alexturne · 1 year
just wanted to say thank you for blessing my dash with all the am content from your concert, it has brightened my day so much! so happy for you that you got to go and experience that, and thank you for sharing a little bit of that experience with us 💗
Oh my god, this is so sweet 😭💓
You guys have all been so fucking kind and sweet during these days. It warms my heart how you've all been so happy for me, im crying!! im so happy you're enjoying the content, i'll be putting up more videos (for my own archival purposes and others' enjoyment) and also a post of highlights of my experience has just gone up!
No, but thank you so much for this message, you're really so sweet! 💖😘💕 I love our little corner of the internet ❤
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sophaeros · 5 months
1, 8, and 10 for the arctic monkeys asks 🥰
1. favourite record opener track?
OHHH man diwk is iconic ofc and opening ur debut album w "anticipation has a habit to set you up for disappointment" is just insane but i feel like there'd better be a mirrorball is such a lovely opener that sets the tone for the entire album so well..the way it draws you in with the piano and then the JUMPSCARE chords. lyrically opening an album with a goodbye is always iconic and it feels very appropriate thematically. once you get it you really get it
8. do you have any cool arctic monkeys memorabilia or keepsakes that are meaningful to you? (eg wristbands from a show, merch you’ve bought, signed stuff, tour posters)
10. what’s your favourite alex era hair? feel free to share photo examples!
early tc era was what made me fall in love w him so it is truly very special to me..like damn i wish i looked like this
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sauce: paddy cartwright
thanku for the ask and creating the ask game!! :3
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mrschwartz · 6 months
8, 18, 28, 38 for the spotify wrapped thing! 💗
8. dia lindo by terno rei (this amazing brazilian band that i discovered last year)
18. passionfruit by drake (again don't judge me this is the only song by him that i know lol)
28. funeral by phoebe bridgers
38. goldberg variations: aria by bach
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things I've had to google writing chapter 4 of my fic:
binary stars
is there a posh part of sheffield??
kings in the corner card game
sunset time in january england
tile patterns
is leather water-proof
difference between whiskey and whisky
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shadowmonkeysbigbang · 3 months
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Hi! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our polls. We're very happy to officially announce that a new Shadowmonkeys Big Bang will take place this year! 🎉🎉🎉
It will be run by @subtle-as-an-earthquake (Minnie) and @uhbasicallyjustmilex (Lulu), and details about how to get involved will be posted later this month.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop the Shadowmonkeys account a message/ask, and we'll respond as soon as we can 😊
We're so excited to get into the creative spirit with you all! 💖
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glorious-blackout · 9 days
I was tagged by @uhbasicallyjustmilex, thank you! 🥰
go to your 'on repeat' playlist on spotify (heavy rotation mix on apple music), throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
Lunch - Billie Eilish
Straight Jacket Fitting - Queens of the Stone Age
Svarte Katter & Flosshatter (Live) - Kaizers Orchestra
Tsunami (11:11) - Bambie Thug
Starburster - Fontaines D.C.
Now and Then - The Beatles
Krip - Go_A
Stone - Bashar Murad
Europapa - Joost Klein
Ruoska - Käärijä, Erika Vikman
Tagging: @rock-n-roll-fantasy, @aeolianblues, @thespiritofvexation, @see-sawed, @burn-on-the-flame, @alexturne and anyone else who wants to do it 💚
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(and they called it) puppy love
Pairing: Miles Kane x Alex Turner (Milex)
Word count: 11k (one-shot)
Rating: teen and up
A/N: So, since Max Kane literally owns my heart, I had no choice but to write a Milex ft. Max Kane fic! <3 It's set in London, post-Dublin gigs. Be warned: this fic is as soft and fluffy as Max is (that is to say, very) 🥰 Smutty sequel may follow.
Endless thanks to the unbelievably lovely and talented @uhbasicallyjustmilex who was kind enough to beta read this little fic for me! You're an angel, thank you so much for your support, and your incredibly sweet words and encouragement 💞💞
Alex is excited to meet Miles’s new dog. He is. He's definitely not worried that little Max has taken his place as Miles's best friend, because he isn't jealous of a bloody dog, no matter how cute and fluffy (and no matter what Matt seems to think). He certainly isn't nervous about meeting Max for the first time, because that would be ridiculous. He just hopes Max will like him, is all. He really hopes Max will like him.
Read on AO3
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musicandotherstuff · 5 months
HI! I'm new to the fandom, do you happen to know anyone like you who posts AM and TLSP content? Thanks in advance
Hey! Welcome to the fandom❤, well I can advise you to follow some that publish excellent content about the band and TLSP
@alexturner2005 @theageoftheunderstatement @alexturne @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind @uhbasicallyjustmilex @mrschwartz @lalaballa1977 @subtle-as-an-earthquake @the-thing-about-life-is @thecahhh @yellowloid @joshus-lobster @jetskisonyourmoat @nicoscheer
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daddy-long-legssss · 3 months
thinking about alex and miles listening to ‘sexy eyes’ by dr. hook together and i’m losing my mind rn. i can just imagine miles wiggles his eyebrows and shimmying his shoulders in alex’s direction and pulling him in for a dance.
thank you to @uhbasicallyjustmilex for making me aware of their shared playlist on spotify. i’ve been listening to it all day and smiling like dumbass.
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paperlovesadness · 4 months
I was tagged by the lovely @uhbasicallyjustmilex to shuffle one of my playlists and list the first 10 songs that pop up ✨
I will also be going the 2023 Wrapped/Favorites route for the shuffle. And let's see where that takes us!
It's hard to get around the wind - Alex Turner
Pattern - The Last Shadow Puppets
When I'm Sixty Four - The Beatles
There'd Better Be a Mirroball - Arctic Monkeys
Live And Let Die - Paul McCartney
Baggio - Miles Kane
Jet Skis On The Moat - Arctic Monkeys
Scared of Love - Miles Kane
I've Just Seen A Face - The Beatles
Ransom - Miles Kane
So... Unsurprisingly very on brand (I swear I listen to more than just The Beatles + The Puppets & Co. [But admittedly nothing probably beats these in my number of streams]).
Thank you for the fun musical tag 💖 always happy to share my random choice of songs of the same four artists in rotation.
Tagging: (Disclaimers of no-pressure + sorry-if-you've-already-been-tagged apply!)
@kiray1991 @rilannon @the-thing-about-life-is @misskattylashes @paulagrnt @boyeurism @l3fool @haemoglobinheights & please feel tagged if you see this and want to join 💖
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alexturne · 1 year
7 and 17 for the writers questions post 💗
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
Sounds odd, but the parts that make me think too much? Not that I'm not trying hard or think things through when I write, but I'm such a perfectionist, and if I let myself think too hard on stuff I get stuck overthinking and I never get anywhere.
I've been trying very hard to allow my instincts to take over, to just follow however the story wants to progress instead of getting lost inside my head, because then I'll get nowhere with it.
So I enjoy writing the most when it just flows, and I struggle the most when I'm forced to think things through, if the idea struggles to present itself and I feel like I have to force it.
My story you're so pretty and i'm so shy is an example of a story where it just flowed so well, and there was no second guessing or barriers. I just kept writing, let my fingers tap it all out and let my instincts take the reins. And it was such an enjoyable experience. That's what I always strive for when writing.
17. What fic are you most proud of?
I think it has to be under these lights.. because it was my first real long fic and it was the first time I really put myself out there and really tried to go through with something big.
And it was such a struggle, but I learned so much writing it, about the pressure I put on myself, about doing it for my own enjoyment, about having fun and just letting myself explore and let go.
And it was also the first time I really had active readers, who were waiting for updates and who were super supportive and kind in the process, and it just made me feel so much like a real part of this fandom. Yeah, that story was really the game changer for me. And I'm also so happy with how it turned out over all 💖 And I feel like it encapsulates my writing style very much in all aspects.
Thank you so much for your questions, sorry for taking so long to respond!! ❤️
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all your international hug day milex posts are destroying me 😭 (but also don’t stop 💗)
do you have a top milex hug?? or top 3 if asking you to narrow it down to just one is too hard?
Hello @uhbasicallyjustmilex ♥️
Thanks for this cute ask !
Top 3 :
Number 1 Øyafestivalen [10-08-2016]
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This one of course ! Alex is like a clingy kitten.
He looks so much like he needs that hug, really really bad ! And Miles...😏
Number 2 (but very close to the number 1) O2 Arena, London [29.10.2011]
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(well two hugs in one.) Alex holds him so tight. And then a few seconds later, Miles graps him and Alex takes his main and holds it closer to him. At this moment Miles is all around him 🥰 And as you can see, they find it difficult to let go of each other's hands, the contact between them remains as long as possible. Number 3 Rock En Seine, Paris [26-08-2016]
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Well it's a special hug. But Miles holding Alex tighter whispering something to him when they are about to be overwhelmed by emotion (no, I'm not crying, you are 😭)
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Hi everyone! 🪩
If you signed up to the Shadowmonkeys Big Bang 2024 as an artist, then please be sure to check your email. We've just sent out the claims forms and it's first come first serve, so make sure you get your choices in soon! Details about how claims work and how to submit your forms can be found in the email.
The deadline for submitting your Claims Form is 26 May, 00.00 GMT+1 (what time is that for me?)
(Please note that, in order to avoid any possible conflict of interest, as your mods we (@subtle-as-an-earthquake and @uhbasicallyjustmilex) have not submitted our fic prompts for claims. We will each be writing a fic for this year’s big bang, but we we will not be pairing up with any artists)
A huge thank you to all of you for signing up, we're so excited to see all the incredible art you'll be creating 😍
**If you signed up as an artist and did not receive this email, then please let us know asap**
As always, if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us here or via email. Happy browsing! 🐢🐒
Love from, your mods 😘
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insectbitch · 6 months
@uhbasicallyjustmilex THAT NEW FOUR WALLS CHAPTER?????????? I NEED TO BE KILLED
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Here we are (as in olden days)
Pairing: Miles Kane x Alex Turner (Milex)
Word count: 17k (one-shot)
Rating: Explicit
A/N: A little wintry Milex AU for you! ✨️❄️☃️ I started writing this just before Christmas, thinking it would just be a quick little 3k fic 🙃 It turned into a little more that, which also means it's definitely not in time for Christmas, but I still hope it'll still be enjoyable! 💫
Once again, my endless thanks to the brilliant and unbelievably kind @uhbasicallyjustmilex for the beta and the feedback, I don't know where I'd be without you and your unfailing support 💘
When he was just ten years old, Miles Kane had to say goodbye to his best friend Alex Turner, after Alex's dad landed a coveted teaching job at an American university and the whole family had suddenly upped and moved across the pond. Miles had long ago accepted that he would probably never see Alex again, and that their childhood friendship would forever remain a gold-tinged memory. He never expected that, fifteen years later, the Turners would suddenly move back to the UK with their now adult son in tow, and he certainly didn’t think he’d be spending Christmas with them only a few weeks after he learned the news. And yet, that is exactly what's going to be happening.
Read on AO3
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