#uh. long ass tags that are mostly me venting below
graciousdragon · 4 months
*walks in, covered in ash and emanating smoke, like a Looney Tunes character after surviving an explosion* hey guys i'm back
#rys.txt#uh. long ass tags that are mostly me venting below#second semester of college down and i think i did even worse than the first one#i've definitely failed at least one class but probably more than that. in fact i can only confidently say that i passed one class#i'm too scared to look at the grades on canvas. everything gets finalized on like. wednesday i think#i'm not getting worked up about it. my dad's gonna be pissed but you know what? i'm also pissed!#i am genuinely unable to focus on my work! i've genuinely tried everything i can think of to help and it has only barely helped!#every time i try to focus on my school work it feels like my brain just disconnects! no matter what the fuck i do!#and if i try to ask my dad for help he's like “just focus on your work” BITCH I TRIED! I'VE BEEN TRYING SO HARD! I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO!#so help me god i WILL be evaluated for adhd this summer otherwise i'm just not gonna fucking go back#MY BROTHER IN CHRIST THERE IS CLEARLY SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME AND THERE HAS BEEN FOR YEARS!!#SORRY YOU WERE NEVER AROUND AND NEVER INTERACTED WITH ME ENOUGH TO SEE IT!! SORRY I LEARNED TO MASK AROUND YOU FOR FEAR OF BEING TOLD OFF!!#ok. venting about my father in the tags aside. things are looking up for me now!! :D#school is over! i don't have to worry about that for another 4 months! my friends are back in town! i have time alone during the day!#I HAVE A DISC DRIVE FOR MY COMPUTER I CAN BURN CDS NOW!! I'M SO HYPE I'VE WANTED THIS FOR SO LONG#I'M LITERALLY GOING THROUGH THIS BIG BOX OF OLD CDS AND FLOPPY DISKS AND SHIT FROM OUR BASEMENT AND THERES BLANKS I CAN BURN!!#MY MENTAL HEALTH IS NO LONGER TOTALLY IN THE SHITTER BABY!! I'M BACK!!
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maximumsnow · 4 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Half Life VR But The AI Is Self Aware, HLVRAI - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Gordon Freeman, Tommy Coolatta, Dr. Coomer (Half-Life), Bubby (Half-Life), Benrey (Half-Life) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-typical swearing, Basically an au exploring what if HLVRAI followed Half Life a little more closely, Au where there isn't a betrayal in that one spot, Mainly was wondering what would happen to the others if they hadn't been in on it., Some things change some don't, Oh also this is sort of intended as a not a game au
Summary: Anyone who knows original Half-Life knows that the ambush happens in that spot no matter what. What would have happened if the ambush was as rough for the others?
There was a lot to unpack involving the full realization of just how inhuman Benrey was, but all of it was shoved aside thanks to the current problem.
Which was that Benrey was horribly injured and trapped in a room that was full of a poisonous gas, and, if Coomer’s continued explanation from Wikipedia was anything to go by, it was really, really bad. Gordon did not know the limits of Benrey’s ability to heal, but if he looked this bad while getting poison shoved down his lungs, Gordon wasn’t sure about Benrey’s chances of bouncing back if he stayed for too long.
The worry cranked up to eleven when Benrey suddenly collapsed below the window.
Gordon ran over to the control console and anxiously glanced over all the buttons and levers that clearly had something to do with the environmental room. “Shit, is there like, an emergency release button?!”
Tommy wasn’t far behind. “There should- there has to be one. It’s gotta be OSHA compliant!”
“No offense, Tommy, but given everything else you’ve said followed OSHA, that doesn’t mean shit.”
“I was joking then, Mr. Freeman.”
The conversation was cut off by Bubby yelling, “Look for ‘Emergency Ventilation!’ They might be idiots, but they don’t want to waste that much space and money on a bricked room.” He had taken Tommy’s place at the tank of poison and was fiddling with something over there.
Now that he knew what to look for, Gordon renewed his search, but Tommy was already reaching over him and slammed a fist onto a button. “Woah-”
A sound not unlike an air conditioning unit but much louder kicked in, and there was an immediate change in the enclosed room as the green started to clear out. With the fog fading away and the lack of a large rainbow body covering the floor, it was much easier to see what the room used to be.
The rocky terrain was mostly barren by this point, with the remains of possibly alien plants dotted around pools of water. Corpses of headcrabs were also strewn about, but, shockingly, they were mostly still intact despite Benrey’s presence.
Most notably, though, there was the body of a soldier, and Gordon could not say the same about it. It was in more pieces than Benrey’s still alive body. There was an arm in the corner, a leg by that murky pool, and Gordon had to look away from the torso with organs leaking out of it.
That was enough nightmares for today.
He anxiously waited for the door to unlock, but despite the toxin being flushed out by fresh air and vented elsewhere, there wasn’t a click or a hiss or any other sound he would associate with an unlocking pressurized door.
“Uh, why-”
The overhead sprinklers in the sealed room turned on; the hiss of spraying water was immediately covered up by a sharp scream that could only have come from Benrey.
Gordon slammed against the window as he tried to see what was going on. “Benrey? Dude, you okay?” He knew the question was stupid, but due to where Benrey dropped, it was difficult to see the security guard from the angle the window allowed.
“What are you doing?” The tone would be called whiny if it wasn’t for the gasps of pain that punctuated each word.
The implied accusation stung. “I don’t know! We hit the button to clear out the gas and-”
Tommy interrupted, “Sorry Benrey! That stuff- That gas residue can stick. The room has special surfactant laced water in the sprinklers and… yeah. Just hold on a little longer, okay?”
The explanation was met with silence.
“Benrey?” Gordon couldn’t help but call out.
“Oh. Okay. I can chill a bit.” The voice was strained, but at least he spoke at all.
The tension left his shoulders a little. As long as Benrey was still talking, they knew he was fine. At least it sounded like his voice wasn’t as raspy this time.
Unfortunately, all they could do was wait until the room went through a complete clean cycle if the book Tommy had pulled out was right.
Feeling bad for their stuck companion, Gordon turned the intercom on and panicked when he didn’t have an immediate topic to bring up. Latching onto the first question his mind thought of, he asked, “So uh, was this why you kept disappearing on us earlier?”
More silence.
“Hey bro. Appreciate what you’re doing, but please no talking? Pretty please? I’ll be fine. Promise.” Benrey’s voice was barely audible over the fans getting louder.
The pained plea immediately made Gordon feel guilty, so he turned the intercom off and started to pace in front of the window. The sound made it difficult for any of them to hold a conversation, even if Benrey wasn’t involved, so Gordon was stuck alone in his thoughts as he waited for the door to finally open. From a different perspective, it looked like he was all but bouncing between Bubby and Tommy, but he didn’t get to appreciate that mental image due to worrying over the condition Benrey was in.
He was still reeling over the full understanding that Benrey’s one off line about not being human was not an impulsive gag, but a truthful statement. Sure, he probably should have guessed by now given Benrey’s apparent powers, but Gordon still thought that he was more in line with Bubby or Coomer. An… Enhanced human, if anything else.
But nope, Benrey was apparently a shapeshifting monster that had a human form. The scientist in Gordon was intrigued at the apparent alien life form, but the empathetic part of him knew that outright asking shit like that would be rude at best. De-human… Depersonalizing at worst.
Sure Benrey gave him hell, but it wasn’t like Benrey had been outright malicious. Hell, he had even rescued Coomer.
… Actually, he was probably also the thing that slammed into Bubby’s tube to release him.
Damn, Gordon really felt bad for being a dick to Benrey earlier, now.
His thoughts were interrupted as a loud hissing sound brought his attention back to the room, and Tommy all but yanked the door off its hinges before catching himself. “Mr. Freeman, you have to, uh. You’re wearing an HEV suit. You have to be the one to pull him out.”
Nodding, Gordon quickly passed him and entered the now supposedly cleaned environmental room. Benrey was huddled under the observation window, and when he looked up at Gordon, he actually had more than half of a face.
The sight of muscle and bone still made Gordon recoil in horror. “Holy shit, dude. Doesn’t that hurt?”
Benrey half-heartedly gave a one-armed shrug. “I’ll regen soon, don’t worry about it.”
“That doesn’t mean this doesn’t suck ass!” Hell, just looking at him was making him queasy. But the half-drowned puppy look compelled him to at least try to ease the poor guy’s pain. “Come on let’s get you out of here.” He knelt down and tried to figure out where he could potentially touch Benrey without hurting him.
“Need a hand?” Benrey rolled over, and clutched in his remaining hand was a now very muddy arm.
Needless to say, the visual equivalent of a non-sequitur gave Gordon pause as he tried to process just what he was looking at.
“Why the fuck do you have a random arm?”
“Wasn’t his.” He lazily waved the arm like it was a magic wand and pointed the hand end towards the dead soldier.
Gordon could feel his stress headache building. “What do you mean it wasn’t his?”
In lieu of saying anything, Benrey shoved the other end of the arm into Gordon’s face, and the movement startled Gordon into falling on his ass.
He was so glad that he couldn’t feel the mud through the HEV suit.
“Dude, what the fuck?”
“Look, it’s not, uh, natural.”
“I don’t want to look at the bony end-” He stopped and stared at the place he knew there should be blood and bone, but there were bits that looked shiny under the mud. “Metal?”
“Yeah. Not his. He’s kinda made of meat.”
“Is this… Dr. Coomer’s arm?”
“Think so. Tried to get it back for ‘em”
… That’s right, Benrey was the monster that chased the soldiers that had taken Dr. Coomer apart.
Gordon shook his head as he got back on his feet. “You can show him when we get out. Come on...”
Given Benrey’s current state, Gordon finally decided to just try picking him up bridal style. Other than a few grunts of pain as he was shifted around, Benrey kept mostly quiet.
Exiting became a problem since the others had all elected to stand directly in the doorway to peer in like children trying to snoop on their parents. He rolled his eyes, but before he could say anything, Benrey shouted, “LET ME OUT OF THIS BOX!”
The sudden volume actually made Bubby and Tommy scramble out of the way, but it took a not so subtle yank from Bubby to make Coomer move.
With the path clear, Gordon walked in and found a relatively clean spot next to a wall to put Benrey. “Here we go. Sorry, can’t do anything more comfy for ya.”
“It’s fine,” He said before shoving the arm into Gordon’s hands. “I gotta. Gotta nap.”
While the thought of staying too long made him nervous, Gordon couldn’t help but agree with him there. They could afford to take a break for a while. “Alright, I’ll get you up before we leave.”
“Sounds good.” The one eye was already drifting shut, but the steady breathing soothed Gordon’s fear.
Despite still being worried, he could see some of the skin regrowing on Benrey’s face, and, frankly, Gordon didn’t want to get sick. Instead, he turned to the others, nearly bumped into Tommy with how close he had been standing, and asked Coomer, “Hey, your arm-”
“Look, Gordon, you found my left Extendo-arm!”
“-Your arm is dirty. Do we have to do anything special to clean it?”
“Nope! It’s perfectly waterproof even when unattached. You’ve even seen me swim with it.”
“The chemicals in the water should have- should have made it safe to use. Even after exposure to- Even after being exposed to the poison.”
“Okay so just some good old soap and water to get off the dirt should be fine.” With that, he walked over the bloodstains to one of the sinks built into the counters. He tested one of the faucet handles, and sighed in relief when water flowed out of the tap. Grateful that the water was still working, he started trying to wipe off all the mud.
Progress was… Slow, however.
“How the HELL did this get so fucking dirty?”
The clunky gloves of the HEV suit didn’t make it any easier, either. As he scrubbed at a particularly stubborn clump of dirt, he glanced over towards Tommy and Benrey.
Tommy was practically standing over Benrey. Like he was guarding him.
But before he could say something to him, Bubby and Coomer’s movements caught his eye as they wandered towards Gordon’s other side.
Coomer had moved first. Something had caught his attention, and he was walking towards the other sink. Then Bubby’s examination of the poison tank ended, and he joined Coomer in looking over what was left on the counters.
They both stood in front of a strange egg-like thing, and when Gordon looked over his shoulder to do a quick headcount, he had to ask, “Uh, what the fuck is that? Please don’t poke it.”
“Hello, Gordon! I have no idea what this is!” Given his current lack of upper limbs, Coomer had settled on nearly shoving his face into it as he tried to examine it.
Bubby, of course, decided to pick it up, and before Gordon could stop him, the egg appeared to hatch on contact. “Oh. I uh. Didn’t expect that. Does this mean I’m a parent now?”
“What a beautiful child!”
The creature in question was an insectoid creature not much bigger than Bubby’s hand with a large faceted eye. When Bubby brought up his other hand to presumably touch it, a beak snapped shut very close to his finger and nearly caused him to drop it.
“Careful, before it bites your hand off!”
“I’m not that stupid.”
Gordon chose to not rise to the bait and start a fight there. “We can’t take it with us, so figure out what to do with it.”
Turning back to his task at hand, he continued scrubbing mud away, and he couldn’t help but notice that the artificial skin on the arm sometimes made it look far too real.
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think- Wait where the fuck did that thing go?
When he looked back over the counter, the creature Bubby had picked up was nowhere to be seen.
He had to ask, "What did you do?"
"Tranq'ed it."
Gordon blinked a few times before yelling, "HOW?"
"With tranqulizers Gordon use your goddamn brain." With that, Bubby turned away and walked over towards the desk.
"Where did you- you know what? I don't need to know." He knew a lost cause of a conversation when he saw one, and he did not want to deal with it anymore.
Once the arm was sufficiently cleaned, he placed it on the counter and nearly ran into Coomer.
“Hello, Gordon!”
“Hey, Coomer. Does this need to dry before we reattach it, or can it just go right on?” He waved towards the drying arm.
Coomer mused for a second before saying, “It is waterproof, but I’ve never tried attaching the arms while they’re still wet. Maybe we should sit it in rice for a few minutes?”
“Uhhhh, we don’t have rice, dude. But we can let it air dry for a while. Don’t think we’re going anywhere soon.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the resting Benrey. In a quieter voice, he asked, “How’re you holding up?”
Matching his volume, Coomer responded, “I’ll be much better when I have my arms again. At least we’re almost halfway there.”
Gordon reached over and patted Coomer’s shoulder before going back to the others. “How about we just. Take a breather for now?”
“Best idea I’ve heard all day,” Bubby said before promptly dropping to the floor. At least that spot was clean...
“… You okay?” “I’m fine!” Despite the claim, Bubby was removing the shoe on his bad foot and was checking on the injury.
Before Gordon could go over and repeat the question, Coomer lightly shoulder checked him as he passed by and gave Gordon a look.
As Gordon understood it, that was an unspoken, “Let me handle it,” gesture, and he backed away from the older scientists as they settled.
Coomer lightly leaned against Bubby on his way down to a sitting position; the ease with which he went through the motions spoke of years of practice.
How often had Coomer been armless before?
Gordon knew the question would be unappreciated at the moment, but it hovered in his mind like an annoying fly. He tried to distract himself by taking a seat not far from Benrey and Tommy, but Benrey was still obviously regrowing shit, which Gordon still didn’t want to focus on.
So that left trying to get Tommy to relax.
“Yo, Tommy, uhh. How long before I can sleep?” He nearly slapped himself on the forehead with how dumb that was. Wow, great conversation starter, Gordon. Bringing more attention to their group's various injuries was a great way to ease Tommy’s worries.
The expected reaction of Tommy managing to tense up even more made Gordon vaguely wonder when the theoretical string would snap. “I don’t- It’s not an exact science. Just. If you-” Tommy cut himself off. “-I know we can’t keep you up forever.” The admission was followed by a drop in Tommy’s shoulders. “Can you stay up until night- until the we have to stop and sleep later?”
The correction was appreciated. Sometimes they didn’t see the sun for a while, and at this point, Gordon didn’t even know what time of day it was. The lobby had ambient sunlight shining through the skylight, but with everything happening, he couldn’t even begin to guess how long ago that was.
Right, he needed to answer that question before Tommy wrung himself into a spiral of anxiety. “Yeah, man, I can do that.”
Tommy’s face lightened up into a faint smile, and while that gave Gordon some relief, he couldn’t help but feel sad that the normally vivid expression had faded so much.
Deciding to take the conversation back to what he actually wanted to talk about, he asked, “Wanna take a breather? The rest of us are. Can you mess up the door like the last one?”
Tommy bit his lip as he appeared to weigh the options. “This door doesn’t- This room doesn’t have a Tesla charge. So it doesn’t have the same-” Tommy waved his hand in frustration, “-Things. That the last door we blocked did.”
Gordon groaned, “OSHA Compliance?”
“OSHA Compliance.”
Sure, he knew why most automatic doors didn’t have an auto-lock on them, but it made things really inconvenient right now.
“How about we just block the door with something? We’re all hanging out on the ground.” Despite that last statement, Gordon adjusted himself so that he could stand up and help.
“Take it easy, Mr. Freeman, I can get it,” Tommy said before putting a hand on Gordon’s shoulder to keep him seated.
“It won’t take me long, just keep- Watch out for the others.”
He wasn’t entirely sure just what he meant since Bubby was already faintly snoring, and Coomer was loudly snoring, but didn’t argue as Tommy breezed past him.
Gordon would swear he only blinked before Tommy had come back and settled near him and Benrey.
“You already done?”
“Yeah, just took some- Took a few chairs and made a barrier. The counter already blocks us from view. And the- the uh, blood trail should be a warning sign...”
Tommy sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Gordon, and it didn’t look like it was working.
“I believe you.”
The look Tommy gave him conveyed incredulousness and gratitude.
“We’ll get through this, okay? But don’t burn yourself out. I can keep an eye on things for an hour or two, if that would help?”
Sure, Gordon knew he would be an alarm system at best, but Tommy looked so tired. Even if Tommy would only take a short nap, it would be better for him in the long run.
Honestly, it would be better for all of them since he was the only one not physically fucked up in some way, but Gordon’s primary concern in the moment was Tommy’s mental wellbeing.
The quiet after the question stretched for an uncomfortable minute, but Gordon knew Tommy needed to think this through on his own terms. “Sure, I can- I can take a nap. Will you wake me up in-” Tommy then seemed to notice the lack of functioning clocks in this room, “-In a little while.”
“Poggers,” Gordon nearly died as the streamer lingo slipped out. Sure his interest in video games had slipped out earlier, but the residual fear of exposing his private interests to professional colleagues never went away completely. “Sounds good, I mean.”
Tommy shrugged before handing over the assault rifle and sliding down from his seated position to a laying position.
“G’night, Mr. Freeman.” “Goodnight, Tommy.”
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unavenged-robin · 7 years
“I can’t breathe” + Damian Wayne
I know nobody believes me anymore, but this was supposed to be a very brief ficlet. Anyway. I thrown in Jason as a bonus because I miss writing about the two of them bonding in life or death situations. Enjoy.
Contrary to popular belief (that he liked to reinforce himself every chance he got), Jason didn’t hate having Damian tagging along with him for patrol. He actually found it kinda funny, mostly because the kid was so serious and liked to fight hard and without too much chattering just like his father, and it amused him to no end to watch the confusion and the fear on the faces of the random thugs they happened to be fighting when they got the living shit beaten out of them by a kid that barely came up to their chests. It was endearing.
“I found the burned warehouse”, Robin’s voice announced through the comm, and Jason checked his coordinates.
“Coming”, he answered, after a moment. “ETA three minutes.”
There were a few seconds of white noise on the other line, and then Damian spoke again: “There are people trapped in the basement. And considering the damage made by the fire, the structure is likely to collapse on itself sooner rather than later.”
“Robin”, Jason warned, shooting his grapple at the nearest building. “I said I’m coming.”
This was the only thing he really didn’t like about patrolling with the youngest of their clan (other than Damian being a brat, of course). The sense of responsibility that came with it. Even with Damian being the furthest thing from a defenseless kid, there was still the undeniable evidence that he was, in fact, a kid. That made Jason not only the adult in charge, but also the one that was going to be blamed if anything went wrong - which, considering Damian, was a very likely probability.
“There’s only one way to access the basement, and it’s too small for you anyway”, Damian duly argued, and Jason swore under his breath and started running even if he knew it was a lost cause already.
“I’m almost there, and if I don’t find you above ground I’m going to sell you to the circus”, he growled anyway, hoping that the jab would irritate the kid enough to make him stay put for the handful of seconds he needed to reach him.
“I hear children crying”, and Jason could hear the frown in the kid’s voice. “According to your intel, it should’ve been one of the Penguin’s abandoned storehouse, so why there are crying children in the basement?”
The way Damian stressed out the words to imply Jason’s incompetence irked him enough to make him snap. “I don’t fucking know, Robin. Just wait for me.”
White noise again.
It took him two minutes and fifteen seconds to get to the place and find out that Damian - of course - hadn’t even considered the idea of waiting for him. Jason swore again, and punched the comm as soon as he landed on the ground.
“Where the hell are you?”, he asked. “And how do I get there to kick your ass?”
“There is a vent opening on the back of the building, near the railing”, Damian answered. “Shush.”
“Shush?”, Jason repeated, momentarily more surprised than pissed off at the idea of the kid shushing him.
“We’re going to get you out of there, okay?”, Damian’s voice continued in a quiet, almost soft voice, and Jason realized he wasn’t talking to him at all. He found the opening quickly enough: a small manhole attached to some kind of rusty conduct. Probably an old vent, like Damian said. Jason could barely slip both his arms in there, so he waited and continued to listen to Damian speaking to the kids. It was new to him, and kinda weird, to hear Damian trying to comfort someone. How he tried to sound reassuring with big words and enough self-confidence to fill a man twice his size. It made Jason smile.
“Hood? Can you see me?”
Jason looked down the vent and yes, he could see Damian eight feet below the ground, looking up at him with a four, maybe five years old little girl clinging to his neck.
“That’s cute”, Jason teased. “We should tell Batdad that you need a little sister. I don’t think it’d take too much work to persuade him and Catmom to make you one.”
“Shut up”, Damian growled and yes, this time he was talking to Jason. “And take her.”
Jason laughed and reached down for the kid while Damian lifted her as much as he could. It took some adjustment, but in the end he was able to hoist the little girl up into his lap.
“Hey”, he smiled at her. “Gimme a moment and we’ll go get you some ice cream, yeah?”
She was covered in dirt and looked like hell, but she still smiled back at him easily and with too much trust.
“Hood, there are five other kids down here and the walls are about to crumble down”, Robin hissed. “Maybe you could get a move?”
“No ice cream for you”, Jason answered. “And you get a move, Robin. Since you got yourself in there in the first place”, he reminded him.
Damian grumbled something intentionally unintelligible and went to collect another kid. They worked fast and managed to get four other children out (six little girl, Jason beared in mind, feeling his blood boil. Six little girl, no older than five, held into a basement of an abandoned warehouse. Once they were done here he would take Damian home, and then he was going to have a chat with Cobblepot. A very long, hard, violent chat) but the last one took one look up the vent, saw Jason’s Red Hood helmet peering down, and started to cry so suddenly and so hysterically to actually make Damian, who was holding her, jump in surprise.
“What the hell?”, Damian bellowed in response, a little too loud and a little too angry for the already scared little girl to bear, and the following scramble between the two kids would’ve been amusing to Jason, if not for the fact that the crying and the swearing were both covered up by a louder, deeper grumble coming from the basement itself.
Before they could do anything there was a snap, then an eruption of dust that forced Jason to withdraw for a moment.
“Shit”, he and Damian said at the same time.
“Get up here, Robin. Now”, Jason urged, looking down the vent again, but the kids had already disappeared from his sight, swallowed by a cloud of dust. He could only hear coughing and more crying.
“Not enough space for both of us”, Damian yelled up at him, and then, softly, at the girl: “You need to calm down. There’s no need to be scared. He’s going to help you.”
But the girl was even more terrified now. She was blinded and suffocated and alone with two strangers. Her sobbing was heart wrenching and Jason could tell that Damian was starting to panic too.
“Shit”, Jason repeated, then he took off his helmet and tried to conjure up his best child-friendly smile, despite the urge to yell and kick something. If something were to happen to Damian, Dick and Bruce would kill him together, and then Alfred would hide his corpse by feeding it off to Titus and Batcow and whatever other pet the kid had hoarded in the meanwhile. Jason was sure of that.
“Hey, hey, hey”, he called out, trying to catch the girl’s attention once the dust cleared up a bit. He could still see only a little more than shadows, and he doubted the kids could see him any better than he could see them, but he tried anyway: “Look, I took the helmet off. See? Not a bad face, uh?”
In the meanwhile Damian was trying to rock the little girl - not an easy task, considering that he wasn’t that much bigger than her - talking again with his softer voice, sputtering out what sounded like every reassuring word he could think of.
There was another loud series of snaps and crackling of metal and old wood. The girls behind him were now whimpering because of the cold, and Jason started considering all the ways he could enlarge the hole enough to lower himself inside without making the situation worse, but it was impossible.
“You can trust him, I promise”, Damian was saying between coughs, voice tired and hushed and desperately urgent. “He’s my- he’s my big brother. He’s good. He’s a good person. He will buy you an ice cream.”
Jason tried to smile and held out his hand again. It took a few others soothing promises from both him and Damian before the little girl actually reached out to take it, and Jason sighed in relief when his fingers finally closed around the child’s tiny wrist. He smiled at her again while settling her down safely on the ground beside him, then he held his hand out into the vent one final time, ready to take Damian out of there and put an end to the whole night.
Except that Damian wasn’t looking up at him anymore. His head was lowered down between his shoulders, he was shaking with coughs and his hands were on the wall in front of him like he needed the support to not fall down.
“Robin?”, Jason called out in the same voice he used with the little girls. “Kid, come on. I need to take you out of there, you’ll rest in a moment, I promise.”
Damian shook his head, still not looking up at him. Jason felt the worry turning into a sharp pang of panic.
“Dam- Robin, come on. Just one little jump and we’re done, okay? I was lying on the ice cream, I’ll buy one for you too.”
Damian was shaking harder now.
“Can’t breath”, finally came the answer, and it was so choked Jason only heard it through the comm.
“Do you have your rebreather?”, he asked, but it was a stupid question, and he knew it. If the kid had a rebreather on him he would’ve used without any prompt from Jason.
“Okay. Okay. That’s fine. Look, I have mine right here, okay? You only have to take my hand, alright?”
Another fit of coughs.
“I can’t-”
“Robin”, Jason barked in his best imitation of the Batman’s voice, and he startled the kid enough to make him look up again. He offered him his hand for the second time, stretching his arm as far as he could into the vent, and repeated, gentler this time: “One little jump, kid. C’mon.”
He couldn’t see the kid’s face behind the thin cloud of dust that still hung between them, but he saw his body language changing and a moment later Damian straightened himself up in determination. In the space of time between two heartbeats, Damian took a choked breath, clenched his fists, then jumped. When their fingers touched, Jason was struck by the sicken certainty that he wasn’t going to be able to hold on, that Damian’s jump had been too short and he would’ve slipped away and fallen. But it was only a moment. Their hands closed into a monkey grip and the gauntlets offered enough friction to not let either of their holds slip away.
One instant later Jason had hauled Damian up into his arms, with just a little more force than necessary. But the kid collapsed against Jason’s chest, swallowing down big gulps of fresh air, and didn’t complain one bit.
“Easy now. Easy”, Jason instructed softly, one hand rubbing the kid’s back, the other cupping the back of his head. “In and out. In and out. Take little breaths or you’ll pass out.”
This time, Damian obeyed him. He slowed down his frantic attempts of taking in as much air as he could, and tried to imitate Jason’s breathing. He also shifted into the hold to cling to Jason’s neck and hide his face against his brother’s shoulder. Jason let him settle down, then rested his cheek on top of the boy’s head.
“Jeez Louise, kid”, he sighed. “Let’s not do that again, yeah?”
Damian didn’t answer, but his fingers tightened around the fabric of his jacket in what Jason decided to read as acquiescence. Keeping Damian close, he sat down on the ground and looked around for the girls. He found them cuddled together a few feet from them.
“We need to call the police and an ambulance”, he said, more to himself than to the kids in front of him, or to the one into his arms.
“Already done”, Damian mumbled anyway. “While I was waiting for you.”
“That must’ve been a very brief call, then”, Jason retorted, but not too harshly. He wasn’t in the mood for a lecture right now, not with Damian slumped down safely into his arms and six little girls looking at him with big, wet, scared eyes. “Your big brother, uh?”, he asked instead, unable to stop himself.
“I was suffocating”, Damian reminded him with a groan. “Also, legally I cannot be held responsible of what I say in a situation of danger.”
“That’s undercover cops, kiddo”, Jason laughed. “Dick is making you watch too many tv shows. You ready to get up and go home?”
He felt Damian shift again, his forehead now resting against the side of Jason’s neck. His breathing was still a little strained, but overall he finally sounded okay when he spoke again.
“First I want my ice cream.”
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kdenbibi · 7 years
Endless Chapter 5
Damian Wayne x Reader (x various)
Summary:Some questions are answered, some questions arise.
Warnings: Slight language, war flashbacks to Discowing
Authors Note: Yeet, hope ya like it
Tag List: @mirajanestrauss1999
I walked into the small coffee shop, shaking the snow from my beanie as I trudged towards the very back, my long winter jacket fluttered from the speed I was walking, I silently thanked the Lord they had the heater blasting in here.I peeled off the coat, tossing it in the empty booth in the back I'd been instructed to snag.  I tried my best not to let my nerves show, although to be fair I was meeting a complete stranger all by my lonesome, unfortunately Jon got an urgent call and had to bail, he seemed pretty hesitant to leave but after some reassurance that I'd be okay he dipped. Seconds felt like hours as I waited for the guy to show, my fingers drummed down on the worn down surface to the beat of the Christmas song softly drifting throughout the shop. The cheery atmosphere did nothing to quell the anxiety in my stomach, if the smell of cinnamon in the air and overall warmth the cafe provided couldn't help, then yeah I was definitely nervous. I tugged off my knit beanie, and attempted to smooth out the serious case of hat hair I had going on, thankfully, I braided my hair earlier so the loose curls sticking out looked on purpose, my fingers, now bored with the drumming, toyed with the ends of braid as a means of distraction. I felt my eye wander from the homely decorations hung up and around the walls, to watching the world go by through the window. I took in the sight, the snow had finally started to come down in Gotham so people were bundled up almost comically, and despite it being  below 40° outside, they went about their lives as usual, whenever new folks paid our city a visit, they were always perplexed at Gothamites abilities to ignore the freezing temperatures. I have to admit as sweet as the snow falling was to watch, hands down my favorite thing about this time of year was the city's tradition to string up what looked to be a million Christmas lights above and through downtown, making the usual dim, dark, nights much brighter. I was so in my thoughts I jumped at the sudden body very casually-and very loudly I might add- sliding into the booth across from me, I ended up slamming my knees into the table so hard the salt and pepper shakers knocked over. I whispered a curse under my breath as I rubbed at my newly bruised knee, and before I could roast the unwanted stranger, my head snapped up to see a familiar grin. "Yikes- that sounded like it hurt, you okay kid?" "Besides needing new kneecaps? Yeah just peachy - thanks for asking strange grown man." Said random man gave a warm laugh at my response, I took in his appearance, trying to gage if he was a threat or not, I could tell even sitting down the guy had a few good inches on me, he was wrapped in a brown bomber jacket, underneath was a crisp white shirt just asking to be stained by the grease that came with living here. He simply smiled while I analysed him, familiarity pinged in my head once I laid eyes on him grin. I scanned over his facial features, trying my damnedest to figure out where the hell I knew him from, his eyes were almost the same shade of electrifying  blue as Jon's, his hair fell in tufts of black waves, the few scattered snowflakes atop the waves made the black stand out even more.
All I got from my mini evaluation was this guy was hot, but I wasn't about to lower my defenses because of it.
He broke the silence before I could, suddenly looking confused as he glanced around the building. "Hey I thought you were gonna bring a friend? Or are they just hiding out in a vent waiting to ambush me if things go bad?" He joked, and just like that I remembered why I was even here. "Holy shit you're Ni- you're here." He nodded, the goofy grin ever present.My voice cracked mid sentence, I managed to stop myself from basically screaming 'Well butter my biscuits it's Nightwing! In the flesh!' and cleared my throat trying not to show the heat of embarrassment steadily creeping up my neck. "He uh- had to cancel actually, but don't worry I have a plan in case you turn out to be a weirdo." He laughed again, not taking any offense to my sort of threat. "Smart girl." He leaned back against the booth, thumbing through the menu like we were just two buddies catching up over coffee."I wonder if they serve any food, I'm starving.” He waved over the waitress grabbing himself a coffee, "Want something?" I responded still staring at the man confusion plastered across my face."Coco please." After a few moments of silence he spoke, clearly amused.
"You okay over there?"
"What no, wait I mean yeah why- why wouldn't I be." I internally cringed at my answer, he gave me a look which said he didn't but it, but the conversation dropped there.He filled the time spent waiting for our orders with casual stories about his day job as a police officer and how crazy it could be."Moral of the story, don't try to drive after your eyes have been dilated." I nodded, still, if not more nervous than I was earlier, a part of me felt like I should have been taking notes, he sighed into his palm, a smaller smile on his lips. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" He picked up the dingy napkin dispenser, attempting to look at himself in the just barely reflective surface. I couldn't help the snort from escaping my mouth. "Nah I'm just trying to wrap my head around," I gestured to him with a wave of my hand. "- all this." He put down the dispenser with a smile. "It's pretty weird huh?" "Just a little." I laughed out pinching my fingers together. "I mean you're so - normal." Just then the waitress brought us our orders,He laughed into the coffee mug, taking a long sip before responding. "Well what did you think we did all day, work on our outfits and plan witty comebacks?" I paused before nodding. He sighed, rubbing his temple, "I can't speak for everyone but I happen to be a very normal guy- mostly." "Well 'normal guy' I gotta get your name cuz’ I'm running out of things to call you." He stuck out his hand,"Richard Grayson at your service, but my friends call me Dick." I took his outstretched palm with a firm shake. "Those don't sound like very good friends,” I joked “ I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." After half my drink was gone and the atmosphere was much lighter than earlier, a question popped up in my mind. "Let me ask you a question Dick." "Shoot." "Why'd you come here- you know, out of your whole 'sparkly' get up." He squinted at me, wiping his face before pointing a finger at my face. "First of all it is not 'sparkly', and let me tell you I know sparkly, one version of the costume had a very, very deep v-neck, I'm talking uncomfortable to look at deep, trust me this is an upgrade." I laughed, nearly chocking on my drink as I pictured him in the world's deepest v-neck, I wiped at my mouth with the back of my sleeve, the nerves finally leaving once I realized he was really just a normal dude.
Well a normal dude who kicks ass in tights at night but that's besides the point.
"Okay well that still doesn't tell me why you showed up all not-clad-in-skin-tight-kevlar. Aren't secret identities kind a big deal for y'all spandex junkies?" "Well yeah, but like I said before, you're a good kid, so I'm not all that worried." He leaned forward, a hopeful smile on his face. "Besides, there's gotta be trust between the people you work with- if you'd like to join us spandex junkies that is." I smiled at the man, a new wave of warmth spread through me as he spoke, I mentally paused, searching for any kind of hesitancy from my gut but all I got was a 50/50 ratio of nerves and excitement. "I'm listening, although I can't promise I'll squeeze myself into anything uncomfortable, even if it looks good." "Duly noted." He laughed. We spent the next hour shooting questions back and forth, most of his were unsurprisingly about what I could and could not do.
Mine were mostly about the tights.
By now the sun had set but there were still plenty of people walking about, apparently the threat of crime wasn't about to deter their Christmas shopping. "So what made you change your mind? About calling me that is?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts. I pulled on the sleeves of my shirt out of habit. "Something happened at the bank the other day-" "Wait, that mysterious hero was you?" "Yes and no," I gave a dry laugh "-anyway something..uh new happened with my powers and I figured if anyone could help me it be a dude who spends all his time around other people like me, can't exactly learn about this in chemistry class ya know?" He nodded with a warm smile, before his face shifted into something more of determination, "Look, I'll be honest here, personally I can't relate to the whole 'ooky spooky abilities' deal but I know a few people who do, and we'd all be willing to help." I gave him a soft smile, a warm feeling of appreciation swelled in my chest. "Thank you- I mean it really, I have no idea where it comes from- or what the full extent of it is." I huffed leaning back into the seat. "It sure be nice not to worry about it any more." "Again, like I said, it's kind of our job to help and protect. So it's not a problem kiddo." 
This felt like a moment from those sappy films where the older sibling figure ruffles the younger ones hair affectionately, but it wasn't.
Because if he tried it, I'd stab his hand with my fork out of reflex.
"So what's the plan here, am I gonna meet up with you in your secret lair and practice?" He chuckled out a no before continuing. "Not exactly, I'll have to finalize things with the big guy and when everything's ready we'll come to you." "Big guy?" He looked at me questioningly, a small smirk curling on his lips, waiting for me to come to my own conclusion. "Oh shit you mean Batman oh. OH." He shushed me with a laugh looking around at the other patrons before turning back to me. "Don't worry he's not at scary as everyone thinks." "Are you shitting me? Hell no." I shook my head with an uneasy laugh."He's on the Babadooks level- He's on that Freddy .vs. Jason level of scary." He barked out a laugh before pulling out the money to cover our bills. "Trust me kid, you'll do fine." "What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't make the cut and he throws me out a six story window?"
"That's oddly specific and-" he looked around for the sake of dramatics and whispered. "You didn't hear this from me, but if it'll make you feel better, you won't be dealing with him much." "Wait- who will I be dealing with then?" He winced out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck."See now I really can't tell you that."I pouted at the older man,"Dude! You said it yourself, there should be trust between people working together, don't contradict yourself Richard." I spoke with grin. "Damnit you got me there." He snapped his fingers together before leaning in "Okay but I'm only telling you because I think you deserve a warning." My brows shot up in concern at that. "Why would I need a warning exactly?" "Well, you remember that kid I had to stop from turning you to mincemeat?" "Yeah sure, I remember the goblin." He said nothing else, calmly sipping his mug, eyes cast away from me, making me realize exactly who he meant. "Shit."
Damian POV
I easily dodged Jon's incoming fist, his stance was wrong and his punches were sloppy, he was distracted by something. I used this to land a firm kick to the back of his exposed knee, bringing him down with a wince worthy thud.My heel pressed into the center of his back as I leaned down to the struggling teenager, the pressure increased on his back the lower I went. After realizing he wasn't getting up any time soon he tapped on the mat twice, signaling his defeat. "You're terrible at this you know." I offered him a hand after he managed to roll onto his back, he scoffed at me but took my offer, pulling himself into a standing position."Well yeah, thats the whole point of you training me." He rolled his shoulders before setting his feet in the proper position. He motioned at me to come at him, I simply walked towards the nearest bench and took a seat. "Aw come on Damian! You told me to come home and train but you won't even-" "You are distracted, in a real fight that would kill you." I spoke before taking a short sip from my water bottle. "Sort yourself out Jonathan." I watched the boy from the corner of my eye, his face was furrowed in frustration, I could tell he was losing his cool, it brought a smirk to my face. "I'm not distracted-" "You and I both know I'm not wrong, so talk, spew your problems like some prepubescent child, if it'll get your mind in the game."He sighed plopping down to sit on the slightly worn down mat, "I'm just a little worried about (y/n)-" "Why is there an update?" I spoke up interrupting him. He shook his head no. "Besides what happened at the bank? Nothing, I would have told you." He spoke that last line with a hint of bitterness, when I first told him to get intel on the girl, he was completely against the idea. My mind flashed to that first initial morning where they walked off together, a plan had came to my head to get the information I needed without doing much of anything. As the week progressed, I'd ask the Kryptonian if anything interesting happened with her, hoping she'd share with the boy, but unfortunately for me, he began to catch on. "Damian, can I ask you something?" "You just did but fine, go ahead." We sat at our usual lunch table, the everyday chaos of high school chatter blended our conversation into the background. "Why are you so curious about (y/n)?" I looked up from my book to meet his suspicious gaze."Is it wrong to be curious, Kent?" His leaned into his hand, the puzzlement in his eyes never faltering."No there's nothing wrong with that! its just, you don't really take interest in, well anything." I stared at him unimpressed. "No offense! I meant normal teenage stuff, like I only ever see you talk to a few people here, and whenever we talk it's about her." I won't lie, his intellect surprised me, but I didn't let it show. "She's seems like a nice person is all." I watched as his suspicion fell and the smile on his face grow into something mischievous. "So would you say she'd make a good friend?" My face scrunched in confusion."What?- sure yes if it'll shut you up." And with that he suddenly rose before making his way across the cafeteria, to my dismay he came back with the girl in question. (Y/n) looked between us, clearly just as confused as I was."Are you gonna tell me what was so urgent or keep me standing here like boo boo the fool?" "Damian wanted to know if you would sit with us for lunch!" Our eyes met, her's skeptical, mines more surprised than angry that the little shit had it in him to do this. I realized she was waiting for my confirmation, obviously not buying what Jon said. "If you want." I spoke after clearing my throat. An uneasy smile made it's way on her face before she sat down across from me, Jon took the seat next to her."Uh thanks? I mean this is uhm, nice of you and all but why?" Jon spoke for me. "Well we were just talking about how Damian here doesn't have many friends-" I kicked his shin hard under the table, but it only hurt my foot, I held back a wince and the urge to rub my now pulsing appendage. 'Boy of steel, right, I forgot.' Jon looked to me with a smirk before continuing."-and I was telling him all about how you're so nice and cool and yeah, here we are." She looked at me with a smirk stretched across her full lips, a perfectly arched brow rose in question, "That's surprising, who wouldn't wanna be friends with someone as charming and kindhearted as pretty boy over here?" The sarcasm was practically dripping from her voice.Jon, either too oblivious to notice or too excited to care, ignored this. "Great to hear! Well how was everyone's day?" Neither of us answered too busy in a stare off, I tried to analyze her, and she stared right back, refusing to step down from this unspoken glare contest. Jon interrupted us with a cough. "Well my day was great thanks for asking." She turned away to look at the taller boy, her expression much more friendly than the look she gave me. "Sorry, his whole 'children of the corn' thing going on is pretty distracting." she pointed her thumb back motioning to me, "-what'd you do today anyway?" He went on to list all the miniscule things he achieved before lunch. I half listened to their conversation, mostly focused on the novel I had, occasionally chiming in whenever I felt it necessary. Just like that the lunch period was over, and it was time to head back to reality.(Y/n) looked to me before she left, a half smile on her face, I was surprised it was directed at me and not the younger boy by my side. "You're not so bad Wayne, when you aren't talking that is." I smirked at the girl, slapping my novel shut with one hand."I'll admit, the brief moments your mouth was shut were rather nice." She laughed off my insult with a wave of her hand, before returning to her group to finish their day.
When the school day crawled to an end, and I was driving Jon and myself back to the manor, it occurred to me the boy in my passenger seat wasn't one to be easily fooled, it also occurred he may already know of her abilities and is acting stupid to throw off my questioning. I decided to sidestep all the bullshit of my original plan and straight out ask him. "Let's not beat around the bush Jonathan, has (y/n) told you anything strange about herself?" He snapped his head up, away from his phone to stare at me. "Pardon me?" I rolled my eyes at his act. "You know? Her powers, what has she told you of them?" "She has powers?" He practically screamed, I resisted the urge to slam the car into the traffic surrounding me and took a deep breath. "I'd appreciate it if you refrained from screaming like a banshee in my car." I spoke with a roll of my eyes, god the more time I spent with this kid the more I saw the inside of my head."You can drop the act, I know of her powers already." "I didn't!" He yelled, deflating in his seat."You're kidding me right?" He didn't answer."I'll take that as a no then, TT." He groaned tossing his hands up in the air, clearly distraught. The rest of the car ride was silent, him no doubt letting the information sink in. It wasn't until days later did we speak again, after he returned home rather late, looking like he'd been kicked down a flight of stairs. I sipped at the tea steaming in my cup as he sat down at the table, rubbing at his neck, exhaustion clear in his body language. "What's up with you?" His tired eyes lifted to meet mine. He hesitated before speaking, having some sort of internal debate on whether or not to tell me. "Something happened today, something with (y/n)." He gave me a very rough explanation, not wanting to delve into the details too much, before trying to head up to bed, I grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. "You saw what happened today, it could get worse if she doesn't get help, but she won't listen to me, so you have to do it." "What- me? I don't even know what you're saying." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the kid before speaking again. "You're her friend, it should be easy to get some information about the extent of her abilities and bring it back to me." He scoffed at me, "I wouldn't deceive her like that- I wouldn't deceive anyone like that!" "You wouldn't be deceiving anyone, you'd simply be using your friendship to gain information for the greater good." I responded with a shrug."It would feel wrong, I don't wanna use her." "No one said you'd use her, you can still keep up that happy go lucky friendship shit once you tell me what I need." "That's not how friendships work." He chewed on the nail of his thumb, deep in thought. I continued, placing a hand on his shoulder. "As a hero, it's your responsibility to protect the public from any threats, or any potential threats." I used my Robin voice, the tone I used to talk to civilians, commanding but nonthreatening, trying to get it through his thick head."She's not a threat." He looked conflicted as he spoke. "Any unregistered meta is a threat, hell me and you both are threats. Power in the wrong hands is never a good thing." "Well it's not in the wrong hands, she saved those people today!-" "Prove it to me, show me she's not a threat and I'll drop it." We stared at one another in silence before he nodded, a fire in his eyes.
I was brought back to the present when he moved to stand, stretching out his body."I think I'm good now, you ready for round two?" I placed the water bottle down before rising, I walked until I was an arms reach away from him, "Let's see if Kryptonian's are all their hyped up to be."
After a good two hours of sparring (aka me tossing him on his ass in many different ways) and getting an idea of what he could do and handle, we called it a day. We made our way up from the cave, into the empty kitchen, he grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, tossing one to me before sitting down at the table.I nodded as thanks and pressed the cold bottle against my warm skin, sure the kid couldn't fight for shit but he was resilient as hell. I leaned against the counter, the cold of the marble bringing some relief to my overheated body. "What had you so worked up earlier anyway?" I asked breaking the silence that had fallen over us as we tried to catch our breaths. He finished patting his face with a towel before speaking."Oh it's nothing serious, I was supposed to go with her to meet someone but she texted me everything's going smoothly." "Why would she need you there?"
Thankfully he learned early on not to take my bluntness to heart, so he replied with a smile.
"I mean who wants to meet some hardcore vigilante all by themselves?" My head snapped up so fast it startled the younger boy. "She's doing what?" He grimaced at me, a nervous smile on his lips. "Meeting up with a vigilante to discuss her powers?" He spoke as more of a question than an actual answer.I felt the urge to slam my hand to my forehead, or alternatively his head into the cabinet. "It just occurred to you to share this with me now?" 
My voice was rising, I couldn't believe the amount of stupidity bottled up into one human. "Hey in my defense I thought you knew! I mean it is Nightwing, you guys are cool right? You have nothing to worry about!." His eyes shifted from me to the doorway, as he inched towards it, his voice had gone up a few good octaves in fear. He held up his hands like he expected me to throw something his way, a good chunk of me thought that wouldn't be a bad idea. I paused, racking my brain for answers to all the questions I had, why would Dick go see her? Why didn't I know about it? Why was I not strangling Jon right now? So many questions with no answers. I looked up to ask him for any other withheld information only to see his body quickly disappearing down the hallway.
"I'm sorry I'm running but you're way too freaky to be around when you're mad!" He yelled over his shoulder, it echoed throughout the hallway. I had now two options, call Dick, demand an explanation and hope he'll give it to me, or take my anger out on my housemate and then call dick.
Option two sounded much more fun, and besides, a quick throw off the balcony would test his flight skills.
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