he still is genuinely *not* the kind to be all too overt and energized. Therefore... having an affectionate feline tenderly nuzzle up against his arm while he reads through a good book is more than enough to bring him happiness.
So. Yeah. There you have it!
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firewoodwander · 2 years
hello, tis i, tumblr password forgetter, here to request #7 from the bedsharing prompts for codex (cody would make it weird) or alternately #11 for spones (i know this is your clone blog but listen,,,, it vibes)
You are SO correct about the spones, this is what I believe the kids call Galaxy Brained. So I am making a super special exception for this blog, Star Wars purists don’t look
11. we’re camping and my tent ripped, can I please share yours?
Leonard quietly adds this to his long, long list of reasons as to why the concept of away missions, but specifically this away mission, sucks absolute ass. A night bird caws from a tree above his head as if in agreement. The large, highly conspicuous tear across the front panel of his tent flaps lazily in the breeze.
In another hour surface temperatures in this part of the planet are supposed to reach single digits. All-terrain, all-weather proof his ass.
It’s still another half day’s walk to the nearest settlement, hence the camping. The little clearing is dotted with tents occupied almost solely by the survey team plus Uhura, most of whom happen to be ensigns. No luck there. There’s Lieutenant Rachels, but since his last stint in medbay he still jumps in fright every time Leonard even looks in his direction, so he’s out.
Which leaves, unfortunately, the only other member of the crew at the same level of authority.
Leonard sighs heavily even as he crouches outside Spock’s tent. He pats the exterior gently even if Spock surely already knows he’s there. It can only do to be polite.
“Hey uh, didn’t you say these things were built to withstand the vacuum of space?”
Twenty seconds and a tiny shuffle later, the entrance unzips and Spock’s face appears in the dimness. “If you are referring to the tents, Doctor, then yes, I did.”
“Great,” Leonard says, and jabs his thumb over his shoulder. Spock leans to the side to peer around him. “So I guess mine has a manufacturing fault or something.”
“Indeed, it does seem so.”
Leonard waits. Spock stares back impassively.
“So, uh, I don’t really want to be asking you this, but due to a very sad process of elimination, you’re the only one left—and it’s just for tonight, mind.“
“Damnit, Spock. Can I share your tent? Please. I’ll try not to get in the way, promise.”
Spock blinks placidly. “Your conclusions are logical, Doctor. Of the crew, it is most appropriate for you to request this of a fellow commander. However, it is not necessary. I can hold a night watch in the central area while you may take sole occupancy of the tent.”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, Spock,” Leonard hisses. Trust the Vulcan to come up with something so stupid. “Don’t start with that Vulcans don’t need sleep bullshit again. I’m your doctor, and I’m telling you we both need to sleep. I can just stick to one side and I’ll be out of your way. Okay?”
Spock hesitates, ever so subtly. “That is… acceptable. Your bedroll is still intact, correct?”
So Leonard drags his sleeping bag to Spock’s tent and crushes it and himself into the smallest space he can manage. He definitely overestimated how much space would be left with two tall, fully gown humanoids lying beside each other: Leonard’s shoulders meet Spock’s spine, he has to keep his hips angled outward, and their feet knock together. Spock radiates warmth.
Leonard should’ve braved the chill and slept outside; it’s not like he’s getting any rest like this, not with Spock nigh pressed up against him and breathing gently in the tiny space of the tent. Bad idea. Terrible idea. Jim isn’t going to let this one go, ever.
Spock shifts and turns over. Now his slow breaths are dampening the nape of Leonard’s neck and his warmth is even closer. Stupid, stupid idea.
“Leonard,” Spock says. Leonard jumps so hard his chest hurts. “You are tense.”
Closing his eyes, Leonard takes a long breath in through his nose and lets it slowly out through his mouth. “I don’t sleep well on new planets,” he part-lies. “Didn’t think you were still awake, Spock.”
Spock doesn’t reply for a long time, until, “I have become unused to sleeping in close proximity to another person. I hope I am not disturbing you.”
“No,” Leonard says. “Guess I’m the same.”
Leaves whisper and small animals rustle around outside. The woodlands are incredibly peaceful here, and Leonard feels entirely out of place.
Eventually, Spock turns back over. Eventually, Leonard thinks, he falls asleep.
Oh, Jim is really not going to let this one go at all.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Okay so i did explain to him that the uk version was the original and his comment to that was a very simple ‘not to be a bitch to the tea people but Brian is better’ and then I told him that Charlie Hunnam aka the hot guy from Sons of Anarchy was actually in it and i wish you could see his face! Literally jaw on the floor/wide eyed and he sat like that for a good minute. But that lead to him then going on a 5-10 minute rambling about how Charlie and Aiden worked together in the movie King Arthur so now Gale and Randy have to reunite as well. And i fully agree with him.
Listen, it’s been days since he found out about Gale being straight and he’s still shocked. We did watch the Prom episode and he literally paused on him and went ‘come on..he can’t…man’ he’s literally having a similar reaction as Mikey did to Hunter. It’s kinda funny ngl. As for his ‘i think’ moment, I honestly have no clue what Gale did to him. Our uncle did say to our mom that if this is how he comes to a certain type of realization that he will never let him live it down because my brother made fun of him for realizing he was gay due to young Hugh Grant. So i think out of everyone, my uncle is the only one who is actually hoping my brother had an awakening through Gale.
I have a love hate relationship with the proposal (my brother only has like 2% love for it, the rest is hate but whatever) but the ‘my prince’ thing started a fight in the house when we watched it. Cause to me it was a cute moment but for some reason is felt a little awkward to me. I think cause the whole thing felt out of character, idk how to explain it. But my brother while having an ‘awww’ type of reaction, swears that Brian would never and that the reason for Brian’s expression afterwards is because Gale was trying not to laugh. So his hatred for the proposal is insane.
As for the B99, both of us have seen in multiple times and he put it on last Saturday because he wanted to watch some comfort shows. And then on Wednesday we were watching the Halloween II episode and when the episode ended with Holt winning the heist that’s when my brother got a text from his friend about Andre. It was the worst timing ever. So for the past few days B99 is the only thing we’ve watched.
Btw our family has this tradition where for Christmas we give each other 3 presents. 2 that are good/useful and 1 that’s something random/weird/sometimes bad. And last year he gave me 2 different photos of himself as a present and the 3rd one was a box of condoms (that was his ‘bad gift cause lesbian ha ha and photos of him are always a good gift duuh’- this was his actual explanation). So I’m genuinely considering giving him your blog and the knowledge of the fandom/what i did :/ as the 3rd gift. I told my uncle and cousins and they all think this is a great idea, which leads me to believe its a bad idea BUT i guess we will find out. He does know fandom exists because he’s been watching edits but he doesn’t know about fics and tumblr. So I’m going to slowly let him him know this week. Wish me luck even though i think he’ll handle it okay…ish
UH YES GALE AND RANDY NEED TO REUNITE IN A FILM. Your brother is so wise about this.
I’m lmao literally about his reaction to Gale being straight is Mikey’s reaction to Hunter being straight. So he’s being half drag queen half Italian about the news.
Your uncle realized he was gay to a young Hugh Grant? I’m dyinggggg! My spouse came out to their parents in their bedroom which was papered floor to ceiling with magazine cutouts of Sandra Bullock. And I had Jennifer Anniston all over my room. I guess my point is, we all have the celebrity that makes us go Oh. Oh.
I do think Gale was trying not to laugh, I mean he really looks like he’s about to crack up. The for my prince line is the worst. And if I was Justin — well a lot of things if I was Justin, but I would say no on the basis of that line alone and make Brian go get assessed for a stroke or something.
I watched Halloween II the night I found out about Andre! I watch B99 every night as I’m falling asleep. ACAB and all that but it is my comfort show.
One year my in-laws did a white elephant gift exchange and my BIL thought we were all doing gag gifts so he got boxer briefs and socks printed with his face on them. My spouse “won” them and they’re now in our sock and underwear drawer. All this to say, I think your brother gets to learn about his tumblr fame for Christmas. This year is an in-laws year for Christmas (we alternate, my parents are still salty about 2020 being their year) so if you want to send me updates, I will welcome the distraction. I love my in-laws (and especially my niblings) but I am an only child and my parents are quiet and visiting my in-laws is 8 adults, 3 children, and one dog under one roof and no one is quiet and it is A LOT for me.
I think he’ll handle it okay. Just make sure he doesn’t let the fame go to his head.
Also, Brother Anon if you’re reading this because your sister revealed that she’s been sharing your reactions with the internet - HELLO! YOU ARE VERY POPULAR IN A TEENY TINY FANDOM ON TUMBLR WHICH IS A VERY PARTICULAR TYPE OF FAME.
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sinha-ri · 1 year
I know nothing about your ocs so please give me the rundown I NEED to learn about them but have no idea where to start
Strap in this is going to be long bc i will give you a rundown of each lil fucker I have gl on the read ive been oc obsessed for YEARS also warning for lots and lots of dark and tragic themes not a single one of my ocs has a good life (at the start anyway)
Lily Artesia
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he is the blorbo bleebus, the guy i was obsessed with for over 3 years and has over 110 art (that number is just as much as i could find on this laptop alone and NOT including shittier sketches)
he's 28 in present time, gay and asexual, trauma heavy fella, at this point its what hasn't happened to him he has the worst luck, chronic pain, shit dyslexia so he cant read, and his left eye is missing
He is a runaway prince from the holy star kingdom. His family is blessed by the stars and he is their first ever 2nd child, as they were "cursed" to only have 1 child, he has been the only outlier ever. This made him have a few of the blessings rather than all (list of said blessings)
As a runaway prince, he traveled across the sea to another land where he became a mercenary/bounty hunter, worked in the black market, dated a shit ton of questionable ppl, uhh..false sex work that ended up just being murder (as in..he murdered) before being kidnapped and enslaved for a year. He was saved but more like ownership traded w the military he uh, i guess he served there for a while and got in a questionable relationship with Valdis (more on him later) Almost died in battle, was saved by Oliver and ended up recovering and having a fufilling life with Oliver that turned to marriage :D.
He's a lil sarcastic, a big heart, arsonist, selfless, pretty empathetic, likes to murder (ppl he finds irredeemable), just a caring lil guy that copes in the only ways he knows which is ofc murder, self harm (this takes a few forms) and generally getting defensive where he can turn to violence if he really thinks he's in danger (which doesnt help when he has major anxiety and ptsd)
TOYHOUSE if you want anything on tumblr, just search lily in the tags of my blog and you will not run of content on there
2. Oliver Artesia
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He is a favorite but sadly doesnt reach blorbo status as lily and hero but he's up there
30 in present time, demi sexual and romantic, doesnt know he has ptsd, isolated himself for over 5 years lol
Born as a grand mage (i cant find my source talking about this so uh, basically mages here are born with 1 skill type but grand mages can learn any skill type thats all you need to know (and theyre rare)) and a branch of the Artesia Family (rant here lol). Oliver's mother always wanted a daughter and so she would dress Oliver as one, enrolled him in school as such, and prevented him from trying to question her authority or pretty much do anything himself. She was abusive and held him to high standards. This led to a lot of bullying and being unable to make any friends.
This got him to be taken into the custody of his uncle, but once he hit 18, he was enrolled into the military (war just started) as a frontline medic. He absolutely hated this job and found it pointless to save someone who will only go back out to battle. He ended up committing War Crimes by lvling a field with foe and allies, tried to cause war disruption on his own, then let himself be caught so he could be bewitched (also cant find where i talked about this but basically, their magic is nerfed and theyre unable to physically lie), he ranaway soon after and lived alone for over 5 years in a refugee village, becoming the village doctor, herbalist, and pharmacist (he isnt licensed but he knows what he's doing)
He starts off selfish, blunt in adding unnecessary details/comments, has a really cheerful and upbeat energy to him but he will say the most vile bitchy thing ever, over confident in himself, smaaallllll power complex, comforting in his gender (being male) but will roast your ass if you call him she/her (Intentionally)
TOYHOUSE he is also one you can find a lot on my tumblr if you just search up his name on my blog
3. Jonah Artesia
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the fucking baby boy, protect him with all your life
around 16 in the present, queer, god someone help this kid he is drowning in anxiety, low self esteem, and separation anxiety that makes him feel like he needs to be useful
Jonah was born into a Mage Family but was given the short end of the stick by being born a Dark Mage (a magic type that is feared and pretty much banned from these mages to practice at ALL), he was abandonded when this was discovered (around the age range 10-12). Trying to live a decent life, he found himself attempting to be useful via being a guide. He makes maps and sells them, he can read the stars and find his way out of most forests and places. He was finally taken in by a group of teenagers that needed a guide, in which he fit in perfectly. He tends to keep quiet and never voices his opinions, doing anything to be a ppl pleaser in hopes they'll let him stay, which they do after they find out he's a Dark Mage.
in the future, he ends up being adopted by Lily and Oliver, growing in a healthier steady environment where they try to help him recover and grow as a well adjusted adult
he's a big doormat, way too kind and caring and way too selfless, will never speak up for himself, he just doesnt wanna be left alone again and will give up as much of himself as it takes to :(
TOYHOUSE uhh you can find some lore on him but a few of it can be dated
4. Alexander (i dont have a last name yet sobbing)
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he's recently been rising in my mind lately, he is the local WHORE
currently 32, his sexuality is anyone he can have sex with lol, he copes with sex, suffers from insomnia, he makes the absolutely worst dog shit decisions when it comes to his brother its astronomical how stupid he is and how much of a King manbaby he is with the way he approaches the situation.
The first son of the royal family and elder brother of Lily, he is currently King. He is the reason lily ranaway and blames himself for the rest of his life, aiming to make it right by all means. He is a good and caring leader that attempts to listen to his people. But he's very two faced in that he's actually super tired and bitter in the inside and would throw all this away if he could. He hates his job, he hates his life, he's miserable but never lets himself show it nor change how well he does his job. Due to his first lover having been someone who only used him to steal money from him, this man has never fallen in love since. The only intimate relationship he'd have with anyone is through sex but even than its under a disguise. He has no friends, he hates other royalty and nobles, but he will never lash this out on people. The kingdom loves him and he puts on a serene and comforting smile for them to stay trustworthy and complacent.
he's very Fake nice and flirty, he tries to look under the true intentions of anyone who attempts to have a relationship with him. Hardly trusts nor listents to anyone, he's actually pretty awkward when he isn't being King or doing official business, he just really does love sex
tOYHOUSE you probably wont find anything much on him on my tumblr except from pretty dated things i probably scrapped and are no longer canon lol
5. Valdis Nevermore
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this is an image of him in the future but i dont have any of the present. i would say hes a himbo but hes problematic
31, bi, hes got a hero complex, turns from occasional drinker to alcoholic real quick after certain events, complicated family relationship
Valdis is born from a family of knights, and being the eldest, he follows in the footsteps of his father and his ancestors before. He knows there is a problem in the system, but he hopes to help change it from the inside, but finds himself following their orders more than questioning them. Despite this, he does have high morals especially when it comes to treating others and commoners. He attempts not to use his status as an advantage against others. However, once he is in charge of lily during lily's time in the military, he finds his passion reignited to question leadership and develops a hero complex towards Lily, feeling as if he has to help/save him but ends up making things far worse than they should. Once lily is assumed dead, valdis deserts as a Knight, gets disowned by his family, and is on a constant run from being tracked down. Lives with regret and drowns in alcohol
He is a very helpful guy, very kind to all, and a bit of a loser lol. Charming and charismatic when he's not wallowing in pity, he really does have a good heart that is misguided.
he has no toyhouse and very little information is avaliable on tumblr
6. Lenn (might change her name so ill just keep her nickname)
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i have so little woman but GOD am i gay for her, she is wife
35, lesbian, she needs time off and doesnt deserve the treatment she gets fr, get a better job or beat alexander up
a half dragon half human that was "adopted" into the royal family. It was more like taking her in when she was a child, raised as their older sister, but eventually assigned herself the role as the royal guard to the brothers once their parents passed away. She has dedicated her life in trying to protect the remaining family she has, yet it seems alexander hasn't seen her as such in a long time. He hardly listens to her advice and attempts to shoo her away with unnecessary tasks. but she wont let up, even if they no longer see her as family she will strive to protect this family from ending itself even if her worth is no longer appreciated
when around alexander she is serious, stern, and straightforward. Yet in a casual setting, she's rather quiet and wants nothing more than have a moment to relax, yet her mind can't seem to let her. It's been long since she's ever been in a relaxed setting away from the King, but she can get pretty bashful away from it all
she has no toyhouse and almost nothing on my tumblr LOL
two more before i let you choose if you wanna listen about another OC that i will just list and give even more basic information on or give yourself a mental break from the absolute OC brain i have
7. Sergio Cartias
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who brought their weed dad, for some reason i have so little of him yet he is SO loved
30, uhh, i forget what its called but he likes fem presenting people regardless of gender (but he is married to someone who uses she/her). honestly my most normal guy his biggest flaw is he smokes lol.
born from a mage family (listen..i did not realize how many of my ocs come from important Line families istg this was unintentional but when put together it does not seem that way) this branch specalizes in information and history, making him following in the line and steps of becoming a professor/teacher, specifically on witches. while the job was accepted by his family, the specifications and how he teaches about witches is not. The reason being he was Oliver's only friend that really sympathized with his situation and figured bewitching a mage doesn't exactly mean they're horrible people, because he couldnt believe some of the vile shit they would say about Oliver. He lived a fairly normal life with his spouse and being a pretty great teacher that students grew to love.
He's very laid back, he really is Just A Guy but in a good way and has the least drama carrying. He sees his own family above all, but he will be there for his friends or anyone who needs him or just someone who wants to talk to someone. Oh and he's a lightning mage and knows how to use magic with just his hands! (this is relevent?? sorta?? in my lore using your hands for magic casting is the ultimate control sign, as most mages use wands or other mediums given they have easier control with them than hands which is harder to master)
he doesnt have a toyhouse either and you can find some bare minimum stuff on tumblr
the next character is from an entirely separate universe/story, as everyone above is part of the same one.
8. Hero
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foaming at the mouth and rolling around the dirt he is THE blorbo right now omfg I CANNOT stop thinking about this absolute piece of shit person he is my WORST character i fucking love him rn
228 years old baby, aro/ace with extreme sex repulsion and generally physical touch repulsion, god he is so fucked up there is so much wrong with him, might have autism but unrelated to him being an asshole he just isn't neurotypical aint no fucking way (this was done unintentionally btw but certain parts of him made me realize oh, typicals do not feel or think this way usually)
Born half human/half druid, he was left abandonded in a village filled with mixed species. He never knew his parents and he was never given a name. the village he lived in was raided by knights and many kids, including himself, were captured. After captured, he went through what is known as the Hero Project, in which they aimed to find and raise the most suitable to be the kingdom's official "hero". Hero, being the most human passing, was given an advantage already. When tests were conducted, he passed with desired results (praised/rewarded for following orders unquestioningly, least hesitant to harm others) It is no surprise he was the winning candidate to be Hero. Throughout, he was still never given a name but instead called by his title once he earned it. their biggest gripe with Hero was his personality, but through time, he learned to mask his true personality and instead showed one of heroism and kindness. All his expressions were calculated depending on who he was speaking to and especially in public. However, outside of the public eye, he was a nightmare to work with
He cared for no one, he is pure selfishness, he will strike down anyone in his way and in fact enjoys killing to an addictive degree. All crimes he's ever committed were swept under the rug in order to keep his image clean, and so he knew he could get away with anything he pleased. He will torment you in any way that will gratify him and worsen you, be it physical or mental torture. He thrives on seeing the expressions of despair and betrayal. He betrays his kingdom and party members at the drop of a hat because he was simply bored. He betrayed the only person that he somewhat cared for because he refused to change, continuing a campaign of destruction as he used his status as Hero to confuse those who haven't heard the news of his betrayal.
He's cynical, calculating, and will do anything to let himself stay in control of his life
TOYHOUSE there is also so much more lore on toyhouse but ive dropped quite a bit on my tumblr recently
Time for speed rundowns:
Peter/Petros/Petra: The leader of golems that will do all in their power to ensure they thrive. the oldest golem that has little hope for humans, but isn't stubborn enough to put their people in jeopardy over them
Jairo Torrance: A farmer that is currently the closest to a friend Oliver has. He is generally nice but dislikes Lily given he was there when lily temporarily ruled the kingdom
Diene Artesia: the eldest daughter of the artesia family and the next in line as head of the family, she is a lesbian disaster and monster fucker
Azazel: a golem that is half sheep/human, he is mute and the 2nd oldest golem, but he keeps his whimsy and cares for Ophiuchus
Ophiuchus: a golem that follows azazel around, he helps communicate to others what azazel attempts to say and keeps him company and protection
Caide/Mushi: a demon working under a prince of hell, he had forgotten his purpose on the surface before coming to his senses and continuing the plan they had set in motion
Dylan: a half demon/human who was named "Demon Lord" by humans despite being far from it, he wishes to leave in peace but when push came to shove, he will do what must be done
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