#uhh... unexpected Christmas gift I guess
justsoohi · 1 year
Funky Gift/ Episode 1
<After 2 weeks>
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Tomoya: Thank you for your hard work~..... uhh~
Rinne: O~i, Shirousuke. Don't fall down at a place like that
But it's still hard work, isn't it? I guess it's no wonder I'm falling down too after my "Unit" lesson and the "Shuffle" lesson.
Subaru: ehh? Is that right? I can still do it though ~?
Rinne: Akehoshi-paisen your body is like a ghost....
But in anyway, both Yuzuru-chan and Snakey-chan are surprisingly tougher than I expected, they seem to be better at using their brains than their bodies.
Yuzuru: Is that so? I can't be a butler if I'm so upset about something like this.
Ibara: I've had to train dozens of times harder than I do now, and I've thrown up my whole stomach out before, so idol lessons aren't the slightest bit difficult for me.
Rinne: What the hell is going on here..... These "Unit" guys are no good.
Tomoya: Ah right. Speaking of what's going on....are things looking okay for the live since then?
Subaru: Ah, that's right. Barry~ did something's went wrong again?
Ibara: Fortunately, things have been going smoothly since then.
Even though it's called "Christmas Live," Since I order things that don't fit, everyone asks me if I'm wrong or asks me to confirm again.
Subaru: Hahaha! Well of course. 'Cause I've never seen a Christmas like that
Yuzuru: I can't deny that it's a little too much.......
Subaru: I don't think "fine" would ever be able to do something like that~
Yuzuru: I don't and I have no intention to. If you perform with "fine", it will be a classic holy live.
Rinne: classic hah.....
In that case, should I throw gifta to the audience as part of the live?
Tomoya: Eh?
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Rinne: What is it? What's with that surprised look on your face?
Tomoya: No, you're absolutely right. I just thought it was unexpected that Amagi-senpai would say such a thing.
Rinne: Well, I've been thinking about what shirousuke told me since then
I never got a present for Christmas, but the cookies I got as a surprise were delicious.
Tomoya: Cookies?
Rinne: Ah well, That's good! Besides shirosuke is happy about it, aren't you, You always want a present no matter how old you are, don't you?
Besides, I'm already thinking about gift ideas to give♪
Tomoya: eh…. Is it a present that Amagi-senpai chose...?
Ibara: Is it a mahjong tile? Or is it a trump cards? Or pachinko balls? Either way, I'm rejecting it all
Rinne: Huh? No matter how much you prejudice against me isn't it terrible? I know exactly what to give to the other person so they'll be pleased about it
Yuzuru: What about you ibara? Isn't it difficult to please the other person with your lack of sensibility? You've always thought only of yourself since the very beginning
Ibara: With all due respect, Instructor-dono. I hope you don't think I'm the same person I was back then
I'm the one producing "Eden", which continues to capture the hearts of fans.
Subaru: Eh~. If that's the case, I'm more confident than everyone here~
Rinne: every last one of them....
Yo~shi, if that's the case, we'll bring presents that each of us have thought up for tomorrow's lesson, and it's going to be a battle to see who has the best taste!
Subaru: Okay! I will never lose~
Rinne: Of course, the three of you will also ride with us right? Or will you run away because you lack confidence?
Tomoya: What!? Me too!?
Ibara: its a bad choice to ride on such a cheap provocation, but okay, I'll ride too.
Yuzuru: Yes, that's right. There is no need to run away from a winnable game for me in the first place.
Tomoya: Ah-ahaha......
(I got caught up in something strange didn't I...?)
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lynnthekiristan · 4 years
✨ christmas fic because christmas is beautiful and kiribaku is beautiful
✨ if there's Katsuki there's language obviously so... be warned
✨ loads of fluffiness ahead, so get ready
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕤
Eijirou was one sucker for the whole Christmas package. The little shit was already over-excited the whole year round, but when his favorite holiday came around, he blew up like a glitter bomb. He wouldn't stop smiling for a second during Christmas Eve and Christmas day. He obviously loved it all, but the light in his eye would glimmer the brightest when giving gifts. Somehow he /always/ knew exactly what everybody wanted, and he fucking squeaked when he saw the happiness he caused just by giving a tiny thing.
Now, Katsuki? He never liked that whole Christmas thing. He certainly despised the whole caroling around - for some reason everytime Christmas came around people started thinking they could actually sing, which they didn't. He wasn't fond of the feast part as well, chicken wasn't really his food. And he hated having to pretend he liked those lame ass gifts he recieved from his family, as if a pale green button up shirt was something he'd ever wear. But the lights, he enjoyed them. Not those over the top decorations, that shine so bright you have to fucking squint to look at them. Those yellow tiny lights, hung in windows, always had him looking up with a faint smile on his face.
But that was before he started dating Kirishima. It had been what? A month since he had /finally/ gathered enough courage to confess to Eijirou, and almost died of surprise when learning that Eijirou liked him back. They were already more than best friends before, honestly, so for them to transition into boyfriends was fairly easy. Katsuki had never been happier.
And then Christmas came closer and closer and he could clearly see Eijirou blooming into the most adorable little enthusiast, everyday a new present piling up on the corner of their room, and normally the closer to Christmas it got, the more pissed Katsuki got, but just being close that shining Eijirou made it impossible for him to be grumpy.
And it was insane how good he was feeling on Christmas Eve. It wasn't much of a religious date in Japan, more of a second Valentines Day of sorts. And Katsuki usually hated the couples cuddling nonstop, like the fucking holiday meant they could go around and bother everyone around. Well, needless to say he wouldn't let go of Eijirou, pretending he had found a mistletoe every two seconds and kissing him softly. And it wasn't like he wasn't enjoying it, seeing that he would chuckle every time, saying how Katsuki was dishonoring a sacred holiday tradition, but would shortly kiss him once again.
The clock had ticked the so awaited midnight, but Eijirou - that impatient fucker - had already given the presents to everyone. /Almost/ everyone. It got to the point Katsuki even worried Eijirou had forgotten about him, but wasn't caring that much. Being able to kiss Ei the way he did, to sleep and cuddle with him every night, was enough of a present.
Of course he couldn't help the little pain that spiked in his heart. Ei always loved giving presents so much, why wouldn't he give one to his /boyfriend/. Modesty apart, he himself had given shitty hair an exclusive vintage Crimson Riot package.
He shouldn't think about it that much. It would only make him sad, and him sad would take a bit of Eijirou's bright happiness, and that would be a crime.
He left the noisy common room to take some air outside the dorms, feeling the cool breeze ruffle his hair and make his breath appear in little clouds.
He didn't notice the presence of the redhead until his built arms wrapped the blonde's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.
"Hey Kat"
"Hey shitty hair"
Katsuki felt his boyfriend's chuckle rumble through his chest and he couldn't help but smile.
"I bet you're panicking over not getting a present"
Katsuki froze. Was it /that/ easy to read him, after all?
"Shut the fuck up"
Once more, a laugh rumbled through his whole body, making it hard for Katsuki to stop the blush that was already creeping its way through his face. It got worse when Eijirou turned him around, his crimson eyes looking at Katsuki as he were the most important being in the whole world, their faces inches apart.
He was almost kissing the redhead when he pulled apart and smiled softly.
"I've been brainstorming for weeks to try and figure out what present I should give you. I've been through every All Might collectibles store in this city, every shop, every site with the title 'What to buy for your boyfriend this Christmas?', but I couldn't find anything good enough for you"
Katsuki could cry. Wait, he was already crying. Maybe he would care later, but right now the only thing he felt was an absurd love for his boyfriend, the fucking love of his life.
"So I thought I'd... Fuck it's so stupid. I'm giving myself to you"
"W- What?"
Eijirou chuckled nervously as he scratched his neck.
"Shit... I'm fucking it up. God... I should just do it"
Then, Eijirou did what Katsuki would have never thought he would. He dropped down in one knee and took a little ring box from his pocket.
"Bakugou Katsuki, I have been madly in love with you since the day I set eye on that angry beautiful blonde destroying the robots in the entrance exam. You make me feel special, and like I can be the hero I want to be, right beside you. We're super young, I'm not saying we'll marry now, but... But this is a promise Kat. A promise that I'll be with you forever. Sure, we can... Get married if you want to and stuff, but only after were both the best heroes this country has ever seen”
Inside the box, a beautiful silver ring worked as pendant for a chain of the same color.
Katsuki was fucking wordless. He didn't know what to say. His heart throbbed so much he thought it would explode, he /really/ wasn't expecting that. Eijirou must have misunderstood his processing silence for a incredulous one.
"Sh- Shit I'm so sorry Katsuki, I thought it would be a- a good idea, clearly..."
"Shut up and kiss me shitty hair"
Eijirou stopped in his tracks, leaving his mouth open as if he was still talking.
"Fucking kiss me, Ei"
He didn't need to be told thrice. Eijirou was quick to be back on his feet, smashing Katsuki's lips with relief. Soon the kiss started tasting salty and Katsuki parted from Eijirou to see tears flooding down his eyes.
"The fuck you crying for hair-for-brains?"
The crying 5'7" man laughed softly, carefully taking a strand of blonde hair out of his partner's face.
"I just love you so much, Kat"
"I know"
He said, smirking, before resuming his kiss. After quite a night (and some of the best fucks of their lives, to be honest) the boyfriends cuddled under the warm blanket Eijirou has chosen as his backup gift.
"You fucking better start thinking now if you want to top this year's present for the years to come"
~ the end
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Ok if you are gonna torture me then I gotta return the favor… I want to see some Zemo from you! Throwing out some prompts… unexpected gift, or reader receives gift that wasn’t meant for them, or maybe some naughty games at a holiday party? generic I know, but you’re so clever I wanna see what you got! 😍 feel free to ignore if it doesn’t spark anything tho!
Secret Santa
Note: . Liebling (darling)
Summery: You wish you hadn't gone to the office Christmas party.
Warning: 18 + Only, forced masturbation
Dark executive Zemo x employee Reader
Sharon dragged you back to the office against your will. You had ignored and rejected every reminder of the office Christmas party. You saw these people more than your actual family, so you didn't understand why she couldn't see you had reached your co-worker limit.
"Come on don't be antisocial. People already think your a bitch," she whispered already drunk off the cheap heavily spiked eggnog.
"I swear I am out the door as soon as this gift exchange is over." You frowned at her. Not only were you being forced to be here you had to spend what little money you had on a secret Santa. The limit was only twenty, but that was a bottle of wine and some Wendy's spicy nuggets.
"Grinch" she pouted. You rolled your eyes and watched as your only office friend was pulled into a group conversation. From the context it was about work. If anyone started in with you about work you would be adding that interaction to your next time sheet.
"Hi everyone its Time," Robin exclaimed over the karaoke mic. Thank god. She called out the names one by one and people walked over to get their gift. Laughter erupted at each gift and guess.
Your name was called with not too much fan fair. You were a virtual nobody especially given your status and department.
With a fake smile you walked up and grabbed your gift. "And who do you think this is from?" Robin sang pushing the mic on your mouth. You winced when the metal knocked against your lips. She was beat red and visibly embarrassed, quickly apologizing. The booze on her breath let you know she had reached her limit so you shrugged it off as an accident.
"Uhh..." You mumbled as you opened the gift bag and moved the colored paper around. "It's empty." You state closing the bag shut trying to hide your shock. The red flag should've been the weight, but you just assumed it was a scarf or something small. Not lingerie. To be precise a purple lacy see through bra and a string you could only presume to be panties.
"OK who is the party pooper that thought this was funny?" Robin pouted as the crowd booed. Robin tried to stop you from leaving the stage, but you were already off.
You shot a text to Sharon stating that you were heading out. You hadn't been drinking and didn't have to worry about HR stopping you and taking your keys away. Your secret Santa gift was regifted to the bottom of the trash can in the print room.
It started with unsigned notes left on your car, roses hidden in different locations at your desk and then escalated to calls to your extension. The number was always the same an internal extension, but the name that came across the screen was of someone that had left the company a while ago. You gave your usual greeting as you mindlessly answered, but when the familiar sound of heavy breathing came on you hung up.
It would be OK you reassured yourself. They will lose interest and you tried to help them along with that by changing a bit. No makeup. That wasn't too bad as it gave you more time to lay in bed each morning. Your clothes went from stylish to a more plain Jane loose and baggier fits. You weren't going to be meeting with clients and as long as you stayed within dress code what could anyone say.
Group lunches were a no go, instead you ate at your desk. The social outings gave you anxiety. You didn't know who to trust. What if they were sitting next to you, watching you, talking to you as if nothing was a miss.
When you did have to verbally interact with people you kept conversations short. Directing them to email you and go through the proper channels if they needed your help.
With all your changes you were labeled as mean. You didn't care, you did your job and did it well.
You knew you should've spoken up to HR, but HR was there to help the company not you. You didn't want to be labeled as the PS at the company. PS stood for problem starter, but the unofficial mean spread through the office was porn star. It didn't matter what the truth was somehow porn or illicit photos got associated with the unfortunate person. They became an office pariah, shaming them until their eventual departure from the company.
Problem starters had a hard time finding work else where. Natalia found that out the hard way. She was the last PS and the last you heard she had moved back to mother Russia.
Your name was called when you reached the elevator. You spun to find Zemo jogging up to you. The commercial relations executive was new to this country and company. Sharon found him charming, but you rarely interacted with him. You were surprised he even knew your name.
"I do apologize mien liebling(my darling)" Zemo said in his thick accent.
"Yesterday and unfortunately still now I keep coming across a weird error in our system. I came by your desk, but I think I just missed you. Is it possible you could assist me now? I know that this is unorthodox, but I want to be able to communicate with some clients in Singapore and Russia as their work week starts on our Sunday."
Any task you did needed to be initiated by a work order. The system was setup to monitor what needed to be done, who accessed sensitive material and how long it took you to resolve it.
"Umm..." you wanted to shut this down, but Zemo was an executive and even if you had the balls to say no you worried about blow back.
You had slipped out early, just to avoid questions about your attendance at the office party. Now your eagerness to start your weekend and get away was coming back to bite you on the ass.
"Please. I am sure it won't take long I'm sure."
You reluctantly followed him to his office, cursing yourself for not being more assertive.
"Did you not enjoy the festivities," he inquired as he closed the door behind you. The parties music came in low and muffled through the closed door.
"Oh no I'm not much of a party person."
"I see," he said while casually walking behind you.
"Ok can you unlock your computer and pull it up?"
"Right away mien liebling."
He rounded you and grazed you slightly before taking his seat. You brushed off his misstep by presuming he must've been tipsy too. Everyone at the party was to some degree aside from yourself.
"Oh.. before I forget I have something for you," Zemo announced suddenly. You watched him with a curious brow as he leaned over and opened a drawer on the opposite side of his desk. Zemo pulled out an elongated black box and placed it in front of you.
"What's this?" You looked at him confused.
"The rest of your gift. The first gift was just for the festivities. I was quiet surprised to find those garments at such a price." He chuckled. He didn't wait for you to open the box. Instead Zemo flipped open the tab revealing what laid inside. A large purple dildo sat atop a satin encasing. You were horrified while Zemo looked unapologetic.
"Do you like it mien liebling(my darling)? I thought it matched perfectly with the lingerie set."
You didn't register what he was saying as you were too busy keeping your eyeballs from falling out of your head. Zemo moved to touch you, his fingertips grazing your pant leg as you move back reflexively.
He had been your admirer, but why? You could count the times you interacted with this man on one hand and each time was strictly work related.
"You seem confused mien liebling. I have made my feelings clear have I not?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but words failed you.
"Hmm... I see maybe something was lost in translation in my letters. Well allow me to make my feelings clear."
"I need to leave," you cut him off. You didn't want to hear anymore. Whatever feelings he had you did not reciprocate. When he made a move to stand you spun and rushed toward the door.
"Come away from the door mien liebling(my darling)." Zemo demanded just as your hand touched the door.
You felt his approach and you swiftly turned to face him. You had nothing but your purse. It wasn't heavy enough to do damage, but that wouldn't stop you from trying.
"If you touch me I swear I will scream," you hissed at him. He smiled and chuckled at your bravado. You could hear people just out side the door, but he looked unfazed by your threat.
"I've never seen you so angry... It's cute," he smirked at you. "But your far from stupid." Zemo's playful grin flattened into a line.
"How is your mother?" He asked flatly. "Tell me if I were to fire you right now would you have enough money to still pay for her treatments?" Zemo tilted his head as he inquired.
You never talked about your mother to anyone at work not even Sharon. Your mothers medical expenses ate away at the bulk of your finances each month.
"Please....please I'm sorry I need this job," you pleaded very defeated. You felt your eyes well at the thought of losing your job and the means to take care of your mother. The room began to spin as you fell into despair.
"Let's make a wager." Zemo suggested, stepping closer raising your chin with his finger. "If you last five minutes with my little gift, I will pay for your mothers medical bills and keep this incident between us. Never to be talked about again." Zemo cooed in his thick accent. The offer though disgusting had you considering it.
"And what if I can't?" You asked weakly, almost too afraid to hear the answer.
"Proceed my liebling(my darling)," he said looking at his watch. You waited, standing before him with his desk at your back. Zemo pushed his chair until it hit the back wall. You took your time pulling off your shirt and undoing your pants. The cool air of his office nipped at your skin as you carefully and methodically folded your clothes, placing them off to the side. You purposely fumbled with your bra. You felt embarrassed while Zemo's face stayed unreadable.
"I'll take those my liebling." Zemo commanded as you rolled your panties down your legs.
You kicked them over to him and you cringed as he picked them up, and inhaled before pocketing them. Zemo motioned for you to continue. You hopped on top of his desk, your bare ass pushed objects from the desktop to the floor. Zemo hummed at the sight of your exposed sex as you rose your legs, spreading them apart, positioning your feet on the opposite edges of the desk.
He licked his bottom lip hungrily as you tried to push through. Two minutes had to have passed you were pretty sure. With your legs spread open before him you took the vibrator into your hand. It was comically thick and long with bumps and ridges making various patterns down the side. From the looks of it you weren't even sure if you could fit it all in.
*You can do this. It will be over soon.*
You tried to block him out as you began to push the vibrator in. It was hard to bare his silent watching so you tried to block him out as you pushed the vibrator inside. The intrusion began to stretch you painfully making you bite down on your bottom lip as you forced yourself to take it. You whimpered the deeper you pushed in, your cunt slowly slickening the further you go.
"Let's not delay my liebling, turn it on and I will start the clock."
You looked at him shocked. He hadn't started the timer so you were waisting time for nothing.
"Let's try setting one." Zemo ordered. There were several settings and you hoped that you would not be forced to try all of them. Swallowing thickly you flicked on the switch, the vibration pulsed through your body. The soothing rhythm catching you off guard as you moved it.
"You are taking it so well," Zemo praised as you whimpered. Heat lapped at your core, pushing back the shame you felt before. Zemo stroked himself as he cheered you on. for taking so much of the purple toy. You breathed heavy as you tried to last, but when he asked you to go up a setting you felt yourself coming apart.
Zemo chanted at you in his native tongue, the husky accent looking back up at him, dazed with lust. A deep urge to feel what he had underneath grew. You wanted him inside of you, not this toy.
"Not even five minutes... You lose"
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salemwolfgang · 3 years
The Bed
Request: “‘There’s only 1 bed” Hannibal & Will obsessed with a fem reader.”
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Will Graham
Warning(s): Smut, Praise Kink, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Slight Dom and Sub Tones, Spitting, Blow Jobs, and So So Soooo Much Fluff
A/N: It’s not as long as I originally intended but I’ll add more later when I find what I want to add. Also not entire proofread. I did read through it a few times but there could possibly still be mistakes and I’ll happily fix them later lol.
Two weeks ago, during a conversation with Hannibal, you mentioned how tired and stressed work had made you as of late. That following week he surprisingly  invited you on a trip to a cabin that he owned. He said it was further north and he usually went there a couple times throughout the year. You didn’t want to interrupt his free time but he insisted you go. He even said that ‘It would be a relaxing trip and the scenery was quite spectacular’. 
You mentioned the conversation to Will and he stated that the trip was offered to him as well. But he said that he’d only go if you did as well. The two of you decided to tell Hannibal that both of you would be delighted to go and he happily told you that he planned to leave on the fifteenth. 
The rest of the week was spent planning on what you’d pack, meal options, and any necessities that would be needed. When the day arrived you received a text from Will stating he and Hannibal were on their way to pick you up. Despite the cold that nipped at your skin, you decide to wait on your porch.
On the car ride there you ran through your list of items that you all packed twice, just to be sure that you had everything. You knew you had it all but it gave you something to do since you didn’t bring a book and your phone had no service. Hannibal wasn’t much for conversation and Will read a book that you believed was, The Measures Of Madness, which Hannibal had given to him as a gift last Christmas.
When the three of you arrived you all grabbed your luggage and headed into the cabin. Hannibal started making dinner while Will started a fire. You took everyone’s things to the back and went to put them in their rooms until you noticed that there was only one bedroom. 
“Uhh… Hannibal? Can I ask you something?” You asked as you walked back towards the kitchen.
Hannibal looked up from the carrots he was cutting and said,”Yes (Y/N)?”
“Where are the other beds? I tried looking and this place only seems to have one room…”
“Oh yes I must have forgotten. I’ve always come here alone so I never thought to have a cabin with multiple rooms that I didn’t need.” Something in his tone of voice hinted that he wasn’t telling the truth but you didn’t bother to question his response. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll just sleep on the couch.” You muttered. Not realizing that they had booth heard you.
Will said nothing but came out from the living room and walked to the bedroom. 
“Well, (Y/N), the bed seems big enough for the three of us. Why can’t we just share?” Will’s voice yelled out to you. And before you could say anything he added, “Plus the couch seems quite uncomfortable.”
Hannibal sneakily smiled and looked at you waiting for an answer. When nothing came out he said “Yes, it would be a shame if you couldn’t sleep properly while we were on our vacation. You must sleep with us, it seems to be the best option. At least try it for tonight and if you were to become to uncomfortable with it, you can sleep on the couch.”
After continuous bantering amongst the three of you on where you’d sleep, you finally agreed to sleep in the same bed. The two, grown might I add, men both made a small victory dance and you couldn’t help but giggle at their childish behavior. As the three of you ate you conversed about work, how fast the seasons seemed to change, and all recent news. At some point the topic of your love life was brought up. How exactly it came about was unclear to you but it had happened and there was no way out of it. 
“So are you...” Will cleared his throat and then continued, “interested in anyone?” 
You felt yourself begin to choke on your food at the suddenness of this question. When you managed to calm down your face noticeably heated up making the other two aware of your embarrassment. Neither made any remarks about it and waited patiently for your response.
“Well yes and no, it’s more like I’m interested in… multiple people but I highly doubt they’d care to know. I could never see myself possibly being with them, they’re too good for me. And I could never choose between them.”
Your response seemed to noticeably change something within Hannibal and Will. As you glanced up at them you could notice clear disdain on their faces. You frowned immediately afraid they had become disgusted by you and your lack of choosing between two people.
“Who are they? Is it someone from your work? Or possibly a friend of yours?” Will’s rapid fire questions surprised you. His tone let out that he was not angry at you but at whoever your “crushes” were. 
Hannibal reached out under the table and set a hand on your thigh. The grip he had made your stomach flutter and your cheeks felt warmer. He looked you in the eyes and without hesitating said, “You deserve to be cherished by whoever you desire.”
You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. Will stared at you with such an intensity you were afraid he’d burst at any moment. Luckily he didn’t and instead mentioned how late it was getting and that it was about time to ready yourselves for bed.
Hannibal released his grip on your thigh and began to collect his dirtied dishes, Will and yourself followed after him. You insisted that Hannibal was given the first shower since he had made the meal and then it was decided Will would go next and you last. 
As you stood within the shower thoughts of what had occurred over dinner began to make their way back into your head. You felt so embarrassed after what had happened. What if they knew of your crushes and were just teasing you? A new thought quickly made itself known and you caught yourself leading into it. It couldn’t really be true; no, there’s no way… but perhaps they liked you back? 
You had no more time to think of it because soon the water ran cold and you had to exit the shower. Quickly you got dressed and did your usual nightly routine afterwards you headed to your… shared bedroom, the thought still made your mind blank. It was too embarrassing to think about.
When you entered the room you were surprised to find Will fast asleep. You stared at him fondly then turned your gaze upon Hannibal. As expected he was laying with a book in his hand and a small glass of wine next to him. Before you walked any further it dawned upon you that the only available space was between the two men.
Pretending as if it did not bring butterflies to your stomach, you slowly crawled in to the surprisingly soft bed. Having no other option but to rest yourself in a slightly curled position against Hannibal’s side.
Without any warning you felt Will’s hands curl around your waist and his legs move up against yours. You let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden contact but tried to relax. Hannibal then placed as hand onto of your head and began brushing your hair softly with his fingers. You had no words to describe the unexpected bliss you currently felt at the moment.
Hannibal spoke, his tone soft yet authoritative as he whispered, ”You are to remain and belong to us, only us.”
You felt hot breath against your neck as a shockingly awake Will added on to Hannibal’s words. ”Your silly crushes will have to go away, no one else can have you but us.” He then softly kissed your neck and caressed your side.
Their sudden possessiveness made you blush madly. 
Hannibal closed his book then slid himself down slightly so that his face was next to yours. He reached a hand up and placed it on your cheek and caressed your face softly with his thumb. You held your breathe as he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss upon your lips. You couldn’t help but to lean into it and you cupped his face to deepen it as you did. Hannibal took his time to part your lips slightly and move you more towards him.
As Hannibal distracted your upper half, Will began to caress your sides. His hands moved tenderly up and down your thighs and would occasionally dip between them. He let his fingers dance across your clothed area. He only stopped when he reached the edge of your underwear; he would tease you by pulling the fabric up slightly and snaked his hand between your flesh and thin panties. 
Your breath paused a moment and a soft hum left your parted lips when Will rubbed his fingers against your folds. Hannibal pressed himself against you and let out a groan as you pulled him closer. 
“She’s so needy for us.” Will taunted. The comment made you pout a little and Hannibal lips noticeably lifted in response. “Tell us what you want hun, we’ll give it to you, whatever you want just ask.”
You let out a whine at the though of using your words. It was just too embarrassing to truly tell them your desires but reluctantly you did as told. “I… I want you both inside me…” You hesitated before adding a quiet, “Please.”
“Oh so polite for us. What a good girl.” Hannibal whispered to you, more so to Will though. 
You let out a needy whine and pushed your hips both into Will’s hand and Hannibal’s hips.
“Let’s give our good girl what she so desperately wants.”
They both sat up and pulled you along with them. Quickly you undressed with them and then they had you lay your back against Will. His warm skin against yours caused you to sigh at the feeling. You almost became unaware of his length pressed against your back until you felt the tip’s precum wet your back slightly. The reminder had you drifting to thoughts of what it’d feel like to have it finally inside of you. 
Admits your distraction Hannibal had begun to crawl closer to the two of you. He brought you back to them by placing his hands onto your now bare thighs; drifting them upwards then spreading them. Once they spread he moved in closer.
Moving up he went past you and made his way to Will. He glanced down at your curious self and then moved to Will’s ear. He then began whispering low enough that you could not hear a single word and before you could even think of something to ask. Hannibal lifted his hands and grabbed a hold of Will’s jaw and roughly laid a kiss onto his lips.
Their tongues were pushed against one another and at some points a tongue would drift into one of their mouths. Will both visibly and physically showed his liking for the kiss by pushing into it and growing harder. He then let out a deep moan that caused his chest to vibrated against your back.
You could feel yourself become even more aroused and the wetness between your legs became more noticeable. You thought about reaching one of your hands down between your legs to pleasure yourself at the sight but found that Hannibal had beat you to it. One hand stayed on Will while the other made its way between your legs. He moved his fingers between your delicate folds, coating his fingers in your slickness. You loudly moaned at the contact and lifted your hips to give him more access.
When Hannibal deemed his fingers wet enough he slipped one within you and began thrusting it in and out before attempting to slowly work you up to two fingers. Your moans increased once he added a second and at that he curled his fingers slightly hitting a spot that had you’re hips pushing down on his hand for more. He then added in a third; at this point you were writhing beneath him, the warmth within your stomach quickly building. 
Just when you thought he was going to start bringing you to your climax he stopped and pulled them out. You let out a dissatisfied whine and opened your eyes to look up at him. A muffled chuckle could be heard from above and then Hannibal pull away from Will. He made his way back down to you before, in what could only be described as purring out, “Are you ready for your reward now songbird?”
You looked past Hannibal and up at Will in an almost questioning way. He nodded his head slightly as if he had known what you were asking when you yourself didn’t know. But at his sign of approval you looked back at Hannibal and  quickly nodded your head. 
At your sign of consent, Hannibal grabbed ahold of his length and made his way to your entrance. Before he put it in though he coated his head in your wetness and spit down onto your entrance. It was something you hadn’t expected but had you gasping out at the feeling. Once we deemed that he was lubricated enough, he pushed himself in.
Will ran his fingers within your hair and moved you up to kiss him; distracting you from any discomfort. His softness greatly balancing out Hannibal’s rough movements. His tongue lapped up any moan you let out and his fingers caressed your sides in a easing way.
At first his pace was slow until Will moved his hand down between your legs and gathered any of the liquids he could before teasingly circling two of his digits your sensitive clit. You cried out into his mouth and felt your legs jolt at the touch. And Hannibal took this as his queue to pick up his pace.
The heat inside you coiled more and more and you could feel yourself getting close. You started to relax your body more and your breathing slowed as well. You took in deep breathes, well as deep as you could with Will’s mouth on your’s, and felt your self give into the release. Your mouth fell open and you felt your body spasm slightly and your arms bent back and grabbed onto Will’s legs.
Hannibal slowly worked himself in and out after noticing the movements and pulsing inside of you. He moaned out as your squeezed around him and seemed to both push him out and suction him more. The contrast and feeling had him closer than he originally thought and as you came down from your high, his had grown nearer and nearer.
It was at this moment when he pulled out and began stroking himself at your entrance. His hand increase its speed and you watch as one of his hands spread your legs giving him more access. With a final groan he came onto you and ropes of cum leaked down your crevices.
As the two of you laid there breathing heavily you began to wonder what you’d do about Will. He was still hard against you and you could tell that you were to sensitive to go for a round two yet. Then an idea popped into your head that had you smiling coyly and caused you to slowly turn your body so you were now laying on him.
You leaned in and kissed him gently before you started to litter kisses all along his body. As you moved lower you would tenderly nip at his skin each caress of your teeth on his skin had him moaning quietly. Once you reached your desired destination you looked up at him from under your lashes. Eyes observing his every move to see if he was uncomfortable at all with this.
Seeing no signs of discomfort, you licked a long stripe from his base to the tip. Then you swirled your tongue around it, letting your saliva pool around him and drip down his shaft. Will set one of his hands on your head and braided his fingers into your hair. You allowed him to guide you down and you bob your head on him.
You felt movement behind you but didn’t think anything of it until a mouth connected to your now sensitive sex. Hannibal’s seemingly tongue mocked your motions and lapped up any of the mixed liquids he found. You surprisingly felt no discomfort from the delicate touches and even found yourself pushing down onto his face. Though for a moment you hesitated, thinking that’d you’d crush him if any further pressure was applied, but hands wrapped around your hips and pushed your down more.
Your moans sent vibrations through your mouth and onto Will’s cock. Eventually leading to an even louder response from the man above. He praised you when he wasn’t practically crying out. The praises were nothing wild but they were enough to make you feel light headed and adored. Your favorite phrase that he had muttered was most likely, “Holy fuck princess, you look and feel so good with your mouth around me. Just like the good girl you are.”
After a few minutes you noticed that he had begun to move your head faster and his hips began to lift, which you assumed was his attempt to get in deeper. You ended up gagging a few times and found yourself drooling, what felt like,  pools around him. Then suddenly the movements became sloppier and less controlled. At some point you gave up all control to him and instead focused on moving your hips more to get more pleasure out of Hannibal’s mouth.
You felt the familiar warmth inside your stomach coil and twist about and right as that feeling made itself known Will came hard inside your mouth. To your surprise, you ended up swallowing every ounce, not letting a single drop spill. And as you did so, your second orgasm ran through your body. Your muscles shook a little at another rush of euphoria.
Slowly you removed your sore jaw off of Will and pulled your hips up and off of Hannibal’s face. Strings of saliva stuck you two will for mere seconds before they broke and as you glanced up at Will you noticed his dark red face and giggled at the sight. You had never seen him more embarrassed from something then now. It was, somehow, quite adorable. 
You couldn’t help but reach up and place your hands on his warm cheeks and pull him in for a tender kiss. Something about the way you kissed him felt so sweet and pure, despite the sinful acts you three had committed. And you couldn’t find it in you to pull away. You stayed with your lips on his for a moment or two and then slowly separated. 
After a brief moment of silence and stillness, large hands made their way around you and wrapped themselves around your hands. With a seemingly no hesitation, they guided both you and Will back onto the bed. As you had moved down, you removed your hands from Will’s face and instead placed them around his arms and on his back.  
You pulled him closer to Hannibal and yourself and rested your head next to his chest. Your legs tangled with Hannibal’s and one of his hands reached out to set on Will. You had thought a bit about how natural all of this had seemed. It was quite odd that none of you had spoken yet but you said nothing about it.
And as your eyes slowly shut you whispered out a barely audible, “Goodnight.” and fell asleep before you could hear them mutter the same word.  
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For @buckysbeardliness (now called @hufflebucky ) Marvel Holiday Fluff Writing Challenge 
It’s a day late...I guess you could say a year late... hehe..oof, but watcha gonna do ?? :/
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Prompt: # 22. Decorations
Summary: You and Bucky have the tradition of giving each other Christmas tree ornaments every year...
A/N: Yikes, guys, this is the first time I tried to write a Choose Your Own Path story. I know the writing is a little rough, but, hey, you can’t blame a girl for trying! Anyways, feedback is VERY welcome as always. I hope you all have a very happy New Year!!! <3 <3 
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Pick your own path. For Fluff turn to 10. For Bucky being Bucky turn to 7.
-1-       Just joking, no big surprise; it’s actually just a tin man figurine in honor of his new arm. Bucky had said that he hates his updated appendage and liked being a one- armed amputee better, so you were doing everything in your power to help him adjust to it.
To continue turn to 5
-2-      It’s a hanging picture frame with a photo of your ultrasound inside. To say that you’re a little nervous to give him the news this way is an understatement, but you know he’ll be excited.
To fast forward turn to 8
-3-     “Aw… it’s adorable,” you say, cradling the lighthouse shaped ornament in your hands. “But what’s the meaning behind it?”
        “Lighthouses help guide lost seafarers and keep them from crashing on the rocks, so I guess you could say that you’re my lighthouse.” Bucky takes your hand in his flesh one and gives it a little squeeze.
       “Thank you, babe.” You tug him in for gentle kiss. “However, I think you’ll like the present I got you much more than I like mine.”
       “Oh?” Crooking his eyebrow Bucky gives a smirk.
       “I’ll ignore that,” you chuckle. Gracefully, you place the small package in his lap. He enthusiastically tares the bow off, but seeing the ultrasound makes him pause. Then he’s glancing up to you, gazing down at the picture again, pouting lips parted in disbelief.
Continue at 5
       -4- “Well, I was gonna give this to you later, but…” You run to the hall closet and pull out your Christmas gift for Bucky. He eagerly opens the lid of the gift box to reveal an infant onesie that says “Dad is my Superhero”.
Continue at 5.
-5-  Little happy tears well up in his eyes. And… is it quite possible that Bucky Barnes is speechless?
      “We get to find out if its a girl or a boy tomorrow,” you murmur, breaking the silence.
      Swiftly, Bucky wraps you up in a tight embrace.
      “Goodness! Don’t squeeze me to death,” you whine. He releases his grip...slightly.
      “I don’t know what to say…”
      “I’m so happy…”
      “Me, too, hon,” you pull back from him enough to give him a kiss.
The End
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-6-       “Thanks, hon,” Bucky says as he leans over to give you a hug. You had presented the little tin man ornament to him as soon as the sun peeked through the curtains that morning. When he unwrapped it, it had taken him a moment, but he chortled when the joke behind it registered.
           “It’s kinda cute isn’t it?” you cooed.
           “True.” He made it “kiss” the tip of your nose. “But not as cute as the girl who gave it to me.”
       The End
-7-       When you opened the door of your apartment the sight that greeted you was rather unexpected. Broken glass lay on the floor around your Christmas tree. Loud meows came from the now closed bathroom door. And Bucky sat in the middle of it all, miserably attempting to sweep up the mess.
        “Uhh, hon, what’s all this?” You ask, crossing your arms.
       Bucky gives you a sheepish grin and shrugs with a gesture to the Christmas ornament shards. “Well, ya know it was time for new Decorations anyways.”
      Gingerly, you nudge a piece towards him with the toe of your shoe. “And??”
       “It was the kittens,” he says.
As if on cue, a loud hiss comes from inside the bathroom.
       “Oh... and I thought you were in charge of keeping them out of trouble?”
         “That’s why they’re in there.” He gives a reluctant sweep with the broom towards the bathroom.
        “Ah, ok, glad to know you’re such a good parent.” You swoop around the disaster zone to go make some coffee.
         “Hey, I’ll have you know I am quite good with kids,” he grumbles indignantly.
          “Good. You might be getting some practice soon.” While you turn the coffee maker on, you hear him drop the dustpan.
           “Wait, babe, are you...?”
You’re prego Turn to 4
You’ve used protection ;), turn to 9.
-8-    A couple hours later…
      That evening, when the lock ticks in your front door, your heart gives a little leap. You’ve set out a nice little tray of cookies along with the present on the coffee table.
      “Hi, hon,” Bucky greets as he closes the door behind him. His eyes land on the display and light up. “Oo, is it time for our little gift exchange?”
     You’re so nervous that you only manage to choke out a small “Yes.”
     “Let me go grab yours, and then I’ll be right back.” Leaving you alone with your nerves, he skips, more like rumbles, down the hallway. Absently, you wonder where he could have possibly hidden the present from you. Soon, Bucky reappears, a delicately wrapped box tucked under his arm. You can’t help but smile because without a doubt he wrapped it himself; little tasks like that please him so. Brimming with merriment, he settles down next to you on the loveseat. He’s so excited he nearly drops the gift as he offers it to you. Who knew assassins love the holidays so much?
        Turn to 3
          -9-       “No, but Tony and Pepper are.”
      “Oh! That’s great, we should get them an ornament for the baby’s first Christmas!”
      “Maybe we should focus on getting our own ornaments first.”
-The End
-10-    Every year, on Christmas Eve, Bucky and you have the tradition of exchanging ornaments. Usually, they have a meaning behind them that pertains to a milestone in your relationship. Last year you bought him a dog ornament when you adopted a puppy together. Other times they represent things you both enjoy. (He gave you one that looked like a cookie.) But this Christmas, the decoration you have for him is a complete surprise.
Turn to 2 if you want a Big Shocker. Turn to 1 if you just want some Classic Fluff. 
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@buckysbeardliness @hufflebucky
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rose-of-fair · 6 years
A Night Adventure
A self-insert with Julian for @brigette-loves-cats for the wonderful donation <3 Thank you so much!
The night sky littered Vesuvia with its first snowfall of the year, just a couple weeks before the Holiday festivities. Of course for the city of Vesuvia, there was no such thing as celebrating too early. It was a quiet but joyous night for the citizens of Vesuvia, all who were drinking merrily and buying gifts for their loved ones. It was the perfect night except for one man who seemed to be losing his composure in the city market. That man was Julian Devorak.
The tall doctor wrapped his black cloak closer to his frame as he continued to inspect the items at each stall. A stuffed bear? No. Hmm, what about jewellery? No, no, too typical. While he didn’t celebrate Christmas he knew how important it was for his love, Brigette. He sighed in frustration as he looked the same display twice over. The owner of the stall, a fragile old woman smiled patiently at Julian.
“Is there anything, in particular, you are looking for, sir?”
Julian returned the smile but with less enthusiasm.
“I’m afraid not, madam. Picking out the perfect gift can be so challenging.” A puff of warm air escaped his breath as he chuckled in defeat. The cold wind sending a shiver down his back.
The shop owner smiled ruthfully at him.
“Let me guess, you are trying to find the perfect gift for your lover but don’t know what to look for?”
Julian’s shocked expression told her everything she guessed as correct. His face reddened as he stammered out his reply.
“Was it so obvious?”
“Well yes, it was, dearie.”
Julian was at a lost of words for once. The usually recovered and charismatic doctor always had something witty to say but at a time like this, he wasn’t sure if he should just run away out of embarrassment or face it directly. He took a gulp of air as he thought of Brigette. Just thinking of her warm curly brown hair framing her perfect smile was enough to give him the strength in his dire need. With a charming smile, he leaned down to the shop owners height.
“What do you propose I should get for my partner?”
She smiled as if waiting for this very moment.
“How do you feel when you are with them?”
“How do I feel? Well,” Julian pondered the unexpected question for a brief moment before snapping his fingers, “I feel happy and safe around her. Never is there a dull moment when she is around. If I hadn’t met her, I wouldn’t have become the man I am today.”
Julian smiles with a new found love and excitement in his eye.
“She is my comfort and my strength.”
The woman nodded, pleased with his answer.
“Excellent! Now go find something that represents what you just described to me.”
Something that represents how I described her?
A sudden thought came to mind.
“I know exactly what to get her now. Thank you very much, madam!” Julian pulled her in a tight an unexpected hug. The woman laughed.
“Glad I could help. All you needed was a little direction.” She turned around and reached for something in her bag and pulled out a knitted red scarf.
“Here, dearie. I don’t want you to get cold. A cloak isn’t going to keep you from getting sick.”
Julian took the scarf in his hands and wrapped it securely around his neck. He gave his thanks to her and was carried away but a sudden crowd of shoppers. Julian tried to not trip or push against anyone as he cut through the crowd like a thief in the night. Or in this case a man on a mission. His feet dragged him through the dark and snow-covered alleyways until he stood in front of the infamous Rowdy Raven. The tavern was as noisy and rowdy as any other night. Brushing the snow off his cloak Julian walked through the rather small doorway into the bustling bar life. Upon his arrival, many of the regulars cheered and hollered for him to join for a drink but he politely refused. If he wanted to get a gift for his partner he needed to have...special access to a certain market.
To not bring any attention onto himself, Julian casually made his way to the bar and ordered a pint of beer. Taking the first sip of the watered down beverage, Julian went to the back of the room and called out of the owner of the tavern who was a few feet away serving customers.
“I got a business meeting to attend to!” Julian said loudly.
The owner just nodded his head and gave a thumbs up. It was a normal interaction the two developed over the years. Julian was always the talking one and the battle-scarred tavern owner always communicated in gestures. Of course, if something were to go wrong Julian could trust his old pal to help him out of it. Through the dusty and unkempt room lied a black door that only a few could enter freely. Unlocking the small hatch lock Julian descended what felt like an endless staircase to the underground market. He shivered at the sudden drop of temperature.
Well, they always said that hell was a cold place.
As soon as Julian made it down the steps he was greeted by a stretched out market line of stalls. Similar to the marketplace above but it contents was beyond extraordinary. Well, that’s if it was real of course. It was no surprise to the doctor to see bustling crowds of people down here. Without a moment's notice, he weaved from stall to stall inspecting the contents without giving direct eye contact to the owner.
Rule #1: Never look directly in the owner's eye or else they will try and exploit your weakness.
Anxiety bubbled in his chest when he couldn’t find what he was in search of until one stall shattered his worries. Before him, he saw the most beautiful plum coloured blanket. Perhaps the richest and beautiful blanket he had ever seen. He had to get it. He stood tall and slicked his hair down before walking up to the stall that was being run by a mysterious man in a mask. Julian pretended to be interested in anything but the blanket.
Rule #2: Don’t show interest in one item or else they might exploit you of everything you have until you get what you want.
The masked man with dry gravelly voice spoke with a tone of excitement to his newfound customer.
“Ah, my friend. Welcome, welcome to my humble stall!” His pudgy arms gestured to the tight and unimpressive stall.
“Thank you, dear fellow. I am simply browsing.” Julian gave his best signature smile.
“Of course. Don’t let me hold you back. Browse away to your heart's content.”
He nodded at the masked man and picked up a small ceremonial knife. It looked too precious to ever be used for combat. Julian could sense that the owner was watching him with careful eyes.
“That knife belonged to a royal family, the Far East from Vesuvia.”
“Oh really?” Julian raised a brow.
“Yes, yes! It’s quite a rare find.”
“Indeed it is,” Julian concluded and put down the knife where it belonged. He was no fool that such extravagant looking items were fakes, stolen property, or both.
“My friend how much for that blanket?”
“Huh? This one?” said the masked man.
“Yes, the plum coloured one. I would like to purchase it. 30 gold coins will do right?” Julian leaned across the stall from the man and mustered up the most confident look.
“Oh, no this blanket is made out of the finest rich textiles from the south. It would cost you 50 gold coins for it.”
Julian clicked his tongue. This was going to be a bit difficult. He dropped his pouch of coins onto the table and with a firm voice spoke.
“Where from the south was this from, hmm?”
“Uhh from a city you wouldn’t know, sir.” The man’s brown eyes looked anywhere but Julian’s face.
“Try me, my good friend. I have travelled all over the place. If you cannot identify the origins of this blanket than the value is lower than what you are bargaining for.” Julian snickered. For a moment he thought he would be dealing with a very difficult and persistent dealer but from the nervous looks the masked man was portraying, he was new to this game.
The dealer looked down with defeat.
“I don’t know.”
“I could tell.”
“Really? How?”
Julian leaned back to stroke his chin thoughtfully. Pretending to think this over.
“The moment I questioned the origins of the item you were looking rather nervous. You didn’t look directly at me, meaning that you were lying. A good dealer never shows his unease to his customers. Though I will give you extra points for covering your face so I couldn’t read your expressions easily.”
The dealer was silent, his eyes widen in shock. Julian didn’t hesitate to ask again.
“Now would you be a good fellow and let me purchase it for 30?”
“Over my dead body.” the angry dealer spat out.
Time to queue in the drama.
Julian leaned back covering his eyepatch with one hand and groaned.
“Oh, sir you wound me! Do you not have any sympathy for the ill?”
“What are you talking about? You don’t look ill at all!”
Julian stopped mid-action and looked at him directly in his eyes.
“Are you so sure about that? I assure you, my friend, this eyepatch is not for maintaining my dark and mysterious aesthetic.”
“Prove it then!” The dealer barked. Unimpressed by his acting.
Silently Julian removed his eyepatch and pulled his bangs to the side, revealing his red eye.
“Do you see now good dealer? I carry the plague with me wherever I go.”
In a fit of panic the masked men squealed and moved back against the wall.
“Get away from me! Please, I beg of you, take it and leave.”
Check and mate!
He gathered the blanket under his cloak and turned on his heels, not before turning back to wink in the dealer's direction.
“Keep my money. Nice doing business with you.”
A rush of relief and excitement coursed through Julian’s body as he practically skipped his way back to his lovers home. Exiting out of a different entrance Julian was bombarded with a snowstorm. He ran through the thick snow as fast as he could until he arrived at her door covered in head to toe with snow. He knocked twice on the door and waited patiently. Julian still didn’t feel comfortable enough to walk right into her home, despite the one time he did break into her home.
Finally, the door opened to Brigette. She raised an eyebrow at his appearance.
“Why are you covered in snow Julian?”
“Oh, uh, I was making snow angels!”
“Snow angels huh?” Brigette pulled him into her home. The warmth of the fireplace was absolute heaven to the bone chilled doctor.
“Welcome home, Julian.” Brigette smiled at him and leaned up for a quick kiss on his lips. Julian’s face flushed red with embarrassment. He leaned in close to her face.
“Close your eyes.”
Brigette closed her eyes and waited. Julian carefully placed the blanket in her hands.
“You can open your eyes now. Merry Christmas, my love.”
Brigette opened her eyes and smiled brightly at the plum coloured blanket in her arms.
“Julian, this is so soft and beautiful. I love it.” She threw the blanket around herself and rubbed her face against the soft fabric. All of his anxiety washed away in an instant at the sight of her smile. Seeing Brigette so happy made his heart flutter in his chest. Brigette moved to allow Julian to remove his wet cloak and boots.
“Get warm by the fire, Julian and I will make both of us a hot cup of hot chocolate.”
Julian nodded and got cosy by the fire. The warmth soothed him into a drowsy comfortable state until he felt a light touch on his shoulder. Looking up was Brigette, wrapped in her new blanket and holding two cups of hot chocolate. He took one cup for himself as the two moved to the small couch which could fit the two of them perfectly. Brigette quickly unwrapped herself from her cocoon blanket and draped it over them. A relieved sigh escaped Julian’s lips as he leaned his head on Brigette’s shoulder and relished the warmth of the blanket and his body next to hers. Brigette turned her head to give Julian a quick peck on the cheek. To her amusement, Julian pouted.
“What is it, Julian?” Brigette said smiling innocently at him. Or at least that’s how it appeared but he knew looks can be deceiving.
“Care to spare me another kiss? I went through many trials to bring back this treasure.” He gestured to the blanket they were currently sharing.
Brigette rolled her eyes but her constant smile indicated that she wasn’t bothered by the request. She carefully pulled Julian’s face closer to hers and kissed him on the lips. Julian felt like he was in heaven as he was mesmerized by her chocolate brown eyes that burned with an undying warmth. The kiss was warm, careful but sweet from the hot chocolate. He wanted more and took what he could get. As Brigette pulled away Julian went on the attack and peppered her face with kisses; eyelids, forehead, cheeks, jaw, every surface his lips could touch. The warmth of her skin was more than enough to keep him warm and content. When the two finally parted Julian gave her a wink and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap as the two basked in the warmth and sound of the crackling fire. Julian's eyes began to close with drowsiness when he felt Brigette’s foot hit against his. Out of instinct, Julian did the same right back and soon afoot battle commenced. The two laughed as they would fight on who would win dominance of the epic foot battle, but to Julian’s dismay, Brigette won.
“Oh, my dear! I have been slain.” Julian pretended to be lifeless on the couch with his arms outstretched. Brigette laughed.
“Come on, Julian. No one died from a foot battle. But I guess since you claim to be dead that means that I can’t show you your Christmas present?”
Julian opened one eye.
“A Christmas present? For me? Oh, you shouldn’t have.”
Julian felt a rush of excitement when Brigette got up to retrieve his gift. I wonder what it could be?
Brigette came back with a big red envelope and gave it to Julian. Opening the paper carefully he pulled out a drawing of him and Brigette together. For a moment he was speechless. Seeing the artwork of them being happy and merry brought him to the brink of tears. This is the life he had always wanted. This is the life he dreamed of for many, many years. Finally, he could look up into Brigette’s eyes and know that she loved him from the bottom of her heart just as much as he loved her. Their love was mutual and lasting. Julian spoke once he got his emotions in check.
“Brigette, this is the most lovely gift I have ever received. The artwork is beautiful! I must frame this masterpiece. You are the only one who could draw this handsome face accurately.” Julian and Brigette laughed in unison as she took the drawing back to the table and placed herself back on his lap and up underneath the blanket. It was times like this that Julian felt so blessed to have the love of his life right here in his arms. Brigette was the perfect present for him.  All was quiet until Brigette broke the silence.
“Julian, I forgot to ask, why aren’t you wearing your eyepatch?”
“Funny story…” Julian trailed off. Should he tell her the truth? No no, I will tell her everything. Except for the part that I threatened the merchant for the blanket.
The infamous doctor gave her one of his signature smiles and a little eyebrow wiggle.
“I got the most amazing story to tell you, my dear.”
“Oh, I hope so! Please don’t tell me it has to with anything illegal.”
Julian coughed. “Of course not! I am a civil man who obeys the law. Now be prepared to be blown away with what I have to tell you.”
With that Julian spent the rest of the night telling his story of how he got the blanket in a completely legal method. It was simple moments like being together with a loved one that evoked happiness and bliss. For these two, they reaffirmed their love for one another and they shall do so for years to come.
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sonofagunslinger · 7 years
EYE EMOJI. I want Loki and Jesse ofc
Rate the Ship -  Awful { these fuckin bois } | Ew { I hate them } | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - LEL. till McCree does something stupid like getting himself killed or dying from old-age.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Fast. 
How was their first kiss? - Wholly unexpected on McCree’s behalf, probably accidentally knocked his teeth against Loki’s and feeling red hot in the face because of it. Loki’d probably make a light of it and they’d start kissing properly once McCree fell into a rhythm.
Who proposed? - To be honest, McCree would. He’d pop the question after months of debating it and then try and laugh it off because he fears Loki’s rejection. When Loki says however, he’d probably be overcome with emotion.
Who is the best man/men? - Obviously Keir, without a doubt. And any other close confidants of Loki. 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Again, any of Loki’s numerous friends would take up the majority of the bridal party. McCree…doesn’t have anyone he would invite.
Who did the most planning? - McCree’d just let Loki do whatever he wants, so long as he’s happy.
Who stressed the most? - McCree. Even over the most silliest of things.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Fancy and probably real expensive. All come out of Loki’s pocket though - McCree has about as much money as he does friends. He’d consider taking a few contracts just to help with the expenses. Also the place would probably be flocked with corvids.Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - 
Who is on top? - McCree usually adopts that roll, though they change things up on the regular
Who is the one to instigate things? - Honestly? Both.
How healthy is their sex life? - Can’t keep their hands off each other, even if its the little things like brushing their hands together when passing each other.Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Til midday
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - McCree will try and make Loki come more, just for his own enjoyment.
How rough are they in bed? - DependsSofter than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - A lotNo touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? -
How many children will they adopt? - McCree doesn’t think himself fit for fatherhood but rhetorically he’d love a kid, someone he can pass all his knowledge on to.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Equally shared. If one’s gotta change the diapers then the other has to compensate with doing something the other wants. 
Who is the stricter parent? - I think they’d be equal on that front (though McCree would sneak into their kids room after bedtime with hot chocolate when he doesn’t think Loki is looking)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - McCree. He’d fret that his kid would hurt himself.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Loki, probably
Who is the more loved parent? - how could you ask this
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both show an equal interest in this
Who cried the most at graduation? - Both
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - McCree
Who does the most cooking? - McCree has a horrible diet, so probably Loki
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Uhh neither?
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both! Though McCree would rather spend his money on pre-made meals than ingredients.
How often do they bake desserts? - Ohh I’m not sure on this one
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - McCree loves Loki’s meat dishes and his meat so I’m guessing meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Loki, and McCree would probably have a stupid grin on his face when he does.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - McCree. He enjoys eating out/takeaway
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - McCree haha
Who cleans the room? - Both share this chore. McCree would throw things this way and that in some semblance of order.
Who is really against chores? - Both dislike it. McCree’ll complain if he has to take the bins out in the cold.
Who cleans up after the pets? -
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - McCree, and being spotted by Keir. Don’t say shit.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Probably Loki. McCree’d accept the fact that there wouldn’t be much improvement regardless if he helped out with the cleaning. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - McCree, who was only cleaning the space because he spilt some sort of hot food all over the couch like an idiot.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - McCree takes a considerable time in the shower. Longer if Loki is there wink
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Halloween, yeah McCree and Loki’d go all out, though McCree would give Loki a gift, even if Loki doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Don’t make stupid decisions. I jUST SA ID–
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Not sleep til noon, though McCree tries his hardest to keep Loki in bed til then. A King’s responsibilities be damned.
Who plays the most pranks? - McCree. Is this even up for debate.
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